#sorry idk how that slipped in
oh-surprise-its-me · 9 months
Roy/Jamie fic idea: Just listened to " The Other Side" by Ruelle and it just got be wanting a fic where one of them gets a life-threatening scare, like almost dying in a car wreck of coughing up blood and needing to get tested. The other is losing his damn mind with worry. They don't wanna know what it's like to live without the other, what kind of empty life that would be. Que wanting to finally get married, have kids together, hell get a dog and the whole nine yards!
Aww okay I love it
Jamie saw it on the news. He didn’t even get a text. Or a call. The fucking reporter for channel 6 told him.
Roy was in a crash.
A really bad one.
Not his fault, his car flipped twice. They’re saying he’s in the hospital. Got fucking flew there in a helicopter.
Jamie realizes he dropped the plate he was holding. There’s glass all over the floor. Hell there’s blood running down his hands. His phone starts ringing, he practically rips it out of his pocket. “Hello?”
It’s a woman’s voice that responds, “yes hello, Jamie Tartt? You’re Roy Kent’s emergency contact. He’s been in an accident. He’s out of surgery now. We couldn’t find your number for a while.”
Jamie collapses to the floor. “I’ll be right there.” She hums and hangs up. Jamie can’t breathe.
He runs to the car faster then he’s ever run before.
When Jamie finally sees Roy he’s awake. Covered in blood and a cast on his arm but awake. He’s sitting in a hospital bed.
Jamie freezes in the doorway. He can’t move.
Jamie let’s put a shaky sob. He slowly walks forward and touches Roy’s face. Roy leans into his hand like a cat, kisses the palm of Jamie’s hand. “I’m okay. It’s okay.”
Jamie drops like a puppet with its strings cut. He collapses into the chair next to the bed. He’s sobbing. Jamie doesn’t know if he can hold onto Roy any tighter.
Roy leans forward and pulls at Jamie until he gets the idea. He gently crawls into bed with Roy.
Jamie presses a kiss to Roy’s shoulder. He gets an annoyed noise and Roy grabs his face and fully kisses him. It’s probably not an appropriate kiss for a hospital but Roy almost died. Jamie thinks it’s fair.
“I can’t ever leave you again.”
Jamie blinks at Roy. It’s a week after the accident. They’ve talked a bit. They’re in bed for the night, Roy’s arm on a pillow and Jamie curled under the other one. “What do you mean? You never left me?”
Roy sighs. He has a serious face. He kisses Jamie’s nose. “I want more with you. A dog. Another cat. I wanna call you my husband.”
Jamie grins at Roy. Before he can say anything Roy keeps going. “Wanna be able to tell people, ‘oh yeah that’s my husband Jamie’”
Roy isn’t looking at Jamie. He can’t. There’s a lot of things he can’t do right now.
Jamie presses a kiss to his neck. And tucks his head into Roy’s shoulder. “If we’re naming things we want.. I want to be able to tell a kid to go and find their other dad. Or like ask your dad.”
Roy sits up straight. He pulls Jamie with him so they’re sitting across from each other. “You wanna have a kid with me?” Jamie laughs. He can’t help it. “I wanna do everything with you.” Roy yanks him into an aggressive kiss. He can’t help it. God he loves this man.
“I’ve got a ring in the drawer. Was my grandfather’s. Want to melt it down and put half in my ring and half in yours.” Jamie has tears in his eyes. “I’d love that.”
“I love you.”
Jamie kisses Roy again. “Love you too.”
There’s a beat of silence and they lay back down.
“Can we get another cat tomorrow.
Roy let’s put a sigh. He knew that one would come back to bite him. “Yeah. Course we can.”
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drabsyo · 7 months
okay hear me out, werewolf Hermione finding out Bellatrix (or Pansy) is her mate plus her mate is into Hermione's scars
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pansmione werewolf au, where they grow a lot closer after being constantly paired with each other for prefect duty. And Hermione's a secret werewolf. Hermione almost never misses a shift but every time she does, it's only during full moons. Pansy figures it out. And well, now she has to sneak a gryffindor prefect back into the dorm rooms. At least the hard part is over... right?
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johnslittlespoon · 1 month
i think about how curt and john both grew up in wisconsin at least twice a day. it's such a sweet little detail and i'm sad they changed it in the show because we would've either seen them so enamoured with each other off the bat because they have similar childhoods, or they'd be at each other's throats over it, stupidly competitive until they realize they actually get on like a house on fire.
imagine them finding out they only grew up a few towns apart? the "do you think we would've found each other even if the war didn't happen?" / "i think we would've found each other in every timeline" pillow talks. the fantasizing about going back to wisconsin after the war and building a cabin on the outskirts of manitowoc next to lake michigan and starting a new life together.
(john still builds that cabin after the war ends; he just doesn't expect to be doing it without his boy by his side.)
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j/on s/ims the type of guy to wait until the very very last second before pausing a tape to sneeze...... like?? he definitely is in denial about needing to sneeze despite it literally being about to happen
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llumimoon · 1 year
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The Talk (page 3)
Doodler AU post || start || previous || next ||
Three pages in and I finally remember to draw the tattoos! Oopsies.
This comic takes place shortly after the Doodler’s homunculus body was made. Lark and Sparrow try to figure out how they feel about the situation.
Dialogue under the cut!
Lark: You can’t just- We can’t just-
Lark: That’s not how it works! There’s no going back!
Lark: You can’t just forget about all the people you’ve hurt, and start all over again!
Sparrow: Wait, wait, wait-! Back up! I think I missed something here.
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neurotypical-sonic · 1 year
been wanting to make a short comic for a while but never could come up with an idea that like. wouldnt completely overwhelm me, because I've never drawn one before. but now I know what I'm gonna do. sonic's adventure in bouse sitting
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lavampira · 4 months
it’s not even noon and I already need a nap
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bri-to-the-future · 11 months
Happy Fall Down Saturday!
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dreamwinged · 13 days
intrusive thoughts drain my will to live like nothing else
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dalkyeom · 10 months
Listening to Kidult has been so cathartic because I feel like maybe I’m not allowed to cry over things then Dokyeom goes “It’s ok, your world is precious” and I start bawling like a baby
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joyridingmp3 · 8 months
boss just sat me down and basically asked what's wrong with me again
#i went home sick last friday and i guess someone said i did something wrong at work#when im 99% sure i didn't??#anyway. they also think I've been quieter lately#i feel bad. im mad because of the whole situation with my shitty coworker#but my boss slipped up and said 'we're friends - well. sorry. we're not /friends/ I'm your boss but -'#so clearly he views me as a friend but is trying to set professional boundaries#I just feel guilty#i don't even know why this is getting to me so much#i guess it feels like someone just listed off all of the things I'm doing wrong and pointed them out to me#and that paired with the fact that I was caught off guard by it#i hate being caught off guard#idk#anyway the apartment cat came over to hang out for a bit but she was distant#so the perceived rejection really hit me#i swear to god i don't realise how insane i am til i write all this out#anyway. i don't have any drugs left other than some random opioids#which is basically russian roulette#in terms of dosage because they're all wildly different#so I'll probably stay sober tonight#which is for the best :/#if I want to wake up on time to work tomorrow#it's not even anything. im mostly just trying to avoid my creepy shitty coworker#but i can't say that! so i guess everyone just thinks i hate them noe#now*#and they probably all secretly hate me#since he said that a few people have mentioned that I've been quieter lately#so I'm not even doing a good job putting up my ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ facade#which is like. my only skill and asset#anyway. time to think about dying and never eat again ig#mine
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ladycatofwinterfell · 2 years
God I won’t have time to properly write in so long, huh?
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zhalar · 2 years
wheres that post hows it go. whats worse than having a job. not having one. bro im so fuckign b o r e d. BUT I DONT WANNA WORKKKKK. but i need money to live and buy sweet treats....... but theres no suitable work available in this tOWNNN
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dreamaze · 1 month
the longer i'm here the more apparently it is how readily fandom energy at large will divert to the Next New Thing while well-established (older) groups keep growing & evolving while nudged into the shadows
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