amalgamasreal · 8 months
So in this world of rising streaming costs and license holders unilaterally deciding to pull content from streaming channels I figured I'd compile a few guides for people who want to cut those cords. As a rhetorical exorcise I'm going to list out some guides on how someone might want to create their own local media streaming service and how to automate management and supply of content to it. ALL RHETORICAL
I'm not going to explain how to build a media server, people who go that extensive won't need these guides, but if you have the cash, and don't want to build your own server you can always buy a higher end NAS from synology or QNAP that runs docker engine and you should be good.
Please make sure to follow the instructions for each individual guide in order depending on your choices. RHETORICALLY.
First you install Docker:
Then you install your download clients:
Newsgroups (you'll also need an account with a hosting service like Newshosting or Giganews as well as access to an indexer): https://drfrankenstein.co.uk/2021/07/30/setting-up-nzbget-in-docker-on-a-synology-nas/
Torrents (with this you'll need access to either public or private trackers): https://drfrankenstein.co.uk/2021/09/13/deluge-in-docker-on-a-synology-nas/
Then you install Jackett (this'll auto-manage all of your torrent trackers and create feeds for Sonarr and Radarr):
Then you install Sonarr:
Then you install Radarr:
Then you install Plex or Jellyfin:
Plex: https://drfrankenstein.co.uk/2021/12/06/plex-in-docker-on-a-synology-nas/
Jellyfin: https://drfrankenstein.co.uk/2022/09/03/jellyfin-in-docker-on-a-synology-nas-no-hardware-transcoding/
Then you install Overseerr or Jellyseerr:
Overseerr: https://drfrankenstein.co.uk/2022/03/19/overseerr-in-docker-on-a-synology-nas/
Jellyseerr (only use if you picked Jellyfin): https://drfrankenstein.co.uk/2022/09/04/jellyseerr-in-docker-on-a-synology-nas/
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dr-iphone · 11 months
Synology 推出 DiskStation DS223j,簡化檔案管理、提高遠端工作和協作效率
Synology 群暉科技推出入門級 J 系列機種「DiskStation DS223j」,主要是為了居家辦公和小型團隊需求,因此只有 2 硬碟槽。同時搭載 Synology 直覺化的 DiskStation Manager(DSM),可協助完成日常資料儲存和管理任務,包括檔案同步、共享、備份和錄影監控等。 Continue reading Untitled
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timestechnow · 1 day
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richtong1 · 6 days
nas: Synology Disk Not supported by this version of DSM
Argh, what a pain, I had thought I could just swap disks to different Synology machines, but it turns out my software on my flavors of Synology NAS (RP2423+, DS2413+ and DS1811) are all different enough that none of the SHR drives are compatible. And I get the dreaded. These each run different versions of the DiskStation Manager, DSM 7.1.1 and DSM 6.2.4 respectively Disk Not supported by this…
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nationalpc · 13 days
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Buy now: https://nationalpc.in/computer-hardware/data-storage-devices/network-attached-storage/synology
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mydoodads · 2 months
A beginners guide to setting up a Synology NAS | Part 18 | Synology Photos
Synology Photos is an application that allows you to organise, share and backup your important memories. So in this video, we demonstrate how you install and then configure the Synology Photos package onto a Synology NAS. We will then run through setting up the Photos app, on your smartphone or tablet.
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skyminds · 2 months
Synology: activer l'authentification par clé SSH pour les scripts rsync
Si vous utilisez un Synology, vous savez déjà à quel point il est précieux pour stocker et gérer vos données. Cependant, pour optimiser son utilisation tout en assurant la sécurité de vos fichiers, un petit réglage s’impose : la configuration d’un accès SSH et la création d’un compte dédié rsync, car depuis la dernière mise à jour DSM, le conseiller en sécurité vous alerte désormais lorsque le…
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find-synology · 2 months
Synology WiFi Router: Setup and Login
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Synology is famous for its NAS data management devices, but it also distributes WiFi routers. There are several models like Synology RT6600 WiFi router that people are using to run fast internet.
Here we will get you through simple steps that help you to install your new WiFi router, and if you want to complete the Synology RT6600AX setup, then you also can use them.
We will start with the hardware linking between the router and modem and then access the Synology router manager.
After that we will provide steps to link the Synology router to Synology NAS device with the help of some simple steps.
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timestechnow · 4 days
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richtong1 · 2 months
tech: Synology NAS performance is 200 MBps and 500/700 IOPS good?
OK, now that we have our disk arrays in order, I was curious to see what performance is like. First some basics, with hard disks, performance is a little hard to understand. The short answer is that two things are going on, The first is, that you have the data under the disk head and you are blazing away reading it, how fast can it go? So when I’m using my disks, I’m seeing speeds on the order of…
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gouforit · 3 months
Qué opción de RAID he elegido para mi NAS de 4 bahías y de 2 bahías
Es la primera duda que suele surgir cuando te compras un servidor NAS de Qnap o Synology o de cualquier otra marca: ¿Qué RAID eliges para un NAS de 2 bahías? ¿Y para uno de 4 bahías? Y tienes que pensarlo muy bien para que luego no te dé problemas, algo que me ha pasado a mí. En mi caso particular, siempre había optado por elegir RAID 5 en los NAS de 4 bahías (tiene un buen equilibrio entre…
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morganinglandllc · 3 months
Synology DiskStation DS223
📌 Synology DiskStation DS223 2-Bay NAS Enclosure
🔰 Synology DS223 is a 2-bay NAS enclosure that provides a robust storage solution. With its many features and powerful design, it provides effective data management for home and small offices.
Contact Us: 👇👇👇 📧 [email protected] 🔗 https://miatlantic.us/it/ds223
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magnetreviews · 4 months
Bee Drive: tu nuevo centro de copia de seguridad personal
Bee Drive llega a MacOS para convertirse en tu nuevo centro de copia de seguridad personal
Tanto si trabajas en una oficina, o en la calle… o ambas a la vez…  el almacenamiento de datos se ha convertido en una necesidad para todos. Ya sea para guardar proyectos escolares o de trabajo, o las fotos de las vacaciones, siempre necesitamos una solución fiable y segura para almacenar nuestros archivos. Es por eso que Synology ha lanzado su nuevo dispositivo de copia de seguridad, BeeDrive.…
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gunslap · 5 months
The Joys of Running a Home Server (If You're a Big Nerd)
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hackeocafe · 5 months
Install Home Assistant on a Synology NAS using Docker Compose (Container Manager)
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mydoodads · 2 months
A beginners guide to setting up a Synology NAS | Part 17 | Video Station
Synology Video Station is a free application that you can download from Package Centre to allow you to stream a video library from your NAS. So in this video we are going to demonstrate how you install and configure, Video Station on a Synology NAS.
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