#solomon the witty sorcerer
lovebugdotcom · 2 months
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solomiracle · 7 months
im so nice to solomon but so mean to lucifer
lucifer: don't be a problem
amby: 🫡🫡🫡
also amby: *gets in near-death experiences every other second. never fights and just accepts it*
lucifer: don't trust solomon he's a whore
amby: 🫡🫡🫡
also amby: *marries solomon*
lucifer: don't be a problem
marcie: :)
lucifer: wha-
marcie: *gets in near-death experiences every other second. always runs in head-first*
lucifer: don't trust solomon he's a whore
marcie: :)
lucifer: wha-
marcie: *is solomon in a different font*
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Solomon, what is the obsession you have over Lucifer? You seem to be specifically after him for other purposes than just a mere pact. Perhaps you desire something more?
Unprompted ask|| Always Accepting||
📚 "Obsession? Hahaha that's a pretty strong word to use. Just what are you trying to imply?". Solomon very well had an idea of what they were trying to insinuate, but it was simply more fun to go the route he had chosen.
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"For what other purposes would I desire from Lucifer, hm? Is it not enough to merely want to forge a pack with one of the most powerful demons in Devildom? You are too amusing."
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tsukii0002 · 3 months
Can you imagine how much Solomon regrets the beginning of his relationship with Mc? I mean, he had the opportunity to be the major support and the person that Mc always turned to, for simply being human (a human bordering on demonic, yes, but a human after all) for a young human, who had practically been dragged to literal hell, surrounded by demons and dangers, he could have been, in Mammon's words, Mc's first. Because I have no doubt that they would have quickly trusted him if the wizard had been more friendly and less mysterious. I mean, who gives more confidence a suspicious human or a suspicious demon?
But the little gentleman decided to observe Mc from afar, with curiosity, like someone who observes an experimental subject. He took it as something fun, that's all. Everything to fall head over heels in love a season later, and cursed the moment he made the decisions he made.
Because it was too late, the people Mc trusted the most (despite everything) were the brothers, and the witty sorcerer would now have to slowly make his way into his apprentice's heart, that's if he makes it, because on top of that the competition now was greater than at the beginning, when he could have been the fastest to win Mc's heart.
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irishmammonagenda · 13 days
"Solomon?" You ask, eyes unblinking like a lizard as you stare at your favourite Rat Bastard. "You know how you're immortal?"
Solomon turns to you in mock shock, "Really? Why I never wouldve guessed."
You deadpan. "It was a serious question."
Solomon smirks his usual evil smirk, which to anyone else observing would look like a pleasant smile. "Yes, and what about me being immortal, MC?"
"Well, did you ever know Merlin?" You tilt your head as Solomon's smile falters for a split second before he fixes it.
"Yes, I knew Merlin."
"Before or after you became a Rat Bastard?" You ask him, eyes trained on his pretty smile. (evil grin)
"Well...I may or may not've been good friends with him..."
"Do you think I could meet him?" You ask, bouncing one of your legs after you sit down on Solomon's workbench.
Solomon moves towards you, something flashing in his eyes for a split second before his hands find their rightful place around your waist. "No."
"Why not?" You pout.
"Because I'm the only famous sorcerer in your life." He states, that something flashing in his eyes once more. Something animalistic. If Solomon was a demon, you were sure his demon form would sprout out.
"What about Maddi?" You raise an eyebrow.
Solomon scoffs. "You hate Maddi. You put on a mask with Michael's face on it, and then tried to drown her in a ditch."
You shrug. "I'm just mad the bitch didn't drown."
"She did damage her oesophagos though." Solomon smiles evilly, actually evilly this time.
"So why can't I meet Merlin. I want his autograph." You bring th conversation back to the topic at hand, your flustered gaze trained to where the Great Sorcerer holds you by the waist possessively.
Solomon scoffs once more, grey eyes narrowed in on you. "And why do you want his autograph?"
"Because he's the greatest sorcerer to ever live? Duh."
Solomon's grip tightens at that. His brows furrow.
"...No he's not." The silver-haired sorcerer replies after an awkward moment of silence.
"Yes he is."
"No he's not." Solomon glares at you, grip tightening once more, it's almost painful. "I can give you my autograph if you yearn for one that badly. End of."
"But-" You pout, eyes flickering with the flame of mischief, wanting to see how far you can take this.
Solomon's eyes snap up and down your body before meeting your gaze, forcefully he moves closer to you, you lean back until he's directly in your face and your back is up against the surface of his workbench.
You feel his hot breath on your ear as he whispers, "The next words out of your mouth better be 'I love you Solomon!' or I'm not hearing them."
Your breath hitches, you suppress a grin, "It's just that-"
"Not hearing it."
"Emrys is just so cool-"
Solomon flicks you on the head for that one. He moves away from your ear so he can look at your face. Grey eyes instinctual and crazed.
"My darling apprentice....you don't want to know where this is headed." The Witty Sorcerer grits out, emphasising the word 'my' like it's an ancient incantation.
You stiffen, you've really done it now. There was no way you could keep teasing your favourite Michelin Star Murderer and come out unscathed.
A dark purple surrounds the sorcerer, are those flames?!
You pout, looking into the crazed feral eyes man who's about to lose control. You'd have to stop being a gremlin and take responsibility.
"Sol...I love you." You say, and you mean it.
And like clockwork, rhe dark purple flamey aura disappears, Solomon's grip loosens on you, he moves a little farther back, allowing you to get up off the surface of the workbench. His usual Rat Bastard smile returns, and the crazy feral look in his eyes diminish, never fully going away.
You raise an eyebrow teasingly, "So that's a no on meeting Merlin?"
Solomon sighs exasperatedly, love ever-present in his expression, "Forget Thirteen, you'll be the death of me."
You laugh, "Back to your Alchemy lesson now?"
Solomon chuckles. "Back to my Alchemy lesson." He nods, taking his hands off of you and walking over to his cauldron.
You follow him like a lost puppy, unaware of the extent of the danger just a few moments ago. Not danger you were in, of course, like Solomon could ever hurt you. But the rest of the realms?....well that's a different story....
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Never wake a sleeping dragon....
Never underestimate the obsession love that Solomon the Wise has for his Darling Apprentice.
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inhuman-obey-me · 2 months
⚡️Solomon and mc please if you are still doing these.
"What good is this "great power" of mine? Absolutely everything slips through my fingers." - Solomon/MC
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This wasn’t supposed to happen.
You were supposed to be safe here in the human realm. Safe with him. 
“Solomon,” your voice is weak as you call out his name, lying in the middle of the room. Blood is seeping through the bandages tightly wrapped around your wounds. Your eyes flicker as you seem to fade in and out of consciousness. 
Shit. That potion didn’t work either. 
“Don’t speak. Don’t move. I’ll get you fixed up.” He does his best to keep his voice calm, swallowing the panic that threatens to take over. No, he needs to focus. He needs to find the right ingredients, he needs to measure precisely, he needs to find the damn spell or potion or whatever it is that will undo the damage that’s laid claim to your body. 
Books go flying off the shelves, circling in a dizzying array around the sorcerer as pages flip rapidly. He had taken you to one of his secret abodes spread throughout the human realm, all stocked with various magical items and artifacts along with numerous grimoires and journals he had collected over centuries. A treasure trove for any occult enthusiast – but currently, an archive of desperation. 
“There has to be something here. It’s a complex curse, but it still seems to be human-made, though with some demonic assistance, so,” he speaks his thoughts aloud, talking more to himself than to you, “I just need to find what can neutralize it.” 
Surely he can find it. Solomon has never met a curse that he couldn’t eventually break, faced a foe he couldn’t manipulate, discovered a spell he couldn’t replicate. The air fills with the noise of a sorcerer gone mad – the clinks and clanks of vials and bottles, the continuous flutter of pages turning, the hiss and bubbling of items being thrown together, the scrape of metal against glass, of chalk against wood and the crackle of fire.  
“This one should work.” 
It didn’t.
“Okay, maybe this one.”
Another failure. 
“This one has to be it.”
Solomon slumps beside you after his latest attempt, his face in his hands and his deep breath turns into an exasperated yet muffled yell. His hands travel up his head, fingers tightly gripping at his hair as a hiss leaves his lips. 
Solomon the Wise. Solomon the Witty Sorcerer. These names and more had plagued him for so long, were ones he at times embraced and gloated over. He had been the most powerful human in existence, continuing to obtain more and more power so that he could show the angels and demons that they couldn’t control him, control humans. It wasn’t without sacrifices, without pain and hardship. He still lost so much.
And now, he was afraid of losing you. 
There was no other choice. He was going to have to call upon the demons for help.
“What good is this great power of mine?” His voice nearly breaks, tears stinging at the corner of his eyes. “Absolutely everything slips through my fingers.” 
“Not everything, old man.” 
Solomon jolts up, eyes wide as he looks to you after hearing your shaky voice. 
You let out a low groan, shifting in place before slightly propping yourself up on your elbows. “Come on, you didn’t think I would go down that easily, did you?” You wince. “Have some faith in your apprentice. I’m basically as strong as you.” 
Your name leaves him in a near-sob as he scrambles up and throws his arms around you. “Oh thank the stars, you’re okay.” 
“Ow,” you respond, but sink into his embrace. “I’m not touching a strange statue again for a good while after this.”  
“I’m sorry,” Solomon releases you, checking over your wounds to ensure that you are now healing. “I should have known, I should have stopped you, I should have –” 
“Solomon.” You stop him, brushing some of his wispy locks from his face. “It was an accident. You can’t always be there watching over me. And if it wasn’t for you, I would be in a lot worse shape.” Placing a hand on his cheek, you gaze affectionately into his eyes. “Thank you.”
He swallowed his protests. It was true that you were on a path to quickly overtake him as the most powerful human sorcerer the world had ever known. He was going to have to get used to you getting into dangerous situations, used to you wielding such power and the responsibility that came with it. He was no longer alone in carrying that burden.
With a sigh, Solomon rests his forehead against yours. “Looks like I’m going to have to make a lot more protection charms.” 
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666writingcafe · 5 months
Solomon As A Lover (NSFW)
Before MC, Solomon quickly gains the reputation of being a bit of a player and a heartbreaker (at least, in the human world). He attracts many people to him, boosts their ego, sleeps with them a few times...and then just disappears completely without a trace. This reputation doesn't hinder him, though, for there are plenty of individuals that insist they can change him, and there are others that simply find him attractive and don't care about his reputation. The truth is, Solomon is afraid of getting too close to people in the human world, because he knows that he's going to outlive him all and doesn't want to go through that kind of grief over and over again. He doesn't necessarily have to worry about that with demons, but Devildom residents are more hesitant to sleep with the witty sorcerer, since he usually wants something in return. One of the only exceptions is Asmo, but even he doesn't fulfill everything that Solomon desires.
With MC, Solomon begins questioning himself, especially as he watches them develop relationships with the demons he's known for so long. He's not seen them this enamored with a human before, especially one that arrived in the Devildom with no prior training or apparent magical abilities. He finds it oddly comforting; if they can allow themselves to feel this way towards MC, then he can, too. He's still a bit hesitant, but he at least tries to get to know his fellow human exchange student and grow close to them. Once MC is officially his apprentice and they're living together, though, he becomes more comfortable expressing his feelings. He finds that he enjoys MC's company a lot (just as much as MC enjoys his, if not a little more). He loves the sound of their voice and the thoughts they have to share, and he could listen to them talk all day. This transfers to the bedroom, for Solomon will not stop whatever he's doing until his apprentice's moans bounce off the walls. He doesn't care that others can hear them; in fact, he wants people to know that he can make MC produce such pretty noises.
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Nsfw content MDNI
Re-wrote my favorite Solomon headcanon! Ooor I’m back on my ‘Solomon has a tongue piercing’ bullshit- CW: afab reader and oral (reader receiving)
First and foremost, he’s a fucking tease with it!! This man is on a mission to show off his tongue piercing to you!!
And I mean like mid conversation he just sticks out his tongue and watches your eyes lock onto it.
“You’re staring again, MC.” Solomon teases and you always blush and deny it, “I was not!” you were-
He also does that whenever he really wants your attention just on him.
He loves when he’s talking and you’ll nod, even saying that yes. You hear him and are listening properly when you’re really just watching his mouth. Hoping for another glimpse of that piercing~
He wants ‘n needs to show you what all he can do with it and here you are just as eager!
So really getting you into his room for a quick ‘conversation’…wasn’t hard…
As soon as the door shuts Solomon has you pressed into the door. The taste on his tongue on yours is always so welcome and warm~
And even better is that his tongue piercing is always a new little thrill for you, never really expecting to like how it feels against your tongue. But fuck it really is fun to rub your tongue against the little metal ball.
Breaking the kiss, Solomon’s lips quickly travelled down your neck nipping a little bit here ‘n there.
His hands are everywhere, as if he knew how and where to touch you to make you melt into his touch.
and then Solomon is sliding down onto his knees, pulling your legs over his shoulders. -Pants discarded somewhere along the way- and your underwear safely in his pocket for later~ while his tongue is busy teasing your pussy.
But the real fun doesn’t begin until you’re opening your mouth to ask him to stop teasing you!!-
he’s just so mean, barely giving you attention where you need him and just running his tongue along your slit, giving your clit a few little licks and moving away again-
Hearing your whines Solomon simply smirks and presses that pretty little piercing into your clit…..and fuck he’s living for those sinful little sounds you make when he does~
Even better!!! Grab a handful of Solomon’s hair and tug a bit while whining his name.
Solomon’s just going to rub and run his piercing and tongue harder into ‘n against your poor little clit.
And get ready for an amazing orgasm after all his hard work Solomon is going to ensure you know, that only he can make you feel this fucking good.
Demons and angels can try but they’ll never beat the witty sorcerer-
After you’ve cum, he’s drinking up your juices and lapping at your cunt a little more, just a touch of overstimulation while he’s still teasing your clit with that little metal ball~
You two really should have more little ‘conversations’-
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katboykirby · 7 months
solomon would be like "can my apprentice get any more adorable" and then mc just smiles or sneezes or breathes and he goes "they can!!!"
Solomon is history's first ever recorded simp. He is the propagator and progenitor, the Original Simp™ from whom all other simps have derived and descended from throughout the annals of civilization.
This man would build a temple in MC's name, just like he did for his many wives and husbands in the biblical stories (if you ask him whether the myth about him having 700 wives is true, he'll just laugh and tell you that "history is often greatly exaggerated" but won't elaborate any further)
Really, all MC ever needs to do is just sit there and exist, and it will bring Solomon to his knees. He may be King Solomon the Wise, he may be the famed Witty Sorcerer, he may be the infamous Immortal Mage that even demons have learned to fear and respect - but for MC and MC alone, he's the most shameless simp who ever lived.
MC happens to sneeze while in the same room as him? "Oh, my apprentice is so adorable!"
MC yawns while they're doing their RAD homework? "I can't believe how cute my apprentice is!"
MC falls asleep on the couch at Cocytus Hall? "My apprentice is so talented!!"
This man embodies the :D emoji around MC at all times. He cannot wait to throw himself at his adorable apprentice's feet and wirship them
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cherryxblossxms · 1 year
Masturbation May - Day 3b: In the Shower (Satan)
A/N: Satan was suggested for day 3 by an anonymous sender! I couldn't quite decide the direction I wanted for this initially but finally just settled on some good ol stress relief via orgasm lol.
Featuring: GN reader || Satan x reader
Warnings: masturbation; some jealous Satan; mentions of marking and breeding (not specific to reader); just some much-needed self-assurance and stress relief in the shower~
Word count: 1411
Satan just needed some kind of stress relief. He knew it was just his temper, easier and quicker to rile up thanks to his sin. But it seemed like everything was going wrong lately, getting on his nerves and pushing him to the edge of exploding. Lucifer was yelling at him about something or other, his favorite cat café had to close early because of an emergency with the owner, and his brothers were all getting into silly, nonsense arguments with each other.
Normally, these things alone wouldn't be enough to make him snap completely. But to top it all off, you had gone on a trip to the Human Realm with Solomon two weeks ago, supposedly for some training and gathering some items specific to your home. In your absence, the House of Lamentation always fell into chaos, no one to buffer the ridiculousness and provide a voice of reason.
Satan knew he shouldn't blame you, or use you as a means of resolving everyone's problems. But your presence was like a magic balm, easing his spirit and always managing to wrestle the others into compliance. And now all this pent up stress was leaving aches in his muscles and gave him a near constant migraine.
He couldn't even focus on his books, attempting to read through various tomes on his ever-lasting quest for the perfect curse for Lucifer, but realizing halfway through that he wasn't absorbing any of the information. He snapped the heavy book shut in anger, sending out a plume of dust that covered his upper half. Satan coughed and set the book aside.
Great, now he was both dirty and angry.
Trying to keep his boiling rage contained, he quickly gathered clean clothes and made his way to the bathroom, hoping against all odds that no one else was in there, or he'd really snap for good. Thankfully, the room was clear, and he quickly undressed as the water grew hot.
Once he was in the water, he sighed, the heat helping to relieve his aching muscles. Although he wouldn't admit it, he often wondered about taking up an offer from Asmo for a spa treatment. He was sure he needed it, and that it'd probably do wonders for his temperament, at least for a little while. Relaxation of the body is supposed to help relaxation of the mind, he figured.
Sadly, the relief didn't last long as his now unbusied thoughts kept going back to all the annoying things happening lately. He just wanted one day of peace, of not being nagged by Lucifer for sneaking in a stray cat, or not hearing the constant whine of Levi hounding Mammon for his money. And thinking of you, he hated being away from you for so long. It was unfair that you had left him, not to mention traveling with Solomon.
Although he was usually secure in his relationship with you, something still bothered him about you being alone with the Witty Sorcerer for so long. Not that Satan didn't trust you, he knew you would never cheat on him. But he wasn't always sure he trusted Solomon and his flirty, flowery words.
Just thinking of it made his skin itch, picturing Solomon trying to court you, to take you from him. Even though he knew he was completely blowing it out of proportion, the thoughts came unbidden to him. The next time he saw you, Satan resolved he'd have to leave his mark on you, to ensure no one, especially Solomon, could ever mistake who you belong to.
The more he thought of marking you, the faster his blood pumped, something ancient and instinctual waking up in his veins. He wanted to cover you in his scent, make sure all anyone else could smell for miles was him. He wanted to leave his fang marks in your skin, leave dark hickeys across your neck and chest, somewhere highly visible so no one could mistake his intentions.
Even better, he wanted to mark you with his seed, cover you outside but especially inside, as deep as he could manage, make sure it could never leave you. It didn't matter if you could get pregnant or not, the deep animalistic need still roared inside him to do it anyway. That final thought sent a throbbing pulse down to his dick, and Satan didn't even realize he was completely hard until his hand was already subconsciously wrapping around his cock and stroking.
He wanted you there, he needed to show you that he was all you ever needed. He was your mate, your lover, and everything you ever wanted, he would provide to you as long as you'd let him. He would show you, he could pleasure you a thousand times over with the way he knows your body, so that no one, especially Solomon, could ever compare.
Satan cursed. Now he was so hard it hurt, needing you in his arms, and on his cock, immediately. The rest of his body was relaxed but now all the ache sat in his groin, begging to be inside of you. You weren't due to be home for another week, and he knew there was no ignoring his erection at this point, so he settled for relieving himself for now, already formulating a plan of attack (of the pleasurable variety) for once you returned.
He shut the water off and quickly stepped out, thankful that you two kept a spare bottle of lube under the bathroom sink. He poured some on his hand as he re-entered the shower and continued stroking. He felt ridiculous, all pent up over his dumb worries and demonic needs, and wanted nothing more than to drown his worries in the pleasures of your body. Only you seemed to know how to truly relax him, but a fantasy would have to do.
He could just picture it, the moment you came back from your trip, how he'd pull you into his room and make sure you didn't go anywhere until you were thoroughly pleasured and marked by him. He wanted to taste your lips, feel your warm, bare skin against his, hear your affirmations that he was the only one for you. The next time you saw Solomon, Satan wanted it to be obvious that he knew your body inside and out and that Solomon wasn't nearly worthy enough to be your mate.
Now fueled by anger and his lust for you, his thoughts were really letting loose. He wanted you sprawled across his bed, legs tossed over his shoulders as he pounded into you, or maybe he'd have you ride him until you couldn't hold yourself up anymore. Maybe to reassure his worries, you'd take his cock down your throat, knowing how gorgeous you look when you struggle to fit him in your mouth.
He pumped his cock faster, using one hand to hold his base steady and add more pressure, chasing that sweet high. As water droplets dripped from his hair onto his body, Satan imagined pulling you into the shower with him, picking you up to fuck you against the wall, letting your moans and screams of his name echo in the bathroom to ensure everyone in the house knew exactly who was pleasuring you. He'd fuck you as long and as hard as you could stand it, making sure to reach the furthest depths within you, as long as you wanted him.
Satan was now panting as his climax approached, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He used the last of his sense to picture bringing you to climax, eager to cum deep inside you, release all his stress into you, and feel you clench around his cock and milk him dry. Just dreaming of achieving that pushed him into that pleasurable zone, and he groaned deep in his throat as he released the first ropes of cum, moving his hand up to work the head of his cock, drawing out every bit of pleasure and cum he could.
He came a surprising amount, likely from lack of release while you'd been gone, and he felt a little sad about the waste as it washed down the drain. But now that his mind was cleared, and his body was well and truly relaxed, he couldn't wait for your return. He was going to make sure everyone knew that you were his, and relieve all his stress with you the way only you could do.
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antiromanticbaby · 8 months
Trapped - Yandere! Solomon
Yandere!Solomon x GN!reader
[✧] ー inspired by this post/chat. Includes hints to my own lores, comment if you were interested <3.
Summary: Solomon decided that shrinking you and keeping you in a world of make belief isn't that bad of an idea. Similar to: Pink Paradise - Asmodeus contains: possessive and overprotective Solomon. Mc/you are not present, just solomon rambles. You can listen to: le monde - richard carter? Not proof read
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YOU were such a temptation.
And Solomon had to tame you before you tamed him. He wasn't going to allow the past repeat itself. To have you, his throne, ripped away from him? No, he wowould never allow it. He was fool onced, he wouldn't be fooled twice. Those crooked smile and bright eyes with sin filling them up with light. There used to be a time where those full of light eyes fooled him too, but those days had come to an end.
He was a sheep whom had survived these demons, and was a sheep, after surviving thede demons, truly a sheep? The answer is obvious.
Solomon, the well known sorcerer, wise and witty. He used to be young too, but now he is no more a fool. Back then he was set on exploring the world as the fool, and now he was the wise sorcerer. Yet you were still the fool, the sheep. And these demons wanted you, because you were a pure sheep who would never get the chance to understand these worlds due to your mortality. Oh what a chain mortality was, not allowing you to fully grasp your life. But he would do something for that, before these demons decided it was the end.
You were so painfully oblivious, always choosing them over him. He was sick of it. Solomon was sick of you choosing demons over him, the human, your human. You weren't there thousands and thousands of years ago, when demons roamed the human world freely, when he was still a pure child hidden in the basement. And those oh so pure eyes of his, observing everything from his place in the basement... he didn’t want to be petty, but could anyone blame him? After everything he saw and experienced? You only saw Devildom, and that was also when lord Diavolo is the de facto king. Where were you when His Majesty Baphomet ruled? His Highness Baal? And way before that?
You only saw the mask these demons, these wolves wore. You poor little lamb, he had to protect you all the time didn't he? He had to keep protecting you, or else you'd run back into the arms of those 'sweet' little demons of yours again and again. They would take and take and take, until you were no more. And only then will you run back to him. It was truly unfair, because you didn't even acknowledge it.
It's alright. He would protect you, he had to protect you.
Hence why you were here now. This Trarium suitted your taste perfectly, you'd love it. Sending a text to you about it as a joke was prefectly fine, because you wouldn't suspect that he would actually do it. Shrink you? You wouldn't believe it. He was always a man of jokes, this would be no different for you. But for him, it was like hearing 'yes' to wedding proposal. Now that he thought about it, he would shrink a ring and put it there too. You would have all the time in the world to explore and find that ring.
He smiled as he read over your texts, sending one real quick. He was waiting for you at home eagerly. First he would analyze your reaction to the Trarium, and then he will bring up his 'joke' again. It didn't matter what you said though, he had already prepared everything. Your death was ready to be faked, and your existence was already wiped from the mind of all your human friends and family. He hoped you would give him consent, because he would hate to force you. Still, if you didn't give him consent, he would do it.
This was for your own good.
Your destiny was his, you two were made for each other. You just had to realize it the hard way.
Oh how romantic it would be for the two of you to take loving walks in this world where he was the god again, where he could be the king again. And the demon brothers, the prince or his steward wouldn't be there to whisk you away.
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lovebugdotcom · 1 year
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I need immortality so that this dude doesn’t have to be alone ever again. NOW.
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impish-ivy · 9 months
Something I think I’ve only seen someone mention maybe once or twice how Solomon is handling being in the past.
He is incredibly close to Simeon, Asmo, Luke none of which remember him. And the only one who does, Barbatos, hates him.
Solomon, Simeon and Luke are very close, spending their time in the devildom living together. It’s obvious being forgotten by them would hurt, even if he doesn’t acknowledged it. Even now, as Simeon doesn’t remember him he’s trusting him with a big secret—one even at the start of the second season we don’t know.
The nature of Solomon and Asmo’s relationship is up to you, lovers, friends with benefits, or really good friends. Regardless of what you think, they’re very close and their relationship is obviously very important to Solomon. Solomon has previously never mentioned why or how he made a pact with Asmo but he’s mentioned it twice now. Clearly he’s thinking about his relationship and history with Asmo. It’s something he’s been thinking of and he misses his close relationship with Asmo. It’s why even after mentioning how potentially dangerous it could be forging a pact with Asmo right now, he still does it. He misses having that connection with Asmo.
And Barbatos, oooooh Barbatos.
These two have a long history, how far back we’re not sure but it’s fairly reasonable to think it was before he was immortal. Solomon summoned him on the verge of death, and then Barbatos nurses him back to health. Barbatos also gives him his title of Witty Sorcerer, one he’s very proud of. They were close even before Barbatos became Diavolo’s butler and seem to have a father-son like relationship, or at the very least a familiar relationship. Barbatos speaks very highly of him in the OG, saying he trusts him completely and speaks proudly of his intelligence. Which struck me as odd at first because he’s never been the type to speak so openly about his feelings or Solomon. He even goes on to talk about how they met to amplify how highly he thinks of him. Barbatos trusts Solomon wholeheartedly and completely, the fact he hates him so much in NB most definitely hurts Solomon a lot.
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The worst is he doesn’t even know why. What did past him do to make someone who loved and trusted him so much hate him? Whatever is was, it was something he never did.
So you can imagine how upsetting that is that someone you love and care about all of a sudden hates you for some unknown reason and you have no idea what happened—you didn’t even do it.
Fortunately it seems that Barbatos is warming back up to him, he (in a roundabout way) expresses concern for both Solomon’s mental and physical wellbeing after sending MC to help the brothers while hungover.
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(Lesson 18-A)
I know the main story won’t ever address the emotional implications of their main gag but it would still be nice to see how the people he’s closest forgotten (or hating in Barbatos’s case) him affects Solomon.
But he has 13 still and while on the surface their relationship seems troubled, it’s obvious she cares about him. And Im sure it brings him great relief that even thrown years in the past and probably an alternate reality she and him have the same relationship. One where he can take refuge in her home and she’ll complain and demand he leave but never actually push him to.
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📖 "Lilith is adorable. It is sometimes hard to believe she was a close sibling of those seven.", he teased, a chuckle passing his lips. "Also I am certain Lucifer will have my head if he I even look in her direction, far less mention her name."
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
Hello!!!! Congratulations on your 1k followers, i love your writing!! Could I please request "I need to hear you say it" with Solomon?? It's OK if not, tysm!!! ✨
Hello, anon!! Thank you so much!!
Okay since the last Solomon request was so angsty, I really tried for some fluff with this one! I also have another one upcoming that I think is going to be angsty, so yeah I really wanted to try to fluff it up. Hopefully it turned out okay!
Thank you for participating!
1,000 Followers Event!
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GN!MC x Solomon with prompt "I need to hear you say it."
Warnings: none!
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It all started innocently enough. It was almost an inside joke at first. Solomon had made a witty remark about how your time was always monopolized by the demon brothers and that he would be happy just to get a letter from you. So you wrote him a letter - a brief four sentence message that you actually sent to Purgatory Hall through the Devildom mail.
And of course Solomon had written you back - sending you a letter four pages long.
This continued for some time, your letters getting longer and his getting shorter until you were both regularly writing page long letters to each other.
And at some point, the letters became something more. The two of you never talked about them. You never discussed their contents. So the letters became more and more about feelings, emotions that neither of you could speak out loud, either to each other or to anyone else. They started to hold things like your hopes and fears and dreams. Sometimes Solomon just wrote poetry and other times it was an idea for a new spell, but so frequently it was almost a confession. He would talk about things like his jealousy of the brothers, his experience of being immortal, his thoughts on the Devildom, his relationships with your mutual friends.
Your letters were similar, meeting the level of confidence that his letters seemed to indicate he had in you. You would talk about your feelings, share your personal thoughts, the things you didn’t speak to anyone.
When you became Solomon’s apprentice, the letters would sometimes refer to real life events. Solomon would tell you how proud he was of you mastering a complicated spell recently. He would write you letters of encouragement when you were struggling to get a potion just right. Sometimes he would tell you about what it meant to be a sorcerer and how it had affected his life.
You would respond with your doubts about your abilities, your happiness at having figured out something complicated, your gratitude that he was your teacher. You spoke about how patient and kind he was. That it was because of him that you were as powerful as you were.
And then one day you realized that the person you were in those letters was not the same person you were when you were actually with Solomon. The letter writer was more open, more vulnerable, capable of saying things to him that you could never dream of saying to his face.
But Solomon was different. You never got the sense that he was holding back when he was actually with you. Although he never alluded to anything he had written in his letters, he had spoken to you about similar things.
You paid more attention when you were with him. And inevitably your letters became more brief.
You couldn’t deny the pounding of your heart. You couldn’t ignore the look in his eyes. You could not even begin to express to yourself or anyone else how seeing his smile was the same as basking in the afternoon sun. How Solomon had become something so much more than a teacher and a friend. How his words, the ones he wrote and the ones he said, became the narrative of your heart. How each one made every nerve within you sing.
There was something about this man that made him different from everyone else in your life. Something about every single thing he did that caused you to feel more than you should. The fire that ran through your veins any time he touched you. The goosebumps you would get from the sound of his voice.
You couldn’t hope to be honest. You couldn’t imagine it. You couldn’t-
But if you didn’t-
You wrote him a letter. It was only a single sentence. It was the one thing you wanted to say, but that you just couldn’t manage.
You were so scared to send it. He could easily pretend he never got it, the way you both so often did. Never discussing the letters was part of their charm.
When you finally sent it, you spent your time forcing yourself to think about anything else.
A few days later, you were sitting in your favorite cafe, taking a break from everything with some coffee. You were alone because you needed some space to think.
You looked up when Solomon sat down across from you. He placed the piece of paper with your single sentence face up on the table in front of you. You looked at it and then you looked up at his face. The serious expression there made your stomach drop.
“I need to hear you say it,” Solomon said. His voice was quiet, but intense.
You stared at him for a moment, at a loss. Could you even say those words? You had written them because they couldn’t be said. You couldn’t even speak them to yourself, let alone to him. He had to know that.
You thought about saying something else. About explaining why you couldn’t say it.
But then you looked into his eyes again. And what you saw there revealed something that Solomon had never told you, either verbally or in written form. He was scared, too.
You saw your own fear and uncertainty reflected back at you. That was how you recognized it for what it was.
The truth was that you had two relationships with Solomon. The one where you talked to each other, spent time together, went to school and learned magic together. And the one where you wrote to each other. Your written selves had gone on ahead and reached a place your other selves weren’t ready for.
But now you saw the opportunity to entwine those selves, to let each piece of you be known fully to each other.
You put your coffee aside. You reached across the table to take both of his hands. The paper with your words sat between your arms. You looked across it to meet his eyes.
“I’m in love with you.”
You watched as the fear you had seen morphed into a tentative relief. As though he wasn’t sure if this was real.
“It's just that we never talked about the letters,” you said. “And I wasn’t sure if you…”
You were looking down at your message now, unable to maintain eye contact.
You felt him squeeze your hands. When you looked back up, he had a fond smile on his face.
“Did you really think I didn’t know?” Solomon said gently. “That I couldn’t read between the lines of every letter you sent? I tried to make it clear to you. I tried to write things that would give me away. I was waiting for you to say something. When you didn’t, I thought I must have been the one who misunderstood. I thought I had been reading a truth in your words that wasn’t actually there.”
You frowned. “I’m sorry.”
Solomon chuckled and squeezed your hands again. “Don’t be. I’m just happy to know that I wasn’t wrong after all. Because you wrote me something I couldn’t possibly misunderstand. And I hope it’s clear to you by now that I’m in love with you, too. I’ve been in love with you ever since you wrote me that first short letter so long ago.”
You sighed, flustered by this, annoyed with yourself for not understanding sooner. You let go of Solomon’s hands and stood up from the table, grabbing the coffee and tossing it in the trash on your way out.
Solomon came after you instantly, grabbing your hand as you started down the street.
“MC?” he said, the fear and uncertainty back in his expression. It nearly broke your heart.
"I'm sorry, Solomon," you said. "I just… I'm just…"
You didn't know how to say that you were feeling overwhelmed. That his words meant more to you than anything he had ever said or written before. Could he really have been in love with you for that long?
Solomon somehow seemed to understand you in that moment. He tugged on your hand, making you take several steps toward him so he could wrap his arms around you.
You returned the embrace, your bodies fitting together perfectly like little puzzle pieces.
"I didn't know how to say it," you said quietly. "Because I'd been writing it between the lines for so long."
"You knew exactly what to say," Solomon said, his volume matching yours. "You said it, didn't you? You said it because I asked. I wasn't sure you would."
You sighed. "Honestly? I'll probably do anything you ask."
Solomon looked at you and the twinkle of mischief in his eyes made you regret saying that. "Oh? In that case… will you kiss me, MC?"
A heartbeat passed between you, a single moment where you processed his words.
And then you kissed him.
All of your previous concerns fell away. The feelings were just as intense as they had always been, but the second your lips met, everything simply felt right. You were filled with the warmth of him, the sunshine that always seemed to come out of nowhere to hold you sweetly whenever he smiled. Solomon was the brightness that guided you through every day, no matter how dark things became.
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thegayestmferintown · 2 months
Hi! Sorry to bother you and I know you just posted but could we possibly get a side characters version of the forgetful mc? Like for Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and maybe Solomon? Referring to this post https://www.tumblr.com/thegayestmferintown/746129008450748416/can-you-do-an-mc-that-cant-remember-anything-it?source=share
Yup! Sure can! I'm gonna add luke as well (platonic)!
This Takes Place In The Original Timeline
Warnings ;; None, just fluff!
Relationship ;; Romantic (Platonic for Luke)
Type ;; Headcanons
Diavolo is definitely at a loss. He's met many people as the future Devildom King, but he's never met someone as forgetful as you.
Even though he's at a loss, he'll definitely try to help you through your time in the Devildom.
He most definitely feels as though it's his fault. Not for your faulty memory, but for putting you through all of this.
After some time, you start to grow closer and he starts to help you even more, as much as he can.
He'll try to help you with schoolwork, if you can't remember something.
But if you forget an anniversary, he's alright with that, he'll definitely understand.
He won't do anything without your permission though, so don't expect a huge party right off the bat.
Congratulations! You've got Barbatos himself confused!
Now, on a serious note, it does throw him off.. a lot. He won't show that, of course. But your lack of remembrance is confusing and very odd to him.
Upon first meeting, that's all you'll get, confusion that you had no idea was there.
He'd introduce himself and that was that.
Later on, he'd be very sweet, helping you when necessary and telling you things you cannot remember.
If you forget an anniversary, he wouldn't be mad or upset (not that you could see it anyway) he would simply bake you a cake with the words "Happy Anniversary, My Dear" engraved on top.
Solomon is all over you. He's asking you all sorts of questions. What is up with you? Why do you forget so easily?
He's so old he barely remembers how humans work, okay?
He'll always do things to make your forgetfulness worse.
By putting things on higher shelves when you wrote on a note that what you were looking for was on the third shelf, etc.
Later on, he wouldn't ask many questions but he would still mess with you.
If you happened to forget your anniversary, he wouldn't mind. Although, he would be slightly upset. So, he'd make you a meal to eat. Though, through your forgetfulness, you ate it. Farewell, soldier.
Simeon is such a sweetheart he doesn't even do anything bad.
He'll talk to you and help you through your forgetfulness by telling you certain dates and whatnot.
He is confused at first, yes, but he'll immediately help you to the best of his ability.
Later on, he'll start to make you lunches or breakfasts if you forget, and he'll always leave a note with things you'll need to remember.
If you forget an anniversary, he won't be mad, but he will take you out to a Cafe. Possibly a quiet one where you can sit in the quiet corner and just talk.
Poor baby Luke is so confused. Why did you just forget who he was? He walked away for maybe five seconds?
He will help you to the best of his tiny ability though.
Though I wouldn't expect too much, he tries very hard and I think that would be enough.
If you forgot a birthday, for example, he would walk to your room with a cake, no matter who's birthday it was, yours or his. He'll bring a cake to eat with you.
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