#spotify. i have no money to buy premium i sweaR JUST STOP
vaniellia · 1 month
since when did spotify have a fucking lyrics limit
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nickeverdeen · 1 year
Hello! Can I request a romantic matchup for The Hunger Games, MCU and Arcane? Sorry about the other thing I could have sworn that I had sent one in, anyway thank you for doing these matchups they're very fun :D 
Name: Sophie Pronouns: she/her Sexuality: bisexual (female preference) MBTI: ISTP-T Zodiac: Virgo sun, Cancer rising, Sagittarius moon Love Languages: physical touch and quality time - Slytherin
Appearance: finally 5'0 (and probably won't grow anymore 😭), straight and long dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, wasian, slim build, clear glasses (I'm really blind), always in socks 🫶
Personality: quiet most of the time, awkward, kind, patient, a little judgemental, I'd consider myself as smart, not very outgoing and prefers to stay at home, reserved, loyal, generally happy, very talkative at times, calm, black cat, a little stubborn, can and will hold grudges, sarcastic, easily amused, secretly a hopeless romantic
Likes: cats, video games (Minecraft, Terraria, Slime Rancher), films and tv shows, reading, writing, listening to music (favourite songs at the moment are: Wolf - Boy Epic, Setting Sun - Lord Huron, Not Prepared For You - Diane Warren + Lauren Jauregui, Broken Hearted Love Song - The Shoe), cuddles/physical touch in general, playing netball
Dislikes: strawberry yogurt, fish, bugs that can fly, anything to do with horror 🤺, being the centre of attention, people who are overly nice, those who swear every other word
Extra: I usually find myself being attracted to those who are headstrong and confident
Have a lovely day!
Your Hunger Games match is…
Katniss Everdeen
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Katniss isn’t really into physical touch
At least not in public, when you’re alone she’d cuddle with you at night
Offers you that she’ll make you a braid
She doesn’t really mind you being awkward or judgemental
Values your kindness and patience
Katniss would be slightly sad by the fact that you wouldn’t want to go hunt or out with her in general
But she also understands you
Two black cats couple
Katniss being also stubborn there would be some tension sometimes between you two
It isn’t really seeable, but she likes your “hopeless romantic” behaivor
Comes to you whenever she’s upset or needs comfort in general or any kind of advice
You’re her comfort person
Likes to see you play netball, but doesn’t want to learn it
Slight teasing about the fact that you hate flies or flying bugs
Gets them outside for you
Katniss isn’t fan of horrors either so no worries, she won’t watch any horror movies with you or anything
She had enough horror in the games
I checked and she never in any of her movies or books cussed
So no worries she won’t cuss and she isn’t overly nice
Oh yeah she is headstrong, but not so confident
Your MCU match is…
Kate Bishop
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Kate loves physical touch and will cuddle you whenever she can
In public it’s mainly hand holding and hugs
Maybe kisses on cheek
Like a kid asks if she can try your glasses on
She rambles all the time so no worries, the room won’t be quiet even if you are
Kate is really awkward in most situations
Simp for you
Rambles all about you to Clint and even Lucky
She is also a slightly hopeless romantic
Has access to any game that requires payment so you won’t have to pay
Buys Spotify premium
She is rich so no worries about her waisting money
Will listen with you to your music
No guarantees that she will exactly like your music taste though
She is really glad that you’re so kind and loyal
Whenever you get sarcastic she’ll turn it into humoress jokes from her side
Or at least she thinks they are funny
Tries to play netball with you, but sje just can’t
Teaches you how to shoot with bow and arrows if you’re up for it
Doesn’t force you, though
Kate doesn’t really get why you don’t like straberry yogurt
Will ask why you don’t
Scared as hell of horrors and scary things in general
Will try to shoot the flying bug with her bow and arrows
Please stop her from doing that
Kate Bishop is confident that’s for sure
Your Arcane match is…
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She is very touch-starved so she does long for a physical touch even in public
Despite not being tall herself she’d tease you about your height
Flirting 24/7
Really apprichates you being loyal, kind and patient with her
You get sarcastic? She’s sarcastic back
Respects the fact that you prefer to stay home than go out
Vi knows that you’re smarter than her, but she won’t admit it
Also you might be smarter, but not more cunning than her… it just ain’t possible
Teases you about you being a hopeless romantic, but she likes it
Definetly plays video games with you whenever she can
Vi is very competetive so if you have any game where players are against each other, she’ll definetly play
She will try and listen to your music, but again, she might not like it
Cuddles are always welcomed
Like I said, she really likes physical touch, so cuddles are just perfect
Will learn how to play netball just to play with you
Vi isn’t much of a reader, but would like it if you’d tell her what the book was about
She isn’t really into strawberry yogurt herself
Teasing you about you not liking anything that flies
She doesn’t really mind horrors, but if she’d see that you don’t like them, she wouldn’t put them on ever again
She will try to stop cussing in front of you
But she’s trying okay?
Vi is usually the centre of attention so no worries, you probably won’t be unless you’d want to
Oh yeah, she’s headstrong and confident for sure
Protective girlfriend
Drags you into any kind of trouble she gets in just so you could drag her out
Teaches you self-defence so she’d know that you can defend yourself when she isn’t there
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Do you own a pink toaster? No, I don’t. I probably won’t get one either even though I like the color pink. Do you live by yourself? No. I still live with my family at home and would probably live like this until a couple years into my first job when I can afford to move out. Do you shower everyday? If I have to be in school, yes. But on my off days I let myself skip a day. Is English your native language? No. I was raised in a Filipino-speaking home, so I learned English in school, by reading, or from cartoons. Do you like cleaning? If it doesn’t feel like a chore.
Who is your favorite character from Harry Potter? Do you hear any music now? Nope, I just hear my really loud aircon. Do you watch PewDiePie? He’s my go-to channel when I’m upset and need lots of cheering up, but right now I’m not as updated with his material. Are you married? Nope, that’s quite a long way from here my friend hahaha. Do you like Despacito? I never really liked songs I couldn’t understand. Do you drink coffee? As much as I can. It’s my bloodstream. Do you know any Swedish words? Only cuss words because PewDiePie used to swear in Swedish in his old videos lmfao. He did also use to say “sluta,” which I think he translated to “stop” or “stop it.” Maybe @badsurveyshit can help me out! Hahaha. Do you play Pokemon Go? Only when it was like crazy popular three years ago. My phone died soon after that and when I got a new one, I couldn’t be bothered to revisit it. Do you think you're fat? No, but I think I’m too thin. Did you ever color your hair pink? I haven’t and I dunno if I would. Do you press Caps Lock or hold Shift for capital letters? I do Caps Lock. I never did get used to just holding Shift. Do you own any pop figures? Nope. But I’ve given it as a gift. All of the possible spaces in my room are just kinda filled up at the moment and I’m not sure if a Funko will stand out here. Do you like Dr. Phil? I like his show, mostly because PewDiePie will sometimes do reaction videos to ridiculous bratty guests from the show. Do you prefer to be inside or outside? Depends on my mood. I can be both, really. Do you drink energy drinks? No. They smell like pure sugar and it’s super sticky and I feel like my body would implode if I drink a bottle lmao. Do you eat meat? Yep. Do you need to do the dishes? Nope. Do you have any posters in your room? I have one. But I also have several frames of Audrey Hepburn and one painting that Gabie bought me me, and another painting that she herself made. How old were you in 2010? I was 12. Are you scared of clowns? I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen one IRL...they always seem to be like a Western media thing. We don’t have circuses or anything like that, and parents don’t usually get clowns for their kids’s parties. Who is your favorite youtuber? Probably Shane Dawson because he’s so goddamn versatile and is great at being it. He’s managed to evolve from comedy skits to watching things explode in the microwave and making giant pumpkin spice milkshakes to explainers for conspiracy theories and alien sightings to casual vlogs to full fucking length documentaries about real-life people and said conspiracies. Do you have any subscribers on YouTube? No. I don’t want to have any, I just use my channel so that YouTube knows what material I’m into haha. Do you believe in ghosts? I do. Do you salt your popcorn? Yessssss. The more the better. Do you like McDonalds? I can take it or leave it. They have a really boring menu. Do you have a Steam account? I don’t. Is the sun shining right now? It’s a little cloudy at the moment but I’m sure it’ll peak out in a minute or two. What time is it? 8:59 AM while I’m typing this down. How much battery do you have on your phone? 16%, oops. What device are you using while taking this survey? I’m always on my laptop when taking surveys. Do you brush your teeth everyday? Yes, but I’ll occasionally forget. Do you bite your nails? Only if I’m starting to get increasingly anxious or overwhelmed over something. Do you like gaming? I like *watching* people play (which stems back to my childhood when ALL the boys and men in the house knew how to play video games and it would always be a bonding thing for us), but I can’t figure out video games myself to save my life. What's the first word that comes to your mind if I say: Boop! Hannah Hart. What month is it? It’s already July, what the hell? Do you like reading books? I used to...I think I mostly got disinterested because there was a time when the popular books that kept coming out were all fantasy or dystopian, e.g. Percy Jackson, I Am Number Four, The Hunger Games. By the time the more IRL-based fictional works came out, like the John Green works, reading had already become a little boring for me. Have you ever played Five Nights at Freddy's? Nope. And I don’t think I would want to lol. Watching people play it is enough. Do you like horror movies? Love them, it used to be my favorite genre until the industry just kept making a bunch of remakes of already-great horror flicks. Is your favorite animal a dog? Yes. Do you have a pet cat? My sister does, but since she’s living in a dorm for college all of us have at home have to take care of her. Do you like chicken nuggets? Meh, I can also take it or leave it. I like chicken fingers better. What color is the ceiling in the room? White. Do you own a car? I drive one, but my parents bought it. What age do you turn on your next birthday? 22. Do you like religion? Not really. Have you ever tried Akinator? Yes. I used it a whole lot when it was new. Tbh I’d still pass by it sometimes these days if I was in the mood for it to guess what I was thinking. Do you like Grand Theft Auto V? Yes, there’s always something to do on that game haha.
Are you wearing socks right now? I am not, but I probably will later when I head out to school.
Do you have a headache? Not right now. Do you cry a lot? Hahahaha yep, I really do. Can you twerk? I never tried. Do you like dabbing? Nope. Name four things in the room. An electric fan, a pack of microwavable popcorn, a plate of sisig, and a glass of water. Can money buy you happiness? It definitely could. What was the last country you visited? China. Do you like fishing? I’ve never fished before. Do you want to be famous? It’s a nice thought, but I don’t actively want it. Do you have any siblings? Yes. Have you ever been to a funeral? No. I’ve been to wakes though. Do you have a Spotify account? I have my own, but I stopped using the one meant for me because Gabie lets me use her premium account. Have you heard of Blizzard Entertainment? I’ve heard of it, but I don’t know much about them. Do you drink milk? I can’t drink milk. Are you tired? A little bit, yes. Do you like bananas? I don’t like fruits. Are you addicted to anything? Nope. Are you in love? Sure. What's the temperature outside? It looks like it’ll be humid today. Do you like snow? I’ve never seen it. Where are you from? Manila. Would you rather Play, Pause, Rewind, Fast Forward or Stop? Fast forward. Do you know your phone number? ??? Yes I do. What do you think of Fifty Shades of Grey? Never cared for it. Do you swear in front of children? Nope. Is my grammar fine? Sure.
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livingasaghost · 6 years
remember when apple said they were gonna stop selling music on itunes next year and so i thought i’d have to start using apple music instead? well apple music and the icloud thing is GARBAGE AND I HATE IT so i guess i’m gonna have to learn how to do spotify premium next spring 
also how do people not get overwhelmed with the idea that you can add ANY AND ALL SONGS to your library at any given moment? part of why i like buying my music is so i control just how crazy my library/phone storage is. plus i SAVOR all the music i buy whereas with streaming it’s like none of it matters? like i GET why our world wants to switch to streaming, and sure it is more cost effective, but it’s gonna be one of the hardest technology shifts for me i think. i can handle no more cds or the new cords for macbooks or whatever, but this is like a knife in my side i swear. for a normal person maybe streaming is the best option bc they listen to it at the gym and in the car and maybe at a party and their library has like maybe 1000 songs in it but me? if i want to reorganize my music library (or if APPLE MUSIC SCREWS UP ANY PART OF MY METICULOUSLY ORGANIZED LIBRARY) i have to fix 8000+ files...not to mention if i can add any new tracks/albums i want i would probably add like 2000+ more files just right now, let alone over the next lifetime. i hate being THAT PERSON who’s a music snob, but it’s just so much WORK to change something i’ve been building for 10+ years. i think switching to spotify would help keep my main purchased files separate from my new downloaded files and then if i really love something i can just buy from amazon or whatever. in all other areas of my life i’m all about saving money but i just know this is going to rock the music industry upside down. plus, IT CONTROLS MY MUSIC INTAKE ugh
okay sorry im done im just pissed at how apple does their icloud music library thing. like IM SORRY BUT I MANUALLY ORGANIZE MY MUSIC SO STOP ASSUMING THAT I WANT YOU TO GIVE THINGS A CERTAIN ALBUM COVER JUST BC THAT’S WHAT YOU HAVE ON APPLE MUSIC geez
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kennethherrerablog · 5 years
A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Budget You Can Actually Stick to
If you’re anything like me, you’re perpetually swinging between vowing to cut all unnecessary spending cold turkey and humming “Treat Yo’self” as you order your third UberEats meal in 12 hours.
Which one you’re doing depends on the day — and how long it’s been since your last paycheck.
The result: a pitiful savings account balance, scrimping to pay the minimum on your credit card and feeling like you’re still living paycheck to paycheck even though your income has come a long way since your first job out of college.
You know there is a way to solve this problem. You know that if you just create a budget — and by some miracle, stick to it — you could finally get the financial freedom everyone else seems to have already figured out.
You also know budgeting is a buzzkill.
But if you give it a genuine shot, we promise that we will, too. We’re in this together.
How to Budget in 4 Easy Steps
Creating a budget doesn’t have to be a grueling process. If you take some time to prepare and learn how to budget in a way that makes the most sense for your lifestyle, you can start on the road toward controlling your personal finances in no time.
We’ve laid out exactly what you need to do in four pretty simple steps.
Step 1: Know How Much You Make and Spend
Before you can make a budget that works, you need to know your numbers. We like to focus on a monthly budget, since most bills are due once a month. Log in to your bank account online, and grab your last couple months’ worth of bank statements. While you’re at it, grab your credit card statements, too.
First, write down your monthly income.
This should be your take-home pay for the month. That’s the money you earn minus deductions for taxes, Medicare, Social Security, health insurance contributions and allocations to retirement accounts like your 401(k) or Roth IRA.
If you have irregular income, it’s best to take a look at what you’ve earned over a longer period of time — the past six months, say — and use the monthly average for your budget.
But don’t just stop there. Add any extra money that comes in from your side hustles. Child support payments. Recurring bonuses or stipends. Financial aid payments. Include it all.
Your next step is the painful part: It’s time to log your monthly expenses.
Start with the recurring stuff: Your rent or mortgage, car note, car insurance, cell phone bill, internet, utilities and debt payments. Don’t forget the fun stuff, like your cable TV, Netflix and Spotify Premium accounts.
From here, you’ll want to start adding up your discretionary expenses. Analyze your spending habits. How much are you spending on shopping, eating out and drinks with friends?
To get a full picture, you can put these things in categories. For example, movies, concerts and museum visits can all go under entertainment. Your gym membership, yoga membership and the drop-in rate on that one CrossFit class can all go under fitness.
Look at a few months of statements to get an average for this part, too. That will give you a more accurate picture of your finances.
Step 2: Set Your Financial Goals
If you’re going to succeed at this budgeting game, you need have an idea of what you’re hoping to accomplish.
It can be a simple short-term savings goal like funding a vacation with your college besties. Or a long-term one, like learning to budget so your kid can go to college without student loan debt.
Set a goal, and make it good — your financial plan could be the only thing that stops you from swiping your debit card to buy yet another pair of shoes this weekend.
I take it a step further and mix my financial goals with my personal ones.
For example, I tend to overspend on restaurant meals. But budgeting less for eating out means I cook more healthy meals at home, so I save while staying on track to accomplish my weight loss goals, too. Then, I can use the money I save to build up my emergency fund or pay down debt a bit faster and continue toward my goal of becoming debt-free.
Step 3: Find Your Favorite Budgeting Method
Once you have a complete picture of your finances, it’s time to pick the budgeting method that works best for you. The one you choose will depend on how much time and energy you have to devote to it.
If you feel comfortable creating an old-fashioned budget worksheet in Excel, you can do that. We’ve got a few super simple ideas you can try if charts make your eyes glaze over.
But even after you’ve picked your favorite budgeting method, don’t be afraid to bend it a little to fit your financial situation.
Bare-Bones Budget
You don’t have to spend several hours each month working on a budget. The easiest way to budget is to grab a pen and paper and simply write down how much you make and how much you need to spend on the essentials — like housing, utilities, food and debt repayment. You save the rest.
That’s it. You’re done.
I’d suggest keeping that sheet of paper somewhere visible to remind you to rein in your spending.
Zero-Based Budget
The zero-based budget takes the bare-bones budget one step further. The goal here is to get to zero at the end of each month. It helps you account for each dollar on the way.
Write down how much you make, and divide it to cover all your bills, savings and discretionary spending until you hit $0 at the end of the month.
Although this plan encourages you to get down to nothing, the idea isn’t to spend without regard; it’s to make sure every dollar goes exactly where you intend for it to go every month.
50/20/30 Budget
This takes all the guesswork out of deciding which expenses should stay in your budget and which ones need to go.
With the 50/20/30 plan, 50% of your money goes to essential expenses like housing, utilities and your car payment. From there, 20% will go to financial goals like savings and investments. The final 30% is yours to spend on the fun stuff like restaurants, movies and drinks with friends.
Cash Envelope Budget
The cash envelope system is good for those who have problems overspending on variable expenses like groceries or entertainment.
Review your monthly income and average expenses to determine how much you spend in each category. Then take out your envelopes, label them by spending category and fill them up with their cash allocations. (You don’t need to use envelopes for fixed costs like rent or car insurance.)
When you’ve spent all the cash in an envelope, you can no longer spend in that category for the rest of the month.  
Step 4: Find the Best Budgeting Tools for You
Remember when I said you’re not alone in this quest to budget your money? Well, there are some apps and books that can help.
Budgeting Apps
While budgeting by hand works great, your smartphone can streamline it.
Mint: My favorite free app is Mint, which is available on iPhone and Android devices, and is also accessible at Mint.com. You connect your bank account and credit cards, then you set a dollar amount for how much you plan to spend in each category.
Mint will automatically analyze your spending and notify you when you get close to your budget limit or overspend. It’s pretty easy to use and can save you lots of time. The only downside is that the “You’ve exceeded your budget” emails can sometimes feel a little judgmental.
EveryDollar: If you’re a fan of the zero-based budget, EveryDollar is the free app for you. It’s also perfect for side hustlers whose income can fluctuate from month to month. As you manually track your spending with the app, use it to make sure every dollar you make is accounted for.
Prism: This isn’t technically a budgeting tool, but it’s still worth mentioning. Prism is a free app that puts all your bills in one place, so you always know exactly how much money you have and how much you owe.
You can connect everything from rent and car insurance to student loan payments and your Tidal music streaming account, and you can pay your bills right from the app.
You Need a Budget: This started out as an app and then became a book, too. It hinges on four rules:
Give every dollar a job.
Embrace your true expenses, not your ideal ones.
Roll with the punches, and adjust your budget as you spend.
“Age your money,” meaning hold onto it longer, and start to break the habits that leave you living paycheck to paycheck.
You Need a Budget is more hands-on than other apps. It’s also the only option that’s not free. After the 34-day free trial, you’ll pay $6.99 per month for the service.
Budgeting Books
These books will get you on the path to becoming a budgeting pro in no time.
“The One Week Budget”: This book is an Amazon bestseller by Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche. We’ve even got a copy in our library at The Penny Hoarder HQ. Through a series of worksheets, it walks you through how to analyze your income, track your spending and pay down debt fast so you can get back to saving for the life you want.
“The Total Money Makeover”: This book was written by financial guru Dave Ramsey. A few Penny Hoarders who have paid off heaps of debt swear by his teachings. His book is also an Amazon bestseller and could be the perfect place to start if you want to break some of those not-so-great money habits and start building a budget that works.
Senior Writer Nicole Dow updated this article, originally written by former Senior Writer Desiree Stennett.
This was originally published on The Penny Hoarder, which helps millions of readers worldwide earn and save money by sharing unique job opportunities, personal stories, freebies and more. The Inc. 5000 ranked The Penny Hoarder as the fastest-growing private media company in the U.S. in 2017.
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A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Budget You Can Actually Stick to published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
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