#stephan lehmann
angry-pinscher · 9 months
Team Presentation 2023/24
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everybodylovesmusiala · 9 months
stephan lehmann's puns today are downright embarrassing
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Anyway - I will now propose a very important question pertaining to the members of my haven/gang in order to grant them bragging rights about for the next month
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chrsitophwaltz · 5 years
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mickey meets her beloved clowns fc bayern (part 1/2)
psa: excuse my face i never take selfies and my entire body was sweating and shaking and 💀
okay. i got 5 sigs in the hotel reception, but niko and thiago weren’t there because they went straight to the press con in nrg. come game day, i was sitting 5 rows behind the bayern bench. for 2 hours i got prime view of what actually happens in the dugout that cameras don’t always show and it was w i l d. niko was screaming and whistling and complaining to hansi lmao. (also, just to say, he was also INSANELY FIT AND GOOD-LOOKING. and when he gets angry....👀💦🥵💀) anyways, we won and everyone looked much better together than in the arsenal game. i had this huge ass sign asking for niko’s bottle LMAO but he didn’t see it 🔪🔪🔪 we won and it was great but i was feeling kinda let down since i know i didn’t get everyone. so i figured YOLO i’ll just go and camp out at the hotel in the morning and hope for the best 🤷🏻‍♀️ nothing else to lose and everything to gain. AND BOY OH BOY DID I MAKE THE BEST DECISION OF MY ENTIRE LIFE (tbc in part 2/2...)
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schwein-ski · 7 years
Honestly one of my favorite things is the interaction between the crowd and Stephan Lehmann after every goal and how after announcing the goal and chanting the player’s name he goes “Danke!” And the entirety of the Allianz goes “BITTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
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dxbayern · 7 years
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Forever our 21
Danke Philipp
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tomorrowedblog · 4 years
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The Last Word premieres today
The Last Word, the new TV series from Aron Lehmann, is out today.
In their 25 years of marriage they’ve shared wonderful moments and good times, had children, fought, and made up. But when her husband Stephan (Johannes Zeiler) dies unexpectedly, Karla (Anke Engelke) is quickly confronted with secrets they had never discussed. Her shock, pressing financial worries and her doubts over her husband’s loyalty push Karla to rush into applying to work with funeral director Borowski (Thorsten Merten) as a eulogist. She’s unapologetic, loud, and unconventional. Karla ignores her own life until she’s surrounded by total chaos and has to ask herself: is there a right way to grieve? And if there is, what’s her right way?
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simplyirenic · 5 years
highlights from houston:
half the crowd chanting SANÉ at khr when he arrived at the hotel
getting caught screaming my lungs out on half the fcb videos because the nyc fanclub is apparently the only one that actually knows more than one chant
getting to hang out with my houston crew AND my nyc crew
meeting up with @screamingoranges and @chrsitophwaltz and @saquonbrkley!! yall we gotta do this again sometime
shooting the shit in german with stephan lehmann in little woodrow’s, where i have gotten wasted and bet on countless turtle races, and not fucking up all my verb conjugations
watching lothar matthäus slowly die of heatstroke in the houston sun
watching serge gnabry score in houston in front of james harden and get to do his celebration
being so fucking nervous about meeting The Lads that i completely forgot to grab manu’s autograph card but he noticed and was like “oh!! wait!! do you want a card?” and it was...rly cute....
also i got the most amazing perfect present from someone (u know who u are) and it’s on my wall now GOD
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Die Beratung der Anträge zu LGBT*-Rechten
Heute wurden die beiden Anträge der Grünen und der FDP zu LGBT*-Rechten beraten (Die Grünen haben einen nationalen Aktionsplan vorgelegt, die FDP will LGBT*-Rechte in der EU ausbauen). Außerdem hat die AfD einen homophoben Antrag für die “traditionelle Familie” vorgelegt. Alle drei Anträge wurden an die Ausschüsse überwiesen, wo sie nun ausgiebig beraten werden. Das kann einige Zeit dauern. Der Auschuss empfiehlt dann, ob ein Antrag angenommen oder abgeleht werden soll und meistens folgt der Bundestag diesen Empfehlungen.
Der erste Redner ist Sven Lehmann von Den Grünen. Er ist selbst schwul und trägt in seinem offiziellen Portrait einen Anstecker mit der Regenbogenflagge. Den Anstecker hat er auch heute an. Er spricht an, das Deutschland im Ranking der LGBT*-freundlichsten europäischen Länder auf Rang 15 zurückgefallen ist. Zitat: “Eine offene und demokratische Gesellschaft erkennt man daran, wie sie mit ihren Minderheiten umgeht.” Er will auch, dass sich mehr um ältere LGBT*-Menschen gekümmert wird. In den Umfragen liegen Die Grünen gerade vor der CDU. Hoffentlich bleibt das so, ich hätte wirklich gern nen grünen Kanzler oderr ne grüne Kanzlerin.
Als nächstes ist Bettina Wiesmann von der CDU dran. Sie sprich an, dass es in 13 von 16 Bundesländern bereits einen solchen Aktionsplan gibt und die Länder diese Probleme besser angehen können, weil sie näher an den Menschen dran sind. Wir in Baden-Württemberg haben einen solchen Aktionsplan seit 2015 und das liegt größtenteils daran, dass wir schon 2011 keinen Bock mehr auf die CDU hatten und stattdessen Die Grünen gewählt haben. Zurück zur Rede. Sie meint, man bräuchte keinen nationalen Aktionsplan und deswegen wird die CDU den Antrag ablehnen. Cool, noch mehr Gründe, diese Partei nicht zu wählen! Ihr gefällt aber, dass der Antrag zeigt, was auf Bundesebene noch getan werden muss. Die CDU möchte außerdem, dass intersexuelle Menschen nicht mehr ohne ihre Zustimmung operiert werden, worüber bereits in den Ausschüssen gesprochen wurde.  Außerdem sollen Konversionstherapien verboten werden. Ich finds gut, dass die CDU da endlich mal was macht, aber das sind Dinge, die Die Grünen schon seit Jahren fordern.
Sie ist auch dagegen, dass auf internationaler Ebene mehr getan werden sollte. Zitat: “Das findet doch schon statt.” Deswegen wird die CDU auch dem FDP-Antrag nicht zustimmen. Sie spricht auch kurz den Antrag der AfD an und vergleicht es mit der Situation in Rumänien vor 1989 und den 1930er Jahren in Deutschland. Daran hat mich der Antrag auch erinnert.
Martin Reichardt von der AfD. Er ist ein Kumpel von André Poggenburg. Wo ist meine Kotztüte? Er meint, die Ideologie der Grünen sei “familienfeindlich” und tut so, als würde sie die Begriffe “Vater” und “Mutter” abschaffen wollen. Und natürlich nutzt er wieder das alte Argument, dass es auch auch homosexuelle AfD-Mitglieder geben würde. Und was wäre eine AfD-Rede ohne Islamophobie? Scheißverein! Zum Glück ist das jetzt vorbei.
Karl-Heinz Brunner von der SPD. Er ist seit dem 1. April queerpolitischer Sprecher der SPD-Fraktion und war davor Beauftragter für die Belange von Lesben und Schwulen. 2014 hat er sich mit LGBT*-Vereinen in der Ukraine getroffen. Er spricht das 50-jährige Jubiläum von Stonewall an und, dass der Monat Juni als “Pride Month” bezeichnet wird. Er findet es auch bedauerlich, dass man 50 Jahre nach Stonewall immer noch über Gleichbehandlung und Akzeptanz diskuttieren muss, weil es igentlich überall Normalität sein sollte. Außerdem findet er es beschäment, dass LGBT*-Menschen immer noch belästigt werden. Er will deswegen, dass zusammen mit der CDU und eventuell Den Grünen etwas vernünftiges auf den Weg gebracht wird, damit LGBT*-Menschen endlich so leben können, wie sie wollen. Ich find es schade, dass die GroKo die SPD so zerstört hat, weil sie teilweise echt gute Ansätze hat. Wenn sie sich reformiert und dann entweder in die Opposition geht oder mit den Grünen koaliert könnte da vielleicht was draus werden.
Jens Brandenburg von der FDP. Er ist selbst schwul, Sprecher für LGBT*-Rechte und Mitglied im Kuratorium der Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld. Er möchte in einer Welt leben, in der man über die Akzeptanz von sexueller und geschlechtlicher Vielfalt gar nicht mehr diskutieren muss. Er zitiert außerdem einige Ausschnitte aus “Fanpost”, die er bekommen hat: “Geh doch zum Psychiater”, “Das ist ekelhaft”, “Irgendwann darf man wohl auch Tiere heiraten”, “Zuerst Sie und dann der Kahrs. Was ist das? Ernie und Bert Popoclub?”, “Homosexualität macht krank. Warum ist das nicht verboten?”, “Schwule, Lesben und Transen sind bemitleidenswerte Launen der Natur und der Witz schlechthin” Er hält sowas aus, weil er gelernt hat, so einen Schwachsinn nicht an sich herankommen zu lassen. Allerdings gibt es auch hunderttausende Menschen in diesem Land, bei denen das nicht so ist. Er spricht auch an, dass es in vielen europäischen Ländern Homo- und Transfeindlichkeit gibt. In Bulgarien hat er beispielsweise einen CSD erlebt, wo die Demonstranten von der Polizei und eigenen Sicherheitskräften vor rechtsextremen Skinheads beschützt werden mussten.
Deutschland soll sich deswegen im EU-Ministerrat dafür einsetzen, dass LGBT*-Menschen geschützt werden, die Menschenrechte von LGBT-*Menschen sollen eine stärkere Rolle in der EU-Entwicklungspolitik spielen und gleichgeschlechtliche Ehen sollen EU-weit anerkannt werden.
Doris Achelwilm von den Linken. Sie ist Sprecherin für Gleichstellung, Medienpolitik und Queerpolitik. Sie lobt Jens Brandenburg für seinen Mut, von seinen Erfahrungen zu berichten und betont, dass Queerpolitik keine Nische sondern eine Querschnittsaufgabe ist. Den Bundesländern fehlt zur Umsetzung aber leider oft das Personal und die finanziellen Mittel. Ein nationaler Aktionsplan könnte Lücken und Schwankungen ausgleichen, weswegen die Linke auch gar nicht dagegen sein kann. Sie spricht außerdem kurz eine kleine Anfrage der AfD zum Thema “Genderpolitik” und die Karnevalswitze von AKK an. Außerdem hat die Linke noch einen kleinen Verbesserungsvorschlag, was den Aktionsplan angeht: Initiativen von queeren Frauen und Trans*-Menschen sollen stärker gefördert werden, weil diese Initiativen finanziell meist schlechter gestellt sind.
Stephan Pilsinger von der CSU. Er fragt sich, ob man wirklich immer einen Aktionsplan braucht, um bessere Politik zu machen. Er stellt auch einige Beispiele vor, was bei dem Thema bereits geschehen ist: Es gibt das Allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, es gibt eine dritte Geschlechtsoption für intersexuelle Menschen, die Ehe für Alle, Homosexualität ist nicht mehr strafbar und das Transsexuellengesetz soll reformiert werden. Er meint, dass man “Regeln, die längt codifziert sind” nicht ins Grundgesetz aufnehmen sollte und es eh nicht helfen würde, sexuelle Identität ins Grundgesetz zu schreiben, weil man Toleranz nicht verordnen kann. Dann gibt es noch damit an, was die Union alles für Familien getan hat.
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fc-rg · 7 years
you know who i really love... stephan lehmann
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everybodylovesmusiala · 9 months
Can someone give stephan lehmann some better information on the women's team? What he's saying is slightly embarrassing
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From the Collection of Dossier’s Provided to Fina (for personal & @midnight-blue-blood​‘s reference)
L. Lehmann : V. Leader. Address & Number Provided. NOTES: Let me know if there is anything to assist with.
Alexandria : M. Psychic. Number Provided. NOTES: Resident vibe checker of highest esteem.
Antyllus (2 copies): Tz. Surgeon. Number Provided. Th. Physician. Same number. NOTES: Foremost supplier of blood, body disposal, and alchemy goods. 
E. Beaumont : To. Curator.  NOTES: Organizes meeting locations for our organisation. Compliment her dresses, she’s a sucker for flattery.
J. Lange : To. Curator. Number Provided. NOTES: Call in place of of Ms Beaumont.
B. Keller (Barty) : V. 'Business proprietor’.  NOTES: Do not trust him.
M. Walker (Milly) : V.  Number Provided NOTES: Barties ‘daughter’. Talented lady. Can be found attending community meetings on his behalf.
T. Vermeer (Teagan) : N. Security. Number Provided NOTES: If someone is causing you issues or you need to obtain something not available in stores give him a ring.
T. Williams : Tr. EA. Number Provided. NOTES: If I am not answering - call her. Her brother Stephane might answer instead - you can trust them to organize anything in my place. 
T. Hobbs : Tr. Pharmacist.  NOTES: May also pick up Ms. Williams phone. Make her hand it over.
Jani : B. Organizer of a couple non-profits. Academic. NOTES: Will give you books and quiz you on them later if you’re not careful. Assists with several community initiatives 
‘Vanyar’ : N. Courier.  NOTES: Don’t be too alarmed if he springs out of nowhere. Fridays 9pm (address) if you like saxophone. 
R. Patton : G. ????. Number Provided NOTES: So long as you don’t try going northward you should be outside of his range. If you happen to have issues with any of his childer do call him to deal with that shit. They shouldn’t be down here.
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chrsitophwaltz · 5 years
for the entire houston clownery experience click here
psa: excuse my face and the pic qualities. up until this happened i haven’t really taken pictures of myself (less than 10 in the past two years for family and work purposes and NEVER selfies) and when you meet people you’ve only seen on TV in a very unexpected circumstance, then don’t expect your brain and motor functions to work 100%.
okay. i posted part 1 of this a few days ago but i’m gonna redo it again to flush out the details. before i start, know that i arrived in houston wednesday afternoon. my original flight back home was scheduled sunday after the game (i booked my flight and lodgings months before like a good binch) but since bayern clowned again and announced the full detailed schedule really late, and put ALL the major fan stuff on SUNDAY, i grudgingly rebooked and extended one more day. how much that one extra day cost me will haunt me for a while but hey, it was more than worth it! of course, i didn’t know it would work out like that at first...
the hotel reception was around 6:30-7 pm on friday so we went there a few hours earlier to get good spots. met up with The Niko Thirst Gang (big shoutout to @screamingoranges, @saquonbrkley, and @simplyirenic! it was great meeting y’all hope we could do it again sometime) and waited patiently in the houston heat and humidity outside the hotel. finally the team bus arrived and got my shirt signed by boa, fiete, benji, leon, and thomas! made a post about it here and i also have the full reception video if y’all wanna see!
but being the greedy thirsty binch that i am, i wasn’t satisfied at all. thiago and niko weren’t there. the coaching staff were the first to go down and hansi flick, dr. broich, and even Witch Doctor™ müller-wohlfahrt were there, but NOT niko. after the bus left and all the other entourage cars were off, i was about to rage outside the hotel bc i was really banking on seeing niko that day and taking a pic with him there (my blood pressure had been raging for 4 hours and then to be let down just like t h a t...). apparently he and thiago went straight to nrg stadium from the airport for a press conference. and guess what? NRG STADIUM WAS JUST DOWN THE ROAD FROM MY PLACE 💀💀💀
anyway, come saturday and it was game day! i was so pumped since my seat was five rows behind the bayern bench! y’all know what that means: unlimited firsthand access to peak drama!!! i also had this huge ass sign asking for niko’s bottle sdhfsdjfh. the game was great (bc we beat madridies and it was just really exciting all the way) and i saw stuff that we normally don’t get from TV (e.g. ALL the angry niko antics, leon changing into his kit on the bench, etc.) at one point niko finally looked at my direction while drinking from his bottle and i’m pretty sure he saw my sign but he just kept on drinking sultrily from that goddamn bottle sjadhksfksdfdk i hate him!!!!!!!
after the game i was feeling pretty let down and desperate bc i know sunday was the team’s last full day in houston and i didn’t want my extension to be for nothing. the practice session and paulaner bbq were invite-only events (ugh) and the mall meet-and-greets won’t have niko or everyone else in them. so i set my alarm, went to bed, and decided to try my luck by randomly going to the hotel again to see if i can get something. i had no idea if it was gonna work or not. it was a shot in the freaking dark.
sunday morning. 8:30 am. i went out armed with a sharpie, my cardboarded jersey, a pack of gum, and two bottles of water.
my uber drove me to the hotel entrance and i even got the whole five star welcome sjdhfsjdfbjkds
hotel staff: ”hi! welcome to the post oak hotel!”
me: “oh lmao i’m not actually a customer i’m just here to see if the team’s still here. have they left for practice yet?”
hotel staff: “oh no problem at all. they’re still here they just finished breakfast i think”
me: “oh cool i’ll just wait here then”
hotel staff and some guy in a bayern audi fcb tour polo shirt: “it’s so hot here, though. don’t you want to wait inside?”
me: “............i can do that? am i allowed in?”
bayern guy: *shrugs* yeah sure. i’ve seen you around before anyway (nice guy talk for: i know ur stalking them lmao)
just like that.
i’m in. i made it.
u n s u p e r v i s e d. totally no barriers whatsoever. with full blast A/C too!
cue happy lil me, relieved to be out of the houston heat, entering the hotel and chilling in their nice plushy seats. (if y’all have cash to burn, it looks like a real good hotel too if you get to houston sometime). i kept on looking over my shoulder bc i still can’t believe they just let me in like t h a t. i tried to make myself look as harmless and innocent as possible and saw some of the training staff milling around and chatting in german (for a moment i thought i was back in munich it was so surreal). at some point, a very sleepy and very casual javi martinez in slides came up to the reception and i nearly passed out. he looked over at me and i waved and said hi and raised my shirt (signal if he wants to sign). he shook his head no and gestured to reception and i was like “oh sure no problem!” (i was trying not to freak out even if i was sad ok)
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i’ve been trying to kill time by screaming here on tumblr until about 10-15 minutes later i heard the huge ass team bus pull up out front. a few moments after that, it all started.
i saw the kitmen carrying stuff to the bus and greeted them “guten morgen!” they were so cheery lmao (idk if it’s bc they just had breakfast or bc i greeted them in german). then i saw dr. broich and hansi flick come out in their training gear (both looking hella tanned sfnsjfjsdfn) and greeted them both again. dr. broich waved, said hi, and went straight to the bus but i was able to flag hansi down for an autograph. in my excitement (he was my first catch of the day!) i forgot to ask for a pic ugh but oh well
me: “thanks hansi! and welcome to bayern!”
hansi: *handing me back my shirt and trying (and failing) to put my sharpie back in its cap* “oh, thanks so much!”
after hansi went on his merry way, i saw dieter nickles (the press conference guy) and asked him for a picture and autograph too.
me: “hi dieter! can i please have a photo and an autograph?”
dieter: “are you sure? i’m not a player...”
me: “haha i know but if it’s all the same to you...”
he seemed pretty chuffed that i knew him and happily signed and took pictures (score #2!)
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that was it for a while (they were the early birds) until giovane elber himself came out. i freaked (i love him) and tried to keep my voice from shaking when i asked him for the standard photo and autograph. in my haste, the first was pretty blurry and against the light but giovane, angel that he is, was like “oh no that’s bad. let’s try again” and maneuvered me to another angle. success! i luff u, giovane ;__;
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then The Voice of the Allianz Arena himself came out. i semi-shouted “stephan!” and startled him that he nearly dropped his coffee snbfsdbfsdfsb. while he was signing my shirt, i asked him if he could give me a lil soundbite and HE DID! he sounds exactly the same as he does on TV during games omfg
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the younglings started to come out too. i missed a few of them because they went out in a group so i was only able to flag down sarpreet and ron. oh well! they cute af! go bayern babies! grow up and save us from clownery!!!!!!
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(ignore the pen in my mouth i was multitasking lmao)
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after that, the ground started to shake (just kidding) bc Big Uncle Nik was there! after i got his autograph (a very simple N.S. lmaooo) , we tried to take a picture. i say “tried,” because i’m 5′3 (and 1/2....on a good day) and he’s built like a fuckin skyscraper. in the end, since he was so nice and realized it was hopeless, he bent down to my level so we could both fit in the frame sdhfbsdjfsbdfjd COME ON SÜLEEEEE
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then Pure Angel Baby Fiete came out! i already got his autograph and had a pic with him in the hotel reception, but hey, one more can’t hurt! lemme tell y’all: he looks like an angel, and IS an angel. he’s always so game for photos and even said thank you after we took the pic and i’m like “um???? no, thank YOU!!!” he laughed and i cried lmaooo
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also, javi finally showed up again. i raised my pen and phone and he was like “oh sure! yeah!” my brain was fried from Beautiful Athlete Overload that i forgot NOT to take a pic from that cursed angle. javi looked like he was in a hurry though so i didn’t even try to ask for a better pic. oh well, at least here he looks like he came down from heaven (he really looked like he did huehue)
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(tumblr has this stupid 10 photo per post limit thing so stay tuned for more pics in part 2!)
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schwein-ski · 3 years
Es ist alles möglich indeed Stephan Lehmann
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Busy Nationals Weekend Part One
Okay, this was a busy weekend for Nationals! A lot took place. Let’s get started!
Swedish Nationals finished up. In the Men’s event, Alexander Majorov won his sixth National title. Nikolaj Majorov won the silver, and Natran Tzagai won the bronze. In the Ladies event, Matilda Algottson won the title, with Smilla Szalkai won the silver, and Josefine Taljegard won the bronze. 
At the Finnish Nationals, in the Men’s event, Roman Galay won his first National. The only other competitor, Reigning five-time Champ Valter Virtanen, won the silver. In the Ladies event, Viveca Lindfords won her first National title. Reigning three-time champ Emmi Peltonen won the silver, and Jenni Sarinen won her fourth National medal, the bronze. In the Ice Dance event, the only competitors were Juulia Turkilla and Matthias Versluis, and thus, won they won their first National title unopposed.
At this Swiss Nationals, in the Men’s event, Lukas Britschigi won the title. Nurullah Sahaka won the silver, and Tomas Laurence Guarino Sabate won the bronze. In the Ladies event, Alexia Paganini won her second National title, Yasmina Yamada took the silver, and Yoonmi Lehmann won the bronze. In Pairs, the only competitors were Alexander Herbicova and Nicholas Roulet, and so they won the National title. In the Ice Dance event, Victoria Manni and Carlo Rothlisberger won the title, with Arianna Wroblewska and Stephane Walker won the silver.
At the Latvian Nationals - Dennis Vasiljevs and Diana Nikitina were missing as they were training in Switzerland, thus there was no Men’s event. In the Ladies event, Angelina Kuchvalska won her fifth National title, with Elizabete Jubkane won the silver, and Anastasia Pavlovica won the bronze. It was the only senior event held.
At the Estonian Nationals, in the Men’s event, Mikhail Sevelko won his first National title. Reigning two-time Champion Daniel-Albert Nauritis won the silver, and Alexander Sevelko won his third National medal, the bronze. In the Ladies event, Gerli Linamae won her second National title. Eva Lotte Kiibus won her second National medal, the silver, and Kristina Shukleta-Gromova won her third National medal, the silver. In the Ice Dance event, Katerina Bunina and German Frolov were unopposed and thus won their second National title.
Having to split this up, so will be back!
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