#sorry for the disaster my blog will be for the foreseeable future
I am so completely obsessed with high fantasy right now. I’m on a huge fantasy kick and I’m so sorry for anyone following for sci-fi or period drama but my blog is pretty much entirely LOTR and Critical Role right now. I promise it won’t be forever!
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tkblythofficial · 4 months
Make no mistake, J Rivera loves and dotes on Raquel, just the way she likes it. There’s a reason they’re still together and will remain together in the foreseeable future. Many people might not see it but Raquel wants to keep that part of herself private, away from public consumption. She has nothing to hide from Rivera that’s why it’s easy for her to speak on Blyth.
You probably know she’s got the snow movie coming up, and let me let you in on a little secret: the studio knows about the hate campaign, so they’re going to gradually roll out promo. Be prepared to see Raquel and Andrew together and in equally ‘intimate’ pics. Raquel is an easy-going and effervescent young talent. She can generate chemistry with a brick, as was alluded to before - so her and Andrew will be on the forefront of the circuit. Andrew is also a hot talent albeit new so it’s paramount for his personality to shine. Raquel will be playing along with that. Be prepared.
Who’s Raquel?
“J loves and dotes on R, just the way she likes it”
That’s sad if this is true. She definitely deserves better.
“R wants to keep that part of herself private, away from public consumption.”
Lol are we talking about the same person? R who is chronically online wants to keep her relationship private? If this is her being “private”, I would hate to see what her being “public” means.
“She has nothing to hide from Rivera that’s why it’s easy to speak on Blyth.”
You’re right. She didn’t hide her flirting with T at all with J beside her. Clearly J has an issue with it based on his facial expressions. She has nothing to hide because she was blatantly loving T to J’s face lol.
“Let me let you in on a little secret”
Sorry anytime someone says this, I laugh out loud. Because almost always, it’s never a secret. Everyone knows about the hate campaign! And be prepared for what? For R to have chemistry with her male costar? She’s been through this multiple times before so I know she will be hugged up with Andrew. But guess what? No one will fall for it because they know that Disn3y is using R and Andrew’s “chemistry” to distract from G@dot. Disn3y has the most predictable PR campaign in history which is why they’ve been a disaster since 2017.
Side note: the way this was written and specifically worded from you, Anon….hmmm. I have my suspicions on what kind of work you do. A small blog like mine shouldn’t be sending you into a frenzy. Relax.
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rulingsolo · 4 years
Temporary Hiatus
Hello everyone! I’m not feeling too well at the moment, emotionally/mentally, and the current situation - that’s really been most of 2020 so far, with one disaster chasing the other - has me a little rattled. I am by no means abandoning this blog, I love Kylo/Ben as a muse and I love writing with all of you, but I’ve decided to put Kylo on a little hiatus. I’m still around, on discord, and maybe 1-2 other blogs, so I am not completely gone. This hiatus could be up to two months, I’m not sure yet. June/July is also when my exams are coming up, so I’ll be busy anyway, which is why I think this is a good time to do this.
I want to apologize first and foremost to everyone I’ve been writing with and plotting with - I will contact you when I return to see if you’re still interested in what we had planned. I hope so. (Especially @deviousprince, @rabid-cur-hux and @snowinabottle I’m so sorry, I’m disappearing when you’ve been waiting for me to write.. please forgive me.) I’m really sorry for leaving you hanging like this, I didn’t mean for this to happen, but I feel like I need to put my well-being first at this time. I wouldn’t be able to give you the replies you deserve when I’m forcing myself to.
Please take care everyone, and I’ll see you in the foreseeable future :)
(I’ll be reblogging this on my queue a few times, so, I’m sorry if you come across this post more than once.)
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myndopeus · 6 years
re: hp!au
i haven’t exactly been on this blog a lot, so y'all probably think i’m dead, haha. but for anyone who is still out there or who has ever wondered “what happened to that harry potter trimberly fic”, i have an update (although sadly it’s not a happy one). very long post bc i’m dramatic and on mobile, so sorry if the cutoff doesn’t work
i didn’t work on you give me something to think about/hp!au for months. part of that was because i didn’t have time, but part of that was because i felt like the writing was becoming more and more rushed, and i wasn’t happy with what i was producing because i was doing it just to get an update out. so i resolved to take a break and work on it when i was in a better mindset.
so winter vacation comes around, i’m out of school and sleeping more than is probably healthy, and i actually start writing again. i re-directed where the next chapter of hp!au was going, and i even wrote a one-shot for my friend for christmas (i’ll make a post for it later).
and then. disaster.
while at the airport, i spontaneously dissociated and i ended up leaving my laptop at the security check. atm, it doesn’t look like i’m getting it back.
luckily, my parents aren’t too pissed at me, and i’ll be getting a new one sometime soon. but unfortunately, school is about to start up again, and since i’m in my last year of uni, it’s time for me to buckle down and actually work hard for this shit. so even when i get my laptop back, i probably won’t be writing as much.
if you’re worried that i’ve abandoned hp!au completely, the answer is no. this fic holds a very special place in my life; because of this fic and this fandom, i’ve met so many truly amazing and incredibly talented people. and i feel like it would be really sad if i just left these characters hanging (not to mention that trimberly haven’t even kissed yet…. and all that cranscott side story, not to mention how i haven’t even talked about Tommy yet. oops, #spoilers). that being said, the fic is probably going to be unfinished/in hibernation for the foreseeable future.
to close this post off, i want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. you have no idea how encouraging and uplifting it is to see how many of you have read and even enjoyed this random fanfiction. i hope to continue writing for you guys, even if it’s just drabbles or one-shots, even if it’s for different fandoms. thank you for sticking with me and my inconsistencies. y'all are some Superheroes.
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talkativelock · 7 years
shkdjfhsdkj unfortunately, I was unable to finish the ficlet I’m on in time to post it tonight because I got distracted by answering really nice anons there for a minute? But I will be finishing up the last little bit tomorrow and writing a few more.
Starting Monday I’m going to be working on longer projects again. Possibly multiple at the same time because the theme of the season is Human Disaster.
I don’t know if yall remember this post but I got a few responses, both in replies and messages, and for the most part everyone seemed to be down for option B. Some people because they felt it would let them have more content, others because they wanted me to have options. Regardless, that’s the one I’m going with. Ficlet requests will be open for the foreseeable future but after tomorrow I hope that you will all understand that it won’t be my fanfiction priority anymore. I will try to get a lot of them done tomorrow to make up for the much slower rate that I will be filling the prompts I get in my inbox starting Monday. I will also be posting previews like normal of my current projects under the tag “lockfic previews” if yall are interested or violently not interested in that. As always, you can find my longer works on ao3 here or search the tag “lock writes fic” to scroll through my over 100 completed ficlets. (honestly, tumblr kinda sucks so if you can do it on my actual blog instead of the little side thingy that doesn’t catalog properly it’ll be easier to find them but I understand if not) And... I think that’s it for content I can give to you while you wait for me to write more?
As always, thank you so much for your continued support and for reading and enjoying my fics. It means a lot to me that am able to entertain you and I hope that you enjoy the content I put out in the future! Sorry that November was kinda weird but here’s to a much more stable December and a better 2018.
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