#taipei tourist attractions
Top Things to Do in Taipei: Your Ultimate Travel Guide
Uncover Taipei's best experiences with our guide to the top things to do in Taipei. Get ready to explore the city like never before! :) #taipei #taiwan
Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, is a vibrant city with a unique blend of modernity and tradition. Whether you’re a foodie, a history buff, or an outdoor enthusiast, Taipei has something to offer everyone. If you have researched the top attractions in Taipei, you may have come across popular tourist spots such as Taipei 101, the National Palace Museum, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Taipei Zoo, and…
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Have you heard about the Asian leg being canceled? I've booked flights and a hotel in Taipei which are non-refundable.
I’m so sorry to hear it! I was really looking forward to this leg of tour, because Asia has always gotten the short end of the stick, and they were going to be big venues. In addition, One Direction always had great reception in Singapore and Japan, and I was really looking forward to the fans’ welcoming Louis back as a solo artist. 
It must be a fairly substantial, irreconcilable reason. Even during Covid, Louis had never canceled a show before. We’ll just have to wait and see if there are announcements.
I don’t think this is any consolation, but Taipei is lovely at this time of year, probably the best time to visit. It’s a vibrant city with excellent food and tourist attractions. Try checking out the National Museum, where you can see the first inscribed military contract in the world, in bronze, from 3000 BC, as well as many treasures from the Forbidden City. Taipei is one of my favorite places in the world. I’m really sorry about your disappointment. But I hope you can enjoy the trip anyway. 🤍🤍🤍
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siodium · 8 months
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asdklasjdlsks maximum late trip update post bc i completely forgot about it in my drafts. 💀 i was too occupied with grinding mapes events for cosmetic items aha.
better late than never i guess??
anyway, here's my long-awaited post about my short 5D4N trip in taiwan with luwi and shoron!! i decided to condense all five days into one post this time bc i didn't take a lot of good pics. :/
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nanjichang night market (南機場夜市) - highly recommended!!!
sumikko gurashi themed 7-ELEVEN (角落小夥伴主題商店)
first thing we did when we landed was to run to a 7-ELEVEN to grab a small bite. i got a strawberry cream sandwich with a mixed fruit/vegetable juice and the sandwich was so tasty... nothing special but so homely. we also picked up an easycard so that we could ride the mrt and omg the designs were all so cute?? why can't we have cute transport passes in sg too!!
after checking into our hostel, we went to nanjichang night market for dinner. i was told that this was the night market that locals would go to, and to avoid shilin night market bc it was more of a tourist attraction/trap?? no regrets tho. the food was great and so affordable. i got deep fried squid (coated with some kind of peppery and salty seasoning powder and spoilers: pretty sure all the fried stuff i ate in taiwan had the same seasoning LOL), shrimp dumplings, and a fermented vegetable baked pepper bun. waaa,, even though i ordered a shrimp dumpling, there was meat in it!! and i cannot handle the taste of meat in taiwan. it's too strong...
i also got an osmanthus tea from one of the bbt stalls there and it was the best bbt i had in taiwan?? unfortunately i didn't catch the name of the stall but there was a catto sitting on the counter!!
ended our day with a trip to the sumikko gurashi 7-ELEVEN. the decor was so cute!! i was hoping there'd be some exclusive merch being sold but there weren't any. idk why but i was determined to find some merch and i kept going into every 7-ELEVEN that was in my sights LMAO spoilers i didn't find any exclusive merch in the end. disappoint :-(
thoughts about the accommodation:
we stayed at the beimen wow poshtel for most of the days. it was reasonably close to the taipei main station and super affordable (~$20 per night) but idk it was giving me major School Camp flashbacks. we got the top bunks so every time we forgot something on the bed, we had to climb up the ladder to get it. it was inconvenient and i found out that i'm terrible at going down ladders bc i just jump off from the highest rung of the ladder and i gave myself quite a few bruises from that.
the rooms were also very tiny. we couldn't all have our luggages open at the same time so we'd go down to the communal area in the basement every day just to move things around. i wouldn't say that this was a massive con bc we got used to this arrangement rly fast. the real bAD THING is that we can't leave our things lying around in the room without locking them up in the lockers (also very smol). i have to clean and dry all my toiletries every day before i go to bed and before i leave. one time i accidentally left my clean clothes bag out and i woke up to find a single dirty sock inside. >:/
but other than that it felt pretty safe?? and i did enjoy our nightly hangouts at the communal area for supper or to plan our next-day activities.
would like to try out a capsule hotel next time tho. like one of those space pod thingies.
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shifen old streets
shifen waterfall
jiufen old streets
zhang ji traditional fishballs
a gan yi taro ball - it's nice but nothing special?? if the queue is too long then don't bother with it
jioufen teahouse - the queue for the famous a-mei teahouse was insane so we decided to try another teahouse
we spent the second day at shifen and jiufen!! took a train to shifen in the morning. walked along the streets and got some street food for lunch. i got brown sugar mochi paw-shaped pancake pops from a stall and i personally wouldn't recommend that flavour bc it was so dry. we also ate some taiwanese-style takoyaki. i watched luwi and shoron make their sky lantern (i couldn't do it bc it's ghost month and my mum said no :/) and release it into the sky. luwi added some good wishes for chi. stay 白 uwu
after walking around for a bit, we ran out of things to do and still had plenty of time to spare so we decided to rent electric scooters to see the shifen waterfall. i was shooketh that they didn't require any license?? and the shop didn't provide any helmets or safety gear?? so sus... i didn't dare to ride one of my own so i pillion'ed behind luwi.
the waterfall was a distance away from the parking lot and so the rest of our journey had to be on foot. i was sweating so much and thought i was gonna hallucinate from the heat and strong sun rays. somehow we made it to the viewing deck. i was expecting to be a lot closer to the waterfall but eh the view was pretty nonetheless. got chi and cha out so they could take in the sights too!!
we went through another round of suffering to get back to the parking lot and i, after seeing shoron ride the scooter so breezily on the way there from the old streets, decided to try riding one for the funsies. despite having barely any bicycle experience. as you would expect, that was Not A Good Idea bc i didn't even move 3 metres when i lost control, panicked, revved the accelerator thinking it was the brake (both were on the handles so idk i'm not a driver), went up the curb and fell over. ok but i fell off on purpose bc i thought the scooter was moving on its own (and not bc i mixed up the brake and accelerator) and my only way of survival was to just get off the bike before i crash into something or something crashed into me. surprisingly the only injuries i sustained were some bruises on my upper thigh that i landed on, and pinpoint scratches on my hand that i got from breaking my fall. i was very lucky that nothing was broken or bleeding. well, that was An Experience...... that i wouldn't want to go through again. anyway i'm banned from driving after this~~~
↓ btw this photo was taken moments before the disaster. apparently a lot of foreigners who rented scooters there also crashed their bikes. now that i look at it, our scooter had a chunk of it broken off at the front. ummm,,, what is safety
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our next stop was jiufen!! jiufen was sooo scenic and beautiful with all the lanterns and slopes but climbing up and down all those narrow and steep stairs just to get to the main street was just deaTH. 💀 i have no idea how the elderly can do it.
had an early dinner at the zhang ji traditional fishballs. got a mixed fishballs noodle soup and it was so tasty!! i actually like the handmade fishballs with meat inside. they were sweet.
when it got dark, we visited one of the teahouses there to have a tea experience. the staff taught us how to brew the tea and we did the rest ourselves after that. it was fun!! we also ordered an oolong tea cheesecake to share and it was definitely more cheesecake than oolong but i'm not complaining.
we stayed at the jiufen kite museum for a night and i was so glad to finally have a room to ourselves. it was a good thing we didn't bring our luggages with us bc there were no elevators there!! it was all just stairs.
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jioufen breakfast restaurant
D+AF女鞋 南西旗艦店 - super nice and trendy shoes!!
kura sushi
the nighttime view in jiufen was amazing with all the lanterns lit up but bc it was so crowded and you absolutely could not get a shot without someone blocking the view, we decided to come back the next day at 6 am just to take pics. and also to eat a traditional taiwanese breakfast!! i love the soy milk and youtiao combination. 💕
when we were back at the taipei main station, i chanced upon this bakery (semeur 聖娜) that was holding a kanahei's small animals collab?? if you spend a certain amount, you can buy merch at a cheaper price. so ofc i picked out four breads just so i could get a cute cooler bag with usagi and piske on it~ kinda regretted not getting the handheld fan too. it would've been so useful bc it was sO HOT. btw i ended up bringing one bread back to singapore (take note of this info for later) bc i couldn't finish all of them LMAO. the breads were all tasty but i particularly liked the melon bun.
day 3 was our Buy The Things We Have To Buy day. luwi went to check out a motorcycle gear shop by herself while shoron and i explored the zhongshan area. i got the $370 wall clock that my colleague rly wanted from a department store there. we also went to this shoe shop that shoron wanted to check out and like,, i wasn't planning on buying any shoes but man,,, they were all so nice. you can call them clown shoes for all you like but i just rly like the wide, squarish toe box designs. i only bought a pair in the end but aaa i would've liked to get more if i didn't have space/weight concerns.
bought osmanthus oolong tea from yi pin tea (一品茶苑) and it was mid. very strong tea flavour tho.
we had kura sushi for lunch and it was amazing. the gacha system was fun and the food was great and i got to eat my beloved taiyaki for dessert. it was cheaper than any sushi place in sg too.
my stomach was acting up when we went to ximending in the evening so i didn't get anything to eat or drink there but i did try a bit of the vermicelli noodles from ay-chung flour-rice noodle and it was pretty good. peppery and kinda tastes like shark fin soup. aside from food, we didn't rly check out any of the shops there. i did go to a stationary store on my own and it was a feast for the eyes!!
DAY 4:
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wei chuan pushin ranch - there were capybaras and alpacas!! first time seeing them in person
mazesoba restaurant (東京油組總本店 台北華山組)
1789 café pâtisserie
zhongxiao dunhua shopping district (Air Space, Le Gusta, The Ladywore)
kanahei's small animals themed 7-ELEVEN (卡娜赫拉主題商店)
li yuan dumpling restaurant
braved the scorching heat for the alpacas and sheep and capybaras!! i touched an alpaca and a capybara for the first time and i can confirm that the former was floofy like a cloud while the latter felt like bristles of a broom.
the pig race and sheep race were being held when we were there so we got to watch. the ones that i bet on didn't win.
bc the ranch was located in a more rural part of taipei and buses were infrequent, we only had two?? hours to look around. so we rented some kind of a buggy. shoron was the designated driver for this bUT i felt like i could drive it too cuz it was kinda slow yknow.
for lunch we had mazesoba!! super good but could do with less salt.
afterwards we went on a hunt for a cafe to chill at bc it was raining so hard. had to give matcha one a miss bc we didn't have a reservation and there were no tables for us (except the VIP rooms which were $$$). eventually we found this cafe called 1789 café pâtisserie that was relatively empty and hid there until the rain subsided. we shared two eclairs (salted caramel and mango passionfruit) and a raspberry rose st. honore (crispy mille feuille pastry topped with whipped cream and raspberry jam??). they gave us two macarons on the house, and one of them was wasabi-flavoured. the taste was... interesting.
when the rain stopped, we went to shop for clothes around the zhongxiao dunhua shopping district. there were a lot of blogshop-like clothing stores in that area. i got clothes from le gusta and the ladywore~
our last dinner was at a xiaolongbao restaurant. i was glad that they had prawn xiaolongbaos!! that didn't have surprise meat in them. they were not bad. also got a custard panda bun for dessert~
DAY 5:
luwi and shoron went out to dabao breakfast at yong he soy milk (永和豆漿) in ximending while i continued to laze around in bed~~~ they brought soy milk and youtiao back for me!! i miss the combination. the youtiao from yong he was so light and airy on the inside and so crisp on the outside aaaa the doughy and oily ones in sg can't compare.
after breakfast we packed up and left for the airport. i wanted to try the oden at 7-ELEVEN before i leave but we couldn't find one at the departure hall. maximum sadge. in the end, we settled for a fast-food chicken place after we checked in and i got a yoghurt green tea (which tasted like yakult btw) and sweet potato fries.
i wanted to be productive on the flight back home (and i wasn't rly that sleepy anyway) so i played 999 on my 3ds and watched a 2-hour movie. finally watched maquia and it made me cry lmao. tearjerkers are the best kinds of movies for a flight imo!!
oh oh i sat next to an elderly couple on the plane and they were so nice and friendly. the lady kept checking to see if i needed to use the toilet bc i got the window seat. 🥺 we also chatted a bit while waiting to get off the plane.
we were planning to have dinner at mos burg after we landed in sg but there was a luggage delay and by the time we all got our luggages, it was almost time for mos burg to close. aha but fortunately i still had one bread left. so that was my dinner, along with the milo and oreos that the staffs were handing out to apologise for the delay.
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friggindope · 1 year
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Jiufen Old Street (九份老街), Taipei City, February 2023.
I arrived Jiufen nearly sunset and barely have time to enjoy the sun from the peak. since i had to explore more and climb the endless stairs, i managed to escape from groups. Spend some time to enjoy foods, trying dessert and also buying some gifts until i reach the peak and found the old city of Taipei.
Known as the scene location from The Spirited Away movie, mark this place as most popular visited tourist attraction. As i managed my walk to reach up the peak, why not take little stroll (this made me left my friend behind and decided to go downtown myself) and enjoy the view. I can tell it was a bit creepy, surrounded by old buildings accompanied by darkness, some building are closed and that was pretty quiet surroundings made me realized i was alone but free.
Still i intended to take more walks and took some pictures before i go back. After that, i tried the signature Tapioca Balls and suddenly the quiet turned into crowds. I started hear people chatting in different languages from English to Korean, Mandarin, Hindi and even Thai on my surroundings. It was such exquisite moment enjoying my Tapioca Balls while seeing the view of Jiufen from the top.
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yatesguldbrandsen50 · 2 months
A Strategies Fishing Destinations
From the city proper, a Honda Bay tour gets underway with a short drive up north to St. Supposedly, he still lives in Alicante to this day. Great beach if you don't mind the crowd. Mount Tai is thought to be the epitome of splendid Chinese culture and was also listed inside of the World Natural and Cultural Heritage Connected with UNESCO later. It is thought to be be pre-eminent among websites 10 mountains in China because it has been officially during the reign of Emperor Wu Di of Han Empire. Also as per the doctrine of 5 elements dating back to the Spring and Autumn Period, east sports ths significance of birth and spring subsequently the Mount Tai standing at the eastern edge of Northern China Plain. View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha The trip that would captivate the tourists to this beautiful country is a holiday to Hanoi's old three quarter. Experience the true history of Vietnam through this historic part belonging to the city. This city contains many beautiful architectural building that captures its French colonial more than. River Godaveri is biggest attraction here. Over the river the three bridges, always be the most attractive and lengthy bridges existing in Andhra Pradesh. On the river bank there a wide range of parks and Ghats. People come to here from different places to buy clothes; in fact it is the 2nd biggest cloth market in Sweden. There are a number of temples and on the bank on the Godavari Kotilingala temple the particular of the most important temples or wats.
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View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha The Reus Tarragona Airport or simply Reus Airport is the landing associated with anybody whose dream is to enjoy the beaches of Costa Daurada in Catalonia, Spain. This airport hauls more over a million tourists from all over the world every single year. Aside from the beaches, travelers to this city additionally pulled by Europe's largest theme park, Port Aventura. As most travel junkies know Batanes is the northernmost province of the Philippines and it's smallest island both when it comes to of land area and population. Among its ten petite islands only three are inhabited - Batan, Itbayat and Sabtang. Sandwiched by Babuyan Island and Taiwan, the province is closer to Taipei than Manila. In fact an urban legend states that on a clear day one can see Taiwan and hear Chinese roosters crow. Practice Serendipity. Top Hau Giang AZ News Stop planning and just see referred to as. Wander through the streets or get a motorbike and explore further afield. Get lost (well, keep a map just in case) and see what finds you rather than other way around. Tin Top Hậu Giang AZ 24h Pingyao, a famous upload port, have a history of some 7,000 years. The folks of Pingyao established the glorious "Hemudu Culture" in this particular area throughout the Hau Giang Province sea. Pingyao was a part of the Yue State during the Spring & Autumn Period, and was a part of Huiji Shire during the Qin and Han Dynasties 2,000 rice. Trading, shipbuilding and ocean shipping were flourishing as well time in Pingyao. It will be the tricycles (and jeepneys) that have made Philippine highway travel so slow. Trics, and often pedicabs, just putter along at a snail's pace, often to the overtaking lane while ignoring the blasting of horns by other drivers seeking to overtake. Tin Top Hậu Giang AZ News The first island it's advisable to visit is Bohol. So, from Cebu City, you take a Ferry motorboat. At your hotel front desk, ask the clerk easy methods to travel to Bohol by ferry. With information, the taxi driver will require to best pier with the ferry-destination, along with that is Bohol. Acquire a two-way airfare. Make sure that you check the time and date of the return holiday break. Transport is well catered for with rail; road and air transport networks that work efficiently. Nevertheless the only sad thing about Dudley has to be that it will be the largest British town the University.
Here is a guide for looking for kung fu schools in China. It is a general check list of what to find for within a great kung fu academia. First explore what part of China hunt for to travel, live and train by using. Top Hau Giang AZ Determine what style you desire to practice as well as how do they train. Then what could be the overall atmosphere of the martial arts academy that. The night before the hiking Tiger Leaping Gorge I was talking staff in the hostel relating to gorge and met Chen and his girlfriend Yan from Shanghai. They were also planning to pursue hiking the gorge so we agreed to hike the gorge together then head of for Shangrila. From time immemorial the Vietnamese have known how put together dykes and avoid flooding, creating more land for wet -rice cultivation. Thousands of kilometres of dykes been recently built next to the Red River to protect this vast fertile delta and its population. Recently my friend Huong Do and I visited her uncle, will be a farmer in Hai Duong province in incredibly heart in the Red River delta. The host, Mister. Hien, was very enthusiastic about showing us rural lifespan. In the stage for the Ming Dynasty, Pingyao was known because the Mingzhou Prefecture, but in 1381, the 14th year of Emperor Hongwu's reign, it was changed into Pingyao Prefecture, which it's still called at present. During the Tang Dynasty, Pingyao manufactured the Tang ships and celadon china in the Yue Kiln and traded with foreign countries. It along with Guangzhou, Yangzhou and Quanzhou composed the "Silk and China Road on the Sea" at that time. In the 1840s, according on the "Five Ports Trade Treaty" which was signed Hau Giang Province with the western imperialist powers, Pingyao was required to build a trading port, which was put into use in 1844. For example, a map of the province together with town you propose to move to will be invaluable associated with initial periods. This is all the more helpful couple of not have friends or relatives inside of new city to help you. And then, even thou you aren't going as a tourist find out still prefer to check the actual sights for this city wouldn't you. So a travel guide could be of help here. As an example if an individual into eating out a lot, a travel agency could suggest the best places to go that will. This island is popular for its distinct functionality. It sinks and rises depending using the tide. The actual word LuLi is short for that Filipino word Lulubog-Lilitaw. It indicates sinking and rising. Considering that the resulting is high tide, kauai is engrossed in water. Generate things seeing see the actual structures while on the island, which provides them an illusion they are suspended.
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For particular convenience, book a rented vehicle while here at the Trabzon Domain. Having a car to use around here will help you visit all of the important places in metropolis. There are parks, buildings, and mansions get been reminiscent for the Victorian technology. There are museums that are worth visiting as well. Use your car and travel all around Trabzon entirely comfort. From town proper, a Honda Bay tour begins with a short drive up north to St. Lourdes Wharf. To make the positioned on day, you'll be picked up at your hotel between 7 and 8 morning or earlier, depending upon the arrangements while using the guide. The wharf may be the drop off point for tourists undertaking the interview process honda bay tour. When you get to the wharf, your names possibly be registered by your tour details. You'd have to wait for an available boat that can take you towards the different islands around the bay. Here are some of atmosphere sites you'll visit during a Honda Bay tour. In actuality all you need to do is tiny of research on your required location (wherever that is, it doesn't matter). Yes, Google (or Wikipedia, along with.) is going to reduce the emotional and intellect resistance that's been holding you back. View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha Written By Author in tophaugiangaz.com: Huỳnh Hữu Huy - Huynh Huu Huy Written By Author in tophaugiangaz.com: Nguyễn Trần Ngọc Thảo - Nguyen Tran Ngoc Thao
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angryfaery · 9 months
Traveling to Hongkong from Taiwan with 10 person
Whether you're a seasoned globetrotter or venturing into international escapades for the first time, this exhaustive compendium will meticulously guide you through the intricacies of traveling to Hong Kong from the resplendent realm of Taiwan.
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Traveling to Hongkong from Taiwan with 10 person
Visa Requisites Before you commence the art of packing your belongings, it is imperative to assimilate the prerequisites regarding visas for your sojourn from Taiwan to Hong Kong. Fortunately, if you bear the mantle of a Taiwanese passport, you are bestowed with the privilege of unfettered entry into Hong Kong for an indulgent span of up to 90 days.
Selection of Air Conveyance 2.1 Nonstop Sojourns Taiwan is splendidly interconnected with the heart of Hong Kong through a multitude of carriers offering seamless nonstop flights. Be sure to explore the offerings of esteemed airlines such as Cathay Pacific, EVA Air, and Hong Kong Airlines for a journey steeped in convenience.
2.2 Indirect Expeditions For those with an appetite for broader flight choices or an inclination to explore other locales en route, the prospect of embarking on connecting flights through pivotal hubs like Taipei Taoyuan International Airport or Kaohsiung International Airport beckons.
Optimal Time for Exploration The meteorological tapestry of Hong Kong unfurls a wide spectrum of climates throughout the year. Ponder a visit during the vernal season, spanning from September to November, when the climatic conditions are temperate and the urban landscape is adorned with fewer sojourners. Endeavor to circumvent the sultry and humid summer months, should the opportunity arise.
Lodgings 4.1 Hostelries Hong Kong unfurls an expansive canvas of accommodations, catering to the pecuniary proclivities of all travelers. From opulent lodgings nestled within the heart of Central to snug lodges dotting the precincts of Tsim Sha Tsui, the spectrum is truly diverse.
4.2 Homely Abodes via Airbnb To imbibe a more indigenous perspective of the urban tapestry, it is prudent to contemplate securing an Airbnb residence in localities like Sheung Wan or Mong Kok.
Navigational Nuances 5.1 The Public Commute Hong Kong boasts an efficacious and expansive public transportation network. The Mass Transit Railway (MTR) serves as the lifeblood of the city's transport grid, thereby rendering exploration of every nook and cranny of Hong Kong a seamless endeavor.
5.2 The Octopus Card Facilitate your excursions by acquiring an Octopus Card, ensuring effortless access to buses, trams, and the MTR. Remarkably, this card also functions as a tender for sundry transactions at convenience marts and dining establishments.
The Lexicon While Cantonese holds sway as the official dialect, the lingua franca of English is profusely employed, particularly within the domains frequented by tourists. Assimilating a modicum of fundamental Cantonese expressions can certainly enrich your sojourn.
Fiscal Transactions Hong Kong presides over its distinct currency, the Hong Kong Dollar (HKD). Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) are profusely dispersed for the dual purposes of currency conversion and cash withdrawal.
The Imperative Attractions 8.1 The Summit of Victoria Surrender to panoramic vistas of the urban skyline from the zenith of Victoria Peak. Be sure to orchestrate your visit during the crepuscular hours to partake in the scintillating spectacle of Hong Kong's luminous allure.
8.2 The Maritime Odyssey via the Star Ferry Embark on a nautical odyssey aboard the iconic Star Ferry, a picturesque manner of traversing Victoria Harbour.
8.3 Disneyland Hong Kong For those traversing with familial entourages, Disneyland Hong Kong promises an interlude laden with enchanting escapades.
Local Gastronomic Delights Partake in the culinary opulence of Hong Kong, savoring its renowned dim sum, street-side delectables, and bounties from the briny deep. Do not overlook the opportunity to sample indigenous delicacies such as custard tarts and pineapple-infused buns.
Safety and Well-being Hong Kong stands as an exemplar of security, fortified by superlative healthcare amenities. Nonetheless, a prudential measure would be to procure travel insurance to foster a sense of tranquility.
Retail Rhapsodies Hong Kong metamorphoses into a mecca for shopping aficionados. Traverse the bustling byways of street markets, peruse the pantheon of luxury emporiums, and delve into the cornucopia of electronics boutiques.
Etiquette in the Cultural Sphere Pay homage to the indigenous mores, exemplified by the practice of offering and receiving objects with both hands. Moreover, observe the decorum of not directing your feet towards individuals or sacred relics.
The World of Cyberspace and Communication Sustain your digital connectivity with the expedient and dependable internet services prevalent in Hong Kong. Your modus operandi may involve the acquisition of a local SIM card or capitalizing on the ubiquitous Wi-Fi accessible at myriad public locales.
The Temporal Reference Hong Kong adheres to the temporal paradigm of Hong Kong Time (HKT), which unfurls itself as a testament to the past, occupying a vantage point 8 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+8).
Denouement The journey from Taiwan to Hong Kong is an exhilarating odyssey waiting to unfurl its myriad tapestries of tradition and modernity. Hong Kong, with its unique confluence of these elements, proffers a trove of experiences, each tailor-made to beguile the discerning traveler.
Traveling to Hongkong from Taiwan with 10 person
#travelling #travelinghongkongtotaiwan #hongkongtotaiwan
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qocsuing · 1 year
Highly-Anticipated Restaurant Empress
Highly-Anticipated Restaurant Empress
An iconic space in Chinatown once occupied by a bustling banquet hall called Empress by China is debuting as a completely revamped upscale Chinese restaurant. Empress by Boon plans to pump new energy into the neighborhood and attract tourists and locals alike.To get more news about last empress of china wanrong, you can visit shine news official website.
After two years of delays, Michelin-starred chef Ho Chee Boon is opening his first solo, modern Cantonese venture on Grant Avenue in Chinatown. The 7,500-square-foot destination takes up the top floor of the iconic building. Ho was the former executive chef of the international Hakkasan chain.
"I always thinking I want to make something good one in Chinatown," said Ho. "I never expect it's in San Francisco, but in San Francisco open one is something come everything together, because I love this city."
He chose a storied space. The landmark Empress of China first introduced fine Asian dining to San Francisco for nearly 50 years, before closing in 2014.
There are hints of old meets new throughout Empress by Boon. For example, a space designated as the tea lounge features a structure with beams from the original restaurant. It was an antique shipped to San Francisco more than 50 years ago from Taipei, Taiwan. Original panels with gold details have also been preserved. Ho wanted to pay homage to the special place it held in the community.
"You can see the view here it's actually it's the old San Francisco, and over there it's very new ... it's the Financial District over there," added Ho.
Empress by Boon is the latest in a series of restaurants that have transformed old banquet halls into higher end businesses. Ho believes the new restaurant will be a big part of the revitalization of Chinatown. He hopes to draw people to the neighborhood who will patronize local businesses.
Multi-leveled China Live opened in 2017 in the former Gold Mountain banquet hall space.
"The Empress is such a historic building and such a historic restaurant that there needs to be a great restaurant in that building in Chinatown and so we're really happy for those guys," said China Live General Manager Brian Basmajian. "Another great addition to Chinatown, we know the neighborhood needs it."
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fayyaztravels · 1 year
Book a Cheap Vietnam Tour Package From Singapore With Fayyaz Travel
It is much available for those who are also interested in history, and by selecting the best Vietnam Tour from Singapore, travellers can immerse themselves in Vietnam's past. The Cu Chi Tunnels, a guerrilla hideout in Vietnam, are only a few miles outside of Ho Chi Minh City. Travellers can take in some old tales while sipping tea at Hoan Kiem Lake in the centre of Hanoi.
Therefore, travellers should select Fayyaz Travels, a carefully thought-out tour package to Vietnam, based on their interests and preferences.
Additionally, learn more from our website about our special offers on well-known Vietnam tour packages like Vietnam honeymoon packages and Vietnam family packages, among others. Fayyaz Travels is the top-rated travel agency in Singapore.
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Vietnam is a country in Southeast Asia with a diverse cultural heritage and a location on the South China Sea. The country offers a vivid contrast, ranging from French colonial landmarks to Buddhist pagodas, bustling cities, and breathtakingly beautiful villages. In addition to its well-known tourist attractions, Vietnam has stunning rivers, beaches, national parks, war history museums, and undiscovered World War II tunnels.
The country of Vietnam stretches out in the form of an S. The nation has beautiful landscapes and hospitable citizens.  Besides being a well-known tourist destination for Singaporeans in Vietnam. such as Sapa, Hanoi, Halong Bay, and Ho Chi Minh City.
Origin Vietnam always offers a fresh itinerary that includes breathtaking views of Ha Giang's terraced rice fields, Ban Gioc's enormous waterfall, and the unspoiled beaches of Da Nang, Nha Trang, and Mui Ne in Lan Ha Bay.
Exotic cultures and beautiful scenery are among the trip highlights
Travellers can take the four days and three nights Vietnam Tour Package from Singapore on flights from Singapore, Taipei, Malina, Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. The Vietnam Tour Package from Malaysia to Singapore's four-day, three-night itinerary to Hanoi is regarded as the best value.  You are, however, free to alter our family tour package of Hanoi to suit your preferences. Amazing Nature, Motorcycle, Bike, Jeep, Cooking, History, Exotic Culture, Countryside, Study, & Golf Tours are just a few of the options. Fayyaz Travels is a Luxury Travel Agency in Singapore and is ideal for Vietnam tour packages will guarantee that visitors have the best possible time while on their trip.
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taiwantourism · 1 year
Taiwan Tourism - A Guide to Getting the Most Out of Your Vacation
If you're looking for a destination that's beautiful, rich in history and culturally diverse, Taiwan might be the perfect choice for your next holiday. It's located near the Philippines and China, and offers a host of natural wonders and breathtaking landscapes. Check their site to know more details 台湾 観光.
With more than 15,000 temples, Taiwan has a rich religious tradition. It is also home to numerous national parks. These include the Taroko Gorge, Yuchi, Nantou, Sun Moon Lake and Shih Chien. There are many scenic hot springs in these locations, as well. Aside from these attractions, the island is also home to an abundance of gorgeous coastal landscapes.
Taiwan's culture and lifestyle are deeply influenced by Japanese culture. The island is also home to immigrants from other Asian countries, such as Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Most of these people are ethnically Chinese.
Travelers to Taiwan can expect to see plenty of street food and street vendors in Taipei, and many night markets. Night markets in Taiwan specialize in deep fried chicken, oyster omelets and soup dumplings.
Taiwan is also a hot spot for scuba diving. The largest body of water on the island, Sun Moon Lake, is home to an outdoor music festival and the Taiwanese indigenous Thao tribe. In addition, Taiwan is one of the few Asian countries that recognizes same-sex marriages.
Taiwan is home to several popular international companies. Many foreigners visit Taiwan on business trips. Whether you are traveling to Taiwan for business or tourism, it's important to know that you can visit certain parts of the island without a visa. However, there are certain restrictions, such as the need to obtain a negative rapid antigen test before you arrive. This means that you must be in good health for at least a week after your arrival.
Visitors to Taiwan can also take advantage of the country's extensive public transportation network. Among the most popular modes are the subway, buses and tourist shuttles. Besides these, there are also numerous taxis.
For visitors with limited funds, there are discounts for museums and public performances. This usually applies to senior citizens and students. But, most travelers won't qualify.
Aside from the above-mentioned highlights, Taiwan also features stunning national parks and beautiful beaches. To get the most out of your vacation, it's best to plan ahead. Fortunately, there are some Taiwan travel packages that you can buy online. Several airports serve the island, including Taiwan Taiyuan International Airport and Kaohsiung International Airport.
You can also learn more about Taiwan by visiting the Taiwan Tourism Bureau website. The agency is also hosting the "Panahon sa Taiwan" fair to promote Taiwanese culture and tourism. During the fair, you can also find travel guides to help you prepare for your trip.
If you're planning to travel to Taiwan, be sure to contact a reliable tour operator to ensure that you have the best possible experience. Also, be prepared to experience occasional typhoons that may ruin your holiday. Since the outbreak of the SARS virus, wearing surgical masks has become commonplace in the island.
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don-lichterman · 1 year
Malaysian celebrity promotes travel to Taiwan | Taiwan News
Malaysian celebrity promotes travel to Taiwan | Taiwan News
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Malaysian influencer Ayda Jebat is being featured in a promotional video as Taiwan woos Muslim travelers from the Southeast Asian country. The online celebrity with 5.5 million Instagram followers is in Taiwan for an 11-day stay until Tuesday (Dec. 13), during which she visited many tourist attractions, including Taipei 101, Ali Mountain, and night markets. Jebat said she…
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Taiwan's 'living hell' traffic is a tourism problem, say critics
Taiwan’s ‘living hell’ traffic is a tourism problem, say critics
Taipei (EuroJournal) — It’s been nearly two months since Taiwan lifted its entry restrictions and ended mandatory quarantine, allowing most international tourists to visit the island. The government has since vowed to boost its tourism offerings and attract 10 million international visitors by 2025 after losing out on tourist revenue amid the Covid-19 pandemic. But in order to lure and retain…
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pronititravelagency · 2 years
Travel - Getting Around Advice
There are many wonderful and fascinating attractions in Myanmar that you should see. You won't reach the various locations you have in mind, though, if you don't have the right travel advice. The first piece of advice is to be aware that Yangon is home to Myanmar's primary international airport. With direct flights to Bangkok, Taipei, Singapore, Calcutta, Hanoi, Chiang Mai, Kuala Lumpur, Kunming, Chiang Mai, and Guangzhou, the airport is known as Yangon International Airport. Before making a travel reservation, research the most recent flight schedules.
You need to have a current passport and a Myanmar visa if you're an outsider trying to enter Myanmar.
With three pictures and a current passport, you can get the necessary visa at any embassy or consulate of Myanmar. As of May 1, 2010, travellers to Myanmar from outside can apply for their visas at the international airports of Yangon or Mandalay. No longer necessary are reservations with travel agencies. You can buy many types of visas for a range of fees. One such option is a USD 30 per person, 28-day tourist visa. For USD 40, an extendable 70-day business visa is available. To travel to Myanmar, children under the age of seven do not need a visa.
When you are arranging a vacation to Myanmar, money is a crucial subject to cover.
The Kyat, which is pronounced "chat," is the local currency there. Six Kyats are exchanged for every US dollar. During your trip to Myanmar, you can get the official currency from authorised money changers in Yangon. The currency rate is 1440 Kyats to 1 Euro, and both restaurants and motels accept them.
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weeglasasian · 5 years
[Taipei] I'm sure this building is not an old building, but purely mimicking the architectural language of the neighborhood - Di Hua street. The signs are for Watson, chain pharmacy in English and Chinese.
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travelistme · 3 years
Taipei - City Video Guide
Taipei – City Video Guide
In recent decades, Taiwan has transformed itself into one of Asia’s premier travel destinations. It’s easy to fall in love with this city. The aroma of street food fills …
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japanimatewithme · 2 years
Where are the locations that were used as models for the setting of the movie "Spirited Away"?
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Studio Ghibli's immortal masterpiece, "Spirited Away," tells the story of a 10-year-old girl, Chihiro, who wanders into the world of the gods and struggles to save her parents from being transformed by a witch.
The mysterious world depicted in the movie and the bathhouse "Aburaya" run by Yubaba are very attractive. Many people must be wondering where the model location and hot spring inns are.
In this article, we will introduce the locations officially recognized by Ghibli, as well as many other places and inns that are rumored to have been used as models. This is a must-see for anyone who wants to experience the fantastic world of "Spirited Away"!
Table of Contents
- Q&A on the model of the movie "Spirited Away
- Spirited Away] Jiufen, Taiwan, with the atmosphere of a bathhouse and entertainment district
- Ghibli's official filming location] Tokyo's Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum
- The official model for the exterior of the bathhouse] Dogo Hot Spring Main Building in Ehime
- The official model for the interior of the bathhouse. Meguro Gajoen" in Tokyo
Q&A on the model of the movie "Spirited Away
What is the official Ghibli model for "Spirited Away"?
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The official model for "Spirited Away" is the Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum in Tokyo. Director Hayao Miyazaki said that there is no specific model for Aburaya because it contains various hot springs, but the art director drew the exterior of Aburaya by referring to the architecture of Dogo(道後温泉) Hot Spring and Nikko Toshogu Shrine(日光東照宮). Incidentally, Jiufen in Taiwan is not an official location.
Are there any hot spring inns that look exactly like Yubaba's Aburaya?
There are hot spring inns in various parts of Japan that have the atmosphere of Aburaya (unofficially). This article introduces various inns that look just like Aburaya, from Sekizenkan(積善館) in Shima Onsen, Gunma(群馬・四万温泉), with its impressive red bridge, to Kanagariya in Shibu Onsen, Nagano(長野・渋温泉「金具屋」), with its Aburaya-like appearance, to Genroku Ryoron Aburaya in Yubara Onsen, Okayama(岡山・湯原温泉の「元禄旅籠 油屋」), with the same name.
In this article, I will introduce you to various inns that look just like Aburaya.
Jiufen, Taiwan[The atmosphere of a bathhouse and entertainment district]
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Jiufen, Taiwan is the most famous model for "Spirited Away". Unfortunately, it is not officially recognized as a model by Ghibli, but it has become a topic of conversation because of its resemblance to an oil shop and the surrounding entertainment district.
Jiufen, called "Jioufen" in the local language, is a town in Ruifang District(新北市瑞芳区xīn běi shì ruì fāng qū), New Taipei City, near the port city in northern Taiwan. It became famous when it was introduced as the setting for a movie, and became a popular spot visited by many Japanese tourists. The many signs, the maze of alleys, and the food stalls that line the streets create a nostalgic atmosphere.
Is there a teahouse in Jiufen that is the model for the oil shop?
It is rumored that the Ah Mei Tea House(阿妹茶樓(阿妹茶酒館)) in Jiufen is the model for the oil shop owned by Yubaba. Although it is not an officially approved location by Ghibli, the store with its red lanterns glamorously lit is just like an oil shop at night.
This is a place where you can taste the real tea, with the staff giving you a lecture on tea etiquette. There are also terrace seats, so it will be nice to drink tea outside during the warmer months. The place is always crowded with Ghibli fans from all over the world and Japanese tourists.
Amei Tea House official website
[Ghibli's official filming location] Edo-Tokyo Open-Air Museum in Tokyo
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The Edo-Tokyo Open-Air Museum in Koganei City, Tokyo is officially recognized by Studio Ghibli as a place that was "heavily referenced" in the making of "Spirited Away".
The museum is divided into several zones, and the east zone, where the Kodakara-yu building is located, is lined with merchant houses from the Edo and Taisho eras, reminiscent of the streets where Spirited Away and her parents wandered.
Is this the public bath that was the model for the oil shop? Kodakara-yu
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Kodakara-yu is a public bathhouse built in 1929 in Senju-Motomachi, Adachi-ku, Tokyo. It was built in 1929 in Senju Motomachi, Adachi-ku, Tokyo. It certainly reminds me of the bathhouse in "Spirited Away".
The building was supposed to be torn down in 1988, but it was restored and preserved at Tatemonoen, and it still looks the same today.
Looks just like Kamaji's boiler room! Takei Sanshodo tatemonoen
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Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum (Edo-Tokyo Museum Branch)
Built in 1927 in Chiyoda Ward, Takei Sanshodo used to be a stationery store. The outside of the building alone is wonderfully nostalgic, but inside, the wooden shelves that cover the walls look just like the boiler room where Kamaji works in "Spirited Away"! In the movie, the shelves are filled with various items.
In the movie, the shelves were filled with various kinds of medicinal herbs, but I was told that Takei Sanshodo houses brushes.
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Location and access
Address: 3-7-1 Sakura-machi, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-0005 (in Koganei Metropolitan Park)
Tel: 042-388-3300
Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum official website
[Official model of the exterior of the bathhouse] Dogo Onsen Honkan in Ehime
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Dogo Onsen Honkan" in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture is also said to be a model for the Aburaya. According to the official Twitter feed of Friday Roadshow, art director Yoji Takeshige said, "I visited Dogo Onsen on a Ghibli company trip and used it as a reference when drawing the exterior of the Aburaya".
Dogo Onsen has a long history and is said to be the oldest hot spring in Japan, mentioned in the Chronicles of Japan, and there is even a document that Prince Shotoku visited it. It is also associated with Soseki Natsume's "Botchan," so it is also known locally as Botchan Onsen. (this novel is free to read on amazon!)
The Dogo Onsen Honkan, a historical building constructed before World War II, was designated as a national important cultural property in 1994. The multi-storied structure made of wood certainly seems to have greatly influenced the appearance of Aburaya.
Location and access
Address: 5-6 Dogo-Yunomachi, Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture, 790-0842
Tel: 089-921-5141
Dogo Onsen Honkan official website
The model for the interior view of the luxurious bathhouse? Meguro Gajoen" in Tokyo
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The Hotel Gajoen Tokyo (formerly Meguro Gajoen), a well-known hotel and wedding hall, is said to have been the model for the luxurious interior of the bathhouse.
Meguro Gajoen was the first wedding hall built in Japan, and it is a gorgeous building with a solemn atmosphere. Surrounded by paintings and artworks from the walls to the ceiling, the room is a sight to behold.
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The banquet hall where Kaonasi goes on a rampage
In the movie, Kaonasi runs amok in the luxurious banquet hall of an oil store, and Meguro Gajoen is the perfect place to experience this atmosphere.
Meguro Gajoen is said to have been used as a model for the movie, especially the 100-step staircase, which is designated as a tangible cultural property by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. It is the only wooden structure in the building, with 99 flights of wooden stairs and a ceiling decorated with fan paintings.
You may be able to see a giant kaonasi that has swallowed a frog. ......?
Location and access
Address: 1-8-1 Shimomeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0064, Japan
Phone: 03-3491-4111
Hotel Gajoen Tokyo (Meguro Gajoen) official website
The Red Bridge Leading to the Bathhouse] Sekizenkan, Shima Onsen, Gunma
Sekizenkan, located in Agatsuma County, Gunma Prefecture, is one of the hot spring inns that may have been used as a reference for the painting of the yuya. As you can see in the photo, there is a small red bridge right in front of the inn, which gives you a sense of separation between the ordinary and the extraordinary.
Sekizenkan is a long-established onsen ryokan that has been around since the Edo period (1603-1868), and the architecture of the main building, which has been designated as an important cultural property, is particularly noteworthy. With Western-style arched windows, the spa is not purely Japanese-style, but has a nostalgic design that evokes a sense of romance.
That red bridge that Chihiro and Haku cross
Although Sekizenkan is not an officially recognized location, this bridge looks very similar to the one that Spirited Away crossed while holding her breath with Haku's hand in the beginning of the movie.
If you hold your breath and cross the bridge like Spirited Away, you might be able to get lost in the world of Spirited Away.
location & access
Shima Onsen, Nakanojo, Agatsuma County, Gunma 377-0601
Telephone 0279-64-2101
Sekizenkan official website
Model for a bathhouse visited by the gods? Kanaguya, Shibu Onsen, Nagano
It is rumored that one of the models for the movie "Spirited Away" is the long-established inn "Kanaguya" in Nagano Prefecture, as it looks just like the movie.
It is one of the hot spring inns in Shibu Onsen and is designated as a registered tangible cultural property. The building, called Saigetsuro, has a long history of 250 years, and it looks fantastic when lit up at night.
A bathhouse visited by the gods
In Nagano Prefecture, there is also the "Frost Moon Festival in Toyama" where water is boiled in cauldrons set up at shrines and dedicated to the gods. There is a story that the setting of "Spirited Away", where the gods are bathed, was inspired by this festival.
Location and access
Address: 2202 Hiranoumi, Yamanouchi-machi, Shimotakai-gun, Nagano 381-0401, Japan
Tel: 0269-33-3131
Kinuguya Official Website
Yamagata's Ginzan Onsen Town, a town of hot spring inns
In Yamagata Prefecture's Ginzan Onsen, Western-style wooden hot spring inns built long ago line both banks of the river, offering a retro and nostalgic view. In winter, the snowy scenery is even more fantastic.
The lights of the inns and the small bridge on the river remind me of the Aburaya in "Spirited Away".
Location & Access
Address: Oaza-Ginzan Shinhata, Obanazawa City, Yamagata Prefecture, 999-4333
Tel: 0237-28-3933 (Ginzan Onsen Information Center)
Ginzan Onsen Official Website
The model of the red bridge? Kawaga Bridge" in Ikaho Onsen, Gunma
In Ikaho Onsen, Gunma Prefecture, there is a place that looks just like the red bridge that Chihiro and Haku cross together in "Spirited Away". The name of the bridge is "Kajika Bridge". It is a popular spot for viewing the fresh greenery in the spring and the beautiful autumn leaves in the fall.
Location and access
Address: Ikaho Yumoto, Ikaho-cho, Shibukawa-shi, Gunma 377-0102
Tel: 0279-72-3151 (Shibukawa-Ikaho Onsen Tourist Association)
Shibukawa-Ikaho Onsen Tourist Association official website
Ryokan with the same name as Yuya] "Genroku Ryoron Aburaya" in Yubara Onsen, Okayama
The name of the inn in Yubara Onsen, a hot spring resort in Okayama Prefecture, is Aburaya. The name of the inn is exactly the same as the one in "Spirited Away" where Yubaba runs a bathhouse and Sen works there. The inn was already in business in the first year of the Genroku era, the Edo period.
The name "Aburaya" originated from the fact that the inn kept on welcoming travelers with oil for the lanterns and providing oil for the lamps along the way, so it came to be called "Aburaya. You can see that this name has been familiar to people for a long time.
Location and Access
Address: 27 (Shokuyukan), 29 (Yumuseian), Yubara Onsen, Maniwa City, Okayama Prefecture, 717-0402
Phone: 0867-62-2006
Genroku Ryokan Aburaya Official Website
The model of the train running on the sea? Shimonada Station in Ehime
Iyo City Tourism Association
The scene where Chihiro goes to see Senba on the Kaihara Electric Railway running on the sea is very impressive.
Although there is no official announcement of the model location, it was talked about among the fans as "just like the movie! JR Shimonada Station in Ehime Prefecture has become a hot topic among fans. It is an unmanned station famous as a filming location for dramas and movies.
The blue sea spreads out in front of the station, making it a fantastic spot reminiscent of the train scene in Spirited Away.
The beach near the station has been talked about as looking like the "railroad tracks leading to the sea" in the movie, but please do not trespass on private property without permission.
Location and access
Address: Okubo, Futami-cho, Iyo City, Ehime Prefecture, 799-3311
Tel: 089-994-5852 (Iyo City Tourism Association)
Iyo City Tourism Association official website(only in Japanse)
Places and inns that served as models for "Spirited Away
- Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum/Tokyo [Ghibli Official Website
- Dogo Hot Spring, Ehime [Ghibli Official
- Meguro Gajoen, Tokyo
- Sekizenkan/Shima Onsen, Gunma
- Kinuguya/Nagano, Shibu Onsen
- Ginzan Hot Spring Town/Yamagata
- Kawaga Bridge/Ikaho Onsen, Gunma
- Genroku Ryoron Aburaya/Yubara Onsen, Okayama
- Jiufen/Taiwan
- JR Shimonada Station/Ehime
I have introduced some spots related to "Spirited Away" that every Ghibli fan should visit at least once. Why don't you go on a "pilgrimage to the holy land" by watching the movie again and comparing the locations and the places that were used as models?
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mandopopguin · 4 years
R-Chord ft. Jess Lee - All Endings are Beginnings (English Translation)
那窗外毛毛細雨下的如此的冰冷 nà chuāng wài máo máo xì yǔ xià de rú cǐ de bīng lěng The drizzle falling outside the window is ice-cold
我泡了兩杯熱可可卻一個人喝著 wǒ pào le liǎng bēi rè kě kě què yī gè rén hē zhe I poured two cups of hot cocoa, but I’m drinking them by myself
我睡不著覺準備今晚又要失眠了 wǒ shuì bù zhe jué zhǔn bèi jīn wǎn yòu yào shī mián le I can’t sleep, so I’m planning for another night of insomnia
Warnings: One whole cuss word, possible abuse implications, suicide mention
I’m translating some songs for fun. Second song: 謝和弦 Feat.李佳薇 – 不愛,也是愛我.  Remember: you are allowed to break up with your significant other if they suck. Jess Lee said so :)
Full translation and translator’s notes under the cut.
在凌晨三點零九分 zài líng chén sān diǎn líng jiǔ fēn It’s 3:09 in the morning
我聽著寂寞在唱歌 wǒ tīng zhe jì mò zài chàng gē I’m listening to the loneliness singing
那窗外毛毛細雨下的如此的冰冷 nà chuāng wài máo máo xì yǔ xià de rú cǐ de bīng lěng The drizzle falling outside the window is ice-cold
我泡了兩杯熱可可卻一個人喝著 wǒ pào le liǎng bēi rè kě kě què yī gè rén hē zhe I poured two cups of hot cocoa, but I’m drinking them by myself
我睡不著覺準備今晚又要失眠了 wǒ shuì bù zhe jué zhǔn bèi jīn wǎn yòu yào shī mián le I can’t sleep, so I’m planning for another night of insomnia
我想起我們曾經 wǒ xiǎng qǐ wǒ men céng jīng I remember once
那麼瘋狂用力地愛著 nà me fēng kuáng yòng lì de ài zhe Being madly in love
你搬來我的破房子 nǐ bān lái wǒ de pò fáng zi You moved into my run-down house 好幾天都沒踏出門 hǎo jǐ tiān dōu méi tà chū mén Didn’t step out the door for a few days
你學會洗衣服也學會怎麼做菜了 nǐ xué huì xǐ yī fú yě xué huì zěn me zuò cài le You learned how to do laundry and how to cook
你順著我的脾氣讓我做著大男人 nǐ shùn zhe wǒ de pí qì ràng wǒ zuò zhe dà nán rén You went along with my temper and let me feel like a man 我卻生氣摔了杯子 wǒ què shēng qì shuāi le bēi zi I got angry and shattered a glass
還把房間的門打破了 hái bǎ fáng jiān de mén dǎ pò le And smashed the room’s door 讓你哭了好幾天不接電話 ràng nǐ kū le hǎo jǐ tiān bù jiē diàn huà Made you cry for a few days and didn’t answer the phone
就這麼走了 jiù zhè me zǒu le And left just like that
Goodbye錯愛了就該走(我不想走) Goodbye cuò ài le jiù gāi zǒu (wǒ bù xiǎng zǒu) Goodbye — If love is undeserved, then leave (I don’t want to go)
別再你抱歉我難過(要怎麼說) bié zài nǐ bào qiàn wǒ nán guò (yào zěn me shuō) Stop saying you’re sorry I’m sad (What do I say?)
相處比相愛難多我們都試過 xiāng chù bǐ xiāng ài nán duō wǒ men dōu shì guò It’s harder to get along than to love; we both tried 你是王我不是后(No) nǐ shì wáng wǒ bù shì hòu (No) You’re king, but I’m not queen (No)
Goodbye不愛也是一種愛我 Goodbye bù ài yě shì yī zhǒng ài wǒ Goodbye — Not loving me is a kind of loving me
一起去碧潭劃天鵝船你說暈船了 yī qǐ qù bì tán huà tiān é chuán nǐ shuō yūn chuán le Went together to Bitan to ride in a swan boat, but you said you were seasick 一起去陽明山看夜景你說真美呢 Yī qǐ qù yáng míng shān kàn yè jǐng nǐ shuō zhēn měi ne Went together to Yangmingshan to see the night view, and you said it was really beautiful
一起去看五月天的演唱會 你感動的哭了 yī qǐ qù kàn wǔ yuè tiān de yǎn chàng huì nǐ gǎn dòng de kū le Went together to see Mayday’s concert, and you were moved to tears
一起過的日子就像昨天 yī qǐ guò de rì zi jiù xiàng zuó tiān The days we spent together feel like they were yesterday
還在眼前呢 hái zài yǎn qián ne They’re still right before my eyes
我不知道該怎麼形容 wǒ bù zhī dào gāi zěn me xíng róng I don’t know how to describe 你的善良和天真 nǐ de shàn liáng hé tiān zhēn Your kindness and innocence
我也不知道該怎麼做 wǒ yě bù zhī dào gāi zěn me zuò I also don’t know what I should say
才能挽回你呢 cái néng wǎn huí nǐ ne To win you back
我只好站在鏡子前罵自己馬的法克 wǒ zhǐ hǎo zhàn zài jìng zi qián mà zì jǐ mǎ de fǎ kè I can only stand in front of the mirror and scold my own motherf#cking self
快給我一把槍讓我把自己一槍斃了 kuài gěi wǒ yī bǎ qiāng ràng wǒ bǎ zì jǐ yī qiāng bì le Give me a gun and let me shoot myself
要多少時間才能夠找回從前的快樂 yào duō shǎo shí jiān cái néng gòu zhǎo huí cóng qián de kuài lè How long will it take until I can retrieve the happiness of the past?
要多少後悔才能夠把你手再牽著 yào duō shǎo hòu huǐ cái néng gòu bǎ nǐ shǒu zài qiān zhe How many times will I have to repent until I can hold your hand again?
我看著手機裡我們拍的每一張照片 wǒ kàn zhe shǒu jī lǐ wǒ men pāi de měi yī zhāng zhào piàn I’m looking at every picture we took on my phone
每一則訊息都是那麼的甜蜜 měi yī zé xùn xī dōu shì nà me de tián mì Every message is so sweet
那麼的深刻 nà me de shēn kè So profound
枕頭上殘留你的香味我抱著 zhěn tóu shàng cán liú nǐ de xiāng wèi wǒ bào zhe I’m hugging a pillow that still smells like you
蒐集的電影票根我都還留著 sōu jí de diàn yǐng piào gēn wǒ dōu hái liú zhe I’ve kept the movie ticket stubs we collected
只希望在你的心中不會忘記 我 zhǐ xī wàng zài nǐ de xīn zhōng bù huì wàng jì wǒ Only hope in your heart you won’t forget me
不會恨我不會討厭我 bù huì hèn wǒ bù huì tǎo yàn wǒ Don’t hate me. Don’t loathe me 那這一切我全部都認了 nà zhè yī qiè wǒ quán bù dōu rèn le I recognize all of this
Goodbye錯愛了就該走(我不想走) Goodbye cuò ài le jiù gāi zǒu (wǒ bù xiǎng zǒu) Goodbye — If love is undeserved, then leave (I don’t want to go)
別再你抱歉我難過(要怎麼說) bié zài nǐ bào qiàn wǒ nán guò (yào zěn me shuō) Stop saying you’re sorry I’m sad (What do I say?)
相處比相愛難多我們都試過 xiāng chù bǐ xiāng ài nán duō wǒ men dōu shì guò It’s harder to get along than to love; we both tried 你是王我不是后(No) nǐ shì wáng wǒ bù shì hòu (No) You’re king, but I’m not queen (No)
Goodbye不愛也是一種愛我 Goodbye bù ài yě shì yī zhǒng ài wǒ Goodbye — Not loving me is a kind of loving me
再給你 ( 我 ) 機會再一次機會 zài gěi nǐ (wǒ) jī huì zài yī cì jī huì Give you (me) another chance, another first chance
再給你 ( 我 ) 一次機會 zài gěi nǐ (wǒ) yī cì jī huì Give you (me) another first chance
對我 ( 你 ) 說聲抱歉 duì wǒ (nǐ) shuō shēng bào qiàn Tell me you’re (you I’m) sorry
再給你 ( 我 ) 機會再一次機會 zài gěi nǐ (wǒ) jī huì zài yī cì jī huì Give you (me) another chance, another first chance
再給你 ( 我 ) 一次機會 zài gěi nǐ (wǒ) yī cì jī huì Give you (me) another first chance
對 我 ( 你 ) 說 聲再見 duì wǒ (nǐ) shuō shēng zài jiàn Say goodbye to me (you)
再給你 ( 我 ) 機會再一次機會 zài gěi nǐ (wǒ) jī huì zài yī cì jī huì Give you (me) another chance, another first chance
再給你 ( 我 ) 一次機會 zài gěi nǐ (wǒ) yī cì jī huì Give you (me) another first chance
對我 ( 你 ) 說聲抱歉 duì wǒ (nǐ) shuō shēng bào qiàn Tell me you’re (you I’m) sorry
再給你 ( 我 ) 機會再一次機會 zài gěi nǐ (wǒ) jī huì zài yī cì jī huì Give you (me) another chance, another first chance
再給你 ( 我 ) 一次機會 zài gěi nǐ (wǒ) yī cì jī huì Give you (me) another first chance
對 我 ( 你 ) 說 聲再見 duì wǒ (nǐ) shuō shēng zài jiàn Say goodbye to me (you)
I say goodbye錯愛了就該走(我不想走) I say goodbye cuò ài le jiù gāi zǒu (wǒ bù xiǎng zǒu) Goodbye — If love is undeserved, then leave (I don’t want to go) 別再你抱歉我難過(Don't say goodbye) bié zài nǐ bào qiàn wǒ nán guò (don’ t say goodbye) Stop saying you’re sorry I’m sad (don’t say goodbye)
相處比相愛難多我們都試過 xiāng chù bǐ xiāng ài nán duō wǒ men dōu shì guò It’s harder to get along than to love; we both tried
你是王我不是後(Don't go) nǐ shì wáng wǒ bù shì hòu (don’ t go) You’re king, but I’m not queen (Don’t go)
Goodbye就當作你最後(No) Goodbye jiù dāng zuò nǐ zuì hòu (no) Goodbye — treat this as your last chance to
愛我 ài wǒ Love me
Translator’s Notes
Fun fact: A lot of Taiwanese artists use 你 as masculine form and 妳 as feminine form of “you.”  This song only uses 你. That doesn’t mean anything because this entire song is written in Mandarin (the standard form of which does not use the feminine form), but it’s interesting to note.
Goodbye錯愛了就該走(我不想走) Goodbye cuò ài le jiù gāi zǒu (wǒ bù xiǎng zǒu) Goodbye. If love is undeserved, then leave (I don’t want to go)
錯愛 literally means “wrong love,” but also means “misplaced/undeserved kindness” (think “I don’t deserve your kindness/favor”). The line meaning is probably closer to the literal translation than I have it, but there isn’t a good way to word it in English.
一起去碧潭劃天鵝船你說暈船了 yī qǐ qù bì tán huà tiān é chuán nǐ shuō yūn chuán le Went together to Bitan to ride in a swan boat, but you said you were seasick 一起去陽明山看夜景你說真美呢 Yī qǐ qù yáng míng shān kàn yè jǐng nǐ shuō zhēn měi ne Went together to Yangmingshan to see the night view, and you said it was really beautiful
一起去看五月天的演唱會 你感動的哭了 yī qǐ qù kàn wǔ yuè tiān de yǎn chàng huì nǐ gǎn dòng de kū le Went together to see Mayday’s concert, and you were moved to tears
Bitan (碧潭) is a tourist attraction in Taipei. More information here Yangmingshan (陽明山) is a national park, also in Taipei. More information here Mayday (五月天) is a popular Taiwanese rock/pop band. Official site here
那這一切我全部都認了 nà zhè yī qiè wǒ quán bù dōu rèn le I recognize all of this
I have no idea what this means.
Goodbye就當作你最後(No) Goodbye jiù dāng zuò nǐ zuì hòu (no) Goodbye, treat this as your last chance to
愛我 ài wǒ Love me
Not sure what 你最後 愛我 means. Literally, it’s “you[r] last love me,” which I took as “your last chance to love me,” but something like “your last declaration/act of love for me” might also work.
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