#solek x sarentu reader
eywaseclipse · 3 months
The Songs of Freedom Chapter 2: A New Tomorrow
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Characters: Sarentu OC named Kirani, Ri’nela, Nor, Teylan, So’lek, Priya, background original characters, and a special cameo
Synopsis: The group of you make it out of the clutches of the RDA and So’lek leads you to your new life and introduces you to the resistance HQ allies and space as you acclimate to your new beginnings.
Warnings: None just a little mention of ptsd and angst
Word Count: 3k
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The group of you follow So’lek into the thick of the Kinglor Forest breathing in its crisp fresh air. Your anxiety bubbles hearing all the foreign sounds of creatures humming with life sticking close by wondering how long it will take to find the place he’s promised to take you all to. After what feels like an agonizing amount of time, you see a string of run down looking shacks surrounded by the flora and fauna of the Kinglor Forest environment, in your line of sight. The strange combination of human and Na’vi activity causes you to raise an eyebrow following So’lek walking up the grated handmade ramp.
The four of you exchange looks, while So’lek presses his fingers to his throat comm. “Priya, I’m bringing the Sarentu group back, get the door ready.” He pings to someone. He turns around and looks to each of you, “Come. This is the way to your new life.” He smiles softly. A wave of relief floods your senses watching him smile, something inside of you says to trust your intuition and follow suit as the others catch on and do the same. 
There’s a large door that opens automatically with a loud creaky hiss, while you cautiously step into the compact tunnel. “You will need these Co2 respirators for the main wing where the humans dwell. The Na’vi have their own corridor.” So’lek hands you four small masks connected to a cylinder compartment strapping the clip to your waistband and slinging the mask over your neck as So’lek demonstrates. You step into the main wing, taking in the environment as your eyes advert to a seemingly run down yet newly renovated living area. You see small desks with human tech, plants, tassels. You look more closely to your right and observe lights strung up on the bannisters, with pieces of clearly handcrafted tapestry hanging from the ceiling. You look to the floor as your feet feel the artisan rugs and and plush pillows wiggling your toes on the soft fabric.
This place is a stark contrast compared to the TAP facility. Where this place is warm and inviting, your time was spent in a cold sterile metal box for the entirety of your youth. You feel tears prick your eyes, feeling a foreign emotion bubble in your chest; relief. For the first time in your life, you’re not riddled with the fight or flight gut reaction. Your eyes turn to a stunned Ri’nela as she seemingly takes in everything as well. “What is this place?” Teylan asks nervously.
So’lek hooks his fingers around his gadget belt, as a small human approaches you all slowly. “Welcome to Resistance HQ! You must be the Sarentu kids! Oel ngati kameie!” She pronounces the roughest sounding Na’vi you’ve ever heard, as you crank your head down to examine this strange little thing. So’lek just snorts out and shakes his head. “This is Priya. She is an ally to us.” He explains simply. Your ears flick with confusion. A human ally? Why.
To Nor’s disgust he practically snarls as a result. “You have allied with the humans! The very kind who are destroying our home!?” He spits out laced with venom. So’lek doesn’t seem to mind, and sighs. “We cannot win this war on our own. They have proven their allegiance here. All humans at resistance do not condone the RDA.” He defends this human.
You look back down to the woman with the oddly colored pink hair, and click your tongue in curiosity. Watching as Ri’nela, Teylan and Nor all figure out this small creature in unison. “Uhm! Right! What So’lek said!” She begins to awkwardly rock back and forth scratching the back of her neck. “I was a biologist hired by the RDA, studying the botany on Pandora. But once I saw what they were doing here I… I couldn’t continue! That was about when Jake Sully over threw the whole operation and kicked some serious ass!” She chuckles out
Jake Sully. You’ve heard his name before. He was practically a legend among all Na’vi. Once born of Earth, inhabiting a dreamwalker body like Alma, he was tasked to persuade the Omatikaya clan to relocate so the humans could steal the resources. He eventually betrayed his own kind and became the chosen one. Toruk Makto. You’d all overhear Mercer throwing fits over the ambushes Jake would line up one by one seemingly taking down multiple RDA base locations one after the other.
“Priya here assists us with the others, we have many displaced Na’vi here who joined the fight of freedom against the sky demons.” So’lek explains. To your left you overhear light footsteps approaching, as you all turn in curiosity, “You rang?” A tall beautiful Na’vi woman stands before you dressed in what you know to be traditional garments. Unlike So’lek she just wears a simple green beaded loincloth that looks to be mimicking leaf like patterns, and a matching top that cascades gently over breasts with a lush looking material you’re unfamiliar with. 
You gaze to her face, strong features standing out to you unlike your own. Her eyes are smaller, more angled, cheekbones sharp and strong hearing her beads jingle lightly in her perfectly braided hair. Your eyes advert to her figure where she stands practically as tall as So’lek looming over the group of you. “Ah. There you are. Can you get them to their new living quarters please?” So’lek looks to all of you like you’re just another order of his.
The female Na’vi chuckles and rolls her eyes playfully. “Oh Eywa, always so bossy. I’m Tani. Of the Omatikaya. Welcome to your new home. I hope this one wasn’t too much, I understand you’ve all been through a great deal.” She offers you a sweet and empathetic smile placing her hand on her chest. Ri’nela clears her throat, “Thank you. We are… so grateful. We would not have made it if weren’t for your efforts.” She speaks shyly. The rest of you nod and agree quietly.
“Follow me. I’ll show you your living quarters.” Tani flicks her head to the direction of a hallway corridor. You take one last look around you and turn to So’lek, who’s eyes are already on you. You flinch ever so lightly as his gaze takes you by surprise. You can’t quite pin the look in his eyes, catching as they scan your body up and down curiously, just like you did to him earlier. 
You awkwardly cough and begin to follow this Tani as the others do the same. “The boys can follow me.” So’lek walks beside her, all of you following blindly into the dim corridor. “I hope you’ll find our facilities much better than your previous. The showers are stocked up with handmade soaps and salves I replenished and it takes a few minutes, but the water is hot.” Tani turns and smiles.
Back at TAP you were forced to routinely clean your skin with sterile smelling anti bacterial soaps, as Mercer would call you all “dirty, and un pure” as if it was a form of punishment for being Na’vi. Sometimes you’d be forced to scrub so hard your skin would go raw, and the water was always cold. You approach a sealed door as Tani presses a large red button with an automated female voice counting down. A small hiss, and the door opens up following suit. “This is where the Na’vi stay, you don’t need the masks in here. Alright girls you’ll be right across from each other, and my room is just a couple rooms down.” She points to a door that has markings painted on with blue and white patterns and several hand crafted beaded tassels hanging from the door knob. 
She leads you into your room first, as you look around the small cozy space. It’s warm toned with multiple layered artisan rugs covering the metal floor much like the living room area. You can’t help but sit on the bed as it bounces back, plush and squishy unlike your rock hard bunk bed back at TAP you shared with Ri’nela. “I laid out some clothes for you.” Tani smiles softly. You look onto the dresser and see a neatly fold grey shirt and sweatpants. “Thank you…” You smile gratefully. “Of course. I’ll leave you to it. When you’re all set come to the living room and we can show you the mess hall for dinner.” She winks at you closing the door.
You hear Tani in the hallway giving the same lowdown to Ri’nela as So’lek explains to the guys just down the hall. You take in a deep sigh and close your eyes. All the events of the last 24 hours seem to be catching up with your body, now cranking your neck to the side and feeling tight knots formed. You grab your clothes and look to see a built in bathroom to this space, walking in slowly to examine it. The room is small, but not too confined. There’s several smaller rugs all scattered along the floor, with the toilet near the end, and the small stall to the right. It’s warm toned as if painted over the original color of metal. 
You lay the clothes down on the sink table, and find that there’s a fresh towel already hanging for you on the sliding glass door hanger. You open the door the shower and see a small plant hanging from the shower head, it smells fresh and minty as you inhale it’s invigorating aroma. You crank the nozzle of the shower and hear it hiss to life with the water pouring out, as you step aside and begin to remove your TAP clothing. The military cargo pants and labeled shirt are peeled off your body as if you’re shedding your skin, heavy with relief. You don’t even think twice and throw them in the garbage can next to the sink a symbolic act of your new beginning here.  
You take a deep breath and look to your foreign reflection in the medium sized mirror hanging over the sink. At TAP you never had the luxury of mirrors, Mercer would harp on and on about how you and the others were supposed to reject vanity and embrace the life the humans gave you. You’ve only ever seen your reflection in shiny surfaces. 
Your eyes look at your naked form, riddled in puckered silky scars that will forever serve as a reminder of your past. You look to your face, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek looking at your big beautiful light amber eyes. Your nose is a strong Na’vi nose not as wide as you’d expect, with beautiful full lips and azure blue skin. You’re quite mesmerized by the bioluminescence scattered along your forehead chin and nose, tracing it everything lightly. 
Your hair has seen better days, never having learned the proper way to braid, it sticks out in all directions with your poorly woven braided beads feathers. Back as a child Mercer would not allow you or Ri’nela to braid your hair the traditional Na’vi way. Despite his attempted efforts you’d do it anyway, which resulted in him strapping you down to a chair and chopping your beautiful black locks off. Eventually he stopped badgering you once the Na’vi resistance formed after this Hallelujah Mountain war they spoke of.
You begin to slowly remove the beads and feathers, gently unraveling your sad excuse for braids now knowing that this is your choice. Your messy hair falls softly, cascading over your bare shoulders begging to be properly washed as you turn to see if the water has warmed up yet not that you can’t handle the cold.
Once satisfied you step in gingerly closing the door behind you, as the lukewarm water hits your skin deliciously. A huge sigh of relief escapes your mouth, slowly turning the nozzle down to the left, eager to feel the warmth caress your skin. Once the steam is evident you happily sigh once more, smelling the aroma of this refreshing plant. You look to the side where the small caddy hangs and observe the small jars of oils and shampoos.
You pick up a small glass jar labeled “shampoo” on it and squeeze a generous amount onto your palms as its spicy musk scent hits your nose with delight. With a good lather in your hair you begin to massage your scalp over and over feeling the dirt and grime lift out. Satisfied, you rinse thoroughly grabbing a bottle labeled “conditioner” As you repeat and twirl your hair until happy. You see a scruffy looking ball that you assume is used to cleanse your body with, and look to see the bottle “body” labeled on it. You squeeze a little bit of the liquid out as it plops onto the scrubby ball lathering it up with water.
You relish in this shower, not having experienced anything so luxurious in your entire life. After fully rinsing and cleansing your body, you turn off the water and step onto a plush rug. You reach for the towel and begin drying off your body patting slowly, hanging it back on the rack to get dressed. 
You see a cotton pair of panties clearly designed for the avatars at this base and step into them, followed by your shirt and comfortable pants. A small brush sits on the shelf next to the faucet grabbing it and running it through your freshly clean hair watching it glide down your shiny strands. For a split second you look back in the mirror and pinch your arm as if in a dream, feeling like this is all too good to be true. You don’t possibly deserve the refuge you’ve just come into, because all these years you were led to believe the RDA was your true home.
A pool of tears well up in your eyes thinking about the trauma the four of you have endured, not knowing anything but your treatment by Mercer and his henchmen. The clear erasure of your Na’vi identity will take time to slowly make amends with, you sigh to yourself. You suppose it can start here. 
After finishing up in the bathroom you turn off the lights and head into the bedroom when you see So’lek sitting on your bed. A large scream escapes your mouth causing you to clutch your chest as your heart flutters fast. “Oh shit!” You sigh. “Sorry I did not mean to frighten you. The others have made their way to the mess hall with Tani and you hadn’t so I thought to check on you.” He smiles kindly.
“Oh, yeah I have not been so accustomed to such luxuries before. I took a long shower, sorry.” You reply sheepishly feeling the guilt seep in. “No. Do not apologize. You have been through a lot. I just came to check on you.” He raises his hands up. “Well I don’t need a babysitter.” You sigh. You knew he only meant well, and you immediately wince at your harsh words. You can’t help the way you act, as if a knee jerk reaction fueled by your defense mechanisms. He just chuckles, seemingly unbothered by the little outburst. “Well if you are done being a brat, I will show you to where we dine.” He stands up tall and smirks. 
“Uhm, yeah that’d be great I’m starving.” You quickly grab the Co2 mask and secure it back onto your body, and catch him glancing down at your arms littered in various scars, like earlier as if he wants to ask how you got them. Your tail twitches uncomfortably, as you exit your room silently walking down the hallway. “They’re cigarette butt burns.” You sigh.
So’lek says nothing and turns his head to you, and back to the long dim lit hallway. “Hm.. I suppose those are not self inflicted?” He asks calmly, damn well knowing your answer. “Mercer.. he would punish us for speaking our native tongue when we were little. As you can see, I was heavily reprimanded.” You choke out as the past memory races through your mind. “If you like those you should see the cable wire burns on my back! If you need to see how much pain I can take.” You spit out with teeth gritted as a clear indication of trauma in your eyes, but So’lek just looks to you and stops you in your tracks placing his hands on your shoulders.
“Little one, I am not your enemy here. You are safe, what is your name?” He asks softly. You wince, and blink several times not even thinking about the fact that you’ve skipped formalities earlier when he burst though the doors like some fictional tell tale hero you’d read about. You swallow the lump in your throat and make eye contact with him awkwardly. “Kirani…” You just whisper. His ears perk up and flick back and forth, as he smiles “That’s a beautiful name, that’s it?” You know what he’s implying. “I don’t remember my full name..” You sigh sadly gazing to him. “We must change that…I will help you remember. You are Sarentu.” His chest puffs out proudly. 
“Right…” You lightly wiggle out of his grasp, his hands residing on your shoulders much longer than you’re comfortable with but he doesn’t seem to be insulted. “You have a fire inside of you, don’t lose that spark. But you are safe here.” He waves out his hand as you approach the dining hall filled with human and Na’vi communing together in one space. So’lek lightly pushes you forward to walk, finding Ri’nela, Teylan, and Nor sitting with Tani and Priya all smiling and eating food.
“Come, I will show you where the food is.” So’lek beckons you. You go into a cafeteria like room where he hands you a tray and fills it up with delicious smelling rations of various foods. “Here.” He hands it to you like a peace offering while he fills up his own tray, walking out and back into the main dinging area. “Kirani, you made it.” Teylan smiles as you sit down next to them. “Yeah I uh, got distracted in the shower.” You feel your cheeks heat up awkwardly, as So’lek sits beside Tani observing you quietly. 
Ri’nela laughs while Nor just picks at his food. “Hm.” He huffs. “I smell like a flower” Ri’nela smiles. “Yeah me too..” You chuckle and begin to eat the food in front of you, much larger than the rations you were given at TAP. Your belly growls aggressively begging to be satiated properly, as you eat small bites. The chatter around you seems to be a comfortable conversation watching Priya recount the findings of samples from the forest today. 
“I’ll have to teach you guys to weave traditional Na’vi garments, we can’t have you walking around like that.” Tani smiles with her nose scrunched up. So’lek laughs and your ears pin back in shame, as if he’s really laughing at you. He notices your shrunken demeanor and his laugh immediately seizes, blinking several times at you. “It’s best we look as Na’vi as possible. I refuse to wear anything that makes me look like an RDA soldier.” Nor replies. You sense a little bit of bitterness in his words, but no one says anything. 
Priya and Tani go on about how the sky people and Na’vi founded resistance HQ in this part of the Kinglor Forest, and how there’s several sites all around Pandora. “Must you go on about this. Look at them, let them enjoy their meal.” So’lek teases Tani. She just shoves him lightly and laughs, “We will teach you the ways of the Na’vi. We are your new family.” She speaks with warm conviction as her fangs poke out from her wide infectious smile. You turn to Teylan, and Ri’nela who grab your hands as you see Nor smiling cautiously across from you. The unspoken bond you hold for each other could move mountains, and you eat graciously together with the excitement of becoming true Na’vi on the horizon of tomorrow. 
Taglist: @justtweetie
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oasiswithmyg · 3 months
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So'lek x Sarentu!Reader
Summary for this part: After meeting up and training with Eetu, a cocky hunter. It seems a jealous Na'vi awaits at the Resistance base for you. You try you luck again with Ka'nat after some crafting but will it all go well?
Word count: 5.5K.
I hope you like it, sorry the parts might come out slow because of health but I will keep trying my best!
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You finally reach back at the base, pumped from learning new information on how to hunt with Eetu. Your body straightens up as you notice that So’lek is back in the armory, his body tense as if he’s annoyed or angry at something, as he looks over the ammo for each gun. Your cheeks heat up remembering how he sounded jealous when you contacted him at the Aranahe clan, especially when you spoke about Eetu, you knew he must have noticed how your voice wavered while you were speaking to him, Eywa he must have been weirded out by that. You decide to avoid him for now, heading to the other hall which leads to the kitchen. Ri’nela, who you pass by, must notice the look on your face as she comes towards you as you slide down the wall with your knees tucked towards you and head in them.
“What happened Y/N? I have never seen you like this before. Last I heard you were learning to hunt from a Na’vi named Eetu.” she decides to be down and sit as well with her legs crossed. You want to confide in her about these confusing feelings that you have and that even though you met so many different Na’vi, as well as Eetu who sounded a bit flirty, that these feelings that you have inside you are only reserved for one Na’vi in particular.  
You lift your head as you sigh and decide that confiding in her might be the best course of action. You hesitate, the words in your throat getting stuck, not wanting to bother her but at the same time these feelings you have cannot be contained, Ri’nela must have notice the conflict on your face and gives you an encouraging smile, “I have these feelings in my heart that I do not know what to do and it only happens when he is around”
Now, Ri’nela is not stupid, she can immediately tell who the ‘he’ is in this scenario. She would have to be blind not to notice the tension that occurs when you and So’lek happen to be in one place. She hums thoughtfully, “Would this ‘he’ happen to be the Na’vi that saved us from TAP?” she looks at you curiously with a knowing smile on her face as if she already knows all the answers.
You nod as your heart races just thinking about him. You decide there’s no point in hiding anything and just let everything out to her, “I do not understand these feelings that I have, I see So’lek as a very close friend, someone that I can easily trust with anything, someone I know that will be there for me in ways I cannot understand. But I have never felt this with anyone else and I just wish I knew what to do. I feel pulled indifferent directions with my heart telling me to be true to myself and express these feelings to him while my mind tells me that I have to focus on our journey to figure out what it means to be Sarentu.”, you look her  straight in the eyes, just wanting someone to guide you, “I don’t know what to do Ri’nela. I really don’t”
Ri’nela looks at you in a gentle manner, her eyes soft and understanding as she takes your hands gently, holding them to her as she explains what you have to do, “Follow your heart Y/N, always follow your heart”. Ri’nela then notices footsteps coming towards where they are and can tell that it is So’lek from the corner of her eyes. She decides to do a small test, wanting to see if what she thinks will happen, as she asks you, “How was training with Eetu ? He must have taught you all sorts of tricks as I heard he is the best Aranahe hunter in the clan.” Ri’nela notices that So’lek stops abruptly behind the wall, as if to listen to the conversation between her and you.
So’lek heard from one of the resistance members that you were back to the base and he went looking for you, his heart in a turmoil as his mind filled with thoughts of you and Eetu training. He had really hoped that he would be the one to train you, Eetu just rubbed him in the wrong way. Then there was your voice, the longing in it, for some reason just hearing it made him want to rush over and hold you in his arms and make sure you never leave. As he makes his way over to you, his mind focused on speaking with you, he can hear you and Ri’nela discussing something, he continues on his path to you, but then hears Ri’nela ask you what you thought of Eetu and for some reason he decided he wanted to hear your thoughts on him. So’lek knew that eavesdropping was bad and he didn’t want to do it to you, but he just had to know what your opinion was.
You, however, were confused by the sudden change in topic that Ri’nela brought out, you looked at her confused, your brows arched in a questioning manner but decided to just tell her what you thought of Eetu, thinking that she must be curious to know about the other clans, with her being Tashik and all, “Eetu…He’s really nice…He’s a funny character if you ask me, honestly he was really flirty when we first met, but he seems to be a good teacher. He cares a lot about his Ikran Zomey, he’s very passionate about hunting. I think I can get along with him well”, and you meant it. Eetu would also probably like a friend to you like Priya is, you noticed that you never faced the same feelings that you had for So’lek with Eetu even though he was flirty.
Just hearing your thoughts on Eetu, that you would get along well with him. "He is more cheery and adventurous.” So’lek thought bitterly, his tail swishing in agitation as a tight feeling rose up in So’lek’s chest. He did not like this, did not like it at all. He decided he’s had enough of eavesdropping on the conversation and continues on towards you a Ri’nela, his feet stomping loudly as if annoyed, his mind focused on one thing and one thing only. 
Your ears twitch, hearing someone heading towards you as if they are on a mission. You nervously turn towards the sound, a squeak unconsciously falling from your lips, seeing that it was So’lek heading towards you with a stern look in his eyes as they zeroed in on you, as if completely ignoring that Ri’nela, who watches in complete amusement of the situation. Your tail curling around you as your heart started beating faster, you cursed under your breath, hoping that you didn’t look like a skxawng (Moron) to So’lek with you being all nervous.
So’lek stops right in front of your sitting form, he bends down and looks at you right in the eyes, his gaze filled with some sort of determination. He sees you blink at him innocently, your gaze on him making his stomach twist in a good way. A very good way. He’s brought out of his thoughts when he hears you voice calling his name in a delicate manner, not understanding why he wants to hear you call his name again and again.
“So’lek?”, You call to him, noticing his eyes dart around your face, you become flustered under his intense gaze, wondering what has gotten him so worked up.
So’lek hums thoughtfully in reply, finally as if coming to a decision in his mind, he opens his mouth, his next words coming as if a command, but not the forceful kind. “Sarentu, I have decided that we train from tomorrow. Learn to hunt as well as gather resources.”, his gaze sharpens again as he continues, “Eetu does not know nor see you as well as I do. I can teach you not only the bow but the gun as well. Can I expect to see you outside the base at dawn tomorrow, Sarentu?”
You were just shocked, if it hadn’t been for Ri’nela nudging you at your side, you would have continued to stare at So’lek like a skxawng (Moron). You break out of your thought, which becomes quickly filled with his words that repeat in your mind over and over, ‘He does not know you nor see you as I do’. You thought to yourself while your stomach fluttered, “What does he mean by that?”. Finally deciding to say something, your words come out in a rush, “Y-Yes ! I will be there, you can expect me, I won’t be late”, just hearing yourself you wanted to cringe, Eywa why were you like this. Why couldn’t you have sounded more calm and collected in front of So’lek.
So’lek looked closely at your face, his face became less stern as if seeing something that satisfied him. So’lek nodded at you and gave a nod to Ri’nela, though it seemed more like an afterthought and got back up to head back to the armory to continue his work. You, on the other hand, was left staring at his back in shock and even as he left your line of sight, you continued to do so. Your tail betrays you by moving in excitement at the prospect of being alone with him during training.
Ri’nela can only chuckle at the scene that unfolded before her. Happy that one of the youngest in the Sarentu clan might have found their someone. She could only hope that everything will go well with you two and that you both follow your hearts. Ri’nela chuckles again because she can tell that you two might dance around each other before owning up to anything. Her final thought comes to the front of her mind before she leaves to do her own thing.
This will be fun. I can’t wait to tell Nor and Teylan about this.
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It’s the next morning and you’re up early, more like you were too anxious and nervous to fall asleep tossing and turning, thinking about the training that you’ll have with So’lek. What did he mean by that ? That he saw you ? Does the Na’vi’s phrase ‘I see you’ not mean I see your soul ? That they see you in your entirety ? With such questioning thoughts in your head, it’s no wonder you didn’t get any sleep. You had been inside the base for the night, deciding to lay on one of those comfy pillows nest stewed about.
Although you were up early, getting ready for the training and heading out seemed to be a big task. Even though you had taken out many of the RDA, You wanted to be confident and reliable for So’lek. You sigh, your tail curling around your feet as you are crouched, arranging the nest back together, deciding that there’s no point in stalling around any longer. You get up, take your bow and arrows where you had hung them on one of the notches around the base and head to the door that leads to the outside, from the front of the base.
While you had been internally panicking and stalling for time before heading out for training, So'lek was already outside the base, leaning on the edge of the walls of the door to the front of the Resistance base, his thoughts for once were so jumbled, he could not seem to think straight nor make any sense of it. He said that the Sarentu would have to learn on her own, even told her that the way to learn and be a Na’vi is to explore Pandora on her own and build her experiences and yet here he is, getting ready to teach her all and make sure she knows everything, just because he did not like that Eetu tried to do it. 
So’lek sighs praying to the Great Mother for strength in this path he has chosen for himself, to help him understand his feelings. He has decided he will not ignore these feelings but at the same time, he needs to see how it is with the Sarentu before deciding anything more. It has been a long time that any such thoughts where there could be a possibility of something more with another have occurred and even then, they have not been to this degree where he feels he would be swallowed by it.
Some time has passed and So’lek moves from his spot of leaning on the base and slowly looks around, worried that the Sarentu hasn't yet arrived for the training, thinking that maybe she was hurt from learning with Eetu yesterday or that she is not well and could not get up. Cursing to himself, that he should have checked on her instead feeling heated and jealous over some Na’vi yesterday.
So’lek decides to head into the base quickly, only for a delicate and slightly smaller body to collide with him, as he turns to the base door. So’lek wishes that he could hate the way that he can recognise who it is instantly, not just by the feel of your body on his but even the sweet scent that always seems to emanate from  you, his hands immediately raise to steady the Sarentu by holding your arms gently. 
Your hands land on So’lek’s firm and broad chest for steadying yourself and you instantly gaze up at him, your face close to his, you could feel his heartbeat slowly beating faster by the minute as you blink innocently at him in shock. You can feel your own heart start to beat too quickly as well for your taste, making you feel embarrassed that So’lek could possibly hear it thundering as well.
So’lek cannot deny that the Sarentu was very attractive, with her body so close to his like this, her scent more prominent due to the proximity. His yellow eyes flickered to her lips, they looked even more soft and plumped up close than he thought previously , as her mouth was opened slightly in shock, her face so innocent causing unsavory thoughts to rise up, he just wanted to bit- he immediately pushed those thoughts down, shocked and slightly frightened at the images formed in his mind with her.
So’lek tried to calm his breathing which became slightly labored due to his thoughts and decided to just focus on you and the training for now. That he would get back to those thoughts at a later time when no one else would be there. 
So’lek brought you closer to his body in a gentle manner, checking over you to see if you had been injured. “Are you alright, Sarentu? Forgive me, I must not have heard the door opening as I was lost deep in my thoughts.” His gaze only made you flustered as you meek out a simple “Sran (Yes).” Your eyes unable to focus on anything other than him.
You just nodded, still reeling from the shock of being so close to So’lek, that it almost felt as if your hearts were connected through contact. So’lek confirmed that you were fine before he stepped back, wanting to put some distance between you two before he did something stupid too early. Whatever he decides to do, he has decided that it would be done at the right time.
Both you and So’lek, head over to a nearby empty patch of the forest to practice your aim. It seems So’lek has collected some materials to be moving targets as well as selecting a place where a few plants of shelter fruit. You look around, taking in your surroundings as So’lek observes you, thinking about how you look at Pandora with such happiness and how you adapt so well to learning the Na’vi way. He calls out to you to start the training. You head over to him as he squats down, you do so as well looking at him curiously.
“Before we start our training, Sarentu, I shall tell you few things about gathering materials for your weapons and clothes. Ingredients for food.” So’lek decides to list out a few important basics for you to know. “Shelter Fruit requires a gentle tug to be pulled. It is best to be collected in the daytime and when it is raining. Fortune Fruit needs to be opened up before collecting it. Fortune fruit comes from the Fortune Leaf Cane. It would be difficult to get without an Ikran. They would make great ingredients with the meat that you collect from the hunt. They would be in best condition once we remove the RDA posts” You mentally note all of this, making sure to concentrate on every word. This would help in your survival out in Pandora.
“From the Night Tree Leaf you can collect the stems to make extraordinary bows. They are best during the night and when it rains.” So’lek gives you a gentle and firm look before continuing, “bring me them, and I shall make a bow for you that shall help you in your journey.” You blush at the thought of So’lek making a bow specifically for you. It felt rather intimate, but you didn’t mind one bit of it. “I’ll be on the lookout for it then.” You give him a confident smile to show him that you can do it.
So’lek nods before standing up, his hands subconsciously taking yours to pull you up.  You stiffen up, not in an uncomfortable way but more like you don’t want him to take his hands away. It seems he doesn’t notice as he heads over to a few of the targets lying about which he had bought and places them in different locations.
He gestures to you to take out your bow and notch your arrow, as he comes closer to you. You make a stance as you did with Eetu when practicing with him, pulling back your arrow as you wait for So’lek’s signal. Finally when So’lek comes close to you, he circles around you, stopping at your back while observing your stance, and clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, as if dissatisfied. You tense up, feeling nervous that you made a mistake and also that you couldn’t see him. But So’lek wasn’t dissatisfied with you. No, not you. It was mostly at Eetu, thinking that with his cockiness, he might not have noticed the minute details.
So’lek comes closer as his chest presses up against your back, you take in a sharp breath as his arms circle round you, his hands press your abdomen, “mì Syeha si (Breathe in) when you pull the arrow back, Sarentu” His deep voice close to you as his lips caresses your ears, not fully touching. He pulls back as you let out a small shaky breath, not being ready for such a thing.
So’lek comes back in front of you as you follow his advice of breathing in and pulling back your arrow. He nods and looks over you again, you focus on the target ahead of you, because if you look at So’lek, you will lose all rhyme and reason. 
So’lek seems to notice something and comes closer to your front, adjusting your arm which is holding the bow to the side of your body, to be parallel to the ground, while also adjusting the other hand as well, drawing back the string towards the anchor point, where that would be then the end of which you draw back before releasing. “Focus on their weakness, Sarentu. As you use your senses, it will be revealed to you. That is when you hit a precise shot”. He informs you, while holding onto your arms, his touch leaving a lit fire sensation, a good sensation, across your skin.
Although you know you should be paying attention to the stance that So’lek is adjusting you to be in, how can you when he stands so close, his breath fanning across your face. You decide to finally turn your head to look at him, wanting to see his expression, to see if his eyes hold this longing which you hold in you as well. As you face him, you gasp lightly at how intense his gaze on you was, your faces close to one another again, but this time with purpose.
Time seemed to standstill as you both gazed at each other. Each of you confirming what you both wanted and needed to know. As So’lek saw the soft look of desire and something else on your face that something shall not be named for now, he thought to himself ‘to hell with it’ as the humans would say, his face slowly leaning in close to you. You started subconsciously leaning in close as well, your heart thundering in your chest. It felt like there was some connection that drew you both close, not just in mind but in the heart as well.
Just as your lips would touch his, the static from So’lek’s radio starts up with Priya’s groggy voice informing So’lek that Alma wanted to see him about some plans and then Priya cheekily added that she wanted So’lek to ask you to come find her as she wanted to see you and have some breakfast together.
This makes you and So’lek quickly pull back from each other. Both of you felt too flustered and unable to look at one another in the eye after the moment passed. So'lek picks up his radio answers back in a gruff voice, as if strained from holding something back, that he would be there and that he would bring you back as well. You just fiddle with your bow, while internally your mind screams both in happiness that the moment stopped there for now and disappointment that the moment had stopped. You, being unable to make up your mind on focusing on one emotion.
So’lek finishes up the call, his hand coming up to his face to pinch his brow in frustration, while facing the same problem as you are with also feeling slightly angry that he couldn’t control himself looking away and started grumbling as he starts heading over to check on his bow with his cheeks tinted purple.
You see the look on So’lek’s face, even though after confirming previously from his expression about the longing for you, you can tell that So’lek is as affected as you are from this moment. This makes you look away, secretly smiling widely, while a warm giddy feeling arises in your chest.
Training at dawn is a wonderful way to start the day.
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You head out to hunt after training with So’lek, feeling much more confident in your abilities now after training with him. After that incident, So’lek finished his meet up with Alma as you finished up with Priya. He came back to teach you more, but decided to keep some distance with his body tensed as he directed you. You too were able to concentrate and hit all the targets placed by So’lek.
Hence, right after the training you decide to hunt and ask Nefika to teach you how to use these gifts. As you tread through the forest at a quick pace, you can sense with your Na’vi senses that there were a couple of Strumbeasts feeding nearby. 
You slowly approach them and stop at a suitable distance, making sure to keep your footsteps light. You focus your gaze on them as you straighten your back to take out your bow,  breathe in and draw the arrow in a quick and smooth motion, using your sense to track the weak spot, which happened to be on the side of the neck of the Strumbeast. You breathe out as you release your bow, your arrow hitting true, in a clean manner.
The other Strumbeast runs away in fear feeling it’s fellow strumbeast fall, you approach the fallen one and bend down. Remembering Eetu’s word, you give your thanks to it as you motion your hands as if sending the Strumbeast off, “I See you. Your Spirit goes to Eywa and your body stays to become part of the people. Thank you for these gifts.” You collect the hide and meat, which seem to be in excellent condition. You also remember Eetu telling you that Nefika will show you what to do with the gifts. You take the gifts and set out towards the Aranahe clan. Hoping this time you would be able to speak with Ka’nat about joining the Resistance in your fight against the RDA if possible.
It takes you a while, but you arrive at the Aranahe clan as quickly as you could, you look around for Nefika and see that she seems to be arguing with Relun. You snort, finding their interaction to be funny. As you approach them you can hear Relun’s voice arguing loudly. “Yes, here I go! Come to look down your nose at me, have you?”
“Now, now. You know how I love your food. But I stand by what I said before. It is not exactly art, is it?”
“I swear to you, one bite of Yovo grilled in Sari seeds and you will be begging for more!”
You don’t want to interrupt them but you really want to keep the gifts fresh as it is, especially the meat. You call out to Relun, “I…have some meat from my hunt? Nefika said you-” Relun turns to Nefika with a frown on his face as he addresses her about you, “You sent this forlorn miscreant to bother me? Everything is a joke, as usual.” He didn’t even hear you out before deciding that you were playing a joke on him!
“Well she said you’re the best cook.” You decide to say in a sweet manner to him, hoping that by complimenting him you can calm the situation down. Nefika laughs at this, “Ah, the child knows how to charm!”
“And honesty from you, Nefika!” Relun continues. He shakes his head and looks at you in an exasperated manner, as if he was already used to these kinds of situations, “I suppose that is typical of her tactics. She thinks flattery will get her everywhere.”
Nefika just dismisses him and calls you over to her, “Come, come. Leave this grump for later! Now we move onto more serious arts. She leads you over to another section of the hometree, which seems to have a workbench. You decide to ask a question that has been bothering you for a while regarding the Hometree.
“Is there something wrong with your Hometree? Etuwa said it suffers…”
“Ah, the Kinglor are uneasy. We have provided for them since their flowers are closed, but…Their numbers are too many” Nefika sighs as she looks away for a moment “Ka’nat would prefer Etuwa to focus all her energies on them.” She then looks at you with a gentle and motherly smile, thinking about Etuwa “But, I think that child does her best.”
Nefika then gains back her vigor, her fiery gaze turns to you, as if fired up by something, “Now! Pay attention. Ka’nat should see you still have some Na’vi skill. And I should like to see it myself” She points to the beautiful woven workbench and watches you carefully with a smile as you approach the workbench with some apprehension and excitement.
You take a breath in and breathe out, trying to calm your nerves and create something that would knock the air out of Ka’nat and Nefika. Being a Na’vi was an important aspect, not just to them but to you as well. You could and you would not mess this up. You create some simple attire, a chest guard, a waistcloth and an armguard, which seems to be in great condition with the materials you have brought to be in great condition as well.
As Nefika watches from the sidelines, she looks impressed by your crafting and places a hand on your shoulder, “Good. Now show Ka’nat how you have mixed the colors with our own. Just as your people once did.” She must see the nervousness in your face at that, and turns you around to face her, one of her hands placed on your head in comfort. It has been a very long time that someone has ever done that for you. Her voice soft and motherly as she says, “Do not be afraid of him. His bark worse than his bite. I will follow shortly”
You nod at her, and head up the Hometree to find Ka’nat. His ear twitches as he hears your footsteps and turns around to face you, he looks over you, assessing you just as he did when you first arrived at the HomeTree, He nods in appreciation as Nefika comes up behind him, a silent support to you, “Nefika has had her way. Now you look more like the Sarentu we remember.” He places a hand on chest, his eyes filled with understanding and sorrow, “The loss of your people pains us. We valued their counsel. But, we know you are not here to offer their wisdom.”
You decide now is as good a time as any to convince Ka’nat about the ongoing havoc that the RDA are causing and hope that he would help in the fight, “The Sky People…The Resistance fights them, but they cannot do it alone.” You plead your case with him.
Ka’nat seems greatly disappointed by your words, His face pulled in a frown, his voice raising as he speaks, “This is why you have come? You stand in the heart of our Hometree. It’s warm embrace. Even you, lost one, must feel it.” You can understand him as well as not at the same time. You do not remember how you lost your clan, having been taken as a small child, you have forgotten everything. It is why this fight is necessary, so that more do not suffer. He continues as his voice sounds pained, “And you ask me to bring war here? No” Nefika looks on in worry at Ka’nat’s dismissal.
“They bring war with them! Please…” You try once more, pleading with all your heart to Ka’nat. If he does not do anything, the Kinglor will suffer, the Aranahe clan will suffer greater loss than ever. But Ka’nat is not convinced, “We Aranahe do not seek conflict. And yet, you goad us, desperate for a fight.”
Desperate for a fight ? You ? You who had only ever wanted to live with your family and friends in peace. You do not understand how Ka’nat can come to such a conclusion. Is it because of the loss of his mate? That he cannot lose anyone else now because of it.
Ka’nat looks at you in a serious manner as he asks, “Do you remember your family?” You do not remember much of your father, but you knew he was the jokester of the family, always making everyone laugh or smile, your mother just as cheerful and full of life, her smile always calmed you and your sister, the ever brave and strong-willed, who you always looked up to.
You wish you could say that you knew, that you had strong memories with them but all you could say was the truth, your voice deflated, “A little. My mother…her smile. Her warmth.” You wished you could be curled by her side once more.
Ka’nat presses on, his voice strained with sorrow and anger, “Did you see her die? Did she smile at you then, helpless, desperate to reassure you? Have you seen Eywa’s light leave someone you love?” ‘yes so stop it’ you think. If he goes on like this, you’ll remember that day. The day your sister left you. ‘Please stop…Aha’ri come back’ You think as tears gather in your eyes, but you refuse to let them go. Ka’nat breathes heavily, his gaze intense, before leaving the area without a word.
Nefika must see your face frown in saddness, her tone taking on a joking manner in order to cheer you up, “Well, you certainly made an impression. Ka’nat is not really rattled. Be careful, ma’yawntu.”
“I wasn’t trying to anger him.” you try to sound strong, but it comes out shaky and like a child who is scared, you look down. Nefika comes closer, and lifts your chin with her hand, her voice gentle and cheery, “Keep your chin up. Pay a visit to the very top of our tree. Our tsahik is back” She points up as she urges you to run along. You smile at her in gratefulness, thankful that the older woman is the way that she is.
You take a deep shuddering breath in and hike up to the top of the Hometree. As you go up, the thought of failing the Resistance, the Sarentu clan and So’lek, makes your determination come back stronger.
You will not give up, no matter what.
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∘ Sran - Yes (Informal).
∘ Syeha si - Breathe.
∘ mì + - In.
∘ Kinglor - moth-like insect native to the Kinglor Forest.
∘ tsahik - Matriarch/Interpreter of Eywa.
∘ Eywa - Great mother, world spirit, Gaia.
∘ Ma - Generally means to refer to someone or address them.
∘ Yawntu - Loved one
Thank you for reading ! Please do leave a comment!
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Taglist : @daydreamer246 @justtweetie @mimimroawwww @ashsshittystuff
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torukmaktoskxawng · 4 months
Hiii I was reading your So’lek relationship headcanons and got caught up when you mentioned that he doesn’t trust Eetu to keep his hands to himself…and in the game I know we all heard him get jealous on the comms after we tell him we’re going to learn hunting from eetu…
Do you have any headcanons on jealous so’lek and flirty eetu?
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Pairing: So'lek/Na'vi!Reader, Eetu/Na'vi!Reader (not gender specific and can be Sarentu)
Warnings: jealousy, possible spoilers for AFoP, mention of canonical character death
Taglist: @mooniequeen @avatar-lover @neteyamsyawntu @taronyuhunter
When you first tell So'lek that you'll be learning how to hunt from Eetu of the Aranahe clan, he was immediately stating how he should be with you.
The very mention of Eetu's name makes So'lek growl irritably.
From his run-ins with the Aranahe, So'lek knows Eetu as a young, overconfident warrior who appears very loose and unbothered by anything.
Whereas So'lek is older, toughened by war and great loss (that Eetu will only feel after losing Zomey).
So'lek isn't an idiot. He sees the vast difference between himself and Eetu and knows that Eetu's personality can be found charming under particular circumstances.
So if you end up charmed by the Aranahe, So'lek was just going to have more reasons to despise the young hunter.
One of his main concerns is Eetu inability to take things seriously. What if something happens? What if you get hurt? Would Eetu know what to do, or would he even take it seriously?
If you return to HQ and talk to him about Eetu, you better expect So'lek to be a lot grumpier than usual.
He'll want to see all that Eetu taught you, and if your skills have actually improved, he'll begrudgingly admit it. If not, he's going to blame Eetu and immediately takes over teaching you.
So'lek might take it easier on Eetu after Zomey's death. He wouldn't wish that sort of pain on anyone, not even Eetu. I'd imagine So'lek saw a younger version of himself in Eetu, seeing that grief and pain so fresh and evident in the young taronyu's eyes. The two of them will have a more courteous conversation for the first time ever after that.
Despite knowing that Eetu is easier to get along with, So'lek is far more mature.
Eetu is flirty and fun, so he would be a breath of air, but he doesn't strike me as the type who would take a relationship seriously yet. He might slow down and treat you right if he was serious about courting you, but he's got a bit of growing up to do before then.
So'lek, on the other hand, WILL treat you right and WILL take everything about your relationship seriously because he cares so much, even though it's hard for him to show it. He knows he's not the most charming and charismatic man, so he considers himself grateful if you chose him regardless. He would never take advantage of it. He'll make sure you never regret your decision, but why would you?
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moonchildxoxx · 4 months
A Warriors beating heart
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A/N: hey guys here's a little something nor is def one of my favorites and i think there not enough fics of him so hope you enjoy. pairing: Nor x fem!Sarentu reader
The warrior had disappeared from resistance , confused by anger working with the same kind  that once massacred their clan.  “What must our ancestors think of us? Do you think they pity us?….. sad to see what we’ve become.” He spoke facing out to the landscape, sharpening his spear as he sat surrounded by the bio luminescent forest. “ We are still Sarentu “ (Y/N) answered  crouching next to him, squeezing his shoulder. "Teylan barely speaks our tongue, …. but then he always preferred human words.” Nor looked up, with a deep sadness in his eyes. It became clear that Sarentu was struggling to come to terms with the fact that his life was still so reliant on humans.
 “Alma says we all need time to adjust.” She countered,  "Alma is not Na’vi. " The warrior snapped back angrily.  She sighed softly, “ Why did the RDA come back?”  Nor paused his sharpening efforts, he could have sworn there was a hint of a defeat  in her  eyes. "They wanted more of Pandora.. They always do." he said softly.  “Then we'll need to fight.” A small smile formed on his face. He tossed his knife up and down.* "Fight we will, Ahari would have wanted us to fight."  “We’ll make sure the vrrtep don’t return again “
Nor was clearly comforted by this, with a new light sparking in his eyes as he nodded.
She gently grabbed his hand brushing her fingers across his knuckles . Nor was taken aback, but the expression on his face softened as his hand twined inside hers. She stayed silent simply caressing his knuckles There was a long moment of silence, before finally the Sarentu warrior wrapped her in his arms in a tight embrace.
She nuzzled into him tucking her head underneath his chin
Nor held her tightly, resting his chin on the top of her head. His grip was tight, however his hold on her was not harsh but soft. The warrior squeezed his eyes closed, not wanting to let go.
Now that they were free he could move on with his promise they could finally bond and become mates. Nor breathed in deeply, feeling every inch of her body pressed against his. He had been waiting a long time for this moment. The long hours of hiding, surviving and suffering were all worth it if only he had her by his side. He wrapped his arms even tighter around her.
He didn't want to let go,  He looked down at her and smiled, he finally felt like he had a purpose. His voice was quiet as he brushed his lips against her forehead "(Y/N)..."
She looked up at him
His expression was filled with love, as he brought his hands up to her face, lightly caressing her cheeks with his fingers.
"Ma yawntu"
Nor chuckled . He leaned in and pressed his forehead against hers. There was a long pause before the Sarentu finally asked the all important question he had been waiting for the right moment to ask. "Will you be my mate...?"
~ Weeks later ~
Over the weeks the Sarentu had been working with the resistance and Na’vi clans to fight back the RDA Nor had been training with So’lek and she had been learning from the Aranahe healers at the moment it was one of a calm day both of them had no training or missions.
A warm summer rain pounded against the small hut Nor built for them not far from the resistance base camp . He had his back turned to the door, working on sharpening a new spear.
The smell of cooked meat was in the air, and he took a deep breath, savoring the aromas. She was cooking a recent kill he had made. A warm hand pressed against his back and Nor looked up, a smile stretching across his lips when he saw a (Y/N)  leaning in the doorway. "Come Take a break  and eat " she reminded
He quickly put the spear down and stepped over, wrapping her in his arms and carefully caressed her sides.  "I cannot believe this is real." He gently placed his hand  on her hip.
She sighed softly kissing his cheek " it is real my tiyanw" His other hand rose and he gently brushed aside her hair. She nuzzled him Nor leaned over and pressed his lips to hers for a fleeting moment, a smile on his face as he lifted her up in his arms. "My woman is all I need in this world." 
“You are sweet but don't think you're distracting me, I'm serious, take a break and come eat Nor” she scolded  "All right, all right." He chuckled softly before stepping over and sitting down next to their meal, grabbing a piece of meat and a large spoonful of vegetables, taking a bite. She sat happily next to him eating her own meal As they ate in silence a loud clap of thunder jolted the hut, making the table rattle. Within seconds, the rains were pouring down. It was as if the sky were unleashing its pent-up fury now that the warm season was finally here. Nor sat upright with his ears perked, taking in the sound of the heavy rain. (Y/N)  ears were folded back
He quickly reached over and placed a protective arm around his mate as she sat cowering. "Shh, shh, my love. There is nothing to fear. It is just a little rain." "Sorry..." she whispered out "It is okay, you have nothing to be afraid of anymore." He held her close, letting her wrap her arms around his neck.
"I am here, and I will always protect you." He said softly as he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"It sounds like gunshots" she whispered out
"What did you say?" He asked in a confused voice as he sat up, holding her close and wrapping his arms around her."The thunder is sounds like gunshots " she repeated
The warrior froze once he realized what she meant. The sound of thunder had no doubt brought back vivid memories of the massacre all those years ago. "Ssh," he whispered.
"It is just a storm."
Nor felt her heart beat rapidly against his chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Just close your eyes and listen to the rain , let that be your only worry right now."
"I-k-know. I know." Her breathing was fast and shallow as she struggled to keep from trembling.
The warrior's strong arm held her close, holding her tight. He brought her body even closer as he stroked her hair and placed his palm firmly on the top of the slight swell of her stomach. "Ssh, all will be alright, my love."
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zafrinaxyz · 5 months
content : short fluff . can be gn!reader , human or avatar . secret crush on so’lek . slight tension if you squint . you and him have been working together for a few weeks now . not proof read
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you were helping priya with something on her computer, she needed a second pair of hands. Priya was going on and on about trying to connect all of the different resistance bases together so that they would operate on the same system?
Or.. something like that
You weren't entirely sure.... or entirely focused on what she was saying as you heard a certain deep voice coming from the other room
she could tell you weren't paying attention anymore, so she called for a mini break. you gave a small sympathy smile and slowly began to follow the sound of his voice. a voice you could recognize anywhere ... a voice that could improve your mood instantly, ten fold
his back was to you as you entered, he was talking into his ear piece. you pretended to busy yourself with something on the wall, hoping he wouldn't notice your eavesdropping. you were now able to make out what he was saying more clearly ...
sounds like he was talking with the envoy sarentu.. they seemed to always be on the go, rarely ever coming back to the HQ base
your heart swelled with how enthusiastic so'lek became whenever one of the sarentu needed help. he seemed to completely stop whatever he was doing to provide his full attention
and it only made you fall in love with him even more
the sarentu really looked up to him for strength and for guidance. you were so happy that so'lek was here to help with the transition. his presence here making all of the difference
at this point, you were just standing in front of the wall, smiling wide at the ground like an idiot, completely still ... trying not make any noise and miss anything that was being said
so'lek had just mentioned the envoy cannot take their ikran to the upper plains ... not yet anyway, and that they must continue on foot when they reach a cliff by the waterfall. so'leks voice turns comforting and reassuring, letting them know that they will be alright without their bonded for the time being
ugh, you need this man
your thoughts interrupted by a cold hand on your arm..
it's Priya ... with a strange look on her face
guess your break ...
and secret quality time is over then
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eywaseclipse · 3 months
The Songs of Freedom Chapter 3: Sarentu
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Characters: Sarentu OC named Kirani, Nor, Teylan, Ri’nela, So’lek, Priya, Tani, mentions of Jake Sully, the RDA and eventually Eetu
Synopsis: Several weeks go by since your rescue from TAP as you learn more about your clan, and adapt to your new life, but as time goes on you can’t help deny the tension between you and So’lek
Warnings: None, mainly angst and self doubt, mentions of past child abuse, swearing
Word Count: 4k
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The days once consumed with immeasurable guilt and fear seem to fade away onto the horizon of Kinglor Forest, as you reach new milestones in this new phase of your survival. Adapting to a new routine at Resistance HQ has taken some time but find you yourself distracted; off battling your demons as if too afraid of slowing down so that it might be enough for them to finally catch up to you once and for all. 
Today, Tani has offered to teach you and the others how to properly weave traditional Na’vi garments and to truly embrace being Na’vi. You stand in front of the bathroom mirror scanning your body with careful eyes. You noticed that you’ve filled out since your arrival 2 weeks ago but still look weaker than the average Na’vi rebel around here.
You sigh and adjust your poorly braided hair tossing them behind your shoulders and head out of your room, seeing Ri’nela exit out of her own smiling to her warmly. “Good morning.” She takes her arm and wraps it around yours out of comfort, when you hear the creak of doors and watch Teylan and Nor walking down the hallway with So’lek closely behind them. Your stomach does flips staring at his tall willowy figure strutting down the corridor so effortlessly. You look at the way his strong thighs flex with every step, his arms swinging with confidence, and that he has gone without his kevlar vest today. You admire his long torso, looking at his stomach riddled with scars and ripcord muscles, up to his pecs and strong jawline.
Quickly adverting your gaze, you awkwardly wiggle your toes as if to convince yourself you weren’t just ogling at the warrior up and down. “Good, you’re up. We will head to the mess hall and meet Tani after.” So’lek’s voice echos through the hallway. You feel your cheeks heat up with blush spreading to the tips of your ears before you can muster the courage to respond. “So’lek said there’s some sort of celebration tonight” Teylan chirps in excitedly.
You all chat amongst yourselves as So’lek explains that the cause of celebration tonight is due to another human base being blown sky high. Sandwiched in-between Nor and So’lek, you all comfortably sit and eat your breakfast with Tani now present at the table. 
“Alright shall we?” Tani smiles excitedly watching as the group of you follow suit. You look as So’lek stands unmoving, “are you not joining?” You ask curiously. “Duty calls” He simply replies with a slight smirk on his face, suddenly feeling the warmth from the palm of his hand gently press against the small of your back. You turn to him with a confused expression, no doubt obvious on your face, before he nudges you into the direction of the group.
Before you can even process the small gesture, Ri’nela begins firing off a slew of questions on bead making and garment crafting to Tani feeling like static run rampant in your brain. You enter what looks like a small cozy room tucked away in the corner of the space illuminated by the warm glow of string lights. Several large artisan rugs are laid out across the floor with a comfortable looking couch with more pillows in the corner. You smell the dust that’s collected in the room mixed with the fresh scent of new plants scattered in pots all around the space. 
“Take a seat and I’ll show you how to make a loincloth.” She instructs. You see Teylan and Ri’nela excitedly sit eager to learn, as Nor appears unusually stoic. You say nothing and sit down on the plush rug, each being handed a leathery textured material. 
“You are Sarentu. Your clan was renowned for their incredible diplomacy, storytelling, and bringing peace amongst the other clans. They were incredible at everything they did, valuing knowledge and spreading tales amongst Pandora traveling through the forest.” The way Tani spoke so highly of your clan, makes your heart clench with sadness. If it weren’t for TAP and John Mercer, you wouldn’t need a stranger to explain your own culture to you right now.
“We will help you remember who you are, and it starts by dressing Na’vi.” Tani smiles holding out several beaded arm bands. “Here, for each of you.” She smiles warmly, as you all reach for the beads. You hold yours more closely, examining the small river rocks woven intricately into twine. “It’s beautiful thank you.” Ri’nela graciously replies. 
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You spend the rest of the afternoon learning how to properly weave together a basic necklace and loincloth made out of the materials found in the forest; like crushed Ar’lek seeds with their red hue that create a colorful paste to mix with water for colored material. Or the many variations from flora and fauna that provide stylish accessories like the yomioang chalice plant.
You look down to your crafted necklaces and loincloths made from some of the vines of the jungle and feathers Tani helped string into your hair and sigh. Suddenly, a loud cough erupts, causing your head to whip right up to the source. A stern looking So’lek peers in the doorway as you to blink several times. “How are things?” He booms. You all watch as he approaches and squats down close by, inspecting your work. “Hm.” He grunts out. “They learn fast.” Tani says fondly. “Come, I will take you to learn something more useful; weapons training.” He says with a playful tone in his voice. You hear Tani scoff and roll her eyes. “They are not ready for that yet.” But So’lek shakes his head. “They can walk? They can fight. We do not have the luxury of time.” He just replies curtly.
There’s an awkward tension hanging in the air as they go back and forth, but with a final sigh from Tani she concedes, “Fine. If you must.” Waving her hand at him. “Kìyevame” She smiles at you all. “What does that mean? Nor asks  “See you soon.” She winks playfully. You all understand basic Na’vi thanks to Alma teaching you in secret, but only at a conversational level. “Don’t worry you have plenty of time to learn the catch phrases and sayings” So’lek rolls his eyes. 
You exchange a look with Ri’nela, and stand up to follow So’lek together with Teylan and Nor grabbing your things. “W-what kind of weapons training are we learning?” Teylan asks nervously walking beside So’lek trying to keep the same pace. He laughs, and turns to you. “You’re not. The celebration is starting soon and I thought you all could use some real form of entertainment.” Offering you a small smile.
You look at him in confusion, “So you lied?” Nor accuses. “You deserve a night of fun. Go get changed and meet me in the main wing.” So’lek begins walking away before any of you can respond just standing in the hallway hands full of your new crafted garments staring wide eyed. “What the fuck.” You whisper to yourself. 
You enter your room staring at your new clothes laid out on the bed. You know how to string a loincloth onto your body thanks to Tanywral explaining and demonstrating what it would look like, but you’ve never done this before. You remember a time when Mercer yelled at you just for putting several beads in your hair as a child. Slowly getting out of your basic shirt and sweatpants and fold them gently, you reach for the newly crafted green leather loincloth out of dried Clouded Lily leaves. 
You try your best to string the newly woven beads around your chest as Tani demonstrated, still not used to the idea of showing so much skin. You wrap your bracelets and armbands around your wrists and arms, gently adjusting everything as you stare at this stranger looking back at you in the mirror by your bedside table. Your eyes scan your body, littered with your ugly puckered scars showing far too much of your azure color than you’re comfortable with. But this, this is the way. The Na’vi reject vanity and are open and carefree. It’s your culture to embrace your body as a gift instead of a burden. The time to start embracing this side of yourself now.
With a deep conflicted sigh you step out into the hallway and knock on Ri’nela’s door. With a soft creak it opens slowly, revealing her own newly crafted outfit. “Wow.” You both admire each other’s work. “I feel a breeze” You chuckle awkwardly waving your hand to your barely covered nipples and butt cheeks hanging out. “It is the way yeah? Might as well dress as Sarentu.” She smiles playfully. You see Teylan and Nor emerge out of their own rooms, looking at Nor’s handcrafted chest plate and intricately made headpiece. 
Teylan on the other hand opted for a ratty tank top and tool belt he most definitely found in the lost and found bin you saw in the living room earlier. “We certainly look more Na’vi.” You smile at Nor. You notice a newfound confidence in your steps, as if your body subconscious notices the change as well. Your eyes now scan a lively living room where some of the humans have gathered around with other Na’vi. This part of the wing is warm, inviting; decorated with string lights, colorful handmade beads hanging off the ceiling, plants, artisan rugs and more. Your eyes circle in on a large table with various foods and drinks sitting there like a feast of royal caliber.
So’lek waves you all over to a small group, as he scans your body up and down with emotions you can’t quite decipher yet. A rush of heat spreads to your cheeks once more, biting the inside of your lip feeling more exposed than ever. “You look much better” So’lek softly declares leaning close to your ear.
Your eyes widen in disbelief, blinking several times for good measure. “Um.. thanks.” You cough out. You hear Nor snicker and cover his mouth to prevent another snort from coming out. “Come. Tonight we celebrate another victorious ambush. We have plenty of food and refreshments.” A handsome Na’vi approaches and claps So’lek on the back. “I’m Eetu, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” He sends a harmless wink your way, just as So’lek scoffs loudly and rolls his eyes.
“Must you be here?” He grumbles with irritation. You just stare at the handsome man, a little bit younger than So’lek, but a few years older than you. You’re enamored by his beautiful vibrant eyes, taking in his features like the slew of scars he has scattered across his lips, forehead and cheeks. You hear Ri’nela giggle watching her cheeks flush with a magenta hue. “Are you from So’lek’s clan too?” She curiously inquires. 
Nor and Teylan watch with puzzling stares, as Eetu smiles wide “No. I am from the Aranahe clan. I have an allegiance to this wondrous resistance here. You… why you bear the sigil of the Sarentu?” He points to the mark under your eyes. “Yes. We are Sarentu..” Nor puffs out his chest. You almost choke out a laugh, but stifle it as best you can watching this pissing match between the male Na’vi. “They are here to learn the ways of Navi. This is their new home.” So’lek steps in and stands in between you and Eetu.
“Oh of course of course..” Eetu raises his hands in the air and winks again but this time at Ri’nela. The balls of this man. “If you’re done, we can celebrate.” So’lek jabs at Eetu, with irritation clearly visible on his face. “Oh yes you must try fermented Yovo fruit juice! It’s the best.” Eetu happily grabs Ri’nela by the hand and waves you all over to the table. 
Just as you’re stepping to follow suit, So’lek takes your hand gently. Looking up in surprise, you turn and face him, “Stay away from that one. He is nothing but trouble, he’s only interested in fooling around.” He speaks in a low tone, his voice sounds different and gravelly. 
“Fooling around?” You ask in confusion. Did he mean..? “Surely you know what that is?” He raises a skeptical brow at you. You swallow hard and try to act as coy as possible. “You refer to the pleasures of the flesh..?” You reply awkwardly.
He only shakes his head and laughs, “Yes… You could say that. Come.” He brings his hand to the small of your back, gingerly pushing you forward to where the others now hold wooden bowls filled with this mysterious liquid. “Kirani! You’ve got to try this it’s so good!” Teylan laughs. It’s clear everyone is loosening up and enjoying themselves, so you take a wooden bowl and scoop it into a larger one as the beautiful purple liquid sloshes into the bowl. So’lek joins you grabbing his own and softly clinks his to yours. “Drink it slowly. It’s meant to be savored. It is strong.” He explains, as he brings his own drink up to his lips.
You raise the bowl to your mouth and take a tentative sip, the tangy sweet flavor immediately bursting onto your tongue causing it to warm your throat on its way down. “Whoah..” You gasp and smile at Ri’nela who enjoys her own. “Come and sit guys!” Priya suddenly pipes in. You smile and sit down on a layer of plush mats and pillows as the group forms into a circle. 
You carefully watch as So’lek sits across from you, attentive eyes locking in on your movements causes your tail to lash madly behind you. “I am soooo happy right now.” Teylan squishes himself next to you. “Teylan how much of that have you been drinking?” You giggle. “Ummm I’m not sure I think this is my third bowl.” You nudge his shoulder playfully and shake your head, “You know that has alcohol in it right? It’s fermented.” Your noses scrunches in amusement. 
“OH? Oops. No wonder it’s so good.” He slurps on more juice and you all laugh together enjoying the night’s provisions which include some smoked hexapede meat and roasted vegetables. The seasoning practically erupts with spices onto your tongue, with nothing like you’ve ever tasted before at TAP. You relish in several helpings, as the Yovo juice takes its effects. Feeling a languid warmth cascade over your body, you lean into Teylan a bit more listening to Eetu tell stories of his clan. 
“You know what we should play though?” He wiggles his brows suggestively, “Spin the bottle!” He smiles mischievously with his canines gleaming in the dim warm light, watching So’lek almost sneer in his direction. “Spin the bottle?” Ri’nela squeaks curiously. Eetu chuckles, “It’s a game! You take a bottle and spin it around in the circle and whoever it lands on, the person who spun it, has to kiss them.” He smirks.
Nor looks at Eetu with both intrigue and slight disgust, “that’s what you call a game?” But it doesn’t seem to even remotely phase this strange Na’vi, he just rises to the table and grabs whatever glassware he can find and sits back down. “Yup!” The group began to dissipate over the last few hours only leaving you, Ri’nela, Teylan, Nor, So’lek and Eetu. You squirm amongst yourself feeling the effects of the alcohol envelope you in a cozy blanket of drunken serenity.
Much to your surprise So’lek makes no effort to get up and leave, in fact, his eyes meet yours briefly and then quickly advert back to the commotion. “Okay who spins first?” Eetu wiggles the bottle in the air. “Well it’s your game, just do it.” Nor rebukes sarcastically. You all laugh and watch as Eetu smugly spins this glass bottle in the middle of the small group as it twirls around, slowing down and stopping on Teylan. Your eyes widen in amusement watching Eetu’s reaction as well. “Well well well. Shall we pucker up?’ Eetu laughs out. Teylan is much drunker than the rest of you, and clumsily leans forward closing his eyes and puckering his lips out dramatically, just as Eetu leans in for a comedic peck on the lips.
You burst out into fits of laughter, watching as Teylan and Eetu stumble awkwardly kissing in a quick smooch, to the point where your belly hurts. Teylan finds it almost as entertaining as Eetu with a shade of blush forming on his cheeks. “Wow Teylan who knew you had that much game!” You hunch over laughing with Ri’nela next to you. “Fine, then you spin next.” Teylan grabs the bottle and shoves it into your hand in a feeble attempt to conceal his embarrassment. You just shake your head and smile “Fine fine.” 
You bring the bottle to a fast spin, watching it move intently, as it slows down once more. When it finally stops, you look up to the direction it points in; right at So’lek. Oh no.You feel a slight panic looking up to watch his reaction, but he remains as stoic as ever. “This is ridiculous.” He scoffs out promptly. You watch as he avoids eye contact staring at his own feet, feeling your stomach flutter with dread. “Well if you don’t kiss her, I will.” Eetu happily interjects.
So’lek’s head immediately snaps up, his jealous eyes burning into the young Aranahe warrior. You nervously watch as So’lek practically twitches with anger, holding onto his composure with a thread, as his tail lashes behind him hysterically. But he says nothing. With flared nostrils he takes another sip of his drink and scoffs lowly, “As if I would care, go ahead kiss her.” 
All it takes are the words of cruel rejection to light a fire under your ass, and grab the back of Eetu’s neck and pull him in for a passionate kiss. With a muffled yelp he immediately kisses you back slipping his tongue into your mouth for good measure. The kiss feels sloppy and heated, as you feel your body tingle from the tips of your ears to the very end of your toes. Either from the copious amounts of alcohol you’ve consumed tonight or the rush of adrenaline, you feel a strange sensation shoot straight between your legs.
The drowned out cheering and yipping from the others, falls deaf on your ears when you suddenly feel a strong yank from your body. Your eyes snap open to see a furious So’lek rip Eetu off of you as he falls onto the floor with a loud thud. “Do.Not.Touch.Her.” A low growl escapes his mouth, watching in complete disbelief as your brain slowly catches up to what your eyes witness. “So’lek!” You shove him harshly. Completely unfazed, he ignores you watching Eetu staggering to rise up. “It’s all in good fun So’lek. You did not wish to kiss her? So I did. What is the matter?” He chuckles but he’s nervous. 
The size difference between the two Na’vi is now abundantly clear, Eetu would be foolish to challenge So’lek, despite this game starting out as just light fun. “Guys calm down! No fighting!” Teylan feebly attempts to diffuse the situation but gets shunned as a result. “You do not touch her.” So’lek repeats once more with his finger poking at Eetu’s chest. The way the two men talk about you as if you’re not there causes backflips in your stomach, “Do not speak about me as if I am not here asshole!” You grunt loudly pushing So’lek out of the way. You’ve had enough humiliation for one night as you race to the dark hallway corridors.
You hear So’lek call out your name behind you, causing you to run faster in hopes of drowning out his voice all together. You rush to your door, and slam it shut with your heart pounding loudly through your throat. What the fuck just happened? You throw yourself onto your bed, with a fuzzy brain trying to make sense of the last hour of the evening when the loud creak of your door opens. “What the?” You sit up awkwardly watching as the brooding man storms into your room, meeting him halfway as you scramble to your feet.
You stare at him quizzically trying to figure out why he’d be here out of all places after his rejection just minutes ago. “What the fuck are you doing here!?” You spit out angrily. A few moments pass, and he sighs awkwardly taking a small step forward. “Why do you hate me?” You whisper softly. This causes his eyes meet yours, almost like studying your features close up inspecting your reaction. “I do not hate you. Why would you think that?” You scoff at his question.
“Are you kidding me? Ever since I arrived you’ve done nothing but give me cold stares and grunts for answers. Getting you to speak is like yanking out teeth. Not to mention all you seem to care about is the impending war with the humans. I mean you look at me as if I carry some disease!” You try your best to remain calm but your voice cracks under its harsh whisper, causing So’lek to wince. 
“I am sorry. But you do not make it easy for me.” He huffs in frustration. Both your tails lash out from behind, hearing your heart thump fast in your chest. A small glint in his eyes and you may think that just maybe, he’s actually listening to you. He reaches out to touch your shoulder, as you quickly reject him, causing him to wince, knowing it’s well deserved.
“Shut up.” You stand your ground, despite the swirling thoughts of self doubt and confusion; no doubt thanks to the alcohol consumption. You watch as So’lek’s ears pin with shame, up close you can see the way he recoils at your harsh command. His lashes flutter with his own self doubt, pursing his lips together tightly. But he bites his tongue, “What was that?” He steps closer, causing your noses to almost bump into each other.
“You heard me..” A soft whisper leaves your mouth, but not as confident as before. So’lek smirks deviously and clicks his tongue, “Mmmm you are quite the brat, aren’t you?” You could swear you hear soft purring erupt from his chest. He snakes his hand around your throat with a feather light touch caressing your skin softly. Your eyes almost roll into the back of your head from his sudden touch, as he brings his palm to the back of your neck rubbing small circles.
“Tell me what you want…” He brings his mouth to whisper agains the shell of your ear, causing a delicious shiver to run down the length of your spine. “W-what?” You stutter with no grace whatsoever. He tightens his grip behind your head ever so lightly, “I said tell me what you want…” His nostrils flare out fighting his blooming anger as he fights to remain stoic.
After a few seconds you muster up the courage to speak, “you. I want you..” You almost don’t trust your own words until you see his very reaction, the smile on his face evident with some sort of hilarity. But he says nothing. “Hm… meet me at 0600 in the artillery room. I expect to see that attitude of yours left here..” He begins to walk towards your door leaving you behind in complete bewilderment, shaking with adrenaline as it closes with a harsh thud. What the fuck just happened?
Taglist: @justtweetie
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eywaseclipse · 2 months
Writing today. Hoping to get some creative juices flowing. So if you have any suggestions for ‘the songs of freedom’ So’lek series let me know! Either drop an ask, reply, or dm. There will be a little bit of a love triangle esque situation between my oc Kirani, Nor and So’lek. Tensions are expected to rise as she truly comes into her own as Sarentu.
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eywaseclipse · 4 months
Make You Mine*
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Characters: So’lek and female na’vi reader
Synopsis: Jealous So’lek during hunting festival 
Warnings: Jealousy, toxic behaviors, intoxication, sexual intercourse, swearing etc so 18+ 
Word Count: 1k
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The warm glow provided by the roaring bonfire illuminates your azure skin deliciously. The snare drums and tambourines fill your ear with a salacious delight thanks to the copious amounts of fermented yovo fruit juice you’ve consumed. The heat from the fire begins to ignite your cheeks, as you dance away with your fellow clan members celebrating the bountiful hunting season.
The clanking of your beads jingle happily in your braids, twirling as you move your body to the rhythm of the music. Your arms gracefully stir, with your iridescent tassels moving like Ikran wings in the wind. “Ayeaye!” A beautiful vocalization causes you to turn around, gazing to your friend Arvok with a playful smile on his face. “Dance with me!” He grabs your hands twirling you around before you can answer him. Both of you innocently dance together with your people honoring the tradition of movement. Unbeknownst to you, a pair of jealous amber eyes bore into the back of your skull close by.
So’lek’s POV
So’lek happily sits himself down on a mossy covered log surrounding the forest clearing watching as his people joyously begin the fire dance to commence the festival celebration. He sighs a lazy sigh bringing his bowl of fermented yovo fruit juice to his lips, as the tangy liquid soothes his throat with warm delight. He gazes to the youngsters trying to mimic the movements of the seasoned warriors dancing their night away, as he hears a familiar laugh invade his ears. Looking up to the source of the sound he’s displeased to see you dance with an equally drunk Arvok.
How could a beautiful Na’vi like you, subject yourself to this amateur hunter like Arvok? Especially as his promised mate. The romantic gestures and advances he’s planned for this mating season all seem to feel out of his reach as soon as he sees Arvok’s hand slip around your narrow little waist. What was once promised to him is seemingly slipping away, unless he acts now.
So’lek quickly slurps down the rest of his drink placing the bowl on the log, making his way to the forest clearing towards you. Your cheeks are flushed with a beautiful magenta hue clearly indicating your own intoxicated state. He approaches the two of you dancing together, with a guttural growl to make his presence known. “Y/n, may I have a word?” The strain in his voice is evident of containing his evading composure waiting for your attention to be elsewhere. 
You whip your head to his direction with a loose smile, “So’lek! I didn’t see you! Come dance!” You wiggle out of Arvok’s grasp and tug So’lek your way with an innocent look on your face, but he doesn’t budge. “I need to speak with you.” He booms with more confidence. Your face slowly turns into confusion, watching his unmoving expression. “O-oh. Okay.” You giggle out. 
So’lek does not return the amusement as he tugs you away before Arvok can even protest. His firm grip on your wrist does not waver, bringing you over to a large tree just out of ear shot from the rest of the clan, as the music slightly dissipates. “What are you doing?” He huffs out. He feels his nostrils flare with incandescent jealousy. The primal urge to mark you right here fills his mind with grotesquely vivid images. “What do you mean? I was celebrating with my friends.” You nonchalantly reply. “No… You were dancing with Arvok; the little twerp couldn’t keep his hands of you.” He growls 
Back to y/n’s POV
Your eyes slowly widen coming to the conscious realization that he’s jealous. You watch as So’lek’s pupils absolutely devour the amber hue in his eyes, as a playful smirk emerges on your face. “Oh…did you not enjoy watching as your future mate danced amongst male company?” You whisper seductively. You knew you were treading into dangerous waters, So’lek and his territorial tendencies have habit of imploding when alcohol is involved but you can’t help but feel enticed by it all.
“You know exactly what I think of that little show you put on..” He just huffs with irritation. “Baby you know I’m yours.” You cup his hot face watching his tail flick madly with irritation. “You’re a brat… and you know what happens to brats?” He steps closer until your back presses against the large tree, watching as his nose practically touches your own. The rapid beating of your heart thrums loudly in your throat anticipating his next move. This is not your future mate, but instead a hunt watching him like a Thanator stalks its prey.
“Say it.” He grows impatient. Your lip quivers with blooming arousal, feeling your own loincloth grow moist with desire. “Th-they get punished..” You squeak out. He smirks darkly, while his nimble fingers begin to tug at your beaded loincloth expertly undoing the strings. “That’s right… brats get punished.. and you know what that means?” He brings his lips to your ear causing a shiver to ripple down your spine.
“Fuck-I mean. Yes. I am yours.” You whisper softy. He chuckles removing your loincloth as it falls onto the grass with a small thwack. The cool air hits your throbbing pussy, causing it to twitch with delicious anticipation. “That’s right my little muntxate wife. Look how needy you are already.” He growls out. His large hands grip your waist harshly spinning you around so fast your brain goes numb feeling as he beckons you to press your hands against the trunk of the tree. “That’s right, hands on the tree. Your mate needs to fuck that little attitude of yours out of you hmm?” He snarls from behind.
You feel as he bucks his clothed bulge into your ass, causing a wanton moan to instinctively escape your lips. “You need to be marked… remember who you belong to…” He whispers in a strained voice as you hear him hastily undo the strings to his own loincloth.
He practically rips the material in half, tossing it to the side as his swollen cock slaps against his belly leaving the small mark of precum along his chiseled abs. “Fuck look what you do to me tìyawn love.” He brings his the swollen head of his cock to rub against your puffy lips, teasing you cruelly causing your hips to buck back into his pelvis. “So’lek! Please.” You whine out. So’lek just laughs and begins to fuck his length along your drenched entrance, slowly teasing and edging you just enough to drip onto the grass below.
“Little brats don’t get rewarded… but perhaps I will make an exception, if I get something in return.” He peppers a kiss into the crook of your neck. “Anything, truly anything So’lek.” You whine out desperate to feel his hard cock inside your walls. “Let me breed you.” He whispers. You feel your eyes almost roll into the back of your skull, nodding fast, “Yes! Please hurry!” You cry out.
So’lek watches you desperately try to fuck yourself along the length of his cock and laughs, “as you wish syulang flower.” He grabs the base of his length sliding into with ease as you practically swallow him whole. His balls twitch as he’s squeezed just right causing you both to moan in unison. “Fuck, you’re made for me..” He thrusts harshly into your silken walls with a loud thump into your ass. “Please.” You moan out. So’lek smirks knowing exactly what you want, and who is he to deny his woman?
He watches as you grip the tree tight, bringing his hips to slam once more, as he drills fast and hard into your swollen little pussy. The sound of squelching and smacking fill the forest with a disgusting erotic symphony as he feels his balls clench with an impending release. “Gonna fill you right up…” He moans into your ear. “Do it.” Your challenge just inspires a faster pace, as he literally takes you off your feet and onto your tippy toes, turning into a brutal speed.
“You’re made for me, you’re going to carry my children aren’t you brat?” He huffs into your neck feeling his pace begin to grow sloppier and sloppier. “Yes!” Your head rests in the crook of his shoulder clenching down on him so tight he swears he sees Eywa herself. The sound of your soaking wet heat and his balls slapping against your ass cause him to release his seed into your empty womb, coating it with the sticky hot liquid as you feel it immediately drip out of you. “Agh!” You squeal loudly as you feel his hand snake around to rub circles on your swollen bud. The overwhelming sensation of being filled to the brim and your clit being stimulated just right, causes your body to shake violently as you squirt your juices onto his hand and wrist. “Fuck fuck fuck.” You whimper out. “Just like that, that’s a good girl.” So’lek talks you through your orgasm as if his own didn’t just almost cause temporary blindness from pure ecstasy.
“Tam tam…” he whispers gently as your twitching body begins to slow down. Your labored breathing begins to sync with one another, feeling him gently bring you back down onto the grass and turning you around to face him. Both of you look completely and utterly wrecked, with glossy eyes and loose hair sticking to your sweaty foreheads.
He gingerly wraps his hand around the back of your neck to bring you in for a passionate kiss. “Mmm” He groans into your mouth kissing you with such purpose your eyes see stars dancing inside your eyelids. “Baby…” You moan softly. He parts ways as your lips leave a trail of spit gazing into each other’s eyes. “Soon you will be swollen with my child…” He half whispers to himself cupping your toned stomach. “I guess practice makes perfect…” You giggle, as both of you slump down along the tree trunk redlining in the last remains of alcohol in your system. “A very bountiful season indeed..” He whispers 
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torukmaktoskxawng · 4 months
Hi I love your work! Would you have any sfw + nsfw relationship headcanons for So’lek x fem Sarentu Na’vi? I’m playing AFoP right now and I’m looking for crumbs in every in-game interaction lol
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Pairing: So'lek/Fem!Sarentu!Reader
Taglist: @mooniequeen @avatar-lover @neteyamsyawntu
Warnings: nsfw (will be under the cut), minors dni
A/n: Using my favorite picture I ever took while playing AFoP 💕 Imagine that's how he looked when you walked into the room.
Also, my first headcanon request! Yay!
This man trusts you with his life and therefore trusts you are safe and loyal to him, no matter how far or how long you two are apart. (Doesn't mean he trusts Eetu to keep his overconfident hands to himself)
You're constantly traveling and never in one place for long, and while he used to be the same way, he finds himself staying in a chosen few places for long periods of time so that you can easily find him.
While he isn't much for PDA, he's still Na'vi, and he is going to grab your tail, both publicly and privately.
After losing his own clan, he understands exactly what you need to finally and properly mourn the loss of the Sarentu. He gives you what he wished he could've accepted from others after the loss of his people.
Doesn't like it when people tease him about your love. He takes your relationship very seriously and doesn't see the teasing as lighthearted. Priya learns quickly that he's more broody if your relationship comes up in the conversation.
And it's not like he's ashamed of your relationship. He's very proud of it, thank you very much. Even though he isn't into PDA, he still properly courts you in Na'vi tradition like you deserve. He wants you to experience Na'vi traditions since you never had them growing up.
He forces himself to appreciate the Sky People's communication devices because they ease his worries when he's able to talk to you from long distances. Yes, he trusts you to be safe, but he can't trust the rest of Pandora to do the same.
Takes his role as Big Brother to the rest of the Sarentu (Ri'nela, Nor, and Teylan) very seriously since you clearly trust him to guide your family when you're traveling and away from home.
Nsfw (minors dni):
I've said it once, and I'll say it again, this man has ZERO shame when he's eating you out. He's hungry, and he's messy. He's not gonna care how loud or disgusting it sounds.
I wouldn't be surprised if he spent a whole night with his mouth between your legs. I doubt this man has had any action during his life of solitude and path of revenge, so he's going to make up for lost time. If he's craving your taste, you better let him ravage you.
He's one of those lovers who refuses to pleasure himself unless it's to pleasure you, your care and well-being first and foremost in his mind. He doesn't care if it physically hurts not being able to cum, he's going to make sure you cum first. Please please PLEASE give him just as much attention because he deserves it. 🙏
When you two finally mate and form tsaheylu, he's supporting your weight as he takes you up against the nearest tree, being as gentle as physically possibly even with your gummy walls hugging his cock so deliciously. It takes a lot of his strength and willpower not to rail you right away. Since you're bonding for the first time, he wants it to be prolonged and intense. He wants to take his time.
Another reason why he sometimes refuses to cum is because believe it not, he doesn't have a breeding kink. At least not yet. He's not oblivious of the world around you, and even in his frenzied need to have every part of you, he remembers the war and how it's no place to start a family, no matter how much the both of you might want it.
He refuses to budge on the matter, and you need to respect that boundary. So you try other ways to get him to cum. Having him fuck you between the thighs was the best idea since the human invention of sliced bread. He. Loves. It. You have to hold onto his tail because it's always thrashing wildly behind him as he grinds his leaking cock into the tight space where you clench your thighs.
This man has been so deprived that when he cums, he cums a lot. A LOT. It's a shame none if that goes inside you 🫣 what a shame.
Growls. Enough said.
Actually, no, not enough said. Growls between your legs and the vibration puts toys to shame.
Mating bites 🫦 but they're mostly hidden between your thighs, under your loincloth. You definitely feel them as you walk around, and that is one of the little things in life between you and him that gets So'lek to smile.
I will happily write more about this!
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torukmaktoskxawng · 5 months
run away with me
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Pairing: Nor/Sarentu!Reader
Warnings: Spoilers for Avatar Frontiers of Pandora, fluff, angst, mentions of brainwashing and residential school trauma
Taglist: @mooniequeen
A/N: No one has requested me to write for AFoP so I decided to take matters into my own hands *cracks knuckles* Let's get to work.
This is basically my rendition of the cutscene you see when playing the game, after the title card. I made it lean more toward the angsty, romance play that we were robbed of when the game finally came out XD Enjoy!
Part 2
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When So'lek told you that Nor had left Resistance HQ to have some time to think, you knew you needed to seek him out.
Using your new abilities and talents to track him down, it didn't shock you when you found Nor on one of the highest cliffs near the base of their new home. You remember he made a comment earlier about how there were more colors on Pandora than he remembered and how he had no names for them. You suspected he'd be all the way out here, admiring those colors and maybe trying to invent new names for them.
He didn't react when you approached the small fire he made, likely expecting you to come find him. He turned to face you with lowered ears and a forlorn look in his eyes, "What must our ancestors think of us? Do you think they pity us? Sad to see what we've become?"
"We're still Sarentu."
"Teylan barely speaks our tongue, but then... he always preferred human words."
"Alma says we all need time to adjust."
"Alma is not Na'vi." He growled lowly, turning away to kneel down in front of the fire.
You weren't deterred by his attitude, knowing Nor better than you sometimes knew yourself. He felt things stronger than most. He was passionate about what or how he felt and he wasn't afraid to admit it, hence why he didn't shy away when he proudly proclaimed his feelings toward you. It was years ago now, just the night before Alma snuck you and your friends into cryosleep to wait out the war. All that time you could've been with Nor... lost to cryosleep.
Nor felt the same loss as well, and that is why he wasn't wasting any more time. When neither of you are out on missions, you're with each other, safe at HQ, making up for lost time. Your relationship is technically still new and can easily be chalked up to young love, but Nor didn't see it that way. He claimed that was the way only Sky People saw it, but not the Na'vi. He wanted to do this right, and in his mind, the only right way was the Na'vi way.
So he asked So'lek for advice, on standard Na'vi customs and what the older man might know about the Sarentu ways to court someone. Nor was determined and straightforward about what he wanted to make sure you only got the best treatment. The Na'vi treatment, something that you deserved to have when you were younger but it was taken from you.
That's what you loved about him, growing up beside him. He reminded you so much of your sister at times with their shared determination as kids, though you refused to continue making that comparison after she died... afraid that if Nor acted too much like Aha'ri, then he would die just like her. You couldn't bear to lose him, too, not after everything Mercer and TAP have done to you.
Even now, as you two stood on top of that cliff, you were afraid of losing him, either to death or to life, should life and fate decide to tear you two apart. You wished you could vocalize your fear to him, but you were never as brave or as straightforward as Nor. You were grateful he had approached you about his feelings first, or else neither of you would've ever known.
Although you were not one with words, you were one with actions, and even Nor knew that you communicated with deeds.
Walking up to him, you slide your hand over his shoulder, and while he doesn't say a word, trapped with the demons in his head, he places his own hand on top of yours, a gesture of gratitude. He was thankful for your comfort, knowing that your way of communicating stems from being touch-starved and you would rather voice your thoughts through your actions instead of just saying them because, to you, that means so much more.
You keep your hand on his shoulder, the warmth of his palm bleeding into your skin while you look up and over the cliffside, admiring the scenery with a sad tone in your voice, "Why did the RDA come back?"
"They wanted more of Pandora," he responds with defeat, "They always do."
"Then we'll need to fight," you express with determination, squeezing his shoulder, "Aha'ri would have wanted us to fight."
You try to pull away, but Nor is suddenly too fast. He grasps your hand, gently, and you pause in your movement. He stands to his full height to gaze into your eyes, trying to relay what he's thinking without saying a word. But he wasn't like you. He wasn't good at sharing his thoughts through actions. He was better at it by talking, so that is what he did.
"Or we could run," he suggests and is quick to continue when the expression on your face falls, "Leave this place. Find somewhere else to call home."
"We've talked about this, Nor," you sigh tiredly, recalling not long ago when you, him, Ri'nela and Teylan were all sitting around a fire as Nor suggested they could all run away together. You express the same thing you said back then, too, "Alma brought us here for a reason. She believes in us."
He snarls, though there isn't much heat behind it, "Alma just wants to control us."
Not even you believed what he was saying, lowering your voice to a comforting whisper, "Alma is not Mercer. She actually cares about us as People."
"She left us."
"She thought we were gone."
He steps closer until he's nearly pressed against your chest, his hands sliding up to gently grasp both sides of your face, entwined in your hair. His voice wavered, desperate eyes staring back into yours, "If it were me instead of her, I would've clawed through the rubble of TAP, and I would've looked forever. Un... until I knew for sure if I lost you or not."
You wanted to be touched by the statement, your heart fluttering in your chest while Nor could no doubt feel your heartbeat, pumping through his hands as they rested near both sides of your neck. You shake your head slightly, "That is different. What Alma feels for us is not the same as... as what you feel for me. For all of us."
He shivered, almost proud that you managed to admit your confidence in his feelings toward you. He leans his forehead against yours, breathing in the same air as you while he matches the intimate moment with a whisper, "Exactly. I can't trust Alma with my family. I can only trust myself or you to take care of the four of us, to ensure we stick together."
You wet your lips when they felt dry, deciding to play into his dream for a little bit, "Suppose we did run away... where would we go?"
'Wherever we want! All of us,' he wanted to say the same thing he told Teylan down by the campfire, but he says it differently with you, "Anywhere, far away from here."
"Just the four of us?"
"The four of us," he confirms with a nod, thinking that he had you convinced, "We'll start our own clan. We'll renew the Sarentu."
"And what will happen when the war eventually finds us?"
Your question drives Nor to freeze, and so you continue, "Either Mercer, RDA, or TAP, it won't matter. They'll find us. You know they will."
He unfroze finally, huffing with determination, "Then we will fight."
"But if we fight now, and we win, then we can leave and we will never have to worry about the Sky People again," your hands moved until they were wrapped around Nor's waist, a bold move to match his own, his fingers still wrapped up in the hair on the back of your neck,
"We would never have to keep running or look over our shoulders ever again," you continue, "If we can end this sooner than later, I will go with you. I'll go wherever you want. But... But I can't leave now knowing what the Sky People are capable of. I can't leave knowing that there would be another child out there whose clan was wiped out and I wasn't brave enough to stop it from happening. I would never forgive myself."
Your words stun him into silence, and the intensity of his gaze causes you to feel shy and embarrassed, lowering your head to avoid him until his hands pause your movement. He gently uses his thumbs to push your chin to tilt back up, and when your eyes meet, he pauses for a moment, his intense eyes scanning your expression before his lips twitch up into a small, fond smile, "Heh."
"What?" You tilt your head, hesitant but smiling as well.
"Nothing. It's just... Aha'ri would be proud of you."
He says it so confidently that you know you believe him, and his words make your heart swell with pride and grief, missing your sister. Nor leans back and digs in the pocket of his pants, "I have something for you."
"What is it?"
He provides a carved stone, bearing the mark you both have on your face to signify your long-lost clan, "It's something to remind you of me, whenever you leave HQ and I cannot follow you. It's also a promise."
"What promise?"
"That if I ever leave, it will only be when you are ready to come with me," he leans back into your space, pressing your foreheads together once more as he closes his eyes, taking in your scent, "This time, my love, I go wherever you go."
You clutch the stone in your hand, wanting the carved mark to brand into your skin as you close your eyes as well. You already plan to tie Nor's stone into the songcord So'lek had given you, and you hope that in time, the songcord will grow, and there will be many more milestones to signify. Milestones that you hope that Nor and your friends will share with you, as Sarentu and as your family.
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torukmaktoskxawng · 3 months
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What are you looking at, Evuä?
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Oh. Of course.
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I love my parents so much 😭 I like both of their combined Na'vi/RDA attire
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So'lek, come on, just jump her bones already
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Her hair ❤️
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eywaseclipse · 3 months
I’m debating whether or not I should edit my recent so’lek chapter.. or scrap it completely and start over. I’m not feeling it. Idk. I need more of this enemies to lovers trope.
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zafrinaxyz · 6 months
⚘ angst ♡ fluff ★ smut
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  ҉ female sarentu reader
𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡..
  ҉ female human reader
ੈ✩ imagine ♡⚘
ੈ✩ headcanon 1 ♡
ੈ✩ A New ♡⚘
ੈ✩ his voice ♡
ੈ✩ possessive!so'lek ♡⚘
the so'lek collection
one , two
so’lek, the sarentu, and nesim
so’lek animation [ MDNI ]
so’lek + nor
funny so’lek - 1
but he is kinda cute
so’leks vengeance
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moonchildxoxx · 2 days
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A/N: You are responsible for your own media consumption. MDNI 18+. Lit bit of anguish, little bit of smut and also a bit of fluff
Pairing: So’lek x Fem!Aranahe!Reader,
Word count: 2319
Synopsis: a classic young sunshine ☀️ and old grump🌧️ finally get together a young aranahe weaver falls for the grumpy hunter and eventually breaks down So’lek’s walls
That doesn’t count!
Solek sat in his makeshift camp that was nestled on the outskirts of the Aranahe territory. She found him sharpening his knives with a scowl on his face. "What do you want?" So'lek grumbled not looking up, he knew it was her, the little aranahe weaver that never seemed to leave him alone. “I just came to see how you were doing." She said as she hesitantly took a step forward crouching next to him. "Would you want to go for a ride with me?." Solek paused his sharpening and stared at her with a blank expression, processing the request. Her request was a surprise, it made him slightly uncomfortable. He could handle the hunt and the ambushes but something more light hearted like a ride was foreign to him. "I don't see the point of that." Was his response.
She rolled her eyes playfully "you're such a grump you're worse than my baba.” The corner of Solek's lips slightly turned up, he felt as if he should snap and be more hostile with her. But something about her presence made him feel at ease. "You seem quite comfortable calling me grumpy." The Na’vi said, raising an eyebrow.
"Well if the battle band fits" she said. A full blown chuckle escaped So'lek, he couldn't believe he had actually laughed in front of her. He quickly covered it up pretending to cough. "That was not a laugh." He declared. "No of course not that was an involuntary muscle spasm.” She answered sarcastically.
"Exactly." The Navi replied, he felt his cheeks slowly turning a dark shade of blue, he knew she must have seen this but he prayed she hadn't.
He quickly changed the subject by pointing to his sharpened weapons. "Why do you insist on coming to see me?" He asked. "Because I like you" she countered So'lek stared at her wide eyed, the words she spoke came as a surprise to him. No one had told him they liked him in a long time. "Why do you like me? I'm certainly not one of the more attractive males around ." Solek said with an air of confusion. "They don’t really hold my interest "
So'lek's eyes narrowed before he spoke again, he really wanted to know what it was about him that she liked so much. "Do you enjoy my scowl and grumpy attitude? Is that what attracts you?" "Part of it, yes" she admitted. The Na'vi couldn't believe this cute yet annoying female was making him blush. He didn't like this feeling of being vulnerable. "How is that attractive?" He said trying to change topics again.
“I’m not quite sure but I like it” she spoke
"So you like me with my angry scowl and me being rude, then what is the end goal then, do you hope to make me more friendly?" So'lek asked before he sighed thinking she didn't understand his intentions or his pain. "No!, of course not!. And you aren’t always so scowling
" she added "I'm not always scowling?" The Na'vi asked, raising his brows once more he wondered what was wrong with this female. Surely she had to be either crazy or very brave to say these things to him. “ then when am I not scowling?" “When you are with the sarentu " "That does not count." Solek replied in a tone that sounded offended. He couldn't believe she brought up the sarentu, he actually liked teaching the young hunter but it wasn't something he would openly admit.
“So'lek you are acting offended for nothing nobody else is going to hear a word of this conversation” she said. Solek paused before speaking again, maybe this female was right.
"Fine I am not always scowling, but only when I'm being polite to the younglings. But how would you know about that?" "I have eyes, others seem to turn a blind eye when it comes to you for some reason or another.” Solek was used to being viewed as a grump, an intimidating male. The rest of the Na'vi's wouldn't dare get in his way when he was on a hunt but this female seemed persistent to get to know him. "Do you really pay that much attention to me, what is the reason for that?" Solek asked, raising his eyebrows, he was intrigued but also slightly annoyed. "I do not have a straight answer but I feel a pull towards you… I like you "
So'lek's sharp eyes studied her for a moment before he spoke again. "A pull towards me?" He replied sounding a bit skeptical, surely this young female wasn't into him. He had no good qualities, he was a scarred damaged male whose hatred overpowered all else. "I must warn you there are much better males you could be drawn to."
She sighed " You are just as good as any of the others, you just need a little bit of time and patience .” Solek scoffed before shaking his head. "I am certainly not just as good as any other male. And I have no desire to be treated with patience or cared for. I do not need you coddling me." The Na'vi said in a low growl as he glared down at her. “It is not coddling Solek having patience with someone is not coddling” "It sure sounds like it. I'm a grown Na'vi male." Solek replied in a sharp tone, he didn't understand why she was trying to be so nice to him. Maybe she just felt sorry for him. He didn't need her pity, no one deserves pity. “Yes but you have also seen great horrors in your life time and you have not given yourself time to grieve or heal” she spoke softly trying to reason. So'lek's face was suddenly stone. "You have not lived through a war with the RDA, you know nothing about grief, what pain I've lived through." The Na'vi said in an icy tone, suddenly he felt like yelling at her in all of his rage. "you are right I have not seen a war of that size " she spoke calmly
Seeing her being so calm in this situation was infuriating to the Na vi. "Is that the reason you like me? Your curiosity of my past?" Solek said with a slight edge. “No Solek your past is not a thing of importance but I understand you have trauma and it will always be apart of you.” So'lek turned away from her , he couldn't believe this female understood his situation. "You actually seem to understand." The Na'vi said before he paused, he didn't like letting people see his vulnerable side. "But if you understand then, how do you still like me?" "Why wouldn't I like? Why should anything you've gone through change my opinion on you Solek" she asked. Solek paused before speaking again, her words brought the slightest glimmer of hope within him. No one had ever liked him for who he was before, only what he could offer them. He was confused and somewhat hopeful about this female.
"Even with all of my scars and baggage you still like me?" "That's how i've only ever known you So'lek " The Navi was taken aback by her response. She ad a point, she ad only ever seen his scarred face and scarred body. But now as he tried to look back, she had never actually seen him any other way. "But all you've seen is me being rude and angry." Solek mumbled, he didn't like admitting this much to her “I don’t care So’lek” she spoke
Solek paused again, she really didn't care that she had only known his scarred side. The Na'vi felt his heart beating quicken, the thought of her being so understanding was bewildering him, but also it gave him another feeling that he wasn't used to but could identify. "So you have no problems with my scars, my attitude, my personality?" He asked her, there was hope now that his scars didn't scare her away from him.
She kissed his cheek softly. So'lek froze as her soft lips touched his cheek. He was not expecting a kiss nor did he think a female like herself could do that. His face felt like it was on fire as the he just stared at her lips before speaking again.
"Do that again" The words just spilled out of his mouth, he didn't know why but he needed to feel that once more. She kissed his cheek again gently. The rush of euphoria and adrenaline Solek felt after a second kiss was immense. It was unlike anything he had felt before or maybe it was long forgotten. When she pulled away, the Navi could only gaze into her eyes for a moment.
"Are you sure you like me?"He asked his voice sounding a bit shaky, he needed to know.
Solek would not let himself get his hopes up too much, not when he could be left severely heartbroken. He tried not to care if she said she did not have Feelings for him, but it would hurt greatly if she ejected him. She kissed him on the lips this time The kiss made Solek feel as if all his senses had been amplified. The taste of her lips caused his heart to race. The warmth of her body and her scent was intoxicating to him. The Na'vi wanted a chance to return the favor, to show her how much he cared. He placed his hands on her back and pulled her close so that now your bodies were pressed against each other.
He opened his mouth before connecting his lips to hers nd pulled her into a deep kiss.
Solek was breathing heavily after the intense kissing session and the Na'vi had to ask the one question that had been weighing heavily on his mind. "Why are you being so nice to me? I am a scarred damaged male, l am not someone you should be falling for."
She had had enough “Why? What exactly makes you damaged So'lek? Tell me " she argued. So'lek's face turned slightly red when she asked that. "Are you joking? I am covered in scars both mentally and physically. I have been at war for years, I have killed countless humans to protect my home. I've seen my family and friends die. I have killed." The Na'vi spoke slowly, he was beginning to feel the weight of these things again. "You didn't even flinch when I told you this." "Because none of this changes who you are Solek " Solek could not understand how she was still persisting that he was worth caring about. He was shocked, yet pleased that she didn't care. "You're unbelievable." The na'vi said in awe. He pulled her into his lap so that now she was cradled against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, like he was afraid she might disappear. So'lek couldn't help himself from burying his face in her hair. She smelled like fresh rain and sweet berries. The Na'vi relished in this moment, feeling her body pressed against his.
He ran a hand along her back,gently touching her bare skin. He also enjoyed the feeling of her hair between his fingers as he twisted and twirled the locks in his hand. She gently caressed his cheek
The feeling of her fingers against his face made Solek shiver. He was not used to this soft touch, but he didn't hate it. You're driving me mad, you know that." Solek said softly against your hair as he pulled her in closer. Now that she was against his chest, he was tempted to bury his face in her shoulder and take in her scent but that would only make his desire stronger. The Navi gently nipped at her ear, his heart racing. A part of him felt like a lovesick teenage boy, he was enjoying being so close to her and feeling your body against his. He then gently touched a hand to her chin and tilted her head back so he could look her in the eyes. He looked at her face, studying her facial features. Solek thought she looked angelic. The way the sunlight touched her skin, the way her hair framed her face "You're driving me mad, you know that." Solek said softly against her hair as he pulled her in closer.
Now that she was against his chest, he was tempted to bury his face in her shoulder and take in her scent but that would only make his desire stronger. He then traced his thumb along her bottom lip before speaking in a low tone.
"You are beautiful..." He spoke before he began to trail his finger along her jaw and down her neck. As he felt her warm skin under his touch he suddenly had the urge to mark her as his.
The Na'vi began to kiss her neck and he nibbled gently on the soft skin. He began feeling the strong desire to markher , to make his claim on her visible for all to see. She moaned gently So'lek's heart skipped a beat as she let out a little moan. He smiled upon hearing her make this noise, he wanted to hear it again.
"Oh you like that do you?" He said in a low tone before sucking gently on her neck.
He sighed as she gently caressed his skin and he couldn't help but turn his head to press a soft kiss to her palm . His body was filled with sensations of desire and he had an intense urge to hold her closer. The Na'vi was fighting the urge to pick her up and carry her to his tent so he could do other things to her. For now he knew he had to act with restraint and so, he settled for wrapping his arms around her tighter and pulling her in close to his chest.
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