insurgentepress · 7 months
Controlan lunas anillos de Urano
Un artículo publicado por @SPACEdotcom reveló que simulaciones por computadora muestran cómo la mayor de las 27 lunas de Urano es capaz de mantener bajo control los atrofiados anillos del planeta.
Agencias/Ciudad de México.- El tamaño de los anillos de Urano está controlado por las cinco lunas principales del planeta, que son capaces de expulsar cantidades significativas de polvo fuera del sistema uraniano. “Es el resultado de nuevas simulaciones diseñadas para descubrir de dónde pueden haber venido los anillos, publicadas en arXiv. “Urano, el séptimo planeta desde el sol, se destaca por…
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piyasahaberleri · 9 months
Bu resimde mavi bir ay görülmektedir. — X/@SPACEdotcomAğustos 2023'ün mavi Süper Ay'ı, 30 Ağustos Çarşamba günü doğacak ve senenin en parlak ve en büyük ayı olarak sema gözlemcilerine benzersiz bir Süper Ay deneyimi sunacak ve doğuda gün batımından derhal sonrasında kolayca fark edilebilecek.Bu ay, Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay İdaresi'ne nazaran, yalnızca dolunay değil hem de mavi bir dolunay olması da dahil olmak suretiyle bir takım nedenden dolayı öne çıkıyor ve bu da onu dört dolunay mevsiminin üçüncü dolunayı yapıyor ( Nasa). 1 Ağustos'ta yükselen ve dünyanın her yerindeki çarpıcı astrofotografiye esin veren mersin balığı dolunayı, bu ayın ilk dolunayı. 30 Ağustos'taki mavi ay ayın ikinci dolunayı olacak.Ek olarak, bu mavi ay bir süper ay, kısaca Ay'ın Dünya'ya en yakın olduğu ay evresi olan yerberi ile hem de meydana geliyor. Bu, yerdeki seyircilere normalden birazcık daha büyük görüneceği anlamına geliyor, sadece yalnızca ortalama %7 oranında; bu, çoğu zaman çıplak gözle görülmeyen bir boyut farkı. Sadece mavi ayın ender olması sebebiyle önümüzdeki birkaç yıl süresince görünmeyeceği aşikar. Gerçekte iki tür mavi ay vardır. Canlı Bilim."Takvim mavi ayı", aynı aya iki dolunay düştüğünde meydana gelen ilk türdür. Ender de olsa dolunay her 29,5 günde bir görüldüğü için her iki ya da üç yılda bir gerçekleşmelidir.İkinci çeşit ise "mevsimsel mavi ay" olarak anılır; bu, yılda olağan 12 kez yerine 13 kez meydana gelen bir dolunaydır. Çarşamba günkü mavi ay önceki türdendir zira ilkinde dolunay vardı. ayın.Ağustos 2023'teki mavi aya, muhalefetin üstünden yalnızca birkaç gün geçmiş olan halkalı gaz devi Satürn eşlik edecek. Kova takımyıldızında yer edinen Satürn, ayın üstünde ve sağında görünecek.
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franciscoarayapizarro · 10 months
La Mirada de la Humanidad hacia el Espacio: Exploración e Imaginación
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En tiempos de cuarentena, nuestra mirada hacia el espacio ha experimentado una transformación significativa. La pandemia nos ha llevado a cuestionar nuestra existencia en el vasto cosmos y a apreciar aún más la importancia de la exploración espacial. Desde los avances tecnológicos hasta las misiones espaciales más emocionantes, nos encontramos mirando hacia las estrellas con nuevos ojos, llenos de esperanza, asombro y curiosidad.
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El Resurgimiento de la Exploración Espacial
Durante la cuarentena, el interés por la exploración espacial ha resurgido de manera notable. La tecnología y las redes sociales nos permiten estar más conectados que nunca con los logros y descubrimientos en el campo de la astronomía y la astronáutica. Desde el aterrizaje de misiones en Marte hasta el avistamiento de objetos celestes, cada acontecimiento nos recuerda que el espacio es un lugar lleno de misterios esperando a ser desvelados.
Además, la cuarentena nos ha permitido dedicar tiempo a mirar al cielo nocturno desde la comodidad de nuestros hogares. Muchas personas han redescubierto el placer de contemplar las estrellas y los planetas, conectando con un sentimiento ancestral de asombro y humildad ante la inmensidad del universo.
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Tecnología Espacial: Innovación e Inspiración
La tecnología espacial ha sido una fuente de inspiración durante la cuarentena. Misiones como la misión Perseverance de la NASA, que aterrizó en Marte en busca de evidencia de vida pasada, nos muestran cómo la ciencia y la ingeniería pueden superar desafíos aparentemente insuperables.
Además, el lanzamiento de misiones tripuladas y el trabajo en proyectos espaciales avanzados han despertado la imaginación y han generado una ola de entusiasmo en la exploración del espacio. Estas misiones nos recuerdan que la curiosidad y el espíritu de aventura son motores poderosos para la superación de obstáculos y el logro de lo inimaginable.
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La Imaginación en el Espacio
El espacio también ha sido un refugio para nuestra imaginación durante la cuarentena. En medio del aislamiento y la incertidumbre, las películas, series y libros de ciencia ficción han tomado un papel importante en nuestra vida cotidiana. Historias sobre viajes espaciales, civilizaciones extraterrestres y futuros distópicos nos han llevado a explorar la vastedad del cosmos de manera creativa y emocionante.
La ciencia ficción ha sido un espejo en el que nos hemos reflejado, abordando temas que van desde la supervivencia humana hasta la búsqueda de significado en un universo aparentemente infinito. Estas narrativas nos han permitido escapar de la realidad por un momento y soñar con posibilidades inexploradas y destinos desconocidos.
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Un Futuro Inspirador
En conclusión, la cuarentena ha cambiado nuestra mirada hacia el espacio, dándonos una apreciación renovada por la exploración espacial y la tecnología que nos lleva más allá de los límites de nuestro planeta. La ciencia, la tecnología y la imaginación nos impulsan hacia un futuro inspirador en el que el espacio seguirá siendo una fuente de asombro y descubrimientos.
La mirada de la humanidad hacia el espacio ha evolucionado en medio de la adversidad, y este nuevo enfoque nos invita a seguir explorando, investigando y soñando con los secretos que aún aguardan más allá de nuestra atmósfera. Con la ciencia y la creatividad como aliadas, continuamos mirando hacia las estrellas con esperanza y determinación, listos para escribir nuevos capítulos en la historia de la exploración espacial.
Recomendamos visitar los siguientes sitios web:
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mvanwesterlaak · 1 year
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RT @SPACEdotcom: A powerful eruption on the sun could create widespread auroras tonight https://t.co/J8g5qN2Phi https://t.co/mDRbZefXJE | mwesterl | https://twitter.com/mwesterl/status/1656741552994107395
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#Breaking: #Doomsday #clock advances to 90 seconds to midnight — the closest to apocalypse it's ever been
Doomsday clock advances to 90 seconds to midnight — the closest to apocalypse it's ever been https://t.co/Bsyg2uV5kC pic.twitter.com/ONUBHQuN1V — SPACE.com (@SPACEdotcom) February 5, 2023 Source: Twitter
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dfroza · 1 year
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A long time to get a glimpse of space
Rise and shine! 🛰️⏰
#OTD in 2014, the New Horizons spacecraft awoke from its "nap" in anticipation of reaching Pluto after almost 3 billion miles and 9 years. 7 months later, it captured these photos of Pluto (left) and Charon (right).
Read more:
12.6.22 • 12:00pm • Twitter
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On March 2, astronomers discovered the comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF). It's been drawing closer to the inner solar system all year. And when it comes nearest the Earth and sun in 2023, it should become easily visible in binoculars:
☄️ 📸 Thank you, Eliot Herman!
12.1.22 • 1:02pm • Twitter
and a point tomorrow:
What time will the moon eclipse Mars on Dec. 7?
12.6.22 • 4:32pm • Twitter
A (Full Circle) cold moon
Wednesday the 7th of december (2022)
A tweet from Today:
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Wow! These new photos of the moon from #Orion are incredible!
12.6.22 • 6:28pm • Twitter
the silent moon is True illumination.
imagine making a (clear) connection with a friend?
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petnews2day · 2 years
Playmobil decloaks a replica of the Klingon Bird of Prey from Star Trek
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/bird-news/playmobil-decloaks-a-replica-of-the-klingon-bird-of-prey-from-star-trek/
Playmobil decloaks a replica of the Klingon Bird of Prey from Star Trek
It’s official, Playmobil will be launching a brand-new play set of the Bird of Prey from “Star Trek III: The Search for Spock” in early 2023.
The new set is an expansion on the toy manufacturer’s Star Trek range after their epic Playmobil USS Enterprise set which we’ve reviewed and loved. The star ship itself is set to be a display model with plenty of playable features too, so it’s ideal for both collectors and those who want an awesome new Star Trek set to play with. It will no doubt be one of the best Star Trek gifts when it launches onto shelves. 
The new set is due to be released in the US in January 2023, at a price of $299.99, so Trekkies will not have to wait too long for this. Even better, you can pre-order it in December (opens in new tab). It comes with a lot of iconic accessories too so it’s not just an awesome looking figure with a few moving parts, you can actually recreate famous scenes or create your own new adventures. We even saw it at NYC Comic-Con recently and we cannot get over our excitement for this release.
(Image credit: Playmobil)
So what do we actually know about the upcoming set from Playmobil and what makes it worth getting? Well although it’s not quite as large as the manufacturer’s USS Enterprise set, it does stand at an impressive 13.1-inches / 33.5 centimeters in height and 22.4-inches / 57 centimeters in length. It also comes with a display stand and hanging device so you can show this off however you like as a fantastic centerpiece model.
In terms of playability, the roof of the bridge is removable and there is space inside for two Klingons. The wings are also movable and can be put in landing, flight and attack mode to go with the functioning cannons on the side. This set also includes light and sound effects to create a truly authentic Star Trek feel. 
To add to that, you get figures to play with and go on your adventure too. Captain Kirk and a young Spock are included alongside the Klingon captain Kruge, officer Maltz, Torg and other Klingon. Coming in January 2023 and under $300, it’s highly likely that this will be a popular set among collectors and Star Trek fans willing to splash the cash a little. 
Today’s best Playmobil USS Enterprise 70548 deals
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Follow Alexander Cox on Twitter @Coxy_97Official (opens in new tab). Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom (opens in new tab) and on Facebook (opens in new tab).
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udayangasrilanka · 2 years
SpaceX dispatches Hotbird 13G telecom satellite, lands rocket adrift
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It was the seventh send off and arriving for this Falcon 9 rocket.
SpaceX sent off a telecom satellite to circle and handled a rocket on a boat adrift early Thursday (Nov. 3).
A Falcon 9 rocket carting Eutelsat's Hotbird 13G satellite lifted away from Florida's Cape Canaveral Space Power Station Thursday at 1:22 a.m. EDT (0522 GMT).
The Falcon 9's most memorable stage got back to Earth somewhat less than nine minutes after the fact, landing as moved toward SpaceX's Simply Perused the Directions droneship, which was positioned in the Atlantic Sea.
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It was the seventh send off and arriving for this specific first stage.
"The Hawk 9 first stage sponsor supporting this mission recently sent off CRS-22, Group 3, Turksat 5B, Team 4, CRS-25, and one Starlink mission," SpaceX wrote in a prelaunch mission description(opens in new tab). (Team 3 and Group 4 were space traveler missions to the Worldwide Space Station, and CRS-22 and CRS-25 were uncrewed freight trips to the circling lab.)
Hotbird 13G, in the interim, continued to fly on the Falcon 9's upper stage, which conveyed the satellite into geosynchronous exchange circle exactly on time, around 36 minutes after takeoff.
Hotbird 13G was worked via Airbus Guard and Space and will be worked by the France-based telecom organization Eutelsat. The satellite will ultimately settle in geostationary circle, around 22,300 miles (35,900 kilometers) over our planet.
Hotbird 13G will join its twin, Hotbird 13F, which sent off to that fix of inestimable land on board a Falcon 9 last month. The two shuttle will supplant three existing Hotbird satellites, taking on a considerable amount of liability.
The Hotbird satellite family "structures one of the biggest telecom frameworks in Europe, conveying 1,000 TV slots to in excess of 160 million television homes in Europe, North Africa and the Center East," Eutelsat delegates wrote(opens in new tab).
The Hotbird 13G send off was the second that SpaceX directed from Florida's Space Coast over an around two-day range. On Tuesday (Nov. 1), Elon Musk's organization sent off the USSF-44 mission for the U.S. Space Power from NASA's Kennedy Space Center.
USSF-44 utilized a Falcon Weighty rocket, the most impressive launcher flying today. The mission was only the fourth ever for the Bird of prey Weighty and its first since June 2019.
Manager's note: This story was refreshed at 2 a.m. EDT on Nov. 3 with fresh insight about fruitful send off, rocket landing and satellite convey.
Mike Wall is the writer of "Out There(opens in new tab)" (Excellent Focal Distributing, 2018; delineated by Karl Tate), a book about the quest for outsider life. Follow him on Twitter @michaeldwall(opens in new tab). Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom(opens in new tab) or on Facebook(opens in new tab).
Join our Space Gatherings to continue to talk space on the most recent missions, night sky and that's just the beginning! What's more, on the off chance that you have a news tip, remedy or remark, let us know at: [email protected].
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pinercolour · 2 years
Blackout star wars eclipse
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Blackout and his crew aided Skywalker in the destruction of Trench's flagship and the corvette was finally able to deliver the supplies to Organa's camp. Spark was surprised by their new orders but the commander assured him that such drastic change was not out of the ordinary for the maverick Jedi. When Separatist Admiral Trench ordered a bombing run on Senator Bail Organa's refugee camp, Skywalker opted to cripple the blockade and Blackout complied with his alterated objective. On board the corvette, Blackout and Spark helped Skywalker bypass the Separatist's blockade over the planet by utilizing the ship's cloaking technology. Before their departure, Blackout greeted replacement trooper, CT-1284 "Spark," and showed him to his work station. Under the command of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Republic Admiral Wullf Yularen, he led the clone trooper crew of an IPV-2C Stealth Corvette on a relief mission to the planet Christophsis in 22 BBY. " Blackout" was the nickname of a special ops Clone Commander who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Until you're up to speed." ―Blackout and CT-1284 "Spark" " You'll be sitting right across from me, where I can keep an eye on you. You ready to step up and take his place?" " We lost one of our starting line-up, kid. If you can't travel to the path of totality, you might still be able to view a partial eclipse - if you look at the sun through your eclipse glasses, the sun will look like it has a chunk taken out of it, but the sky won't darken quite the same as it will within totality.įurthermore, the eclipse will likely be live-streamed by observatories across North America, so you can safely and comfortably view the show from your own home.įollow us on Twitter Spacedotcom and on Facebook. Keep an eye out for special programming hosted by museums, libraries, and schools. Once you're set with eyewear, all you have to do is head to the path of totality during the eclipse and look up. The exception is when the moon completely covers the sun during totality - then it's safe to look at the sun without glasses. Never look at the sun directly without appropriate eye protection, as your eyes could be irreparably damaged. The most important rule when viewing solar eclipses is to wear special glasses approved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Where can I see the eclipse?ĭon't forget to never look directly at the sun, and especially not through a telescope or other viewing instrument, without proper protection such as solar glasses. Totality during the 2024 eclipse will last up to 4 minutes and 26 seconds at its maximum duration, which will occur over central Texas around roughly 1:30 p.m. The best show, however, is during totality - that's when the moon fully covers the sun and the sky goes dark. Note that those starting times are for the partial eclipse, when the moon begins crossing in front of the sun. It'll move northeast across the continent, all the way through Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada, where the eclipse will begin at 4:07 p.m. The Great North American Total Solar Eclipse of 2024 will occur on April 8, 2024, starting in Mazatlán, Mexico, at 10:51 a.m. The eclipse will also last longer and cast a wider shadow than the 2017 eclipse, meaning it'll be more easily viewed by more people. And following the 2024 eclipse, a cross-country total solar eclipse won't happen again until 2045. Before the 2017 eclipse, the last cross-country total solar eclipse happened in 1918. So not only is it somewhat uncommon for the United States to experience a total solar eclipse - it's only seen 21 of them since the country was founded in 1776 - but also it's very uncommon for a total solar eclipse to have such a long path across a wide section of the country. On average, a specific location will only experience a total solar eclipse roughly every 375 years. But because the shadow of the moon is quite small when projected onto the Earth, only a tiny fraction of the planet actually experiences any given eclipse. Total eclipses aren't altogether that rare, occurring approximately every 18 months. The moon's shadow during a total solar eclipse, as seen from the International Space Station.
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fumpkins · 5 years
India's Lost Moon Lander Is Somewhere in This Photo
An image taken by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter on Sept. 17, 2019, reveals the Vikram lander’s tried goal website.
(Image credit: NASA/Goddard/Arizona State University/Space.com)
It appears like simply a barren moonscape of craters, however somewhere in this image is a hunk of metal and electronic devices that brought a nation’s hopes of lunar science.
The image was recorded by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) on Sept. 17 as it flew over the targeted landing website of India’s Chandrayaan-2 objective. That task’s lander, called Vikram, fell quiet in the last minutes of its goal treatment on Sept. 6. The India Space Research Study Organisation (ISRO), which supervises the objective, invested 2 weeks attempting to develop interactions with the lander.
ISRO has stated it had the ability to find the lander with the orbiter element of the Chandrayaan-2 objective, however the firm has actually not launched those photos. NASA wished to assist the effort, however LRO’s angle on the scene was suboptimal throughout its very first flyover of the targeted landing website after the effort.
Related: India’s Chandrayaan-2 Objective to the Moon in Pictures
(Image credit: NASA/Goddard/Arizona State University/Space.com)
The Vikram lander was targeting a spot of high ground in between 2 craters called Simpelius N and Manzinus C. The last tracking information the lander returned to Earth prior to falling quiet recommended that the robot was off course, and according to a NASA declaration, the lander’s place is still unpredictable.
LRO has actually passed over the area just as soon as because the landing effort, and at the time, the sun was setting, casting plain shadows that imaging experts understood in advance might avoid the orbiter from identifying Vikram. The NASA objective will fly over the targeted landing website once again next month, when its opportunities of identifying the lander will be more beneficial.
In spite of the silence from Vikram and ISRO’s reticence to launch pictures of the lander, the firm holds that the general Chandrayaan-2 objective is a success, conference in between 90% and 95% of its goals. The orbiter was developed to invest a year circling around the moon from pole to pole.
Email Meghan Bartels at [email protected] or follow her @meghanbartels. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook. 
Required more space? You can get 5 issues of our partner “All About Space” Magazine for $5 for the latest amazing news from the final frontier!
(Image credit: All About Space magazine)
New post published on: https://livescience.tech/2019/09/28/indias-lost-moon-lander-is-somewhere-in-this-photo/
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gorilla-astro · 4 years
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The pillars of creation (Hubble Sho palette) Large structures of interstellar gas and dust some 7000 light years away. The pillars of creation get this name from the fact they are forming new stars whilst the same time being eroded by the light of nearby massive stars. One day this lovely structure will no longer exist.... Or perhaps it may already be gone for we are only seeing this as it was nearly 7000 years ago. If they are destroyed, then by some calculations we wouldnt see until 1000 years from now, but of course there is a dispute between astronomers on this matter. Who knows? Thats what i love with this is the mystery and the complexity of our cosmos and the imagination and experimentation combined with mathematical calculations including the nature of light. This is but a mere attempt i worked towards in my backyard at bortle 7(severe) light pollution using the SHO hubble palette to bring this to life. Full resolution and technical details can be found on the link under my bio For now and always thanks for looking and always keep your head up to the stars! 🎶🎸🎶 #astrophotography #deepspace #nightsky #natgeospace #spacedust #stardust #pixinsight #cosmos #texas #followyourstars #universe #backyardastrophotography #night_photography #astronomy #universetoday #amateurastrophotographyezine #imagination #pillarsofcreation #spaceisawesome #spacedotcom #stars #depthofield #spacestuff #narrowbandimaging #nightlife #cosmicarena #nebulae #newmilkyway #starstuff #astrodon @amateurastrophotographyezine https://www.instagram.com/p/BqxghZ4AYt4/?igshid=1kuzirftsz3e6
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arizonarevan · 3 years
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#Perseverance Latest #Rover Tracks on #Mars (#Sol31clicks #Sol16) #PerseveranceRover #Ingenuity #Space #Science #Astronomy #Spacedotcom (at Mars, No 4, Solar System, Milkyway) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM15pO7sxq0/?igshid=1q4n7v2u6x6l6
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bosana · 3 years
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mike20210925 · 3 years
« campagne de zone » reçoit un Emmy pour une expérience de station spatiale en réalité virtuelle à 360 diplômes
personnes du public avec des casques de réalité virtuelle, bien que, pourraient incliner leur point de vue à sembler être là alors même que les mémoires se poursuivent.
J'étais absolument absolu à l'étranger parce que je me sentais comme si j'étais revenu à la maison, et étant donné que je suis revenu sur Terre à la mi-avril de cette année, j'avais envie et raté cette activité, donc c'est devenu incroyable , a noté l'astronaute de la NASA Jessica Meir avant de parler de l'événement. Je n'ai pas cherché à le sélectionner. Je souhaitais tout de même y vivre, flottant dans la coupole et regardant par la fenêtre et canonisant à quoi cela ressemble.
voici le troisième préféré du prix tv distingué pour l'appartement, par la suite. Le condominium américain : intérieur Le condo blanc Avec Barack et Michelle Obama et. l'intérieur du champ de Kurios.
Nous utilisons cette moyenne pour voler les gens vers des endroits où ils ne peuvent pas aller, Félix Lajeunesse, co-fondateur et directeur créatif de Felix & Paul Studios, a conseillé collectSCEm dans un compte. Pour nous, cela ne signifierait pas nécessairement développer un parcours entièrement interactif où nous demandons au public d'appuyer sur des boutons et de faire différentes choses comme dans un jeu. Nous restons sur l'aspect d'une aventure précise, où ce que nous essayons vraiment de faire est de créer un mode de fréquentation pour nos publics.
L'exposition a acheté l'Emmy lors de la e Primetime Artistique Arts Emmy Awards, qui ont été captivés à Los Angeles, en septembre et ont été annoncés le dimanche de septembre tout au long des cérémonies des Emmy aux heures de grande écoute.
suivez Elizabeth Howell sur howellspace. suivez-nous sur cheep Spacedotcom et sur facebook.
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mywordsmyview · 3 years
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920-927pm According to @spacedotcom, "April #fullmoon is also called the Pink Moon, but it has nothing to do with its color. According to @NASA, the April moon got its name after the herb pink moss, also known as creeping phlox, moss phlox or mountain phlox, which is one of the earliest spring flowers appearing in the United States. While the Pink Moon is technically full on Monday, it will appear full in the sky to casual observers for three days, from Sunday to Wednesday (April 25-28). It will reach its fullest phase Monday night at 11:32 p.m. EDT (03:32 a.m. GMT)." https://instagr.am/p/COJylqgr1Pz/
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maximaxoo · 4 years
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#Space #Art: this artist's illustration shows two #colliding #NeutronStars, the super-dense cores left behind after stars undergo supernova explosions https://bit.ly/3pqCJbx via @SpaceDotCom https://bit.ly/2H5qH68
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