#tahla molkoh
coyoteworks · 7 days
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I take a hammer and i fix the catgirl
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velnica · 2 years
Singing Along to the Start of Forever - Chapter 1
Fandom: FFXIV
Ship: Sanson/Guydelot
Tags: Modern AU/University, Falling in Love, Meet Cute (emphasis on cute)
Rating: Explicit (later chapters)
Desperate to cover rent, second year Journalism student Sanson Smyth agreed to take on one Guydelot Thildonnet as a roommate on behest of his best friend. Little did he know he was getting far more than he bargained for.
Or how two dorks fell head over heel in love.
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From his vantage point in the kitchen, Sanson stole a look at Guydelot. He was tall even by Elezen standard, and had no qualms propping his feet up on Sanson's coffee table. At least he did leave his shoes by the door. His messy brown hair had teal highlights on the tips, which Sanson thought actually looked rather nice, and his shirt was a shade brighter than the hair if that was even possible. His eyes were icy blue, and they were staring back at Sanson. Oh shite—
“Done investigating me, Mr. Journalist?” Guydelot gave a wicked grin as Sanson's face turned scarlet. He didn't even stop strumming his guitar, instead turning the melody into a mocking lilt. Sanson looked away, embarrassed that he was caught in the act. “If you'd like to know more, you can just ask. I don't bite.”
Sanson couldn't believe what he was hearing. “Ask? I seem to recall you've only given me one word answers to all my questions so far.”
Guydelot chuckled, “That's because you were asking boring questions. I thought you journalists were supposed to be good at interviewing?” Sanson really wanted to chuck the salt grinder at Guydelot.
“Are you seriously expecting full professional conduct at home? Doesn't seem like it will be worth my effort.” A tinge of pride coursed through him as the Elezen accidentally let out a discordant twang from his guitar. He watched as Guydelot leisurely got up from the sofa and sauntered over to the kitchen, leaning down across the counter to put his gaze at Sanson's level.
“Sanson, was it?” He continued without waiting for the Hyur to reply, “I hope you aren’t actually this stiff in the field or I’d be sad for your interview subject. You’re supposed to find what makes them tick, not the other way around.”
Twelve, this man quite literally just moved in today and he had the gall to insult Sanson in his kitchen.
“Typically I also don't interview anyone who doesn't catch my interest,” he retorted.
“Oh? I believe you were the one eyeing me up and down before. You do know you're still blushing, right? Fetchingly, I may add.” Guydelot made a round gesture with his finger, encircling Sanson's face and making the Hyur sputter indignantly to the delight of the grinning Elezen.
“I am allowed to look at and measure people on my own time, in my own home. You didn't exactly exude a welcoming aura, Guydelot.” Sanson threw back, there was no way he's getting grilled without a fight.
“What was that about not judging a book by its cover? Anyway if you're wondering about measurement, I'm willing to let you have a personal look.” Guydelot punctuated his statement with a waggle of his eyebrows.
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manawalls · 5 years
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ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪  look who joins the egg hunt!
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Here’s what might be the most important sidequest chain in all of 4.0: the Black Rose quests, to be found in Castrum Oriens.
You pair up with Tahla Molkoh, a military records officer of the Adders, to determine the fates of many prisoners from throughout Gyr Abania whose official status during Garlean occupation was listed as “Whereabouts Unknown.” One Ananta battlemaid suggests that these prisoners might have been taken to a hamlet in the south - an area once known as Bittermill. Your search there uncovers a token Garlean force, and an Elezen man who speaks strangely and lacks any memory of who he is or how he came to be there.
As your captive proves unhelpful, further exploration of the area reveals a Garlean soldier hiding out in a nearby cave. Once questioned, he divulges that the Garleans used the town of Bittermill as a testing ground for a new chemical weapon of mass destruction: Black Rose. Black Rose was designed to kill all living beings in a wide range while still keeping the structures intact - the better to kill Eorzeans while preserving Garlean lives, and ensuring occupying forces would have the infrastructure to maintain a presence in the areas they overtook. They used the Ala Mhigans listed as “Whereabouts Unknown” in the official records as test subjects for the gas, which was a resounding success: not one of them survived.
Just as the weapon was about to be deployed, however, none other than the ruling viceroy at the time - Gaius van Baelsar - ordered an end to Black Rose’s production and the destruction of all existing samples. As the imperial soldier explains:
Wounded Imperial: The Black Wolf would not allow the senseless murdering of Eorzea's people. He saw them as future subjects of the Empire to be ruled, not savages to be slaughtered.
While this does fall in line with what players saw of Gaius van Baelsar in 2.0, and while he very nearly avoided catastrophe for a great many more Eorzeans, it by no means exonerates him of his thoroughly imperialist outlook. If anything, it further solidifies his role as a man who is determined to lead by force, through his own means as opposed to another’s.
Unfortunately, the lead scientist behind the Black Rose project made off with some few samples - and that scientist is none other than the addled Elezen man whom you rescued earlier in the questline. With Tahla’s help, you find some of the last samples, but there’s no doubt that some other trace of Black Rose still remains.
Going back to this quest a second time, what struck me is that Tahla and her commanding officer voices her confidence that the Eorzean Alliance will bring justice to the former Garlean scientist, despite his not having any memory of the atrocities he created.
Serpent Marshal Brookstone: As for Grillaimais, his fate resides with the council. Considering the weight of his crimes, his punishment will be quite severe. Tahla Molkoh: I almost pity the man, but memories or no, his crimes cannot be excused.
This is a... very interesting moral conclusion for this part of the story, considering the 4.2 and 4.3 arc revolves entirely around whether or not a former Garlean officer who has no memory of her crimes should be held responsible in any way for actions she cannot remember. Ordinarily I would say that this inconsistent tone is just part and parcel of playing an MMO, and knowing that parts of the lore and the storytelling are bound to contradict one another at some point. Yet regardless of how one feels about Yotsuyu as a character or even about the moral dilemma that these quests bring up, Black Rose is later given greater significance in 4.3 - the same patch that concludes Yotsuyu’s story - and will prove to be consequential to a major part of Final Fantasy XIV’s story in Shadowbringers.
Ultimately, we’ll have to see where the ideas and concepts introduced in this quest eventually lead us - but I, for one, am interested and excited by the ideas and themes and complicated moral questions presented here, and I can’t wait to see where they’ll take us in Shadowbringers.
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autumnslance · 6 years
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“Once they find a mate they become inseparable. In Gyr Abanian heraldry, a pair of griffins rampant has represented undying loyalty since time immemorial.” - Lt. Tahla Molkoh
Captain Alpa runs into two problems in the next part of the Ananta quests.
First, some Ala Mhigans want Castellum Velodyna torn down to erase the Imperial stain on the Fringes--but the tower’s too strategic, and there isn’t time, funds, or manpower to build a new bridge. Not to mention, that’d mean Alpa’d have to return to Vira Nilya.
Instead, let’s go full Suikoden on this castellum and not only redecorate but build up the forces of the Gatekeepers into an indispensible unit of the Resistance.
Which takes some doing, as Alpa’s second hurdle has to do with her youth and earning the respect of adult soldiers--particularly the Reach’s griffin master, who is one of the anti-Castellum proponents.
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velnica · 2 years
Singing Along Ch 3 - No Chance, No Way
Fandom: FFXIV
Ship: Sanson/Guydelot
Tags: Modern AU/University, Falling in Love, Meet Cute (emphasis on cute)
Rating: Explicit (later chapters)
Accepting the VIP Tickets to Heresy's concert was just the start of Sanson's troubles.
Mentions of drink spiking.
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He closed his eyes, imagining the song playing with only a piano, alternating between bright notes at the start and deeper, richer ones for the chorus. When he opened his eyes, Sanson was smiling at him, seemingly happy at having sparked an inspiration in his friend. The small voice in the back of his mind urged him to bottle that look and keep it forever. He pointedly ignored it.
“Vodka?” The Hyur nodded. “I didn’t put you down for someone who drinks.”
Sanson frowned, “I’m not so ‘stiff’ that I don’t partake in enjoying alcohol, Guydelot. I just don’t drink often, and only with friends usually.” The Elezen just shrugged, though he kept this little info firmly in his memory bank.
“Well Sanson, I don’t see anybody here except you. Didn’t want to dance?” Again his friend became quiet, the little scrunch of his eyebrows telling Guydelot that he was blushing again. He cursed the darkened room for making him miss out on the full visual.
“It’s no fun dancing when you’re nearly fifth-wheeling… Um, where are you going?” Sanson watched confused as the keyboardist slipped out of the booth before turning around and extending his hand towards him.
“I’m taking the fifth-wheel out for a spin,” Guydelot replied cheekily, thoroughly enjoying yet another fluster. He’d lost count by this stage.
Sanson looked at the proffered hand warily, like he’s listing all of the pros and cons of this offer. With a mischievous grin, the Elezen wiggled his fingers, snapping the Hyur out of his reverie. He saw Sanson take a deep breath, looking up at him with hesitant eyes for a moment before taking his hand.
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velnica · 2 years
Singing Along Ch 3 - No Chance, No Way
Fandom: FFXIV
Ship: Sanson/Guydelot
Tags: Modern AU/University, Falling in Love, Meet Cute (emphasis on cute)
Rating: Explicit (later chapters)
Accepting the VIP tickets to Heresy’s concert was just the start of Sanson’s troubles.
Mentions of drink spiking
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“Vodka?” The Hyur nodded. “I didn’t put you down for someone who drinks.”
Sanson frowned, “I’m not so ‘stiff’ that I don’t partake in enjoying alcohol, Guydelot. I just don’t drink often, and only with friends usually.” The Elezen just shrugged, though he kept this little info firmly in his memory bank.
“Well Sanson, I don’t see anybody here except you. Didn’t want to dance?” Again his friend became quiet, the little scrunch of his eyebrows telling Guydelot that he was blushing again. He cursed the darkened room for making him miss out on the full visual.
“It’s no fun dancing when you’re nearly fifth-wheeling… Um, where are you going?” Sanson watched confused as the keyboardist slipped out of the booth before turning around and extending his hand towards him.
“I’m taking the fifth-wheel out for a spin,” Guydelot replied cheekily, thoroughly enjoying yet another fluster. He’d lost count by this stage.
Sanson looked at the proffered hand warily, like he’s listing all of the pros and cons of this offer. With a mischievous grin, the Elezen wiggled his fingers, snapping the Hyur out of his reverie. He saw Sanson take a deep breath, looking up at him with hesitant eyes for a moment before taking his hand.
“You’re incorrigible… This better be worth my time!” Guydelot grinned wider as he yanked Sanson out of the booth and onto the dancefloor.
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