Stroke Treatment in India With Surgery Tours India
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#Surgery Tours India: We provide the Affordable #Stroke Treatment in India within your budget. Contact us for the right guidance about Stroke Treatment and Hospitals in India Get a FREE QUOTE to know Stroke Treatment in India
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Best Pediatric Neurosurgery Treatment  in India |  Surgery Tours India
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What is Neurosurgery ?
The surgery of the nervous system is termed as neurosurgery. Neurosurgery is a medical specialty that is primarily concerned with the treatment and diagnosis of the patients who are suffering from disorders or diseases of the spinal column, spinal cord, brain and peripheral nerves within all parts of the body. Both pediatric and adult patients are included in the neurological care. A neurological surgeon recommends surgical and non-surgical care depending upon the nature of the disease or injury.
What is Pediatric Neurosurgery ?
Pediatric neurology is primarily concerned with any disorder of the central nervous system such as spinal cord, brain, muscles and nerves in children. A pediatric neurologist treats and diagnosis conditions that include behavioral problems such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), movement disorders such as cerebral palsy and seizure disorders such as epilepsy.
Pediatric Neurology Diseases and Conditions
Pediatric neurosurgeons treat different types of diseases/conditions -
Epilepsy : This condition is a brain disorder that results in recurring seizures. These seizures occur when the neurons or nerve cell clusters within the brain are sending incorrect signals.
Hydrocephalus: Hydrocephalus is the condition where there is excess accumulation of fluid inside the brain. This condition can be either present at the time of birth or congenital.
Spasticity : Spasticity is a condition of muscle disorder which is categorized by the inability to control the stiff or tight muscles. When the central nervous system causes an imbalance of the signals results in the condition of spasticity. This imbalance can be seen in those people who are suffering from traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury and stroke.
Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors: These tumors are found in the tissue within the bony spinal column or the skull that builds-up the central nervous system. These tumors can be found in any part of the body and occurs when the genes regulating cell growth become mutated or damaged.
#Surgery Tours India provides various treatment options related to #Pediatric Neurosurgery in India at top hospitals at most affordable price. Get FREE QUOTE for complete details on #Pediatric Neurosurgery Treatment at Surgery Tours India.
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Scoliosis Surgery in India | Scoliosis Surgery Cost India
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Scoliosis Surgery in India
Scoliosis surgery in India is a great attraction for medical tourists because of excellent facilities and low costs of services. Scoliosis treatment in India is a good solution for scoliosis patients due to:
High quality medical care
Qualified, skilled and competent spine surgeons
Cost effectiveness and better communication due to no language barrier
Low cost of scoliosis surgery in India
Scoliosis: An Overview
Every person has a natural curve in their spine. The natural curvature makes the spine aligned slightly inward in the lower part of the back. But some people have a deformity in the alignment of the spine, therefore, making it appear curved from side to side. This sideways alignment of the spine curvature is known as scoliosis.
A rear view spine X-ray shows a straight line in the case of a normal individual. But the spine of a patient with scoliosis looks "S" or "C" shaped. A mild curvature ranges between 10 to 20 degrees, while a moderate curvature ranges between 20 and 50 degrees. On the other hand, a curvature of more than 50 degrees is considered as a severe spinal curvature.
Visit: https://www.surgerytoursindia.com/scoliosis-surgery-in-india/ Whatsup & Call : 8882921234, +91-9730001540
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Skin Cancer : Symptoms, Causes and Treatment in India
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Skin Cancer is a cancer that forms in the tissues of the skin. It grows uncontrollably and affects the normal function of the skin. If left unchecked it can spread to other parts of the body. Most skin cancers form in older people on parts of the body exposed to the sun or in people who have weakened immune systems. Skin cancer can occur anywhere on the body, but it is most common when the skin is often exposed to sunlight, such as the face, neck, hands, and arms.
Symptoms of Skin Cancer:
Skin cancer is often painless and each type can look different.
BCC often appears as a small red or pink, waxy or shiny lump.
SCC often appears as a small pink lump with a hard or scaly or crusty skin.
Melanoma usually starts as a dark spot or mole.
Symptoms that may indicate skin cancer include any mole, spot, lump or patch that:
doesn't heal after four weeks
gets bigger - especially over 7mm (a quarter of an inch) in diameter
changes shape - look for an irregular edge
changes colour - darkens, becomes patchy or multi-shaded
becomes inflamed
is itchy or painful
bleeds or is crusty
These symptoms aren't always caused by skin cancer but if you have them, see your GP.
Surgery Tours India offer Affordable Skin Cancer Surgery in India under your budget. We strives to provide the best Cancer Treatment Packages in India. Contact us for more information.
WhatsApp or Call: +91-888 292 1234 | +91-973 000 1540 Visit: https://www.surgerytoursindia.com/skin-cancer-treatment-in-india/
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Bone Marrow Transplant in India or Stem Cell Transplant India | Surgery Tours India
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Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) team associated with Surgery Tours India is globally recognized for expertise in comprehensive specialty treatments for adults & children with Leukemia & other blood, plasma & bone marrow diseases requiring this procedure. Surgery Tours India has assisted many international patients to undergo affordable bone marrow transplants in the past. Our healthcare experts will talk to you & discuss all treatment options which are available & deliver care which is customized to your specific requirements. Bone marrow or stem cell transplant comprise of lengthy & complicated procedures which typically involve the following stages.
Tests & Examinations
Harvesting Stem Cells
Conditioning Patients
Transplanting Stem Cells
Recovery Following Bone Marrow Transplant
Tests & Examinations for Bone Marrow Transplant Patients
The patient will need to undergo a series of tests & examinations prior to undergoing bone marrow transplant in order to ensure that they are healthy enough for the treatment to be carried out. Despite underlying conditions, bone marrow transplant treatments tend to be more successful in patients who are in good overall health. Tests & Examinations conducted on prospective bone marrow transplant patients generally include the following.
Electrocardiogram (ECG) - This is a simple test which is used for checking the rhythm & electrical activity of the patient's heart.
Echocardiogram - This is a scanning procedure which is used for looking at the patient's heart & blood vessels located nearby.
X-Ray and/or Computed Tomography (CT) Scan - This is meant to check the condition of organs like liver & lungs In BMT patients.
Blood Tests - These tests are meant to check & assess the level of blood cells & functioning of kidneys & liver in patients.
Biopsy - Cancer patients may however also need to undergo a biopsy & which involves retrieving a small sample of cancerous tissue & analyzing it under a microscope in a laboratory. This is also meant to reveal if the cancer is under control or whether there is any risk of cancer returning following treatment.
For more information please visit: https://www.surgerytoursindia.com/bone-marrow-transplant-in-india/
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Liver Transplantation in India | Symptoms,Causes and Treatments
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What is liver transplantation?
Liver transplantation is surgical procedure to remove a diseased or injured liver and replace it with a healthy one from another person, called a donor. The donor can be living in which case only a part of is taken. In case of deceased donor, the whole organ is transplanted.
What does the liver do?
The liver serves as an inspection organ. Every nutrient we consume passes through the liver. As every element in your blood stream is filtered here, it fight infections and cleans your blood. The bile produced in the liver helps break bilirubin which is a substance that comes from the breakup of hemoglobin in the dead red blood cells. The liver is the largest organ in your body. It is not possible to live a normal healthy life without a functional liver.
What are the signs and symptoms of liver problems?
The signs and symptoms of unhealthy liver and problems are:
yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes, a condition called jaundice
feeling tired or weak
losing your appetite
feeling sick to your stomach
losing weight
losing muscle
bruising or bleeding easily
bleeding in the stomach
throwing up blood
passing black stools
having a swollen abdomen
becoming forgetful or confused
What are the reasons for needing a liver transplant?
Anyone with a non-functional liver needs a transplant. In adults, the most common reason for needing a liver transplant is cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is chronic damage to the liver caused by many different types of diseases that destroy healthy liver cells and replace them with scar tissue.
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For more information please visit: https://www.surgerytoursindia.com/liver-transplantation/
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Hip Replacement Surgery in India
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What is Hip Replacement Surgery?
Also known as Arthroplasty, Hip Replacement is a surgical procedure wherein the diseased part of the hip joint is removed and replaced with the synthetic one. The artificial body part made up of metal is known as prosthesis and the purpose of the hip replacement surgery is to increase mobility, relieving pain and improving the function of your hip joint.
Causes of Hip Replacement
The most common reason that leads to hip replacement is Osteoarthritis, which causes damage to the hip joint. It is most often caused by wear and tear of aging. It makes the cartilage covering the hip joint useless, resulting in soreness and rigidity. Other conditions which lead to hip replacement surgery include rheumatoid arthritis, traumatic arthritis, avascular necrosis, osteonecrosis (loss of the blood supply to the thigh bone) and bone tumors.
Procedure of Hip Replacement Surgery
During a traditional hip replacement surgery, which usually lasts for 1 to 2 hours, the surgeon makes a 10 to 12 inch incision is made over the side of the hip through the muscles. The muscles are detached from the hip. Once the joint surface is exposed, the surgeon takes out the diseased bone and cartilage from the hip joint. A cut shaped implant is then attached to the bone of the hip socket. A smooth plastic surface is attached to the implant to allow free movement of the joint.
Thereafter the surgeon reinstates the head of the femur and acetabulum with new artificial parts. A metal stem is inserted into the femur to a depth of about 6 inches. The stem implant is attached to the bone tissue either through cement or without cement. Thereafter a metallic ball is placed on the top of the stem. The new hip is made up of metal that allow natural sliding movement of the joint.
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For more information please visit: http://www.surgerytoursindia.com/hip-replacement-surgery/
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Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery
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Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery - An overview
The spine is one of the most important and vital parts of the human body. It is made of interlocked vertebras with cushioning discs in between that allow the vertebras to move the upper body around. Each back bone (spine) vertebras have a space in between the bone structure that is aligned in a normal spine. This space (nerve canal) houses the spinal cord that attaches the brain to the various parts of the body through an intricate system of big and small nerves.
Any sort of damage to the spine (vertebras) or the spinal cord (nerve roots) can result in affecting the strength and range of movement of the spinal column. This can be caused due to a disease, disorder or a severe trauma. A break (fracture), or even a crack, in the vertebras (spine) can affect the functioning of the back bone as well as cause pain.
In such a situation the doctor will usually recommend a suitable spine or spinal cord surgery that can help relieve the painful and disabling symptoms.
Before taking a look at the types of spine and spinal cord surgeries, let us take a look at the benefits and possible risks involved in such type of procedure.
Benefits of Spine and Spinal Cord surgery
Usually, a spine or spinal cord surgery is chosen when other non-surgical methods of treatment have failed to successfully treat the painful and disabling symptoms of a spine or spinal cord disease or disorder.
Being aware of the benefits, as well as the possible risks, of a spine or spinal cord surgery can be very helpful in making the right choice of treatment for the patient.
The main aim of a spine and spinal cord surgery is to gain relief from the intense and debilitating back pain which results in affecting your normal daily activities. A spine or spinal cord surgery can give relief from the back pain as well as:
Increasing your daily activity level
Improving your overall physical fitness
Improve your mood
Decrease your need for painkillers and thus avoid their resultant side-effects
Allows you to resume your work
Increase your productivity at work
To get free no obligation Quote on Spinal Tumor Surgery in India : click here
For information about our Rejuvenation Centers and Exotic Spas: click here
For more information please visit: https://www.surgerytoursindia.com/spinal-cord-surgery/
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Liver Cancer Surgery in India
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What is Liver Cancer?
Liver cancer, which is also called hepatic cancer starts in the liver, and not from altogether another organ which migrates to the liver. Like all cancers, liver cancer can also be attributed to the uncharacteristic rise in cell reproduction.
Types of Liver Cancer:
There are several types of liver cancer based on the type of cells which become cancerous
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type of primary liver cancer which occurs in people with chronic liver diseases such as cirrhosis caused by hepatitis B or C infection.
Fibrolamellar HCC is a rare type of HCC which is typically more responsive treatment than other types of liver cancer.
Angiosarcoma also called as hemangiocarcinoma accounts for one percent of all the liver cancers. It begins in the blood vessels of the liver and grows quickly. Typically they are diagnosed at an advanced stage.
Cholangiocarcinoma or bile duct cancer which occurs in the small, tube-like bile ducts within the liver carrying bile to the gallbladder. This accounts for 10-20 percent of all the liver cancers. The intrahepatic bile duct cancer start in the ducts within the liver while extrahepatic bile duct cancer develops in the ducts outside the liver.
Secondary liver cancer also known as liver metastasis develops when the primary cancer from another part of the body spreads to the liver. Most liver metastasis originates from colorectal cancer.
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Inguinal Hernia Surgery India
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A hernia surgery is required to repair the abnormal bulging, or swelling, of an organ or fatty tissue that outs undue pressure on the muscles and connective tissue around it. Hernia can affect any part of the body, such as:
Signs and Symptoms of Hernia?
Different types of hernia may show distinct symptoms.
These are the more common signs and symptoms seen if you have an abdominal (incisional, inguinal and ventral), umbilical (intestinal) and femoral (thigh/groin) hernia:
Swollen skin in groin/abdomen
Heaviness in abdomen
Blood in stool
Discomfort in the groin or abdomen when bending or lifting weight.
Other uncommon symptoms of hernia include upper abdominal pain and heartburn.
For more information please visit: https://www.surgerytoursindia.com/low-cost-hernia-repair-surgery-in-india/
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Inguinal Hernia Surgery India
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A hernia surgery is required to repair the abnormal bulging, or swelling, of an organ or fatty tissue that outs undue pressure on the muscles and connective tissue around it. Hernia can affect any part of the body, such as:
Signs and Symptoms of Hernia?
Different types of hernia may show distinct symptoms.
These are the more common signs and symptoms seen if you have an abdominal (incisional, inguinal and ventral), umbilical (intestinal) and femoral (thigh/groin) hernia:
Swollen skin in groin/abdomen
Heaviness in abdomen
Blood in stool
Discomfort in the groin or abdomen when bending or lifting weight.
Other uncommon symptoms of hernia include upper abdominal pain and heartburn.
For more information please visit: https://www.surgerytoursindia.com/low-cost-hernia-repair-surgery-in-india/
OR Call & WhatsApp at: +91-8882921234 | +91-9730001540
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Lung Cancer Treatment in India
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It is estimated that Kenya is having 40,000 new cancer cases every year and almost 28,000 deaths due to cancer. A large number of these deaths are unfortunately due to delayed diagnosis of the disease. Almost 80 percent of cancer cases in Kenya are diagnosed at an advanced stage and therefore leave very few options for treatment. Moreover, just some years back Kenya had only 6 medical oncologists, 4 radiation oncologists and about 3 oncology nurses to care for 45 million people. Lung cancer is no exception. Treatment for lung cancer, like all other cancers in Kenya, requires going a long way to be effective in the country.
Most Common Types of Lung Cancers
Basically, there are two main types of lung cancers. Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Approximately 85 out of every 100 cases of lung cancers are non-small cell lung cancers. NSCLC is the most common group of lung cancer. However, all types of non-small cell lung cancers are suitable for surgical intervention, provided they are diagnosed in early stages.
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers - The following three sub-types are the most common types of non-small cell lung cancers affecting people.
Small Cell Lung Cancer - Almost 15 out of every 100 cases of lung cancer are known to be small cell lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer develops from small round cells which form the fleshy lumps within the large airways. Subsequently, small cell lung cancer may also spread to lymph nodes and/or to other organs of the body. Although radiation therapy is sometimes utilized as treatment for small cell lung cancers, this disease however is more responsive to chemotherapy treatment than others. Surgical removal of small cell lung cancer is also recommended in some rare cases. Patients who have undergone treatments for small cell lung cancers should regularly attend checkups in order to quickly find recurrence since this type of cancer is prone to recur within a short space of time.
For more information please visit: https://www.surgerytoursindia.com/lung-cancer-treatment-india/
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Gallbladder Cancer Treatment in India
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Gallbladder cancer is an uncommon type of cancer that is mostly found in people above the age group of 50 years. However, there are chances though rare that the symptoms are detected in young children and adults as well. According to a recent research done by the American Cancer Society around 4000 gallbladder cancer cases have been diagnosed in the year 2015 in the United States. Even in India many new cases are being diagnosed but only a few counted numbers are detected at an early stage. This is because gallbladder cancer is a type of cancer that is detected only after occurrence of noticeable symptoms like vomiting, jaundice and abdominal pain. At a later stage of cancer, the treatment becomes a challenge as the cancer cells starts to multiply even in the nearby organs and may even prove to be fatal.
What is Gallbladder Cancer?
Gallbladder cancer is a rare type of cancer that leads to the formation of malignant cells in the gallbladder. It is a pear shaped human organ positioned right to the abdomen under the liver. The main function is to store bile that is secreted by the liver to aid digestion. When the cancer cells stats multiplying in the tissues it directly impacts the digestive system and leads to malfunctioning of the organ.
The Type of Cancer Stages:
Stage 1: In the first stage the cancer cells are restricted to the wall of the gallbladder.
Stage 2: In the second stage the cancer cells starts to multiply further in the tissues without any impact on the adjacent organs or the nearby lymph nodes.
Stage 3: In the third stage the malignant cells are detected in the nearby organs and even in the lymph nodes near the gallbladder.
Stage 4: In the fourth stage of this cancer, the malignant cells are found in distant organs and lymph nodes. This is known to be the secondary cancer and the most fatal stage.
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For more information please visit: https://www.surgerytoursindia.com/gallbladder-cancer-treatment-india/
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Cardiac Ablation Treatment for Heart Rhythm Problems
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Cardiac Ablation
A healthy heart is a key to live a quality life. Arrhythmia has turned out to be a common cause of concern these days. 'Arrhythmia' is a scientific term that is used to describe heart rhythm problems. It occurs due to fastening or slowing of normal heartbeats. The irregular pattern of heartbeats may lead to several life-threatening conditions. Therefore, patients must seek a prompt medical attention to avoid complications. Cardiac ablation is the most widely used medical procedure that can help treat such heart rhythm problems effectively.
Causes and Symptoms of Arrhythmia
Medical experts state that factors like smoking, drug abuse, excessive stress, high blood pressure, diabetes, blocked artery, and heavy alcohol consumption may fuel up the chances of irregular heartbeat pattern and cause arrhythmia. The following list conveys most common symptoms of arrhythmia.
Chest pain - People suffering from an underlying condition of arrhythmia may encounter frequent episodes of pain in chest. This symptom should not be neglected as it may raise the probability of a heart attack.
Weakness - Extreme weakness or tiredness could be a potential sign of unrecognized heart problem especially arrhythmia.
Fast Heartbeats - Normal heartbeat ratio of an adult ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. If heart rate goes beyond 100 beats per minute, then the health condition is known as tachycardia. This type of arrhythmia causes racing of heartbeat. In such cases, patients should seek a medical care at the earliest.
Slowing of Heartbeat - Slowing of heartbeat is referred to as bradycardia arrhythmia. If patient's heart rate goes less than 60 beats per minute, then it indicates condition of bradycardia. Patients should check with a heart specialist to figure out their exact health status.
Shortness of Breath - Shortness of breath and sweating after performing exhausting physical exercises is natural. However, if an individual experiences shortness of breath for no such reason, then they should not delay in visiting an experienced cardiologist.
Good Candidates for Cardiac Ablation
Patients who fall under the following list of category are considered to be good candidates for undergoing a cardiac ablation procedure.
Severe Arrhythmia Problem - People diagnosed with arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, ventricular tachycardia, and AV nodal reentrant tachycardia are most suitable candidates for cardiac ablation. In addition to this, people suffering from 'Wolff-Parkinson-White-Syndrome' (WPW) which causes fastening of heartbeats at certain intervals may also undergo a cardiac ablation.
Failure of Medicines - People who do not get desired results even after taking prescribed medicines for arrhythmia may opt for a cardiac ablation procedure.
Side-Effects of Medications - People who are struggling with serious side-effects due to intake of medicines for controlling arrhythmia may consult a cardiac surgeon for undergoing cardiac ablation.
For more information please visit: https://www.surgerytoursindia.com/cardiac-ablation-heart-rhythm-problems/
OR Call & WhatsApp at: +91-8882921234 | +91-9730001540
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Multi Organ Transplantation in India
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Organ transplantation has gradually alleviated in the last two decades providing excellent results in children & young adults. Organ transplant programs have been steadily growing but are still far from global needs, with great differences among countries. It is now possible that one can come to rescue of a person's life or significantly improve health & quality of life by organ transplant programs.
Organ Transplant in Modern Medicine
Organ Transplant is one of the most complexes areas of modern medicine. Key areas for medical management are problems of transplant rejection, during which the body has an immune response to the transplanted organ, possibly leading to transplant failure & the need to immediately remove the organ from the recipient.
Organs Eligible for Transplant
Small intestine
It is also possible to transplant more than one organ at a time.
Why will you need a transplant?
Damaged or diseased stem cells can make too few blood cells, too few immune cells, or too many abnormal cells. A stem cell transplant may help correct these problems.
A heart transplant may be done if you have severe heart failure. In a serious condition, where there are no chances left to improve things or control your symptoms, a heart transplant is what you need. When your kidneys fail to remove waste products from the blood, a condition known as uremia develops. Once this occurs, the work of your kidneys must be done by dialysis (an artificial means of filtering the blood). One can return to their lifestyles by substituting dialysis by Transplant. You may have to go for a pancreas transplant if you have Type I diabetes that is difficult to control.
For more information please visit:  https://www.surgerytoursindia.com/organ-transplantation-is-important/
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Mitral Valve Replacement Surgery
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A mitral valve replacement surgery is used to substitute a malfunctioning heart valve with an artificial prosthetic implant. This is a major type of surgery and is most useful in treating severe medical disorders of the heart such as mitral valve stenosis and mitral valve regurgitation.
This valve replacement surgery may be performed using conventional open-heart surgery method or the more modern minimally invasive surgical methods. This choice depends on several factors such as your age, overall health, activity level, prevalent medical conditions (if any) and your doctor's discretion.
How is a Mitral Valve Replacement Surgery Performed?
A mitral valve replacement surgery is the major type of cardiac surgery and requires extensive planning and strategy to make it successful and satisfactory.
Conventional open-heart surgery requires the surgeon to make a large incision along the middle of the rib cage. The surrounding organs are shifted to the site in order to gain clear access to the heart valve. The surgeon will be required to connect you to a heart-lung (cardio-pulmonary machine) for the duration of the surgery in order to keep the rest of the body to function normally. The heart muscles are numbed and the heart stopped in order to remove the damaged mitral valve and replace it with a substitute artificial implant valve. The surgeon will then shift the surrounding organs carefully back into their original position. The cut rib cage is then held together using surgical clamps and the surgeon then closes the incision with the help of strong sutures.
The minimally invasive surgical method requires less number of the incision as well as smaller (keyhole) incisions. This provides less pain from surgery, faster recovery and a resultants shorter hospital stays as compared to the conventional surgery method.
The surgeon may use conventional open-heart the method or the minimally invasive surgical method however the main aim of the surgery is to replace the damaged mitral valve in the heart.
Why is a Mitral Valve Replacement Surgery required?
Valve replacement surgery is the most ideal treatment method for people suffering from severe valve regurgitation or valve stenosis problems in case valve repair surgery is unsuccessful in treating them.
Although an artificial mitral valve might not work as good as a natural valve it can work sufficiently to relieve you of the painful symptoms and to improve your quality of life. This surgery is considered when the damage to the valve is till irreparable extent and no other option is deemed plausible.
For more information please visit: https://www.surgerytoursindia.com/mitral-valve-replacement-surgery/
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