#sorrrrrry for rambling!!!
theworldofmrplant · 1 year
"argos has adhd and mr plant has autism" broke
"they both have audhd" woke
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ravensmadreads · 1 year
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unnamedelement · 3 years
omg i love elrond so much tho
“He was as noble and as fair in face as an elf lord, as strong as a warrior, as wise as a wizard, as venerable as a king of dwarves and as kind as summer.”
never getting over this, never getting over how this peredhel with such a family history of trauma--generation after generation--such a fraught childhood filled with loss and displacement--a man who lived through periods of peace and periods of outright war, who led and lost, led and loved etc etc--builds a stronghold, protects and defends it for so long and so well that it eventually becomes the last homely house (a haven for the lost and weary, a Sirion, a throwback to where he started). 
Will never get over that he lives so long and so well that he is eventually described by a strange and uncontainable hobbit as “kind as summer”
brb crying forever
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draconisxmalfoy · 3 years
I know it’s March but it better not bring no band I need peace and quiet thank you
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unendeligtid · 5 years
83 with davenzi for the prompts!!
me @ me: you can use these prompts to make short lil drabbles to get back into writing!
me: writes 2k on one prompt
also im sorrrrrry for taking so long i was on vacation and then got hella unmotivated but i hope you like this!!!!
83. “Do you want to be my valentine?”
“Do you want to be my valentine?”
Matteo startles, banging his head on his locker. The metal rattles, mimicking the feeling of his brain inside his skull from the impact.
“Ow,” Matteo murmurs, reaching up to soothe the bump that would inevitably form on his head. “Wait, what?”
David’s standing behind him, looking apologetic and nervous. He’s playing with his fingers and avoiding eye contact.
“Will you be my valentine?” he repeats sheepishly.
Matteo’s heart thumps in his chest. He can’t believe that David’s asking him this, after so long of Matteo pining and presuming that David didn’t return the feelings, after having come out on his own and having to deal with the backlash from Sara-
“I need to get Leonie off my back,” David explains hastily, as if sensing Matteo’s hesitation as displeasure.
“Leonie?” Matteo asks quietly. Either he’s just slow or the hit to his head has greatly affected his ability to understand what the fuck was going on.
“Yeah,” David says slowly, nodding his head encouragingly at Matteo. “You know, the girl who has a massive crush on me but isn’t getting the hint that I don’t like her back that way?”
“Yeah…” Matteo remembers. It’s honestly a little sad, if anything, to see Leonie trailing after David at school or at parties, her expression longing. Matteo really hopes he doesn’t look that sad.
“Right, okay,” David continues, finally looking up to meet Matteo’s eyes. “So, I overheard her talking to Sara saying that she was going to ask me out for Valentines Day, and I wanted to spare her the rejection.”
Goddammit. Even when David’s rejecting someone he’s so fucking nice.
“So…” Matteo trails off, his two braincells finally starting to click together. “You’re asking me out?”
David flushes bright red, biting his lip. “Not really,” he says quickly. Matteo raises his eyebrows. “I mean, I know we’re just friends and you don’t like me that way. I was just hoping that we could pretend to go on a date or whatever so that Leonie thinks we’re seeing each other… yeah.”
I do like you that way, Matteo wants to say. Instead-
“Um, yeah okay!” he says, feeling his own cheeks flush bright red. “Like, a fake date, right?”
“Yeah, exactly,” David replies, breathing a sigh of relief. Matteo’s heart shatters just a little bit more. “We can call it off afterwards. I just want to sell it to Leonie so that she won’t be as upset. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, totally!” Matteo’s totally digging his own grave right now.
“Thanks, Matteo,” David smiles. Matteo attempts to smile back, but it’s probably somewhat more of a grimace. “I’ll text you.”
Matteo watches as David turns the corner. Matteo breathes out the breath he wasn’t aware he was holding.
There’s a Valentines party on Friday, courtesy of Kiki, who seemed really adamant on celebrating the American tradition. Of course, Matteo is roped into going to support Carlos.
Most of their friends are going. Which, of course, includes Leonie and Sara. And David. Who’s since decided that they should have their fake date at the party.
Matteo can already foresee the trainwreck.
David comes over to the flatshare early for pre-drinks. Matteo’s decided to skip out on hanging out with the rest of the boys. He can’t handle their comments tonight.
So it just leaves David and Matteo, sitting in the living room in semi awkward silence. Matteo clutches his beer tightly, taking sips way too often to try to settle the knots in his stomach.
“So,” David says, breaking a pause that’s been slightly too long. “What are we going to tell Leonie?”
“What do you mean?” Matteo asks, cursing himself as he feels his heart start to speed up.
“I mean, like the logistics?” David responds, shrugging his shoulders casually, as if this doesn’t bother him at all. “Like, when we started dating, who asked who out, stuff like that?”
“Oh, yeah,” Matteo murmurs. He looks at the condensation on the outside of his beer bottle.
“I… asked you out?” David offers, probably realising that Matteo isn’t offering any suggestions of his own. “I had a crush on you and I finally just decided to ask you out?”
“Mmh,” Matteo nods in confirmation, not exactly trusting his voice at the moment. He takes a long sip of his beer.
“And uh,” David pauses, his voice hesitant. “We’re taking it slow because you’ve only just come out, which is why we haven’t told anyone?”
I don’t want to go slow, Matteo thinks, but he nods anyways.
“Anything else?” David asks, nudging Matteo’s socked foot with his own.
Matteo looks up from the condensation. David’s eyes are open and earnest, his eyelashes fluttering. He’s gorgeous.
“Sounds good,” Matteo squeaks, his cheeks flushing involuntarily.
Oddly enough, David’s own cheeks are beginning to flush as well.
“Good,” he says shyly, now looking down at his own beer bottle. “Then we’ll do that.”
We’ll do that, apparently means staying glued to each other’s side for the whole party.
Matteo’s hardly complaining, because after all, he’d spend all of his free-time with David if he was allowed. However, he can’t stop his heart from fluttering irregularly at every minute touch, at every brush of their fingers.
Matteo swears he’s going to have a heart attack.
They’re sitting on the couch, arms pressed together. David’s skin is sticky from the heat of the room, but Matteo doesn’t care.
“Has she noticed?” Matteo murmurs into David’s ear over the music.
David’s breath stutters, and he jerks his head away, looking around the room.
“She’s looking at us, yeah,” David replies, turning back to face Matteo. He bites his lip hesitantly. “She looks confused.”
“How do we clear things up, then?” Matteo wonders, looking down at David’s lips involuntarily. He honestly can’t even help himself, not with David so close to him.
“I…” David trails off, his eyes darting around nervously. They finally settle back on Matteo. “I’ve been trying to do that.”
“I know?” Matteo scrunches his eyebrows in confusion.
“Yeah, just like,” David pauses, biting his lip again and letting out a shaky breath. “You know when you really like someone but they’re just so oblivious about it?”
“Yeah,” Matteo mumbles. His heart pounds. David’s cheeks flush again, but it must be from the heat of the room.
“And like, you try to ask them out, but you really fuck it up?” David asks, his voice hesitant and shaky.
“You mean Leonie’s been trying to ask you out,” Matteo points out, ignoring the sinking in his stomach. It’s not David’s fault that Matteo reads into every single little thing.
“Fuck,” David groans in frustration, throwing his head back against the back of the couch. “I’ve been trying to ask you out, you idiot.”
Matteo freezes. The people around him surely must continue to exist, but Matteo pays them no mind. Despite the blaring trap music, the humidity from all the sweaty bodies, and the loud laughs, Matteo reckons they’re the only people in the room; in the world.
“What?” Matteo stutters out. It feels like icicles are traveling down his back, despite the heat of the room.
“I’ve been into you for the longest time,” David rushes out, his cheeks never losing their flush. “And I was trying to ask you out because I figured I had nothing to lose but then when I tried you just looked so confused, and so I thought, oh shit, he’s not into me, so then I lied about the fake dating thing and-”
“You’re rambling,” Matteo blurts out. He doesn’t think he even has control over his body at the moment.
“Sorry,” David sighs, looking down at his hands in his lap. He looks back up at Matteo. “I’ve ruined our friendship, haven’t I?”
Matteo’s head snaps to look at David properly. “Ruined?”
“Yeah,” David shrugs pitifully. Matteo wants to kiss the frown right off his face. “Because you don’t like me like that, I got the message the first time.”
“I-” Matteo stutters out, clearing his dry throat. “I do like you like that.”
David gapes at him, his brows furrowed in confusion.
“I’m just, kind of a fucking idiot,” Matteo continues hesitantly, gauging David’s micro-expressions carefully. “And I thought that you didn’t like me. So I just didn’t say anything.”
“Oh,” David breathes out, looking down at his hands for a second, and then letting out a snort. “I guess I kind of made it look like that, didn’t I?”
David lets out a long sigh and collapses against the backrest of the couch. Matteo follows him, letting out his own whoosh of air from his lungs. His t-shirt sticks to his back uncomfortably, but funnily enough, he has never been more comfortable in his life.
“You’re not an idiot, by the way,” David says, turning his head to look at Matteo with playful eyes. “We’re idiots.”
“Valid,” Matteo shrugs, unable to stop the grin on his face. He turns to David. “But-”
Matteo doesn’t even remember what he was going to say, because the love of his life is currently kissing him.
Matteo smiles into the kiss, leaning forward on unstable hands to get closer, always closer, to David, to breathe in his scent. David reaches up to tangle his hand into Matteo’s hair, tugging on the strands slightly, and Matteo’s brain shuts off.
All he feels is his heart pounding, his stomach dropping in the best way possible. He feels open, raw, vulnerable. David sighs shakily against his lips. Matteo can feel David’s heart pounding against his own, and suddenly, he doesn’t feel as vulnerable anymore. This is David. The same David who’s a total nerd for pretentious films, who teases Matteo relentlessly, whose hair looks like a stalk of broccoli when he’s just woken up. He’s David. He’s the one who has been just as open, just as vulnerable, right from the very start of their relationship. This is the boy that Matteo loves.
Matteo pays no attention to the heat of the room, and instead gets even closer, running his tongue along David’s lower lip. David moans (or at least, Matteo thinks he does) over the loud music and opens his mouth, and Matteo slides his tongue in-
“You owe me ten euros!” Screams a feminine voice, startling Matteo enough to jump back.
He whips his head over to meet Leonie and Sara, definitely drunk, excitedly bouncing up and down.
“Huh?” David says next to Matteo. When Matteo turns to look at him, he almost looks drunk.
Love drunk, Matteo thinks giddily.
“We had a bet!” Leonie giggles, throwing her arm around Sara’s shoulders to steady herself. “That you two would get together at this party! Sara thought you’d take longer, but it looks like I’m the winner!”
“I don’t even care,” Sara gushes, stumbling dangerously, almost knocking the both of them over. “You two are so cute, oh my god!”
“Um…” Matteo looks at David, who smirks at him.
“Anyways,” Leonie says, throwing her other arm around Sara in a tight hug. Sara wraps her arms around Leonie’s waist, her cheeks flushing slightly. “We’ll leave you two be! Be safe, use protection!”
The two girls probably walk away, but Matteo pays them no mind.
Not when David guides his chin with two fingers to place another kiss on Matteo’s lips. Matteo swoons.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” David murmurs when their lips part again.
Matteo reaches up to cup David’s flushed cheeks. He places another kiss to his lips.
“Can we…” Matteo licks his lips nervously. “Can we keep doing it?”
He doesn’t say it out loud, but David seems to get it.
“If you want,” David shrugs, trying to look nonchalant but failing miserably.
“I want,” Matteo replies, giggling as David rolls his eyes fondly.
“My boyfriend’s such an idiot,” David declares, and even though he’s teasing, Matteo’s heart swirls.
“Damn right he is,” Matteo retorts, leaning in to kiss his boyfriend softly.
Whatever comeback David had is lost in a flurry of soft kisses, sweaty hands, and fluttering heartbeats.
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whippedkoalas · 7 years
Noorhelm + “You’re always number 1″
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Hello Nonnie :)
thank you for all of your prompts and your patience! I’m here with the first one of your list. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it. I don’t know a thing about Russ so I hope it’s not too off. I also apologize because there’s more Sana/Noora than W/N, but well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I sincerely hope you’re not allergic to Jonas/Eva too :/ I needed them for the plot. Enough ramblings you don’t care about, here’s my little story :)
Noorhelm  + « You’re always number one. »
Noora never really cared about being a Russ. She never even thought she would join a bus. However, this is Vilde’s time to shine. She has always been the one who cared about the bus, and even though she isn’t that obsessed with popularity nowadays, Vilde really wants to do it correctly. They don’t have a huge bus or a huge budget but the goal is still to have a lot of fun. Isak, Even, Mahdi, Jonas, and Magnus didn’t officially join their bus, but as Magnus is dating Vilde and Jonas and Eva are … still figuring out what the fuck they are, they spend a lot of time on the bus. (Honestly, Noora tried many times to tell Eva that Jonas spending time on a Russ Bus for her is a clear indication of his feelings but Eva insists on taking things slow.) The thing is, it’s extremely convenient and easy for Vilde and Eva to have their boyfriends with them. Even if they’re spending most of their time with the girls, Magnus and Jonas are generally not really far away. Noora and Sana do not have that chance. Chris is very happy to be single for that exact reason (there might be something going on between her and Mahdi, but everyone respects their right not to talk about it). Vilde organizes and wants to participate in a lot of events during Russ, which is fine because it’s really important to her. It becomes a problem when she gets sad when Sana or Noora are reluctant to go. This time of the year reminds Noora of William’s own Russ and how it went. She knows that he didn’t enjoy his Russ as much as he should have because of everything that happened between them. She also remembers how he always tried to put her first, at the expense of his friends sometimes. He doesn’t expect Noora to do the same, but still. Sometimes, Noora just wants to spend time with her boyfriend and not attend a bus meeting for the umpteenth time. This is apparently a foreign concept to Vilde.  
William: Are you coming home or do you have a meeting tonight? Noora: Vilde wants everyone to be there tonight, I’m sorrrrrry W :(  I’ll try to come back early William: No problem, have fun. Call me and I’ll pick you up, okay? Noora: Okay   Noora: ILY ❤️❤️ William: ILY2 ❤️❤️ Noora: 😂
After school, she meets up with Sana to join the other girls. « Is this meeting really necessary San’? » Noora asks, sighing. « According to Vilde, yes. According to me? No. » Sana answers. « So why are we going? » « Because we’re Vilde’s best friends and she will be sad if we ditch her at the last minute? » Noora sighs. « Yes, you’re right. » Sana raises one of her eyebrows and says « You, you have other plans. » « Not really, no. I just want to… Okay, this is so cheesy you’ll make fun of me forever, but to be honest, I just wish I could go home and cuddle William all night. He is swamped with work for law school and when he gets back home, I’m not there because of the bus. » Sana smiles. « I see. I get you, though. I have the same problem with Yousef. » « Really? » Noora asks. « I thought he was always hanging out with Elias at your house » she chuckles. « That’s part of the problem. We spend a lot of time with our friends and not enough time together. like, I see him very often but we do not spend enough time alone. » « Did you talk about what you told us about a few weeks ago? » she grins, nudging Sana with her shoulder. « No, not yet. We haven’t properly talked at all, to be honest » « Whaat? » Noora shouts, widening her eyes. « What? it’s true. Vilde is so stressed, we had meetings every day, for the littlest thing ever. Yousef is working too, we just didn’t have time to sit down and have a real conversation. You can’t tell me you had a deep conversation with William these past few days, can you? » Sana raises her eyebrows and shakes her head when Noora agrees with her. « I love Vilde with all my heart, and I know Russ is very important to her and that you’re a Russ just once in your life… » Noora says. « but we can’t pause our life for that » Sana finishes her sentence. « yes, exactly. It’s unfair to William… even though he never complains. » « Well, Yousef has a thing with his coworkers tonight, so I’m free to go to the bus meeting, but you should just skip it. You’ve got better plans » she winks at Noora. « but Vilde..? » « I’ll explain to her that something came up, » Sana says, gesturing Noora to go. « GO GO GO. » Noora chuckles. « okay, tell her I love her? And speak to your boy! »
When she arrives at home, William is concentrated on his homework. He hears the door and says « Eskild? You’re already coming home? »
« No, it’s me » she answers. He looks at her and says « Your meeting was canceled? » smiling. She shakes her head and closes the distance between them to hug him. She sits on his lap and melts into his arms, smelling his perfume. « No. I ditched my friends » Taken aback he detaches himself from her a bit and takes her face into his hand. « Why? » he says. « I wanted to come home and spend time with you » She smiles. William’s eyes immediately light up. « Really? » she nods, smiling. « You don’t have to do that, you know. I get that it’s your Russ and that for now, it’s a priority. It’s normal. I’m glad you have fun with your friends » « I know. But you’re a priority too » she replies. « I’m just not your number one priority right now. It’s okay » he says, rubbing their noses together. « I’ve been there.» She sees his smile dropping a bit so she kisses him. « You’re always number one. » She says quietly, playing with his hair. He hides his face in her neck and holds her closer.
They don’t do anything special really. They order food and eat their Chinese plates on their bed, catching up on the episodes they didn’t have time to see these past few weeks. William holds her close and she rests her head on his shoulder. If William notices that she fell asleep after the first episode and watches her sleep with a smile on his face, then nobody would know.
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yourjughead · 7 years
Twisted Snake
Synopsis: It's jughead' birthday and with an unwanted birthday party in full swing Jughead flees the scene of the crime in favour of Pops. Where he stumbles upon a certain someone. Pairings: Jughead x reader, Jughead x Betty Warnings: Swearing, fluff A/N: not entirely sure if I'll make this into a little series. I haven't been majorly inspired to finish the wrong side of the tracks so maybe this will replace it. Let me know my lovelies. Also wrote this really quick and didn't really edit it sorrrrrry REQUESTS OPEN ------------------------------------------------- Jughead POV I can't believe Betty thought I'd like a birthday party. She doesn't know me like I thought she did. What the hell was she thinking?! I had never stormed out so quickly in my life. I had never been so infuriated by something...by someone. God only knows what the hell is going on with Archie, he's totally flown off the handle and I'm not in the mood to be a good friend right now. He wasn't a good friend by stopping this in the first place. I strolled along the short-ish walk to pops. The town was empty, all sleeping or in Archie's trying to sleep together. Pops’ was almost completely empty. I waved at Pop Tate and began ambling over to my booth, my safe space, my Oasis, my..wait what the fuck? I walked closer to the booth and looked at the y/h/c haired girl sitting down reading and drinking a milkshake in my booth. I am so not in the mood. “Ahem” I coughed loudly but she didn't move. “Emm excuse me..this is kinda my booth and I'm not really in the mood so could you just not thanks”. Still no response to more slightly more than harsh tone. I reached out to touch her shoulder and she jumped under my touch, gasping as she did so and then laughing. “Oh sorry were you talking to me?” She smiled sweetly at me as she removed her earbuds. Okay that makes sense now. “I.uhh yeah I was...you're...youre in my booth?”i mange to stutter. Her beauty stealing my voice. “you don't seem too sure?” She laughed, “you can sit down if you want?” She gestured to the empty seat across from her. Okay not really what I had in mind and it feels weird to sit here without my laptop but sure. “So what's your name?” Okay who am I and why am I willing striking up a conversation with a stranger. “Y/n” “Why aren't you at my party y/n?” that sounded a little more vain than I had intended. “Umm excuse me?” she chuckled “i mean the whole of Riverdale youth is at it so why aren't you?” “Maybe I'm not Riverdale youth” that's an interesting answer. “Why aren't you at your own party beanie boy?” hmm good question stranger…. “Umm not really my scene” “Your own party isn't your scene?” yup pretty ridiculous and rightfully deserved the laugh she gave it. I found myself laughing a little at its obscurity as well. “Yeah my...my friend threw it for me and I don't think they know me as well as I thought cause I couldn't think of a worse thing to plan for me” “a colonoscopy” “Aha what?” I laughed as she smiled so sweetly at me. “I think that'd be a worse thing to plan for someone besides a birthday party, no?” “I guess" grinning at her play on my words. We sat there talking for ages about nothing in particular. She never asked my name or pried into my business just took what I offered her. I can't say I did the same for her. I was actually kinda rude to be honest but I just wanted to know everything about her and even though she was a little slow to speak about herself I enjoyed every little detail however far and few between they were. “You know you have been sitting here or an hour Beanie Brain” “Really?...Oh shit! Yeah people are probably wondering where I am...then again they have alcohol so probably not” I joked but really it was true. “You should probably go back” this saddened me a little. I didn't want to go and I think she could tell. “Do...do you wanna come?” Did I really just ask a stranger to my sorta house? Then again Betty asked everyone in school and they're all virtually strangers...no they are strangers so what's one more. Besides I actually like this stranger. “Umm okay sure if you promise you're not a serial killer ” she stood smilingly and we began the walk back to Archie's after she paid the tab. “No I'm not a serial killer” “Yeah I mean what's the chances of two serial killers finding each other like this” she joked. I'm quite fond of her humor even if others in this town wouldn't find that particular joke funny at this current moment of time. I told her about the gang along the way however I seemed to fail to mention that Betty was more than just a member of the gang. I don't know why I just didn't. The house had people coming from all possible exits. Completely mobbed. Music and people spewing onto the street. Chaos. I took a deep breath in and shuffled my feet on the spot. “Hey we don't have to go in?” Y/n offered supportingly. “It's not really my scene either”. I like her, she understands me. “Okay,  come on we can go hang out with Vegas in the garage” “Is Vegas a hooker” she snickered. “Oh yeah totally, he might get you to join his brothel so be careful” I returned, starting to lead her to the shed laughing. Along the way she stumbled on discarded beer cans and I caught her hand to steady her….i had just forgotten to let go again as did she. We sat down on the old couch in the garage and she fell totally head over heels in love with Vegas. And I think I'm starting to fall for her. No. No I'm not. Shut up Jughead. We talked again for what seemed like ages but was only an hour. We could only hear the slight thud of music and blur of mangled drunken slurs. “This is a nice way to spend a birthday” I ramble. “What? With someone who is practically a stranger and a dog in a garage?” “Yeah, I mean they're all practically strangers and this is just...nice” I actually thought it was more than nice but wasn't ready to offer that kind of information. “Yeah, I guess you're right it is kinda nice” she playfully hits my shoulder and I react by going to tickle her. This is met by strong protest which only spurs me on. I'm soon lying on top of her tickling her mercilessly as she begs for peace. I finally stop as her face turned almost purple, mine almost the same from just laughing at her. I hadn't laughed this hard in a long time. It was just easy to be around y/n. I blame what happened next on the lack of oxygen in my brain from the laughing. I leaned down and kissed her. I hadn't had a kiss like that before. It was truly sensational, magical, earth shattering, all of the above. I pulled back from her but it wasn't long before she pulled me back for another. This was truly amazing. The door began to shake and I had never moved so quickly in my life. Too quickly. I got my legs tangled in y/ns and ended up falling to the ground pulling her on top of me. “Oh.my.god.” shit. Betty stood in the doorway looking totally hurt and shocked and ready to both burst into tests and kill me all at once. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY BOYFRIEND?!” she shrieked, just audible over the music pouring in through the open door. It was y/ns turn to move quickly. ”Wait your what?! I swear I had no idea!” Oh I'm a terrible person. Y/N looked at me with all hurt and little anger….the same could not be said for Betty. “Jughead Jones!!! I have never been so cross in my enti...” “Wait what? Did you just call him Jughead Jones?” Y/N cut across Betty in a tone dripping in confusion while the one Betty returned only dripped with poison. “Yeah homewrecker that's his name, are you trying to tell me you take a sledgehammer to my relationship and don't even know his name you absolute fucking whore”. If y/n was hurt by Betty harsh words she didn't show it, I however was shocked by her language. “Oh God oh God oh God oh God this isn't happening this isn't happening” y/n sounded genuinely spooked as she grabbed her jacket and put it back on “I have to go I have to go oh God oh God" “Yeah I think you should go do that, I'm sure there's some other couple you can ruin skank”. I had had enough. “Betty! Don't talk to y/n like that!” “No! You don't get to speak right now!” As I was about to defy her the door closed and y/n was gone. Betty started shouting at me as I moved to the door to chase y/n but she was gone, leaving a very angry Betty and a very confused Jughead.- ------------------------------------------ Teehee Xx
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ohthatbunnygirl · 7 years
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Engines can be Rose (part 4)
An art school AU Reylo Drabble
It was Lisztomania.
Well, not exactly the eighteen-forties fan-frenzied response to classical composer Franz Liszt, but the Phoenix song of the same name was certainly causing a present day scene. Walls and bodies shook in the living room, people screeched along with the lyrics at the top of their lungs, and arms flailed as intoxication ruled the night. Up against a wall, a far less enthused Rey clutched onto a cup of something she’d never drink. Desperately scanning the dancefloor for an escape route, her face took on the appearance of Edvard Munch’s ‘The Scream’ as she took a brave step forward. Horror for Rey was feeling a sweaty wet arm on her sweaty wet arm. That meeting of moisture made her want to wring old Liszt’s dead ass, and Rey thought she’d reached the end of her wits until when a shoulder bumped into her spine.
A slurred stranger’s apology didn’t count for much when sugary punch seeped between Rey’s toes. She shuddered with revulsion, but Rey miraculously refrained from flicking the drunkard off. It wasn’t anybody else’s fault that she felt awkward and out of place, but once “soiled by rum punch” was added to the list of reasons why she hated the party, Rey decided to call it a night. It wasn’t her scene at all, she couldn’t stop thinking about her art project deadline anyway, and if anybody met the girl’s gaze they would have assumed that the only possible explanation for her attendance in the first place was likely trickery.
In truth, she’d been bribed - and not even with money. No, Rey had been bribed with pizza- and not even with good pizza.
Four, eighty-cent frozen pizzas in exchange for accompanying her friend Poe to the party so he wouldn’t be alone was the deal once considered too tempting to turn down. Sadly, this wasn’t the first time Rey had made a bad bargain on cheap pizza. Hell, it wasn’t even the first time that she’d been lured with pizza by Poe that month, but there was the bonus that night of getting to pat herself on the back for being a selfless best friend who cheaply fed herself too. It was basic broke ass college economics that led to Rey entering a three bedroom apartment party, but the minute they’d stepped into the chaos Poe had predictably swept away into a sea of loud greetings as Rey longed to bash her head on the rocks.
Every damn time.
After an hour of accidental shoving around a dancefloor, Rey weaved through the crowd. Pretending to dance in order to push past sweaty bodies, she slid along a wall. It took three songs to make her slippery way, but one darn good eel impersonation later she’d reached the hallway. Dabbing off her cheeks with a dress sleeve, she deeply inhaled. She tasted sweet freedom in the air mixed with a hint of nag champa incense, but her buddy Poe was nowhere to be found. Positive that her friend was likely charming the literal pants off of his crush, Rey inched closer to the front door. She was almost home free until she picked up on the faintest whine coming from behind the nearest bedroom. Much like Rey knew that she was caked in at least four people’s sweat, she also immediately recognized that that particular noise could only come from something cuddly with a nose squishy from inbreeding. 
That was the noise of something so spectacular that the normally shy girl threw open a door to a room that she had no business wandering into.
“Oh. My. God.”
Both of Rey’s hands fluttered up to her mouth as she gasped in delight. Bouncing on her toes, she loudly squealed as an adorable roly-poly puppy snorted up at her. The jumpy fawn-colored French bulldog joyfully pawing at her ankles while snorty-whining as Rey could not even….she just could not even. 
“Look at you!” Releasing a whine of her own, Rey picked him up. “Oooooh my god, you are the best thing in the world.”
Forgetting that she’d barged into somebody’s room, Rey sunk down onto the corner of the mattress resting on the floor. Lying on her side, she allowed the full on puppy attack to commence. A fluff invasion was thoroughly welcome after her crap night, and Rey swore that each little cheek lick was worth all the cheap pizzas in the world. Heck, each puppy breath snort was well worth all the flaky friends too.
“Who do you belong to?” she cooed at the little tub of velvety butter, scratching around his ears. “Who could leave you for even one minute alone?”
The question was meant to be rhetorical, but Rey had her answer when the door flew open.
“Be right back, just gotta throw down my bag-” a booming excited voice called out before his laughter died. “Uhhh, Rey?”
No, no, no, no, no.
Standing frozen in the doorway, her shocked TA gawked at her.
“There was a dog,” Rey rapidly explained, scrambling to sit up as the pup in question padded over to snort all over Kylo. “I-I heard it…he was whimpering-”
“You’re in my room,” Kylo cut her off, unconsciously scratching at the scruff along his jaw as his eyes widened. “You’re in my room…on my bed.”
“Sorry, I didn’t know that you lived here.”
“Well, I do.” 
Sinking into a thickening discomfort on top of Kylo’s comforter, Rey winced. The flustered girl felt smaller by the second as he continued staring at her with a dazed expression, and poor Rey rushed into a bad case of the rambles, “It’s just that my friend Poe was invited by this guy Finn who works at the coffee shop we go to. Poe didn’t want to come here alone in case it turned out that Finn wasn’t single -even though Poe’s pretty sure that a topped off coffee is an invitation for a blowjob. But anyways, some pizza propositioning was involved in getting me here, and then the puppy made me stay…”
Great talk, Rey.
Too mortified to meet his gaze any longer, Rey stared down at the mattress she was sitting on. The black sheets were rumpled from recent use, there were pillows on the ground, and Rey’s lips turned down into her own confused frown as she took in more and more of her surroundings. The room was stark. There were exactly zero pops of personality aside from a red painting on the wall, there was no clutter, and Rey would never have guessed that a talented artist could inhabit some place so utterly lacking in passion, so militaristic. To be fair, Rey didn’t know what she would have expected. She’d never given Kylo’s life outside the classroom much thought, but when she didn’t recognize a glimmer of the Kylo she’d obsessed over it hit her that she didn’t know him at all.  
He was absolutely altogether foreign to her.
Rey didn’t know what band posters she’d expected, or what awards he might have framed. She couldn’t guess the author of one single book on his bookshelf, and with each swallow of bittersweet clarity, her stomach turned. Feeling foolish, feeling naive, and more than ever feeling like a little girl with an out of her depth crush.
Cringing, Rey moved to get up when his voice stopped her. “So you met Ramen?”
“The puppy,” Kylo answered, scooping up the yipping animal for a cuddle so brief that Rey almost missed it. Sitting beside her on the mattress, Kylo continued petting Ramen while casually explaining, “I’ve actually only had him for a couple months, but he’s a pretty cool dude.”
“He’s awfully cute.”
“I think so too! Yeah, my ex-girlfriend’s family breeds French bulldogs for competitions. The pedigree is apparently strong with this family, and every puppy in his litter went for nine thousand dollars.“ Cupping the puppy’s ears, Kylo whispered, “Then some elitist twat suggested that Ramen’s walk wasn’t up to standards, and when I defended his perfectly fine trot, my ex’s mom gave him to me for free.”
Rey’s jaw dropped. “You own a nine thousand dollar dog, but your mattress is on the floor?”
“And you named your nine thousand dollar dog, Ramen?”
“Yep,” Kylo answered back with a grin so wide that it crinkled the corners of his eyes. “Ramen was the food that basically kept me alive freshmen year. So what better name for something else I love?”
Not about to argue with sound logic, Rey gave Ramen’s humongous ears some soft tugs. Purring at him, “And here I thought you were just adorable, but little did I know that you’re pet royalty too.”
As the puppy took an ungraceful leap off the bed, Kylo laughed. “He’s the fanciest one in the flat.”
“Well, your room is-”
“Boring.” Kylo finished for her, rolling his eyes. “Whatever you were going to say the honest answer is that it’s boring.”
“I wasn’t going to say that.”
“Something nicer then?”
“Probably,” Rey carefully considered her answered while absently leaning in closer to Kylo. ”My building on the outside honestly looks like scrap metal decided to get together in the nineteen-seventies. I don’t have much room to talk when it comes to running a place down, and I’ve always thought that you do what you can with what you have. At least the room is roomy.”
Kylo’s lips quirked to the side. “The room is roomy?”
“I meant large.”
“Yes, quite boring and large,” Kylo added with an over the top head bob. “Glad we can be honest now about it.”
“Boy you enjoy tearing it down, don’t you?”
“No, I just call a spade a spade,” Kylo shrugged, pushing his hair back behind his ears without a trace of agitation. “Honestly, my money doesn’t go into the room because any spare funds I have immediately get funneled back into my education or my art supplies. I’m too busy to worry about aesthetics inside a place I’m barely at, and I’m practical about where I spend my time- and who I spend it with. If it’s an option between taking a girl out on a date with forty bucks or buying a fancier IKEA tv stand, then I’m going to choose the girl every time. ”
To avoid the torture of hearing anything further about Kylo’s dates with other girls, Rey said the first thing that sprung to mind. Taking charge of the conversation while suspiciously eyeing his shiny black boots, “Hmm, you never struck me as all that poor.”
“I didn’t use to be.”
“You still don’t look it now.”
“Thanks,” Kylo’s gravelly voice rolled into a chuckle. “It’s nice to hear that the mostly all black ensembles I rock are doing me some covert social status favors after my fall from grace.”
“What happened?”
“Ah, that’s a good story,” Kylo sighed, his broody expression falling back in place. ”Pretty much everything about my current lack of funds has to do with a marvelous double whammy school screw over. Back when I was an undergrad, the Financial Aid office claimed that my parents made too much money for me to qualify for help. That made sense, but then after my parents cut me off after a political disagreement, I still couldn’t receive assistance.“
Rising up from the bed, Kylo placed a drowsy looking Ramen in a kennel in the corner of the room. Going through the motions of something nurturing even as the muscles along his spine tightened with tension. Back conveniently turned away as he explained, “Oddly enough, the school doesn’t exactly accept pictures of a heated up Thanksgiving Day frozen food meal as definitive proof that you’re financially screwed at eighteen. So all of the sudden, while I was taking on a sixteen-hour course load I had to simultaneously work two jobs just to afford my books, my tuition, and this apartment shared with a guy I met on Craigslist - who thankfully was not much for murdering. ”
“Wow, school’s pretty expensive here without any grants.”
“Indeed,” Kylo agreed. Sitting back down again beside Rey, he was unable to fight back the bitterness in his laugh. “There’s a reason the last gallery collection I showed was titled ‘Daddy Issues’ “
Before Rey could talk herself out of it, she took his hand in hers. Squeezing sympathetically, offering whatever comfort her small fingers could while dwarfed by his massive hand. The acrylic paint chips underneath her nails stood out so vibrantly against his skin -the quirky boldness so very her- and Kylo’s smile softened.
“You’re sweet.”
Dragging her teeth along her lower lip, Rey shook her head.
“Not entirely…”
A loud thump sounded from outside the door. Instantly, the illusion of intimacy dissolved away from them when they shifted apart from one another, hands releasing. Staring at the widened gap between them, Rey was struck with the ugly reminder that a party raged outside. Up until that moment, she’d plum forgot that her handsome crush hadn’t actually invited her to his room for an intimate chat. It wasn’t a date. They weren’t even friends. No, she’d barged her way into his life, and on the off chance that he was only humoring her, Rey gave him an out.
Stammering out, “Sorry again for slipping into your room.”
“Well, I’m not exactly kicking you out am I?” Kylo said, shifting his piercing gaze back to her.
“No, guess not,” Rey swallowed hard, chest rising and falling without hope of a steadying breath when he looked at her like every step of his day had been geared towards having her with him in his bed.  
Before the girl could trip over her own nerves again, Kylo intertwined his ink-stained fingers with hers again. An innocent enough hand squeeze kept her beside him on the bed as her heart fluttered up into her throat. Oxygen and excuses blocked off, feeling temporarily safe from embarrassing herself with words that would have proven useless after he proceeded to steal away her breath.  
“I should probably say something clever now,” he told her, “but I can’t stop staring at your lips.”
For a few stuttered heart beats, Rey was sure that she’d heard Kylo wrong until his thumb brushing against her knee proved otherwise. It was no daydream. There was nothing more real than those small maddening circles grazing against her skin as he shamelessly admitted,
“I actually think about them a lot.”
“Oh,” Rey exhaled.
Shifting his gaze from her eyes to her mouth and back again, Kylo continued, “I keep thinking about…”
“What?” Rey whispered.
“Thinking about how sweet you’d taste.”
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bun-boy · 7 years
Sorry if I'm posting a lot tonight! For the first time in an extremely long time (probably since botw came out) i'm super super happy and just giddy???? Wow I'm pumped.
Sorrrrrry if I post a lot tonight while i'm playing i'll tag/probably delete rambles in a few days idk?. ;o;
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