e-vay · 10 months
What are your thoughts on all the different Tails ships out there? I know you're partial to CC, understandably so, but Tails has been shipped with so many. I'm curious as to your thoughts on them all
I actually like that Tails is the unexpected ladies’ man hahaha It’s funny that of all the characters, he’s the one who ends up with romance in the actual stories more than any of the others.
TailsXCream is cute and I support it even though I prefer him with my OC. They’re both sweeties and they both know what it’s like to be bffs with big personalities so they’d get each other.
I don’t care for TailsXCosmo but I don’t hate it and I would never discourage anyone from shipping it. I just wasn’t a big Cosmo fan so I didn’t ship it. But their storyline was really moving and I’m surprised Sonic X went that dark and I do love a tragic story.
TailsXZooey is also super cute. We don’t know enough about her but if Tails likes her she must be lovely. I also love how much taller she is than him, I love that twist.
I don’t ship any other pairings of him with any other official Sonic characters
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dragonpriness · 6 months
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roseydanes · 7 months
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Have you ever livestreamed something you really regretted?
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OC’s Featured:
Speed, son of Sonic and Amy Rose
Velvet, daughter of Shadow and Rouge
Ultraviolet, daughter of Silver and Blaze
Elias, son of Vector and Vanilla
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Knuckles X Tikal
Tails X Cream
If y’all otherwise ship TailsXCosmo OR especially KnucklesXRouge beside the ships of TailsXCream and ShadowXRouge, I’ll always respect your opinions!
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crusherthedoctor · 1 year
Tails The Fox
do I like them: He's my favourite hero character in the series, so I would say so.
5 good qualities:
He smart. :3
He nice. :3
He loyal. :3
I appreciate characters who aren't super strong in the traditional sense, who are maybe fearful, yet ultimately prove to go beyond their limits and triumph regardless. In a franchise where fans have grown too comfortable with looking at everything with the DBZ goggles, I think it's important to establish Tails (and other characters) as being true equals with Sonic, Shadow, etc, rather than relegate them to the role of cheerleader.
He cute. :3
3 bad qualities:
Sometimes points out the obvious.
He can time his statements inappropriately. ("All's well that ends well, right?")
Is apparently too rich and complex for mortals to understand since they're dead-set on compensating for their lack of understanding by treating him like shit.
favourite episode/etc: SA1 is the obvious answer, since he got to save Station Square on his own (even if Perfect Chaos destroying the city shortly after kind of undermines that...). But I also like his final speech in Battle, as well as Sonic's muted but nonetheless characteristic reaction to it.
otp: Don't have one.
Well, I don't mind TailsXCosmo, but I don't actively ship it.
brotp: Sonic of course. :D
ot3: None.
notp: TailsXFiona, since it brought along a ton of character assassination-shaped nonsense that culminated with House of Cards, and Fiona herself was not a very good character on top of that.
best quote: The aforementioned Battle speech.
"Someday… if this world finally knows true peace… if this world no longer needs weapons or wars… if we can make this world a truly peaceful place when we're older… if we can make a world where there's only laughter… do you think we'll be able to play with Emerl again?"
head canon: Sometimes he works so hard on his machines that he can occasionally fall asleep right in the middle of his work. When this happens, Sonic carefully takes him to his bed, and then tidies up everything in his workshop just the way he knows he likes it.
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muggycuphead · 2 years
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Mes del orgullo 2022 - Apreciando a personajes diversos
... holaaaa
Ha pasado un tiempo desde que publiqué aquí, ¿no es así?
Sí, he estado haciendo algunas cosas desde que me fui, y algunas de ellas se pueden notar aquí (ligeramente)
Pero -¡Hey! Las cosas se dirán cuando sea el momento idóneo para hacerlo, ahora mismo solo me concentraré en lo que traje aquí para el Mes del Orgullo de este año (un poco tarde, sí, pero bueno, aquí está)
Ahora sí, aquí la lista de personajes con los orgullos que le corresponde a cada uno de ellos (aunque me acabo de dar cuenta de que accidentalmente cambié el orden de las hojas aquí, así que es mejor si las leen de abajo hacia arriba cuando busquen a los personajes en cuestión):
    =>>Fantiddie. Mi personaje en su forma 'subconsciente' (la cual estoy usando actualmente). Tiene las banderas de asexual y arromántica pintadas en su 'túnica', aunque, como notarán, también tiene una 'bufanda' con la bandera demisexual. Esto se debe al hecho de que he estado reflexionando sobre algunas cosas que rodean mis pensamientos sobre las relaciones, e incluso si todavía me identifico como una ace-arrom, he decidido ser un poco más abierta sentimental y menos quisquillosa respecto a ese tema (aunque no estoy para eso en este momento, demasiado apresurado)
    =>>JPSAB Redim!Blixer, Cube y Hellie. El squad de formas, síii. Cube y Heli sostienen las banderas no binarias, ya que ambos son fancanónicamente nobinarios, al menos por lo que puedo recordar con Hellie, a Cube ya le había definido más o menos por ese estándar comenzando BR así queee…ya saben. Blixer, por otro lado, comparte una de las banderas de Fanti: asexual, ya que en realidad no está tan interesado en tener algo así de íntimo con alguien cercano a él (y sí, suena raro, ya que estoy hablando de una FORMA QLIA, pero ya saben que  en JPSAB en realidad es un humanoide, así que pues eso-)
    =>>Isósceles y los ‘TriÁngeles’. La deidad más alta de Paraíso en JPSAB, junto a sus discípulos. Sostiene la bandera progresiva LGBTQ+, mientras que los TriÁngeles sostienen las banderas genderqueer (izquierda, forma oculta) y genderfluid (derecha, forma verdadera).
    =>>Net, Compass y Ori. Las tres principales autoridades del ciberespacio en la historia de CV: CR. Ori (el personaje del medio) tiene la bandera no binaria, mientras que Compass (izquierda) y Net (derecha) usan ropa diferente con el patrón de la bandera hetero-aliado plasmada en esta.
    =>>Thalia, PD!BF y Lars. La protagonista ruda amante de los gatos de CVCR, el rapero más popular de NG en una forma 'zomboopificada' y el viejo chico dragón, todos ondeando la bandera bisexual por encima de sí mismos. Viejo, ha pasado un tiempo desde que dibujé al Drakka, todavía me gusta, es lindo, pero no voy a mentir, la historia de su personaje realmente merece una nueva versión en algunas partes.
    =>>Thales y Corine. Posiblemente la primera pareja de lesbianas que he formado, ambas luciendo y teniendo a su lado la bandera de dicha orientación. Y sí, esto básicamente alude al ship TailsxCosmo. La razón: creo que hacen una pareja bastante linda... aparte de que, en caso de que se lo pregunten, el personaje que se disfraza de Cream en el concepto al que pertenecen Thales y Sócrates (el Sonic de descuento) es en realidad una niña pequeña.
    =>>Hernán. El aspirante a Bansky que hice conceptualmente para C4:CR el año pasado. La bandera que se ha teñido en el pelo es la bandera gay trans-inclusiva. Se explica solo el boceto
Y eso es todo, amigos
Y sí, sé que BoyFriend no es ningún personaje mío, pero el concepto fan que usé arriba sí lo es. Hablando de eso, pequeña nota, tiene mucho que ver con aquel concepto que publiqué una vez en mi Twitter; tristemente no envejeció muy bien que se diga, ya que dudé mucho con este tras bambalinas, y realmente no tengo ganas de hacer otra cosa con él más allá de... bueno, sketchdumps conceptuales, ya que la mayoría de las ideas que pensé para este -algunas de las cuales ya tengo bocetos incluso- son esencialmente copias de otros personajes de mods  de FNF -los más populares, para ser más específica (no me importó mucho al principio, pero ahora me da algo de cosita, ya que desarrollé cierto afecto por el concepto e incluso lo tuve como un concepto de confort por un tiempo, así que sí, pica un poquito, pero ps me acostumbre al sentimiento con el tiempo); tl; dr, puede que simplemente haga un bomb-post' al respecto en algún momento por el mero hecho de mostrar que existe.
Así que pues, eso es todo de mí aquí por el momento
Espero que todos estén teniendo un gran mes del Orgullo, además de cuidarse bien en casa.
Se cuidan, lqm b< u u) >d
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violetnerves · 9 months
Figured I ought to post this W.I.P. of some of my Sonic ocs.
Left: Julayla-SonicxSally kid
Middle: Adam-NicolexShard kid (He's not supposed to be Julayla's twin brother basically. Him and Julayla just have a weird relationship.)
Right: Nebula-TailsxCosmo kid
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nickdrawsart · 2 years
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31 Days of Sonic Day 7 Emotion
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andtailsart · 3 years
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I've been wanting to draw this one for a while! Remember that one scene at the end of Episode 65 of Sonic X where Tails is just staring at Cosmo and calls her beautiful with a blush? I wanted to reverse the roles a bit and have Cosmo longingly stare at Tails instead.
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
May I request cute Tails and Amy friendship? You can choose which version just them being cute friends? Maybe they defend each other when someone tries to mess with them? Love your writing
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Watch 18:19 of Pajama Blogs - Prompt Requests - Ep 1 for juicy first thoughts on this prompts! (I may divert away from it, but we’ll see :3c)
Thank you so much! I try hard to stay pumped with energy so that I can give you all reading material during these trying times, lol. So let’s hope and press our hands together in a prayer that I’ll entertain, satisfy, and bring joyful feels to everyone through my prompts and fanfiction updates :Db
“Still working on that observatory, eh, Tails?”
As Tails was about to hammer in on his half-finished ‘dome-effect’ he wanted for his upper-level room, he blinked a moment at the familiar voice and excitedly looked down.
“The one and only.” She winked, grinning widely.
He had managed to get half the curve of the wall done, a dark, steel grey for it’s base color as it held a half-finished walled hole where the large glass would be for viewing the stars. He would insert a self-made telescope between there, and design a way to bring the view as though a holographic light performance right into his ‘black room’ when he wanted to personally ‘sit among the stars’.
“Permission to come aboard, captain?” Amy joked, placing a hand on the ladder and saluting him.
Tails’s twin namesakes wagged in joy, smiling and closing his eyes as he nodded, “Permission always granted! B-but be careful of the rickety-”
“Ah!” the ladder seemed to tilt as a piece of metal began to bend.
“Amy!” he was about to fly down but she summoned her hammer, wedging it into the place where the metal was bending.
“Phew~” she sighed out in relief, having some sweat trickle down the side of her face before climbing up again.
She removed her hammer and used it to place the metal back into the proper alignment again. “You might have given me permission, but did you consult your ship on that decision?”
The two laughed.
“Sorry about that. Everything is still a work in progress, and honestly, it’s kinda revolutionary if this actually works.” Tails scratched behind his head, then explained how new this technology and optical illusion trick really was.
“Yeah,... kinda amazing, Tails.” Amy admired the work already done to give Tails a space to mediate and enjoy the nature of wonderful night sky above him. “I remember when I first met you, that the dark used to be such a scary thing for ya.” She kid, looking to him kindly but nudging him with a tease.
He blushed slightly, looking away, “Well... then you and Sonic showed me how beautiful it was! A-an-and besides that, I’m too old for a night light.” he tried to seem so mature... but that pout made it obvious he just didn’t want to be looked down upon.
“Right. So a big sky-show isn’t the same thing?” She looked over to see he had already marked a place with some cushions, a reading-outlet to the side of the wall imbedded in with a shelf for the books, and a big fuzzy blanket. The tape read: Second Bed.
It all made her smile, “What a lovely little R&R space...” she lowered her eyes, wondering if he still got lonely like she did... and this was his way of coping.
He lived far away from the city, and although Amy lived down a winding road, she would visit the city often enough for groceries and other fun shopping sprees.
What did boys do to occupy their time?
“Heh, I wouldn’t say a 3D projected model of a precisely positioned magnifying glass and hyperized telescope make for a sky-light.” he tried to defend himself, and it was rather cute to Amy.
“Well, I bet Sonic’ll love to bunk here more often.”
The tone suddenly shifted as Amy and Tails both looked down, away from the other.
“Have you... heard from him lately?” Amy asked, almost worried that she already knew the answer to that question.
“No.” Tails sighed out, before dramatically leaning back and letting his head fall back on his shoulders, “Not since Eggman last showed up.”
“Yeah... he’s been rushing off more and more lately on some daring-dos that apparently don’t require any of us to come along...”
There was a quiet somberness...
“Yeahhhh...” Tails once again leaned properly back in place and dipped his head, scratching it softly...
He seemed friend-sick... and as Amy observed him more, he even looked starved for conversation.
“Hmph!” She puffed up the side of her cheek, “Well, we’ll have to give him the ol’silent treatment when he gets back this time too! Serve him right for all those times he’s left us behind on all the fun!” Amy rambled off, but Tails perked up a bit, looking over to her with a slight turn of his lowered head.
“Yeah! Just you wait! He’ll come back ready to tell us all his cool stunts on his new latest adventure, and we’ll be just chatting it up about your awesome star project!” She posed with her arm out and her hand upon her muscle, as though Rosy the Riveter. “That means we should wrap this little project of love up and really see what it’s made of!”
“Y-you mean it?” Tails looked thrilled by her offer. “I-I mean, if it’s not too much trouble... I could use your hammer for a few things.” He looked down at the metal that had bent out of place. “You’re strong arm means I could patch the rest of this in one hammer hit! It’ll remain sturdy if you’re strength! Ah...! Sorry!” he looked back over and saw Amy frowning embarrassedly, pushing her fingers together. He wagged his arms out to the side of her, apologetically. “I forgot... how you sometimes take the praise for your strength a little...” he felt awkward now, seeing her begin her usual spiel.
“But I’m... elegant... A-and lady-like when I do it... right?” She looked over to him as though pleading for his approval.
“O-O-of course, you are! I-I even remember Sonic saying something about it! Your hammer is super cute and only adds to your-! Uhh... c-charms!” Tails bundled his fists up and started shaking them profusely around, not sure how to convince her a ‘giant hammer’ was somehow ‘girlish’ but he did his best. “And besides, I don’t care what anyone else says, Amy! You’re super useful thanks to your strength! Just like I am with my brains.”
He was so determined to succeed in cheering her up that Amy couldn’t bear to disappoint him.
She took in a deep breath and got over herself, straightening up. “Yeah... well, I have to be strong, to look after and protect you and the others.” She ruffled up his hair and he laughed lightly, slightly moving away from her touch as a brother would to his older sister.
“I’m sorry that you’re sensitive to that.” He admitted, “You really are super cool when you hit a robot miles away!”
She flinched.
“I-I-I meant that in a good way!” he shook his hands out again, “Honest!”
Amy just laughed, “I can cook too, you know. Why don’t we finish building this thing and then I’ll make us something good to eat. We can turn it off with some smores and maybe crackers or something too later tonight!” Amy’s usual optimism was restored and Tails immediately caught on to it’s wave.
“Woah! You mean it! T-that could take all day...” His ears lowered just slightly.
“Pfft!” Amy turned with a proud look upon her face, placing one hand to her hip as she sat off the edge with him and then slammed her hand to the top of his head again, making him flatten slightly as he was sitting slightly on his knees. He looked uncomfortable, like her force had made him do an unwilling ‘split’ sort of with his knees being parted and he looked as though in strained pain. “Think nothing of it, Tails! As you said before, my hammer strikes are good on one blow! We’ll have this done in no time, so..? Can I stay the night?”
He continued to flinch and twitch in the pain, “S-sur-sure, I-I-I don’t mind... mmm...” he had a small tear forming at the right of his eye.
A few hours passed as the two worked hard, and finally, the dome was done and the telescope he had already completed for the room was successfully moved up to the upper-room... with a lot of back-strain and power from the two working together. Tails had to really test his twin-propelling tails’s weight limit on how fast they could twirl to lift something, and Amy’s powerful arms and back were put to their ultimate test as well!
But somehow, the two worked great together, though bickered and taunted the other at times...
“You can fly higher than that, Tails!”, “D-don’t act like I’m the only one lifting my weight here!”, “AH! What is that supposed to mean!? I’m as light as a feather! And this is... nothing... compared... to what I can lift!”, “Then push harder!”, “You fly harder!”, They both ‘ggrr’d and finally got the massive telescope up that ladder...
When everything was set up, Amy put on a movie for Tails to rest and started cooking up some dinner. She wanted to leave room for the late-night snacks, and coming back in, noticed Tails wasn’t watching the television.
“Huh?” She looked up the ladder to the room and smiled, seeing the computer light on as he must have been programming the telescope and other functions. “He works so hard... he must be excited to show it off to Sonic.” she felt a slight bit of envy. She sighed, “Not like girls and guys can have that strong of a bond... botherhood and sisterhoods are really exclusive, huh?” she frowned, not liking the idea that she could never be as close to Sonic or Tails as the other was with them.
She called down Tails though, and they had a nice dinner together, complimenting their success as Tails hoped it would all work, but Amy told him not to worry.
“You’re incredibly good at designing these technological masterpieces, Tails.” Amy scolded him for about to open his mouth to answer with food in it, and seeing her hand raised and her eyes closed while one opened slightly, he chewed and swallowed before continuing.
“W-well, that doesn’t mean that their isn’t going to be some error on my part involved...”
“I’m sure Sonic will love it. I know I’m excited to see it.” She picked up his finished plate, going to wash them and as she removed her apron...
“Sonic? I was building this for us to view it together, tonight.”
Her face shot up, touched.
Her heart seemed to rise up as though being elevated to a status it thought unattainable.
“R-really?” She always had felt a distance between the boys, and found it just seemed easier and less forced when interacting with Cream... but Cream was still so young too. She loved picking flowers! Don’t get her wrong! She had just gotten really, really good at making flower crowns for so... long...
She placed her apron that she had borrowed from him down, planning to wash it if needs be as well, but turned back to Tails.
He didn’t seem to notice how much that meant to her, already wiping his hands on his white fluff like he would if he was greased up in oil or gunk stains from working on his pet-projects like the X-Tornado and this Observatory. She puffed up her cheek, “I still need to teach you proper manners, huh?” she whispered under her breath, but smiled and touched her heart.
He was already racing up the ladder, and she immediately went into mother mode.
“Ah! Tails! D-don’t move so fast after eating!” she reached a hand up but he called down to her.
“Bring up the treats! I think it’s loaded all the settings in by now! ... Yeah! Yeah it has!”
His excited voice sprang her into an excitement, “W-well, hold on! I’m coming!” It was like he just called out that the fireworks were gonna start...
She rushed through the cleaning and threw the plates into the dishwater, a little rougher than she usually would like to and washed herself up before charging up the ladder. “Don’t let it start without me!”
“Hurry!” Tails called, and she immediately started to leap passed rings on the ladder to just reach out and jump pass a few steps.
“I’m here!” her quills looked a mess as she clung to the edge of the room, Tails rushing over and helping her up as she huffed and puffed in her strain to get there in time.
“Haha, and you tell me not to rush.” He teased her back.
“Hmph.” she blew up her bottom bang of the three quills on her forehead and then smiled to him, cheekily, “If I get stomach cramps, I’m blaming you!”
“Over here!” He laughed a moment at her response but was too excited to show her what he had set up.
“Ah... Tails...” Amy felt so important and loved then, seeing he had taken the large fuzzy blanket and got in it, opening a space for her to join him.
“S-sorry, is this too... um... close?” He squinted an eye, lowering his arm that was gesturing for her to intimately cuddle up within it and watch the show together.
She shook her head, holding back tears and hoping to not confuse him. “Absolutely! I-I mean, it’s perfect! Don’t change a thing!” she crawled down and got into the blanket, taking the other side as she felt Tails bouncing in his seat.
“Okay, good. Three... two... one... Ehem,” he cleared his throat, like a child about to press ‘liftoff’ on a rocket. “Computer! Activate Spatial Definity Mock 5 Advanced Overhead Project 3.2.7.”
Amy blinked her eyes rapidly at such a long line...
“What? You couldn’t have called it, Sky-light?” she teased again, “For nightlight?”
“Quit it...” He nudged her lightly, embarrassed she kept teasing him on that one. “It sounds cooler this way... and it reminds me how long it took to set up the program and make it run right. I haven’t tested this final version yet, so SDM5AOP 3.2.7 is a perfect name for-!”
“O-okay, as long as it makes sense to you.” she decided not to question it.
The whirling of a computer was heard and the two waited anxiously for the results...
“It has to take a second to go through all it’s processing. Lots of... kinda like doors to hurdle through and collect data for.” He explained.
“...Do you... wish Sonic were here instead of me?” she looked away from him for a moment. “I mean... not that you would have a preference b-b-but...” she thought this was a bad, killing the mood he had tried to set up and wish she didn’t say anything. “Nevermind.”
“No, I think you’ll appreciate it more than he will.”
She felt that ranking skyrocket again, as though her tiny significance in life was suddenly bumped up again to a higher sphere of importance in this little fox boy’s life.
“W-... What makes you say that?” she was trying so hard to hide the sparkles in her eyes, but her quivering voice gave away how happy she was to hear that. No, not happy, overjoyed to know she was considered such a special friend to him.
“You actually helped me complete it!” He spread his arms out as the first little light formed in the blackened room.
“Ah!” Amy saw it first, marveling as it faded and then grew brighter and brighter to show the actual dimensions of the star that was currently in the sky, or at least, the radiance of it.
She marveled as he continued to talk, not noticing multiple other little constellations starting to form over his literal head and scattered all throughout the room. Accurate and pronounced, their distance was a miniature diorama of the actual space of the universe...
“I knew you’d want to see it... I’m sure he would too, but Sonic would rather be in the stars then just viewing them... though he does all the time. Heh, I guess you’ll be able to brag about how you were the first to see it! I-if it works or not... It’s still a longshot, s-so... don’t get your hopes up too hig-”
His face was yanked towards the direction of the star, then Amy started shaking his arm. “Ah-AH-AHHHH!!!” she freaked out as a very distinct cosmic entity was defined in the space.
“AH-! AHHH!! IT ACTUALLY WORKS!” Tails flipped out as they both cried out-
Then, one after another...
 “The Milky Way!”, “It’s the galaxy from Chris’s world... and look! Here’s our constellations!”, “Ohhh! It’s our solar system! Ahhh! It’s so bright!”
“...Do you think Cosmos seeds found good land to grow on?”
The two suddenly stopped gawking...
Amy couldn’t even look to him, and him the same.
Instead, she scooted closer to him in the blanket, felt his tails solemnly wrap around her for support and comfort, and placed her arm to his opposite shoulder to pull him into the gap of her neck.
He laid his head on her shoulder, tearing up.
“Is... is that why you made all of this?” Amy’s heart tugged on her vocal chords, making them choke slightly.
“...Yeah.” he admitted. “If this was Sonic, I don’t think he’d be willing to talk about it... not like you.” he looked down a moment.
“No, don’t look down.” Amy’s voice plucked up an octave. “Look at your amazing work, Tails. Look at how vast... how beautiful the universe is... I’m sure you’ll see evidence of Cosmo’s seed blooming all over the place. You know why?”
She ducked her gaze down slightly, moving her head to make sure she didn’t obstruct his view.
He smiled lightly through his tears.
“Because life never quits, that’s why!” She pulled him into a half-hug and continued to snuggle up in the blanket. “Hehe, because Cosmo would want you to look at these stars and know that she’s everywhere. Smiling just as brightly as any of these ol’stars and wishing you the best forever!”
She felt his shoulders bounce a little...
She knew Sonic would have done an alright job if he were here too, but...
She was so glad...
Holding him and tucking him in better into the blanket...
That she was the one he shared this whole project with.
That she was the one... who could dry his tears tonight.
-Author: And now I cry, wow, hands slapped together in a prayer really did wonders for myself in this prompt, how about you? lolol To those of you who actually did the gesture and wished me the best, this one’s for you.
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dragonpriness · 2 years
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amckaz2y5 · 4 years
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Tails and Cosmo ❤
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naivesilver · 4 years
Not sure if you're still doing them, but 74/75 for Tails and Cosmo?
Of course I’m still doing these! I’m always open to receiving Sonic asks even without ask memes to prompt them. So thank you anon
Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
Huddling for Warmth+Bed Sharing
You know, I bet Cosmo paces a lot at night. I’ve barely reached the Metarex saga in my Sonic X rewatch but I seem to recall that she had nightmares in canon, and if even if she didn’t it is now part of any headcanon I make about her. She probably gets startled awake by bad dreams on most nights, with only flashes of memories she can’t quite piece together nor understand, and walking around the ship looks way more appealing than sitting on her bed and ruminating on her thoughts. Most of the time she even finds someone to talk to.
So she’s wandering around aimlessly, and somehow she ends up in front of Tails’ room. I don’t know, maybe the door’s open, maybe she hears some noise coming from the inside and she hesitates before knocking but Tails is still the member off the group she feels the closest to. And obv Tails is surprised to see her there and the conversation is stilted at first bc they’re two shy beans but at some point they manage to relax and Cosmo sits down on the bed next to him, watches him tinker with this or that piece of machinery, asks questions about it, until silence sets in and it should be awkward but instead it’s somewhat comfortable, familiar even.
And you know, it’s a spaceship in the dead of the night shift. For all the work they put in it, the heating must have some issues now and then. So Cosmo, being Cosmo, is quietly shivering and pretending everything is just fine, and Tails notices and is at loss of what to do - and then he makes up his mind and offers a blanket/literally throws the blanket on the both of them bc he was cold too, but he was too focused on his work to notice until now.
Obviously it’s a bit awkward and they’re blushing at how close they are, but. Yanno. It’s the space equivalent of like two AM and they’re the only ones up and it’s so nice to just sit there, warm and safe and content for the time being, with a friend that’s helping save the universe. Cosmo feels all the worry and confusion drain from her and it’s too cozy to resist, especially as sleep deprived as she is, and slowly she nods off, her head on Tails’ shoulder.
Tails.exe stops working.
For a while, at least. He considers whether to wake up, but. It’s nice. He doesn’t want to ruin the moment. He puts down his work, tightens the blanket around them both and just sits there, his back against the wall, listening to the sound of her breathing in the otherwise deadly silent ship, thinking about what they’re doing or what he wants to do or, maybe, nothing at all, just enjoying the peace and quiet for a while. Eventually, he dozes off as well, curling even closer to her in sleep.
They’re thoroughly embarrassed the next day, and make a point to never speak of it, but it’s a nice memory, something that might help them carry on in the future.
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f0x-blte-blog · 5 years
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Haven’t posted on here in a while beyond reblogs kngklth
So uh...have some “wishful thinking”....cause that’s what this is
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tekehallart · 5 years
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riderdoesart · 5 years
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Cosmo!!! Don’t distract the Pilot!!
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Ko-fi: /A82515SD
Insta: Sonic__Rider
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