#sofia and amber are just so funny together to me
areanoodles · 9 months
Can't you see it?
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You can't tell me you can't see the same thing. Honestly.
Sofia the first has a big place with me as well as heathers. I've watched sofia the first since I was little, ended up rewatching a few episodes like 2 years ago, and watched a few episodes I hadn't seen yet. Which for the most part when I was little I had watched season 1-2. The show just gives me great nostalgia and it holds a big place in me since i watched it ever since I was little and rewatching episodes and special episodes just makes me feel great.
Amber- Heather Chandler
Hildegard- Heather Duke
Clio- Heather Mcnamara
Sofia- Veronica Sawyer
Rewatching episodes of sofia the first, I've started to pay more attention to clio and realized how adorable she was. I knew she existed in the series before but I never paid attention to her character as much. Now that I'm doing that more now, I realized how adorable her voice and character is. Sidekick clio was also an amazing episode.
I honestly love these girls(Amber, Hildegard, Clio, and sofia). I just love them so much! Also, Hildegard just had this stare she gives off in most episodes. Like in "The big sleepover" episode, she just has this kind of smug look. In that episode Ruby and Jade also made me laugh a lot for no reason. When ruby said "Awww, a white squirrel", it made me laugh!
Also, when Ruby(I believe Ruby asked the question)asked Clio if she had swimming pools in every room of her castle and Clio says "yes", it's like, why do you have swimming pools in every room of the castle? Honestly, it would just be funny to see.
I did ship Sofia and Hugo very much but 2 years ago when I thought more into other ships sofia was in, I started to like those other ships more(like, oona x sofia, sofia x vivian). I still like sofia x hugo(hugfia)though. I really do. But now with the other ships, it's like I also favor the other ships. Also, Clio x hildegard, before, didn't really ship them as much but I understood why it was a great ship. But now..... but now I have came to the conclusion that I do ship them!
I do think hildegard and clio just seem so cute together. I just love the ship more than ever now. In the episode "The secret library: Olaf and the tale of miss nettle", when hildegard said how she wanted a talking snowman after seeing olaf, it just sounded so cute!
I really cannot express how much I love this show. The music too! Straight bangers! I love all the characters singing voices. It just blows my mind how far the show has came. I did read an article about sofia the first supposed to have a spinoff. I think that'll be interesting. I'd actually enjoy to see more of sofia the first, and seeing/getting a spin off would actually be good. I guess.. will see how it turns out.
Also, I like how in the show it is shown how much sofia and amber don't want to lose the attention of their parents. For instance, in once upon a princess(the pilot/feature film of the series), amber does become the jealous stepsister to sofia, being jealous that sofia will be getting the attention and not her. Which is shown throughout the whole pilot and also amber sabotaging sofia in the process. In the end, they do make up. In other words, in the episode "Moms the word", sofia also shows how much she'll be missing the attention of her mother, Miranda, once she learns that amber and James will be joining them together. I just brought this up since I thought about in the morning and compared the two situations in my head.
But on that note, I love sofia the first
This is all I have to say
Everyone in sofia the first is gay
And bye!
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sofiatheart · 4 years
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I’m a little late to the party w this but THEY GOT SO BIG YET THEYRE STILL BABEY!!!
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amberfawzy · 3 years
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Un-expecting the Expected | Para
Featuring: Miguel & Amber Hernandez (with Alexandre Reyes & Dr. Zoie Barlowe; mentions of Sofia & Demetri Hernandez) Location: Pure Space, Portland, OR & Providence St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, OR Time Frame: Friday March 26 & Saturday March 27, 2021 Notes: The evening takes an unexpected turn while at a launch party for Titan
Even though Miguel hadn't wanted to admit it, the Spectre launch party felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. After all the work that he had done, in addition to all of the drama that had come with the lead up to the launch, it was glad that it was finally out there in the world. In a way it let him feel like he had finally won - after Apple had cost him his first marriage and almost his fourth, after he had had things stolen, even with the lawsuit, it was the first time that he really felt like he had come out on top.
And it felt fantastic.
So he let himself enjoy the party, feeling like he had accomplished so much more than just launching a new product, and with it came a joy that was rare to see in Miguel. He had worked on the speech for a week, insisting on writing it himself.  And taking to the stage, he let himself take a breath before smiling out at the crowd and starting.
The launch party was a beautiful spectacle. Amber was enjoying their time out with Miguel and celebrating his and his company's hard work and successful premiere. It wasn't lost on them that all of this was nearly derailed a handful of months ago but they were forever grateful that the truth was uncovered and that Miguel had such a damn good legal team. In addition to their pride, they were happy to have a reason to get a little dressed up and go out with Miguel one more time before the twins were born.
After a bit of mingling about the room, conversing with some of their husband's colleagues and friends, Amber decided to sit down. Their back was aching and the Braxton Hicks had started up again. Amber took it as a cue to sit down. With a hand resting on their ballooned stomach, they picked up their water glass and took long sips, watching people gradually take their own seats as the emcee prepared to introduce Miguel. Amber smiled softly over to Andre as he sat at the same table, and then they drank some more water.
Unlike past times, however, the Braxton Hicks didn't seem to subside with the water consumption. Amber tried ignoring it so that they could listen to Miguel, but the contractions were intensifying. Brows furrowing, they took a slow, deep breath while keeping their eyes on their husband. That was, until they felt a warm gush spreading fast beneath their dress. They had read about pregnant women peeing on themselves but Amber felt fairly sure that this wasn't it. Panic quickly set in as their eyes went back to Miguel, unable to shake the alarmed expression from everywhere on their face, except for the smile stuck on their face.
It was hard to look out at the crowd, the lights were bright, and truthfully it took awhile for his eyes to adjust. So he focused on his speech, the tablet that he had it up on, and once he was used to the atmosphere, Amber.
They were in one of the few seats that Miguel could see, and at first he could only see their smile. And then the next time he looked, it seemed almost as if Amber was in pain. Though with the Braxton-Hicks and the fact that the twins could easily be kicking somewhere uncomfortable.  But the third time that Miguel looked at his wife, it was clear that something was wrong. They didn't tend to stay uncomfortable this long and the way that their eyes looked, it just made Miguel worry.
Which the fact that it was during his speech just made it all too real.
Miguel had to find a stopping point, which wasn't easy, and reluctantly went into an ending that seemed rushed, but still wrapped things up. At least the best that he could. And as the applause walked him off the stage, he immediately went over to Amber. "Are you alright?"
Before Miguel's speech had swiftly concluded, the pain had steadily subsided but Amber was sure that this wasn't Braxton Hicks, and she was becoming more and more sure that she hadn't accidentally peed herself. With the panic pretty firmly set in and wheels trying to turn in her mind, she tried to think of the best plan of action while drawing the least amount of attention to herself; here and now was about Titan.
While everyone applauded Miguel for his speech, Amber's expression finally fell as she exhaled, cradling her large pregnant belly. She made herself take a few deep breaths and when Miguel approached and checked on her, her voice hiked up an octave from its usual tone while she gave a few small shakes of her head. She kept the volume of her voice relatively low, "Nope! Nope, mm-mm, no. Either I've peed myself or my water broke, and I'm pretty sure it's the latter. And I'm pretty sure I've been having contractions tonight. Like real deal, non-Braxton Hicks."
During Amber's response to Miguel, Andre made his way over from the other side of the table and caught the tail end of what Amber was saying. He picked up on what was going on and said, mostly to Miguel, "I can take you both to the hospital, or I can stay here and cover for you. Whatever you need."
It took Miguel a few seconds to comprehend what was happening - especially that the twins had decided that NOW was the best time to come. Mentally he ran through everything else that there was supposed to happen that night, assigning what could be done to various people on the staff. Did he like it? Not really, he had been looking forward to this night ever since things with Apple ended in his favor.
But at the same time, he was excited for the babies and finally getting to meet them that for once delegating wasn't as hard as it usually was for him.
"I can get people to cover for me, I can text them from the car. Plus Mari is here and she did enough with me when we were married that she'll make sure to keep everything going. But I think driving us would be the biggest help," Miguel nodded, squeezing Amber's hand.
While Andre and Miguel figured out next steps, Amber was rushing through a moment of anxiousness. Were they ready for this? It didn't really matter, since the twins were already exercising their independence. Until now, in their mind, they still had another couple of days before the twins were to arrive, but now that it was just a bit sooner--and starting tonight of all nights--Amber had to speed up their preparedness.
With Miguel accepting Andre's offer to drive them to the hospital, Amber returned the squeeze to their hand and took another deep breath. They picked up their clutch and carefully raised to their feet, offering their husband a brief smile. "I guess these two wanted to see what all the fun tonight was about, huh?" Keeping their hand in Miguel's and staying at his side, they followed Andre through the venue with as convincing a look of calm as they could muster while they passed guests by.
When the cool outside air hit them however and Andre approached a valet attendant to get his car, Amber dropped the calm facade, shoulders drooping slightly while the pain of the contractions started to swell again, starting across their back and swiftly gripping across their front. Before the pain could become too unbearable, Amber said, "We don't have any of our stuff. Should we stop at home first?"
Miguel chuckled at Amber's words, though really he had to wonder if that had something to do with it. He knew that there were some things that had a tendency to set off labor, and Miguel wondered if excitement had anything to do with it. Though while he was curious, he figured that was something that he could look up after everything was over.
There were much more important things to think about.
As the contraction hit, Miguel squeezed Amber's hand, not really sure what they needed to get through it. Sofia had been induced, so everything there had a schedule, this was completely different and in the process Miguel found himself thinking probably a little too much. "I don't think so, we can have Sofia pick up our stuff later. Or Andre can pick it up after he drops us off at the hospital, he has a key."
Hearing Miguel chuckle helped keep a light smile on Amber's face for a bit. They used thoughts about pleasant things like that--Miguel's laugh whenever he found something funny, Demetri's genuine excitement when he did well in school, the fun they and Sofia shared at their cooking class the other month--to try and help them through the growing return of labor pain while waiting for the valet.  Amber leaned a bit into Miguel, teeth pressed together as the contraction crescendoed. Their grip on Miguel's hand was tight and as they forced themself to exhale, a small groan escaped. "Hooooooooo...yeah, this is..." They couldn't think of a word to describe the feeling but about a minute after the contraction started, the pain was subsiding again, just in time as Andre's Range Rover was parked on the curb in front of them. Andre was quick to retrieve the keys and moved fast to set the car's navigation system for the hospital.
"It's a good thing I didn't drive the Corvette tonight," he commented lightheartedly, settling in the driver's seat and prepared to leave the moment Amber and Miguel were ready to go. Thankfully it looked like it wouldn't be a very long ride for the expecting couple. "Et oui, I can call Sofia and work out a plan to get your things to you as soon as possible."
Amber nodded while getting in the car, thankful to be sitting down again after getting the seat belt around their belly, they rested their head on Miguel's shoulder for the duration of the ride to the hospital, giving his hand a more tender squeeze than before. After gently reminding him, "Don't forget to text Meredith," Amber soon added, "I'm excited that we'll get to meet the twins tonight or tomorrow, but I'm sorry about your speech, hon. I know this was already a big night for you."
Miguel tried not to wince with how hard that Amber was squeezing his hand, because no matter how hard this hurt whatever Amber was feeling was probably worse.
"Thanks, I would appreciate that. Sofia's still inside too, so she might figure out something's going on before you get ahold of her," Miguel warned, as he sat in the car next to Amber.
"Right, thank you," Miguel said, pulling out his phone as he sent a text to Meri as well as everyone else he figured that he should let know, "I'm excited to meet them too, and don't worry about it. I'm glad that we're going to meet the twins too. So it's still going to be a big night."
Andre nodded, peeling away from the curb and heading straight for the hospital. “We will handle it. You two focus on your little ones."
During the ride, Amber focused on breathing as steadily as possible. Only one other contraction hit during the trip to the hospital but this time, they tried not to squeeze the life out of Miguel's hand, opting instead to ball their fingers into a tight fist, nails digging firmly into their palms.
Just as Andre pulled up to the entrance, the pain faded again. Amber thanked Andre repeatedly for his help and then scooted out of the back seat with Miguel so they could get checked in at the Labor and Delivery ward.
Some time later, the two were brought to a delivery room where Amber was given a gown to change into; they were hooked up to an IV and monitors while Miguel was given paperwork to fill out. They were checked on for their progress and then given some privacy before the next round of being checked in on. Now laying in a mostly reclined hospital bed with ambient music playing low in the room, Amber spoke to their husband in between the pain and spikes in discomfort. "Can you do me a favor? If any of the nurses tries to ask me something during a contraction like nurse whatsherface kept doing, can you tell them to kindly put a sock in it until I can actually answer them?"
Getting to the hospital had been a big help for Miguel. He had calmed down on the car ride, and everything else once they got to the hospital had been things he had prepared for.
So his primary focus was Amber and making sure that they had everything they needed to be comfortable. He chuckled at their words, especially when he had noticed the nurse doing that. "Gladly, I'm not quite sure how she didn't notice what she was doing," he commented, "Do you need anything else? Water? Ice chips? Pudding that I am considering stealing?"
Although Amber knew that labor wasn't going to be easy, knowing and experiencing it were entirely different, as she was discovering. She was nearly dilated enough for the epidural but not quite when they arrived, and she'd hoped that it would progress for her to get it soon. About an hour after their arrival, Andre had returned with the bag she and Miguel packed for this very occasion, and after briefly checking in on the couple once more, he headed out with a promise to return if they needed anything else.
Deeply thankful that she wasn't going through this experience entirely alone, she nodded at Miguel's words and only briefly thought over his question before saying, "Ice chips sound nice. But steal the pudding too." Another contraction started soon after she answered him, and to avoid squeezing Miguel's hand, Amber made very focused efforts to clench her fists and spread her fingers back and forth through the pain. She tried to remember to breathe but found herself holding her breath often instead.
Miguel nodded as he helped Amber through the contraction - only for the nurse to come back in and start talking almost as if on cue. "Can you please stop talking for a moment," Miguel asked, using the voice that Sofia called his "CEO voice" that had the tendency to command attention. And as it expected it worked. "If you would pay attention, you'd be able to tell that Amber's in the middle of a contraction and they aren't really up for answering questions. So we would both appreciate it if you would wait until after it was over and they'd be more than happy to answer then."
It seemed to work, as Miguel turned back to his wife to coach Amber through the rest of the contraction. "Okay, I'm going to go get the ice and the pudding now while the nurse is in here," he said once things started to settle down.
Though Amber had heard Miguel address the incoming nurse, Amber only partially heard his words as they worked through the contraction. Thankful though that the nurse heeded his words, Amber put their full focus back on breathing and repeatedly flexing their hands until the pain was more tolerable. They opened their eyes and left them open, looking to Miguel and nodding with gratitude in their gaze, "Okay," and gently squeezed his forearm before he departed from the room.
Not long after speaking with the nurse, the doctor came in and checked on Amber, delivering the news they had been waiting to hear ever since arriving; things had progressed enough for them to get the epidural. That process in itself was unpleasant but much to Amber's relief, once everything had been done and the anesthesia started to kick in, they were far more at ease for the long hours that followed.
As the night went on, Amber talked a bit to Miguel, imagining what features the twins might inherit. Eventually, they were overcome by sleep and managed to get a little more than a couple of hours of light rest collectively, on and off before night turned early morning. The doctor came to periodically check on them again after they were awake to see how far their labor progressed. Amber managed another nap of sorts, late in the morning but not long after they awoke again, their doctor returned once more.
A new wave of anxiousness washed over them, waking them right back up again however, when the doctor informed them and Miguel that, after roughly 14 hours of being in the hospital, Amber was fully dilated and  it was going to be time to start pushing soon. While the doctor spoke to the three nurses who had suddenly joined her in preparing for the delivery, Amber reached out for Miguel's hand, "Oh my god. This is it. This is.. it's about to happen," Amber said, their voice an uneven mix of excitement and obvious nervousness.
Miguel had always known that labor was a game of hurry up and wait. When Andre had come with their bags, he'd changed into a new set of clothes. And from there,  there wasn't much else to do. He supported Amber, he napped when they did, and overall he just tried to imagine what it was going to be like once the babies came.
It was true, he was a lot older than he was the first time around, but he had experience, and it really had come to realize how much he had wanted more kids than only Sofia. Sure, life decided to make him wait for two decades before he got the chance to actually get there, but it was well worth the wait.
He squeezed Amber's hand as the doctor told them that it was almost time to push.  "It is. You're going to do great," he stated, giving Amber a quick kiss on the head, "Just breathe with me, and squeeze my hand, and it'll all be fine," he assured them.
Amber softly smiled to Miguel and gave a brief squeeze to his hand when he'd lovingly assured her. Nodding, Amber affirmed, "Okay. I've got this. We've got this," and set her mind to what she knew she would have to do from here. It didn't take long after that for the nurses to position Amber's feet out of the stirrups while Dr. Barlowe began coaching Amber, instructing her to bear down and push during contractions while she, the doctor, counted. Holding onto Miguel's hand while her other hand gripped the hospital bed's side rail, Amber dropped her chin to her chest, squeezed her eyes shut and, upon command from the doctor, began to push.
She very quickly lost count of how many times she had pushed or how much time had passed since the delivery started. Despite the doctor's encouragement and reassurance that she was doing a good job, Amber felt the anxiousness and excitement transforming into exhaust and frustration. Still being numbed from the epidural, she could only rely on those around her to know what was going on. Tears pricked at her eyes and blurred her vision as she pushed through yet another contraction. This time, however, relief and steady praise soon fell over the room as a small weight was placed on Amber's stomach and chest. She opened her eyes and saw one of the nurses quickly rubbing the back and clearing the mouth and nostrils of a tiny, dark-haired newborn.
"One down, one to go, Amber, good job! Take a minute and then we'll get you're other little one out here with her sister," she heard Dr. Barlowe say as Amber's  head fell back against the pillow behind her. Tears streamed freely but she quickly wiped them away and brought her free hand to their firstborn twin's back at the same time that tiny chipmunk-like trills passed through the newborn's pink, plump lips. "Oh my God, hiii," Amber quietly cooed. She squeezed Miguel's hand and watched as the nurse wrapped the little girl in a blanket and carried her off to a nearby  bassinet while Dr. Barlowe asked Miguel if he wanted to cut the umbilical cord. "We're gonna get her sister out here soon. It should be a lot easier this time around, Amber." to which Amber gave a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness," and wearily smiled, ready to take hold of Miguel's hand again and bring their next child into the world with some renewed energy filling her.
As Dr. Barlowe had said, the second go around had been an easier, or at least, shorter labor than the first time. Some eight minutes after the first baby had been born, her sister joined the world. Instead of the quiet little trills, however, she exercised her lungs, seemingly to their full capacity once her mouth and nose were cleared of fluids. "Congratulations Amber and Miguel," Dr. Barlowe said to both parents before inviting Miguel to cut the second umbilical cord over at the bassinet while she helped Amber through the afterbirth and cleaning up from the delivery.
There was nothing like the birth of a child - Miguel had thought that when Sofia was born and he thought the same thing now.  There was something miraculous about it, seeing life get to come into the world at the start. And now he got to see it twice over with their daughters.
And as the first of the two came, a giant smile came to his face as Miguel looked over her features.  He teared up a bit, blinking to not let the tears fall as he squeezed Amber's hand back, before going to cut the girl's umbilical cord.  He used the moment to stroke the girl's face, and really look over her features.
"She's beautiful," Miguel smiled as he walked back over to Amber's side, preparing to meet the second twin.  It was like everything happened all over again, though the second girl wanted to make her presence known to the world in a way that the man could already tell that she was going to have a huge personality. "You're going to be a problem, I can already tell," Miguel whispered to the girl, with a teasing smile before cutting the second cord.  He then took a picture to send to Sofia and Demetri, letting them know that the twins were there.  "You did great," Miguel smiled at Amber, once the picture sent.
Both girls were here. Amber was filled to the brim with a myriad of thoughts and emotions. As Dr. Barlowe and one of the nurses finished tending to the afterbirth and cleanup, Amber wiped their eyes and thanked everyone in the room who helped bring the twins into the world. Their eyes then moved back and forth between the two bassinets, briefly catching the tender moment between Miguel and their youngest; a soft smile came to Amber's face at the sight.
When Miguel came back to Amber's side, they reached and squeezed his forearm with tender pressure. "Thanks, hon," and then looked back over as both girls were now crying, though the second was still noticeably louder than her older sister. The nurses were getting their measurements and finishing their initial exam before the girls could be given to their parents for skin-to-skin bonding. In what felt like an eternity later, the room was being cleared of the nurses while Dr. Barlowe carried one twin over to Amber first, and then the youngest twin to Miguel.
"The girls look healthy and are at a healthy weight for twins. We'll give you guys some time in here to bond, and then a couple of the nurses will move you and the twins up to a recovery room where you'll stay until you're discharged. Those rooms are smaller but there's more amenities in them. One of the pediatricians will come there to check on the girls periodically, to make sure they are both ready to be discharged when the time comes. Congratulations again, both of you."
With one of the twin's tiny cheeks resting against a bare space beneath Amber's chin, they softly replied, "Thank you so much, Zoie. I really can't say that enough." They smiled while giving feather light strokes of their fingertips to the the newborn's back, and then, not long after the four were alone, Amber turned carefully their head in Miguel's direction, keeping their voice low for the girls' sake while smiling to their husband, "You know, we have to figure out who's who here."
Miguel nodded at the nurse as he held the youngest girl close. It was surreal as he touched her, and watched Amber with the other baby. They were here, and they were perfect, and it was exactly what Miguel had been hoping for. "You know we could name #1 Isobel and #2 Jessamine just to keep it in alphabetical order," he commented, rocking the crying girl, "It seems kind of like the logical way to go about it."
Amber gave a playful roll of her eyes at her husband, still smiling through his answer. "Leave it to you to go the logical route with naming our kids." She softly chuckled and continued to gently stroke their eldest twin's back. After mulling over his answer, she said, "But it beats calling them Baby A and Baby B." Shifting the position of the baby in her arms, she was able to tilt her chin down a bit and then said, "So I guess that means I've got you in my arms, Isobel," and smiled right up through softly kissing the top of her dark-haired crown. "Happy birthday, Isobel," she whispered.
"Well, I've always been logical," Miguel chuckled, kissing the top of Jessamine's head, "Though I have to say I'm pretty sure it was little miss Jessamine who decided to interrupt my speech earlier. It seems like something that would be her idea."
With a small hum, Amber noted, "You have a creative side too. I'd say that both come with the territory of being at the head of a successful tech company." They watched Miguel and Jessamine and grinned again, giggling a bit at Miguel's assertion, "Probably, given how much she wanted to be heard when she was born. Maybe she was hoping to give her daddy a few pointers." While keeping as much skin-to-skin with Isobel, Amber had their eyes on their husband and youngest, adding a, "Happy birthday, Jessamine," in before saying, "I can't believe they're here now. They're both just the tiniest babies I've ever seen."
About an hour after they were given some skin-to-skin time, the nurses came in, preparing to transport the family the floor above to recovery. Isobel and Jessamine were swaddled and placed back in their individual bassinets, each baby being wheeled out by a nurse while a third nurse maneuvered Amber's hospital bed behind the twins to an elevator.  The room they were taken to wasn't too far from the elevator, and after hooking Amber back to the monitors in the new room and making sure the family was settled and shown where to find everything in the room, in the nurses cleared out yet again to give the newly grown family some privacy for the time being.
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dreamlanddoll · 5 years
How would Cedric propose to his soul mate? What would their wedding be like? Who would be Cedric’s best man? (I headcannon Roland, who is surprised and profoundly touched!)
oooh here we go~!
Getting Married To Cedric the Sorcerer Headcanons 
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He prepares proposing to you for months, and he is terrified
Sofia helps him, obviously- even Amber pitches in! 
“Princess Amber? How come you’re helping me?”
“Oh, I just LOVE love~!”
“I find that hard to believe.” 
Cedric writes down everything he wants to say to you- wanting to make sure 100% that he doesn’t stutter or mess up (of course he does when the occasion rises though, and it’s adorable~)
Sofia proof reads it. “Looks good, Mr. Cedric!”
But then Amber wants to proof read as well, and of course her response is different- she lets out an unsure hum. 
Cedric immediately panics. “What? What’s wrong with it?!”
“It needs a bit more… drama!”
“Amber.. it’s a proposal, not an action scene.”
Sofia reassures Cedric that it’s plenty romantic, and that y/n is gonna love it 
He doesn’t have anything extravagant planned, Cedric’s not one for theatrics in his own life- he’s just really excited (and scared) to propose to you
He simply sits you down in his workshop one day, starting out with “There’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you..”
“Uh oh, that’s never good.” you joke- but it only makes him more nervous- oh dear, this was going to be harder than he thought
Cedric gulps, gently taking your hands in his starting to speak again. As soon as he pulls out the, “we’ve been together for a while.” and “you make me so happy.” you kinda catch onto what’s happening. But he’s stuttering and blushing and mumbling so much you wouldn’t want to make him feel bad by cutting him off. 
Yet you still gasp and cover your mouth in shock after he’s fumbled around in his robe pocket and clumsily takes out that ring box as he gets down on one knee in front of you- you’re just that excited
“Y/n, would you do me the honor of becoming my-”
“Yes.” You say breathlessly, immediately jumping forward to hug him. 
Cedric slowly begins to smile, returning your hug and becoming overwhelmed with joy. He cries a little!!!
When you two announce that you’re now affianced to one another, you’re congratulated by everyone in their own unique ways 
Roland and Miranda are very excited- it reminds them of when they first got engaged, and they’re willing to help you guys out with wedding plans- or if you need any advice in general- you’re both free to come to them :)
Baileywick teases Cedric- claiming he thought he’d “never live to see the day that Cedric gets married.”
Cedric shoots back at him, “One more crack and you may not, in fact, live to see the day”
Amber squeals and asks if she can see your ring- is a little disappointed when she sees it’s not as shiny, sparkly, or diamond-y as she’d hope it’d be, but is happy for you and Cedric nonetheless.  
James is excited for you two! .. And cake, he’s also excited for cake. 
Sofia takes her Mr. Cedric for a talk about how proud she is of him. She’s really happy she’s able to witness him go through such a huge event in his life- as he’s done for her so many times, seeing as she’s only 14. 
Cedric’s glad Sofia gets to help him through this too, she is his best friend after all- and speaking off…
“Sofia, I know you’re already juggling so many things at once- being a protector, storybook keeper, and my apprentice, but I’d like to ask of you one more thing if it’s alright..”
Sofia smiles. “Anything for you, Mr. Cedric.”
Cedric returns her smile. “Well in that case, how would you feel about being my best man? Or in your case.. best woman?”
Sofia gasps happily, hugging her mentor. “I would love to!” 
Sofia can’t wait to be Cedric’s right-hand man- er, woman, at the wedding. She’s also excited that she gets to wear a tux!!! (And while I do enjoy your headcanon- it’s very cute- I just personally can’t see that happening. But Roland would definitely be supportive of Cedric :) )
The news spreads like wildfire- at least to other friends and family, even Merlin ends up hearing about it!
Winifried is basically overjoyed, hearing her little Ceddy-kins is finally get married has got to be the best news of her life!
Goodwyn is proud, very proud of his son- but being the distant soul he is, is very lowkey about it (spoiler, he’s the one that actually ends up crying the most at the wedding- he thinks his beard and mustache can hide it but they all know.)
Cordellia teases- but is nonetheless happy for her dear brother. Though she does jokingly egg on him a little for ‘taking so long’. 
Calista is SO EXCITED FOR HER UNCLE CEDDY!!! She’s asking so many questions! She can’t get enough of this!! Her favourite uncle is going to get married- and now she can have a favourite auntie!!!
Not even a week after releasing the news, you and Cedric receive a letter from an address you’ve never seen before- but Cedric recognizes it. He gasps loudly and for a long time too. 
You look at him funny, chortling. “Okay, who is it?”
He looks at you like young lad on Christmas morning. “It’s from Merlin!” 
You grin and roll your eyes playfully- readying yourself for his intense fanboying.
Opening the letter, both your eyes scan the page carefully. 
‘Dear Cedric the Sensational and Y/n Y/l/n (or, if you’re a sorcerer as well) the/Y/s/n. I am writing to congratulate the both of you on your engagement!’
You and Cedric smile at each other, you put a hand on his shoulder and you both continue reading. 
‘It is my understanding that Princess Sofia has requested I come to officiate your wedding, and I would be most honored to! That is if you’re both willing to accept the offer. I look forward to seeing you two lovebirds finally meet at the alter regardless.Yours Truly, Merlin the Magician.’
“Oh, how sweet of Merlin to offer-” you look over at your future husband, who has already fainted to the floor. 
Of course you’re both accepting. So you take the liberty of writing back.
You and Cedric then go to give Sofia that thank you that you both owe her, to which she cheekily winks and says “Well, I know what a big fan Mr. Cedric is, and who better to officiate your guys’s wedding anyway, right?” 
Cedric gives her a big hug, practically lifting her off the ground.
Eventually the big day comes.. and Merlin’s Mushrooms was Cedric ever nervous.. he doesn’t think he’s ever been so shaky and fidgety in his life 
Cedric is almost in disbelief that he’s getting married, and not only that, he’s getting married to you
Roland calms him down and is more than willing to give him tons of advice- “This is the beginning of what’s going to be the best years of your life, you’ll be fine. All it takes is a little effort.” 
He was right, marriage did take effort. And Cedric was 100% ready to put in that effort for you. He loved you. So so much. 
After that talk, he was feeling a bit better. 
Meanwhile, Sofia asks Violet if she can help you with your hair- which she’s more than happy to do.
“You nervous?” The little Princess asks.
You smile shyly, looking at your reflection. “A little…” your shoulders tense. “Okay, a lot. But who isn’t on their wedding day?”
You compliment on how dapper Sofia looks in her tux, to which she bows and thanks you, giggling. She’s wearing a little lavender bow tie as well!
Sofia tells you how beautiful you look in your dress- if she didn’t know you she’d think you were a princess~
Soon Baileywick enters, telling you it’s time to go
You thank him, telling him you’ll be out in a minute to let Sofia run off to be at Cedric’s side while he stands at the alter.
After letting Sofia scurry ahead, Baileywick offers to take you to the isle. You accept his arm as he tells you how lovely you look. 
You smile and blush, thanking the kind old man. “You know, Baileywick.. I’ve always sort of thought of you as my dad.. and, I’m glad it’s you walking me down the isle..”
Baileywick smiles at you and nods, pleased you think of him that way. “I’m glad to hear that, my dear. You should know I think of you as the daughter I was never able to have.”
You laugh and tell him to stop or you’re gonna cry before you even reach the corridors. 
He chuckles, having his handkerchief at the ready, because the bride crying before even seeing the groom just wouldn’t do.
Eventually, the piano starts to play that classic wedding march, and you and Cedric lock eyes.
He is immediately awe-struck by your radiance in that wedding dress, the glowing blush of your cheeks and smiling lips is memorizing and the way you tried to hide yourself behind your bouquet was adorable 
Sofia sneaks a glance at Cedric- who’s mouth was agape, giggling internally and awing, she closes it for him. Then turns back to you with a smile and a wink. 
As Baileywick walks you down, you know everyone is there- Roland and Miranda- who are smiling lovingly, Amber- who is clasping her hands together and gushing internally, James- who can’t help being a little touched by the scene before him, Winifried- who’s leaning on her husband’s shoulder and smiling, Goodwyn who is holding Winifried’s hand and tearing up, Cordellia- who’s sitting politely and giving her brother a knowing look, and Calista- who’s walking in front of you, throwing flowers up from the little basket she was carrying.
But you weren’t paying attention to any of that, all you could see were Cedric’s warm hazel eyes that were locking onto your e/c ones. You felt warm, but cold at the same time. You felt like a genius for doing this, but also the most foolish woman in the world. You were so aware that this was really happening, but you also couldn’t believe it. You’ve imagined this in your head so many times you felt like you’ve already been through it, but it was so new and exciting- this was definitely an entirely different experience. This was love. It had to be. 
As you two meet at the alter, Baileywick leaves you to Cedric. You both smile at each other. 
“You look beautiful…” Cedric uttered with the biggest, doe-yest eyes at you. He knew it was a cliche thing to say- but it was too true. You did look beautiful- you were the most beautiful woman in the world to him..
You giggled behind your bouquet, shyly blushing. “So do you~”
And he did. Cedric had worn a silky white robe with golden hems and a bit of a shoulder cap- like on his Hexley Hall robe- but much more formal. Apparently, it was his fathers from when he first got married to Winifried. 
You both would’ve stood there forever, simply gazing at each other had it not been for Merlin initiating the beginning of the ceremony. 
“Dearly beloved wizards, royals, family, and other friends, we are gathered here today to celebrate this sorcerer-” he gestured to Cedric, who smiled proudly. “- and this-” he gestured to you. “young lady, in Magical Matrimony.” 
Merlin goes on with the speech, asking you both to please recite your vows. 
Cedric’s are long, now that he thinks back on it, perhaps a bit too long. He was just feeling so much at the time and he had to get it out for you and everyone to hear! 
Your’s are lovely, you’d never say that they were as lovely as his, but you did try. And you really do love him.
And finally, it comes time for the “I do”’s. 
“Now, for the part we’ve all been waiting for!” Merlin declares, chuckling. “Cedric the Sensational, do you promise to care for Y/n as your wife- in sickness and in health, to support her, to treat her with respect, and to love her until death do you part?”
Cedric turns to you, and with the most raw genuineness you’ve ever heard him use in his life, he says, “I do.”
Merlin nods. “And do you Y/n, promise to care for Cedric as your husband- in sickness and in health, to support him, to treat him with respect, and to love him until death do you part?” 
You smile at Cedric, “I do~”
Merlin closes his officiant book and raises his arms. “Then by the power vested in me by the magic of the Mystic Isles, I now pronounce you, husband and wife! You may now kiss the-”
You interrupt Merlin’s speech by pulling Cedric in by the robes to kiss him first- too excited to wait and earning a bit of a muffled noise of shock from your husband. 
Merlin chuckles as he sees this happen and shrugs. “groom, I suppose!” 
There’s now an eruption of cheering, crying and whistling as Cedric slowly starts to kiss you back, smiling into your lips and cradling your waist to bring you in closer to him
Everyone is so happy for you, and as you all dance, talk, and enjoy the evening with one another, you, Cedric and Sofia silently appreciate how for once there’s no evil to fear or fight, no magical quest you all must fulfill together- though those were fun, for just one day, it was all about love.  
Thank you so much for requesting this! It was lots of fun to write for. Maybe next I’ll come out with something for your’s and Cedric’s honeymoon~
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27emailsicantsend · 5 years
I’ll give you my quick thoughts and then jump into Muffy because you already KNOW I am saving a whole section for them
Celia’s growth was amazing. I love that she went from being strict to being so carefree and trusting of Bex
Bex in that wedding dress 👏🏻 Bowie in that Tux 👌🏻 like they didn’t have to do that but they did 😭
The slow dance was SO CUTE OMG
I loved that all of them sang lady Gaga- the song was perfect for them but sad Garren wasn’t on stage with Sofia
However, they showed the ships singing together and whenever they showed Buffy they showed Marty so I was like 😩😭👏🏻 ya know
TJ playing the piano was all I could have asked for
I LOVED the scene when Cyrus and Buffy talked about “relationship woes” like wow. 😭😍 that hurt because the parrallels were so blatantly obvious but Terri made sure to take EQUAL time to explain their woes with each character.
I LOVED watching TJ just RIP into Kira. Boi 👏🏻 told 👏🏻 her 👏🏻 off. He literally called her out for bullying and asked her to stop (likkkeeee not only was it great bc he was protective boyfriend mode™️ but because he showed growth. He defended Cyrus for something he used to do). It was great and a no Kira redemption was the best way they could have done that and it was was beautiful. 💯
I loved that Jandi scene! I have said I am actually ok with Jandi, but they needed more maturity. Andi needed to find herself and Jonah needed to be ready for a relationship. In time and when Andi can handle conflict, I think they would make a good pairing. But WITH TIME, like they said. Until then, Jonah has the cute bracelet. I think that was such a valuable lesson for kids to not rush something, just because you like someone. Make sure you are actually ready because crushes aren’t all just about endgames (which will sound hypocritical considering what I write next lol) but that they are a LOT of work and you have to have your head on correct to make sure you can handle it. Just *chef’s kiss*
I know Muffy was around this time (sorry my thoughts are so scattered- I am writing this post watching it so not everything is in a congruent timeline) but I am going to come back to them like I said earlier. They have a special reserved™️ section in this post 😍👏🏻
I laughed so hard at TJ’s name but gave all my uwu’s I had left post Muffy (which weren’t many but I reserved some for Tyrus) to that cute little line from Cyrus about how he liked his name 😭
That 👏🏻 hand 👏🏻 hold 👏🏻
Like watching TJ’s shaky fingers get all close I COULDN’T BREATHE-
They really out here making all benches gay huh?
And you could see how SHY TJ was talking to Cyrus. It was so sweet how flirty and awkward he got. I loved it.
I’m sure their hands were v sweaty but that’s a point for another day lol
I thought the scene was handled well considering their limits and tried to keep my expectations low, but TBH I was pretty bummed they didn’t actually say the words that they liked each other. I wish there was more dialogue than vague questions ya know? Oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️
I was also really REALLY hoping for some canon Muffy and Tyrus scenes at the party and kept checking the time stamp during the last scene hoping they would show SOMETHING but they didn’t say anything. Even just a quick “Hey I’m dating this person now and I love them all my uwu’s” would have been fine but it was like that was completely forgotten
However I’ve seen a few Tumblr posts about someone working on making fic text posts with the GHC talking about their canon ships so I’ll take what I can get :)
The Andi Shack and Andi getting into SAVA didn’t surprise me, but it was sweet
I really liked the whole side by side photo thing they did
What did surprise me was Jonah saying he loved Andi 😭 like that was such a sweet sentiment and I was just like, “Alexa play I Cried by Jonah Beck” you know?
Kinda also dissapointed we heard nothing more about Jonah’s panic attack’s, the hole in the wall, and possible Kippen Siblings
REALLY REALLY want an Andi Mack movie- they made a Lizzie McGuire one after only two seasons so they could with AM to address any plot holes (BUT IF THEY DO IT THEY BETTER HAVE CANON MUFFY AND TYRUS JOIN SO HELP ME BC MIRANDA WAS GONE IN TLMM AND I WAS READY TO SHOW HANDS)
Also other side note: I got kinda frustrated with all of the dancing/singing scenes. Like they were cute but also felt like a lot of wasted screen time (much like 3x19 or the Jonah/Cyrus camping scenes) when other plots could have been addressed
And no speaking lines for Amber? At all? Like...? Even with the Jonah stuff? Or redemption paralleling TJ. IDK seemed a lil wack to me
Ok here’s the good stuff
Again, Alexa play “I Cried” by Jonah Beck BECAUSE OH MY GOSH THEY WERE MY EVERYTHING
Surprisingly didn’t cry as much as 3x14 but I think that’s because I was shaking so bad (seriously I looked like I just went through a terrifying haunted house and stayed overnight in it, my hand trembling so much)
I enjoyed writing my fics, but really really liked the way Terri handled this
I loved all of their scenes dancing together and it was funny because after Cyrus and Buffy talked, Buffy was like, “he doesn’t like me” but then Marty spent the ENTIRE night like RIGHT NEXT TO BUFFY. Not with the other girl. Literally physical space is not a real thing with them. Watch when they dance, or when they see CeCe in the Dino costume or any other time, Buffy and Marty are ONLY next to each other and Marty even moves closer to Buffy when they are all huddled around CeCe if you watch closely enough
The frog parallel? 😭👌🏻
Buffy addressing Marty instead of the other way around? 😭👌🏻
Marty “what’s going on?” 😭👌🏻
I loved when Marty called himself a dope 😂👏🏻 13/10 sweet boi
Also, watching Buffy get worked up because they can’t have a real conversation I’m 😭😭😭 you could see actual tears in her eyes and THEN GIRL WENT RUNNING OUTSIDE FOR SOME FRESH AIR
AND GUESS WHO CHASES AFTER HER- I’M—- UGHHHHHH I’m getting worked up thinking about it tbh
Marty tries the conversation again and she SAYS SHE LIKES HIM. NO HESItation what kind of ROMANCE—
And then it was literal poetic cinema when he said he NEVER STOPPED LIKING HER AFTER THAT AWKWARD PAUSE AND GRABBED HER HANDS
It was so SOft-
I got my Muffy kiss 💅🏻 I just. I. You guys don’t understand. I was shipping this WAY before anyone really got on board. I remember trying to look up Muffy fan videos after two episodes of them together because I already fell in love with them and there was one like barely edited thirty second video on YouTube. I tried to post something on here and like two people liked it. I LIKED THEM WHEN BASICALLY NO ONE ELSE DID AND SO I FEEL LIKE I AM ONE OF THE MOST DESERVING OF THIS SHIP BEING ENDGAME AND NO ONE CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS JUST LET ME LOVE THEM
MUFFY KISS (sorry needed to say it one more time for emphasis)
And then they walked away together with their arms around each other 😭 If you watch closely Buffy kinda tucks her head into his arm and I’ve seen fics of them doing this so it made me heart 💗💓💓 when they actually did
Please Terri Minksy, I beg of you, if you don’t get a S4 make a movie but it is REQUIRED BY LAW that Muffy and Tyrus are in the ENTIRE movie- being canon and cute. They don’t even need angst but I still want scenes with them together just being in love.
I will be spending the entire next week in complete denial that this show is over, while rewatching this episode ten times and reading every Muffy fic I can find. Thanks for coming to my Tedx talk.
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iambicbrose · 5 years
Rise Above, Chapter Nine - a Sofia the First Fanfiction
Rating: Teen
Tags: eventual Cedric/Sofia, Slow Burn, Canon Rewrite, Aged-Up Character(s), Teenage Cedric, Teenage Sofia
Summary: All her life, Sofia grew up in the village. She had a few close friends, an aquaintance she dearly called a friend whom she saw rarely, and a mother who loved her deeply. Sofia's life then changed completely when her mother married the King, making her the new princess of Enchancia. Everyone she's met so far has either told her that she was going to be the best thing to ever happen for this kingdom, or that she should forget about the kingdom completely and return to the village where she belongs. Sofia won't let any of that get to her, though. Everyone has expectations of her, and she's going to rise above them all. She's sure of it.
Chapter Summary: Sofia’s mother is getting married. It’s really happening. She’s getting married to the King, and Sofia is going to be living at the castle with the rest of the royal family... The thought of it fills her with dread. But Cedric knows this is exactly what Sofia needs.
Read on AO3, or under the cut! (Pst! Due to tumblr bull, there aren’t italics here!"Maybe it's not too late to run. You can stay at my house?" Ruby suggested. "You might have to sleep under the bed, though."
"I can't- I can't run. You haven't seen how happy Mom is, but I can't do this."
"You don't- Maybe you don't have to go and live in the castle?" Jade bit her lip, looking nervous. "You're almost 18 in a year, right? You can- You can stay here. Take over your guys' shop."
"Do you think Mom would be disappointed?" Sofia looked to her two best friends in the whole world. They wouldn't lie to her about something this serious.
"She..." Ruby and Jade shared a look before Ruby took Sofia's hand. "I think she would be upset you didn't give it a chance, but, I mean, it's your mom. She'd understand."
"She really is happy with him. I've been seeing them together. I've never seen her as happy as she is now."
"That doesn't mean you don't deserve to be happy," Jade said quietly. "There has to be a way you can both be happy, right? She can go there and you can stay here. There. Simple!"
"Nothing feels simple anymore. Not to mention I think I got in a fight with Cedric over nothing." That still hurt, thinking about Cedric's disappointed look when she had left the workshop that day.
"You got into a fight with Cedric- Hold on. You got into a fight ?"
"Well, an argument."
"Over what? You never get into fights with anyone!"
Sofia shook her head. "It's nothing, it was just something silly Cedric said, I don't think he even meant it-"
"Did he try to force you into anything? Do I need to go beat him up? You know I will, Sofia!"
"No. Cedric just- He said that, instead of Princess Amber, maybe I should be Queen." Sofia shook her head, giving them a weak smile. "Crazy, right?" The two paused, sharing another look before Ruby grinned weakly back at her.
"Yeah. Crazy."
Sofia gave a shake of her head. "I don't understand how he could ever think that."
"I mean... You’re going to be a princess. And you would be better than Amber. It's kind of a not so crazy leap?"
"It is completely crazy!" Why couldn't anyone see that?!
"You'd be a way better Queen than Amber ever would be!"
"Ruby! Jade! I don't even know anything about being a princess!"
"You can learn! Jeez, Sofia, you know all the old stories better than any of us, if anyone could become a princess and then Queen then it would be you ."
"But I can't." Sofia shook her head. "I can't! I'm just barely able to help Mom with everything!"
"But, I mean, Sofia, this is your chance to help all of Enchancia . Didn't you always kind of want to do that?"
"Well, sure, but-"
"But this is your chance. Cedric was right. If you want, I mean, you could... You could be Queen, Sofia."
"But I don't want to!"
"Then what do you want to do? Sure you like making shoes, but that's not what you really love, is it?"
"I like being down here. With all of you. All my friends. I'm not supposed to be up there."
"Well, I mean, there were a lot of famous, nice, amazing princesses that came from villages, too, you know. Maybe you're just going to be another one of them?"
"I don't think so." Sofia hugged her friends close. "I can't believe how fast this all is happening. Mom is getting married tomorrow."
"We'll be right here for you no matter what you decide, Sofia," Ruby said quietly, hugging her back just as tightly along with Jade. "Even if you want to run away and live as a shoemaker in the middle of the woods making shoes for animals and swamp monsters."
Right. Just a wedding, nothing to worry about. Sofia had been to weddings before! Maybe not royal weddings... Maybe not royal weddings with her mother who was marrying the king- Okay. She was fine. Sofia only smiled at her mother, handing her the bouquet of flowers. "You look amazing."
"Oh, Sofia, we both do," Miranda laughed, pulling Sofia into a hug while trying to spare the flowers. "I can't believe this is really happening."
"Neither can I." She hugged her mother back tightly. "You're so happy."
"I am, yes. I'm really happy, Sofia." Mrianda's hand soothed through her hair. "How about you?"
Sofia's smile widened. "I'm happy that you're so happy."
"That's not a direct answer," Miranda laughed, pulling back to squeeze Sofia's hands. "I know it's been so busy, but... You'll be alright, won't you? It's changing so quickly."
"Mom, of course I'll be okay. I'm not a little girl, anymore."
"Oh, Sofia. You'll always be my little girl."
"Shouldn't you get ready to get married?"
" We should be getting ready," Miranda laughed, twirling Sofia around and still keeping the flowers between their laced fingers. "Everything is going to be wonderful, Sofia." Though Sofia giggled along with her mother, she never agreed. Just smiling seemed to be enough for now and that was... That was fine. Miranda was happy. Her mother was happy. Sofia was more than okay with something like that. Hearing the music start, Sofia took a breath.
"It's time." She could do this. She could smile for at least the rest of the day. That part was easy. Besides, her mother was so happy right now!
"Oh, Sofia." Miranda squeezed her hand, smile wide and bright. "I'm so happy you're here with me."
"So am I." Sofia held her hand tightly. And, right. She went out before her mother. "I'll see you out there."
Putting on a smile, Sofia pushed the doors open, trying to look as happy and delighted as possible. She was becoming a princess today, after all. She should be happy. Everyone expected her to be happy. Everyone wanted her to be happy, so... So she would be happy for them.
When seeing Amber, Sofia made sure to give an extra bright smile. One should always smile in the face of adversity, which, at this point, wasAmber's face. "Isn't everything so gorgeous?"
"Beautiful," Amber hummed, snapping her fan open before hiding a sour look behind it.
"I think you look amazing," Sofia said quietly.
"I do look rather good," Amber smirked, glancing to Sofia. "I suppose you're passable enough, as well."
Sofia sighed. "If we're going to be part of the same family, we need to get along."
"No, we need to pretend to get along and you need to stay out of my way. Simple enough, I think."
"That doesn't sound like it'll make your dad very happy."
"What Daddy doesn't know won't hurt him." Sofia refused to let herself frown, only smiling as she made her way towards the altar, and stood in the place she'd practiced to stand. Seeing Cedric off to the side with his wand, Sofia's smile brightened. Cedric gave her a grin in return, tilting his head as if to ask her if she was okay. Sofia showed him her smile as best she could before she turned to watch the King begin to walk up the altar.
This was good- Great. This was great. The kingdom was getting a new Queen, her mother was happy, and everyone was just happy. It was wonderful. The least Sofia could do was smile.
After the vows were said, and the two kissed, Sofia hugged her mother tightly before they processed down the walkway, again. She hadn't ever thought her own mom would ever love someone this much, again.
Sure everything was changing, but her mom was happy again and King Roland was a nice person and a good king. He looked to genuinely want them to be a part of his family. Cedric even made beautiful floating lights, and blooming flowers all over, and it was anything a girl from the village could have ever asked for. Truly, it was... It was perfect. Everything she could have ever wanted. She wasn't sure what she was doing to do after all of this, but for now she could smile and hug her mother back as she whispered how everything was going to change.
As people began to greet Sofia, she began to curtsey, but stopped as they laughed. That was odd. "Oh, Princess Sofia, you don't need to do that for people like us anymore. You're- You're a princess , after all."
"Oh, well... It's still polite, isn't it?" The women all giggled as if she had said something particularly funny.
"We're the ones who should be curtseying, Princess Sofia." Right. Princess.
"No no, it's alright, you really don't have to." The girls all giggled again, giving a little half curtsey before promising to talk to Sofia later and moving on to greet the new Queen. Sofia was rather certain they hadn't heard a word she said. Looking over, Sofia brightened. "Jade. Ruby."
"Sofia!" The two didn't bother to curtsey, only launching at her in a hug. It was the best moment all day, so far. Sofia hugged them both back.
"Have you seen Mom? She's so happy."
"Yeah. She looks like she can't stop grinning."
"Ecstatic is putting it lightly."
"I think she really loves him." Sofia looked at her mother, unable to stop her smile.
"Then I guess we sort of have to approve," Jade sighed. "But if we hear one bad word then we'll storm the castle ourselves!"
"Don't worry so much," she laughed, holding their hands. "You both look great."
"Of course we do," Jade sniffed, Ruby bursting into giggles beside her.
"Not as great as you do, though, Sofia."
"Oh, I don't think I'm all that much."
"Sofia, come on you're beautiful. You look... Well, you look like a princess."
"Thanks, you guys."
"How are you doing?" Ruby asked quietly. "You know... With today."
"I'm doing great. Can you believe it? I'm a princess."
"I thought you didn't want to be a princess?" Jade asked, eyebrows raising.
"Well... Maybe you were right. Maybe this can be a good thing."
"Oh, Sofia, that's so great to hear!" Ruby spun her around in a tight hug, the two near losing their balance as Ruby laughed. "You're going to do so much good for the kingdom!" Or maybe they were wrong and this was all going to be terrible.
Sofia smiled and hugged Ruby tightly. "Hey, have you seen the food table, yet?"
"Food?" Jade perked up, looking around. "Where?" Sofia laughed.
"Go on. It's right over there." Although, Sofia could stand to spend a bit of time with her friends before they had to say goodbye. Besides, at least this way her smile felt just a little less fake.
"You see that too, don't you?" Cedric asked softly. He had been pushed into getting ready to do the big 'presenting the royal family' magic event, but he couldn't take his eyes off Sofia.
"Yes," Wormwood said on his shoulder. "I see. She's putting on a front." Sofia was smiling, yes, but whenever she thought she was alone or wasn't being looked at...
"She looks devastated." There was no smile in sight when she thought she was alone.
"What are you going to do about it?"
"Me? What makes you think I can do anything about it?"
"I don't know. What makes you think she can be Queen?"
"Are you asking complicated questions just to be annoying?" Cedric huffed, batting a hand at Wormwood. "You know why she would make a good Queen."
"I also know why you can help her."
"Oh, please, do enlighten me. Why can I help her?"
"Because she trusts you, and cares for you, and you know this life better than any of her friends. You especially know of expectations others place upon you."
"That, Wormy, is fighting dirty," Cedric muttered, fiddling with his wand and waiting for his father's signal. "Don't distract me." Although, truthfully, Sofia was the one really distracting him.
"She's probably worrying over you and all your duties." Yes, see, things like that really were not helping at the moment when it came to concentrating.
"She should worry about herself."
"Yes," Wormwood said. "But she doesn't seem to do what she should."
"That, Wormwood, is probably the most truthful thing I've ever heard you say."
"So? What are you waiting for?"
"To not be surrounded by hundreds of people at an event neither of us want to be at, maybe?" Cedric shook his head sharply. "I'll see how she is when Da isn't keeping such a close watch on me."
"Here I thought you didn't have a care for what he thought." Just like that, Wormwood was flapping away- What was he doing? Why was he landing on Sofia's shoulder?
"Bloody bird," Cedric muttered, feeling a touch better when Sofia managed a smile, speaking softly to Wormwood and ruffling a few of his feathers. "Right. Big spell, smile, then escape." Looking up at the sky, Cedric pointed his wand and boldly shouted, " Prismatica! "
The gathered crow ooed and awed appropriately at the magical rainbow, Cedric suffering through Amber's surprise at his success and his father's glowing pride before he was able to slip away over to Sofia. "Cedric, that spell was so amazing. "
"I'm glad that you enjoyed it," Cedric smiled, the smile dropping after a moment. "How are you doing?"
"I'm doing great. Why wouldn't I be?"
"You're not smiling."
"What? Yes I am."
"Well, no, it's more..." Cedric struggled to find the right words for a moment before he sighed, giving her an even look. "You're smiling but you don't mean it."
"Cedric... Everyone is so happy for Mom. They're so happy for me. "
"That doesn't mean you have to ignore your feelings and pretend that everything is okay. Have you told your mum how you feel?"
"Of course not, Cedric. Do you know how disappointed she would be?"
"And how will she feel when she finds out you were never happy with all of this?" Oh, dear, maybe that was pushing a step too far. Sofia frowned at that, drawing away from Cedric.
"She's not going to find out."
"Sofia, she's- Well, she's your mum. She'll eventually figure out you're not happy." Cedric paused, giving a nervous smile. "Unless you think you could be happy here eventually?"
"I don't know. I really don't think so, Cedric."
"I know you have problems with Amber, but is that the only reason you don't like it here? Or is it more than that?"
Sofia glanced back to her friends from the village. "I'm not going to get to see them as much anymore. We grew up together. Ruby lived across the street from me."
"They can still come up here and visit you, and you can go visit them." If missed friends was all, then that was easy to fix. "No one is banning you from going down to the village whenever you want."
"Maybe, but I don't know anything about being a princess."
"You can learn, though," Cedric pointed out carefully. Quietly. "I have a feeling you're good at adapting."
"That makes one of us."
"Well, here's something that might help you make up your mind." Looking to where Amber stood watching them, Cedric lowered his voice. "If you leave, she wins."
"Cedric, I'm not a fighter. I really don't care if she wins." Feeling more than a bit hopeless, Cedric looked to Wormwood. They needed Sofia to want to do this or else Enchancia really might be doomed. "Thanks for trying to help, Cedric."
"Bring up the fact that if Amber becomes Queen, her precious little villagers might not be so safe anymore," Wormwood instructed, Cedric flicking his gaze back to Sofia.
"Sofia, I... I know this isn't your fight and that you didn't ask to deal with this, but you have a chance to stop Amber. If she becomes Queen then all she'll want to do is throw parties and have fun. Important situations will be ignored and knowing her, she'll probably raise the taxes."
"And what do-" Sofia took a deep breath. "We shouldn't be talking about this. Not here. Not now." She did have a point.
"Then at least stick around until we can talk about it?" If this was the only chance he would be getting, he wasn't about to waste it.
"I kind of have to. I live here, now."
"Right- Right. Of course you do." Cedric cleared his throat, ignoring Wormwood's look that he was an idiot. "Feel free to keep Wormy with you for awhile, if you want to."
"Is that alright with Wormy?"
"You dreadful boy," Wormwood muttered, ruffling his wings and settling down more. "I'll see to it that she keeps out of too much trouble."
"Perfectly fine."
"Thanks, Cedric."
"Anytime, Sofia."
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surveys-r-us · 5 years
it’s 2019 and i still do these
Do you know people with these names? For each name, say if you know someone with that name and how you know them.
Aaron: I know multiple Aaron’s. Two of them are former coworkers. The other one is someone I know of but haven’t really talked to much.  Adam: A jerk face.  Aisha Alanna Alex: Off the top of my mind, I think of someone I matched with on bumble a few months ago.  Alexa Alexandria: A girl from elementary school Allegra Allie: Someone from high school who had a baby.  Allison: A girl from my sorority (that I quit)
Amanda: One of my early college friends who transferred. I don’t even follow her on social media anymore.
Amber Amie Ana: Another girl from my old sorority lol.  Anaïs Andreas Andrew: I know a few.  Angela: A girl I used to play soccer with in middle school.  Angelica Anna: Someone from high school. Think she moved after graduating college.  Annie Ari Ashley: Not the biggest fan of because she gets involved in other people’s business (including mine) but we’ve had some fun memories.  Ashna Audrey Austin: cute guy from my hometown who I talked for like a week senior year of high school Becky Ben: A friend I’ve never actually met in person but we talk every few months.
Berkeley: Someone who studied abroad in Ireland with me. She might’ve spelled it differently.  Beth: One of my first friends in college. She’s one of the nicest people I’ve met. Bobby: Another person from college. He can kinda be a dick.  Bolor Brendan: My friend who plays guitar and sings. Super talented. We bonded over our music tastes being relatively similar.  Bridgid Britney: I think it was spelled Brittany but a girl in the grade below me in high school.  Brooke: My little cousin. Cal Callie Cam Cameron: I had a brief crush on him back in high school.  Camille: One of my old roommates’ close friends. I’ve only talked to her like twice.  Camryn Carmen: A distance cousin.  Caro Caroline: I know like 5 Caroline’s. My old roommate is one of them.  Casilda Cecile Cecily Chanel Chloe: The first person I thought of was a friend’s little sister.  Chris: Super liberal, obsessed with Game of Thrones and listens to Talking Heads Christina: One of my sister’s friends.  Christopher: Someone from high school. I’ve known him since kindergarten.  Claire: One of my best friends.  Claudia Claudine Cole: Was just wondering about him the other day since he deleted all his social media. Wonder what he’s up to. I know he’s a pilot.  Connie Connor: He plays football and writes for our student newspaper.  Courtney: She’s hilarious.  Cyrus Daisy Dakota Dana Danielle: Someone from my high school who also went to my college. She was older than me though. David: This cool guy from the Netherlands I met my last night in Ireland. He was apparently super into me according to my sister. He deleted me on snapchat though so now I don’t know how to communicate with him.  Delilah Diane: My aunt.  Diego Donald Doug: A family friend Duncan Dylan: My best friend’s ex. Pretty sure he got busted for selling drugs lol Eleanor Elijah Elise: My sister Eliza Elizabeth: One of my sister’s friends.  Ella Elle: Another girl from my sorority. She tags her boyfriend in things a lot on facebook. Ellie: Another person from high school. She’s like me and got the fuck out of this town.  Elliot Emerson Emily: Man I know a ton. One that comes to mind is my friend who we can go months without talking and pick things up like no time passed.  Emma: Someone from college who deleted her social media recently. I applaud her for it.  Eric Erika: Erica. Went to middle school with her. She’s had two kids.  Ethan: Dude I knew of in college but never really talked to. Faith: One of my old coworkers. I would see her out at parties and be surprised since she didn’t seem like someone who drank.  Fiona Francesca: Franz George: This short kid who’s sorta friends with one of my old roommates. I had class with him and didn’t even realize it until 3 weeks before the semester ended haha.  Ginny Giselle Grace: My beautiful cousin Graham Hadley Hailey: One of the few people from high school I’d still hang out with. 
Hannah: Wasn't a big fan of her.  Havana Helen Henry: Someone else from high school. He’s super smart.  Hugo Huma Ilana Indra Isabel: One of my favorite coworkers from this past year. Such a sweetheart. However, she can talk too much which was especially annoying at our mandatory meetings at 9 PM (college jobs suck) when I just wanted to go home and go to bed.  Isabella Itza Ivy Izzy: Think there was a girl with that name on my floor freshman year Jackie Jacob: Old neighbor. He got busted buying weed before it was legal here. Not sure what he’s doing now James: My uncle Jamie Jason: A family friend. Actually saw him the other day.  Jennifer: My former aunt.  Jenny: see above Jess: One of my closest friends.  Jhadha Joe: My old manager at work. I miss him. He’s so funny.  John: My music soulmate.  Jonathan: He plays football. He and his girlfriend are super cute together.  Joseph: An asshole.  Joyce J.P. Jude Julia Julie Justin: A distant relative.  Kaan Kai Karina Kat Kate: One of my cousins.  Katherine Kinaya Kira Kristie Lanie Laura: She’s from Hungary. She’s low key insane.  Lauren: Aye that’s me. Also one of my best friends.  Leah: My old supervisor. She’s hilarious. León Lexxi Liberty Lisette Louisa Luca Luis Lynette MacKenzie: Spelled differently but this girl who’s somehow a Trump supporter lol.  Maddie: A really complicated friendship but think we’re good now.  Maggie: Actually one of the funniest people you could meet. She uses tinder just to send stupid messages.  Makena Manlio Margaret Margo Maria: My old roommate.  Marianna Mariely Martha Martin Mayuri McKinley Megan: The person I think of is a friend from college.  Meredith Mia: One of my really close friends.  Michael: My ex boyfriend lol Michelle: One of my oldest friends. I’ve known her since 1st grade.  Mike: This dude who gets insanely drunk at the bars and does stupid things. I don’t know how he hasn’t been arrested.  Minah Miranda: This artsy girl from high school.  Molly: Another old neighbor. She lives in Chicago I think.  Morgan: One of my close high school friends. I don’t really see her often.  Nadia Nancy Natalie: A mutual friend with different people. She studied abroad in Ireland when i did.  Nathan Nathanael Neoma Nichole: She was my camp counselor.  Nico Nikki Noah Noelle: Pretty sure there’s a girl from my hometown with that name.  Octavio Olivia: My locker buddy throughout high school. Would see her every day.  Orion Owen: Went to college with him for a bit. He transferred and then dropped out. No idea what he’s been up to. He’s really into theatre.  Paige: My little cousin Pam Pat Patrick: My old high school crush. He unfollowed me on instagram a few months ago which sucks because we were actually decently close friends at one point.  Paul: A family friend.  Paula Pauline Peter: I definitely know a Peter but can’t think of one.  Phoebe Phong Price Quinn Rachel: Another person from high school I’d actually still hang out with.  Rai Railey Raquel Ray Rayne Rebecca: Known her since 2nd grade.  Rebkah Regina Reilly Remy Ren Rhianna Robert: My friend’s brother.  Rohini Roither Rose Ruby Ruilin Sabrina Sakura Salim Sally Sam: This super buff guy from high school. Literally could be a bodybuilder for all I care. Sapna Sarah: This really religious girl I went to high school with. I don’t think she ever left our hometown.  Savanah Sebastian Shani Shannon: One of my good friends from middle school. I haven’t seen her in years.  Siena Snigdha Sofia Sophie Soren Spencer: Think a guy from my high school has a younger brother with this name.  Summers Sydney: She just got married and had like a two week honeymoon at Disney. Taran Taylor: Talked to one for like two weeks. His current girlfriend hates me but we kinda mutually ended things so I don’t get why.  Tessa: One of the nicest people from the nicest family in my entire town. Thea Theo Theresa: I’ve met a couple in college.  Tim: My uncle Tom: I’m not really a fan of him. He likes to show up to things uninvited. Tori Ural Victoria: Someone from my floor freshman year. She’s vegan and is getting married in like a month. I can’t wait to see her wedding photos. Her dress will probably be really beautiful.  Viviane Walter Will: Some kid from elementary school Willa William Yujin Yuta Zac Zoe Which names do you prefer?
Alice or Allana? Alice Allie or Andie? Andie Alexandra or Anastasia? Alexandra Anna or Angela? Anna Annie or Angelica? Angelica Ana or Ashna? Ana Audrey or Ashley? Audrey Ansel or Annika? Ansel Brooke or Britney? Brooke Berkeley or Bella? Bella Bo Chao or Beatrix? Beatrix Camille or Camryn? Camryn Cristina or Casilda? Cristina Chloe or Courtney? Courtney Charlotte or Carol? Charlotte Cleo or Chanel? Chanel Davin or Dillon? Dillon Delilah or Dutra? Delilah Erin or Elina? Erin Emin or Emerson? Emerson Emily or Emma? Emma Erika or Estelle? Estelle Faith or Frannie? Faith Fernanda or Francesca? Francesca Georgina or Gracie? Gracie Gabriela or Gina? Gina Hailey or Hannah? Hailey Hadley or Havana? Hadley Indra or Isabel? Isabel Indiana or Ivy? Indiana Jenny or Jessie? Jessie Julia or Joyce? Joyce Jasmine or Jackie? Jasmine Jamie or Jennifer? Jamie Kimia or Karina? Karina Katerina or Kate? Kate Kira or Kristie? Kira Lia or Lily? Lia Lauren or Lynette? Lauren Liberty or Leila? Liberty Margaret or Martha? Martha Michelle or Mackenzie? Michelle Mia or Michaela? Mia Morgan or Maddie? Morgan Maya or Mayuri? Maya Megan or Makena? Makena McKinley or Margo? Margo Nikki or Natalie? Natalie Nadia or Nancy? Nancy Nicole or Olivia? Olivia Rachel or Rebecca? Rachel Remi or Rosie? Remi Ruby or Reine? Ruby Ren or Sakura? Sakura Sapna or Snigdha? Sapna Sally or Stella? Sally Sophie or Sydney? Sophie Sophia or Solana? Sophia Skye or Sierra? Sierra Serena or Savanah? Savannah Sarah or Sabrina? Sabrina Tara or Taylor? Tara Vittoria or Yahs? Vittoria Yoonju or Yukine? Yukine Aidan or Austin? Austin Alan or Andrew? Alan Aldo or Alexx? Alexx Ben or Brian? Ben Billy or Brodie? Brodie Corey or Carlos? Carlos Coleman or Connor? Connor David or Dylan? David Eli or Eric? Eric Franz or Fernando? Franz Gabe or Graham? Gabe Holden or Hudson? Hudson Jacob or Justin? Justin Jack or JP? Jack Jimmy or Jared? Jared James or John? John Karm or Kian? Kian Lou or Lenny? Lenny Michael or Mickey? Michael Nick or Nathan? Nick Peter or Pierson? Peter Rai or Rafael? Rafael Sanjay or Supawat? Sanjay Will or Wynn? Will Zachary or Zack? Zack
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multimetaverse · 6 years
Andi Mack 2x21 Review
For the Last Time was a really emotional episode with some stellar performances by the cast. It was also the best written episode of 2b so far but what was the point of all of this?
Sofia is truly a powerhouse actor. She really brought it this episode and shows just how indispensable she really is to the show. And it was such a great twist that Buffy didn’t want to say goodbye and told them she was leaving the next morning when in fact she left at night.
It was great to see Pat Driscoll again. Her scenes with Buffy were powerful as usual but I also liked that we got to see a softer side of her when she talked with Cyrus and Andi; I loved her reading the list and being surprised by the items that called back to S1.
LOL at her asking Buffy if she went out with Cyrus. The show sure is fond of subtly reminding us that Cyrus is gay right before he hangs with TJ: him breaking up with Iris the ep before the swings, his little head rest with Andi before going to talk with TJ at the game, and now this right before he spends time with TJ at the gym and at the spoon in the next ep.
I was so shocked that they brought up Marty. It was very poignant seeing Buffy with that photo of him.
I’ve seen a lot of misconceptions about the ‘’faith’’ scene. Guys it’s not hinting at T*ffy in S3 or ever. Even if TJ was straight (not something I’d bet on after the swings), they’re not going to pair him with Buffy. They have no chemistry and almost all of their scenes are painful to watch. And there’s a large age gap between Luke and Sofia that shouldn’t be ignored. 
The reference Bex made came right after Jonah said that even Buffy’s nemesis (TJ) will miss her. Faith was Buffy’s sorta ally turned nemesis turned redeemed ally. They were never lovers! 
What we can’t forget is that everything said in Bex’s apartment wasn’t meant for Buffy as she never got the capsule, it was meant for the other characters and for the audience. 
TJ signing the ball was to show the audience that he’s slowly starting to change for the better and Bex’s faith comment was a fun little nod to Buffy the Vampire Slayer that also let us know that TJ isn’t going to remain a villain forever. And of course we saw Cyrus’ little smile when he realized that Jonah got TJ, that was meant to once more connect them in the minds of the audience.
Marty’s letter was a very sweet recap of Muffy’s most important moments. Again it was meant more for the audience than for Buffy. I’d bet Ham and Celia’s retirement savings that Marty giving Buffy his shoelaces and telling her that she was faster was going to be how Marty reconciled with Buffy in the writer’s original plan for S2. But that’s all for naught so we got this closure ceremony as well (reminded me of the one Bex and Andi held for Gabriel). I think the casual audience will now understand that Marty is never coming back nor shall he be mentioned again. 
I think this was the most thoughtful and charming Jonah has been since at least A Good Hair Day if not earlier. This is the Jonah we should have been seeing in 2a, he cares about his friends, he listens and give good advice, and he takes decisive action to help. 
Now I’ve long thought that Buffy’s crush will be on Jonah and this episode provides some support for my theory. Jonah’s ‘’Buffy likes me doesn’t she?’’ line sounds like it could be foreshadowing. Of course sometimes a cigar is just a cigar but there also is the fact that Jonah knew exactly what parting gifts to get Buffy, something he’s never been good at with Amber or Andi. And the last time we’ve seen Jonah be this good at human emotions was his scene with Buffy in A Good Hair Day.
We’ll have to see what happens in eps 23 and 24 since Buffy most likely doesn’t return until the end of 2x22 and her crush is revealed in 2x24 at the art show.
Stoney did such a great job this episode. Once Bex revealed that Celia had bought the Fringe he looked he aged 10 years as this sense of weariness settled over him. Celia really needed to talk things over with Ham; she can’t just spend their retirement savings on trying to prop up their daughter. The vast majority of small businesses fail and what happens when their retirement funds run out? They can kiss goodbye to their house and to any dreams of Paris.
I’ve seen speculation that Ham’s shocking news in 2x23 might be a separation or a divorce. It could be though it would obviously lead to a quick reconciliation. That may explain why Jonah is trying to comfort Andi at their trampoline date in what looks to be 2x23. 
The on location filming really helped sell Buffy’s move and the last shot of Andi and Cyrus and Jonah standing in the dark outside Buffy’s empty house while a super on the nose song (’’For the Last Time”) played was heart breaking.
Interesting little detail, both Andi and Cyrus were wearing red and black at Bex’s apartment, it’s not often we see them matching. I think it was a little visual cue that they’re closer than they’ve been in a very long time.
This episode did a good job of wrapping everything up, it would have made for a good season finale.
What the hell was the point of all this though? We have 5 episodes left in S2 and surely the entire audience knows that Sofia has been on set for S3 and that there are still clips of Buffy from the 2b promo that we haven’t seen yet. 
For a show that prides itself on realism how are they going to bring back Buffy permanently? There’s no good explanations, we’re probably going to end up with some bs ‘’My mom convinced her commanding officer that our friendship was more important that the army’s needs and he agreed to transfer her back’’. Even GMW had the good sense to not actually move Riley.
Setting aside Disney’s strangling of Cyrus’ story, there are clear issues going on in the writer’s room. As @andisyellowmotorbike mentioned, the acting and production for the individual eps in 2b have been great but from a birds eye view the writing is really bad.  Did no one in the writer’s room point out that actually moving Buffy would backfire when they inevitably bring her back at the end of the next ep? Did no one realize what a bad idea it was to slow the timeline to a crawl for 6 eps? Did no one think that there was way too much story to fit into a 10 day timeline and that even breaking the timeline like they did and stretching it to 3ish weeks would still mean that a lot of plots wouldn’t properly be dealt with?
This episode hints at one of the reasons that 2b has been such a mess; Marty leaving. I think once S2 is over we’ll be able to fully see just how disastrous Marty’s abrupt exit was to the show and to Buffy’s storyline in particular. 
What I think happened is that the writers had to scrap their eventual Muffy endgame and they had always planned for TJ and Walker to come in for Cyrus and Andi so Jonah would be left single after S2. It would have really upended audience expectations to have Jonah, the Disney prince love interest, stay single in S3 but it’s much harder for a tween/teen oriented show to have 2 out of 4 main characters stay single. So if Buffy needs to be paired off and Jonah is free why not push them together? Disney will be happy that as Asher’s star waxes he’ll still be playing a romantic lead so they can keep those tween girls happy. 
Looking Ahead:
I’m very interested in next episode. I can’t wait to see what the mobile text apps have to say about Cyrus and TJ and what our hetero-normative pals on the Mack Chat have to say. It looks like TJ and Cyrus leave the spoon after the Jandi drama erupts which will be an interesting contrast.
This also marks TJ’s first scene at the spoon and more importantly his first scene with Andi, a big moment for his character.
And it’s nice to see that at least the straight characters can textually act out jealousy! Jonah calling Natalie to get back at Andi is so petty but so funny.
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Tatli Ask (Sweet Love) (Can & Ozge) - Chapter Seven: Fate
"Will everything be ready next week?"
Can asked the architect and engineer he hired for the construction of Strawberry Place. He scans the room. It was now all coming together. The low mini chandeliers, tables, chairs, the painting in the walls were almost done. He also had staff. Waiters, janitors, cashiers, junior sous chef. All he needed now was a Chef de cuisine or the executive chef. There weren't really great candidates that they have interviewed for the past few days.
"Yes, Sir Can. Everything will definitely be ready next week," the engineer said.
"Alright, thank you," Can said, then the architect and engineer left.
He sat down on a table, putting his hand on his chin, wondering where he could get an executive chef in time.
"Yo, Can. How's it going?" Efe Sezen asked, putting his arm around Can as he sat down next to him.
Efe Sezen is Can's cousin and best friend. Efe and Can literally grew up together. Since they both were the only children in their family, they treated each other as brothers. Efe has also been beside Can through the first year since Demet died. Can trusted Efe with his life.
"Not good," Can said. "The restaurant is opening next week and I still haven't found an executive chef."
"I thought you auditioned people?" Efe said.
"Nah, it didn't work out. None of them fit the role."
"Don't worry, Can. You'll find one in no time," Efe said, then he checked his watch.
"I hope so," Can muttered.
"Look, Can, I have to go."
"Where are you going?"
"To Dad's office. He said he has something to talk to me about a new business venture," Efe said, standing up.
"Uncle Cinar is having a new business venture again? What a surprise," Can said sarcastically. "I swear, your dad probably already has every department of business. And with all that, he still is behind Mom in the Forbes list of billionaires..."
"Can, Aunt Guldem literally owns one of the largest restaurant chains in the world, Socially Basket. I mean, we own Yummy Crave too, one of the largest restaurant chains but Socially Basket is just more popular. Dad still beats himself about it, you know," Efe laughed.
Can smiled, imagining his Uncle Cinar scratch his head at the stocks sold every year.
"Look, Can, I gotta go. See you later," Efe said, running.
"See you," Can said, taking one last look at the restaurant, then he walked to his car.
"What do you think the new client will like? What do multi-millionaires eat?"
Perran asked Ozge, searching for luxury dishes on her phone. Their staff were already preparing for tonight's dinner with the client. Ozge looked for luxury dishes as well.
"How about something new? While I was in Bulgaria for two weeks, I've taught myself how to cook some Bulgarian foods that everyone seemed to love in Sofia. I'll just cook those," Ozge said, already listing everything she will need.
"Do you think the client will like it?" Perran asked.
"Trust me, Mom. The client will love it," Ozge said.
"Well, you're the chef," Perran said. "I'll just help with the organization, daughter. You go do your cooking."
"Alright, Mom," Ozge said, already excited to cook.
Ozge spent the afternoon cooking and preparing. She wore her amber and cream tropical print maxi tube dress and matching 2 inch heels. She tied her hair in a half up, half down hairstyle and put on light red lipstick.
"Looking good, sister," Yaren, Ozge's younger sister said. Yaren is 21 years old, thirteen years younger than Ozge.
"Yaren, why haven't you changed yet? You should go change. It's already 6:30 PM," Ozge said, checking her phone.
"Ozge, I heard the client is handsome and a bachelor. You must be excited," Yaren said, eating popcorn.
Ozge laughed and rolled her eyes. "Yaren, this is all for work. We're grateful for this very generous client, that's why we invited him tonight."
Yaren sneered and gave Ozge her bowl of popcorn.
"Ugh, you're no fun. I'm just gonna go change," she said, then she left.
Ozge got out of her room and went downstairs, leaving the bowl of popcorn in the kitchen. The dinner tonight will be held in the garden. The sky was filled with stars and moon was shining over their table. Ozge went to the garden and admired the food she cooked and set up, excited for the client and everyone to taste them.
"Mom, what did the client say? Will they be here soon?" Ozge asked.
"Yes. He said he's on his way," Perran said, fixing her hair.
"Alright. I'll just go to the kitchen real quick to prepare the wine," Ozge said, running to the kitchen.
Can looked out the window. The trees and small houses they passed through was unfamiliar to him. He hadn't been to this side of Istanbul. The suburbs wasn't particularly a place he was fond of, though he knew he should get used to it now. He'd be coming here more often for the strawberry farm, after all.
It took ten more minutes for Can and Halis to finally get to the strawberry farm. It was dark by the entrance, but they saw bright lights just a hundred meters inside the farm. Can wore his usual business suit. Adjusting the tie one last time, he and Halis went to the garden and found Perran and the staff waiting for him.
"Welcome, Sir Can Yaman," Perran said, shaking Can's hand. "Please sit down."
"Mrs. Perran, thank you for this lovely dinner," Can said, taking a seat. "You have an enchanting home."
Perran and all the staff sat down in their seats.
"My family and I are very grateful for you, Sir Can," Perran said, holding Yaren's hand. She noticed Ozge's chair was missing.
"Yeshim," Perran whispered to one of the waiters. "Please tell Ozge that the client is here. She's in the kitchen."
"Right away, Mrs. Gurel," the waitress said, running to the kitchen.
"Mrs. Gurel, I'm also very grateful for your farm. I couldn't open my restaurant without you," Can chuckled.
Perran smiled and nodded, then beamed when she saw Ozge walking up to them.
"Oh, my daughter is here," Perran said.
Can stood up and looked behind him. He couldn't believe what he saw. Or rather, who he saw.
Seriously? Seriously?!
Ozge stopped in her tracks, not believing her eyes. The client, the client who just partnered with them is none other than Can Yaman. The guy she's been trying to avoid. Her heart pounded as she walked closer, then dropped when she realized the only empty seat was the one next to Can. Can looked down and smiled, probably laughing at this funny situation. She looked down and slowly sat down on the seat next to Can. He looked at her and she gave him a half-smile.
"Ozge, meet our new client, Can Yaman," Perran said.
"We've met," Can said, looking at Ozge.
Ozge's eyes widened. "Yeah, we've met, Mom. At the airport."
"What a coincidence," Perran said, laughing.
"Is this what they call Fate?" Can whispered to Ozge.
"Fate?" Ozge said. "Annoying, maybe. Not fate."
Can chuckled and shook his head. Perran stood up once more to speak.
"Well, this is a wonderful night and may this partnership not just be about work, but about friendship as well," Perran raised her glass, and everyone followed. "To Strawberry Place and the Gurel Strawberry Farm!"
Everyone clinked their glasses against each other. Can and Ozge clinked theirs, then drank the red wine.
Can grabbed his fork and stabbed the Kebapche. Putting it in his plate and taking a slice, his eyes widened at how good it was.
"This Kebapche is amazing, Mrs. Gurel," Can said. "Did you make this yourself?"
"Ozge did, Sir Can. She's a great cook," Perran said, looking at Ozge.
"How did you know that I like Kebapche? When I was in Bulgaria, this was what I ordered all the time in my favorite restaurant," Can said, savoring the taste. "But yours is definitely better, I must say."
"Thank you. I actually just wanted to cook something different tonight and it turns out I made the right choice," Ozge said, taking a bite of the Kebapche.
Can looked at her, realizing he just found who he was looking for.
The rest of the dinner was great. Can got to meet all of the staff and farmers in the Gurel Strawberry Farm and Ozge got to see a side of him that she had never seen before.
He's actually a nice guy, Ozge thought as she watched Can talk and laugh with one of their farmers.
"What is this, Ozge? Are you crushing on our new client?" Yaren teased, nudging Ozge.
"Yaren, stop it," Ozge rolled her eyes. "I'm just... admiring his generosity... and camaraderie."
"Admiring his generosity or admiring him?" Yaren laughed.
"Shut up," Ozge chuckled. "Why don't you go help Mom in the kitchen?"
"Alright," Yaren said, taking off to the kitchen.
Ozge fixed her hair, slowly walking up to Can. She was nervous again and she didn't like it. It's like she...
"So, how do you find everyone?" Ozge asked.
"Friendly, everyone here is in high spirits. Great to be working with good people," Can said. "How come you never mentioned you own a strawberry farm?"
"Well, you never told me you needed one," Ozge said, and they both laughed.
"Well, I have to go, Miss Ozge. I will see you tomorrow," Can said.
"Just Ozge."
"Don't call me, Miss Ozge. Just... Ozge," she said.
Can smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow, Ozge."
"See you," Ozge said.
She watched him leave, wishing he would have stayed longer. Then she caught herself wanting that for quite a while.
Ozge, you're not liking him. No way.
"Nice to see you smiling again, Sir," Halis said, as he looked at Can through the rearview mirror.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you seemed kind of sad last night when we got home, but now you're smiling again," Halis chuckled. "Is it because of Miss Ozge?"
Can laughed. "That girl is weird... but lovely. Kind of like the heat on a summer's day. You say you don't want the heat, but then realize it's what you wanted all along when it starts raining."
Can slumped back in his seat, actually glad he came to dinner tonight.
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