#starts screaming nonstop
moominpopzz · 3 months
ANYWAYS Deadwood to me’s literally just one of those creepy ass old southern hunting towns… so here’s some things I think Wiwi Wisp does based offa that
• William Wisp knows about 4 ways to skin a deer and even more how to gut one
• He saw the shotgun in s2 and all those days when they were younger and David would take him out and shoot cans and bottles to pass time came flying back to him like it was trying to attack him, THATS truly how he knows how to use that thing
•He sees lone crying children and while trying to calm them down to find out what’s wrong calls them Sugar and Darlin and Dear and Bubba
•William Wisp who says only Ma or Mama and who probably called his dad daddy til he was like 14
•He refuses to talk when he gets too mad because his accent starts slipping out and it embarrasses him
•He has a secret country playlist buried with all his other music [It has a fake out title so if anyone sees it they don’t think ab it]
•He DEFINITELY passive aggressively says “God bless you” when he’s pissed at people
•He constantly slips up and says little country sayings that he then has to explain to the others
•He only drinks tea that’s so sweet it almost made Vyncent throw up at one point.
•He says hes “Sick as a dog” when not feeling good [<- edit add on]
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frostios · 4 months
(guy whos been drawing all day) man i wanna draw....
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lynnmint8 · 7 months
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you can't bring up toulouse-lautrec in the context of taemin and expect me to be NORMAL about it
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alcyonei · 8 months
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〈✖ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴏʀ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ✖〉
Yay for full design ref for Dóvenyth! Added some info about her, too. Idk how much I wanna reveal yet...
Artist's ramblings under the cut.
I did want to do a more detailed ref, but I kept getting caught up on making everything look perfect and rendered, then my joints started hurting real bad, so I did what I could.
The more detailed character sheet shows her when she's fighting, which I love cuz she has an almost counter-intuitive hierarchy of which style she uses, but it makes perfect sense for her.
I also am not sure how to approach explaining her backstory. I mean! Not like there's so many people expecting anything. But I do think it fun to not really explain a lot yet. Idk if anyone else will follow, or would care about Dóvenyth. We'll see!
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drkineildwicks · 2 months
Okay dangit no I'm not done
Because in (Not So) Hated by Life Itself the Hamada bros are big Sonic fans with Tadashi specifically putting himself through the pain of 100-percenting Shadow the Hedgehog
And I'm just picturing their reaction to this news and rolling X'D
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mieczyhale · 3 months
i didn't think i could get any more useless and my ocd really said "bet"
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treesbian · 12 days
being mad at my parents for events long passed hours
#man my mom used to have my sisters help her pin me down so she could pop all the pimples on my face. bruh that fucking hurt. also.#worst thing you can do for those... i was having age-typical acne and i guess she just didn't like to look at it?? idk.#the acne itself didn't hurt but there was a lot of it so just like. you know how it does indeed hurt to pop those. well there were a lot#and she didn't stop even when i was crying and screaming bc she wasn't done??#and she did it to my back too and some of those grew on nerves and hurt even fucking more#and no she was not using properly sterilized equipment or even fresh washed hands thanks for asking <3 she acted entirely on impulse lol#i mean. i guess she knows its wrong **now** bc she hasn't tried anything similar with my baby sister....???#and shes starting to get acne like i used to have.#idk is that dramatic to be upset about. just imagine being pinched and pricked nonstop for like 2 hours. maybe it wasn't 2 hours.#but also physically restrained too like straight up sat on. is that fucked up.... thats not normal right???#and uh. a few years ago they held me still to shave my armpits with my dad's clippers bc mom is completely convinced#it isn’t possible to be hygenic as a 'woman' with pit hair or anything bc of Pheromones!!! and when i say goddamn fine#i'll just use men's hygiene stuff then she says that won't work bc Pheromones!!!!#like having a slightly different endocrine system makes ppl a different species or something#anyway. i cried just a little bit when they did that <3 gave me razor burn#and after my dad asked like 'is growing that hair out like. important to your identity or something' and.#well i dont know but that fucking hurt and you violated the choice that *eye* was making with *my* body#man i know mom still thinks she never physically abused me bc she didn't ever like. beat me up or anything but. thats abuse right??#she still thinks i was calling her abusive out of fucking nowhere.#sometimes she asks 'when was i ever abusive' and i give her an example and she goes 'well that was JUST BECAUSE--' and like. girl.#you think just bc you can justify it to yourself it wasn't abuse? every abuser can justify it to themselves....#talk tag#man i keep forgetting about how she used to physically restrain me to do her not-dermatologist approved extractions.#i guess it mostly didn't hurt that bad but like. the forcefullness and duration of it. lmao#anyway i found her a late mothers day gift today. its a hairstick with a dragonfly charm#abuse tw#sorry if that triggered anyone b4 i remembered to tag it
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killerchickadee · 6 months
Astonishing to me that I don't like a lot of noise in general, and yet I ended up with a fucking screaming bird and a fucking cat who never shuts the fuck up.
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cedarspiced · 5 months
not being able to find a job really fucking sucks. my brain won't stop telling me "your family is going to be homeless and it'll be your fault" over and over and i can't get it to Stop
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wiredsmi1e · 6 months
small update but my mom says she's gonna get ahold of her friend FINALLY this week to see if i can go over there & borrow their wifi to finally get my goddamned photoshop installed FINALLY , so i can get back to my comms & start remaking icon borders since i lost ALL of mine on my old laptop :')
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sintreaties · 2 years
I just want to say that Kirari and Terano
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myfragilebodyy · 2 years
getting attitude from my manager bc i told her the delivery i’m taking now needs to be my last run like girl it’s already 90 minutes past the end of my shift AND i’m dealing with alcoholism triggers now bc someone tried to tip me with a bottle of beer.
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
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So much happened in Karmaland today. I legitimately feel like I got sucked into a tornado and was deposited in the middle of the ocean 3000 miles away
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gar-a-ash · 1 year
speaking of how high reese’s drive has gotten recently here’s a recording i took a while back of our drive to our nightly training session and a very good example of why you don’t actually want a high drive dog!
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eatsbop · 2 years
You think it would be easy for me to be normal. I stayed up almost all night it feels like if someone says my name wrong I'll start stabbing people
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