#svsss wip
ineffectualdemon · 1 month
In one of my wips I'm using the idea where if Mobei and Shang Qinghua actually managed to get together by the time he's Peak Lord then before and after Binghe falls into the abyss there is a lot of talk and concern about the Consort of the Northern Desert
It's understood that the Consort is actually the Prince's husband but nobody knows his name and if a human ever sees him and lives to tell the tale all they can report is that he's smaller then expected, followed everywhere by his husband, and he's always veiled
But he is dangerously efficient and clever and is definitely the power behind the throne and has the Mobei clan wrapped around his delicate fingers and that's why he's destroying all the sects in trade deals and prices for demon goods have gotten ruinously high
(Huan Hua is cut off entirely from not only the Northern Desert but several territories in both the demon and human realm because the Northern Desert gets in clauses forbidding trade with Huan Hua as part of quite a few of their trading contracts)
They don't make the connection between Cang Qiong actually managing fairly well out of the trade deals and absolutely nobody realises that the feared beauty of the Northern Desert who rules with both iron and velvet is, in fact, the An Ding Peak Lord
Even when it's revealed people still tend to think of them as two separate people and completely forget that they are the same damn person
All except for Mu Qingfang who shouts at Shang Qinghua for 2 shichen about the price he has to pay for rare ingredients from the Demon realm when Shang Qinghua could have been cutting him a deal
"I did! Cang Qiong pays less than anyone else!"
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starry-stan-blog · 5 months
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🩸 wip wednesday ft. blood kink bingliu !! this sure won’t unlock something inside either of them, right?
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cum-villain · 1 year
its not wednesday but my wip is funny enough
It had certainly been… stressful when the original flavour had randomly been resurrected! Shen Qingqiu was tempted to bash The System in the head with the largest rock he could find, except the system didn’t have a head, nor did Shen Qingqiu want to take the risk of being sent back to his rotting corpse due to The System breaking.  But, despite all of the drama – because dear god, the original flavour was nothing if not the most exhausting person Shen Qingqiu had ever met – things had ended up okay! Shen Qingqiu kept his name and position! The original flavour had gone back to being called “Shen Jiu”, but refused to explain why. 
Yue Qingyuan probably knew, since through The Drama, Shen Qingqiu had worked his butt off to fix their specific drama, and now they were both insufferable to be around. At least Yue Qingyuan seemed a lot happier these days. Good for him.
But in any case, there was one obvious problem. Putting the fact that they had different demeanors, different positions, and different names aside, there was one thing that wasn’t different about them: Their appearance! They were identical, because of course The System had no originality and had to make Shen Jiu’s new body look exactly like the old! How were they supposed to be differentiated when everything from their visages to their voices were the same?
Thus, Shen Qingqiu has now been tasked with helping find the Delicate White Yin Lotus.
Because, apparently the original’s idea was “get a woman's body”?
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lomlompurim · 6 months
snippets of an AU I have, I will post the rest later but here is a preview 🌱💕
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Yes binghe forest fairies come from the earth like potatoes. Have mercy on your poor mother, now she has to figure it out how to feed three mouths
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vebokki · 2 months
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sum binghes
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soursoppi · 1 year
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why did 7 kiss 9? ...because there was no h8 between them 🥹
+ a doodle of ladyfied!QiJiu
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neuvixi · 7 months
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tempo-takoyaki · 9 months
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"Have you always looked at me this way?"
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bomshhr · 8 months
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jade-len · 5 months
i think it'd be funny if someone transmigrated as xin mo. the goddamn evil sword. instead of taking it seriously, they just really fucked around with bingge. and, somehow, ended up having the opposite effect of what it's supposedly rumored to do.
picture this: bingge, on the quest for revenge and power, comes across the almighty xin mo. this demonic sword killed everyone that dared to even try wielding it. and, the few who were lucky enough to have it by their side, eventually succumbed to the swords' will.
it is said that the sword is unlike any other, that it etches into your head and eats away your brain, until eventually it consumes you whole. it whispers, speaking in lust, greed, and hatred. it slowly beckons the wielder into giving in to the worst part of themselves and feeds off of pure sin. but to him, it is no matter; luo bingge will surely tame it.
and then he gets to the sword.
demonic qi practically oozes from xin mo. the aura surrounding it makes every part of luo bingge scream, "run; get away, away from that monster." his gut prods at him, begging bingge that this is probably a really bad idea. it's a little terrifying, how even luo bingge, the determined, vengeful demon, is now getting second thoughts about wielding xin mo from just being in its presence alone.
but luo bingge is too, a monster. so he ignores the screams of plea; pushing every thought of doubt in the back of his head, and tightly grips onto the handle. the world around him seems to spin and shake, tumble and crack, from the amount of force bingge needs to use in order to pull the sword of sin out of its place.
when bingge finally has it perfectly fit into the palms of his calloused hands, he hears whispering. he knows that the sword has accepted him as its new host.
the sword's language crawls up to him, as if it were feeling around his body and mind. checking every nook and cranny for it to settle into bingge's form, truly becoming one with the embodiment of sin. the words flow through his brain like a tragically broken guqin, a melody that holds him in a frighteningly familiar trance - all while simultaneously eating away at his brain in the worst ways possible, akin to a child and their favorite snack. it seems to beckon something, but even with luo bingge's impressive hearing, he cannot make out any words from the tone-deaf musical notes xin mo sings.
and then, it is clear. the land around him settles, and everything is still. xin mo itself seems to be.. content. at least, that is what luo bingge believes.
the language of this wretched sword reflects the state around these two monsters.
luo bingge expects it to demand for bloodshed, for the erotic ecstasy of multiple women, for bingge to steal the last of the finest gems of these horrible, vast lands.
instead, he hears this:
"yoooo damn that shit was crazy. did you see what i did there? man, you know, it feels so fucking good to get out of the dirt. hey, do you know if people can like, feed their swords or something? i'm kinda craving something spicy. we never know, in this wack world! wait, don't hold me like that, buddy. it'll make things real awkward."
but luo bingge is determined to get his revenge, so he puts up with the swords' constant rambling about.. whatever the hell it's thinking.
"wait, dude, did you seriously fuck a dying girl? that's wild. yeah, like i know she was dying but it doesn't sound like you wanted it. yo, listen to me, consent is very sexy."
"HAHA hey, dude, sir, man. you wanna play some 'i spy'? we don't have anything else to do. no? too bad, we're playing it. i spy a loser who doesn't wanna play i spy. hint: he's holding me right now."
"okay i know i'm supposed to be this super evil sword and beg to be used - woah that sounded real wrong - but can you at least clean me when you're done killing shit? if you don't, i'm gonna refuse to respond to you and you'll look like a dumbass trying to wield me."
"i can't hear you lalalalalalala you're not being very it girl right now lallalalaalalalla-"
somehow, this is worse than if xin mo was actually eating away at his brain.
weirdly enough though, as luo bingge starts spending more time with this weird ass, seemingly possessed sword, it starts to become more of a.. comfort to have it by his side than pure annoyance. he finds himself responding to it more, like, actually having full on conversations with it. it puts him at ease, wielding xin mo. the hatred doesn't consume him, instead, it seems to soothe the burning rage (and, admittedly, just replace it with small irritation) that holds onto his darkened heart.
xin mo is actually quite kind and caring, for a sword that's supposed represent and be the literal embodiment of sin. sure, it is a hassle to have it cooperate with him sometimes, and it does just ramble on and on about the most random things ever, not giving a single shit if bingge was in the middle of sleeping with maidens and slaying those who get in his way. for the first time, bingge feels so comfortable around something.
it's.. odd. what was supposed to be the turning point in his life, a big step in his plan for revenge, is now something akin to an... acquaintance. not like mobei-jun, or any of the women he's come across, but an actual, dare he say, friend.
sometimes, he finds himself thinking all of this delusional. is this what people were driven mad by? perhaps they simply could not handle dealing with a talking sword. he understands that xin mo was undoubtedly unbearable to be around at the beginning of their alliance, but it has never actually beckoned for blood, power, and sex. if anything, it does the opposite.
maybe he's the delusional one. maybe this is xin mo's way of getting to him.
maybe, xin mo should be considered a thing. the thought feels terribly laughable, as if he were witnessing a person horribly explain themselves. it also makes his teeth grind together in pure agitation.
"hey, you know, you didn't deserve any of the things they did. it wasn't your fault, binghe. the fact that you're half heavenly demon doesn't make you a monster, or any of that wild stuff.. uh, i'm here for you, okay? i know you don't really like talking about all of this or opening up, but i just want you to know that you can.. talk about it. it's not like i can tell anyone else, anyways.
hey- shit i didn't mean to make you cry! wait, wait it's okay to cry! you need to let it out anyways, i promise it doesn't make you weak. there, there. i don't have any hands, so me patting you on the head with my handle will have to do. there, there.. everything will be alright, you'll be okay. i'll be here every step of the way, even if you want to get rid of me."
xin mo, the demonic sword, is more of a person - a good person - than anyone he'd ever come across.
...and then bingge and the xin mo transmigrator become besties or he falls for the damn sword. knowing him, he probably doesn't even know the difference between platonic and romantic attraction anyways. maybe bingge gets a plant body for xin mo using airplane's wack writing. idk i typed all of this down in one sitting.
(plot twist: it's not that the transmigrator xin mo had the opposite effect, it was literally just a placebo effect. luo bingge thought that, and thus it actually did help him lmao)
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ineffectualdemon · 4 months
One of my wips has a 6 year old Shang Qinghua for reasons being emotional and screaming at Mobei Jun Senior about how he's a shit dad and older brother and needs to sort himself out before kicking all three members of the Northern Desert Royal Family out of the shack he's living in
This results in him being adopted into the Northern Desert Royal Family by way of betrothal to Mobei Jun Junior
It is a long time before Shang Qinghua is aware of the betrothal part
When being bossy and rude to demon lords doesn't result in death but instead results in them fixing his shack and occasionally bringing him a dead boar he finds no reason to act any other way to demon lords
Which is fun when he meets Tianlang-jun
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rileykitty · 10 months
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wip doodle time :3
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momolith · 9 months
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redrawing something...........
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lomlompurim · 6 months
What if instead of waking up in the mushroom body, sqq woke up in a doll.
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Something something while lbh was away in the abyss, sqq without noticing offended a misterious (demonic-succubi-esque???) cultivator with a weird thing for making dolls. She had dolls all over her secret workshop that she very kindly let him into when she heard about the famous Xiu Ya sword being in the city.
What she wanted of him? Who knows, sqq couldn't bring himself to care. She probably wanted his money or try to steal his hair, the hair of those dolls seemed very much like real hair, although he had to admit the level of details on these dolls were amazing.
(she wanted to trick him into buying one of her cursed dolls and steal his life energy little by little, but got wifebeamed by widow sqq during their conversation about how talented she was to be able to make so many dolls, and without really understanding he rejected her with little to no emotion on his face)
So she cursed him, and since sqq didn't feel anything bad at the moment he thought it just didn't work and left, not sparing the curse a single thought after their encounter.
The rest of the story goes as usual, excep that after he self detonates his soul doesn't go into the mushroom body, instead it got directly into the shape of a doll in the workshop of this woman.
His first thought is thinking someone snitched the mushroom body bc wtf wasn't he supposed to wake up under the dirt??? Why this place smells slightly familiar? Like paint and humidity and floral perfumes?? and why everything looks fucking giganourmus?!?! A teapot should NOT look that big from his position....Oh no, did the mushroom body turned out as small as a squirrel? WhAT is happening?!
And then he looks at his arms and legs, and he has joints. White paper skin with joints in his wrists, elbows, torso, waist, knees, feet. And he panics, a lot.
The woman who cursed him starts monologuing about how she trapped him now, and you are mine, I made this doll specially for you master shen, this is my revenge for your insolence to leave me yada yada- Sqq stoped listening a while ago.
Somehow he manages to escape from this woman and now he is roaming around as the size of some apples. Everything is huge. Everything is dangerous, even the grasshopers! And this body is fragile! He can't feel heat nor cold, neither hunger or other things, but he is useless with no spiritual veins inside, and if someone is not looking carefully, they might crush him. And the way back to cq is gonna be a hell of a trip! But he needs airplane to fix this. He can't stay as a doll forever! He needs a mushroom body and then fly into the sunset far from this mess! Adiós! Goodbye! So his new plan is to infiltrate into cang qiong, look for that rat and disappear. Sneaking into some disciple's pouch must be enough to break in.
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Something something it only had passed a few months since lbh stole sqq's body and everything is still very fresh. CQ mountain is a hot mess. Sqh frankly needs to lay down and take a nap. Lqg keeps figthing with Lbh practially every day and coming back beaten bloody, he has his king pestering him and a lot of paperwork to do, Lbh is a pain in the ass, Yqy is really close to snap and start a war with HHP, and he knows nothing about his bro. So yeah. Such a great time to be alive.
The mushroom bodies should had been ready, right? He must be alright...Yeah. He has enough already to keep him busy. Cucumber bro is gonna come out and stumble across at any moment. No one would bat an eye if he takes a nap, right? He deserves it. He is overworked enough for another lifetime, his head hurts, his bones hurt everywhere, a short nap should be fine...
Until he feels something small tugging his robes and a cold tiny finger poking his eyelids. But he doesn't want to. He is very comfortable on the floor of his office. Whatever bird decided to pick a fight with his face can keep trying.
That voice. That fucking annoying voice was of just one person and one person only. He opened his eyes, looking for the source of the unmistakable voice of his No1 hater, but he came across with a pretty porcelain doll. With a very ugly sneer in it's face.
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"Fucking finally! Why are you sleeping on the floor in your ofice?! I was looking around your bedroom like an idiot! Do you know how close I was to falling from your window?!"
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fenekhilwy3 · 2 months
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shen-shixiong · 10 months
POV you’re LQG and just walked in on SQQ and SQH’s super important do not disturb sect management meetings (because you don’t know how to knock)
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Wip <3
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