#squires gannon
panoramicireland · 10 months
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Saint Brigid's Cathedral, Kildare Town, Ireland and the round tower and high cross on a sunny day.
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nightingaelic · 3 years
I was reading your "Fallout 4 companions meet Arcade Gannon" reacts when I had an idea. FO4 companions reaction to visiting the Mojave Wasteland with the Sole Survivor.
"She was Boston, I was Vegas
She was Crêpes Suzette, I was pie
She was lectures, I was movies, but I loved her."
- Frank Sinatra, 1981, "I Loved Her"
Cait: "I've never been much of a gambler, but where there's gambling, there's usually a good time to be had."
While Cait finds the casinos of the Strip a little too ritzy for her liking, she rather enjoys the smaller, satellite venues: The Atomic Wrangler in Freeside, the Vikki and Vance casino in Primm, even the saloons in Goodsprings and the Mojave Outpost (the latter of which being where she foolishly engages in a drinking contest with Cass and happily gets her ass kicked). Her greatest enjoyment, however, comes upon discovery of the Thorn in Westside, with its arranged bouts between wasteland critters and the opportunity to go a round yourself if you're feeling lucky. Instead of the trapped horror she felt when the Combat Zone was taken over by raiders and she was forced to fight, Cait revels in the glory she reaps when choosing to face off against a fire gecko, a night stalker or a cazador with her trusty baseball bat. By the time the visit is over, she and Red Lucy have grown close, and the Thorn's mistress is going around openly calling Cait "my hunter."
Codsworth: "Ah, Las Vegas! Why, I can recall when you considered a quick getaway to this paradise just before young master Shaun's arrival. It appears we aren't too late, after all."
Codsworth is somewhat comforted by the lack of overt nuclear devastation in New Vegas, but that feeling wears off as soon as the first set of thugs in Freeside tries to corner him and the sole survivor and take their caps. Once the would-be muggers are laid out on the ground, Codsworth abandons his rose-colored glasses and puts his quippy, dismayed personality back on. Still, he loves the Strip, particularly the Ultra-Luxe with its refined guests, decor and hygienic practices, but he quickly sours on their hoity-toity attitudes. Instead, Codsworth turns to the presence of the NCR as a sign that civilization is creeping back into the wasteland. He's also tickled pink by the Kings and the Chairmen, but not the mobster-esque Omertas: They remind him too much of the pre-war mob activity in good old Boston.
Curie: "Excusez-moi, but what is that structure there? The tallest one, with the blinking lights."
Curie is thrilled to be out in the desert, observing the local populace and documenting their survival techniques, social structures and power struggles. She's fascinated with the area's history, and drags the sole survivor along to seek out the Mojave's most (in)famous individuals to record their stories for her research into post-war civilization. This lands her in quite a few questionable situations, but her general attitude of perseverance and wide-eyed wonder about the world open a lot of doors for her. She makes a lot of friends at the Old Mormon Fort among the Followers of the Apocalypse, though most of them assume her frustration about her own "biological reactions to extreme living conditions" is just her complaining about the heat like everyone else. Arcade's pretty sure she's a robot, though he's too polite to ask about it outright.
Danse: "We're close now, to the birthplace of the Brotherhood of Steel. This is an honor I never thought I'd experience."
Though it's boiling hot inside his power armor under the desert sun, Paladin Danse is overjoyed that he's accompanying the sole survivor on this journey into the cradle of the ideology that he's devoted to. He's heard about the Mojave from Brotherhood of Steel veterans, those who traveled with Elder Lyons when they initially came to the Capital Wasteland and those who accompanied Elder Maxson when he was just a Squire, and he keeps spouting off random trivia about the area. Any run-ins with disillusioned Scribe Veronica might leave him a bit put out, but it's overall a fun trip for him through a part of the continent that's a little less smashed to rubble than the rest of the world. He especially enjoys visiting the NCR and Brotherhood military outposts, if only to offer critiques and suggestions to any soldiers that give him the time of day.
Deacon: "Sheesh, visiting the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter, am I right?"
Deacon has been here before. Well, he doesn't actually say he's been here before, but he keeps dropping hints to the sole survivor that he's somehow on a return trip. He knows the legends of the Sierra Madre and the Blue Star treasures offhand, he has a whole conversation with the Securitrons guarding the Strip about what happened to Robert House, he even knows how to competently play Caravan. Every time the sole survivor asks him about how he knows so much, though, Deacon just grins and keeps chugging his Sunset Sarsaparilla. Obviously no one recognizes him by face, but he does have a setting-appropriate wardrobe along that includes NCR bandoleer armor, a coat-tailed tuxedo, top hat and White Glove Society mask, and a black leather jacket to go with his pompadour wig.
Dogmeat: [curiously sniffs everything]
Dogmeat can't figure out why this place is so dang dry, but he's on his best behavior for the sole survivor as they make their way over the dusty roads of the Mojave. He politely greets each other traveler on the roads, who keep asking his companion where they got "a non-cyber cyberdog." For the most part though, the trip is pretty in line with everywhere Dogmeat goes: Big rodents, big bugs, tired people and plenty of ruins to explore. Dogmeat's one outstanding adventure comes in the form of an attempted kidnapping by some of the Kings, who think their leader needs a new dog after Rex hit the road with some fool. The King doesn't take kindly to this, and graciously has the dog returned to his friend.
Hancock: "Oh, man, how does anyone live out here? I'm drying out, I feel like a radroach husk."
Hancock is having the time of his life in the Mojave, apart from constantly complaining about how he prefers the Commonwealth's weather. He's chummy with everyone, but especially with the ghouls he encounters. He buys Raul a bunch of drinks and asks him about his past, he suggests future career paths and hobbies for Calamity, and he is absolutely enchanted with Beatrix the dominatrix. He's also rowdy enough to attract the ire of nearly every casino in New Vegas: The White Glove Society seethes when the sole survivor points out that his Revolutionary War outfit technically meets the dress code, the Omertas howl when he starts encouraging the strippers and sex workers to band together and take over the casino, and the Vault 21 dwellers keep asking if he's liable to turn feral. The Chairmen, however, treat him as something of a novelty and gift him with a seersucker suit to go with his jaunty personality.
MacCready: "You know, I played cards with a guy from out here once. He tried to teach me a game called... what was it, Candyman? Kilogram?"
MacCready has the barest smattering of knowledge about the Mojave Wasteland, and he keeps injecting it into conversations no matter how inaccurate it is. He's fascinated with the sole survivor's recollections of what Vegas was like before the Great War, and his expectations are sky-high by the time they arrive on the city's outskirts. Those expectations are absolutely met once inside the Strip, even if the sole survivor's are let down. MacCready is just tickled by the existence of a city that is solely dedicated to parting you from your caps, and he settles into each new business for the express purpose of people-watching. He only tries gambling once, and immediately quits after he loses all of his pocket change.
Valentine: "Good old Las Vegas. Somehow, I'm not surprised it's still got a reputation as 'Sin City,' even this long after the bombs."
The Nick Valentine of old never visited Las Vegas, but he certainly knew about it well enough for the Nick Valentine of today to draw on those impressions. He's extra-wary about the city as a result, an attitude not helped by the many people staring at him because of his detective getup, jagged edges and golden eyes. Some people are polite enough to walk up and ask what he is: Others offer to buy him off the sole survivor directly, much to Nick's chagrin. When James Garret offers him a thousand caps for "one night of his services," Nick puts his foot down and starts glaring at everyone who so much as walks up to him and the sole survivor during their trip. The exceptions to this rule are Veronica, who is extremely polite and non-invasive with her questioning; Arcade, who is too polite to even mention Nick's synthetic state; and Raul, who finds the whole thing hilarious but admits that his ghoul status has landed him in some similar situations.
Piper: "I've heard plenty of stories about this place, and if even a quarter of them are true, I ought to get a good travel piece out of just about anyone we pass on the street."
Piper's on a mission to track down the history of New Vegas, which, like Curie, sends her on a path toward its biggest political figures. Aside from them, she's particularly interested in the services of the Mojave, like the Gun Runners, the Crimson Caravan Company, and especially the Mojave Express. Piper gets along swell with just about everyone, and she basks in the widespread acceptance that she lacks back home due to her chosen profession. She desperately tries to get Johnson Nash to ship a case of Sunset Sarsaparilla cross-continent for her, but he gently turns her down and tells her that the only courier he knows crazy enough to undertake a trip to the Commonwealth is too busy nowadays.
Preston: "They're not too friendly to outsiders here, or so I'm told, but there are always good folks to be found if you know where to look."
Preston, true to form, offers help to every little settlement he and the sole survivor come through on their journey, which delays their path to Vegas quite a bit. He makes a beeline for the Old Mormon Fort as soon as he hears the Followers of the Apocalypse have a base there, though, and spends most of his visit picking the brain of its leaders about the best ways to aid those in need in the wasteland. He and Arcade get into some spirited debates about the pros and cons of having a civil service force focused on military matters versus civilian matters, and the Minutemen leader leaves the Mojave with a lot of new ideas to carry home to the Commonwealth.
Strong: "Strong not looking for 'good time,' puny human. Strong looking for thing that make super mutants stronger."
Strong hates New Vegas, but that's nothing unexpected. The sole survivor tries to limit their time in the city and take him around the desert to locales where super mutants are more likely to be found, which brings them to Jacobstown. Surprise surprise, Strong hates Jacobstown - at first. Little by little, through talking with Lily, the other nightkin, and Marcus, Strong starts to realize that the super mutants of the town are doing exactly what he values and sharing their resources among each other for the good of the community, just minus the usual violence associated with super mutants. He struggles with this alternative way of life for a bit, but eventually comes to accept that to be a super mutant, you don't have to constantly attack those around you to show off your strength.
X6-88: "Be careful. The Institute's records about this area indicate high levels of theft, murder, and unsavory characters. It would be best to keep our guard up."
Like Nick, X6-88 greets everyone in the Mojave with open suspicion, and can hardly be convinced to leave the sole survivor's side for their entire journey. His dedication to this task leads those around him to joke about him being "a human Securitron," which the sole survivor finds amusing: X6-88 does not. Still, the ability to hire and maintain a professional-looking bodyguard while visiting New Vegas doesn't go unnoticed, and most people assume that means the sole survivor has a lot of money to spend or be separated from by force. Criminals are more likely to be ruthless, hell-bent on stealing the loads of caps the sole survivor surely has tucked away. Business owners, on the other hand, are more polite to the pair on their travels, giving them better service and goods that ingratiate X6-88 a bit more to the common people aboveground.
Ada: "Jackson brought us out here once, when Zoe decided she wanted to try acquiring a Securitron. The leader of the Strip turned us down."
While Deacon is playing coy about his experience in the Mojave, Ada is completely open about hers. She hasn't been to the Strip, the dam, or any of the Mojave's "fun" destinations, but she remembers the Crimson Caravan Company headquarters, the 188 trading post, and many of the small towns along the way. Her fondest memories are of scavenging around the ruins of the REPCONN test site, the Aerotech Office Park and HELIOS One. She also recalls that her caravan friends came to visit primarily to find a Securitron to take apart and repurpose, but won't say exactly what happened when they tried to do so, other than warn the sole survivor "not to invite the wrath of the House."
Gage: "Now this is a town that knows how to run a successful racket. We need to find out who's in charge, see if they can give us some tips."
Porter Gage walks right up the steps of the Lucky 38 as soon as he finds out that someone inside is running the Strip, and demands that the Securitrons let him in to "talk to the boss." The robots aren't impressed, of course, and toss him out straightaway. Gage, not one to be discouraged easily, tries to find information among the nearby raider gangs instead: Fiends, Vipers, Jackals or Great Khans, he's not too picky. The current state of the raiders in the Mojave quickly informs him that they're failing one by one against the power of New Vegas, and he renews his efforts to find the recipient of the endless streams of caps. Thwarted at every turn, he and the sole survivor retire to Gomorrah, where they bemoan their bad luck while the courier sits a few seats down from them, listening in and smirking.
Longfellow: "Just point me to the nearest saloon. If I can't cool down, I'll try to forget I'm hot."
Longfellow parks himself at the nearest watering hole and does his best to avoid the scorching Mojave heat. The Maine-born grandpa is pretty miserable during the daytime hours unless he's sitting in front of a fan with a cold beer, swapping stories about Far Harbor critters with the bar regulars. At night he's a bit more open to adventuring with the sole survivor, when the desert cools down and he can see the sights by moonlight. Although he's not a fan of the hustle and bustle of the Strip, most of the large casinos there have air conditioning thanks to the Lucky 38, so he claims a table in the back and glares at anyone who disturbs him and his drink. He gets along with most of the New Vegas crowd though, if they agree to pick up the tab.
Maxson: "We came this way, when the Elders sent me to the East Coast. I wonder if the chapter here is still persevering."
Elder Maxson is surprisingly reluctant to visit the two things that the sole survivor would've thought he'd be interested to see in the Mojave: The Strip, or the Hidden Valley bunker. If pressed, he'll admit that he's not the type to cut loose and gamble, drink or participate in general debauchery as a result of his upbringing and position of authority, but neither is he keen to drop in on the dying Western chapters of his order and become stifled by protocol and ass-kissing. He prefers to wander the desert itself, seeking solitude among the cacti and under the stars. Given the chance, he'd probably nip off to Quarry Junction and anonymously solve the NCR's deathclaw problem, if it hasn't already been taken care of. He refuses to wear his uniform for the entire trip.
Desdemona: "The Mojave probably wouldn't know what to make of our mission, which is how you know it's a good place to hide. I wonder if any of our rescued synths made it out this far."
This is by far the most relaxed the sole survivor has ever seen Desdemona, and why wouldn't it be? She's so far removed from her usual sphere that she drops her usual, tight-knit demeanor and embraces loosening up. She's still not talking openly about the Railroad's operations, but she is more likely to answer questions both personal and professional. Like Deacon, she knows a bit about the Mojave, but not so much that she can blend in completely. Instead, she embraces being a tourist and does all the usual things that go with it: Visiting the Strip, the Sunset Sarsaparilla headquarters, the Thorn, and especially Hoover Dam. When she's looking out over Lake Mead, with the sun getting caught in her hair as it sets on her left, she almost looks happy.
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what-inthe-goddamn · 5 years
Fnv companions react to the courier being sad because of not being able to remember their past?
Arcade Gannon: He had kept the topic of the Courier’s memoryloss under a professional lens. But when that same topic came up in a relaxedmoment, away from the tent of the Mormon Fort and instead in the Lucky 38 diningroom, it somehow became more personal. Six had now asked Arcade about his past.He, of course, kept some details out of it. They may be living together, but hewasn’t sure they were in the clear to be speaking truthfully. However, Six wasstill invested in what he had to share. But Arcade could read under that smile.An occasional sigh and the knitting of their brow made Arcade aware of what Sixmust have been feeling. He knew asking them the same questions would be metwith uncertainty.
Craig Boone: Six finally got him to open up about some ofhis past. Boone was asked about his NCR tour, and how Manny and he becamefriends, when he met Carla, etc. But when Boone asked them similar things,everyone response was along the lines of “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure.” Sixwas beaming before when Boone was talking about his memories, but now a half-heartedsmile took over. Boone wasn’t sure what to say to make it better. The wordsfumbled in his brain until he let something fall out. “That’s…oh… I’m sorry…”Well that doesn’t make it any better. Damn. The two of them walked in silencefor the rest of the way home.
ED-E: ED-E was lazily flying behind the Courier when theypicked up on them saying something. “You probably don’t have trouble remembering,do you?” The bot just hovered there, unable to respond. “You probably havesomewhere to back up your memories. Wish I had that…” ED-E brushed by theCourier softly, beeping at them. It wasn’t much, but it seemed to make theCourier a bit happier.
Lily Bowen: Lily wasn’t unfamiliar with memory loss, but shefelt it was a bit unfair that Six couldn’t remember anything before Goodspringsat all. She’d cheer them up with her own stories, even if it was just shorttalks about Jacobstown. Six especially liked the conversations where she wouldtalk about the brahmin or garden she had been keeping.
Raul Tejada: The Courier asked him endlessly about hisfamily, life before the war, all of his travels. Raul gladly told him about thetimes with his sister as children, and sadly recalled about losing her, and thedestruction of the war and the aftermath that became the wasteland. After hisrambling, he asked Six for some memories of their family and events in thepast. Six offered nothing but silence, and a melancholy look. “I don’t have any…”they whispered after a moment. Raul sighed softly, slinging an arm around theirshoulder. “I’m sorry about that.” He thought to himself and smiled. “At leastyou can make some new ones with us, right?”
Rex: He wasn’t 100% what was wrong with the Courier, but hecame up to them during a sensitive crying session. Rex nudged them with his muzzle,and the Courier stopped to look down at him. They instantly smiled and pulledhim into a hug. “At least I can remember you, buddy.” The context of the wordswas lost on Rex, but the significance wasn’t.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: One topic had led to another, endingup with Cass stating the saying “I drink to forget”. She had meant itharmlessly, but the Courier’s mood had become sulky. “Wish I could drink to remember…”they muttered. Cass took a moment to add two and two together. “Oh, I didn’tmean it like that…” Six waved it off. “It’s fine, I was just joking…” theygave her a soft laugh, but their face said otherwise. Cass wanted to leave itat that, minding her tongue for the rest of the night.
Veronica Santangelo: Veronica’s childhood came up in conversationone night. She rambled about her favorite toys (mind you she didn’t have many dueto the Brotherhood), the games she played with the other squires and the smallbirthday celebrations she would have with her parents. “They said we weren’tsupposed to wasting time and money on a cake, but my dad made one anyway almostevery year. Did your parents ever have cake- “, Veronica tensed up, realizingwhat she had just said. “I’m sorry, I totally for- ““It’s okay.” Six interrupted.She would have believed them if it wasn’t for their eyes starting to water beforethey turned away from her. “What was that game you were talking about again?”Six asked her. “Oh, tag?” The two of them continued to talk, but the atmospherefelt different then before.
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pavspatch · 3 years
Distant cup tie is curtain-raiser for Gannon era
Non-league Football Preview
THE Jim Gannon era starts at HYDE UNITED tomorrow but it will be far from the Project Solar UK stadium.
In fact, the Tigers will be 168 miles away taking on Morpeth Town in the first round (qualifying) of the FA Cup. At best, the fans will have to wait until Tuesday to meet him, should tomorrow (Saturday's) tie need a replay.
Gannon commented: "The North East is always a tough place to go. They're very partisan and passionate about their football. We just need to make sure we create the right environment so our players have the best chance."
The Hyde boss has no new injury concerns but has to compensate for the departure of Kingsley James who has quit the club to spend more time with his family. Cameron Fogarty returns after missing the bank holiday weekend.
Gannon added: "The team should have a familiar feel to it. The players have trained well and are looking forward to the game."
ASHTON UNITED also face a club from the North East — Hebburn Town — but in their case at Hurst Cross.
Following Monday's last-gasp penalty defeat at Stalybridge, manager Mike Clegg believes his fortunes may finally be changing in terms of injuries.
After Casian Anghel's return last weekend, Sam Sheridan is also available and Michael Brewster and Sam Baird should be back for Tuesday when the Robins visit title favourites South Shields, cup replays permitting.
Hebburn lie third bottom of the Pitching-in NPL first division east with only one point from four games.
Keeping up the Geordie theme, MOSSLEY face a tough tie at Seel Park against Newton Aycliffe who are third in the Northern League first division. They will have to play without Antony Brown, Kane Hickman and Kyle Hawley, who are all injured, and Alex Dinsmore who has work commitments.
Former Southend striker Sewa Marah, who was only signed last week, has already left the Lilywhites to join Ramsbottom — the club who beat them 1-0 on Monday.
Manager Dave Fish is hoping Brown, who limped out of the Ramsbottom game, will be fit for midweek when Mossley should be visiting Newcastle Town. Hickman is expected to be available for the following Saturday.
Hawley is to be loaned to a North West Counties League club to gain match fitness.
Simon Haworth could field two debutants in STALYBRIDGE CELTIC's home clash with Colne.
Defender Connor O'Grady may start for the first time after signing in pre-season while striker Jay Fitzmartin, who has joined the Bridge from Bolton Wanderers on a three-month loan, goes straight into the squad.
He's expected to replace Jack Ryan who is suspended after his red card in the defeat at Lancaster.
Each winning side receives £2,250 in prize money. Losers get £750.
In the NPL first division west, GLOSSOP NORTH END face bottom club Newcastle Town at the Amdec Forklift Stadium having suffered bad luck with recent signings
Stalybridge forward Sope Awe has left the club after only two appearances to join Squires Gate. Central defender Sam Barratt suffered a severe dislocation of the right shoulder in the defeat by Clitheroe.
Striker Khius Metz is back from injury and central midfielder Sam Harding, brought in from Runcorn Linnets, goes straight into the team.
Assistant-manager Andy "Haggis" Harris has quit the Hillmen for personal reasons but been told the door is always open for him to return. Dave Mannix replaces Harris, with Sal Magrh taking up the role of first team coach.
Steve Cunningham's hoping his CURZON ASHTON side can gain revenge when they travel to Leamington in National League North in the same way they did against Darlington on Monday. In both cases the Nash lost 3-0 at home last season.
Delighted, by the 2-1 win over the Quakers, in which Dominic Knowles scored both goals, Cunningham said: "We're not getting giddy but it's been a great start. If we can build on it, and put more points on the board, we can just take a little bit of pressure off. By not having to keep looking over our shoulder we can start enjoying games.
"As for Dom, we know how good he is. His work rate is unbelievable for a number nine and you know he won't go long without scoring."
Central midfielder Jordan Lussey, recently at Fylde and a former Liverpool youth captain, will feature in the starting line-up after being signed this afternoon.
Scott Wilson is suspended but Harry Flowers returns to the squad.
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ohsoheavy · 5 years
TWO PUDDLES from Tim Keeling on Vimeo.
When a family encounters two radically unusual puddles on a woodland retreat, unspoken tensions finally surface.
CAST Alice - Julia Florimo Jamie - Amy Keen Evan - Luke McGibney Jogger - Helen Duff Dog Walker - Tom Bonington Millie the Dog - Herself
CREDITS Writer and Director: Tim Keeling Executive Producer: Lyndsey Claire DP: Chris Lee Editor: Giene Klimt Composer: Benjamin Squires Production Manager, 1st AD: Darren Crisp Production: One Films Script Supervisor: Daniela Brandano 1st AC: Dan Hunt 2nd AC: John Gogarty Sound Mixer: Joel Carr Boom operator: Duncan Ettie Art dept, Costume: Sarah Fichera 3rd AD: Chloe Butler 3rd AD: Will Ferris
SPECIAL THANKS Lyndsey Keeling, Dennis Keeling, Damian Swain, Craig Rogers-Jones, Robert Saunders, Marisa Isaacs, Paul Storrie & Emma Gannon, Al Eales, Sam Higham, Kirstie Wilkinson
Filmed on location in The Chilterns, UK
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