#spring is nice at least where I am b/c it gets like a little hot?? but not overwhelmingly hot
theothervonkarmagirl · 9 months
I love how for the poll nobody picked summer yet LMFAO
I don't blame you. Once it gets over say 70 degrees Fahrenheit I want to turn the sun off! I am not a summer person.
However...summer fruits and vegetables are out of this world! And the beach is fun, and so are fairs when you are with other people. I guess that's the tradeoff.
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cetaceans-pls · 1 month
Hit Me With Your Best Short
happy birthday to @setsailslash, who got me into this (bat) hole and every day helps me dig it deeper. hope u got SO much good food to eat babe c:
jaybru, age regression, established relationship
Jason's pretty used to all types of things, but this one's a doozy. Villain-of-the-week this week's a frazzled-looking woman who keeps flipping between, uhm, Welsh, and shouting about de-throning Circe while she shoots lightning out her hands. Luckily, Gotham's Hot Swamp Summer is in full swing this mid-spring, and between the rocketing temperatures and humidity so full-bodied you're almost under water, the streets are real quiet as she shouts and zaps and, on 3 occasions, summons tigers.
Phew. Jason sends off a quick message to animal control (the genetic diversity introduced by emotionally-unstable magicians bringing endangered species into existence has, somehow, been a boon) and lets off a few potshots. He's trying to corner her into the deadzone between 14th and Bassett, that funny little intersection where magic and mobile data goes to die. Z says it's some strange trick with leylines, coherent magic waves interacting destructively to dampen power, and they'd only found the spot because there's a Mozambican seafood restaurant there that is maybe a little godly, and in her pursuit of a personal record in grilled prawn consumption Z had gotten her nice blouse all prawn'd up and could not prawn down them with just a spell.
Anyways. It's not the time to think about prawns, even if Jason always wants to think about prawns. He's herding sorcerer-lady closer and closer to Cantinho do Aziz, and he knows that once she's on the sidewalk then her power's going to sputter and die out, and he just needs to keep his distance, keep his cool, keep his-
Ah, shit. She's gotten another tiger in (good!), and she's called it right behind him (bad!). He doesn't have much in the way of Options for Escape, with Stripey roaring at him and lady yelling at him, but she's half a step away from losing power and Jason's a quick runner.
"Ah, shit," he says, dropping his gun then dropping his head before bum-rushing the Boss Babe. This is a good plan! Body-tackle her into the no-go zone then knock her out, preferably before he gets zapped and before he gets mauled!
Well. One outta two ain't bad.
When Jason comes to, he's on the cot in the medical bay, and his head is spinning and the floor looks awfully far far away. "Fuck me," he says, and then "Fuck me?" he says again, because that isn't his voice.
"Language, Master Jason," Alfred says, manifesting from the other side of the divider, holding a tray of tea and fried rice in his hands.
"Am I dying?" Jason asks very intently in his terribly high-pitched voice. He Loves fried rice but one of Alfred's very very few weaknesses is an inability to love and be loved by woks, so the only time they get stir-fry is when someone's not doing so hot.
"No," Alfred says, getting him set up. "And as such, this is not my best work. I just presumed you could do with some comfort, given..."
Jason sighs, and flexes his (tiny tiny) hand. "Yeah, given. How old am I, and do we knows how long I'm gonna stay like this? And did we catch the woman that did this?"
Alfred hands over a spoon after he's helped Jason sit up. "Twelve years old, I would say." Not fifteen, he doesn't say, so at least that's one less thing to worry about. "And we have apprehended the sorceress; she's still unconscious, so no help there. And unfortunately, given your condition and the ongoing situation in the 4th circle of hell, it'll be a while yet before we get a magician to come and check on you."
Jason groans. "There goes date night then, unless I'm gonna recover in 2 days." He tucks into his fried rice, and it's hot and a little greasy and kinda spicy and it's not Alfred's best work but it's nevertheless mighty mighty fine. "B handling this okay?"
Alfred inclines his head. "Once we got you home and checked that you were not injured beyond a, ah, temporal displacement, he left to finish clean-up of a little drug bust along Millionaire's Mile. He's handling this better than I've expected, in all honesty."
Jason chugs down his sweet milk tea, licks his lips. "When'd he go and get himself good at responding to stress?" he says, a little glad and a little irritated that Bruce isn't actually right by his side, hunched over looking like his guts are trying to eat him from the inside out.
"When indeed," Alfred says with great sufferance, face calm and eyes definitely not rolling. "He's been wearing a hole into the ground by the computer to avoid hovering. Do go and ease his mind when you can, Master Jason."
Jason rolls his ankles, his shoulders, his neck. Everything well, everything unbroken. He rubs at his chest, through the linen pyjamas that MUST be Damian's because what other child wears linen pyjamas, and notes the marked absence of an autopsy scar.
At least he isn't 15, though it sure is April. It's a miracle that Bruce hasn't run off to space, or come in here to shout at him. "No time like the present, huh."
Even if right now the definitions of both 'time' and 'present' are a little, uh. Uhm.
As expected, Bruce is by the computer, on a call with Superman and Wonder Woman, likely discussing the last apocalypse they averted in preparation for the next one coming in. Superman sees him first, obvious in his smile widening, sees him clear and dear even through the privacy blur Bruce has on, though the darkness of the cave and the limited quality of even the Bat WebCamera.
(Of course Superman isn't limited to regular human senses, of course of course, but Jason has this, hah, sense that Clark has some typa supernatural eye just on him, just for him, because he's the one that Died and Clark's very human in that he grieves and that he's not maybe too good at grieving, and Clark's very not because some nights when Jason's riding awful close to an edge he'll Feel that he's being watched, like a loving Sauron's got his eye on him in a way that goes beyond X-rays and electromagnetism.
It's almost off-putting, but Jason thinks if he can peer through the fifth-dimension unto a child that died then un-died but keeps doing things that could get themselves killed, he'd be all ogling all the time, so it's hard to keep a grudge.)
Superman's face is gently dissolving around the force of Clark's dimples, and Jason grins with his gappy teeth and says "Hi Uncle Clark!"
"Jason," Diana is smiling now too. "My, how you've grown."
It's silly, and she's laughing at her joke and she's laughing at herself, and Jason can't help but laugh too. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up." He pauses, clears his throat, because his voice had cracked a little bit and 2/3rds of the Trinity are looking at him so warmly they could melt diamonds, but it's the last third that he's worried about. "I just got up, and I gotta talk to B. Is it okay if I steal him for the night?"
"Of course," Diana says magnanimously. "We will, after all, be seeing you for breakfast."
"Will we now," Bruce says flatly.
"No force on Earth's gonna keep me away from taking young Robin for a joyride 'cross the Eastern Seaboard, B," Clark says, grinning hugely. "If you're interested, that is."
Oh, man. What a flashback to times before. Jason knows he's a cute kid at the moment, mussed hair and big eyed and bare-toed, but he still feels like him, and it's been a while since he as himself had any type of one-on-one time with his (former?) idols. He feels a little wrong-footed, a little like saying 'I'm actually still an adult' and 'where were you when I was young and fresh out the grave', and the spitefulness comes sudden and comes ugly.
Something must show on his face, this soft round one whose muscles he's forgotten, because Clark's dimples smoothen out and it's Superman again, and the eye of Sauron that's on him turns a little cool even if it doesn't turn away. "Plenty of time to discuss this in the morning, so we won't keep you. Speak soon."
Diana frowns a little, before she nods. "Yes, we shall speak soon," she says like it's a blood oath, and then they're both gone, and now it's just Bruce in his BatChair and it's Jason in this body that just barely comes to Bruce's shoulder while he's sat down.
Bruce still hasn't looked at him.
"At least I'm not 15," Jason says at long last.
"That does not make it better," Bruce says, tight-jawed and facing his darkened screen.
"Can't make it worse." Sick of being ignored, sicker still of being yea tall when he used to have the barest height advantage, Jason clambers up on the chair, straddles Bruce's lap and grabs him by the chin as tightly as this child's hand can get. "You look at me when I'm talking to you," he says, voice still too too high to be menacing.
Bruce looks at him, then pointedly looks away. "Did Alfred tell you? I went back out, finished up my work, even after you got brought in like this."
Jason frowns. "Yeah, he did. We both thought that was mighty adult of you, doing the right thing."
"Was it? The right thing?"
Ahhh, there we go. The slightest sliver of eye contact, because say what you will about his obstinacy but once you've earned it, Bruce is so so good at following instruction. Jason snorts, and slides his hand down so it rests gentle gentle on Bruce's neck. "Yeah. I was fine, even if I'm like this, and needs must. Man's got a mission after all, right."
Bruce closes his eyes, and doesn't open them again like they're too too heavy. "You don't think there's something deeply wrong with a person who can look on the unconscious body of their, their, lover son-not-son and make themselves get up and leave? That I made myself decide that the mission is more important? That there's any singular thing would be more important than you?"
Jason usually gets real fed up real quick with Bruce's angst, on account of only one them having been the one beaten to death then exploded then resurrected into a thing of trauma and rage, but... Well. It's April. And dying Sucked Bigly but the whole time through he got to hold on to the truly unshakeable confidence that none of it had been his fault, a 15-year-old dumbass who had wanted so dearly to love so's he would feel all right to be loved in return.
Bruce doesn't get that unbearable clarity of being; the joker did the killing, but Bruce and Jason both know that Bruce has some portion of Jason's blood on his hands. And Jason can say don't mind it and just love me right right now and he gets to mean it because, y'know, it's his own damn blood, but Bruce doesn't have that right. Doesn't get to wash it off, doesn't want to wash it off, and it's his strong point (nobody this damn good at keeping tally of their sins) it's the thing that will kill him (nobody got this much hard hard earned guilt 'round their neck).
Jason presses his thumbnail against Bruce's jugular, and the reach of his fingers looks nonsensical next to the bulk of Bruce's neck, but still the man's breath stutters in response to this thing they've carefully carefully built between them. "First off, babe, I've never once said there wasn't something wrong with you. There's so much that's deeply, intractably wrong with you. You are not regular, you are not normal. None of us expect you to behave the way a regular well-adjusted person should be."
Bruce just grunts, lashes still lowered, demure and gray around the edges, stuffed up with regret and an inability to ease up.
"Secondly, I wasn't bleeding out with a bomb ticking down when you left. I was fine and healthy and whole, in warm jammies in a comfortable bed, and you rightly figured that you could leave me in Alfie's hands while you went and got shit done. When you gotta run for me, you do. Sometimes you don't make it," Jason says, tugging Bruce's hand and resting it on his chest, where a massive scar doesn't rest, "but you're always at least trying. Got plenty for you to beat yourself up over, don't need to be making shit up to add extra."
Bruce finally does look at him, full-on heavy-browed eye-contact. "Glad that you think I'm finally acting like a somewhat reasonable adult." His grip tightens over Jason's shirt. "I don't feel terribly reasonable at the moment. I look at you like this and there's a countdown in my head."
Jason grins, and it's not cute because this isn't a cute conversation. "Well, at worst you got 3 years to figure out how to get better, Bruce." He leans in closer, nuzzles their cheeks together. "I take it you're not a fan of me in this form."
Bruce carefully, tenderly nuzzles back. It's probably not unlike those Cute Animal videos, a panther kowtowing to a bossy tabby cat. "I like the one that came back the best," Bruce says in a quiet murmur. "The you that got to grow up and stayed good and kind despite all of the universe's efforts to the contrary." He chuffs a laugh. "Can't say it didn't feel good to be pursued by the Jason of the present, either. Unfortunately for you, seems like I like my men built solid enough to kill me."
Jason play-snarls, pretends to try and choke Bruce out. "You're such an asshole. Go back to being tormented 'bout how you've failed me, go on. At least you're cute and you're quiet when you're brooding."
Bruce nods along sagely. "Plenty of time yet in the rest of this month for me to put a good brood in. And one more thing, Jason. One more, ah, show of feelings felt."
Jason blinks, a little lost. "The hell are you on about?"
"If this doesn't work, we will not talk about it," Bruce says sternly, before ducking down to kiss Jason very lightly, very sweetly on the lips.
Oh, man, thinks Jason. This exact scenario has played in almost this exact same body, hey. Wait, what did Bruce mean, about feelings-
The combined mass and sudden force of Jason's rapid return to form is enough to destroy the axle of even the BatChair, and they go tumbling down. Damian's pyjamas are tattered beyond repair, torn even further when Jason reaches 'round to cushion Bruce's head before they hit rock(!) bottom(!), and he's Hulked out of his clothes with Bruce in an awkward embrace while a broken chair stabs him in the ass, and all he can see is Bruce's stupid smug face, all he can feel is a rough calloused hand on his autopsy scar, and all he can think of is true love's kiss ass bastard-
God. You can't say they're normal, but you sure can say that when push comes to shove, they sure as shit don't miss.
A/N: ah shit it was supposed to be a little spicy-horny but then it got real depressing but nevertheless kuro hope u enjoyed this!! i think a lot about how conceptually dying isnt worse than being the cause of death!!
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poutysuki · 4 years
Lovefool (1)
Summary: You’ve all but given up on love and Bakugou Katsuki has no time for it. Maybe he’s the one who can finally make you feel that you’re worth loving?
Rating: 18+ (for future smut, not in this chapter though)
Warnings: Minor cursing b/c Bakugou
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: I am hoping to turn this into a series! I’m not sure how long or how many parts there will be, but for now I am just rolling with the idea!
It was an unfortunate side effect of growing up as somewhat of an outcast. Sure, you had friends and had no problem engaging with your fellow classmates in school, but there was a lingering sense that you did not truly belong. Often it left you feeling cold, a chill so deep that settled into your bones with no hope of warmth. This wasn’t something you paid attention to until high school when you developed your first crush, someone with kind eyes and a charming personality, a person that many of your peers also sought out. No one could possibly blame you for becoming enamoured with them, it was hard not to when they offered you a bright smile when your eyes met or they went out of their way to walk you to class. It had to mean they liked you as well, right? You wished the thought hadn’t even crossed your mind as you gripped the hem of your shirt, fingers digging into the fabric as your crush tilted their head, an expression of pity crossing their features as they gazed at you.
“Ah, sorry, y/n. You must have gotten the wrong idea because I don’t really see you in that way. Don’t get me wrong, but I treat everyone this way, not just you.” It was that last phrase that suddenly shook you to your core, the heart suddenly seizing and the throat constricting. Ah, so that’s what it was, you weren’t anything special, they treated you just as they did everyone else.
Nothing special.
If this had only happened once, you would have brushed it off easily without another regard, but when this same occurrence constantly happened to anyone you suspected might have had an inkling of feelings for, it was heart-wrenching to be turned down time and time again. You didn’t want to experience those same emotions again and decided that perhaps love wasn’t in the cards for you. That didn’t stop Mina or Kirishima from attempting to set you up with someone which usually ended in a failed attempt. It hurt seeing you like this, a longing expression in your eyes as you saw happy couples enjoying a date at a coffee shop or when certain holidays rolled around.
“It wouldn’t hurt to at least try, y/n! I promise, if anything goes wrong, Kiri or I will be a phone call away.” Mina pleaded with you, auric eyes boring into yours, hands clasped together. She nudged at the red-head beside her who mimicked her movements, a grin tugging at his lips.
A scoff escaped your throat, throwing your friends a knowing glare. “Actually, it would hurt and I’d prefer not to do that again. Seriously, you don’t have to keep inviting me to be a third wheel on your dates just because you’re afraid I’ll be lonely.” They meant well, they really did, but you were quite sure they didn’t want you tagging along on date night. Grabbing your belonging, you flashed them a smile before calling out a goodbye, leaving the cafe in favour of the fresh spring air. The pair frowned at your departure, sharing a worried look.
Bakugou Katsuki only had a single-minded goal, to become the number one pro hero in Japan. A reasonable goal for someone of his skill set, but that often left him little time for other areas of his life, not that he was concerned with it in the first place. He’s still got a decent amount of sleep, ate healthily, and worked out despite his irregular schedule, and even found time to satisfy his more primal urges with the need arose. As long as he wasn’t in the top spot, then he had no time for dating and such. However, his friends would beg to differ, saying how if he had a partner, maybe he’d soften up around the edges to which he responded by threatening to blow them to high hell.
A heavy knock resounded at his door, the blonde’s brows furrowing considering he wasn’t expecting anyone tonight. He cursed and threw open the door to reveal Kirishima with a large smile on his face, as usual, spewing the usual greetings as he entered the apartment, a bag of takeout in one hand. “Brought you leftovers from that Thai place, those spicy noodles that you love.” Bakugou couldn’t refute that, his stomach growling at just the scent of the food. He grunted in thanks before digging into the bag for utensils and settling on the couch.
“Why the hell are you here so late? Didn’t you have a date with Mina or some shit?”
“Yeah, but we ended it pretty early since she has the first shift tomorrow,” Bakugou watched as a knowing look appeared on his friend’s face. The bastard was up to something, he just knows it. That, or he wants something, either way, it wasn’t good. “Listen, we were talking and-”
Bakugou beat him to the punch. “Absolutely not.”
“Y-you didn’t even let me finish!” Kirishima sputtered, moving to follow Bakugou into the kitchen to dispose of the food. “Just hear me out before you give an answer.” The hot-head turned to look at him, brows arched and ready to deny any requests.
“Hurry up, I actually want to sleep before midnight.”
“I think it would be nice for you to take a night to relax and go on a date for once.”
“I have no problem getting girls if that’s what you’re hinting at.”
Kirishima pinched his nose, a long exhale leaving his lungs. He was going to be difficult tonight. “I meant an actual date, not a one night stand. Don’t you want something long-term by now?” Bakugou rolled his eyes, knowing exactly where this conversation was going. They were only 24, he had plenty of time to be involved with someone if and when he wanted to.
Kirishima moved in front of the hallway entrance, arms spread out. “Just one date. After that, I’ll  leave you alone.” Bakugou considered it for a moment, an hour or two of an evening and Kirishima will finally drop this long-standing conversation? Deal.
“Fine, but if you bother me with this shit afterwards, you’re gonna need to find a new roommate.” His friend held his hands out in mock surrender, only fist-pumping when he was out of sight, a feeling of accomplishment settling in his chest.
Pulling out his phone, he sent a quick text to his girlfriend: He’s in.
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eddiesasspbrak · 4 years
When I’m With You Ch. 20
Eddie can’t stand the barista at his favorite coffee shop. Richie has fallen in love with the man he sees twice a week. Stan is dating someone but won’t let his friends meet them. Ben is in love with Beverly, but is so afraid of scaring her away he’s not moving forward. Chaotic friends navigating college together. \
NSFW content to follow. minors don’t interact
Ch. 1
read on AO3
5k+ words
Richie had been anxious the rest of the day. He’d stayed to help out until the rush died down and then gone into the back to bake. He wasn’t on the schedule, he probably wouldn’t even get paid for it, but he didn’t want to head back to the building. Sonia Kaspbrak hadn’t been what he was expecting. She was much, much worse. He’d heard all of Eddie’s stories about what a menace she was growing up and how afraid of her he was but seeing it in the flesh was so different. Eddie seemed so…small when in her presence. Afraid to speak. It made Richie sick, made his chest hurt and he just knew that if he was face to face with her again he wouldn’t be able to keep it inside.
He loved Eddie and the last thing he wanted to do was make things more difficult for him. It took every bit of self restraint not to go after them when they left the café. It also helped that Mike knew him all too well and held on tight to his wrist until they were out of sight. That last look Eddie set on him was very nearly heartbreaking. Who knows what he would have done had Mike not been holding him.
Baking helped him clear his head and think things through. It was part of the reason he’d started baking in the first place. Having something to focus on pushed all other worries from his mind. Wasn’t there a musical about that? Baking all your troubles away. He was into stage acting but knew little about musicals. Still, he was sure he’d heard someone listening to a song like that. Either way, it definitely described the way he felt about baking.
Even so, Eddie was on his mind while he measured, poured, mixed, folded, cut and iced. He knew that once his mom went home the following day, things would go back to normal. Eddie would smile again, and they wouldn’t have to hide. After pining for him for so long, not being able to interact with him normally for even one day was torture. Especially after the night before when they’d been so carefree, wrapped up in each other only seeing the other for a blissful moment. Also, it was hot as fuck and way better than the fantasies he’d been jerking off to for the past several months.
Richie had always pictured the morning after being filled with naked kisses and cuddling and maybe a blow job or two. Definitely not being woken up by a panicked Eddie who he couldn’t even take the proper time to comfort.
It was Bill, coming in to check on him after a few hours of letting him be, that broke him from his cycle of baking and worrying. “Richie, what the f-fuck? We’re never going to sell all of this before it goes stale.” Bill was exasperated, looking at the tables and cooling racks full of trays holding various baked goods.
“Run a two for one sale?” Richie shrugged, taking a look at the pile of dirty dishes he had to run through the washer.
“Alright, I’m c-calling it. Go home. I’ll deal with all of this.”
“No, I can’t go home yet. I’ll stay till closing.
“Absolutely not. You weren’t even supposed to be h-h-here today. We appreciate the help, really. But if you b-bake anymore the owner is going to k-kill you and maybe m-me. Leave.”
Richie sighed and untied the apron, lifting it over his head and handing it to Bill as he walked to the door. “Fine. But if I get drunk and text pictures of my dick to Eddie and his mom sees it, I’m blaming you.”
“Or you could just not get drunk!” Bill called after him, to which Richie only shrugged.
He said goodbye to Mike and headed out into the rapidly darkening evening. There was nowhere to go but home. He was sure Bev and Ben were together doing who knows what. Ladies and the Tramps would be closed, and he hated showing up at their place unannounced. So, he dragged his feet heading home, hoping that Sonia was in for the night and he wouldn’t have any unpleasant run ins with her in the hallway. Still, as he exited the elevator and made his way to his apartment, he slowed down in front of Eddie’s door, listening for any voices. All he heard was the TV and he couldn’t even be sure it was coming from Eddie’s apartment without pressing his ear to the door.
Once inside his own place, he kicked off his shoes and dropped his coat on the closest beanbag chair, tossing his keys on top. He was starving, having not eaten anything but a few pastries at work, and grabbed the takeout menus that were clipped together from his counter. He was content to flop down on one of the chairs and search through them while watching something dumb on TV but before he could commence the flopping, a knock sounded from his door. Tossing the takeout menus aside, he made his way to the door, unsure of who would be knocking at this hour.
Package delivery, Bev, nosy neighbor, all possibilities but he didn’t think Eddie was on that list. That is, until he opened the door to reveal his small boyfriend standing in the hallway, shoeless, tear streaks on his face and eyes red.
“Richie I…”
He didn’t have to say anything else before Richie was pulling him into his arms and closing the door behind them. He scooped him up and made his way to the beanbag chair, settling down with Eddie in his lap. He clung to Richie so fiercely he could hardly breathe but he didn’t care because Eddie needed him, and he’d sit there as long as it took for him to feel alright again.
“What am I going to do?” Eddie sat with his knees pulled to his chest, a cup of coffee sat on the floor beside him. His eyes were still wet though the tears had more or less stopped.
Richie was angry. He couldn’t recall a time in his life that he was this angry. How could someone treat their own child this way? Sure, he had his ups and downs with his parents, but they supported his choices for the most part. He’d found his own way, but had he been dependent on them, he couldn’t foresee them doing something like this. All Eddie wanted was to find where he belonged with a group of people he loved and who loved him. He’d found that and now she wanted to rip it away.
Even as the fire raged within him, Richie knew it wouldn’t do any good for him to be angry right now. Eddie needed help, calm rational help. Taking a sip of his own coffee to hopefully extinguish some of the flames, he finally spoke.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Eds. I wish I could have been there with you.” He was mentally kicking himself for hiding out at the café when Eddie needed him. Fearing the answer, he asked, “what is it you want to do?”
Eddie’s gaze dropped to the floor between them. “I don’t know.”
“If…if you want to break up so that nothing changes I completely-.”
“No!” Eddie’s eyes snapped back to Richie’s face as he fell forward on his knees, closing the small distance between them. “I don’t want that! That’s not an option and will never be an option!”
Richie placed a hand on his cheek, soothing his thumb over new tears that were beginning to fall. “Ok, it’s ok. I just wanted you to know that I wouldn’t stop you. I want what’s best for you.”
For the first time in his life, Eddie heard those words and actually believed them. He knew how much Richie cared for him. He could see it in his eyes whenever he looked at him. He’d pined for so long before Eddie gave him the time of day and began to find him charming rather than obnoxious, or at least a mixture of both. So, he knew that letting him go wouldn’t be an easy task but here he was, offering it up as a way to save Eddie trouble. It made his heart clench in a not entirely painful way.
“I won’t let her ruin what we have I just…I just meant that I may have to apply for some grants and financial aid, get a job, maybe go back to living in the dorms. Not…not give in to her ridiculous requests to give up the one person who makes me feel sane.” Eddie leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Richie’s shoulders and letting himself be pulled onto his lap with arms around his waist.
“Guess I kind of jumped to worst case scenario, huh?” He chuckled. “I can see if Rose and Jen will give you a job or maybe we could use more hands at the café?”
“Either would be nice, but I’ll put in applications anywhere I can. I have a little experience from summers back home when I’d work at the theater with Stan.” Eddie sighed. “I wonder if I can afford an apartment somewhere. I loath the idea of going back to the dorms. College students are disgusting.”
“Yes, we are.” Richie grinned, before adding, “Why don’t you just move in here with me?”
Eddie felt like the air had been swept from his lungs as Richie’s words tumbled down onto him. For a second, he’d wondered if he’d heard him correctly, but what else could he have possibly said?
Living together. It wasn’t a terrible idea; they’d spent many nights together since they started dating. That wasn’t quite the same though. They’d have to cram both of their belongings into Richie’s already cluttered apartment. Richie would have to get used to Eddie’s obsessive need for cleanliness all the time and he wasn’t sure he was ready for that. As Eddie leaned back and looked Richie in the eyes, he looked completely serious. Not a joke then.
“Richie I…it’s only been like a month.” He reminded him, still finding it hard to catch his breath.
“I know, but you need a place to stay and…I love you.”
Eddie’s eyes grew wide in surprise. Part of him kind of knew they were headed to this point, but actually hearing it had tears springing to his eyes once more. He loved his friends, he knew his friends loved him, but no one had ever loved him like this. Not familial or platonic, but romantic love. Years of denying who he was and unable to find anyone to date followed by one-night encounters with strangers lead him to wonder if he’d ever find this with anyone. Would he ever hear someone say those three words that would have the room spinning around him? He was at a loss of words. What does one even say in a situation like this?
“You…love…really?” was all that he managed to force past his lips.
Richie grinned. “Yes, really. I would do anything for you, Eds. If you need your own space then we can look for a bigger apartment with two rooms. You can throw out all of my furniture and replace it with your own if that will make you happy. I’ll even get rid of the beanbags.”
“No, they’re growing on me. I like them.” Eddie chuckled, wiping at the tears on his cheeks.
“So…I…want to. I definitely want to because I love you too, Richie.” Before he could say more, Richie was pulling him in, pressing his lips hard against Eddie’s, wasting no time pushing his tongue past his lips.
Eddie sighed blissfully into the kiss, winding his arms around Richie’s neck. He didn’t care where he lived. Richie was his home. They could manage staying here or upgrade to a bigger place, though two rooms wasn’t necessary. Eddie liked sharing a bed with Richie, waking up to his face in the morning and falling asleep in his arms. Though they would definitely be getting a new mattress when they were able to. Richie’s was lumpy and had a broken spring. Maybe they could steal the one from his place before she could stop them.
All thoughts of planning for their apartment left his mind as Richie stood, taking him with him. He always felt light as a feather when Richie picked him up. Eddie tore his mouth from Richie’s as he walked back toward the bedroom, instead focusing on marking his neck. Richie grunted, his hands tightening on Eddie’s thighs as he sucked and nipped at his skin. Neither flipped the light on as they crashed down on the bed, the only light from the hallway and the string lights hung up around the ceiling.
Richie’s hands were on him all at once, pushing his shirt up to his armpits and barely giving him time to lift his arms before he was pulling it up and over his head. Then his mouth was on him, marking a trail from his ear to his navel. Eddie let out a long, trembling breath as Richie sucked a bruise above the waist of his pants while his long fingers hooked beneath them and his briefs, dragging them down to discard on the floor. It was cold in the room, but Eddie only felt a slight chill as Richie’s hands and mouth left his body feeling hot.
He knew better than to try and go too far given that the night before was Eddie’s first time, and he was likely to be sore. But as he took the head of his cock into his mouth, he hooked his fingers on his cheeks, spreading them against the mattress. Eddie’s thighs clenched on either side of Richie’s head, a raspy “fuuuuuuck” drawing out of his mouth followed by a low moan as Richie hollowed his cheeks and pressed the flat of his tongue against the underside of his cock.
Richie loved hearing Eddie’s sweet moans spilling from his lips like he’d lost all control. His muscles went rigid beneath him, his hips bucking ever so slightly, held down by Richie’s strong hand. His hands fisted in the sheets, resisting reaching for Richie’s hair and tugging on the strands. His stomach turned to water, his mind going blank filled with only Richie, Richie, Richie until he felt like he was going to melt away into nothing. Richie let go long enough to suck a finger into his mouth before taking him back in and far as he could to the back of his throat and easing the wet digit into Eddie.
Flinching, Eddie gasped, trying his best to lift his head and look down at Richie. He was so focused on making Eddie feel good, making Eddie cum, and once again Eddie felt that rush of adoration surge up within him. If he weren’t about to bust he might have grabbed him by the ears and hauled him up for a kiss. Instead, he dropped back down to his back, his head pressed against the pillows and his back arching up off the mattress. A string of “oh god, Richie, Richie, fuck” came from his lips, all the warning he could provide from his muddled brain before he was spilling onto Richie’s tongue and down his throat. Richie sucked him through each spasm until he was overly sensitive and whining.
Richie wiped his mouth on his sleeve, sitting back on his heels and taking in the disheveled mess that was his lovely boyfriend. His cheeks had bloomed into a bright shade of red, his lips wet and open panting heavily. His body was covered in a layer of sweat despite the cold of the room, his eyes unfocused. Richie hovered over top of him, a hand on either side of his head.
“Don’t suppose you’ll kiss me now, huh?” He grinned.
Eddie rolled his eyes and lifted up on his elbows, a little shaky, and captured Richie’s lips with his own. He ignored the part of his brain that told him that it was gross and dirty because he didn’t care. Honestly, he barely even tasted anything when he opened his mouth for Richie. He felt a flutter in his stomach, a pleasant ache in his heart as Richie kissed him soft and slow.
Pulling back just enough to separate their mouths, Eddie cupped Richie’s face with one hand, stroking his thumb over his cheek. “I want to try…with you…I mean…”
“Come on Eds, can’t be too hard to ask for right? We’ve already fucked, what more is there to do?” Richie chuckled, rubbing his nose against Eddie’s.
Frustrated, Eddie closed his eyes. “I want to try…a bow job. I’ve never…wanted to before and…I don’t know if I’ll be any good, but I want to try.” When he opened his eyes again, Richie was smirking in a way that made a chill go down his spine but also made him kind of want to hit him.
“I’ll never say no to you giving me a blow job my sweet Spaghetti. Just try your best.”
Eddie nodded and Richie rolled off of him, quickly undressing himself. Sitting on his knees, Eddie came to realize just how nervous he actually was. It wasn’t so much having a dick in his mouth because it was Richie and he loved him. He was more afraid of being bad at it and accidentally hurting Richie. As he leaned forward, staring down at his stiff dick, he remembered how Richie wrapped his lips over his teeth and did the same after licking his lips thoroughly.
Richie was bigger than him, thicker in the shaft and longer. He wasn’t brave enough to attempt to take him too far in this time. He focused his attention on his head, swirling his tongue over his tip whenever he drew back. With one hand, he pumped the rest of his length in time with the bobbing of his head. He was still anxious but above him Richie was rambling, his hand on Eddie’s cheek.
“Fuuuck, Eddie baby you’re so fucking beautiful on your knees like that.” His voice was rough and low, his eyes focused on Eddie. “Just like that, keep going.”
He was clumsy, unsure of himself and repetitive, but Richie didn’t care, he was so enchanted by Eddie trying so hard. Months ago, he never even thought Eddie would look his way, now he was doing his best to suck Richie off and he loved him. He loved him! The angry little man he pined over loved him so much he was stepping out of his comfort zones to make Richie feel good. It wasn’t perfect, but Richie did feel good. He felt good because it was Eddie, desperately battering the head of his cock with his tongue while his hand smeared spit and cum down his shaft.
“Shit, fuck, baby I’m gonna cum.” Richie tensed, refusing to give into the urge to close his eyes and miss even a second.
Eddie didn’t stop, determined to do the same for Richie as he’d done for him. Moments later, Richie was coming across his tongue. It was thick and made Eddie gag a bit and as he pulled off his dick it drippled from his lips. Richie, mesmerized, reached out and wiped at his lips with is thumb. Eddie swallowed the bit that remained in his mouth and wondered how Richie managed to swallow so much without gagging.
Drunk from his orgasm, Richie wrapped his arms around Eddie and pulled him down on top of his chest. He planted kisses to the top of his head, stroking his hand down his back to the curve of his ass. Eddie sighed against him, feeling content for the first time since that morning waking beside Richie. He felt sleepy and wanted to sleep there in Richie’s arms, but he knew it wouldn’t end well if she woke in the morning and found an empty couch.
“I want to stay here.” He said quietly against Richie’s chest. “Forever. Don’t want to go back.”
“Then stay. Stay with me.”
After basking in the afterglow, repeating sweet words to each other, kissing until he lips felt swollen, Eddie finally tore himself away and dressed. Richie followed him to the door clad in only briefs, pressing one last breath stealing kiss to his lips before letting him return down the hall. After he disappeared behind the closed door, Richie close his own and leaned against the cold wood, typing out a text in their group chat.
Sonia woke Monday morning in her son’s bed. He’d been nice enough to change the sheets for her the night before. She wouldn’t have complained but then again, she didn’t know what had transpired on the previous sheets the night before. Had she known, she would have likely taken the entire mattress out back and burned it in the alleyway. Eddie had made up an excuse about her deserving fresh, clean sheets to sleep on. She didn’t fight him on it.
It was 9am. Eddie could be heard moving around somewhere down the hall. Muffled voices drifted through the door. The TV or maybe the radio. She remembered Eddie liked to listen to music when he did homework as a teenager. Though she tried to discourage it, telling him it was a distraction from his studies.
Normally when she came for a visit, she’d smell breakfast already cooking when she got up. As she slipped into her slippers and threw on her robe, there were so smells of eggs, bacon and toast in the room. Odd. Perhaps Eddie wanted to take her out for breakfast again.
When she opened the door, before she could step out into the hallway, someone rushed from the bathroom, a box in their hands. She watched them head into the living room and disappear when they turned. She didn’t see their face; wasn’t sure she knew who it was. Surely a burglar wouldn’t steal toiletries. However, if it was a thief, what of her son who slept on the couch?
She steeled herself, and stomped down the hall, letting whoever was in the apartment know that she was coming. The living room was full of the people Eddie called his friends. They were putting things into boxes, some carrying them out into the hall. Eddie wasn’t there. They each looked at her but didn’t greet her or acknowledge that they saw her.
A clink in the kitchen had her heading that way. Eddie was near the pantry, pulling out boxes and bags and putting them into a box on the floor. That obnoxious boy with the glasses was wrapping coffee mugs in kitchen towels and putting them in another small box. He looked up when he saw her, his eyes growing slightly wide.
“Uh…hey Eds.” He called.
Eddie poked his head out from behind the pantry door and when he saw his mother standing there he merely turned back to Richie and shrugged.
“Leave the plates and bowels. The drinking glasses are mine though.” He instructed, lifting the full box of food onto the counter and folding down the top.
“Eddie, what on Earth is going on?” Sonia demanded, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I’m packing.” He didn’t even look at her.
“Packing? For what?”
“You told me to break up with Richie or you’d stop supporting me. So, I’m moving in with Richie.”
Sonia’s mouth fell open, then closed, then back open much like a fish out of water gasping for breath. Eddie ignored her. It was killing him not to look at her face to see how she was reacting. His heart was beating so fast and he was barely able to control the shaking of his hands. He couldn’t break. Wouldn’t let her know he was still afraid of her, of what she might do. He wasn’t the little boy who might be kept home “sick” from school for a week because he was playing tag on the playground and came home with a scraped knee. He was an adult. A fairly new adult, still figuring things out on his own and making mistakes, but old enough to not be under her control anymore.
Richie, on the other hand, was watching her every move. Daring her to do anything that might hurt Eddie. After another moment of staring with her mouth hanging open, she finally turned on her heel and marched back down the hallway. Eddie let out a little shaky breath, looking to Richie for silent support.
He wasn’t sure what she would do, but a few ideas had run through his head the night before. Taking everything from the boxes and breaking it, calling the police to say she was being robbed or he was being kidnapped, or going completely out of her mind and attacking Richie. Not saying anything and going back to the room was not one he’d planned for. He peeked into the living room at the others. The front door was open, Ben and Mike were out in the hall, boxes in their hands, waiting. Bill, Bev and Stan were in the living room. She was folding a blanket to carry down the hall, Stan was sat in front of the TV, loading DVDs and books into a box. Bill was at the hall closet, an arm full of coats and jackets. They were all looking at Eddie, waiting to see how he would react. Whether or not things were about to get bad. He shrugged and shook his head, indicating he didn’t know what was happening.
Distant thumps could be heard from behind his closed bedroom door. Maybe she was breaking things after all. He didn’t care. Everything he had could be replaced. He just wanted whatever was going to happen to happen so he could be free. Maybe she’d beg. He would say no though. Maybe not a no to seeing her again, but no to staying under her thumb. She might say she was wrong, and he can keep seeing Richie, but he knew better. She’d change her mind later; decide he couldn’t be with him and she would threaten it all over.
How many times in his life had she done the same thing? Giving him false hope just to snag what he wanted out of his reach again. Like the time in eighth grade when the entire grade went to an amusement park before middle school graduation. He’d begged her to let him go, promised to stay off the rides and just play games. She took the permission slip and said she’d think about it, discussed it with him at dinner every night the week leading up and then the day the permission slip was due, told him it was too dangerous and he couldn’t go. She’d known all along she was going to say no but let him believe he had a chance of having fun with the rest of his class anyway. He’d been so upset he’d spent lunch that day hiding in the dugout on the field with Stan and Ben, crying. They’d brought him a t-shirt and some fried food they’d smuggled on the bus. It just wasn’t the same though.
Eddie jumped when the door to his bedroom slammed open, smacking against the wall. Richie abandoned the box he’d been packing and stood in front of Eddie, just in case. Ben and Mike cleared the doorway, joining the others in the living room. A second later, out came Sonia with her bag, angrily putting on her jacket. She looked into the kitchen at Eddie, flames alight in her eyes.
“You think they care about you now, but just you wait. They’ll turn on you and cast you aside. They’ll take everything they can from you until you’re broken and alone and then who will you crawl back to? Me.” She was practically spitting, her hair a mess and getting worse with each jerky movement she made. “No one will ever love you as much as I do, Eddie. No one.”
With that, she turned and stomped to the front door, kicking a box out of her way and disappearing into the hallway. They all stood silent, waiting a heartbeat until they heard the elevator ding. The doors opened and then closed, followed by silence. Ben peeked out into the hall to be sure she was gone.
“Coast is clear.” He smiled.
Everyone visibly deflated and let out a collective sigh. Eddie was a bit in disbelief that it had been so easy. He knew she wouldn’t give up too easily and would most definitely call him every hour for the next few months, but she’d left without much of a fight. He brushed past Richie and headed toward his bedroom to assess any damage. Surprisingly, nothing was broken or missing. The bed was disheveled from sleep and her hastily putting her things together but that was all.
Richie appeared beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “You ok?”
Eddie sighed. “Yea. I’m good. Just kind of…shocked. She didn’t even try to force me to go with her.”
“I mean…it was seven against one. She probably figured the odds of success were against her.”
“She’ll just wait until I’m alone then, throw a bag over my head and force me into the car.” Eddie was only half joking. She was more likely to use chloroform.
Richie’s face would have been comical if tension hadn’t been so high just moments before. “Alright, so what you’re saying is, we can’t leave you alone for even a second.”
“What are you going to do, surround me like the secret service?” Eddie grinned, then upon seeing Richie’s own smile, immediately followed with, “no, no. That was a joke. Do not do that.”
“Sorry Eds, but you know you shouldn’t put these ideas into my head. Whatever happens now is out of my hands.”
Eddie was ready to pummel him when Mike appeared at the end of the hall. “Hey, we’ve got everything you said from the living room, closet and bathroom packed up. Should we just run it down the hall?”
“Yea, thanks Mikey.” Richie said, handing him his apartment keys from his pocket. “Just start piling things up in the living room.”
“Got it.” Mike took the keys and a second later his voice was heard in the living room telling the others what to do.
Richie turned back to Eddie. “Wanna start on the bedroom now?”
Eddie looked back into his room. “Yea, but…are you sure there’s room for me? I don’t want to impose.”
“There is more than enough room for you. Besides, I’ve been meaning to go through and get rid of some things. They can complete their life cycle with me, back at the thrift shop for the next broke guy with no taste.” He grinned when Eddie laughed. “If it gets too cramped we can start looking for a bigger place, ok?”
Eddie looked toward the living room, his smile falling away and his eyebrows furrowing together. “What are you thinking?” Richie asked, reaching out to smooth the line between his eyebrows with his thumb.
“I’m wondering if she’ll notice if we steal the couch.” Eddie said, looking back to Richie.
Richie put a hand to his chest, mouth falling open in mock offence. “Are you saying that you’re too good for my beanbags now? I thought you liked them.”
“I do, the beanbags stay, I’m saying I want something to sit on sometimes that doesn’t hold onto my ass and refuse to let go.”
“Now you’re too good for my lap too?”
Eddie rolled his eyes, but the smile was too obvious to hide. “Shut up and help me pack, asshole.”
Several hours later when everything was safely down the hall in Richie’s apartment, Eddie did one more walk through to make sure they didn’t forget anything. They treated their friends to pizza and beer before seeing them off for the night. Eddie flopped down on one of the beanbags feeling drained. It had taken longer than he’d expected to get everything together. Richie was insistent on getting rid of a bunch of his stuff, a plan for the following weekend when they’d both have free time again. They both had a week of classes, work and job hunting ahead of them.
Eddie dragged one of the beanbags over next to Eddie and sat, handing him a newly opened bottle of beer. He mumbled a thanks as he took it. It didn’t feel real yet. He’d spent nights at Richie’s before and that’s all this felt like. Another night at his boyfriend’s place…surrounded by boxes of his belongings. Belongings that would have to stay in boxes until they could find space for everything. Perishable foods were the only things to be put away before exhaustion took over.
“How are you feeling?” Richie asked, grateful for their friends but also glad to finally have a moment of peace with just Eddie.
“Tired, anxious. I don’t want to go to class tomorrow. I’ve never skipped it but…I don’t know, maybe I need a day.” He sighed.
“So, take a day. The last two days have been stressful. If you need a day to sleep and recover mentally then take it. Unfortunately, I can’t blow off work, but I’ll skip my class too and come home. Maybe bring lunch and some coffee?”
“Well, I’ll feel bad if I’m the reason you skip but that does sound nice.” Eddie said, leaning over and resting his head against Richie’s shoulder. Richie’s arm came up around his back, landing softly on top of Eddie’s head and slowly stroking down to his neck. “Bring me some baked goods too?” He asked.
“Absolutely. We’ve got way more than we could ever sell right now so I’ll bring home a bucket full. We can sit on the beanbags, watch dumb movies and get fat all afternoon and evening.”
“Sounds perfect.” Eddie hummed.
After they finished off their drinks they cleaned up the remaining mess from dinner and collapsed into bed, shucking off jeans in the process. They’d ended up deciding the steal the mattress after all. Ben had helped Richie switch them out, carrying the old one down to the dumpster. Eddie didn’t even mind Richie’s mismatched sheets because it smelled of him, though having the real thing next to him was so much better. With the lights flipped off, the only noise from the busy street beyond the window and Penny moving about her home, things were peaceful. Richie wrapped Eddie up in his arms, pulling the blanket up over their shoulders to prevent the cold from seeping in and they slept.
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It’s week three of my Global-Pandemic-Induced decision to rewatch all of Supernatural, and so I’m still attempting to make this watch more productive than the last show that I binged.
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So I’m on disc two now - that’s episodes 5 - 8 for those of you watching on Netflix. By the time we get to this disc, we know the basic formula for Supernatural as a series - Two Hunks + Fighting Evil to the Power of Acceptable Levels of Gore x Missing Dad = Ratings Gold. Or at the very least, good enough ratings that we’ll give you a season (or fourteen). And then...well...then.
Episode five is “Bloody Mary”, easily the scariest episode of this first season and, based on the nose dive that the formula takes after season 1, probably the entire series. Maybe it’s that the Bloody Mary legend was one that really got me as a kid, maybe it’s just that I don’t do so hot with ghosts, but guys this episode still made me turn on all the lights and avoid all my mirrors. I accidentally turned this episode on at 9pm and regretted it immediately. I walked away at one point to go clean my kitchen to strategically miss some of the spookier points and I walked back in during an even spookier point. I was mad that there were no commercials at the commercial break cut-to-black! The first time I watched this episode, I’m pretty sure I watched it through my fingers. This most recent viewing, I ALSO watched it through my fingers. Guys, THIS EPISODE. 
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I will say it a-hecking-gain: This episode scared the SHIT out of me.
AND THEN, THEN! Then this show has the gall to go ahead and drop a major season/character plot point right there in the middle of all this content that I am actively trying not to look at: SURPRISE! Sam has premonition powers and sorta kinda knew that his girlfriend was gonna die a terrible death weeks before she dies. Because sure, why not? 
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Ohmiglob the DRAMA.
I’m gonna take a moment to say that, yes, technically this piece of plot gets dropped within our first six episodes, so we can still safely say that, you know, they’re still setting up the story for the rest of the series. It’s not like a sudden twist they drop half way through the season, it’s being laid down as ground work. And I know that this turns out to be a MAJOR issue for the next four seasons at least, but can I just say: Kripke, you’re really throwing a lot at us. I mean, OK. here’s what we’ve got - 
The Winchester’s lost their mom at a young age to some evil thing. Cool, got it.
THEN they have daddy issues with C-minus Single Dad John Winchester. Alright, that seems logical. 
The brothers hunt bad guys looking for the thing that killed their mom. Ok still on board. 
There’s family drama, relatable. 
Dad’s gone missing and we gotta find, ok ok ok. 
Also Sam’s girlfriend dies in a fire, alright, so we’re looking for that thing now too. 
OH! And now Sam has magic powers. 
I mean, it’s a lot, right? We got a lot of layers here. That’s all I’m sayin.
So “Bloody Mary”, right? Big episode, big bad guy, they kinda loophole their way into defeating her but I’m not mad. Big reveal at the end, so kind of an important lore episode. And then...well...then we get the following episodes:
“Skinwalker” - gross-out fx, establishes Dean as a lonely asshole with a lot of APB’s out on him
“The Hook Man” - takes the Urban Legend angle of the show and dials it up to 11
“Bugs” - Does what it says on the tin.
Now to be fair: all three of these episodes have at least ONE shining moment that reveals a little more about the characters we’re working with, and that character development plays out in important ways in the rest of the season/series. But all three of them are arguably---
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Alright, maybe that’s unkind. Maybe we should call them standalones or self-contained. A Filler is an episode designed to “fill out” your season. It doesn’t necessarily move the overarching story of the season forward, although it may contain some concepts or revelations that are important later. I’d argue that Supernatural has only ever had two kinds of episodes - Series Arc and Filler. Not that that’s a bad thing -  I like a filler episode now and again. Depending on how heavy your season gets (and by all accounts Supernatural gets pretty heavy), they can be a nice breath of fresh air - also known as a Breather Episode. Or they can be just for fun. I’mma reference “Once More with Feeling” again because sure, why not throw in a musical episode in season 6 of a show about vampire slaying, that’s fine. I wanna reference something from Community here too, but honestly anything after season 2 could probably be called filler or self contained, so who even knows. I’ll point at the Voltron episode where they spend a day in the mall to gather some unobtainium for the ship and wacky shenanigans ensue. Point being, they can be times to break the mold and experiment and have fun with what you’re writing. Or they can be ridiculous nonsense. Mileage may vary. 
The crazy thing about these episodes is that they most closely resemble what Kripke intended the show to be in the first place. Kripke wanted a show that revolved around characters investigating American urban legends. What is more quintessentially urban legend than Bloody Mary, the Hook Man and curses from ancient Native American burial grounds? These were stories that I as the viewer was already sort of familiar with because I’d heard of all of them before. What I appreciated, specifically about the Bloody Mary episode, was that they a) acknowledge the fact that these are Urban Legends (capital letters and all) and then b) acknowledge that the legends vary wildly so a part of their job is figuring out what is true and what is rumor. I guess you could also call that a cop out but when I was a kid, I was told that Bloody Mary was the ghost of Queen Mary of England who was sister to Elizabeth I and was also violently anti-protestant. WHERE did I get this story? I have no idea. But I also have no idea where Sam got the “mutilated bride” story from either. 
In an old article I found circa season 2, Kripke actually talks about preferring standalone content to mythology/lore episodes in television. Both as a creator and as a viewer, he wants a show where people can jump in at any time and “join the party” wherever they are. That’s the beauty of procedurals - you don’t need to start from the beginning to enjoy them.
But what really got me personally hooked on the show was the mythology, was the season long arc to find John Winchester and whatever killed their mom. Those mythos episodes were where the meat of the show was for me - it usually involved a lot of feelings and a lot of character development which is still mostly my jam. If I’m obsessively watching a show, it’s because I’m connected to the characters and watching them struggle through the challenges in their path, not because I want to see what monster they kill next. 
And again, I’ll reiterate that each of these episodes contains an important nugget of character. In “Bloody Mary”, easily the least likely to be called Filler, we find out that Sam has weird magic powers that are the real source of his guilt over Jessica’s death. 
In “Skin”, we find out a lot about Dean’s inner landscape from the DopppleDeaner, who reveals that Dean is probably most afraid of people leaving him (be still my 19-year-old heart). 
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Wasn’t mad about this bit...
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Coulda done without this bit tho...
In “Hookman”...alright, you kinda got me on “Hookman”, but we do get the first appearance of the rocksalt shotgun and Sam talks with a girl about her dad issues which is really Sam talking about his own dad issues in the language of tv shows. Also, he maybe starts to move on from Jessica???? It’s unclear, and also a little weird but I guess he’s only 22 and that’s not that far off from 18/19. 
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Really, WB?? Sneaking into sorority houses?
And then in “Bugs”, yes, even in “Bugs”, we get juicy little bit of tension between the brothers as they advise some teen boy about family dynamics. The fight shows a lot about what each character feels about their own experiences growing up the way they did, how they manage the expectations from their own father, and how they believe those family dynamics should exist. I mean I guess you could also argue this is the episode that plants the seed for Wincest, but I don’t really want to go there, let’s not talk about it.
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This kid’s like, “This is...not a conversation about me and MY dad, is it?”
So they could be worse. I mean the last two definitely aren’t great, and we’ll see how they measure up to the Monster Truck episode later in the season, but they’re not bad episodes. 
So let’s flash forward to Now again - have we seen the end of Filler Episodes?
As I have mentioned in previous posts and will probably continue mentioning in future posts, the 22 episode season is not the norm anymore. A lot of articles I’ve read point to Breaking Bad as the first American show to really break that mold. Breaking Bad released only 7 episodes in it’s first season in 2007. When you’ve cut your story down that much, there’s no room for filler - you’re basically producing a 7 hour movie. 
Now notice I said American TV show. I’m pretty sure for most of the rest of the world, 22 episodes is way outside the norm, but really I can only speak to UK TV. Seasons in the UK do not last as long as seasons in America. Doctor Who, one of, if not the, longest running show on BBC, aired its first season with 42 episodes, which is mind boggling. But since the series revived in 2005, it hasn’t had more than 13 episodes in a season. Spooks/MI5 never had more than 10 episodes. The IT Crowd only aired 6 episodes per season. Broadchurch had only 8. And because I must complete the Superwholock trifecta, Sherlock seasons were only 3 episodes a piece. These are the shows that spring to mind while I’m writing this, but you get the idea.
So why does American broadcast TV have such long seasons? Well, the answer is: moneymoneymoney.
We live in an age of “prestige” TV. Some throw around “Golden Era”, but there’s been like, a Golden Era of television every 10 years since tv’s became household commodities, so that phrase basically means nothing. TV today is more similar to long-form film making than it was a decade ago. We associate terms like “film” with other terms like “art”, and sometimes we forget that television is, and always was, a business. It’s a business that’s making a lot of money entertaining you for hours on end, but a business nonetheless. I’d argue that it doesn’t mean it’s not art, but I don’t think we can separate the art and entertainment value of tv from its actual monetary value. 
Strategically, the 22-episode season was to get a show to a magical number of total episodes - 100. Once you hit the 100th episode, somewhere around season 5 (thanks math), then you can sell the show in syndicated reruns. This is also referred to as second-run syndication or off-network syndication. When a show is syndicated, that means the production company that produces the show can now sell the right to air episodes to other channels. Think channels like TBS or TNT or even USA Network - they don’t really dabble in producing their own content, they just repackage content from other networks to plug in to empty slots in their programming. And because these channels can air episodes 5 days a week, 365 days a year, that means the production company can actually make more money by selling the show in syndication than when they sold the show to the primary network. The more episodes you have in a season, the faster you get to syndication, and sometimes that means a show that’s on the brink of cancellation due to poor numbers may still get greenlit for another season or two if they’re closer to that magic 100th episode. For a show like Supernatural, that has a very procedural, not-super-heavy-mythos, structure, you can do very well in syndication. Just cuz another network agreed to air your show doesn’t mean they agreed to air it in order, so procedurals work better in syndication than your season-arc shows do. And that’s why we have episodes like Bugs, that have nothing to do with the overarching plot of the season and also phone in some questionable CGI. 
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Apparently they DID use real bugs to shoot this scene and everyone got bit to hell but the bugs didn’t show up good and they went with CG anyway?!?
But these days, you don’t have to hit 100 episodes. Sometimes only 80 episodes will do. Sometimes, you run a streaming site and you don’t have to worry about reruns at all because your revenue isn’t generated from air time or even ads, but from subscription prices. Honestly, when you think of it that way, it makes way more sense to greenlight shorter seasons so that you have the budget to buy more and more diverse shows that will appeal to a broader audience of viewers. 
So if Supernatural was produced today, would we get these off-shoot, self-contained episodes that have little to do with the plot of finding Sam and Dean’s dad? It’s hard to say. Knowing what I do about Kripke’s original plans for the show and his thoughts on procedural standalone episodes in general, its possible that he’d still try for a traditional season aired on a traditional TV network. But in that same interview I quoted above, he also mentions that the only way to get into a show with a heavy mythos is to buy the DVDs. We don’t need DVDs anymore - we have Netflix. And Hulu and Prime and any number of other streaming services that pick up any show they can get just to have a larger library of content and attract new viewers. I think a good indicator of what Supernatural would look like if it aired today is Hulu’s Helstrom - a show about two siblings with a childhood marked by strange and terrible happenings, who spend the season trying to defeat an evil demon. This show is a Hulu original that dropped all 10 episodes on October 16, 2020, and damn if that doesn’t sound familiar. I told a friend, “it’s like Supernatural but more emotions.” (Her response was, MORE emotions?!?!?) And before you dive down the rabbit hole, the characters in Helstrom made their debut in a Marvel comic back in the 70’s, so you can just chalk it up to nothing new under the sun. 
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Big Mood, guys. Big Mood.
I’ll close this one by reiterating I don’t mind a filler episode. Some fillers can be weird and great and wonderful. I’d say “Tales of Ba Sing Se” (Avatar the Last Air Bender, Season 2)  is a great example - with the possible exception of Appa, the vignettes presented in “Tales” are basically side quests that have nothing to do with the main quest of season 2 and only serve to develop characters. The stories are sweet and touching and also light and fun.
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I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying! It’s ok, I’m also crying. 
 And the longer a show runs, the more likely you are to run into these fillers - episodes that take a break from the main action to bring something that’s new and out of the box and possibly/probably writers getting bored with the every-day formula of the show. I think season 1 of Supernatural does a decent job of balancing the two styles of episode so that neither gets boring. In fact, I’m pretty Supernatural was what taught me the difference between the two episode styles in the first place. And the first time around, I was hyped for those season arc episodes, because back in the late 2000’s, I hadn’t seen a lot of TV content like that. Now, 15 years on and mired in a sea of seasons that stick mainly to a season arc story with little to no room for breathing, I think that if all TV became nothing but season arc episodes...well, it’d get pretty boring. 
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Hot Springs Ryoma & Hot Springs Camilla: C - S Supports
Ryoma: Lady Camilla.
Camilla: Oh, Prince Ryoma. Are you enjoying the view?
Ryoma: Yes, I-- errr, what?
Camilla: My apologies. I just noticed you hardly tore your eyes away during the last battle. I hope that didn’t hinder you at all.
Ryoma: Errr... yes, well, that is... tangentially related to what I was approaching you for.
Ryoma: Your outfit... or, rather, your lack thereof... isn’t it a bit of a problem on the battlefield?
Ryoma: It does not seem to provide much defense, and--
Camilla: You do, of course, realize that you are also wearing only a towel?
Ryoma: Of course, but as a samurai, I am trained to defend myself. I merely--
Camilla: Don’t think I’m skilled enough?
Ryoma: That is... not what I meant.
Camilla: I appreciate your concern, but I do believe I’ll be just fine.
Ryoma: Well, there is one other problem.
Camilla: Go on.
Ryoma: When you’re up on your pegasus, you tend to... How do I put this...
Camilla: Prince Ryoma, I hope you’re not implying that you stole a peek up my towel.
Ryoma: Not myself, no! But the men in the army--
Camilla: --will just have to look away.
Ryoma: Lady Camilla, you aren’t letting me finish.
Camilla: I understand that you are complaining that my physique is a distraction to the male gaze in this army, yes?
Camilla: While I certainly appreciate the attention, if it becomes a problem on the battlefield, it is their problem and not mine.
Camilla: Unless you would also like to discuss your own distraction for the female gaze.
Camilla: Actually, there is a question I’ve been dying to know the answer to. When you straddle your pegasus like that, does your--
Ryoma: Ahem. Yes, well, that is all I wished to discuss. Thank you for your time.
(Ryoma leaves)
Camilla: Oh, was that too far? Hee hee...
Ryoma: What an exhausting battle... A nice soak should be just what I need.
Camilla: Prince Ryoma! Fancy seeing you here!
Ryoma: GAH! L-Lady Camilla! Y-You are--
Camilla: --also enjoying a nice soak after the battle. It does wonders for the muscles.
Camilla: Care to join me?
Ryoma: That seems... incredibly inappropriate.
Camilla: Yes, I suppose so... Just as well. I was about to leave anyway...
Ryoma: N-No! Don’t stand up!
Camilla: Oh? But how else am I to reach my towel?
Ryoma: At least allow me to look away...
Camilla: I wasn’t aware there was anything stopping you.
Ryoma: Is this still about our last conversation?
Ryoma: I understand now how insensitive I was being, and I sincerely apologize. Can you please stop toying with me?
Camilla: Prince Ryoma, I’m offended. To hear you imply that I would purposefully toy with you...
Camilla: What kind of woman do you think I am?
Ryoma: That is not-- argh! I’m not thinking straight!
(Ryoma leaves)
Camilla: Ahahaha... Oh, maybe I am being a little bit mean...
Camilla: Prince Ryoma, I owe you an apology.
Ryoma: No, you owe me nothing of the sort. I am the only one at fault for my...
Camilla: Wandering eyes?
Ryoma: Y-Yes. That.
Camilla: I won’t argue with you there, but I will admit that I have been taking advantage of your weakness to get back at you.
Camilla: I should never have gone out of my way to embarrass you so. It was childish of me.
Ryoma: I accept your apology.
Camilla: And I accept yours.
Camilla: So may we resume working together on the battlefield? I do believe we make an excellent team...
Ryoma: Th-That may not be the best idea... At least not until I’ve learned to stay focused in such circumstances.
Camilla: Oh, but perhaps you could get used to it quicker if you spent more time around me.
Camilla: In fact... perhaps it would be best if I just never left your side! What do you say?
Ryoma: G-Gods...
Ryoma: That battle was quite exhausting. I thought it may never end.
Camilla: Oh, but a nice soak is exactly what the doctor ordered. Care to--
Camilla: --ah. Never mind. I forgot for a moment how inappropriate that would be.
Ryoma: Y-Yes. Of course.
Camilla: You’re blushing again, Prince Ryoma. And here I thought our friendship had overcome that little bump.
Camilla: Though, there is one thing that always troubled me...
Camilla: There are many women in this army who wear very little on the battlefield. Do they bother you in the same way?
Ryoma: Well... yours may have been a bit of a... special circumstance.
Camilla: Now what does that mean?
Ryoma: Very well. I suppose now is as good a time as any...
Ryoma: To be quite frank, Lady Camilla, I have had some... feelings for you for quite some time.
Camilla: Feelings?
Ryoma: Not just for your beauty, of course. Your kindness is what won me over.
Ryoma: But seeing you in that towel was... more than my heart could handle.
Camilla: Bwahahaha!
Ryoma: I... wasn’t expecting that response.
Camilla: I-I’m sorry. It’s just... your face. Oh, it’s so adorable. I wish you could see how red it was!
Camilla: But please, continue. I like where this is going.
Ryoma: Y-Yes, well...
Ryoma: If you would have me, I would like to ask you to marry me.
Ryoma: I meant to do this with a ring, but I didn’t have anywhere to keep it.
Camilla: Oh, no ring necessary. Just having you is all I need...
Ryoma: Then that would be a yes?
Camilla: Of course!
Camilla: Oh, and if we’re getting married, then there’s nothing stopping us from enjoying a nice soak together, is there?
Ryoma: Ack...! I-I suppose not...
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mfmagazine · 5 years
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Article by Lauren Weigle
Photo by Wolfgang Steiner
Hair/Makeup by Claudia Haider Models: Mark Stephen Baignet/Tempo--Suzi Stanekova/Look--Ina Rot/Stella Models--Leonie Böhm Styling by Pebelle, Emma Bell, and Polona Dolzan
Pebelle brings the art of tie-dyeing back and takes it to a new level of amazing.  Mixing old techniques with new ones, outfits are transformed into magical combinations with rad designs.  The brand, along with its pieces, prides itself on being completely unique it its styles, incorporating aspects of nature and the world around us into each individual garment.  Believing mass-production would take away from its appeal and it’s exclusivity of each clothing’s design, Pebelle sticks with its methodology, creating one piece at a time.  
Tell me about Pebelle’s one-line “Re-think Tie Dye!”
Elle UK magazine used it to describe my work in one of the first features they did with my items. I loved this sentence right away as it describes the intent I had to take this old technique and blow new life into it.
I understand you use traditional tie dye techniques in addition to ones you’ve developed in your garments.  Can you talk about some of the ones you’ve come up with or are they Top Secret?
Well, my techniques are top secret. Every pattern I create is unique, so there's no way to protect my work. So, I simply don't talk about what I am doing. The only thing I can tell is that I look at the dyeing process from the other way round and take a peek at the main principles of printing, then mix it all together in a non-scared manner. And, nothing is safe not to be used.
How did you first become interested in tie-dyeing?
I studied textile at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Austria and we had a dyeing workshop. We dyed everything we could think of: wood shavings, shuttlecocks, etc. One of us brought stockings along. The outcome was so exciting that we decided to do a whole weekend with just dyeing tights and stockings......that was 9 years ago and I resumed it.
So what made you decide to develop an entire label around this aesthetic?
It was love at first sight- no need to explain that further- everyone knows how that feels.
Tell me more about the anarchistic attitude that goes into Pebelle.
I do create this certain attitude with not following specific dyeing rules. My dye supplier that I'm always buying from and use as a consultant when it comes to technical questions, well his neck hair nearly stood up as I told him I am mixing my own colors.  The colors I use come as pigments, and you can get every facet you can imagine... so mixing is something you just don't do. After years of dyeing I have come to realize that this anarchistic attitude of mixing the dyes creates a new look as well, as I get lots of kaleidoscopic effects.
You’re creations are inspired by urban atmospheres, right?  
I am inspired by urban atmospheres as much as by natural phenomena. Wherever I look when I leave the house, I see colors and patterns that impress me. For example, as I was in LA last summer, waiting for my friend to leave the house, I discovered these beautiful patterned leaves in his garden and the thought hit me to do a line with these. That's when the collection "A Forest" formed in my brain. The idea developed until I was at a point where I knew I wanted to do a camouflage for all kinds of surroundings. I started with the forest, we had a wonderful shooting in the summer and it worked out great; the model got totally lost in the under wood. The biggest compliment was as a butterfly came to sit down on one of my dyed silk scarves. And it had exactly the same color as the scarf! Right now I am in the process of creating the same for an urban surrounding. I do collect images of walls, redo them with tie dye on dresses, shirts, and will soon have a shooting with people wearing my items in front of these walls. Future prospects are to do it in the sea, in the sky, and so on.......a never ending story- maybe I'll make a book with it one day.
Any other sources of inspiration for your pieces?
Anything can be a source of inspiration, for me interaction with other people is a big field of inspiration, so I do love to sit in cafes and watch people pass by. Plus, I am a passionate reader; a lover of art; a fan of music, musicians, and music videos; and last but not least, I do enjoy films. All of it offers a variety of imprints they leave in my mind.
So, each piece is unique and created by hand?
Yes, totally.
What advantages and disadvantages go along with this?
A lot of my customers like the idea that the designer themself has had his/her hands on an item; a precious knowledge in days of huge factories filled with people working under slavery conditions. I think more and more people re-think their attitude towards shopping. In your previous question you have already mentioned another advantage, being unique. I wouldn't be able to create my own, typical patterns if I wouldn't do hand-work. I kept going through possibilities of re-creating items in large numbers, but came to realize that these patterns would get lost. Now every item is like a miniature-tableau, showing new details every time you look at it. This is why a tie-dye style pair of H&M leggings won't have the same effect on you. It's manufactured differently. Creating by hand can also turn into a disadvantage when it comes to produce big numbers. But to be honest, first of all I want my works to stay exclusive and secondly I'm sure I find a way (to say it with Joe Cocker's words: "With a little help from my friends") if the order to dress 10,000 people comes up.
Where can your latest creations be seen or purchased?
Right now my items can be bought and seen in various shops in Vienna, and exclusively in shops in Germany or Great Britain. In America you either have to head out to New Jersey, were Dahl Collection has a selection of Leggings or you just simply drop by my ETSY store. I do play with the idea of an own online shop but am not settled yet. There's a full stock list on my homepage, plus a link to all websites that show my items and even sell them. My items will be featured inside a fashion book that will be published worldwide in various languages in spring. Plus, I am fulfilling the dream of my life in June, which is a big blast for my pride and maybe for my career as well. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to talk about it right now, but it will be seen all over America.
So, what performing artists and designers have you collaborated with?
So far I have worked on creating textiles for British designer Emma Bell's SS10 collection and with the Austrian men's wear label SUPERATED on their SS11 Alleatory collection. I created a line of scarves and hosiery for men to go with their items. I did work with Fan Death, they used my hosiery for their European tour last year and collaborated on costumes with the finish Electro singer Kississings for her music video "Anything u want" or for the Los Angeles based band VUM, were I dressed Ballet dancers for a great video they shoot in the Joshua Tree desert- this video is not published yet but will soon be out. Other musicians that wear my hosiery are: Monique Maion from Brazil, Brilliant Pebbles, and Pure Magical Love from Chicago, US or Apache Beat, NY. Right now I do create T-Shirts for a hot and upcoming Indie Band "The Jamborines”. They are based in Switzerland but actually in possess of a lead singer from California, who lived in Seattle for a while, so Seattle is going to be their first stop when heading to the US in April watch out for them!
Any memorable moments to speak of?
I was very taken aback as I received the message that Whoopi Goldberg popped into a store in Vienna and bought one of my leggings. She had been in town for the Life Ball.  And, I just recently sent a very important email, asking for my items to be used on-screen, somewhere huge. And a) there was an answer b) the answer was positive and c) they were so nice. This is going to be a big step for me. 2011 here we go!
So, what’s a definite plus when it comes to collaborating with others?
The interaction, the bonding of two individual lines with their own attitude - it's like with a recipe: mix two really good ingredients together and the result with be brilliant. Collaborating always creates something totally new, something a label wouldn't have managed on its own. I am glad it happens a lot lately.
But, what’s great about standing on your own and coming out with a garment or collection that’s “all you”?
It makes me proud. I live my dream. Pebelle is like a child for me. I care for her, am responsible for her, and try to bring her up. I am glad I haven't left it with the idea, but really created some attention.
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The class was split fairly evenly between guys and girls, and all approximately the same age, with a few outliers. We had a cohort of students that would progress through the 18-month program together. Given that there were a relatively small number of students spending a decent amount of time together all studying a field we were passionate about, we began to get very close very fast, at least some of us.
Jessica was a girl in the class and someone who immediately rubbed me the wrong way. Just a nightmare to work with in group projects. She had come from a stuffy undergraduate university and was the type of person who felt that she was always right in every situation. I had recently finished my undergraduate degree and was enrolling in a Master’s degree program in my particular field. Looking back now, performing an extremely amateur psychological evaluation of myself, I think I realize that we butted heads so much because I saw my same personality in here. If I had t guess, I would say her tits were either a large B cup or a small C, and she had a pretty nice ass for her size. Now, I’m not entirely sure this qualifies as a "hate fuck" to some of you, but it is the most apt description for me, so here goes: This all started about three years ago. I suppose I should describe myself, I am 5’9" tall with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a lean body from years of cross-country and track and field. She was about 5’3" tall, tanned, with black hair, with a face framed by glasses, but not in the sexy schoolgirl way. Anyways, fast forward to the end of the program. One of the guys in the program had the hookups and he had arranged for us to get our own table and bottle service at one of the hottest clubs in Vegas. As I mentioned before, the class as a whole had grown very close over the length of the program, so we all decide to head to Vegas to blow off some steam after our last class. This program was a little unique in the fact that it involved taking classes predetermined and set by the university. It was a Saturday and we had all completed our final presentations around 1 in the afternoon and about 15 of us set off for Vegas. But these drinks are coming on strong and I am definitely feeling the buzz. After the obligatory photos for the girls, we got to the club, skipped the line, and were shown to our table, where the drinks quickly began to flow. We had been working the entire last six months on perfecting our thesis projects to be approved for graduation. I must admit, it was nice seeing these girls in something other than business casual attire, and they certainly dressed to impress. We all spent the next couple hours alternating between dancing a drinking, and I made my way around and danced with all the cams girls live that were there, with the exception of Jessica. We arrived, checked in to our suites, and got ready for the night. She was just a couple inches shorter than me, had nice perky tits, again, guessing a solid C, and had gorgeous legs (I believe she was a soccer player). Stephanie was one of those girls that did not dress to her body (or at least what I saw in class activities, but that could have been the program’s fault more than her own), but tonight was flaunting what her mother gave her and she looked hot! We poured each other drinks and decided to hit the dance floor together. I decided I would go back to the table and sit down for a little bit and recoup. One in particular was Stephanie. They were all wearing skintight dresses that showed off their curves, and left very little to the imagination. She almost made it into our roped off area before the caught her and told her she had to go. She had recently broken up with her boyfriend and was back on the market, so she was target number 1 for the evening. Apparently throwing up in the bathroom of a Vegas club is a no-no. Now I don’t claim to be the strongest drinker in the world, but I can definitely hold my own despite my small stature. The club we were at was not at our hotel, and I figured it would be trouble if she tried to get back on her own. As I made it back to the table, I saw Jessica leaving the bathroom with security quickly in tow. I get outside and find her and she is just sobbing hysterically mumbling something along the lines of she doesn’t know why they picked on her and she had to leave, blah, blah, blah (again, can never be her fault). I looked around and there was no one else from our group around, so I was not about to let her get kicked out and left on her own given her current state. I do my best to get her in a cab to get her back to our hotel and she keeps wanting to go back inside, which obviously isn’t going to happen. So now, coupled with my pre-existing dislike for her was the fact that she had indirectly forced me to leave a good time. We make our way to the taxi stand and got a cab back to our hotel. I began to get up to follow her when I realized just how drunk I was myself. My attitude about the whole situation makes this next part one of the craziest things that has ever happened. This is where the "fun" begins. Once in the cab, Jessica begins to calm down a bit and is thanking me for watching out for her. If you loved this article so you would like to get more info with regards to webcams nude nicely visit our webpage. The dancing, alcohol, and the fact that I hadn’t gotten laid in a while were beginning to take its toll on me, and I began to start getting hard. I suppose I shouldn’t have had that last drink when I went to go sit down. To this day, I still have no idea how we made it back up to our room after leaving the cab, but somehow my drunken self navigates the gauntlet that is a Vegas casino. I don’t think I am anywhere near the biggest guy in the world, but she seems shocks and whispers in my ear "Wow, I wasn’t expecting that". I hike up her dress and she begins to respond to my touches, moaning into my mouth as I play with her through her panties. This is the first ounce of gratitude I have ever seen from this girl, but I am still grumpy for leaving and kind of brush it off. I push her over to the sofa bed and pull her down on top of me, kicking off my shoes in the process. She wastes no time and puts in in her mouth and starts bobbing up and down on my dick. I unbuckle my belt and kind of nod towards my pants, and she gets the idea. I pull her dress up over her ass and over her head, leaving her in her bra and panties. She takes my pants off and pulls my boxers down as my cock springs free. After about 5 minutes of her sucking on my cock, I pull her up off of it and turn her around, getting behind her. Once inside my room, I quickly throw her up against the wall and begin kissing her. I begin to sink my fingers into her pussy to entertain myself a little during the action, but my only goal at this point is getting off. She knows what is coming and doesn’t object as I slide her panties off of her. I don’t even bother with a condom, which, in hindsight may not have been the best idea, but in that moment I was definitely thinking with the wrong head. Not sure if it was the alcohol, or just my general lack of interest in her, but the blowjob is not doing anything for me. It is still semi-hard and quickly jumps back to attention at her touch. I give a couple quick dips before shoving all the way in to her, my balls slapping against her skin. I begin to tweak and pull on her nipples, and this brings added moans from her. As she is finishing up another apology, she rests a hand on my leg and begins to make her way to my cock. I rub my cock head up and down her slit and given the lack of foreplay directed at her, she is surprisingly wet. It is at this moment that I begin to be thankful for the amount of alcohol in my system, as I have seemed to have found the perfect balance of being able to stay hard, but not feeling like I’m going to cum given the intense pace I am keeping up. She eventually gets the hint and climbs on and backs up on me. I hate to admit, but she was pretty good at twerking that nice little ass on my dick and was responding well to my increasingly hard slaps leaving handprints on each butt cheek. I hear a faint moan come from her as I pull them off, but again, I am only focused on myself at this point. She licks from the base of my cock to the tip before putting the head in her mouth. She starts to try to ride me cowgirl but I quickly turn her around and face her away from me, as I want nothing about this experience to even slightly resemble something emotional. She lets out a yell that I’m sure would have been heard if anyone was in the room next to us. I begin to slowly yet firmly push her head down until she has me all the way down her throat and her nose is pressing up against my pubes. I let her up for air before I stand up and again position her doggie style on the bed. I hand her a towel, while she finds her underwear and dress, and quickly show her the door. I hopped in the shower and was getting out just as the guys I was sharing a room with returned. Once inside her, I undo her bra from the back and let her tits fall out. After about 5 minutes of doing her doggie style I pull out and lay on the bed to allow her to do some of the work. I am usually the kind of lover to always make sure the girl gets hers, but this scenario was all about me, and it was a little nice to be selfish in that regard. This has been the only "hate fuck" I have ever had, and it certainly did not disappoint. Hope you enjoyed reading. This time, I stand up on the floor behind for additional leverage and really start going to town, pounding in to her with my hips as I grab hers and pull her back to meet my ever thrust. I laid down and it wasn’t long before I drifted off to sleep. I quickly realize that I will not last long in this position, so I pull her off of me push her head down on my cock so that she can taste herself on me. My orgasm is rapidly approaching so I take my last strokes and pull out before cumming all over her lower back and ass.
0 notes
Michigan vs Florida
As a 24-and-a-half year Michigan native, I had no idea what life in Florida would be like. Of course I had been there. Many times, even!
….in March. For a week at a time. But was it really going to be that different to LIVE there??
I've now lived in Florida for 2.5 years, and as my time here comes to a close and my family ventures on to newer and higher-above-sea-level adventures, I'd like to share what I've learned about the differences between Michigan Living and Florida Living.
Without further ado:
My Top 10 Florida vs Michigan “Things”
1. Florida is f**king hot.
               No, seriously. You will never understand how hot Florida is unless you LIVE here. & I've only lived here 2 years! & in the PANHANDLE!! HOW - in the name of Mother Earth - do people live in Southern Florida at the end of July?? Let me elaborate with a couple of scenarios: it's the middle of January in Michigan. You want to go outside, but then you look out the window: gloom. gray. below freezing temps. salty/ice/slush nastiness. Never mind, I'll just watch Netflix and drink hot cocoa all day! Cut to: it's the middle of July in Florida. You want to go outside. You look out he window: beautiful sunshine! sparkling emerald waters! white, sandy beaches inviting you to frolic and work on your tan! Yes! You grab your beach bag and lotion up, you open the door, you step outside - BAM. Wait, what?! I've only been outside for 2/3 of a second and I'm already drenched in sweat and..omg..I can't breathe!! Why is the air so heavy?? What's happening, I can't even think straight…am I melting? Will I make it? So you go back inside. I guess I'll watch Netflix… You drink some cold water. You cool down in the A/C. Your brain starts to work again. Wait...what's that? The sunshine! It's so nice out! I’d better go outside and not be such a lazy bum! It wasn't even that hot...was it? No! I'm probably being ridiculous! Look at how beautiful it is!
**& so the vicious cycle continues**
2. It's REALLY nice to not deal with snow.
               My Michigan friends. Can you even imagine such a world, where it cools down to the point of requiring only a light jacket (NOT a parka!). No gloves! No boots! No shovel! Not once did I have to start my car an hour before getting inside just to de-frost it enough to scrape the inch of ice off the windshield. I haven't even the slightest care in the world about parking in the garage or under a car-port - because there is nothing to wipe off before heading out! No worry of my socks sliding down to my toes within the unknown wooly confine of uggs; No fear of accidentally wiping the snow toward me so as to catch a pile right in the opening of my boots, only to feel it slide its freezing wetness down to where it could nibble ferociously on my ankles; no thought of dread after the plow-trucks drive by, wondering in the after-glow of their warm, orange blinking light if I would even be able to get out of the driveway. It's just. plan. nice.
3. That being said, Christmas just isn't the same without snow
               First, Thanksgiving happens. & you're sitting on the beach in your tank top and jeans confusedly staring at the turkey and mashed potatoes, wondering what is happening. "Okay..this is okay..this is actually kind of nice! I don't mind this!"
               But then it's December, and there are Christmas lights strung on the stores..wreaths hung about..even Christmas decorations on the Main St sign -- which you see as you drive by with the windows down, wearing jeans and a sweater. Now you're really confused. It just doesn’t feel right. No one has a runny nose. There are no “naturally rosy” cheeks. No one is "cozying up" to the warmth of the heater..there are no snow angels to be seen. The magic, glittering tundra that has always represented Christmas magic to you [me] is simply not floating around in the air. There is not even the slightest chance that you may find yourself unable to form coherent words due to your tongue sticking to the metal flagpole (or your Grandma’s metal screen-door..whoops). For those of us who grew up on winter Christmas'....no matter how cold it is, you just can't replace a white Christmas.
               & IT IS AWESOME. What more need I say about this? They run around all day! They play on the side of your house! You don't have to feed them or clean their home! They simply LIVE AND FROLIC AMONG YOU. It. Is. AWESOME.
4 1/2
While we’re on the subject of “exotic” creatures — swimming in Lake Michigan is cold and dark. Refreshing on a summer day and wonderful, don’t get me wrong! That’s pretty much it. Sometimes seaweed nibbling at your toes, but in Florida, in the Gulf, FISH nibble at your toes — FA REAL. Little fishes swim around your ankles and knock into you all the time! & if you snorkel, you’ll see CRAZY AND COLORFUL FISH EVERYWHERE. RIGHT NEXT TO YOU. THEY DON’T EVEN CARE THAT YOU ARE THERE. & jellyfish are EVERYWHERE!! I didn’t know until I lived here, however, that they don’t always kill you. In fact they rarely kill you. Thanks for the unnecessary fight with my boyfriend after he threw one at me, Hollywood. Some things that DO kill you and are everywhere down here: snakes, alligators, sharks. Well, I’m exaggerating a little. I’ve never actually feared for my life while out and about, but am definitely more aware. OH AND P.S. ANTS. I have NEVER experienced ant bites like I have down here. It actually feels like they are attacking you personally, with vengeance, like they know you accidentally stepped on their great-second cousin-twice removed-brother’s-aunt when you were 5.
& although you still see seagulls flying all over, you also see PELICANS!! & the one thing that NEVER GETS OLD —— DOLPHINS!!!! ALL THE TIME!!!! RIGHT UP TO THE SHORE!!!! IN THE “WILD”!!!! & SEA TURTLES!!! Whew, I’d better calm down, my yankee is definitely showing now.
5. Sunrise/Sunset
Okay so I left this one kind of vague on purpose because you need to hear the background to get it. Michigan kids - did you ever watch Lizzie McGuire (or any other tweeny-bopper representative television series) and wonder “What in the hell time do these kids go to school that they are able to eat breakfast in daylight??” I LITERALLY did not understand why Raven was eating breakfast and walking to school in broad daylight. Well come to find out (things most people probably understood but whatever stop judging me), it gets light down here at like 6:30am! It might sound annoying at first, but honestly, it is SO NICE. You actually wake up and feel awake!! Like you’re waking up at a natural time! It’s a pretty beautiful thing. But then it’s 6:00pm and the sun is dipping below the horizon and you’re like “Wait! What?! I’m not…like…done! but now I’m tired! What’s going on here??” because in Michigan, it’s as bright as high-noon until 9, sometimes even 10:30pm in the middle of the summer! Which is preeeetty cool, honestly.
& when it comes to comparing the beauty of a sunset in each state, I refuse to do it. Sunsets are such a naturally beautiful gift from Mother Earth no matter where you find you’re standing, I could never bring myself to call it more or less beautiful from any point of view - it is simply always the most beautiful :)
6. Living in a Tourist Town is Weird
So maybe this generalizes to all of Florida, but it’s especially “prominent” here in Destin. Everyone is a tourist in the summer. & in the winter everyone is a snow-bird. If people are actually FROM here, it’s almost weird. They have “locals discounts” at almost every restaurant and many stores, “locals reward programs”, and everyone gets REALLY excited for “locals season” (which starts at the end of October). They even talk about it on the radio, “All the tourists are going home and we’re really gearing up for locals season! Yayyy!” It’s hilarious, but makes sooo much sense when you live here. A 15-minute commute during locals season becomes a 2-hour commute in the summer — and that is NOT an exaggeration.
7. Springs, Springs, Everywhere!!
There are SO many cool springs to check out around here! Beautiful habitats of icy cold crystal clear water where the earth b r e a t h e s life into you. I have never seen or felt anything so breathtaking (literally) than caverns below the water’s surface that you have to swim against the unseen current to get to. For me, that’s about 15 seconds of looking around through my goggles trying to take it all in before I burst through the surface, gasp for air, and then repeat 5 times in amazement until I literally cannot take in anymore air. For my 15-year-lifeguard-surfer boyfriend that means a 20-minute clip on the go-pro where he dives like 50 feet below the surface, does flips, gives a thumbs-up, eats a four-course meal, high fins a few fish and then meanders his way back up to the surface and casually throws a “it’s pretty cool down there” while he whips his hair back.
The point here is, if you are in Florida, go to a spring. The beach is great, do that too, but seriously - make it a point to check out at least one spring. it will change your life.
8. Living Near Multiple Air Force Bases
So this one might be pretty specific to our area, but we are basically surrounded by 4 Air Force bases. & that means weird noises all the time. I once put Ophelia down for a nap and headed to the bathroom to take care of business. As I sat there I heard a plane flying by….flying close by…..flying VERY close by…..omg….is that plane about to HIT my HOUSE?? Is this the end?? Is this SERIOUSLY how it’s going down for me?? Oh no…oh my gosh…I can’t even run in to hold my baby for my last moments!! I have to tell everyone I love them!! This is it!! WTF IS HAPPENING!?!?!?
& then it’s gone.
Now that right there ^ is NOT an exaggeration. The planes are SO. LOUD. & then there are AIR BOMBS. LIKE WTF EVEN IS THAT. The first time I heard one, I freaked out! I thought I was crazy! “Did…did you guys hear that? Was that real? What…what was that??” Shayne’s casual response: “Oh probably an air bomb. They do those all the time”. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. THAT IS NOT NORMAL. MY HOUSE JUST SHOOK AND NO ONE IS FREAKING OUT. Well after living here for 2 years, it is normal. & THAT is what makes it weird.
As my coworker so elegantly says: “That’s the sound of freedom, baby!!” 
9. Food
So the cuisine certainly isn’t WILDLY different between Florida and Michigan, but there are some noteworthy dishes: there is no Superman ice cream down here. No one down here has heard of Superman ice cream. [Sorry about your children’s UNpainted faces] Common side dishes in Florida include Lima Beans (like just straight up lima beans, in a dish, by themselves…what?), collard greens (which nobody makes better than my girl Rolanda), and grits - which they even sell in instant packets like oatmeal!!! What?! The craft beer market is just not up for debate - Michigan takes the cake BY FAR (obviiii). Man, I’ve missed my hole-in-the-wall brewing companies and rich porters like nobody’s business. Now I’m not huge on fast food, but I was in High School, and I can tell you right now that I had no idea how much my taste buds were missing out on Chick-fil-A and Whataburger. Politics aside, Chick-fil-A sauce. IS. LIFE. & Waffle House? Yeah, that would have been nice at 3am in college and would have at least minutely saved my intestines from all of those so-good-yet-so-regrettable Menna’s runs.
10. Florida is F**king Hot
Seriously -  I cannot emphasize this enough. It’s something you just don’t know until you know.
So the question I know you are all dying to know the answer to: Where would I rather live?
Well….Maybe I’ll be more equipped to answer that question after our next adventure: Colorado!
Stay tuned for my next comparison, after my time ever in the mountains :)
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travellingthoughts · 7 years
Friday the 7th of July 2017
After 4 days in Zakynthos/Kefalonia I was on a journey and a half to Larissa. Literally travelled by boat, car, taxi and bus over an 11 hour journey. I loved it though because I could just relax after being so busy in Zakynthos. Anyone who knows me well knows that I literally sleep my life away! I can sleep at what ever time, in whatever position and literally be out cold. It certainly has come in handy on this trip I'll tell you that much! So I slept the entire journey no problems asked. In Larissa, I was staying with Jamie's Nouna, Dina, for the week! Larissa is a relatively large town north of Athens. It has it all; amazing shopping, lively night life, and most importantly lovely people. I have a LOT of family there like legit we sat down to have dinner and two of my cousins (which I didn't know I had) just happened to walk past! I spent my first couple of days getting a tattoo (which was an awesome and sentimental experience) and roaming around Larissa doing some shopping and discovering. However on the third day I woke up ill as fuck. Like my stomach was in so much pain so I kept going to bed thinking that I'll wake up feeling better.... which never happened. Ended up realising at 8:30pm at night that it just wasn't to happen and finally got out of bed. After that it's a bit of a blur because my SISTERS GOT OUT OF A TAXI AND SURPRISED THE FUCK OUT OF ME IN GREECE!!!!!! Oh my god it was fkn wild, I literally had no clue they were coming. About a week before this happened I was on the phone telling them to just book their fkn tickets and come and lie with my on a beach somewhere in Santorini. Little did I know the bitches were muting themselves on our phone call and laughing because they HAD ALREADY BOOKED THEIR TICKETS 😆 The joke was clearly on me! Check out on Facebook the video of my jaw literally hitting the floor, the swearing, the scream and the many cuddles that were shared when this all unfolded! What an incredible experience to be able to share such an amazing journey with two of my bestest friends. I still pinch my self when I get their phone call in the morning saying 'what are we doing today?' ☺️ In all seriousness though, thank the lord they have me because A) they were fighting within the first 5 minutes of arriving in Mykonos, B) they are weak as shit and can't carry 25kgs up 50 stairs so I had to do it FOR BOTH OF THEM and C) they have no clue what they're doing so I am pretty much their personal tour guide 🙃 We have already had so many laughs and fun times, and I know these are memories that will last a lifetime. Anyway back to Larissa. It turned out I had fkn drunk the water by accident in Zakynthos and became sick as a fkn dog for the next 6 days. Literally whatever went down my throat came out again within maximum 5 minutes. Couldn't keep anything in my stomach, not even water. As shitty (pun intended) as being sick was, I definitely was very lucky to have my sisters constantly checking up on me and the fact that I was with my family who went above and beyond to get me on the road to recovery. Wouldn't have had it any other way. So my fun in Larissa ended after Tez and Jays arrived 😂 We did go to Karditsa, Farsala and Stomio to see more family which was fantastic. The girls went to Thessaloniki as well but I didn't make it because I was still really sick. Before I knew it (...literally because I had slept my life away!!) we were on our way to Piraeus which is one of the main ports of Greece. Conveniently, Terri's Nona lives there with her family so we stayed for a night before catching the 7am ferry to Mykonos the next day. That night was so much fun, we went for a stroll around town and went to Haagen-Daaz for some waffles and icecream! It wasn't what we did but it was the amazing company we had 😍 The 7am kick off to get to Mykonos was interesting 😂 As per usual we were running late and how we made it on that boat is fkn beyond me. The ride consisted of Terri not allowing me to fall asleep because everything single time I almost did, she would tickle my nose or something ridiculous. Could have punched her square in the face but decided that wasn't the best idea...so I made her buy me a hot chocolate which cost 5.80€ 😂 Our first impression of Mykonos is that it's fucking stunning. Whatever image comes to your head (crystal clear beaches with white houses on hills) is EXACTLY what it was like. However we were fortunate enough to discover the island from North to South and East to West. We hired a car and I, the driver, officially banned Terri from being in the front seat because she almost pulled the handbrake on me twice ❌ While the main town looks picturesque, the rest is actually quite hilly, rocky, windy and underdeveloped. It was astonishing to see the island for what it really is, with some of the most amazing beaches and hidden gems we would have only discovered by hiring that car. Highly suggest it... however there is a funny story that comes along with that 😂 So Greeks drive like fucking crazy okay. That's the perfect and only intro you need into this story. I was going down a really narrow and windy road when another car comes speeding around a corner (how the fuck they didn't spin out idk?) and is pretty much in my lane now still going fast. So I slam on the brake (dirt road btw so skidded instead of halted) and pulled over. In the process, I marked the car with about a 2.5cm BLACK scratch on a WHITE CAR. I was gutted because I knew they were going to notice it when we returned the car and that they were going to charge me a fuck tonne for it. So we go to the damn beach we were driving to when this happened and were then driving to the next beach when I spot a fucking mechanics (and probably the only one on the island) and swerve in like James Bond. And can I say I had luck just like James Bond! I'm trying to communicate in Greek to this guy and he is literally laughing at me stressing #bitch. He tells me to wait a minute and before I know he comes back with a cloth and some charcoal coloured substance. I freak out even more because like I said it's a white car and I'm thinking that he will make it worse #lenthinkingsheknowseverything. He rubs it on the car and then like magic before my eyes, the mark was gone. I literally told him that I love him and that he saved my life and that he is the best person to walk this earth. And before I could even finish we were back on our way dancing like absolute idiots out of pure joy 🙃 Mykonos is by far my favourite island out of the 3; including Ios and Santorini. It is absolutely stunning by day and night, the beaches are crystal clear and is good for a great boogie. My only fault is that it's expensive as fuck. But so so worth it. I met some amazing people in my dorm (you know who you are) and proceeded to go out until the AM partying and bar (that did just get autocorrected to bae) hoping. We had so much luck that night because every place we went to we were treated like royalty. Skipped the lines, skipped the entry fee, got given free shots and drinks. It was to die for 😍 The night ended with Souvlaki's and a really drunk walk home 😂 Next stop was Ios. I fkn loved Ios for its party scene. I FROTH a good time and that's the vibe that Ios had. Funny story: when we rocked up by bus at FarOut I was laughing because we saw teeny ass canvas tents and I said 'that would suck if you had to stay in one of them'. Before I know it I received my keys and found my... MOTHERFUCKING TENT FML 😫 Don't know how I fucked up so bad but like legit this thing had a door that was just about off its hinges, a "window" that was made of a holy mesh (mosquito friendly which means Eleni says ❌❌❌), and beds that should have been bought by a massage parlour. The girls (who at least booked a place with aircon and walls) weren't happy with their room either, so we upgraded to a villa with three beds and a bathroom! Fuck yessssssss! Life in Ios was pretty sweet after the accomodation sitch was sorted. We didn't do much exploring like we did in Mykonos. Partying by day and night was the plan ✔️ Met some sick chickens whilst partying, and also spent loads of time with Jack, Yianni, Emma, Jess and Amy who we knew from home. Bar crawls and wet t-shirt contests were (regrettably) attended. Let's just say... anyone who went on that stage in the wet tshirt comp would have needed a deadly amount of alcohol and a few types of drugs to morally get through. Other then partying double parked, time was spent on the beach or by the pool soaking up grecian rays ☀️ Then came the biggest disappointment that is Santorini. I should have never expected anything and that's why I feel let down. The white walls you see everyone taking photos of are pretty much only in Oia which is ridiculously expensive. It's the place to supposedly see the sunset but what you don't expect is thousands of tourists trying to get through streets which are 2 meters wide. Forget the balcony or castle where people take sunset pictures from. It is gorgeous though minus the tourists. However a positive is that they do have an entire street of clubs and bars so when you get bored at one, the next isn't too far away ☺️ Fira, another town close by where we stayed, was nice and lively but the streets in the centre couldn't compare to Mykonos'. As I'm writing this my time in the Greek islands is up. I'm on a ferry which came 1.5 hours late (welcome to Greek time...it's legit a thing) and is so rocky I think I'm going over board. My next few days include Athens with my Nouna and Nono. Going to take my sisters around to see some sights and then will go to The Ranch (where my god brother works) and say our final goodbyes :( So excited for my family's cuddles and kisses 😍 It's a good night from me xx P.S- wish me luck because the boat is about to tip P.P.S - I can't swim or even doggy paddle. P.P.P.S- the last PPS reminds me of another LOL- in Santorini, the girls and I did a tour to the volcano, thermal springs, Thirasia and Oia. When we reached the hot springs, which is literally in the middle of the ocean next to the rocks, Jamie and I thought it would be a fabulous idea to suss it out. So we jumped off the boat into the water and the waves were going over our heads. We start laughing (out of pure panic) because we can't swim for shit and it made trying to battle the waves so much harder. We looked at eachother whilst all of this was going on and knew what we were both thinking; that we are going to drown. I told Jamie to calm down and just keep your body afloat. Anyway, we clearly made the 200m distance back to the boat because I'm writing this now P.P.P.P.S - don't tell my mum that last story because I'll cop an ear full 😂
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