malecsecretsanta · 6 months
Merry Christmas, @tarlos_spain!
I hope you like it <3
This is Not a Hallmark Movie
“Holy Fuck.” The smoke pouring from the engine cabinet blooms around him in mockery. The thin layer of snow crunches beneath his boots and the soot coating his favorite Hugo Boss jacket is spiking his anxiety up particle by particle. To think that not twenty minutes ago he was admiring the rolling hills of snow all around him. He is currently cursing his luck, his client-who had to have the handmade lace from the eccentric lacemaker upstate-and his boss-who gave him the task of driving up to retrieve it, wasting one of the few weekends he was supposed to have off before the holiday rush of Christmas weddings.  He also cursed his boss’ hapless assistant who swore she booked a reputable car for him but really gave him the keys to her boyfriend’s ten year old prius. He’s staring at the mess of the engine as if he could wave his hand to magically fix it which is why he doesn’t notice the truck that stopped behind him or the person who walks up next to him.
“That doesn’t sound like the good type of fuck.” Magnus turns around and is struck dumb at the sight. The man who has walked up is gorgeous. Cut from marble-he can tell even through the layers the man wears-and it takes a second for Magnus to realize the man is still speaking. “That looks rough, I think you’re going to need a tow. I called the truck when I saw the smoke billowing. My uncle-the mechanic in the town up the road is sending someone to get it.” Magnus is staring mystified at this guardian angel. 
Read on AO3
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tarlos-spain · 1 year
Easter Tarlos Exchange
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I've decided to host the first Easter Tarlos fic exchange, because who doesn't like to receive some surprises in the form of easter eggs?
This is the information you need to know to make it fun and simple.
Sign Ups Start: February 25 - That day I'll post the form you have to fill out with all the necessary information
Sign Up End: March 3
Fic author information will be sent out: March 13
Posting will be between April 02 - 10 - You can choose a date in the form you will fill
If for any reason, you can not write your fic and post it for the event, please let me know so I can arrange a pinch hitter to finish it.
Fics need to be at least 1,000 words long
All works must be Tarlos Centric.
Please use the #ETExchage and tag me Tarlos_Spain so I can reblog it
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911lsbb · 1 year
2 more weeks for authors to sign up
Hello everybody. Just a quick reminder that you have two more weeks for signing as an author for the Lone Star 2023 Big Bang.
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tarlosspecial · 1 year
Having problems with my blog
I'm having problems from my main tumblr blog @tarlos-spain, I can't send or recieve messages and I think nobody si able to see my posts becuase they don't appears in others blogss.
So I've created this other blog, until the problem is solved. If anybody wants to send me a personal message, want's to ask me to write a prompt or give me ideas for stories or anything, please write me a message to this blog.
Thank you so much.
Also I'm not able to send or recieve messange to @911lsbb blog. I'm the adminstrator of the challenge. So please, if you need to tell me something about the challenge, also write to me here.
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My birthday again
I'm back. Counting the days to be a year older and I'd like to share this with you people the same way I did last year.
You ask for an idea, a promtp or anything and I write it for you.
If you are interested, please fill this form.
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thebumblecee · 1 year
I took part in the Valentine’s Day fic exchange 💕
Thank you for my prompt: @tarlos_spain (this is the only url I have for you!)
Thank you for organising it @chaotictarlos
Rating: E
“Could you try and be less miserable?” Nancy demands. TK’s been restocking the same compartment for almost ten minutes, stewing in his own mind, and has sighed wistfully thirty times. He’s not being miserable on purpose. It’s justified miserableness.
A situational miserableness.
“It’s not my fault it’s Valentine’s Day, dude,” she continues, “if you remember I would rather be out with Mateo than stuck here. You’re not the only one suffering.”
He knows that’s fair but it feels worse this year somehow. Last year they were broken up over Valentines and this year they’re fiancés.
It should be special but everything that could go wrong has so far. Both their shift swap requests were cancelled so they had to work double shift, and TK hasn’t even seen Carlos. He had it all planned, they were going to have the morning together and he went and bought everything he needed for a special breakfast from this fancy farm shop place. It was even in a cute little hamper and had instructions even TK found easy to follow. It was going to be so romantic and perfect to wake his fiancé up to a home cooked breakfast.
Then the B shift paramedics caught covid and they were desperate for someone to cover so he agreed to take the shift with Nancy. Carlos kissed him sweetly and told him he had a big heart and they would catch up later.
Later isn’t Valentine’s Day.
The next time they’ll see each other is half way through the afternoon of the 15th. It shouldn’t bother TK, it’s only one day and they have all the rest of their days to go together, but it does because he wants the pomp and circumstance that comes with being engaged.
Keep reading here
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I hope everyone is having fun with their Exchange prompts! This is just a check-in and a reminder that fic posting starts on Feb. 14 and continues until Feb. 28. If you're having any trouble let me know!
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tarlos-spain · 1 year
Tarlos Pride Month
Lets start the Pride month, with my contribution in the shape of some fics, thanks to @tarlosweeklyprompts. So this is the first one.
Prompt: TK and Carlos both have Austin Pride off and are able to attend together.
Characters: Carlos Reyes, TK Strand and Andrea Reyes. Also a lot mentions to Gabriel Reyes
Pairing: Why change? Tarlos and only Tarlos
Summary: It is the first Pride in which TK and Carlos are married and Carlos had prepared the day with his father... now everything has changed.
Title: The pride that couldn't be
"I've packed two large bottles of water in my backpack and I've taken external batteries for the cell phones, if we get separated I don't want us to lose sight of each other because we know how the streets get later. Do you want to take a sweatshirt in case it cools down later?"
When he didn't get a response from Carlos, TK poked her head out the bedroom door, but his husband wasn't listening. He was sitting on the bed, staring off into nowhere.
He walked over to him and sat down next to him, but Carlos didn't react until he stroked his cheek to get his attention.
"Were you saying something?" Carlos asked with a sad smile.
"What's wrong my love?"
Carlos breathed heavily and rested his head on TK's shoulder.
"Sorry I didn't want to ruin today, with all the plans we had for pride." TK said nothing and allowed him to continue talking. "We have been thinking for so long about what we would do today and before that on the honeymoon, before that on the wedding that without realizing it I had forgotten, it sounds terrible, I know, but I had almost forgotten that my father is already here and that I had been waiting for months for the moment to invite him to Pride with us."
"Oh, Carlos, my love, really, why didn't you tell me before? I've been talking about today for days. We should stay home, watch a couple of movies, order dinner and..."
"No, that's not what I want." Carlos turned to him and kissed him. "I want to... I wanted to show this part of my life to my father taking advantage of the fact that Pride was right after the wedding, my father."
TK motioned Carlos to lie down next to him on the bed and then took his hand.
"I know it won't be the same and there's nothing I can do to bring Gabriel back to you, but I'd like you to share with me the day you had in mind with him. It's silly, I know."
"It's not silly at all." Carlos's smile became much more relaxed. He turned and half turned on his side on the bed, took both of TK's hands and kissed them. "Have I told you today how much I love you? I hate it when I forget to remind you one day."
"You told me this morning, when you got out of the shower and found your bathrobe fresh out of the dryer."
"Well, then I'll tell you again, because you don't have to do this. I don't want to ruin your day by being down."
"I've packed two large bottles of water in my backpack and I've taken external batteries for the cell phones, if we get separated I don't want us to lose sight of each other because we know how the streets get later. Do you want to take a sweatshirt in case it cools down later?"
When he didn't get a response from Carlos, TK poked her head out the bedroom door, but his husband wasn't listening. He was sitting on the bed, staring off into nowhere.
He walked over to him and sat down next to him, but Carlos didn't react until he stroked his cheek to get his attention.
"Were you saying something?" Carlos asked with a sad smile.
"What's wrong my love?"
Carlos breathed heavily and rested his head on TK's shoulder.
"Sorry I didn't want to ruin today, with all the plans we had for pride." TK said nothing and allowed him to continue talking. "We have been thinking for so long about what we would do today and before that on the honeymoon, before that on the wedding that without realizing it I had forgotten, it sounds terrible, I know, but I had almost forgotten that my father is already here and that I had been waiting for months for the moment to invite him to Pride with us."
"Oh, Carlos, my love, really, why didn't you tell me before? I've been talking about today for days. We should stay home, watch a couple of movies, order dinner and..."
"No, that's not what I want." Carlos turned to him and kissed him. "I want to... I wanted to show this part of my life to my father taking advantage of the fact that Pride was right after the wedding, my father."
TK motioned Carlos to lie down next to him on the bed and then took his hand.
"I know it won't be the same and there's nothing I can do to bring Gabriel back to you, but I'd like you to share with me the day you had in mind with him. It's silly, I know."
"It's not silly at all." Carlos's smile became much more relaxed. He turned and half turned on his side on the bed, took both of TK's hands and kissed them. "Have I told you today how much I love you? I hate it when I forget to remind you one day."
"You told me this morning, when you got out of the shower and found your bathrobe fresh out of the dryer."
"Well, then I'll tell you again, because you don't have to do this. I don't want to ruin your day by being down."
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911lsbb · 1 year
Writers Sign up!
OK, I've seen that you are as excited as me to begin this year's Big Bang.
So I've decided to open the sign up for you.
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911lsbb · 1 year
Only I can see is that I mainly agree. Maybe they made some mistakes with the scripts, maybe the story could have been told some other way. But in general I totally agree with Tim
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911lsbb · 1 year
First Responders Big Bang
What do you think about a First Responders Big Bang in the future? Let me know what do you think. Fandoms as 911, 911 Lone Star, One Chicago or Station 19 would be included
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911lsbb · 1 year
Last days to fill te signs up
Hello everybody!
Just a reminder that the signs up are about to close.
So if you ar interested on participate, please sign the form
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tarlos-spain · 1 year
Tarlos advent Calendar
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Chapter 12
Day 23 - I wouldn't change a thing
"Don't you ever regret it?"
Carlos dropped the book he was reading onto his lap and turned to TK.
The paramedic had just gotten out of the shower, he was dressed, only in his jeans and his hair was still wet. He was walking towards him looking at him as if he was hypnotized and as if he had too much on his mind.
"You're going to catch a cold, finish getting dressed." Carlos replied, he put the book aside and jumped over the back of the couch to get to TK. "And you need to dry your hair better, need I remind you what the doctor said at your last checkup. You still have too low a body temperature, a blast of air or some cold water can end in pneumonia."
"Don't be exaggerated. It's not that cold."
Carlos picked up his cell phone and showed his the temperature. "It's eight degrees outside."
"But we have the heater on." TK ran his hand through his hair and shook it out. "Besides, I've only got it damp, it'll dry in no time.
Carlos murdered him with his eyes, put both hands on his waist and pushed him back in the bathroom. TK odaiba to dry his hair, because he said, using the same tone as his father, that the heat from the dryer burned his hair and also made him start sweating.
So Carlos took a towel and made him sit on the edge of the bathtub. He rubbed his hair with the towel and then made him lift his face to look him in the eyes.
"You've already given me the scare of my life because of the cold, once. I almost lost you for not saying you were freezing to death. I have no intention of going through the same thing again, not because of some stupid cold you can catch at home by not drying yourself properly."
It had been almost a year since the accident on the ice. They had gotten back together almost immediately, though they both knew they had a lot to talk about. As TK was recovering, they had plenty of time to talk about their feelings and what had led to their breakup. For once, lying in a hospital bed and given that it took several days for his legs to become functional again and allow him to stand up, Carlos and he had time to be honest.
Carlos wasn't going to let him get away, not after seeing TK's death so close. But he needed some assurance that his boyfriend wouldn't bolt at the next obstacle in front of them.
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tarlos-spain · 1 year
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Chapter 12
The ambulance ride took forever and Carlos thought he stopped breathing on more than one occasion. Apparently Tommy had everything under control, but Nancy looked at her from time to time for reassurance from her captain. After all, the patient was one of her best friends, he was her own teammate and his life and that of the twins inside him depended on them.
The traffic had thickened, apparently everyone leaving the soccer field where they had gone to see the Dua Lipa concert with four other singers had decided to leave at the same time and had all taken the car to get into the center or wherever in the city the ambulance was trying to get through.
"How much longer?" Carlos asked Judd who had gotten behind the wheel of the ambulance so Nancy and Tommy could work together at TK.
"I wish I could tell you better," Judd said without taking his eyes off the road in case a gap appeared that they could squeeze into and move forward. "But the same six minutes as before."
Now that labor had started, there was nothing they could do to stop it, the bleeding was unstoppable, but as was quite usual with male deliveries, TK's body was not dilating as it should.
Besides, now that he had lost consciousness, he couldn't make things any easier because his body was doing things on its own, it was doing its best to deliver the two babies but TK wasn't ready.
"We're going to need more blood." Tommy said. "With a hemorrhage like that his body won't hold out until the hospital."
"We have the same blood timpo." Said Owen who had climbed into the ambulance with them right behind TK. "Give him a transfusion."
"That'll buy us a little more time, but if we don't get to the hospital soon..."
Even unconscious, TK winced and moved his whole body as if trying a way to be more comfortable despite the terrible suffering his body was enduring.
Carlos took his hand unsurely and reached down to stroke his hair and make him feel like he was there with him.
"What options do we have captain?" Owen asked her.
"With the traffic out there and no certainty of when we're going to get to the hospital, TK and the girls could die before we get there. We can wait a little longer, for now the girls are protected." Carlos felt his stomach turn at the thought. "I don't see a natural delivery possible, TK is not dilating and the bleeding was already weakening him too much."
"What chance do we have Tommy? Tell me the truth." Carlos asked, fighting with all his might not to lose what little serenity he still had.
"There aren't many options, honey. A C-section here, would bring the girls into the world, but it would surely mean TK's death."
Carlos turned pale and noticed the ambulance spinning. He felt like throwing up and grabbed Nancy's arm.
"No... You can't open up and take the twins out here in the ambulance. I've seen some of those cases. The mother doesn't survive." Carlos didn't want to raise his voice, but he was on edge. "Besides, the girls are very small and TK will lose a lot more blood even if he survives... will he make it to the hospital?"
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tarlos-spain · 1 year
Tarlos Advent Calendar
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Chapter 08
Day 19 - Blending traditions
TK wanted to make things right, taking advantage of the fact that they were going to spend Christmas alone at home, Carlos, the children and himself, and that Carlos was feeling down about the idea of being away from his parents after having been preparing for those holidays when the children were going to enter into the family traditions.
He got to work, even if it was a last minute thing as soon as he convinced Carlos to stay home.
It was time to create their own traditions. It had been easy the year before to spend Christmas at the ranch, after all they were both exhausted between work and parenting, plus preparing for the wedding.
Maybe it hadn't been a good idea to have it in the middle of Christmas, but that had put Christmas celebrations on the back burner.
Now the children were beginning to be aware of what was going on around them, TK wanted to give them and Carlos the true spirit of Christmas, to put a smile on Carlos' lips and discover something new for the children.
But when he wanted to realize it, he found himself full of doubts. He needed to put together all the traditions he had around him and the ones he missed. Since his mother's death he had put aside everything that had to do with his Hebrew roots.
It made him three to think that the person who had been most determined to show him that part of his origin was no longer around and no one around him knew more about it than his mother. It felt wrong to try to introduce Hanukka and other customs to his children now when he had escaped them for so long.
On the other hand there were the more traditional customs of the Catholic and Latin world that came from Carlos and his family. He wanted to organize everything himself and therefore did not want to leave any detail out because then there were the traditions he had added with his father and those of Austin.
Without realizing it, he let the stress of not being able to give his children a Strand-Reyes family Christmas get the better of him.
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tarlos-spain · 1 year
Tarlos Advent Calendar
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Chapter 06
Day 17 - Winter Wedding
TK looked out the window, it was raining outside, even though the weatherman had said it would snow. The predictions were sometimes wrong, but TK hoped with all his soul, that this was not the case and that actually the fine rain outside would turn to snow.
It bothered him to get married on a rainy day, because it had made them change the ceremony from his in-laws' huge garden to the barn. The had left it beautifully and perfectly decorated; especially considering how little time they had had between friends and family.
Suddenly he needed the snow, he needed to see the white garden, he needed to go out there and feel the cold on his face as Carlos kissed his right after they were married.
It was the bad thing about being a fan of Hallmark movies. He wanted that kind of fairy tale for their wedding day. It had taken them so long to get to that moment that it still felt like he was going to wake up and the dream was going to let reality pass hm by. He was so afraid that he would wake up and Luna and Daniel would be gone, that Carlos would never want him back, or that he would never know him at all.
Carlos's hands around his shoulders made him shiver, but feeling his scent next to his and his lips kissing his neck made him smile.
"You shouldn't be here and see me before the wedding, it's bad luck."
"I think we've used up all the bad luck over the years before the children came into the world."
TK turned and hugged Carlos, putting both arms around his neck. "You're right about that, until I met you I never really felt lucky and as many things have happened to us, we finally got here and we have the twins."
"We have the twins." Carlos cocked his head like a dog. "Where are the twins?"
"Their official babysitters today are Juddy Grace, with the help of Tommy and the twins. The girls are happy to take care of their cousins."
Carlos stared at him and stroked his cheeks "I love you so much Tyler. I swear I was scared this day would never come and I wouldn't be able to say you really are my husband."
"I'm going to be your husband."
Owen knocked on the door. "Guys, the wedding is out there and there are a lot of people waiting for you, are you..."
He stared at his son. When TK had told him he was going to propose to Alex, he knew it was a bad idea from the start. Alex had never really liked him and had him as a good match for his son. It hurt him that he had broken hos heart and that TK had felt bad enough to try to take his own life.
Since then he had wondered if TK would ever really be happy and now he almost found it hard to believe that image. They were his boys, his son and the love of his life, who had also given him wonderful grandchildren.
"Dad are you okay?"
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