#so now there's just...nothing. there's nothing that will ever allow me access to the good parts of society
AITA for not telling my friends that I probably wont survive this year?
Trigger warning: mentions of terminal illness, medical malpractice, death.
💀🤫🤐 to find later
I know the general consensus for this type of thing is almost always that I should tell them. This is a little more complicated, but I might still be TA.
I (20s trans) have an illness that doesn’t always end with death. It’s usually manageable with some heavy medications. The problem is that I live in the US, where access to these medications is made almost impossible, especially if you’re poor. I lucked out for a few years and have been able to have access. I thought I was set for life, and then the dr who prescribed that med started being inappropriate and abusive. They won’t allow me to transfer to a different dr in their office and there are literally no other doctors where I live that cover this disease or will prescribe the medication for me. So, that access is ending very soon, and I have spent months trying to find a way around it but. Hey. The American medical industry genuinely sucks. I just found out that it’s 100% impossible for me to continue this medication with the way things are, and nothing else works like this class of medications.
What this means is things are going to get really bad for me, and then I will most likely die in a really unpleasant way. That’s the reality, and at this point there is no avoiding it. I tried, but there are no options. I’m still in the process of accepting it. It’s not going great.
The problem is, I can’t bring myself to tell anyone I know the full details. I’ve mentioned things are not looking good, but as far as most of my friend’s know I’m doing just fine.
The last time I was this unwell, it was before I was allowed access to these medications, newly diagnosed, and I was doing really poorly. When I told friends and mutuals about this, they called the cops to do a “wellness check” because they just assumed I was suicidal rather than actually that sick for some reason. I, a visibly trans person, was forced to allow a cop to come into my apartment to talk to me while I was trapped my bed because I was unable to get up and walk at that point. At the same time, I started getting messages on my personal blog telling me to shut up about my illness. A lot of messages to KMS already. I mean a lot of them. When I started to get better thanks to the meds, I had people tell me they were disappointed that I didn’t die. I had close friends ghost me or tell me I wasn’t worth it.
To say I’m traumatized about this kind of thing is putting it lightly. Years of therapy has not even touched most of that.
Now, I don’t have any rl friends. Being constantly sick made that hard, then the pandemic made it impossible. So all my friends are online and won’t be clued in to what’s happening unless I tell them outright. I would like to, because I hate the idea of vanishing on them. But I’m currently living in an even more unsafe area to have a “wellness check” done by the police and I just genuinely can’t bring myself to trust anyone with this level of personal ever again.
AITA for not telling them? Should I just suck it up and do it?
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musical-chick-13 · 3 months
Anyone else out here feeling disconnected from their own humanity.
#WILL! MY! BRAIN! LET! ME! LIVE!#like I ran into a meds delivery issue so that's part of why the past week has been so Bad™ & it's finally fixed now but jfc brain calm down#I just feel like everyone else lives on some plane of existence that I will never EVER have access to#and I can keep being myself and keep hoping that eventually I'll meet someone who lives on MY plane but I've been wandering around#for 30 years up here and I really haven't made any actual progress.#the only thing left is to just not care if I ever have someone else on my general plane of existence and I have been TRYING to do that#for god knows how long but with the way my health is...I cannot do this by myself. at least not for the immediate future.#like genuinely I need to not be alone but what do you do when your life looks so different from everyone else you know? what do you#do when everyone else has had at least one 'normative' experience (or a socially-acceptable excuse for not having them) and you never have?#what the actual fuck are you supposed to do with that????#everything good that has ever happened in my life has depended on how well I can perform being a neurotypical person. and I just.#the physical stuff prevents me from being able to actually do that anymore.#so now there's just...nothing. there's nothing that will ever allow me access to the good parts of society#and I gotta say that is a really REALLY miserable outlook to be stuck with right now#In the Vents#mel's Illness™ chronicles#okay I think maybe. I should go be creative or something. or sleep. or take a shower. idk.
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draconic-desire · 3 months
🔹 Oculus Infinitum 🔹
Yandere Satoru Gojo x Reader
He’s infinity; in comparison, you’re nothing. So of course using your cursed technique on him backfires.
Warnings: 18+, MINORS DNI! Yandere behavior, unhealthy relationship, implied kidnapping, forced imprisonment, nsfw, non-con/dub-con, afab!reader, slight mindbreak
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Infinity is often interpreted as the largest numerical magnitude to exist. And while that fact may be true in theory, infinity is better defined as the endless division of infinitesimally smaller and smaller values. One can be separated into half, half to a quarter, and so on, until the space between fractions almost ceases to exist.
Gojo is a lot like infinity. Blame it on his technique, sure, but you suspect it runs much deeper than that. His actions never reach an end; instead, each one sinks further and further into your skin, fangs so small you barely feel them until it’s too late and the venom irreversibly invades your veins. He’s chipped away at you, piece by little piece, until you are the opposite of infinity; you are nothing.
On a surface level, most would say you have it pretty good. You (are trapped in) live in a huge home, filled with opulent furniture and all the luxuries you could ever want. You’re (expected to) allowed to cook meals for the two of you, including your favorite dishes. You still have (basic rights) privileges, such as free roam of the house, your own selection of clothes, access to the television and your phone (minus the ability to call or text, of course), even outdoor time with Satoru’s supervision. Why would you ever need to leave?
You had escaped, once.
Calling it an escape would be generous. Nothing ever happens without Gojo’s knowledge, without Gojo’s permission. How foolish you had been, to think you could evade his Six Eyes. Despite weeks of planning, he’d dragged you back home within the hour.
The chains hadn’t been removed for an entire month after that, and their lingering presence on each post of Satoru’s bed serves as a constant reminder that they’ll never rust.
Currently, you’re in the (not your, nothing is ever truly yours anymore) house’s lofty kitchen now, preparing dinner for his return home from work. Glancing up at the clock, you see it’s nearly time for him to arrive. You click the stovetop on and place a pot of water over the open flame, watching the blue fire flicker. Your thoughts immediately go to Gojo’s eyes, twin infernos of endless blue. Those eyes never seem to close, never seem to be too far from your own. They have the ability to lock you in place and throw away the key forever.
Moments later, the sound of the door opening and closing, along with the click of multiple locks, echoes from the hallway. Long, casual footsteps alert you to his presence behind you. His velvet voice, so languid and carefree, fans your ear as he settles his hands on your hips. “There’s my girl. Already making dinner for me?” He places a surprisingly chaste kiss to the top of your head. “Missed ya, baby.”
You add rice and a bit of salt and stir the pot in front of you in silence. When did you stop fighting him on that? On losing your full name to simple titles like girl and baby? The old you would have gagged at those pet names. The old you that kicked and bit the hand of your captor like a rabid animal, always fighting for freedom.
His grip tightens when you fail to immediately respond, though you hear him force a light tone to his voice. “What, curse got your tongue?”
Tension immediately floods your muscles. Gojo is a vain man; your silence maims his huge ego, something the most powerful jujutsu sorcerer will not stand for. You must react. “No, Gojo. I was just lost in thought, is all.”
You worry your lip when the quiet drags on. “I-I’m sorry?”
Gojo barks out a laugh, but his smile is strained and all fangs. “Back to Gojo again, huh?”
A mistake you notice too late. The spoon falls from your grip as you turn your head slowly. He’s still wearing his blindfold, but you know those infinite abyssal eyes are currently boring into your soul, daring you to speak. “Ah, no! Satoru, I mean—”
“Shh, baby. I get it.” His hands move to your shoulders, which he begins to massage. “Is it because you’re mad at me for neglecting you?”
To an outsider it may sound like he’s teasing, but you know all too well the creep of annoyance laced into his deepened, husky tone. “Or are you just being a brat?”
Swallowing, you place a hand on his toned forearm in an attempt to calm him. You feel him practically melt into the touch. “Truly, ‘Toru, I’m fine.” Your honeyed tone makes you sick, but you’ve learned it can subtly manipulate your captor in the right setting, usually this domestic fantasy world of his. “You’ve been so busy with work, and my mind has just been wandering. Why don’t you go sit while I finish up with the food?”
He hums absentmindedly, fingers swirling patterns across your abdomen. “I have a better idea…” Hot breath caresses your ear, eliciting a shiver. “Let me make it up to you.”
A deft hand snakes its way down the back of your bare thigh, barely ghosting across your skin. You can feel him, solid as a rock, yet you know there will always be space between you. He can touch you, but you’re powerless to do the same.
Just like in everything else, you can’t hold a candle to him. Your cursed energy is inconsequential, a tiny spark against his infinitive well of power.
Talk of your innate cursed ability is a topic you actively choose to avoid. Your technique, when activated, allows you to briefly control the thoughts and consequent actions of a single individual—but only after you’ve kissed them. And it often backfires tremendously, with the kiss causing overwhelming feelings of obsession or insanity in the receiver. From more than enough uses you’ve learned to see it as more of a curse in and of itself, and one you prefer to keep hidden.
Especially from the man behind you. Gojo—Satoru, you correct yourself—has enough twisted love that you wouldn’t dare try to possess his thoughts. The mere idea makes your throat tighten with panic.
Satoru’s technique, on the other hand, causes every nerve ending along your skin to explode as his hand falls beneath your skirt and skate across your barely clothed core.
“Been thinking about this all day,” he groans. “Are you wet for me, baby?” Before you can respond, Satoru easily moves your panties aside and spears you with his middle and ring fingers.
The invasion makes you jolt instantly. An involuntary gasp leaves you as he presses deeper, his fingers sheathed to the knuckle. You hate how your walls immediately tighten around him, slick with your arousal. No, you don’t want this, but Gojo gives you no choice in the matter but to practically ride his hand as he lifts your skirt with his other hand to get a better view.
“I’ll never get tired of this.” His thumb passes over your clit, pulling yet another shameful moan from your lips. Your tense demeanor only causes your pussy to accidentally squeeze him tighter, spurring him on. You try to pull your thighs together, but Satoru wrenches them apart easily with his other hand. “Oh, no, none of that. This pussy is mine.”
You squirm, grasping for something to get you out of this mess. “Satoru, stop, the food will burn—”
“Forget it,” he commands, ripping your skirt off. “We’ll order takeout after.”
Your heart drops. “After…?”
“Aw, you thought I’d stop here?” His condescension floods your ears. “No, babe, I’m only just getting started with you.”
His persistence, like infinity, has no end.
Without warning, Satoru removes his fingers from your core and swings you over his shoulder, smacking your bare ass and wrenching a yelp from you. You blanch when you realize he’s carrying you to the bedroom.
“Wait, Satoru—!”
You are unceremoniously thrown onto the bed, said white-haired sorcerer towering above you. He pounces immediately, locking your limbs in place. Satoru must see the fear, the readiness to engage in fight or flight, across your face, because he brushes a tender hand across your cheek to wipe away a tear you didn’t realize had fallen.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared,��� he teases, but it somehow sounds like a threat. His fingers, still coated with your arousal, hook around your thong and slide it down your legs. “You’re acting like this is our first time or somethin'.”
Oh, it was far from the first time that he had touched you or been inside of you. But something about today, about this time, sends fear skittering across your whole being. Perhaps it’s all the reminiscence lately, or the fact that your thoughts drifted to your innate technique for the first time in weeks. Panic sinks its claws into you.
Breath ragged, heart pounding, you grab his face in both hands and react without thinking; for the first time since he kidnapped you, you willingly kiss Satoru Gojo and activate your technique.
Satoru immediately reacts, deepening the kiss and pressing you more firmly into the mattress until you feel as if you’re nearly suffocating.
Release me, you project into his mind, threading a hand through his white locks and squeezing hard.
The world suddenly goes very, very still.
Satoru freezes. Slowly, painfully, he parts his lips from your own and straightens his arms against the mattress to hover above you once more. His breath comes out in jagged huffs. The only sound that remains is the unending tick, tick, tick of the clock on the wall, bringing you closer to your doom.
For a second, you almost believe your technique worked.
That is, until he quickly sheds his blindfold, and you are meet with those stunning, terrifying, brilliant, paralyzing blues. He whispers your name with a foreign stillness that chills your bones to ice. “Do you…have a cursed technique?”
What an idiot you are to have thought you could sneak past Satoru Gojo’s barriers and Six Eyes. You can’t touch his physical form; why would his mind be any different?
It takes all of your willpower to withhold the panicked, hysterical laugh threatening to escape you. “Look, I can explain—”
Satoru leans back on his knees, one hand carding through his hair as he looks up to the ceiling. “God, babe, I knew you could see curses and harbored cursed energy, but here you go surprising me!” He laughs, a gleeful chuckle that has you reeling.
“You’re not…mad?” you dare to ask, inching your knees towards your chest. Maybe your technique failed, but you can still buy some time and get into a safer position.
Satoru gazes down at you, head tilted and a full grin on his lips. “Mad? Baby, why would I be upset when for the first time in our relationship, you were the one seducing me?”
Oh, no. No no no no no.
Grabbing your ankle, he drags you back to a supine position, your pussy on full display for him. He licks his lips at the sight. “Plus, you trying to get inside my head was cute and all. Weak, but you gave it your best!” He laughs again, and you realize that he never took you seriously, not even for a second.
The thought should enrage you—it would have infuriated the old you—but all you can manage now is a low whine as his hands go for his belt.
Satoru pulls himself free, his already hard cock pulsing in anticipation. Precum beads at the tip as he lines himself up with your entrance. “What was it you asked me for? Release, right?”
Your eyes bulge at his implication. “Wait, Satoru, I didn’t mean—!”
You barely have time to react as he buries himself in you completely. A choked sob bubbles up your throat as you breath through the stretch of him.
Satoru moans in ecstasy as he begins a steady pace, thrusting mercilessly into that squishy spot deep inside your core that has you seeing stars.
“Kiss me again.” It’s light and breathless, but it’s an order, not a request. Fear makes you comply immediately, though your kiss is a hesitant, timid thing compared to your earlier attempt to sway him.
He’s having none of that. No, Satoru had a taste of your affection, and now he’ll tolerate nothing less than your full reciprocation. If only you could truly peer into his mind and see that no amount of your cursed energy would change him; your being was already permanently imprinted on his brain. You were his perfect doll, held in the palm of his hand.
Nails rake down his back as you arch against the mattress. Every time he thrusts, he grinds against your clit, and you feel yourself chasing your finish. You hate this, you want it to stop, but you can’t help—
“Please, Satoru,” you plead without thinking, meeting his limitless eyes. You feel yourself drowning in them, a blue sky that never ceases.
For a split second, his rhythm hesitates. “…Say that again,” he whispers, almost reverently. “Beg for me.”
You’re not quite sure what you’re asking for. “P-please, I can’t take it anymore, please let me—!”
“Choose your next word carefully,” he warns, voice shifting to a low growl as his hand moves to your throat, adding ever so much pressure.
Tears streak your vision. The embarrassment of your technique failing and the lewd position he has you in all crash down upon you, and another piece of you breaks. “Please let me cum,” you concede.
To your dismay, his pace slows, and you cry out in protest as your orgasm fades. “I just need you to do one more thing for me, baby.” He leans into your neck, nipping and sucking at all your sensitive spots, torturing you even further. “Tell me you love me.”
Alarms should be blazing through your head, but the fog of your arousal clouds your judgement as you seek your climax.
That piece of your soul he took shatters into a million shards as you whisper, “I love you, Satoru.”
The two of you shatter simultaneously. You register all too late the warmth invading your core as Satoru pumps his cum deep inside you.
He’s never come in you before.
Your name is murmured over and over like a prayer against your neck—or maybe it’s a curse. You jolt in overstimulation when he pulls out and bends down to place a kiss against your puffy folds. “So good for me, baby. This perfect pussy belongs to me.”
He kisses you a final time, long and slow. When he pulls away, a languid smile sweeps across his features. “You’re all mine, (Y/n). Even your mind.”
With the use of your innate technique, you’ve dug your own grave for good. Satoru will never let you go now.
After all, infinity is indivisible.
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chrissturnioloshoe · 2 months
Bored and horny - C.S
Smut - Chris and Y/n have been best friends for years but what happens when they’re both bored and horny together?
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Chris and I have been best friends for years and I’ve obviously thought about him in more of a friend way. I mean who can blame me? He’s hot as fuck. We have a very flirty relationship but we also joke around a lot so it’s hard to differentiate if the flirting is serious or not.
I lay on Chris’s bed next to him as we both scroll aimlessly on our phones in a comfortable silence, which is unusual for us because normally we can never shut the fuck up. I don’t mind it though, it’s not an awkward silence it’s quite nice actually.
For some reason I’ve felt unbelievably horny all day, which for me isn’t unusual but why now? All I want to do is get my back blown out by the nearest human with a dick, which just happens to be Chris. But he’s my best friend, wouldn’t that be weird? He probably doesn’t even like me like that anyway, we’ve been friends for so long it would just be wrong. Or would it?
I roll on to my back as I put my phone down and let out a sigh, which catches Chris’s attention. He looks up from his phone at me as I stare up at his ceiling, my mind being took over by impure thoughts of my best friend.
“What’s wrong?” Chris asks, snapping me out of my daydream. I turn my head to face him, my eyes capturing his beautiful blue ones.
“Nothing. I’m just horny” I say blatantly. He chuckles at my bluntness but it’s nothing he isn’t used to after being friends with me for so many years.
“Same” Chris says still chuckling as he puts his phone down.
“I haven’t had a good fuck in like forever” I whine.
“Yeah me too” Chris says as I turn to face him. We stare into each other’s eyes for a moment, my mind going back to all those impure thoughts. I wonder if Chris has ever thought of me in that way before? I wonder what he’s thinking of right now? Is he thinking the same things as I am?
“You know what I think we should do?” Chris says, ripping me away from my thoughts.
“What?” I ask smiling, hoping whatever he is thinking of saves me from my boredom and horniness.
“Well…since we’re both horny…and we’ve got nothing else to do…” Chris begins to say, still looking deeply in my eyes.
“Yeah?…” I ask skeptically, my heart beginning to beat faster as I let him continue with his idea.
“Why don’t we just fuck?” Chris says. “As friends of course” He adds. I take a moment to comprehend what Chris is asking me, our faces inching closer and closer to each others.
“Well I guess…if it’s just as friends…” I begin to say as I feel Chris’s body shift on top of mine.
“Is that a yes?” Chris asks, now fully on top of me.
“Yeah, I mean why not? We’re both bored and horny right?” I say as I wrap my arms around Chris’s neck. I mean what could go wrong? We’re just two best friends doing a favour for each other, right?
“Right” Chris says, agreeing with my previous statement before placing his lips on mine. The kiss starts off soft and gentle, our lips moving in sync. Chris’s tongue swipes across my bottom lip before sliding into my mouth. I reciprocate this action and our tongues explore each other’s mouth as the kiss becomes deeper.
I run my hand through Chris’s hair as our kiss intensifies. I feel myself getting wetter and wetter by the moment as our kiss starts to become messy. He groans into the kiss as I wrap my legs around his waist grinding my hips into his. Chris pulls away from the kiss and starts kissing my neck, sucking and biting skin, enough to leave marks but not enough to hurt me.
I moan slightly as Chris sucks the sweet spot on my neck making me tilt my head back to allow him more access. I never thought I would be doing this with him, but here we are and I’m certainly not complaining.
Chris pulls at the hem of my shirt and looks into my eyes for reassurance, I nod my head eagerly which makes him chuckle as he pulls my shirt off in one swift motion.
I see Chris’s eyes light up as he stares at my bare chest. His hand goes straight to my boob, grabbing and squeezing it as his head dives down to suck on my nipple. I let out a soft moan as I feel his tongue swirling around my nipple before sucking it, leaving my nipple hard.
I feel my clit starting to throb as I begin to get even more wet. I grind my hips up trying to create any sort of friction between my legs as I become more needy. Chris kisses and sucks the skin around my nipples, leaving purple and green marks on my skin.
“You’re so beautiful” Chris whispers between kisses as he works his way down my stomach all the way down to the waistband of my shorts. Butterflies erupt in my stomach at the sound of Chris’s compliment.
Chris pulls my shorts off leaving me in noting but my hot pink thong. He opens my legs and starts kissing in between my thighs. His mouth creeps closer and closer to where I need him most, he stops momentarily to suck on the skin dangerously close to my core.
“Please Chris” I whine as I become more and more impatient.
“Please what? What do you want me to do” Chris says with a smirk before leaving a quick kiss to my clothed clit.
“Literally anything” I whine. Chris smirks before pulling my underwear off and throwing it into the pile of my clothes. My legs automatically close as a sense of nervousness washes over me. I’m not usually a nervous person when it comes to sex and I’m completely comfortable with Chris so I don’t know what’s come over me.
“Open your legs baby let me see that pretty pussy” Chris says. I open my legs for him as he takes in the sight beneath him. He leans back down and starts kissing the area around my clit, teasing me and making me whine out his name.
Chris runs his fingers through my wetness, spreading it around my core before attaching his lips with my clit. He sucks my clit making me moan his name as he begins to swirl his tongue around.
“You taste so good baby” Chris says as he continues swirling his tongue around my clit. His hands squeeze my thighs as my legs wrap around his head. He begins to flick his tongue on my clit, driving me insane as I moan out his name.
“Fuck” I moan as Chris’s tongue lays flat on my clit, licking a long stripe up. His fingers come into contact with my hole as he inserts his middle and ring finger inside. He fucks his fingers into me at a fast pace as he curls them upwards inside of me, hitting the perfect spot. He traces his tongue across my clit as my back arches slightly and I begin to tug on Chris’s hair.
Chris’s arm comes up to press down gently on my lower stomach, intensifying my pleasure. I feel myself clench around Chris’s fingers as I feel a familiar knot in my stomach form.
“Feels good baby?” Chris says as he continues eating me out. My eyes roll to the back of my head as my mind begins to go blank. The only thing I can focus on is the amount of pleasure Chris is giving me.
“Fuck yeah Chris” I moan as his tongue brushes against my clit and his fingers hit the perfect spot repeatedly. “Fuck I’m gonna cum”
I tug on Chris’s hair as I feel my legs begin to shake and my body start to shudder. I let out a series of high pitched moans as Chris’s fingers and tongue work at rhythmic pace, causing an overwhelming amount of pleasure to wash over me as I release on Chris’s fingers.
Chris leaves one final kiss to my clit as he pulls his fingers out of me and sucks them clean. I pant as I come down from my high, I swear I can see stars. Chris crawls back up my body and connects his lips with mine. I can taste myself in him as his tongue forces its way into my mouth. I cup his jaw and pull him closer to me as we indulge in a messy and wet kiss. Our tongues slide around each others mouths as we softly bite each others lips.
I tug on the hem of Chris’s shirt hoping he takes the hint, which he does. He pulls his shirt off quickly and then leans back down to kiss my neck and play with my nipples. I caress his back as I wrap my legs around his waist, grinding my hips into his very prominent hard on.
I bring my hand round and dip into into Chris’s pants, stroking his hard dick which makes him groan in my ear. He presses his clothes dick into core repeatedly as he moans softly in my ear. He pulls back and kneels between my legs, his hands roaming around my body. His thumb swipes across my clit momentarily as I look up at him with lustful eyes.
“You’re so perfect Y/n” Chris says before taking his pants and boxers off. My eyes follow every movement he makes as I watch him stroke his dick a few times. I never thought I would get to see Chris’s dick, it’s bigger than I thought it would be. He catches me staring and looks up at me with a smirk.
“See something you like baby?” Chris chuckles teasingly. My cheeks flush a shade of pink as I quickly look away.
“Fuck off Chris” I say jokingly. Chris grabs my thighs and pulls me towards him.
“You still want to do this?” Chris asks as he looks up at me.
“Yeah, I do” I say with a smile.
“Good cause I can’t wait to fuck you” Chris says before lining himself up with my entrance. He grips onto my thighs as he pushes himself into me. At first it’s sort of an uncomfortable feeling but it soon turns into pleasure.
“You okay?” Chris asks as he’s all the way inside of me.
“Yeah I’m fine, just fuck me already Chris” I say growing impatient. Chris lets out a little chuckle before thrusting into me at a rhythmic pace. He lets out a few groans as he watches his dick enter my pussy repeatedly.
Chris leans down allowing me to wrap my legs around his waist, grinding into his hips as he fucks into me. I hear Chris’s heavy breaths in my ear as he massages my chest. I plant kisses up his jaw as I feel his hips slam of mine.
“Faster” I moan in Chris’s ear, making him pull away from me and push my legs up so my thighs are resting on my chest and his dick fucks into me deeper. He fucks me faster as I moan out his name repeatedly. It’s been so long since I’ve been fucked this good, there’s no way we can only do this once,
“Fuck Chris” I moan as I feel his dick hit off my g spot. Chris lets out a little moan as he hears me moan his name once more.
“Fuck Y/n I never thought I would hear you moan my name like that” Chris moans as he throws my legs over his shoulders. He continues to fuck into me even deeper and at a faster pace than before. His fingers snake round to my clit and he begins to draw circles on my clit, adding to my pleasure.
“Fuck yes right there” I moan as my back arches slightly.
“Yeah? You like that baby?” Chris says as he looks down at me with a smirk.
“Yes fuck yeah” I moan, every thought from my mind completely gone.
“Turn over” Chris says as he pulls out of me momentarily. I turn over and get on all fours as I feel Chris press on the smalls of my back as he fucks into me once again. “Fuck you’re so tight baby”
Chris slaps my ass which makes my body jolt forward slightly. He holds onto my hips as he slams into me from behind. The only thing that can be heard in the room is the sound of our skin slapping together and our moans. Chris squeezes my ass as he picks up the pace of his thrusts.
I reach my hand round to my clit and rub it in fast circles. I let out small moans as I feel Chris’s hands roams around my ass and back. I clench around Chris’s dick and pick up the pace of my movements on my clit as I chase my high.
“You fuck me so good Chris” I moan as I feel my legs begin to shake and I feel a wave of euphoric pleasure wash over me.
“I know I do baby” Chris says as his head falls back and he grips my hips to fuck into me deeper.
“Fuck Chris I’m cummimg” I moan as I feel myself spilling out over Chris. A plethora of moans leave my mouth as my legs lock and my body goes into spasm. “Fuck” I whisper as I close my eyes, recovering from my orgasm.
“Fuck Y/n I’ve been waiting so long to do this” Chris moans as he chases his own high. I whimper as Chris slaps my ass and continues to fuck into me deeper and harder. “Fuck I’m gonna cum” Chris moans as I feel his dick twitch inside of me.
“Chris” I moan as I grip onto the sheets beneath me. I press my face into the pillow as I snap my eyes tightly closed. All I can hear is Chris moaning behind me as he slaps my ass every now and then.
Chris pulls out of me and lets out a series of moans as he strokes his dick a few times before releasing his cum all up my back. We both pant and catch our breathes as we recover from our highs. I collapse on my stomach as Chris lays on his back next to me.
“That was fucking insane” Chris says as he looks over to me with a smile on his face and his hair sticking to his forehead.
“Yeah, it really fucking was” I say as I open my eyes. We take a moment to recover and reflect on what just happened before Chris got up to get me a towel. He cleans the mess up off my back and hands me and my clothes so I can get dressed.
“I can’t believe we just fucked” I chuckle as I put my clothes back on.
“I know, that was actually fucking crazy” Chris chuckles as he puts his shirt on. I smile as I think about what just happened. It was the best sex I think I’ve ever had, there’s no way we can just do it one time and not again.
Hey guys this was like my fave thing to write hehe. I haven’t proof read though so sorry for any mistakes. The first time I wrote it tumblr fucking deleted it so it’s bit shit cause the first one was so fucking good 😭😭
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theostrophywife · 9 months
kiss with a fist | chapter one.
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masterlist 💋 chapters 💋 playlist
pairing: theodore nott x reader.
song inspiration: kiss with a fist - florence and the machine.
author's note: i'm so excited to share this series with everyone. this was literally meant to be a one shot fic but i have no self control therefore it spiraled into a whole series. without further ado, please enjoy the first chapter and let me know what you think 🤎
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Wit beyond measure is a man’s greatest treasure. 
Intelligence, knowledge, wisdom. These were the traits that Ravenclaws valued most, but if the founder of your house could see you now, Rowena Ravenclaw would probably roll over in her grave. 
Because there was nothing smart about falling in love with Theodore Nott. 
In fact, it might be the most idiotic thing you’ve ever done in your entire life. 
So why did it feel so bloody exhilarating? 
To understand your descent into madness, it was prudent to trace the events back to point zero. 
It was a rainy September afternoon, unusually dreary even for the Scottish Highlands. The first week of your return to Hogwarts had been chaotic to say the least. Between performing your prefect duties by showing the first years around the castle and dealing with the clueless third year that accidentally set off Weasleys' Wildfire Whiz-bangs in the Great Hall, you were absolutely knackered by the time Friday rolled around. 
Unfortunately, you had no time to rest. Even though the term just started, you were already spending much of your nights studying until your eyes felt like they were going to fall out of your skull. Tonight, you were in the potions laboratory tackling a particularly stubborn advanced draught. No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t figure it out. 
You dropped a sprig of wormwood into the cauldron and stirred counterclockwise then clockwise, just like the recipe instructed. The concoction bubbled to the surface. Holding your breath, you peered into the mixture with hope that this try would finally turn out successful. The potion turned a vibrant magenta color before exploding all over the front of your uniform. 
Sadly, this was the closest you’d come to brewing the Angel’s Trumpet Draught. You sighed, wiping down your tie with a washcloth. It did nothing except make the mess worse. What you needed was a good old fashioned soak.
Luckily, you had access to the prefect’s bathroom on the fifth floor. During this time of night, it would be gloriously empty. Giving you the perfect opportunity to wallow in bubbles and self pity. 
The trek from the dungeons to the fifth floor was fortunately uneventful. The hallways were dark and quiet, allowing you to slink off to the bathroom in peace. With a whisper of pine fresh, the pearly gates opened.
You turned on the faucets, setting the temperature just below boiling and dispensing herbs and fragrances into the tub. When you were finally satisfied, you quickly discarded your soiled clothes and eagerly stepped into the warm bath. The scent of rosewater and pink himalayan salt instantly relaxed you. 
You sighed deeply, leaning against the marble tile and closing your eyes. This was definitely not the way you thought seventh year would go. Your last year at Hogwarts was supposed to be the highlight of your academic career. While your housemates fretted and fussed over quidditch games and blood moon balls, you refused to take your eyes off the prize.
Ever the diligent student, you had no interest in extracurriculars unless it brought you closer to your dream of becoming an accomplished potions master, which would hopefully catch the eye of the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers. Joining the prestigious group was a dream that you had been working towards since first year. Blood, sweat, and tears had gone towards achieving this goal, especially during your most recent break. 
You spent the entire holiday interning at the Brewery, attending lectures at the Magical Division of the University of Oxford, and you had not only completed the assigned reading for your Advanced Potions class, but Professor Slughorn’s personal recommendations as well. All of that hard work should have placed you ahead of the curve, but your class rank remained the same as always. 
Not first.
Never first.
No, that spot belonged to that rich infuriating smartass pureblooded motherfu—
“Theodore Nott,” you said, lacing your voice with as much venom as you could muster. 
Between the pale moonstone pillars stood the source of your academic anguish. Theodore was dripping sweat, his green and silver quidditch jersey covered in mud and grime. The prefect badge pinned to his robe was barely visible, more brown than silver. His curly brown hair fell erratically across his cheekbones as he brushed a stray strand away to squint in the faint light. 
The side of his mouth quirked up into a smirk when he recognized you. “You know, most people just call me Theo.” His gaze lingered on your form, which was barely covered by pink suds. “Especially those who know me rather intimately.”
You flushed in response. Amusement danced in his watercolor eyes, which seemed brighter now thanks to his sun kissed complexion. Knowing Nott, he probably spent his summer laying out in the Italian sun while attractive witches fed him grapes by hand. You didn’t get a tan like that from holing up in the English countryside with nothing but a boiling cauldron and a dusty textbook for company. He didn’t even have the audacity to pretend like he was worried about his class ranking. The bastard. 
“Every rule has its exception, Theodore,” you gritted out. “Now get the fuck out.” 
He cocked his head, sending a mass of wavy brown locks to spill to one side. “You’re right. Most people don’t usually say my name like it’s an unforgivable, but I guess you’re special in that way, diavolina mia.”
Little devil, Nott's idea of a fond nickname, irritated you to no end. Your annoyance only made him use it more. Gods, what a wanker. 
“Are you deaf or just thick? This bathroom is occupied,” you huffed, sinking lower into the bubbles. “Leave before I scream bloody murder.” 
Theo smirked. “Oh, I guarantee you’ll be screaming.” He kicked his shoes off, leaving them in a messy pile beside your own neatly arranged boots. “Though the only thing I’ll be murdering is that pu—”
The glare you sent his way would have sent lesser men running for the Forbidden Forest. “I’m serious, Nott. I’ve had a terrible fucking day and I am not giving up the bath.” 
“Neither am I,” he countered. “Practice was brutal. I ate shit on the pitch and all I want to do is to reap my prefect benefits via bubble bath. I’m afraid you’re just going to have to learn how to share, sweetheart.”
You watched in stunned silence as he peeled off his jersey. The moonlight streamed through the glass stained windows, painting him in a surreal sort of light. There was no ounce of shame to be found in Theodore Nott as he stripped off his trousers and stood stark naked in the middle of the bathroom. 
Look away, you thought. Look the fuck away now.  
But like a moth to a flame, you found yourself horribly drawn to the cocky, arrogant, son of a bludger. His tall frame cut an imposing figure in the dark as slivers of moonlight danced across his ridiculously toned chest and well-defined abs. He was neither brawny nor scrawny, but somewhere in the middle, which unfortunately happened to be your sweet spot. 
To make matters worse, the smug prick seemed perfectly aware of your ogling. You could’ve sworn Theo flexed as he stalked towards you. Unlike most boys his age, he wasn’t awkward or bumbling. Theo was confident in his body. Too confident. 
You sighed. “Can you at least attempt to be decent?” 
“Why? It’s not like you haven’t seen it all before.”
As if you needed a reminder of this ongoing tryst between you. Theo waded to your side, leaning his head back as the warm water sloshed around him. His eyes fluttered close, those thick lashes of his kissing the top of his cheekbones. Water trickled down his collarbone and you had to fight the urge to lean over and lick it off. 
“I told you, last time was—“ 
“The last time,” Theo finished. “I’m perfectly aware, principessa. You say it every time.” 
“I mean it this time.” 
He cocked his head, flashing those hypnotizing eyes at you. “Oh?” Theo drawled slowly, reaching out to brush a wayward lock of hair that had escaped from your braid. “Did my poor little Ravenclaw finally find the courage to say no to the big bad Slytherin?” 
Your breath hitched as he pressed his lips against your throat. “Fuck,” you whispered. 
“Go on then, love,” Theo hummed against your skin. He kissed the sensitive spot beneath your earlobe, making you involuntarily arch into him. Slender fingers wrapped around the base of your throat, holding you in place. “Tell me what you want, diavolina.” 
You sighed in defeat. “Stop being an asshole and kiss me, Nott.” 
Theo grabbed the back of your head and crashed his lips against yours like a man starved. After months of going without, you came to the horrid realization that you craved this as much as he did. You crawled into his lap, straddling him as he gripped your hips hard enough to leave bruises. 
I am a stupid girl, you thought. A stupid, horny girl who had no business snogging Theodore Nott. 
One, you were bitter rivals. Two, Theo awakened a dangerous side of you that defied all logic. This whole fucked up situation started because of your lapse of judgment last winter. As always, Theo had said or done something to annoy you during class and in return you hexed his drink to taste like dragon dung. He retched for a week straight. Somehow Snape found out that you were to blame and placed both of you in detention.
One thing led to another in the potions classroom and you ended up with your skirt around your waist and Theo’s head between your legs. You quickly resolved that the only way to shut him up was to keep him occupied and occupied he was. Ever since then, the two of you had been at it like rabbits. 
You thought that you would leave all of it behind in sixth year, but barely a week into this term and you were already repeating the pattern. 
“I’ve been thinking about this all summer,” Theo groaned into your mouth. 
“That’s cute, Nott,” you responded sarcastically. “Miss me over the holidays, did you?”
Theo rolled his eyes. “Oh, please. Don’t act like you haven’t been thinking about this too. You’ve been testier than a Hungarian Horntail since the minute you got off the platform. I could tell that you haven’t been properly fucked since our little impromptu goodbye in the broom closet last spring.” 
“You’re absolutely repulsing.” 
He smirked. “Then why are you pulling me closer?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Shut up and fuck me before I change my mind.” 
“You could say please.” 
“I could,” you said with a shrug before gripping his cock and lining him up at your entrance. Theo groaned as you sank down into him with a satisfied little smirk. “But I won’t.” 
The moan that came out of his mouth barely sounded human. “Fuck,” he said, burying his head in the crook of your neck. “How do you always feel so fucking good?” 
You knew what he meant. As much as you hated to admit it, Theo was right. You hadn’t gotten properly laid since your last tryst. There had been other boys this summer, but none of them made you feel like this. Because sex with Theo wasn’t just sex. It was warfare. You fucked like you both had something to prove. 
Even now, as you grinded your hips against him, Theo thrusted upwards with equal force like you were competing for the bloody house cup. You ran your fingers through his hair, frowning a little. 
“What?” Theo asked. 
“Did you cut your hair?” 
He grinned as he trailed kisses along your jaw. “You don’t like it?”
“Less to hold onto.”
“Don’t worry dolcezza,” Theo chuckled darkly. He squeezed your thighs and pressed you against him roughly. “I’ll make sure to hold on tight for the both of us.”
You hummed in agreement before sinking down again, setting a steady rhythm as you rode him with reckless abandon. For someone who valued logic, every ounce of common sense you possessed went out the window when it came to this infuriating boy. 
Maybe you were a masochist. But as Theo thrust sharply into you, the stupid little voice in your head said that you didn’t really mind the pain. 
You moaned as Theo tilted your chin, capturing your lips with his. It was a clash of tongue and teeth as you fought for dominance, putting your bodies to the test. He knew exactly what buttons to press, which sensitive spots to hit, how to challenge you physically and mentally. 
“Gods, right there.” You whimpered, digging your fingernails into his back. Theo’s hypnotizing eyes snapped to yours, piercing through every layer until you felt even more bare than you already were. “Don’t fucking stop, please.”
He smirked. “So you do have bedside manner after all.” 
“Not for you,” you said as you grinded down hard, making Theo bite into your shoulder. 
“Salazar fucking save me,” he grunted. 
“Your founder can’t save you now, Nott.” 
“Cruel, ruthless woman.” Theo looked up at you like he was praying to the stars. His movements stilled as your gazes collided. “Tell me you missed this. Tell me that no one else makes you feel like this.” 
You whined at the loss of friction. “You’ve picked a shit time to get all sentimental on me, Nott.”
“It’s not sentiment, it’s the truth,” Theo declared, thrusting lazily. “And I want to hear you say it.” 
“Call it curiosity,” he said casually. “I want to know if I measure up to the boys back in Oxford.”
Not even close, you thought. But you were not about to admit that out loud. 
“Curiosity killed the cat, you know.” 
Theo chuckled before sinking his teeth into your neck. “But I’m not a cat, little bird. I’m a snake and I’m coiled around you ready to strike if you say the word.” 
You shivered slightly. This constant back and forth, all the bickering and banter, was just you and Theo’s sick and twisted version of foreplay. Gods, you fucking missed it. 
“Fine,” you grumbled. “Theodore Nott, you are an infuriating little shit but you fuck like an absolute demon. I missed sneaking around with you in the broom closet, the charms classroom, the astronomy tower, and wherever else we managed to defile in this bloody castle. Is that what you wanted to hear?” 
The shiteating grin on his face almost made you want to take it all back, but then he flipped you over, laying you down on the cold marble tile and staring at you with so much lust in his eyes that you felt the depths of his desire in your core. He crawled over you, water trickling down his tanned skin. 
“Close enough,” he remarked before hiking your leg over his shoulder and burying himself so deep that you clawed the edge of the tub to keep yourself from slipping. 
The rest of it was a blur of skin on skin as Theo unleashed himself on you. His mouth, his fingers, his cock were all just tools of seduction that he wielded with lethal precision. 
The pleasure washed over you in waves, crashing again and again as he made you cum not once, not twice, but a total of three times. By the time he reached his peak, you were so exhausted that the two of you collapsed in the dark. 
You laid side by side, staring up at the domed glass ceiling in stunned silence. After a moment, Theo turned over to face you.
“So what?”
“Did I manage to knock that stick out of your arse?”
You rolled your eyes, pushing off the tile. “And that’s my cue to leave.”
“I’m kidding. I’m good, but I’m not that good,” Theo teased, following closely behind as you put your clothes back on. He eyed the bright magenta stain on the front of your uniform. “What happened there? Did you murder some poor unsuspecting pygmy puff?” 
“No, but I did a number on the potions lab,” you lamented with a sigh. “That stupid Angel’s Trumpet Draught is bloody impossible to brew.” 
“That old thing?” Theo asked, pulling out a fresh set of clothes from his quidditch bag. “I finished it ages ago.” 
You gaped, nearly tumbling over your own skirt. “How? I followed the recipe word for word and this disastrous stain was all I managed to achieve.”
“Sometimes you have to go off the book,” he replied. “Experiment a little.” 
“No thanks, I’d rather keep all my limbs intact.”
“I think you’re doing a rather splendid job of endangering yourself all on your own,” Theo said sarcastically. He cocked his head as you slipped on your boots. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll show you how to brew the draught in exchange for a favor.” 
You narrowed your eyes in suspicion. “What kind of favor?” 
“That’s for me to decide and for you to accept.” 
“I’d rather not give an egomaniac a nuclear advantage.” 
Theo rolled his eyes. “Do you want my help or not, diavolina?” 
“Fine,” you said with a sigh. “But only because I’m desperate.” 
“Words every bloke is dying to hear.” 
Without a word, he tossed a mass of balled up fabric in your direction. “What’s this?” 
“A jumper, an article of clothing generally worn to retain warmth in colder climates,” Theo deadpanned.
“I know what a jumper is, you tosser. Why are you giving it to me?” 
“Because, you’ll get a cold walking around like that,” Theo explained with a longsuffering sigh as though you were a clueless first year. The corners of his mouth quirked up. “Plus, I can see your nipples through your blouse and as much as I enjoy the view, I doubt that flashing Filch is at the top of your bucket list.” 
“You truly are appalling,” you replied, shrugging the slightly faded jumper on. The thing was so worn that you couldn’t even make out the inscription on the front. The fabric swallowed you whole, skimming the top of your thighs. It also smelled like sea salt and smoke and boy. One boy in particular. 
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.” He grinned, showing off those stupid little dimples of his. “Meet me in the potions lab tomorrow. Eight o’clock sharp, just like old times. And bring a muffin.” 
“For the draught?’ 
“No, for me.” Theo said, holding the door open. “I’ll need motivation if I’m spending my Saturday morning with you.” 
You slipped into the hallway and flipped him the bird. His laughter followed you in the dark like an annoying shadow.
“See you tomorrow, my little pygmy puff!”
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Taglist: @annaisabookworm@marina468@yaraasthings @the0doreslover@bubybubsters@moony-artemis @natasha887@lucyysthings@criesinlies @bunnymallowo@niktwazny303@letmedownslows @siriuslyalovergirl@wordsarelife@clairesjointshurt @daydreamingabthar @mishtay @cherry-hoe  @littlebookbengal @maybefoxysouls @nomup  @aliensknowmyillusions
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eamour · 3 months
appropiate what's yours.
we know we can manifest our dream lives, have your desires, yadda yadda yadda… but can you actually do it? see, the ability to manifest is something we all possess. but the willingness to actually act on that is something that some people may need practice in.
to desire and to decide.
to have a desire is easy. we all do, eventually. nevertheless, to claim a desire as yours and appropriate it as such is a whole other step. it requires you to be bold, decisive and focused on what you want to manifest. if you have no problem demanding and accepting things you want to have to be yours, that’s 1 good for you and 2 you are free to either skip this post or read along.
all states belong to you.
now, for those who still need a bit of assistance: you need to learn to declare things as yours. it is of importance to become comfortable in your mind and to realise that any desire, any state, and any feeling is accessible to you. they all belong to you and you shall act like it. there is truly nothing embarrassing, haughty or delusional about it.
the only creator of mind.
see, no one's gonna steal your desires from you. no one's going to say "no" and call you out for wanting things without earning or deserving them. in fact, no one could ever get in your way because they don’t have the free will to do so. people are just you pushed out, a reflection of your imagination, a physical embodiment of what has once only existed imaginatively. and that means… the only person who could possibly interfere with your plans is you. again, nothing and no one outside of you exists.
the mind is limitless.
in case no one has told you, your mind is actually yours! it belongs to you! so USE it. this may come off as a little funny since it’s quite self-explanatory but you are allowed to think the thoughts you desire to think, to feel the feelings you'd like to feel, to decide how your reality should look like according to your personal preference and accept it as such. it's all up to you because your mind is yours. i can’t get in there and tell you what to think of. i can't stop you. and i certainly can’t tell you "no, this is impossible/unrealistic/illogical to manifest".
don't wish, just be.
don’t tell me who you don’t want to be. don’t tell me what you wish, hope or pray to be. instead, tell me who you are. what is it that you want to have? what is it that you want to experience? how would you want your life to look like? whatever it is that you want — if you know what it is — appropriate it. stop holding yourself back by only desiring things. stop stopping yourself. we all have desires we would want to make a reality, so go further.
it is now yours, only.
take it. it’s yours. you have given it to yourself. it’s done. i cannot take it from you, your sp cannot do it either, nor does anyone have the power to remove anything from you what you have already identified with. if you say it’s yours, baby, then it has no other choice but to be yours …
with love, ella.
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The Perfect Gentleman
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Warnings: fluff
Summary: Spencer is the perfect gentleman for you, in every way that counts.
Square Filled: spiderman kiss for @spencerreidbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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It’s hard to find a good man these days. All of your ex-boyfriends had something wrong with them in one way, shape, or form. Either they always thought of themselves, always put you second, or were total douchebags and dicks. You almost swore off men completely until you met Dr. Spencer Reid.
He is the perfect gentleman. He is nothing like what you’ve experienced before. He always puts you first, always thinks of you, and never has made you feel less than not even once. He made you feel safe and that’s all you ever wanted in a man.
The weather is nice enough to allow you to walk to your favorite coffee place rather than drive there. The street isn't too busy with cars but that doesn’t mean you’ll stop exercising caution when walking on the sidewalk. Spencer is walking on the left side while you’re on the inside of the curb, and you look at him with a smile.
The sun hits his face just right, giving his flawless skin a slight shimmer. God, how did you ever get so lucky to land a man like him?
You look behind you to see the street empty and you smirk to yourself. You let go of Spencer’s hand and make it look like you’re fixing something in your hair when you slow down enough to fall behind, and you switch sides with him so that you're walking on the outer side of the sidewalk, closest to the street.
“Ha, ha, very funny. Get back over here,” Spencer chuckles.
“What? I want to walk on the left side this time.”
“No, you’re going to walk on the right side and let me protect you. Come on, I don’t want to have to throw you over my shoulder.”
“Tempting,” you giggle.
“What if someone wants to kidnap you? They have easy access to do it.”
“What if they decide to kidnap you?”
“A beanstalk like me? Nah, only the pretty girls like you. Come on, get over here.”
You smile and comply with his request, getting back on the right side of the sidewalk. Spencer takes your hand in his and kisses your palm.
Even when he doesn’t try to be a gentleman, it comes out naturally. He is always looking for ways to make your life easier because he doesn’t want to see you overworking yourself. He loves you too much to see you put yourself through that.
Moving day is finally here. You and Spencer will be together without worrying about time or whether or not you have to go home for things. You two are moving into his apartment; nothing ever felt more right.
You got out your lease a month early and packed up all your shit, now all that’s left to do is take all the boxes out of the moving truck and put it inside his place.
He jogs down the stairs after bringing a box up and sees you struggling to pick up the box full of your books. You made it light enough for you to carry but not heavy enough to put it on a dolly. The only problem you’re having is picking it up off the ground.
“Nope, let me do this one.”
“Spencer, I am perfectly capable of doing this.”
“Darling, what if you trip and crack your head open on the stairs? No, I’m doing it.”
“Okay, what if you do that?”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about me,” He kisses you quickly and takes out his wallet. He takes out forty bucks and hands it over to you. “Call JJ and Penelope. I hear they have a new coffee shop in town.”
“No, I can’t leave you to do this by yourself.”
“I’ll be okay. I can call Derek if I need help. Go. Enjoy your afternoon.”
Again, how did you get so lucky to snag him?
Spencer always makes it his mission to make sure you’re comfortable no matter what you two go. It could be the briefing room or on the plane and he'd make sure you have a pillow for the flight or back support for your chair. It could also be him making sure your bath water is at the right temperature for a relaxing night in.
In order to catch the unsub red-handed, the team has to attend this elegant party that he is hosting. His MO is finding rich couples to lure upstairs where he’d drug both of them and strip them of all their valuables before killing them. Hotch theorizes that he’s here tonight about to do the same thing.
You and Spencer arrive at the party first, and you step out of the limo Hotch rented for you. If the unsub is going to think you’re rich, you need to arrive in a limo. However, you didn’t judge the weather properly. You thought it was going to be a lot warmer than it is. A shiver runs down your spine and Spencer notices goosebumps on your arm.
You’re wearing a royal purple strapless dress that goes down to your calves with a sequin lining on the outside. Spencer doesn’t think you can get even more beautiful than you are now.
“Here, take my jacket.”
He strips off his outer jacket before you have a chance to protest.
“No, Spencer, it’s okay. I’m fine,” you say even as he’s draping his jacket over your shoulders.
Damn, this jacket smells just like him and it’s warming your heart as much as it’s warming your skin.
“Take it. You’re cold.”
“Now you’ll be cold.”
“Don’t worry about me. I don’t want you catching a cold.”
It’s the way he said it that makes you want to cry out of pure happiness. He makes you so happy that sometimes, he feels like a dream.
One of Spencer’s favorite games is finding new ways to kiss you. He loves the traditional kiss but also loves Eskimo kisses, butterfly kisses, palm kisses, neck kisses, and your personal favorite, Spider-Man kisses. He never tells you when he’s going to do them because he loves seeing the blush on your cheeks whenever he pulls away from you.
“I know Hotch says he wants us to come up with a game plan on how to catch the unsub, but I think our resources are better spent finding his next victim. If we can pinpoint the kind of women he likes to target, we can be better prepared for when he strikes next.”
You and JJ are trying to come up with a way to stop this sunubs before he hurts any more people ad she is agreeing with your plan a lot more than Hotch’s. He’ll understand why you had to go this way once you catch the unsub.
“If this doesn’t work, I already have Morgan and Prentiss working on Hotch’s plan.”
“Thank you,” you breathe a sigh of relief. “Now, how should we go about this?”
Spencer walks into the bullpen with two cups of coffee when he sees the worry lines on your forehead. Hotch has been showing down on you recently so you’re just trying to do your best not to piss him off more than you already have. He sets both coffees on his desk and walks over to yours without letting you know he’s there.
When he gets to you, he gently grabs your hair and pulls your head back to kiss you Spider-Man style. The tension from your shoulders immediately dissipates and all that you can think of is Spencer. He knows you and JJ are working hard so he keeps the kiss short and sweet but nothing less than passionate.
When he pulls away, he sees the slight blush on your cheeks that makes him smile.
“I love you,” you whisper.
“I love you, too.”
Spencer always had your well-being in mind both physically and mentally. It doesn’t matter where you are or if you’re without him. He will make sure that you’re safe at all times because he knows the worst thing can happen in the blink of an eye.
You: I’m getting gas. Be home shortly.
You’re not even out of the car when you get a reply back.
At first, you’re confused as to why he’s coming down here when you’re almost home. Maybe he has something to give you and can’t wait? Did he forget something and need your car to go get it? Whatever the reason, you can’t sit at this gas station all day and wait for him to show up. There are people waiting to use the pump.
You leave your car and put in your card to pay for it when Spencer’s car practically comes speeding into the gas station. He parks off to the side, gets out, and jogs over to you.
“Did you speed all the way over here?”
“Get in the car. I’ll do this.”
He hates you already put your card in, but he’ll send you money for however much the gas is.
“What are you doing?”
“Pouring my girl’s gas for her. This thing is filthy and you can get sick. Or you can fall victim to a robbery. Or someone can kidnap you. Just sit back and let me do my job.”
He kisses you and takes the pump out of the slot.
“You drove ten miles from our warm apartment just to pump my gas for me?”
“Yes. Get in the car.”
You’d have melted into a puddle if it weren't so damn cold outside.
Spencer never once puts himself first because, to him, you’re his entire world. He takes care of what he loves and that would be solely you.
Derek had invited you two to a dinner party he and Savannah are hosting at their house along with JJ and Will and Kevin and Penelope. It’s a couples night which is why Emily wasn’t invited. Though, you did promise her a girls’ night tomorrow. She preferred to stay in anyway, so she’s not too upset over not being invited.
Spencer arrives at Derek’s house and turns off the car after parking it. You unbuckle your seatbelt and grip the door handle to get out when Spencer shouts at you.
“Wait!” You jump in surprise and watch as he gets out and rushes over to your side of the car. He fixes his tie in the reflection of the car’s window before opening your door for you. “M’lady.”
“Why thank you, kind sir,” you grin and grab his outstretched hand. He helps you out of the car and closes the door behind you. “Are you going to do this every time we go somewhere?”
“Why wouldn't I?” Years of broken boyfriends have wired your brain to think this behavior is weird. However, Spencer is starting to fix that. “Have I told you that you look absolutely stunning?”
“Every day,” you smile.
“Good. I don’t want you to forget it.”
How could you when you have a man like Spencer Reid?
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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effetsecndaires · 11 months
— 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤.
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PAIRING | manjiro sano x fem!reader.
CONTENT WARNING | smut, pregnancy, bonten timeline.
NOTE | I know the pregnancy trope isn't everyone's cup of tea and I could see it with the poll, but I had to make a decision 🥲 enjoy! wc: 1,2k
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“You’re upset.” Mikey whispered, his voice slightly muffled against your damp hair. "Talk to me."
"I'm not upset." you spoke lowly, staring at your knees that poked out of the water.
Mikey tucked some of your hair behind your ear, placing a lingering kiss to your temple.
"Don't lie to me."
One of his hands moved to rest on your stomach, his thumb beginning to trace random patterns on your bump which was growing more and more each day. You sighed in response to his touch, closing your eyes.
"You know why I'm upset, Mikey." you eventually answered, allowing yourself to relax a bit more in his arms, straightening your legs underwater as the warm water relaxed your muscles.
You remained quiet for a moment then opened your mouth as if to speak, only to pause again. Mikey kissed your cheek to encourage you and after some time, you collected your words.
"I'm just scared." you admitted quietly.
Mikey frowned, waiting for you to continue. "I'm scared that one day I'll wake up to a call from one of your men telling me that you’ve been arrested, injured, or worse. I'm scared that one day i'll have to raise my child alone because you've been taken from me." you explained, releasing a shaky sigh. "I'm just sick of living with the fear that every day we spend together might be the last."
Mikey placed a finger under your chin as you spoke, making you look at him. He wanted to say something but you cut him off before he got the chance.
"You've been playing with fire ever since you pushed Draken away all those years ago. He was the only one capable of keeping you on the right track." you said, marking a pause as you stared into his tired eyes. "You're digging your own grave Mikey, and it's only a matter of time before someone puts a bullet in your head." You snapped, freeing your chin from his grip and turning your head to stare at the water again.
Silence fell over the room at the mention of Draken, a soft sigh leaving Mikey's lips while you closed your eyes again to try to rid your mind of the toxic thoughts.
You eventually broke the silence after a moment, swallowing to hold back the lump in your throat. Your hand came to rest on your belly, hoping to feel a kick from your baby to bring yourself some comfort.
"I'm sorry." you mumbled, choking up. "I... I shouldn't have said that. It's just, I don't know what I'd do if—"
"Shh." Mikey interrupted your rambling, a quiet sound of surprise escaping your lips as he guided your jaw and leaned down to kiss you. When you parted from the kiss, a tear had rolled down your cheek. "It's alright." Mikey murmured. "Nothing's gonna happen to me. I promise."
"Let's run away, Manjiro." you said,completely dismissing him and turning slightly so you could look at him, reaching out to place a hand on his cheek. "Let's move to Europe, or America. Somewhere new. Away from trouble, away from everything we know. Just you, me, and the baby." you begged.
Mikey inhaled deeply. There's a chance he was getting frustrated with this conversation, but you didn't care. You had every right to be upset, scared even.
"You know that's not possible." he said, his right hand trailing lower down your stomach. You were about to protest but Mikey cut you off with a kiss, probably to shut you up. You sighed against his mouth and jerked slightly in surprise as his hand dipped between your legs, his middle and ring finger finding your clit and rubbing it in circles. He set a slow, sensual pace, his main goal being to relax you. Almost out of instinct you spread your legs until your knees hit the sides of the tub, granting him easier access.
"Now be a good girl and stop worrying so much, hm...? I know what i'm doing." he murmured, your soft whimpers and sighs of appreciation prompting him to continue. You began to squirm, your hands gripping onto his arms. "I won't get arrested, I won't get injured, I won't die. You're not getting rid of me anytime soon."
You know he's lying. Mikey doesn't have everything under control like he claims he does — far from it. He's exhausted. He's sad. He's distant. He's only saying this because he wants to be done with this conversation and he doesn't want you to worry.
You released a shaky breath, reaching behind your shoulder to tangle your fingers in his silver hair, deciding not to say anything. You gasped when he slipped a finger inside of you, his thumb simultaneously flicking the bundle of nerves between your thighs.
“So beautiful.” Mikey whispered to himself, pushing in another finger. You began to squirm, the movement causing you to slide a few inches down into the water. "Do you have any idea how long I've dreamed of seeing you pregnant?” Mikey whispered in your ear, pausing to take your lobe between his teeth and nibble gently, “To finally see this beautiful bump. I can't wait for it to be all big and swollen from my baby growing inside of it."
“God— Mikey.” you breathed out, your hips instinctively lifting as his fingers rubbed calculated circles into your clit.
“Fuck, say my name again.”
You did as you were told, his name leaving your lips in a whimper. Mikey's free hand moved upwards and cupped your breast, his thumb toying with your erect nipple. You arched your back further, your lips parting as you panted and moaned, the water beginning to splash over the edge of the bathtub. Mikey's erection was pressing against your back, the friction caused by your squirming making him groan.
"Don't stop," you cried out, grabbing his arm that was wrapped around your body and digging your nails into his skin. "Oh fuck, Mikey, right there," you moaned loudly, your eyes fluttering shut as the pressure built up in your belly, your walls clenching around his fingers. Your hand fisted in his hair and you tilted your head to kiss him, muffling your moans that were getting louder by the minute. He pumped his fingers and rubbed your clit until you were a whimpering mess underneath him, begging and pleading for him not to stop, as if he would anyway.
“Come for me, princess. Wanna make you feel good.” He whispered softly against your lips. You moaned loudly as your orgasm took over, your back arching away from his chest and legs spreading as far as they'll go while Mikey pumped you through your high, never relenting until you slowly came down.
He eventually removed his fingers, using them to circle your clit a couple more times before bringing his hand back to your belly and kissing the side of your head lovingly.
The sudden absence of sound left your ears ringing, only heavy panting and the gentle pitter-patter of waterdrops touching the water filling the air. You started to relax again in Mikey's arms, you body thoroughly spent.
The two of you stayed wrapped up in each other for a while despite the water having turned cold, enjoying the rare moment of intimacy you were currently sharing, not wanting to let go just yet.
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gravestrain · 5 months
And he feels like home (j. hughes)
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Happy winter fic exchange! @one-night-story I am so thrilled to be able to have written this for you! I hope I created something that you love that you feel fully represented in and safe to read. 🩷
Demi @wyattjohnston, thank you as always for creating such a wonderful event for our community. Your hard work for these exchanges will never go unnoticed by me, I appreciate you so much.
And thank you to @thomasschabot for proofreading this for me and making sure it was accessible for all to read, I appreciate you so much my friend!
Title was taken from long story short by Taylor Swift. This is 4.7k words, gender neutral reader. It has been double checked by lovely c to ensure that it is safe for all to read <3
new neighbor
You considered yourself to be a very patient person. You were also extremely understanding. You didn't get upset or frustrated by much. You were a good person, sometimes you allowed people to get away with things for their own sake, even if it inconvenienced you in anyway. But at this point, you had had enough.
Since you moved into your apartment in August, you could probably count on one hand the amount of times you had talked to your neighbors. You were in the corner apartment, the last at the end of the hall, your only neighbors being two young men who you presumed to be brothers.
You ran into them a few times in the hallway, the two of them hardly ever separated. You knew they left in the mid afternoon, usually in suits. You assumed it was for work, but you never felt inclined to ask. They usually look rushed, the older one pestering the younger one to "hurry up" as he got out the door.
It was only this week that you had learned their names. A piece of their mail had accidentally been dropped in your box. The name addressed as "Jack Hughes." You contemplated what to do with it, standing at their door with the letter in your hands for a few minutes when the door suddenly burst open, the younger brother opening the door.
"Oh! Hello," he muttered out awkwardly. Neither of you had known the other's name, but you both knew each other as neighbors. "Hi! Are you Jack?" You asked awkwardly, not holding out the card, making your question seem like a random inquiry. "No, I'm Luke, Jack is my brother. Why do you ask? Do you need something?" He asked in an almost bothered tone, as if people frequently came to him asking for unwanted favors.
"Oh! Duh. A piece of Jack's mail got put in my box by accident. I assume it's okay if I drop it with you?" You asked, making you almost instantly face palm. "Yep, that works. Anyway, I'm late to something. Thanks for dropping it off..." He mumbled off at the end, not knowing what to insert for your name. You told him your name, and that was that.
That was earlier this week. This was now Friday. Occasionally, you could tell that they had some small parties. Nothing too outlandish for an apartment building that shared thin walls, but a decent amount of people resulting in a louder volume. You were young yourself, you were never going to complain for a small amount of volume on the occasional Saturday night. This however, had been far too much.
You swear this was the 3rd night in a row of their little parties, and you had dealt with far too much. It was mid April, you were studying for a big exam you had. Part of your move in August was to signal the start of your journey to get your masters degree. You were almost done with the semester, just a few big exams in between, this being one of them. You knew that it seemed a little lame, studying for exams on a Friday night, but part of the move was moving to New Jersey where there was a school that was one of the best in the country for your intended major, not super close to home. With all of your studying and academic work, including working to pay for the apartment and schooling, you didn't have much time to socialize. You had gone to coffee with some people from your classes, but not much beyond that, not enough to warrant Friday night plans towards the end of the semester.
Slamming your textbook, you decided you had officially reached your limit. You paced back and forth a bit, trying to calm down a bit in an attempt to hopefully not absolutely lose it on your neighbor. It wasn't that late, but you had been studying all day with minimal breaks. You couldn't see the end of the studying in sight if your neighbors kept the music at the volume they had. You wondered how the people on the other side of them weren't bothered by the noise, but then again you had probably seen them even less than you had seen Jack and Luke.
You slipped your feet into the pair of shoes closest to the door, banging on the door in an attempt for them to hear it over the blaring music. You took a small step back when a man you didn't recognize answered the door. "Can I help you?" A dark haired man with an accent asked. Before you could open your mouth, a very energetic Jack came bustling towards the door. "Y/N! To what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked with a charming smile, almost causing your reserve to break down. But when your brain came back after the sound of the music blared through your ears, you remembered why you were over here.
"Do you know what time it is?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest. "It's only 11. It's a Friday night. But based on your casual attire, I doubt that matters much to you," Jack quipped at your casual pajamas. "For your information, Jack, I'm studying for a big exam. Clearly you don't know much about that." You snapped back.
"For your information, my team just made the playoffs. We have a lot to celebrate." Jack flexed, causing his chest to puff out a bit. "I don't care which of your beer league teams made the playoffs, but I would really like to pass my first year of my masters program and not have to repeat. That is, after all, how I ended up here, as your neighbor." You were starting to lose your patience, and instead of Jack surrendering, he started laughing.
"Beer league, huh. Do you not know?" You rolled your eyes. "If this is your attempt at a 'Do you know who I am?' moment, you're failing severely. Or even better, if it's going to be a 'do you know who my father is?' Just save me the time, I have an exam to study for," you had one foot out the door when Jack grabbed your arm, stopping you in your tracks.
"Relax, I just figured you knew because that seems to be all anyone wants from us who lives in this building. Favors relating to our job. Luke and I play for the New Jersey Devils, the NHL team around here. It's okay that you don't know, however I hope now that you do, you'll choose us to be your favorite team." Jack smirked at you, causing you to giggle, which resulted in you immediately covering your mouth. What was happening to you? You didn't giggle over charming guys.
"Oh, did you guys win or something? Seems like an awfully long time to be celebrating one win," you quipped. "We made it into the playoffs. We are the number one seed. We've been celebrating for a few days because we have a bit of time off. I am sorry, it is probably excessive. We'll turn it down and remind the guys that we aren't the only ones who live here." Jack put his tail between his legs. You did feel a bit bad, but you were glad the noise was going to at least quiet down.
"I hope I didn't come off like a jerk, I just got flustered. I know you didn't know. I shouldn't have come over attacking." You muttered, causing Jack to smile.
"I'll accept your apology on one condition. Do you think you can find some time in your busy finals schedule to come to one of our games? I can get you more details when the playoffs schedule comes out, but I would it if you could come. I think Luke might be a little jealous that I softened you up first, but it just adds for some more bragging rights on the kid."
You couldn't believe your ears. Your cute, albeit a little clueless neighbor, was not only a professional athlete, but he was also asking you on a date if you weren't mistaken.
"Well Jack, I'd love to, but you just better hope I pass this exam." You smiled, feeling your cheeks heat up.
"Good thing we're gonna turn the volume down."
2. first game
What do you wear to a hockey game that you were invited to by your neighbor who you have only talked to a few times but you think he may have been awkwardly potentially flirting with you when he invited you?
You were digging through your closet, looking for something appropriate to wear for probably one of the most awkward, unique events you have ever been to. You can't say that you had ever been to a professional hockey game. You weren't clueless to the rules and such, you just never had the opportunity to attend one in person.
Not to mention, you were going alone. You only had a few casual friends at school through this point in the year, and it didn't feel appropriate to bring any of them to this... interesting event you were going to. Plus, you were certain that you would be wrapped up in the game. You were nervous enough as is, and you can't imagine if you had to sit there and make awkward small talk with one of your classmates who might be able to say what your last name is.
Sitting in the uber on the way there made you start to question your choice of agreeing to go to the game. You had no idea how this would go other than you knew that Jack had slipped the ticket under your door earlier this morning and written on it was instructions on how to get to the gate. One thing that caused your cheeks to heat was that on the bottom of the post it note, was his phone number.
This made it feel almost official in a way, having his phone number. Before you could dwell on it too much, your uber pulled up to the door that Jack directed you to. You thanked the driver and walked in to the stadium, immediately overwhelmed by everything. For a second you considered turning around and making something up to Jack that you were sick, but when you took a second to look around, you saw so many happy people with Jack's last name plastered across their backs, number 86 standing proudly. You felt a sense of pride for Jack, though you weren't sure how to feel about that.
That sense of pride never went away once the game started. Your eyes were on Jack from the second his feet touched the ice, and the moment he sat on the bench. Your eyes followed him all the way to the bench, wishing the time he wasn't on the ice would go faster. You wondered why you had never been interested on hockey. Jack was so talented, and the game ended with him scoring a goal and getting two assists. You thought for a second that he was looking up at you when he scored, but you shook your head quickly to rid your brain of those thoughts.
As the game ended, it suddenly occurred to you that you weren't sure how this would end. You sat in your seat for a while letting the seats clear out, preparing to walk towards the gate that you entered in, opening the uber app. As soon as your phone unlocked, a message from Jack popped up on your phone.
"Meet me outside," it read. "I'd like to take you to dinner and drive you home. I'll meet you by the gate you entered in."
Your cheeks flushed at his admission, suddenly looking down at your outfit. Was this appropriate for a dinner date? You were not planning on this at all. You checked what you looked like in the front camera of your phone. Before you could decide whether or not you looked appropriate, you heard a familiar laugh. Your chest warmed at the idea that his laugh could be so familiar, so homey despite the fact that the two of you had not spent much time together.
Jack's feet sped up as he caught up to you, just excited to see you after a great win. His smile was contagious when he saw you standing there, staring at your sneakers in an attempt to not be noticed by the rest of the guys who might ask questions.
In the end, it wasn't Jack who spoke up first. It was Luke. "Y/N! I'm so glad you came! I wanted to score for you, but unfortunately this guy beat me to it," he smiled, throwing an arm around your shoulders. You tried to relax into his arms, telling yourself this was a new normal in your life. Casual banter with your neighbors who just so happen to be professional athletes making millions of dollars.
"Hey back off, I invited them. You dropped the ball. Your turn is up, by the way," Jack muttered, causing Luke to give a quizzical look. Taking advantage of Luke's moment of confusion, Jack sneaks around him and puts his arms around you, squeezing you tightly. A noise of surprise comes out of your mouth. Not discomfort, just surprise at his sudden display of physical affection. "That was awesome!" Jack yelled. "Did you have so much fun?" He asked, pulling away to see your face looking up at him.
"Well it would have been more fun if Luke scored for me but I guess I'll settle for your points," you teased. He smiled, his cheeks turning red at your teasing. "Y/N, is Jack blushing? Did you turn him into a shy mess?" Luke teased and Jack groaned, hiding his face in your shoulder. "I just want to impress you," he smiled which caused your entire body to heat up. It never occurred to you that he wanted to impress you. That you were there because he wanted you to be impressed with his game and how he played.
"Well don't worry, I was thoroughly impressed. Would you like to go to dinner now?" You asked. "Am I invited? Is this like a neighborly get together?" Luke was now teasing you both, causing both of you to get bashful. "Dude, clearly this is a date," Jack mumbled, causing your eyebrows to raise. "Clearly? Is that what we're calling it now. I mean I certainly thought it was, but you never asked me." You and Luke were truly just having fun with the teasing now.
"Jack, it's not very gentlemanly to assume it's a date. You really should ask, especially with someone like Y/N. They're a catch!" Jack was glaring daggers into Luke. "Yes, I should. Y/N, I would like tonight to be a date. Will you go out on a date with me?" Jack asked, grabbing your hand in his. You were grinning, nodding your head. "Well then, Luke I think it's past your bedtime. Why don't you go home with Holtzy and I will take Y/N out for dinner?" Luke shook his head, giggling. "Wouldn't you like that," he laughed. "Luke-" "Fine! Fine! I'm done. I'll go. Y/N, it was a pleasure to laugh with you. You kids enjoy yourself."
"I have a feeling we will."
3. first (real) date
Your dinner with Jack was perfect. You finally got the news back that you had passed the exam you were stressing about, and to celebrate, you got your favorite take out and watched Jack's game on the couch with a glass of wine. It was strange, to whole heartedly notice his absence when him and Luke were away for games. Right now, they were on a short West coast road trip, Denver, Arizona, and Seattle, and then heading back home for a few days off before a home game.
This was their last game being gone, and you found yourself waiting hopefully for Jack to come back. You had been texting a lot on the road trip, Jack even calling you once after he crawled into the empty bed next to Jesper's bed. According to Jack, his friend, teammate, and road roommate Jesper slept like the dead, even going as far as to wearing headphones when he slept, so there was no concern of the call waking him up. That didn't stop you from keeping your voice to a low volume, which Jack of course countered by yelling an obnoxious "What was that?" whenever he couldn't hear you.
After a Devils win, you crawled into bed for the night, finding yourself thinking of Jack, and how you couldn't wait to see him. You were in so deep.
As you cleaned up the remnants of your late afternoon lunch, a knock sounded on your door. You had a feeling you knew who it was, but you still checked the peephole to see Jack's face on the other side, nervously rocking back and forth on his feet, holding something in his hand.
"Hi, it's so good to see you!" You smiled, welcoming him inside. "These are for you. I wasn't sure if it was appropriate, but I wanted to ask you something, so I thought these might help. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to dinner with me on Friday? We have a game on Thursday night, and I thought a more formal, not after a game greasy pizza joint dinner would be fun. That is, if you are interested? If not, it's okay, I was just," you finally cut him off with a hand on his arm. "Jack! I'd love to. The flowers are beautiful. Thank you for thinking of me. I would love nothing more." You smiled, causing an audible sigh to come from Jack's lips.
"Oh thank God! Sorry, I didn't want to ramble, I just really got nervous. I wanted you to say yes but I didn't want to sound weird or make you uncomfortable." He smiled. Neither of you knew what was going on. Jack was stunned that his neighbor who he had barely talked to but admired from afar had turned him into a nervous, blushing mess. You also couldn't say you were expecting to fall for your neighbor. But when he was gone, you came to that conclusion: you were absolutely falling for Jack. You were falling for him, you couldn't understand how it had happened or why, but you absolutely were.
When it came time for your date to come, you felt more nervous than you did for the game. Jack had let you know that you were going to be going to a nicer restaurant. You picked his brain a bit at what to wear. What you didn't know is that he had preplanned his outfit, mannerisms, conversations, basically his every move for the date with his mom and brothers. Well, mostly Quinn. When Luke saw how nervous he was, he was constantly teasing him. Luke loved to tease him about how you should have fallen for him instead of Jack. Of course it was all jokes, as soon as the two of you started hanging out Luke could immediately see the chemistry between the two of you. He knew that your connection was much deeper than any sort of joke he could make. He was really happy for his older brother, finally seeing him fall for a person who made him truly happy.
When you decided on an outfit that was both appropriate for the occasion and made you feel good about yourself, you started pacing by the front door of your apartment, anxiously waiting for Jack to come. It was about 10 minutes before he said he would arrive. On the other side of the wall, Jack thought about coming a few minutes early, but his mom immediately shut that down. Jack argued that he wanted to seem timely and didn't want to keep you waiting. Ellen shut him down, though.
"How long does it take you to walk 10 steps next door? You never want to rush someone getting ready, especially for a first date." Luke was cackling in the background, of course.
At 6:00 on the dot, Jack was knocking on your door. He was almost more nervous than when he came by a few days before asking if you wanted to go to dinner with him, if that was even possible. When you opened the door, Jack planted his feet in the ground, willing himself to not fall over on his ass and make a complete fool of himself.
You were absolutely stunning. You looked so amazing in Jack's eyes. He felt himself blushing as soon as you opened the door. He was thanking his lucky stars, wondering how he had gotten so lucky as to find someone as special as you.
"Y/N..." he finally breathed out, his heart racing. "What? Do I look okay?" You began to feel nervous under his intense gaze, your hands instinctively picking at your fingernails. "Okay would be an insult. You look incredible. These are for you, by the way," Jack handed you the flowers he forgot he even had. "That's so sweet! You didn't have to bring me flowers. The ones you brought me a few days ago are still going strong. They will look beautiful together, though."
You took a minute to put the flowers in a vase. Jack was watching you from afar, you felt his eyes on you, following you around your small kitchen. Truthfully, he was admiring you. He couldn't help but blush at the sight of you, putting flowers in the vase that he bought for you, getting ready for the date that he was taking you out on. He felt like he won the lottery.
When you turned around, you saw him blushingly admiring you, causing your own cheeks to heat up. "What has you so smiley?" you asked, taking a step closer to him, bravely grabbing his hand in yours. You rubbed your thumb over his hand in an attempt to help him feel calm. Jack was certain no one had ever made him feel this nervous. Certainly not someone he was dating. "I just can't believe how beautiful you are. I feel so lucky that you are going out with me."
Both of you were nervous wrecks at this point. Before you could convince yourself otherwise, you were leaning forward, kissing him on the cheek. As soon as Jack felt your lips on his skin, he knew he had to kiss you. "Can I kiss you? Like, on the lips," he muttered, causing you to giggle. "Yes Jack, you can kiss me, like on the lips." He groaned at your teasing, but before he could throw his head back exasperatedly, you leaned forward, capturing his lips with your own.
Jack felt himself melt, holding onto your waist in an attempt to hold himself up straight. It was official. You had softened Jack into a gushy, pillowy mess. And Jack had never been so happy.
+1. as a couple
6 months later
"Jack, honey, if you keep stomping any louder, the people below us are gonna come complain," you muttered teasingly at him. "You really think they can hear you? Besides, if they came and complained, I would simply explain to them that my amazing partner, whom I care for very much, is meeting my family for the first time, and I think they would understand." He quipped back, causing you to laugh.
Jack's parents were coming in to town for the first time in the new season. Before you met Jack, you had long planned to spend the summer abroad with your closest friend. Jack was thrilled for you, but disappointed you wouldn't be able to spend time together over the summer at his summer house. He did however, jet off to meet you in Italy for a week, which was perfect. Ordinarily, you probably would have met Jack's parents already, but with the chaos of your summer, it was now the Devils home opener, and you had yet to meet your boyfriend's parents.
"If I'm so amazing, why are you so nervous for me to meet them?" Jack groaned, causing you to laugh. Teasing each other was something so common, but it was always done lovingly. It was almost a love language of sorts between the two of you.
"Babe, how many times have I talked to Quinn on FaceTime with you? And Luke is the best friend I have here in Jersey, besides you obviously, so it's just your parents. Who, by the way, we have also Facetimed with a handful of times together."
"I know, but in person it's different. They might get knocked on their ass by your good looks and charm, just like I was. And besides, if you think Luke's teasing and sarcasm is bad, just wait until you meet my dad. Where do you think he gets it from?" Jack continues to ramble. To an outsider, it might look like Jack didn't want you to meet his parents, but you both knew it was the complete opposite. The two of you hadn't been together for that long, but in a way that didn't matter. Jack was close to saying the "l word," and you probably weren't that far behind him. He wanted you to meet his parents because he wanted them to love you as much as he did. You felt the same way.
In an attempt to stop his never ending nerves, you took the few steps across the room towards him, putting your hand on his cheek and pulling him in for a soft kiss. "Jack, I am thrilled to meet your parents. If it makes you feel any better, I am a bit nervous too. I want them to like me. Although, I'm sure you've bored them to tears with stories making me seem like I'm the most amazing person on the Earth." "Because you are," Jack intervened, serious as a heart attack.
You laughed at his genuine tone, he was always buttering you up. "They'll love you, because you're amazing. Besides, Lukey and Quinn already love you. This will be easy work for you. The shock of me being in a serious relationship has already worn off. They're thrilled to meet you," you laughed at his half hearted attempt at a joke.
"Besides, I'm sure they will be so excited to meet the person who has turned you into a sap," you laughed, causing Jack's mouth to open in shock. "I am not a sap!" He tried to quip back, but you both knew he was absolutely lying. He was so soft on you, something none of his loved ones had ever seen. "Jack, yesterday you laid your nice jacket over a puddle in the nasty streets of Jersey for me to walk over because there was no way around it," you stared back at him. "That puddle was huge! Your pant legs would've been soaked, I know you would've hated that." You laughed at his kind hearted attempt at an explanation.
"You are one of a kind Jack Hughes," you started. "I truly love you." As soon as the words came out of your mouth, your hand covered it in shock. Of course you loved Jack, but you were so nervous to tell him. You had never said those words to someone romantically before, and you were both certain he would say it first, even though you hadn't talked about it before.
"You love me?" He asked, his voice quivering. "Of course I love you, did you miss the puddle story? I would be crazy not to have fallen in love with you." At this point, both of your eyes were watery, Jack's grip on your shoulders never wavering. "Oh my God, you love me. Oh my God, wait, I love you! I love you so much! I can't believe I haven't said it back yet! I love you!" Jack was over the moon, causing you to laugh wetly.
You had absolutely softened Jack to his core. But you were nothing but soft for him, the two of you a perfect match for each other. When you pulled each other in for a kiss, the love between the two of you was imminent, the nerves of the upcoming event melting away. Jack couldn't wait to introduce you to his parents as his partner whom he loved so much, and you couldn't wait to love them as much as you loved him.
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euseokz · 2 months
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@ eunseok — i always know how much you need me baby, so i give you just enough to not leave you hanging . cws : dry-humping . use of nicknames (good girl) . finger sucking . wc : 0.7k+ . genre : smut 
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FWB! EUNSEOK who has been teasing you all day, sending nasty texts and leaving you all hot and bothered on purpose, but who is surprised when he gets to your apartment at night and finds you on your bed with nothing but your underwear on, one of your hands already sneaking under your panties. 
“are you that needy already?” he asks almost playfully, with a teasing tone, his usual smirk painted on his lips. you don’t reply, simply whining and pressing your fingers over your clit harder, too horny to have the usual back and forth you two share. “i’ll take that as a yes” eunseok adds right after.
he walks to you and plants his hands on your body, pulling your wrist out from your panties and guiding you to straddle him while he sits on your bed. he looks at your digits that had been down your panties seconds prior, how they’re shiny with your arousal, strings of your slick connecting them. eunseok has to hold back a grunt, instead guiding them to his mouth, sucking on your fingers and tasting you while looking directly into your eyes, humming when you whine surprised. he lets go not too long after, planting his hands on your hips and pulling you to him, pushing you down against his bulge, his loose pants doing nothing to hide the obvious tent. it looked painful almost, even through his clothes, his dick twitching and a grunt finally leaving him when he feels your soaked panties press against him, eyes now focused there.
“i want you to cum against me like this, can you do that?” eunseok asks, voice sultry, his words coming as more of a request than a demand. when you nod, biting your bottom lip while already moving yourself ever so slightly against his covered cock, eunseok groans again, smiling before saying a simple “good girl”.
you move your hips slowly, pressing down just enough for him to feel how your folds part around his bulge, only leaving your panties wetter, a dark patch eventually staining eunseok's pants too. you're soaked, and incredibly needy, humping against him at a fastening pace, moaning and whining about how good it feels, your hands landing on eunseok's shoulders as your nails dig into them, bunching up the fabric of his shirt between your fingers and pressing down harshly against his skin. eunseok can feel the warmth of your pussy, his bottoms thin enough that he even feels how your clit twitches almost in sync with his dick. he guides his hands to your hips and grips them hard, deciding to now set the pace, moving you faster while pressing you more roughly against himself. you allow it without complaining, moaning his name and digging your nails deeper into his skin, pleasure blooming between your legs, a hot wave taking over your middle.
lust clouds your brain as your eyelids feel heavy and fall close, your head resting back and giving eunseok perfect access to kiss and suck on your neck, making you wonder if that was what heaven felt like. your orgasm was close, each stroke of your covered cunt against eunseok’s prominent bulge only driving you closer to the edge — the man under you not finding himself in a much better state, his mind flooded with nasty thoughts as he wrapped his lips around the sensitive skin of your throat, feeling as his cock twitched, his teeth sinking into you and a guttural grunt escaped him when he came, milky cum dampening his underwear, his orgasm only an excuse for eunseok to move you faster against himself, his nails now digging into your sides as he guided you, making you reach your peak sooner than later, a silent moan leaving you as your mouth fell open when your high finally hit you, crashing into you hard.
eunseok started slowing down the pace until you were barely moving your hips against his, finally pulling back to look at you, moving to cup your cheeks, his eyes hooded and glossy with arousal as he spoke.
“see? i’m always good to you baby, always give you enough to leave you an absolute mess without even needing to push my cock into you”
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yunqni · 11 months
" park seonghwa - vacation "
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pair; fiance seonghwa x fem reader
wc; ~3k
genre; fluff ?? smut ?? 🤭 idk its just kinda cute kinda sexy kinda lovey dovey ?? its my first ever fic IM SO SCARED,, :')
contents + smut warnings; cussing, kissing/making out, dom hwa, unprotected sex (im not encouraging this irl), multiple orgasms, squirting, creampie, oral+fingering (f recieving), i think thats all ?? also indulges into some aftercare and massaging after the smut, please let me know if i missed any content warnings !
note; writing below is not proofread cus im too lazy and its intentionally written in all lower case, so please excuse any mistakes !
《 minors strictly dni, sexual content below. 》
today was only the second day of your vacation in singapore, and you couldn’t have wished for it to be any better. seonghwa had spoken to your manager himself and surprised you with a holiday at a luxury resort for the next two weeks ‘just because you need a well deserved holiday’.
soft pecks from your fiance were what pulled you out from your sleep, and you were pulled closer into his warm arms. you slowly opened your eyes only to be blessed with the sight of seonghwa’s gentle smile as your eyes adjusted to the light.
“ good morning, angel “ he whispered, careful not to speak to loud as though to not disturb the peaceful atmosphere you two were embracing.
you leaned upwards to give him a kiss which he eagerly returned, pulling you closer by the shoulder to deepen the kiss.
his hand traveled further down your body while his fingers gently grazed against your soft skin, leaving goosebumps as they moved. he hoists your leg over across his waist before poking his tongue against your lips, asking for access into your mouth.
you gladly accept his invitation before allowing him and his tongue to take control over you, lewd yet sexy noises resonating throughout your room.
seonghwa pulled away before anything could progress further, both of you horny and helplessly panting .
“ sorry baby, got a little carried away “ he said sitting upright, letting out an airylaugh at himself.
placing a hand on his chest, you sat up and responded “ its alright “ before leaning in to make out with him once more.
he directed his kisses downwards, moving towards your throat. his hands slipped underneath your t-shirt making you shiver in delight as you pressed further into his warmth. as he licked and kissed all the sensitive areas of your neck, you felt your pussy clench unconsciously around nothing and the butterflies in your stomach take flight .
seonghwa fiddled with the mountain of pillows behind you to create a surface comfortable for you to be loved destroyed on. he encouraged you to spread your legs for him, as he slowly removed your tiny pajama shorts leaving you in the black lacy thong you had particularly chosen to wear. he laughed again and admired the sight of your wet panties before removing them aswell .
he leaves teasing kisses and licks on the skin of your plush thighs, slowly moving closer towards your most sensitive areas. after placing one final kiss over your dripping entrance, he unexpectedly slips one long finger inside you, penetrating it deeper than your own fingers could ever go.
you whine out at the sudden insertion to which he inserts another two fingers, now fingering you at a fast pace with three of his beautiful fingers. you shriek at the strange feeling bubbling inside your tower stomach , legs trembling around his head.
seonghwa also moved back to continue kissing, licking and sucking at your clit which bought you dangerously close to your first orgasm.
“ cumming already, sweetheart? hold it. “ he said, making you cry out helpelessly at his wish to deny your orgasm.
with the way he kissed and touched you before, the orgasm was too strong for you to hold back. as your fingers gripped his wrist which was still mercilessly pounding three long fingers into your sopping pussy, he understood you.
“ too much for you to hold, baby? “
“ yes, yes p-please seonghwa… “ you plea, moans uncontrollable as your hips writhe against the once perfect bedsheets.
“ go on then baby. since you’ve been such an angel for me, i’ll let you cum now. “
just as he had barely finished his sentence, your orgasm went by in a blur. your entire body went numb and you close your eyes. his motions never give up during and after your orgasm, overstimulating your pussy.
“ s-seonghwa,, p-please, please…. too much “
“ you can do it, baby… can you give your seonghwa just one more before i give you my cock?”
you give up complaining as your discomfort from overstimulation soon turns into intense pleasure, feeling that tightness in your lower stomach build up once again. seonghwa felt your walls flutter against his fingers, signalling your impending orgasm. his finger adopt a ' come hither ' motion against your walls, rubbing directly on your g-spot. he honestly couldn't believe he was able to have such an affect on you with just his fingers.
he could feel his painfully hard dick throbbing against the confinements of his sleep shorts, but he so desperately wanted to serve you how you wanted and worship you with endless orgasms.
that was when your second orgasm knocked you like an intense wave. your legs were shaking as your thighs tried to close around seonghwas head. but, he forced them apart with his spare hand and pinned your hips down. his tongue was swiping against your spent clit as he helped you through your second orgasm.
he reulctantly pulled his head away from your pussy to look up at you, but kept his fingers inside you. he looked so sexy like this – hair mostly pulled back from his face, eyes still slightly heavy from his sleep, lips drenched in your cum (and it was evident where he hadnt shaved his facial hair for a day or two), desperately trying to catch his breath with three of his slender fingers still knuckle deep inside your throbbing pussy.
" so, so beautiful, baby... " seonghwa whispered for only you to hear as he very slowly began moving his fingers inside of you again. the movements sent shocks throughout your body . you tried to grab his wrist with one of your shaky hands to get him to stop, at which he smiled at. tease.
he tutted as he used his spare hand to pry you away, before kissing the back of your knuckles and removing his fingers from you. he lifted them up to your mouth, encouraging you to lick your fluids off his fingers. his sultry eyes held eye contact with you as you took his fingers into your mouth and teasingly licked at them. the motion has his cock painfully throbbing inside his shorts, desperately wanting to be released from them.
he took his fingers out before moving to take off his shorts and boxers in one . he leant down to hover over you, meeting your pink lips in a quick, messy kiss. seonghwa directed his cock towards your pussy, slowly rubbing his tip up and down your soaking folds. he could feel your already half used hole clenching around nothing, just craving for him to finally make you feel full again.
seonghwa smiled at that thought, kissing the shell of your ear before moving across to kiss your collarbone . His hand wrapped around your shoulder as his tip prodded against your entrance, slipping into your soaked hole. you let out a moan after he forced the tip in, staring down to look at your lips stretched around him as he slowly slid further inside inch by inch .
with some further force and the aid of your drenched pussy, he bottomed out inside you eliciting a whine from deep within your chest . you could feel his tip deliciously pressing against your cervix, it was a very tight fit. feeling every vein of his cock pulse and strain against your mushy walls.
" do you feel that, baby? you feel how perfectly we fit together? " seonghwa spoke, leaving your brain to short-circuit at his words. he was right. the curve of his length fit so snug against your walls.
seonghwa checked up on you, then had to wait a minute or two before he started thrusting in fear of cumming too soon. fluid from your previous orgasms encompassed him and with the way your walls parted to accept his thickness, it was all too much for him.
when he did start moving, he teased you with his thrusts — moving at snails pace in and out, in and out . he took his time experimenting the different angles based off your facial expressions everytime his cock penetrated areas inside you that had never been reached before him.
you were such a whiny mess, all for seonghwa. each slow, calculated thrust left you breathless. you wanted to encourage him to do whatever he wanted or to use you — but every time you tried to speak your brain could barely formulate a simple sentence.
eventually, when he found the angle that truly hit your spot, he began ruthlessly pounding into you. his desire for you was insatiable, as was yours. every thrust hit your g-spot so perfectly, to the degree, and had you moaning, whining, shouting his name . his soft lips were grazing against the shell of your ear, letting out beautiful grunts and moans directly for you to hear .
he looked down at where his dick was lost inside your pussy only for the sight of his cock bulging in your lower stomach to make his hips stutter . he cautiously placed a hand over where his tip reached inside you and added slight pressure to your abdomen .
the pressure made you whimper and shift around on the bed, to which seonghwa had to pin you down with his spare hand . it had caused a new feeling to spark which became increasingly difficult to hold back . this feeling is not one you were a stranger to when it came to seonghwa, he is just so skilled that he’s the only one to able to bring yourself to such an intense point of orgasm .
he pressed down even further onto the area before saying, “ d’you feel that, sweetheart? thats my cock buried deep inside of you. d’you know how much i enjoy being so deep inside of you, hm? “
your entire body shivered at his words, moving your hand to feel where his cock pounded inside you too. seonghwa slightly angled his hips making his tip bulge further out your stomach, smashing against a pleasure spot you didn't even know existed, but either way he'd only gone and found it (albeit to abuse it). your pussy repeatedly clenched around his dick in a vice grip making it difficult for him to move , your juices dripping out of you like a broken faucet .
“ only i can make you feel like this, hm? no one else gets to treat you the way i do, hm? “
“ y-yes! yes, yes, yes, seonghwa… “ you managed to get out among your heavy breathing and whines
both of you were on the brink of orgasms , anyone could have recognised that. with the way seonghwa's relentless thrusts somehow got faster and harder, and the way your legs shook around his hips. seonghwa had to hold your legs down again so as to not get in the way of his thrusts. his thumb dropped down to your clit working in precise circular motions, a pattern which he had memorized to exactly how you like it .
as your orgasm hit you, you couldn't help but lift your hips slightly off the mattress in sheer pleasure, writhing in seonghwa's grip. the feeling was indescribable — as juices endlessly gushed out of your pussy, almost pushing seonghwa out of you. he fought through the resistance though — as his thrusts kept at their back-breaking pace and his fingers still worked at your clit . you could hear the grumble of seonghwa's sultry voice as he praised you, yet you were too indulged in the feeling to recognise his words.
seonghwa's fingers definitely heightened your orgasm even further as your juices exploded all over his pelvis more than previous times he’s made you squirt . your fluids puddled below the two of you by your hips, and squelched inside your hole with his thrusts . the sounds that were now being produced as his cock penetrated your hole were new wordly, something that you two had never experienced before .
you weren't too sure when your orgasm had ended, seeing as you had practically passed out from the pleasure. he was so unbelievably proud and in awe of the both of you, and he wanted to do it again .
he never stopped thrusting into you, though, as his cock proceeded to drag against your raw, spent insides during your orgasm. after he recognised your recovery, he jumped straight back in to pounding your used hole in order to bring himself to orgasm. likewise, his finger hadn't ended their movements, only heightening the speed of his teasing circles against your swollen clit as he began fucking you again.
“ such a gorgeous girl,, such a good girl for me “
in mere seconds you were cumming again, not even realizing it until you felt your cum dripping out of you. seonghwa looked down at where you were connected to see white cream decorating the two of you. goosebumps formed at the sight .
“ hm, what was that , number 4 sweetheart? “
yes! yes seonghwa,, please dont stop !" you moaned (screamed) desperately. he was so entranced by how obedient you were for him. you were so deep into subspace by now and seonghwa wanted nothing more than to care for you.
“ oh my g-god y/n, you're so incredible. im g-gonna cum soon, just wait for me sweetheart. you want me to cum in your pussy, yeah ? “
“ y-yes please seonghwa,, yes… inside please,, i want your cum inside me… "
inside? he thought to himself. your words had him whimpering desperately as he crept towards his orgasm. the pleasure was so intense for the both of you, as his fingers dangerously dug into your sides as your nails scratched along his tense, muscular back.
" y-yeah, baby? you want my cum inside you, sweetheart ? you want me to fuck you full of my cum? you want me to breed you, hm? “
his taunting words left your pussy clenching helplessly, intensifying another upcoming orgasm. you could see the sweat dripping down his forehead and off his chin, only making him look even sexier as his face contorted in pleasure as he approached his orgasm.
it only took a couple more thrusts before he pounde one last time, letting out a beautiful broken whine as his cum endlessly shot deep into you. he had buried his cock to the furthest he could go inside you, his fluids dangerously close to your cervix. his orgasm felt like it was never ending, the immense pleasure you bought him made him cum more intensely than ever before .
he continued thrusting into you in order to keep his cum as deep inside of you as possible. unknowingly though in your last spurts of stimulation as shockwaves overtook your body, you came hard, one last time for him.
his tip rubbed against your dangerous spot as you, once again, felt the dam inside you break free as you squirted all over him. his fingers went to move on your clit gently to elongate your orgasm and to leave you feeling fully satisfied. as the juices spurted out of you, seonghwa couldn't help but stare at you, drowning in lust (and your squirt). your pussy was now overflowing with a mixture of both your releases.
you weren't sure what number orgasm it was at this point, you didn't even know you were capable of such. seonghwa really just had that affect on you. as your orgasm drew to a close, you flopped back against the pillows like a fish with closed eyes and heavy breathing.
before seonghwa could succumb to the tiredness he felt and the desire to do nothing in your embrace, his instincts took over him as he immediately ran to care for you after such intensity.
you were startled into consciousness by the feeling of a warm, wet rag cleaning at your lower regions incredibly gently, while another hand was massaging your neck and shoulders. if ever you expressed discomfort from the sensitivity, seonghwa would immediately pause his actions as though to not overwork your body .
you opened your eyes after a minute or two to be met with seonghwa gazing at you patiently, with the look of an angel spread across his new worldly features. his hand, which was digging into your sore muscles, moved to wipe some of your hair out of your face, while the other picked up a glass of ice-cold water conveniently placed on the bedside table. seonghwa urged you to drink from it, silently panicking that he was tending to all your needs .
he gently rolled you onto your stomach and moved the comforter away from your fragile body. despite how he has just handled you, he couldn't help but feel like you were a porcelain doll that needed to be taken care of in every way. he would have hated to cause you any long term pain simply for his pleasure, so he made it his absolute goal to ensure you were well taken care of .
seonghwa gently yet thoroughly massaged your inner thighs and all the way along your back, gently applying pressure into any knots . he took his time in making sure he was targeting the most sore areas by asking you where you needed the most attention.
after a thorough 20 minutes of massaging, seonghwa moved to hover over your body so his lips were right next to your ear. he left a feather-like kiss to the skin behind your ear before whispering to you ,
"you wait here for a minute sweetheart, okay ? 'm gonna run you a nice warm bath. don't fall asleep just yet, baby. still gotta go for breakfast too. "
he planted one more kiss by your ear before moving off your body into the bathroom, leaving your skin to form goosebumps from the lack of warmth.
as you glanced over at the alarm clock on the bedside, 10:47am, you let out a small laugh realising that you had missed the hotel breakfast hours for your little moment .
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inkskinned · 1 year
one of the things about having an unstable parent is that it can so easily ruin your future. you want to get out, but getting out takes having agency. it takes the resume and the grades and the stellar community service history.
but you have to choose your battles. you know if you sign up for an after-school activity, it'll be okay for a while, so long as the activity is parent-approved and god-fearing. over time, like all things, it will become an argument (i can't keep carting your ass to these things) or a weapon (talk to me like that again, see if you get to go to practice). sometimes, if you love the thing, it's worth it. but you also know better than to love something: that's how they get you. if you ever actually want something, it will always be the center of their attention. they will never stop threatening you with it. telling you of course i'm a good parent, i came to all of those stupid events.
you learn to balance yourself perfectly. you can either have a social life or you can have hobbies. both of these things will be under constant scrutiny. you spend too much time with her, you should be at home with family is equally paired with you're acting like this because you're addicted to what's on that goddamn screen. you cannot ever actually win, so everything falls within a barter system that you calculate before entering: do you want to learn how to drive? if so, you'll need to give up asking for a new laptop, even though yours died. maybe you can work on a computer at the library. of course, that would mean you'd be allowed to go to the library, which would mean something else has to bleed. nothing ever actually comes free.
and that bitter, horrible irony: you could be literally following their orders and it still isn't pretty. they tell you to get a job; they hate that your job keeps you late and gives you access to actual money. they tell you to do better in school; they say no child of mine needs a tutor. they want you to stop being so morose, don't you know there are people who are really suffering - but they revile the idea you might actually need therapy.
you didn't survive that fall the way other people would. you've seen other people scramble and get their way out, however they could. maybe you were made too-soft: the answer didn't come to you easily. it wasn't quick. it was brutal and nasty. some people even asked you why didn't you just work hard and escape during school? and you felt your head spinning. why didn't you? (they control your financial aid. they control your loan status. they love having that kind of thing). maybe in another life you got diagnosed sooner and got the meds you needed to actually focus and got attention from the right teachers who helped you clear hurdles to get up out of here - but for now? here?
the effort of trying. the effort of not-dying. that kind of effort was absolutely agonizing.
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
Hello! For your kinktober event, may I suggest a Gn or fem MC corrupting Simeon?
Hello hello!
Okayyy I haven't written corruption before, so hopefully this turned out okay! I didn't describe much about the setting, so it could be taking place in either game. I also didn't describe Simeon's outfit for this reason.
Thank you for submitting a prompt!
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GN!MC x Simeon
Warnings: corruption, penetration (reader receiving), uh please let me know if I should add anything here
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It was clear from the way he couldn't look at you that Simeon was uncomfortable. You were sitting side by side on your bed, your legs touching, and you had leaned in to press a kiss against his cheek. The blush that followed seemed to spread outward from the spot where your lips had pressed. You could tell he was trying to suppress a shiver, but not quite managing it.
You were also fully aware of the erection in his pants, but you knew you couldn't bring attention to it without risking scaring him away. You wanted to reach out, to touch, to make him gasp and moan and whimper your name. But there was still too much tension.
The expression on Simeon's face was one of determination, despite the still prominent blush. "I should go now, MC," he said quietly.
You put your head on his shoulder. "Do you have to?"
Simeon sighed. "Yes."
You put a hand on his thigh, gently, turning your head to put your lips against his ear. "I can tell you don't want to."
Simeon's breath hitched and his body jerked like he was about to stand up, to run away. And yet… he stayed.
You took the chance and put your hand on the bulge in his pants.
"We can't," Simeon breathed out, voice shaky.
"Why not?" you asked.
Simeon shook his head slightly. "I'm an angel, MC."
You kissed his neck. "Then isn't it your duty to show me a glimpse of heaven?"
Simeon actually laughed at this. "Are you trying to corrupt me?"
"Is it working?" you asked, kissing his neck again, letting your lips travel up to his jaw. You reached out to turn his head so you could kiss his lips and you found them ready, waiting. Despite his protestations, he wanted you.
"I know you've been trying to be a good angel for some time now," you said, allowing your lips to travel back down his neck. "You've been trying not to give in to temptation. But Simeon, you can't deny me forever."
"MC," he said. "I can't-"
"It's okay," you said. "No matter what you do, you'll always be my good angel."
It was as though you had said the magic words. Simeon turned toward you, his arms going around your waist as he kissed you. There was a hunger behind the kiss, even though it was also hesitant. Like he wanted nothing more than to ravage you, but his guilt over it continued to hold him back.
He broke away for a moment, breathless. "It's just… you make me crazy, MC," he said. "You make me…"
You ran your fingertips down his chest, making him shiver. "I make you want to sin?"
Simeon groaned and leaned his head against your shoulder.
You tugged on his pants and it surprised you when he moved to give you better access. In moments, you had freed his beautiful cock, straining with need already.
When you touched it, ever so lightly, Simeon whimpered. His eyes were squeezed shut as he bit his lip, attempting to hold in how good he was already feeling.
You had to encourage him to touch you as well. He almost pulled back when you tugged on his hand and put it between your legs. But when you moaned at his touch, he didn't pull away.
In fact, your noises of pleasure seemed to make it harder for him to resist and he put his lips on your neck. They descended, but stopped when they reached the edge of your shirt.
You quickly discarded your top and lay back on the bed, pulling at his hands. Although he hesitated for only a moment, Simeon let you lead him and ended up straddling your hips.
You tugged at his clothes and he took the hint, pulling off his own top and exposing his beautiful chest. When you put your hands on him, his blush became even more pronounced.
After a little more fumbling with your clothes, he was hovering above you, leaning over you now, so close to putting himself inside you, but not yet willing to do it.
You reached up and cupped his cheek. "Simeon, I need you."
Somehow you knew that was what he needed to hear. And you were right because Simeon sank his cock into you. It was slow and hesitant, but once he had begun, he didn't stop. You responded by arching your back and moaning, your arms wrapping around his back.
Simeon was so gentle at first, almost like he was trying to convince himself that he wasn't doing anything he shouldn't be. And yet things became more heated as you moved beneath him, meeting him fully and overwhelming him with your own passion. He couldn't help but respond to it.
And soon it was as though he could no longer think about anything - not sin, not guilt, not being an angel - he gave in entirely, thrusting into you desperately. He was covering you in kisses, having lost all reservations, his lips all over every inch of your skin that he could reach.
"Ah, MC," he panted. "You make me feel…"
You moaned. "Like a sinner?"
Simeon gripped your hips, his fingers digging in. He rose up enough to look down at you, his eyes glittering. "You make me feel holy."
The way he said the last word, with desire and need and want practically vibrating out of him, made you reach up and grab his face, pulling it down so you could kiss him.
It wasn't long before his cum was filling you, his warmth inside you and around you as he cried out, looking absolutely stunning as he did so, a true angel.
Simeon spent the rest of the night in your arms. He needed a little reassurance from time to time that it was still okay to be there. But you would never forget the way he had said the word holy while he was inside you. As though in that moment he had converted his faith from heaven to you.
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flufftober | kinktober | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Kind of Girl I Could Love | Bob Floyd x Reader
Summary: Bob has a secret admirer, but he's convinced it's actually Jake and Nat messing with him. 
Warnings: Pure fluff
Length: 1900 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female Reader
I wrote this for my Love Is In the Air playlist! Check my masterlist for more!
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It started out with a simple note.
I like your glasses.
Bob held the note card in his hand and glanced around the deck of the aircraft carrier as discreetly as he could. There were people everywhere. Anyone could have left this for him to find on his seat inside the cockpit of the F/A-18 that he shared with Phoenix. 
I like your glasses.
Bob didn't even like his own glasses. There was nothing to like about them. They made him look even more awkward than he already felt, and he couldn't wear anything else, or he wouldn't be allowed to be in the Super Hornet at all.
So he scrutinized the handwriting, but it didn't look familiar. And that's when it dawned on him. Phoenix and Hangman were just messing with him. They did this from time to time. One time they covered his car in post-it notes. Another time they hid his helmet bag from him. 
He rolled his eyes and scrunched the note up in his fist. Bob was completely unremarkable. Nobody would ever leave him this kind of note. Nat and Jake should have known he wouldn't fall for it this time.
Bob found a second note a few days later.
Your smile is nice. I wish you would smile at me.
He sighed and tilted his face up to the heavens. Great. Now he was going to have to call Nat and Jake out on their little pranks. He could feel his cheeks flushing pink this time. It was so embarrassing that his teammates thought it would be funny to do this to him. Nat knew how shy he was, and how he wished he could find a girl to date. 
Bob glanced around again. There were a few women on deck at the moment. None that looked like they would be remotely interested in him. They were all either too old or too attractive. And who would have access to his cockpit seat anyway? 
It wasn't a good idea to get his hopes up when he just knew who was behind this. 
"What's wrong with you?" Nat asked as she climbed her ladder. "I already apologized for eating your croissant! I didn't know you were saving it for later!"
Bob shook his head. "This isn't about the croissant, Phoenix. But I wish you and Hangman would stop picking on me."
"Huh?" she asked before boosting herself into the seat in front of him.
But it was time to get to work, so Bob crumpled up this note as well and tossed it into his helmet bag. "We can talk about it later," he mumbled as he started his preflight safety routine. 
Now things were getting out of hand. 
You look handsome in your flight suit. Tall and strong.
Bob took another close look at the handwriting. It looked fancy and feminine, but nothing like Nat's. He supposed Jake would be able to imitate something like this if he really tried. 
"Hey, Hangman," Bob called to him. 
Jake turned and shrugged at him from the top of his own ladder. "Yeah?"
"Can you just knock it off?" Bob asked, waving the note card in the air.
Jake squinted like he was trying to see what Bob was holding. "What are you talking about, Bob?"
"The notes!" 
But it was too late, because now all of the conversation was being drowned out by the deck speaker system. The final mission announcements were being made as Phoenix got settled into her set. 
Bob would have to talk to them both later.
"I know I'm an easy target, and I know I don't usually get annoyed, but please. Please, just stop."
Jake and Nat both looked at him from across the table as they ate their dinners later that night. 
"Stop what exactly?" Jake asked. "Is this what you were trying to tell me earlier?"
Bob's cheeks flushed. He couldn't believe they were going to make him spell it out like this. 
"The notes, guys," he said, pulling the newest note card out of the pocket of his flight suit and sliding it across the table. "It's not funny."
Jake and Nat both leaned closer to read what was written there, pretending they had never seen it before. 
"You have a secret admirer?" Nat asked, her eyes darting up to meet Bob's.
Jake grinned. "Someone has a crush on you."
Bob took the note and crumpled it up. "I know it's you two, so can you please stop!"
Nat and Jake looked at each other. 
"Did you write it?" she asked, and Jake shook his head.
"Did you?" he asked, and she shook her head no as well. 
Bob didn't think he should believe them, but he really, really wanted to. Just the idea of someone thinking about him in that way made him want to smile. 
"It's not us," Nat said with a grin. "But we'll help you figure out who it is." 
Bob didn't want to get his hopes up. But when he thought about who might have access to his cockpit, he immediately thought about the mechanical crew. And when he thought about the mechanical crew, he thought about you. 
He had seen you out on deck the other day, but you were so beautiful. Way too gorgeous to be leaving the notes. Just the prettiest smile. Sometimes you said hi to him, and he'd get so flustered, he could barely respond. 
It was too unlikely though. And he wasn't even sure if it was a woman leaving the notes. 
"I have an idea!" Nat said as she checked the air pressure in the tires. "Why don't you leave a note?"
Bob thought about it for a second. "I guess I could do that."
So he left a note on his seat asking who you were.
And the next time he climbed the ladder, there was another note card waiting for him. 
I'm too shy to tell you who I am. But I work closely with your jet. And I have a crush on you.
Bob's heart was pounding. There was nobody on the tarmac at the moment, so he showed the note to Nat.
"The plot thickens!" she said as she read it. "I wonder if it could be her."
Bob looked in the direction that she had nodded, and there you were. You had your hair pulled back away from your face, and you were wearing your typical jumpsuit. And you were smiling, your eyes catching Bob's for a split second. 
"Nat. Come on. She's so pretty.
Phoenix just laughed at him. "You're a catch, Bobby! Even if it's not her, you can still ask her out."
But he just shook his head and muttered, "No, I couldn't."
Bob got two more notes the following week. 
Your accent sounds cute. Where are you from?
This person has heard him speak before.
Bob had only ever been complimented on his accent when Jake had as well. Everyone loved Hangman's Texan drawl, and only mentioned Bob as an afterthought. But when he wrote a note telling you he was from Montana, and asking you as politely as he could if you were a woman, Bob got another note in response.
I've never been to Montana. Yes, I am a woman. You sound smart and organized in the air.
If it wasn't for the fact that this woman had mentioned his glasses, Bob would have been convinced these notes were meant for Jake. 
And now Bob was facing a different problem: the aircraft carrier would be arriving back in San Diego in a few days. His missions were finished. He didn't have much reason to climb up into his cockpit now, and he still didn't know who the notes were from.
In a final effort to try to bring his admirer out of the shadows, Bob wrote one final note and bypassed all of the mechanics to leave it on his seat. 
When we dock in port, would you like to meet in person? Near the Admiral Kazansky memorial statue? I'll wait there as soon as I get off the carrier. I hope you'll be there too. 
On his way back across the deck, he saw you dressed in your jumpsuit, and you smiled and waved at him. Maybe Nat was right; he could still ask you out no matter what, even if you weren't the one leaving the notes for him to find. 
But he felt a connection with the note writer. She seemed to like him as he was. He never had to show off or pretend he was confident like Jake for her to notice him. So he would wait, and hopefully in two short days, there would be someone meeting him at the statue. 
Bob was starting to sweat through his khaki uniform, and it wasn't even that hot outside. 
"Are you sure I look okay?" he asked Phoenix, and she continued to make a fuss over him.
"You look so good," she promised, combing her fingers through his already tidy hair and readjusting his glasses. "Here, open up." She popped a mint into his mouth, and Bob rolled his eyes.
"I highly doubt I'll be kissing anyone, Phoenix."
"You never know, Bobby. I'm still holding out hope that the cute mechanic is your note writing secret admirer."
Bob let Phoenix lead him down the ramps when their deboarding group was called. He was so nervous now, he just wanted to go right home and pretend none of this had ever happened. 
"Go find your girl! Text me later!" Nat told him, pushing him in the direction of the statue. 
Bob wound his way slowly through the crowd. His heart was pounding. What if nobody was there? What if nobody came? What if it was just Jake waiting for him after all?  He felt sick, with clammy palms and an upset stomach as he neared his destination.
"Bob?" a soft voice called to him, and his eyes drifted up a uniformed body, his eyes coming to settle on your face.
"It's you? The pretty mechanic?" he asked, and when a smile found its way to your lips, you nodded.
"Yeah. It's me. Are you disappointed?" you asked, twisting your fingers around each other and shifting your weight from one booted foot to the other.
"D-Disappointed?" Bob asked, setting his duffel bag down next to yours. "No. I was hoping it was you. I still can't believe you noticed me."
You giggled, a cute, surprised expression on your face. "Bob, you were the most noticeable guy onboard!"
Bob inched closer to you, but you didn't back away. You actually stepped right into his personal space and ran your palms up to his shoulders and kissed him softly. Desire bloomed through his body, and as you pulled away from him, Bob leaned down for another kiss. His glasses bumped your cheek, but you didn't seem to mind as you kissed him over and over, until he felt a little dizzy. 
His glasses were askew, but he could clearly see the gentle flutter of your lashes as you opened your eyes and gazed up at him.
"Do you want to go grab lunch with me?" you asked, your expression so open and your face so pretty. "I want to hear all about Montana in your sexy voice."
"Yes, of course." Bob blushed and fixed his glasses, but he scooped up both duffel bags and followed you along the dock, listening to you gush about how strong he was. 
The last thing Bob heard as he disappeared into the crowd with you was Jake wolf whistling and Nat yelling, "Go Bobby!"
Bobby!!! So noticeable!!! Thanks to @thedroneranger for helping me shape this fic together!
@eddiemunsonreader @wintercap89
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keiffeine · 5 months
look at me, not him
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coriolanus snow x gender-neutral reader
tags: slightly possessive! + jealous!coriolanus
author’s note: sorry this was so delayed 💀 i wanted to write it less bulletpoint-y like how i normally do with headcanons bc i wanted it to be more like a fic. hopefully you enjoy 🩷 it’s a little rushed esp towards the ending lol
word count: 1,036
reposting, plagiarizing, modifying, and translating is not allowed.
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coriolanus never married you with the intention of loving you or actually caring about you. rather, his intention was purely for his own self-benefit. as he rose to success as a young politician, basking within the spotlight the capitol so graciously dawned on him, it only made sense that a man with this much power to his name alone would marry someone who was, at the very least, equal to him.
you were perfect for him. your family was one of the most successful families within the capitol, holding generations-worth of wealth and status—which he needed for himself.
after marriage, coriolanus was very content with how his life was. he wasn’t really obligated to spend time with you or anything of the sort—he viewed it as something more…optional. he had already gotten what he wanted; access to your wealth and the mere status to your name, so everything after that came second. meals together consisted of little to no conversation, and even though you shared a room and a bed, you slept with your backs facing each other.
you were simply just his spouse, someone he could ultimately leech off of to power his personal gain. nothing but an accessory on his arm to make him look good in public. the most affectionate you’ve ever seen him was whenever there were news reporters and cameras around; he’d plant seemingly-loving kisses to your lips or hold you close for no other purpose other than for a good public appearance.
you were never much of a priority in his mind, up until he sees you talking with some man at an event that was hosting some the richest and most influential capitol citizens. whoever this was, he was making you laugh and smile, which felt like such a rarity of a sight in coriolanus’ eyes. you always looked so solemn when you were together, but right now, your face shined so bright, with the most genuine smile he’s ever seen. it wasn’t out of politeness for the sake of etiquette, but a real smile.
it made his blood boil, to say the least. that man was so obviously flirting with you; the way he was standing so close to you, gaze flitting from your eyes then to your lips then back again. coriolanus couldn’t help but wonder: were you seriously this oblivious, or were you trying to make him jealous on purpose?
coriolanus couldn’t help but scowl, watching you conversing with this stranger. who even was he? what could you possibly be talking about that made you look so entertained? you’d been talking for…what, the past…fifteen…twenty minutes already? surely you were bored at this point, right? he wasn’t even worth an ounce of your time. when were you going to stop talking to him and walk away?
coriolanus hated everything about this, weirdly enough. normally, at events like these, he could care less about who you talked to, but the more coriolanus continued to watch you talk to him, the more he wanted to drag you away himself.
as soon as he decided he’d had enough, coriolanus walked over to you, pulling on a tight and forced smile as he snaked an arm around your waist.
“i’m sorry to interrupt,” coriolanus said in a calm, collected voice, looking down at you before turning his head to whoever you’d been speaking to, “but i must speak to my spouse about something. please, excuse us for a moment.” with that, he led you away, bringing you to a secluded spot to ensure your privacy.
“what the hell was that?” coriolanus asked, furrowing his eyes as he kept his eyes down at you, feeling furious but relieved that he finally had you alone. relieved that your attention was on him now. “were you flirting with him?”
you scoffed, baffled that you’d be accused of something like that. “flirting, coriolanus? seriously…” you said with a sigh, seeming equally frustrated and confused.
coriolanus rolled his eyes, then moved a step closer, keeping you against the wall. “don’t play dumb, y/n, that man was clearly flirting with you,” he mumbled, placing his hand on the wall, right beside your head.
“we were just talking, coriolanus, my god.” you folded your arms, tilting your head up and meeting his eyes. “besides, i wouldn’t understand why you would care.”
coriolanus swallowed, not daring to look away from you. he held your gaze, pressing closer and completely aware of the very little distance between the both of you.
“why i care? you wouldn’t understand why i care?” coriolanus whispered, his voice dropping to a low tone that sent a shiver down your spine. “i care because you are my spouse, y/n. my spouse. you’re mine, understand?” he watched your face, noting the slight color that tinted your cheeks as he spoke to you.
“i just want you to look at me the way you were looking at him,” coriolanus confessed after a beat of silence. he bit his lip, cheeks growing warm at his own words. “is that so hard to ask for?”
he leaned in a little closer. his face was so close to yours. still, you made no effort to push him away.
coriolanus blinked slowly before glancing down at your lips; they looked so…perfect, parted just slightly and just inches from his own—so close to just kiss.
he swallowed thickly and bit the inside of his cheek. the longer he stared down at you, the more he restrained himself from pressing his lips onto yours. the thought was too tempting.
it was strange to see coriolanus like this; he never really paid you any mind and hardly ever acknowledged you as his spouse privately, but…it felt weirdly endearing to hear it from his own mouth, and the way he audibly confessed that he was pining for your attention. since when?
“just…” coriolanus cleared his throat and took a step away from you, to physically restrain himself from his own desires. he looked away, taking a moment to breath as color faded into his cheeks. the air in the room suddenly felt so heavy and oddly tense. “please stay by my side from now on, okay?” he requested sheepishly, all of his thoughts dissipating into the air as he took your hand, leading you back to the crowd.
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misc. character masterlist
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itwasthereaminuteago · 3 months
|| The Distraction ||
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Matt Murdock x female reader
You nonchalantly slink into the near-deserted bathrooms where Matt is waiting for you, holding out the passcard with a huge pleased smirk on your face, the music of the party fading as the door closes behind you.
“Piece of cake!” you say, but you don't miss the terse look on his face as he takes it from you. “What's the matter, Murdock? It's going to plan.”
Matt huffs out a short, strained laugh. “You were getting pretty friendly with that security guard.”
“Uh yeah, I kinda have to Matt, that's how I get the goodies, you know that.”
“Yeah,” he mumbles, and then with a slight hesitance, “but did you need to fawn all over him so much? It could have drawn unwanted attention. You could have been caught.”
You raise a brow. “I ‘accidentally’ bumped into him and apologised while i unclipped the pass, I wasn't fawning,” you hiss quietly in response. "Don't be so dramatic."
Matt rolls his eyes and leads you out of the other door at the opposite end of the restrooms, both of you quickly making your way towards the office you were intending to break into before the admittedly hot security guard realises that he's been duped.
“You were practically hanging off him, and you called him ‘big boy’…”
“You heard that? Well, did you see him?! He was massive!”
Matt grits his teeth as you both climb the back stairs, trying to hide the green seeping into his eyes. “You were squeezing his bicep, sweetheart. He liked it.”
“I was distracting him!”
“He was more than distracted by what you're wearing… I thought I said pick something simple.”
You shrug your shoulders, glancing down at the black sheath of close fitting fabric with strategic slashes and cutouts that clung to your body. “It is simple!” You defend as you near the room you're looking for. Matt listens for a moment, checking there’s no-one nearby and then swipes the card in the access panel, allowing you entry.
“He gave you his number…” he continues with a whisper, as you start searching the place for where the ledger might be.
“Yeah, well-” They usually always did.
“You put it in your purse.”
Your mouth opens wide at his accusing tone.
“Yeah I did, It's just for show, Matt! I'm not actually gonna call Frank!”
“Oh, it's Frank now is it? Why not? You seemed pretty into him.”
You stop feeling around the wall panels for any secret buttons and face up to Matt. This was nuts. You'd had enough of his ridiculous behaviour. He'd never acted so bothered before now.
“Fuck Matt, what the hell is with you tonight? You're never usually like this on missions!”
“Nothing, I'm just- it's nothing.” He bites his tongue and changes the subject. “Lets just find the book.”
You halt him, your hand firmly on his arm, turning him back to you as you step up closer. “Are you jealous?”
He scoffs, shaking his head. “Jealous? No… not-”
“Matt…” you jibe, a little smile on your lips as you see his neck flush with pink. “Aww, are you? That's so sw-”
You're cut off as Matt's hands reach past your waist, stepping in so close your noses are almost touching, almost taking your breath away with the sudden movement. Your ribcage rises and falls as your breathing becomes extremely shallow as you feel like you're waiting for a bomb to drop.
Matt lets out a sharp breath, tilting his head the tiniest amount to the side, his lips are mere millimetres away…
“Here.” He says flatly, lightly tapping the wooden paneling behind you. You swallow as he pulls his arms back but stays close.
"So..." You begin to say, but he cuts you off.
“Look, maybe… yeah, I am a little jealous,” he admits, and it's your turn to feel hot and bothered. “but we make a good team, and I don't ever want to compromise that if me having… feelings for you isn't something you're happy about.”
Your eyes flicker as you look at his face. He's entirely serious as far as you can tell, waiting for you to say something in response. There were a million things you could say, you had always had a little hidden flame burning for Matt but he had always kept your team ups so professional you never thought there was a chance that you could ever actually date. Yeah, there was the occasional sassy or silly banter you shared and adored, you loved his sense of humour, but you never dared hope that he might feel the same way towards you as you did for him. But now this thing, tonight, was a complete revelation. A bolt from the blue. You didn't think you had ever seen him so nervous confessing to you.
You have to say something, anything.
“Matty,” you breathe in a whispered tone, “we have to get the ledger and get out of here before someone finds us!”
Fuck. You feel so awful. This was completely the wrong moment for confessions and realisations that you might just be each other's lobster but you really had to hurry the fuck up and get gone.
Matt's shoulders slump slightly as he backs up, and you move to give him room to open the safe behind the secret door and retrieve the thing you came for in the first place.
“Alright, hide this in your purse and let's go.” is all he says.
The two of you casually walk out of the gala with no-one any wiser. Your arm is hooked around his and you pull him sharply into an alleyway once you're a couple of blocks away.
“Hey! What are you-” Matt starts, but you shh him.
“Matty, listen to me. I don't want Frank the security guard or the beautiful Elektra who works at the bar,”
Matt lifts his head, slightly confused as to where you're going with this. “Uh, okay…”
“because I'm glad you're jealous, I'm actually fucking ecstatic because when you flirt with other people I'm jealous too!”
“Oh.” he replies, "Oh..." the corner of his mouth tugging up into that familiar smile that always makes you melt inside.
“Matty, I have feelings for you too. I just never thought that in a million years you'd ever be interested in me that way!”
Matt can't help bursting out with laughter. “you'd think us working together for this long we'd be a lot better at communicating.“ he jokes.
“Yeah, just a bit.” you chuckle in response.
You're both standing so close together again, your fingers brushing the lapels of his coat, but you're not gonna let the moment get away this time.
“Can I-” Matt starts to say...
“Kiss me?” You finish for him. He immediately swoops forwards, his hands coming up to frame your face as soft lips press against your own, his thumbs stroking and caressing your cheek and jaw as you experience something that never thought would happen between you. Your own hands snake around his shoulders and neck as he kisses you deeper as your nails scratch at the shorter hair at his nape as you grab for him. The tip of his tongue teases along the line of your mouth, and you open to let him in, a soft moan escaping as he probes deeper, tongue dancing sensually with your own. You press up against him, the sculpted muscle that you had only ever seen from afar now right beneath your fingertips, Matt seemingly feeling the same excitement at being able to touch you as one hand holds you at your waist under your coat and the other comes up gently behind your head to pull you even closer. When you finally break for breath you're both grinning like idiots.
“Maybe we should get back to mine?” You suggest, panting ever so slightly, your eyes dilated and almost as black as the shadows in the alley around you. “We need to get this book somewhere safe, and uh, yeah, I think my place is pretty safe.”
Matt gently leans his forehead against yours, an exhalation leaving his nose in an amused puff of air. “Yeah, totally safe, that's uh… a really good plan.”
You can't wait. You want to get him back to your apartment and kiss him some more, and... maybe other things...
You can't help yourself, angling your head and kissing him again. He's such a fucking good kisser. It's starting to rain. You should really get a cab.
“We should get a cab.” Matt eventually says for you, still focussed on kissing along your jaw to the spot just below your ear and then making his way down your neck as your legs feel like they're about to give out from the bliss you're feeling.
“Mmhm!” is about all you manage before he's guiding you back towards the wet main street and hailing a taxi. Once you're in and it pulls away, you put your hand into your purse, rummaging around and then winding down the window to throw something out.
“Hey, what was that?” Matt asks as you roll the window up and lean into him in the back seat.
“Frank's number.” you reply.
“You sure you don't need that?” Matt checks.
“Yeah, I'm pretty sure.” you smile.
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