#sung hanbin reactions
seokmattchuus · 22 days
ZB1 Reaction to you having a neck/hand kink
A/n: Gifs could have been better but I been going through it so this is the best I can offer ;-;
Jiwoong: *Loves to tease you about it. Pretends his pictures are innocent when you call him out on it.*
"I'm wearing those rings you bought me." He typed out with a smirk as he hit 'send'. "They look good, don't they?"
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Hao: *Thoroughly confused when you're drooling over him. He doesn't get it, but he's not hating.*
"It's a simple chain?" He raised a brown when you wouldn't leave him alone. "Wh-?"
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Hanbin: *Always wears a low-cut shirt with necklaces. Nothing completes the look like his tattoos.*
"We're finally home." He showed the camera while you video called, panning it lower and pretending like he's tired.
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Matthew: *Purposefully takes pictures of new rings/necklaces he gets. A whole tease about it.*
"I bought these rings, recently." He sent you a text with a picture. "I can't wait to see how they look wrapped around your neck."
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Taerae: *Doesn't know what's going on. Truly. He thinks you just have a knack for jewelry.* (What he doesn't know won't hurt him amirite)
"They gave me these to choose fro-" He started before you cut him off, choosing for him.
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Ricky: *Takes you shopping with him because seeing you worked up does wonders for his ego."
"What about this one?" He smirked as he posed to show off. "I'll take that as a 'yes'."
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Gyuvin: *Loves watching you put different rings/necklaces on him. Thinks of it as cute little date.*
"Having fun princess?" He chuckled as you clasped the fifth necklace on him before taking photos.
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Gunwook: *He's all for it but he can't help but be mildly confused by it from time to time.*
"A...chain?" He cocked his head to the side at the present you gave him. "Because it makes my neck..look good?"
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faithst · 1 year
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synopsis hanbin never gets sick but when he does, he won’t admit it
genre hanbin x gn!reader, fluff, established relationship warnings mentions of sickness/medicine/food wc 1k+
notes happy hanbin day !
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hanbin was always the type of person to care about others more than himself. he loves the joy it brings to him when others are happy and well.
so regularly, he’s been taking care of you whether you like it or not. especially when you were sick, he’d make sure you took your medicine on time and was getting enough rest.
he’d arrive at your door the second he heard you sneeze. maybe he was a little bit dramatic, but he cared for you and it made him happy to be doing things for people he loved. his touches and love for you were basically enough to make you feel better again.
one day when you were sick (again), hanbin was already there at the doorstep with some porridge at hand. “you didn’t have to, you know..” you say as you plop onto the couch, pulling the blanket. “but i do, i care about you and your health.” fondness in his tone as he places the porridge on the table.
he watches as your eyes droop with exhaustion, his heart ached at the sight of you; someone he loved, so worn out. “have you ate your medicine?” he spoke out, placing his palm onto your forehead to check the temperature. you slightly nod, pulling up the blankets a bit more as you felt chilly. feeling relieved, he laid down next to you.
“hanbin, you’re gonna get sick too.” you say, knowing fully well that hanbin never gets sick from anything. he smiled affectionately, placing a kiss to your forehead “you matter more than getting sick. besides, i never get sick, silly!”
a few days passed and your fever finally went away. hanbin was there with you all of those few days to take care of you and make you feel better. as a token of appreciation, you decided to stop by hanbin’s to hang out with him.
knocking on the door, you heard footsteps nearing followed by the sound of unlocking the lock. the door opened, revealing a messy-haired hanbin that looked like he just woke up from his nap. he invited you in, closing the door behind you and immediately clearing up his living room that was piled over with pillows and a blanket
“sorry for the mess..” he rubbed his nape out of embarrassment. this wasn’t like hanbin, he always made sure his house was tidy and to look neat, especially knowing he was going to have guests over. you shrugged it off as he could’ve been tired from doing work and not have time to clear stuff out.
after he finished clearing the space, he sat down and patted the area of couch next to him, signalling you to sit down. you eyed his face; obviously handsome and stunning but it seemed like he was tired, maybe it was work or a bad sleeping schedule but you didn’t question it as you knew hanbin was one to always prioritise health. well you believed that until you heard a sneeze erupt from hanbin, his eyes widening from the realisation.
“hanbin, are you sick?” eyes furrowing at the sight of him, you always thought he had a strong immune system. “i’m fine, it was just a sneeze.” he replied, smiling to reassure you. as much as you wanted to believe him, he did spend days with you when you were sick, literally giving you kisses everywhere.
another sneeze, followed up with another just confirmed the fact that sung hanbin; the guy that never gets sick, is currently coming down with a fever. as he wipes his nose using a tissue, he looks at you while trying to hold a smile “really, i’m fine. don’t worry about it.”
but the ways his eyes droop with fatigue says otherwise, you get up to place your hand onto his forehead, feeling for his temperature “oh my, you’re hot!” hanbin chuckled at your words, pulling you back down onto the couch “i know i am.” you realise what you said, softly hitting him on the shoulder as this wasn’t the time to joke around.
“hanbin, you’re literally burning and you say you’re fine?” he softly smiles, taking your hand to kiss your knuckles “i swear i’m alright.” another sneeze came out from him, this time you weren’t gonna let hanbin get away with it. you get up, walking to where he stores all his medicine for every ailment. he didn’t even try to stop you, he was too tired to as he was now fighting a bad headache.
you came back with a few bottles of medicine and some water. you placed the medicine in one of his hands and gave the glass of water to the other. as much as hanbin wanted to prove he was not sick; it was definitely obvious he was. he took one look at the medicine and sighed, plopping them into his mouth, followed by a gulp of water to wash it down.
he was rubbing his temples, trying to get rid of the aching pain in his head, laying down onto the couch in the process. you’ve never seen hanbin so tired before and well, sick in general as hanbin took pride in not ever getting sick.
you grabbed the well folded blanket earlier and covered him up. a pout forming on his lips “i never get sick, why is this happening?” he complains, moving to lay down on one side. “maybe because someone kept kissing me while i was very sick last week.” his lips pressed into a thin line, realising what he did easily contributed to his pains now. he really wanted to complain more but the exhaustion got to him.
“how am i going to take care of you now?” he asked, holding your hand as his mood sullens at the thought. you smiled because even when sick, he’s still thinking about you. “you don’t. let me take care of you.”
he was disquieted on your statement, shaking his head “no, i’m fine!” he tries to rebut as a last effort. but you weren’t taking it, squeezing his hand “yeah, whatever you say.” laughing at his antics. “just let me take care of you, okay?” sure, he was very bothered that he couldn’t do much but he was also grateful that you were there for him. huffing out, knowing there was no changing your mind and acting strong now
“thank you.”
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© keiwook | 2023
tag @bruhiamistake @trashhdez @chxrrymxxnlight @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan
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cinnajun · 11 months
ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗: zb1 when they get jealous
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a/n: this is my istj waiting room activity
notes: yujin is not included due to his age, jiwoong’s is set in the real world (aka he’s an idol), did not proofread
wc | 4.2k
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i don’t think jiwoong gets jealous often
it’s just not his first thought when it comes to certain things LOL
but, depending on the situation, he absolutely will get jealous, but not in the way most people do
many people digest jealousy/envy as a big emotion but i don’t think it’s very big for jiwoong
and he knows that his jealousy isn’t something you should have to deal with but he doesn’t want to deal with it either so he’ll do his best to get rid of the issue without you knowing, which means making up creative ways to squash the situation
they all incorporate wherever you are
so let’s say you’re at the mall, you’re waiting for him to get out of a store, and a guy walks up to you and starts chatting you up
jiwoong will walk up to you and smile at whatever guy is flirting with you, acting completely fine
and then he’ll dip down and whisper something into your ear, and it’s usually something super unserious
“there’s a 50% sale at the ice cream shop and you get a fun cup for free”
you’re gone, he’s happy, and whatever guy was chatting you up is completely out of the picture
things are different when it comes to his members though
he always knew you liked kids and was well aware that you often volunteered to help out with kids, and he knew that you tutored high school students throughout university
nevertheless, jiwoong never thought han yujin would be his worst enemy
JIWOONG IS NORMALLY the most patient person you know—he can sit with you in a shop for an hour, watching you debate over two different mugs to buy without voicing one complaint. However, for some reason, watching you cook Yujin’s lunch is the worst thing he’s ever had to experience.
You had insisted on it after finding out he was planning on going to school after how long they’d been promoting, saying that it would be hard for him to go to school without anyone to cook him lunch. Jiwoong insisted that Hanbin probably would’ve, but you brushed him off, saying it wouldn’t take you long.
An hour and a half later, he was still sitting there, watching you cut watermelon into flowers. It was nearly 8 o’clock, and the movie you were going to was due to start at 8:45—meaning you had to leave soon.
“Are you almost done?” he asked, putting his down on the counter. You scoffed, putting the lid onto the last section of Yujin’s lunch box.
“What’s up with you?” you asked, beginning to wrap it up. “You’ve asked three times in the last hour.”
“I’m jealous that you’re spending more time fussing over Yujin’s lunch than hanging out with your boyfriend, whom you haven’t seen in a long time.”
“You’re jealous over Yujin?” you asked, exasperated, turning around and putting your hands on your hips. “He’s your kid too! You should help out! What father is jealous of their own child?”
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zhang hao
there are 2 men in zb1 that don’t get jealous literally ever and hao is one of them
literally how could he be jealous when he’s zhang hao
most of the time, actually, you’re the one getting jealous (which makes sense, because he’s zhang hao)
and he always mocks you for it, which you hate
he’ll say something like “aw, do you think they’re going to steal me away from you?” and you have to resist the urge to punch him in the stomach
so when he actually gets jealous it is sooooo much fun for you
you milk it to no end. it is an opportunity you CANNOT waste
most of the time, it happens at his fancy violinist events, where you meet other people who are just as talented and impressive as him (and sometimes, they’re pretty attractive, too)
when he’s jealous, he sticks to your side and gets a little bit mean, especially towards whoever he’s jealous of
gets super touchy too
has a hand around your waist and drags you around with him just to make sure everyone gets the big picture
one day, he notices you and hanbin have been hanging out a lot all of a sudden, and it makes him really, really jealous
mostly because he can’t do his little flaunt routine, because he’s flaunted you to him enough
and then you realize he’s jealous that you and hanbin have been spending a lot of time together planning his birthday party
so obviously you capitalize on it immediately
it backfires on you
HAO WASN’T TRYING to be dramatic, but when he swung the door to Hanbin’s apartment open, having dug the spare key out from under the mat, he couldn’t help but march in like a soldier going to war.
You and Hanbin were sitting at his dining table, both of your laptops open. You had a cup of tea on the table, too, in a mug Hao knew he’d gifted Hanbin for his birthday a couple of years back.
“You let him make you tea?” he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air like he was in some sort of drama. Both you and Hanbin stared at him in a mix of shock and confusion, wondering what in the world had caused him to barge in like that. Sure, you were beginning to pick up the fact that he was jealous of your business meetings with his best friend, but you weren’t exactly aware of how far you’d let it progress.
“Well, I made the tea—”
“You know where he keeps his tea?” he cut you off, staring at you while tapping his foot on the ground. “I am sick of this. How am I being left out by my partner and my best friend? What did I do to deserve this?”
“I think you’re getting the wrong idea,” Hanbin said, slowly closing his laptop. “We aren’t hanging out, per se, so we aren’t exactly leaving you out.”
“Then why have you spent hours upon hours together over the past week?”
You placed a hand over your mouth, trying to stop from laughing. “Hao, please be serious. What’s next week?”
His cheeks turned bright red, and you wished you could’ve got his big outburst on video.
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i am a believer that hanbin get sooo jealous (have you seen him glare at people's interaction with hao LOL)
he’s like the nicest guy on earth so there has to be one negative emotion that he feels
and it’s quite literally only over his loved ones, nothing else
will get jealous if people spend too much time with hao
will get even more jealous if people steal your attention away from him
he doesn’t even get jealous over things he should be getting jealous over, it’s things he hallucinates
“that guy stared at you a little too weirdly…”
“he was just our waiter?”
“still he was too friendly…i got bad vibes”
when hanbin gets jealous, though, it’s not very serious and never causes a problem between you two
he might hold your hand a little tighter or not be very fond of leaving you alone, but otherwise it’s not an issue
there are instances where his jealousy can get serious, and most of the time it’s pretty warranted (and this is when hanbin leans towards protective)
you’ll be watching one of his performances among a bunch of his peers and someone will get a little too touchy with you
and dancers are very hot so he might get a little insecure too
he will stomp over to you, sweaty and tired, and drag you away without saying a word to whoever was chatting you up
other than that his jealousy is kind of cute
hanbin doesn’t view any of the boys as enemies but sometimes matthew can be super cute
and while he considers matthew one of his best friends sometimes he forgets that matthew is just like that and isn’t trying to woo you
matthew, however, is well versed in the art that is hanbinism and is immune to it
YOU KNOW HANBIN like the back of your hand. He’s sweet, pretty, and enjoys being around the people he loves. And, you know for a fact Matthew is one of the people he loves. Nevertheless, when he skips up to you two with a white rose he picked, Taerae in tow, you can practically see a vein pop out of Hanbin’s head.
“Look at how pretty this is!” he smiled, and you nodded, agreeing with him. “Taerae and I found a bush of them, and I figured I’d pick one to give to you.”
You hear Hanbin scoff, and, feeling panic rush up your throat, you turn to him with horror flowing through you. The look in his eyes is dangerous, and a sort of shallow smile appears on his face—you don’t like it one bit. You turn back to Matthew, who seems completely unphased, and instead keeps talking.
“Here,” he said, holding it out to Hanbin. He stares at it, raising his eyebrows in confusion.
“I thought you were giving it to [First]?”
“Huh? That would be weird,” Matthew replies, tilting his head. You hear Taerae begin to laugh, likely at Hanbin, and you have to hold back a little chuckle as well. “Wouldn’t you be the one to give a rose to them? Anyway, here you go.”
Hanbin, dumbfounded, takes the rose from Matthew’s hand, and he and Taerae disappear off into the distance.
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matthew is #2 of men in zb1 who don’t get jealous often
literally doesn’t have the brain capacity for it
he’s like a universal friend, and universal friends don’t get jealous of anybody, nor do they distrust their significant others
a more appropriate word to use would be uncomfortable
at least that’s what matthew says when he gets jealous LOL
he genuinely doesn’t think he feels jealous because he doesn’t have any worry that whoever is talking to you is going to “steal” you away from him, but he certainly doesn’t appreciate anybody hardcore flirting with you
he can handle a “you’re so pretty” or an “i love your outfit” but if someone is persisting and he can tell you’re uncomfortable (both factors have to be present, or he’ll just let you handle it yourself) he will do his best to shut it down
but in the matthew way
so he walks over to you with a big smile on his face and starts talking to you like he normally would
“hey, babe, i lost you for a second”
whoever’s talking to you literally can’t keep going because of how nice matthew is
“oh, who’s this? it’s nice to meet you! i’m [first]’s boyfriend, matthew”
they’re gone within 2 minutes and matthew is feeling successful
he’ll probably give you a kiss on the cheek afterwards just to hammer home his point
he will, however, admit that he gets jealous of the other members lol
it’s mostly because he considers them his friends, though, so the idea that you’d be into one of them is scary to him
as a result, he gets a little wary when he stumbles upon you chatting with jiwoong at a party
BEFORE MATTHEW LEFT to go get a drink, you were sitting on the couch, playing a game on your phone. He planned to tell you that you could leave after he finished the drink, but when he returned, Jiwoong was sitting across from you, speaking with you.
The smile on your face was genuine, and you seemed overjoyed that you weren’t bored anymore. And, subconsciously, Matthew took it as you being happy that Jiwoong was talking to you, and not because you were glad you wouldn’t have to drag Matthew away from his friends anymore (which was the truth).
He sat back down next to you, sitting on the edge of the seat and putting his cup down on the coffee table. You smiled at him, and Jiwoong said his hellos, to which Matthew replied less than enthusiastically.
“We were just chatting about the new art exhibit that opened up at the museum. You know, the one we went to last week?”
“Yeah, I remember,” he said, taking a long sip of the drink. You raised an eyebrow, finally picking up that Matthew was feeling a bit jealous. “You planning on going again, or something?”
“Nope,” Jiwoong cut in, leaning back in his chair. “Actually, [First] was just talking about how much she enjoyed going with you, as you seemed to like it a lot. She said your eyes were sparkling the entire time.”
Matthew shut up quick after that, and you didn’t mention it ever again.
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taerae’s jealousy is silent
you won’t know he’s jealous until well after the event has occurred
he might bring it up in passing weeks later and you’re absolutely dumbfounded
mostly because you had no clue
“you were jealous?”
“yeah, he kept staring at your lips and was getting super touchy with you. how would i not be jealous?”
you think about the interaction for hours afterward, you skim through all the memories, and you cannot figure out where he conveyed he was jealous
he’s so good at masking any negative emotion that when you manage to notice his jealousy it’s almost a little bit scary
you’ll be talking with someone, it doesn’t matter who, and you’ll look over at him for a second and notice this weird look in his eyes
and then you’ll be hyperaware of how everything he says has this sharp edge to it
little jabs that neither you or whoever you’re talking to would be able to pick up unless they were actively looking for hostility
lowkey it’s kind of attractive LOL
taerae’s usually the picture of “kind” so seeing him go into a lockdown mode is a bit fun for you, even if it’s barely noticeable
after the event that made him jealous he’s super touchy with you which is also fun for you
because taerae gives gooood hugs and is comfortable to lay on
so, long story short, if he’s ever jealous of the boys you don’t know until afterward
sometimes even weeks after the fact
and obviously when you were fawning over zhang hao after his violin recital, which taerae had taken you to, you weren’t exactly aware of the way he was staring at hao
WHEN TAERAE GRABS your hand about a minute into your drive, lacing all of your fingers together and pulling your hand onto his lap, your jaw drops. You turn to look at him with shock on your face, trying to find the words to say. “No way,” you gasped, putting your other hand over your mouth. 
He looks over at you for a brief second, confused as to why you’re suddenly making such a big deal that he was holding your hand. “What? I don’t understand.”
“You were jealous? Of Hao?” you exclaimed, letting your hand drop from your mouth. “Why? I mean, he did well, did he not? Was I too complimentary? Do I need to reel it back next time?”
“What? No, you were just being nice. Where did you get the idea I was jealous?”
“You say that, but in a month and a half, you’re going to be like, ‘You know what made me super jealous?’ and then you’re going to drop three bombs on me,” you replied. “And this is going to be included. So, just say it now, so we can get it over with.”
Taerae blinked a couple of times, tightening his grip on your hand. “Okay, maybe I was a little jealous—”
You wrenched your hand away from his, clapping excitedly. “Oh, I’m a genius! I have a degree in Taeraeology now, seriously.”
“What in the world is Taeraeology?”
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when ricky gets jealous it’s like not a competition
he just shuts the situation down
i mean he’s so tall and so gorgeous that anybody who tries anything with you is immediately so intimidated the moment he does anything, he barely even has to talk
he literally has a neck tattoo like that’s terrifying
as a result he does not have the time to get seriously jealous because anyone who’s flirting with you is sprinting away the moment they lay eyes on him approaching you
most of the time people don’t even try anything anyway because they see you with him before you’re separated
for the few that are willing to stand up to ricky, it’s pretty funny for you to watch
“[first], who’s this?” and you watch the competitor cartoon-gulp right in front of you
they maybe last about 15 seconds before they bid you goodbye out of pure intimidation like good for you ricky
if it’s one of the days where he looks incredibly cute and soft (you know what i’m talking about) things tend to go south because ricky is awkward and his strong suit is rbf
at which point you end up having to be the one to be like “okay, me and my boyfriend are going to head out now!” LOL
among the jebis the only one ricky is going to get jealous of is gyuvin and that’s because they’re the same age and very close
he knows gyuvin will never make a move on you but that doesn’t stop him from getting jealous when gyuvin is taking up too much of your attention
and he’ll straight up tell him to fuck off too LOL
riyangis i get you
GYUVIN LOOKS LIKE he’s about to burst into laughter as Ricky stands next to you, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. He never takes Ricky’s jealousy seriously, which you understand why, given the fact that they’re best friends, and he has absolutely no interest in you whatsoever.
“You should go home now,” Ricky insists, motioning towards the front door. “I think we’ve hung out for long enough today.”
It was partially your fault for introducing a topic Ricky wasn’t versed in, but Gyuvin was the only other person you knew had watched the show you were watching, and you were itching to talk about it with somebody who understood. But, you’d pushed it too far, and he’d gotten a bit upset that you were focusing on Gyuvin when he had barged into your date.
“Aw, but [First] is my friend, too.”
“And, if we were both drowning, she’d choose me over you. What’s your point?”
Gyuvin burst into laughter, clutching his stomach as he wobbled towards the door. You held back your laughter as best you could, nearly losing it as Gyuvin struggled to put on the pair of bright yellow Crocs he decided to wear when he walked over. He opened the door and slammed it shut, yet you could still hear him laughing outside.
Then, you couldn’t hold it back anymore. You laughed so hard that you also had to hold your stomach, and Ricky marched away from you, ignoring the halfassed apologies that fell from your lips.
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gyuvin isn’t usually a jealous guy but he can get jealous, as opposed to hao and matthew who virtually never get jealous
when he gets jealous though it’s somewhat upsetting
it usually means something happened that wounded his pride or made him feel insecure, which you don’t enjoy obviously
so 99.9% of the time, if gyuvin is jealous, it’s because one of the members did something to/with you that he wasn’t super okay with
it’s never anything minute, like one of them liking an instagram post or something stupid, rather something happening under his nose
he loves and respects them a lot so the idea that they did something with his s/o without him knowing makes him super duper unhappy
and then he’ll start to think that there’s something they have that he didn’t, so he gets a bit insecure, too
but he absolutely will convince himself it’s not a big deal so then he’s just in an extra bad mood for the rest of the day
you usually have to squeeze whatever’s wrong out of him and, when you manage to, you feel really bad
because usually whatever happened to upset him was something you thought you’d addressed with him and/or thought he knew about
like ricky, he gets most jealous over things that happen between you and ricky
because you’re all close in age and gyuvin and ricky spend all of their time together, you’re obviously friends with him too
and, in ricky’s seasonal instagram wrap up post, he notices a selfie of you two in what he thinks was a hangout you had together without him knowing based on the background
it ruins his day so fast :( but you make sure to patch up the misunderstanding
GYUVIN HATES THE WAY HE FEELS as he gears up to speak, twiddling his thumbs while you sit across from him at the table, a frown painting your face. He doesn’t like it when you look sad, and he doesn’t like feeling this way or addressing that he feels it. So, when the time comes where he has to talk about it, it eats him up from the inside out.
“Did you hang out with Ricky? Without me?”
You immediately furrow your eyebrows, as if you’re confused. “Not that I know of? I barely even text Ricky outside of the group chat the three of us have. Where’d you get that idea?”
Embarrassed, Gyuvin decides to pull up the post, turning his phone to face you. You take it from his hands, bringing it closer to your face so that you can get a better look at it. Then, recognition floods your features, and your frown turns into a smile. “That was when we roadtripped to the beach. Not pictured here are you and Taerae, who were getting us coffee.”
Gyuvin snatches the phone back, feeling even more embarrassed. He zooms in on the background parts, ignoring you and Ricky, quickly realizing that the filter Ricky put on the picture made the water look much bluer than it actually had been, leading him to believe you’d gone on your own separate beach trip. Feeling the blood rush to his cheeks, Gyuvin smiled crookedly.
“My bad.”
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i actually struggled with this
on one hand i don’t think gunwook would get jealous easily
he’s a very reasonable boyfriend and has quite literally never wronged you
on the other hand i do think he would get jealous somewhat frequently
in the same way as taerae, it’s very quiet jealousy, but you will literally never know with him
he won’t ever bring it up after it happens and will just. move on
he also might get a little snarky with whoever approached you afterwards, but never when you’re around, so you are none the wiser
if you find out gunwook got jealous, you are finding out from other people, which you think is absolutely insane
one day you’ll be like cordially chatting with gyuvin and he’ll bring up this one time gunwook got super mega jealous over one of your guy friends and how it haunted him for months and you’re like ??? what
gyuvin is like you DIDN’T know? and then you learn about every single time gunwook has gotten jealous and then told him + yujin + ricky about it
apparently it was so obvious to the boys that hanbin literally asked him about it
you’re flabbergasted 
so then you approach gunwook like “wtf is this?” and he’s like
“oh yeah”
what do you mean OH YEAH?
you’re actually so shocked
gunwook isn’t the type to get jealous of the boys though like that just straight up won’t happen
doesn’t matter who you’re talking to, how much time you spend with them, etc
he knows they’d never pull something with you ever so you could literally go on a remote vacation to the amazon rainforest with NO cell service with like hanbin and he wouldn’t give a shit
TAERAE WAS BUSY, which meant you’d dragged Hanbin along with you to go shopping for Christmas presents for the boys. You’d been dating Gunwook long enough that you felt like it was a good way to show gratitude for them, and Hanbin agreed to take you to the mall to get the gifts.
Of course, you couldn’t take Gunwook, because you were planning on buying a good chunk of his gift, too, which meant you hadn’t told him where you were going. So, when he called, you were somewhat apprehensive to pick up.
Hanbin, on the other hand, looked terrified.
“Can I come over? I’m bored,” he asked, and you held back the urge to laugh as you stared at Hanbin, who looked like he’d seen a ghost.
“I’m Christmas-present shopping with Hanbin, actually. Sorry.”
Hanbin’s jaw dropped, likely at the fact that you just came right out with it, but you weren’t worried in the slightest. “Oh, okay. That’s cool. Have fun. Tell Hanbin I said hello.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye.”
He hung up, and Hanbin’s jaw dropped farther. “He just…doesn’t care? Like at all?”
You gave him an inquisitive look, as if you didn’t understand what he was implying. “Is he supposed to?"
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thank you for reading !
tags: @happysmileybee
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haesunflower · 10 months
moments that makes everyone think you're dating (zb1).....₊˚⊹♡
genre: fluff/comedy
pairing: reader (mostly gn) x zerobaseone
about/tags: you're not dating, but everyone seems to think you are? hmm i wonder why?
just cute things hehe...
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⠀⠀♡ kim jiwoong ♡ ⠀⠀
for some reason, you are always invited to movie night at the dorms
the boys initially teased jiwoong, but you cleared the air and told everyone that you were just childhood friends and you've never dated
the boys reluctantly accept the story
but your legs are always intertwined at the couch, and your head is always finding comfort on his chest, and his arms are always draped around your figure
members are dumbfounded, confused, then disgusted. friends??? always holding each other like that??? in front of us????
taerae who was getting popcorn, throws a singular piece to the both of you after he sees jiwoong nuzzling his nose into your hair
"the both of you...get a room please we're trying to enjoy the movie"
"you're just jealous taerae" you snipe back, throwing back the popcorn piece
jiwoong giggles and says "taerae-ya if you wanted to be cuddled you could have just said so"
everyone in the room is laughing except for taerae
⠀⠀ ♡ zhang hao ♡ ⠀⠀
you're his lockscreen in one of his many phones
when members would ask who that is – gyuvin, ricky, and yujin (the ones that have known hao the longest) would snicker and giggle, egging the question on and insinuating that you're hao's significant other
"oh, that's y/n. my best friend from when I was in school"
"best friend huuuhhh" gyuvin teases, raising his eyebrows up and down
hao throws a pillow at gyuvin to get him to shut up
one time, ricky caught hao going through your old pictures together and compiling it for a sweet birthday message he was gonna send to you
best believe that ricky immediately informed gyuvin and yujin about what he was doing and he got teased relentlessly that day
the 3 other yuehuaz end up gossiping to the rest of the members that they have in fact, met you in person and that you are in fact, insanely gorgeous that hao is out of your league and that in fact, gyuvin said he found you stunning and hao in fact, gave gyuvin the silent treatment for 2 weeks.
⠀⠀ ♡ sung hanbin ♡ ⠀⠀
hanbin asks for your help often to meal prep and cook at the dorms with him – it's mostly stuff that can be frozen and reheated for the week so that the boys have healthy homecooked meals to enjoy
it's grossly domestic, you'd think the both of you were in a long term relationship
sometimes, the members catch you feeding each other
hanbin would blow gently on the spoon before catching your attention by tilting your chin upwards, "how does this taste?"
he brings the spoon to your mouth and he beams when you smile and give him a thumbs up
in the summer, the kitchen gets too hot so you find yourself dabbing at hanbin's forehead sweat while he stirs the sauce
he shoots you a grateful smile, cheek dimples on display
"god, are you two married or what?" jiwoong grumbles as he passes by
you two just chuckle
⠀⠀ ♡ seok matthew ♡ ⠀⠀
you're his gym buddy and actually no one knows that you exist up until a few members started asking matthew if they could join him at the gym
you always greet matt so cheerfully, giving him a hello hug (you're both foreigners)
every time you finish a set you guys high five one another, and if you lack motivation he'll say something like: "one more set and i'll give you a reward"
"oh yeah like what, matt?"
"guess you'll have to finish up and see" 😉
harmless flirting is an effective motivational tool for the both of you
the rewards range from: a pre-workout smoothie treat or a signed photocard of himself haha
gunwook and jiwoong once caught matt staring at your ass :D not his fault your ass so fat :D
so it comes as a shock to gunwook when he hears you answering a phone call from your boyfriend, right after the three of you finished a circuit
when you leave, gunwook turns to matthew and says "she has a boyfriend? i thought you were the boyfriend!"
matthew has a shit-eating grin plastered on his face and says "nah we're just friends" and takes a sip of his water
⠀⠀ ♡ kim taerae ♡ ⠀⠀
he's like your driver, and you're the ultimate passenger princess/prince
taerae rushes out of practice the moment it's over "sorry guys gotta go, y/n is waiting for me to pick them up from school"
matthew calls taerae out for being a simp, while hanbin scolds matthew to leave the loverboy alone :(
taerae has no time to correct hanbin and just rushes out of there
he doesn't like making you wait after all!!
whenever it starts to rain too, he would leave the dorms telling members he's running an errand, when everyone knows he's just going to where you are so you don't have to commute in the rain
one time, taerae and hao were out to run an ACTUAL errand when you called him in a panic to ask if he was in the area – you were drenched in the rain and your phone was about to die
taerae of course, said he would come get you :) he also made hao move to the backseat so you could be right next to him :)
⠀⠀♡ ricky ♡ ⠀⠀
he's always on his damn phone, grinning from ear to ear or giggling to himself
when members ask him what's so funny, his face goes back to neutral and says "nothing"
the members don't know who he's texting and facetiming
while you were talking on facetime, ricky left his phone on the kitchen counter so he could make himself some food, and gyuvin took this as an opportunity to snatch his phone to figure out who you were
gyuvin was so quick, ricky didn't even realize it happened
gyuvin brought the phone to gunwook's room where they eagerly said hi and introduced themselves, then continued to ask you a bunch of questions like "how did you meet?" "how long have you been dating?" "what do you like best about ricky?"
i mean, you could answer all the questions but you had no time to – as ricky busted the door open and snatched the phone back
"sorry about that y/n, my members obviously don't have any common courtesy"
"haha it's fine ricky, they're very cute"
"cute??? cute you find them cute???" ricky sounds offended as he walks away from the two other members, shooting them a look and faking a punch
⠀⠀♡ kim gyuvin ♡ ⠀⠀
any free time he gets, he visits home so he can spend time with eumppappa
both you and gyuvin were the dog sitters and dog walkers for your building before he debuted
but he's getting a little busier nowadays, and his visits to his family home have been less frequent
you decide you'd walk eumppappa and your dog aiki to gyuvin's dorm for a quick visit, which has then become weekly tradition
the members just assume you're his significant other with how often you visit with his dog
that, and the fact that gyuvin refers to you as "eumppappa's eomma" and you refer to gyuvin as "aiki's appa"
the members don't know it's because you bought the dogs together
whatever tho, everyone thinks it's so cute
⠀⠀♡ park gunwook ♡ ⠀⠀
he's inserting you in the conversation any chance he gets
like when the boys are just playing overwatch or league of legends gunwook goes "ahhh i should invite y/n to play"
or when gunwook is trying food from a new restaurant he would excitedly take a picture and say "y/n would like this i should send some to her"
or when he's out shopping he would say "this would look so great on y/n"
or when he's helping yujin with school and he surprisingly doesn't know the answer, he says "y/n would know this, hold on let me ask"
again, every chance he gets. your name is mentioned. he's like an excited little puppy when your name gets mentioned by other people too
example, "gunwook i got ice cream - maybe you can share with y/n" and then he's bolting to his phone asking you to come over
the older members thinks it's adorable, how much he likes you
and when you actually meet the members clad in gunwook's sweater they all come to the conclusion you feel the same way for him
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A/N: i missed writing and being delulu
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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tagging: @dwcljh @aleiamk @honghongbri @rjclouds @snowflakemoon3 @kpoprhia @en-ct @weeiyin @aleinasstuff @jiaant11 @caocoamamam @mashihope @wonluvrbot @littlegirltacos @ihrtgw @seok02 @ollieluvrs @thejadeazalea @keiwook @yjhcloud @deafeningtyrantmilkshake @gyuvinnie @hihnya @doobinnies @forrds
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glossgojo · 11 months
seven days a week (but not really)
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zb1 hyungs (01 and older) x fem!reader smut | ~1k each
jiwoong, zhang hao, hanbin only bc this took me a while (i got carried away with hanbin’s)
with your boyfriend debuting, he’s been busier than usual but he makes time for you as much as he can, or your bf is busy but not busy enough to stop loving you
18+ MDNI CW: AFAB reader, eating out, fingering, p in v sex, no protection (wrap it up!!), riding, creampie, size kink, reader is shorter, choking in hanbin’s, reader wears a skirt in hao and hanbin’s, manhandling, use of pet names (pretty girl, baby, love, etc), slightly mean dom jiwoong, pussy drunk and kinda mean dom hao, rough sex with dom hanbin, oh also everyone got big …..
your boyfriend comes home from one of his schedules late as always. you’d made dinner for him, reheated it twice and eventually gave up on waiting, falling asleep in the living room with some reality show droning in the background. jiwoong finds you in your shared apartment looking peacefully asleep, he would’ve thought the sight was adorable if not for how his shirt swallowed your frame and rode up your plush thighs in your slumber. your pink underwear peaked out from the hem and jiwoong reminded himself that you’d visited him at music bank just yesterday, both of you disappearing right after his performance and coming back disheveled, but he was already getting worked up. he groaned as you stirred and his shirt rode up revealing your tummy, he wanted nothing more than to press kisses to it trailing them up your body until-
no he had to let you rest, he’d eat the dinner you made and then carry you to bed, you deserved some rest after waiting up for him. jiwoong dutifully changed his clothes into his sleepwear, just a pair of boxers, and then ate the food you made. although he’d been quiet you woke up from the sound of the microwave beeping, you grumbled as you opened your eyes to see your boyfriend sitting at the dinner table. lazily, you made your way over to him, jiwoong pushing back in his chair as you wordlessly sat on his lap. you sat sideways, graciously allowing him to reach his plate still. he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head as you squinted and adjusted to the dim light of the kitchen. “my pretty girl’s cooking is the best.” jiwoong must have been hungrier than he realized because he was finishing the meal in record time. now he could give you all his attention.
“hmm you like it?” you rested your head against the hard plane of his chest, you’d only realized then that he was shirtless.
“so good baby, sorry i made you wait.” he pressed another kiss to your head, breathing in your strawberry shampoo and the smell that was just so deliciously you.
“it’s okay, i don’t mind, makes me feel like a housewife.” you giggled at your own words, not thinking too deeply before saying them but god did they affect jiwoong. images of you with his kids running around all day flashed in front of his eyes and he sighed out in agony, he was really trying to compose himself, but you made it so hard. you felt him harden underneath you, making a small noise of confusion as you sat up in his lap. jiwoong winced at the movement, you weren’t helping in the slightest. you were looking at him, he could feel your pretty wide eyes staring at him expectantly.
“you need rest.” he said sighing as he finally met your gaze, forever a brat you shook your head no and you noticed his lips twitch as if he was holding back a laugh.
“i need you.” jiwoong was patient, his members said he was so mature and calm but not when it came to you, his resolve crumbled just from a look. he pulled you up with him as he got off the chair, your legs going around his hips as he sat down on the sofa where you’d slept.
“show me.” he leaned back, eyeing you up and down on his lap and you flushed at his gaze, you knew what he wanted and your fingers shook as they dipped underneath the edge of his shirt and pulled your underwear down and then off your legs. jiwoong watched your every move like a predator, even if he was letting you use him he was still the one in control and the thought alone made your blood rush south. he crossed his arms, intent on just watching and you pouted as you pulled his hard length free from his boxers. it was red and throbbing in your hand, always so thick and heavy in your hold and you gulped down as you leaned up on your knees to fit him in. the only time he did move was so he could lift his shirt up and see your pretty little cunt swallow his length. you breathed out slowly, your cheeks puffing out and you scrunched your nose in concentration as you slowly lowered down. “relax doll, you’re clenching me so hard i won’t last long.” you nodded as you finally bottomed out, letting yourself adjust and easing up your grip as you did so. you put your hands on jiwoong’s broad shoulders as you began to rise up and down and take his length as well as you could. it never felt as good as when he fucked you, he knew just how to make you come again and again and the feeling of building pleasure was never like how he made you feel. you needed him, not his stupid perfect dick. and jiwoong could tell, from how pouty your lips had gotten and how you didn’t bounce with as much fervor as when he touched you. he was just waiting for you to admit it. “jiwoongggg” you whined out his name, lighting hitting his chest and he huffed out a laugh, gripping your waist before he pounded up into you. you moaned at the feeling, he was relentless bouncing you on his length so hard and fast you were squirming in his hold. your slick combined with his was coating your thighs and no doubt his balls, you whined his name insisting that you were close and he held you close as he angled himself to fuck you deeper, hitting the spot that made your toes curl and your eyes roll back in your head. you cried out his name as your orgasm hit you like a truck, your legs shaking as jiwoong continued to use your cunt. he came soon after, the way you clenched around him making him see stars as he filled you up. “my pretty little cunt, always so perfect for me.” he murmured into your shoulder, his hot come leaking out of you making you whine and jiwoong laughed at your actions promising you he’d fill you up properly tomorrow.
zhang hao
his pretty baby, he’d do anything to run to you right now but instead he was stuck in a meeting at the company. just one more hour and he’d be free. the trouble was you had sent a picture of your outfit this morning and all hao could see when he closed his eyes, when his mind drifted or when he didn’t try his damn best to focus on something else was your bare thighs in a mini skirt and knee high socks. the small glimpse of skin was enough to drive him crazy. it had been days since he last saw you in person so it was safe to say he was feeling desperate to be near you. the manager droned on about the upcoming week’s schedule, yes it was important but it wasn’t anything he didn’t already know. all he could think about was being between your legs, heat traveling south and he sighed out in relief that he chose to wear an oversized shirt today. hanbin looked over at him suspiciously, noticing his pink ears and glazed eyes, god hao was so obvious sometimes it was a wonder the company hadn’t found out about you.
“alright that’s it.” finally after what felt like years the meeting had come to end and zhang hao didn’t even try to hide how quickly left the room, saying he needed to call his family privately. of course the members knew what really was happening since they’d greeted his parents on the phone just this morning but they withheld their remarks as they watched their hyung hightail it out of the room. he made it to your place pretty quickly, he’d made sure you were close to the company, just like their dorm, when you moved to a new place and of course one pout from your boyfriend was enough to convince you to move closer.
he’d shot you a text before the meeting, and you’d been waiting for him at your place. you usually worked from home and always made time for him when he popped by during his busy days. sure enough when you heard the front door open you quickly closed your work computer and practically skipped to the door to greet your boyfriend. hao grinned at you as he looked you up and down, watching you outstretch your arms to him, your crop top rode up and another sliver of your skin drove him crazy. yeah the real thing was much more maddening then that picture, hao decided. he embraced you pressing kisses to every inch of skin he could reach as you burrowed your face into his shoulder. he loved how much shorter you were than him, loved being able to cover you completely and especially the way he could feel your smile press into his skin.
“missed you so much today baby. you look so pretty,” you whispered a thanks to his skin, flushing as you met his adoring gaze.
“i missed you too hao, always do.” you kissed him, losing yourself in his soft lips and how he deepened the kiss so naturally, drawing your sweet breath as a gasp as he teasingly bit your lip. he pulled back after he was satisfied in getting you riled up, your small hands now scrunching his shirt material. hao watched as a string of saliva connected his lips to yours and it didn’t do anything to help his growing problem. your flushed cheeks and swollen lips made him dizzy.
“baby can i eat you out?” you flinched in shock and looked away from his gaze, feeling hot already and hao’s innocent seeming eyes were burning you up. you nodded shyly and he grinned like he hadn’t just asked something obscene, kissing you again and lifting you over his shoulder in a swift motion. hao laid you down carefully on your bed, making sure you were comfortable on the bed, prop your head up on a couple pillows like you liked so you could watch him, or at least struggle to watch him.
he laid down on the bed the plush of your thighs bulging out the top of your socks, his fingers tracing the skin and his cock throbbing in his pants just from how you shivered at the feather light touch. hao huffed out a laugh as he lightly shifted your skirt up, being pleasantly surprised at the lack of underwear. “sweetheart, were you waiting for me to find you like this?”
“n-no hao, it’s just comfier.” you weren’t very convincing you were sure, you had sent that picture to him with one objective and one only.
“hmm, is that right? even when you’re practically dripping?” he pried your legs open wider, watching the light catch on your slick cunt. you whined, covering your face with your hands and he laughed before pressing a kiss to the inside of your thigh. he continued teasing you like that making you whine as his strong arms kept you spread open for him. your heady scent and sweet noises were making him lose control slowly and so finally he let you win, pressing a prompt kiss to your clit and earning a hiss.
“so sweet,” he hummed mostly to himself as he pressed another kiss to your slick hole and you squirmed. the sweetness leaving him the next second as he pulled by the hips closer to his face, looping one leg over his shoulder as he licked a stripe down to your leaking hole. you followed his silent instruction your shaky leg moving to his shoulder as he dipped his tongue into you and drank you up. you cried out his name, already feeling on the edge of an orgasm. his sharp nose ground against your clit as he pulled more ichor from you and swallowed it down in one go, withdrawing when you felt close and moving to suck your clit as his pretty fingers circled your hole. without warning he dipped two fingers into you and you arched your back as he masterfully found the fleshy spot that made you shake. in seconds you were coming undone from his fingers, your wetness would no doubt stain your white skirt if not for zhang hao making sure to clean you up. you whined as he overstimulated you but he didn’t see like he would stop any time soon, you begged for him to stop.
“h-hao s’too much.”
“taste too good baby, just one more come on.” and with such pretty words hao was able to pull not one but two more orgasms from you. every time he made to clean you up, insisting that you were the sweetest taste in the world.
you’d been at the dorm with hanbin, getting there before the other members came back from a schedule without him. he’d done a solo shoot for a magazine and you couldn’t keep your hands or desperate eyes off of him when you saw him all dolled up. now you were whining for him to hurry up with his shower, pawing at the bathroom door like a puppy. hanbin laughed at your desperation, he’d only left you for a few minutes and you were already whining for him. he was no better really but the makeup on his skin had began to bug him and although he liked staining your lips with his, he’d rather not see the reaction on his member’s faces at what you’d been doing. they’d be back pretty soon, he was doing his damn best to keep things tame between you two. when he heard his name leave your lips in a soft whine, his resolve shattered.
“baby the door’s been open, come join me.” you had no intention to join him in showering, instead just opening the door and propping yourself up on the sink counter. you could see his frame through the frosted shower screen, it did nothing to hide how unbelievably perfect your boyfriend was. you could make out his tattoos, his dripping wet hair, his strong arms and muscular build and worse of all his annoyingly pretty cock. despite the warmth rising to your cheeks and quickly moving south, you kept staring.
“i’m started to get creeped out baby.” hanbin ducked his head out, a smirk on his face at how unabashedly you’d been admiring him. you just pouted.
“not my fault you’re so hot.” he laughed before finishing up his shower, turning the water off and reaching for a towel. you made yourself useful, bringing it to him and motioning for him to lean down so you could towel his hair dry. he had to lean down quite a bit due to your height difference and now all he could see was your bare legs under your skirt, god you made it so difficult for him to be a good hyung. you dried his hair gently, not any bit as rough or careless as hanbin usually was and when you felt satisfied you handed him the towel and tilted his chin up, combing your fingers through it and styling it as you pleaded. hanbin watched your lips pout in concentration and your eyelashes bat as you worked under his scrutiny. he found you so adorable and more and more irresistible the closer he got to you. “there, my handsome binnie.” you loved his natural bare face and hair and hanbin’s eyes glazed over at the compliment and the way you said his nickname. standing up tall, he couldn’t help himself as he wrapped the towel around his waist and brought his hands up to cup your face and bring your lips to his. you gasped into the kiss, spreading your soft warm hands on his still damp broad chest, standing on your tiptoes to deepen the kiss and hanbin sighed contently into your lips. you were always so sweet and so soft and warm under his touch. anything he gave you you’d react so well he couldn’t help but tease you. you swung your arms around his neck pulling his hard chest against you and hanbin was still very aware that the only thing keeping him decent was a wryly bound towel. despite that he couldn’t help but mold your lips to his, sucking and biting at the plush of them as he grew hard against your stomach. he pulled back, finding the common sense to end this early but your pretty lips followed him pressing kisses to his bare face, neck and collarbones.
“my girl is so needy huh? the boys will be back soon.” he warned, cupping your face and swiping your warmed cheek with his thumb. you nuzzled into his hand playing with the drying hair at his nape.
“please binnie? i’ll be good.” you were begging, eyes glazed over and wide and watery from how badly you wanted him. hanbin would hold you to that promise. he didn’t waste any time then, he wasn’t sure how much there was left anyways and he needed to capitalize on that. lifting you up by the back of your thighs he placed you on the sink counter, making you finally his head level and you gasped as he practically tore your underwear off under your skirt. you grasped his shoulders as he pulled you towards the edge of the counter. he pressed two of his long fingers against your lips, and ever pliant you opened up and sucked them down to the knuckle swirling your tongue over them until hanbin was satisfied. although you’d never admit it you were sure you were already dripping onto the cool counter. he watched you with a smile the type that took over his entire face, if anyone saw him they’d think he was looking at a cute animal and not the love of his life prepping his fingers to finger them. with a pop he pulled his fingers from your plush lips and snuck them under your skirt, brushing your clit before collecting all your slick and diving into you. he was met with resistance, you clenching on his thick fingers as you whined out his name. “shhh baby, don’t want anyone to hear us do you?” you shook your head, opting to burrow your face into his neck instead to silence your moans. “so wet, so tight, so perfect for me, my good girl.” you clenched on him harder, his fingers grazing the fleshy spot inside and making it impossible for you to keep quiet. “look at me baby,” if there was one thing that drove hanbin crazy it was seeing your fucked out expression when he plunged into you. you did your best to maintain eye contact, your pretty face bobbing from the pace he set with his fingers before he pulled them and licked them clean, humming at how sweet you were, eyes still on you and a sob caught in your throat. you were so so close, he was making your blood boil, your legs shake, and your mind cloud over. all you wanted was hanbin, the room smelled like his shampoo and was filled with the sounds of your embarrassingly wet cunt getting fucked by his fingers. you watched him step back, hanging his towel instead in the drying rack as he lined up his hard cock at your entrance, he watched your expression as he collected your arousal, coating his own dick with it and sliding in. hanbin gave you time to adjust, the tip of his stupid long cock bullying your cervix and you breathed out slowly with a nod to get him to move. he was a man on a mission, you both had to come quickly and look fairly normal when you left the bathroom. as if sensing the worst possible time to come home, hanbin heard the front door open and he clasped a hand over your mouth as he pulled out and plunged back in. you whined against his hand, eyes rolling to the back of your head as your boyfriend filled you up.
“stay quiet.” he whispered into you ear and caged your neck with the hand that had been on your mouth. you bucked with his thrusts, the sheer force he was fucking you with making you knock things down as you got shoved up the surface. he hissed at the sound, it wasn’t like it was pin drop silence in the bathroom anyways, the sound of your wet cunt swallowing him and the slap of his balls against your ass filled the room. the apartment was too quiet, he turned the sink on behind you with his free hand, the sound of rushing water disguising the obscene clapping of skin against wet skin. he felt close, you were still clenching around him, his hand on your neck applying pressure as he felt you leak down onto the counter. when he finally plunged into you, coming inside he choked you to keep you quiet as he flicked your clit and made you come along with him. you squirmed in his hold, clenching and milking him for everything he had, feeling dizzy from the pressure on your neck and the mind-numbing orgasm he brought you to. hanbin pulled out slowly, looking down and seeing his come slip out of you onto the counter and he pouted at the sight, shoving it back in you and putting your underwear on swiftly so it would stay there. he couldn’t have his pretty baby have his come spilling down their thighs, it was bad enough you looked ruined. “binnie-“
“hanbin hyung you home?” you heard gunwook yell out from the living room, the sound of the tv being on made him breathe out in relief. at least with the members distracted he had some chance of sneaking you out.
“yeah just showering up!” he yelled back, tucking your hair behind your ear as you looked up at him, standing on shaky legs. you closed your eyes from his touch, it felt so soft and gentle on your skin compared to moments prior when he used like a fuck toy, he was so hot and cold. you loved him more for it.
“you think you can walk?”
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loveforquanrui · 4 months
hii!! can i please req how zb1 would act when you sleep on the couch after an argument 💓
hi nonnie!! sorry i took a while to get to your request school was starting so my attention was on that! but here you go I hope you like it. also i didn't feel comfortable writing yujin since I wrote this in the sense of ZB1 being in romantic relationships so I did not want to include yujin.
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if that's what you want he would understand
he would be so sad though :((
he wouldn't annoy you by begging you to go back to bed
instead he stays up all night hoping you're gonna go back to him
but no you are stubborn and strong willed so you sleep on the couch
when you wake up to your surprise he is fast asleep next to you
oh hanbin :')
the moment you said you would sleep on the couch, hanbin was ALERT
he would not even let you make contact with the couch
"please let's just talk it out"
in the case that you don't want to talk to him though..
he would just hold your hand all night until you talk to him
and then he would talk through the argument and try to find a solution right away
hanbin just doesn't want you to go to sleep feeling sad or angry :(
so ofc our little hamster is going to do anything to make you feel better and to make up for the argument
Hao is an introvert
his first instinct is to give you space, since it's what he would want
so he would go to your shared bedroom thinking you would join him later
but when night time hit and you still weren't there he got worried
despite his begging you were adamant that you would sleep on the couch
so while you went to shower, he prepared anything you may need
blankets? check. comfy slippers? check?
but before you could even see him prepare all that for you
as quickly as he set that up, he quickly left to your shared bedroom
once you were fast asleep
hao would occasionally wake up to go check up on you
yes he understands that you're upset but that doesn't mean he's gonna stop being the amazing boyfriend he is
the way this man would feel SO BAD (queue stayc)
the idea that you rather sleep on the uncomfy couch instead of the comfy bed in his arms..
yeah that was enough for him to run to you and apologize
matthew is sooo persistent
he would be apologizing all night and try to convince you to go back to bed
when you don't budge and are set on staying on the uncomfy couch
he takes matters into his own hand ;)
after an hour he has enough and flings you over his shoulder, takes you to the big bed, tucks you in and gives you a longing kiss
after doing so he is off the sleep in the couch
the way this man is so stubborn and petty
his pride is HIGH
he wouldn't even bat an eye when he sees you sleeping on the couch (BRO IS THAT PETTY)
he goes to bed in your shared bedroom not caring and giving you the cold shoulder
until 2 hours pass and he starts missing your warmth
that's when he gets up and looks at your sleeping figure from the hallway
he just stands there and contemplates whether he should wake you up
he does.
"i can't sleep please come back. im sorry i promise i won't do it again"
this man is lucky he has such a face
at first he wouldn't tell you anything, his stare seems cold and blank when he sees you
he doesn't care, atleast on the outside
on the inside we know Ricky is literally crying
it hurts him so much seeing you rather be on the couch instead of with him
he lets you be and you fall asleep on the couch
to your surprise though when you wake up, you're met with the familiar morning light and the familiar blankets hugging your body
throughout the night, ricky watched until you fell asleep and when you he knew you were out, he carried you back to bed and slept next to you
when you turn around to see if ricky is in his usual spot, instead of your boyfriend you see a note
"im sorry please forgive me come to the kitchen"
when you get up and get to the kitchen you see multiple gifts and breakfast on the counter
a shy ricky holding the back of his neck saying "good morning"
if you left the couch expecting to be alone, you are wrong.
the moment you leave to the couch, he is trailing behind you
gyuvin loves you too much he wouldn't let you be alone
lets alone would he let you go to sleep angry and alone
despite you not talking to him and giving him the cold shoulder
this man is cuddling up to you saying...
"i know you're upset but I love you and I don't want you feel like I don't"
you both end up making up but still sleep on the couch cuddled up together
when you wake up, gyuvin delivers breakfast in bed (the couch)
all day he is doing some sweet acts of service (THIS MAN IS SORRY FOR WHAT HE DID)
gunwook like hanbin would not let you fall asleep on the couch when you are upset
he understands what you are feeling and he wants you to know that
he insists that you guys fix the argument
when you refuse to (cause sometimes we be petty like that)
gunwookie sits on the floor next to the couch, holding your hand until you are willing to talk
when you can't take it anymore (he literally will not let go) you decide to give in and talk about the argument
you both talk and both apologize and come to an understanding
after communicating the problem you guys go to your shared bedroom holding each other
guys gunwook would be such an amazing boyfi
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gvnvks · 1 year
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zb1 boys being clingy
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> pairings: non-idol!zb1 x fem!reader
> warnings: lowercase intended, not proofread
> song recommendation: one missed call by jann
> note: idk yall this kinda sucks ass, especially the hanbin and taerae ones cuz i ran out of ideas 😭 requests r open
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김 jiwoong.
jiwoong had been working on his latest movie project for weeks now, and he was starting to feel the toll it was taking on his body and mind. the only thing keeping him going was the thought of seeing you - his girlfriend. as soon as he spotted you, he ran towards you and engulfed you in a tight embrace, inhaling your sweet scent. you laughed at your boyfriends sudden clinginess, but reciprocated the hug nonetheless. “I missed you.” jiwoong whispered into your ear, you rubbing his back soothingly. “I missed you too.” you whispered back. jiwoong didn't want to let go of you just yet, so he wrapped his arm around your waist as the both of you walked towards his trailer. he leaned his head on your shoulder, enjoying your warmth and the feeling of being close to you. “you’re my favorite person, (y/n).” your boyfriend murmured, causing you to smile. “i better be! i’m the only one you’ve got.” you teased, poking his side playfully. jiwoong chuckled, but his grip on you tightened. he nuzzled his face into your neck, feeling content and at ease in your presence. jiwoong didn't want this moment to end, but he knew he had to go back to filming soon. “I wish you could stay here with me forever.”
rest members under the cut!
장 hao.
hao had been practicing playing the violin for hours, trying to perfect a new piece. his fingers were sore and his mind was exhausted, but all he could think about was you. he decided to take a break and texted you to come over. as soon as you arrived, hao wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder. “hey,” he mumbled, his voice tired but affectionate. "i missed you so much today." you smiled, running your fingers through his hair. "i missed you too, hao. how’s the practicing going?" hao groaned and pulled away slightly, leaning against the wall for support. "it's so frustrating. i can't seem to get this piece right." you placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. “don’t stress to much, hao. you’re amazing.” hao nodded, grateful for your words of comfort. he leaned in again, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and burying his face in your neck. "i just want to be close to you, is that okay?" hao hesitated for a while. you laughed softly, running your hands up and down his back. “what do you mean? why wouldn’t it be? i love you.” hao smiled, his eyes closed in contentment. “i love you too.” you stood there in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company and the feeling of being close.
성 hanbin
hanbin was sitting on the bed, you busy with your books and notes spread out in front of you. he had planned to play some video games but found himself more interested in snuggling up to you. he leaned over, resting his chin on your shoulder, watching you study. “you look so cute when you're studying,” he said, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. you smiled, continuing to write down some notes, trying not to be distracted by his affectionate gestures. “hanbin, i need to finish studying.” you reminded him gently, hoping he would let go and let you concentrate. “just a few more minutes,” he pleaded, not wanting to let go of you just yet. “you're so warm and cozy.” as you continued to work, hanbin played with your hair, occasionally pressing a kiss to your temple or neck. despite his clinginess, you couldn't help but find it endearing and a welcome distraction from your schoolwork. after what felt like hours, you finally finished studying and let out a sigh of relief. hanbin beamed at you, pulling you into a tight hug. "see, i knew you could do it," he said, nuzzling his face into your hair.
석 matthew.
the dance studio was quiet except for the soft humming of the music in the background. the sun was shining through the window, casting a warm glow over the room. matthew had always been a dedicated dancer, and he was constantly striving to improve his skills. but on this particular day, the heat in the dance studio was almost unbearable, and he found himself struggling to keep up with the rigorous routine. as he took a break, you approached him with a concerned look on you face. “hey, you okay?” you asked, noticing the beads of sweat that were forming on his forehead. your boyfriend nodded, feeling a sense of relief as you gently wiped the sweat away with your fingers. “thanks,” he said, his voice hoarse from the exertion. as you continued to wipe the sweat from his forehead, matthew couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort as he clung tightly to your side, holding your other hand in his. he knew that he was pushing himself to his limits, but he also knew that he had you by his side, supporting him every step of the way. “this is tough, but you’re tougher. i’m so proud of you.” you said, your voice filled with admiration. matthew smiled, feeling a surge of energy as he looked into your eyes. “i love you.” he said, his voice filled with emotion, as he took your hands and nuzzled his face in them, trying to smell your scent.
김 taerae.
taerae had been feeling down lately, and he couldn't quite put his finger on why. he tried to push through it, but it seemed like everything was getting on top of him. he just wanted to feel better, but he didn't know how. one day, while he was spending time with you, he couldn't help but feel a wave of sadness wash over him. taerae hugged you tightly, feeling your warmth and softness of your body against his, his head laying on your chest, his heartbeat syncing with yours. “what’s wrong, rae?” you whispered softly, rubbing his back. taerae shook his head. “i don't know. i just feel like everything's getting on top of me, you know? like I'm failing at everything.” you pulled back slightly to look into his eyes. “you aren’t failing at anything, you’re doing exactly what you should be doing. every day may not be a good day, but there is something good in every day. remember that you have my full support, taerae, no matter what you do. you're amazing. you just need to take some time for yourself and do things that make you happy." taerae nodded, feeling a little better already. his lips found their way to your temple, kissing you gently. then again, he put his head on your chest, feeling your heart. he knew that no matter what, you were there for him. always. you feel asleep holding taerae in your arms, feeling more complete than ever.
리키 ricky.
you and ricky were walking around the shopping mall, browsing through different stores. as you passed by a clothing store, you stopped to look at a dress in the window display. ricky, who was walking a few steps behind you, noticed your interest and quickly caught up to you. “that's a nice dress,” he commented, looking at the dress in the window. “wanna try it on?” he asked, now looking at your face. “of course!” you replied enthusiastically, already leading the way into the store. as you entered, ricky wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. you smiled, feeling comforted by his touch. as you browsed through the racks of clothing, you picked out a few items to try on. ricky followed her into the changing room, waiting outside your stall. as she tried on the clothes, you couldn't help but notice how ricky was being extra clingy today. he would occasionally lean over to give you a kiss on the cheek or brush his hand against yours. “is everything okay?” you asked, noticing how he seemed to be holding onto you tightly. ricky hesitated for a moment before speaking up, “i just want to be close to you today. is that okay?” “of course,” you replied, smiling at him. “i'm always here for you, ricky.” ricky pulled you in for a tight embrace, feeling grateful for your understanding. "thank you." he whispered, holding you close.
김 gyuvin.
gyuvin was sitting on the couch, completely engrossed in his video game. you were sitting next to him, scrolling through your phone, trying not to disturb his focus. as he played, he found himself becoming more and more frustrated, unable to get past a difficult level. without thinking, he leaned over and rested his head on your shoulder, letting out a sigh of frustration. you looked up, surprised by the sudden contact, but smiled and wrapped his arm around him. gyuvin leaned into you, feeling comforted by your warmth and presence. he continued to play the game, occasionally letting out a grunt or a curse when he failed to make a move. but each time, you would rub his back or run your fingers through his hair, reminding him that he wasn't alone. as the game went on, gyuvin found himself less and less interested in winning and more interested in simply being close to you. he let the controller fall to the floor and turned to face you, burying his face in your neck. “i love you.” he murmured unexpectedly, his voice muffled by your hair.
박 gunwook.
you and gunwook were lounging on the couch, casually chatting and enjoying each other's company. gunwook couldn't help but admire your beauty, from your sparkling eyes to your lips. without a second thought, he reached out and began tracing the contours of your face with his fingertips, marveling at the softness of your skin. as he continued to trace your features, he suddenly felt overcome with emotions and found himself clinging tightly to you, burying his face in your neck. you could feel the intensity of his embrace and wrapped your arms around him in return, trying to comfort him. “i'm sorry, (y/n),” gunwook mumbled into your shoulder. “i just love you so much and I don't know what i'd do without you.” you smiled softly and ran your fingers through his hair. “i love you too, gunwook. you don't have to apologize for feeling emotional, it's okay.” gunwook took a deep breath and pulled back slightly, gazing into your eyes. “i know, i just... i want you to know how much you mean to me. you're everything to me.” you leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to his soft, plush lips. "i know, gunwook. and i feel the same way about you."
한 yujin.
you and yujin were sitting at the desk in his bedroom, working on your homework assignments. you had been studying for hours and were both feeling exhausted. as you were writing something down, yujin leaned his head on your shoulder, letting out a tired sigh. you looked at him with concern. “are you okay, yujin?” yujin looked up at you with a small smile. “i'm fine, just tired.” you placed your hand on his back and rubbed it gently. “do you want to take a break?” yujin shook his head. “no, we need to finish this first.” you nodded in understanding but noticed yujin was getting more and more restless as the minutes passed. suddenly, he wrapped his arms around you, burying his face in your neck. “yujin, what are you doing?” you asked with a surprised look on your face. “i just need to be close to you,” yujin mumbled, his grip tightening. you could feel his body shaking slightly, and you knew something was wrong. “what's going on? talk to me, yujin.” “i don't know,” yujin admitted. “i just feel so overwhelmed and stressed out. And being close to you makes me feel better.” you held him close, rubbing his back as he clung to you. “it's okay, yujin. I'm here for you. we'll get through this together.”
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gvnvks © 2023
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carmesi-butterfly · 5 months
threesomes with zerobaseone
i wanted to do taerae too but i didn't know with who in zb1 should i pair him with :( pls tell me and i will do a post apart for him!!
legal line. word count 1.3k. warnings degrading. not proofread.
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zhang hao + reader + hanbin
when hanbin told you about this thing he wanted to try in bed you accepted immediately, being in the same bed doing nasty stuff with your boyfriend and his hot best friend? an opportunity like this wouldn't happen again, and of course, you took it with no doubt.
at first, the situation was a bit strange, it turned out that zhang hao who is a nice guy (with a mix of sass too) enjoyed profusely being a mean dom, denigrating you by mentioning how desperate you seemed to be fucked by him, or if you wanted him that much you should do the work yourself, curiously he never insulted you with names as slut or whore, his words were enough to make you feel like one. with hanbin, it was completely different, this man worshipped you in every way he could to the point of venerating the ground where you stood, in bed it didn't change, always talking about how pretty, sexy, cute, and beautiful you looked while dicking you in the hardest but careful way possible.
this led to a situation where you, getting double penetration by them being your boyfriend on the back and his friend on your front, was having a confusing combination of sweet nothings with degrading words, “are two dicks enough for you?” zhang hao would ask while looking at you with a lustful gaze, “you're doing so good babe, taking both of us so well” added hanbin, his head buried in the crop of your neck with his eyes closed, being completely immersed in the act as if sinking his dick deep into your cunt could get him into a trance.
they did everything together and all the attention was directed to you, if hao was eating you hanbin would be kissing you while showering you in praises, caressing your whole body like you were some goddess he had to pray. if hanbin was fucking you, zhang hao would be lying on your side whispering nasty things to you, even saying things about his desperate friend, calling him a pussydrunk. it was the perfect balance.
jiwoong + reader + matthew
your relationship with matthew could be described as friends with benefits, even if he doesn't like that term and prefers to call it a “situationship”, the point is that you two fuck pretty regularly but he haves a few insecurities and doubts about what he can do for you to enjoy more, luckily for him! jiwoong usually helps him with all these doubts, as someone older, more experienced and incredibly hot he had more than one advice to give. but i guess that it was easier for him to do a visual demonstration, because there you are, being fucked by jiwoong while matthew admired everything with an amazed look.
“you have to do it like this, see?” said smoothly, his dick roaming into your cunt while his fingers stimulated your clitoris, your legs were positioned over his shoulders giving him more access to your insides.
“y-yes, jiwoong hyung” gasped, his eyes enchanted with the panorama in front of him, poor matthew was so worked up by just watching, his eyes didn't know where to look, there were so many options like your feet that in way of responding to all the pleasure were twitching, both yours and the other man’s body slamming together, your chest moving with every thrust and at the end, your face expressing all the emotions and sensations you were feeling throughout your whole body.
“do it yourself then” with this the tall man stopped his peace, switching places with his “apprentice” who now was penetrating your pussy and playing with that sensitive button, trying to do it as his hyung told him. jiwoong finds all this act somehow exciting, not only because of the situation of his friend recurring to him for guidance but also because having the opportunity of watching a full beauty like you being railed and having the opportunity of doing it himself was more than thrilling. now that he was lying at your side completely free he searched for a new activity to entertain himself in this show, “you should play with her chest if she likes it” advised, now twitching and pulling your nipples softly, more moans and groans were added to the already big amount of sounds that were leaving your mouth, proving jiwoong that you enjoyed it.
matthew was so invested in making you cum by doing everything his friend showed him that you ended up trying a lot of new positions (two times, because jiwoong had to do it first to do the visual demonstration of course!), finding new sensitive spots you didn't knew you had and having more orgasms than you thought was possible.
ricky + reader + gyuvin
you didn't intend this to happen, the three of you were just playing a little and being a bit handsy, it probably wasn't the best idea but it felt so nice and the ending turned out better.
getting fucked by gyuvin, your boobs bouncing with every thrust, and your legs placed on his shoulders so he could have more control over you and penetrate you better, harder, and touch all of those delicious points that made you see stars. on the other side, ricky was taking good care of you, making out until you ran out of air and manhandling your clit and nipples.
they probably wouldn't accept it if you ask them later, but there was an obvious competition between them about who would make you enjoy more, cum faster, moan louder, or even if one of them could make you squirt. if ricky kissed you, the moment he stopped to get some air gyuvin would take advantage of your lips being free to start a more heated kissing session, demonstrating he can do it better; you were sucking gyuvin’s dick? in his turn ricky is going to choke you with his, abusing your mouth until he comes into your throat; when fingering you both will try to exploit their abilities to make you cum fast, ricky knows how to touch you, and his delicate hands explore all your sensitive areas, exploiting your clitoris and making you crazy without introducing any of his fingers inside of you, it felt amazing, but let's not discredit gyuvin! he has such slender and big fingers you just desired them to be inside of you and when the moment came it was majestic, his fingers hitting that sweet point over and over again it wasn't any difficult for you to have your orgasm in a short time.
the conclusion is that this is gonna happen again and even if they have amazing and equal sexual skills, the competition is repeating itself too, it's not like you have any problem with it.
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skzooe · 1 year
filming the lipstick stain trend with some bp trainees?
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lipstick stain trend,,💄
p.1 p.2 p.3
with; gunwook, s.hanbin, jeonghyeon, ricky
[for those who don't know ➡ 💋 ]
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would do anything to get kisses from you
clingy king💯💯
when you show him the video he will literally start giggling and kicking his feet
stares at you with heart eyes when you apply the lipstick
gets so shy when you sit on his lap and cup his face
asks for more kisses because he just cant get enough
you keep having to re-film it because of how many times he keeps messing up just for more kisses
"can we do it one more time"
but every time you pan the camera to show him he will start laughing uncontrollably
brags to ALL of his friends
is the one who asked to film it
he would be so serious about it
"you forgot a spot" "do one more here"
literally the sweetest
is so whipped for you that he can't stop smiling while recording
gazing at you with eyes full of love
it turns into a full on cuddle sesh with him talking about how much he loves you
poker face
"kisses?? say less"
he had that video saved already, however he didn't have the courage to ask
when you crawl on his lap, you could feel his heart pounding
when you kiss him he would smudge the stain as an excuse
"um, this one is smudged. do it again"
acts SO unbothered
but we all know he loved every second of it
saves the video and goes back to watch it EVERY DAY
literally refuses
"i'm not doing that"
after a while of convincing and whining, he finally gives in
"fine but make it quick.."
you put on the lipstick as he's just admiring your beauty
you go to sit on his lap with a smirk thinking you could make him shy
he laughs at your attempt
"nice try"
he picks you up and pins you to the ground with his hands on both sides of your head
turns into a heated makeout session
totally forgot about the tiktok
part 2 here
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© skzooe
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seokmthw · 1 year
playing with zb1's hands
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⇢ pairing: zb1 x gender neutral reader
⇢ warnings: fluff
⇢ word count: 1.7k
⇢ notes: i'm honestly not super happy with how a lot of these turned out, but i hope you all enjoy them regardless!
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you were leaned up against hao’s chest on your couch, his arms wrapped around you and his eyes trained on the movie you were currently watching since you both decided to spend your day off in the comfort of your own home. you felt warm and content, a soft smile finding its way onto your lips as you relished in the tranquility being with your boyfriend brought you.
absentmindedly, you began to hold onto his fingers, feeling some of the callouses that had developed on them from his many years of playing violin and from numerous days of practicing choreo that involved being on the floor. you traced each and every curve of his knuckles, finally making your way up to the pads of his fingertips, tapping them gently with your own.
you stayed like that for a few moments, absentmindedly making your own beat to some of the background music that played in the movie. finally, hao shifted, making the decision to lace his hand perfectly with yours, a soft smile on his lips, “that tickles, you know.”
“oh, sorry,” you replied, finally looking up at him, only to catch him in the act of his sparkling brown eyes soaking up every single inch of you. you blushed, looking down at the collar of his shirt as a distraction.
“it’s okay, you're cute, so it makes up for it.”
“there you are!” hanbin, your boyfriend, exclaimed, flipping the cover off of your side of the bed to allow you to crawl in next to him, sighing in content the moment you were able to feel his warmth. you melted into his side, resting your free hand on his chest as you relished in the moment of finally being with him after a long, stressful day at work. 
“how was your day, love?” he asked softly, pressing a gentle kiss onto your forehead. you merely grumbled, barely getting out that you had contemplated quitting at least ten times throughout the day, which earned a chuckle from him. 
you nuzzled closer to him, asking, “what did you do today?”
he smiled softly as he recounted his dance practice to you, as well as the lunch he ate and the walk he took along the river as a break. while he spoke, he grabbed onto your hand, lacing and unlacing your fingers together. you couldn’t help but giggle at him as he did so, turning your hands every which way in an attempt to keep his mind occupied while you held quiet conversation with one another.
“what’s so funny?” he asked, peering down at your face through his bangs, playfulness sparking in his eyes. 
“nothing, you’re just cute.”
you walked though the mall with your boyfriend, eyes scanning various stores before you decided on one you both wanted to go into. it was rather crowded, and while you knew matthew wouldn't stray too far from you, it was an instinct to reach forward and link your pinky with his.
you were unable to see the grin that broke out onto his face, but the more you continued to walk around, you tightened your grip, afraid of losing him in the giant crowd of people who were desperate to get their hands on whatever newest releases were out. he squeezed back, reassuring you that he was there, and you weren't going to be separated.
ultimately, you decided to exit the store, coming to the conclusion that it was much too busy for the both of your liking and walked down the main stretch of the mall. you began to pull your pinky away, but he gripped it so hard with his own you were almost afraid it would snap yours in half.
“sorry, love!” he was quick to apologize, but you could only smile at him, “i just like it when you do that, it makes me feel like i’m able to protect you.”
you giggled, slipping your entire hand in his, fingers wiggling to get settled comfortably, “no matter what you do, i’ll always feel safe.”
you were sat on a picnic blanket in the park, the sun setting beautifully over the water and the warm air almost lulling you to sleep. your head was rested in ricky’s lap, one of his hands threading through your hair and the other in your own as you closely examined each and every ring adorning his fingers. you spun your favorite one around absentmindedly, stating, “this date has been so lovely, thank you.”
your eyes met with his momentarily, a look of adoration for you evident on his face as he replied, “i couldn't agree more,” lips curling into a gentle smile the moment your attention went back to what you were previously doing. 
the silver of the ring flashed beautifully in the evening sun, the diamonds embedded within in it causing you to turn it every which way to see their glimmer in different angles. ricky laughed quietly, voice at a volume only the two of you could hear, “you know, one day i’ll put one of those on your finger.”
you swore you could feel your heart beating out of your chest, your eyes snapping back up to look at him once more, unable to hide your excitement as you said, “i can’t wait.”
“i never realized how big your hands actually are,” you said, eyes wide in awe as you held gunwook’s hand up to you own, taking note of how much longer and wider they were than yours. you were lucky for your hands to even be considered half the size of his.
gunwook chuckled at your words, folding the tops of his fingers over yours to show just how much room there was left. you could no longer suppress the grin that had been fighting to tug at the corners of your lips, peering up at him only to be met with his soft gaze. you felt your cheeks begin to heat up, quickly looking away from him out of nervousness.
“you know,” gunwook replied, shifting his hand to the side ever so slightly, “i always thought your hands being so much smaller than mine is endearing.”
he linked your fingers together, catching you slightly off guard as he did so, and he raised them up to be level between you both. he flashed his gummy smile at you, dark irises disappearing into the crescent shape his eyes adorned.
“see? they’re a perfect fit!”
“i don’t understand why i can’t seem to get it” you huffed, your fingers playing a stream of extremely out-of-tune notes on taerae’s guitar. you told him you wanted to learn, but for some reason, your brain wasn’t working properly. 
taerae moved in behind you, allowing you to sit on his lap as his arms wrapped around your frame, “here, try this.”
he attempted to align your hands the way they were meant to be, but after a few minutes of you still not grasping it, he placed his hands over top of yours, strumming the melody to the song he had been attempting to teach you for the past hour now. you couldn’t help but feel a little flustered over the way his hands perfect encompassed your own, and you found your brain growing even foggier at his close proximity. 
“see, you did it!” taerae happily exclaimed, now shimming his fingers in between yours in order to properly link your hands together. you were thankful he couldn’t see how much you were blushing. 
“it’s all thanks to you, love.”
you always loved lazing around in bed with your boyfriend on days you had no plans. you never felt embarrassed by how clingy you got with him, because you were always reassured he would be ten times worse than you. it was honestly a miracle if he ever let you out of his grasp for more than a few minutes at a time. 
you were content like that though, fingers laced together from the play fight you’d just finished having. your phone began to ring beside you, but when you attempted to reach for it, gyuvin refused to let you go. you laughed at him, “can i have my hands back?”
“hm,” he pondered for a moment, squeezing gently as he did so, a grin on his lips, “no, sorry, they’re all mine now. i like the way they feel in mine.”
“gyu~” you whined, “what if it’s a call from work or something?”
he couldn’t hold back the laughter as he playfully replied, “they can wait.”
a warm breeze moved through the air as you walked through the park with your boyfriend, jiwoong, hands intertwined with one another and a peaceful silence amongst the both of you. jiwoong stole a few glances at you, taking in how pretty you looked and thinking of just how lucky he was to have you in his life.
he lifted your hands up to his mouth, lips brushing against your knuckles softly. you were able to feel him smiling against your skin, and you couldn’t help but look up at him with a questioning look in your eyes, “what was that for?”
“just to show my appreciation to you, is all,” he answered matter-of-factly, his loving smile contagious, “at least in a small way, that is.”
you returned his grin, this time kissing the back of his hand, catching him completely by surprise. you giggled, saying, “gotta return the favor.”
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seokmattchuus · 5 months
Accidentally sending a picture to ZB1 - Fake Texts
A/n: Happy New Year! I hope you guys enjoy this 🩵🖤 Also, I will be trying to set up a posting schedule for the other stuff I have so keep an eye out for that <3
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faithst · 9 days
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no more kisses!
⊹˚.♡ syn jebi’s reactions to their s/o being shy after every kiss
⊹˚.♡ genre ot8 x gn!reader, fluff
masterlist | ask
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성 hanbin
he adores it sm
he gets so giggly abt it, with the whisker smile and all
most likely will tease you
“i’ve kissed you so many times before and you still get bright red.”
did i mention that he gets sooo flirty
he gently pulls your chin to make you face him before scanning your flushed face, smirking at the mess he has made you
“you can handle one more kiss, right?”
김 jiwoong
finds it amusing
he enjoys seeing you all flustered like that because of him
he doesn’t say anything about it though.
but you can see in his facial expressions that he’s enjoying it
just so smiley all out
he has such a mischievous smirk and you can’t even look at him in the eyes anymore
“i think i need to kiss you one more time.”
장 hao
his honest reaction; are you okay?
like actually concerned on why you keep moving your face away from him after every kiss
misunderstands your reactions and thinks you don’t like his kisses
might get pouty
pokes you “hey.”
he’ll keep puckering up his lips, awaiting a kiss
“should i keep kissing you to get you used to them?”
석 matthew
he finds it so funny
but he’s also a bit confused??
every time you try to hide your blushing face from him, he’s like ‘why whyy?’
and then he tries to physically pull your face back (gently) to give you more kisses
“just one more!!”
and it keeps going back and forth like that; him trying to kiss your face and you trying to avoid them
might turn into a chase until you give up and let him smother you with kisses
김 taerae
he’s v much aware of how shy you become when he kisses you
so, he makes it a challenge for you
he’ll keep kissing you and giving you compliments in between until you get flustered
he says its to have you get used to it but wbk it’s all excuses to get to kiss you more without you running away from him
he lets you pick where you want him to kiss so win for you!
“you’re so cute.”
셴 ricky
it’s a guilty pleasure of his
won’t ever admit that he loves seeing your reactions and how easily you fold
he acts so oblivious too
“hey, love.” he says as he places a sudden kiss to your lips as you were telling him smth just to see how’d you react
“oh, u-um anyways.. as i was saying..” you immediately start stuttering and ricky tries to hide his smile
you notice him tho “you did that on purpose, didn’t you?”
“can’t help it when you look good in red.”
김 gyuvin
he tries to think of many other ways to trick you into getting to kiss you
he loves teasing you about it sm
you’ll never hear the end of it
“look over there!” he points behind you
as soon as you turn back to face him, you’re met with his lips connecting with yours
has such a cheeky smile right after with absolutely no shame
somehow, he gets away with this a lot
“now, that wasn’t so bad, wasn’t it?”
박 gunwook
another case of happy smiley boy
as much as you get shy, he does too
and oh boy, is it visible in his ears and cheeks
“i liked that, did you?”
and you two are staring into eachother’s starry eyes, feeling the heat rushing to your faces
he has to take a moment to fan himself away from it
“is it okay if i kiss you again?”
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faithst 24’
⊹˚.♡ taglist @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @gnwookie @yjhcloud @kpoprhia @blaycke @ashyakii @watamotee33 @hazyskyline @doobinnies @alwayswook @chanlixed @kimiczi @taeraemisu
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cinnajun · 10 months
ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗: cuddling with zb1
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a/n: anon this is such a good request thank you also it’s so hard to describe like how people work
notes: yujin is not included due to his age!
wc | 2.1k
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big strong warm man
what i mean is jiwoong is the perfect surface to lay on
i think he’s the type of guy to enjoy cuddling but he also doesn’t like need to be cuddling you at all times during your downtime
like it’s not a need yk
and he won’t ask to cuddle (so if you want to and he’s not thinking about it you’re gonna have to ask)
but he’s the type of guy to like … yawn as an excuse to put his arm around you LOL
jiwoong’s ideal cuddling spot is on the couch while you watch tv/a movie
he appreciates it when you lay on him. you’re like his personal and unique weighted blanket
he’ll be sprawled out on the couch and you’ll be on top of him, head on his chest
he will put his arms around your waist and will intermittently poke your sides like he’s checking to make sure you’re real
if you lay there for too long he will kick you off when he feels his arms starting to go numb lol
at night, i don’t think he’s the guy to full on cuddle
i think maybe he’ll put an arm on your waist but that’s it
he doesn’t like your icicle hands jolting him awake at 3 am LOL
if he’s sick he will attach himself to you though … he will also apologize for making you sick afterwards
cuddle rating: 8/10, minus two points for always making you ask
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zhang hao
hao is a princess and he likes to sit on your lap
i won’t let anybody tell me otherwise he will actively just sit on you
doesn’t matter what you’re doing or where you are he will just sit on you
it’s kinda like the opposite of jiwoong … hao loves to lay on you except he’s (most likely) taller than you so it’s awkward
sometimes you’ll be napping and he’ll scare you awake by literally collapsing on you
he likes cuddles a lot though so that’s not all he’s doing
i said this in another set of hcs i did but i think hao likes being the little spoon
again he’s a princess
but also i think he just likes the feeling? like he feels comforted in your embrace so he wants you to just hug him all the time
he also strikes me as the type of person who gets cold easily so it warms him up too
on rare occasions, he will be the big spoon but it’s usually when you’re feeling bad and it’s making him sad
hao’s ideal cuddling spot is anywhere but he does like the bed a bit more
cuddling with him is also very quiet and relaxing
there are a lot of kisses on the cheek, forehead, pretty much everywhere
overall very soft and fun time !! it’s very intimate and cute
cuddle rating: 9/10, minus 1 point for him telling you to suck it up when your legs go numb from him sitting on you for so long
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hanbin is sooo clingy
has to have a hand on you at all times so cuddling is regular
like hao, he will cuddle up to you anywhere at any time, it doesn’t matter if you’re alone or literally all of the boys are there
he’ll sit on your lap but also enjoys it when you sit on his
big spoon, little spoon, it doesn’t matter he is LOVING IT!!!
but i think hanbin prefers cuddling on the couch most
idk if anyone else thinks this but he’s so christmas-coded in my brain, so his ideal is sitting on the couch with the fireplace on and just enjoying each other’s company
he likes laying his head in your lap a lot, especially when you’re talking about your days together
because he can see every single move and every expression you make, so he can easily gauge whether you’re talking about something negative or positive
he will switch with you when you’re done talking, so your head will be on his lap as he tells you about everything you did that day
and he’ll play with your hair while he talks it’s very sweet
hanbin is also the type of guy to cuddle with you while you’re sleeping at night
he can’t sleep without you being there :( he’ll require a stuffed animal replacement when you’re gone
if i keep talking about this i’m going to collapse
cuddle rating: 13/10, plus 3 points for the way he nuzzles up to you at any moment he can
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matthew falls asleep every time you cuddle
it’s so bad
you’ll literally just be leaning on him while you sit on the couch, you’ll look up at him, and he’ll be fast asleep
as a result cuddling with matthew can be very uncomfortable because he’s just like asleep on you
i think his favorite thing to do his like … how do i explain this … i couldn’t figure it out so here’s a link to renjun and chenle doing what i'm thinking of
it’s the easiest way for him to conk out and also not cause you to get the worst cramp of your life in your leg
in the rare moments you fall asleep on him it makes him giggle so much that he wakes you up
and then he falls asleep like 3 minutes later
thanks matthew
a lot of your matthew cuddling time comes from napping with him
i could talk about napping for hours but to keep it short it’s just very sweet
matthew is big and strong man and NOT!!! cute guy so he likes to be big spoon a lot
i mean a lot
more than being a strong man i just think matthew likes holding onto things idk
like he’d be content with a huge teddy bear but he prefers you instead … you know
cuddle rating: 8/10, minus 2 points for laughing at you when you fall asleep on him and minus 1 point for falling asleep on you right after, plus one point for being the absolute cutest
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cuddling with taerae is so casual like that’s the only way i can put it
idk it’s like … you’ll be sitting on the couch holding hands
and then he’ll put an arm around you … and then you’ll put your head on his shoulder … and then his legs are on yours … and now you’re here idk
taerae also likes to sit on your lap
except it’s in the funny way where he’ll taerae sashay over and then kinda just perch himself there
arms around your neck and arms crossed
this is his excuse to be near you in front of other people … he makes it jokey so that he can then give you a kiss on the cheek and tell you how much he loves you
i think when you cuddle with taerae seriously it’s mostly in bed
he takes big naps and drags you with him
you fall asleep and wake up in a human knot like 5 hours later
your leg is on top of his and he’s got an arm like laying over your face and you’ve got an arm over his waist
you feel kinda sweaty and gross too but taerae looks really cute so it’s okay
i also think taerae likes to cuddle when he’s not having the greatest day
he’ll just sit down with you and collapse on you, face in your neck and arms wrapped around your waist :(
i love taerae sooo much
cuddle rating: 8/10, minus 2 points for trapping you in a knot for an hour that one time because he wouldn’t wake up
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don’t hate me but i don’t think ricky is a big cuddler
it’s not that he doesn’t like it it’s just not his favorite thing in the whole entire world
his idea of cuddling is like holding your hand LOL
if you’re big into cuddling or your love language is physical touch he’s going to suck up his opinions and cuddle you it’s just gonna be a bit awkward
like he will weirdly put an arm over your shoulder while you lay on him
it’s like being in middle school all over again
he will literally google “how to cuddle” and ask gyuvin for pointers
you’d think cuddling was an olympic sport like just hug ur s/o bro
so i don’t really have much to say on that but i have A LOT to say when it comes to skinship
ricky is a hand-on-your-waist enthusiast
idk it just fits there so perfectly … it’s like his arm was meant to be around your waist
no matter where u go that’s where it is
i also think ricky gives shockingly good hugs? idk they’re kinda hot LOL
he does the thing where he’ll greet you by hugging you with specifically one arm … can you guys envision this like i can
big back hug guy … and he will put his head on top of yours
god SWOON ricky is so UGHHGGHGH
cuddle rating: 5/10 stop asking gyuvin for pointers // hug rating: 10/10 how can u make a hug so attractive bro (i need to write ricky brother’s best friend)
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lanky boys are meant to be cuddled i don’t make the rules
he’s just so easy to koala hug cause he’s so long
based on what we know about him i think gyuvin LOOVES to cuddle
specifically i think he likes to lay on your tummy
like you’ll be laying down normally and then he will come lay perpendicular to you so he can use ur tummy as a pillow
if you’re not lying down he will substitute for your chest, and he likes to convince himself he’s the reason your heart is beating that fast (it is beating at an absolutely average rate LMFAO)
his absolute favorite is when you put your head on his chest
it makes his heart flutter and gives him butterflies like he's a schoolgirl about to confess to her crush
you can literally hear his heart pounding when you do it
i think cuddle sessions between you and gyuvin are also gossip sessions
like he will unload every insane thing he’s heard recently onto you and expect you to do the same
when you’re gossiping he likes to lay face-to-face, and a lot of the time he will just put his hand on your face
or he will put his arm on your waist … or mess with your hair
you’ll be saying the most heinous shit about someone and he will be giggling bc he thinks you look pretty
and you do the same exact thing
when you sleep he encases you in an impossible-to-escape limb cage so good luck with that
cuddle rating: 10/10 get ready to hear exactly how that one guy in his math class cheated on his gf
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i know this man is the cuddle CHAMPION like you take one look at him and you can tell he gives warm hugs
he’s also like a space heater so he’s automatically the number 1 person to be around
tbh it could be like 30°f and you wouldn’t need a blanket you’d just need to attach yourself to gunwook
he loooves cuddles soooo much this guy just thinks it’s so cute
he teehees like a teenage girl every time you do
gunwook’s ideal cuddle is you being fast asleep with your face in his chest and your arms around his waist
mostly because he can take these really cheesy selfies of you asleep on him like bro stand UP
but also because he can scroll on his phone and have something to do while he acts as your personal heater
also appreciates laying on top of you which is sometimes difficult because he’s generally larger than you
i also think he would enjoy it when you sit in between his legs and he can like … wrap his arm around you and put his head on your shoulder … does that make sense
when gunwook is sleeping he treats you like the pillow he talked abt in that one clip … so his leg is on you and his chin is on your head etc
it’s cute
sometimes you can’t breathe tho
cuddle rating: 10/10 equal to gyuvin but unique in his own ways. go to the store and get yourself a gunwook
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thank you for reading !
tags: @happysmileybee @wtfhyuck
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haesunflower · 1 year
petty fights with zb1
genre: slight angst only for hyung line, most are lighthearted
pairing: reader (gn) x all members of zerobaseone
about/tags: what i think reader x zb1 would fight about
warning some have triggers (implied cheating, jealousy and injury), these are mostly lighthearted, not all are established relationship, bullet point reactions, all lowercase is intentional, not proofread, i should have just made this normal and not bullet, I'm lazy
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⠀⠀ kim jiwoong ⠀⠀
you always thought you were secure in your relationship
a lot of people swooned over jiwoong but he's been good at reassuring you that you're the only person for him
but lately, he's been busy filming another drama with seobin
and they spend all their free time together, doing lives and filming vlogs for seobin's channel
while some of it is for pr, you know they're really good friends either way
he's a hell of a good actor, you think
because watching his chemistry with seobin, you start to think he's cheating on you
you hope he isn't, but when he comes home one day looking extremely exhausted and as if he just cried – you prayed that you would be wrong
jiwoong kneels in front of you, and has trouble looking you in the eyes
he keeps stuttering, and then just cries
⠀⠀ zhang hao ⠀⠀
when you first started dating, one of the things you worried about was how well hao would get along with your group of friends
they were kinda, well, loud and too much
and you know hao is quite introverted – it's one of the things you love about him. he's calm. you're crazy. that kinda thing.
when you're all together he's usually mostly silent but he engages in conversation. you had assumed that when you all mingle and have your own conversations he holds up on his own.
to your surpise, your best friend let you know that he hasn't made an effort to get to know her even after all these months
that made you mad
the air in the car ride home felt weird. you were at a stoplight when you accusingly said
"do you hate my friends?"
hao just looks at you, and begins to open his mouth but is distracted by the sudden green light
without giving him a chance to think, "hao i've made an effort to be good friends with your members"
hao thinks you're being unfair, because even his partner doesn't understand what it's like to be an introvert
but to some degree you're right, he doesn't try hard enough
unsure of what to say, he nods and continues to drive
you loudly sigh and direct your body towards your window. you know this will have to be a conversation for tomorrow.
⠀⠀ sung hanbin ⠀⠀
hanbin was taking longer than usual again today
you always meet up at the exit of building b of the university when you're both done with your classes, so you could go on a quick cafe date before the sun sets
it's been 30 minutes since he texted "on my way!"
fed up, you head over to his classroom to find him lending his notes to a girl. usually this isn't a problem, but it's who he's lending it to that irks you.
"baby, can we go?"
"oh hi y/n, yeah hold on somi's just finishing up with my notes"
thing is, somi likes your boyfriend, and your boyfriend doesn't see that.
you head over to their table and pick up hanbin's notebook, somi looks shocked she was disrupted
"i'll send you photos of the other pages when we get home"
you shove his notebook in your book bag and start walking away, not giving her an opportunity to respond
when hanbin catches up to your pace he reaches for your hand only for you to swat it away
"stop being so nice to everyone hanbin, they get the wrong idea"
hanbin wanted to defend himself, but he deprioritized that train of thought as he realized you are 100% the jealous type
⠀⠀ seok matthew ⠀⠀
matthew's main descriptor is that he's cute, because he is
but you didn't know that being called cute bothered your boyfriend
"am i not handsome to you?"
"babe, where is this coming from?"
he flashes his phone screen, your recent photoset post from your finsta on display. it featured various pictures of both of you from your dates the week before
the caption he pointed to: "i have the cutest boyfriend in the whole world"
so you deadass thought he was joking
but he really wasn't, he looked real serious -_-
you set the phone down and hugged him, placing your head on his chest
"of course i also think you're the hottest man on the planet"
"much better", matthew finally smiles and you both laugh as he tickles you in revenge
later that night, you posted a few of his gym thirst traps with the caption "my boyfriend is so handsome he should choke me"
his older sister commented: gross. block me next time.
⠀⠀ kim taerae ⠀⠀
so the "fight" started when he texted you that morning with
"y/n look at this, the fans are saying i dress terribly"
"well?! well what??"
you ended up not replying because you didn't know how to word it
you loved taerae but those red sweats needed to go
so when you got another text that said "are you really not going to respond to me"
you hit him with a "let's just go shopping today"
even though you hated couple items, it was the only way for taerae to buy the items you wanted for him
he secretly bought a pair of red sweats for you
in the end, he beats the fashion taeraerist allegations (thanks to you)
⠀⠀ ricky ⠀⠀
ever since you started dating, you couldn't recall a time when you were able to pay for your dates
he beats you to it every time...and you feel terrible about it.
ricky extensively spoiled you, and all you wanted was to be given an opportunity to do the same for him
one day you asked him if you could pay for lunch this time around
"no. never. don't worry about stuff like that"
"let me do it just once, please?"
you didn't get your way, and you both walked out of the restaurant slightly annoyed
in fact, you refused to go on any date with him from that point unless you could pay for it
he deadass couldn't get you to come with him on any plan he made for a whole month.
eventually, he showed up at your place and said "fine. for every ten dates you can pay for one"
he wasn't happy with it but at least you were
⠀⠀ kim gyuvin ⠀⠀
gyuvin was the clumsiest person you know
so when he knocked over the vase and cut his hand in an attempt to clean it up, you couldn't help but scream at him in worry for his safety
"gyuvin what are you doing? you shouldn't have touched that!"
you quickly found the first aid kit that his mom kept underneath the bathroom sink
gyuvin had his head down as he applied pressure to the cut
he watched as you worked your way through the supplies
as you gently tended to his wound he tried not to make any sound
"sorry i yelled earlier. i just wish you were more careful. i don't like it when you get hurt"
he looked up to meet your eyes, you were tearing up
it was sorta clouding your vision, so you had to stop what you were doing
"i know y/n, i'm sorry. i'm working on it"
he leaned his head against yours
⠀⠀ park gunwook ⠀⠀
you're both in debate. and you strongly dislike going up against him because 98% of the time you lose.
he likes to win and then gloat about it later
"how's it like to lose for the 3rd time in a row?" (jokingly, you think)
(because you have an inclination that he might have a massive crush on you) (you are correct)
academic rivals to lovers, if you will
when you finally started dating he stopped gloating at least
that doesn't mean he goes easy on you, he tries to give his one hundred percent because so do you
sometimes mid debate he'd catch himself staring at you and get a little distracted
your losing rate has since decreased to about 70% now (thank you puppy gunwook!)
⠀⠀ han yujin ⠀⠀
yujin had issues with sharing way before you started liking each other
maybe it's because he has younger siblings and basically had to share everything with them all his life
so when he shows up to school with a fully packed lunch and extra snacks, and you dare to come up to ask for the pack of pretzels he had, he was hesitant
you did this every monday without fail and he started to get fed up with it
"get your own food will you?"
"i would but it tastes better when it comes from you" you say as you plop down next to him at the courtyard
boy was gobsmacked. from that moment on he was kinda smitten.
i don't know how either that's just how his brain works
from then on, he only shared his snacks with you
except for that one time yena from the upper year said "oh that looks good, can i have some yujinie?" and he gave the whole bag to her.
yeah you guessed it, your pretzel bag.
you were furious
he didn't understand why until you made a snide remark at the end of the day - something along the lines of "yeah you're only nice to older girls"
he bought the giant xl version of the pretzels to school the next day as a sorry
A/N: my friend alexis helped me out with the ideas per member. personally tried to be angsty but most ended up being lighthearted lol. requests are open and you can claim anons too if you'd like hehe
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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xzinbdg · 3 months
idol!zb1 reaction to "i have some tea" alsoooo can you make y/n also an idol???? tyyy
hello!! as promised I'm making this ask today! I actually had a lot of fun making this! hao got kinda long 😭😭 I hope you enjoy and have a nice day/night! byebye 🫶🫶
zb1 reaction to "I have some tea"
pairing: idol!zb1 x idol!reader
zerobaseone masterlist // main masterlist
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loveforquanrui · 5 months
the love I hold for you
제로베이스원 - jebewon as things they would definitely do as boyfriends!, gn reader. i dont think there is any disclaimers but let me know if i missed any!
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showing a different side of himself
would show his true authentic self with you <3
would be really protective of you
since he wants to show he cares without being too "obvious" he would also over offer his help
but its so cute so it cancels out!
would care and love you so much
introverted but clingly with you
hao is an introvert as we can all tell, and may need space but never from you
when he's tired, he would find so much comfort in your presence
constantly wants to be around you even if you guys aren't talking he just loves knowing you are there
you are his favorite
he chooses you over anyone else
planning dates in advanced every week
hear me out in this, hanbin is an observer
he would allow you to plan the first few dates, and in those dates he is taking mental notes of your likes and dislikes
now he will tell you, he wants to plan the following dates
and from then on its funnn
he would take you to many new places like a art gallery or even invite you to his dance studio as a fun date
somehow hanbin will always think of something different for a date idea
teach you how to play video games
i know we all saw this man play league of legends now-
i have a feeling he would try to get his s/o into gaming
he would try to teach you how to play, and he is very patient
since he wants you to play with him, he is willing to spend some time teaching and training you to play these games
he takes it very seriously too
if you ended up not liking the game he would try to find another game that you'd like
regardless if he's not into that game, he would learn how to play it just for you <3
perform for you
strong believer in simp taerae
he would be so deeply in love with his s/o that sometimes they are above himself
if you are anxious, he would sing your favorite song to calm you down
if you are trying to fall asleep, he would play a calming tune in his guitar until you are fast asleep
feeling bummed out, no worries, taerae is dancing the newest tiktok trend for you!
this man will perform for you anytimes if it will make you smile
if you wanted to film a little dance video he would do it proudly
ahh taerae is such a cutie :'(
attention seeking and physical touch
hear me out ricky can sometimes be dismissive
although he clearly cares about other i think the baby cat has some trouble expressing it sometimes
since ricky would struggle to tell you he loves you sometimes he would be surprisingly very cuddly?
he would want to constantly have his arms around you even if he wasn't speaking to you
small gestures like cuddling or holding your hand are a big deal to him
its his way of showing his love
he would also seek your attention in the same way
he has very grabby hands constantly wanting your attention without actually saying it
carrying extra items for you
gyuvin is a goofy guy but he is also always taking mental notes of you
he would notice your favorite snacks and items you constantly use
he secretly carries your favorite snacks in his backpack
in his backpack there is chapstick, germx, and much more items you use on the daily
you would say "i'm really craving __" and all of a sudden he pulls out the snack from his backpack
needless to say gyuvin is prepared for anything you might need
have a photo album dedicated of pictures of you
gunwook adores you
sometimes you catch him just starring at you deeply with a smile plastered on his space
he just loves looking at your face, as its a boost of serotonin for him
since he realized how happy it makes him, he takes about 3 pictures of you
sometimes you don't even know he is taking pictures, yet you still come out looking so good
and when he is in a bad mood or simply misses you he would go to his album titles Y/N and just look over all the pictures
he would be so smiley and thankful to have such a partner in his life
get you flowers at the right times
yujin would love getting you flowers
he knows how happy it can make you so he always gets you flowers
yet unbeknown to you he actually always steals one flower from the bouquet he buys
because that way he knows when he needs to get you more flowers
of course he doesn't tell you this, since he wants to be seen as cool
but it's a sweet gesture that he loves doing <3
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ahhh guys I did not post as much as I wanted to for a bit. Buttt i hope you enjoyed this. Let me know if you would like a part two or even a fic. Don't forget my asks are always open not just for request but also for any questions or just talks you want to have <3
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