#sugar - bikini kill
dallasstarsdyke · 1 month
hiiii >:D
waking up yr neighbors downstairs
i can't think of getting old
he said he wanted to
lets take the boat out on the bay
we're scanning the scene in the city tonight
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bikinikillarchives · 3 months
bikini kill live at Macondo, Los Angeles, CA, April 25, 1993. Not For The Lack of Trying, Lather, and Canopy opened for them. this video was shot by HORNSS; uploaded here / drive. yes, this is the show Kathleen smacked a photographer at! a lot of bands in the 90s, especially in the punk scene, weren't big on being filmed or photographed, unless it was someone who asked permission beforehand. while the photographer worked for the venue according to the owner, it wasn't discussed with the band.
SL: Jigsaw Youth, This is Not A Test, Don't Need You, Star-Bellied Boy, Hamster Baby, Tell Me So, Sugar, Carnival, Rebel Girl, New Radio.
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msgexymunson · 2 years
Please, Say My Name
Virgin!Eddie x Experienced!Fem!Reader
Description: Eddie's obsessed with his older neighbour. When a black out happens, he feels the need to check on her, and finds out his obsession may not be one sided.
A/N: I may or may not be projecting here, 30s reader and all. This was a challenge for me, writing from Eddie's POV (I've never experienced a male orgasm, I'm just guessing haha,) I love a cocky Eddie but cannon I think Eddie is a virgin, so I feel this is the partner he had to make him like he is in all these fan fics lol (maybe why he has so many pet names for girls?) Excuse my British ass for any American idioms that are wrong. Also I feel like reader's slightly southern?
Warnings: sexual tension, reader uses she/her pronouns, reader in her 30s, reference to curves not size, all manner of pet names (sweetheart to reader, all sorts to Eddie, tiger, champ, hot shot, sugar, honey lmao) NSFW, Minors DNI, I will feed you to the wolves, M! Masturbation, voyeurism, perv! Eddie, M! Oral receiving, nipple play, F! Fingering, protected sex (wrap it boys and gals)
5.2k words
Jesus H. Christ she's gonna kill me.
Tiny shorts riding up your ass, sporting a bikini top and bare feet. Bending down, he watches you reaching into the laundry basket. Shorts so tight he can nearly see the outline of your cunt. Standing upright, tits threatening to spill out of your top, the shape of your nipples peeking through the fabric. Stretching up, hanging clothes on the line. Bending again.
Eddie's been staring out the window of his trailer, spying through the makeshift curtains into your yard for the past twenty minutes, utterly transfixed by you, fisting his cock lazily. A bead of pre cum dribbles from the tip of his dick down to his fingers. It mingles with the spit already in his palm. He knows he shouldn't but he can't help it, your more mature frame burned into his eyelids. It has been for a while now.
He knows you're in your thirties, at least ten years older than him, but he can't help it. Every movement you make is sensual. He watches your hips rock every time you move to hang your clothes.
When you moved in a couple of months ago, Eddie was laying smoking pot in his room when Wayne had knocked on his door.
"Boy, a new neighbour's moving in next door. You best offer to help her."
Knowing his uncle meant business whenever he called him 'boy', he wandered over to offer his help, and was faced with you. You were wearing some skin tight leggings and a crop top, curves on full display, wrestling with a TV, trying to manoeuvre it into your trailer.
"Hey, need a hand?"
You had jumped at the sudden offer, turned round and saw this sweet looking, messy haired young boy staring at you.
"Well thanks champ, real kind of you." You smiled at him, placing the TV on the floor. He had eyeballed you from top to toe smirking, then grabbed the TV and lifted it like it was nothing.
"In the living room, tiger," you had said at his back, watching his shoulder muscles.
Placing the tv with a small thud, he held his palm out to you.
"I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson."
You placed your manicured hand in his and shook it.
"Well I'm y/n y/l/n, pleasure to meet you sugar." Your voice all honey and cinnamon, you winked at him. Eddie's throat almost shrivelled up at that wink, mouth suddenly dry.
Eddie had moved most of your furniture that day. Not because you were unable, but because he had insisted. You were perfectly happy to allow him, watching that slender frame start to sweat, straining to move some of the heavier items. He was certainly good to look at. Eddie stole glances at you all day, mesmerised by the way you move.
Since then, Eddie had helped you a few times. Needed something from the store? Eddie would jump at the chance. TV aerial playing up again? Eddie was around in a heartbeat fixing it for you. Shitty car broken down? Eddie's sprinting over, offering you a ride.
When he found out you were working as a waitress at the nearby diner he'd make any excuse to visit. He would sit there, attempting to write notes on his next D&D campaign, drinking coffee he didn't enjoy as he thought you wouldn't take him seriously if he bought a milkshake. You would laugh at his little jokes, touch him on his arm, and call him all manner of pet names. He was smitten.
Now, you were a waitress. You flirted with everyone. Hell, your living is mostly based off of tips, Eddie understood that. But it felt like something extra when you flirted with him. Sometimes your hand would linger a little longer on his. He's sure he's never seen you winking at anyone else. When you reached over to refill his cup once and practically paraded your cleavage in front of his face Eddie thought he would spontaneously combust.
As you finish hanging up the washing, you take a moment to stretch your arms, then walk inside. Eddie's shoulders visibly deflate, wanting to finish what he had started.
After a minute you return with something in your hand, making your way over to your lawn chair. You slip your shorts off exposing your skimpy bikini bottoms and Eddie groans loudly, picking up the pace of his languid strokes. Running your fingers under the tie sides you pulled them further up your hips, the material gathering slightly at your ass. Eddie is sweating, watching your every move, tightening his grip on his cock.
Laying down, you open your palm; it was sun lotion that you had carried from inside. When you shake some out of the bottle and proceed to rub it casually onto the tops of your breasts Eddie chokes on a cry, fucking his fist faster, spraying his cum all over his hand.
He knows he shouldn't have, and he knows he should clean himself up and snap out of it, but you're still rubbing lotion in your skin, manicured hands stroking all over your body, he's utterly enthralled, and he's already getting hard again. Fuck.
A couple of weeks later Eddie's getting ready for a blind date that Gareth twisted his arm into attending. He truly hates set ups, but he made a promise and that's that. Fussing with his hair, he slings on a burgundy button down shirt, paired with his usual black jeans and combat boots. Deciding to do without his jacket since it's been hot as hell these last few weeks, he stuffs his cigarettes into his pocket and makes his way outside.
Hearing a wolf whistle he turns around, confused. You're sitting in your lawn chair, smoking a cigarette, enjoying the balmy air, wearing nothing but sleep shorts and a tank top.
"Well hey handsome, where you off to?" You call over. Eddie steps closer, drawn to you, hands in his back pockets.
"Just some blind date, nothin' special." He shrugs.
"A date huh? Well come here, let me take a proper look at you."
Eddie swallows and hesitantly steps forward.
"Turn around." He's obeying before he even knows what's happening, turning on the spot, arms open.
"Hmmm," you say, standing up directly in front of him, impossibly close. Eddie can smell your musky, sweet perfume, and is desperately trying to control the blush that he knows is begging to crawl over his cheeks.
You reach out with your painted fingernails and touch his chest. Eddie's sure his heart stops beating for a second. Staring at his chest, you pop open one of his shirt buttons, and then another, exposing his guitar pick necklace. Eddie's stopped breathing, mouth hanging open. The bulge in his jeans is starting to become noticeable.
You look up and smile.
"There, that's better." You pat his chest, hand lingering for a moment.
"B-better?" Eddie stammers out.
"Yeah, a real stud." You lean towards him, tilting your head upwards to whisper in his ear. "I mean, I would."
Eddie can feel his blood rushing all the way to the roots of his hair. He's speechless.
You turn away from him, putting your cigarette out. Walking towards your trailer you call over your shoulder. "Go get 'em, tiger."
Flabbergasted, Eddie can only stare at you, eyes never leaving your back until your door closes.
Well, that was a complete waste of my time.
Eddie's pissed. He had waited for over an hour but his date never showed. Driving back to the trailer park in his van, metal blasting from the speakers despite the late hour, he pulled up outside his home. Wayne's car was gone, he must have left for work already.
Storming into the trailer, he was angry, not just at the date but at himself. What if she did turn up, took one look at him and left? He really didn't need some mystery girl making him feel inadequate, he did that well enough himself.
Sighing, he threw his van keys haphazardly on the table and turned on the light switch. Nothing happened. He tried again. Then he tried the TV. Nothing.
"Well, shit." He said to the darkness.
Stepping back out the front door he looked around the trailer park. Pitch black. In his anger he hadn't even noticed. His eyes were inexplicably pulled to your trailer. He thought he could see a dim flickering light through the blinds.
He could knock. A concerned neighbour, just checking in on her because of the black out.
I wonder if she's still wearing those little shorts.
He took a deep breath and strode over, climbing the steps to your front door. Fuck, what do I say?
Too late, his hand was already rapping on the door. Silence for a moment.
"Who is it?" Your voice rang out.
"It's Eddie, just checking on you" when the fuck did my voice get so squeaky, Jesus.
He heard the sound of security chains clanking and the latch clicking softly. Then there you were in your tiny pyjamas, bathed in candlelight, your hair loose around your shoulders. Eddie thought you looked like you had wandered in from a story, a dream.
"Well hey you. You're back early. How'd the date go?" You tilted your head at him, eyes shining.
"It er, didn't. She blew me off."
"Well, she don't know what's she's missing. Wanna come in?" You gesture to the old chintz couch that he had helped you move in months before. A coffee table he doesn't recognise sits in front of it with three fat lit candles. Eddie nods eagerly and moves inside whilst you lock the door again.
You move over to an old wooden sideboard, a further collection of candles sitting there, and pour yourself a bourbon.
"You want one?"
"Yeah sure."
You pour another, grabbing some ice from the ice box and put a couple of cubes in each glass. You go to hand one to him. When he reaches out to grab it you pull it back suddenly.
"Hang on a minute big guy, how old are you?" You screw your eyebrows, examining his face.
"I turn 21 in like 3 weeks!" Eddie protested.
"Ah, another way to say your 20. Hmmm. Well you're lucky I already poured it, hot shot. Here you go. One drink mind. Don't wanna get you into trouble." You giggle, face slightly flushed. Eddie definitely believes this isn't your first drink of evening.
Sitting on the couch you cross your legs, shorts riding high up your thigh. You look into Eddie's eyes, smiling at him from the corner of your mouth.
"So, came to check on lil old me?"
"Well yeah, wanted to make sure you were ok."
"You're always checking on me ain't ya sugar. Always." You reach over and squeeze his knee.
Eddie nearly chokes taking a sip of the bourbon but tries to disguise it as a cough. The touch of your hand on his leg is all consuming.
"Well, yeah, I mean you're on your own over here. I just wanted to make sure you're safe."
"Well ain't you a slice of cutie pie." You stand up, "I'm just gonna powder my nose honey." Walking off you make your way to the bathroom, hips swaying.
Eddie takes the opportunity to look around the room, perusing the photos on the walls as best he can in the dim light. A framed picture over the sideboard stops him in his tracks. He stares at it in disbelief.
You return, taking your drink off the side board and having a sip.
"You- do you know Deep Purple??" Eddie exclaims, pointing at the photo.
"Ha, yeah a little. I mean, I knew a lot of bands back in the day. Only groupie to end up with a roadie I swear." You chuckle to yourself, making your way to the couch.
"Oh, I didn't know you were seeing anyone." Eddie shrinks down, perching on the edge of the couch.
"Not any more. Why do you think I ended up here? Half my stuff is still with that moron. I swear I have better taste in furniture than this junk" You shrug, tipping back your drink.
"Oh. I'm sorry sweetheart." Eddie moves on instinct, reaching out to stroke your hand in comfort.
"You don't have a single thing to be sorry for kid, don't worry about it."
Eddie feels a sudden spark of bravery. He's never gotten you to open up before about your own life.
"You know, I'm in a band." He sips his drink, trying not to cough.
"Oh really, I'm not surprised. You look like a musician." Running your hand up and down his thigh. Fuck, is she for real? Eddie can't help trembling slightly. "too nice to be one though."
"Hey, I can be a gentleman and a guitarist. Why not?" Eddie puffs out his chest and daringly reaches to touch you on the cheek. You grab his hand before it can even make contact.
"Look, you're a nice boy. I'm not gonna lie, you're hot as sin, but I'm not sure I wanna be the one to mess with that 'knight in shining armor' shit you've got going on, okay champ?" You pull his hand from your face, but you don't let go. Slender fingers tracing patterns on his rings.
She thinks you're hot as sin.
"Do you think I'm too young for you?" Eddie's voice quavers, but he's dragging your hands to his mouth, settling kisses to your fingers, lapping at the tips of your manicured fingers with his tongue.
"Fuck," distracted for a moment, "I never said that, I just, don't think I should be the one to mess with you first is all."
Eddie's cheeks burn red.
"Is it that obvious?" He looks down, releasing your hands, unable to meet your gaze. Humiliation weighs on his chest.
"Oh honey, don't feel bad, I read people for a living." You smile softly at him.
"Maybe I," Eddie begins, brown doe eyes seeking yours, "maybe I want you to be first. I mean, I might not know what I'm doing," Eddie half hides behind his hair at that, "but I want to. Maybe you could, teach me, you know?"
You laugh, the throaty sound reverberating through the trailer.
"Oh darlin', you don't know what you're asking."
"Oh I think I do. And I think you want it too. I've seen you looking at me." Cockiness edges his voice, sounding braver than he felt.
You scoot nearer to him, closing the gap between you, hot bodies making contact. Your knee rests on his leg, hand stroking up the exposed skin on his chest. Heat pours from the both of you. The heady scent of your perfume invades Eddie's senses, making it difficult to focus when you are so near. He can feel his cock stiffening.
"Oh, and you think I don't notice you too? Your eyes on me whenever I bend over? Eyeballin' my tits when I'm tryin' to do my job?" 
Eddie's breath is unsteady, shaking, heaving at his chest. Your touch is setting him ablaze. The heat in the trailer is stifling.
"Well, I'm sorry but," he takes a deep breath, trying to will his usual confidence to kick in. "You're so fucking hot, I don't know what to do with myself." He turns his head towards you, eyeing your lips in the flickering candlelight.
"Flattery will get you everywhere." You smirk at him.
Go on, grow a pair, kiss her.
Eddie sneaks his hand to the back of your head warily, eyes darting to your mouth. You make no move to stop him, gazing at him with half lidded eyes. Gulping, he closes the gap, pressing a kiss to your full lips. You grab his shirt in your fist and pull him closer. Eddie takes that as the best sign he can get right now, opening his mouth and deepening the kiss. You taste of bourbon, cigarettes and something sweet he can't place. His tongue pushes into you almost greedily, mapping out every inch of your mouth. It's sloppy and eager, but passionate. You run your hand up Eddie's lap, inching towards his crotch. Eddie thinks this must be some sort of fever dream as you palm him through his jeans, it takes everything he has not to cum on the spot.
Allowing his hand to drop from cradling your head, it drifts downward, cupping your breast. When his rough fingers brush your nipple over your thin top you break the kiss to allow a moan to escape your mouth.
Eddie mouths at your neck, leaving a succession of wet kisses. Clambering into his lap you straddle him and push him off your neck and back into the couch.
"You are making it real hard to say no honey." You smile from your new seat, fingers flirting down Eddie's chest.
Its Eddie's turn to grin at you smugly. He runs his palms firmly up your thighs.
"Sweetheart, you never said no."
"Well, you may have a point there sugar." And you lift your tank top over your head, revealing your bare chest.
"Holy Shit." Eddie's now convinced, this can't possibly be real. There's no way this goddess of a woman is straddling him topless right now. He knows he's blushing but he doesn't care. He's not even sure he can move right now. Far too scared to speak in case it comes out in a high pitched squeak and then you'll never show them to him again.
"Honey, you can touch them. Jesus have you never seen a pair of tits before?" You giggle, then your eyes widen. "Shit, you haven't have you?"
Eddie just barely manages to tear his eyes away and look you in the face.
"I mean, girls aren't exactly lining up at the door for Eddie 'The Freak' Munson." He scoffs.
You lean forward, slowly unbuttoning the remainder of his shirt.
"Aw, poor baby." Flipping open his shirt you rake your nails down his chest, giving him goose bumps. Eddie's breath catches in his throat.
"You just need someone to take care of you, don't cha?" Grinding into his lap.
Eddie's eyes roll back, his whole body feeling like a raw, exposed nerve. Electricity bolting through him with every roll of your hips.
You bring his hands up to your nipples, encouraging him. Eddie's fingertips brush them softly, feeling them harden to his ministrations. Your reaction to his touch emboldens him; leaning forward he presses soft lips to your breast. Once, twice, three times, and then he takes your nipple into his mouth and sucks gently.
"Oh fuck, Eddie."
You'd never said his name before yet you purr it now. That breathy, impassioned sound sends a shiver throughout his body. If he could just hear one thing for the rest of his life, from now until eternity, it would be you saying his name. He wants to see if he can make you scream it.
He whips his tongue around your nipple, trying to find what makes you make the loudest noises, gripping onto your hips tightly. You rock in his lap, moaning in encouragement.
Climbing off his lap, you settle between his legs on your knees. Eddie's fit to burst, watching you rake those painted nails of yours up the inside of his thighs.
"You still want this sugar?" Fingertips creeping to Eddie's belt, biting your lip.
"Hell yeah!" Lightning fast he pops his belt undone, along with the button and zip on his jeans, and pulls them down unceremoniously along with his boxers. His member springs out, thwapping against his stomach.
"Well big guy, if the girls knew about this they'd be lining up 'round the block." Your smile looks dipped in wickedness.
"R-really?" Eddie stammers, shuddering as you take his length into your palm, strokes firm but painfully slow.
"Hmmm" bending down you take the tip into your mouth, stroking with the flat of your tongue.
"Jesus fucking Christ!" Eddie scrunched his eyes shut, "sweetheart, please."
"What's wrong honey?" You lick up and down his length, fisting his cock covered in your spit.
"If you, fuck, if you carry on I'm gonna cum."
You look at him with a mischievous glint in your eye, and take his cock fully into your throat, hollowing your cheeks. Eddie physically convulses, groaning loudly. He can't possibly look at you, if he does he won't be able to hold it in.
Letting go with a lewd wet dribble, you stand up, and go to remove your shorts. Eddie's hands shoot out to stop you. Looking at him with the question in your mind, he flashes you a toothy grin.
"Let me." Dark lustful eyes fixed on your waistband. You allow him the pleasure. He runs his fingers along your shorts, inching them down slowly, kissing the uncovered skin. The shorts stick slightly between your legs, causing Eddie to have to peel them down. He cannot help but see how wet they are. He can smell you. It's faint but musky, and sweet, almost like your perfume. He's obsessed. His hand hovers near your heat, looking up for confirmation.
Collecting his fingers in yours, you pull two to your mouth and suck them, gathering saliva. Eddie watches you, mouth open, enraptured. You guide his fingers down, down, to the front of your folds. When his fingers graze your swollen nub you sigh audibly.
"That there honey, you feel that? That's my clit." Eddie nods emphatically, not exactly in a position to form words right now. He runs sloppy circles over it, slipping with the mix of slick and spit, watching your face with wide open eyes, watching how you throw your head back a little, how your mouth parts slightly, how you tremble. He presses down and you cry out, knees buckling.
"Fuck, Eddie!" You grab his shoulders, "why don't you lie back so I can take care of you?"
Brows furrowing, Eddie says "Can- can I try and, er, take care of you? I mean, I'm 'bout to explode and I really want to make you feel good." Eddie begs with his eyes. If he can make you come undone beneath him he can die a happy man.
"Sure baby. Always wanna take care of me huh?" You lie back on the sofa, opening your legs to him.
"Holy Shit." Eddie scrambles over to you, forgetting he still has his pants round his ankles and nearly falls. You giggle at his antics. Untangling himself, he throws his shirt off that's still hanging on him unbuttoned.
Eager fingers make their way back to your pussy, rubbing on your clit, eliciting a little moan from you.
"Do you wanna stick your fingers in me honey?"
Yes, Eddie would like that very much.
Eddie's fingers are guided to your entrance. You wrap your hand around his middle and ring fingers, and line them up. Eddie understands, probing at you hesitantly at first, rubbing, gathering your wetness on his fingers, then pushes them all the way in. He's rewarded with a low whine from you, back arching off the couch.
He pumps his fingers in and out of you, sitting up on his knees, watching your face, how your tits move, and his fingers disappearing inside your cunt.
Eddie is determined to see you cum on his fingers. He needs to see you unravel. What if he never gets this opportunity again? He needs to commit to memory every sigh, every twitch, every time you say his name. God, especially the times you say his name.
He's trying different things, how he moves, the speed of it, feeling your impossibly tight wet pussy around him when all of a sudden he curls his fingers up and...
Your reaction is visceral and immediate. Eddie keeps curling his fingers up. His hand is cramping; it hurts but he doesn't give a shit. Not when Aphrodite incarnate is laying below him, bathed in candlelight, moaning in ecstasy.
"Oh Eddie, oh my God, just like that, fuck."
You're writhing beneath him, moaning, your glistening body shining in the dim light. Eddie speeds up his motions, biting his lip. He's never been so hard in all his life. Suddenly you're clenching so hard around his fingers he can barely move, bucking against his hand.
'Oh Eddie!"
That fractured, high pitched scream of his name is the best thing he's ever heard. Back arched, your hands flying to his arm to still his movements, face in shock.
Breathlessly you manage to say "I thought you'd never done this before?"
Eddie's grin is smug and mischievous. "You think I would lie about that?"
He removes his fingers from inside of you, pleased as can be when you whine and frown a little at the loss.
"Do you have a condom sugar?"
Eddie looks wildly around the room, eyes settling on his discarded clothes. Finding his wallet he pulls one out with a flourish and a flash of teeth.
"You always walk around with that?" You smile at him.
"What can I say, I live in hope!" You giggle and Eddie thinks it's the second best thing he's heard from your mouth.
Now, I think I know how to do this...
The worry must be evident in his face as you hold your hand out and Eddie puts the condom in it with relief. You rip the wrapper with your teeth and roll the condom down his length, spitting in your hand and stroking him a few times. Eddie looks anywhere else he can, he can't possibly look at you handling his dick. He doesn't want this to be over yet.
You lie back and Eddie moves on top of you. Holding his length you line him up and he starts pushing into you devastatingly deep.
"Jesus, baby, you're so big."
Eddie can't think of those words slipping from your beautiful lips. All he can think of is the tight, impossible warmth he's sinking into. Your cunt is squeezing him like a vice, like  nothing he's ever felt before.
"Darlin, look at me." Eddie's eyes are scrunched up, holding himself up by his outstretched arms. He opens his eyes.
"Fuck you're beautiful." He strokes the side of your face, moving a couple of loose hairs that had stuck to you.
"You're very sweet. You can move now honey."
"Say my name." He stares into your eyes, pupils blown black with lust.
You look slightly taken quick by the dominance but recover quickly, flashing him an easy smile, batting your eyelashes at him.
"Please fuck me Eddie."
I've gone insane. How else could this be happening? I've lost my mind, made it up.
He'd believe that if he couldn't feel how amazing it felt being sheathed inside of you. He pulled slowly out, feeling the drag of your walls around his cock, then pushed back in.
Jesus Christ.
Eddie's a little unsure, trying to set a pace, trying to judge it on the noises you make, but he knows he's absolutely not going to last. The feelings too intense, rocking into you, watching that gorgeous face looked so fucked beneath him, it's everything he's wanted and more.
Shifting a bit, he gets up on his knees and pulls your legs around his waist, holding your knees, and thrusts into you.
"Oh Eddie, yes!" Your eyes are rolling back, closing, a continuous stream of moans escaping your mouth.
This is better. This is deeper. Eddie can feel everything, from the tips of his fingers to the tip of his cock to the tips of his toes. He thrusts harder, deeper, pulling you bodily into him, fingers pressing hard into your flesh. He can feel you clenching around his length and fucks into you with everything he has, sweat dripping down his back. His orgasm goes off like a gunshot, pumping his seed into the condom. You tighten even further, cumming with a mantra, a prayer, a plea of his name, over and over and over.
Eddie falls into you, feeling the sweaty sheen of his skin and yours intermingling, the heave of your breasts against his chest. You pant in unison, coming down.
Just about managing to lift his head, he looks at you and smiles, you look right back, grabbing his hand and lacing your fingers with his. Eddie can't help it. He chuckles, the laughter coming from deep in his chest, shaking his body. You giggle back, post orgasm haze sprinkled over the whole room.
Eddie plants a kiss to your soft lips.
"Was that, erm, okay?" Eddie knows he sounds like a kid in this moment, but he had to know. He has to hear it from you.
"Eddie, you're a fuckin' natural." You smile, planting a kiss on the tip of his nose.
He grins wolfishly at that. Peeling your flesh from his in the sticky heat he sits up and pulls the condom off. You gesture to a waste paper basket and he chucks the rubber in there.
Eddie leans back on you, arms encasing your head, nose to nose.
"Good enough to do again?" His grin is arrogant but his eyes are sincere.
"You're a cocky son of a bitch, you know that?"
"Sweetheart, you never said no."
You laugh loudly at that, pulling him in for a slow kiss. Bodies pressed against each other in the flickering light, heat of sex and summer radiating off the pair of you, utterly lost in the moment.
The heat wave showed no sign of stopping, though thankfully the blackout only lasted until morning. Eddie had snuck back next door in the early hours, unable to wipe the grin off his face.
It was early afternoon, and Eddie was standing outside, having a smoke and trying to catch a hint of breeze.
Uncle Wayne had stepped outside too, sparking a cigarette.
"What you smiling about son?" Wayne looks out the corner of his eye at Eddie.
"Nothin' Sir, just happy."
You exit your trailer, fanning yourself in the heat, ready for your shift. You look over and see your neighbours.
Waving at them, you walk closer.
Eyes on Wayne, you wave, "hey sugar how you doin'?"
"I'm good miss, workin' hard."
"Well, don't you work too hard honey." You smile, swaying your hips. 
Looking over at Eddie, he flashes you the cheekiest look, smile crinkling his eyes. You flush in response.
"Hey Eddie."
An uncontrollable smirk is on your face as you open your car, looking bashful for once.
Wayne looks at Eddie's face, then at your blushing cheeks, and back to Eddie.
"What?" Eddie shrugs his shoulders at his uncle, unable to control the beaming smile that's plastered on his face.
Wayne shakes his head. He sees your car drive off and goes to walk past Eddie back to the trailer, putting his cigarette out on the ground.
At the last minute, Wayne holds his hand up, palm flat, fingers splayed. Eddie gives his uncle a high five. Wayne continues to shake his head, walking back inside. 
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lovable-liar · 9 months
I LOVED THE PARTNER ON STREAM HASAN THOUGHTS <3 I’d love more!!! You capture him so well🫶🏽
🎤 I love you anon, please enjoy <3
🖇 part 1
𝗦𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺
COOKING STREAM!!! *foams at the mouth*
Him wearing an apron that has a lady in a bikini on it while you wear an apron with a buff hairy guy on it cuz you’re cool and awesome 
I can see this being something that viewers requested once but you guys make it a regular thing!
The first time you do a cooking stream is the time where everything goes wrong
“Okay, then mix the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients until they make a clumpy consistency.” Hasan recites from the cookbook, holding his hands out in front of him like a T-Rex so as to not get any of the egg coating his hands on the book.
“For a cookbook, they do use disgusting words to describe stuff. Clumpy?!” You begin mixing the ingredients together while Hasan washes his hands and checks chat.
“Oh shit…”
“Oh shit?”
“Did we put sugar in it?” You pick up the bag of sugar, the one you bought fresh that day, unopened.
“Yeah? I used the shaker.”
“The shaker?”
“Sweetie, honey, angel, darling… That’s salt.”
But even though the cooking half of the stream failed, you guys didn’t fail to have fun! So cooking streams became a statement Friday night activity!
You’d make new dishes every week, swapping out the funny aprons for new ones that you guys decorated for each other during date night a couple weeks ago.
Swapping out the bright ring lights for candles and fairy lights.
Making Turkish dishes with him <3
Playing games together!
You guys have a list of games you’d like to play on stream!
He sets up a desk right next to his, buys you your own gaming PC, sets it all up for you, buys you LOADS of your favorite stuff to decorate it with <3
Playing Stardew Valley and getting married on there (I need assistance, I’m gonna fall over)
Playing Among Us and if you get imposter and he gets innocent, he definitely helps you kill people and get away with it
Playing Unpacking and telling stories about what it was like moving in together, offering decor advice, and shedding tears over the storyline of the game. <3
Reacting to edits and fanart together!
“Why do people make so many edits of you?”
“They edit you too, I’ve seen it.”
“Look.” Hasan pushes his phone into your face as a thirst trap edit of you plays (that he has liked and saved to his favorites)
“Damn, I’m sexy…” You take his phone, clutching your pearls as you’re entranced by the nature of the edit.
“I know, honey. I know.”
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wishfulwithwine · 2 years
Ghost Rider - Chapter Four
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x pilot female reader
You lived up to your callsign, Ghost. You hid and then scared the crap out of people in the sky. As an incredibly decorated officer for your age, you were called back to Top Gun for a dangerous mission. Despite your best intentions, the people on this mission - specifically one - would do their best to get you out of hiding, getting you out of your comfort zone of the shadows and into a lively world.
Series Masterlist
Picture from Pinterest 
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All night, Rooster tossed and turned in his sleep, thinking about how if he had made a move, maybe you would’ve been snuggled up in his arms. His shirt that he wore last night smelled of your shampoo, and he finally fell asleep sniffing it. 
I’m in deep. Talk to me, Goose.
When he got up that morning, Rooster put on some clothes, thankful he didn’t need to wear uniform. Noticing he had some extra time this morning, Rooster grinned as he made a plan to buy you some coffee before he picked you up. Hoping he didn’t judge you wrong, Rooster got you a regular coffee, the same as his usual order, with just a medium amount of cream and sugar. 
When he pulled up to pick you up, seeing you waiting for him, Rooster was not ready for your outfit. You were wearing a workout matching set - a pair of spandex shorts and sports bra, with your sunglasses  a large button down over it to have some modesty. His jaw stayed on the floor while you got in the car and looked at him. 
“Hey Rooster, you okay there? Still asleep?” You asked, waving a hand in front of his face and giggling as you saw his shocked expression. 
“You trying to kill me, woman?” He said, making sure you knew he was checking you out. You giggled again, but shook your head, with a grin on your face. You did your best not to blush at his compliment, but you smiled widely. 
“I was going to show up in a bikini, but I can’t have you die, or else I’ll definitely be flying with Hangman, which means I’ll be actually dead” You said, smirking at him. He rolled his eyes playfully at you, now trying his best not to think about you in a bikini, before starting to drive off to the beach. 
“I got you coffee, though I don’t think you deserve it for the heart attack you’re giving me” Rooster said, nodding with his head to motion the cups in the center console cup holder. You smiled at him.
“Thank you Rooster. That’s so nice of you. You didn’t have to” You said, taking the cup and beginning to sip, and unintentionally let out a little moan at how good it was.
“It’s not a problem. Just trying to be nice” He replied, shifting in his seat to adjust himself after hearing that little breathy moan from your lips, picturing you moan like that underneath him. The amount of images he was getting this morning was going to be hard to be with everyone else and remain calm and not like a horny teenager. 
“Still, your next drink’s on me. I really appreciate this. I love coffee, especially good coffee like this” You said, causing him to smile widely. You didn’t see, as you looked out the window, but a tint of red tinged his cheeks. 
“I’ll hold you to that” He said, pulling up to the beach where some of the other team members seemed to be. 
Phoenix was walking over to your car as soon as she saw it, having enough of the testosterone fest that was happening. 
“You’re trying to kill them, aren’t you? That’s one way to make sure you get on the mission.” Phoenix said, with a chuckle as you got out of the car. You raised your eyebrows.
“That’s what I said!” Rooster said, chuckling, as he got your bag from the trunk. You rolled your eyes, shooting him a glare, before looking back to Phoenix.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but if I did, my callsign is Ghost… I’m always trying to haunt people” You replied, with a smirk directed at Rooster. Phoenix burst out laughing hardly, causing the group to look over to us. I raised my eyebrow with a smirk, giggling as I watched her.
“Holy shit, Ghost. That should be your new uniform” Hangman said, making a point to stare at my body, looking me up and down with a smirk, before meeting my eyes and winking. I rolled my eyes, but saw out of the corner of my eye Rooster clench his fists.
“Oh poor boy, have you never seen a woman’s body before? It’d make a lot of sense…” You teased him, walking over and  patting his shoulder. You walked in front of the group with Phoenix, going to see Maverick getting some things assembled. 
“That ass, damn” Hangman muttered, not loud enough for you to hear, but only the rest of the guys did. The guys all looked to your ass, perfectly round in those spandex shorts. Rooster wanted to smack Hangman, but Bob actually beat him with words. 
“She’s not a piece of meat, Bagman” Bob said, surprising everyone. Hangman just shrugged his shoulders, unashamed.
Maverick split you all into two teams: Rooster, Bob, Phoenix, you, Coyote, Fritz, and Maverick vs Hangman and everyone else. The game started quickly, 
He just couldn’t stop staring at you, running with the ball in your hands towards the end zone. When Phoenix hugged you in a running jump, he couldn’t take his eyes off of your wide smile. You looked over to him, catching his eyes and smiling wider, winking at him.
Even after you all began starting a new round, it was hard for Rooster to take his eyes off your body, glowing with the sun oil you had put on your body, and the little spandex shorts and bra had him wanting to lick every inch of your body. 
If he could just run his hands all over your body all day…
“You looking a bit tired over there, Hangman. Need a break?” You teased Hangman, as you all lined up again for another round. He was in front of you, glaring at you and pushed his sunglasses farther up his nose. It was too easy to tease him, you thought. 
“You wish, Ghost” He said, as the whistle blew and he ran directly at you. Picking you up and slumping you over his shoulder, he carried you away while you shouted at him.
Rooster, who was in the middle of defending, saw you over Hangman’s shoulder and did his best not to try to maul him.
“That’s cheating!” Phoenix shouted, noticing what Hangman was doing.
“There’s no rules that say I can’t carry this pretty lady around to stop her from scoring” Hangman said. Maverick shook his head at his antics, and Hangman reluctantly put you down, as you glared at him, before walking back to your team.
“You ok?” Rooster asked, protectively as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders when the team went into a group huddle. His bicep was casually on your back, and you could feel the weight of his muscle on you. You had been distracted all game by his abs on fully display in the heat. 
That man shouldn’t be allowed to be shirtless in public. It’s a hazard, especially all glistening in the sun like that.
“Yea, just Hangman being Hangman” You replied, shrugging your shoulders. 
Maverick was leaving this round to watch, and everyone boo’d, but fell back quickly into the game to play. 
If team building was what he wanted, team building was what he was getting. The pressure was lifted, and everyone seemed to be having fun with each other. Even Hangman was getting slightly along with everyone, even after picking up you. 
In the middle of a game,  you felt eyes on you, and looked over to see Cyclone and Maverick. Pausing, you locked eyes with Cyclone, catching the lift of his lips, before he turned around and walked off the beach. Knowing he had received your text this morning about the change of plans, you could see that he wasn’t incredibly upset about Maverick’s team building strategy - or they all would’ve been back on base by now. 
You turned back to focus on the game, and saw that another play had already started without you. 
When Rooster carried Bob on top of his shoulders, sticking his tongue out and shaking his head, all you could think about was…
Could he do that in between my legs? Stop Y/N. Stop. 
The game ended, no one essentially winning or loosing, but everyone made it to the Hard Deck for post game drinks. As usual, they all hung around the darts and pool table, as some got a waitress to get them all drinks. 
“First round of shots on me, cheers motherfuckers” Hangman said, as he handed out shots of tequila. You rolled your eyes, but clinked shot glasses with everyone else before feeling the burn down your throat. Without asking, Rooster handed you a lime, and you smiled at him. You could feel him close to you, as you two as well as Phoenix and Bob started to play some pool while everyone else was playing with darts. 
Maybe it was the mixture of the sun and the alcohol you had been drinking, but your walls were down and you were inviting Rooster in like a siren. He couldn’t stop staring at you - you weren’t wearing makeup and you were sweaty from the sun all day, but you were the most attractive woman in the whole bar. 
By the time you had stopped playing pool, it was a couple hours later and there were fewer people left. You were standing in front of Rooster, who was sitting on the stool with his legs spread on either side of your waist. His hand on his thigh was so close to your ass, it was taking all his willpower to not smack it. 
Then, someone had tried to walk by you, and you had to back up to make room, causing you to back up so you were basically sitting on Rooster’s lap. You were a bit wobbly, so your hand reached out to hold onto Rooster’s leg, and his cock twitched in his pants. He couldn’t move to adjust it, so Rooster was praying you didn’t feel it. 
You did, however, and this version of you, the one who’s facade had gone away, wanted to have some fun. So, while everyone else was still distracted, you subtly grinded against his cock, feeling it harden against your ass. Rooster let out a shaky breath, clenching his fist as he leaned over, to get a glimpse of your face.
“Darling, what are you doing?” He whispered, in a sexy low, gravelly whisper. His nose was right behind your ear and you could feel his mustache grazing your neck with his breath. You rocked your hips back a bit, before he put his hand on the small of your back above your ass. 
“Can you be a good girl and wait till we get home? I promise it’ll be worth it” He whispered again, and you nodded, with a shiver, looking up at him with those doe eyes and innocent looking face of yours. You bit your lip, and Bradley smirked devilishly. 
Oh she liked that…
He felt you stop moving, and smirked, before patting your ass gently.
“Good girl, sweetheart” He whispered again, letting his lips this time touch your ear. Clenching your thighs together, you tried your best to be good. You looked a bit flustered, and Rooster thought it was one of the most beautiful things he’d ever seen, swearing he’d do as much as he could to keep you either flustered or smiling that thousand watt smile of yours. 
It wasn’t long before they left the bar, as everyone else was on their way out as well and the tension between the pair was getting unbearable. Rooster had to take some deep breaths, parting a bit from you to make sure no one would see his hard on.
As soon as both of you were situated in his car, his hand was placed firmly on your upper thigh, his thumb teasing the line of your spandex shorts. You needed to touch him, the burning desire overriding the logical part of your brain, and you reached over and started stroking him over his pants. If you thought his pants were tented before, they were really straining now.
How big was he?
Wanting to find the answer, you stroked your thumb down the curve in his jeans, before he brought his hand that was on on your thigh upwards, cupping your mound and rubbing his palm. 
“Damn baby girl, is this all for me?” He asked, and you nodded. He reached his hand away from your mound, and gripped your chin forcing you to look at him, as he quickly glanced at you from the road. 
“Answer me, baby girl. I need your words, sweetheart” He said, in a gravely dominant voice that you swear you could get off of alone.
“Yes, Rooster. All for you” You said, whimpering at his lack of touch. 
How this man could reduce you to this type of a mess was beyond you.
He smirked, devilishly, before rubbing his thumb in circles on your spandex shorts, where your folds were present due to the wet spandex hugging them. You couldn’t help but roll your hips into his hand, closing your eyes and letting out a soft moan. 
“That’s it, sweetheart. You’re such a good girl” He said, getting as many glances as he could safely at your flushed face. You were watching him as well, with passion burning in your eyes.
He pulled into the driveway of his place, and before you could open the car door, he was already on the other side of your door, opening it. 
“You’re such a gentleman” You said, and he slapped your ass when you two walked up to his place. 
When he opened the door, it took only a second before you were pushed against your back to the door. Rooster’s pelvis was pressed into yours, grinding it as he inserted his thigh between yours and his lips mashed against yours in a heated, sloppy kiss.
His hands made their way to your thighs, holding them as he rocked you back and forth on his thigh. You whimpered, holding onto his shoulders, as you were already sensitive from the rubbing from the car. The seam of your spandex was rubbing directly on your clit. lIt was a few more moments before Rooster got impatient, lifting your thighs up and you wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his shoulders, as he carried you to the bedroom. By the time he made it to his bed, your fingers were pulling on his hair, eager to pull any sort of noise from the man’s mouth.
Squeezing your thighs, he let you sit on the bed, as he worked his way out of his clothes, watching as you did the same - slipping off your spandex shorts and bra, leaving on your panties. His sunglasses were off his face now, and you could clearly see his pupils completely blown out. 
“God - you’re so fuckin’ perfect” He growled, as he attached his lips to your nipple, sloppily licking his tongue around and biting it lightly. You let out a gasp, placing your hands on his back and squeezing lightly with your nails. He was leaning down in front of you, as you sat on the edge of the bed. 
“Bradley, please” You whined out, as he grabbed your hips with those monstrously large hands of his, squeezing enough for there to definitely be little bruises tomorrow, before he started kissing down your body.
“Can I kiss your perfect pussy?” He asked, looking up at you when his lips reached your hips and he kneeled on his knees in front of you. Unable to look away, Rooster saw the wet patch on your lace black underwear, and his dick was fully erect. 
“Words sweetheart, or do I need to flip you over and spank you till you remember your manners?” He smirked, after you had nodded quickly.
“Please, Bradley, please. I need your mouth on me” You begged, as he kissed up your thigh, bringing your thighs on his shoulders before he licked through your folds. Broken moans tore through you, as you leaned back and clenched the sheets around you. Alternating between sucking on your sensitive bud and flicking his tongue at your clit, Rooster couldn’t help but also rut himself into the side of the mattress to release some of his own pressure. The knot in your stomach was tightening incredibly fast, your body heating up with waves of fire. You moaned, unable to control your body as you rolled your hips on his face. He chuckled against your core, vibrations shooting though you before he held onto your hips tightly, pressing your pussy to his face like he was a man starving. Thighs shaking around his face, pleasure flowed through you as his tongue fucked you and his mustache tickled your clit with enough stimulation to push you close to the edge.
“Oh such a sweet pussy. I could eat you all day, everyday. You coming, baby girl? Come for me” He said, inserting two fingers into you as he sucked again with such intensity, pleasure flooded over your whole body. His mouth remained on you until the high had faded, and you looked down, with your half-lidded eyes, to see the widest smirk you had seen. He stared at you, licking his lips in an exaggerated motion, his mustache and lips visibly wet from your cum. 
Watching you orgasm had been the best site in the world.
“My gorgeous , fuckin’ sweet, good girl” He said, as he leaned over you, taking your lips back into his as you tasted yourself on his lips. “I need to be inside you” He said, reaching over to his bedside table to get a condom, breaking apart to slide it on his dick. As he did that, you took a moment to fully look at his large dick.
Rooster could see your eyes widen, looking a little nervous, and he grinned almost evilly.
Oh he was going to ruin you… 
His cock rubbed against your folds, getting wet from your juices, before you felt him push in. A sob of a moan you let out, clinging to him like a monkey as he pushed himself fully in, stretching you out in the most delicious mixture of pleasure and pain. 
“Bradley, s’full” you moaned, as you felt every ridged vein of his dick inside of you, and he swore angels were singing. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight” He moaned against your neck, leaning his head against your shoulder as he waited for you to adjust, kissing your neck in sloppy kisses, his mustache tingling you with scratches as he moved.
After the burning feeling turned fully pleasurable, you rolled your hips against his, hinting to him that he could move. 
“Baby girl” He moaned, rutting into you now, fully thrusting his whole dick in and out of you, touching your cervix. 
I don’t know how he got his callsign, but man if it doesn’t relate to his huge cock… 
You flooded him in all his senses: the smell of your shampoo, the sweetness of your taste, the feel of your body under his, and the breathy moans and whimpers you let out surrounded him in a haze. All he could think about was you, as he pulled you as close to him as he could. 
“Damn your pussy is just sucking me in. She likes me, doesn’t she? Yes she does, just like you. You perfect good girl for me” Rooster said, watching your face blissed out. He felt you tighten around his cock, and he smirked. 
“You like being my good girl, don’t you? Baby, you’re so good to me. Squeezing my dic like a vice, sweetheart” He said, breathy in your ear as he snapped his hips hard into yours. He reached down, and began rubbing your clit with his thumb, causing you to arch your back off the bed, pressing into his chest more. Moving his lips to suck and bite on your tits, you couldn’t hold back the loud moans that were escaping your lips. 
Sorry not sorry neighbors.
“Bradley, I’m… coming… soon” You said, feeling the coil in your belly tighten. He felt you squeeze him tighter, and applied more pressure to your clit as he thrusted into you harder.   Your breath is getting winded, whimpering as you hold his large biceps for any stability you can find. You legs tremble, as you squirted all on his dick, white stars clouding your vision for a second.
“Good girl, coming on my cock like that. Squirting all over, making such a beautiful mess” Rooster grunted, before you feel his dick start twitching inside you and filling the condom up.
When Rooster finished and pulled out of you, he leaned over you to rest on his side next to you, a sweaty arm placed across your body. Both of you breathed deeply to your own pace, trying to slow your heart rate. 
After a moment, Rooster went to the bathroom to take off the condom, and got a cloth to clean you up. You smiled at him, blushing as he smiled genuinely at you while he cleaned you up. When he got back in bed next to you, Rooster wrapped his body around you, pulling you in tightly as if you’d fade away. You smiled, hazy with emotions after the sex and such an exhausting day in the sun, and you fell asleep in his warm arms. 
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saturns-ringg · 2 months
"what are you listening to?" me staring at them with sugar by bikini kill playing
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onsunnyside · 2 years
Imagine him as your son’s history teacher who you sleep with cause your son is bad at history and he needs to pass that subject.
And oh, you really thought he’s the sweetest man ever and only do vanilla sex but he surprised you when he fucked your brain out the first time and suddenly you don’t seem to want to get out of his bed.
You’re the hottest milf in the school and he didn’t want to miss the chance of fucking you..
UHM sleazy history teacher (daddy) and rich milf!reader 😖😖 I’m in love:
It all started when you were just a concerned mother stopping by her son’s school to talk with his history teacher (“don’t even try, mom. He’s such a hard-ass for no reason.” You son warned). You show up to the school in your tight pencil skirt and white blouse since you just came from work, your heels clicking off the floor on the way to his classroom.
You’re sitting close at his desk and discussing your son’s study habits, the older man nods intently, adding advice where needed.
Perhaps some flirty looks turn into gentle touches.
“—I make sure he studies at home, but I can’t say the same for when he visits his father.” You roll your eyes at the thought of your ex. “I’ve told [lloyd or maybe sleazy actor daddy devin peters] how important this class is, but he’s just too stubborn. He only wants to do things his own way.”
“You sound really tense, it must be stressful raising him all by yourself.” His big hand lands on your knee, “You must be exhausted after coming home from work, hm? Always doing everything by yourself.”
He can’t resist—you’re here in a tight skirt and red bottoms, your cleavage basically calling his name. And you’re letting him touch you.
Oh, the other teachers/his friends are going to so jealous.
They’ve got a nickname for you, Mrs. MILF bc you’re the hottest mom at the school. They as in his close friends and coworkers, Mr. Levinson the PE teacher, Mr. Barber the law teacher, Mr. Rogers the art teacher, and Mr. Everett the woodshop teacher. They’ve had countless conversations about you: about your tight work out clothes that hug your body, your ‘sexy boss’ work clothes, and the way your perfume lingers long after you’ve left. They’re all frequent visitors to your social medias where you post (major milf) bikini photos, and pics of you in tiny tight dresses when you go on a mom’s night out with your friends.
You have a great reputation throughout the faculty, everyone loves you !! You help out with fundraisers and volunteer, you also donate a bunch of money to the school. (“If I was still in college, I’d ask her to be my sugar mommy.”) if Lloyd isn’t the father, may haps he’s the principal 😳
For the past three years, they’ve desperately hoped for your son to be in their class just so they could see you/talk to you on parent-teacher nights. This year was a blessing bc your son was in all of their classes, well all of them except Mr. Levinson who was incredibly bitter about it. He still makes it a point to chat with you on the days you show up to drop off your son’s lunch, or pick him up early.
“Your son is close to failing this class, but I suppose we could kill two birds with one stone, sweetheart.” His hand slowly slips up your thigh high stockings to the garter strap that secures them. “I could help you out. Relieve all that tension in your body, and maybe… bump up your son’s grade. Does that sound good, honey?”
And bc I’m a slut, he definitely makes you call him daddy 😫✋ I LOVE SLEAZY DADDIES !! GIMME ALL THE SLEAZY TEACHERS !!
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eraserheadadult · 2 months
🤍 Shuffle Playlist Game 🤍
Rules: you can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put a playlist on shuffle, list the first 10 songs and then tag people!
from my big unorganized “albums i like right now” playlist
1. Love in the Hour - The Butchies
2. I Want To Break Free - Queen
3. Smoking Weed Alone - Tegan and Sara
4. Sugar - Bikini Kill
5. I’m a Fucking McDonald’s - Drinking Boys & Girls Choir
6. Trash Can Murders - The Runaways
7. Leave me alone! No, stay with me! - Otoboke Beaver
8. I Hate Myself For Loving You - Joan Jett & the Blackhearts
9. #1 Chance Pirate TV - Team Dresch
10. Wasted - Bôa
cowards way out not tagging anyone 🗣
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buzzbuzzwhs · 10 months
1996 Yellowjackets and whether they identified as feminists
This is the side result of me pondering how there should be more Bikini Kill in the soundtrack after I saw a teen Nat fanart with a Bikini Kill patch on his jacket.
Jackie: Yes, but it's very much the sugar-coated "girl power" feminism.
Shauna: Yes. She's read The Feminine Mystique and is into the riot grrrl movement.
Van: Yes. She's very much into Les Feinberg and loves reading Dykes to Watch Out for in the local alt-weekly. She also loves Sleater-Kinney.
Tai: She read This Bridge Called My Back and a lot of Crenshaw and Walker to ready herself for Howard's admission process. She identifies as a woman. Once she and Nat were too drunk at a party and discussed how the Riot Grrl movement excluded them.
Nat: He wants to, he does. He loves zines and the "girls to the front" at shows. But he also realizes that the riot grrrl movement doesn't include bi girls from the trailer park who really like it when someone calls them a boy. So not right now.
Lottie: Yes. She loves the riot grrl zines Nat shares with her. Much to Nat's chagrin, she also loves the girl power pumped out by the Spice Girls because she likes being reassured you can be a feminist and still wear a wonder bra.
Misty: Is a girl scout. Naturally.
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natty1730 · 1 year
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Playlist (Metal Family OC)
🌼Daisy Oceanos Morozov 🌼
Blue Hair ~ TV Girl
Mary On A Cross ~ Ghost
Bring Me To Life ~ Evanescence
Call Me Little Sunshine ~Ghost
Teenagers ~My Chemical Romance
Chelsea Dagger ~ The Fratellis
Dear Maria, Count Me In ~ All Time Low
Oblivion ~ Grimes
Brutal ~ Olivia Rodrigo
Ain’t It Fun ~ Paramore
Cigarette Daydream ~ Cage The Elephant
Lovesong ~The Cure
Fade Into You ~ Mazzy Star
About a Girl ~ Nirvana
Iris ~ The Goo Goo Dolls
Love Will Tear Us Apart ~ Joy Division
Just Like Heaven ~ The Cure
Summertime Sadness ~ Lana Del Rey
Brooklyn Baby ~ Lana Del Rey
West Coast ~ Lana Del Rey
Watercolor Eyes ~ Lana Del Rey
High By The Beach ~ Lana Del Rey
Blue Madonna ~ BORNS
Sweet Dreams ~ BORNS
Jealous ~ Eyedress
Want Me ~Baby Queens
Romeo and Juliet ~ The Killers
Midnight Love ~ Girl in Red
Genesis ~ Grimes
Maya the Psychic ~ Gerard Way
Women ~ Harry Styles
My Boy ~ Billie Eilish
The Less I Know The Better ~ Tame Impala
My Type ~ Saint Motel
Happier Than Ever ~ Billie Eilish
Give You Hell ~ The All-American Rejects
Cornflower Blue ~ Flower Face
We’re Not Gonna Take It ~ Twisted Sister
The Story Ain’t Over ~ Avantasis
I Wanna Rock ~ Twisted Sister
Somebody Told Me ~ Motionless In White
Rock You Like a Hurricane ~ Scorpions
You Give Love A Bad Name ~ Bon Jovi
Smells Like Teen Spirit ~ Nirvana
I Was Mad For Lovin’ You ~ KISS
It’s My Life ~ Bon Jovi
Creep ~ Radiohead
Pour Some Sugar On Me ~ Def Leppard
Boulevard of Broken Dreams ~ Green Day
Psychic Reader ~ Bad Bad Hats
BLUE ~ Troye Sivan , Alex Hope
Cardigan ~ Taylor Swift
Lovefool ~ The Cardigans
Willow ~ Taylor Swift
Pretty Girl ~ Clairo
Always Forever ~ Cults
Candy ~ Robbie Williams
Something That I Want ~ Grace Potter
Can I Call You Tonight ~Dayglow
Melting ~ Kali Uchis
Moonlight ~ Kali Uchis
See You Again ~ Tyler, The Creator & Kali Uchis
Telepatia ~ Kali Uchis
I Wish you Roses ~ Kali Uchis
La Luna Enamorada ~ Kali Uchis
First Love/Last Spring ~ Mitski
Never Felt So Alone ~ Labrinth
Colors of the Wind ~ Judy Kuhn
Lavender Haze ~ Taylor Swift
Heather ~ Conan Gray
Something Good ~ Alt-J
She ~ Dodie
Reencuentro ~ Huara
Zamba’l Mar ~ Anida
Chitquitita ~ ABBA (Spanish Version )
Ophelia ~ The Lumineers
Selfless ~ The Strokes
Once Upon a December ~ Anastasia
J’s lullaby ~ Delaney Bailey
The Night We Met ~ Lord Huron & Phoebe Birdgers
This Side of Paradise ~ Coyote Theory
I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend ~ The Rubinoos
Teenage Dirtbag ~ Wheatus
Luna de Xelaju ~ Gaby Moreno & Oscar Isaac
All The Things She Said ~ t.A.T.u
Parents ~ YUNGBLUD
Freaks ~ Surf Curse
Not Allowed ~ TV Girl
Living Life , In The Night ~ Cheriimoya & Sierra Kidd
King For A Day~ Pierce The Veil
Flames ~ MOD SUN & Avril Lavigne
Amnesia ~ MOD SUN
Bones ~ MOD SUN
Break the Rules ~ Charli XCX
Rebel Girl ~ Bikini Kill
Nunca Es Suficiente ~ Natalia Lafourcade
Haste la Raiz
Tu Falta De Querer ~ Mon Laferte
Amarrame ~ Mon Laferte & Juanes
Amor Completo ~ Mon Laferte
The Adults Are Talking ~ The Strokes
Soledad y el Mar ~ Natalia Lafourcade & Los Macorinos
Cariño~ The Marias
Remember the Time ~ Michael Jackson
Chicago ~ Michael Jackson
P.Y.T. ~ Michael Jackson
Arabella ~ Arctic Monkeys
I Wanna Be Yours ~ Arctic Monkeys
Green Light ~ Lorde
Liability ~ Lorde
All I Wanted ~ Paramore
Misery Business ~ Paramore
Still into You ~ Paramore
Kiwi ~Harry Styles
Stargirl Interlude ~ The Weeknd & Lana del Rey
New Girl ~ Labrinth
Pumped Up Kicks ~ Foster The People
Free Spirit ~ Khalid
hate u love u ~ Olivia O’Brien
In My Dreams ~ Kali Uchis
Super Psycho Love ~ Simon Curtis (The YouTube Version)
She’s My Collar ~ Gorillaz & Kali Uchis
Cherry Flavored ~ The Neighborhood
Backyard Boy ~ Claire Rosinkranz
Dirty Little Secret ~ The All-American Rejects
Move Along ~ The All-American Rejects
Dueles ~ Jesse & Joy
Romantic Lover ~ Eyedress
September (Instrumental) ~ Sparky Deathcap
Magalenha ~ Sergio Mendes
Fanfarra - Cabua-Le-Le ~ Sergio Mendes
Mas Que Nada ~ Sergio Mendes & Brasil’66
The Girl From Ipanema ~ Astrud Gilberto
Baiana ~ Barbatuques
Me Gustas Tu ~ Manu Chao
Pais Tropical ~ Sergio Mendes & Brasil’66
Tubarao Te Amo ~ Dj LK de Escocia & Tchakabum & MC Ryan
Carta Ao Tom 74 ~ Toquinho & Vinicius de Moraes
Girl From Rio ~ Anitta
Dancando ~ Ivete Sangalo
Ai Se Eu Te Pego ~ Michel Telo
Balada ~ Gusttavo Lima
Taboo ~ Don Omar
Calm Down ~ Rema & Selena Gomez
R.I.P 2 My Youth ~ The Neighborhood
NYMPHOLOGY ~ Melanie Martinez
Smell Like Cherry ~ Alex Ves (Metal Family)
Light ~ Alex Ves (Metal Family)
Tales of a Pine ~ Alex Ves (Metal Family)
In One Ear ~ Cage The Elephant
Why ~ Sabrina Carpenter
Gold Hour~ JVKE
Billie Bossa Nova x West Coast
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bikinikillarchives · 2 years
i hate this crowd.
bikini kill live at Las Palmas Theatre, Los Angeles, CA on November 18, 1994. unsure of who opened/if anyone else opened. they played 2 sets that night, the first set filmed by Alex Maciel, uploaded 1; dw: 2. 
Tobi didn’t play this night and instead they had 2 stand-in drummers.
SL: Noise Addict's “I Wish I Was Him” cover by Kathleen, This Is Not A Test, Don't Need You, Sugar, Star-bellied Boy, Rebel Girl, Jigsaw Youth, Feels Blind, Carnival, DemiRep, New Radio, Outta Me, Suck My Left One.
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from the bikinikillarchive.wordpress: “(..) Kathleen started asking for one of these kids to approach the stage and speak into the microphone, since they wanted to be heard so badly. There were raised fists and shouts of “bitch, whore,” etc, but no one wanted to actually step up. Finally, Kathleen singled one boy out, saying, “You! You! Come up here. What are you afraid of… a girl?” The boy’s friends then pushed him to the front while Kathleen held the microphone out to him. When he went to speak into it…THUD! she hit him in the head with it. The whole place pretty much went nuts. A bunch of crust punks rushed the stage, but a host of bouncers seemingly came out of nowhere to hold them back. Just then,“1- 2- 3- 4!” the band starts back up (oh how I wish I could remember what song). Meanwhile, Kathleen starts pulling girls out of the crowd, one by one, on to the stage, to safety. Bikini finished their set that night with 20 – 30 girls dancing on stage with them. Magical. This stands out in memory to me not just as a successful display of female power, but also as an example of when small, innocuous acts of force can be used skillfully to turn an unacceptable situation on its head. For what it’s worth, here’s a (horrid) zine page I made about the event.”
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"The main thing about the Las Palmas Theater show and the primary reason why I still remember it vividly 16 years after the fact is because BK (and Kathleen in particular) was BRUTALLY heckled by the audience from the word go. I had never witnessed (and haven’t ever witnessed since) such awful treatment by an audience towards a band. (...)  I was fortunate enough to meet Kathi and Billy afterwards, both of whom were incredibly nice to me. I would’ve like to have met Tobi and Kathleen too but Toby didn’t play drums that night and Kathleen, not surprisingly, didn’t come out to meet anybody afterwards.”
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punkpuppy1312 · 1 month
20s | They / She / It / Pup / Fluff / Wolf / Drae | Genderfae Puppydragongirlthing | Polyfidelitous Biromantic Lesbian | Black / Indigenous | Anarchist | INFP | ♌𖤓♒☾♊⇡ | 🌊🐟
My Special Interests (⁠●⁠_●⁠)💕 *angel choir*:
💗 Cartoons
💗 Philosophy
💗 Magick
💗 Nature
My Recurring / Long Running Hyperfixations ヾ⁠(⁠*⁠’⁠O⁠’⁠*⁠)⁠/💖:
✨ Music
✨ Cannabis
✨ Psychedelics
✨ Natural Medicine
✨ Alt Culture
✨ Romance
✨ Dreams
✨ Powerscaling
✨ Hacking
✨ Science
✨ Tech
✨ Engineering
✨ Pop Culture
✨ Conspiracy Theories
✨ Cryptozoology
✨ Quirky Online Quizzes
✨ Martial Arts
✨Free Love
✨ BDSM & Kink
✨ Architecture
✨ Religion
✨ Mythology & Folklore
✨ Identity
✨ Horror / True Crime / Dark Content
✨ Neurodivergence
fav cartoons 📺:
Adventure Time, Dead End Paranormal Park, Invader Zim, Gravity Falls, Avatar, Owl house, Centaurworld, Growing Up Creepie, She-Ra, MLP:FIM, MLP: Equestria Girls, Craig of the Creek, Bee and Puppycat, Inside Job, We Bare Bears, Bluey, SpongeBob, One Piece, Steven Universe, Jujutsu Kaisen, dbza, Blue Exorcist, Kid Cosmic, Big Mouth (literally chat to me bruv, I dare you I'm so fuckin fr), MHA, Summer Camp Island, Bobs Burgers, Bojack Horseman, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Mighty B!, Samurai Jack, Danny Phantom, PPG, Toradora, Lovely Complex, Inuyasha, Ghibli, Another, Tuca and Bertie, Total Drama, Star vs, Fanboy and chum chum, the Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack, Rocko's Modern Life, Hey Arnold, The Weekenders, Bravest Warriors, Cowboy Bebop, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Ren & Stimpy, American Dragon: Jake Long, Fantastic Mr Fox, Zootopia, Ponyo, Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke (#1 fav Ghibli movie), Big Hero 6, Lilo & Stitch, Maximum Ride (but I like the novels too), Lumberjanes, Seconds, Scott Pilgrim, Zebrafish, Bone, Dragon Ball, Naruto, uuuh, haha, its kind of a long list.
my fav bands/music artists 🥁🎸🎤: Dirty Heads, Snoop Dawg, MF DOOM, Kendrick Lamar, Andre 3000, Mac Miller, Kid Cudi, Denzel Curry, Danny Brown, Run The Jewels, Dominic Fike, Ken Ashcorp, Say hi (to your mom), Mike Krol, Bikini Trill, Fall Out Boy, Free Cake For Every Creature, Adult Mom, Death, Gorillaz, Motion City Soundtrack, Rainbow Kitten Surprise, Sublime w/ Rome, Sidney Gish, Bad Brains, Atlas, Rustage, Dodie, Mommy Long Legs, Bratmobile, Sleater-Kinny, Gito Gito Hustler, Yabadum, Hands Off Gretel, Yucky Duster, Violent Femmes, Teen Suicide, Acid Ghost, Arcade Fire, K. Flay, grandson, ACDC, Nirvana, My Chemical Romance, Cage the Elephant, Bloc Party, Paramore, Mitski, Destroy Boys, Minor Threat, The Pillows, Electric President, Aly & AJ, Oliver Tree, 100 gecs, Chloe Moriando, Glass Animals, Studio Killers, Mystery Skulls, Vampire Weekend, Plumtree, The Classic Crime, Pillow Theory, Fun., Mom Jeans., Good Kid, The Front Bottoms, Calpurnia, Wallows, Mother Mother, Pleasure Venom, Bikini Kill, Pure Hell, Mitski, Aer, Slightly Stoopid, Pinkshift, Heavens To Betsy, Crass, Crook & Nannie, Netherfriends, Wu Tang, Eric B & Rakim, Khai Dreams, Oz the Originator, Richie Branson, Hideki Naganuma, Chaba Take, Hatsune Miku, Vocaloid, Rebecca Sugar, Arctic Monkeys.
my fav movies 🎥🍿: Fantastic Mr Fox, Zootopia, Ponyo, Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke (#1 fav Ghibli movie), Big Hero 6, Lilo & Stich, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, Pineapple Express, EEAAO, The Book Of Clarence, The Blackening, The Harder They Fall, Joker.
fav games 🎮 : The Simz, Zelda, Skate 3, JSRF, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, Metroid, Fortnite, Animal Crossing, Genshin Impact, Minecraft, Spiderman, Saints Row, Sleeping Dogs, mostly adventure, sandbox, rpgs, and sim games!
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because-she-goes · 1 year
studio day
warnings: think only some swearing, other than that just some fluff! Enjoy!
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A soft breeze rips through the studio. Birds chirp melodically from the woods outside of the secluded London home. Nora loved days like these, she never pictured it for herself being from New York and all, but here she is. Hair up in a messy bun, jean shorts allowing her legs to feel the warm air and smock over her chest. A brush sticks out from behind her ear as she tries to find her phone among the messy pile of paints, brushes, charcoals, pencils and markers. She finally finds it and puts on her home playlist. The one that makes her feel most relaxed and helps her whenever she is homesick. “Reelin’ In the Years” by Steely Dan blares over the professional grade overhead speakers Matty insisted on putting in every room, finally getting her to agree by using the “I’m a musician, I can’t stand shitty speakers. I know what’s good quality, honey” card. Nevertheless, she was thankful for the 360 sound system as she felt herself drift back to her beloved big apple. Swaying lightly with the music as she splattered some paint on a cavas to create the effect of rain drops against a window, she begins to lose herself.
“Have ya had enough of mine!!” she sings loudly, feeling comfortable in her skin. Now having the guitar surround her, she quite embarrassingly begins to air-guitar the end of the song.
The next song launches and it’s her new favorite. “One more tear to cry” by Mac Demarco. She makes a mental note to show it Matty later, he might like it. Now grabbing another brush, she continues her masterpiece. Today, she is going for a Willem De Koonig vibe. Her favorite artist in New York from the 60s. She remembers seeing a piece of his work in the Guggenheim one time and being absolutely floored by his use of color and abstract linework.
“Here come the lonely nights…” She sings the end of the chorus, now dancing to the guitar solos. God, she misses New York. “Back in Massachusetts, walking by the old high school. Its just the way I left it, except this time it’s not with you.” She sings sadly, mirroring DeMarco’s tone.
She especially loves Koonig’s works of women, making it a life goal of hers to hopefully have one in her possession that she could stare at and study all day. She could only hope to be as good as him one day. Maybe even one day having a gallery or exhibition of her own. She sighs, getting lost in the dream and in the music.
Song switches again. “Resonance” by Home plays over the speaker, she remembers being in college when this came out and everyone going insane over it at parties. The song was practically the soundtrack to her summer that year. Well, that and an album that was released the year prior. She never in her wildest dreams thought she would end up marrying the man who wrote the lyrics from that album. How was this all real? She laughs, now stepping back from her work and admiring it. Seeing where it has empty spots and deciding to leave them as is. Less is more, right?
Song switches once more. “Deceptacon” by Le Tigre. Her favorite hometown band. She fucking loves Kathleen Hanna and Bikini Kill. Their energy embodying female punk and Nora’s whole ethos for her work. That band basically picked her up as a kid and gave her the confidence and self-assurance to own her talent and be open about it. Why sugar coat or minimize her success? To be more palatable to men? Please! Now screaming, “Everything you think and everything you feel is alright, alright, alright, alright, alright!!” Fully dancing now, she is at her happiest. Not giving a shit about the painting now, she feels like a kid again. She feels 16 again. Before the drugs, before the alcohol, before fucking Derek, before everything. She doesn’t notice the gravel crunching in the driveway, doesn’t notice the main door opening, doesn’t even notice the stairs creaking as someone walks up them.
Song now on “Kilby Girl” by the Backseat Lovers. Matty would definitely love this song, or at-least the guitar of it. “I overheard that she was nineteen, with a fake ID and a nose ring. Those kind of girls tend to know things, better than I do. And I’m dying to figure out what she’s hiding she’s playing it cool, but she’s lying better than I do!!” Letting the outro sweep her away, she dances and dances until her feet hurt. Her skin screaming in joy. Every inch of her body feeling electric.
Matty watches his girl from the doorway, grin a mile wide. He rarely gets to see her like this, so free and so her. Normally, while listening to music she’s more bashful leaving the singing to the professional. He can’t believe how much he loves her in this moment. It is like his heart has come out of his body and manifested itself in her. He couldn’t ask for more in life than to see her happy. He couldn’t ask for more in life than to come home to her.
Her bun now practically undone from all the dancing, skin glistening with a sheen of sweat, eyes sparkling in the natural light. He then notices the painting, recognizing it as being influenced by the Koenig- no Koonig guy she mentions from time to time when talking about art. He loves when she talks about her art, he has no idea about it so to hear it from her - someone so knowledgeable - is like listening to a textbook in his favorite person’s voice. It also helps him relax whenever she talks about it, since it has nothing to do with the band or label or Jamie or emails about their tour, he can just unplug from all of that and hear his honey speak about her passions. She said a couple times early on that her ex hated when she talked art, so Matty swore to himself that he would never do that to her. Never disrespect her like that, never put down what she got so much happiness from, never minimize her. He loved her, in every facet and aspect of her life. All of those pieces of her making her more beautiful and interesting to him, the more he learned about her the more he loved.
Matty only realizing now that the song switched and she is still dancing infront of him - how is she not tired out yet? “The Less I Know The Better” by Tame Impala plays above him. He refocusses his eyes to her. She still hasn’t noticed him but, is resuming her artwork while singing sweetly.
“Oh my love, can't you see yourself by my side, No surprise when you're on his shoulder like every night. Oh my love, can't you see that you're on my mind, don't suppose we could convince your lover to change his mind. So goodbye” She continues. Matty now deciding to reveal himself.
He swift grabs her and wraps his arms around her waist, swinging her around the room as he now sings “She said, It's not now or never wait ten years, we'll be together. I said, Better late than never just don't make me wait forever. Don't make me wait forever” He hears her giggle, the greatest sound in the world. Domestic bliss at it’s finest.
“Matty!! What are you doing home so early? How long have you been standing there ya creep?” She jokingly asks him between giggles.
“Been home since Kilby Girl, honey. Heard your sweet voice from the door, had to run up here to see what you were up to on the lovely afternoon.” He answered, looking down at her now. He sets her in front of him and grabs her face between his hands, kissing her cheeks over and over. Trying to express his joy and love as best as he can.
“L.E.S Artistes” by Santigold plays as they talk. His favorite song she’s showed him.
“Oh god, that means you saw me dancing like an idiot oh god!!” She shrieks, hiding her face in his shoulder. She feels his chest vibrate as he laughs at how cute she is. For the record, he loved her dancing no matter how bad at it she thought she was. He found it endearing and pure - untouched by any social pressure to tone it down or make it more ladylike. He loved that about her. Most girls he ran into molded themselves to fit him and what he found sexy or whatever, but not Nora. She is herself always, never muted or unsaturated. She is Nora in full living color, he could only hope to be the same one day through osmosis or something.
“I love your dancing, you know that Sweet. It’s adorable. And don’t even get me started on your singing voice…” he trails off thinking of how off pitch she sometimes is, but finding it cute instead of annoying like other people might.
“Well, thank you for that, Handsome. I love you. I’ll be down in a second to help make some lunch for us. What are ya feeling today?” She asks him curiously as she grabs a washcloth and cleans herself up a little from the wet paint brush swiping at her skin a few times while dancing.
“How about some burgers? Think its nice enough to grill today, love!” He answers excitedly. Finally being able to wear his “Kiss the Cook” apron he bought forever ago for the warm days.
“Sounds good, cutie! I’ll meet you down there.” She kisses him on his forehead and leaves to go wash up more in their bathroom. He runs to grab everything and spend the afternoon with his love.
Could life be any better? He doesn’t think so.
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f7tt3rh4pp73r · 1 month
Done multiple shows since now, got roles, killed them all I think except for being chubby, suffering through the most lethal blood hormones of my life. Gonna bite somebody and suck the blood out of them (omfg today has sucked)
Gotta pull through
Gotta pull through
Gotta pull through
I need to do it to be desirable for a role in musicals! I need to do it for the bikinis and one piece swim suits!! I need to do it to attract boys!!!
I need to put down the sugar!!!!
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