#spiral skyward
skywasks · 1 year
Do you guys have slugcats or pets?
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majorproblems77 · 3 months
So, because I have way too much time on my hands.
@trippygalaxy I blame you for this
Introducing a new segment - Skyward Sword Link ranks the beds of Skyloft
(Yes I found and slept in everyone I could - no I don't regret it man got a month's worth of sleep)
Starting with the academy beds (Not including his)
8/10 - cute vibes, like the plants.
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3/10 - Lower bunks are overrated
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0/10 - Crawlin is a bitch and wouldn't let me sleep
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7/10 - Bed kinda short, rooms got cute vibes tho
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10/10 - But Link misses his girlfriend
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Instructor horwell
100/10 - Got Mia cuddles 10/10 would sleep again
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Instructor Owlan
7/10 - Love a good book, but this is ridiculous
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Now for the rest of Skyloft
Orielle and Parrow
7/10 - Good vibes but just different flavours of the same bed
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Peatrice's house
4/10 - Bamboo aint the most comfy and the heart bed is just odd
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Piper's house
2/10 - house is too cramped not comfy vibes for sleeping
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Kukiel's House
9/10 - Massive bed best for starfishing good rest
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Beedle's airship
1/10 - Bad for the back, awful for the rest, never again
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Pipit's house
2/10 - SO... MUCH.... DUST
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Rupin's house
4/10 - Identical beds, but the curtains are nice I guess?
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Bertie's house
5/10 - Average bed, kiddo was loud tho...
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Gondo' house
6/10 - Same bed different flavours, but with nice colours :D
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Sparrot's house
7/10 - Good vibes again, here for the pretty lights above the bed
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Fave napping bench
100000/10 - Best spot to nap on the island, great view
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Hope you enjoyed looking through this totally pointless post :D
I spent way to long on this hahaha
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valerieofavonlea · 3 months
Anyone else a little concerned with how... pleasant and happy Defiant was? With it being the last book released before Stormlight 5 it just really feels like the calm before the storm
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Breath of the Sky Ch 8 (SS meets BotW)
(@ludoluck @goosekee @artisticgamer)
Not that much happens but it's something okay
Summary: When Princess Zelda goes to the Spring of Courage to pray, accompanied by her appointed knight, a giant magical cog spitting out a goddess is the last thing she expects, but it is what she gets. Meanwhile, the Spirit Maiden Zelda is trying to figure out what the heck is happening and where her missing husband/chosen hero is.
(Click here to read on AO3)
Chapter 1
<<Previous chapter // Next chapter>>
Chapter 8: Making Plans
Link felt like he was floating in one of the Goron hot springs. His body was completely relaxed and blessedly warm. A comforting weight was pressed over his waist, grounding him. He stretched his legs lazily, feeling the blood flow. Faint birdsong echoed outside the window, making him slowly flutter his eyes open.
It was still fairly dark. The sky was midnight blue with the slightest hint of sunlight starting to peak over the horizon. It was time to get up.
Yawning, Link rubbed his eyes and started to sit up when he felt the weight on his waist once more. Glancing confusedly, he saw two arms draped over him.
A loud snore made him jump, and he remembered where he’d fallen asleep.
Looking to either side, he saw that he was flanked by his parents, who clearly had made an effort to both keep him comfortable and make sure they knew when he would be leaving.
Link debated pretending to sleep until they got up so he could sneak away. He hated goodbyes.
His father stirred first, and Link hastily slid back under the covers and closed his eyes like a child being caught awake after bedtime. He felt ridiculous, but he didn’t want to deal with any kind of parting words. He was never good at them, and they made him sad.
He felt his father shift in bed, scooting closer to him and snuggling against him and his mother. His arm moved to brush hair out of Link’s face.
Well, now he was trapped. He had to either bite the stick and deal with the consequences or arrive late to Kakariko, possibly missing Impa. The latter was unacceptable, so he gritted his teeth and started to sit up.
Despite his father’s movements, it was his mother who spoke first. “Honey, are you okay?”
Link nodded. “I have to go.”
“Not without some food in your stomach first, young man.”
Link sighed heavily at his father’s tone. He didn’t argue. Maybe he could get away while they prepped something… but the thought of skipping breakfast made his heart and stomach hurt almost as much as having to say goodbye.
Turning to sit up more, he felt his father grip his shirt gently and pull him back down. He looked at him to see the man’s eyes were closed, his brow furrowed.
Behind him, his mother chuckled.
Slowly, his father opened his eyes. “Stay here with your mother. I’ll make breakfast.”
Link didn’t like it, but he nodded, watching his father get out of bed and stretch before he felt his mother pull him closer to her. Well, at this rate he might as well give up on sneaking out. He bit his lip and sighed. There was no sense in fighting. Turning to face her, he snuggled into her embrace, enjoying the comfort while he could.
“I wanted to talk to you about something before you left,” she said into his hair.
Link stiffened, wondering what she was about to say.
His mother planted a kiss on his head and then pulled away to look him in the eye. “I heard about the stories from the castle. About the goddess herself and the legendary hero. Knights brought the news to the entire kingdom, even all the way out here. Your father was telling me about it last night, and he said you were in the middle of it. But I never got any letter or anything from you. I can’t even imagine what it was like. What happened?”
Link stared at her, unsure what to say, his throat closing up. The overwhelming emotions that he had come home to escape returned. His mother watched him for a while longer and then sighed, pulling him to her once more.
“It’s okay,” she whispered, running her hand over his hair. Link felt pathetic, but he didn’t push her away.
The morning air was quiet. The smell of eggs cooking filled the house. His mother gave him a gentle squeeze. “I… I know, Link, that you have a lot on your shoulders. I just… hope this isn’t making it worse. I want you to talk to me if something’s wrong, okay?”
Tears stung in his eyes, catching him off guard. He didn’t dare speak.
He buried his head into her neck in an attempt to avoid looking her in the eye, mumbling, “I love you, Mama.”
He heard her sigh, and a silent understanding slipped between them. “I love you too, sweetheart. More than anything.”
Eventually he would get a hold of himself. Eventually she would let him go. Eventually he would get out of bed and go outside to wash up and prepare to leave. Eventually he would eat the breakfast his father was making for him and accept the affectionate pat on his shoulder with a warm smile.
But for now, he would relax in the notion that his mother at least understood what he was going through, even if he hadn’t said a word. She always was the most intuitive person he’d ever met.
Closing his eyes, Link felt some of the weight lift off his shoulders, and he smiled through his tears.
The traces of a flowery perfume. Something stroking his hair. Someone humming. A heart beating.
Link took in a deep breath, shifting. His head was on something soft, something warm. Fingers massaged his scalp, and his skin tingled. He wanted to stay in this moment forever, but his chest burned too much for him to settle back to sleep. Opening his eyes, he saw Zelda’s shining face smiling at him.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” she greeted softly.
Link smiled, leaning forward to kiss her briefly. She pulled him closer to her, and he nuzzled her neck. His body ached, exhausted from being ill, stiff from being in bed for too long, sore from exertion yesterday, and burning from a desire that had yet to be satiated since they’d snoozed right through their wedding night. But he was at peace in this moment, and he ignored the feelings that were swirling inside of him. He was happy, and so was Zelda. They were together and they were safe.
Yesterday had definitely taken a toll on him, but he didn’t regret it. Zelda had been so lost and scared, and he knew exploring new things was something she loved. It was why he’d suggested they explore the city in the first place. What was it called again? Castle Town? He supposed that was easy enough to remember.
Then again, there was also the information they'd learned at the end of their expedition.
He still couldn’t quite fathom it, couldn’t quite process what he and Zelda had learned yesterday. That somehow, their settlement had blossomed into a city bigger than Skyloft, into a castle, into a land.
Hyrule. We made Hyrule.
It didn’t make sense. It didn’t click. Saying it in his mind didn’t matter. It was just too much to take in right now. All it was at the moment was a statement, not a declaration, a robotic understanding of a fact rather than an acceptance of a truth. It felt kind of like the first time he’d gone to the Surface. Fi had explained so many different things to him that he’d grown overwhelmed, and her words had glossed over him like water on a loftwing’s back.
He felt Zelda kiss his temple. He sighed into her, and she giggled. Cooing like a dove, she’d called it one time. He’d felt a little silly the first time she’d described it as that, but it made her happy and that was all that mattered.
By the goddesses, he wished they could just stay like this. He was so tired, but his body refused to let him go back to sleep. He could settle for cuddling the day away, though.
There was a knock on the door, and the moment shattered. Link jumped, startled, and Zelda’s hand slid from his back to his ear, covering it while his other ear was pressed against her chest, listening to her heartbeat. He heard her melodious high voice reverberate through her chest, asking who was at the door. Some muffled voice replied, Link being unable to discern it with his other ear being covered. He supposed Zelda was trying to let him stay in his little half-asleep daze, but there was no point now.
He felt Zelda’s hand slide off his ear as she said, “Come in.”
Link stiffened, trying to sit up, not comfortable with a stranger entering and him being unprepared, but then he recognized the healer. The anxious tightness in his chest eased as the brunette middle-aged woman approached the bed.
“Good morning Your Grace,” she acknowledged with a deep bow to both of them. “Hero of Myth from the Sky, I have come to inquire after your wellbeing.”
Link stared at her, baffled by her words and mannerisms. He vaguely remembered her from previous encounters where she was much more casual and caring, but perhaps that was because he had been less cognizant.
Link and Zelda exchanged awkward glances, and then he said, “I’m okay, thank you.”
It was a bit of a lie, but he didn’t think the healer could do much else for him. He just needed to let his body take care of itself.
The healer kept her eyes downcast. “May I assess you?”
“Uh…” Link automatically looked at Zelda for guidance, still bemused by the healer’s behavior. Zelda shrugged. “Sure, but can we get dressed first?”
“Of course!” the healer chirped, seemingly frantic. “I apologize for coming unannounced, I simply wanted to check—”
“It’s okay,” Zelda interrupted kindly. “We know you didn’t mean any offense.”
The healer nodded gratefully. “I’ll be in the chamber outside, Hero. Your Grace.”
With another deep bow, she exited the room.
“Well, that was weird,” Link said.
Zelda sighed. “Yeah. Weird.”
The two dressed themselves in silence. Link didn’t like it. Zelda seemed uncomfortable and closed off. After hiding a wince as he put on his knight’s tunic, he walked over to her, placing his hand on her back. “Zel? You okay?”
Zelda shifted, turning slowly so his hand slid along her back. She watched him seriously for a moment, and then her face softened and she smiled. “I’m okay, Link.”
Link reflected her smile back at her, satisfied. “I wonder where we can get food?”
“They were bringing it to us before,” Zelda supplied thoughtfully. “But you were still bedridden at the time.”
Stretching, Link blew out an annoyed huff. He was glad he wasn’t stuck in bed anymore; as much as he loved sleeping, he also liked to move. He hated feeling confined.
The two finished reassembling their knights’ garb and made the bed before walking out together. The healer stood by a chair, alongside several strangers. Link paused, uneasy.
“Your Grace,” the strangers, three women wearing identical light blue plain dresses that reached their heels, greeted with a deep bow. They clasped their hands in front of them and seemed to work in a unit, any identifying feature hidden behind white headdresses, closed eyes, and schooled expressions. They then said, “Great Hero.”
Link felt himself take a small step back. He had started to grow accustomed to people treating Zelda differently, but not him. Zelda had mentioned that people here knew of him, but still…
The healer motioned towards the chair beside her, breaking the tension. “If I may, Hero, will you please sit here and let me assess you?”
Link nodded mutely, walking to the designated chair. He saw Zelda acknowledge the women, who rose and started to speak with her. Link tried to listen, only catching snippets of conversation over his drumming heartbeat in his ears as nerves got the best of him. He felt his chest tickle, the beginnings of a cough trying to escape, and he bit it back as best he could.
The healer’s soft hands started on his face, making him jump slightly. She apologized briefly, but her formal manner was lost in favor of an analytical eye and practiced movements. Satisfied that she felt no fever in his cheeks or forehead, she pulled out an object that, based on how she placed it in her ears and moved towards him, seemed to be some kind of listening device. She warned briefly that she would be reaching under his tunic to place the device against skin, and he watched her try to fiddle with his chainmail to little avail. He blushed in embarrassment; he supposed he shouldn’t have put everything back on if he was going to get an assessment from a healer.
Waving her off with an awkward laugh, he said, “Sorry… maybe I should take some of this off.”
Or at least, he was going to say that when his eyes fell on Zelda, who looked immensely ill at ease. He choked out “Sorry,” and then stood, ignoring the healer and walking to his beloved friend. “Zel, what’s wrong?”
Zelda took a deep breath, looking at the ground uncertainly, and then smiled at him reassuringly. “It’s… just weird. They’re doing a celebration for us today. It starts this afternoon and goes on through the night.”
“A… celebration? For us?” Link didn’t know how to process that. “What are they celebrating?”
“Just… us.”
“What did we do?”
Zelda shrugged. “I guess… the stuff we did… a while ago.”
“But… this is the future,” Link tried to reason out. “That… that would have been so long ago to them…”
“Begging your pardon, Your Grace, great Hero,” the healer haltingly interjected. Zelda and Link turned to face her, and she continued, “Your feats are our legends. You are… you are the living embodiment of everything we treasure. Everyone would love to meet you, to celebrate what you have done for us.”
What… what they had done for them?
Link felt the room spin a little bit. He… he hadn’t really pondered what he’d done almost a year ago, at least he hadn’t tried to. Nightmares would plague him and Zelda both, haunting looks would cross his beloved’s face, and then he would be forced to confront what had happened to them. He’d comfort Zelda, he’d support her through her trials. Their settlement, their entire life being uprooted was a glaring reminder, but he still refused to acknowledge it. He didn’t want to think about it. It was over. It was over and that was that. He'd... there was nothing else to say about it.
To think that such a journey still affected people thousands of years later… it was foolish to assume it wouldn’t, but…
Link leaned against Zelda, overwhelmed. He couldn’t process this. It was too much. His hands trembled as he held his wife’s arm.
Zelda’s steady hand rested over his grip, and he heard her say to the healer. “We appreciate the gesture, thank you. You may go now.”
The healer’s footsteps left, and Zelda turned to face Link fully, pulling him into an embrace. Link didn’t say anything, too overloaded with feelings and sensations and too dizzy. Zelda didn’t say anything either, knowing that words weren’t what he needed. The two remained there for an eternity, holding each other for stability and strength in a world so completely foreign and enormous.
Link had to smile. At least this time we have each other.
The sun shone brightly overhead, warming the earth despite the cool breeze that blew between the trees. The well worn road to Castle Town was practically packed the closer they got to the capital, and Link felt himself growing involuntarily tense at the sight of it.
Too many people. He didn’t like it.
There were a lot of reasons to dislike it, most notably due to threats. He wasn’t able to tell who was Yiga and who wasn’t, and the thought of Yiga trying to infiltrate the festivities was not an unreasonable one. Security in the castle and the capital was going to be extra tight.
Link, of course, would be at the princess’ side, alongside her royal advisor, Impa. The white haired Sheikah rode on her own steed just beside Link, eyes thoughtful.
“I can’t believe it,” she muttered, as she had been for a good portion of the trip. Impa often thought aloud, which was useful in filling the quiet void that Link’s silence created.
It also could grate on his nerves in specific situations.
“How do you even approach the goddess?” Impa wondered, stroking her chin. “I mean… it has to be more than what we do for His Majesty and the princess. But… well, do we even try to approach her?”
Link gripped the reins of his horse more tightly. He understood her dilemma, truly, but he was already going to have to deal with this upon their arrival. And it wasn’t like the thoughts hadn’t been spiraling in his mind ever since the possible-Hylia’s arrival.
He wondered if Princess Zelda had learned more of the situation. He imagined she had – she was the smartest person he’d ever met. If anyone could figure this out, she could.
Behind the pair was Impa’s entourage, who murmured to each other as Impa threw out more matters to ponder. All of the Sheikah were excited to see this goddess, just as the rest of Hyrule was.
Including Link’s family.
His father hadn’t spoken to him directly about the matter – all they’d briefly discussed at breakfast this morning was ensuring that the castle was secure. But he’d heard his parents speak about his father’s interaction with the goddess and the Hero.
He’d mentioned their unexpected departure from the castle and that he’d found them wandering Castle Town. He’d said something even quieter that Link hadn’t heard, but he wasn’t sure what to make of it.
It seemed like everyone had a better hand of the situation than him. His thoughts were only spiraling, especially once he really started thinking about the inevitability of the situation.
He’d have to interact with them tonight. He was sure of it.
Would he have to say something? He prayed he wouldn’t. And then he stopped in mid-prayer in a panic – he was praying to Hylia, after all, and she was—
This situation was so baffling. If there was at least one thing to look forward to tonight, it was that maybe Princess Zelda would have more answers for him.
As the gates to the capital came into view, Link had to slow his horse’s pace. There were literally hundreds of people crowding around the entrance, and security checks would make this a long process.
Guards on the wall caught sight of them and called for backup. Several soldiers cleared the road for Impa, Link, and the entourage to approach. As they did so, Link also caught sight of another group that was getting immediate access. Multiple female warriors entered, dressed in varying colorful clothes, cloaks covering their usually exposed tan skin to protect them from the cold that they were not adapted to.
Urbosa noticed Link and smiled, nodding in acknowledgement before marching ahead with her people. She no doubt was going to hunt down the princess as soon as the formalities with the king were finished. Link would see her again soon. He had some reassurance from that – Lady Urbosa always had a confident air to her, knowing what to do. She was also an excellent warrior and good mentor and friend to the princess. Seeing her gave him comfort in knowing Princess Zelda would be safe and, dare he even hope, happy.
“Wow!” Impa gasped quietly after they passed through the gates. The city was decorated in colorful banners and flags, and the central square was filled to the brim with flowers, tables, and so, so much food. Link’s mouth watered at the sight of it.
Okay, so there was going to be something to look forward to tonight.
As they approached the entrance to the castle, the group dismounted. Impa’s entourage was held at the entryway for a security checkpoint while Link and Impa continued uninterrupted. Link caught sight of a flash of red and the glistening reflection of a hand-crafted spear, and he paused, doing a quick double take and seeing nothing.
Still, he couldn’t help the way his heart skipped a beat.
After all, given the circumstances, it was assured that all the champions would be here with their people.
Link swallowed hard and took a deep breath to settle himself. He watched Impa walk ahead to no doubt meet up with the princess and decided that despite his curiosity, he should wait to speak with her. Perhaps they’d have time before the festivities started.
Glancing out into the garden, Link caught sight of two familiar faces and felt his heart stop.
Oh goddess, they’re just… they’re just hanging out in the garden.
The knight quickly turned on his heel and headed in the opposite direction. He wasn’t going to have any extra interaction until this evening if he could help it. His nerves were frayed as it was.
He promptly almost headbutted the princess herself.
“Oh! Link!” she gasped as he stumbled back.
Link got a hold of his footwork in time to bow to her. The princess gave a quick flick of her hand in his line of sight, signaling for him to rise.
“I didn’t realize you’d gotten back,” she continued as he straightened himself. “But it’s good to see you! I have more information that I learned. A-also—”
Here she hesitated, and Link had to wonder what was possibly wrong. He waited patiently until she sighed.
“Well, it’s the ceremony. I am to lead the devotion to Hylia, and you are to present the Hero with a gift.”
Link curled and uncurled his fists. Oh.
He’d expected the princess to have a role in this festival, for sure. He’d expected to be involved by proximity.
He hadn’t considered that he himself would be part of the ceremony as well.
“You are to present him with the Sword that Seals the Darkness.”
Link almost instinctively reached for his blade. The Master Sword had become such a part of his identity at this point that the mere thought of giving to anyone else – why was he—?
Well. This was the original Hero, the one who had forged the Master Sword. He supposed it made sense. His mind treacherously returned to the memory of Hylia holding the blade and turning it against him.
Had he lost the right to the sword? Or was this merely ceremonial? What did this even signify? Was the Hero going to give the sword back?
Link felt dizzy and clamped his jaw shut tightly.
"As for my research, I'm afraid I didn't learn much more," Princess Zelda commented, blind to his racing thoughts. "The goddess Hylia was indeed called the goddess of time at one point, but I can't fathom why she wouldn't understand who we are. Perhaps she simply hasn't... looked...? I... don't really know how that works. But perhaps... well. I don't think we'll be speaking to her tonight - the festivities are more of a presentation than any chance for conversation, though I suppose that depends on the goddess herself, but..."
Princess Zelda looked like she was going to continued when another voice piped in.
“Little bird, there you are.”
The princess turned, her face lighting up at the gentle tone. “Urbosa!”
Link remained in place, his mind whirling as he watched the princess rush down the hall to greet the Gerudo chief. He hadn’t noticed the pair had long left until the corridor had been quiet for a considerable amount of time.
Tonight was going to be a nightmare.
The day was beautiful.
Zelda sighed happily, leaning against a large tree behind her. Link’s head was in her lap, his eyes closed as he relaxed peacefully. The sunlight was bright, with barely any clouds in the sky to block it out. A gentle breeze blew through the garden, carrying the scent of so many flowers Zelda didn’t recognize, the smells blending into a wonderful cacophony of olfactory sensations, leaving her smiling.
The start of their day had been too much for both of them, and Zelda had decided that after breakfast was brought to them by the servants who had met them with the healer, they’d go outside. Some fresh air would do them some good and make them feel less crushed under the weight of everything happening around them.
Zelda remembered celebrations in her honor as Hylia. She remembered services, worship, praise. She remembered people adoring her and petitioning to her, so, so long ago. It made her stomach churn. Not that she didn’t appreciate the sincerity and effort being put in, but… it reminded her of being someone she still wasn’t sure of, someone different. She and Link had struggled so much over the last ten months trying to rework their relationship, trying to help her figure out who she really was. Memories of Hylia flooded her mind, changing mannerisms and words, making Link flinch sometimes, making her heart break at the sight of it. But they’d gotten stronger together, they’d figured it out together, and this place was threatening to tear that apart all over again just days after they’d vowed to be together forever.
Link’s eyes slowly opened and then widened, and he gasped and shot up in an instant. Zelda jumped, her hands jerking away from where they’d been massaging his scalp. He pointed in a particular direction. “Zelda, look! Birds!!”
She followed his finger and saw a small group of tiny birds hopping around in the grass. Her heart melted at the sight of it, even more so after she saw Link’s face glowing with wonder.
“I can never get over how small they are,” he whispered. “These look even smaller than the ones we’ve seen before!”
He stood up quickly, scurrying over to the tiny balls of feathers. Zelda giggled and followed him and then bit her lip to stop herself from laughing as he let out a sad noise when they flew away.
“They’re so skittish,” he lamented, his lower lip sticking out in a pout.
“I have an idea, hang on,” Zelda said patting him on the shoulder, suddenly excited as she remembered something. There was a place on the other side of the garden where there was bird seed; she’d seen it when she’d wandered the area the other day. If they used that, surely they’d win them over. Rushing towards the castle, she burst through the door and down the hall to cut through to the other side of the courtyard. She passed a couple guards on the way, both of whom jumped, recognized her, and practically fell to their knees out of respect. She skidded to a halt just outside the entrance to the other side of the garden, grabbing a bag and scooping it full of bird seed before turning on her heel and rushing back, passing the same guards just as they had started rising only for them to fall to their knees again in a crash of armor.
Rushing back outside to where Link was, she dug her hand into the bag and gave him some. “This’ll help!”
Link gasped in delight at the seeds. Grinning widely at Zelda, he started to slowly make his way to the trees where the birds had gathered. He and Zelda both tossed seed all around them and patiently waited as the birds cautiously made their way over. Eventually, a sense of trust was developed and the two were on the ground giggling as birds landed in their hands to eat the treasures they offered.
“They’re so soft!” Link squeaked as he rubbed his cheek against one. “It’s like a baby loftwing!”
“Wait, I want to pet one!” Zelda said excitedly, slowly reaching her hand to the thoroughly fluffed bird nestled between Link’s hand and his cheek. The sensation was indeed similar to petting down feathers on a young loftwing, and she couldn’t help the wide smile that came to her face. A small part of her missed home at the sensation as well, but she wasn’t going to ruin the moment.
“Do you think they have pet birds?” Link asked curiously as all their new friends decided it was time to leave. “I know there aren’t loftwings here, but…”
He trailed off, suddenly sad. Zelda cocked her head to the side, about to ask what was wrong, but she figured she already knew.
“You miss him, don’t you?” she asked. Link looked down, nodding.
“I miss my loftwing too,” she added, leaning against him. “But we’ll see them soon.”
Link agreed happily, though she could tell by how he was starting to lean heavily on her he was about due for a nap. She didn’t dare say it out loud, though, or he’d vehemently protest. Stretching, she laid down in the grass, and Link automatically followed her. The two snuggled and settled in for a peaceful rest, the discomfort of the morning forgotten.
The king of Hyrule stood in his study watching the gardens down below through his window. Outside were the two people of interest that had the entire kingdom talking excitedly. Hylia Incarnate sat under a tree with the Hero of Time’s head resting comfortably on her lap. The king couldn’t fathom it. He’d long since accepted who they were, but upon seeing them in person, there was something that just struck him.
They were so young. Both were still obviously teenagers, and barely older than his own daughter, which meant they had just come of age. When he’d spoken to Hylia Reborn for the first time, she’d been somber and stoic, but also sometimes seemingly at a loss for words. He’d attributed it to the fact that she hadn’t slept in nearly two days and gave her and her hero much needed space and rest as preparations were made all throughout the kingdom to celebrate them.
The hero himself was very obviously young, perhaps even younger than his wife. But what struck the king about their age was that not only were they young, they were experienced. These two had already endured a calamity, the original Calamity himself, and had not only defeated it, but also started to found Hyrule and had gotten married. And they were barely of age. Were they still children when they’d fought their war? Were they still children when they’d established Hyrule?
Sometimes the king didn’t remember… sometimes he’d think of Hylia Incarnate at their meeting, he’d think of the scars on the Hero of Myth and Legend that he’d seen when the young man had first been brought to the castle, and he’d think that of course they’re the mythical figures he’d heard about all his life. And then he’d look out his study window and see the two cuddling under a tree, he’d see the hero spring up and yell “BIRDS!” upon seeing tiny feathered creatures fluttering about, he’d see Hylia in the flesh scurry into the castle to get bird seed so they could both attract their new little friends… and he’d realize they were still scraping out of the edges of childhood.
And it made him think about Zelda, his dearest daughter, whose childhood had been ripped from her on the day of her mother’s passing. He had pushed her from the age of six to fulfill her duty. Prophecies of doom had loomed over all of them since before the queen had died, and Rhoam could do nothing to stop them. It had all hinged on his daughter’s abilities. And then six years later, after so much fruitless training, the hero appeared, Master Sword in hand, young face taught with trepidation and determination. It had clearly impacted Zelda’s confidence and caused the king to worry even more.
He just wanted her to be safe. He just wanted his kingdom to be safe. How could he do that without pushing her? How could he be both a loving father and a good king? Could these two legends chasing birds be his answer? He felt guilty and weak at the thought of it, at the idea of requesting help from two who had already fulfilled their destinies and endured their own burdens, at the idea of admitting he was losing faith in his daughter’s ability to unlock her power on her own. But if they weren’t here to help, then why would they be sent here? As guilty as he felt, he didn’t want it all to sit on his daughter’s shoulders either, not when there was an alternative. And maybe, just maybe, he could then see his daughter laugh like those two did.
He would ask her. He would beg Hylia Incarnate for her help and her wisdom. He would help his Zelda.
He just couldn’t help feeling his heart ache when he heard the two young lovers squeal in excitement as birds started to gather around them.
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inscryptions · 6 months
On the desk in Alhaitham’s office laid a book wrapped in a turquoise silk ribbon. The bow that tied it held something long and slender. Beside them, there was a plain white envelope with a leaf tucked partially into it.
Hello, dear Alhaitham! I must say getting chosen to find a gift for the Acting-Grand-Sage-re-turned-Scribe is truly an honor – you must be someone reliable and respected indeed. Still, it did leave me in quite a pickle: whatever could I give you that you don’t already have? I’m not well-versed in the world of scientific literature, as I much prefer to engage in artistic styles. I have, however, found this old book written in long-obsolete Mondstadtian. As a Haravatat graduate, I’m sure you have no problems with its modern version – here’s to me hoping this will prove to be more of a challenge to decipher. The contents also seem to be focused on the topic of linguistics of that time… so, about a millennium and a half ago? Maybe closer to two? Perhaps this book should actually be put in a museum at this point. In any case, I’m sure that with you it’ll be in good hands. I imagine such an intellectual as yourself must have penned a few papers on his own account. Ah, but if writing doesn’t strike your fancy, I suppose you could also use it as a… sophisticated bookmark. This quill is that of a gorgeous, however quite rare, bird I have encountered on one of my recent travels. It was actually rather hard to convince her to give it to me, haha! I hope it serves you well. May the wind guide you, Venti
The parcel on my desk piques my interest; not many would go out of their way to give me anything other than applications and forms thanks to the nature of my job. Then again, it's the winter holiday season, and as gifts are part of the traditions inherent in this time of year, I suppose it's not so farfetched for someone to offer me such a thing. The question, however, remains: who could have delivered this to me? I raise an eyebrow as I study the package before slipping the envelope open and reading the letter.
... Whoever this "Venti" is is very well-informed and well-traveled, given by the nature of his letter and the foreign leaf that lays on my desk. Well-connected, too, to have acquired an original copy of a treatise on the ancient Mond language, or a Mondstadter (more likely, what with the familiarity used in conjunction with the Anemo nation). Undoing the ribbon and setting the quill aside for the moment, I pick up the book and open it, paging through it with a delicate touch. All things considered, it's in lovely condition, so likely a part of a personal collection, perhaps Venti's own. The thought and care made with this selection makes me smile a little, and this is only half the gift. I force myself to skim through the book, as much as I itch to dive right into translating it and then digging into its content, and find myself satisfied with the challenge it presents. If I didn't know any better, I'd say this Venti knows me very well even though I've never met such a person. Intriguing...
Eventually, I set the book down and pick up the quill. The colors go perfectly with my attire, clearly denoting it my possession; the feather outright gleams in the lamplight. AndーI examine the gears, brushing against them with my finger and widening my eyes when they turn. Bookmark nothing, this is going to get mileage what with all the meetings I attend. It's certainly a better method of keeping my fingers occupied when I have nothing to write, in any case. I test the quill out with the ink at my desk, jotting down my signature and reveling in how smooth the nib is against the parchment. High quality indeed, my benefactor certainly has a keen eye for presents.
Actually, that inspires an idea for the perfect first work for this quill...
(Logic dictates, of course, that the appropriate response to highly appreciated gifts is to thank the sender.)
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hollowfiedbatman · 1 year
Wheezing over the thought of Jewel standing up for Chase but she's doing it in a way that stresses him out.
Jewel: Oi, don't talk ta my brother like that. I'll kick yer fuckin' ass, right here, right now! I'll wear yer teeth like a goddamn crown, fuckhead!
Chase: Okay that's a bit much, Seki--
Jewel: HE'LL KICK YER ASS TOO. (thumbs over at Chase)
Chase gesturing silently behind her:
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catboyfurina · 2 years
genshin please give me bows my archers are starving
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dandelyle · 2 years
One time when I was a kid, I was hanging out with my friend and her mom had us squeeze all the toothpaste out of its tube. We had so much fun gleefully making a mess, as ten-year-olds are wont to do. Then, once when we had gotten every last glob of toothpaste out of the tube, she told us to put it back in.
"How do we do that?" we asked her.
She shrugged and said "figure it out. There are some toothpicks here that might make it easier."
We tried as hard as we could, but of course, it was no use. Toothpaste can't be put back into the tube after it's squeezed out.
"Sometimes," she told us, "our actions cannot be undone. Words cannot be unsaid; you can never un-hit someone. You can try and make up for it, and you can apologize, but that doesn't put the toothpaste back in the tube."
I think about that day a lot, even some 15 years later
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ezdotjpg · 6 days
Hi!!! Sorry if you've been asked this before but is it possible for you to summarize the Bonus Links' personalities? Just asking because I'd like to get a general idea, apologies if this is too much of a pain to answer 😭🫶🏻
hey! luckily I already wrote up character intros a while back that I never posted to tumblr lol, so I'll go ahead and post them now! under the cut since this is mega long lol
Pronouns: he/him
Game: Skyward Sword
Age: 22
Height: 5’3”
Communication: Mainly speaks, signs occasionally
Personality: World’s Nicest Man Pushed To His Limit. It’s his nature to be light-hearted and easy-going, but ever since the events of Skyward Sword he’s been unable to let the implications of Demise’s curse and Zelda’s connection to Hylia go. He’s usually mild, but he’s got a lot of suppressed anger in him that comes out at inopportune times. He tends towards being optimistic, but has lately been caught in a depressive spiral. As a result of all these conflicting emotions, he hasn’t felt like himself in a while. Before everything, he could have been described as a little bit lazy, but these days a better word would be lethargic. He’s got a mischievous and thrill-seeking streak that often surprises people. He knows he’s powerful, but he’s lost some confidence in the years since his quest. He’s wracked with guilt about the way everything ended.
Pronouns: tends to use he/him, but really any
Game: Breath of the Wild (ignoring TotK for now)
Age: 21
Height: 5’0”
Communication: Mainly signs, speaks occasionally
Personality: The Reviews Are In: Friendly Guy, Vaguely Off-Putting. He knows he’s not pre-calamity Link, but he’s not exactly sure what he is instead. He’s accepted this about himself, and it grinds his gears that other people refuse to. He’s not sure what to do with all these memories inside him that aren’t his, and that he feels nothing for. He’s become more expressive, but when he’s upset his face goes entirely blank. He has a tendency to be distracted, blunt, intense, impulsive, somewhat abrasive. But he’s not unkind, and can even be outright friendly. He’d offer his help to anyone who asks, and he makes it a point to know everyone in Hyrule. He’s happiest out in nature, and doesn’t mind the solitude. He only ever lies by omission, and otherwise says exactly what he means. There’s something a little otherworldly about him.
Pronouns: he/him
Game: Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask
Age: 15
Height: 5’2½”
Communication: Mainly speaks, signs occasionally
Personality: Local Teen Needs Hug So Bad, Will Bite If You Try. He’s prickly, hot-tempered, moody. He’ll pick verbal battles he probably shouldn’t. Everything is a touchy subject. But he’s developed this behavior as a coping mechanism. He’s kind by nature, and it takes effort to lash out. The person he is with Malon- gentle, more soft-spoken, with a good sense of humor and a love for harmless mischief- is a lot closer to the person he’s comfortable being. He’s a scared kid. He feels out of place, both mature and immature, of this world and not. Sometimes, he gets scrambled between Termina, the Hyrule he’s in now, the Hyrule he left behind, and the Hyrule of the war. He has a lot of resentment for both the gods and the royal family, and all he wants is to be left alone.
Pronouns: he/him
Game: Twilight Princess
Age: 23
Height: 5’5”
Communication: Mainly speaks, signs occasionally
Personality: Thank God I’m A Country Boy. He’s a gentle soul, probably the gentlest out of all of them. He likes to be useful, and he has made being the problem solver of Ordon Village part of his identity. He’s a bit of a mother hen and likes to take care of people. Midna was good at bringing out a little bit of attitude and snark in him. He’s got a bad case of Resting Bitch Face, but he’s not an angry person. However, he’s had a hard time adjusting to life back in Ordon. He’s usually even-tempered, but lately he’s been irritable and easier to anger. He feels isolated by his experiences, and has been avoiding most of the villagers, including his loved ones, even though it makes him lonely. Mostly he just doesn’t want to take it out on them, but it’s also about his pride. He enjoys the company of animals far more these days. He wants a quiet life, and has been avoiding Zelda's attempts to make "Hero" a political role for him to fill.
Pronouns: he/him
Game: Hyrule Warriors
Age: 25
Height: 5’7”
Communication: Mainly speaks, signs occasionally, had Proxi speak for him at one point during the war
Personality: Link “This Is My Jaeger, I Make The Tactical Decisions” Faron. He comes across as a very charming young man, witty, helpful, pleasant in conversation, well-adjusted. In reality, he is constantly doing complicated political 4D chess in his mind at all times, even when it’s not necessary. Many years of being subject to the whims of the Royal Court and pressure to be a perfect symbol have poisoned him: he’s become calculating, manipulative, superficially polite, two-faced. He has to be the one holding all the cards, considering all the variables, fixing all of the problems, because he can’t trust anyone else. If you were to strip him of all pretense, he'd actually be a dry, resigned person, perpetually annoyed with everyone around him. He values status and reputation, and he wants more power than he has. His appearance is important to him because he knows his pretty face is an asset. He holds deep respect for the gods and the mantle of the hero. He has a strong sense of duty, but one that often leads him to justify terrible actions. The ends justify the means.
Pronouns: he/they
Game: A Link Between Worlds, Triforce Heroes
Age: 22
Height: 5’1”
Communication: Mainly speaks, signs occasionally
Personality: Local Link Doing Pretty Well Actually, All Things Considered. He’s just living his life, having a mostly pleasant time. He used to be quiet and reserved when he was younger, but has come out of his shell in a big way. He’s a bit vain, and fond of doing things with a dramatic flair. They like to have an audience, they like to make people laugh, they like to have your attention. Rather than being poisoned by court politics, he thrives in them. He doesn’t pretend to be charming, he just is. They can be on the arrogant side. He’s interested in fashion and art more than fighting these days, but still keeps his skills up to date. He pretends the scar on his face doesn’t bother him, but it does. He’s particularly obsessed with the legend of the hero before him.
Pronouns: he/him
Game: A Link to the Past, Link’s Awakening, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons
Age: 32
Height: 5’3”
Communication: Mainly speaks, signs occasionally
Personality: Weird Uncle You Just Stopped Hearing From One Day. He’s a difficult guy to get a read on. He comes off as deeply serious, imposing, no-nonsense. He is actually full of nonsense. The fact that no one can tell what is and isn’t part of the bit is part of the bit. He mostly ignores his own problems by dedicating his life to solving other people’s problems. He wanders from place to place, helping people and becoming a bit of a larger than life folk legend in his own right in the process. He’s leaned into learning magic more than the sword, and has built up quite the arsenal of spells. He doesn’t speak often, and is content to let other Links lead despite being the oldest and the most experienced. He’s difficult to rile and even more difficult to get a straight answer out of.
Pronouns: he/him
Game: Spirit Tracks
Age: 16
Height: 4’11”
Communication: Mainly signs, speaks occasionally. He has a stutter when he speaks.
Personality: Wants To Be Anywhere But Here, Preferably On A Train. He’s fully given up swordfighting, and basically just wants to go back to being a Royal Engineer like nothing happened. He has no interest in gaining any kind of attention, authority, or power from the mantle of the hero, and would actually prefer that everyone stop looking at him. He’s quiet, sweet-natured and generally non-confrontational, but he’s not afraid to stand up for himself when pushed. It’s just that it’s easier to let Zelda stand up for him instead. He’s pretty mature and in-tune with his emotions for a 16 year old. Seeing spirits everywhere, he has a lot of private thoughts about grief and death that he doesn’t share with anyone. The gears in his brain are constantly turning, and once he’s stuck on an idea, it’s all he can focus on. He often doesn’t give himself enough credit for how capable he is. Please let him tell you about trains.
Pronouns: he/him
Game: Minish Cap
Age: 14
Height: 4’3”
Communication: Only signs, mute.
Personality: He’s Just A Little Guy, Only 2 Pixels Tall. Mini doesn’t do anything he doesn’t want to do. He’s not very expressive in the face, and it can be hard to tell what he’s thinking or feeling. Mostly, he’s a little rascal. He likes to root around in the garbage and build strange little machines from what he finds. He spends a lot of time hanging out with the Minish, moreso than humans. It’s a little bit of an escapism thing. He hasn’t really processed what it meant to become the hero so young, and is actively trying to avoid doing so. He’s very independent, and simply doesn’t compute attempts to coddle him.
Pronouns: he/him
Game: Wind Waker, Phantom hourglass
Age: 20
Height: 5’5”
Communication: Mainly speaks, signs occasionally
Personality: Everyone’s Favorite Cousin At The Family Function. He’s a fun person to be around. Friendly, energetic, laid back, good-natured, outgoing. He is always up for a good shenanigan. But he can get serious when he needs to, and often plays the important role of mediator in group dynamics. He’s the glue that holds the team together! He seems to take everything in stride, and presents himself as unbothered by the things that have happened to him. Whether that’s actually true, or he’s just compartmentalized everything too well remains to be seen. He has a strange way of being very open, and yet a closed book at the same time. He’s sentimental, and family is important to him
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capslocked · 1 year
male reader x wonyoung && yujin
12k words
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It’s how your Sundays spend you, if you’re to be honest. It’s a day for rest, for sobriety, for virtue and measure, the Lord’s day if you’re at all particularly reverent (citation probably needed), and why Wonyoung is that much more annoyed when Yujin shows up dressed the way she is.
"Uh." Wonyoung laughs and it’s recognizably derisive. "Are you kidding?"
As some may or may not know, the three of you have been friends for ages; the spontaneous combustion into laughter, the ribbing, the teasing, the playful banter, it’s how you’ve always got on—the fact now that the sex is toe-curling and irresistible and downright sinful? An entirely separate issue.
Surely it won’t complicate things.
Technically, you’re all equally at fault the moment Wonyoung spies you making eyes at Yujin as she struts through the living room. She’s wearing only a tank top and a pair of fluorescent pink sports shorts that barely manage to wrap around her thighs, the seam of which gape perfectly to show you just how long her legs are, to the point your bones nearly start to ache.
The truth that Yujin will later vehemently deny is that things spiral out of control on account of the fact that she simply cannot keep her mouth shut, as is usually the case. You’ve come to assume that rather than possessing a shameless love for her own voice, she does it deliberately—to egg Wonyoung on, because the only thing she enjoys more than getting the younger girl flustered, red in the face, and reduced to an incoherent mess is arriving there before she even lays a finger on her.
However, if Yujin’s plan is to get Wonyoung all bent out of shape and worked up and beside herself to the point that she has no other choice than to take it all out on you, it backfires spectacularly.
Wonyoung’s nose scrunches and all her angelic features sharpen to a point as she watches Yujin crash onto the sofa next to you; sends her hands to her hips when she sees that warm arm wrap around your waist—palm flattening against your stomach a moment before sliding into the waistband of your joggers.
"What in the living fuck do you think you’re doing?"
"The way I see it," Yujin starts up again, and even though her words are clearly addressed, enveloped and stamped for Wonyoung, you’ve got the sultry color of her voice flirting in your ear, mouth skirting across your neck to find the gentle marks and bruises she’d made a silent promise to return to. "Miss I-give-the-best-head really shouldn’t have a single thing to get jealous over now should she? I mean, you sounded so sure about it."
"All I said was I have a proven method."
Yujin scoffs. "It’s not a precise science, sweetheart. Different strokes for different—"
"All sciences are precise," Wonyoung snaps back, one elegant brow arching skyward and arms crossing, "that’s what science means."
"Well, I think that’s open to interpretation."
"How… extraordinary."
To Wonyoung’s continued annoyance, the genuine throaty sound of your laughter doesn’t inspire confidence. Neither do the fingers you’ve got sinking into the round of Yujin’s perfect ass as she shimmies onto your lap, but it’s kinda the point. Because you know that the way you have Yujin sinking into a kiss, her hips rutting against you, lips sliding wet and easy and smacking across yours like you don’t care who’s listening—
"Oh, okay sure, let’s see…" Wonyoung pulls a fist out and begins to count on her fingers: "it’s my apartment. That’s my couch. And he’s my boyfriend."
When Yujin pulls herself off from your lips, her fingers continue on raking through your hair, and she just smirks—nearly grinning stupid because she knows how this always ends. Urges you gently as she pulls you by the wrist to grab a second handful of her chest. She’s delightful. And if there’s anything in particular that she flat out refuses to learn from this peculiar arrangement, it’s that you never ever ever try to goad Jang Wonyoung into anything.
"A little possessive, isn’t she?" Yujin asks as her hands, in a near-rehearsed motion, run down across your chest to where she can hook a few fingers into your pants. Gets them just down about the middle of your thighs to pull your cock out far enough to start stroking it.
And when Yujin also says right after—voice lilting into this familiar tone, something Wonyoung should absolutely know better than to walk straight into—that maybe if your girlfriend could take better care of you, that the truth might be: "I dunno, have you considered it could just be, like, personal preference? That he’s dying to bend me over instead? Would rather get my legs folded up into my chest and pump me full of hot cum just like that? I’m sure it’s nothing personal, little dove. I mean look at me: I’m built for it."
Wonyoung floats her fingers to her face, pinching the bridge of her nose.
(Here’s the thing about Wonyoung: she’s quiet, incredibly pretty, reserved and sugar-sweet, and plays her cards close to her chest. With all that dark wavy hair spilling over her shoulders without fuss or pother, deep brown eyes easy to get lost in, she’s the quintessential angel the devil might spend countless nights in fantasy about plucking right out of the heavens and dragging straight to hell. In fact, so angelic is she that Yujin had begun to grow increasingly concerned that all your hard work had possibly been for naught—that for a long time, all those flashes of wicked lust in her eyes may have perhaps not been what you thought they were, those naughty quips and innuendos that never just landed as something you could quite laugh off were possibly a misread; Yujin had an incredible talent for determining which potential conquests were open to a little conquering—but with this girl, she was at wit’s end, had nearly given up. Wonyoung would blush and simper one moment, pale and avoid her the next. Oh, there’s wicked fun to be had in turning a wholesome and prudish princess to her more kinky side, though only if the princess is willing.
Wonyoung, so it seemed, was an incredibly difficult princess to read.)
"Brat," Wonyoung spits, shadowing in behind the girl on your lap and lets her voice lower into a dangerous growl, gets close enough so that Yujin practically winces when she feels the moisture in her breath against her temple. You watch as she gathers Yujin’s hair into her fist. It’s enough to tilt her head back until Yujin opens her mouth in surprise—something Wonyoung knows instinctively to kiss and suck and lick at until her lips grow swollen and tender. Whether or not it had always been the case, the truth could never have delighted you both more: the girl’s no angel.
"Mmmnph." Yujin melts further into your lap at the feeling of the tongue sliding languidly past hers, and you can hear all these little satisfied hums leak out of her chest in droves. When you ball the slippery polyester front of Yujin’s tank top between your fingers, her breasts spill out on either side of the fabric close enough to your face that it takes nary an effort to give one of her small dark nipples a wet kiss—an intense lips-puckering suck to the other.
The moment your mouth gets involved, lapping and licking and caressing her hardening nipples, Yujin starts to squirm. Each flick against her pushes a soft moan straight into Wonyoung’s lips; in many ways, that’s a familiarity the three of you all always manage to return to. Especially now that she’s got her hands wrapped and twisting around your cock, jerking you slowly like she has all the time in the world, like you and your girlfriend aren’t going to fuck her six ways to Sunday and still find her begging for more.
"Aight, listen here," you say finally with calm command, and both girls nearly startle. "It’s my cock you’re stroking. So I’m either fucking somebody or I’m gonna have to go take care of this myself."
The two of them get their eyes on you, both pairs of perfectly sculpted eyebrows ever-so-slightly furrowed. And when you unclench your grip on Yujin’s pliable ass, stretching your fingers wide to run it up her back, their gazes are rapt. Interesting. You file that away.
"Nope. You’re not going anywhere," Wonyoung says, having pulled away from the kiss and let a smug quirk settle into the corners of her mouth—apparently come to grips with the fact that, yes, you are going to fuck Yujin’s body until she’s incomprehensibly stuttering and blabbering, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
In tacit agreement, you slap Yujin’s ass through her shorts hard enough that she yelps. She’s not wrong—not that you’ll let her hear you say it—but she is built for it. You nearly snort, saying, "well hurry up and figure it out, who am I fucking first?"
Wonyoung leans in further to get her point across, to get her hands all over the girl in your lap. "What do you think about that, hmm? How does getting that cock inside you sound?"
"Oh, love." Yujin steadily starts stroking you faster, fingers tightening and loosening in a steady rhythm. Because if there’s anything in the world that turns her on more than Wonyoung abandoning all that about perfection and innocence, it’s feeling your cock grow harder in her hands. "Please please please tell me that it’s me."
She slumps forward at the touch of your fingers searching about the heat between her legs, arches her chest toward you to feed her breast back into your mouth—oh, of all the ways to die, surely. There’s a wistful sigh she lets on, a similar thought brewing and simmer as each touch from your deft fingers arrives closer to where she wants you, voice shuddering along a pleasant note.
"C’mon," she whines, "you get to fuck him all the time. No harm, no foul, right?"
From the way her pussy feels beneath the thin material of her shorts, you realize she’s made the decision to not wear any underwear, made the decision long ago that she’d be fucking herself with your cock and nothing else. A quickly drawn breath of air past her teeth clues Wonyoung in that you’ve got your fingers against her clit and she’s that much closer to begging to let her share you, closer to pleading Wonyoung to let her take your cock and ride it until every muscle in her legs are sore and aching.
You spit Yujin’s nipple from between your lips and laugh out loud.
"Yujin, you slut," you start, "you’re not even wearing anything under here."
There’s another rise out of the girl when you press your hand up against her pussy, close enough to slide a thumb between her lips, close enough that you can feel her heat, her gentle tremor, the way she begs for the friction of your fingertips, your tongue, your cock—anything thing firm and unyielding and attached to you.
"Didn’t stop you from you looking," Yujin insists, arching further back to the grip Wonyoung keeps tight in her hair, whimpering again as she gets her lips hovering beside hers. "Bet he’s been thinking all kinds of things, Wonyoung."
"And I suppose you figure you deserve that much, don’t you," says Wonyoung callously as she starts kneading her fingers into Yujin’s perky breast, the one you’ve left neglected. "Deserve to have this cock pounding you deep and hard and you probably want him to fuck a load of hot cum into you too."
Yujin just nods.
"Figure I’ll get my tongue on your clit for you and make you cum that way, huh?"
"Need to get fucked so bad," Yujin whines at Wonyoung, in the increasingly brief spaces between their loud, lip-pulling kisses—pauses that fill quickly with heated breath and the lust in her unsteadied voice.
Your girlfriend is hardly impressed. She says as much, and then laughs into her ear, pressing a quick kiss to her temple, and chides, "greedy."
Yujin immediately goes pliant, a little whine escaping her that neither of you bother to soothe. She repeats herself several times, "I’ll be good. Promise."
"Oh, I know you will." Wonyoung skates her thumb along her jaw until she finds her fingers threaded beneath her chin, gets her face pointed up so that she can see just how clear and articulate her eyes are, cast down the regal length of her nose and smoldering dangerously into hers. "But I think you’re still entirely way too coherent right now."
Yujin presses her lips against Wonyoung’s again, gets her fingers up over the head of your cock to lather precum into her thumb and drag it all down your length before pumping you in earnest. Wonyoung’s the one who knows you like the back of her hand, how to get you groaning and gritting your teeth with her fingers, her lips, her cunt, however she chooses, but Yujin’s never been far behind. She just smiles when she brings a touch down to your balls, and purrs: "Then that just means you aren’t distracting me enough."
Wonyoung flashes you a grin, and, oh, do you know the look, always mirthless and every bit as cunning—the same whenever she feels the urge to taunt you into sparring with her. She gets it exactly right, the perfect severity to an austere tone that makes Yujin’s hair stand on end at the next thing out of her mouth:
"Bedroom. Now."
It’s almost predictable. Yujin just looks at you with these wide eyes, soft and unassuming like she’s some lost puppy, knowing she’ll want for nothing once she’s in your hands—the way you and Wonyoung always take care of her, how you get her cumming over and over until she’s near hysterical and so overstimulated she has to beg you to stop.
"Best not keep her waiting," you tell the girl in your lap as you press your thumbs down into the curve of her soft, milky skin and massage a few circles into her thighs, "we both know she can quite be the handful."
And but so it’s the three of you—that common plurality coming to a head, you peeling your pants from your waist as you go, staggering not even a few feet down the hallway before Yujin says something that tests the limits of Wonyoung’s patience. You don’t quite hear what it is that sneaks out of her mouth, but whatever it is, you know it’s petulant.
Wonyoung pins the older girl to the wall, hands splayed around the bones of her hips, and there’s nothing forceful about it—the kind of authority she exerts a subtle thing. The two of them exchange more kisses, two curtains of dark silky hair cascading into another and only coming apart as Wonyoung lands fingerprints down the rise of Yujin’s shorts. When Wonyoung raises her face again, letting her breath kiss the tender swell of Yujin’s lips, she’s watching the way she throws her head back to the wall, throat exposed and begging to be marked, marred and bruised.
Wonyoung pushes her tongue between her lips, run semi-circles across them to remind Yujin of the big picture. "You’re fucking wet, Yujin."
"Better do something about it," Yujin chokes out, gentle features wincing again as Wonyoung’s hand slides lower, dipping and diving between her thighs.
"Strip," Wonyoung commands abruptly, liking the way it makes her shudder.
Say what you want about Ahn Yujin, no one thinks she’s stupid—Wonyoung might be the one to take the reins, call the shots, press the two of you under her thumb, but at the end of the day, Yujin always, always, gets what she wants. She starts at the top, raising one arm and reaching it behind her back so that her rack is fucking presenting, all while she shimmies her way out of her shorts, the flash of neon puddling into the floorboards at her feet. Yujin’s body is incredible, all angles and curves in the right places, pointed and soft in this juxtaposition that gets your head spinning—it’s a work of art regardless if it’s underneath you, on top of you, squirming into the cushions of the sofa, the springs of the mattress; it’s the angle, the framing, the change in perspective that always manages to guide you to new conclusions and interpretations.
"Good girl," Wonyoung mutters, and bites off a pitching moan as she seals Yujin’s lips with her own.
The two of them, like this (and in so many other ways), are so aesthetically pleasing. Beyond the way the pair gets their hands on each other’s skin, holds each other, ruts against each other, kisses each other like it’s some overflow of passion ten years in the making, they’re simply breathtaking and stupefying to the point that if you weren’t sinking your teeth into your lower lip while you stroke your own cock at the sight, your jaw would drop. As if the Creator, in their making, that meticulous work, had endeavored to pour as much unbridled, raw appeal to their figures, their forms, and pack an even more ungodly amount of lust into the two of them so that they might wreak havoc on anything they touch.
(And so often is it you, the recipient of all that lust and desire, you poor, poor thing).
But the thing that ultimately gets you behind Wonyoung, hiking her pleated skirt up around her hips and sunk to your knees isn’t so much that you feel left out as much as it is that you can’t let her be the first one to take Yujin apart—before you get your cock in her, get her clinging to your name like a lifeline, muttering it like a prayer, cursing at the top of lungs until she cums all over you and shakes and convulses in your arms. You simply can’t allow it, can’t do anything other than get Wonyoung’s stockings frayed, furled and fucked between her thighs and stick your face straight into her cunt.
"Oh, what’s the matter, little dove?" Yujin asks, eyes smug and content at how you have Wonyoung’s lithe frame curling into her, the choked back whimper you force out of her throat as you tear through the sheer fabric of her leggings. "Maybe… perhaps… you’re dying to get fucked too?"
"Watch it," Wonyoung growls.
"Or what?" Yujin just laughs, even though Wonyoung’s fingers continue to twist and dive inside her, start to make her cheeks flushed and stained, she’s purring: "Oh I know, you’re going to have to punish us both… like what a total drag."
She’s not going to be in a state to do much of anything, is how you see it, pressing your lips harsh to Wonyoung’s pussy, drawing out circles with your tongue on the hot, sensitive skin—drawing out a broken gasp that has her shooting up a hand to cover her mouth. But it’s too late. Yujin sees the opportunity for what it is.
Though you suppose there’s only patience enough for the first few buttons from the top of Wonyoung’s collar before Yujin decides to tear the garment from her shoulders, sending buttons flying and rolling across the floor. Wonyoung flinches while trying to retreat from the touches Yujin reaches up her skirt, and she simply backs up further into your face. You’ve got your tongue splitting her lips, tasting her entrance and making her pretty mouth—usually so poised and elegant and polished—start to cuss and swear.
"Baby, baby, baby," Yujin says, voice trailing, and she starts to preen Wonyoung’s hair out of her face so she can look her straight in the eyes, "You ride this cock every day, and here you are: even more desperate than me."
"Hey now, that’s not fair," you say as you surface from between the backs of Wonyoung’s thighs with a scowl, and seemingly without even thinking, pull your grip off her tight cheek to slide two fingers into her. You listen to her keen as you get two, three knuckles deep inside her hot cunt. "She doesn’t always ride."
"Hmmm." Yujin wraps her arms around Wonyoung and grabs your hips. "What do you think? The bed? Or fuck her right here?"
You still have your digits curling inside her, so she hardly minds at all when Yujin grabs her firm by the chin and slips her tongue in her mouth—for someone with such a strong resolve, she’s awfully sensitive, shockingly easy to unravel—minds even less when you lean over her shoulder and get your voice in her ear, teasing, "would you like that, princess?"
"Yujin," and she has it choked up so bad you can’t help but laugh as it nearly gets caught in her throat on the way out. She swallows, gathers her fleeting composure and wrestles herself from the girl’s grip before reaching her hand behind her and onto your waist, putting a stop to you fucking her right then and there. Makes you settle for sliding your cock between her cheeks.
"Yujin, darling," she starts again, voice again composed and unsheathed and apparently risen from the ashes—fashioned into a sharpened edge and held firm at the girl’s throat—only instead of terrifying her, it merely has Yujin licking her lips, struggling in anticipation. The three of you are only ever right where you’re meant to be. "I thought I told you. Get on the bed."
Wonyoung takes a beat to finagle with the rest of her clothes, removing the stockings you’d ruined and tossing them into the bin before sliding her skirt down around her ankles. Just like anyone else, she steps one foot out of them, and then the other, but the whole motion looks elegant and poised without even trying. She really is incredible like that. You’re always sure to remind her of it. And you can tell she’s rolling her eyes when Yujin makes a comment about not having it all down to a science in what is possibly the least sincere apology to date before dragging her tongue up the length of your cock, a loud kiss punctuating the end of the gesture as she reaches the tip.
Yujin’s on Wonyoung’s bed, again the familiarity something to marvel at, belly down and knees bent with her feet kicking over her frankly immaculate ass as she props herself up onto her elbows to properly lick you. She teases again, fitting her lips around your head and letting spit run down your cock. I hope you don’t mind, she efforts to say with her mouth stuffed, garbled and muffled and almost unintelligible.
"At this rate," Wonyoung pipes up before settling in behind you, arms running around your waist and holding you by the base of your shaft, "both of you’ll be lucky to have much left to mind when I’m through with you."
Yujin pulls her mouth off you, lips smacking. Laughs out loud at the thought, and you watch her pull a bundle of hair back past her ear, angle her mouth better to meet your cock, and start to tease, "there’s our princess."
"Want your mouth too, Wonyoung," you say over your shoulder, and even if you’re pushing your luck, you know that deep down, Wonyoung can’t refuse a chance to show off, another opportunity to put Yujin in her place. "Maybe show her how it’s done."
She nearly snorts. "You’re spoiled."
She’s a slut for your cock anyway, you figure is what Yujin tries to say, but it gets lost in translation as you push your way between her soft lips, choking her for a brief moment with your cockhead in her throat. It’s all slippery and shiny with her spit after you pull your hips back, and it’s an invitation Wonyoung shakes her head at, until finally capitulating, "fine."
This silent competition that they settle into sees you as its sole beneficiary—your cock hardly left untouched, unlicked, uncared for by either of their mouths. They each have that burning desire to be the one that makes you melt, gets you to curse and moan and point your cock at their pretty face while you cum. Given that their goals are hardly aligned, it’s astonishing that they work in such beautiful harmony: Wonyoung licks your shaft, Yujin at your balls; kisses reach where another cannot, and you’re at the complete mercy of all the sinful motions of their tongues and lips—they’ve made you cum like this plenty of times before and they know they can do it again.
"Fuck," you curse, letting it slip, letting them each know you’re that much closer to being the first one to go. "Feels so fucking good."
The moment you start to bundle and brush all that dark silky hair from their faces, weave your hands into it at the napes of their necks, the movement and response is so elegant that it appears choreographed, rehearsed, and to some extent, that’s not far off. In tandem, Yujin and Wonyoung’s tongues slide across your shaft; their lips meet, pull apart, drag wet against your cock and kiss once more—these soft, ephemeral touches that leave all three of you yearning. Every now and again, one of them will take you further into the heat of their mouth, but it’s nothing selfish or ambitious, as they’re soon back to giggling and making out like the head of your cock isn’t resting every so reliably between them.
"Should make him paint our faces," Yujin says, smiling and rolling her fingers through your balls.
Wonyoung scoffs, "don’t get ahead of yourself."
This how your Sundays spend you, if you’re to be honest. The three of you never do make it to church (Saturday evenings so quickly turn to night to morning in the flash of an eye, and you’re all too sore and aching to get out of bed), but there’s no lack of worship to be had at the edge of Wonyoung’s bed—heads bowed in reverence as these two sets of heavenly lips cushion the length of your cock, tongues lathering and slipping about its sensitive skin. No, it’s not any substitute for a pew: they’re not kneeling or genuflecting or gazing up at you with their big wide eyes, watching for a sign from above—that you might wince and furl your brow; pull your cock back and jerk off until you paint over their angelic faces.
But as you run your fingers through their hair, gently fuck the unholy union where their soft, wet lips meet, the only thing curling off your tongue is an irreverent hiss, "fuck, girls, Jesus, I probably could cum like this." You reach forward, and plant a hand on Yujin’s ass, watching her soft skin ripple at the impact—she just squeals when you do it again, harder. "Fuck."
"Don’t," Wonyoung snaps. "That’d be, like, a total waste." She gets her fingers on your balls, and tells Yujin, breath hot and kissing the skin of your cock, "now watch me sweetheart. You start first, here, slow at the tip—"
The little kiss that Wonyoung plants at the end of your cock quietly makes it way down and around your shaft, and then it’s her tongue reaching beyond her lips to swirl and twist about your sensitive shaft. Yujin takes a mental note, grinning and teasing her fingernails across your stomach like she’s was watching it all for the first time, whenever Wonyoung makes you groan.
"Well, aren’t you lucky," Yujin tells you, as she studies the masterclass that is Wonyoung sucking cock. She strokes you every now and again, bringing her own hands into a cadence that matches how Wonyoung fucks you with her lips, even if it’s almost an afterthought.
"Her pussy’s better," you admit, even if she can easily get you shaking and cumming with only her tongue. Railing your girlfriend’s cunt is a completely different kind of pleasure, but you’re not one to look a gift horse in the mouth or the lips or wherever it is your cock is being serviced—it’s ecstatic perhaps, diffuse, expressive, the way Wonyoung takes you in her mouth. She twists. She laps. Her cheeks hollow and she sucks. In the right hands—and Wonyoung is absolutely on that list—you feel intensely wanted, intensely taken care of and it makes your balls ache, your cock twitch.
"I can feel you throbbing," Yujin says, eyes beaming up at you and swiveling her hips about, ass waving ever-so-raised in the air above Wonyoung’s bed sheets—that’s an image you’ll tuck away, be sure to return to.
"Yeah," you manage, and you’re reeling when both girls get their fingers locked around your shaft, pumping you in a perfectly fucked harmony. "It feels, ugh, incredible."
"If she isn’t every bit as dangerous when she goes down on me." Yujin laughs, knowing that Wonyoung’s mouth is warm and wet and perfect. Knowing that she’s begging for stern recourse when she fists a handful of her luscious dark hair and pushes your girlfriend’s bobbing head down nearly to the base of your cock, continues to egg her on while making her choke and spit, "oh, good girl, suck that cock, you lovely, pristine, whore—"
The ire in Wonyoung’s face—brow twisting and eyes narrowed—says it all when she pulls herself off you. There’s a visible tear or two forming on the end of her long lashes and a hand pumping your shaft to make sure you’re hard and every bit as unyielding for Yujin’s throat. "Fuck. I suppose you don’t have to learn anything, you brat."
You catch the devilish glimmer in Wonyoung’s eyes as your eyes meet, and the corners of her mouth twist into this smug smile as she tumbles backward and lands at Yujin’s hips—gets them propped up and her face between her legs.
"Oh fuck," Yujin says as the realization comes to her, in the breath before you get your hands in her hair and slip her mouth around your shaft. Her tongue flutters beneath the sensitive belly of your cock, nothing controlled or meticulous, but to her credit, you’re also punching straight to the back of her throat, these choked sounds spilling up from her chest each time your cockhead brushes with the hot, wet space you can only reach from her perfectly slacked jaw.
Now you have to pay close attention to something that’s going to seem obvious at first: the two girls are nothing alike. Wonyoung has you mapped out and understood to a dangerous degree, can make you cum and wail and gnash your teeth (the kind of skillful tonguework that now has Yujin humming and moaning onto your cock as it currently arrives between her thighs), but the thing about Yujin—her mouth is simply made for fucking—as if each time you socket your cock away in her throat, she’s gained something for it, simply delighted, finds her calling, her purpose, and it gets her reaching her fingers around you, splayed out into the back of your thighs to reel you into her lips again.
Forced to answer—and goodness, you hope the day never comes—it’s impossible to pass up.
She shuts her eyes tight when you draw your hips back, swirls her tongue over where you ache and throb, and relaxes to let you deep into her again. You grunt, she chokes, you might both be tearing up—the wet sounds from both your crotches totaling to a sum greater than its parts—this is pleasure exquisite, and if you’re considering your vices, your virtues, neither of you can quite figure out what happened to temperance.
"Fuck me, Yujin, your mouth," you say, sinking your teeth into your lip until it stings, and your moans start to come out in involuntary dribbles. It’s hard not to note how the corners of Yujin’s mouth smirk as it opens wider to take you in between her lips, granting you more warmth and wetness to fuck your length into. There’s a clear irony in the way you brush those stray hairs out of her face, keeping her image elegant and faultless; you’re aware of it, all at odds at the way you grip her hair into a rough pony tail and fuck your length into her—pull your hips back and guide her down onto your shaft again.
"Feels so fucking good," you repeat, breath heavy at the beck and call of your cock lodged deep in Yujin’s mouth. She coughs again, and you can feel the wet slick of her spit lather you, find you that much easier to take. When you pause, because god knows if you keep at it, you’ll be flooding her throat with a hot load—one that’s been building and aching since the girl pounced on you in the living room and decided to stroke you through your shorts and get you all hard and needy—she simply picks up the slack, gets her hand on your shaft and pumps and twists you until you’re making a promise, "gonna cum, god, keep doing that, wanna cum in your little mouth."
Only thing is, Wonyoung finds a loose thread and pulls Yujin apart first. It’s clear as anything: that fucking tongue is made for eating cunt. Each lick against Yujin’s aching entrance returns her further and further to the basics—breaks her apart slowly so that Wonyoung might know just exactly how to put her back together and do it again.
And you’re left so very needing when she lifts her face off you, letting these loud, harsh gasps replace the sound of her lips around your cock, the sound of you fucking her face and getting spit and pre-cum all over your waist, her chin—it’s a mess. It’s hot and sinful and you’re biting hard into your lip that you might find some way to resolve the issue of needing a hole to fuck your cum into. A total mess.
You watch her spine arch magnificently, thighs shaking and quivering, head thrown back into the fireworks of it all—Wonyoung doesn’t even surface, she’s not there to bring the girl to her orgasm and then cuddle her after, drift away in the pillow talk and the gentle petting and kissing; she continues licking hard and fast still at the girl’s pussy, fingers gliding through the aftermath of it all while she’s sensitive and aching. Her eyelids are softly shut, peering out just over the beautiful mound that is Yujin’s ass while the girl writhing about has hers clenched tight, the over stimulation become too much to bear.
"Oh god, fuck, fuck, oh fuck," she whines, collapsing into the sheets, muscles tensing and freezing until her mouth hangs open—the dam within her at a point that cannot do anything other than simply break.
Wonyoung doesn’t even flinch. You can hear her fingers get messy and sloppy as they continue to fuck Yujin’s tight hole while she steadies the girl with another hand on her waist. It’s always been the truth: Yujin loves to be manhandled, yearns for it, even if it’s Wonyoung’s dainty wrists holding her in place—so it’s to her added pleasure when you swing yourself over the bed and tell your girlfriend you’re going to get your cock in Yujin’s cunt too.
"Gonna fuck her," you spit, pulling Wonyoung up off the quivering, aching mess that is Yujin on the bed. Her body is practically limp, all those muscles she’d spend hours in the gym working to maintain do nothing beyond lie still for you and only jump back to life at the feeling of your cock slapping her ass, labor to voice out a silent cry when you point it towards her sopping, needy cunt.
"Remember," Wonyoung says with an obvious lethality in her voice—oh, she can kill, do it all with a smile—still wiping Yujin’s slick from her mouth with the back of her wrist, "she asked for this."
You curl over her rear and the soft skin of her ass presses into your hips, spreads out across your stomach—it’ll be red and aching and she’ll love you for it. A kiss at her temple, and the promises you’re whispering in her ear make her fucking whimper, "Gonna cum in you, babe. Gonna get you all worked up and cumming again and clenching down on me and I’m gonna fuck this load deep into you."
Yujin worries her lip between her teeth as she nods and mewls like the fucked mess she is. Thoughts sent spiraling at the idea of your hard shaft railing between her legs, the promise of being packed full with your cum—and the kiss your cock makes against her as you align yourself between her wet lips sees her nearly collapse. She just rasps, breath broken and uneasy and you’re not even inside her yet, "Yes, please—need it."
"Oh my god—" Yujin gasps out loud as you slip inside her. She’s not incoherent yet, but all that’s got to be close; you can feel it.
"Hey, don’t cum right away," Wonyoung tells you, "I want to see her cream all over that cock of yours, show me how you fucking ruin her."
It’s a tall order, sinking into the overwhelming tight heat that is Yujin’s soaked cunt. She takes you easily, all worked up and fucked from Wonyoung’s mouth, the expertise of her tongue against her clit—almost too easily. "Fuck, wanna cum," you breathe, curses and expletives flowing like water.
"Oh, I’m sure you will," Wonyoung says from behind you, lips pursed at the sharp blade of your shoulder as she massages circles into your hips. "But you know how it is: only good girls get cum in their pussy. Don’t make love to her. Fuck her. Use her."
It’s almost insane that you listen, that you let this girl who weighs half of what you do sit in the saddle—oh, because how easily you can get Wonyoung underneath you and fucked and falling apart just as fast, get your fingerprints up around her the hollow of her throat until she begs you to make her cum—insane that you’re not starting from where you left off in Yujin’s mouth, pounding and fucking with that selfish, industrious alacrity. That in spite of it all, your hips draw back, and when they dive back in, it’s no more than a slow, methodical, purposeful thrust. Yujin simply fucking keens as you stretch out her cunt, and the sensation overwhelms her, filled so perfectly that all she can do is sink her face into the pillows.
"That’s it, face down, ass up, like a good slut," Wonyoung croons from over your shoulder, voice growling into something dangerous. "Nice and slow, really make her feel it."
You’re still cooling down from the moments that had you almost unspooling and unloading ropes of cum into Yujin’s mouth, but the girl you’re fucking is on the other side of all that, turned the page and blissfully quivering and still in the high that had spilled her slick all over your girlfriend’s chin. You adjust her between your hands, gripped firmly onto her waist—noticeably narrow and tiny to the point that says, oh, you can break her, but then there’s the round ass that cushions your thrusts into her cunt, and it reminds you, oh,she can take more. A lovely paradox to ram your cock into.
"It’s so good, so good, just like that," Yujin keeps repeating, throwing herself back into you and chasing her own high. There’s all this desire, all that neediness, she’s simply incorrigible—and her anticipation begins to consume her. "Yes, yes, yes—oh my god."
"You’re fucking creaming," you tell her, like she doesn’t know it, and you slap her perfect ass so hard she yelps. Massage circles into it before getting your hand sunk into the other cheek. All three of you know it: her ass is fucking delightful. You could get lost in those dimples that sit just below where her waist flares into those wide hips (and you most certainly have). All the curves about this canvas of beautiful satin-smooth skin. As you get your voice out to remind her how stunningly beautiful she is, start telling her to cum on your cock, Yujin practically screams.
Sure, sometimes it may appear like you’re being too rough, too risky, that you’re causing harm, doing damage, and you get how it can come to seem that way, given how you’ve got her body writhing beneath you, fucked and mewling, but here’s the thing you have to remember, and Yujin said it herself: she’s built for it.
"You gonna fill me?" Yujin asks, gasping for air like she’s just washed up on shore, "Gonna make me your cumdump, daddy? Go ahead, do it—fucking use me."
Your thumb is searing its print harsh into her jaw, and you pull her up into your mouth so that your words are clear and painfully articulate, "needy brat."
Her words come out shaky, punctuated by the way you pound her into the mattress, into nothing less than submission. "You—love—this—needy—brat."
She knows it, you know it, because it’s all too true. Because you are ramming, bulldozing, ruining her aching hole; every stab into her tight cunt has her curves rippling and her voice shattering into a million pieces. She moans hard when you bottom out inside her.
"Please." Starts sputtering when you do it again. "I can feel you so fucking deep."
"There you go," Wonyoung says, the sultry sound in her voice tickling the shell of your ear, "fuck her like she deserves, look… she needs it so so bad."
"Hey, I know how to fuck," you curse, eyes rolling back over your shoulder, and it’s a mistake. Before you can continue the thought, Wonyoung kisses you hard—hungrily licking and pulling at your lips like she needs you more than girl at the end of your cock. She’s got her hands all over your chest, your sides, fingernails scraping light across your skin and relishing the motion of you pounding her mess of a friend, the way you’re slicing her voice to ribbons and flooding her throat with wanton moans and squeals and whimpers. And when you’ve got your shaft so deep in Yujin’s perfect cunt that your lips part briefly to make some foreign noise of your own, Wonyoung seizes the chance for what it is, slides her tongue right between them. Nothing shy or reserved about it.
"Mmnnph." She can probably feel your heart racing, feel you coming higher and higher, feel the way you shudder when you get Yujin’s hips further elevated in your grip, settling fast into this angle that lets you stab deeper, fuck harder. But with the two of you briefly silenced, it becomes just the soundtrack of your cock boring hard into Yujin—the harsh thrust of your hips against that fucking perfect ass, the way she’s whimpering in delight—that you have to hold onto, keep yourself distracted from the wet and blistering heat you bury into each time you rail into her needy cunt.
"Oh, of course you do," Wonyoung finally breathes against your lips, a dangerous smile forming on her own, "Why don’t you remind the girl moaning and creaming all over your cock. She’s practically sobbing. Go on, I think she’s earned it."
The way you have Yujin remember it, the pleasure she can only find at the end of your open palm, arrives quickly and without warning—when you bring a hand down onto her ass cheek, print outlined in white and quickly fading, Yujin’s voice leaks out, shattered: "Oh fuck, please." She slides her hands forward, back arching into a curve that makes you dizzy, ass still presenting and proffering toward you like it’s her duty. And whether it’s purposeful or not, she clings to the word like it’s her lifeline, no more suitable to moor herself to than the sheets she bundles and pinches between her fingers, "please, please, I just need… please…"
"Look at that, you’re fucking owning her pussy," Wonyoung purrs, noticing it well before either of you, too distracted in the throes of your own sex to see the signal flares, the warning signs laid out in front of you, Yujin’s knees fucking wobbling and her hips chasing back as you draw your cock out of her cunt. "She’s going to cum again."
"N-Need more… please… more… harder…"
And at the end of a long, deep thrust into her wet, well-fucked cunt, she absolutely does.
"Cumming," she pants, twice.
It’s every bit as incredible as ever, her mouth hung open and barely able to form the words she needs. Your hand is flush against her ass again, meeting the rosy pink glow of that growing stain, and this time Yujin doesn’t simply bounce back, elastic, resilient. She starts to babble, curses and names and thoughts all trading meaning and purpose as she crashes her whole body to the bed—clenches tight around your cock to the point that it’s a challenge to keep yourself between her slick thighs and buried deep between her ass cheeks as you fuck relentlessly into her prone form—however the extent to which it slows your effort, if any, is unclear.
"God fuck, I can’t get enough of you, Yujin, your little cunt is just incredible," you rasp, teeth gritting as your limbs spill over the top of her exhausted body—before a groan, loud and obscene, has the broken edges in your graveling voice striking at a vein laid deep within her, something foundational and base and instinctual:
"Cum, want you to cum, want to feel you—"
"On your back, dear," Wonyoung says flatly, taking enjoyment in the way she writhes beneath you. "Let him fuck you nice and deep, Yujin."
Yujin is nothing if not compliant, putting up no fuss as you turn her hips in your hands, get on her back and those long legs onto your shoulders. You fill her to the hilt. Make her blather and gasp, mewling, moaning, collapsing. You’ve got fingers leaving bruises in her thighs like she’s yours and always will be and she fucking loves it.
"Fuck her hard, love," Wonyoung urges, eager to see her fall further from grace. "Show her how she needs your hard cock. Show her what a slut she really is."
You can’t help but study the way Yujin holds her mouth agape, frozen in delight, tiny breaths punched out at increasingly short interval on the end of your sharp thrusts—incapable of retaliation, some cute quip or needling retort uncharacteristically absent—Wonyoung makes the same observation, swings her thighs over the girl’s face, gets her pussy resting on her lips and lifts a sweetly challenging eyebrow at your perplexed expression.
"Oh? What is it? No good?" she asks, rubbing her fingers into Yujin’s tits, holding them in place while you pound at her hot cunt. "You going to tell me you want to kiss her while you get off and fill her up?"
"If you don’t mind," you choke, uncrossing Yujin’s legs from in front of your chest— because yeah, too tight.
"Ugh, how cute and wholesome is that." Wonyoung slides backward, reaches down to get a kiss in of her own before whispering, "He treats you so good—so open your legs wide for him darling, show him what a good little fuckhole you can be."
You watch as she closes her eyes, pulls at the sheets. She’s unbelievably pretty, and even hotter when she’s all fucked and bothered—blush burning in her cheeks and sweat building at her brow, lips parting and muttering: "Love that… love it… please, you own me. I belong to you, please just fuck me."
Yujin’s such a ruined mess and Wonyoung is enamored with the fact that you make her way, legs opening and wide and letting you sink in. The way you’re moaning together—it’s filthy, it’s indulgent, it’s so unbelievably hot.
Invested now in seeing how it all comes apart, Wonyoung’s holding Yujin still as you bring her knees to her shoulders, nearly fold the girl in half and get her bent at an obscene angle—bottoming out into her pussy, fucking her hard into the springs of Wonyoung’s mattress and crossing those familiar boundaries, the precipice of your own undoing. There’s no backing out. You’re going to cum, going to fucking use Yujin like the perfect little cumdump Wonyoung reminds you she is, and there’s no other way you’d have it.
Your girlfriend’s just dragging her fingers through Yujin’s hair, thumb rubbing gently at her cheek, caring and intimate even though her words cut deep, slice straight to the bone, "Hey, do you know why they call it a mating press?"—there’s no time wasted getting her fingers between your balls, knows with a touch here, a touch there, she can get you to fucking explode—"He’s gonna cum so deep in you baby, gonna fill you up, gonna breed you."
Fuck, you are shaking. Her pussy clenches, grips, and it’s just that good.
"Please, please, I want to feel it. Need to feel you fucking burst." Yujin’s got her palms flat on your stomach, bracing herself, just whimpers in a half response—too raw to be a grunt, too shaky to be a cry of triumph—sounds effortlessly elated all the same as she makes a series of tiny nods, pleading, do it.
"That’s right, take what’s yours," Wonyoung says into your ear, clearly holding back a laugh at the sight of your depravity—still too poised and composed for your taste, but it’s a bridge too far to care. "Do it. Cum. Just fucking use her."
It’s only a handful of pernicious strokes that make it happen. Really, you can count them—one, two… five… six… seven… eleven—Yujin’s breathing in fits and starts at the end of each one. At Wonyoung’s command, that light squeeze from her slender fingers, you’re there: crashing your mouth onto the girl beneath you, kissing Yujin hard and moaning brazen into her lips. They’re soft and cool to the touch even though her breath is heated and hazarded by the way you’re pumping cum into her cunt, fucking it deeper inside her as you continue to thrust and pound and use her like a toy—Yujin barely manages to moan back; she’s yours; you’re hers; the two of you both so absolutely spent, dismantled, fucked.
(Honestly, you spill like it’s the first time in weeks, like Wonyoung hadn’t milked a load out of you and onto her flat tummy with her hands just earlier this morning, and you’ve got hot cum pooling deep in Yujin’s pussy, leaking down her thighs, and making you nearly slip out from between her legs.
Yujin’s hands are soft on your hips, those small movements pulling you somehow closer into her fucked, exhausted, collapsed body; Wonyoung’s fixing your hair, thumb along your spine, to the nape of your neck and rubbing as if to say, you fucked her so good sweetheart.
It’s absolute and total bliss.
The important thing here is not how long you lay there before Wonyoung gets her dangerous fingers back inside Yujin—scoops your cum out from her cunt and slips it between her lips—only that it’s warm and hot and perfect and you wouldn’t mind if you never left.)
"Because it’s fucking sensitive," you tell Wonyoung, and your eyes flick up to the whine in the shower’s pipes coming to a sudden stop, the glass door sliding in its track.
"I don’t care."
Wonyoung clambers across your legs, reclaiming your attention as she settles her weight onto your thighs with little to no fanfare. You barely have the time to register her touch across your abs before it’s gone again, and there’s no hiding the lethal quirk shadowing in at the corner of her lip when she ruts herself against your hips, glides herself over your shaft and tells you, "You’re going to fuck me."
Even if it’s the usual fair—you laying there, just under Wonyoung’s weight, all her milky soft skin spilling on top of you—she’s perfect in so many ways. In your arms, in your lap, on your cock, it’s hard to pick a favorite.
"What’s the matter?" she asks, smirking and holding back a laugh (that’s her brand, you’ve come to realize, manifested into something of a trademark; it’s killer), and she slaps your shaft twice against the concave flatness of her stomach. The visual of your stiff cock beneath her navel is absolutely everything: look at how far you’ll fill her, how much you’ll stretch her.
"Oh surely you didn’t think I was going to let you call it quits?" Wonyoung pumps her fingers up and down your length once. Adds a little twist to the end of it when she starts to repeat the motion. "C’mon, now," she murmurs, half smiling against your temple because what a way to set the scene, "talk to me, wanna hear that pretty voice of yours baby."
"Haven’t been doing a whole lot of thinking if I’m being honest."
She laughs out loud. Postures herself, gets her hands raking through her hair, letting it cascade perfectly off her shoulders, her collarbones—makes sure that if you’re going to be fucked, it’ll be underneath the sheer image of perfection. "I’d suggest you keep at it then."
Both of you watched the girl you’d fucked into a hot mess stammer on about the shower as she made her way off the bed—got your heads pointed on an identical tilt when she strutted into the bathroom, cum still leaking down her thighs and her hips positively swaying. If Yujin had become liquid, malleable, in your hands, you’re about to fucking puddle in Wonyoung’s.
"You should hear how she talks about you," Wonyoung says, right before taking a beat to adjust, the serene and elegant lines in her face faltering for only a moment when she sits herself on your cock. "The girl just goes on and on about how amazing your cock is, how you make her cum, that heaven-sent look on your face when you’re ravaging her pussy—"
"Fuck," you hiss out, barely making it through the word’s elegant simplicity. Entering Wonyoung for the first time is always an experience. Wetter, hotter, impossibly tighter, with every inch, and it practically makes you shiver. Though, she hardly makes any notice of it beyond the self-satisfactory hum in her throat, that you’re frozen, dazed, coping with the fact that your world had straightened on its axis.
She lifts her hips up. Drops them back down on you. She’s hot and wet and so fucking incredible, you’re aching. The growl you finally let slip is something feral. Of course, Wonyoung just smiles, a million dollar look, and draws a circle across your chest with a fingertip.
"You know…" Her voice trails. "Sometimes I almost catch myself feeling jealous."
You swallow back on a drying moan. "Yeah?"
"But then I realize something every time."
Like there’s nothing to it, her hips sink onto you once more; it’s pain, it’s pleasure, it’s the wind right out of your fucking sails, and you’re so overcome with all of it when that saccharine sweetness in Wonyoung’s voice starts to dance through your thoughts. The very same instant she surrounds you again in her heat. It’s so surreal it’s fucking intoxicating.
"Oh, do tell," you barely manage to gasp out, reeling at the point of impact: her thighs flush against yours, clenching hard onto your cock. There’s never been a question; Yujin can drain you, but Wonyoung’s pussy is so hot, so silky-smooth-perfect, so criminally tight it finds you speechless. You, with all your charm and wit, silenced like it’s nothing.
"I get to fuck this cock."
You don’t even manage a strangled moan. Completely mute when she crashes onto you again. Envelops you in that tight, blistering heat.
—and again.
—and again.
Now it’s not like you should be surprised by any of it. On a scale of one to ten, Wonyoung is an eleven, though you imagine if you asked her, she’d give herself a twelve. The entitlement isn’t anything new, nor is it all too undeserved.
So, let me take care of you, is how she says it, which is a sort of comedy gold given the context. It makes her out to be some sort of saint, chasing some lofty and altruistic goal that has no care or regard for the knot twisting in her stomach, the fucking absolute neediness of her pussy leaking and creaming all over your waist.
"God—gah—you are so tight, Wonyoung, fuck."
You shoot your hands forward to get them on her tiny waist, brace yourself against the next bounce from her thighs, the insane grip she has on you. It’s a misstep; and it triggers a riposte. She executes flawlessly—gets your wrists pinned to the bed above your head—reminds you that she’s always in control, and starts to ride you in earnest.
"Let me," she repeats, twice, and you’re at her mercy, entirely doubtful you’ll receive any. She looks at the way you wince, the way you grovel; she softly sh-sh-sh’s you to silence, rolls her hips on you fast and hard and starts to fuck at a tempo that is for her. Her hand is on your jaw and her thumb drags along your lip when she asks you, quietly, "It’s better, right? You love fucking this pussy… need me so bad, don’t you? Tell me."
"The best," you say, voice drier than either of you expect. "So fucking good."
Even if you are hanging on by a thread, you figure she believes you. Because the smirk on her lips grows in intensity, its smolder just as damaging as the way she finds herself fucking you at that angle, that depth—gets her hands planted firm on your chest and sends your teeth into the raw swell of your lip. She holds you there, captive, and makes only the slightest motions; it’s no different than the way she’d take you in her fingers in the mornings—get you cumming and moaning beneath the sheets with these minute, focused touches.
"Ah, I can feel you. Feel you throbbing, aching. Need you to ride that edge, baby," Wonyoung rasps, letting nothing slip or falter in the way she moves—this entire litany of precise, meticulous movements her hips drag out along your shaft—and fuck. Okay. Okay.
Her hand cups the back of your neck. Urges you to sit up, and when you do, you’re at her chest, the soft skin mapping out along her collarbones. She leads you to her subtle cleavage, has you splitting with your nose, your lips, taste of salty sweat on your tongue. There’s the familiar lines of her body—the way the curves and edges of her lithe frame weave perfection, how they all come crashing down at once on your cock. That voice in your head telling you bite your cheek, clench your knuckles, because she’s far too much, she’s far too perfect, she’s everything—
"Oh, because of course." Yujin appears from around the bathroom door post wearing nothing but a towel tucked neatly beneath her arms, the effort at something like modesty a day late and a dollar short. Her hair is still damp, tied up above her shoulders, and she’d wiped all that ruined makeup from her eyes—she’s gorgeous as ever, and clearly a little annoyed that you two started again without her. Smirking, fingernail between her teeth she asks, "did watching your boyfriend fuck me get you all hot and bothered? Oh, I get it. You must be jealous."
—well, almost everything. It’s the fact that binds you all. Yujin simply cannot keep her mouth shut.
"Sit," Wonyoung says pointedly, and gestures at the chair beside the bed. "You are going sit and watch."
"And now you." Wonyoung holds your chin between her thumb and fingers—her eyes ablaze with an emblematic glimmer, that ever present noblesse oblige, and she’s got her words curling her off tongue, arriving like a dagger to your throat, "show her how you really fuck."
If you’re not looking closely, it’d be reasonable to assume there’s something present that catalyzes the following series of events: the ease with which you wrestle the reins away from the girl in your lap, some shift or another in the balance of power. It’s nothing like that. Even in those occasions where you’ve got Wonyoung folded beneath your weight, her face smashed into the pillows, or your hand up around her throat, it’s only ever because she invites it. So when you’ve reached around her tiny waist, gotten your fingerprints all over her hips and found the gentle curves of her slender body easy to move, to lift, to fuck, to dominate, to conquer—yes, you’re chipping away at that facade every time you glide upward, deep into Wonyoung’s cunt, forcing her shallow and ragged sighs to grow more frantic, more agitated, more needy. No, it doesn’t take her long to reach the point where her cheeks are flushed and she’s chasing her breath. None of it changes a thing. The way Wonyoung sees it, you belong to her.
"You—are dangerous," she murmurs against your mouth, lips slanting into a half-smile, and her ankles lock behind your waist.
When you get your hand in her hair, raking your fingers through those dark, smooth locks—gently pull back on it—you are presented with her neck, the gulp that travels through the hollow of her throat when you push your cock deep into her cunt. She’s giving it up to you: all this beautiful porcelain skin simply begging for your lips. Oh, you’ll leave bruises, you’ll make marks, those sinful reminders you’ll later come back to.
"Yeah, yes, fuck," she gasps, several times. Her eyelashes flutter each time your cock fills her completely—when you pull out and pull her hips down hard on you again.
Something must hit the right spot, because her legs tense up around your waist. The first time she cums, she’s all huffs and sharp draws of air. Unlike Yujin, there’s no herald or warning, but it’s still obvious as day. And it comes in waves: first a little shudder, then another. Her back arches into you, face falling into the nook between your neck and shoulder, and she begins coming perfectly undone. She’s sweating, her cheeks are so red, and she can’t stop digging her nails into your back. Princess, you tease dangerously into her throat, and she’s gone, a total wreck.
You expect something, anything, from Yujin—there’s never been a better chance to goad and spur the girl practically melting to a puddle in your lap. But as you fuck through the torrid collapse of Wonyoung’s orgasm, the only thing you hear is that slight whimper from beside the bed. Even though her knees are closed, towel stuck between them, you see the hand she has playing between her thighs.
"Look at that," you start, still moving and gliding into the fucked mess of a lapful that is your girlfriend. "Yujin’s touching herself. You look so good getting fucked—look so fucking pretty on my cock, sweetheart, it’s driving her crazy. She can’t help herself."
Wonyoung just sighs, gets arms over your shoulders and her body even tighter against you.
"Do you think she’d like watching me fuck you from behind? Get your perfect mouth on that needy cunt of hers—what do you think of that princess? I bet she’d fucking lose it."
"And have her… watch you… fuck my ass," Wonyoung pants, and the sharp gasp that suddenly fills the room is priceless. The three of you might be inseparable, but there’s no lack of secrets to hide, stories to tell.
Though it’s a thread to follow for another time, because when you swing your legs off the bed, lift Wonyoung’s slender frame into your arms, get your hands under her thighs and her ass spilling through your fingers, and start fucking her—truly fucking her—she nearly cums again. There’s less distance to fall, certainly less composure to break, and as she starts to clench and tremor around your cock, she finds her voice rasping, begging, "please, I want it—make me cum again, please make me cum again."
It’s Wonyoung’s long legs wrapped perfectly around you. It’s the way she loses control of her breath, gasping as you fuck your length into the mind-numbing intensity of her little, sopping cunt. You wouldn’t trade it for anything, the fact that she’s practically royalty and she’s a fucking mess and she’s cumming all over your cock.
"Jesus," Yujin mutters, "You’re making her cream so fucking bad. She’s so close, fuck her harder, fuck our little princess like she deserves—pound her like she needs."
Wonyoung raises her face, eyes cast in yours, these beautiful pools of earthy gray, to a long silence; a real silence, without even the hint of a muttered curse or blather about your name—she seems completely overcome, overwhelmed, overindulged. There’s a tiny tug at a smile in her lips, and a volcanic rush of heat to her face. You recognize that look: the first you’d ever seen it was when she’d had first had your cock and simply could not believe it could ever feel that good, the way it could get her stomach smoldering and thoughts spinning. It’s half surprise. It’s half unadulterated lust. It’s all this want and need and it says without saying, fill me.
"That’s right," Yujin teases, "make her cum on your cock—"
"Yujin, why don’t you get on your knees for me, and have a taste," you offer, but you’re not really asking, hoisting Wonyoung’s exhausted, still-aching cunt off you enough for Yujin to obediently kneel in front of your cock and get her mouth all over you, licking and kissing Wonyoung’s slick right off your shaft.
As you draw yourself out of Wonyoung’s cunt—slip in seamlessly between Yujin’s lips—the girl suspended in your arms whines: that prospect of you not filling her so perfectly a reality too difficult to bear. She gasps. She shudders. And a sudden relief pours deluge-like through her ethereal visage when you knead fingers harshly into her ass, spread her legs wider over your elbows and place her back on your cock again. She’s so fucked and wet and needy that filling completely in one harsh motion barely even elicits more than wanton groan from her chest.
"Where are you—fuck, I," Wonyoung curses, drawing harsh breath and clenching down on you, onto the absence of your shape when you get your cock again into Yujin’s mouth. Her voice is still ragged and wrecked, but she holds tighter to you, asking, "Want you to—where are you going to—?"
In the back of Yujin’s throat if she’s not careful, is your first thought given the way her tongue flicks and flutters and teases the sensitive underbelly of your aching shaft. Deep in this cunt, follows logically right after that, gliding yourself back inside Wonyoung. If there was ever a lesson to be had in gluttony, in indulgence, this is probably it—and considering the third thought that grows quietly in the corner of your thoughts, you’re probably missing the mark.
"On your knees," you whisper against Wonyoung’s cheek, and she laughs silently to herself. Laughs because she knows exactly what you want. Because it’s hardly anything new, novel, or unique.
(For a brief moment, you consider the current circumstances; should probably consider donating to charity. Who could be so lucky? How often have you fucked both these girls, been the only man with the full pair? That you’re gripping a fist around your cock, stroking and pointing it at two open mouths, those wanting tongues—all doe-eyed and docile and they’re so fucking pretty and they’ll look pristine painted with your cum.)
Good lord, it’s a heavy handful: cum splattering all over Wonyoung’s face.
Never have you been one to play favorites; god only knows it’s a dangerous game, but that’s just how the ropes fly—into the valley of Wonyoung’s tongue, across a cheek, the bridge of her nose, she flinches as you get cum on her brow. Oh, she’s perfect, always has been, and you’ve got her marked and marred, debauched and debased with hot, creamy white like she’s never known another purpose.
"Fuck," you sputter, because you need to catch your breath.
There’s this heavy silence; you’re positively mesmerized. Yujin doesn’t even complain, just captures Wonyoung’s cum-covered face in her hands and brings her mouth to hers. Pulls at her lips with this hungry, consuming kiss until finally, lips smacking, she drags herself away—skates a finger across her cheek and slips more cum past Wonyoung’s lips.
"Did you say in your ass?" Yujin asks, brow twisting inquisitively over a glance that flicks up to you, and Wonyoung lets out this genuine laughter as she allows that kernel of shame to grow ever-so-slightly inside her.
Yujin laughs out loud, toothy grin come to bear. "You slut."
You are dozing, curled on your side, and your mind is supplying to you the loveliest dream—or perhaps a memory? It’s hard to tell, but it’s awfully vivid. Someone’s mouth on your own, warm… urgent; the feeling of arms wrapping around your neck, legs brushing about your waist, a familiar hand on your face. Some of it is fuzzy, unclear, as though the experience is coming to you through the fog of a rain-stained window, but then some of the details of the dream solidify, take shape, and you’re—
Is that lavender?
You blink, inhale sleepily, go to stretch, and that’s when everything starts to elucidate.
All around you is the pleasant smell of Wonyoung and Yujin; the feel of an arm around your waist; Yujin’s wavy curls tickling your nose; she’s got one leg hooked around yours and a thigh in your crotch in a way that feels awesome, feels too real to not be a dream, and—oh, wait a minute, that’s because it’s actually happening. Like, right now.
You’re snuggled up with the blankets on Wonyoung’s bed. With the two perfect forms on either side of you.
"Hey," says Yujin, half-sleepy, at half-volume to not wake up the sleeping beauty nuzzled up to your back. She grins because, lord, you are rock hard between your legs—something like an occupational hazard you promise—and she blinks her eyes slowly a few times as she gets her hand wrapped around you. It’s just one pump, it’s experimental, and she has a finger on her lips, whispering, "Shh, gotta be quiet."
The sun’s not quite trickling in through the blinds; you’ve probably all napped past dinner. As always, there’s a week ahead of you, and now you’re aching, sore, exhausted and you can’t refuse her even a bit. It’s a tale as old as well, not that old, but you figure that’s how your Sundays spend you.
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skywasks · 1 year
which one of you eats hot chip and lie? also/alternatively, thoughts about lizards?
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mysticstronomy · 5 months
Saturday, December 30th, 2023
Welcome back,
This is the spiral galaxy NGC 2835, imaged by the impeccable, seemingly timeless Hubble Space Telescope.
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And this is NGC 1132, an elliptical galaxy captured through the tandem efforts of Hubble and NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory.
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We know what both of these breathtakingly beautiful galaxies look like because we can see them from afar. How then do we know what our own Milky Way galaxy looks like, seeing as how we are inside it?
While we've never been able to zoom out and take a true galactic selfie, there are numerous observations that clue us in to the structure of our home galaxy. The greatest hint comes from looking at other galaxies. While there are perhaps two trillion in our observable universe, surprisingly, they only seem to come in three discernable varieties: spiral, elliptical, and irregular.
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Spiral galaxies have a mostly flat disk with a bright central bulge and arms that swirl out from the middle. Elliptical galaxies tend to be round or oval with a uniform distribution of stars. Irregular galaxies are like stellar splotches in space, with little structure at all.
Gazing skyward from our vantage point on and around Earth, there are clear signs that the Milky Way is a spiral galaxy. You can see one sign with the naked eye! The Milky Way appears in our sky as a relatively flat disk.
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Using more sophisticated methods, astrophysicists and astronomers have provided two more clues to the structure of the Milky Way.
"When we measure velocities of stars and gas in our galaxy, we see an overall rotational motion that differs from random motions," Sarah Slater, a graduate student in cosmology at Harvard University, wrote. "This is another characteristic of a spiral galaxy."
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Moreover the gas proportions, colors, and dust content are similar to other spiral galaxies, she added.
Aside from these lines of evidence, astronomers are also using their tools in ingenious ways to map the structure of the Milky Way. Just this year, scientists used two radio astronomy projects from different parts of the globe to measure the parallaxes – differences in the apparent positions of objects viewed along two different lines of sight – from masers shooting off electromagnetic radiation in numerous massive star forming regions in our galaxy.
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"These parallaxes allow us to directly measure the forms of spiral arms across roughly one-third of the Milky Way, and we have extended the spiral arm traces into the portion of the Milky Way seen from the Southern Hemisphere using tangencies along some arms based on carbon monoxide emission," the researchers explained. They coupled these observations with other gathered data points to construct a new image of the Milky Way. This is our home galaxy, in all its resplendant glory.
Originally published www-realclearscience-com
(Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024)
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covetyou · 7 months
jack of all trades
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ao3 ⋆ main masterlist ⋆ series masterlist
pairing: Whiskey x f!reader rating: Explicit (18+ only!) warnings: Circus AU, public sex, exhibitionism, unprotected PIV, oral (m receiving), brief fingering, creampie, is it mild bondage if it's part of a circus act?, reader is wearing a dress, optional fluffy ending. word count: 4.5k summary: A trip to the circus goes awry thanks to your meddling not-quite-nephews and a handsome stranger in a cowboy hat. Just how did you come to be bent over this barrel anyway?
A/N: clown!Dieter spawned a P-boy circus AU, and now here we are. I am not sorry.
I have an ex called Jack, so parts of this were disgusting to me, fyi. that name is tainted. fluffy ending came and hit me in the face, these two seemed too into each other to leave it there. totally optional and you can ignore its existence if you want.
divider by @saradika-graphics
follow @covetedfics and turn notifications on for updates on future work
Sticky fingers clasp around your wrist, dragging your arm into the air. Your sort-of-nephews had been up to mischief all evening. What they were raising your hand for, you don't know, so you roll your eyes and play along, waggling your fingers skyward just as a beam of light hits you directly in the face.
"Well there now, pretty lady, why don't you come on down here."
Double shit.
The voice of the man you'd spent the past twenty minutes fixated on booms over the speakers. Your not-nephews are cackling, your best friend shooting an apologetic look over their scruffy heads as a beautiful woman covered in sequins prances up the stairs to retrieve you. Before you know it you're being hauled down the steep steps, slender fingers holding you tight.
She glides elegantly over the dust covered arena floor, dragging you behind. You stumble, kicking up dust as you're pulled to the middle of the ring and left face to face with the ringmaster.
He was even more enchanting up close. The whole place was, really, but he commanded the space, dominated it, his smooth voice amplified by a microphone hidden at his hairline. You hadn't been to many circuses - none, actually - but you were fairly sure the black cowboy hat that sat on his head wasn't typical headwear for a man with his job description.
He takes one glance at you, sizing you up, before turning to his captive audience with arms spread wide.
"Looks like we found ourselves a damsel," he announces to the crowd, strutting around the ring, the tools of his trade clattering on a belt slung loosely around his waist beneath his jacket. He'd been a distraction from high up in the stand, but up close he was all consuming. You were grateful for the coat tails covering his ass, restricting your view as his hips swayed with each step.
The sequinned woman is back, tossing the Ringmaster rope threaded with something shiny. The tendons in his broad hands flex as he grips the cord, pulling it firmly and holding it up to be viewed by the crowd. At some point she approaches you too, whispering in your ear. You nod along, unable to hear a thing over the blood rushing in your ears and the distracting thrum between your legs. Standing here shouldn't be doing this to you, least of all in front of so many people, but it is. Fuck, you need to get laid.
The music ramps up, a conversation with the crowd totally missed as you fixate on the man before you. There's a distant toot toot and the ringmaster is hurrying back over to you, skillfully unfurling the rope.
"Hold this, sugar," he tells you, voice echoing over the speakers as he hands you one end of the rope. He begins to wind it around you, his long strides making quick work of each rotation. Soon, the rope is spiralled around your torso, across your hips, and winds down your legs. He tucks one end loosely into the last spiral - a kick of your leg could have the whole thing unravelling in seconds if you wanted it to.
A finger on your chin snaps your eyes to his, his dazzling lopsided smile catching you off guard as chaos erupts around you, and he's turning, quickly pulling his lasso from his belt as a group of clowns rush into the ring, galloping around on hobby horses.
Between the brilliant white lights and the galloping clowns, you don't know what's going on. The crowd seem to love it, loud cheers erupting as the ringmaster starts to swing his lasso. With a skilled flick of his wrist, he throws it, capturing one of the clowns and yanking him to the ground. The clown hits the ground with a drum roll and a crash of cymbals, rolling around before he can scramble back to his feet. The ringmaster does it again, capturing another galloping clown with a well practiced throw, one that grumbles and frowns as he's reeled in.
Every minute of chaos and clowns is another minute of sweet agony for you, stood wrapped in golden rope as you keep your eyes locked on the ringmaster in the cowboy hat. His form is elegant, skilled hands knowing the rope of his lasso better than your own know your own body.
When most of the clowns, and their hobby horses, are on the ground, rolling around with fake groans, he reaches for his whip, fingers clasping tight around the leather wrapped handle as the length snakes to the ground.
A final swing of his arm, and the whip slices through the air. a sonic boom cracks at the end of it, silencing any music and drawing a gasp from your chest. The crowd is stunned, the clowns are still, and you are painfully, unbelievably, wet.
Amazing really, how one flick of the wrist could make the sticky situation between your thighs so much worse.
By the time the clowns have rounded themselves up and hobbled off clasping at themselves in mock agony, the ringmaster is approaching you, winking before bending down to tug at the rope nestled against your leg. You can't help the twitch in your hips, rocking forward toward his face just as he takes in a deep breath. He stills momentarily, cocking his head, before finally freeing the rope, and you, and raising to his full height before you.
If you weren't mortified already, you definitely are when his eyes flick from your own, down to between your legs, and back again with a quirk of his eyebrow and a knowing smirk. Shit. The shuffle of your feet definitely doesn't help matters. This can't go on, you decide, you really need to get laid.
Escorted back to your seat, you spend the rest of the show with your legs clamped together and your jaw tensed, watching as the ringmaster comes and goes, introducing act after act, until they're all taking their final bows. Your resolve is all but gone as you watch him strut out of the ring for the final time.
Traversing crowds of revellers back to the car park, you say your quick goodbyes to your friend, her sons getting irritable now that the sugar high has ended and bed time beckons. You'll see them soon, you promise, and you turn on your heel, disappearing into the crowd once more.
You don't make it to your car.
Instead, you make the trek back to the big top, circling it until you find the crew entrance. Costumed performers are coming and going, staff hauling boxes and costumes to and fro. You wait for an opening and take it, darting into the tent as quickly as you can.
No one pays you any mind, they seem to not care that you definitely do not belong back here as you glance all around, eyes wide like a child in a toy store, making your way deeper and deeper into the backstage tent.
And there he is. The ringmaster in the cowboy hat. All suave smiles and flirty quips as he props himself against a supporting post, one ankle crossed over the other as he leans. There's a group of girls in front of him, all much younger than he is and eating up his every word. It might be sickening if you weren't so jealous of them.
You loiter, waiting for them to leave, wondering how much time you'd have to talk to him as each minute ticks by. It's then that he spots you, eyes connecting with yours as you stand awkwardly in the shadow.
He makes a quick excuse, hurries quick goodbyes, brushes his lips across four sets of knuckles, and then turns on you, making short work of the distance between you.
You don't know it then, but he's been hard, achingly so, since watching you leave the ring and head back to your seat. Every time he'd stepped backstage he adjusted his pants, letting his erection wane a little, only to head back out to your incessant stare, beautiful eyes staring down at him doing nothing but mildly torture him and make him stiffen in his pants. Over and over. Now you were in front of him, a chance dangled before him, ripe for the picking.
He reaches for your hand with his much larger one, clasping it gently. "Rude of me not to properly introduce myself back there. Name's Jack."
You try his name on for size, rolling it around your mouth a little before giving him your own.
"Got a little exciting back there, huh," he says in a low voice, brushing his thumb over his bottom lip, his eyes taking a leisurely meander down your body.
"Uh, yeah," you say, rubbing the back of your neck. "Look, I'm sorry if that made anything awkward I -"
He cuts you off with a laugh. "Woah there, sugar, never said anything about it bein' awkward now. Of course, if you got all some kind of way over the clowns, that'd be a different story," he teases with a wink.
Your eyes widen at the mention of the clowns, and Jack laughs again, revelling in the way he could so easily bring you to stunned silence. You'd barely even looked at the clowns, hardly noticing they were there save for a blur of color as they circled you in the ring.
"So what was it that did it for you?" He questions, a twinkle in his eye. "The whip or the lasso? Or was it my devilishly handsome good looks?" He cocks you that lopsided grin and you roll your eyes.
"You're unbelievable. Do you do this to everyone you tie up out there?"
"Most of 'em don't sneak backstage to find me after the show." Well, fuck, he's got you there.
Your jaw flaps stupidly, uselessly, as your brain fails to connect with any words. "I was just... It was..."
"All of the above then," he laughs. You roll your eyes and bite back a smile - he's got you beat. There's no denying that everything about the man set you on fire, scorching you from the inside out.
"Really I just wanted to... thank you. For the great show. You were incredible. Thanks for picking me to be your damsel."
"Oh, I don't get to pick, sugar." The initial disappointment at finding out he didn't pick you fades quickly. "But I do always like when they pick the pretty ones. Gives me something nice to look at. Something good to think about later, after the show." He doesn't need to say it for you to know exactly what he's talking about.
You consider your next move for barely a second - you'd come to thank him, get his number and maybe askin him for a drink, but now is your chance for something more - before taking a step forward, sliding a hand up his jacket to feign brushing something from his lapel. "That's a shame."
"A shame?"
"A shame that you have to wait until later."
His face lights up, a grin tugging at his lips once more. You're fixated on his plushness of them, watching as they form around each word. "Oh, trust me sugar, I'm thinkin' all sorta things right now."
"Thinkin' and actin' are different things entirely, cowboy."
"Is that what you want," he whispers in your ear as he ghosts a hand down the side of your arm, letting it rest softly on your hip. "You want me to act on all these thoughts?"
"Wouldn't be here if I didn't."
His lips capture yours, hands pulling your hips flush with his while mouth moves against your own. There's no push and pull, no fight, just pure pressure of you both trying to sink yourselves into the one another. You swipe your tongue against his bottom lip, dipping in and tasting the honey sweet softness of his mouth.
You pay the crew no mind - with how the man flirts they've probably seen this before. You're just another in a long list of faces that have found themselves attached to his.
"Ain't got much time 'til the next show," he pants as you still try to lick into his mouth. "If you want what I think you want, we gotta be quick about it." You nod, moaning as his hands explore the plains of your body, massaging your hips one moment, drawing blunt nails down your back the next before bunching your dress against your ass in one large fist.
"You're god damn gorgeous," he whispers, grabbing you around the waist once again and pulling you toward him. He stumbles, moving out from the shadowy place you'd occupied by the tent wall. You expect a quick getaway to a trailer, or a secluded part of the backstage, but your ass quickly collides with something solid.
"Wha-" you say, looking around to the spot he's dragged you. It's more brightly lit than where you were standing before, more exposed. He has you pushed against a barrel, legs parted so he can slot between them.
"Privacy is a luxury of time, sugar, and we got neither. Just say the word and I'll stop."
Saying nothing, you grab his belt, the large buckle glinting in the lamp-light, and tug him toward you claiming his mouth once more. You can be sneaky like this, you think, he can slip inside you as you wrap your legs around him, your skirt covering most of you.
It seems Jack has other ideas.
He spins you around, pushing you firmly against the barrel, the stiffness in his tailored pants pushing against the swell of your ass. His hands snake around you, like the rope had earlier, and grope at the pillowy soft tissue of your chest. People are still milling around, walking past and setting up for the next show, paying you no mind as he fondles you. His face nuzzles into your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin there. You're about to let your head lull back to his shoulder when his hands move from your breasts and push down on your shoulders.
The air is pushed from you with a huff as he bends you over the edge of the barrel, the rim biting into your belly as you hinge over it. He wastes no time in flipping up the edge of your skirt, bunching it at your waist and dragging his hands down over the globes of your ass.
"Think you're wet enough for me to stick it in?" he mumbles into your ear as he rubs at the damp crotch of your panties from behind. You moan into your arm. You'd been wet for most of the show, and he was about to find out.
Before you know it he's rounded on you and is pulling his cock out from his pants, giving you no time to answer. His cock stands stark and heavy, yet even as flushed and full as it is, it looks pale in contrast with the black of his pants and the bright red frame of his jacket. You salivate - wet definitely won't be a problem.
Someone runs past that moment, pulling you sharply you out of it. You're here, bent over a barrel with your dress flipped up, panty-clad ass on display, and cock hanging dangerously close to your face.
What the fuck are you doing.
A light tap on your cheek with the tip of his cock brings you back to him, a sticky drop of precum stringing between the two of you as he brings his cock closer to your lips.
You look up at him, his face shadowed by the brim of his hat.
"Don't pay them no mind, they seen it all," he says, swiping the side of his cock along the seam of your mouth. That's all the reassurance you need to stick out your tongue - the voice that told you you needed to get laid soon preening at the idea of it being here and now. The saliva that had been pooling in your mouth at the sight of it just moments ago works wonders, slicking up his length as he slides it across your tongue, drool seeping from your mouth and dripping down your tongue to fall in wet droplets to the dusty floor below. He teases his tip past your tongue, smiling fondly as you try to capture it in you mouth and suck him in with each swipe.
"That's it, get it wet. Give it some sugar, sugar."
You finally give in, grabbing his slicked length in your fist and pulling the tip into you mouth, sucking on it and swirling your tongue all around his ridge, tasting the precum your spit slicked tongue had already pulled from him. His head falls back as he groans, holding his hat to his head with his palm. You work over him, revelling in his moans as much as he'd revelled in the audiences applause, sliding your lips and hand up and down his cock.
"You're a wild one, ain't you?" he says, looking at you with the same awed expression you'd had plastered on your face during his performance. You suck on his tip one last time, releasing from your tingling lips with a soft pop.
And his lips are back on yours, plundering your mouth, not minding that his own taste is on your tongue, a broad hand smoothing down your back to palm your ass once again. Your hand on his cock tugs, and he gasps into your mouth, a small needy thing that sends wetness trickling into your panties.
"Please," you whisper into his mouth. "Put it in me."
"Yes ma'am," he whispers, cursing as he steps behind you to tug down your panties.
He licks his fingers before swiping his spit slicked digits through your folds. Your hips twitch when they glide back and forth over your clit, before sinking into your pussy with ease. He removes them just as quick, rutting his slicked dick against your pussy instead.
"Damn, darlin', you're soaked."
The head of his spit slicked cock rubs through your glossy folds, teasing over your clit and dipping into your entrance.
"Think you can take it all in one, sugar? Ain't got much time to be wastin' here."
"Give it to me," you pant, pushing your hips back in a desperate attempt to find the tip of his cock again and draw it into you.
You don't need to wait long until he's pushing forward into you again, parting your slick walls with ease and burrowing deep into you. Maybe it had just been so damn long or maybe he was just so damn enchanting, but you never wanted this moment to stop. You're never leaving this god damn barrel. You want to take up home here and let him take root deep inside you.
You were a mess before he pushed into you, and now you're worse, sopping wet and creaming all over his cock as he slides in and out of you, his cock dragging against every ridge and bump inside of you with ease.
"Gonna make a mess of my pants, sugar. Costumin' ain't gonna be best pleased with me but, damn, if this pussy don't just feel too good to give up."
Tinkling organ music starts up as the next audience filters in to the main tent, you can hear the low hum of their voices, excited and eager for the upcoming show. You bite back a whine, the idea of him wearing your mess for an entire show, in front of that audience, too much to bear.
"Think you can come on my cock?" he whispers, draping his body over you as his fingers graze over your clit. The simple action already has you twitching, drenching his cock in yet more slick as he grinds slow and deep into you. You nod. Even with the crew around you, frantically rushing to reorganize props before the next show, you don't think you'll have a problem.
"That's it, gotta be quick now. Shit. You're nearly there already. Got your panties in such a twist you were ready to cream 'em."
You bite into your arm, moaning as his fingers quicken over your slick, engorged nub. His cock is dragging deep now, barely moving as he rocks his hips in the same slow rhythm.
A group of people begin hauling props to a side entrance ahead. You keep your eyes locked on them, their busy hands lifting and moving everything ready for the next performance. Jack's fingers are relentless, and you come undone with a silent scream around his cock, eyes still locked on the strangers in front of you. When your twitches fade, you fall limp against the barrel, Jack pressing a kiss to your neck now damp with your sweat.
"How about that, su-"
"Whiskey!" a voice shouts from nearby, and you jolt up, delirious and cock drunk, Jack's dick still lodged deep inside you. Shit.
Jack pulls back, uncovering you to the people around, people who had been drawn to look at you by the sudden noise. There had been no shame in it before, but now the horny haze was lifting, embarrassment was threatening you, heat flaring in your cheeks.
"Don't shy away from me now, sugar." It wasn't him that was the problem, it was the many people in the bustling backstage that were making you nervous. They paid you no mind before, but now the minutes were ticking down until showtime, they were all looking over, almost expectant, to see if and when their ringmaster would be finished.
"Got five minutes. Wrap this up," you look shyly over your shoulder at a tattoo'd man standing uncomfortably close. Jack keeps rocking into you, grinding deep and slow as he talks to the man.
"Just gonna empty my balls and I'll be right there," he says, so at ease he could have been talking about the weather. The tattoo'd man rolls his eyes, stepping away to start hauling out set pieces for the upcoming show.
"You gonna take it, sugar?"
You take one look at the tattoo'd man - he's still so near, he'd be able to hear everything. Swallowing, you look back at Jack and nod.
"Yeah. I want it."
"Then lemme hear those pretty sounds," and he picks up the pace, hips snapping into yours as you look around at him, eyes locked on him now that he was so ready to blow. Everyone else fizzles away, lost in the dust and low-light. The pounding in your ears and the pounding in your cunt in sync blurs out all other sound, the smell of him still so stark in your nose, even amongst the smell of dirt and cotton candy. A soft moan is all that escapes you, your breaths still ragged from your own orgasm as adrenalin races through you.
Pressure builds in you again. You won't, can't, come again so soon, but fuck if it doesn't feel so good. Large hands grip roughly at the meat of your ass, pulling you back onto him. With every bounce against his pelvis, you feel a deep moan bubbling to the surface until every thrust has a small shriek ripping from your lips.
"Ff- Jack. Oh, Jack."
"That's it. Gonna blow. You ready for it?"
"Yes, yes. Please," you pant, pushing your hips back to meet his every thrust, taking him in so deep you'll be feeling him in your bones for weeks. The harder he fucks, the louder the moans that tear from your throat, earning you looks that go unnoticed from the cast and crew that have gathered to start the show.
He stutters, his hips stilling for a second before shallowly thrusting into you. He lets out a deep groan, lowing soft and long as he releases inside you. You can feel it, the warmth of it seeping through you, drenching your pussy until it's sopping wet.
"Well if I couldn't just get lost in there for days," he murmurs, looking at you with a soft crinkle eyed smile. He bends to kiss you, his cock slipping from you as it quickly softens.
Pulling a handkerchief from an inside pocket, he wipes at the front of his pants, removing as much of your residue from him as he can as you stand, hoisting your panties back up around your hips and flipping down your dress.
"Look even more gorgeous fucked out, sugar. I'll be sad to see this pretty face go." He pulls you in to kiss you, lingering for a fraction before pulling back.
"I bet you say that to all the girls," you say softly, stroking the side of his face and smoothing down a flick in his moustache. His hat has not left his head.
"N - "
"It's showtime people, place please," a voice booms, hands clapping together harshly to get the attention of the crew. Shit.
You don't hide your disappointment, stepping away from Jack to let him get back to work. His whip and lasso are nowhere to be seen, and he still needs to grab them before the show starts. The moment is over, and so is your dry spell, you think, mentally preparing for the walk back to your car.
He's softly tugging you toward him before you can get too far.
"Now... I don't do private shows, but if you stick around, I wouldn't mind a repeat performance."
You can't help the grin that spreads across your face, and neither can he. "I'd like that, cowboy."
You wait, sitting on the barrel he'd fucked you over, stealing kisses between acts, watching as he adjust his pants to hide his stiff cock from the crowd, waiting patiently for another round with your ringmaster.
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One day in the not too distant future, after months of travelling, belly heavy and feet swollen, you'll sit at a table laden with food, surrounded by your chosen family, telling the story of how your not-quite-nephews inadvertantly introduced you to the love of your life, the ringmaster in the cowboy hat.
When dinner is finished, you'll stand in the crisp air of the backyard, grateful for the off-season and a chance to settle before the chaos really begins. Large hands will wind around you, just as that rope did many moons ago, gently lifting your belly as a kiss is placed to your cheek.
"You didn't tell 'em the whole story," he'll whisper, placing his cowboy hat on the table.
"Mm, that is a story best kept just between you and me."
"And a few dozen people." You'll laugh into the chill air, clouds of white puffing from your mouth, the memory of the night that started it all so fresh in your mind. You'll turn and look at him fondly, stealing his cowboy hat and placing it on your own head.
"And a few dozen people."
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Breath of the Sky ch 2 (Legend of Zelda story)
Summary: When Princess Zelda goes to the Spring of Courage to pray, accompanied by her appointed knight, a giant magical cog spitting out a goddess is the last thing she expects, but it is what she gets. Meanwhile, the Spirit Maiden Zelda is trying to figure out what the heck is happening and where her missing husband/chosen hero is.
<<Previous chapter // Next chapter>>
Chapter 2: Traveling with a Goddess
Princess Zelda couldn’t believe what was happening. So much had occurred over the last two days. She and her appointed knight had only just arrived at the Spring of Courage when they’d seen a teenage boy lying unconscious in the sacred waters. Initially, the princess had been angry that the spring was being desecrated, but she then had quickly realized that this was not some commoner using the place to relax. The boy had been dressed in clothing that was only seen in tapestries woven together to tell of legends of old. She’d been dumbfounded, wondering if this was a joke somehow, while her knight (Link, she had to remind herself—after he’d saved her from the Yiga she’d been trying to be better about it) had rushed ahead to both assess whether the boy was a threat and to check on him. When asked, he’d indicated that something was wrong, and Zelda had gotten close enough to see that the boy was injured.
 They’d taken him out of the dense forest to the main road and met up with knights at the nearest settlement nearly half a day’s journey away, north of the Bridge of Hylia. From there the knights had been tasked with escorting him to the castle, where the Sheikah and Hylian scholars would deduce what the meaning of this was. If the boy was simply dressing up as a hero he would have certainly created quite the unnecessary fuss and likely be punished in some manner, but at the time Zelda had a feeling there was more to it…
 And now… now…
 Hylia herself. This was Hylia herself.
 Zelda knew. She knew. No one could touch the Master Sword except those with the Spirit of the Hero. This woman was asking for someone named Link, whose name was always bound to the Spirit of the Hero throughout history. Someone who could touch the Master Sword, someone who claimed to have forged it alongside the original Hero of legend, hailed to have descended from the heavens and was the goddess Hylia’s Chosen Hero.
 Which made this woman Hylia. Or, rather, the mortal body that contained her.
 The original Zelda.
 The princess trembled. She didn’t know what to do, how to act, what to say. She’d once more begun her journey of prayer to awaken her powers at the springs, requesting the aid of the ancient goddesses and of her ancestors, but a giant cog looking magical gate spitting out the goddess Hylia herself was not what she had expected in response.
 Princess Zelda dared to look to her right. Hylia was sitting on the princess’ white mare at the princess’ own insistence. Zelda herself was on Link’s horse while the appointed knight followed them on foot. The flesh-bound goddess had been impatient to find her chosen hero, to reunite with the original Link, and the princess had said she would personally escort her all the way back to the castle. After all, she was a goddess – only royalty should be allowed near her. That only seemed proper, right?
 What was even proper in this situation? For all the years of training on protocol and manners, Zelda was completely out of her comfort zone. Not once had she received a lesson on how to address a deity when she drops out of a magical portal and demands to see a mythical hero of legend.
 A part of the princess felt so utterly insignificant, so utterly wretched. Did Hylia know she had been trying to activate her powers? Did Hylia know she was failing at every turn? Was that why Hylia had sent her chosen hero here? Did she not even have faith in Link? It wasn’t clear - she had asked who Zelda was, after all, she didn’t seem to recognize either of them. What was the meaning of all this?
Every outpost they arrived at Zelda would ask for two more knights to accompany them. They also got an extra horse for her knight so that he would not make the trek entirely on foot, and so they could move at a faster pace. As per usual, her silent knight had not uttered a sound, though he seemed extremely put out by what had happened with his sword. It was now in its scabbard on his back once more.
 It was almost a two day journey to get back to the castle from the Faron region. Zelda was concerned about how she could possibly accommodate Hylia Incarnate until they got back to her father. Surely he would know what to do in this situation, but Zelda was completely lost. They couldn’t just stay at a mere outpost – they had to at least get to a town where she could be properly received.
 The princess glanced at the goddess again and tried to make a suggestion as the sun kissed the horizon. “We… we should stop for the night. It is still several hours before we reach the castle.”
 The goddess Hylia, looking so completely opposite of her title in her dirt-covered lilac tunic and chainmail and her shockingly blonde hair tied into two braids that spilled over her shoulders haphazardly, gazed around at the people and horses before her blue eyes met the princess’ once more. Something about her eyes made Zelda shudder. They seemed ancient and young all at once. Zelda had to avert her gaze.
 “Will it tire everyone out too much?”
 The question and the soft tone that carried it caught the princess off guard. Would it be tiring? Of course. But she couldn’t say that, she couldn’t throw out such an excuse to a deity. “We… we could make the trek if necessary.”
 She heard fabric and chainmail rustle in what she assumed was a nod. “Let’s continue if it isn’t too taxing on the group.”
  The princess ducked her head in acquiescence, her mind whirling, her heart racing, and they made the rest of the journey in silence.
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gremlins-hotel · 7 months
Post headcanons abt Arthur and his first baby you coward, you fool. The audience arrived, we are here, yet you stay silent upon the stage.
(Just joking ofc, tho id give you a kidney if you gave us some hcs abt their early days <3)
I know it's not a headcanon, but I hope this will still be satisfactory. A moment between a new father and his first son, to whom Arthur wishes the world.
“You coddle him,” came Rhys’ voice, blunt and teasing.
Arthur waved his brother’s words away. They were meaningless like wayward flecks of spume against the broad side of a ship in the face of the treasure held tight to his chest. Sleepless nights, tears, and the terror of the unknowing life. He had watched his son like a hawk for years, and the boy now grew blessedly stronger. Each time little Alfred grabbed his finger, the babe’s grip was vicelike, and Arthur knew the little chubby squish of pain was worth all his toils.
Alfred burbled up at Arthur, seeing his father’s watchful eyes glimmer, a mostly toothless smile scrunching his small face with joy.
Heart squeezing and eyes wide, Arthur knew he would endure it all again as long as that babe was laughing. Hugging the heavy bundle tighter to his chest, Arthur bounced the boy gently as he fiddled with a pocket of his coat. Life was difficult when one-handed, but he hated putting Alfred down. The troubles a baby could get into with any degree of autonomy he did not wish to imagine, not after famine and disease and blood. Alfred seemed determined to bind the world with his gums if his father allowed him, in any case, and to grab it without hesitation. There were dangers on the floor that the boy approached fearlessly. That determination. It was a good thing to have, Arthur knew, but woeful for life still so seemingly fragile.
A faint jingle answering his seeking fingers told the man he’d found his quarry. Arthur whisked the trinket from his pocket in a closed fist, the toy’s chain hanging from between two fingers. The near-sterling silver rings tinkled prettily against one another as he shook his fist above Alfred’s head. Curiosity lit the deep skies held in his son’s face like stars and Arthur couldn’t keep the soft smile from turning the corners of his mouth, shaking the chain again. Skies and stars indeed, for he had never observed someone to watch the heavens so closely at such a young age. Silently he praised the boy’s curiosity; one day it might have its questions answered if Arthur had anything to say about it. He would give that lad the sky and the seas.
Short, squishy fingers reached up for the chain, seeking the noisemaker with excitement. Arthur raised it away from his baby’s reach and took delight in seeing him try again. So he played the cat-and-mouse, jerking the prize just inches from Alfred’s grasp when he waved his hands skyward. Alfred laughed uproariously each time the toy made its metallic clinking and at seeing the smile on his father’s face. Arthur opened his fingers to reveal the rest of the shining silver toy and raised it to his mouth. One end was a sweet little whistle, which he blew quietly in the face of the babe. A high, windy note spiraled out into the air between them and Alfred laughed again, his entire face bright and bold. It made the boy redouble his efforts.
Arthur finally acquiesced, lowering his hand enough for those ferocious fingers to grip the tiny silver rings and tug. Once more Alfred’s burgeoning strength shot a bolt of pride through the man’s chest. With reluctant fingers he allowed the toy to drop into his son’s happy hands. Little curved talons, blunt by youth, curled around the moon-bright metal like a hunting bird content with its catch. The babe brought the whistle end to his soft mouth and immediately made to teethe on the silver. Tiny puffs of breath made the whistle sing and stutter, and Alfred’s eye glimmered happily, gazing up at Arthur as though he’d hung the heavens. Quickly he slobbered on the toy, but Arthur couldn’t help but feel enraptured by his son, drool or not.
Having forgotten the watching eyes beside him, it was Rhys’ voice that broke his reverie. “You ordered the coral, after all? No measure too small.”
Arthur blinked, looking up and away, then back to the toy in his son’s burbling mouth. The opposite end of the whistle had a stub of red, red coral from lands far away, polished to a beautiful shine. It was worth it to him. Anything to keep winding spirits and the fey away from his boy who had already suffered enough. No measure too small.
“Someday he will not need it, I hope.”
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[Image Description: A character lineup of the Zeldas of the Linked Spirit AU, each labeled. Lady, Hero's Zelda, she/they/he: She is tan with a blond braid and the hair in front of her ears is wrapped in a dark purple ribbon. She wears purple pants and fingerless gloves. He wears a blue corset and a pink dress with ruffled sleeves and a split skirt. He wears dark blue boots with gold diamond patterns on the side. Zelda, Skyward Sword, she/her: She's tan with blond hair with straight bangs, her side bangs tied with ribbon and a red and blue feather. She has a teal beret and vest. She wears a white shirt, and magenta skirt. On one wrist, she wears a goddess bracket. She wears a wrap under her belt that has a light purple bird symbol. Princess, The Legend of Zelda, LoZ Cartoon, she/her: Dark skinned with curly red hair in a large bun. She wears a gold tiara and pink bow in her hair. She wears a purple shirt with princess sleeves and pink pants, with a light blue vest-skirt. She wears brown boots that go above her knee. Briar, Adventure of Link, she/her: She has a warm-light skintone, with red hair and a silver tiara. She wears a red puff-sleeve bodice and a red-orange bell skirt. Twilight, Twilight Princess, she/her: She is pale, with brown hair tied in a bun and ponytail. She wears a dark purple dress with a pale purple bodice. She wears long white gloves, and golden shoulder armor. The skirt banner has the triforce, the Hylian symbol, and simplified shapes of the light spirits. She wields her sword in front of her. Bloom, Breath of the Wild, they/them: They are pale with chin-length blond hair. They wear a white shirt and blue vest, with a thin ribbon tie. They have black pants, brown boots and a wide decorated belt. Lantern, CDi: Wand of Gamelon, she/her. She is tan with light blond hair and blue eyes. She has her arms folded, wearing a purple cloak and light purple dress. She wears a blue vest over her dress. She has a magic lantern on her hip attached to her belt.
Sheik, Ocarina of Time, she/he: The adult Sheik matches Sheik from Ocarina of Time, holding a golden lyre. Next to him is Kid Zelda, who is tanner, and her dress is collared, with pink lines in the skirt, otherwise, she matches Kid Zelda from Ocarina of Time. Tetra, Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, she/her: Tetra has dark skin, and light blond hair in a bun. She has a roc and a white feather in her hair. She wears a blue vest with gold trim, a red scarf and sash, and her light purple tunic-shirt has a long end with the triforce symbol and blue wind waker spiral patterns. Her shorts are white and baggy, and she wears sandals with straps up her calf. She has a tattoo on her bicep of crossed swords. Phantom, Spirit Tracks, she/her: A dark skinned 12 year old, with long curly blond hair with a white streak of hair. She wears a crown with horn-like spikes and white feathers behind her ears. She wears a pink dress with a purple bodice with pink spiral patterns. She wears gold jewelry on her belt and neckline with dark purple shoulder pads. Her hands are covered with long white gloves. Her dress banner is dark blue with a gold wing design and triforce. Sunflower, A Link to the Past, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons, she/they: She is tan skinned with blond hair. She wears a light purple dress with gold shoulder pads and bracers. Their apron is a deep pink with a red triforce and triangle patterns, and her belt holds two golden tassels. She wears a white cape. Art, Link Between Worlds, she/her: She is light-skinned and she has blond hair with center parted bangs. She wears a white dress with blue trim and a white cape. Her pink apron is decorated with gold patterns and triforce. She has golden shoulder pads and bracers, and gold tassels hang off her belt. Mini, Minish Cap, Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, she/her: She has tan skin and red hair in a high ponytail framed with white feathers. She wears a light pink dress with a white cape clasped with gold. She wears pink gloves and tan boots. She wears a pink bodice with white trim, and a banner is attached to her belt. The banner has the trifoce symbol and a gold kin-stone like symbol surrounded with the Minish Cap Element symbols. End ID]
Zeldas!! I lowkey needed a reference for myself. SO, here's the girls! And yes I did name TP Zelda Twilight to be confusing :P (But mostly because I think the one who got called The Twilight Princess by Midna deserves to have the name Twilight)
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