#so now im. thinking. if there is a creature trying to mimic humans. then we're really all it needs to convince
unusualshrimp · 1 year
hm i do not like how my brain works
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Requested by: @hello-lucky-luka
The corpse groom
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Every minimal details had to work, said your parents.
You were being forced to get engaged with Shigaraki Tomura, a noble from a family whose had their status, but no money. In contrary to your family who had money due to their bussines involving fish, but no such tittles.
You had only a conversation with the man, but both your mothers exclaimed how it was scandulous to be alone on a room alone before the marriage.... The wedding rehearsal was a disaster where you just wanted the ground to eat you alive... especially with that random woman laughing.
Despite Shigaraki calling you back, you ran away due to all extress of not being prepared to be married with a man you barely knew... You wish you had never entered that florest though.
A man. A DEAD man emerged from the ground and you colapse... wakening up only by some snickers, noticing that now you were in a world where dead creatures lived.
A man with an eye missing out with blong hair was shaking you and screaned along with yourself when you finally woke up.
"Where am I?! Where is this?! Who are all of you and why do you look so-so-?!"
"Fucked up? Absolute filled with trash? News flashes newbiew! We're fucking dead!" A man spoke, he was huge and with a hole on his chest that you even saw through it.
"Ooh new meat!!!!" Another man with the jaw broken aproached and you yelped, falling on the floor but with arms... DEAD ARMS on you as if they tried to prevent your fall.
"Pardon." The man with glasses spoke before casually kneeling to pick his arms and placed them back to help you stand up.
"T-this i-is-"
"Oi! YOu ShOUlD Be GrAtefUll To BE DraGGed DoWn HeRE!" A creature with their eye hanging of their head spoke and you almost vomited.
"Yes. Parcially because they are master's spouse." One blond man with a fucking katana on his stomach spoke calmly as you gagged in horror.
"W-what w-was that part again?"
"It seems we're engaged." A gruff voice spoke from behind you, scaridly you sneak over your shoulder and gasped at the sign of the main responsible for you to be in this circle of horror.
The man had messy brow hair with golden eyes, his skin was a mix of faint blue due to how long his corpse have been dead as half of one arma of his was pure bones while the other was... "fine". He wore a black messy and torn black tuxedo with half of his tie missing as he crossed his arms over his chest.
You screamed in horror when someone patted him on the back and his fucking eye dropped on your hand.
"Geez is just an eye." The man who patted the other spoke as he gravbed the eye nornally back and handed to the owner, his body was full of holes as if he had been fuzilied.
"Imbecile." The owner of the amber eye punched the back of the white hair man head... making it to fall to thhe floor.
You screamed again.
You came to learn that this man was actually murdered. He had fell for a woman's trick to get her hands on the money of his family. Ever since then, the dead people around there told that this man, Chisaki Kai; whose by disgust at himself decided to change his name by Overhaul; vowed to himself that he would wait for someone else, and perfect, to marry him.
And looks like you were the poor soul.
"I-I'm really sorry what happened to you. But I really cant do this! I have another man to-to-"
"YoU'Re An IdiOt?!" The creature screamed and you flinched at how his eyeball swinged... giving you shivers and even the urge to puke.
"We learned that you were on a arrangement married." The white, and dirty, haired man spoke and Chisaki's eyes narrowed.
"So there is another one huh?"
"There's no other one! A-Actually- You're the other one! My groom is waiting up there and you are just... just-!"
"Dead." He hissed and you swear you saw a tinge of sadness on those dead cold amber eyes of his "It doesn't matter. We are engaged and that's final."
He stormed his way out of the room, making every person of there to look at you as YOU made something wrong.
The fuzzilied man and the creature followed after him as you continue to think of something, anything to get you out of that place.
"Maybe they lost their head or something." Mimic spoke as Chisaki paced around the room with a frown.
"Shigaraki Tomura. Boss trust me, there's nothing special about this guy! Just give some time to them, and bing! The curse will be broken and you got someo-"
"Stop." He said nonchantly, shoulders sagging in defeat as he ran his reamaining hand on his hair "They have a point. I am prisioned with this.. dead. While they are still with lungs functionanting... maybe it was indeed a mistake." He sighed.
The two man changed worried glances. Before Mimic smirked and elbowed his commurate, aproaching Chisaki slowly.
"What does that wispy little brat have
That you don't have double?"
"He can't hold a candle
To the beauty of your soul." the white haired man placed a hand on his shoulder.
"How about a pulse?" Chisaki hissed, slapping Kurono's hand away from his shoulder.
"Overrated by a mile." Mimic answered smugly.
"Overvalued, overblown
If they only knew
The you that we do" the two continue
"And that despicable little creature
Isn't wearing their ring" kurono pointed to the ring of his finger.
"And he doesn't play piano
Or dance, or sing
No he doesn't compare" the both said in hopes to cheer up his boss and friend.
"But he still breaths air." He noted sharply before the two got in feont of him as he tried to exit.
"Who cares?
Unimportant, overrated
Overblown, if only they could see
How special you can be
If they only knew the you that we do"
He glared a both of them before hsi vision got into the only candle lighten up on the room, frowning at it...
"If I touch a burning candle
I can feel no pain
If you cut me with a knife
It's still the same...
And I know his heart is beating
And I know that I am dead
Yet the pain here that I feel
Try and tell me it's not real
And it seems I still have a tear to shed" he layed his back miserably on the wall and placed his good hand to cover how much his pain was feeling.
"The sole redeeming feature
From that little creature
Is that he's alive," mimic exclaimed while getting from behind, transforming into his human form, still with the eye hanging from his skull as one of his legs were missing.
"everybody knows
That's just a temporary state
Which is cured very quickly
When we meet our fate" Kurono aproached from the other side while taking off his head to make his point.
"Who cares?
Unimportant, overrated
Overblown, if only they could see
How special you can be
If they only knew the you that we do"
Impatience and rage took over him as he punched from behind the two man. The two hissing in pain before seing how numb was he... how miserable he sounded for the first time since they knew him.
"...If I touch a burning candle
I can feel no pain
In the ice or in the sun
It's all the same
Yet I feel my heart is aching
Thou it doesn't beat, it's breaking
And the pain here that I feel
Try and tell me it's not real
I know that I am dead..." he layed on the bed, looking at the ceiling with no hope before closing his eyes.
"Yet it seems I still have
One tear to shed" they widened their eyes at the single drop of water coming out of his closed eye.
"Do deads can cry now?!" Mimic whispered shouted before cursing out loud when Kurono merely sighed and punched him with more force than Chisaki had before.
You were absolutely horrified. Not even two days in here and one subordinate of your family had died from a heart attack and appeared on the same place you were stuck in... and it seemes like he brought the news which brought you to the reality.
When you went missing, your and Tomura's family had canceled the wedding due to you not being there, assuming you had ran away from your responsibilities and another woman came in rushing as a thunder to take the responsibility.
This made you realize how... you didn't were cared for by your supposed future broom. It was all a arrangment marrige after all.
The sound of a sad yet beautiful music took your thoughts away as you followed the beautiful melody... finding a door half closed, you decided to pick inside only to widened your eyes in shock as you see the man you were supposed engaged to playing the piano.
People could call you crazy, but in this scenario he looked... quite beautiful. His eyes were sorrow but still focused on the piano in fron of him, slender and bones fingers dancing on each piece of it as his shoulders tensed when he heard the door making it a sound... but still not looking up.
"You play wonderfully." You mused out loud as he scoffed, wincing a bit you remember that he some how must still be offended by what you said earlier.
You slowly and shyly took a seat next to him, visibly noticing him not enjoying the least your company as he still played.
"Im sorry I hurt your feelings-"
"I thought deads didn't had those." He grimaced and you instantly shut uo before slowly playing one note, smilling shyly when he stopped a bit to inspect your actions.
"My parents thought I didn't had to do piano classes, so I sadly didn't had one chance to play such beautiful songs as yours..." you tried to mimic his actions before you and him hissed at the horrific sound it came out.
"God have mercy, your parents were right on not trying to put you onto such a thing." He growled and you felt offended. Going to talk back you closed your mouth when he aproached you, placing his still carnal hand and skeleton one underneath yours, encouting you silently to touch it.
He started to play one song more animated, you gasping in awe at the beauty of it and how he was actually showing you how it was. The sign of it made him smirk as you giggle... although he widened gis eyes whem his hand decided to pop out of his wrist and dance on the fucking piano.
You giggled and hesitantly picked it back, offering him with a smile.
"Pardon." He coughed as he put it back with a scoff as you smiled at him.
The door suddenly slammed open, the blond man who scared you at the first day panting as Chisaki glared at him from his seat with you.
"What is the meaning of this?" He growled, getting up as the poor guy pointed at some place in the hall.
"I-Is urgent boss! Is something about your-" Kurono popped out of no where, shutting his mouth up.
Chisaki gave you an apologetic look before adjusting his tie and going after then.
After a few minutes of no company you sighed and decided to walk around until you heard whispers shouts on what was suppose to be the kitchen.
"I'm sorry master, but the marriage will only be "real" when both of the involved are from the same world." Tengai spoke as you heard Chisaki punching something.
"What is needed then?!" He shouted and you curled in yourself by instinct.
"That's the best part!" Mimic said in glee before darkening his voice "We're going to kill them!"
You muffled your gasp as you pecked inside the room, seing all the man in there looking at Chisaki. Who for the first time had a conflicted expression.
Suddenly he let out a heavy sigh. Making you curious and rather anxious on what he would say.
"No. I was a criminal while alive, but certainly I am not a beast." He murmured as the others on the room frowned.
You laid your back in the wall sighing... biting your lip as all the thoughts in your head ran and ran until you decided to enter the room slowly. Shocking everyone.
"What are you doing in here?" Chisaki growled, eyeing you between his eyes, before taking his hand out of his face to watch you more properly when you took a seat next to him.
"I will do it." You spoke witha smile, giggling a bkt when one of the man's jaw literally fell.
"You heard it." He mused out loud as you pondered over your final decision.
"You weren't selfish enoigh to murder me. And only what you done with my stay in here was trying to be gentle with me until i ruined everything with my hurtful words. But still I have one wish to make.... I want the wedding not to be soon, neither down here... on the surface more likely, so you all and myself can watch the beautiful nightsky."
"... fair enough. Then why are you trying to brush the wedding aside then?" He asked with his noss arched up, you hesitated before grabbing his hand that weren't left any skin or muscles on it, surprinsing him for once.
"Because I want to know my groom before I marry him. And I want you to know about me as well." You smiled and you swore the deadman was smilling as well.
"Very well.... finance."
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