#steddie wip rec
mojowitchcraft · 10 months
Fave WIP Round Up [Part 5]
Find the rest of my WIP Recs here
How to Rehabilitate a Jock in Four Months by @withacapitalp Rated G | Chapters: 15/53 | Words: 63k
After their breakup, Steve found that being around Nancy and Jonathan was pretty much unbearable. His old friends wouldn't even look at him, and there was only so much time he could spend with the kids before he started feeling kind of pathetic. All in all, he was a pretty lonely person now. But was he really lonely enough to consider joining Hellfire club? And were they really willing to accept having a dethroned king in their party? A post season two AU where Steve becomes a part of hellfire club
One Size Fits All by @entanglednow Rated E | Chapters: 3/10 | Words: 16k
Steve just wanted to do something nice for a friend, he doesn't mean to get Eddie's ring stuck on his finger, and it's definitely not his fault that everyone he knows is jumping to conclusions.
Layover by @3minsover & @dreaminginpencil Rated E | Chapters: 6/? | Words: 74k
“Mr Munson? Your complimentary champagne.” Eddie Munson looks up from his phone, and his dark eyes widen in surprise. “Jesus Christ.” “Uh. Steve, actually,” Steve offers awkwardly, hand still raised where he’d knocked. As first impressions go, Steve’s sure he is decidedly not making a good one. “I’m sorry,” Munson huffs, shaking his head a little. His curls shiver around his face and oh god he’s even sexier in person. Steve is never going to survive. “I just- wasn’t expecting…” “A man?” Steve preempts, with the knowledge that he’s one of two male attendants who tend to work this flight, and that it’s usually all pencil skirts and heels. Not that he’d be particularly averse- “No, no. Someone so- attractive.” OR the flight attendant!steve/musician-model!eddie au we didn't know we needed.
In a World of Just Our Own by @kiaramori Rated E | Chapters: 2/? | Words: 16k (mind the tags on this one!)
Eddie Munson dies and Kas wakes up in his place, with no memory of his life before. When Steve is attacked by a monster wearing his dead friend's skin, he thinks his life is over. He's wrong.
j'adore [series] by @oakenorcrist Rated E | Works: 2 | Words: 23k
Steve Harrington escapes the stuffy premiere party to find himself sharing a smoke with the alluring rock star Eddie Munson in the alleyway behind the Palazzo del Cinema. He finds himself entranced and enchanted, and can't help but follow this until-now stranger into the night, where they share stories and passions that will change Steve's life forever.
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morningberriesao3 · 7 months
a little excerpt from tonight’s chapter 😵‍💫 ty to those who have been so patient with me as i took a week off. ur literally all my lovers
read sneaky link here — 18+ only
Eddie’s fingers dance under the hem of Steve’s shirt, tickling against his taut stomach, the trail of hair beneath his navel. The question of whether he’s allowed to undress Steve is sitting precariously close to the tip of his tongue. But he recalls Friday night, how Steve had told him not to ask, just to do. Seemed to get off on Eddie’s bossiness.
He wonders if that carries over to the future. To now. If he should just start stripping Steve and trust that he’d say something if he was doing something wrong. If he didn’t like—
“Eddie. Please.” Steve writhes under his fingertips, back arching high off the bed as his pelvis searches for Eddie’s.
Right. Okay. So Eddie has his answer.
He fills his lungs with air and tries to cement himself in the present moment. He traces his fingers to Steve’s impatient hips, digs them in his warm skin before shoving him back to the mattress.
“Ah, ah, ah,” Eddie scolds like he’s reprimanding one of the Hellfire twerps. But, you know, in a hopefully sexier way. “Good boys behave to get what they want, Stevie.”
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✨steddie ficlet: switchy energy, eddie tops then steve does, boys in love and filthy about it, face slapping, choking, religious imagery, daddy kink, breeding kink, pet play, brief reference to somnophilia, dacryphilia
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eddie munson fucks like he’s reconciling with tragedy, has something septic and lethal clawing it’s way out of his ribs, and needs to beat the odds before doomsday arrives.
his touch is quick. hot. fervent and skimming—reading between the lines so he can drag steve straight to the end with him.
there is no sanctity about the beginning or middle. everything made there is a blur of sticky heat and noise. slicking off their writhing bodies like midsummer rain.
hipbones jagged. ink infecting every available inch of his skin. eddie’s thrusts are punishing. his moans knock the wind from steve’s lungs.
there is a rapid pulse, brief reprise, and the desperate need to be the concrete vessel for each other’s pain and pleasure.
slaps followed by a dirty kiss. gnawing lips. sucking marrow. red everywhere in the dim light of the room.
they dig their hearts out to present as gifts. small thanks for a lifetime of whatever this is. filthy. lovely. reciprocal confessions kept behind teeth.
they touch each other and the world is remade.
“daddy’s little toy,” eddie growls into steve’s ear; biting, licking, choking, and bruising as he grinds impossibly deeper into a place no one else has ever been, “gonna fuck you so dumb you forget your own name, baby. gonna fuck you so dumb, you only remember mine.”
it’s ravenous. starvation. pulling hair. salted tears. lighting matches. naked truth and a reckless fire that burns from within. annihilates everything in its path.
hand in hand; they break flesh only to repair it under the influence of divine creation.
body to body.
face to face.
heart to heart.
violet stains across their skin. graciously erasing the damages done by those who were too afraid to love them back.
“i love you. i’d kill for you.”
steve’s voice bubbles up to the surface like cheap jewelry tossed into the river at the conclusion of a tired romance.
“there’s a monster in you, isn’t there, baby boy?”
“yes,” steve utters like a devestatimg hymn, “and there’s one in you. in your heart. next to mine. vicious and beautiful.”
eddie’s strong. dominant. hands locked into place on steve’s slender waist like it’s life or death or something greater. beyond him. beyond them. hold tight or die trying.
“i love you and your violent teeth. i love you and your bitchy attitude—all the terrible extremes you’re capable of,” eddie’s breath hitches, but his hands never falter as he fucks him harder, “slap me hard, baby boy—fuck—i’m yours. make it so no one else ever wonders if they can have me.”
“they can’t,” steve whimpers brokenly as he slaps eddie across the face with the utmost adoration, “i’d ruin anyone who tried—fuck—you feel so good, daddy.”
when they switch positions, it’s steve’s knees failing to uphold their promise. collapsing face down into sweat, musk, the stained pillowcase, and abundant sensation.
trembling. shaking. pathetic.
drifting off into lust and want and worship.
babbling ‘more,’ ‘harder,’ ‘faster,’ ‘please, sir;’ like those are the only words he knows.
but, no matter how low he gets, no matter how far he slips—steve will not break.
eddie won’t let him.
eddie will sink his own ship, decimate the grounds, throw himself overboard, before he ever lets steve fade to black.
it’s a cruel love.
damned. perfect. edging sin and purity at the same time.
taking them to the brink and yanking the chain back at the final moment.
letting everything oxidize for longer than is ever necessary. torture. agony. young love.
poetry in the making.
“dumb puppy,” eddie berates, grazing a soothing hand over steve’s reddened ass—spanked ruthlessly by the man he loves, “rutt against the bed—rub yourself raw. that’s it—good boy. perfect boy. best boy for daddy. like you dirty. like you messy. so pretty.”
eddie pours salt into steve’s wounds, laughs giddily at his groans, licks them clean. starts again. pretends.
kisses scars and smirks as he bites down on the constellations covering steve’s back.
breaking apart the universe in his mouth like a confectionary gobstopper. shattered into shrapnel. slack at the tease of thick fingers wrapping around his throat.
nothing will ever be the same and he likes it that way.
“daddy, ‘s so good—wanna be your slut forever. would let you use me in my sleep—trust you—love you—need you—“
steve sobs into damp sheets. fucks his ass back onto eddie’s cock. tastes heat and pennies and holy worship on his lolling tongue.
brave boy takes whatever’s given to him. a beating, fist in his ass, teeth to his jugular, cock spurting load after load into his puffy hole. accepts it all with thanks and gratitude and brown eyes as dark and muse-worthy as the midnight sky.
“cumming inside you, pup. gonna fill you until your tummy’s fat and pregnant. gonna make it take this time. promise.”
eddie links their pinkies next to steve’s head on the mattress—the old thing creaks. smacks into the wall. calls out to neighbors and friends and pedestrians that this is where love is being born and made.
raw. wet. obscene and borderline criminal if you were to walk in at precisely the wrong moment.
make no mistake.
this is heaven. this is where they belong.
paradisium. the end all be all. nothing compares. rose colored glasses stay on for the show and ever after. they are blind to any other possibility. bravely human in the midst of something distinctly wild.
“i’m a mommy,” steve laughs deliriously when eddie cums with a roaring moan and a chorus of sweet declarations to his boy, “i’m a mommy. mommy. mommy. gonna get all round so quick—everyone’s gonna know. i’m gonna be beautiful.”
when steve cums it’s quieter. tangled up in innocent delusion and blushing fantasy—he sees stars in the familiar trap of eddie’s fist. stroking. bleating. aching as his balls tighten up and his head feels featherlight as if full of gossamer fabric.
release is near silent. choked out. eddie laps at his stomach in the aftermath. dips the tip of his tongue in his bellybutton. sparks tears of joy and sighs into his neck where he nuzzles and praises the love of his life for every good deed he’s ever done.
and the bad ones, too.
in the bath.
they share dreams. touch for a second time. slow and easy. fingers caressing tender spots and pushing love into each other where it’s needed.
steve with his legs spread wide. eddie moving up and down with a gentle rhythm. rocking his hips to the beat of steve harrington’s golden heart. spit. bubbles. cum. water that finally runs cold.
“i wish i could live inside you,” eddie whispers when it’s over.
“you already do.”
thank you for reading !! please feel free to live feedback, pop into my inbox with your thoughts, or comment here (it always brightens my day to read through 💛)
taglist (message me to be added or removed at any time <3): @estrellami-1 @disastardly @ilovecupcakesandtea @the-redthread @asbealthgn @bestofbucky @vampireinthesun @carlyv @shrimply-a-menace @lordrrascal @jjoesjonas @malachitedevil @anxiouseds @gay-little-bitch @jhrc666 @pinkdaisies1998 @mcneen @perseus-notjackson @eiddets @corroded-coffin-groupie @three-possums-playing-human @stevesbipanic @plutoshelm @arkenstoned @indiearr @they-reap-what-we-sow @gleek4twd @bunnyweasley23 @livingoutload @a-little-unsteddie @novelnovella @rugbertgoeshome @neverlandwaitingforme @anglhrts @swiss-cheeze @livsters @messrs-weasley
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wynnyfryd · 1 year
For the WIP game: Cry!
thank you for the ask and we’re not gonna talk about how i couldn’t be bothered to capitalize this when i wrote it lmao. little snippet from a lifeguard steve au i started working on a month or two ago where steve teaches eddie to swim during the summer between seasons 1 & 2
steve runs and dives off the board, gets his arms around a panicking eddie munson at the bottom of the pool. kicks off hard and races them up to the surface of the water.
eddie comes out choking, his face bright red and he might be crying but it’s impossible to tell when his face is soaking wet. “please stop fighting me,” steve grunts as he hauls him to the edge of the pool, swimming with one arm wrapped around eddie’s waist, and he gets them both out of the water and eddie’s fucking shaking, his breath coming in wet punctured gasps.
steve blows his whistle. “alright, that’s it! swim’s over, everybody out!”
“aww, come on—”
steve turns his attention back to eddie, sits him upright and strikes the heel of his palm against eddie’s back in case he has fucking water in his lungs.
“are you okay?” steve asks. he moves around to eddie’s front, squats in front of him, hands on eddie’s shoulders as he assesses him.
eddie’s eyes are so wide. impossibly huge. kind of… beautiful? and steve shakes the thought from his mind, because it’s probably just that the guy looks a bit like nancy, who steve’s barely seen all summer because she’s been off at some writing camp, and anyway, it doesn’t really matter because he still needs to make sure eddie’s not about to asphyxiate and die. “hey, eddie, right?”
eddie shakes his head yes.
“can you take a deep breath for me, man?”
eddie does. tries, anyway, the breath coming back out around a high, panicked whine. “fuck,” eddie whimpers, and steve knows this is maybe crossing a line — he barely knows the guy — but he’s crying and the pool is deserted now and steve thinks back to that night with the demogorgon. how he wished someone had held him after.
how nancy just went home.
he pulls eddie into a hug, his soaked shirt and hair clinging to steve’s bare skin, and eddie leans into it immediately, throwing his arms around steve’s middle and clinging for dear life as he cries and cries and cries. “i’m sorry,” he shudders, “i’m sorry i’m sorry, i’m—”
“it’s fine, alright? you’re good, man, it’s all good, everything’s good.”
when eddie’s panic recedes, he pulls back from the hug, turns those bright, big eyes on steve again, head on and pleading. “thank you,” he says, “you fucking— shit, harrington, i think you just saved my life.”
“don’t sweat it, man. just doing my job.”
(while i’m here if you want to read a completed lifeguard steve fic, may i recommended @messessentialist’s latest fic because it’s EXCELLENT)
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little-annie · 1 year
All I Want
A Steddie Memory Loss Fic
It was good. 
It was so fucking good. 
Yeah, maybe their relationship was a secret. Maybe Uncle Wayne was the only one who knew they were together. Maybe they snuck into closets or empty rooms when they spent evenings with friends, snuck kisses in dark corners or when everyone's attention was focused elsewhere but they were still them. They were Steve and Eddie, Eddie and Steve, together and hopelessly in love. They were together and they had each other. Had each other in every beautifully intimate way possible. 
They sang, they kissed, they cuddled, they made love.
They made breakfast, held hands under the table, washed each other's hair and whispered sweet nothings to one another when no one was around.
They were so fucking in love.
Until they weren't 
Until the day Eddie woke up and remembered nothing of the last year of his life
Until the day Eddie woke up and remembered nothing of Steve. His Steve. The Steve that held his hand and cried his eyes out waiting for the moment that Eddie would wake up. His Steve that made him laugh and sing, made him feel like the luckiest, most loved man alive. His Steve that he spent evenings and weekends with, cuddled into god awful plaid sheets with whispers of the words 'I love you' falling from their lips.
Until the day Eddie woke up from his coma and had no idea why Steve "The King" "The Hair" Harrington was there with him and why the absolute fuck he kissed him and called him Eds on his return to the land of the living.
Their love was so strong, so powerful, so goddamn beautiful. But was it strong enough?
Steve's heart was so full. Full with everything Eddie. Full with eyes the colour of the earth, full with curls that perfectly wrapped around his fingers, full with a touch that made his soul melt and porcelain skin that blushed the prettiest shade of pink.
Steve's heart that was once so full shattered when the words, "Why the fuck are you here?" rasped from Eddie's dry throat.
It was like a bullet to the heart. Like a fucking Demogorgan reached in pulled the beating organ out of his chest and crushed it in its cold undead hands. Steve was suddenly so empty. So scared and so goddamn alone. Again.
"Son," Wayne had breathed calmly behind him, warning but also sadness in his tone, watching the one man his nephew loved so much crumble in front of him, reaching desperately for the hand Eddie wasn't willing to give.
Already verging on hysterics, Steve tried, he tried to take Eddie's hand, to call his name, but nothing less than a bark of an order came from the man he loved, "Get the fuck out of here Harrington!"
He fell back into Wayne in shock and the man continued to calmly speak, "They told us he could have memory loss kid. I'm sorry, but I think it's best that'cha leave. I'll call ya tonight when I know more, 'kay?"
Steve couldn't speak, silent tears running down his face, he gathered his things. Or thing. Everything he'd brought was Eddie's, or theirs. He had his jacket, the letterman jacket he didn't quite care for anymore but Eddie loved, or more loved to tease him in. He thought it'd lighten the mood when Eddie woke up, he thought it'd spark some fun loving banter between them. Everything else he left behind, the books, the blankets, the change of clothes ready for Eddie for when he woke up, his rings, his necklace, his leather bracelet and a journal Steve had written in on the days it felt especially hard to watch the love of his life breath through a machine and remain so terrifyingly still.
On his way out the door, Wayne had grabbed his shoulder and pulled him in for a hug, ever so quietly mumbling, "A love like yous had just doesn't die kid, it's still in there somewhere. It's still in him."
The words shattered Steve's heart even further. Though he wished they were true, there was no way of actually knowing. It was luck in the first place to find someone as incredible as Eddie to love him. He didn't know if he could get that lucky again. 
Steve squeezed a little tighter and turned to leave, standing in the doorway, willing himself the confidence to not turn around 
"Wayne," he whispered, not moving his attention from the hall he was now facing, the old man turned, tears in his eyes, looking back at Steve, "everything should be there for today," Steve struggled to speak, tears in his eyes and pain in his throat as he turned and pointed at the pile of belongings next to Eddie's bed, "just maybe… fuck, " he huffed quietly, "I don't think he should read the journal, that might freak him out, maybe hide it for now."
Wayne nodded once in response, moving to squeeze Steve's arm as he quietly spoke, "I love ya son."
And if that didn't break Steve's heart even more.
The days had dragged into each other.
Wayne would call each evening when he got home from visiting Eddie; updating Steve on his condition. His mental health never being the topic of improvement unfortunately, but at least Steve knew he was doing better otherwise. His days were filled with worry and dread that he hadn't been able to visit since the morning Eddie woke up. Maybe he'd poke his head in when visiting Max, but it wasn't like he could go visit the guy as Dustin's friend alongside the curly haired pipsqueak because, like mentioned before, Eddie didn't remember the last year of his life. 
That included the kids too.
Dustin was just as heartbroken as Steve, but it's not like Steve could show it, not in the way he felt really, he could mourn the loss as a friend but that's it. He and Eddie hadn't told anyone about their relationship, save Wayne, and he wasn't going to make it his business outing Eddie.
Mornings and nights Steve liked to think were the hardest, waking up and falling asleep alone, the absence of Eddie felt the richest then. But that's not to say every other waking minute was less difficult. Fuck, everything was difficult.
Brushing his teeth in the morning because he can picture Eddie behind him and the phantom feeling of a tattooed arm around his waist.
Doing laundry because he can still hear the whispers of Eddie's voice singing some made up song to him
Grocery shopping because he can hear Eddie's laugh and picture him on the end of the cart, weighing it down but with the biggest smile on his face as he throws some type of junk food in with their haul
Working at Family Video because there's no call coming through over his lunch break, no "Well hello there Stevie" or "Hey Baby" or a sing-songed "I love you Steve Harrington," on the other end of the line when he does pick up a call.
There's no Eddie bursting through his front door to tackle him into the couch and pepper him with kisses when he's just gotten home from work. 
There's no Eddie pulling him into his arms after a bout of night terrors, pressing kisses to his head with whispered words of praise 
There's no Eddie. Not for him anyways.
Some days Steve would join Wayne for supper or breakfast, depending on the man's work schedule.
At least he had Wayne.
At least Wayne cared and loved him.
At least Wayne still had Eddie.
Their time spent together would sometimes be in silence, occasionally accompanied by the local news or hum of the radio. Sometimes Wayne would pull Steve through the door and drag him out to go fishing or to a ball game in the city. Sometimes Steve was too late or too early to meet Wayne, so on those days he'd let himself in and find comfort in Eddie's bed with a book in hand, tears often times blurring the words past the point of recognition, before soon the exhaustion of grief would take over and lull Steve to sleep.
Many times did Wayne come home to find Steve curled up in Eddie's bed, tears staining the pillow in his tight grasp, book still held in hand as he quietly snored against the cotton fabric. It was common enough that Wayne didn't bat an eye, simply covering Steve with a blanket, setting an alarm for the morning in case the kid had to work the next day and shutting off the lights after gently ruffling his hair.
It was hard and lonely and some days debilitating.
Steve sometimes thought if Eddie was dead it'd be easier. He'd have at least loved Steve and would have at least loved him until the end. But everytime that thought occurs he hates himself a little more.
He didn't know what to do, it's not like he could barge into the hospital room and tell Eddie everything. How they fell in love, how the world nearly ended, how Steve carried him through the literal gates of hell and held his hand until the second he woke up. 
He couldn't. Could he?
But that's not to say Steve didn't try to come up with some type of a plan.
Sorry for the tears. This baby's on Ao3, hoping to update weekly
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WIP Wedneaday anyone?
A certain little freak I know requested a priest kink.
Eddie Munson the priest makes me fucking scream, y'all. Maybe I'm the only one amused?
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fragilecapric0rnn · 1 year
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Sen’s Winter Steddie Fics 2022
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I wrote a lot this month and wanted to put a list together of the winter-y fics I’ve posted in December!
words caught in my throat (who talks first?) | 12.2k | E
Steve and Eddie get snowed in together. Emotional constipation and all the things left unsaid are also in attendance.
i wanna tell you and now's the time | 7.5k | M | (steddie + ronance)
Steve and Eddie got together over the summer and still haven't told anyone, not even Robin.
Nancy and Robin got together over the summer and still haven't told anyone, not even Steve.
Steve and Robin spot each other at the same restaurant, secret partner's in tow.
1990. Christmas Eve. | wip | T
An ode to stubborn fathers and the unexpected shoulders we lean on during the hard times (ft. firefighter!steve and a lot of eddie & wayne feelings)
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toburnup · 1 year
Reading any good fics?// Anyone!Someone! Recommend something!
(Everything I’m reading is waiting to be updated rn so I’m fighting for my life)
actually i'm looking for WIP recs myself!!
but for oneshots (both rated e)
the feeling that you give me, wanna give it right back by QueerOnTilMorning Steve and Eddie argue about who is better at giving head.
screwed, blued 'n' tattooed by CaptainHoney (@grandmastattoo) Eddie asks Steve to draw a skull on his stomach so he can see what the tattoo would look like. And obviously the best way to do that is by having Eddie sit on Steve's lap.
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You like steddie fanfiction that makes you feel like you’re wandering through the dark forest but instead of shia lebouf cannibalizing you, it’s dumb bunny, i’m wild for you with the softest, sluttiest, most perfect characterization of steve harrington i’ve ever seen and also a purely metaphorical big bad wolf daddy eddie that wants to eat him up??? (rated e)
then yeah that’s the fic for you
read the tags bitch i’m not your mom
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patchworkgargoyle · 11 months
boot shine BoOt shIne BOOT SHINE (please tell me there is boot kink I feel so alone in my boot kink corner over here 😭)(also cool if not though, I'm excited either way 😅)
There very much is boot kink 😏 It was Not something I thought I'd be into, but, well, here we are!
And here is the spicy snippet under the cut! Following this post, and featuring transmasc Eddie.
Ask me more about my WIPs!
Then, Steve shifted the leg Eddie was leaning on, forcing it between his knees instead. The coolness of the smooth black leather boot against the heat of his inner thighs made Eddie flinch.
"Then be good for me."
Steve yanked on the collar. 
Unbalanced, Eddie fell into Steve’s shin, but quickly shuffled forward so his bare cunt rested on Steve’s boot. The rough texture of the laces against his dick made him pant where he was curled over Steve’s bent knee and his legs trembled with the effort of keeping himself from humping it. Not without permission.
“Please, Steve? I wanna–” Eddie cut himself off with a shocked groan when Steve wiggled his foot, the toe now wedged between his slick folds.
“Sorry,” Steve said, sounding only partially genuine and mostly smug. “Ask me again, Eddie, you sounded so good.”
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mojowitchcraft · 9 months
Fave WIP Round Up [Part 6]
Find the rest of my WIP Recs here
offer your throat, starve without me by jackpack Rated E | Words: 139k | Chapters: 22/24
At first, it’s just squirrels. Well. Saying it’s just squirrels is like saying in a thunderstorm, what’s coming down is just water: it’s not the substance that’s remarkable, it’s the amount. So, then: at first, it’s a lot of squirrels. -- Eddie Munson is a vampire. Steve Harrington just wants everyone he knows alive until Christmas.
Chiroptera [Series] by @stevieschrodinger Rated G-E | Words: 32k | Works: 5
Steve opens his bedroom door to find...absolute carnage. His bed has moved, the mattress is off the frame, there’s blankets and pillows strewn everywhere, feathers swirling in the air. “Eddie?” Eddie pops up on the other side of the bed, shirtless and frantic looking, “I didn’t, I didn’t do anything,” he says guiltily, “it just, it just...it just exploded,” and then he mimes an explosion, waving his hands in the air. Steve stares, the feathers settling. Eddie’s actually naked again and appears to be building some sort of fort on the floor of Steve’s bedroom, Steve blinks, “the pillow doesn’t matter Eddie.” Eddie nods decisively, “good.” Then, after a moments thought, “do you have more?” And then he’s back on his hands and knees rearranging his fort, naked ass in the air, like a feral racoon or something.
In Your Room by @lostinadmiration Rated E | Words: 6.5k | Chapters: 2/?
“You’re fucking Steve Harrington.” Eddie chokes on the Pbr he was just beginning to down. “Jesus Christ!” He coughs and sputters, “what the hell—” “Oh, don’t play coy with me,” Gareth sits behind his drum kit, twirling a stick between his fingers with an utterly unimpressed look, “you are the most unsubtle son-of-a-bitch. Sir Steddingham? The new Npc with perfect hair, who regularly throws himself in harms way to protect the party? Really?” Eddie takes long sip, watching Gareth warily. The rest of the band hasn’t arrived yet, but it won’t be long until they do. “I’m surprised you didn’t break an ankle jumping to that conclusion.”
Baby Boy, Boy Toy by @eddywoww Rated E | Words: 10k | Chapters:1/?
“Your skin is very skin,” Eddie blurted out, face heating immediately as he realized what he said. “I meant nice. Your- it’s nice. You have nice skin. I sound like a serial killer, oh my god.”
Sugar's Sweet (And So Is He) by @paradimeshifts7 Rated E | Words: 27k | Chapters: 4/6
“I mean it,” Steve pushes, a soft clink echoing through the room as he sets his empty bottle down atop the glass coffee table. “I’ll show you the ropes, and you…” he makes a vague motion with one of his hands, “entertain me. What do you say? I help you, you help me?” His face is so devastatingly charming that Eddie wants to rip out his own hair about it. Fuck it, he thinks, and clinks his bottle against Steve’s, earning him a bright smile that warms his core better than any booze ever could. He watches Steve take a sip, his sinfully pretty lips tucked around the opening of the bottle, and wonders what the fuck he’s just gotten himself into. OR The sugar baby!Steve and lit professor/author!Eddie au, wherein Eddie is a disaster at fine dining, and Steve helps him out.
He's All That by @bifuriouswaterbender Rated E | Words: 30k | Chapters: 7/?
After his breakup from Nancy, Steve refused to believe his popularity could slip. Tommy made a simple bet: prove it by making a nobody so popular they'd be prom royalty. Stevie figured it would be a cinch, especially when he could date whatever girl Tommy picked to make her popular. Except Tommy didn't pick a girl. He picked Eddie Munson.
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metalhoops · 1 year
There comes a point in everyone’s lives where they must admit the truth, even if it’s just to themselves.
Steve’s time came on a cold October morning while crouched behind the Family Video store dumpster. The truth was 1986 wasn’t going to be his year and if he didn’t do something soon, he’d be dead before the end of it.
There were a few more truths he wasn’t ready to admit.
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The next CHALLENGE MONDAY assignment is:
When you submit your fic recommendations, make you sure you add a note saying it's for Challenge Monday!
Monday's recs will only be for the challenge! Any that are not used will be recommended as per usual.
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steddieficrecs · 1 year
Steddie WIPs/Unfinished Fics
⚠️read at your own risk⚠️
Smokin' in the Boys Room by SgntToastybuns
Steve Harrington is nearing the end of his senior year of high school and he has no idea where he's heading in life. His parents are absent, he recently broke up with his girlfriend, and now he's talking to crying band geeks in the boy's bathroom. Maybe getting high with Eddie 'The Freak' Munson will make him feel better.
AU without the Upside Down and Steve becomes friends with Robin and Eddie much sooner.
who are you? (the right one) by percylicious39
"Now, Wayne obviously knows about his nephew's preferences in partners, that one time a glaringly indisputable proof, but he couldn't quite frankly give a single damn about it, love is love and all that crap. Not that he'd understand anything about that crap. Anyway, he has seen Eddie shove enough boys out of his tiny bedroom window to know that they never get to spend the night, and they never get to prepare Eddie's favorite tea at four in the morning on a Wednesday without Eddie even being present in the room. So what the actual hell is this one doing here? And where is Eddie?"
Or five times Wayne meets Eddie's boyfriend and that time he finally learns his name.
Operation Get Steve a Boyfriend by MothToTheFlame
“Steve,” Dustin declares, a hand placed on his chest. “It would be my honor to be your wingman.”
5 times Dustin tries to set Steve up with Eddie, and the 1 time it actually works.
Eddie Motherlovin' Munson by VacumCleanr (CharTheQ)
In which Karen Wheeler has a thing for long haired metalheads in tight jeans, and Steve is jealous as all hell.
Punk Princess by YouMakeMyHeartHowl
Steve Harrington spends the summer of 84' learning about Punk culture and Queer culture and comes back his senior year as a whole new man
Eddie is gay panicking all over the place
So is Steve
Harrington Charm(s Hellfire) by sailors_ink
Sometimes Eddie thinks the real Upside-Down is his life after they close the gates and save the world because this? This thing where his band, his club, his friends are all intruding on his own personal Steve time?
Not fun. No, not fun in the slightest.
off the beaten path by pukner
"I'm saying this," says Steve, loudly, cutting him off, "because someone I love is, uh, gay. And I love them, but like, platonically. And also me calling you a queer might've been a little hypocritical, in restrospect."
There is a long, baffled pause.
"What," says Jonathan, "Steve, are you--are you coming out to me?"
Steve frowns, "Oh, yeah, I guess I am. Cool."
Or, post season 3, Steve manages to figure out that he's bisexual, despite his best efforts to repress it, comes out to Robin and Jonathan Byers of all people, and figures himself out. Also, there's a cute guy who might be actually insane running the kids' dnd club and he's got his eye on him. And his bandana.
Too bad Eddie Munson hasn't had a similar revelation. He's still under the impression that he's a straight man obsessing over Steve Harrington for normal, extremely heterosexual reasons.
OR: Steve figures out he's bi before Eddie figures out that he's gay. Eddie still manages to fall first.
Tell Me "Don't", So I Can Crawl Back In by KiaraMGrey
When Steve finds himself alone and without friends, following his breakup with Nancy, he decides what he needs is a distraction. Maybe some new friends who don't remind him of the bullshit life he gave up. When he literally runs into Eddie Munson, school drug dealer and self proclaimed freak, an idea begins to form. Who better to show him what life outside popularity can be like, than someone who doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks?
And Eddie? Well, Eddie is just bracing for impact.
you can let it all go by lyrical_litany
After the portals close, life goes on. Eddie and Steve sort through it together.
the future of the Party through the eyes of Eddie and Steve.
Caught in the Middle by Yamiswift
In the aftermath of Vecna Eddie can't seem to stop himself flirting with Steve. In the space of a single conversation he's told the guy to keep the jacket, compared himself to a fair maiden, and fucking winked apparently! Surely there's still some monsters left so he can fling himself into the upside-down and not have to face how embarassing he's being.
Steve is certain that all the feelings he's been having about Eddie are platonic with a captial P. True, he can't stop looking at the guy, and touching him, and thinking about how pretty he is and how soft his hair looks- But that's all totally normal friend stuff. Totally, completely, normal.
A fic exploring how the aftermath of vol. 2 could have gone had Vecna been defeated a few minutes earlier. Featuring Eddie's disaster flirting, The Jacket, Steve and Robin playing detective about Steve's sexuality, a Bi-awakening, Steve and Eddie co-parenting six children, and everyone else's reactions to the whole mess.
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"it's rotten work (loving a heart like mine)" pt. 7 wip preview
Eddie’s uncontrollable urges usually lead to one of three places–none of them good: county jail, the waiting room of the ER, or lost inside a depressive episode. 
He’s toxic, abysmal, and strange by nature. He has no boundaries, a loose moral code, and a lawless affinity for wanting what he can’t have. 
Right now. Here. What he can’t have is Steve scraping fresh experience atop the sensitive layer of his taste buds. 
If he could–if anything was possible and Eddie Munson was king of the world for just one day–he’d fuck his tongue inside Steve’s slippery crevices, drag it to the depths of his darkest places, dive beneath that lush layer of masculinity and hair. He’d test his hypothesis and discover for himself–once and for all–if the former deity of Hawkins High really does taste as sweet as he looks. If cotton candy has taken a human form–Candyland character come to life.
He’d chew right through his heart like an impatient, scoundrel of a woodpecker. He’d lick him clean just to claw him open, again. Just to hear his perfect little screams of pleasure.
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piratefishmama · 2 years
Gonna need a dirty dancing Steddie AU, STAT
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