#some right up my alley title tracks from other boy groups would be kick it from nct 127
ohoshi · 2 years
saw your tags in the highlight medley post, and just got curious: which TTs do you prefer/not find “boring” based on your taste? and which ones fall under “boringteen”? (genuine question)
from seventeen?
i like: fear, thanks, hot, left and right, oh my, very nice, adore u, pretty u, clap, hit (does that count?), don't wanna cry
boringteen imo: ready to love, darling (does that count?), rock with you, homerun, home, mansae, boomboom
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imaginekpoplikethis · 7 years
7 Years - BadBoy! Jeon Jungkook x reader - Part 2
For the ones who motivated me to update from simply asking to be tagged for the next chapter. Much love guys <3:
@zaidelocin @blueoriley @lolitsrafs
And the beautiful person who private messaged me with supportive words. I hope you know who you are. I wasn't sure if you would like me to put your name out so if you don't mind me doing just that message me next time with an okay.
Everyone feel free to message me!
Part 1  Part 2 - Here  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10.1  Part 10.2  Part 10.3  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20 - Final 
After that exciting encounter, you spent your Sunday completing unfinished work and before you knew it Monday had come.
Dragging yourself into class you noted that, aside from you, Jungkook seemed to be the only other person in class this early. You paid no mind to his slouched sleeping figure and unceremoniously dropped onto your seat. You hoped, no, prayed he would not wake up but luck was not on your side as you heard his chair scrape the floor as he stood. His footsteps grew closer until they stopped behind you and you felt a tap on your shoulder.
"What?" You snapped your body to the side to direct a glare his way.
"I stopped wearing my ass as a hat." He was giving you a stupid smirk and you hated the way it made your cheeks warm and gave you butterflies.
"Congrats? What do you want a medal?"
He leaned in close to your face, smirk still present and eyes sparkling.
"Your 'thank you'."
To say you were confused was a slight understatement and he seemed to understand that from the look you gave him. Despite this, he merely chuckled.
"You know, you look cute Jungshook."
"What in gods name is 'Jungshook'?"
"Just something." He walked around your desk and sat on the chair infront of you, resting his arms and chin on the top of your desk. Eyes looking up at you from under his lashes, you tried desperately to ignore him by pulling out a workbook and flipping to a random page. Your patience was very short, however, as you snapped a few moments later.
"Shouldn't you have a random girl hanging off your arm right now? Why are you here?" He flashed his rabbit like teeth at you as he brushed a hand through his hair.
"I was waiting for you. I miss you."
"Where's Kookie? I saw him walk through the gates." Hye Mi's loud voice interrupted him and he quickly retreated back to his seat as she walked in. She narrowed her eyes at you and stalked in your direction. By the time she reached you, you noticed the water bottle too late. Crisp cold water drenched you and you jumped off your seat in shock.
"What the fuck are you doing!" You shoved Hye Mi and glared daggers at her innocent smile.
"You looked hot. I was just being a good friend."
You were not going to let her get away with this. Reaching into your bag you grabbed your own bottle and unscrewed the cap, dumping the contents onto Hye Mi's head. Her screech resonated throughout the room and corridors as students flocked to the entrance to see what was happening. Her friends were quick to react and ran to her side. You stole a glance at Jungkook he seemed as apathetic as he usually did in class.
A sudden push brought your attention back to the matter at hand. Hye Mi was fuming as she reached for your hair and pulled. The yell you let out seemed to grab Jungkook's attention as he stood and paced towards you both. He grabbed Hye Mi's hand and stared her down.
"Let go."
The anger in those two words gave you chills and apparently Hye Mi felt the same as she quickly obeyed. Your anger returned in a few short moments but this time it was directed at Jungkook.
Why did he want to help all of a sudden?
Why now after 2 years of torment?
"I don't need you to save me, this isn't a fucking fairytale Jungkook. Leave me alone."
You left no room for a reply as you grabbed all your things and left without so much as another word.
School wasn't any better the next day. Areum was off sick and when you arrived Jungkook wasn't there (you hated that you felt slightly disappointed.) As the day progressed you done your work as you normally would, the death stares Hye Mi and her friends were giving you were nothing new.
Lunch came by quick and you headed to your usual table that you shared with Areum only to find it occupied by none other than Hye Mi and her friends. Not wanting to deal with them you opted to sitting outside. You needed some fresh air anyway. Walking out the lunch hall doors was something you immediately regretted.
You were greeted with the sight of Jungkook sharing a heated kiss with an older girl, you didn't recognise. The pain you felt in your heart was what confused you the most since you seemed to recall asking him about the girls he normally has hanging off of him only yesterday. Your train of thought was broken when the girl spoke.
"What's wrong Kookie?"
"Kookie, are you alright? What's wrong?"
When you returned your attention back to them you noticed Jungkook looking at you with the expression a child would have when being caught doing something they shouldn't be. However, you just scoffed at him and headed in the other direction.
You refused to believe you were tearing up because of him.
"Fucking hay fever..."
After that, the day progressed painfully slow and you counted down every minute until it was time to leave. You just wanted to go home and let out all your feelings to Areum.
The week seemed to be taking a quick turn downhill, however, as when walking home you decided to take a shortcut.
Your first wrong choice.
Walking past an alleyway wasn't something that would have intimidated you if it wasn't for the group of boys lingering in there, smoking. They were obviously from your rival school, judging by their uniform and they seemed to recognise yours too.
"Hey! Hey! I'm talking to you." The gruff voice from one of the boys made you stop in your tracks.
Your second wrong choice.
The boy who had called out to you, stepped into the light and his obnoxious red coloured hair had set off alarm bells in your head. You had heard of the notorious leader of your rival schools gang but you never imagined you would ever meet him, let alone like this.
You hadn't notice him draw closer to you until he had a firm grip on your wrist.
"You're hot for someone who goes to a school like that." He gestured to your uniform with disgust. His eyes seemed like they were undressing you as he eyed you up and down before a smirk grew on his face.
"Tell you what, how about you come hang with us and me and you can 'play'." The suggestive idea he had in mind disgusted you enough to make your blood boil.
"How about you go fuck yourself, then you can go fuck all of your little groupies behind you."
Your third wrong choice
His smirk dropped and his eyebrows furrowed at your reply.
"Feisty bitch aren't you? Let's see if you still think the same after I'm done."
The hold he had on you was too strong and you only realised after trying to shake him off. When that realisation came that's when you started regretting everything you had done.  He tugged you into the alley way and threw you against a wall. Slamming a hand on one side of your head, he took a drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke into your face, the smoke making your eyes water.
"I just thought you were hot and wanted to make you my girl. It didn't have to go this way... oh well." He proceeded to stub out his cigarette on your hand and sadistically smiled at your hiss of pain.
"Just try and enjoy it babe." As he leaned in your hands made contact with his chest and you pushed him with all your strength. It was a futile attempt and you then realised  how he had gained his title as leader.
"I don't want this!" You tried to scream but he saw right through you and covered your mouth.
"And I don't care." When you felt his teeth come into contact with your neck, you struggled even more and kicked out, hoping you would hit something. You had a stroke of luck as you somehow managed to kick him in a precious area. He stumbled back and yelled in pain whilst his gang acted quickly and pinned you in place.
"Stupid bitch!"
The sharp sting on your left cheek caused a tear to roll down and that's all it took for the rest to follow soon after.
"Did you just fucking make her cry?" The eerily calm voice of Jungkook had filled the alley and everyone then turned to the new group of boys standing at the entrance. The look of pure resentment on Jungkook's face had made even the leader stiffen.
"What? Is she one of your sluts Jeon?"
Jungkook completely ignored the question as he took a step forward.
"I asked you a fucking question. Did you make her cry?" The leader only spat at Jungkook.
"So what if I did? Bitch didn't give me what I wanted."
That's all it took for Jungkook to lose it. He charged at the leader, his friends following after him. The members holding you down let you go to join the fight and you slid down burying your face in your arms and sobbing, the thought of what almost happened to you setting you off.
Yelling from the boys filled the alley, even the calm and collected Jin had joined in, delivering his own fair share of punches. The sound of fists connecting with bodies was something you tried your hardest to block out and it was only until you heard Jungkook hesitantly call out your name, that you dared to look up.
"They ran. They won't bother you again so please... please don't cry. I don't like seeing you cry." He took slow hesitant steps in your direction, scared that you may reject his sympathy.
"Hey! Don't cry! I hate seeing you cry."
"Kookie..." The nickname had slipped past your lips before you could stop it and you all but shot into him, your arms quickly wrapping around him. He was clearly shocked at what you had called him but soon recovered and returned your embrace.
"I promised myself I wouldn't let anything happen to you... and I fucked up so many times but I swear it will be different..."  The genuinely concerned look he gave you was enough to reassure you that things would be different. You felt Jungkook grab your forearms and lift you up.
"Come on... there's no way I'm letting you go home in this state, I'm taking you to mine." He draped a black hoodie over your arms and put the hood over your head, directing you down the street, his friends following. -
Sitting down in Jungkook's front living room should have been awkwardly uncomfortable if it wasn't for the 7 boys doing everything in their power to keep you happy. Jin's bad dad jokes coupled with Taehyung's strange faces and Yoongi's yells of 'shut up' was enough to keep you giggling. Not to mention Namjoon's, Jimin and Hoseok's dancing competition. Namjoon lost.
"Hyung's! I need you."
Jungkook's voice was heard from the kitchen and the 6 boys each stopped what they were doing, one by one entering the kitchen. Their muffled voices were heard and you were sure you heard your name a couple of times but you brushed it off. Not wanting to sit silently and do nothing you stood from your seat and wandered around. Making your way towards the collection of demo CDs on his shelf, you scanned the names and found that one word was always found on each of them.
The memory of Yoongi spray painting those exact letters on the wall a couple of nights ago flashed in your mind and you let a soft smile grow on your face.
"I'm gonna debut in a group one day! It would be a hip hop group with loads of members!"
"So... he was serious about that?" You whispered to yourself. A sudden shout from the kitchen made you jump, effectively knocking over Jungkook's bag from where it was resting on a table a few moments ago.
"Crap..." You knelt down to pick up the things that dropped out when a picture in his open wallet caught your eye. It was of a 6 year old Jungkook and girl, standing side by side, grinning at the camera. Your eyes developed tears as you let out a mixture of a sob and chuckle. Taking the picture out, you flipped it around and read the messy writing on the back.
Jungkook and Y/N Best friends no matter what happens.
You smiled at the fond memories.
"Leave Y/N alone!" A nervous 5 year old Jungkook stuttered out. He ran at full speed in your direction, successfully scaring off the girls who had previously threw sand and pebbles at you. It was too late however as the tears you had been holding in streamed down your face.
"Hey! Don't cry! I hate seeing you cry." He pulled out a crumpled tissue and wiped your tears away, his face contorted in concentration. Smiling when he had dabbed away all the tears he began patting the sand out of your hair.
"It's okay. I won't let anything happen to you!" He grinned, his eyes squinting and flashed his rabbit like teeth.
At the age of 6, both you and Jungkook were stood as close as possible, both grinning at the camera with your two front teeth missing.
"We'll be best friends no matter what happens, okay?"
- You approached an 8 year old Jungkook, sitting on a swing set alone. His head was hung low and he was pouting to himself. You crouched down in front of him and looked up at his face.
"Kookie, are you alright? What's wrong?"
Jungkook's eyes snapped open at the sound of your voice and he let out a small sigh.
"Se-Jun said I won't be able to become a singer in music class today." His brows furrowed at the memory.
"But Kookie, you're a great singer! When your a famous singer everyone will love you and your voice! So don't worry. Just don't forget about your number one fan." Your words seemed to work as Jungkook visibly relaxed. He hopped off the swing set and pulled you up, grabbing your forearms and beaming at you.
"That's right, I'm gonna debut in a group one day! It would be a hip hop group with loads of members!" As he rambled on you merely smiled back at him, silently praying his dreams would come true.
The sound of footsteps brought you back from reminiscing.
"What are you looking at?" You looked up at Jungkook, smile on your face and his eyes widened.
"Wait! I told you I don't like to see you cry!" He reached for you but you shook your head at him, lifting the wallet and displaying the photo.
"You're such an idiot. You never really got rid of our memories together."
He beamed at you, slowly shaking his head.
"How could I? The 7 years we shared together as kids isn't something I can just throw away."  You couldn't control the ever growing smile on your face, happiness bubbling in your stomach. The rest of the boys stumbled out of the kitchen, Taehyung on Namjoon's back complaining about something to do with having lines in 'Cypher', Jimin, Hoseok and Suga playfully arguing whilst Jin was snacking on rice crackers.
It seems like your week just got a whole lot more better. Areum was going to love this story.
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geekade · 6 years
Turn It Up: The Holiday Special
I thought it was a little nuts that two of my all-time favorite groups were putting out holiday albums this year. I mean, maybe it’s just my odd luck, but when they both ventured out on Christmas tours at the same time, 13-year-old me was absolutely in heaven. Then I noticed that Spotify was suggesting other albums – not the classics either. They were showing me all kinds of new holiday music being released this year. While I don’t know what caused the trend (though I venture it was out of a need for some kind of happiness in the world), it’s been a fun ride through many musical areas this holiday season. Let’s check out some of the best in each world of music.
The Ones We Probably Expected
Herb Alpert - The Christmas Wish
It’s around this time of year that we start to appreciate both choral and instrumental music much more than any other time. Herb Albert is one of the best in the business, especially if you can appreciate the sounds of brass. This combination of smooth jazz with upbeat Tijuana sounds is something from the classics but with an incredibly cool sound for now. If you need to feel warm in the cold months, this might just be right up your alley.
Josh Groban - Noel (Deluxe)
We’re starting this list off with some of the ‘obvious’ suspects because they’re the voices I’m sure the holidays wouldn’t be the same without. Josh Groban has been crooning for us for a few years now, and his vocals have become almost a necessity to Christmas. Noel was released in 2007, and following his successful run on Broadway this year, Josh brought it back around for the 10th anniversary, adding five new tracks. They range from the classics of “White Christmas,” to his own rendition of “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)” – literally something for everyone.
Pentatonix - A Pentatonix Christmas (Deluxe)
Again we get a re-release, this time from a group that has solidified their position as a classic Christmastime act. This one is just a year later on the heels of last year’s charting release, and again adds five more arranged songs. The group took to their social media to help promote this year’s release as well, speaking more to the experience of putting these songs together, taking us deeper into the process. With the exit of one member and the entrance of a new bass, the group has certainly had an eventful year, and this tops it off nicely.
The Comebacks We’re Glad to See
Hanson - Finally It's Christmas
The band themselves have labeled this “20 Years In the Making” and they did not disappoint. “Snowed In” is actually an acclaimed Christmas album that most people I know keep in heavy rotation over the holidays, so I’d imagine the pressure was on to live up to it this time around as well (Hanson fans, you’re welcome for the little joke there). From the opening harmonies on the title track through Ike’s quiet and beautiful ending with “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” the band has provided yet another classic album. And hey, now they’ve built up enough material to warrant a Christmas tour – aka the only way they can get away with doing a concert without singing “MMMBop” (though, thanks for sneaking it in during the NYC show, Mark Hudson).
98 Degrees - Let It Snow
Again, it’s been quite a while for these guys since their original Christmas album, This Christmas, and they still have every bit of the soulful vocals they always did. The biggest difference this go-around is their devotion to their social following and fans. They have been all over the place this season promoting the album, all starting with Nick’s impressive run on Dancing With The Stars (which brother Drew won years back… I may be biased on my Lachey brother choices though). The guys have grown and are letting us get to know them so much more now, showing their humor and talent as men who have grown to be comfortable in their own skins and with their own voices. This is a welcome addition to their classic sound (and yes, they were concert #2, same week as Hanson – bless you New York concert schedules).
Cheap Trick - Christmas Christmas
This is the one that took me by surprise. Maybe calling this section ‘comebacks’ doesn’t make a ton of sense, as every band has had recent releases in addition to their holiday albums, but they are certainly a group of albums I would not have expected last year. Anywhos, Cheap Trick is a pleasant surprise to this list, melding their old classic sound with upbeat holiday cheer, including three original tracks. The band said it was very natural to put this one together, and I have to say, it’s the perfect addition to all of us little weird punks’ collections amongst the sugary carols otherwise surrounding the season.
New Kids On The Block – Thankful: Unwrapped
I didn’t believe it when I first saw it, but apparently NKOTB jumped on the Christmas album train this year too. Don’t get too excited – they’re not singing the classics, and really it’s just three tracks added onto their earlier EP release from this year, Thankful. But hey, everyone needs an excuse to perform this time of year, and you need the right themes to the music to make that happen. Welcome to the train, once again, boys.
The Compilations We’ll Enjoy
Various Artists - Holidays Rule, Vol. 2
You may or may not remember round one of this compilation set, where there were some cool takes on some old classics. Well, five years after the first one, Paul McCartney has brought folks together to create that magic once again. This time we get such greats as The Roots, The Decemberists, and Andrew McMahon adding in their style. This is every hipster’s dream if they actually enjoy the holidays, and if not, it’ll help put them in the mood.
Various Artists - Now That's What I Call Merry Christmas
On the flip side of styles, here we instead get all of the major radio pop artists of the past year putting their flair on holiday songs. NOW has always done a pretty great job of gathering the greatest hits together, and their specialty albums like this are no exception. They meld the old and new, kicking things off with deceptively new tracks from Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande, but transitioning into the true bests with Elvis and the Beach Boys taking over the soundtrack. It’s all a bit confusing, but probably a good set for the whole family to enjoy.
The Unexpected New Sounds
Gwen Stefani - You Make It Feel Like Christmas
I will willingly admit that post No Doubt (and really, Post Tragic Kingdom), I have not been a big fan of Gwen Stefani. That said, I think this album has actually allowed her to embrace the unique voice that I’ve otherwise never loved a whole lot these past few years. It’s a pop album through and through, and all the cuteness you might want while decorating for the holidays. Maybe if I had heard this one sooner, I would have actually decorated my apartment this year.
Blake Shelton - Cheers, It's Christmas
It only seemed appropriate to follow one with the other, so we get into Blake Shelton’s Deluxe release this year. I have mixed feelings here, but for those of you that are looking for that sweet country Christmas sound, you’ll find it here. The bittersweet moment is hearing a newly written “Home” done as a duet with Michael Buble. It’s been Christmas-fied with many of the lyrics changing and a lack of Miranda’s backing vocals. It holds up, along with the gentle album from this otherwise seemingly raucous guy.
Sia - Everyday Is Christmas
Anyone else remember when Sia Furler was one of those songwriters who you didn’t know about, but you dang well knew the songs of? Yeah, that’s a distant memory for me too. Sia has really come out as a strong artist all on her own. This album is completely unique and a treat for anyone who is a fan of her in any way shape or form. Heck, there’s even a song called “Puppies Are Forever” – give me that over a diamond any day!
Kaskade - Kaskade Christmas
If nothing has been up your alley yet in this list, Kaskade is one of the final remaining pieces to cover just about every genre of music available. Yes, the dance/trance artist threw us this one out of left field and it’s got all the right grooves you’d want or need from him and his appearing friends throughout. I want to say this is a weird experience, but I think it’s borderline brilliant – this is an untapped market for sure, and it’s almost sort of nice to have that gap filled in.
Lindsey Stirling - Warmer In The Winter
I couldn’t explain why now, but I really did not like Lindsey Stirling for a while. I think it had something to do with the difficulty to track down her publishing when I first started my job, or maybe a bad experience on the business side. Whatever the case may be, all of that changed this season on Dancing with the Stars, where she was paired with Mark Ballas. This girl’s creativity and grace and just general amazing quirky attitude was a downright inspiration. She is a performer in every sense of the word, bringing such imagination to every single move she makes. Just take a listen to this album. It doesn’t fit a niche and I’m so glad for that. It’s so incredibly different and delightful and all I want to do is see every performance and video she could possibly create around this music. There’s a reason I saved it for last – this one’s the highlight of the season by far.
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srseattlestreetnews · 7 years
Seattle Street News 54, On The Town
City News:
Invasion of the Cyber Snatchers?
One of the Tipster Army sent in a disturbing tip. The tipster, who works as a Doc Wagon medic, was wandering out in the Barrens at night after an evening of blowing off steam and headed into an alley to relieve himself. What did he find there? A dead body. That isn’t a big deal, it happens all the time. The body belonged to an unidentified human male, age unknown. The man had nice, expensive clothes, something a bit rare in the Barrens, and that is what caused our tipster to take a closer look. The man was certainly dead, and hadn’t been dead long. He was also missing an arm, a leg, and an eye, all on the same side. The body parts were not ripped off as if by some berserker, but carefully and precisely cut off. The tipster had to leave quickly because the sounds of Knight Errant sirens where quickly approaching. For a body in the Barrens.
We all know what this means. First off, the victim probably had a SIN. But more importantly for SSN readers: There is a probably a cybersnatcher in town. If you have cyberware, be careful, there seems to be someone dangerous on the loose.
 In Three Seconds—(by demmalition1)
It’s cold up here.
I’m alone above this city, sitting over the roof looking down on people as I write this. The wind is biting over 10 stories up, and the ledge that this neon billboard hangs off of isn’t the greatest. The crisp night air crackles with the hustle and bustle of Seattle’s nightlife community. I see so many people below going about the night, perusing through the numerous vices that entrap us in our daily loop.
One person below me stands out from the crowd, her bright pink mohawk cuts through the crowd with a dazzling display of bio-fiber patterns shifting through her spiky mane. She meets a man and goes around the corner to buy a few hits of bliss “for a friend.”
I see a man walk into a well known strip club, my AR display flashes his SIN in front of my eyes, showing he’s married with two kids. A bit of digging shows he visits here at least once a week,  he’ll be out a few hours from now hammered with his best buds.
The store below me a few doors down has kicked a couple out from their shop. Attempted shoplifting apparently, but the couple had money and was willing to pay for the items they had in their hands. The shopkeep goes on to claim that their money was no good there, he needed cold hard nuyen and their corp scrip wasn’t enough to buy the items. They’re going to go home to their kids empty handed again.
A block and a half down a woman screams out of view from an alleyway. Looking over I see a small crowd forming, looking on and shooting trids with their commlinks or cybereyes. After tracking their feeds I see the woman, she’s just been mugged and blood runs down her face and is pooling on the ground below. No one is going to help her, no one has thought to comfort her or call Knight Errant. The reason why?  She’s SINless and likely can’t pay for their help. After all, why would anyone have any decency in their hearts to help someone in need?  It’s not their commlink that got stolen, it’s not their credsticks that got lifted. She would be lucky to make it home tonight. I do the responsible thing and pay for DocWagon to cart her away. They arrive 15 minutes late, no rush to help someone who’s not even considered a person in the eyes of some.
On the other side of town a police raid on an “abandoned” apartment complex is being formed. This is a well known Cutter territory and, officially, no one lives there. Word has it on the street that illegal BTLs are being moved through here, with personafixes being wired into the heads of some bad men as they beat on bunraku puppeted people. It’s all well and good that Knight Errant go in and rescue the people there, but their actions in doing so are the crux of the problem. See, all this torture stuff happened on the top floor of the complex, and the tenants there knew to stay away in exchange for not being roughed up in their shithole “apartments”. Well when the cavalry went in and saw no SIN on “John Q. Public” they shot them dead for being in a “gang controlled zone”. In total 6 gangers were killed and 19 bodies were sent to the furnace. The bunraku puppets had their personafix chips taken out then sent on their way. No SIN, no support. They will live with these memories for what's left of their lives, all they could do was watch and feel pain.
Next up on the chopping block of this fair city is a man by the name of Miles Coltrane Parker. He was too poor to afford anything of value and often walked throughout the city at night to take in the sights and sounds. He wasn’t homeless, he wasn’t mentally ill, and he wasn’t a troublemaker. He just walked everywhere he went. Well, reports say that he was killed on the spot when he crossed into unmarked corp territory, their land their laws as is provided in their extraterritoriality agreement. A little talking to a PR rep later and she said he walked past multiple warning signs and might have been a runner. That’s right everyone, you read that correctly. The man who had no electronics, no team, no magical aura, and no sense of urgency in his step was a potential runner!  I ask where I could go to see the warning signs and I was directed to a warehouse a bit outside of town near his place. I walk up and, what do you know, no warning signs!  You can do this yourself readers, just walk up and see the complete lack of warning signs. Oh, wait, you got to turn on your AR feeds to see them. See, Miles was too poor to afford an AR overlay for his daily life and he was legally barred from purchasing one due to his lack of SIN. That’s right folks, he was too poor to see his own death. Many SINless can’t legally buy or afford AR displays and thus can’t see the warning until it’s too late. I wonder how many bodies they put away with this little trick. After all, those they legally kill aren’t legal people according to the law.
The final story for tonight concerns an ork kid, I’m using the letter “X” to protect his identity. X couldn’t be more than 8 years old and was walking home to his parents after spending a night out playing hooky with his friends. X, like his parents, has a SIN and is a legal member of society. The police report released the next day tells it from his point of view and the slightly blurred traffic cam footage released backs him up as well. As X was rounding a corner a group of four kids grab him and shove him into an emptied out trash bin before slamming the lid shut on top. They then take a set of pre-placed baseball bats and crowbars and proceed to beat on the can over and over for a few minutes, scattering like a breath in the wind when they see a car rounding the corner. Knight Errant agents tracked the boys down and drag them in for formal booking and interrogation. Guess what?  All four kids have parents who belong to the Humanis Policlub. As of press time no formal charges have been filed.
All of this happened in three seconds one cold night in Seattle.
 Entertainment News:
Garfield High Production of Les Miz opens this Friday
Garfield High’s production of Les Miz opens this Friday and will star a number of children who are part of our community. Look out especially for young Gavrosh, a star on the rise if there ever was one.
 Aztechnology’s PR Image Dips after Aztech-Cola Ad Debacle
Last week Aztech-Cola released a new ad. It was tailored specially for us. It was supposed to catch the zeitgeist of Dzhugashvili’s Seattle. A hologram of now deceased megastar Christy Daee was inserted into the Aztech-Cola commercial. The scene was of a crowd of SINless protesting and Knight Errant advancing. It was reminiscent of the SINless protest that took place a few months ago (See SSN 44), but rather than violence, Christy Daee presents the Knight Errant forces with Aztech-Cola and everyone bursts into song…a newly remixed version of her hit “Sunny Daee.” The ad immediately caused outrage. On one hand, SINless rights activists found the ad trivializing of their struggle for equality as well as the violence they have had to endure in that fight, on the other hand, Sunny Daee fans found the use of her image and remix of her song disrespectful to their beloved, departed star.
The ad was almost immediately taken down and Aztechnology issued a prompt apology. But will it make a difference?
Once More 14--(by Breach)
Aztlan now possesses technology capable of killing the Great Dragons, and some of you might be wondering “Why didn’t the Dragon Council do anything about this?”  Well, they were a little busy with a problem of their own.
I don’t think any metahuman could possibly claim to understand just how the Dragon Council works, but what we do know is that it is headed by a position called “Lorekeeper”, who has traditionally been the dragon that possesses the Jewel of Memory, a record of the collective history of dragonkind. Dunkelzahn possessed this artifact until his death, when his Will bestowed it upon the Great Dragon Lofwyr (perhaps hoping to teach the ambitious golden wyrm some wisdom?)  Lofwyr held the title of Lorekeeper from that point on - until recently.
The Dragon Civil War is complicated, and scholars debate over when it actually started, but I’m going to cover only the most important parts. Sirrug’s attacks on Aztlan were one opening salvo, which was followed by Hestaby’s address to the UN on July 23, 2073 in a speech where she spoke of things dragons do not speak to metahumans of, and condemned Sirrug’s actions as war crimes, which helped lead to his condemnation and escalation of the Amazonia/Aztlan war.
Hestaby’s speech contained a lot of suggestions, both on the part of dragons and metahumanity, but few listened to the whole and chose to focus on only the parts that most enraged them; for the dragons, it was her concessions to metahumanity—most of dragonkind, particularly the Great Dragons, view metahumanity as pawns and playthings, pets at best, unworthy of a seat at the negotiation table. Her condemnation of Sirrug was a betrayal of dragonkind.
The strife between Hestaby and Lofwyr was the greatest; I’ve heard rumours that Hestaby actually defeated Lofwyr in some sort of draconic test of strength and would have claimed the Jewel of Memory for herself, but she rejected the continuation of dragonkind’s old ways and allowed Lofwyr to keep the Jewel and the title. If this rumour is true, Lofwyr has been stewing over the humiliation for years; there’s nothing more dangerous than a humiliated dragon.
Immediately after her speech, the head of Hestaby’s Shasta Shamans, Elliot Eyes-of-Wyrm, was killed by a sniper. While no one is sure who called the hit, Lofwyr was a prime suspect, and clearly the one Hestaby blamed; a week later, Hestaby and a veritable army of spirits appeared in Dubai over Saeder-Krupp’s Middle-Eastern headquarters and disassembled the entire complex - without a single metahuman fatality and only a few minor injuries to the staff there.
This led to a year of shadow warfare between the Great Dragons, with alliances being fostered and formed and attention being focused away from other affairs; Saeder-Krupp’s businesses have suffered for Lofwyr’s distraction, and in the wake of the chaos, a greater threat would emerge when Lofwyr’s brother, Alamais, seized the GeMiTo sprawl as his personal demesne. Believing dragons the true rulers of Earth, Alamais and his followers turned GeMiTo into a feeding ground, beginning a year of terror for all those metahumans unable to flee.
Despite his disagreements with Hestaby, open warfare with metahumanity was not part of Lofwyr’s agenda, and the Lorekeeper’s attention switched instead to the predation of his brother; gathering an alliance of dragons and metahumans to oppose Alamais. As typical in draconic battles, they started with his hordes, raiding the wealth of Alamais with the help of most of the Dragon Council. Attacks against the allies of the Loremaster escalated in response.
In early November, 2074, it was reported by magical experts that a great accumulation of magical power was detected around Mount Shasta; at 0139 on November 3rd, the energies released; at the same time, a massive explosion occurred in Alamais’s GeMiTo compound, though the Great Dragon himself survived. Shortly the same day, Alamais’s loyalists descended upon GeMiTo; what had been hunting for sustenance became retaliation as the dragons wreaked wanton destruction upon the life and property of GeMiTo’s residents.
This was the final straw for Lofwyr, who had to bring his brother to heel. Gathering an army of mercenaries and shadowrunners, as well as the efforts of several dragons including, reportedly, the Great Dragons Lung and Arleesh, Lofwyr descended upon GeMiTo. In a battle spanning two days (November 5 and 6), Lofwyr’s forces made their way towards Alamais’s lair, where the two brothers engaged in open battle above their gathered loyalists. Lofwyr came out triumphant, tearing his brother’s heart from his chest and securing his place in the hearts and minds of the world. Lofwyr had saved the world from Alamais.
The aftershocks were largely political; for two months the Dragon Council met in secret and the world was free of draconic meddling. The repercussions of this assembly are still being felt: Sirrug was imprisoned away from the world as punishment for his open warfare on metahumanity; Hestaby was banished from the affairs of dragonkind, her horde forfeit, as punishment for defying the traditions of dragonkind; and the Black Lodge, a secret society in Germany, was unanimously condemned and its destruction vowed by the Council.
The hordes of Hestaby and Alamais were divided among the Council, with Lofwyr’s loyalists receiving the bulk of the largess and Hestaby’s friends receiving the least. But one more shock was left - Lofwyr surrendered the position of Loremaster (though not, as best I can tell, the Jewel of Memory), recommending Celedyr as his replacement. The Council, eventually, agreed.
Celedyr’s first act was to call a truce upon violence between dragonkind and metahumanity; giving a year for affairs to be settled (and a bloody year it was), since December 26, 2075, the dragons of the world have been forbidden by the power of the Loremaster and the Council from waging open warfare upon metahumanity.
By decree of the Council, dragonkind has no further conflict with metahumanity, and the Great Dragon Civil War is behind us. Hestaby has not been seen since January 9, 2074, when she was spotted conducting one final survey of Mount Shasta, now empty and lifeless.
Questions about history? Ask Breach! [email protected]
 Corp News:
Kidnapped NeoNET Exec Rescues Herself
SSN got a special tip with a video attached. My tipster sent this message:
"Seen this trid on Kappa yet? A dog running after a mouse in a park. After thirty minutes it starts chasing its own tail instead, running in circles. The rest of the trid is just three hours of this scene interspersed with three-second sequences of a small planet rotating around a giant K. Boring stuff right?
It’s the story behind it that’s interesting. According to my source, it shows the VR battle between NeoNET’s Gaeaca and Pluto, the rogue NeoNET AI that had got her abducted for her own protection. Looks like she managed to jack into the Matrix from her isolated gilded prison. Then she hacked into Pluto and harnessed the resources of NeoNET’s Kappa host to get Pluto to literally run after itself. It helped that Kappa is as much a piece of Gaeaca’s mind as can be.
It was just a matter of time, after that, for Gaeaca to bring her guards back to their senses and for NeoNET Security to shut Pluto down. Gaeaca’s current status is a close-kept secret but I was assured she's alive and recuperating from her ordeal." 
It looks like we have one of our kidnapped Execs back in Seattle, and it looks like this one was kidnapped by her own company, or at least a part of it. But the bigger news is that NeoNET has a Rogue AI kidnapping its execs. What is happening over there at NeoNET?
 Aztech Promises Increased Security at Their Gyms
In light of the footage revealing the attack on Krund Yuste Alfonso in the downtown Aztechnology gym, Aztechnology PR reps held a press conferenece addressing the embarrassing incident. Their RP rep insisted the attack was an isolated incident and that they are having their top security expert Grace Castillo retrain all Aztechnology gym security personnel. Seattlites and been assured that Aztechnology gyms are completely safe and an excellent place for all of your fitness needs.
 Gang News:
Lone Wolf Attacks on Gangs on the Rise
One of the Co-Leaders of the gang Iberis, “Flower” and two other gang members were attacked recently by an unknown cybered-up assailant, reportedly with razor fingers. Flower was badly injured, but a hospital tipster says she is recovering quickly and will be back in action shortly. A tipster familiar with Iberis told SSN that Flower and her lieutenants were attacked by an elite professional, but were still able to hold their own, evidence of the strength and power of new gang Iberis. Members of The Lost Boys were also rumored to be attacked by the Razor-fingered Attacker.
In another part of town, near the newly renovated Crowne Hotel, there has been reports of an “Angel in a Black Duster” murdering gang members on a massive scale. Tipsters note that bodies have been found scattered like so many toys, shot, burned and beaten. This angel seems to be some sort of mage, with reports that they merely point at gang members and they catch fire.
There are continued reports of a troll and an orc ambushing and attacking Trollkiller gang members.
This is a lot of violence against gang members including death. I think it is time that the SSN says a few words about gangs. Gangs, like runners, fixers, blackmarketeers, and all the rest, are denizens of the shadows. They are part of our community and they are not all the same. Sure, some are Trollkillers, sociopathic racists who don’t contribute to the community, but not all of them are. Some are just SINless kids trying to find community in the middle of a crappy situation. Gangs are sometimes violent and sometimes they are blights. But sometimes, they keep the community safe when Knight Errant wouldn’t dream of entering the neighborhood. Sometimes, they are the only after school program these kids have.
All you Lone Rangers, before you go off murdering gang members, remember, some of them are children just trying to make it in the 6th World.
 Runner News:
On the Town and In the Shadows
This was a great week for Shadow Watchers, many of our favorites were out and about on the town, and tips were coming in at a furious pace. Disgraced underground fighter 'Pretty Boy' Floyd was spotted around the Columbia area. Plotting a return to the ring perhaps? The runner Legs was seen smoking cigarettes and drinking vodka at Le Chat Noir. She was cynical as usual. MMFEC was out an about: Firepower was seen boxing at the Renton gym (a gym that seems to have some serious management problems), Electronics was on a date with one of our favorite VR personalities…one we’ll call “Princess” (we hope that went well, what potential power couple!), Conversationalist was seen at the Frozen Yogurt place where the Faces meet…all the Faces? They are one good-looking group! But isn’t that always the case? Lastly, one VR tipster told us the Cloud was seen at a new VR hangout: Studi0 54. Word has it, Studi0 54 is the new hotspot for the denizens of the shadows. SINless are welcome.
 Seattle Street News is an independent activist news source released weekly on Tuesdays or Wednesdays
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