#star trek voyager a celebration
trillscienceofficer · 1 month
“In the first year [of Star Trek: Voyager] I talked with [executive producer] Jeri Taylor about directing,” Roxann Dawson recalls her own route to the director's chair. “I had directed in the theater and I just liked bossing people around! I wanted to give it a try but I honestly didn't know if I'd like it. I told Jeri I'd love to learn, if they'd give me the opportunity. Then she and Rick Berman opened up Director in Training.” Over the course of seven seasons, [Robert Duncan] McNeill and Dawson, along with fellow VOYAGER cast members Tim Russ and Robert Picardo all helmed at least one episode of the show as directors. The process of swapping Starfleet uniform for megaphone involved going back to school. “We had DiT school,” explains prolific VOYAGER director David Livingston. “‘Director in Training,’ where Rick Berman would allow actors and crew to go through a training program, observing as much of production and post-production as their schedules would allow, showing a commitment to study. Even though I went to film school, I had never directed on a large scale until I got to STAR TREK. Rick offered me that opportunity.”
“I became a Director in Training and I could go into everything,” adds Dawson. "I observed other shows that were shooting at Paramount. I did so much observing, I would be on an all-nighter downtown in Los Angeles on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, then come into work on VOYAGER at 4am so I could take a nap. I learned a lot and put myself out there.” “Roxann would come and sit with me in the editing room,” remembers Livingston. “She was very observant, asked a lot of questions and it was clear she knew exactly what was going on. Roxann recognized that she needed to go through the process to be grounded, not only in the aesthetics of how to do this, but the technical aspects of it. I respected and admired her for that.” While directing his first episode of VOYAGER during season 6, John Bruno remembers Dawson's observant approach to DiT school: “I had one day on set in the conference room when I was shooting two overlapping cameras. Roxann was standing beside me, looking over my shoulder at my storyboards. I explained what I was doing, and then I realized she was going to direct a show. She was following me, and I didn't really know what I was doing!”
“The reason I started directing later [in the course of the show] is because I was pregnant and we waited until after I gave birth in order for me to start,” says Dawson, whose first directing assignment was the early season 6 episode ‘Riddles’. “How prepared can you be for something you've never done before? You can prepare and prepare and prepare, but if it's an experience you've never had before, for somebody who really likes to be prepared, it's torture. There are a million scenarios that you'll be facing, things that you couldn't possibly have prepared for because you had no idea and no experience. It's learning to deal with all that with grace under pressure.”
“You're with people that you love and want you to succeed,” Dawson says of the support she received from her fellow VOYAGER ensemble. “It made me a better actor. I began to understand that I'm not just dealing with this part of the pie, but the entire pie. All of a sudden there were so many moving parts of which I was this much a part of. Often, actors need to be myopic, they need to concentrate on what they're doing and I respect that. But as a director, I've come to respect and understand those insecurities, understand that actors need to do that in order to show up and do the job. But at the same time, I've had payback. I've been on the other side, I've paid my dues in terms of actors doing things that have cost me time and money and face. On every level! I've had payback because in the beginning I was one of those actors who judged every director that came in.”
“After the first time I directed, I was in so much physical pain, there was so much pressure I didn't know if I wanted to continue with it,” Dawson honestly recalls the aftermath of directing ‘Riddles’. “That was a learning experience. I would call my husband after the first few episodes I did and let him know if it was a two Advil day or a six Advil day. I literally was in physical pain!”
“After I did my first episode,” remembers Dawson, “Rick Berman came up to me at the wrap party for that season and said he liked ‘Riddles’. ‘So I'm going to give you another opportunity to fail.’ It was the oddest wording, I will never, ever forget that!” Dawson subsequently directed ‘Workforce, Part II’ during season 7, and has since become a highly sought-after director on some of modern television's biggest shows. “I just fell in love with it,” Dawson say[s], looking back. “It was trial by fire, especially moving out of this STAR TREK world into the rest of the world that didn't care whether you succeeded or not. Now it's a complete and utter joy. I love directing and I have loved it for a long time. I'm so glad and so grateful to Rick Berman and Jeri Taylor, who gave me this opportunity and literally changed my life.”
From “Star Trek: Voyager - A Celebration” by Ben Robinson (2020)
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itberice · 9 months
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trek-tracks · 4 months
I came from the Cat of Amontillado post why is your blog full of salamanders
I guess I'd just say that to fully enjoy my Star Trek blog with occasional cat posts, you need to get past a certain...
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ebonysolcum · 14 days
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“Year of Hell”
Something a bit different from my usual drawings. There are no people involved! Lol.
This started because I wanted to draw the broken teacup. I already had plans to draw the watch, and it quickly morphed into this set of four drawings. The broken teacup ended up being my least favourite because there wasn’t a good reference photo, but I adore the other three.
Digital drawings done in Procreate. White carbon stick on black background.
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ocheeva · 1 year
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bestie @astrangedoor​ made me a greeting card for the holiday ♥
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trekkie-polls · 4 months
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moonhuit · 9 months
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it doesn’t always matter where we are but here I am and I say hello, sitting next to you this time, just pretend I’m sitting next to you this time. you would like it here. maybe you would like it here. I think that maybe you would like it here. so here we are again: me being here and you being off the map and me sending it out across the wires and being overheard. // the long and short of it by richard siken
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dragonsandducks · 2 years
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tea-earl-grey · 4 months
i was already planning to get good pepperoni and mozzarella for homemade pizza sometime next week and it just occurred to me that this is in fact the perfect Threshold Day meal. will anyone else in this household know that i'm making pizza in honor of Tom Paris, pilot of the first warp 10 flight and noted salamander father? absolutely not. but they don't have to Know to celebrate.
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divinemissem13 · 6 months
An addendum to @25daysofvoyager day 8 submission:
Final chapter of A Very Voyager Holiday is now up on AO3!
There's a bit more Hanukkah in there too, for @hanukkahbingo
Full final chapter is below the cut, but if you want to read the whole thing, you'll have to go to AO3
The morning briefing was just wrapping up when Captain Janeway turned her attention to her morale officer. “I believe that concludes all official business. Now, Neelix, how is the holiday party planning coming along?”
Neelix sat up a little straighter in his chair and tried not to appear flustered. He hadn’t been expecting to give a report today and there was still so much to do and only a few days left to do it all! “Right on schedule, Captain,” he declared. “With so many traditions to incorporate, it looks like the celebration will go for several days! Uh, several evenings, rather. We can’t have the whole ship at a stand still for a whole week, now can we?” he chuckled to himself.
Janeway looked mildly horrified when she interjected “A week, Neelix? That sounds a little… extreme, don’t you think?”
“Oh, no, Captain! A lot of the holidays last for several days! Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Las Posadas all last a week or more!” Neelix reassured her.
“Yes, I understand and people who celebrate those holidays are welcome to do so for their full duration. But let’s keep the official celebration to…” she glanced at Chakotay and Tuvok for confirmation, “... no longer than three days? Three evenings,” she ordered gently. 
“Er, ah, yes, Captain, I can make that work,” Neelix acquiesced. 
Janeway rose to her feet and called the meeting to a close, dismissing the senior staff. Neelix lingered, however, and he approached her once everyone else was gone.
“Was there something else, Neelix?” she asked curtly, though not unkindly. 
He fumbled for the right words. “Well, it’s just a small thing… barely worth mentioning really… only…”
“Spit it out, Neelix,” Janeway ordered.
“I’m concerned that we don’t have enough dilithium for me to prepare everything in only three days,” the Talaxian blurted out. “There are a lot of different types of food, and decorations, and I was planning to spread out my replicator use over a week so there would be time to recharge, but now I have to do it in less than half that time and–” 
The captain held up a hand to keep Neelix from babbling again. “Neelix, you have my permission to replicate as much as you need to. It’s been a rough few months; the crew deserves a good celebration. And besides, Seven thinks she has found a planet rich with dilithium about a week from our current position so we’ll be able to restock soon.”
“Oh! Thank you, Captain! If you’re sure… oh, that’s wonderful!” Neelix bubbled. 
“Of course, I’ll have B’Elanna keep an eye on the energy levels and if we are getting too low, you’ll have to stop immediately. Understood?” 
“Absolutely! Oh, Ensign Kim will be so happy that I can make his patjuk - there really isn’t a good substitute for the red beans, you know - and we’ll be able to have the Bajoran fireworks display on the holodeck, the talent show for Kwanzaa’s evening of creativity… Oh! And Lieutenant Paris’ Festivus pole! Thank you, Captain. You won’t regret it. This will be a holiday to remember!” Neelix exclaimed as he rushed out of the room.
Captain Janeway shook her head in amusement as the doors slid closed behind Neelix. His unbridled enthusiasm was both contagious and exhausting. She turned to pick up the small stack of PADDs on the table and stopped suddenly.
Did he say ‘Festivus pole’?
Neelix most certainly had said ‘Festivus pole.’ Further research into the holiday of Festivus had led him to an acceptable alternative to fighting the captain, and the newly replicated pole now stood proudly next to the Christmas tree. 
With Naomi’s help (and unlimited replicator access), Neelix had put together a holiday celebration for the ages. 
In addition to the tree and the pole, a Hanukkah menorah and a Kwanzaa kinara were prominently on display in the center of the mess hall, each fully lit with holographic candles that could last all night. There was even a Vulcan prayer candle, despite Tuvok’s insistence that it wasn’t necessary to include any Vulcan rituals as their holidays were usually celebrated in solitary meditation. 
Tables of food lined the room, representing all the different cultures and religions. Neelix was far too busy playing host and running between the mess hall and the holodeck  to explain the dishes in person as he usually would, so it had been Naomi’s idea to include labels explaining what the dish was and which tradition it belonged to. 
Thanks to the captain’s generosity with the replicator, Neelix was able to make both traditional and Delta Quadrant versions of many of the dishes. In most cases, the traditional dishes were more popular, but the surprise hit was Neelix’s Leola root latkes. Tom even went so far as to suggest that this be the primary preparation for Leola root going forward but Neelix insisted that they would be reserved for the holiday so that they remained special. 
The holodeck was very busy for the three days as well. There was a packed schedule of performances and activities, including traditional spirit dances of both the Trebus and Earth varieties, Klingon opera (performed by the Doctor and a troupe of holograms, of course. B’Elanna refused to have any part of it), a talent show to celebrate creative expression, and a nightly Bajoran fireworks display, just to name a few. 
During the daytime, the holodeck was transformed into a winter wonderland. Off-duty crew (and there were a lot, since the ship was operating with a skeleton crew for the holidays) could stop by at any time to build snowmen, go sledding, or sit by the fire with hot cocoa. Neelix even heard a rumor that Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay had spent some time strolling in the snow together hand in hand - but he found that harder to believe than the rumor that Lieutenants Paris and Torres had started a massive snowball fight between bridge officers and engineering.  
On the morning after the final evening of celebrating, Naomi found Neelix in the mess hall, sitting next to a half-packed box of ornaments. He had a sort of far away look on his face and, sure, enough, he jumped in surprise when Naomi tapped his shoulder. 
“Oh! Hello, Naomi!” Neelix exclaimed with a tired smile and just a bit less exuberance than usual. 
The perceptive child squinted at him, threw her arms around his neck, and asked “Neelix, are you ok?”
Neelix caught Naomi in his arms and hugged her for a moment before placing her back on the floor. “Oh yes, just a little post-holiday blues. Nothing to worry about,” he reassured her. He chuckled softly and added, “Who would have thought that I’d run out of energy before the replicators?”
“Oh! That’s what I came to tell you!” Naomi remembered suddenly. “It’s a Hanukkah miracle!”
Neelix looked at her quizzically so Naomi explained further. “The replicator shouldn’t have had enough energy to last the whole week - but it did! And Mom says we’ll even have enough to get us to that dilithium planet to restock!”
“That’s wonderful, Naomi, but what does that have to do with Hanukkah miracles?” Neelix wondered. 
“Neelix!” Naomi whined, starting to get annoyed. “It’s like how the oil was only supposed to last one day but it lasted eight!”
Neelix’s eyes grew wide with realization. “Do you know, I spent so much time planning the party, I never learned about any of the actual holidays!”
Naomi giggled, “Neelix! We’ll have to work on that for next year. Like, did you know that Bolians celebrate because…” 
Naomi continued to catalog all she had learned about holidays but Neelix wasn’t listening. His brain had shut down at the words ‘next year.’
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baylardian-1 · 5 months
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Happy birthday to my bestest friend @maliciousalice!!!!! Hopefully I stratted out the time difference enough to get this around the midnight turnover to the 28th in Australia lol.
You are my hero no prank and you have been such a positive influence in my life for years and continue to be a huge inspiration for me and I love spending time with you. Thank you for putting up with me and introducing me to Voyager AND THRESHOLD and watching my cringey shows. I hope your special day is full of splendor. :) <3
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qu-incy · 2 years
omg.....captain janeway it is an honour to meet you.....
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stitching-in-time · 1 year
Threshold is so wild, Chakotay and Tuvok just abandon the lizard babies on the planet, and Janeway doesn’t even have a second thought about making them go back for her mutant children. I feel like every other Starfleet captain would definitely take their lizard babies if they had them-
Kirk would be like: “I will take them and bring them somewhere to be properly cared for.”
Picard would be like: “I will grudgingly bring them with us and awkwardly parent them and someday finally admit I love them.”
Sisko would be like: “I will raise these lizard babies lovingly with my whole heart and teach them to play baseball.”
And then Janeway is just over here like: “Wait, what did you do with my lizard babies? You left them on the planet? Cool! Let’s go find a nebula with coffee in it!”
Which seems a little cavalier, but then again-
Archer would probably be like: “I’ll bring them with us, and then kill them when it becomes necessary to use their spleens to power our warp engines.”
...so, actually, on balance, Janeway probably isn’t doing so bad as a mutant lizard parent after all. 
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simptasia · 1 year
sci trio’s first celeb crushes
miles: sigourney weaver
char: carrie fisher
daniel: charlie pace
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stvoy-kazon-stan · 1 year
Happy Holidays from stvoy-kazon-stan
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tuttle-did-it · 1 year
Int. Star Trek Writer’s Room
writer 1: so that’s why we feel it’s important for us to make it clear that Garak and Bashir are in a sexual relationship.
[five writers nod in agreement]
Braga: We will never, ever have an overt gay relationship on Star Trek- over my dead body, do you understand? it’s utterly impossible. Berman and I are hard on this No one would believe it, no one would accept it, I don’t accept it. Berman sure as hell doesn't accept it. In fact, Garak is too gay. Give him a teenage girlfriend. [writers mutter in disagreement]
writer 2: can we at least talk about Dax and gender representation?
writer 3: that’s right. I had some thoughts on Dax’s pronouns-
Braga: -enough! Never! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go write my episode of Voyager where Tom Paris and Janeway turn into lizards and have lizard babies.
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