#something something mortifying ordeal of being known
luckyarchivist · 1 day
Touchstarved LIs, on a scale of how much they fuck with you
Mhin: Not ever attempting to fuck with you, and expects the same treatment in return. That stick up their ass is shoved pretty far in, so you're going to need to get pretty close to them before you can start playing around and making jokes. Attempts to fuck with them will likely be met with deadpan stares, unimpressed frowns, disappointed mouth-noises, and/or insults.
Kuras: Not above fucking with you, but always in good humor, and will immediately tell you afterwards when he's joking. A classic "lol jk jk" girlie. I feel like Ais has probably had a bit of a bad influence on him, as he was less likely to fuck with people in the past for no reason (LESS likely, not UNlikely). But he likes to see how people react!
Ais: Loves fucking with you, but mostly in good humor. He will definitely let you walk around thinking something is true and then when you say it he'll be like, "That's not true. Who told you that?" like it wasn't him. The type of person whose kids will believe that Santa is real until like high school because he loves keeping up a bit. Will this put you in danger at some point? It's likely, but that's not necessarily his intention. Will you have a lot of inside jokes? Absolutely.
Vere: Needs to fuck with you to keep things interesting so he's going to do it all the time, often to your detriment. Light gaslighting, but nothing you can't see through with a little squinting. Part of the reason Vere has to mess with people is also because he refuses to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known. His legitimate desire and enjoyment combined with his crippling disquiet over true intimacy combine into his specialty "you're not safe around me" cocktail.
Leander: Outwardly at Kuras-levels of fucking with you, but never judge a book by its cover. This guy is literally turning down the lights in your room right now and when you ask him about it he's going to say, "I don't think anything looks any different, lovely." -- that's how much of a bonafide gaslighter he is. He's like... a nice gaslighter, though. His purpose is not to make you feel like shit. He wants you to like him and trust him, while also driving you away from other people, and making you second-guess your decisions and your reality.
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ben-wisehart · 4 months
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oakstar519 · 4 months
i think i have officially become a Regular™ at the place ive been going to dinner. because by the time i got to the front of the line the lady behind the counter had my usual order ready
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diddlefib · 3 months
(Context: @moonleet’s AN on this fic of his)
[W]hat was ur childhood favorite when it comes to "classic" literature?
I don’t actually remember many of the “classic” books I read as a kid (literally just Wind in the Willows and Black Beauty), so deviating slightly from the original prompt, I’m making a list of books for headspace. It’s based on either what I remember liking (or am told I liked) at various ages or what I’ve found I like in headspace currently.
~2-4yo: Headspace discoveries or parental hearsay (often too young to remember)
Basically any of the Winnie the Pooh stories (A.A. Milne). I’m told I wasn’t hugely into them as a kid but that changes in headspace.
The Velveteen Rabbit (Margery Williams). Don’t think I was read this as a kid but with how much I go on about Norrell, is me having latched onto this in headspace a surprise? (no).
The Gruffalo (Julia Donaldson). Haven’t verified this one, but I’m told I absolutely adored it as a kid.
The Frog & Toad series (Arnold Lobel). Haven’t verified, but I do actually remember this one so that’s a good sign.
~5-7yo: I can actually remember my likes now (no headspace discoveries currently).
The Junie B. Jones series (Barbara Park). Haven’t verified this, but I remember loving these.
The Series of Unfortunate Events series (Lemony Snicket). Same thing as Junie B. Jones
Swindle (Gordon Korman). Haven’t verified this but I enjoyed reading it a second time back in like 7th grade after loving it the first time in 2nd grade so it’s at least more likely than the first two. (Also I found out this is a series looking up the author’s name so uh. The headspace reading list begins, I guess)
Any regressed headspace:
The Magic Treehouse series (Mary Pope Osborne). This was the first series I definitely remember reading as a kid, and my folks say they used them as bedtime stories before that.
Wind in the Willows (Kenneth Grahame) probably. I read it when I was in like 8th grade but I remember thinking the length was the main reason it was marked as an upper-grade book (the thing’s like 300 pages iirc).
Any of Shel Silverstein’s children’s-lit poetry. I think I found it when I was like 6 but it could’ve been introduced earlier; in any case it feels like I’d enjoy it even in younger headspaces.
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crowdsourcedloner · 7 months
What song would you associate with your OC/WoL? ^^
Tides is Nailah at her lowest, angriest, most burnt out self. She wants so badly to run away, to run far from the bloodshed and strife she's so commonly dragged into, to just be left alone and forgotten - but she can't. She's trapped, either through obligation or fear of abandonment, and all she can do is scream her frustration into the waves.
She's a hard one for me to pin down in music, but C:\\AR?A_M4TH has the vibes down really well. It's oppressive and oddly calm and the steady looping melody reminds me of a clock alarm - Verre's trapped between her guilt and obsessive curiosity. Then the drums fade out, she's happy and free for just a moment... until they crash back in, destroying the looping melody and leaving this dissonant emptiness. She can never go back.
Mimic - Rage and Scream is hands down the best song I've found that captures their chaotic, almost taunting persona. It sounds like a calculated car crash in the best of ways and Zen's orchestrated unpredictability really shines through.
Outset Island has a carefree, slightly naive vibe that reminds me so much of Yomi. She's a little meandering, very optimistic, and terribly out of her depth when it comes to most things - what better fits that than a cozy starter town theme?
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draculasstrawhat · 10 months
Can I communicate my needs?
Can I behave like a reasonable human being when those needs are then not met?
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aaaahhhhh i finally did it i messaged the discord to see if anyone wants to try lancer
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knifewieldingenby · 2 years
One of my favorite moments in media is when a character you wouldn’t imagine crying has a breakdown and just sobs. Not the bullshit Dean Winchester single perfect tear, but just ugly crying (hopefully while clinging to someone they love, but this step isn’t necessary). I want to see unexpected characters become so overwhelmed with emotions that they can’t hold it back anymore. Idk there’s just something cathartic about it for me.
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theogony · 2 years
remembered something 10 dead 5 injured
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ultimate-babygirl · 5 months
Forced intimacy is like my favorite thing ever. Nooooo don’t cuddle me (is incredibly touch starved) don’t treat me gently and lovingly (please god I want a single kiss that might fix me) I don’t need you to take care of me or feed me or help me bathe I’m fine on my own (I need to be babied so bad)
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ollyander · 9 months
a big problem i have with Being On The Internet and talking about myself is I'm real scared of talking about myself!!
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lavenderbatwings · 1 year
New autism memory just resurfaced: at the children's theater, all cast and crew members had to show up for build days to make props and sets and stuff.
I guess they didnt want us just sitting around getting into trouble in the downtime.
So when you didn't have a task to do, you sat onstage and sorted through these massive buckets of assorted screws.
Most kids hated it because it was boring but I loved that shit! It was so meditative.
I suspect the sorted screws were just dumped back into the big fucking buckets at the end of the day. Because there is no way that many screws just accumulated.
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cats-and-airplanes · 1 year
I'm teaching a unit on writing narrative in my placement right now, and a few of the students have hassled me into sharing some segments of stuff I have written throughout the years. I haven't even let my own partner of >6 years read my writing, but damn it, this is for education.
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noisyghost · 8 months
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I want to write someday and maybe publish a book or two but people absolutely tear books apart and I would cry if someone said one (1) thing negative about my writing. I know my writing is shit but if someone ELSE knew....oh boy
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toomanyrats · 10 months
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the mortifying ordeal of being known
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