#taemin meta
commajade · 10 months
shoutout to hwang sanghoon for shaping taemin's iconic solo image from day 1... hwang sanghoon jonghyun and changmin were the #1 supporters of taemin exploring his dark erotic artistic side in his solo debut and of course director hwang is telling him to read erotism by george bataille before he works on his next project like we are in for a killer solo comeback
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sanstropfremir · 6 months
do you agree that the voyeuristic nature of taemin's album was deliberate to make you feel "guilty" for looking at some of the teasers because this is his way of portraying the way he's been taken advantage of by the kpop industry ever since he was in middle school?
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why is this so accusatory lmao. what are you gonna do if i don't agree? what are you gonna do if i say that I think that's too simplistic of an analysis of this work that is very clearly about the nature of self in indoctrination and how institutions specifically work to break will and make the self complicit in that breaking? what if I say that if you are just now keying in to how deliberately voyeuristic taemin's work is you clearly haven't been paying attention for the last six years?
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kil9 · 2 years
this whole time I guess I've just been assuming the "blonde" taemin is the victim/innocent taem, I guess the silver one looks more evil ? he's the one with the eyepatch and getting arrested and stuff, plus blonde taem has the most significant injury. (the photocards also have blonde taem in the innocent version and silver taem in the suspect version, which basically confirms we should read blonde taem as innocent) but it doesn't completely line up.....
silver taem is the one one we see actually singing, indicating the song is from his point of view (I know you're bad for me, you're a criminal who hurts me, I'm on a leash called you, etc) at least until the end where blonde taem is mouthing along. blonde taem is also the only one we see with a weapon in the whole video, the chainsaw.
the weapon thing I'm more inclined to brush off (they are both affecting each other, after all, the "innocent" one has blood on his own hands in the end) but the singing thing still stands out to me. there are a couple explanations for this I can think of. the first, and simplest, is that it's just intentionally confusing. which might be the most likely case, I think a big part of the concept in general is these two people bleeding into each other and blurring the line. but I think it could also be more interesting than that.
so my first thought was, yes, the silver taem is the criminal and blonde taem is innocent, but the lyrics themselves don't talk about the "criminal" in the literal sense. rather, the crime of "making" him act this way, and pushing the blame of his own actions onto blonde taem (common abuse tactic lol. I'm on a leash called you ie I act this was because you make me crazy, a criminal who hurts me ie it's your fault things are going bad. taemin loves an unhealthy dynamic for sure) this especially lines up in the 2nd verse, "the syndrome called you, you lure me in and shake me. behind your childlike innocent face, a frightening side of you gives me goosebumps." it's easy to read as the criminal luring this dangerous side out of an otherwise innocent guy. this would also line up with the fact that blonde taem starts singing along in the end, when he's become just as bad as him, somewhat accepting this blame, saying fuck it I'll start being bad too. (side note, the fact that "just me and you" is on this album makes me lose my MIND. and reading those lyrics as the criminal & innocent makes me scream)
and the other thing I've thought about is, maybe the blonde taemin is the criminal after all. after all, the two versions aren't called "innocent and criminal" they're called "innocent and suspect," and a suspect isn't always guilty. this, of course, gives the impression of blonde taem (criminal taem) flat out framing silver taem for everything he's done. when you watch the video from this angle, blonde taems innocent and quiet demeanor shifts to cold, and calculated. and while silver taem used to seem violent and unhinged, you now see a man in panic, feeling the effect the criminal has had on him, and finally losing his mind. of course blonde taem will have gotten some scratches, silver taem seems much more hot headed so there's sure to have been some pushback. this interpretation is really, really interesting to me lately, and almost comes across more sinister than the original.
but really, any way you look at it, this shift of blame comes into play. (you made me act like this it's your fault, vs you literally made me do this even though it was your idea, vs I didn't do anything why did you tell them that) and like I said before... i think it's intentionally confusing !! bleeding into each other, blurring the line, blame moving back and forth, I think it all plays into the same dynamic in the end. who is innocent or not, we'll never know, but it's just some fun stuff to think about :] hey, maybe they're not even different people, who's to say !
as he says in just me and you, "we just blend into one color. we are reborn. empty your heart so it gets filled with me." and I think that's the real spirit of criminal. happy 2nd anniversary !!
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ohmuqueen · 6 months
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peppertaemint · 5 months
Taemin's concert was a rollercoaster of jaw-dropping, horny and emotional moments. I love the whiplash of "omg wtf is he doing" to "okee baby get yours work it" to just prolonged sobbing.
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Clip of Black Rose
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230303 x (mixlr)
230304 x (mixlr)
230305 x (beyond live + subs, lq)
ep. 1 x (sub eng)
ep. 2 x (sub eng)
ep.3 x (sub eng)
Beyond LIVE the Movie SHINee : SHINee WORLD (KNTV) x x (no subs)
ONEW THE FIRST JAPAN CONCERT TOUR — LIFE GOES ON in Yoyogi (220911) x (no subs)
I AM (2012) part i | part ii (eng subs)
ONEW MIDNIGHT SUN 210701 (with hyein) x (sub eng)
SHINee Beyond live concert x (sub eng.)
Vlive SHINee presents ~Bistro de SHINee~ x (no subs)
ONEW MIDNIGHT SUN 220525 x (sub eng.) with apink namjoo [this was the time that meta theater had broadcasting problems]
Royal Villa (9 episodes onew cut, sub eng) x x
Law of the Jungle
in Borneo x (all episodes, eng. sub)
in Brazil x (all episodes, eng. sub)
Happy Together EP. 470 (2017) ot5 x (eng sub)
Idol Festival (2016) with Minho & Taemin x (eng sub)
Eat, Sleep, Eat
in kudat x (all episodes, eng sub)
in sentosa ep. i ii
Sea Of Hope (2021) x (eng. sub, all episodes)
JBTC High Society (with Key) link i link ii
Fantastic Duo (2017) x
220417 Where's My Home? x (pw: 1214)
220714 Onew Oshira Strong Body x
230322 KEU CREW PING PONG EP. 38 x
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taemcutie0718 · 4 months
TAEMIN meta MORph-Gift for my friend!
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taeminsp · 2 months
{ENTREVISTA : SHINee en la revista "ELLE Men" (Abril 2024)}
Fragmentos de TAEMIN - Traducción
"Seguiremos brillando en el futuro.
La tan esperada reanudación de las actividades del grupo, el primer concierto en el Tokyo Dome en aproximadamente 6 años, SHINee brilla cada vez más como una leyenda del K-pop. Luciendo joyas deslumbrantes de la colección "Quatre" de Boucheron, en su primera aparición en ELLE MEN, que este año celebra su 20º aniversario.
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"Me fascinó la colección, transmite el concepto de un vistazo"
- Cuéntenos sobre el atractivo de la Colección Quatre y su impresión de las joyas que usó.
Taemin: Es maravilloso que el concepto de Quatre sea claramente visible en cada uno de los artículos. Creo que es genial que puedas saber de un vistazo que es una colección de Boucheron. Quería probármelos para sesiones importantes o cuando iba de traje.
- ¿Cómo fue tener una sesión de fotos luciendo joyas lujosas?
Taemin: Quería expresar el lujo y la actitud de la marca a mi manera, así que traté de ser consciente de una atmósfera fresca y tranquila en lugar de moverme de manera llamativa.
- ¿Ha cambiado la forma en que usas las joyas desde tu debut?
Taemin: En el pasado, no usaba ninguna joyería porque sentía que no me quedaban bien, pero ahora disfruto usar relojes y collares. Siento que usándolos como punto puedo crear una atmósfera madura.
- Cuéntanos cómo te sentiste al reanudar las actividades grupales en Japón el año pasado después de mucho tiempo.
Taemin: Fue una actividad muy esperada y quiero cuidarme y correr hasta el Tokyo Dome, el último concierto de nuestra gira. Me gustaría utilizar mis actividades individuales como fortaleza y dar lo mejor de mí en actividades grupales.
(Comentario de Taemin sobre las joyas)
"Para los trajes de escenario, uso accesorios llamativos tanto como puedo, pero por lo general me gusta disfrutar de las joyas con diseños básicos en forma de punta, así que uso el mismo par de pendientes todo el tiempo. No me importa días conmemorativos, los uso cuando quiero un artículo de moda".
Respecto a los cambios del pasado, Taemin dijo: "Siento que hay tantos gente que se enamoró del K-Pop".
SHINee se ha convertido en un modelo a seguir para la quinta generación de grupos de K-pop.
Taemin: "En lugar de simplemente crear contenido para ser consumido, hemos actuado en Japón muchas veces para ser amados por nuestros fans, hemos estado trabajando con el objetivo de crear vínculos."
El año pasado celebraron su 15º aniversario de debut en Corea. Han ido recogiendo luz mientras superan barreras, y seguramente seguirán brillando aún más en el futuro, trabajando de la mano con sus fans.
Taemin: "Queremos seguir siendo amados como un equipo llamado SHINee. Quiero que cada miembro cuide su salud, alcance sus propias metas y triunfe. Asi podremos realizar actividades más poderosas cuando nos reunamos como grupo. Me siento más feliz cuando estoy en el escenario, por eso me gustaría hacer más giras en solitario con nuevos conceptos."
Traducción en español gracias a la traducción en inglés de ©️diamantetaem (en X).
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kissporsche · 2 years
tagged by @ahdriking thank you my love!!!!!
NAME: I usually go by Heist or Boots on the internet, and Gabrielle on the not-internet
SIGN: Capricorn (I don't know much about astrology but I feel like I should apologise)
HEIGHT: 5'8" ish
TIME: 8pm
FAVOURITE ARTIST/BAND: I don't really follow artists/bands, I just listen to playlists and vibe. I guess if I was going to be EXCITED about an artist releasing new music it would be Hozier, Taemin or GOT7
LAST MOVIE: I watched chunks of The Greatest Showman when it was playing at the outdoor cinema in my last workplace
LAST SHOW: Watched the most recent Vice Versa and The Eclipse eps today!
WHEN I CREATED THIS BLOG: This blog? A few months ago when I realised Kinnporsche was going to completely consume my mind (I was correct). My main blog was made in 2010 (yikes)
WHAT I POST: 90% reblogs, occasionally what could GENEROUSLY be called meta, liveblogs and some shitposts
OTHER BLOGS: Just my main (@supernovasimplicity) if you like podcasts, cdramas, dnd and other random garbage... that's where that lives
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 7 or 8 I guess?? It fluctuates i'll be honest
WHAT I'M WEARING: Red top and big wide trousers! I feel like I should admit that earlier I realised I owned all the clothing items necessary to closet cosplay Pete in the epilogue scene, so I did also wear that today
DREAM JOB: I am going to quote myself here: "I just want a job that gives me enough money to keep a roof over my head and doesn't make me hate myself". At the moment I work in museums, which is rad and i'd like to keep doing that
DREAM TRIP: OKAY SO I want to go to Petra in Jordan, Iceland and SAME @ahdriking I WANT TO DO A LOTR TOUR OF NEW ZEALAND SO BAD
FAVOURITE SONGS (and quotes from them, just for some spice): I CAN'T PICK FAVOURITES OKAY HERE'S MY TOP TEN ON REPEAT
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I'm tagging @vegasandhishedgehog @solaarflaree @guzhu-furen @kerrikins @lelephantsnailand @agendratum feel free to do it if you want!
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ruth9989 · 1 year
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
Hey! I hops life has been treating you well! And warning for a long and convoluted ask incoming (which is pretty par for the course for me). I’ve been going down a Yunho (U-Know Yunho to be precise lol) rabbit hole and I’m curious how you think he compares to other male SM solo artists especially Taemin (though I think it would be interesting to compare all SM solo artists like BOA or Taeyeon and Hyoyeon for the purpose of this ask im just thinking about the dudes). Cause I feel like him, Taemin, and Kai all fall on different ends of the same spectrum that’s distinct from some of the other SM solos like the other Exos (except I might add Baekhyun in there but I’m just not familiar enough with him) as they tend to tackle that darker sexier sound. I’ve been thinking about how when people say a male solo artists is making taemin lite music it’s usually actually closer to Yunho’s more recent stuff. Like taemin has kind of become short hand for dark male solo concept especially if it’s on the sexier or high concept side when that’s not always an accurate comparison. I’ve seen this especially with Wonho which is really interesting to me cause in my mind he falls way more on the Yunho end of the spectrum than Taemin (by like a long shot). And this could also be cause the kpop circles I run in are way less familiar with Yunho to make that comparison in the first place, I was just wondering if others like you that knew Yunho would agree with me. I also found it interesting that Taemin went solo before Yunho even though TVXQ are the older group so I wonder he affected Yunho’s music at all. Cause Yunho kind of seems like a more, I don’t want to say masculine, definitely more of a player, conventionally sexy foil to taemin’s more unhinged (satanic?? Fantasy? Horror-adjacent? I can’t really describe it accurately but I mean TVXQ has down their share of that too) sensual side and I can’t tell if it’s cause of the age difference between them, their group concepts (I mean TVXQ are the grown men of the kpop industry in my mind and I have no doubt they play a role in inspiring any “manly” or mature concept and Yunho’s concepts seems to follow pretty closely to TVXQ’s image in a way that Taemin doesn’t at all with Shinee), or their own artist personas and careers- taemin has always been viewed as the “feminine” one and you’ve talked a lot about how he’s both rejected and embraced that image overtime in his career. And to further complicate this I don’t really know where to put Kai between them cause he has the more overt sex appeal in Mmmh, and in his image over all, that Yunho has but also is more sensual and softer (subtle?) dance style that seems closer to taemin (or at least taemin’s image I’ll be the first to admit that my understanding of him as an artists doesnt always align with his actual output and the expectations I project on him) so I guess he goes in the middle. But peaches does really stand out as a sort of softer lighter storybook concept (which I love cause I feel like we don’t see traditional concepts that are more feel good) so that kind of throws a wrench into my theory and I guess thats what I get for treating artists’ output as a monolith and for comparing them😅. This ask is getting very very long and I’m late for class so I won’t continue but I did have some idea about where Xiumin’s recent comeback fits into this roster of artists but I’ll save that for another day lol. As always thanks for your input and I hope this makes at least some sense to you!
i stopped photo editing to answer this lmao bc i think this a very interesting question/thought experiment etc etc
firstly, most people will make the taemin comparison for male soloist because he is significantly more well known as a soloist, and part of that is that he's famous for being a soloist; an extension of which is the disparity between his solo work and his group work. now there are two points i want to fork off into from here:
-> the first is that it's a flawed comparison to place yunho, taemin, and kai on a spectrum because they're not derivatives of each other in the way that a spectrum would imply; what they all are is derivatives of rain. every dance-based male soloist is, via some lineage, a descendant of rain, whether it's through the skills line (taemin) or the 'masculinity' line (yunho) or a mix (kai). baekhyun doesn't factor in here because he's almost purely rnb based and therefore a kangta derivative.
-> the second is that it is valid for people to be making that comparison to taemin because most younger idols are going to be using him as reference, and because a lot of these younger idols are following his method of creating a separate solo persona from their group. yunho does not have that distinction. he is quite literally the face of tvxq, and therefore inextricably bound to the group's identity because there are literally only two of them. if they were, for example, still a five member group, he might have had more a chance to diversify himself a bit, but that's a bygone point because we don't live in that world. the reason tvxq made it through the split and maintained being an extremely successful group is very likely because of yunho's singlehanded determination. obviously changmin does care about the group, but as we've seen with his solo work, he's much more of a musical chameleon; he's more focused on dabbling in widely different genres that interest him. yunho's solo music however, is pretty consistent in sound and also not all that surprising of a leap from who he is in tvxq. so by that observation, i would say there isn't actually a difference between uknow yunho and uknow the soloist. his artistic identity is tvxq, in a way that he can't separate, unlike how taemin can separate from shinee. and following that point through, no younger soloist can really be compared to him because his history and group image are so integral to what he does. that's why there's like a negative number of young idols that every attempt to cover a yunho song, bc the vibes of something like follow or thank u would OBLITERATE anyone under the age of 30.
if you were to look at just aesthetics and music styles, sure on the surface there are some younger idols that unintentionally skew more towards some of the stuff that yunho has done, but in the end that's because they're all under the rain umbrella.
#kpop questions#tvxq w#tvxq#yunho#taemin meta#i know i've talked about this before in a post somewhere. but yunho's only comparable peers are literally like. junsu and rain#both them COULD cover a yunho song if they wanted to. but again. their vibes are wrong. they don't have the same desperation#to be completely honest i actually think it's unimportant to compare the literal aesthetics/music style of solo artists#and instead you need to compare HOW they approach those aesthetics styles etc etc#like you could say that taemin kai yunho and baekhyun have all done dance based 'dark sexy' concepts within a relatively close timespan:#criminal (sept 2020) mmmh (nov 2020) thank u (jan 2021) and bambi (march 2021)#but that doesnt take into account the fact that all of them approach the concept of 'dark sexy' totally differently#and each according to their own contexts#i dont think you can put all of sm's soloists on a big scale of similarity of music and aesthetic#i mean. you can bc duh theyre all gonna look and sound similar bc they share resources#but that's not seeing the forest for the trees in terms of actually analysing and understanding a soloist's work#this is basically just a very longwinded way of me saying that i dont think there's anyone that makes solo work like yunho#i guess you could argue that kai is actually the most similar to yunho since he doesnt have a real distinction between solo kai and exo kai#but again its different bc he's got a wider array of genres he's willing to try and exo is not the same as tvxq#but again again its not about relating them to each other. its about relating them in comparison to rain#answers#text#like when i say taemin is more popular i mean like. 1.2 million monthly spotify listeners vs 30k. its not an insignificant difference
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onelasstsong · 2 years
𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿
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datos básicos.
nombre: Kang HanEul.
fc: Lee TaeMin.
fecha de nacimiento: 06-diciembre-1997 (24 años).
Nacido en Seúl, hijo de una ama de casa y un contador público, HanEul creció como hijo único. Desde muy joven se caracterizó por ser el niño callado que con solo sonreír hacía creer que todo estaría bien; la singular belleza del chico lo volvió el centro de atención en todos lados.
A pesar de ello, a Han (Como solían decirle) realmente nunca le importó si alguien se la prestaba o no, él vivía en su propio mundo donde la música y el baile eran la meta a la que quería llegar. Siendo cautivado por los géneros del rock y el pop, desarrolló un talento único al ser bueno en el escenario, canto, baile e incluso logrando tocar el piano, claro que para sus padres con visión común aquello era solo lo que un niño haría como pasatiempo.
"Quiero ser artista."
La preocupación de su inocente madre y el completo desacuerdo de su progenitor le comenzaron a hacer el camino oscuro apenas teniendo trece años, los festivales y eventos escolares ahora eran un premio que debió ganarse a punta de sangre y buenas notas.
Y no se esperó que en una de aquella muchas obras en donde participaba, fuera a encontrarse con un cazatalentos que se vio cautivado ante su singular estilo.
Una oferta descabellada, el desacuerdo completo de sus padres y la esperanza de una vida diferente lo obligaron a irse de casa siendo muy joven para el mundo.
Diez años han pasado, desde aquella decisión.
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Y hoy, aquel jovencito que soñaba en grande comienza a abrirse camino entre los grandes de la industria. Artísticamente apodado "soldier", HanEul lleva seis años trabajando oficialmente como modelo y artista independiente, ofreciendo conciertos de todo tipo y evento; críticas llegaron a aparecer en el camino pero nada que no le hicieran seguir poniendo el corazón en lo que ama.
Y por las noches, cuando no tiene que estar bajo los reflectores, el joven prodigio se adentra en otro mundo del arte, siendo dueño de su propio bar, es el principal anfitrión en la barra, donde la buena música y bebidas no pueden faltar.
Escritos pertenecientes al juego roleplay.
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ohmuqueen · 20 days
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peppertaemint · 5 months
The whole twink death discussion is a microcosm of the complexity of gender representation Taemin constructed for his Guilty concept and the Meta Morph concert. That particular line of discussion is somewhat irritating (it feels like straight ppl nonsense because twinkism is obvs eternal) but I still see it as interesting because people try to label him and they can't. You can see the process of people trying to decide what gender or sexuality "category" to put him in, but it's difficult for many--increasingly difficult perhaps. I like that a lot. This week, he broughtup couple dances with women to his fans and two seconds later, he blabbed about couple items with Minho. He is so adept at keeping people on their toes; it's masterful, lol.
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There's this blog on tumblr Commajade that has interesting posts on Taemin's art under a tag named *Taemin meta* . I think you may like going through that.
Just fyi - They also don't have that positive of a take on bts but that's usually not much of a problem for me.
Thanks anon for the recomendation. I actually know that blog, I used to follow it a couple of years ago for a short while, but then I stopped cause op was going through their college phase of finding out their political identity and doubling down on radical stances and I was already past that period in my life so I wasn't the target audience. It's not a criticism, don't misunderstand me, I was just in another place mentally and intelectually by that time.
I know op writes really well and I'm sure there's some really good texts about Taemin which I can check out. Thanks for specifying the tag.
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Jonghyun / Taemin ; they're doing their best; PG
Listen. Listen. you're Taemin. You're a nerd that has a lot of free time the summer after you graduate. You get really good at Pokemon. You make it all the way to the world finals and you are lucky enough that it's being held in your very own city. You make it all the way to the finals of that. You meet your opponent that you've only ever seen online for the first time in person on stage. He is very very cute
And is he fucking blushing? Holy shit. Pink is dusting his cheeks, and Taemin is sure that he can see the heat creeping up in his own face, and now it's just the two of them, standing there, smiling at each other and blushing.
The moment is broken when Jonghyun's pretty friend with the eyebrow scar comes up and tugs on his elbow. He says something in Korean that has Jonghyun starting and fumbling to hurry and finish gathering up his stuff. Jonghyun says something back quickly with a nod in Taemin's direction; Taemin stands there awkwardly as his friend glances at him, then rolls his eyes and says something in an admonishing tone. Jonghyun replies with a whine and a stomp of his foot, and then his friend sighs and actually turns to face Taemin.
"He wants to ask if you want to come grab lunch with us after the interview," he says.
Taemin knows that he is screwed as soon as he steps up onto the stage with Jonghyun.
Not because he's worried about how he'll do, or anything; he's very confident in his strategy. He's been refining his pokemon team for weeks, perfecting it between tournaments, and keeping himself up to date on all of the new breakthroughs and developments in the metas. His team is different, unique; everyone else mostly uses the same tried-and-true pokemon of the generation, legendaries and pseudos guaranteed to win battles, so he's purposefully using different ones, different moves, different items, different abilities. It makes his team a little weaker, on paper, but the unpredictability gives him back his edge.
He's been keeping an eye on Jonghyun, too, ever since he learned that Jonghyun would be coming all the way here to America from Korea to participate in the grand masters finals this year. Jonghyun has the same idea as him: his team is completely different from anything Taemin has ever seen, and he made his way quickly through the ranks, all the way up to here, walking up the steps on the other side of the stage from Taemin.
But that's not what worries Taemin. That excites him, actually; that for once he's going to be facing a unique team, one that he's only had a few videos to study from and try to work against. Win or lose, he knows he's going to have a great time.
No, Taemin knows that he's screwed because Jonghyun is so much cuter in person.
Taemin thought he was okay before, looking at his selfies on twitter and glancing at him during the videos of his other pokemon battles online. But now? Here? Walking up to him, taking in his tan skin, his big brown eyes, his spiky black hair, his thick, wide smile, his absolutely fucking adorable nose? The little baby pink Shellos plushie he has clipped to his shoulder, that he lifts a hand to and wiggles while he waves at the crowd so it can wave with him? Taemin is so so so fucking screwed. For the first time ever in one of these competitions, Taemin wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans as he sits down at the table across from Jonghyun.
When they both reach across the table and shake each other's hands, Taemin almost melts out of his chair right there. Jonghyun's hand is small, square, and warm, and his fingers brush Taemin's palm when they let go. He has another pokemon accessory, a big beaded bracelet that's actually made up out of a Falinks, each one with a different little smiley face. It's that, the reminder of one of Jonghyun's toughest signature pokemon, that gets Taemin back to his senses. Enough, at least, to smile and say, "good luck."
Jonghyun says, "thank you, you too," in the softest, nicest voice and Taemin melts all over again.
He forces himself to just look at his switch and focus on that. Focus on the battle, on his pokemon, and all of his strategies. That, at least, he can do. Once he gets himself back in the zone, he's able to get his game face back on. It only slips once or twice between the three battles, when he has to look up and shake Jonghyun's hand again.
By the end of it, though, that's not what makes him lose. It was actually supremely close, all three battles, but Jonghyun won the two of them fair and square. Taemin doesn't even feel too dejected as he unplugs his switch and listens to the crowd roaring for Jonghyun. He legitimately had a super fun time. And there's always next year.
Once Jonghyun finishes thanking the crowd and bowing and soaking up all of the praise, he also turns to grab his switch from the table. The cameras are off of them, instead on the commentators for the event as they talk about their battle, so Taemin takes his chance. Standing up, wiping his hands on his jeans again, he says, "Hey, um."
Jonghyun almost takes him out when he looks up, eyes round, mouth open, the softest little noise of question coming from his throat. One good thing, though, is that during the few seconds where Taemin's brain is restarting, he remembers that Jonghyun doesn't actually speak English. During the pre-match interview, it was all him speaking in Korean while his pretty friend with the eyebrow scar and the half shaved head translated for him.
Even more nervous, suddenly, because now he's embarrassed, Taemin tries his best to remember what little he knows from family reunions and says in Korean, "Good job. You played really well. I had a lot of fun."
Instantly, Jonghyun brightens, smile splitting open his face. "Oh!" he exclaims, a loud bark of a noise. "You speak Korean?" he asks in Korean. He moves like he's going to say more, eager and fast, so Taemin quickly shakes his head, rubbing his nose sheepishly.
"Uh," he says. "Just a little bit." He's honestly not even sure that he pronounced that correctly. He holds up his finger and thumb very close together, in case he didn't.
"Oh," Jonghyun says, drooping. Then, before Taemin can panic about how he's already blown it before they've even said more than five sentences to each other, Jonghyun smiles again. "Well, that's okay," he says in Korean, and then in English, "I only speak a little English."
And is he fucking blushing? Holy shit. Pink is dusting his cheeks, and Taemin is sure that he can see the heat creeping up in his own face, and now it's just the two of them, standing there, smiling at each other and blushing.
The moment is broken when Jonghyun's pretty friend with the eyebrow scar comes up and tugs on his elbow. He says something in Korean that has Jonghyun starting and fumbling to hurry and finish gathering up his stuff. Jonghyun says something back quickly with a nod in Taemin's direction; Taemin stands there awkwardly as his friend glances at him, then rolls his eyes and says something in an admonishing tone. Jonghyun replies with a whine and a stomp of his foot, and then his friend sighs and actually turns to face Taemin.
"He wants to ask if you want to come grab lunch with us after the interview," he says.
Taemin takes a moment to process that, and then to blush even darker. Jonghyun is blushing too, though. He's still shoving his switch into his bag, but he looks up at Taemin through his lashes, smile small and shy. Taemin cannot believe it. He cannot believe his fucking luck. He cannot believe Jonghyun thinks he's cute too. He cannot believe he cannot get words out of his mouth right now.
“Taem?" A jiggle of his shoulder; Taemin looks to his right and finds his big brother Jinki there, smiling at him. He must have come up from the crowd. "Good job, loser boy," he says. "It was really close." He turns to Jonghyun and his pretty friend, smiling politely. "Hi," he adds.
"Yes we want to go to lunch with you two," Taemin says loudly. It all blurts out of him in a rush, like Jinki popped the words out of his mouth when he patted him on the shoulder.
"We what?" Jinki asks.
"Great," Jonghyun's pretty friend smiles, all sugary insincerity, and he turns Jonghyun and marches him away without another word.
Jonghyun turns and waves at Taemin, and Taemin doesn't even care if he seems too eager as he waves back. At least, not until Jinki shakes him again, harder than the first time.
"Excuse me?" he asks when Taemin turns to him.
"Come on," Taemin wines, already pleading. "Did you see him? Did you see how cute he is? And he thinks I'm cute too, I could tell. Come on." He rolls his shoulder away from Jinki, then grabs his arm and pulls him off of his side of the stage. "Consolation prize or whatever. I lost. It'll make me feel better."
"God," Jinki says, rolling his eyes. "Fine," he says. He lets Taemin pull him over towards one of the big screens so they can watch the winner’s interview. Jonghyun and his pretty friend are up there already, Jonghyun bright and bouncy as he speaks and his pretty friend putting a valiant effort into not looking bored as he translates. After a minute of watching, Jinki grins and nudges Taemin with his elbow. "I guess I should be there to chaperone baby's first date," he teases.
"I've been on dates before," Taemin says defensively. "I have," he insists when Jinki raises his eyebrows silently. Just because he can't say who with or where they went or when they were doesn't mean they never happened. To Jinki, anyway. He doesn't have proof that they didn't happen. "Dickhead," Taemin adds for good measure.
“Whatever," Jinki scoffs. "See if I ever drive you anywhere again."
"Oh, fuck you, you like pokemon too," Taemin snaps back.
They bicker all the way up until the interview is over, and then, as Jonghyun and his pretty friend step off the stage and head towards them, Taemin switches back to begging his brother not to embarrass him. Jinki makes no promises, and Taemin sweats the entire walk out of the convention center and to the cafe down the street.
His only sense of reassurance comes from the fact that Jonghyun is blushing harder than ever. Jinki and Jonghyun's pretty friend–Key, he says, but Jonghyun keeps calling him Kibummie–walk between them, introducing themselves and making friendly small talk, and Taemin and Jonghyun just smile at each other and blush and look away from each other over and over.
When they get to the cafe, they get a booth table, and Jonghyun and Taemin sit on the inside, near the window. Key and Jinki slide in next to them, on their respective sides. The two of them have hit it off apparently, because they’re talking and laughing like they've been friends for years.
Taemin blushes at his hands until Jinki asks what everyone wants to eat and then gets up and orders for them. While he's gone, Key looks at his phone and Jonghyun copies Taemin. Once, Jonghyun looks up and says, "I like your hair."
Taemin doesn't say thank you in reply so much as just stammers out a bunch of little half words, tugging on his little red ponytail nervously, until Jinki returns with all of their drinks and saves him.
Their food gets brought to them by a server a little bit later, and all Jonghyun and Taemin do in that time is sit there and not talk. Some fucking date. The other two are the ones doing all the talking, and half of it is in completely fluent Korean. Taemin didn't even know Jinki was that good. He has no idea where he fucking learned at all, either, because it wasn't at home.
Actually, it might have been. Taemin vaguely remembers his parents offering to teach him more, a few times, but he never had the patience for it, when no one at school spoke it. God, and now he's getting distracted with diaspora discourse in his own head. He sighs, rubbing his hands over his face and poking at his cute little pikachu cupcake.
Across the table, Key pushes Jonghyun's shoulder gently but firmly. He scolds something in Korean. While Jonghyun pouts back at his friend, Jinki pushes Taemin the same way.
"He's right, you know," he says, nodding across the table at Key. "If you want me to translate for you, you have to say something first." Taemin pouts at him much the same way as Jonghyun. He doesn't want his big brother to translate flirting for him. He doesn't know how the fuck he's supposed to do this otherwise, though. Homophobic, he thinks.
"Why don't you pokemon fight or whatever?" Key asks in English. When Taemin looks over, he's looking right at him. "You two can talk about that at least, right?"
"Yeah," Jinki says. In Korean, he asks Jonghyun, "where’s your switch? Play with Taemin."
Taemin and Jonghyun look at each other; they both smile sheepishly and shrug. That is at least something that both of them can do. Taemin digs in his bag for his switch, Jonghyun doing the same, and when they find them Key takes it one step further. He grabs both consoles, and before Taemin can even shout and grab his back, swaps them. Taemin looks down at Jonghyun's switch in his hands, already turned on, Hangul looking back at him.
"I know you know how to read Korean," Jinki says to him. "Talk about the language differences."
Jonghyun had his game open to the campground area; his Gastrodon, the squishy pink slug that caused Taemin the second battle, slimes her way up to the front of the screen.
"Tri–tritodon?”Taemin reads hesitantly, glancing up at Jonghyun. "Like, King Triton? From –”
"The Little Mermaid, yeah," Jonghyun smiles shyly. Taemin smiles back.
"There you go," Key mutters. It's an eye roll in a sentence, but Taemin doesn't mind. He's just noticed that Jonghyun's gastrodon is nicknamed gooey marshmallow. He's pretty sure that's what it says, and he's definitely sure that that is so cute that he might just spontaneously combust right here.
He holds himself together enough to not, though, and they have a halting conversation instead. By the time they finish laughing and marveling at all of the different Pokemon names and actually start up a battle, they're both considerably more comfortable, Taemin thinks. He's better at Korean than he thought, and Jonghyun is better at English than he thought, and neither of them are so nervous about their speaking anymore.
What Taemin is nervous about now is that Jonghyun is back to being bright and peppy, with that wide, confident smile. It is so much to look at, so handsome and pretty and gorgeous, that Taemin almost feels like he's going to give Jonghyun's switch water damage, his palms are so sweaty.
Thankfully, like before, once they get into a battle, Taemin can focus. It's less difficult to decipher all of the Korean–even when he can't figure out a word, he can usually tell what the move is by the typing and how much damage it does, or he can ask Jinki–and it's actually harder to figure out strategy with a team that isn't his.
He knows how the team works; he was there when it kicked his ass an hour ago. Twice. But here, holding it in his hands, he knows that he cannot work it with the same finesse that Jonghyun did. On the other side of the table, Jonghyun seems to be having the same problem, scratching his head and biting his thumb as he tries to figure out his next move.
In the end, Jonghyun beats him, again. It stings a little, to be beaten by his own team, but also, in a way, he's proud of them. He knew they could do it. He says that, too: "Hey, our teams are even now. 2-2," and then tries his best to say the same thing in Korean. He's absolutely certain that he doesn't do it right, but Jonghyun seems to get it anyway, because he instantly gasps and then scrunches his face. Mouth all small, nose all crinkled, eyebrows all furrowed.
He thrusts Taemin's switch back across the table, holding out a grabby hand for his. "Rematch," he grumps.
Laughing, Taemin trades easily. Quickly, even quicker than when they were on stage, Jonghyun practically eviscerates his team. He exploits all of Taemin's pokemons weaknesses that he didn't know before; Taemin guesses that he checked their stats when he had the chance. Taemin didn't even think about that. He guesses that's why Jonghyun is the one that's champion and not him.
Pouting–or trying to pout, at least, through his smile–Taemin asks him, "Do you play Animal Crossing?”Jonghyun drops his cocky smug look and replaces it with a confused tilt of the head. Taemin figures that the game must have a very different name in Korean. He just closes out of the pokemon game and scrolls to Animal Crossing on his dashboard, showing Jonghyun that way. When he does, Jonghyun smiles bright and nods eagerly. He hurries to switch games on his own console.
After the tour of his island, and halfway through the tour of Jonghyun's island, Jinki jiggles his shoulder gently. Taemin looks up reluctantly. Jonghyun's island is an organized mess and he loves it.
"You'll be okay on your own, right?" Jinki asks him, which makes Taemin give him his full attention. He’s gathering up all of his trash and standing up, Key doing the same on the other side of the table. "Bummie and I are going to, uh." He glances over at Key and his smile hooks up at one corner. He licks his lips, then turns back to Taemin and grins, "go hang out together."
Taemin squints at his brother, suspicious. On the other side of the table, Key is speaking in Korean with a smile much the same as Jinki's and pink blushing over his nose. Jonghyun is looking at him very indignantly, and then he snaps something at him, gesturing at himself and then at Key. Key blushes even darker, replying defensively, and Taemin gasps dramatically. He whips back to Jinki.
"You cannot ditch me to go have sex," he hisses. Instantly Jinki is on the defensive too, mouth working silently for a moment before he shoots back, "Why do you understand the sex words?”
"I don't understand the sex words," Taemin snaps. "I can just tell, looking at both of you. What the fuck?" He does not believe this. Jinki cannot leave him here on his own with Jonghyun. He is baby and he cannot talk to a cute boy without help.
Jinki tries to come back with something, but yet again, no words come out of him until he says, "Okay, well, anyway. We're leaving. Text me if you need me. You're doing great!" He grabs Key around the waist and guides him away mid argument with Jonghyun. Both of them, before they even throw their garbage away, are already giggling, laughing with each other.
"Fucker,” Taemin calls after him, betrayed. "I'm going to piss in your dresser when we get home!" He would almost feel bad, yelling that in a public cafe, if Jonghyun weren't cursing Key even louder. Taemin doesn't understand any of the words but he can just tell, from the feeling behind them, the borderline growl in his voice, that they're worse than his.
Jinki and Key leave without a look back, even when they walk right past the cafe window and Taemin loudly flips them off through it.
Then he slumps back in his seat, extremely grumpy, glaring at the table. Awful. Looking up at Jonghyun, who's doing the same thing, he demands, "Can you believe them?"
Jonghyun replies with a long sentence in Korean, and he doesn't seem to mind that Taemin doesn't understand. And he's right. Taemin replies with his own rant, "He's supposed to stick with me, mom literally told him to stay with me, and he thinks he can just? Hello?"
And then it's just the both of them, talking back and forth, over each other sometimes, absolutely, one hundred percent agreeing with the other one just on principle. And then it's the two of them laughing, suddenly, snorting and cackling together at the ridiculousness of the entire situation. And then it's Taemin, chuckling, staring at his switch screen without actually seeing it. Maybe Jinki was right. They're getting along fine. Maybe now's his chance to try again without fucking it up this time.
"Hey," he says. Jonghyun, still chuckling, looks up, curious. Taemin wiggles his switch, takes a deep, big boy breath, and in his very best Korean asks, "After this, do you want to go back to the convention?" Then he thinks for a moment, comes up with a blank, and adds in sheepish English, "We can look at all of the merch booths. Buy stuff."
"Oh!" Jonghyun exclaims. "Buy stuff! Yeah," he agrees, tapping his fingers on the table in his excitement. "I’d like that."
"Fuck yeah," Taemin grins.
"Fuck yeah!" Jonghyun repeats, slapping his hands on the table.
Taemin beams, giddy and lovestruck and proud of himself all at once. Nailed it.
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