#story: gravity well
shirozora-draws · 1 year
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It's WHAT day today!? Not me already feeling weird about working on two sketches to post the same weekend as that sketch I posted for the first time in months only to find out that Today is the Two Year Anniversary of The Day Dinluke Took Over My Brain.
(It's not 12AM yet, this still counts as a 12/18 post)
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Been dying to do some nice proper "the staircase fic is firmly on my mind" sketches. This version of Luke actually shows up later in the fic and the shape/cut/color of his robes are also influenced by Padme's wardrobe. Din's look has appeared on this blog before and is super duper influenced by what we saw of Aq Vetina's residents in the flashback scenes. The, uh, holocron plays a smaller part than it looks but I bought a holocron at Disneyland and wanted to have fun with my new reference.
Have I posted about the staircase fic on the art blog? It is live and currently posting as Gravity Well on AO3.
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For your Author's Commentary, I've finally go the time to read through Gravity Well (and loving it!!!) and this section made me giggle :P
In all that despair, the Mandalorian still has hope. That spark draws Luke in; he wants to reach for it, cup it in his hands and hold it aloft so that it could take flight. He wants to—he realizes he’s reaching for the palace guard’s shoulder and drops his arm immediately. Luke presses his palm flat against his thigh and hopes the Mandalorian didn’t notice. What is he doing? “You could… tell the Mand’alor what you think, can’t you?” he asks nervously. “Or challenge him for the throne. Take this hope out of the palace and bring it to the rest of Sundari.” The palace guard chokes on whatever response is on his mind and coughs while looking away. “I only work here.” “Are you so different from him? He was a bounty hunter, wasn’t he? And you were… you lived in the Outer Rim, too. You-” Luke snaps his mouth shut. Leia will kill him if she finds out he talked a palace guard into challenging the Mand’alor in the middle of negotiations. “You could always make suggestions. I heard he’s a great listener. Your voice might be what he needs to push through with whatever changes he wants to bring to Mandalore.” The palace guard huffs, not quite believing Luke. “Perhaps. He always has a lot on his mind.”
Ooooooh I'm loving this already.
In all that despair, the Mandalorian still has hope. That spark draws Luke in; he wants to reach for it, cup it in his hands and hold it aloft so that it could take flight. He wants to—he realizes he’s reaching for the palace guard’s shoulder and drops his arm immediately. Luke presses his palm flat against his thigh and hopes the Mandalorian didn’t notice. What is he doing?
I truly believe that Star Wars is about love and hope (and wrecking fascists) and that's how I want to write Luke. In this AU where the Jedi Order was never destroyed, the Republic never fell, and Palps got defenestrated, I thought of Luke as someone who'd see that spark of hope and change in others and encourage them to strive for something better.
“You could… tell the Mand’alor what you think, can’t you?” he asks nervously. “Or challenge him for the throne. Take this hope out of the palace and bring it to the rest of Sundari.” The palace guard chokes on whatever response is on his mind and coughs while looking away. “I only work here.”
I can't do secret/mistaken identity tropes without humor. I just thought it was really funny writing Luke suggesting that Din challenge himself for the throne. Just imagining Din's face under the helmet cracks me up. I also wanted to emphasize the idea of Luke being the one who encourages others to be brave and step forward.
“Are you so different from him? He was a bounty hunter, wasn’t he? And you were… you lived in the Outer Rim, too. You-” Luke snaps his mouth shut. Leia will kill him if she finds out he talked a palace guard into challenging the Mand’alor in the middle of negotiations. “You could always make suggestions. I heard he’s a great listener. Your voice might be what he needs to push through with whatever changes he wants to bring to Mandalore.”
It's just funny for Luke to assume and accept that both Mando and the Mand'alor lived in the Outer Rim because there must be a lot of Mandalorians who lived in the Outer Rim, right? It just so happens that they both returned to Mandalore and took up their posts in Sundari in the same palace, right? it's all just coincidence, right? Right????
I also think it's funny that Luke was accidentally recommending dethroning the current leader of Mandalore while in the middle of some important negotiations with the New Republic. Also think it's funny how he's praising Din without knowing he's talking to Din.
The palace guard huffs, not quite believing Luke. “Perhaps. He always has a lot on his mind.”
Poor Din listening to Luke make these recommendations to a version of himself and not being able to reveal the lie, because Luke will never talk to him so freely again. Being a ruler is really hard for someone who wasn't exactly prepared for the responsibility. Why else did he continue the lie until he lost control of it?
Play ask games, win ask prizes!
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divorcedfiddleford · 9 months
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and you may say to yourself: "my god! what have i done?" and you may tell yourself: "this is not my beautiful wife!" and you may tell yourself: "this is not my beautiful house!" and you may ask yourself: "well, how did i get here?"
time isn't holding up, time isn't after us, time is a pony ride! (images described in alt text)
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corpsentry · 2 months
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breaking the law and outing myself on the internet because i'm showcasing my senior dance thesis on april 28 at 6:30 and 8:30 pm Eastern Standard Time and i want You to see it
we don't have a livestream link yet but we will. in the meantime look at these cool posters and this cool blurb. ok now save the date SEE YOU SOON
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obsessivefangirl · 2 months
"Stan favors Mabel and Ford Dipper" WRONG!!!
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hmm. having some Thoughts about ford, specifically ford and apparent arrogance as a defense mechanism
ford grew up believing that he had no inherent worth. the people in his life were either hostile towards him, or only kept him around because they expected to gain something from doing so. stan, the one person he was close with growing up, (apparently) massively betrayed ford when he dared to express his own desires.
as far as ford is concerned, he is just inherently weird and annoying and if he wants anyone to bother being courteous towards him, he has to earn it. and in his neurodivergent, socially traumatized brain, that makes perfect sense. relationships are transactional and he can't just expect people to put up with his weirdness without giving them a good reason to.
...so when he works hard and accomplishes things and other people still don't like him, the unspoken contract is broken. ford wanting clout and attention and getting snippy when he doesn't get it is less "hey, can't you see i'm superior to everyone here, why aren't you worshipping me?" and more "hey, i upheld my end of the bargain, i'm being productive, why am i still a pariah?"
and it's so much easier for someone who's used to having vulnerability met with aggression to express these thoughts as indignance and grandiosity than to admit that he's lonely and exhausted.
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soldier-poet-king · 6 months
tell me why the first ep of the opla has me in NEAR TEARS it's just smthn about the /genuine-ness/ of it? the lack of tired snarky fourth wall breaking jokes? it's an objectively silly plot about pirates and friendship and it is played completely straight and it is SO refreshing? for things to be allowed to be genuine and full of heart? these actors giving it the gravitas of shakespeare?
there's a time and a place for meta humour ofc, but recent trends spurred on by a franchise which shall remain nameless have resulted in so many movies/books/shows that are completely soulless because they can't take themselves seriously. there always has to be a joke, a snarky remark, a fourth wall break, god forbid we experience emotions deeply and genuinely and guileless-ly. idk if it's a reflection of societal fear of vulnerability or simply a cash grab in appealing to the lowest common denominator by avoiding strong (and therefore possibly alienating) emotion
either way, this is such a breath of fresh air?
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clobbiteas · 4 months
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sweet-rabbit · 1 year
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always practice proper lifting technique, even in extreme bouts of love
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askthestans · 1 year
Dear Stanford Pines.
As Stanley has Stanleymobile as his own personal transportation, do you have any plans for vehicles of you own? Or, prefer using public transport? Rather come up with a completely different solution like portable portal?
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Stanford: Well, my real Earth driving license - before Stanley started getting ones made in my name - expired over thirty years ago, and my licenses to operate hoverboards, starships, mass relays, and teleporters are useless for obvious reasons.
Normally, I'd be fine just walking everywhere to keep in peak shape, but sometimes the occasional trip outside of town is necessary. I'd ask Stanley to drive me around, but ever since the Ireland incident...
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Stanley: Ford, that was almost a year ago! 'Sides, I was gonna rob 'em eventually anyway. Hittin' that stumpy drunken jerk with our car was just makin' my job easier. It's not my fault he looked like a traffic cone with all that carrot hair.
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Stanford: We went to Ireland to study leprechauns, Stan. Not steal from and turn them into roadkill.
Stanley: Maybe you went for nerd studies, but I followed along for the whiskey. And the pretty green hills to stare at during hangover recovery.
Stanford: Really? Because I seem to remember that somebody had the chutzpah to not only steal the dead leprechaun’s wallet, but drop it in front of his family while I was trying to apologize to them for your first thievery attempt at their pot of gold, and because somebody dropped my pistol into the ocean while drunk the night before, we had to desecrate a historical castle by stealing old bricks from it to fight said leprechauns off with. 
And then, when we ran out of those, you tripped me so that they could maul me instead because, as you so eloquently put it, “Sorry, Sixer, but you’ll be thankin’ me later!” as you hurried towards the ship with the gold and not me.
Even better, we then spent the night in jail when the authorities realized who’d disturbed a castle wall, the cell of which just so happened to have a resident banshee who screeched for hours.
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Stanley: Oh, Mebh! Minus the creepy wailing, that gal sure knew how to spin an entertainin' story! Too bad she didn't get to marry that medieval Lord McCrane or whatever his name was. But I liked her gumption. Best prison buddy I've ever had, and that's includin' Rico. Was the first time I realized maybe not all your supernatural creep buddies are so bad.
Stanford: She murdered that lord’s wife in cold blood, Stan.
Stanley: Yeah, reminds me of when I drove that hippy's van - y'know, the one who swiped Carla from me - into a ravine. She agreed that I was perfectly in the right for that. Asked me if I wanted her to find him and finish the job, even. I had a hard time sayin' no, but I did the right thing and said-
Stanford: You merely shrugged. Merely.
Stanley: Hey, if that jerk gets his soul sucked out, serves 'im right.
Stanford: Also, would you like to tell our internet friends what you sacrificed me to the leprechauns for? Why I got covered in bite marks, and why my sweater was ripped away in tatters and I had to run back to the ship shirtless with a leprechaun hanging off my rear with his teeth that left a rainbow imprint there for a week afterwards?
Stanley: It was for the gold, we already covered that.
Stanford: What did you spend the gold on, Stanley?
Stanley: *shrugs* I promised Mabel I’d get her some fancy yarn made of real wool. What’s wrong with that?
Stanford: Yes, two coins of the gold went towards that. The other hundreds of pieces went towards you buying rounds for a whole tavern the next night. You got drunk again. You puked. On my... trench coat.
Stanley: Pfft, you had tons more anyway-
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Stanford: Nobody defiles my trench coat!
Stanley: Yeesh, I did you a favor, Ford. You’re lucky nobody barfed on it before that just lookin’ at it.
Stanford: *sighs* Anyways, I’m never trusting Stan behind a wheel ever again. I’ve been working on a mini-portal device based on some blueprints I sto- I mean, borrowed from my good friend Rick Sanchez. Once that’s up and running, I’ll have to test it. 
What do you say, Stan? Want to help your old brother out by testing a teleportation device? I’ll make sure it goes right to Ireland, to a very specific spot where a very angry family of leprechauns are still waiting, and have already gotten a taste for Pines gluteal meat.
Stanley: Oh, come on, you wouldn’t actually do that to me, would you? I apologized, like, a million times!
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Stanford: Of course not, Stan. I am a man of science, and I understand that petty, precisely planned and enacted at the most inconvenient of times revenge is a silly human folly that one should strive to surpass.
Stanley: Oh. Well, good. Oddly, specific, but good.
*Stan is walking down the Shack hallway towards the kitchen. Dipper, Mabel, and Ford are already there, Ford having made them breakfast.*
Stanley: Tell me you made some for me, too? 
Stanford: *turns around from the stove* I’m afraid not, Stan. You’ve got a big day ahead of you. You won’t have time to eat, remember?
Dipper: Is it shoplift-for-Summerween day already?
Mabel: Wait, I know! It’s National Grunkles Day, isn’t it!?
Stanford: No to both. Stanley, care to take a guess? It involves a certain show of yours.
Stanley: *face scrunches in fear* Wait, I thought The Duchess Approves’ reboot wasn’t ‘til next week?
Stanford: No, it’s today. Which is why I made sure to finish this last night.
*Ford pulls out a small device and, with a pistol-quick draw, causes a swirling teal portal to open up in the floor. Through it, rolling green hills and a group of red-haired, gnome-like creatures can be seen a little ways off.
Ford trips Stan as Stan looks to peer inside. Stan’s yelling can be heard as he falls in and hits ground.*
Stanford: Wait, Stanley! Look back up! Take my hand and I’ll get you out.
*Stan reaches up back to the portal, but just as he almost reaches Ford’s hand, Ford pulls it away.*
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Stanford: My trench coat is beautiful.
*Stan screeches as a horde of leprechauns catch sight of him and take chase. Ford stands back up with a cat-like smile as he looks down upon sweet, sweet revenge, then takes his current trench coat by the collar and pops it out smugly.*
Hey, kids?
Dipper and Mabel: *look on in stunned silence*
Stanford: Now that I know this portal gun works and we have a few hours until Stan’s favorite show is done airing, care to help me find the Mothman? I have a particular dimension full of acid-vomiting, murderous bear-scorpions I’d like to send him to.
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all-seeing-ifer · 9 months
prefacing this by saying that I know that this is truly not a hill worth dying on, it is merely one I am choosing to die on because. idk man I make bad decisions. but I do think it's a crying shame that steven universe got saddled with this negative reputation as being kind of the quintessential example of a piece of media that's very safe and unchallenging and quote unquote wholesome, because like. ok i get that this negative reputation is really more about the fandom than about the show itself (and that's fair. the fandom sucked. i would never deny that. i was there gandalf etc.) but it does still feel a bit unfair bc when you take steven universe For What It Is (namely, a cartoon network show aimed primarily at kids and families) and compare it to other contemporary shows with the same genre/target demographic, it honestly was pretty challenging and complex and ambitious. even leaving aside for a second that it was very ground breaking in terms of children's media acknowledging that gay people exist in a way that left the crew constantly catching shit from the network, I struggle to think of any other children's media that would dare to explore the kind of themes and topic that su explored. things like grief, bereavement, how this kid's relationships with the adults in his life are impacted by the fact that his mum died in childbirth giving birth to him, trauma and mental illness (I know that dealing with mental health has become more common in children's media recently but there's definitely none that have been prepared to address the uglier sides of mental illness in the way that steven universe future did), explaining consent in ways that kids can understand, letting its protagonists be genuinely unlikeable at times, introducing the idea of restorative justice and there not being one singular bad guy that can be killed to save the day. These are topics and themes that you don't see a lot of in kids' media because they're hard to portray in a way that feels honest while still being appropriate and understandable to kids, and I think the show does deserve the credit it got for actually being willing to tackle this stuff and imo doing it very successfully most of the time.
AND to be honest, at the risk of leaning a bit close to talking mad shit about some of su's contemporaries (especially when at the end of the day i do quite like these other shows), it does. kind of grind my gears that other tumblr-popular animated shows like gravity falls and the owl house have managed to completely sidestep getting saddled with the same kind of negative, unchallenging reputation that su has, despite the fact that from a purely storytelling perspective both these shows are WAY safer and more easily digestible than su ever was lmao
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shirozora-draws · 10 months
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I needed an excuse to get myself back on track for all things The Stars and what better way to do it than to answer this art prompt from a comment on the 3rd chapter? The man needs more color in his wardrobe, so let's do that.
Color scheme is heavily inspired by Andor's Mon Mothma & family. My reasoning is that I see their clothes to be a blend of Coruscant and Chandrila, and since Leia and the NR government are both located in Chandrila post-OT I imagine that some of Luke's clothes also come from Chandrila. The man can't wear all-black all the time post-OT, I'm just saying.
That little bit of gray/silver under the collar is the silver chain the mythosaur pendant is hanging from. And as an Asian person I will exploit Star Wars' obsession with E. Asian clothing as much as I want.
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I can finally see the finish line for Gravity Well, the Dinluke Positivity Week 2022 fill that took entirely way too long to write and is also way longer than I ever anticipated. What do you fucking mean this goddamn fic is gonna crash through the 100k word barrier with the final update? What the fuck happened???
Anyway, I'm sleeping on this draft and doing some heavy duty editing, and then maybe I'll have a Sunday or Monday post. Who knows. I just need this fic to stop haunting my ass and finish telling its tale because I got an absolute monster of a fic waiting for me to pick back up again.
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anyway another eyetrees secret
on the subject of names i like vs names that are mine
icarus actually falls into the second category. except gravity falls (show fandom both i have no idea) turned it a bit sour
still a good name though
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kanasmusings · 2 years
[Masterpost] Tsukiuta Drama CD - Gekka Kitan Yumemigusa - Tsuki no Sho Translations
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Hello~! It’s been a while since I last posted, but I’m back with more Tsukiuta~! This time, I bring you “Yumemigusa - Tsuki no Sho” (Moon Chapter)! Boy, I thought I would do quite well to control my emotions when listening to this series, but alas... I was not blessed with the ability to not be emotional when it comes to Yumemigusa  。゚(TヮT)゚。
Yumemigusa’s Moon Chapter is largely still the same story as Sakura’s, except for a few key details. Unlike Sakura, Moon focuses on You and Yoru! It’s still as sad and as angsty as Sakura, so be ready with a box of tissues when you listen!
Next on the queue would be the translations for the Taikyoku Denki pamphlet~! After that will be more VAZZROCK~! I have a lot to catch up with in terms of bi-Color S4, but I’m slowly making progress. Thank you for your patience~!   \(^▽^)/
Thank you to @melynir​ for requesting and for updating me about the state of progress with ryuukia’s plans to work on these! 
CD is still available for order here for those who want their own copies.
For those who want to get into the stage play version of this, Blu-ray is still available for orders here (Movic).
Tracklist and links under the cut, enjoy~!
[Disc 1]
Track 1: “Prologue・Under the Moon”
Track 2: “Enveloped by a White Light”
Track 3: “The Country of Yamato”
Track 4: “Act 01: A Man All Too Familiar with Despair ”
Track 5: “Act 02: Storytellers of the World”
Track 6: “What Aches the Heart”
[Disc 2]
Track 1: “Act 3: Storyteller of a Lost World”
Track 2: “Moon・Memories of White”
Track 3: “Beyond the Darkness”
Track 4: “Yumemigusa - Tsuki-”
[Bonus Disc]
Track 1: “Cherry Blossoms of a New Dawn - Moon Chapter”
※ “Reimei no Sakura” is actually the alternate ending that comes with the regular edition Blu-ray of Sakura/Tsuki no Sho.
※ They voiced it for the drama CD, but the content from the actual alternate ending is word-for-word from the BD! I did just copy-paste my own translations, but made a few minor edits along the way, so please keep that in mind, thank you~!
※ I know there’s an issue with clicking links on mobile, so I’m slowly working on updating these all on WordPress during my free time. Thank you for your patience ^^
※ Please don’t re-post and re-translate these under any circumstances without permission!!!
If you enjoyed this, please consider buying me a ko-fi here to support my work! It’ll be a really big help. (o^▽^o)Thank you!!
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rotschopf-thedrow · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @cr-noble-writes last week already & decided to wait until today since it was already Friday when I got the notification XD
Tagging @briarch, @monowires, @clericofshadows (because I need more scarf), @dandenbo & @nyamadermont, and everyone who likes to share something :)
Shepard woke because he was pulled out of bed quite unceremoniously, landing on his hands and knees. He tried to get up, tried to regain his equilibrium, holding onto his nightstand for dear life. He had almost managed when the world was tilting on its axis again. Literally.
Shit. What the fuck was happening? The room kept spinning and his stomach churned violently. Were they under attack? Surely, Joker would’ve informed him outright, wouldn’t he?
“Joker,” he croaked, “what’s our status?”
“Board’s green, Commander. We’re running smooth and silent.”
“Sure doesn’t feel like it.”
“You sure don’t sound like it either. You okay?”
“Yeah.” He swallowed, trying to keep the rising bile at bay and in his stomach. “Yeah, I’m alright.” He searched for a fix point he could focus on, but failed miserably when the gravity well flipped again. “Shit.”
“With all due respect, sir, you don’t sound ‘alright’. I can alert the Doc to your quarters.”
“No. No, it’s okay, Joker. Maybe Miller’s stew wasn’t quite dead yet.”
It had become a running gag on the Normandy that one should definitely test their food if it was truly dead, after Mess Sergeant Miller had managed to serve vat-grown meat as a bloody mess, so to speak, because he had been busy flirting with Chief Williams. She had also been the one to ask him if she needed to kill her meal first.
Shepard had never seen anyone this flustered before as the sergeant on that day.
Joker chortled. “That would explain the heartburn.”
Shepard grinned and finally managed to get to his feet. “Thanks anyway, Joker. Shepard out.”
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