Do you have any headcannons about other things Magnus invented? The tech ask got me thinking about how this man found a way to literally bend space-time to invent the portal so he probably made a bunch of other cool stuff
okay so first of all this ask is absolutely superior it’s so good and sexy and i love it to pieces. second of all, as with all my hc asks that i love to death, it took me so long to answer it, i’m so sorry odiajdoisajdoaisjj 
but anyway YES. i love genius inventor magnus and it’s criminally underdiscussed tbh
first of all, i absolutely believe that magnus figured out a way to transition himself, like - he probably knew about his gender ever since he was a kid, and it’s not like he had a lot of options, so i totally hc that he just. learnt about it on its own. i mean if we go by sh canon that says that magic is a way to perceive the world, it makes sense. he can use it to be more attuned to his own body and slowly learn about how it works. as time goes by he starts to notice the substances that his body produces, their effects on it, and on each other, you know? and that’s how he discovers hormones and how they’re made and how to manipulate them, and so Magnus makes up a way to magically transition like that, which is better than glamours (which is what most trans warlocks/downworlders did, at least before they’ve been officially introduced to the community) because he’s actually changing his body for real. and it’s nice
like, is magnus the first to do this? probably not. but he does figure it all out on his own way before he meets other warlocks and such, so it’s still something that he invented and figured out on his own. plus once he does he probably gets to study what other warlocks have figured out about the subject and make his own contributions to bring what he has and what they know together, and that’s pretty nice
i know i’ve talked about this before but consider this: i wanted to say it again
on that topic! more magical transitioning stuff. with most downworlders having some kind of super healing stuff (and i guess shadowhunters too, with iratzes) i’ve always thought, like, what if they wanted to have surgery after they were Turned? would it grow back? i mean there’s also the fact that they can’t exactly roll into the hospital with their super different blood and want to have surgery, but you know, there’s also that
so i totally think magnus also invented a way to bypass this, because even if it doesn’t directly affect him, he feels for all the trans people who do want surgeries and can’t get it. so he figures out a potion/spell he can use to keep the healing at bay enough to perform surgery, and then kind of like. messes slightly with the magic so it recognizes the new, altered body as the original and doesn’t try to “heal” the boobs/dick back (or yeet them away) once it’s done. and it’s pretty damn revolutionary
i don’t think magnus himself would want surgery because i think his gender is culturally specific anyway and he’s comfortable with his body most of the time, and when he isn’t, he can use glamours. but he still cared enough to do that because that’s how he is
similar but not completely related, i think that magnus and cat were both present during the AIDS crisis, because like, i mean. downworlders with a healing specialty who are queer or close to queer people. and it definitely was a very. bad chapter in their lives with all the horrible things they had to witness and how long it took them, even with magic, to figure out what was causing that horrible disease, but i do think their contributions (and those of other warlocks) were vital to the discovery of the HIV virus and the current methods we have to deal with it
even if magnus will never forgive himself for taking so long to think of something when so many people were dying and he couldn’t even save freddie haha it’s fine i’m fine
also i mean with his specialty being healing magic he probably was a part in learning about and dealing with a good number of diseases, and figured out a lot of potions and spells in that field
he probably designed something to help vampires who are dealing with human blood cravings, cuz i mean - it can get pretty bad and it brings a lot of suffering, and magnus seemed to be very aware of the whole addiction process and stuff in the downworld when there was the whole yin fen plotline. also well his own son battled it (twice) so of course he’d get involved. it’s not by any means a solution because addiction has multiple causes which are mostly psychological and you can’t really battle it without tackling these causes, but still, he can at least bring people who are struggling some kind of relief before they go to a specialist (cuz there are probably lots of downworlders who specialize in that, i mean. many of them faced it) 
oh also ways to detected newly Turned vamps and wolves so they can get to them fast and help them not go through it alone. i think he wouldn’t need it for warlocks because there’s that whole “i know dot is dead because i can’t feel her magic anymore” which implies that they know about every warlock individually so they would know when a warlock is born methinks. it’s also something that he’s tried to keep away from the clave as much as possible, for obvious reasons, but that can help them help out each other in times of need
(i just b like “here are all the ways that magnus helped improve the downworlder community” because 1- it’s canon and we stan; 2- it’s very him; 3- we deserved to see more of the downworlder community organization okay. like what, are they trying to tell us that they’ve all been watching each other suffer and go through these same problems and no one bothered to think of solutions for that? that makes no sense bro. people, especially marginalized people, want to make the world better for each other. in this essay i will-)
it’s also why Magnus is mostly known for the portal, because the clave and such don’t really consider his inventions “useful” because they’re mostly about improving life in the community, and not practical everyday shit like this. but he’s actually invented so much stuff and contributed so much to their society and knowledge okay
also something to cure allergies because he feels really bad for ppl who are allergic to cats lmao he’s the cutest idiot
probably quite a bit of magical sex toys because. well. hobbies. you know
okay that’s all i have methinks doiasjdoiajdsaoijdasj again thank you so much for this ask, i really loved answering it <3 i hope it was worth the wait lmao
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