#stan and kyle have each other right. THEY are best friends. the two of them.
killedkennys · 2 years
the fact that no one is technically kenny’s best friend in the main 4 haunts me
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Friends w/ Benefits !!
- with the South Park Boys / x Reader
Author’s Note ;
Sup, so I decided on making multiple little scenarios and ideas of what I think would happen if you were in a FWB relationship with these dudes. Trust me, it’s going to get spicy and interesting. And if you’re looking for that, you’ve come to the right place. Keep in mind, the characters are all going to be in their college years so they will be 18+. Not trying to have them in elementary. And if you’re near that age, get out of here kid, this is definitely not for you.
Before I make this too long, I’m going to end this here. Enjoy, tread carefully, I’ll add warnings about what’s in there and details so check that out before you dive too far in. Unless you’re a veteran. HAHAHA
P.S, I didn’t add in Cartman because I’m an AVID hater, I’m sorry in advance! But, I did add somebody I adore: Craig! Although, it’s kinda gay, but that’s for the boys or transmascs. Y’know, I gotta provide!
Point of View : First P.O.V.
Character’s in here : Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, and Craig Tucker.
#1 ; Stan Marsh
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The song that I thought fit this best :
Sexual Dynamic : Fem!Dom | Masc!Sub
What’s in here : Mentions of throwing-up (obviously), dom fem reader, edging, and drunk oral sex.
- Phew, this dude will take FOREVER before he comes around to this idea.
- I feel like this would be the case of not trying to move too fast into a relationship because let’s be honest, he’s going to want to end up being with you.
- He’ll have met you during class when assigned a project with you. A bit cliché, but do you think he’d really have the guts to randomly walk up to you?
- You’d end up in conversations with him because of the constant pairing together and this helped the both of you find out you had similar interests. He loved the same genre of music, had the same sense of humor, and made you laugh half of the time because of his stupid jokes.
- Eventually, Stan tried to see you whenever he was free and his friends weren’t tagging behind. A lot of this was during your walk to classes.
- He’d have to race to his right after and sometimes even arrived late because of you.
- Wendy was the first to get suspicious of the behavior because it’s her ex after all and she wasn’t done with her constant off-and-on relationship with him.
- They got into a huge fight about it and that ended up putting the idea in Stan’s head instead. (Poor Wendy. Happens to the best of us.)
- Might’ve caused a complete break-up between them.
- First time he didn’t go goth because of it! (Really, it’s because of you.)
- But, that didn’t mean he didn’t drink.
- And that also didn’t include the fact he was beginning to think of you in that way which in turn made him began to avoid you.
- His races to his classes turned into him racing out of the classes he had with you to the bathroom.
- After a couple of weeks of him doing this, you concluded it had to do something with Wendy, but you thought he was distancing himself to get her back.
- The depression hit hard. Despite you having an attraction towards him, you tried to convince yourself you were okay.
- You WEREN’T.
- Neither was he. He had to choose between telling you about his feelings or being an asshole by ditching you to get himself plastered enough so he could forget about it. Mind you, he thought he was deep in the friendzone. To him, telling you the truth was setting himself up for rejection.
- You were both oblivious to each other’s suffering until the two of you were invited to the same party.
- Because you were having such a hard time dealing with the random drift from Stan, you decided to go and feel your best by getting dressed up.
- Alcohol was another convincing factor. Ironic considering that was the same reason why he was going.
- When you arrived at the party, you navigated around and talked with a couple of friends before asking where the drinks were. That’s where you would stumble upon the drunk raven-haired boy with a vodka bottle that had been chugged by him to the very middle.
┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ Start of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
Stan laid back against the wall of the kitchen, taking another swig of the vodka he had, and reaching up to slap a hand against the counter when his eyes locked with yours. He slowly lifted himself up, swaying like he was about to collapse any second. “Oh fuck, why’d you have to be here? I think I’m going to be sick,” he covered his mouth while loudly exclaiming that, turning to the side as if he was retching.
You automatically looked offended, your face scrunching up before you reared a hand back and slapped him across the cheek. HARD. That knocked the sense back into him because his eyes went wide and he quickly went to explaining himself, “Ow! OW! Hey, wait! No- *gag* It’s not because you’re terrible or anything! It’s cause-”
He couldn’t finish as once he looked down at your outfit, he sprawled straight for the sink, and puked his brains out. That’s when it clicked in your head. Stan threw up whenever he liked someone.
You stared at the bottle he held, freaking out in your thoughts about the situation, and going for it anyway. It wasn’t hard to take it out of his hold as he was focused on getting all the sick out of himself.
Taking a huge chug of the vodka, you coughed and sputtered when swallowing, wiping the sides of your mouth before grabbing the back of Stan’s shirt. He was dragged upstairs while you were finishing the rest of what was left, throwing the bottle on the floor afterward.
He slurred out what he was trying to say earlier as you both ascended to the next floor, “I’m not disgusted by you.! I like-” But, once again, he was cut off by another rise of bile up his throat. Right when you passed by the bathroom, he pulled away from you, making you follow with him before he toppled over the side of the tub to let it out.
“Jesus Christ, Stan. What is wrong with you?” You asked, concerned for his well-being at this point. He leaned his head to the side, spitting the rest, and turning on the shower to wash it away. Then he got up with a wobble. For the third time, he continued to try and explain, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m just trying to tell you that I don’t get sick because I think you’re nasty. I’ve been trying to tell you that I think you’re-”
His face began to scrunch up and that’s when you stepped in, saying it for him with a yell, “I KNOW! I know, Marsh! I know you like me! I like you just as much, you don’t have to say it, you don’t have to acknowledge anything about this! Just stop and go back to Wendy like you have been!” Backing away, you put your hands up and closed your eyes, worried about the inevitable stream of disgusting stomach acid. But, nothing happened.
Instead, the sound of water met your ears and you opened your eyes to see the boy washing his mouth out. His blue eyes met yours, turning off the faucet, and standing back up to clear his throat, “I’ve been trying to say that for weeks now.” It was like a light switch had flipped in his demeanor and he was all of a sudden fine.
Stan continued, sounding a bit raspy because of how much he threw up, “I haven’t talked to Wendy ever since I had walked you to your house. That was the day I realized I… like you.” He hesitated but he managed to say it, looking surprised himself. You paused. It made sense. Around that time, his avoiding started.
There were no words you could give in the moment. You thought this entire time he had been chasing her while in reality, he was hooked on you. Nothing came out and no idea of what to say came to mind. He had officially broke you.
Moving forward slowly, his gaze flickered down to your lips, giving you the signal before leaning into a kiss due to his compulsive and drunk desires. If you weren’t going to tell him anything, he’d get you to respond in another way. Your lips were turning numb along with the rest of your body as you could feel yourself falling down the rabbit hole of a stupor. A part of you was slightly repulsed by the fact he was kissing you after all that happened, but he mostly tasted like the disgusting vodka rather than puke. Which was surprising to say the least.
It didn’t lead to a make-out as you moved to your knees instead, closing the bathroom door behind you, and hearing him lock it with a shaky voice following after, “Fuck, wait, I don’t want to end up getting sick on you. I’ve barely been able to get past a kiss, let alone a touch there. I don’t know if I could handle this.” He rambled and rambled while you unbuttoned his jeans, feeling his dick progressively getting hard already.
A sharp gasp left him when your fingers brushed passed it through his boxers, causing him to hold his breath while still trying to get through to you, “Seriously, [Y/N], I might throw up again!” You sighed and stood back up after his second warning, placing your hand on his chest to ease him down onto the toilet seat. He sat upright, his eyebrows knitted together as you finally responded, “If you do, aim for the tub or sink. I get horny when drunk and I don’t think I want to stop any time soon, Stanley.”
You went right back to getting on your knees in front of him and wrapped your hand around his shaft to jerk it off through the fabric, seeing a small dot of pre-cum began to form around where his tip was. He could feel the warm nauseating feeling travel up his esophagus, making him panic, and move his head to the side to avoid getting it on her while you traveled to get his underwear off of him. Wendy had never done something like this to him before. As soon as he vomited around her, she was quick to lose her appetite for it.
This was different. He felt himself bare and exposed after you succeeded in getting his lower clothes down to his knees. And this was the point where he was feeling it fill his cheeks, he tried to suppress it as much as he could, swallowing it and enduring it. It was like his body was going through an anxiety attack and all it was doing was constantly sending him in this cycle of emptying his stomach because of simple things he should be allowed to do as a man.
He didn’t have an answer to what was wrong with him, but what he did know was that it pissed him the fuck off. Regaining his strength, his hand reached up to your head and he requested something directly to you for the first time without one slightest hesitation, “Please, just keep encouraging me beautiful… and can you keep calling me by my- uh- full name?”
You gave his flushed pink tip kisses, swiping your tongue slowly across it before obliging to his ask while pumping his dick with one hand, “You’re doing an amazing job, Stanley. I’m so proud of you… Is that what you wanted? Does that make you feel good, my handsome boy?” A sly smirk spread onto her face as she looked up to see his shocked expression, wrapping her entire mouth around him and hollowing her cheeks.
Never in a million years would he think that a girl would hit dead on the spot of what he needed, jolts of pleasure running through his legs and lower stomach at the comments. Butterflies plagued him rather than nausea. And what he had been waiting for was happening, he was relaxing into a blowjob.
His hands went for her hair immediately to lace his fingers in between whatever he could, gripping it gently while the relief showed through his half-lidded eyes and his happy pants. Stan let out a choked moan along with an excited but still cracking voice, “I don’t feel.. it! God, this is.. actually amazing… Please, please don’t stop… Keep going, [Y/N]!”
Bobbing your head up and down patiently, you picked up your pace minute by minute, watching as the boy lost it at the feeling. You were too good to him. Your suction on him was tight and you made sure your cheeks were pressed up against your teeth just enough to create the best possible experience for him.
Stan’s chin tilted up to the ceiling while curses spilled, “Fuck, fuck, why do you… have to feel so good?” You could see veins popping around his neck and his Adam’s apple moving up and down from the noises escaping him. His legs were starting to move inward towards themselves, knees about to touch, and his dick was beginning to throb in your mouth. You knew what this meant right away.
“I’m not going to be able to make it for that long if you feel this amazing, god damn it,” he choked out, his fingers digging into your scalp, but not on purpose. To solve this, you popped your mouth off of him and decided to use the time for his cool down to catch your breath.
He looked at you, confused and flustered, his dick inches away from your face. It was twitching and the pre-cum kept leaking because of how pent up he was. You snickered, “I thought you were going to get sick on me? Am I the first one you haven’t vomited on?”
Staring at you for a moment while catching his breath too, he fixed his messy hair, and shakily replied, “Yeah, technically.” You raised your eyebrows before smiling bashfully like that was a compliment. And maybe it was. But, you shouldn’t get too ahead of yourself.
Returning back to the activity at hand, you littered the sides of him with kisses, turning your focus to the veins wrapping around it which received a lot of feedback from him. “Woah, woah! Straight to it, huh?” His groans were amplified. It was like he got ten times more sensitive because you edged him.
It didn’t take much of you going back to sucking him to cause his orgasm rushing back. He was teetering on the edge, using the counter and anything else that he could grab on to vent by digging his fingernails into them.
Tears brimmed his eyes and he didn’t want to tell you that he was near, but he also didn’t want you to have a risk of choking. So, he confessed again, “I’m going to! I’m going to, you can stop…” He didn’t know why you were teasing him like this. But, for some reason, he enjoyed it too.
This time, you didn’t pull away. You picked up your pace instead. And that made him nearly knock off everything on the counter. He instinctively stood up, grabbing your head, and in the last final minute he had your mouth wrapped around him; he fucked hard into your throat and let out the cum he had been penting up since the last time he got to interact with you.
The groans that left him were loud and breathy, his eyes almost closing from how tired he got because of the amount of alcohol that was in his system. You were swallowing as much as you could to keep yourself from possibly throwing up yourself due to choking.
Eventually, every bit was dumped out of him and he pulled you off to let you breathe. You gasped for air and glared at him. Stan realizing what he did then and apologizing right away, “Oh crap, I didn’t mean to do that! I was trying to be careful, I’m so sorry!”
Proceeding to apologize to you for the rest of the night after that, the two of you had returned to walking each other home, feeling a long in your heart to remain by each other’s sides when you had to return to your separate dorm rooms. One thing was for certain though. You and Stan were going to have a lot of secrets that the title friends could only cover.
┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ End of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
#2 ; Kyle Broflovski
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The song that I thought fit this best :
Sexual Dynamic : Vanilla-esque.
What's in here : Slow sex, slightly experienced Kyle, and facial ejaculation.
- Oh no. Here we go. Now, Kyle, he’s a different story when it comes to getting into a friendship like this.
- He’d probably be easier to convince than Stan, but that’s if you were direct and honest with him.
- You’d have to be somewhat close with him enough to get to that conversation so I would say about five months into meeting him through mutual friends at the lunch tables. At some point, both of you would come across each other and have an in-depth conversation.
- He’s a sucker for intellectual people so once you’re bringing up your collections of books and the fact you make regular visits to the library, this guy’s interest shoots through the roof.
- Eventually, you’re the only thing he starts talking about with his friends and they all start to notice him drifting off in daydreams during class.
- This was about a couple of weeks into the friendship.
- The nerd just couldn’t stop eyeballing you. It didn’t help that he really admired your style and the way you dressed as well.
- Stan pulled him to the side one day to have a talk with him about you and he managed to convince the curly redhead to ask you to hangout at his place.
- The idea was that he was going to watch a whole marathon of Harry Potter movies with you considering the two of you were huge fans of the series.
- You were immediately down as soon as he asked. If anything, you were cheering to yourself about it.
- Now, you could put your plan in action.
- The truth was that you had thought of the Broflovski in many ways that would be considered beyond unholy.
- And the fact his parents were going out for the weekend you were coming over too did not help the ideas popping up in your head.
- When it came upon the day you were coming over, you decided to put on your sexiest outfit yet.
- A short tennis skirt, a laced spaghetti-strapped crop top, and a pair of thigh highs was enough to do the trick.
- You arrived at his place a couple of minutes early but just enough to where you didn’t look crazy, secretly wearing nothing underneath on purpose for him.
- He had paid Stan to babysit Ike for him that day too.
- You were not the only one plagued with not-so-innocent thoughts the entire week leading up to it. Kyle had some things planned out in his head as well. Technically, a mutual agreement without saying a word.
- Kyle was fast in opening the door for you and once he saw what you were in, the red on his face was more than visible.
- Obviously, he couldn’t hide the fact he was staring and definitely interested in the sight you were giving him.
- He locked every lock on that door as soon as you got inside.
┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ Start of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
You hopped onto his couch the moment the warmth of the house enveloped you, causing you to sigh in content. The freezing temperatures of South Park made it impossible for a girl to get pretty but you weren’t letting that stop you. Your eyes landed back on Kyle who was dressed in a green long sleeve and brown pants.
His outfit was super cute, less risqué than yours, however, that did not matter. He still looked like a snack to you. And you were already willing to lunge for him. But, you kept your distance. For now.
The boy sat next to you and relaxed into the cushions along with, being the one to break the silence by complimenting what you were wearing, “I swear, you choose outfits that fit you too well sometimes.” Benefits of talking to a guy with brains was the way they word things. “You’re not helping my barely growing teenage brain here,” he added on as a joke. A part of you knew that he wasn’t entirely bluffing though.
This was proven when you glanced down at his lap to check if there was a sign and sure enough, a rising tent had appeared.
Kyle, quick to notice things, saw that you had peeked and grabbed for a pillow to sit it over his crotch. Embarrassed that he didn’t think of doing that as soon as his mind went south.
But, you weren’t going to ignore that. You couldn’t. Your eagerness was too much for you and the heat between your legs was screaming for you to get to moving. So, you huffed out, “I don’t think I want to help. I’m here for encouragement…” While scooting yourself to replace the pillow on his lap with your ass instead.
He tensed up, sucking a breath in, and using his hands to grip your hips. You could feel his boner poking your inner thigh, about to brush the spot you wanted it to the most which got you even more excited.
Kyle was just as excited, jabbering on as soon as you pressed down into him, “I was hoping you would say that. I didn’t think I could just be friends with you as much as I wouldn’t like to admit that…” His hips bucked upward into you repeatedly, rocking himself into a position where his hard-on could rub against you perfectly. Your eyes widened and a moan slipped out.
The front of his pants was starting to get wet from grinding up into your bare pussy, causing him to notice, and ask, “Are you wearing anything under that?” You shook your head no while biting your lip, moving one of your hands to grab your breast and the other to lift up your skirt.
He watched what you were doing with an aroused look to his green eyes, staring at your chest often. This gave you the idea to strip off your top and throw it to the floor.
What a good idea it was because it made Kyle leap to tug his pants off. His boxers followed with and out sprang his dick, hitting his chest from how hard it got. The freckled boy panted, a blush everywhere on his body, matching the color of his hair. He was unbelievably attractive like this.
You leaned down next to his ear to whisper while grabbing his shaft, “I’ve been wanting you inside me ever since Sophomore year.” Before pushing it inside of you and lowering yourself all the way down until you were sitting right on his v-line.
He shuddered and gripped onto you tightly, digging his head back into the couch from the pleasure that rushed through him at the warm, wet feeling wrapping around.
“You should’ve said something because I would’ve made that come true,” he said. That was the last thing that was spoken as the two of you got lost in sex. You began to bounce on him and he guided you to grind during the process. Your eyes drifting everywhere, going from dazing off at the wall, to looking at him without a single thought in the world other than how good he was making you feel.
Kyle was in the same state. Admiring you by skimming his hands across your sides and using his fingers to play with your nipples. After riding him for a couple of minutes and starting to sweat from the workout it was giving you, he flipped you to rest back onto the armrest.
He slowly rocked his dick into you, pushing into your walls, and digging for spots that made you gasp. His groans ended up being muffled into your neck as he buried himself in the crook of it, kissing against your skin, and creating hickies once he traveled enough.
During his slow fucking, he drifted his thumb over to your clit and rubbed it at a good pace that matched his thrusts. It had you constricting yourself around him until you were a shaking mess, cumming underneath his figure, and riding out the high with him.
The green-eyed boy pulled out when you finished, jerking himself off at a fast speed, and asking politely, “Can you open your mouth and level with it please?” Without hesitation, you lowered yourself to his dick and let him release all over your face.
You stuck your tongue out, feeling the sticky liquid decorate most of it before you swallowed the bit that landed there, looking up at him with a smile.
Both of you had to clean up more than watch movies after that, but that did not matter to you, whatsoever. The only thing that mattered from that point was the next weekend you had to plan with the Broflovski.
┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ End of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
#3 ; Kenny McCormick
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The song that I thought fit this best :
Sexual Dynamic : Masc!Dom | Fem!Sub
What’s in here : Praise/ degrading kink, lots and lots of positions, public sex, and a creampie.
- Well, well, well. What most of you’ve been waiting for. The guy that obviously will take no time in making you his fuck buddy!
- It’s pretty obvious that right away he made his intentions clear and he communicated them with no problem.
- And that’s exactly why you were into him.
- Kenny has an eye for girls that like to have a fun time and you happened to be one with a big reputation of rebellion.
- You loved ditching class, hating the kids, the work being too stressful, and all of the above was the reason why.
- And he was often caught back there as well. So, sooner or later, you came across each other on one of your breaks from the shitty school environment and took it together.
- Might have ended up in the mutual agreement of being FWB’s right then and there which lead to you giving the boy his first non-std infected blowjob.
- The thing that had gotten in your way, however, was the fact you had strict parents and this meant you had no way of getting out of the house to meet up with him.
- To make things worse and add the cherry on top, this started around the end of the school year and the both of you ended up having no way to contact each other because of this.
- Those two months for both you and Kenny were perhaps one of the most depressing periods of time in your life.
- After dealing with this, College had started and your parents began to let you have more freedom because you were becoming an adult.
- You were frustrated at the timing, the blonde-haired boy on the back of your mind the entire time they spoke to you about it. And the more you had longed to see him again.
- The first day of College arrived some time later and you had no idea what to expect.
- There was an uneasy feeling. You knew that Kenny wasn’t financially well off and you didn’t know if he was good grade-wise so it left you with the weight of finding out whether or not he was attending.
- Throughout the whole school day, you looked for him, high and low, low and high. Everywhere.
- He wasn’t in any single one of your classes. None of his friends were too. It seemed like all hope was lost and that the inevitable had happened.
- But, before you could end up back in that same pit of sadness, during the walk out of one of your classes to go to another; you passed by the stairs and someone grabbed you.
- Not knowing who it was, you put up a bit of a fight, losing pretty badly considering the person was quite strong, ending up behind the crevice of the stairs anyway.
- When you came face-to-face with the man that dragged you away, you squealed for joy.
- It was, of course, the McCormick.
- Both of you collided into a huge hug and stayed there for a while, cherishing each other’s warmth and smell.
- He’ll always have that faint smell of weed on him, but, it made him hotter in a way.
- It didn’t take long for the hug to turn into an elated talk.
┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ Start of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
“Where have you been? How has life been treating you, Ken?” You asked while shoving his arm playfully, tilting your head to the side. He smirked at your behavior, finding it cute, before responding casually, “Honestly, it could be better. But, I’ve been doing okay. Now, that I’m getting to see my smokin’ hot babe again though, I think it’s more than great!” His nickname that he gave you made you crack up and blush at the same time.
Laughing along with you, he repeated the question, aiming it toward you this time. Your expression quickly dropped for a minute and when you remembered that he could pick up on that, you tried to play it off, “Oh, yeah! Uh, I’ve been okay too. Just been working my ass off in keeping my room clean so my parents won’t take my phone for the millionth time.”
A sigh left him hearing that and he clicked his tongue in disappointment, shaking his head side to side while leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. “Still dealing with them? Damn, I’m all for parents making sure their kids are doing what they’re supposed to and actually taking care of em’, but, when you’re practically shoving your nose in their ass, that’s a problem,” he complained.
You agreed, “Tell me about it.” Rolling your eyes, you copied his body language by leaning too. Having dealt with them being this way since twelve, he didn’t even know half of it.
Silence began to fall onto your ears as Kenny opted for staring at you other than continue the conversation, his blue eyes scanning down your body, ultimately going for his perverted tendencies by lingering on your breasts a little too long. You snickered in response to this, “Really? You’re going to stare? You know you have hands, right pretty boy?”
Teasing him was just what you needed to do to make him budge as the McCormick turned to pin you to the wall, leaning down to get to your eye level. He gave you a small, soft kiss on the lips before pulling away to began lifting your shirt up above your head with a retort, “You should watch what you’re saying or else you’re going to end up being humiliated in front of a whole bunch of people, [Y/N].” So, he was saying your name now?
You decided you wanted to see if he would go that far by testing him, snaking your hand up to his waistband before shoving it inside of his pants without any struggle. Starting to rub him through his boxers right away, Kenny let out a grunt and pressed his forehead against yours while his brows furrowed.
Your voice lowered only for him to hear what you were telling him, “Do it. Fuck me so hard that everybody will know who’s screwing me that good.” His breath got shaky at that and you felt his cock throb in your hold.
He started tugging at his pants, bringing them down to his ankles along with his underwear from how eager he was after hearing what you said. A feeling of regret haunted you for a second when you glanced at the size of him, forgetting how huge he was until you got to see it in front of you.
But, that was overshadowed by how horny it also made you. Your own shorts were being thrown to the ground with the rest of the clothes. Eventually, leaving you both naked in front of each other.
Kenny was the quickest into getting in action, massaging your tits with both of his hands while moving his mouth to latch onto your neck. He made a couple of hickies working his way to your collarbone, running his fingers from your nipple to what’s in between your legs to rub your clit in circles for a minute.
Getting bored with this, he switched it up by continuously kissing lower and lower. Still sucking on certain spots to get it to bruise. He was marking you up and you were enjoying every single one. You moaned softly, trying to keep quiet, but loud enough for him to hear. After all, you didn’t want to actually get spotted doing this with him and end up expelled.
When he got to your pussy, his arms slid into the crevices of your thighs before he lifted both of them, spreading them across the wall. Then his mouth put all of the attention onto it.
Kenny licked your folds repeatedly at first to get a taste of your juices, gliding his tongue over your sensitive bud, and swirling it in a pattern to get you to make more noises for him. You were restless, grinding up into his face, and tugging onto his hair the moment he got to flicking side-to-side.
He went at it for a couple, causing you to cover your mouth midway through because of how much your voice was raising. It felt amazing. Like you were floating from how good his technique was.
Covering you with his spit from how messy he ate you out, you jutted your hips up and began to grind on his face. Around his mouth was a mess, spreading to his nose, and cheeks. He looked deep into your eyes the whole time he did it and switched to sucking your clit for the finale.
The blonde-haired boy got you to cum from that alone. Letting you roll on him like he was your new personal chair and smother his head with your thighs until pure bliss was the one thing showing in his expression.
Your juices spilled onto him, some landing where his dick was which worked out for lubrication in the long run. He stood back up, glistening in the sun from all the wetness, telling you with a smooth tone, “Turn around for me and put that ass up, baby.”
With shaky legs from the orgasm you had, you did what he said and bent over, your cheek pressed up on the cold bumpy surface. “Look at that… You’re being such a good little whore for your best friend,” Kenny cooed while grabbing your head and pushing you up against it; positioning himself with your entrance and sliding in easily. The both of you moaned out in satisfaction.
You had been waiting for him to do this to you for so long. And it didn’t hurt as bad as you thought it would. In fact, the big size and girth gave you the feeling of being full.
He sent loud slaps through the wall once he rammed his first set of thrusts into you, being fucked aggressively in doggy style despite you not being far from your peers and a death sentence from your parents.
The wet sounds mixing along with it didn’t help. And you were so sensitive that it made it impossible for you to hold your breath. The whining, yelps, and panting all at a high enough pitch that it was beginning to echo. You were going to get caught if he didn’t finish soon. Both of you would. But, for some reason, that didn’t sound as threatening as it should.
Your sense of danger was dulled from how hard he was railing you. And how turned on you were from it. Like he had molded you into being stupid for the time being.
You raked your nails on the wall and arched your back more, pleading out to him, “Faster, Kenny! Please, hurry up… I don’t want to get in trouble!” He paused as if he wasn’t expecting to hear that, but responded once it registered, “Okay, though you asked for this…”
Quickening his pace, your eyes shut and you used your hand to muffle yourself by biting onto it, crying out from his dick practically reaching into your stomach. He groaned, watching the display for himself to memorize, and slightly impressed at how dirty this hook-up was. You were going to be his favorite, for sure.
His end began to near around the time the bell was about to ring again, people about to fill the halls any second now while you’re being pummeled by the biggest pervert in school. You murmured curses quietly, feeling him grab both of your wrists while chasing his high as fast as he could. Tears left your eyes when Kenny finally reached it.
He didn’t pull out. Instead, he fucked his jizz inside of you and pumped every last drop he could. “Fuck! Fuck, that’s right… Take as much as you fucking can.” His dirty words were like music to your ears and the way his cum filled you to the brim made you hum. Drool dripping down the side of your mouth from how out of it you were.
Although, he was put in a tricky situation considering you could no longer walk and he possibly could’ve got you pregnant, a huge derpy smile stayed on Kenny’s face for the rest of the time he was with you. No one had seen him that happy ever. So, there was a lot of questions you had to answer when the boy ended up confessing that it was because of you. Who knew it was so hard to keep a secret with the McCormick.
┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ End of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
#4 ; Craig Tucker
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The song that I thought fit this best :
Sexual Dynamic : Masc!Sub | Masc!Dom
What’s in here : Yandere Craig (doing it cause I felt like it), mentions of murder, rough/painful sex, and a cumshot with a creampie.
- Well fuck, this guy had known you for so long that he could barely remember when he first met you.
- But, that didn’t mean you two were close.
- You were simply friends from afar before ending up complete nobodies to each other around the time college came about.
- Or that’s what you thought.
- Craig had only stopped talking to you, he didn’t completely stop from hanging around you.
- Meaning that he would often drop by the places he knew you were hanging around to sit nearby and watch what you would do.
- This wouldn’t be creepy if it weren’t for the fact that the only place you liked to be inside was your dorm room. So, he was watching you from your window.
- It was easy for him considering the two of you were neighbors and whenever he wasn’t occupied with his love life, he’d be lost in staring at you playing the guitar or even go as far as watching you change.
- At some point, his infatuation with you peaked after coming across a late night masturbation session you were having, forgetting to close the blinds which let him have access to the scene.
- You had no shirt on, your pants barely above your knees, watching something on your computer screen. And his body was quick to react when he looked down.
- He got an idea to bring out his camera and record you, taking the moment to have fun himself.
- After jerking off and cumming around the same time with you, muttering your name in the middle of it, he knew he wasn’t going to be able to sit beside and just watch you forever.
- With an entire month of constantly recording you, breaking into your room and taking some of your clothes. Even stealing pencils that you broke out of boredom from the trash to keep in his drawer and watching you get drunk until you hooked up with random woman. Craig spiraled downward into an unhealthy obsession.
- He couldn’t stand it when seeing you flirt with girls despite knowing that you had no knowledge of his existence.
- If you took them home or went home with them, they would end up missing the next day.
- Craig didn’t know why he did it. He just simply felt the motive. Maybe it was because they were girls and he was a boy or maybe because he was in love with you. Honestly, he didn’t want to think on it.
- It got out that some of these woman were disappearing around your area and you ended up finding out it was the ones you hooked up with when the police were at your door.
- You were questioned and put as the number one suspect because you were the last person seen with them. And this confused and scared you badly.
- The police were convinced you were telling the truth by the way you reacted to the interrogation. Answering all of their questions sincerely, even telling them details of that night you had with them but not going too far to where it was weird.
- Also, the devastation on your face was easy to see. So they left you alone.
- However, this haunted you and you became desperate on trying to find out more about what happened to the girls by asking around. As well as waiting for more information from the investigation.
- The black-haired boy had to keep a low profile after and thanked himself for dumping the bodies in the lake further ahead of time.
- He was oddly disappointed in himself because of what he had done. Not because he had taken the lives away from innocent girls, but because he made your life become so hectic and had you go through so much stress.
- After the ordeal was dying down and the cops were coming to a dead end, the cases went cold and Craig went about his daily life of stalking you once again.
- You did not come back from this okay. Actually, it lead you to distancing from people romantically and sexually because you were afraid they would disappear.
- Landing you in therapy to get over the traumatic experience and depression that was swallowing you whole. Making you lose all of your friends and end up alone.
- And who would’ve known that Craig happened to need to go to the same therapist too? After his parents had found him talking to a wall and carving an initial into himself, your initial.
- He was admitted out of self harm. But, really, he was coping with the fact he couldn’t follow you during the search for the kidnapper of your flings.
- This gave him an opportunity to get to know you though as you crossed paths often when waiting in the lobby for appointments.
- One day, he told himself he was going to try and greet you. It should be easy because you both used to know each other, right?
- But this lead to him dodging it as soon as he got near you.
- You could be thirty feet away and Craig was standing there, panicking in his head, his face the exact opposite with barely any emotion present. Contradicting his stoicism, his heartbeat was racing.
- Your eyes had glanced over and ended up locking with his, raising a brow like you were questioning him.
- Then he saw you get up and began to head over to him.
- He became extremely nervous and excited all at the same time, clearing his throat and taking a deep breath to ready himself before you were right in front of him.
- His blue eyes were intense and burrowed themselves into your head as you got to finally talk to the guy you’d been seeing around.
- Might have been an socializing assignment your therapist gave you so you can repair your relationship with people. Fucked up considering he’s the one that ruined it in the first place.
┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ Start of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
“I remember you! You’re the guy that lived in my neighborhood! Your name’s Craig, right?” You gave him a chipper smile, taking off your headphones to rest them on your shoulders. Craig had froze and stared at you blankly before rushing to find something to respond with, “Uh, yeah, I happen to be that guy.” It came out more awkward than he had wanted it to but who could blame him? He was talking to the boy he had been immensely infatuated with for months now who was acting extremely casual.
You laughed in victory at the correct guess and placed out a hand for him to shake, telling him why you approached, “That’s great! I had been looking for some more friends actually as I’ve went through something a little while ago and it’s left me a bit lonely. You think you could be my friend?”
He didn’t know how to register what you were saying but he wasn’t upset about it in the slightest. Although, his mind wasn’t concluding this as you two being ‘friends’. Grabbing your hand, he shook it and forgot to not put so much force, ending up yanking you a little too forward.
Your face collided with his chest due to losing your balance, making him catch you, and help you regain it by making you hug him. It didn’t help that you were at his height too because as soon as you pulled back, your nose was almost touching his. His eyes were back to burning themselves into yours, an electric feeling running through you at the moment. ‘Why did he look at me like that?’ you wondered, ‘Like I’m the most interesting thing in the world.’
Craig had to hold himself back from doing anything stupid and last minute, tensing up and slowly getting you to move back to where you were by grabbing both of your shoulders. You blinked rapidly and muttered out an apology, “My bad, I didn’t mean to fall into you and stay there, you just got really pretty eyes man.” That wasn’t a lie, you did think the color was super nice to look at.
But this compliment hit him way harder than it should’ve. And he found himself beginning to blush, blurting out a compliment back before he could think, “So are yours.”
The both of you were becoming flustered, looking at each other for a minute until you thought of another topic to talk about, trying to save yourself from spawning a crush on the guy. “So, what do you like to do in your spare time?” you went for that. And instead of answering, he asked you another question, “Do you smoke?”
Your eyes went wide as you watched him reach into his pocket and pull out a blunt the size of a finger, staring at it in disbelief. This was the weirdest interaction you’ve had yet. And how did he know that you were okay with that? And smoked weed? Did you smell like it? All these questions ran through your head but at some point, you had to answer him, and free drugs were a hard thing to come by, so you were honest, “Yeah, I do.”
A part of you felt pumped about it while another was a bit weirded out. However, you forgot about it quickly as soon as the blue-eyed man started walking away. You began to follow behind him, keeping up enough to watch his back the entire way, and admiring the trees every second or so when you got bored.
It was quiet. Not a word exchanged between them. That was because Craig was over his head. He was piecing something together in his thoughts, forming a plan, one that wasn’t what you would call sane. But, that was because he simply wasn’t. He couldn’t pretend like he hadn’t been thinking of you in a certain way for a long time. Like he hadn’t killed for you because of it.
As he lead you to a nearby alleyway he went to when he wanted to watch you in private, his back turned and he was facing you again. This place was damp and dark, the smell not the best, but it was away from society. And that was perfect for this.
The ravenette rested against the wall and lifted the blunt in between his fingers to rest right on his lips before reaching into his pocket to pull out a lighter. He lit the end of it, resting the flame on the tip for a couple of seconds as he sucked in a huge cloud that left his mouth the second he blew it out.
Holding it out to you afterward, a trail of smoke drifted from the cherry while you took it in your own two fingers. You took a hit from it just like he did, knowing that this was a really good kind as soon as you tasted how smooth the bud was. Your eyes closed and you held it in for five seconds before letting it out until all the air escaped your lungs so you didn’t die from coughing.
Hissing through your teeth, you ended up still letting out a grunt and cleared your throat to ease the burn in the back of your throat. “Shit, that’s a pretty good strain, what is it?” you asked in the middle of your struggle.
Craig took another drag and doubled it while responding nonchalantly like it was nothing, “It’s called Azul. I grew it.” He glanced down at the blunt to check on its burning status and decided it needed another light.
After getting it bright again, he handed it back to you and let you take a couple more puffs, putting his hands in his pockets. An impressed look crossed your face and what he said piqued your curiosity, you asked like you didn’t believe him, “Really?? You’re a grower? Don’t you go to my school and dorms?” It seemed you were going to get along with this guy way more than you thought you would.
More time passed as the two of you progressively got higher and higher each pass, ending up with you laughing contagiously at a joke he had made about a lady that passed by. You would’ve normally quietly chuckled and try to contain it because of how mean it was as you didn’t want to feel bad. But, the state you were in was more than relaxed.
A small smile appeared on Craig while he watched you lose it, “Dude! That’s so messed up… Come on!” You hit his arm and rested your head on his shoulder from being out of it, mumbling into his sweater. He put out the blunt then because he knew that any more would be way too much. Once you got to lift your head and rest your chin on him, he turned his toward you.
He looked down, so close that you could feel his breath brushing against you, and that made your heart stop. Muttering quietly, his questions took a turn that you didn’t expect, “Have you ever kissed a guy before?” Almost instantly, you could feel your dick starting to rise, causing you to cover it with your hand while responding in an unsure tone, “No…”
When your eyes flickered down to his lips after the mention of it though, he was fast to press them against yours. You didn’t resist but you didn’t return it either. Letting him softly kiss you before he pulled away to conclude, “Now you have. How did it feel?”
It was like the oxygen had left you. You couldn’t wrap your mind around why you liked that so much. And the fact he tasted like raspberries was not helping. Was a guy really going to be the one that gave you the best kiss of your life?
He frowned when you took forever to answer, sighing through his nose, and pulling away with a rejected tone, “Fuck, well, sorry I made you question your sexuality, [Y/N].” Before he could get far, you grabbed his collar and made him go back to where he was but ended up overestimating how far you were tugging him. He stumbled forward and pushed you up against the wall, both of his hands landing on both sides of your head to catch himself while your noses touched.
Craig held a glare with you, confused. He didn’t understand why you weren’t saying anything but also refusing to kiss him back as well. Were you into it? Did you want to? You still couldn’t open your mouth to put it into words, in denial about what was happening. But, you gave him something to let him know that it wasn’t bad by returning the kiss gently.
You were barely brushing up into him like you were shy of the action. And he understood that it was because you hadn’t done it in a while so he savored what he could. You were kissing him. Finally, he had gotten what he wanted. He was the one locking lips with you. Not anybody else.
His hands drifted to your sides, slowly moving to your waist so he could hook his fingers at the bottom of your shirt. Knowing where this was going, a knot formed in your throat and you placed your hands on his chest to push him away. “I don’t know if I can go that far,” you finally said something. It wasn’t because you didn’t want to. It was because you couldn’t stop worrying about his safety. All that you could think about was his name in the news headlines and pictures of his chullo hat covered in blood laying in some bushes.
Your breathing went out of control and he could tell you were about to go into a panic attack, wrapping his arms around you as soon as he saw the signs, remembering them from the times you were in your dorm room crying about the interrogation months ago.
There was that guilty feeling in his chest. It made his heart heavy. He didn’t want you to feel like this. Especially when all this worry was for nothing. So, he decided to mumble out the best reassurance he could think of, “I don’t know what’s going on with you. I have no idea what had happened to that friendship we had for a minute back then too. You’ve been out of the loop for quite a while, [Y/N].” He moved back to stare directly at you with sincerity in his voice, “All I know is that kissing someone has never felt so right and if I could, can I make you feel safe enough to trust me with your body for tonight?”
That was the most convincing someone has ever been. And this high helped you calm yourself while using the breathing techniques your therapist gave. You bit your bottom lip before sighing out in frustration, looking around at where you were, and then exclaiming, “Fine! But, can we please do it somewhere else other than a fucking disgusting alleyway?”
Craig stared at you like you were crazy until his face twisted from holding back laughter, ending up bursting at the seams anyway as it sputtered out of him. “You’re right. This isn’t the place to be screwing a pretty boy like you,” he slyly said as he began to head out of the alleyway. You ran after him, trying to brush off what he said but still feeling the butterflies flutter in your stomach.
Eventually, the two of you made it inside of your dorm room, the Tucker locking the door behind you with a snide remark, “So, are you going to answer my question from earlier? How was kissing a boy for the first time?”
You forgot about that. Your mind flashing back to the memory of the kiss, vividly remember how soft his lips were, and how patient he was in his pace. He was aggressive but soft. A perfect mixture. Snapping out of it, you stammered out, “I hadn’t kissed someone in quite a while… Or well, a girl. And it was always quick-paced like they were in a rush to get to the good parts. But with you… Well, with a boy, it was like you couldn’t get enough. That, I think, made it practically impassable.”
What you said made Craig sit in your computer chair and stare at you in awe, reaching his hand up to pull off his hat, and placing it down on your desk. He reached out his hand for yours now and murmured, “Come over here and sit.” You walked over to him and took it, about to actually prop yourself down onto his lap before he stopped you right as you were. “Wait. I need to fix something,” he said as he went to unbutton your pants.
Taking in a sharp inhale through your nose , his hands wasted no time in tugging them off along with your boxers. “Fuck, you move fast. Hold on, let me prepare myself at least,” you sounded embarrassed and you were because your hard-on was so visible. He chuckled at that, “Okay then. I’ll get myself undressed while you can work on getting those off.”
Your eyes couldn’t help but get a look at Craig starting to take his jacket and shirt off, automatically checking him out, and to your surprise, he was pretty built. He noticed you staring and teased, “If you want to see all of it, get to moving, I want to see you too.” That was a bargain you couldn’t say no to, holding your breath as you gripped around the hem of your boxers.
Then you pulled them off, letting them fall to your ankles, tugging your shirt off afterward to get it out of the way. The only thing left on you was your socks and the same was for him a couple of seconds later.
He eyed you up and down with his blue orbs, reaching for your wrist, and pulling you back into touching your knees with his. Both of his hands placed onto your shoulders and began lowering you down until you were coming face-to-face with his huge dick, watching it twitch with a slightly ajar mouth.
“You’re going to have to get it wet if you want to go any further, pretty boy,” he whispered, grabbing your chin to guide your mouth toward him. You couldn’t believe you were doing this, opening wide before taking the tip and wrapping your lips around it. Craig grunted and put a hand on your head, gripping onto your hair to deal with the pleasure.
The texture was different than you expected to feel on your tongue but it was also satisfying in a way. And it didn’t take long for you to get into swallowing most of his length, easing it into your throat, and tasting the saltiness of his pre-cum the more you sucked.
Grabbing harder onto you, he moved his hips upward and made all of his dick go down into your mouth. This caused you to gag and jolt backward, coughing and making a face at him. “What the fuck, man,” you angrily said and got back up onto your feet.
However, Craig was extremely impatient by this point and he could no longer hold up the soft facade he had with you anymore. He stood up with you and within seconds, you were slammed down into your bed while his hand dug into your neck, tightening around your throat to make you choke more than you had on him.
Noises squeaked out of you while the air was leaving you, his other hand positioning himself to your ass and spitting on it to get you ready. He rubbed it around and made you shudder, having never been touched there which caused it to feel super sensitive.
He made both of your legs wrap around his waist once his tip began to push inside, slowly stretching your hole out as you grabbed his wrist to try and pull his hand off of you. It hurt so bad. His size bigger than most so it made it almost numbing the more he slid into you. Your eyes were struggling to stay open as you were close to passing out from the loss of oxygen.
That’s what made him stop. He removed his hand from your neck and balled up both of them into fists, punching them into the pillow your head was resting on while rearing his hips back. He made his entire dick slide out before forcing it back in, making it feel like he was tearing your ass apart from the roughness. You screamed out, “FUCK! CRAIG! WAIT! WAIT, IT HURTS!”
Slapping a hand to cover your mouth, he continued to ram himself over and over into you, watching you take him with several groans slipping out. He was frantic in his movements and made your bed sound like it was about to give up underneath the strength he put into fucking you.
He made you forget about the anxiety alright. Letting you know why you didn’t have to be afraid of him being taken away but rather be afraid of him altogether. At the same time, you were being fucked into liking it. The sweat, slapping from the colliding of skin, and the shaking of your legs set up the perfect scenery for him. He got to see you fucked out underneath him, because of him, all for him. And that was all he needed.
Leaning into your neck, he finally came to a slow pace and rocked up into your walls, gliding his fingers down your chest to play with your tip and the pre-cum on it. Craig was giving you a break, wrapping his palm around the base of your dick until he was pumping it up and down at the exact pace he was thrusting into you. The combined pleasure was enough to get you to moan out in relief, “Much better… Oh, god, that’s much better…”
Another rare smile lifted the corners of his mouth as he moaned with you, burying all of his length for a moment before pulling back again to quicken his speed. “That’s what happens when you’re being a good fuck toy,” he praised. Jerking you off faster and faster as well.
You buried your head into the pillow and felt him start to kiss around your Adam’s apple, littering them around until his teeth brushed around a spot that made you jump. When he found it, he bit into the sensitive area and that caused everything in you to unravel. Your cum shot out on your chest and landed in between his fingers, spreading across his hand, and some even getting on his lower stomach.
He continued to rail himself in you for another long minute before reaching his end alongside you, the warm fluid escaping him with a loud growl, “[Y/N]! Shit… You’re so.. fucking… perfect.” Once he was finished completely and everything had emptied out into your hole, he slid his dick out. Letting the cum spill out onto your sheets while collapsing next to you to rest. The both of you stared at each other in a daze for the last moments you managed to stay awake and as you were about to pass out, Craig had confessed to you, “I think I love you…”
Sorry for any errors or misspellings! I had tried to rush through this little thing when I saw it was getting too long so progressively, it might’ve got worse. But, this is overall what I’ve been working on for a couple and I hope you enjoyed!
Stick around for some more if you want! I got plenty where that came from. And if you like the other fandoms I’m interested in, you would definitely want to follow. I’ll be releasing a lot of those soon!
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st4rb3rries · 11 months
the main 4 meeting you for the first time
pairings; stan, kyle, kenny, cartman x fem!reader (all aged up 17-18)
summary; reactions and meeting you
warnings; cussing and suggestive language
a/n; hopefully you guys understand the kyle and stan one😭
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how kyle and stan met you:
you met them senior year. they saw your fine ass in class and were like "gawd dayum 😍😍🔥❤️" NAH JK kyle and stan secretly talked shit about you because you were the smartest in class. (they haven't even talked to you once) it was mostly kyle because he was jealous of your academic intelligence.
kyle: "who does she think she is acting like a goody two shoes and she shouldn't even be talking with that big ass forehead her calculations aren't even correct dude i'm totally way smarter than y/n🙄"
stan: "ong bruh like her forehead is bigger than my relationship with my dad😭 and no one can outsmart my super best friend dude🤨"
y/n: ....
like y'all sit close by each other in class and they still have the audacity to talk shit😭. they weren't even slick either you could clearly hear them but they thought you couldn't.
but one day things changed. they were struggling in algebra so you decided to help them. out of the kindness of your heart? no. the teacher told you to help them. this was the moment that would change everything.
y/n: "hi do you need some help it looks like you guys are struggling"
kyle: "no were fine we don't need your help"
stan: "yeah dude you can go away, kyle is way smarter than you we don't need you"
kyle: "yeah that's right i'm smarter than you punk so you can go away now🤓"
y/n: "ok kyle why did you pick 'd' instead of 'c' for number 1🥱"
y/n: "ah look at that so you need my help after all"
stan and kyle: "smart ass"
y/n: "what was that hm?"
kyle: "smart class"
stan: "y-yeah we have a smart class😇"
y/n: "i know you guys talk shit about me don't think your so slick"
stan and kyle: 😮😮
they stopped talking bad about you. since you found out you started "helping" them more and they both started getting to know you better. even though they still had their attitude. and with all that helping there formed a friendship<3.
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how cartman and kenny met you:
you also met them senior year. you however only met them because you decided to ditch class and do your business under the bleachers. both of them have seen you in class and they know your smart. they just didn't really care about you though.
*you walk over to the bleachers*
cartman: "oh shit teachers, RUN KENNY'
y/n: "im not a teacher wtf😭 "
they got scared there for a minute. but they weren't anymore until they recognized your annoying voice. cartman and kenny also thought you would never ditch class because your so smart🤨. (they were generally surprised)
cartman: "sorry there's no nerdy bitches allowed😘"
kenny: "you can be my nerdy bitch😏"
y/n: "and that's why your moms should've swallowed both of you when she had the chance."
cartman: 😮
kenny: "HAHAHAH" *bros tryna get into them baggy jeans💀*
cartman: "what the hell are you even doing here"
y/n: "no what are you doing here🤨"
cartman: "ditching class duh you dumb slut🙄"
y/n: "ok tubby well i need both of you to leave"
kenny: "why🥹"
y/n: "don't worry about it"
kenny: "YES MA'AM😍"
unfortunately they stayed because they're nosy as hell. anyways after they both saw you make money by doing peoples homework. they had mad respect for you. cartman was even a bit jealous that you came up with so much money. kenny on the other hand was wondering if you provide other types of services🤔.
cartman: " here y/n take this why don't we talk for a bit"
y/n: "are these crushed up smarties🤨"
kenny: "ya you can smoke em' or snort em' "
y/n: "y'all can't afford the real stuff💀?"
cartman: "so about your services, i'd like to be your manager i can make you stronger and smarter"
y/n: "do you have a gpa of 4.0"
kenny: "does 2.8 count"
cartman: "kenny stfu im tryna make us some money here"
cartman: "anyways so-"
after talking with them you agreed. but little did know that agreement was gonna be a long one. both of them truly admired your hard work and at some point it wasn't about the money. they really just liked hanging out with you😭.
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
kenny, Kyle, butter and Jimmy with a s/O whos really bubbly and extroverted?? not to mention popular 😭 if it's not too much ofc 🫶🫶
It’s not it’ll just take me like, forever because I’m not too much like that ya know???
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• Tbh it didn't make sense that you and Kyle were together
• This guy who has anger issues and hangs around Cartman, and this really happy popular bubbly girl? Ok it makes SOME sense but not all that much
• No one knows how you guys started to talk
• But Kyle felt like he hit the jackpot, that he was the luckiest guy in the world to be the one who's dating you
• Neither of you cared for status so that's not the reason you started dating. But how did you?
• It's actually kind of funny, you've been neighbors with the Broflovski's for years! You've even babysat Ike before
• But you and Kyle ended up meeting when you became part of one of Cartmans schemes, and you and Kyle hit it off right away
• Y'all were really just perfect for each other!
• Kyle refuses to admit that Cartman had any help with getting you guys together... Even tho he has pictures of y'all in his shipping scrapbook and might've locked you guys in the locker room so he, Stan, and Kenny could execute part of the plan
• You were just a detail in a plan so the guys didn't have Kyle getting in the way of them tbh
• Anyways, Kyle loves you and y'all are frequently seen holding hands and stuff
• A lot of your friends question your choices a l o t, they don't think he's good enough for you but fuck them
• Kyle's a really good bf who takes you on dates and doesn't talk shit behind your back
• He's with you because he genuinely likes you and your personalities fit so well together despite being pretty different
• You encourage him to come out of his shell :)
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• No one understood how you guys got together, no one even knows how you guys became friends
• Yeah sure you guys has similar personalities but your classes and friend groups were so different
• Although Butters did seem to make friends with everyone he's met he just isn't considered popular
• He's probably sent you love letters and stuff as a secret admirer
• Butters is so hard not to like, and tbh you fell for him hard. It was obvious you guys had the biggest crush on each other
• He also probably did a really public confession, everyone expected you to reject him but you kissed him!
• Tbh your relationship works so well because you guys are both really happy extroverted people
• Butters always tries taking you on dates once a week, he even got a job to help fund your dates because he always insists on going all out
• Y'all are often seen cuddling by the stairs or maybe around any of Butters' friends (because your friend group is shallow af and would insult Butters)
• He's completely head over heels for you
• Plus, you don't mind when he dresses up
• Actually you think it's fun and might just join in
• Y'all also have baking dates and Butters is always trying to put extra sugar so it can "taste as sweet as you"
• He does all kinds of shit for you, like leaving you little love notes in your backpack or lunch box
• God he loves you so much
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• You and Jimmy weren't actually that hard to believe
• Jimmy is most likely popular too (especially with the ladies because he keeps flirting with girls), so it's not too far fetched that y'all would get together
• You guys often hung out anyways because you've been friends for a while
• Jimmy had a bit of an obvious crush on you, he always told you his best jokes and keeps giving you stuff he 'found' because they remind him of you
• He probably confessed to you with a corny joke he knew you would love and a big bouquet of flowers
• As he knew you would, you loved it. Jimmy knows you so well :)
• Y'all matched up pretty well considered how happy and bubbly you are and how Jimmy's the calm one between the two of you
• Tbh he's always getting you little gifts and holding your hand when he can, which isn't often but he tries!
• A lot of jokes he writes he has you in mind, sometimes he calls you his muse
• There's also a bunch of dirty jokes but we don't talk about those
• Jimmy is almost glued to your hip, he's always around but he'll give you the space when you need it
• Otherwise he's there for you, whether you need to cry to him or ramble about what happened
Imagine me writing this, with bloodshot eyes writing this at 5 am after going to sleep at 12:30 and doing that for months straight
As you can tell, I didn't have much inspiration
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flesheatingmoth · 10 months
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i think about stick of truth style way too much to be healthy. i could also not be arsed to color this entire thing
some explanations under the cut
i've always found the idea of human stan to be quite boring, especially since it's not actually mentioned in the game at all. from what i know, at least. i've played it a few times but it never presented him as a human. idk where that idea came from. i guess his description said he was raised by elves, but i dont think that necessarily means he's human
my very elaborate and unnecessary backstory for him is that sharon is an elf and sheila's right hand maiden. she managed to fall in love with randy, a human farmer and bard, when seeing him singing at a tavern. she ran away from her duties as the queen's right hand to live with randy on his farm, and had two children, shelley and stan. unfortunately, the village that they lived near weren't fond of human-elf relationships and burned down the farm, chasing them out of town. shelley ended up getting cursed to be the she orge that she is in the game, and sharon, as a last ditch effort, gave stan over to sheila and asked her to protect him. sheila still felt affection for sharon as her old best friend, so she agreed and raised stan to be a knight. he and kyle grew up alongside each other and stan became kyle's personal knight
human-elf relationships aren't illegal but they're very taboo with the tensions between larnion and kupa keep, so half elves are generally outcasted. stan is the first half elf to join the royal guard and lot of people want him off of it
stan is also a ranger in game and has sparky as his wolf companion, so i thought it would be fitting for him to have a disney princess moment and be friends with wolves lol. the wolves help patrol the forest surrounding the elven capital and report back to stan directly. he knows how to communicate with them
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kenny-the-ken · 1 year
Save the Date
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Aged up readers, Y/N is 17, Kenny is 18. All in high school. Mentions of drugs, alcohol, sexual themes and strong language. NOT FOR MINORS!! I hope you all enjoyed my first fic, it was written while running after my 2 year old who throws WAY too many tantrums so sorry if it wasn't my greatest work!
Kenny watched you from across the classroom, he watched how you twiddled your pen between your thumb and forefinger, how you the tip of your tongue darted out of your mouth as you concentrated on what you were writing. Your perfect y/h/c hair flowing in soft waves that cascaded down your back. He had fallen, and he had fallen hard.
Both of you were inseparable, the best of friends, you did everything together, albeit not much, because neither of you could afford to go a lot of places. He loved nothing more than laying down beside you in your bed with his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, you were the one of the only people that knew he was Mysterion, you were one of the very lucky few who had seen him without his orange parka hood suffocating his face. But the most important to him, you were the only one to remember, the first time he died in front of you, you were shattered to a million pieces, your heart completely broken, and the only thing that could ever fix it was Kenny coming back alive, not like that could ever happen.
But it did, and when you heard a small knock on your front door all those years ago, opening it to see those beautiful blue eyes and fluffy blonde hair standing smiling at you, your face covered in smeared black lines of mascara, he knew.
"Kenny?" You uttered, rubbing your eyes as if you were hallucinating, a glove clad hand reaching to cup your tear stained face, he just simply looked at you, tears now welling in his own eyes.
"You- You remember?" He asked, you giving him a small nod as his answer. You smiled, tears still falling down your face.
"Of course I remember, Kenny! You got hit by a bus and everyone shouted about how you'd been killed and then called them bastards!" You responded, before he grabbed you with both hands, saying nothing but pulling you close to him for the tightest hug you'd ever had.
"I'm so glad you remember. No one else does."
That day will stay forever engraved in his mind for as long as he was destined to be on this earth for. And he knew, he knew you were his one true soul mate. Yeah, Kenny had been with plenty of girls before, but none of them made him feel how you did, normally so confident in asking girls out, he was known as a flirt, but he had never been confident enough to ask you out. That was until today.
"Put your balls in your purse, Kinny!" Eric said to him, exiting the class watching you walking in front of him. He was half listening, half in a daydream about how good your ass looked in your jeans.
"Kenny? Hello? Earth to Kenny, are you even listening to us?!" Kyle said, waving his hands in the air in front of Kenny's face.
"Hey dude, I was getting a good view there!! Fuck you, man!" Kenny exclaimed, sighing as he seen you turn the corner in the corridor.
"Dude, you seriously gotta ask her out!" Stan said, the other two boys nodding in agreement.
"How, man? I don't have any money to take her places, what am I supposed to say, 'Hey Y/N wanna come to my house and see my shit bedroom, my mom and dad screaming at each other and our meth lab?!' She'd never go for a guy like me, dudes. And she deserves better than me." He said his head bowing to stare at the tiles of the corridor. His life really was a mess.
"And that's where the broship comes in, dude!" Eric exclaimed, the other boys staring at each other in confusion.
"I bet you $70 you won't ask her out by the end of the day!" Eric said, knowing Kenny couldn't pass up on money like that.
"And if you do, then the money will come in handy for a date right?" Eric said, a shit eating grin plastered upon his face.
"Fine." Kenny replied, saying nothing else before walking off to find you.
There you sat with the other girls, chatting about god knows what and eating your lunch. You could feel a pair of eyes burning through the back of your skull as you turned round, there he stood, your prince in an orange parka. You couldn't see it because of his hood, but he was smiling at you, and was that a blush on his cheeks?
You had serious love and feelings for Kenny, and you always had, but you knew he was a player, he had been with a lot of girls throughout the years, and he never ever chose you, maybe he just didn't see you that way.
He was nervous, a small bead of sweat trickling down his forehead. He made his way over to you.
"Is it hot in here, or is it just being so close to you, girl?" Kenny flirted, causing a small blush to spread along your cheeks.
"What's up, Kenny?" You asked, offering him the half of your sandwich, he normally didn't have much food to eat, so you liked to help when you could. He great-fully accepted the kind offer and then bowed his head slightly, taking on a rather unusual mannerism for him. Normally he was so confident and cocky, but right now, he looked like he might pass out.
And he felt like it too!! Maybe he could just die accidentally and come back tomorr- No! He has to do this! It was now or never.
"Can I- um... can I talk to you about something?" Kenny asked, his gloved hands fidgeting together.
"Of course, Ken, we can talk about anything together! Do you wanna head somewhere more private?" You asked, as he simply nodded in reply, taking off a glove and offering his hand to you.
"I rolled a joint I didn't get to smoke before school today, wanna dip and go to the park?" Kenny questioned, his eyebrow quirking, hoping you'd be down.
"I have Mr Garrison's class after lunch so fuck yeah I wanna dip. My mom isn't home as usual, said she was going to get drugs last night and hasn't came back, so we can go smoke up at my house if you want? I've got frozen pizza!" You exclaimed, a large smile on your face. You could never pass up quality time with Kenny, you both knew that.
"That sounds like absolute bliss, babe. But when we smoke up, I really do need to talk to you about something." He stated, your hands now fully intertwined. As you guys approached the double doors of the school you passed Eric, Kyle and Stan, the three boys staring at you both, wide eyed and mouths wide.
"Hey, fuck you Kinny!" Eric shouted, handing him $70. "Make it last! God knows when you'd be able to get $70 again, Kinny!" He shouted loudly, the blonde boy smirking and flipping him off on his way out the door.
"Fuck you, dude! I'll text y'all later." He shouted back, the doors finally closing behind you both.
The walk was long and cold to your house, since you lived in the same part of town as Kenny, and the school bus wasn't running, since technically school was still in session. During the walk Kenny had shedded his jacket, putting it on you instead, making sure you didn't catch sick and kept warm in the never ending snow that resided in South Park.
Soon enough you were both in your bedroom, the window cracked slightly as Kenny sparked his lighter, taking a long, slow drag of the joint before passing it to you.
"So, what did you wanna talk about? Has your dad gone psycho again?" You asked, taking a few drags of the joint and passing it back to Kenny, your hands grazing slightly, and when you two touched, it felt electric.
He shook his head no. "No, for once it's not my parents." He laughed out, smoke coming down his nostrils.
"Then what's wrong, Ken?" You asked eyebrows raised as your studied your best friends face. He had a light dusting of freckles, soft, pale skin and the most perfect, light pink lips and of course you couldn't forget the adorable little gap in his teeth when he smiled at you. You were in love, you had been in love with him for as long as you could remember.
His hands were ice cold, the blood not reaching them due to the speed his heart was beating at.
"I um... I-" He stuttered, his cheeks a deep shade of crimson, as he quickly puffed on the joint you two shared, passing it to you, he should've asked if you had any vodka here that he could take a shot of, a little Dutch courage, but it was too late, he was already sitting here, your full attention on him as he became a stammering mess.
He took his gaze away from you before he said it, he actually had finally said it to you, and he did so as quickly as the words would come out of his mouth.
"Do you maybe wanna, I don't know, bemygirlfriend? I mean, only if you want to! If you don't, I totally understand, I wouldn't wanna be with me either, I mean, you deserve the world and I can barely afford to feed myself-"
You cut him off by grabbing the front of his t-shirt and pulling him towards you, your lips crashing against one another. You had waited for this since you were younger, you had always dreamed of being his, being his girl. And now you were!
His eyes fluttered closed, melting against you and wrapping his slender arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him on the bed. He had dreamt about this, he had wanked about this! More than once! He'd thought about how your boobs looked without any clothing covering them, how your nipple would feel in his mouth, how hard he could slap your ass, how tight you would feel around his coc-
You both parted ways, panting as you did, a string of salvia connecting your mouths. Both of you were blushing profusely, and Kenny shifted on the bed, feeling the tightness in his jeans starting to bother him.
"I've wanted to do that since the fourth grade." You said, almost in a whisper, only for Kenny to hear.
"Then let's go use this $70 fat ass gave me and I'll take you on our first official date!" Kenny said, a small smile on his lips as he kept his arms wrapped tightly around you, as if a gust of wind could blow you away from him.
"I love you, Kenny McCormick."
"I love you too, Y/N, and I always have." Kenny sighed, the relief he felt come crashing over him. He no longer had to keep it a secret, he loved you, and you loved him, and that was all the mattered. You made him want to stay alive, you made him happy, and you made him whole. I guess soul mates really do exist.
Hey guys!! I really hope you enjoyed this fic, I just kinda banged it out and I haven't checked any spelling or typos, so I'm really sorry about that, I just hope you all enjoy it. Kenny's a cute lil fluff, and I love writing for him, but I'll write for anyone from South Park so if you guys have any suggestions or requests please do send them my way!!
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ubehalayas-blog · 11 months
Kyle w fake s/o that has a crush on him (?) 
The only reason Kyle did this was to get his parents off of his back
They were worried and thinks that Kyle might be gay because for the whole high school Kyle never brought at least one girl back to their house (not that they actually cared though)
Although Kyle was not having it, he wasn’t gay (mhm sure) and thought of just asking for ur favor to fake date him until the summer ends so that his parents would get off his back.
It goes a bit like this:
“Hey– Y/n I have a favor to ask you” “can we.. like– be girlfriend and boyfriend but fake? Like you get what I mean, you read books–” “but if you don’t I mean like we fake date like we do couple things but just for public well for my parents because they’ve been on my back ever since the fucking summer started, they’ve been hinting to me that it’s okay if I came out to them as gay” he rambled on and on, explaining the pickle he was on
“Alright– I get it, Kyle”
“Oh yeah, right sorry” 
You two set like typical house rules for it, 1. No one can know, even best friends. 2. No touching allowed unless it’s consented. (of course my man Ky is a gentleman) 3. No falling in love with each other. 
“Does the last one even matter?” 
“I think–” you lied, (it didn’t matter but somehow most books you read had that rule but ended up falling for one another and you like Kyle so– it must be a spell that should be added right?)
You ended up putting a fake relationship in front of everybody, including your friends and parents.  
Stendy probably invited you to a double date or two, Stan suspects that two of you were pretending to be bf and gf but Kyle debunked his suspicions when he kissed you in front of Stan, you were shocked but kissed back. Let’s just say that the car ride back to your house was awkward, something like:
“We’re here”
“A-ah.. thanks, I.. I enjoyed today” you mumbled, taking off your seatbelt.
He just nodded, never letting his eyes away from the wheels because he was too nervous and embarrassed with what he did. 
He probably took you out on a date or two, on those dates he was given some money from his parents that he used to pay for his and your meals. (let’s js say you don’t have to spend any money when ur with him)
Honestly, Gerald and Sheila was your fan, they loved, adored you so much, they were so thankful that you’re Kyle’s girlfriend. They probably laughed around with you as they told stories about how they were thinking was gay and all, Kyle would probably redden from their embarrassing stories and would shout, “MOM! DAD!” when he thinks they’ve told too much lmao.
At school, he waits for you to finish your classes because he drives you to school and back.
Kyle invites you to study dates in his house but mostly because Sheila always wants to see you, (little did you know Kyle liked seeing you too) sometimes that study date ends with you staying in their house– you insist not to but Sheila and Gerald always find a way for you to stay.
You staying at Kyle’s house always ends up with you sleeping on the bed and Kyle on the floor, Kyle probably thinks that it’s too embarrassing to let you sleep on the floor so he volunteers. But when you said that it’s okay for him to sleep next to you he blushes and rambles on about not wanting to make you uncomfortable and stuff, it took you a while of convincing when he finally slept next to you.
The next day was a pain honestly lmao, his arm was wrapped around you, he basically fell off the bed when he realized he hugged you in his sleep. Maybe a bit like:
Kyle grumbled in his sleep, the sun hit his eyes as he slowly opened his eyes. His gaze landed onto your sleeping body and his arm that was wrapped around your waist, his eyes widened as he gasped, backing away from you as he fell down to the floor. The loud crash made you wake up, you rubbed your eyes as you looked over Kyle who was breathless and rattled, "What's wrong..?" you mumbled, "N-nothing.. I just fell off" He stuttered.
lol Idk, I find it funny when things like that happen.
I can't think of anything anymore honestly, my brain is fried and this is just a worthless attempt to do head canons because I seems to can't write some.
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mouschiwrites · 7 months
Hey love your content ❤️could u please write a Kyle x y/n so basically they have a crush on each other and y/n cousin is Stan and Stan knows that they both have a crush for each other and he sets them up like the Lloyd soty but with Kyle and Stan 🥺
I would love that 💕💕
Yep! I stuck with the arcade date idea for this one! :)
Word count: 1k
South Park - Stan Sets You Up With Kyle
“But I want donuts!” You whined.
“And I want french fries.”
You were arguing about what food to get now that school was over. You’d have to decide soon; you were almost to the exit, and the donut shop was down the street to the left, while the nearest french fry joint was down the street to the right.
Suddenly Stan spotted a tall head of red hair among the sea of students. Grabbing your wrist, he dragged you along to confront Kyle.
He turned around. His eyes went wide for half a second when he noticed you, and you saw his shoulders tense ever so subtly. You didn’t make note of it, though, as you were occupied with tensing your own shoulders. You made sure to stand behind Stan, keeping your gaze low to stay inconspicuous.
“I want fries and Y/n wants donuts. Tell them that fries are clearly the superior option.”
Kyle glanced at you. “Donuts are great. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You felt your heart skip a beat when you heard that. He agreed with you! A small victory, but a victory indeed.
Though your face was partially downturned, Kyle could see the subtle brightness flash in your eyes. His heart squeezed. He had made you happy by supporting your side! Internally he pumped his fist, though externally he remained still as a statue.
As you started to walk away, Stan gave Kyle a dirty look. “Kiss-ass,” he growled.
“Sore loser,” Kyle fired back. Much like you, he was doing a pretty good job of hiding his thoughts.
But Stan could see through you both. As your cousin, and as Kyle’s best friend, he knew you like the backs of his two hands. Frankly, it was just painful and awkward to watch you both pine after the other, completely oblivious and never making the slightest of moves.
Stan sighed as he bit into his glazed donut. If he couldn’t have the snack he wanted, he’d have to find another way to enjoy himself.
At first he thought of pranking you, but with a slow shake of his head he decided he didn’t want to be mean. Not too mean, at least.
Then it hit him. With a devious smirk, he fell into a long lapse of silence while you ranted about who-knows-what (though he thinks he heard you say “Kyle” once or twice). He wasn’t paying attention, though. His mind was quite in another place—he was plotting.
Your house came up first on the walk home. You split off to walk up your driveway, waving goodbye to your cousin.
“Y/n,” he called suddenly, prompting you to whip around right before you went inside.
“Arcade. Tomorrow.”
You grinned. “Already looking forward to it.”
The door closed. Stan immediately whipped out his phone and called Kyle.
The next day, you walked down to the arcade with Stan as the autumn sun began its early descent. It was hardly 5 PM and golden hour was upon you.
As you approached the arcade, your heart fell to your stomach. A tall lanky figure with curly red hair was waiting outside. Stan noticed the way both of your faces, flushed from the cold air, immediately went white.
“Hey, Kyle!”
“Stan,” Kyle greeted, sounding a little strained.
You leaned in to whisper in his ear: “You didn’t tell me you invited K—…anyone else.”
Ignoring you, Stan smacked the side of his head theatrically. “Oh, no,” he groaned. “I totally forgot I have history homework that’s due Monday. No way I can finish it tomorrow,” he shook his head remorsefully. “I gotta start tonight. You guys should have fun without me though.”
Before either of you could say anything, he had turned on his heels and jogged away. You both watched him go, silently fuming with both anger and embarrassment.
“Since when does Stan care about homework?” You heard Kyle grumble under his breath.
“I don’t think we even have history homework.”
You saw Kyle’s brow get lower. “I think you’re right.”
You both narrowed your eyes a little. He totally planned this. That little—
Someone stepped out of the arcade, and the warm gush of air that blew out enticed you both inside.
“Hey, look! New game!” You automatically pointed to a new machine, forgetting your humility in your excitement. You dashed over, quarter already in hand.
It was a two-player game; in a second you sensed Kyle’s presence beside you, though he wasn’t close enough to actually play.
You cocked your brow. “You gonna play or not?”
Kyle moved half an inch, then hesitated. In a moment, you realized why; the machine was rather small, so players were squished together. Your shoulders were pressed to each other, and the proximity was making you both blush. More than that, it was making you positively wretched at the game.
When you inevitably lost, the game asked if you wanted to play again. At the same time you both reached for the “end game” button, and you ended up with your hands stacked atop it.
You looked at each other, then just as quickly looked away and stepped back from the machine.
“I’m not usually that bad at games,” you said loudly, desperate to distract from the incident.
“Me neither. Let’s play something else.”
The next game you tried proved to be much better. You weren’t as close, so you weren’t distracted. You were able to get into a proper competitive mindset, which lasted for the next few hours while you bounced from game to game together, laughing and talking more comfortably with each round.
A buzz in Kyle’s pocket finally broke your gaming stupor.
“I’ve gotta go home,” Kyle said regretfully.
You checked the time. “Oh. Me too.”
You walked very slowly to the exit, prolonging your conversation for as long as possible. But eventually you were out on the street, and you had to part.
“See you at school on Monday,” you mumbled sadly. You hated to end the night like this.
“Yeah. Or you could give me your number.”
You told yourself the pink on his cheeks was from the cold. He told himself the same thing about the pinkness on your own cheeks.
The second you got home, you sent a “goodnight” text to Kyle. In a few seconds he responded:
Same to you. Tonight was fun :)
You sent a smiley face back. Then, miles apart, you both hugged your phones to your chests, gazing at the ceiling dumbly with massive grins on your faces.
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Thank you for your request! And thanks for reading! Take care duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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angel-gone-south · 7 months
Final Girl
Killer! Stan w/ Final Girl! Reader
gender neutral despite the term. lots of death in this one (guns, falling, etc). assault, technically. read with caution.
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You limped through the halls of the abandoned building, desperately sobbing and wailing.
“Come on, doll, I haven’t even done anything to you! You know I never would.”
“F-fuck off Stan! You’re a fucking m-monster!” You called over your shoulder.
“Baby, baby, baby. You’re such a sweet little thing, complimenting me like that.” He laughed, sending a chill through you- and, embarrassingly, butterflies to your stomach.
“I always liked you best, you know. If you hadn’t been so fucking persistent, I wouldn’t have to do this.”
°•. ☾ .•°
Things still didn’t make sense. Stan had innocently invited you and his friends out for Halloween, to the top floor of the abandoned South Park asylum in the woods. He brought weed and booze, and everyone was having a good time. He had even convinced his goody-two shoes ex-girlfriend to come.
Sometime in the night, the powerful flashlight Stan brought conveniently had run out of battery. When it sprung to life (thanks to Kyle’s over-prepared nature) some of the group was dead on the floor or missing. Everybody started accusing each other, but you were an easy voice of reason.
Stan had slow clapped when you, Kyle, Kenny and Butters had figured out it had to be him.
“Real well done, folks. Honestly brilliant,” He said, sarcastic, as he moved out from the shadows. “Just how do you expect to get out of this, though?” He had grinned wolfishly, producing his father’s pistol from his pocket.
“S-Stan, put that thing away,” Kyle’s shaky voice wailed. “Please?”
“Hmmm…” Stan tapped his chin with the barrel, pretending to think about it. “No.”
The bullet went practically between the ginger’s eyes as the shot rang out. Kenny and Butters gaped, the latter shaking his head in fear.
“A-aw hamburgers. Fuck.” He backed up, which turned out to be the wrong move, as all the black haired boy had to do was give him a little shove- and he tumbled out a sixth story window, unfortunately landing on his neck with a sickening crack.
While Stan was distracted, Kenny had managed to tug you along, trying to escape but getting turned around in the dark and maze-like halls as you ran.
“I never thought Stan would fuckin’ snap,” He grumbled, almost more annoyed than anything. “What have any of us ever done to warrant this?”
“I know you’re still fucking here.” Stan shouted, as Ken pulled you into a room. He hid behind the door, ushering you to hide in an old cabinet.
When Stan’s heavy breathing and clunky footfalls sounded right outside the room, you had to cover your mouth. You nearly whimpered as you heard the two of them scuffle, Kenny having bravely ambushed the killer boy from behind the door. When you heard a body drop, it didn’t really matter who it was. You ran.
Unfortunately, hurrying down a flight of stairs can and will fuck up your ankle! Who the hell knew.
So there you were, exchanging words with a killer as you slammed on the door to the stairwell, sobbing.
“Come on, baby. You thought I wouldn’t lock that? Oh, you’re so cute I almost wanna leave you alive. Nobody has to know it was me, right?” He chuckled, and you whipped around to face him as he pinned you against the door.
“S-Stan, you killed our friends…”
“Aw, honey…” He shook his head, wrenching a knee between your legs as he squeezed your hip with one hand. The other moved to place a long hunting blade to your neck. “I sure did. But you’re so fucked in the head, you’re still fucking blushing under me.”
“N-no, no no get off-!” He shushed you, cooing and digging the knife deeper, enough to draw a drop or two of blood to spill down your throat.
“I think I might just have my fun with you.”
°•. ☾ .•°
ummmmm dont think too hard about it guys…………
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legoiscrying · 1 year
Since you guys liked my first k2 analysis so much, I've decided to make a second one and mainly focus on things that I mentioned in the last paragraph there: how I see their romantic relationship. This is probably going to be more headcanons than analysis but we'll see lol (it ended up not)
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As I mentioned before, I don't really see k2 having some sort of special feelings for each other when they're young. Meanwhile it can kinda work with Kenny, it's probably won't work with Kyle: Kyle already has two strong sources of emotions. His bond with Stan and his sort of rivalry with Cartman clearly means more to him. And to get myself more clear: No, I do not erase everything I said in the previous post about their interactions, they're still very sweet and in my personal opinion important. But if we analyse Kyle's relationships with others and give everyone some sort of a status, Stan would be "best friend", Cartman would be "frienemy" (it's not so obvious when I say it like this but we all should agree that Kyle cares a lot about the shit Cartman says, not necessarily in a good way but it's still a huge source of emotions for him). And Kenny, as I believe, would be just "friend". Not much to add.
But if we're looking a little bit further...Time skip for a few years. Or not a few. High-school maybe?? Or adults?? Whatever you prefer more
From this part it'll be mostly headcanons because different people can see the future relationship of the main four differently. I'll talk about my personal point of view here (I think it's the most popular one in the fandom anyways)
So this is where Kyle's previous sources of strong emotions are kind of fading away. With Stan...I'm almost sure that no one is going to argue with me for this. Stan, as a depressed individual, would probably at some point of his adulthood change his relationships with people. He'd cut contact with some and just sort of change his attitude to other. And although I believe Stan and Kyle would still be friends (close friends??) when they grow up...There's not going to be the "bond" as strong as it was before. This is debatable, but even if you don't agree with my statement: One source of strong emotions is definitely not enough.
With Cartman my point of view is much easier to explain: they're not kids anymore. I believe their rivalry won't dissappear, but. They're not kids and not gonna fight 24/7. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this properly, but I think it's just not gonna take all their time. So yeah. It's not enough
Kyle feels a bit more lonely. So he hangs out with Kenny, who pretty much feels the same. They spend time together, talk a lot, remember some things...And realize how similar they are to each other (this part is also analysis btw, I didn't come up with it from nothing). They realize that back then they both were trying to act kind to people around them, but no one seemed to appreciate it as much as they wanted. They were doing it differently and was getting treated differently, but in the end both ended up being lonely without much people around. You. You can feel my thought here. right
They realize how similar they feel, so they decide to try to help each other. Just make some company. It won't hurt, right?
It didn't. I see them a bit fast burn... They start to appreciate each other's company more. And more. They hang out in a lot of different places. Anywhere you can get your old buddy: like seeing some cool movies with him, taking him to restaurants so you can make sure he eats well, sometimes going to his ol' house with him to help his sister...At some point Kenny starts calling it "dates", and Kyle is extremely flustered about this.
Kyle falls first, but Kenny confesses first: so their relationship-thing happens not so long after that.
And yep. This is what I wanted to share from now. I really hope someone reads all that xD
Love k2, appreciate k2, enjoy k2, share k2. They're very lovable little guys!
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(If this gets 100 likes AGAIN I will write k2 headcanons. Go)
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viveela · 9 months
When it comes to Stan and Kyle, realistically/in canon how do you think they’d actually confess to each other?
Hmm...the way SP handles and adds to its overarching canon makes it hard for me to imagine it. But, if I just viewed Stan and Kyle's characters right now and thought only about how it'd go if they liked each other... Well, their dynamic is complicated and distant. There's also a lot about them to consider.
Kyle's a romantic, but he's had so many failed relationships. He also hates being ostracized. Rejection would terrify him as the possible outcome of his bond with Stan ending and others finding out and gossiping a out it would be an absolute nightmare for him. Then there's Stan's who's more bitter and very depressed. I think a lot is from his home situation but also Cartman's wake up call (saying he never stands up to Kyle). However he still is possessive and jealous about his best friend status with Kyle despite everything. He also has a weird perception of relationships now for sure especially due to the on and off one he currently has.
So with all that in mind...here's my take:
The two have developed feelings and it changes their dynamic once again.
Stan upon realizing this felt exhausted. There's too much already going on in his life and this is just adds to it. Exhausted he decides to just push the problem away and shut it all out. This causes him to be more unresponsive around Kyle.
Meanwhile, Kyle upon realizing his feelings gets conflicted. His romantic history isn't the greatest and rejection is scary. He's not sure if Stan's even like that. Sure his dog was gay and he's supportive, but does that truly mean anything about what Stan is specifically? He decides it'd be best to never act on this. But also Kyle now craves Stan's attention more than ever. He leans into his wants by behaving more clingy towards Stan, maybe even trying to asking odd questions here and there to gauge if maybe he would have a chance.
This goes on for a while and at first Stan was just sort of watching it happen. Not receptive but also not reacting. Eventually he can't handle this shift in Kyle and he starts trying to avoid him out of confusion and frustration. He doesn't want to deal with any of this right now.
Kyle notices this and it just makes his feelings jumble up. He's hurt, this isn't how Stan used to be around him. Usually it didn't take much to get his friend to go along with things. How can he deal with his unreciprocated crush like this? He grows more desperate and tries much more forcefully to get Stan to spend time with him, practically begging for his attention at this point.
This doesn't go on for too long before Stan gets highly aggravated and riled up. He's trying so hard to ignore everything happening externally and internally and this is making it impossible. Not to mention this switch up in their friendship happened out of nowhere. Where did this even come from? This boils within Stan before he finally snaps at Kyle one day, stopping him in his tracks from continuing further.
Now on the defensive Kyle snaps back and they're now arguing. Their entire relationship as a whole is being brought up and thrown back and forth at each other; both frantically pointing fingers and pent up frustrations spilling out. It doesn't take long before Stan breaks and goes from yelling to crying. His true state comes to light and he finally expresses how their distance has affected him and that it's really been messing with his head —especially now with the newfound feelings he's been having lately. Kyle's silent for a moment taking this all in before bombarding Stan with apologies for everything, feeling stupid.
The implications from Stan's words earlier aren't lost on him though and once things calm down, he then takes the chance to confess his own feelings as well while also admiting he misses being close to each other. Now they're both feeling like idiots and reconcile, deciding to be more open with each other and figure out how to move their relationship further from here.
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vanzuris · 5 months
i don't know if this may be a kinda weird idea but i thought about it last night and it's been eating me alive, follow me on this one:
kyman as cats au. yes.
(sorry if it’s poorly written, english isn’t my first language)
so, kyle is a slim orange cat who's been living with the marshes since two weeks after he was born. they found him on the side of the road during a family trip, dirty and tiny and loud, and randy was outnumbered; he had zero chances of convincing stan, shelly and sharon to not keep the goddamn cat. and as time passed he successfully gained everyone's heart. they loved him. even sparky (rest in peace) and specially stan who considers him his super best friend because kyle is a very chill and nice cat.
and it has been just him in his territory for a while.
so it's just natural that he can't help but stare in confusion when shelly comes back home with a fluffy, fat brown cat with big brown eyes and a red collar, alleging that she saw him around all by his own for a few days now and decided to take the poor thing to their home. stan, who just loves animals in general, finds him adorable and reaches out to pet him. that motherfucker immediately starts to purr, just to bite stan’s hand seconds later and then act like it was all in good fun. and he doesn’t quite know what is it, but there's something about him that kyle just... doesn't like.
whatever, it doesn’t matter because then it happens. while eric (as printed on his collar) rubs on stan’s legs, he notices kyle for the first time. he immediately starts to approach him, ears and tail up communicating his curiosity. the family just stands there, wanting to see how this will turn out. first they smell each other, and then proceed to make a kind of staring contest before eric raises his paw and hits kyle on the face.
“oooh, i would fight back if i were you, buddy” says randy.
but they still let eric stay after posting pictures of him on social media in case there’s someone out there looking for him. the week goes by with loud meowing from both cats, and it’s a bit annoying but funny, because it’s like they’re arguing in their own little language all the time. kyle tries his best to avoid him: staying in stan’s room for more time than he’s used to, resting on the tallest step of the cat tower, going out of the house to hang out more often with the neighbor’s cat, but he still gets involved in these “arguments” that sometimes even become physical and end up with shelly and stan having to separate them.
and it certainly doesn’t help that eric spends 50% of his time sleeping in shelly’s bed (his favorite human of the four, because she’s always petting him, treating him like he deserves (yeah, like a king) and even bought a nice plate to feed him) and the other 50% trying to start fights with kyle. seriously, what’s wrong with him?
okay. they hate each other, right? kyle must be angry because this cat came out of nowhere and invaded his territory and even dared to try to start fights with him. that’s what it looks like to the whole family.
so it’s just natural that stan has to rub his eyes five times to confirm he’s not insane and seeing things when one night he goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water and catches both cats curled up together, incredibly close, on the couch.
“i think kyle is gay”, stan shares his thoughts with the rest of the family three days later during dinner, after constantly catching the two cats getting along and being… clingy? when apparently they thought no one else could see them.
“sparky was gay, what’s the possibility of our cat being gay too?”
stan doesn’t know, but he’s sure he’s right. of course he had to be a fucking orange cat. no one believes him, though, because the cats continue to be gay in secret.
and it’s all fine until one day a blond guy in an orange parka shows up to their house, claiming that eric is his cat that ran away two months ago.
shelly and stan look at each other, knowing damn well that they both started to love that rude cat and don’t want to give him back. but it doesn’t matter, they eventually would have to.
eric greets kenny with a loud purr and even louder meows, happy to see him again. shelly asks kenny to please take his plate and newly bought toys with him so eric can remember her, and then they leave.
the whole week after that is a torture between shelly talking about how much he misses eric and kyle meowing at the door, waiting for the brown cat to come back.
and on a tuesday, stan wakes up to find the two cats curled up on the couch again. oh my god.
he calls kenny, who comes to pick eric up and stan explains how their cats are… lovers? apparently. kenny laughs, but believes in his word and promises to take eric to visit his cat-boyfriend sometimes.
it’s not necessary, though, because eric keeps coming back on his own, but eventually learns the way back home with kenny so that’s not a problem anymore.
the only option the marshes have now is to accept their cat’s sexuality and eric’s presence too, whenever he shows up.
whether they like it or not, he’s part of the family now.
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drea-ms · 1 year
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₊ ⊹ ⪩⪨ ┆ In which a small remark causes a bigger problem for the both of them. ( requested from old account )
warnings. asshole kyle. stans is yns twin. angst. happy ending. enemies to lovers? academical rivals to lovers. arguing. crying. long i think? grammar mistakes.
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You never liked stan's friend group. Well, most of them, Kenny was alright, he was kind to you when he isn't flirting with you, but overall better than like most of them, Butters was a good friend, you knew that he was always a target in the group, but he doesn't get enough credit for taking care of the group.
The last two people were the ones you disliked the most were eric cartman (there's no reason to even talk about the things he's done) and Kyle Broflovski, you didn't know why you disliked him (you did) but you would never tell your twin that you hate his super best friend and that he hates you back, now would you?
When you met Kyle, you thought he was cute, nice and charming, (mind you were both in like 3rd when you officially met him). You don't know what you did to make him hate you, but ever since 3rd grade he would ignore you when you were around and wouldn't even talk to you, even when you were paired up. He always had his serious face when you around, and everyone around you felt bad for you. (including cartman.... surprisingly..)
So since then you two have been competing on almost everything. Grades? somehow you always beat him, Gym Class? You're both on opposite teams and are targeting each other, Anything else? you both were there and competing against each other. You didn't know how it started, but you both are stubborn enough to let it finish.
Today was not your day, everything went wrong and you don't even want to go through it, and guess what? Kyle was bothering you!! yay... right? Not really if he's been peering you since he's been getting frost stop in class recently. Non. Stop. And when the teacher told everyone that they'll be with a study partner, she chose you and Kyle.
So now here you were, in the library, stressed out your mind and with the guy you really dislike. He was talking your head off, you weren't really paying attention, mostly reading the text that was assigned and writing down your notes until–
"Are you even listening? You stopped writing down notes and you're still reading the text? are you even understanding the lesson?" oh. he was talking to you, you turn and face him, he looked mad (at least to you), and well you being in a mood you said, "Unlike you, I can multitask and understand things when I'm given a timlimit, you on the other hand, seem to only write notes on the 'important parts' of the text." you said giving a 'smile' and went back to your work.
"Shut up. At least I'm not zoning out. That's all you've been doing, haven't you Marsh? You know since you've been losing yourself and slipping. How would people think of you? The infamous Yn Marsh and her grades slipping into the dumpster—" "Can you like shut up!? Is that all your good for? making fun of your best friends twin sister because you're not in first place?!? How much stupid can you get Kyle!?!?" crying, you were crying. You didn't know when you started to cry but you knew you were going to leave the library. So you left.
You went to your locker, getting your things and trying to rush out of there, not want to see any one at the moment until you heard someone running at you, "Yn? Yn!" It was Kyle fucking Brofloski. You continued to ignore him until he made you turn around and face him, "Where are you going?" "Home. now leave me alone. I'll ask the teacher if we can switch partners tomorrow." you say trying to get off his grip. "Um- look, I'm sorry if I hurt you. I know it was wrong of me to treat you like that today, hell since we were kids." he looked sad? maybe pity for you
"I know you won't accept my apology, but please trust me when I say I mean this." What? What was he saying? You try to say something when he cuts you off, "I don't know whether it recently or if I have been in denial since forever, but I really like you, I don't know how it started or when, but please give me a chance to court you, to start over again and make sure that I don't fuck it up again, just please." he looked at you like he was going on his knees and beg for you.
You don't say anything for a while until he hear the words he wanted to hear,
"Two Months. I'm giving you two months to court me and start fresh again. You fuck it and we're done."
"Anything for you, love"
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NAO SPEAKS? bro i checked my notes app and found out i saved all of my requests 🙈🙈🙈 expect more coming soon 🫶🫶🦶
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cocogrrrl · 11 months
you have hanahaki disease, and you're trying to find out who it is you like. it couldn't be your best friend, stan, right?
stan x bsf!reader (hs band + hanahaki au) cw: major character death, not necessarily an ed but mentions of struggles with eating, brief mentions of alcoholism wc: 4542
an: this is part of an sp au where different versions of the reader has hanahaki and is in love with the main three! read the other two parts here!
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Hanahaki is a disease something that affects many daily. From a small seed in your lungs, you’ll experience petals and flowers coming out from your mouth. It could take days, weeks, months, or even years to develop. Many hypothesize that it happens because of a love not returned, a love waiting on a bench. 
Fortunately, it isn’t something that everyone will experience in their lifetime, although it is common. For those who catch the illness, you only have a few choices to pick from.
First, the sickness doesn’t last because the affection is returned. Many of those who survive this still need to receive medical attention for the healing process, depending on how severe the sickness had become. Many of these people who experience this are bound to live a happy life, though.
Second, you undergo a safe medical procedure that, while cures you, makes you devoid of any sense of love anymore. These operations usually do not pose many health risks, and the survival rate is high.
Lastly, you could just bear the pain, although you will suffocate to death.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
You grew up in South Park. Subsequently enough, your best friend would be from there as well.
Although you weren’t his best friend, you considered Stan Marsh to be your best friend. You grew up stuck to him, always with a bright grin on your face whenever you saw him. You didn’t have many friends growing up, so there honestly wasn’t another contender for who could be your best friend. For you, it’s always been Stan and you against the world.
Back in middle school, the two of you had an undeniably embarrassing pop-punk emo phase. You two were the types to go to school wearing heavy black eyeliner and enjoy literary classics like Unholyverse, The Heart Rate of a Mouse, and the wonderful Petekey Manifesto.
You can recall Kyle and Wendy being somewhat embarrassed to hang out with Stan because of his edgy “you don’t get it” persona he had on. Stan remained close with them, yes, but the two didn’t want to associate themselves with the stupid shit you and Stan were doing. To be honest, you’re pretty sure you two enabled each other to go forward with your endeavors—to put it lightly.
Even so, that awkward and cringe middle school phase wasn’t all for nothing. You and Stan even formed a tiny band with Kenny. Stan was the vocalist and bassist, you were the lyricist and guitarist, and Kenny was the drummer. He recycled the name of his old band, and you guys were called the Crimson Dawn as well.
You didn’t get big or anything, no. You all were just a bunch of 9th graders who wanted to make noise and have fun. You did, however, have a lot of gigs around town. You guys found yourselves performing in bowling alleys, bars, parking lots, and even at a government-planned event (that last one’s because they wanted to be hip and show that they were in with the kids).
You guys received some extra cash here and there, but you all usually just spent it on replacing damaged equipment and for more personal uses. Overall, your band was doing good, and you were known in town as South Park’s little rockstars.
Now, you’re in your senior year of high school. How are you personally doing on the social ladder? Fine. Everyone knew you and thought you were cool, but no one had actually made the effort to get to know you, to be your friend. So, really, Stan and Kenny were your only close friends.
“You got anything new, YN?” Stan asked. Currently, you were in his garage with Kenny coming up with new songs.
Okay, band dynamics rundown first. Stan was the self-appointed leader that didn’t like leading but also secretly enjoyed it. You and Kenny didn’t mind that he was self-appointed because you two didn’t wanna deal with the logistics of contacting business owners for gigs and scheduling practices.
Kenny was the one who usually showed up late for practice and fucked around with your songs to have you and Stan mess up—especially at gigs. He’ll slow down his tempo, do half-times whenever he feels like it, and solo at the worst times possible.
You were kind of the mastermind behind the whole band. You composed the melodies and wrote the lyrics. Often, Stan and Kenny would just edit their parts to shape it to their liking. You didn’t mind that. You were just there kinda doing your own thing, but also having fun while doing so.
“Well, yeah, but it’s extremely bare-bones. I think I have a pretty solid riff for the song, though.” You sighed, playing around with your guitar and your effects. “I think it sounds a little different from our current sound. It also already has a bass part, but they kind of just clash together.”
“That’s fine. You think you can play it?”
“Sure.” You set your guitar settings to something more twangy, fitting it with the vibes your riff had.
“Here’s, uh, the guitar part.” You started to play. It sounded like it had the complexity of something Ray Toro’d write but with Mac DeMarco’s more upbeat songs. You continued with the bass, and it definitely was similar to Stan’s playing style, but it seemed like it would blend nicely with the guitar.
“Oh, yeah, you’re right. It does sound a lot different.” He said after you finished.
“Is it bad?” You asked worriedly.
“No, no. Don’t worry,” He smiled. “It sounds fresh and new. I like it a lot.”
“I could put jazz-style drumming over it,” Kenny said excitedly. ”Hold on—I’m about to become Andrew Neiman.”
“Then you’re gonna call me Terrance Fletcher and act as if we’re in an abusive mentor-mentee relationship,” Stan replied dryly.
“Then I’m gonna get in a car crash!”
You essentially went autopilot after that, playing around with your guitar while Kenny and Stan chatted in the background. If you had to recall, you think they were talking about Wendy and Marjorine. You weren’t exactly sure.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
It’s about midnight. You were hunched over your desk, currently up writing the song you presented earlier. 
Suddenly, your body caught up to you. You were thrown into a coughing fit. Your throat started to close up on you. You were suffocating.
You thought you were having an allergic attack, which was nothing new. As you were about to drink your antihistamine, you felt like you were about to vomit. You didn’t quite, though. Instead, you spat out Amaryllis petals with strings of saliva attached. You were disgusted but also horrified. What the hell was happening to you?
You wanted to tell your mom but couldn’t since you were scared that you would be rushed to a research center—having to deal with a bunch of needles in your spine. If this was a rare disease then scientists might take you away from your home, you know?
Maybe you’ll head to the doctor tomorrow or rather later. Luckily for you, it would be a Sunday, so you were free to do what you wanted.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“I’m afraid you have Hanahaki disease, Mx. L/N.” The doctor said.
“What?” You asked, confused. You had never heard of it before.
“It’s a condition where a seed in your lungs grows flowers.”
“How could I even have gotten that?” You were even more baffled and confused.
“Do you have a crush?”
Was the doctor literally dodging questions now? When you could have a serious life-threatening disease? “No?”
“Well, you do. The seed is triggered when you develop feelings for someone.”
“That sounds really stupid.” You rolled eyes.
“Sorry, kid,” he sighed, clearly tired. Maybe he was being serious. “You just happen to be the unlucky few who got it.
“What can I do then, doctor?”
“Three things: either your crush reciprocates their feelings back, get surgery, or die of suffocation.”
You were taken aback by the last part. “The dying option sounds a little grim, don’t you think? I doubt people would actually just give up like that. Like, why not take the surgery?”
“Well, you see,” he said, looking at you with pity. “The surgery removes all your hopes, dreams, and feelings. Everything you feel emotionally will be stripped away after the surgery.”
“That sounds stupid. I mean, you’ll literally turn into a lifeless person! A zombie, honestly.”
“That’s why many people just go with death.”
You sat there, feeling absolutely puzzled. Who is it you could have had a crush on?
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
It was now Monday. You were sitting with Stan and Kenny. They discussed sending your songs to some label or something. You couldn’t focus, the news of yesterday preoccupying itself in your mind.
Okay, you only really talked to about five people a day. Two of those people were your parents, the other is your dog, and the last two is Stan and Kenny.
So you only had two contenders currently, and you were pretty much sure you didn’t like either of them. They both had girlfriends, first of all. Kenny wasn’t the type of person you’d be into. Stan was your childhood best friend, so if you liked him you would’ve already gotten this disease years ago.
So who was your mystery crush?
“YNNN? Hello?” Stan waved his hand right in front of you. You shook your head, snapping out of your thoughts. “Earth to YN.”
“What is it?” You asked with a slightly annoyed tone.
“How’s the song going? Once it’s finished, Kenny and I were thinking we’d send it to this producer that my friend knows. He said that they were looking for more bands currently.”
“Oh, well,” you trailed off. You didn’t get to work on the song at all. “There’s not much progress. Some stuff came up at home.” You casually lied, wanting to dodge what happened.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, don’t worry.”
“You know Kenny and I are here for you, right?” Kenny, however, was busy chatting with someone on his phone—probably Marj. Stan elbowed him on the side as Kenny looked back up at him, offended.
“Yeah, YN. Like, no matter big or small it is. You can tell us.” Kenny chimed in.
“Thanks, you guys.” You smiled. Maybe you could let them in with what was going on instead of brooding around like a jerk. “Actually, I think I may have—”
“Hi, Stan!” Wendy cooed, bending down to him as she gave him a peck on the cheek. He blushed, lightly brushing the area where his girlfriend had kissed him. “Hey, Kenny, YN.” You two greeted Wendy—Kenny with a wave and you with a nod. 
“Stannn,” she hummed as she took his hand to stand. “Kyle and I need you for our Chemistry project. You’ve barely contributed at all!” She lightly hit his arm, seemingly a little frustrated.
“Shit,” he sighed. “Sorry, babe. I’ll go help you guys out.” He looked nervously at you two, silently pleading to have you stay. He desperately looked like he didn’t want to do the project.
You decided it would be best for him to pull his weight right now than later, though. “It’s fine with us. Don’t sweat it, Wendy.” You gave her a polite smile. Kenny joined in with you as well. 
“Thanks, YN!” She beamed, pulling him away from your table.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
It was after class. Stan was still busy finishing up his homework, currently being reprimanded by Wendy. So now you and Kenny were underneath the bleachers, passing each other a joint he brought.
“You were about to say something earlier during lunch,” Kenny stated, waiting for the stuff to kick in.
“Yeah?” You raised a brow. “You still wanna know?”
“Sure, if you’re comfortable with it.” He leaned back on the metal pole holding up the seats.
“Well, I think I have Hanahaki Disease and—”
“So you like Stan?” He immediately cut you off.
“No. He has a girlfriend of, like, eight years.”
“If that’s your only reasoning as to why you don’t like him, then that’s pretty stupid, YN. It’s like looking at a cool shirt then going, ‘Oh, I don’t like that shirt cause someone’s already wearing it.’”
“Well, if I do like Stan, why only have the disease now? We’ve been friends for literally forever. Don’t you think I’d have Hanahaki a long while ago already?”
“You’re really in touch with your feelings, YN,” he paused.
“Thanks. I try.”
“You didn’t let me finish,” he said, putting his index against your lips. “You’re really in touch with your feelings,” he paused for dramatic effect. “But it’s hilarious how you can’t even accept that you like Stan.”
“It’s because I don’t.”
“Let’s say you do, though.”
“Which I don’t.”
“You should be a comedian. You look like a clown right now.” You simply dead-panned him. “Anyways, if you had a crush on Stan, what are you gonna do about it? He’s madly in love with his girlfriend, dude.”
“I haven’t thought about it yet,” you paused, seeming worried. “Wanna know why?”
“Because I don’t like him, dickwad.”
“I’m dead. Your clownery has killed me.” He said sarcastically. “It’s written in my will: if I die at the hands of YN, they have to either pay for my funeral expenses or confront the fact that they like Stan.”
“Can’t you drop it?”
“You know what I can drop?”
“How annoying you are?”
“A new hit single about how much you like Stan.”
“I hope you green out later.”
“Thanks. I appreciate it.” He replied snidely, taking another hit from his blunt.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
You were now back in your natural habitat—your room. You sat in the dark, coughing up flowers.
Even if he meant it lightheartedly, you were now thinking twice about what Kenny said earlier. I mean, you could only have just developed feelings for Stan right now. That was possible.
Kenny brought up another good point: if you did like Stan, what were you gonna do then? Stan was head over heels for his girlfriend, so you only had two choices to pick from; death or death.
Either choice sucked, to be honest. You’re an individual who believed in expression, wild ideas, and creativity. To have those stripped away from you would lose all meaning to who you were. On the other hand, you could actually die. Like, literally. That didn’t fare to the other choice much better, of course.
You sighed, pulled out your laptop and your unplugged guitar, and do the only thing you know how to do—write.
Writing gave you the ability to think for yourself, but anyone can do that, though. Writing forces you to think more intuitively and to communicate those ideas onto paper, helping you understand and realize parts of yourself better. Sometimes, you think you already have a full thought, but when you’re writing, more and more things just come out. For you, that was the joy of writing.
Right now, however, you really couldn’t get anything out of your mind. You had some really cool riffs in your head that you’d like to translate, sure, but you had no lyrics. That was annoying.
Anyways, what were you gonna do with your possible feelings for Stan?
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
It was the next day, and you found yourself with Stan at the edge of your skate park’s bowl. You spent more of the day with him, of course after classes. You guys were record-hunting, thrifting, and even attending a local art show. 
The whole thing was his idea. A few weeks before, he mentioned wanting to spend more time with you again. Unluckily for him, he had been caught up in a lot of things, and so he didn’t really get to spend time with you, Kyle, or even Wendy. So, now, he was making up for it.
“Dude, I submitted the homework on time.” Stan was currently in the middle of a rant about how Mr. Garrison wouldn’t accept his paper. “The deadline was on that day, 4 PM. I visited him in his office at 3:30. He wouldn’t take it!”
“Well, you know how he is,” you sighed, plopping your chin on your knees as your body was sat curled up. “He’s been like that ever since we were kids. Honestly, I still wonder how he’s still allowed to teach.”
“Right? Like, besides the numerous amount bullshit he’s put us through, he’s not even that good at teaching.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, not saying anything else.
The silence was always comfortable with Stan. You could sit there and do nothing but still feel satisfied with the time you spent with him. 
Now, though, slowly coming to terms with your feelings for Stan, everything felt different. It felt weird. You didn’t know how to act or feel around him, knowing you liked him. Yeah, you might really like him romantically, but did that mean you now had to act differently around him? Maybe not, and even if you trying to fight against it, it felt like your whole world has shifted.
It’s even more awkward since he has a girlfriend. You had no intention of being with Stan, you knew how much he liked Wendy, yet how fragile their relationship could be at times. However, since you have feelings for Stan, any time you spent with him felt like you were taking him away from her. You felt awful, but neither you nor Wendy was entitled to his time.
You heard Stan downing a bottle of whiskey by your side. He’s always had a tendency to drink. It used to be a lot heavier when he was around 15, which was scary since he was so young. It’s what happens though in messed up houses like his. “You want some?” His hand out holding the bottle for you.
Just because you were worried over Stan’s drinking didn’t mean you weren’t allowed to do so, either. You were kinda exhausted from the whole ‘possible being in love with Stan’ thing, anyway. You needed something to unwind. “Sure, thanks,” you replied, taking the bottle from him as you took a few gulps from it.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
It’s been over a week now since your conversation with Kenny. You certainly weren’t showing signs of recovery soon, so that’s unfortunate. How did you get away with all the coughing? You dismissed it, stating that it was just an allergy—it was spring anyway. The only person who knew the truth was Kenny. There was a chance Stan could pick apart your lie, though, never seeing you have pollen-related allergies growing up. Luckily, it didn’t happen.
Asides from that, you were practically sure that you liked Stan. Your feelings were written all around the small details. You liked when he’d pull his beanie down whenever he’d get flustered, you liked how passionate he often sounded when he talked, you noticed how cute he walks, and you liked a lot of things about him. 
There was this one thing you read online about once. You think it was called the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. Most people just call it the Frequency Illusion. It’s where, when you notice one thing, you start to notice that it’s pretty much everywhere. You believe that was exactly happening to you. Ever since it had been brought to light that you may have feelings for Stan, it’s like everything was a sign of it coming to fruition.
Have you told Stan yet, though? Soon, hopefully.
You had somewhat distanced yourself from him because seeing him would probably make a decision more difficult. You’d want to keep him in your life as much as you want, but you knew you couldn’t either way. Would giving everything up to have a completely different version of yourself be friends with him be worth it? A version of yourself that didn’t care about Stan, do note. Seems not, but neither is giving everything up already.
You were hanging out with Kenny behind the school. That’s usually where the goth kids spend their time, but they were busy drinking Irish coffee right now. It was after class on a Tuesday. He hadn’t bugged you about your feelings since then, but he would sometimes hint at it.
“Kenny,” you sighed. In response, he hummed. “I think I like Stan.”
“Shocker.” He replied sarcastically.
“What do you think I should do?” You dramatically wept as you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Whatever you think is right.”
“I think I should tell Stan.”
“About what specifically?” He scrunched his brows in visible confusion.
“How I’m sick. Maybe even my feelings if we’re at it.”
“Do you know what you’re gonna do first? Like, surgery or what?”
“I’m not sure…” You balled your body up, tucking your head on your lap that was folded up. You two sat there in silence as your mind trailed off, Kenny patting your back as he scrolled through his phone.
You know both situations don’t lead to good endings, but you hated the idea of losing all of the creativity and heart you have. Call you negative, but if there was no hope for a positive resolution, then what would be the point of sticking around?
Yeah, maybe facing your own mortality would be the right decision. It was never your choice to have this illness, to begin with, however.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“Stan.” You called. Currently, you were sinking into the sheets of his bed as you took a deep breath.
“Hmm?” He hummed.
You sat up, looking at him worriedly. “You know how I said that my allergies were reappearing because of the spring season?”
“Yeah, I find it kinda odd,” he replied, sitting up as well and placing his back against the headboard. “You don’t have allergies, yeah?”
“I don’t,” you sighed. “I have Hanahaki.”
“Like the flower thing?” He stared at you in disbelief. You nodded. “That thing exists?”
You clicked your tongue. “Yeah, I’m one of the unfortunate few who got it.”
“What are you gonna do then?” He raised a brow.
“I think you already have an idea.” You dryly laughed.
He immediately knew what you said. You could tell he combed through your options, and, knowing you, knew already what you would pick. “What? Why?” His tone was still calm, but you could feel that he was starting to lose it.
“I mean, it’s either that or I become some hollow shell of a person. You know I’m never giving up my creative freedom for some guy.” You grabbed him by the shoulder, trying to reassure him that everything’ll be alright with just a smile. “I’m better than that.”
“But… you’re gonna die.”
“You think I haven’t thought that through yet?”
“What about our dreams of making it big as a band?”
“I can’t stop the disease, Stan. I’m sure you know that I would’ve tried to get a cure if there was one.” 
As the room fell silent, you felt Stan wrap himself around you. You felt your shirt getting soaked in warm tears. You held him in your arms as well, upset to see him upset.
You never really got to see this side of him growing up. Sure, he was melancholy-ridden ever since you’ve known him. At his core, he was a pessimist. He never really seemed to allow himself to be upset when it came to you, though. It’s like he never wanted to anchor himself onto you. With Kyle, he did it a whole lot. With you, nothing.
You sat there, wondering if you meant anything to him. It’s funny that you still had negative and doubting thoughts like this even when you were sure he loved you unconditionally.
That’s the thing though. Since you only really had Stan growing up, you never really understood how someone could love another person conditionally. You never learned what it’s like to be loved conditionally. You’re sure it hurt, but your lack of experience made you question everything—including the people you love most.
That’s not to negate the fact you loved Stan. Even if you knew you’d never be his in a romantic aspect, you wanted to continue enjoying your time with him. Right now, time was ticking, and you couldn’t just sulk around and contemplate your life. That’s just stupid.
Now seeing him like this, you weren’t going to tell him that you like him. At least not for now. He was most likely in a fragile state, so telling him that you liked him, that he was the reason for all this, would break him. Especially since he’s never seen you the way you saw him.
At the end of it, you found yourself crying as well. You weren’t sure when or how you started crying. It started long before you could process it. 
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
After everything was said and done, you spent the last few weeks of your life in your room. You and your parents concluded dropping out of classes, seeing how you were going most likely going to pass away. Your family was devastated, to put it lightly, but at least they knew what was going to happen. At least they had time to prepare for your untimely demise.
Your condition worsened as time passed. You experienced a lot of weight loss because of how difficult it was to eat. Due to that, you also lost a lot of the muscles in your body. Not being an avid daywalker before all this didn’t seem to help you as well.
Your last few weeks weren’t all too gloomy, though. While you still could, you spent many of your last days jamming with Stan and Kenny. Actually, during one of those last few days, you got to record one of your songs in a studio. The producer Stan got in touch with really seemed to like your work.
When you were back home, it was back to writing songs. As I said, it was the only thing you knew how to do. It was your escape. You wrote about your last days, your feelings about Stan, and other things. They weren’t brooding, you didn’t want to sound edgy, but they were genuine.
It was April 25th. You weren’t aware that that day was going to be your last, but you suspected that it would be anyway.
On that day, you were fixing your songs up, giving them an assortment of lyrics and melodies for them to work with. You didn’t write that much at that point because you were just too physically exhausted and weak to do so.
It was around 9:38 PM when it happened. All it took to take you out were just more flowers to block out your airway. You were coughing a whole lot, that’s for sure. Much blood spilled out of your mouth. You didn’t fight any of it though.
Around 10:15 PM Stan received a call from your mom. He already had an idea what the call would be about, but he wasn’t ready to hear it. 
“Stan?” Your mother’s voice is cracking. He hummed in reply, already knowing what was going to come next. “YN just passed away.”
Even if he knew what was coming, he still felt his heart drop. He would never be able to prepare himself for one of his best friend’s death.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 2 months
On I’ll Follow You Into The Dark and Style
So y’all may know how strongly I associate Death Cab For Cutie’s song I’ll Follow You Into The Dark with Stan and Kyle, and I’ll tell ya why. Even if they aren’t romantically together, they’re a package deal. They’re inseparable. They will follow each other to the ends of the earth, whether as Super Best Friends, Super Best Boyfriends, or Super Best Husbands. That’s very important to me man. I had that song as their wedding first dance (these two can’t dance they shoulda had a sword fight instead but someone would have gotten hurt lmao) in the OrangeJuiceVerse and that headcanon of the song being them spans across a lot of my body of work, so here’s random related quotes from things!
He ignored the coach and the fact that he wasn’t supposed to be on the turf. Everyone in this town knew what Stan meant to him. Where he went, Kyle followed. ESPECIALLY if he went down.
“Hat’s in the pocket,” Kyle informed him, positioning himself on Stan’s right side and supporting him with an arm around his waist and throwing Stan’s right around his neck. “You ready?”
Not in the slightest. But Stan found strength in his super best friend’s determined expression. “As I’ll ever be.”
With that, our beloved boy heroes hobbled slowly into the void.
The path lay before them, twisted and shadowed. With any luck, they’d stay out of trouble until they reached the end. The king was pale and visibly unsteady, and Stan was down one arm and not at full strength to fight back whatever they might come across, but they were together. They were always stronger together, and always had been. Nothing, no matter how vile, poisonous, or vicious, really stood a chance between the two of them.
“Your job was never to protect me. You need to realize that. It was always to fight at my side, which you have never, EVER failed to do.” Kyle is warm when he rests against him; Stan almost cries. Even more so when he says,
“Never stop fighting at my side.”
Because it isn’t an order. It isn’t a command, though Stan will treat it as gospel.
“I don’t intend to.”
Kyle nodded, and they raised the blade above their heads before *slashing* into the cake like it was a monster they were defeating together.
That was what Stan and Kyle did, he’d learned. They faced everything as one. As a team. And emerged victorious.
“When I’m falling into a black hole, you save me with your gravity. You always know what to do when I’m lost, and you’ve never, ever given up on me. I won’t give up on you either, no matter what the future holds. I’m gonna hold you forever, any way the wind blows, in this life and the next.”
“Stan, my dearest one, you’ve overcome so much, defeated terrible foes, and I’m honored to be by your side through every battle until the end of time.”
“Don’t do that.” Kyle’s voice was pleading, almost a whisper as he broke through the spiral in the way that only he ever could.
“Don’t go where I can’t follow.”
Stan didn’t want him to follow, try as he did, time and time again.
“But… you called my name.”
“And you came for me. How did you get here?”
Stan shrugged. “I walked. A long way. And then I sang, and the stones let me in.” He took his lover’s face into his hand. “Kyle, I can sing us home again.”
“It doesn’t matter where we live, you know? Anywhere you are, that’s home to me.”
He hated that HE wasn’t taking care of his best friend. That was HIS job, and he wasn’t able to do it.
Stan ignored his headache and Kenny trying to hold him back, slipping onto the floor and dragging himself over to Kyle. Craig and Tolkien gave him the space to do so, because everyone knew Kyle’s side was Stan’s place. Until he was dead and buried, this was where he needed to be.
“… And the worst part was that I wasn’t able to catch you when you went down. I ALWAYS want to catch you when you go down. Because I… I love you, Kyle.”
Anyway. Them
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gtraccoon · 1 year
hey i know you’re on a break so don’t answer this right away if you don’t feel like it but I have more characters!!
sorry it’s long again lmao
I debated for a really long time about whether to make Stan or Kyle tiny (cause imo they’re pretty similar), but i eventually decided Kyle. I love overly aggressive and angry tinies and also super tiny Ike was a really cute idea to me.
The bottom of Kyle’s pants is from an old Tegridy shirt that Stan repaired it with when it ripped. In return Kyle and Ike made Stan a necklace and a bracelet respectively. Stan’s style is also a bit different than in the show cause a lot of his main friends are borrowers. So at school he hangs out with some different people, most notably he hangs out with the goth kids more (i love them), and that jacket in the picture specifically is a hand me down from Michael who got tired of seeing him in his old worn down stained brown coat everyday. (i might change it later so he has poorly bleached hair, but i can’t decide rn)
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Kyle and Stan have been friends since the Brofloski’s moved to his house, but then Ike met Stan. All was well and good cause Kyle and Stan constantly made sure Ike wouldn’t spill their secret…until enough time had gone past that they kind of slacked off on making sure Ike didn’t slip up. So of course one day he does, and Kyle’s mom figures out that Stan and Kyle not only know each other, but are “super best friends.”
Shelia goes to Gerald and plot twist: Gerald and Randy have been hanging out too. Also Shelly knows Kyle and Ike. And so does the poor kid in the parka that comes over sometimes. Sheila goes to Sharon cause she just at that point assumes that the human mom knows her family but nope: Sharon had no idea there were tiny people in her walls. Both families were just hiding each other from the respective moms. Sheila and Sharon eventually become friends cause they bond over both dealing with an absurd amount of dumbassery, but not until after they give their families a stern talking to.
Anyway, both families live in harmony pretty much. The Brofloski’s don’t like to be fully dependent on the humans, but they all go out from the walls whenever they want to and socialize with each other. Sharon even helped set up Kyle to go to Stan’s school virtually! The whole family basically made up this sob story about how Kyle has like glass skin and paper bones (i don’t have an actual bs story rn) and he can’t come to school in person so the school just set up a computer monitor at an empty desk and Kyle joins school from a zoom call everyday.
This is how he meets Cartman. The two argue just as much this way as they do in the show, and they hate each other. Kyle, however, is actually genuinely terrified of Cartman. Since they hate each other, he’s afraid that if Cartman every learned how small he was, he’d murder him. Sheila doesn’t know about Kyle’s horrific fear of his “friend,” cause Kyle’s afraid that if he told her, she’s want him out of school. Kyle only confines in Stan and Kenny (usually Stan more cause he takes Kyle’s fear more seriously and will just listen to his issues while Kenny’s main defense system is to laugh and distract him, which is nice but doesn’t always work). It doesn’t help that Cartman hangs out at the Marsh house a lot, too.
THIS IS SO CREATIVE! might not seem like it, but you’re giving me ideas, and who knows…. next part or maybe a new au soon! (prolly by next week, maybe, depends.) but i’ll totally write/draw more in the meantime, just, i don’t know if i’ll have motivation to write a finished story for it. this is literally so cool, i really like the idea of the parents being friends and i can like actually picture that, like kyle’s like “i’m gonna rock ur shit cartman” and cartman feels all threatened not knowing his enemy is like, 2 inches tall. it’s a really cool trope, and i’d read a fic/comic about that, definitely. thank you so much for putting in the time to send me asks, talented as always.
explination for a little break, news i guess?
i’m still gonna be on break for awhile. some drama stuff with school happened, and, yea, it’s so serious i’m pretty sure i can’t legally talk about it, but yea!!! i also recently got a skateboard, and have been spending a lot of my time on that. BUT, i still do love writing, so send asks if u want, and i will definitely write/draw about them when i’m out of this school drama shit.
honestly this has happened before and idk why it’s always with me, but it’s not like a school wide thing. it’s JUST me and 2 other ppl involved. sometimes i feel targeted. maybe ppl just don’t like me, idk!
tl;dr, drama
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