#so a hefty boi
libraryofgage · 4 months
Completed Fic Alert!
After *checks notes* two months (!) My modern Steve in 80s Hawkins fic is completely posted!
Follow this link: (if someone asked me at the end) i'd tell them put me back in
This bad boy is 40 chapters (38 main, 2 epilogue), has a little spice in it (proper warnings given at the beginning of those chapters), and so much steddie you'll die happy!
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99-devilz · 5 months
no patience for foolish machines... OH NO GABRIEL WATCH OUT
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eyes-above--the-waves · 2 months
"Are they gonna blow the whistle every time Crosby gets hit?"
The SHADDDDEEEEE from that announcer, omg!
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dragestil · 6 months
“de selby (parts 1 & 2)” by hozier, live at 3arena, 19 dec 2023, full uncut version w/ onstage transition between the songs
(pt 1, pt 2)
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cyanide-latte · 3 months
fffffffsssssss every day I forget about one particular TWST OC I have until @simons-twsted-children @inmateofthemind or @ramshacklerumble remind me he exists.
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kvotheunkvothe · 3 months
I've in-person seen--in the wild--bears, moose, bobcats, skunks, possums, many kinds of snakes, beavers, bighorn sheep, foxes, coyotes, ONE wolf (!), and of course deer. but I've still never seen a live raccoon. they were always too urban-centered when I lived rural, and in the cities I've only seen them as roadkill :(
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toastsnaffler · 9 months
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so with the new context from the unwanted guest what r we thinking abt alecto as johns leftover undigested 'fridge meat'
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zappedbyzabka · 7 months
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shadesofnavy · 1 year
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Alpha Male Boyfriend be like: Sorry not sorry
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thetoaddaddy · 1 month
🍺 (This is sure to have happened at least once in their relationship)
“Aina! Was I too loud? I did take off my shoes.”
Jiraiya was talking like he was trying to rise above the sound of a bouncing club, when in fact it was deadly silent in the house. It was after all about two in the morning when he stumbled in. He looks around as if looking for something. He’s barefoot and slumped on the floor in front of the door. His sandals are no where to be found as he abandoned them long ago at some point in his journey.
“Look I even found a stray! He looked so hungry and he led me right home! It’s a sign.” He declares as he puts his arms around the ninja hound that was waiting patiently beside the drunkard.
“Kakashi wanted me to let you know he and Master Jiraiya got caught up in a night of drinking.” The tan and white coloured dog said rather tiredly. Clearly the pup had a hard time navigating a very drunk ninja back home. “Please get him some water and something real to eat before he fully pickles.” He said before poof; he disappeared.
“Awwww…. I like dogs.” Jiraiya pouts like a toddler as he lays fully down in the foyer, taking up the whole space with his massive size.
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bunn-iiii · 1 year
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this is my child
[photo ID: two photos of a black glossy vintage compact cassette recorder, the first picture is of a hand holding it and the second picture is of it sitting on top of it's original packaging that says "Compact Cassette Recorder" on it as well as the brand name "Realistic" /. End ID]
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the-busy-ghost · 1 year
No need to worry, the screams of fury emanating from her room are just because she made the terrible decision to read someone else’s list of the ‘100 Best Classic Fiction Works in English’
#Usually it wouldn't bother me that we disagree on some of the items on the list- that's a good thing!#And the point in looking at lists like this is to find out other people's opinions and recommendations#And you always know they're going to be biased#And the fact that it's male dominated isn't all that surprising especially for adult literature#However#What really got to me was this particular individual this utter HAM included children's literature#And that's where the gender bias not only became obvious; but it also became clear that this wasn't a list of classic books#This was just a list of the only books this guy had read#Female writers wrote a hefty portion of what we traditionally call children's classics#I know this because I actually read fiction as a child (adulthood less so)#And unlike this journalist I was diagnosed with Little Girl and therefore expected to read books by both men AND women#I'm not angry at this guy; he's obviously made the attempt to unlearn some of his assumptions#Especially with adult fiction#I'm more saddened by how obvious it is that boys of his generation were expected to only read books about boys; by men#And then we wonder why they grow up with a bias towards works by men as adults?#I just thought children's classics had to be an exception; even if they read stuff by men in other areas SURELY they'd read classics#like the Secret Garden or the Railway Children or Black Beauty especially in cases where the woman only used initials so you couldn't tell#It was a stupid fucking idea to put children's literature on the same list as adult classics anyway as children's lit is such a huge genre#But I'm sorry I read Robert Louis Stevenson (loved it) and Jack London and Mark Twain and Kenneth Grahame just like this guy#So I don't understand how he managed to miss out on everything except Little Women (which is sometimes marketed to adults which may explain)#It's not news of course that boys are often not expected to read books that aren't about boys we know this#What really got me is a) I would have thought the books often (rightly or wrongly) marketed as 'classics' would have been exempt from this#And b) now I know this dude didn't do his due diligence when creating this list because he clearly didn't think he needed to go back#and expand his knowledge of children's literature before throwing his list together based on what he personally read as a boy#Like personally if I was going to make the controversial decision to add children's lit to an already controversial list of classics#I for one know that I should go back and read the things I missed out on as a kid#For example my knowledge of children's classics is thoroughly determined by mid-twentieth century British views#Hence I read a lot of stuff from the Edwardian era#Hence I also didn't read many books by non-white writers- something which I now know to have been dictated by outside circumstances#So I would be very hesitant to just list off as 'the best children's books' all the ones I alone had read
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jentlemahae · 1 year
ifans saying the dreamies should have stayed in the us bcs knctzens are too stalker-ish as if they weren’t just as bad
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theood · 8 months
I take being kin very seriously as a structural part of my being and also I do think it's a little silly funny. These can and do coexist and I will not be talking about the weeks long kin shifts I experience those never happen haha
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zerozeroren · 2 years
OC Ask for Sophie Part 2 -
The last emoji, the tombstone, is one I made up because I didn't see it on the list, so I hope that's okay. Tombstone means "What is your oc's (Sophie's) relationship with death like? Are they apathetic/afraid of dying? Do they have a more positive outlook? Have they always felt this way? If not, what caused them to adopt this outlook? Have they experienced a growth in their view of death? (Being afraid to being accepting or at least not as worried about it) If so, what was the turning point of that?
I hope that's not too "morbid" or "depressing" of a question. I'm a big fan of Ask A Mortician and her Death Advocacy, and knowing what I do about Sophie's mother, I'm just curious if that and/or her father, or anything else affected her view on death, and if she did the equivalent of discovering an "Ask A Mortician" type in the Attitudes universe, and if that helped her on the road to seeking "The Good Death" or at least helping her not be afraid of death, if she ever was.
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
Ohh this takes me back to the Ballgown AU days 🥺
Bouvardia for enthusiasm, cactus for endurance, pink camellia for longing, yellow carnations for disappointment and rejection, celandine for future joy, Christmas rose for "relieve my anxiety", heliotrope for devotion, dog rose for pleasure and pain, red hyacinth for playfulness, mezereon for desire to please, orange mock for deceit, Spanish jasmine for sensuality.
Sophie's nog too big on flowers, but she has a soft spot for white roses (especially the ones that haven't fully bloomed yet).
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
The side that is scared of change. Sophie tries to maintain an image of someone who is adaptable and ready to take anything head on, but in truth it takes a lot of her mental strength to adapt to a new situation and to build a ground to stand on (that's why changing cities twice in two years really wrecked her).
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
Banality ensues: mistreatment of those who are weaker than her. She can swallow offence directed at her specifically, but if someone who can't stand up for themselves gets bullied, she sees red. It's her primary big sister instinct.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
"I don't need you anymore" / "i have never loved you"
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
First time debut on stage as Annie (age 9). Sophie was scared to death at first, but then she heard the applause and felt like she's in her place for the first time in her life.
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
Sophie's big issue is burying her negative emotions deep inside, then let them fester and grow until they become so much that she breaks down. So it's a slow boil, but the inevitable explosion is deadly.
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
Related to the previous question actually: Sophie does not cry easily, but when she does cry it's really intense. She has trouble stopping to cry on her own, even. (Sometimes she starts out crying, then looses control and it turns into a fit of maniacal laughter that completely robs her of her breath: that's when someone has to step in because at this point she's unable to stop).
Funnily enough, the easiest way to get her to break into tears is to be really soft and nice and kind to her when she's on edge. Kind treatment obliterates her.
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Oh god there's so much stuff that i have trouble cataloguing all the points of inspiration XD generally speaking, Sophie started out as an exploration of a rom-com trope of the best friend who makes their life mission to support the MC despite having twice as much problems to deal with.
More concrete inspirations include Bernadette Peters, Weird Al Yancovic, Anna Kendrick, Kristin Chenoweth and Sarah Bernhardt
🪦 TOMBSTONE - what's their relationship with death
I immediately need to digress and say that the fact that a gravestone emoji exists fills me with so many contradicting emotions XD
I'm not familiar with Ask a Mortician, unfortunately
Sophie's relationship with death is... well, she simply pretends death doesn't exist. She tunes it out of her life. Underlying cause of this outlook is that she is, in fact, afraid of dying. She has plans, aspirations, and she's a fighter, resilient and determined to see it through to her happily ever after even through hardships, so the thought of no longer existing is the one that unsettles her enough to actively avoid it.
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rikyos · 2 years
the cat that always appears in official kazuha art is called maru, he found him while the alcor was docked up in liyue harbour and kept feeding him little scraps until kitty started following him around wherever he went. he might have accidentally stolen somebody else’s pet but dw about it !!!!
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