#source: @orca-iguana
incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 months
JANE: Why are you microwaving carbonated drinks. That feels wrong.
DIRK: I dunno. Most people hate it, but I'm also the person that purposefully lets Coke go flat because I like it better flat. So me and carbonated drinks have a weird relationship.
ROXY: i feel like.......thats def gonna cause some sort of explosion? but also. idk enough about microwaving liquids to prove that
DIRK: That's fair. Probably would explode if I forget to open it beforehand, which likely will happen eventually.
ROXY: wait wait wiat are u microwaving it in the fucking can
DIRK: Yes??? It's only aluminum, right?
ROXY: ohhhh my fuckin god
JAKE: So um... microwaving aluminum specifically is known to cause arching which can cause fires! I suppose thick aluminum is fine but thin aluminum like foil and i ASSUME the edge of an open can is NOT.
JANE: Not to mention, microwaving liquids can be dangerous, as they get hot extremely quickly...
DIRK: Ah. That would explain the popping sound. I assumed that was just my microwave being old. Good to note I shouldn't do that in the future.
JAKE: ...
JANE: I... I don't think you should be let near the microwave anymore.
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siren1song · 4 years
Stay With Me
Summary: Deceit and Virgil are having dinner and goofing off, and Deceit decides he has... a lot to say.
Warnings: None I can think of.
Pairing: Anxceit
Word Count: 1,237
Taglist: @acanvasofabillionsuns, @emo-disaster, @greenninjagal-blog, @jungle321jungle, @sleepy-sides, @gattonero17, @another-sandersidesblog, @strawberryjellystuff, @logic-with-a-pinch-of-deceit, @gr3ml1n-loser, @main-chive, @firey-alex, @orca-iguana, @spooky-scary-virgil, @sanderssidesweirdo, @stormypaint, @just-a-little-bit-gay-oops, @dying-is-a-hobby, @rose-gold-roman, @the-angry-ship, @rosesisupposes, @just-perhaps
Notes: This was a third part to A Deal commissioned by @yalltookmyurlideas. Thank you sweetpea for this!! I had a lot of fun writing it!
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Years. They’d been together years now. Virgil still didn’t know Deceit’s name, or why he hated talking about “work” or anything relating to who he was before he’d summoned him.
Not that he minded. Sure, he’d like to one day say Deceit’s name, his real actual name, but he understood knowing the name of an otherworld being is… a lot of power to have and nobody wanted to give someone else that type of control over themselves.
And besides, he trusted Deceit with his life, he trusted that his boyfriend wouldn’t fuck him over, especially not after actual years of knowing each other.
Hell, sometimes Virgil even daydreamed of a domestic life— well. As domestic as one can get, being a witch dating a Circle King.
Does it count as domestic if it’s obtaining ritual materials and learning how to not let his anxiety overtake his magic and get him a result he hadn’t wanted in the first place? He was going to count that as domestic.
“Love are you over thinking on our third year anniversary when I’ve been trying to talk to you for the past twenty minutes?”
Virgil blinked back to the present, watching Deceit as he raised an eyebrow at him, wearing a small smirk that always made Virgil want to kiss him.
“I’m not over thinking,” he denied, because that part was true.
Over thinking was not the reason he had zoned out.
“Right, and I’m not a Circle King capable of terrorizing this entire section of the world.”
Narrowing his eyes, Virgil scooped up mashed potatoes with his plastic spork (they’d gotten take out, fried chicken and mashed potatoes and macaroni) and flung it in his boyfriend’s direction.
A loud snort escaped him when it thwapped against his face, in the area between his nose and the left side of his lips.
“You truly are my prince charming,” Deceit muttered, feigning resignation as he grabbed a napkin and wiped the glob from his face.
A facade that broke when Virgil broke into giggles, covering the lower half of his face with his arm while he slumped over the table.
The love on his face was so clear, Virgil had no doubts that he was cared for.
“Listen,” he started once his laughter calmed down, “I’m not the one who claimed to be prince charming, that’s Roman. You signed up for a bastard with anxiety, more magic than he knows what to do with, and a sense of humor that consists entirely of sarcasm and wit.”
Deceit gave a dramatic sigh, sticking his own spork in his bowl of macaroni. Virgil had been expecting him to take a bite, but instead he got a noodle stuck to his nose, held there by the cheese it was coated in.
“You noodled my nose?” Virgil asked, mocking offense and resisting the strong urge to cackle when Deceit let out an undignified snort at his phrasing.
“Yes of course dear, is it not what you signed up for?”
“No! I signed up for a refined Circle King who would protect me when I’m a damsel.”
Deceit snorted again, taking a second to recover before he spoke.
“Then you clearly signed the wrong contract, love. That is not me at all.”
“Apparently!” Virgil responded, keeping up his fake offense even as he wiped the cheesy pasta off his nose.
There was more snickering, Virgil trying not to grin as he stuck the macaroni in his mouth and watched Deceit try not to lose it again.
“You really need to work on reading the fine print, Virgil,” Deceit said, giving him an affectionate look that had heat rising up Virgil’s neck and face.
“Yeah well you’re distracting enough tiny words aren’t going to hold my attention, important or not.”
It was Deceit’s turn to blush, one hand slipping off the table while the other covered the bottom half of his face while he worked on not being flustered.
Virgil just grinned, finally taking a proper bite of his potatoes as he watched his boyfriend recover.
“Love you are insufferable,” Deceit started, continuing before Virgil had the chance to say something in response, “and irritating, and a total bastard who teases me about the most trivial things, despite me figuring out how this century works when I haven’t been a part of it before we met.”
“Where’s this going?” Virgil asked, smile still firm in place but his eyebrows were furrowing as his confusion grew.
Deceit didn’t answer, his own smile as soft as his gaze, and continued with what he was saying.
“You have caused me inordinate amounts of stress simply by being your own reckless self— I mean honestly how can someone with anxiety be so absolutely careless about their own wellbeing? And were it not for the fact that I’m a Circle King I know I would have an ulcer from the time you managed to draw three different pixies to you because you didn’t put the right intent into your magic alone.”
“Uh… Deceit if this is just gonna be you complaining—”
“Shush love, I’m not done,” Deceit interrupted, reaching across the table with one hand to cover Virgil’s hand, Virgil instinctively dropping his spork to return the hold.
He took a deep a breath, one hand still hidden by the table but clearly holding onto something, judging by the way Deceit took a moment to glance at it.
“As much aggravation as you’ve caused, you’ve also given me nothing but happiness for three years. No matter how upset I may be at you, you always make me smile with some asinine joke that really shouldn’t make me laugh as hard as it does. You are a source of joy for me, and I would not trade my relationship with you for anything else the universe may offer.”
The air gets sucked out of Virgil’s lungs, and his eyes widen as he looks at his boyfriend in the purest form of shock he’s ever been in.
“Virgil. I love you. I trust you with my everything, name included. And…” Janus pulled the hand he had hidden above the table, a glass box in his hand.
He took his other hand from Virgil’s to open it, exposing a head piece made of black metal and yellow gemstones that Virgil was too overwhelmed to place just now.
“I know it’s not the traditional ring human’s are used to for this type of proposal,” Janus started, looking back to Virgil after looking at the— is that considered a crown or tiara? Fuck who cares, he’s pretty sure his boyfriend is fucking proposing.
“But it’s what I’m used to and what I have. Virgil, would you offer me the purest joy of being by my side forever and always?”
Holy fuck his boyfriend shared his name and proposed.
Virgil took a deep breath, taking his eyes from the head piece to look at Janus— his name is Janus— with a smile to answer his nervous frown.
“The fuck do I look like, some kind of flake? Did you really think I would ditch you any time soon after three years? God, yes.”
Janus’ answering grin set Virgil’s heart on fire, and what else could he do, other than kiss him?
Well… he could also smear mashed potatoes in his shirt for daring to doubt Virgil’s willingness to stay with him, but what did that matter?
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It was hard to imagine there could be more to see having seen so much in our first few days on the southern and eastern islands of The Galapagos, but we were not disappointed with our last few days! Every day I have seen or experienced something new and amazing! Even as I came to the end of my week-long Galapagos adventure, I could easily have stayed longer. Though I have to admit staying on dry land and getting some wi-fi sounds appealing. I’ve missed the blog and can’t wait to publish these Galapagos articles and tell you all about it! I also have many more adventures to come – next stop Peru! Watch this space…
Santa Cruz
Our first island in the central region of The Galapagos was Santa Cruz. Here we dropped off some passengers and acquired some new ones. After brief introductions we walked through the colourful town of Puerto Ayora to reach the Charles Darwin Conservation centre for tortoises. As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, up until the 19th century pirates (mostly from the Uk actually) used the Galapagos  islands to hide on after pilfering the gold which the Spanish were taking to Spain from South America. They took tortoises with them when they returned to their ships as a source of meat with a long shelf life, (Tortoises can survive without food or water for 1 year.) But this dramatically depleted the tortoise population in the Galapagos. Add to this, that often the pirates bought with them mammals from mainland including goats which wandered away, bred in large numbers and happily chewed through 50% of the islands vegetation in 100 years, thus reducing the food supply for the tortoises significantly.  It was a sad story for tortoises and now the islands inhabitants and naturalists are working hard to re-populate the island with tortoises. They are close to reaching the desired numbers and so actually the programme won’t need to run for much longer.
At The Charles Darwin centre we also heard the sad story of Lonesome George. Lonesome George was a saddle back tortoise from Pinta Island and was the only one of his kind remaining. Efforts to find a female for him to mate with and even attempts made at mating him with another similar type of tortoise, did not prove fruitful. In 2012 he passed away making the Pinta tortoise an extinct species. His body was preserved via taxidermy and is available for tourists to see at the centre. It’s a slightly surreal experience!
In the afternoon we had more tortoise spotting opportunities, this time in the wild. We took a drive into the hinterlands to a farm where the tortoises roam freely. A while back, tortoises were the bane of farmers lives. They ate the sugar canes and fruits they grew but they were unable to protect their goods as tortoises are protected and allowed to roam free as per island laws. This made life in the farming industry financially difficult and frustrating. Eventually the problems were resolved when the government offered farmers the chance to open up their farms as tourist destinations to see wild tortoises as there are so many (due to the supply of sweet goods for them to munch through!) This kept the farmers and the tortoises happy and they co-exist peacefully now. Whilst at the tortoise farm, we also had the opportunity to walk through a lava tunnel (where lava runs away and cools from the outside creating lava rock. It’s not for the claustrophobic but it was very interesting to walk through, if not rather eerie!
Santiago & Bartolome
The following day we headed for Santiago Island. Here we took a walk to Sullivan bay on the lava rock formations formed about 100 years ago. It was really interesting – it almost looked like the surface of the moon, only black! Dotted with the occasional lava cactus , rocky hills in the distance and the occasional lava lizard, it made an interesting place to walk. We were also lucky that a Galapagos Hawk took interest in us and flew over to say hello, pose for a few photos then soar off into the distance! Possibly one of the best photography opportunities offered to me by the Galapagos and there were many!
After our lava walk, we donned our flippers and headed out for a snorkel off the beach. We were all very excited to spot our first Galapagos penguin perched up on the rocks minding his own business. Others were even luckier to see another penguin hunting for fish and also to see a white-tipped reef shark! We were assured we were more likely to see sharks at our next snorkel destination near Pinaccle rock  but wildlife can be unpredictable and sadly no sharks were found. I did however get a fleeting view of another penguin zooming past me in the water and another few perched on some rocks. The fish were also fantastic.
The same afternoon we headed for Bartolome island just across from Santiago. We climbed over steep red volcanic rocks to the summit (spotting a little snake along the way) in order to see the stunning view from the top. Sadly the sun was low in the sky creating tricky lighting for photos but trust me, the 360 degree views were just stunning!
  Back to Santa Cruz
Our final full day was spent back on Santa Cruz Island this time at Bachas Beach. Here there were small spikes of rusted metal poking out of the sand which we learned were remnants of small boats which tried to get too close to the shore and were wrecked by hard lava rock under the sea. (Hence our boat was far out at sea and our pangas took us to the next beach which we walked from.) Just behind Bachas beach was a salt water lagoon where we were hoping to see flamingos but sadly the lagoon was empty but for a few iguanas and a couple of ducks! However, we walked to another smaller lagoon and were awarded with a sighting of one lone flamingo – albeit a speck in the distance! Hopefully I’ll have more luck seeing flamingoes in Bolivia!
Once again we had 2 snorkels, one from the beach and another off the boat. The beach snorkel was the best this time as I saw a shark swim past! Probably a white-tipped reef shark and about 1 metre in size. It was a fleeting view but I was happy to say I had officially swam with sharks (and survived to tell the tale!) Some of my boat companions were lucky to spot some bigger Galapagos sharks from the boat – at least 3-4 metres in length so I’m kind of glad we didn’t meet these snorkelling! I was oblivious whilst catching some rays on the sun deck watching the frigate birds soaring above us as they often did when the boat was moving! (Yes a few unlucky passengers did get pooped upon…)
Our afternoon got even more exciting! Firstly we went searching for land iguanas at Cerro Dragon. It was a really pretty part of the island with lost of impressive cactuses, a lagoon and a great view of the volcano peak. But best was getting to see the larger much shyer yellow land iguanas. As they are not so chilled as their marine cousins, it felt like more of a reward to see them! Shortly after we spotted a few and got our photos, we heard over the radios that wild orcas had been spotted close to our boat! There are only 12 orcas known to inhabit the Galapagos Islands and it is rare for them to stray from the west islands. So rare that Adriana, one of our guides who has lived on the Galapagos most of her life, had never seen them and was as excited as we were.
We ran back to the boat so quickly, hopped straight in the panga and headed for where we could see lots of frigate birds gathering. Apparently they feed on the remains of what the orcas don’t eat so they were a good indicator where to go! It seemed to take ages to get there especially as the sea was quite rough. We all were tense, keeping our fingers and toes crossed we wouldn’t get there too late! But then we saw the orca breach creating a huge splash! Eventually our pangas caught up with them but then it was a guessing game where they would surface making photographing them pretty tricky! At one point we were all staring off into the distance on the right side of the panga when we heard a loud Pffff – the orca had breached just metres away from us whilst we had our backs turned! However, clearly curious, the orca hung around a while and even swam right under the panga! (That was a slightly tense moment!) It gave us opportunity to appreciate just how HUGE they are! Apparently they can grow up to 8 metres and can hunt great white sharks! (Yet Roberto insists they are safe to swim with and has done so himself – brave man!) We finally got the photos we wanted of the black and white killer whale creating a huge splash right next to us. It really was incredible!
So now after 7 days sailing the Galapagos, we had seen sea lions, sharks, penguins, a porpoise (small dolphin,) sea turtles, giant tortoises, stingrays, marine iguanas, land iguanas, orcas and countless types of bird and fish! We’d even seen a brand new baby sea-lion just born! Surely we had seen all the Galapagos had to offer? So it was a struggle to get out of bed at 5.30 the next morning to take our last panga ride to Black Turtle Cove (especially as I doubted we could see much more from the panga than we’d seen on our walks and snorkels!) But as usual a case of fear-of-missing-out  or ‘FOMO’ struck and I certainly was NOT disappointed! We saw LOADS of sharks swimming around the mangroves including baby hammerhead sharks! They were actually pretty cute! We also got to see two sea turtles trying to mate (turns out it’s pretty tricky!) Apparently this is incredibly rare to see and so we felt so lucky as we went back to our boat for a final breakfast and a sad goodbye to our incredible hosts and guides who couldn’t have looked after us better throughout our trip on the Monserrat.
Whilst I was sad my trip to the Galapagos was over, I felt truly lucky to have experienced so much in my 8 days . It was more than I could have imagined and I left knowing that the Galapagos Islands were a very special place indeed! If you ever get the opportunity to go, I would encourage you to grasp the opportunity – you won’t regret it!
  As always I love to hear from you! Have you been to The Galapagos? Which was your favourite Island?
If you enjoyed this you may enjoy reading about the other islands here
The Galapagos part 3 - the central islands - killer whales, lava and sharks! It was hard to imagine there could be more to see having seen so much in our first few days on the southern and eastern islands of The Galapagos, but we were not disappointed with our last few days!
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