#syscourse mention
altosys · 9 days
i hate the pipeline of "what is your stance on endos?" to "do you support the hypothetical concept of endogenic plurality?" to "do you think endogenics should be allowed to find safe spaces?" to "how do you personally feel about endogenic systems (because this will change the course of history in the plural community as we know it for the rest of time)?"
like no. no no no. remind me why we're debating others' identities again? we as a community have so much infighting that we're not even paying attention to the real issues: FDC, ableism + sanism in the psychiatric industry towards plurals, and most importantly *making a safe space for plurals in the world.*
listen. "what do i think of the endos?": i don't give a shit. genuinely. i couldn't care less about someone's system origin. it's not that big of a deal. like, if you're traumagenic, endogenic, quoigenic, neurogenic, cool cool. but as someone who Could Not Give Less Of A Fuck, i will not be debating your identity/ies.
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The future is plural!
And yes, I mean it!
No, I don’t want kids to go through the things I did as a system that has traumagenic origins, and the idea that I would stems from disingenuous arguments surrounding the fact its a phrase used heavily in endogenic spaces. The idea we want to hurt kids or have them be hurt is stemmed only from wanting to discredit anything endogenics say or do.
But then what do I want?
I want people to be able to live their lives as unapologetically themselves, I want people to be able to cope with their lives in whatever way aids them; and that inevitably means that there may be more systems in the future.
I want plurality to be normalized, I want the stigma around being plural to cease, I want our existence to simply be another thing that exists, I want us to have resources and help for those that need it in places devoid of bias and stigmatization.
I want plurality to have its place in the future of this world.
and thats why I want our future to be plural, and stand by the phrase.
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I know it's a response to current events, but I kind of miss when the system community was talking more about how our system origins and structures work for us. Not just that our origins exist, but specifically sharing information about our experiences and building upon theories and discussing research that, even when not specifically about systems, could be related. I have lots of posts in my drafts about this sort of thing, but it's a little hard to work up any motivation to look for answers about how these things work when there's so much denial that things can work this way; it just feels like we're all in this limbo of waiting for the rainy season to be over so we can get back to our construction sites. Like. Idk. I hate bringing up syscourse on this blog (even though this is mostly just referencing it) but does anyone else miss when we were talking more about exploring who we are and how these things might work than just... trying to keep ourselves afloat? Banding together over slogans? Not that coming together as a community is bad, obviously, it's just that it feels a little stifling when we used to do a lot more adventuring; something done out of survival and not out of community. I feel like the recent AMA for the tulpamancy study is a step back in that direction I'm looking for but. Rn I just miss the mix of criticism of the current psych field(s) and the genuine interest in looking for what does work that used to be more common. Or maybe nostalgia has gotten me overestimating just how common that sort of thing was. Idk, I was thinking about how it feels like it used to be more common for someone around here to go "hey, here's this text about autism that might be especially relevant to autigenic systems" or for someone to say "hey, here's this analysis about a historical figure who might have been plural based on their work and words". I miss that, I hope we can get back to that sort of post/thing being commonplace soon
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otherkin-confessional · 7 months
We dont understand anti-endo otherkin. How are you going to say that systems can't form from any other eay and then say that you can be nonhuman in the same breath?
Anyway! I hope all endo systems who are otherkin/therian/otherwise alterhuman are doing well! We support you!
- sincerely the nomhuman host of an endogenic system.
Edited to add that this user has clarified some things in this post
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just-antithings · 8 months
I propose an anti bingo game, with entries such as:
- Anti endogenic/non-traumagenic systems
- Favourite piece of media is something extremely polemic
- "rules for thee, not for me"
- Hypocrisies everywhere
- Minor
- Anti-kink
- Puts the lgbt in lgbt-infighting
What else could we add?
pretty sure that there’s already quite a few out there. followers?
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deepwater-sys · 1 month
i find it both sad and funny how anti-endos will cannibalize each other. you can say you hate endos more then anything in the world, but another anti-endo will take your post, your existence, and say you're fake. say you aren't actually a system because you dont match their extremely narrow view of what an "actual system" is. and that extremely narrow view is different for each of them. you cant win with them, even if you're on their side
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tag-the-headmate · 4 months
what's your stance on endos? ^^ just asking before we interact
i'm not really involved in syscourse and i don't know all the complexities of it, but i would say we're endo-neutral / endo safe because i don't feel comfortable policing what other folks have going on in their head. we don't have a dni or anything though- i'm fine with anyone interacting regardless of syscourse stances! i just don't feel comfortable being very involved in it myself. and i won't take offense to anyone who decides not to interact either.
tldr; this blog is endo safe
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dyspunktional-revan · 9 months
Post your diagnosis papers
Since Sophie @sophieinwonderland got the same ask I assume this is being mass sent to the pro-endo critter army thread participants, or something like that.
Imagine demanding folkel post their literal fucking medical documents and thinking you're fighting ableism.
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endless-hourglass · 3 months
warning for a very frustrated tone
I don't think this post counts as this but for the love of all you may believe in stop putting syscourse in the main CDD tags. People have asked for this a million times.
And no, just tagging "syscourse" and keeping the main tags doesn't fucking help, and telling us to just block either the syscourse tags or CDD tags doesn't help either. THESE DESERVE TO BE TWO SEPERATE SPACES.
a space where people can look at posts about their disorder and experiences without unwanted discourse and, let's be real, a lot of posts of just straight up bullying.
And a space where these discussions and topics can be explored without triggering or annoying other people
"But pro/anti endos keep doing it so I have to do it back-" I am gently plucking your phone from your hands and putting it on the tallest shelf for the day. If you hate this so much why are you perpetuating it.
(The only reason I'm tagging this with both things is because people in both tags GENUINELY DO need to hear this. Again I'm sorry if this is upsetting I'm just pissed)
-Gia (They/Them)
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Hey, to all those who are upset about the recent wave of anti-endos in general plural tags, I just want to remind you all that they go against Tumblr's community guidelines and you can report them as such! Under the section where the guidelines go over spam, it's noted that users should not "put tags on [their] posts that will mislead or deceive searchers". Using endogenic friendly tags coined by endogenic systems or supporters when your blog is not endogenic friendly most definitely counts. So, you're free to report these posts as spam when you see them! I cannot say for certain whether Tumblr will do anything, but if nothing else, it is certainly satisfying to know a report has been filed against them for their mis-tagging bullshit. Plus, the more people that report them for this breach of guidelines, the more likely it is that Tumblr will do something about it. (Don't go making excessive claims, of course – just throw in a quick report where you can if you feel like it.) It's small, but at least it's something.
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Tw: internalized ableism (I think that’s the right term?)/mention of syscourse
Mixed origin traumagenic/endogenic culture is identifying primarily with the endogenic origins as most of us are endogenic, and thus feeling like we can’t use any traumagenic terms because we’d be “stealing” them from the traumagenic community.
And also constantly seeing anti-endo posts and getting so emotionally worn out from it and from being told we don’t exist because “endos aren’t real” and being sent into spirals of doubt because of it.
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starfallensyndicate · 3 months
Step 1: Go into dissociative identity disorder tag, hoping to get more posts about other aspects of the disorder than plurality (because we get plural posts in general plural tags, right? Because these are mostly things that systems share no matter the origin or if disordered, and DID has also amnesia, PTSD symptoms, identity confusion, etc)
Step 2: 3/4 posts here are exactly the same things that get posted in general plural tags, just with "endos dni" added, the rest is straight syscourse mostly, you don't find any new posts about any other aspect of DID
What's the point???
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tauon07 · 3 months
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Sorry you’re getting so many syscourse asks!!! I just want you to know I love you a lot and thank you for all your hard work!!
ah thank you, we appreciate this :)
i guess we don’t really mind getting syscourse asks here… as long as
- everyone understands that we support and believe systems of all sorts
- folks who reach out are respectful, genuine, and willing to listen
- and our followers are staying safe/blocking tags that could potentially be triggering
we have faith that plural solidarity is possible and that all sorts of people are capable of changing for the better. so if we can help anyone along in that process in any way, honestly we’re happy to do it. i just hope we’re not harming any of our followers by publishing those asks.
endo systems, mixed origins systems, systems with unknown origins, xeno origins, or complex origins… we love y’all so much. this space is for you. this blog is for you. we want to support and uplift y’all however we can, alongside those of us with traumatic origins or dissociative disorders as well. we are stronger and better when we come together as a community :)
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oh yeah in case it needs to be said
We're not getting involved in syscourse. It's one of those "pick a windmill, don quixote" things. We also will not be disclosing whether we are likely endogenic or traumagenic as frankly that is none of your business & the idea that someone has to disclose personal, raw, and often scarring trauma to be taken seriously is fucked.
Editing to add, since this is on our cohost page as well: We've taken the general stance of believing people when they share their lived experiences. Take that however you like, but in general, it has yet to steer us wrong.
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murielsbottombitch · 3 months
syscourse keeps coming up on my dash and I keep having to just
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y'all sure do have opinions over there. strong ones.
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