#so now shes learning math with miriel!
pillowenvelopchair · 7 months
My girl has 9 INT. She cannot read but if she believes hard enough she can summon lightning spears from her hands because that makes sense
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sakumosowainthirst · 5 years
SakuMo’s Fire Emblem Headcanons that No One Asked For: Parents Edition Part 2
Back again with some more parental headcanons!  These of course cover ships that I like in Awakening, so sorry if they aren’t ships you care for!
Gregor/Miriel is a galaxy brain ship, y’all.  Statwise, he probably has no business being Laurent’s father, but damnitall if their supports are not cute AF and give insight to Gregor as a character.  The support line starts with him asking her to tea with him and Miriel not understanding the concepts of attraction.  In the B rank, he finds and reads Miriel’s mother’s book.  He says he finds the book really fascinating, which to me implies that he’s capable of deep thinking.  He ends up making notes in the margins, which comes up in the A rank.  A lot of his notes are simplifying things that her mother overthought and couldn’t quantify because they were more common sense concepts.  He explains that everything he has learned in life, he learned by doing, observing, going with the flow.  In the S rank, Miriel struggles with this concept.  He asks her how science explains the concept of love, and she rattles off some social and physical phenomenon.  One such is offering a ring, which he does, and she rattles off the social concept of proposing.  He then asks her how she feels in that moment, and she explains the physical side-effects of being in love, stating she can’t explain why she feels like this and “this will not do.”  His response is so poignant that I just need to quote it:
Gregor: You see? This is being exactly Gregor's point. You do not allow experience to teach you. Everything analyzed like math problem. You must be silencing giant brain and listening to heart instead, yes? Many new experiences and discoveries is coming from heart!
Miriel: I have never considered such a plan. But perhaps if I follow your advice, I will find a new world waiting to be discovered.
Gregor: Listen to Gregor. Human heart is too wonderful to be understanding by stuffy theory. You must crawl inside and live there like small burrowing land mammal. Take Gregor's hand. Gregor can show how. We go on wonderful journey, together!
I love Gregor/Miriel because he helps bring her down to earth, helps her see a different side of life.  He helps her experience things outside the world of academia, which is really good for her.  Also, I’m always one for ironic juxtapositions, and Laurent and Miriel speaking eloquently and Gregor speaking in broken English is a super great image.  xD
Gregor!Laurent is still relatively himself, with a few key differences.  When he was young, he talked much like his father, referring to him as, “Da.”  As he aged, he perhaps started to maybe look down on his father’s mannerisms, trading for a more polished way of speaking like his mother.  His, “Gregor speak,” still comes out at specific points, though, mostly based on moods: annoyed, tired, frustrated/angry.  He also swears in Russian, typically when amazed or in a tense situation in battle.
Loli characters are hard for me to ship, and Nowi is no exception, especially with how she’s dressed.  I purposely sought out, “younger,” characters for her, which is how I landed on Henry/Nowi.  Their support line is all about Nowi wanting a dragon friend to play with.  Henry tries to help by conjuring one out of magic, but since it can’t move, it’s not what she was looking for.  His proposal is that they get married, they can have a child, which would then be a friend to her, which is the purest thing I’ve ever heard.  Nowi and Henry have very similar temperaments, so I think they would get along really well.  A friend introduced a headcanon idea that after the war, Henry is elected King/head of Plegia, in particular if it coincides with Chrobin, and I LOVE IT, especially because I love Morgan/Nah.
Henry!Nah had to mature faster than the other kids because her parents are gleefully immature (Henry/Nowi’s ending even mentions this).  Her internal need to rampage can also be explained by Henry’s influence, though instead of delighting in murder, she just delights in breaking things.  Henry’s ending states he becomes an amazing dad, which I totally agree with.  I think Nah would love her dad as a child, and even as she ages, she still appreciates him a lot.  He’s the sort who does really dumb things to attempt to cheer her up when she’s down.
Kellam is a good boy and does not deserve the memetic invisibility Awakening gives him.  D:  Kellam/Sully is actually very cute, because it starts off with Sully being, “RAWR, AM STRONK WOMAN,” because Kellam was protecting her in battle, to eventually learning it’s okay to depend on someone and that it doesn’t make her weak.  Kellam’s endings always state that he faded from history, which I HATE and refuse to accept.  I think they went on to be great knights and leaders in the Shepherds together, always protecting each other on the battlefield.
In Owain/Kjelle’s support line, Owain is babbling to her and turns to find she’s disappeared in a split second.  It turns out she was getting into a large suit of armor, but I like to think of it as she inherited Kellam’s powers of invisibility, lol.  In her Future Past conversation with Kellam, she states that she became a Knight because of him and aspires to protect her friends the way he does.  I think she would have great admiration for both her parents.
I have more, but I’ve been writing this post for like 2 hours, so I’ll leave it at this for now, lol.  Eventually I have headcanons posted for all my Awakening parental ships, lol.
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odogaronfang · 7 years
Zombie apocalypse aus are neat. Tell me more.
oh thank you so much for asking!!!!!!!!
okay this might get long so prepare, uhhh where do i start
so basically. henry is my main character. in this au, the risen are the zombies, makes sense yknow. difference is, while most zombie media tags zombies as slow to move, slow to act, and without capability for higher thinking, the risen are still, on some level, fundamentally human. (this kind of stems from the risen’s capability to fight in awakening, and from of a support between ricken and henry; see “they’re just like us, but dead” (((: ) given, the risen are slow and not all too strong, they’re dead and decaying and atrophying- but the fresher risen, the recently turned, can in some cases rival a healthy, living human. i’m still thinking on what caused the pandemic, i’ll be honest, no haha-no-one-knows cop-out, i’ll get back to you on that. but no one knows of any cure yet, of course, or this au wouldn’t exist.
so. in a world of the living dead(?), where being a mage translates to being a gunslinger, cut to henry. was this an excuse to make henry dual wield handguns? maybe. will i apologize for it? absolutely not.
i digress. henry is the chaotic neutral/neutral evil gunslinger with incredible aim and a questionable at best moral compass. i’ve actually got a sketch of him somewhere, of him pointing a gun at someone saying “give me your stuff. or die! i win both ways!” ‘course i didn’t draw the other person, but it gets the message across. he’s generally just kind of desensitized to things. he comes from a neglectful but wealthy family (as he does in canon), so he never had much of a mentor or anyone to guide him in what’s right versus wrong. mostly he’s just interested in self-preservation, and the preservation of his birds; he’s been rescuing wounded birds (read: crows) since he was old enough to know how, and he names them bird puns and keeps them as pets, and now he’s got what’s basically a murder of loyal crows at his beck and call. they feed on the risen (and humans) he kills, and warn him when something is approaching. he trains them well. he’s the pavlov of corvids.
gaius is a slightly more morally responsible survivor, who probably raided a bass pro outdoor shop/renaissance festival as soon as the pandemic broke out. he’s got a sword, and throwing knives, and some daggers, and a bow (before it breaks and he doesn’t know how to fix it). the good thing about it is that he doesn’t spend time looking for ammo- the bad thing is he has to do a lot of maintenance on them. he is a thief, steals from encampments and sleeping lone wanderers, but he isn’t killing anyone for supplies, usually. except candy. he’d probably kill for candy if he liked the brand enough.
the shepherds are a survivors’ group dedicated to assimilating, training, and protecting fellow survivors- think alexandria, hilltop, or the kingdom from the walking dead, if you know it. their HQ is an abandoned castle, a historical landmark, that they filled with traps and alarm systems, and is practically impassable if you don’t know it. chrom founded the group, along with his (boy?)friend robin (that’s actually his nickname, because of his fighting style, not his real name).
-lissa is chrom’s little sister, an aspiring general surgeon and the current medic of the shepherds alongside maribelle, her close friend since VPK.
-frederick is a good family friend to chrom and lissa, and by extension the rest of the shepherds- he’s a war veteran and former hand-to-hand combat instructor, and does his part by training new recruits, and often acting as chrom’s and lissa’s bodyguard.
-sully is my wife also a veteran, was actually trained by frederick while still in active service. she leads a lot of patrols around their HQ, and interrogates new recruits. just to make sure.
-stahl is the resident herbalist/apothecary, it was his father’s trade and he grew up learning it. he’s often an assistant to lissa when she needs it, as he can make the salves and ointments and medicines that she needs to treat injuries. he also sometimes helps in the kitchen, because of his extensive knowledge of plants.
-miriel is their sniper, and hobbyist historian. the historian part doesn’t matter so much, but she likes to talk people’s ears off about things if they’ll let her. she’s pretty okay with math and science too, so she’ll help stahl with measurements, ratios, etc, but mostly she likes history and shooting things from 200+ yards.
-ricken is the baby boy of the shepherds. “it takes a village to raise a child” they say, and he’s the village’s child. everyone looks out for him. everyone is his parent. he is well loved and being trained by miriel in the art of sharpshooting. (he’d rather be with stahl learning how to make things.)
-donnel is their agricultural expert, and directs all their non-specialized workforce in the maintenance of their fields. he’s very strict about their schedule, about how things are planted and pruned and fertilized and harvested, about how croplands are rotated for optimal yields, but damn if the results aren’t better than anything they could’ve gotten at a market pre-apocalypse.
-virion is their bowhunter. they could use guns, but it wastes precious ammo and is loud and attracts attention, so he trains archers and leads them out on hunts when their tame livestock are running low or they feel they can risk the venture. it’s more sensible to take from the wild than their personal resources, robin says, and robin’s advice seldom fails them…
-panne and nowi are in charge of livestock (and nowi is a herpetologist on the side. she loves reptiles. she has a pet python.) panne hates to see any animals killed, but especially her babies, as she calls the one she raises, and fully supports virion and co’s ventures as long as it spares the lives of her animals. she recognizes necessity when she sees it, however, and if an animal needs to be killed for whatever reason, she does it herself, to make sure it’s quick and painless. she’s not the most social, but she and donnel get along well, and when henry joins their number she takes quickly to him and his avian following.
-generally, their guards/patrols consist of vaike, gregor, cherche, kellam, basilio, flavia my other wife, lon’qu, and say’ri. they’re alternating shifts on castle patrol, two to each group, one pair on each side of the castle, east and west. they’re always up late but they’re allowed to sleep in as compensation.
-cordelia, sumia, and libra jump around a lot, help a lot with donnel’s farming but also with out-of-camp ranging, as they’re skilled riders. cordelia helps tend to the horses, and ricken sometimes joins her.
-olivia was an aspiring actress before the pandemic, and before she became a single mother- now she’s practically a secretary, keeping their records of harvests and hunts and slaughters and rangings and patrols. she’s mentored by miriel, who adores that kind of boring work. olivia is also an excellent liar and if they ever need to negotiate with other people, she’s their go-to.
-tharja is also a sniper and everyone’s favorite hot topic membership cardholder. she and miriel like to have cynical conversations about the state of the world and complain about men with sully. the three of them definitely have a girls’ club going.
-inigo (the only child character i bothered to include) is olivia’s son to an unnamed father. his interests have always been in the performing arts field, but as that isn’t realistic anymore, he spends a lot of time with everyone. sometimes he’ll go and sit with ricken, and they’ll browse the castle library for fairy tales and folklore and read it together, and sometimes they’ll try and write their own and then perform it for everyone else, on stormy nights when the mood is dismal. they’re always stupid but they’re funny- they both have a gift for dramatic comedy- and everyone looks forward to their shows.
i feel as though i should warn people that it’s henry/gaius, though that isn’t the focus of it. it started as a bad shitpost and now it’s a ship so… [wattpad voice] don’t like don’t read, you feel
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