#tarot card for beginners
urjahealing · 10 months
How Tarot Card Readers Can Transform Your Career Life?
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In the pursuit of a fulfilling and successful career, we often encounter challenges and uncertainties. It is during such times that seeking guidance from an online tarot card reader can be a transformative experience. 
Tarot card reading, an ancient divination practice, goes beyond fortune-telling; it can offer profound insights into your career path, opportunities, challenges, and personal growth. In this blog, we will explore how tarot card readers can empower your journey to success and provide clarity for career growth.
Tarot card reading is an art that has been practiced for centuries to gain spiritual guidance and self-awareness. The Tarot deck consists of 78 cards, each with its unique imagery and symbolism representing various aspects of life. 
The reader shuffles the cards and lays them out in a spread, interpreting the cards' meanings and their relevance to the seeker's specific query.
Tarot Cards for Career Growth
When it comes to career growth and decision-making, tarot card readings can be incredibly enlightening. Tarot cards offer valuable insights into your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and potential obstacles. They can help you gain a fresh perspective on your career path and uncover hidden talents and skills.
1. Clarity in Career Choices: 
One of the most significant benefits of tarot card readings for career growth is the clarity they provide. 
The cards can reveal which career path aligns best with your passions, interests, and skills, helping you make well-informed decisions.
2. Identifying Opportunities: 
Tarot card readings can unveil opportunities that may be hidden from your conscious awareness. These opportunities could be the key to unlocking your professional growth and taking your career to new heights.
3. Navigating Challenges: 
In every career journey, challenges are inevitable. Tarot card readers can shed light on potential challenges and offer guidance on how to overcome them. Armed with this knowledge, you can approach obstacles with a newfound sense of confidence and resilience.
4. Personal Growth: 
Tarot card readings are not just about predicting the future; they also delve into your personal growth. The cards can illuminate areas where you may need to develop, such as self-confidence, assertiveness, or communication skills, to advance in your career.
Tarot Spread for Career Growth
Several tarot spreads are specifically designed to provide insights into career-related matters. Here are a few popular tarot spreads used by online tarot card readers for career growth:
1. Career Path Spread: 
This spread focuses on exploring different career options, potential growth opportunities, and obstacles in your current or future career.
2. Strengths and Weaknesses Spread: 
This spread highlights your strengths and areas where you can improve, giving you a better understanding of how to leverage your skills in your profession.
3. Career Decision Spread: 
When faced with a crucial career decision, this spread can offer guidance by examining the potential outcomes of each choice.
4. Career Progression Spread: 
This spread provides a glimpse into your career journey, highlighting past achievements, present circumstances, and potential future developments.
How Online Tarot Card Readers Can Help?
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The rise of online tarot card readers has made this ancient divination practice accessible to people from all walks of life. An online tarot card reader can offer several advantages for your career growth journey:
1. Convenience: 
With online tarot card reading services, you can seek guidance from the comfort of your home or office, saving time and effort.
2. Anonymity: 
Some individuals may feel more comfortable discussing their career aspirations and challenges with an online tarot card reader, as it allows for anonymity and a sense of privacy.
3. Wide Range of Readers: 
Online platforms offer a diverse selection of tarot card readers, allowing you to choose one who resonates with your energy and preferences.
4. Flexibility: 
Online tarot card readers often offer various reading options, such as live video sessions, phone calls, or email readings, providing flexibility to fit your schedule.
In conclusion, online tarot card readers have the potential to transform your career life by providing valuable insights, clarity, and guidance. Through tarot card readings, you can gain a deeper understanding of your career path, recognize hidden opportunities, and navigate challenges with confidence and resilience. 
Whether you are seeking a new career direction or aiming for professional growth, tarot card readings can be a powerful tool for empowerment and self-discovery. Embrace the wisdom of the tarot, and embark on a journey of career transformation with the guidance of an online tarot card reader.
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kalki-tarot · 3 months
Physical appearance of your Future Spouse - mini pac reading ✧˖°.
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pick only one picture and allow me to tap into your energy, please.
pile 01
so! Just before pulling out your cards, i channeled an image of the famous singer "Arman malik" , so your fs may look like them if they are a male or they have those features. I also see that your fs may be blonde and they may have a bunny teeth and a significant jawline too ^^
they are young and athletic, they have a great, muscular figure. They seem to work out a lot or they are well involved in sports. They have a well maintained moustache too. They can be tall to medium height.
they have very soft features, very childike and innocent. They have a fresh look to them, neat and clean. They like to maintain hygiene with their body.
pile 02
your fs can be from a foreign or exotic country. they look different from how people usually look in your country, something about their appearance is unique.
im seeing they like wearing baggy clothes, it's just their style that im picking up. they have a silent and mysterious look to them, dark academia vibes is what i feel about them.
they have black curly hair, and may have soft freckles on their face. they are youthful and sensual. they may like showing off their body or sensual features.
pile 03
we have 3 kings straight in a row! They are someone very masculine and dominating. They look VERY masculine! They have fierce and rough features. A well maintained moustache too.
They come from a wealthy and powerful background and it shows in their appearance and style. They like wearing accessories, expensive perfumes and wrist watches.
Their skin color is tan and their hair are straight and brown. They have a strong aura and straightforward look. They are usually expressionless so it's hard to know what's going on in their mind. They look manly.
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nymphia-tarot · 4 months
Your relationship with them [18+] PAC
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pile 1 ----> pile 2
pile 3 ----> pile 4
🍂 meditate on the pics and pick whichever one calls to you the most. this reading is divided into two parts: your general life dynamic and your sex-life. you might feel drawn to more than one pile, which means you may have messages in other piles for you as well! if you don't feel particularly drawn to any pile, the messages in this reading might not be intended for you. since this is a general reading, take what resonates! 🍂
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🍂Pile 1:
ᯓ★ General:
I'm getting your person is somewhat ambitious and a planner. They may have come from humble beginnings and thus, they know the value of hardwork and pragmatism. There's probably a lot of LGBTQ+ individuals in this pile. I'm getting a lot of sapphics in particular?
I'm getting your partner embodies the more "dominant" or active energy in the dynamic here. They're probably just used to being the one who does most of the doing in their life. I'm getting workaholic vibes as well. Your person feels like you really pull them off their balance. Or like, you can easily shake them off even when they try to hold themselves together. I feel like for a lot of you it's probably unintentionally too which kinda frustrates them lol.
If you lived together, they might probably be really busy all the time due to their nature as well as circumstances. I feel like work and responsibilities may be overwhelming in the relationship. There might even be arguments due to a clash of values or perspectives about some matters. They might not be able to meet your emotional needs at times due to them generally being more head-oriented. I'm getting warnings from spirit regarding communication. All relationships are built on trust and healthy communication, so don't be discouraged! With time, I feel this could be a very mature and deep relationship based on security, trust and hardwork overcoming obstacles together. However, if issues exacerbate and you find that they're not the right one for you then the choice to decide on the future is always your right.
ᯓ★ In the bedroom:
Your person finds you extremely tempting and irresistible. They may even have been lusting after you for quite a while before you guys got together. I'm getting that they were pining after you heavily and being extremely downbad lol. They love watching you and they may even start fantasizing about you midday whenever they look at you 😭💀 They might do it solo a lot with you in their mind. They might be lowkey afraid that others might feel the same about you and it makes them a bit anxious even though I feel like they might hide it outwardly.
There's a lot of passion in the bedroom between the two of you. Their feelings towards you are very intense, almost as if they're directing it all at once with a laser focus. They might get very consumed in the bedroom, like nothing else exists in the moment except the two of you. They might like receiving oral from you a lot or at least they fantasize about it quite a lot of times. They might even be dominant in the bedroom and have fantasies of you submitting to them. I feel like they're the possessive type, and this might even show from subtle things in the moment like the way they grip you just a bit harder, almost as if they don't want to let you go.
A lot of yall in pile 1 might be pillow-princesses. I feel like you also love teasing your partner, not usually in an overt way but through more subtle mannerisms. Your partner notices this and it drives them craaazyy lol. Overall, I feel like you really satisfy each other in bed and you might also subconsciously soothe a lot of each other's insecurities and deeply-rooted fears. Sometimes, the sex between you two might get so intense that you both lose sight of everything else-- maybe you leave your room/house really messy everytime you do it too. They might like to get rough with you in bed but there's also aftercare and I feel like a lot of you really enjoy the aftercare sessions a lot, almost like that's the main "treat" you're after even though the sex is good.
🍂 Pile 2:
ᯓ★ General:
I feel like quite a lot of my pile 2 individuals are very idealistic people and hopeless romantics. Maybe some of you are even inexperienced in the matters of love and might have a lot of ideas and fantasies about the perfect relationship, which might even be unrealistic at times (hey, nothing wrong with it as long as it's not negatively interfering with your life). I feel like this relationship will be nothing like you've dreamed of, and that's not necessarily in a bad way. In a way, it'll teach you valuable life lessons and give you a more grounded and mature perspective about the reality of relationships.
Your person is a very free individual and they're the type who doesn't hold anything back. Maybe their boundaries are very expansive, and they might appear extremely open and accepting. They might be very materially prosperous and abundant as well. I feel like your person is very sociable and might be someone who belongs to "high society". I'm getting Gatsby vibes-ish outwardly. Very composed, elegant and smooth as well in their exterior-- almost like they have it all together, a social chameleon and a charming influencer.
However, I'm getting that there might be a duality to them. They might even be depressed lowkey. They might not have the healthiest relationship with their emotions. It's like, they were never really taught how to handle pain and they might even keep that aspect of themselves neglected, which might lead to detrimental consequences as a result. Perhaps my pile 2s were drawn to the outer brilliance of this person because they do appear really bright, like a treasure. They seem like the ideal prince of your dreams who could fulfill all your needs initially. However, as the relationship progresses, you discover more and more aspects of them that aren't entirely beautiful. This relationship comes with struggles, especially mental health struggles for a lot of you, and it might even be harder than you initially expected. However, at the end, you will also find a lot of growth individually. Also, I'm getting that some people here in this pile were attracted to both pile 1 and 2 and found overlapping messages relevant to their situation in both piles?
ᯓ★ In the bedroom:
Your person might have some kinkier desires when it comes to the bedroom that they don't just allow anyone to know. I'm getting it might be a bit shameful for them to admit, that's why it's mostly secret. They might even take you to a sex dungeon to do it at times so that you can fulfill that desire.
For your person, sex is a very intimate thing and they might really like privacy in the moment-- in the sense that they're allowing you and you alone to see something noone else is allowed to know. It takes a lot of trust for them to open up, and I'm getting that a major overarching theme in the dynamic between you two is the merging of boundaries and letting yourself go, as if holding nothing back out of a decision to trust and find security in each other.
I'm getting that they might think of themselves as "hideous" deep down, not necessarily in appearance but just as a general feeling. They might see you as something "pure" that they're tainting (kinda depressed vibes yeah). Reminds me of that one Nine Inch Nails song: Closer. Perhaps they even see you as "above" them and might feel undeserving of you deep down. I'm also getting that they really like your chest. They really enjoy sucking them too. Perhaps you might take a more nurturing role in the bedroom for them, soothing them and making them feel loved and safe. You might take control more often than them in the bedroom and they also enjoy getting tied up while you're free to do anything to them. They might like being more on the receiving end of sex. They might also idolise you a lot.
🍂 Pile 3:
ᯓ★ General:
For my pile 3s, what I'm getting is that when you start a relationship with your person you might be in somewhat of a pinch financially. Maybe you or your partner might be having a hard time finding employment or maybe your job will face some problems where it'll be difficult to get by with simply wages. I'm getting that you guys will start a creative partnership. It'll be something decided on a whim, maybe you will just decide to go "fuck it" and take a leap of faith to see where fortune takes you and start a creative outlet, perhaps a new business venture. You (plural) might be full of ideas and innovative spirits.
This relationship will be more of a mutual partnership and you guys are like best friends who are also lovers kinda deal. There are a lot of different people here... for some, I'm getting that you might get an offer for help from the other but you will reject it due to a possibility for imbalance in the relationship and you will choose your freedom and pursue an independent path, which you'll be successful at in the end anyway.
This relationship will lead to a sort of rebirth for both of you as individuals, mostly your person though. They might go through a major transformation in the future of this relationship. In the future, there's a lot of worries and anxiety coming from your end regarding your ability to manifest your dreams. A lot of you are people who like to dream big and have high hopes. So maybe you're afraid that you might not succeed and the circumstances surrounding you will start to weigh on you a bit more than you can handle. However, I'm getting that the hurdles present in this relationship are not only yours to carry alone. This relationship seems very balanced mostly and it's one of those relationships where you both go through troubles together hand in hand to support each other through thick and thin.
ᯓ★ In the bedroom:
I'm getting a lot of emphasis on your bottom. Maybe it's your person's favourite part of your body for them. They really enjoy giving you oral, doing it while watching you from behind or just watching that part of you. The sex between you two might be something that feels really transformative. You might do it a lot to release mundane stress and tension from daily life and it really helps soothe you at the end of the day. They might also enjoy giving you oral from below while you're preoccupied with some work at your desk.
You guys might also indulge in semi-public sex. You might do it in situations where there's a risk of being seen by others. I'm also getting sex in the park lol. You or your person might be into voyeur fantasies as well where there's a third party involved to watch. Or maybe they'll introduce a third party in your sex life as well. However, the focus is more on pleasing you than them and that's what the third party is for. Sometimes, they might even show up at the workplace secretly and have sex with you lol.
I'm seeing that your person genuinely has a lot of deep feelings for you and wants you to be cared for and happy with them. They might express this through sex where they'll focus more on your satisfaction than theirs. It's like, your satisfaction makes them satisfied and turns them on. Sometimes, they might even be really worried that you don't want them as much as they want you. They have a tendency to not voice their discomfort and it might lead to some repressed resentment so an advice I'd give out is communicating your boundaries with each other in a healthy manner. Honestly, deep down what they really want is your attention while you forget about everything else and just focus on them. They lowkey love being pampered and are kinda needy.
🍂 Pile 4:
ᯓ★ General:
For my pile 4s, I'm getting that there's a certain sense of imbalance in this relationship. Your person might be in a position (whether socially, financially, professionally or elsewhere) where they're above you and you guys aren't on equal ground. This might create somewhat of a power dynamic and they might hold more than you do. Be careful, because for some of you I'm getting that there's a potential for abuse here, or some other form of exploitation due to how severely skewed the dynamics of the relationship are.
I'm seeing there's also a good potential for marriage. They might come to you with a marriage offer and do their best to woo you. You're like a wish-fulfillment to your person and they really desire you as someone that seems special and magnetic, like a distant star. For some, I'm getting that you might even be younger than them, or you have a more youthful and bright energy to you that they really admire and look at fondly. It's because you have this spark to you that they find really rare and you pull them in with your brightness. I'm also getting that your presence gives them a lot of hope.
For this relationship, I'm getting that your person likes to hold control over the dynamic. They might lowkey have a manipulative streak in that they make situations go a certain way in subtle manners so that it leads to the ideal outcome they want. I'm getting that a lot of my pile 4s are very intelligent and you might discern them more easily than they think. You two might enjoy playing mind games with each other a lot as a form of stimulation. I'm getting that one anime "kaguya-sama" vibes where the couple did a lot of silly shit to get each other to fall for them lol. Maybe a lot of yall are sapiosexuals as well.
ᯓ★ In the bedroom:
The two of you have really intense chemistry and the sex is extremely passionate as well. It's like when you're together, you tend to drown in pleasure and forget everything else. Really rough sex, intense positions and hot and heavy movements, etc. You guys really get into the moment when you're together and due to that you might end up somewhat sore or just really tired afterwards when you're done.
In a way, I feel like both of you are more focused on your own sensations and pleasure and focus everything to whatever you're feeling in the moment. Not that you don't please each other or don't care about each other at all, but it's more like the feeling of pleasure is the main focus when you're in the bedroom. Something lowkey Dionysian about the moment you're together. You two might both enjoy how messy it can get in bed. You're both very downbad and like to do it anywhere.
Your person enjoys it when you ride on top of them or when you wrap your legs around them. They also really enjoy watching you move violently or roughly while your face is twisted in pleasure while they're going at it. It's the animalistic impulse that really turns them on. Sex for them is a way of touching upon that primitive part of yourself and letting it lose. That's why your sessions can be a bit uninhibited. They might even enjoy gripping you tightly and get stern during sex. They'll always make sure the both of you orgasam and achieve pleasure though. They also love embracing you and touching you in general. They think of you as a queen/king in the bedroom and might even treat you like one in their own way. They're also really into spanking and punishments (either to you or for themselves). Both of you can be very vocal during sex. A lot of people might even gossip about yall.
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theleotarot · 7 months
The Relationship Between You And Your Future Spouse - Tarot Reading ❤️
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Choose the image that you feel most drawn to... The piles are from pile 1, pile 2, and pile 3. (one tree hill edition)
-In addition to the tarot cards chosen, I also had some oracle cards and oracle love messages as clarifiers for those cards-
Pile 1
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(Tarot cards: 5 of Wands, The Wheel, Justice, & Temperance)
Pile 1, both you and your future spouse mirror each other by feeling the same for one another. Both of you feel like you are each other’s lucky charms and good karma. It feels like the both of you were fated to be together, and maybe some of you have waited a long time to be together. In the past, one or both of you may have had negative experiences with past relationships, and when the both of you come together, you both bond with each other by being open and honest about those experiences. Not only do you and your future spouse get closer to each other by being openly communicative, but the both of you also have learned to let go and move on from the negativity of the past. The both of you also enjoy playfully teasing and making fun of each other. Sometimes, both of you may even playfully wrestle with one another. Maybe the masculine or the stronger one in your relationship loves to show how tough they are, and they do this by playfully picking a fight with you. You two may even do competitive activities together to see who is “better.” Maybe both of you verse each other at games or verse each other at sports for the fun of it. The both of you are also always on the go and enjoy traveling together everywhere. There is a lot of flying around the world. Maybe the both of you will go on hot air balloon or lantern festival dates, or wants to. Your future spouse is the person who you want to call when something good or bad happens, the person you go to when you need a laugh, and the person that you want by your side when you go on a quick trip to the grocery store. Both of you are each other’s favorite people. You or your future spouse may have a physically or mentally absentee father, and it’s had an immense impact on the mental health. Sometimes the troubles of struggling with family can transfer onto your relationship. For instance, if there are children that the two of you have, you or they may not feel good enough to take a role as a father or mother figure because you weren’t properly shown how to be one growing up. This is where conflict comes in and it may create arguments. Although there is conflict, not feeling good enough is a problem within the mind only, and both of you are able to to look past the situation and continue on with your relationship. Both of you do this by having lots of patience and compromising with each other. Patience plays a key role into the success of your relationship after arguments. Overall, your relationship feels like destiny, and the both of you reflect each other emotionally. There is so much trust and open communication between the two of you. The both of you are best friends and lovers in one. ♡
Pile 2
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(Tarot cards: 8 of Pentacles, 7 of Swords, King of Pentacles, & The Emperor)
Pile 2, you and your future spouse are extremely committed to each other, and the both of you are financially stable as a couple. Your relationship is more on the traditional side where there is a masculine role and there is a feminine role. Maybe the masculine in the relationship is the provider, and the feminine is the caretaker of your children, pets, or your home. Both of you may also have qualities of being a parental figure to each other. If you’re a woman, you may be similar to a mother, and if you’re a man, you may be similar to a father in your relationship. There is a lot of flirting between the two of you. Maybe there is lots of physical touching and funny pick up lines that are shared together. You and your future spouse may be very gifted in skills or talents as well. For instance, on the days that are not busy, your future spouse may show you their new dance choreography, and you may show them the new song on the piano you learned. Your life with your future spouse is also structured. Maybe in the early morning, you both like to take a walk outside, eat breakfast, go to work, and then at night you both come home to each other. At the end of the night, both of you love to relax and cuddle on the couch to watch a show or movie with your pets or children. You and your future spouse are very hardworking individuals and dedicated to work. Since you both are very work driven and focused too much on your own lives sometimes, it may be difficult to have quality time together, and it may impact the relationship. One or both of you may be non-expressive of feelings, but this may be due to the fact that both of you are working hard to pay bills. Eventually this conflict from lack of quality time is overridden, and the both of you work extra hard together to make the relationship proceed smoothly. Sometimes the way that you and your future spouse get in your quality time is by disappearing from the world, like taking a getaway weekend trip to the lake or a cabin. You or your future spouse may also have struggled with being able to show your relationship in public (but I really feel like it’s mostly to family), but overtime both of you do not care about other people’s opinions and enjoy showing each other off. You both are not afraid of holding hands in public, sitting closely together, or any form of public display of affection. Pile 2, overall, you and your future spouse know how to maintain your relationship in love, intimacy, money, career, and family. Your relationship is built through commitment and dedication with one another. ♡
Pile 3
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(Tarot cards: 7 of Pentacles, King of Cups, The Hermit, & 10 of Wands)
Pile 3, your relationship with your future spouse is built through mutual effort, time, and patience. Both of you are emotionally invested into each other and are very loving, caring, and understanding of one another. Every day, both of you learn something new about each other and fall deeply in love more and more. Your relationship has an aura of calmness. Maybe both of you enjoy doing meditation or yoga together and love the privacy that you share. Both of you may also try to stir away from drama and arguments to keep the peace between you. The two of you may do gardening or have a garden together. You might grow trees, plants, flowers, or fruits. Both of you love giving each other gifts like flowers, chocolate, jewelry, clothes, and luxury items. Maybe some days after work, you come home to a nice dinner with lit candles from your future spouse. You both also love to make each other’s bucket list dreams come true. For instance, if you have always wanted to go skydiving, your future spouse will move their way into taking you to do it so you can fulfill your dreams. You both may enjoy going to the beach together, swimming, or love sea animals, but mostly, the two of you enjoy being alone together in the comfort of your own home. Before meeting your future spouse though, you or your future spouse may have went through an extremely difficult period of time in life, and because of this past experience of difficulty, you or they may be in their heads a lot when life is tough. It is a traumatic response, and it is not done on purpose, but this may still cause conflict between the two of you. Through arguments, both of you always overcome the challenges and grow together through them. You and your future spouse are continuously learning to be more opened and receptive to one another, regardless of having fears from trauma. You or they have already reached rock bottom in life, and when you two are together, things can only improve. Both of you are each other’s stones, and with each other, you feel whole. Both of you are always looking for ways to improve the relationship by making it more enjoyable and exciting. There are also lots of planning for your future together and focusing on making each other happy. Pile 3, overall your relationship with your future spouse is built through romance, love, and patience. Even when things are difficult between the two of you, remember that you both love each other deeply, and you must be able to open up about how you feel to one another in order to grow. Only the greatest things are built with patience and perseverance. ♡
• I hope you all enjoyed this reading! Please let me know how you liked it… your feedback is very much appreciated. Take care! ❤️ •
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thedivineart · 1 year
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1. Will do things that are only for woman
2. Showing and displaying of affection whether in public and in private
3. Brings fulfillment in you, making you happy the most.
4. Giving you a pet ( if ever you like to have one )
5. Giving love letters or constantly messaging you if you're doing alright or what are you doing
6. Have talent especially in artistic matters
7. Good to everyone and for you
8. Will awaken your sleeping soul of hope and heal your broken and bleeding heart
9. A home oriented and runs/ handle home situations pretty smoothly
10. Supportive and cheerful in everything you do
11. Likes to stay at home rather than going outside
12. Would take care or will be worry if you are going to be sick/ have flu
13. A foodie, will love to bring food or food trip will always be the best with you
14. Will offer financial help when you are down about your finances
15. Making/ trying their best in such difficult situation
16. Doesn't care about how far you are as long as they see you
17. Will make you feel that you are lucky to meet them
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1. Will try to calm you down when things are complicated
2. The one who will heal your broken heart
3. A home and family person, love their family the most
4. Loves to support and care for people who they love
5. Will teach you that life have ups and downs
6. Observes you and do analyze what you do or saying
7. Will try to get close to your family especially to your mother or sister, if ever you had one
8. Sensitive when the topic is you
9. Romantic when it comes for you
10. Loves art and probably will try to give you artistic gifts
11. Gives flowers especially red roses
12. Encourage and uplift you when you feel disappointed into something
13. Talk to you first when you two will have fight or misunderstanding
14. Not afraid to show you how sensual they are cause they are comfortable with you
15. Ask you about if you two can travel or date most of the time
16. Will be there when you feel lonely
17. Video chatting, messaging you when you are not around probably because they miss you
18. Go out with you in parties and be with you
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1. Gives strong sense of love
2. Will give support in every achievement whether it is small or big
3. Hate it whenever you are in far places or doesn't see you
4. Walk on park, quite places with you
5. Jealous and possessive but would likely not to say it even though it is visible to their faces
6. You will be feel sparks when they touch you
7. Sincere and honest will say to you if they are available or not
8. Comforts you whenever anxiety is circulating you
9. Calm you down when are mad on someone or even something
10. Treat you like a real spouse even in boyfriend and girlfriend phase
11. Reliable and trustworthy person you will be meet
12. Gives you space whenever you really needs it
13. Will try to get close to your brother or father
14. Loves art and poetry and reading books
15. Help you in financial success or gives you money even though you don't need it
16. Gives you confidence in socializing and interacting with people
17. Wouldn't forget you and will likely you to be part of there loving day
‹𝟹 leave like or re-blog when you love it !
© thedivineart. do not plagiarize any of my work, translate or repost it on other social media platform.
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pandorasworkshop · 9 months
💘Love is in the Air - Pick a Card
What's next for you in love? What about you charms the people around you?
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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Pile 1
Cards: Ace of cups, Eight of wands, Ten of cups
Reading: New beginnings in love is coming in for you. Or a special message from a special message from a special somebody. Whatever the message may be whether you're in a relationship or very single it will make you very happy. Blossoming relationships and happy endings. If you are wondering whether or not you should text someone or make the first move this is your confirmation. Some of you may even have a secret admirer planning on confessing soon. Whoever this person is they find your personality infectious and your style is adorable. If any of you guys are artists they are inspired by your art. This person is definitely a family person and a community centered person. If you are in a relationship they may want to introduce you to their family as the next step.
Signs: 555, harps, love story by indila, howls moving castle, getting or giving gifts, lattes, bunnies, the feeling of something exciting about to happen, soft blankets , warm tea, the eagle emoji?, Autumn.
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Pile 2
Cards: Empress, queen of wands , tower, fool
Reading: some of you may have recently departed a relationship or may be planning to. Some of you could have been single for very single time but with this tower card I feel like this may not be for long and you will NOT have to wait. Love is coming rushing in quicker than water. I feel you guys are stepping into your empress energy. Some of you guys may have been cheated on in the past and this is causing some insecurities. Just know you are divine, let go of doubts because you are enough and with this Empress card I'm getting this confirmation. Whoever this person who is coming in they are like a hurricane. Your life will be significantly changed by them. Whatever energy you have is like honey people stick to you. I feel like some of y'all may even smell very nice.
Signs: 777, 666, red roses, star wars, spiderman, caterpillar, born to die by Lana del rey, wanting to learn a new language, chocolate covered fruit, sandwich with tomatoes in it, the moon.
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Pile 3
Cards: the devil, temperance, strength and king of cups.
Reading: I'm getting an unsure energy that will eventually resolve in the right decision whatever you may decide. Whoever this person is they are OBSESSED and sexual chemistry is off the charts. It may even overwhelm you. This person is going to come in boldly and maybe with gifts? This person finds you so attractive and everything about you pulls them in. If you are unsure about your decision to ask the universe for a definite sign like a red balloon or something. King of cups energy is an emotional mature loyal man but with the devil and strength card I can see they have a bit of a wild side. If you haven't met this person yet I feel like you'll meet them while with friends, through friends, at a party? Definitely in a group setting. When you guys first meet you shine so brightly they're unable to take their eyes off you. I feel like you guys charm people through your eyes and smile. Many people feel at ease around you and you are a hard worker.
Signs: 333, 222, watches, sneezing, picnics, chocolate croissant, champagne, itchy fabrics, tripping down steps, brand new person by tame impala, guitar, cats, moss, doing some deep cleaning, spring, seeing the stars.
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infinitydivine · 5 months
Your Future Spouse's possible career👀
Hello everyone, I am back again with a new PAC reading. Thank you all for loving my previous PAC, I appreciate it.
Choose your pile intuitively. Take what resonates and leave the other things. If you think this reading is not for you then choose another pile. If still it doesn't resonate then this might not be your reading. There are four Piles.
If this resonates with you, DM me to book a reading with me.
My Paid services Ko-fi for support PAC Readings
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A leader
A Strategist
A Traveler
Creative artist
University Lecturer
Religious leader
Any role that involves imparting knowledge and upholding traditions
Work Mentor
Gym Owner
A Startup owner/Worker
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Someone who works in a competitive field
Business person
Fighter/Martial Arts trainer
Someone related to Security
Inspirational Figure
It could be a literal Star or Public Figure
Creative Industry
Startup founder/worker
Market Business/Representative
Animal Rescuer
Museum Curator
An Actor
Stage Performer
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A field that requires energy and enthusiasm
Business owner
Adventure Tourism
Professional horse rider
Professional Car Racer
Life Guard
Healer (Spiritual or Medical)
Public Figure
Motivational Speaker
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A literal Magician
A Public Speaker
A Team Leader/Leader
A Judge
A prosecutor
Creative Artist
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Thank you for reading this :)
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khaire-traveler · 1 year
Divination Masterpost
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"A Huge Tarot Masterpost" info
"Four Ways To Read Tarot Reversals" interpretation
"Tarot Tips" info
"Yes/No Tips" interpretation
"The Ultimate Yes/No Tarot Guide" interpretation
"Tarot & Oracle Spreads" spreads
"Tarot Technique: Dominant Energy" info
"Tarot Basics" info
"Tarot & Oracle Spreads Masterpost" spreads
"Tarot Tips For Beginners" info
"How To Read Tarot For Yourself" info
"How To Get The Most Out Of A General Spread" info
"How To Achieve Truthful Tarot Readings" info
"How To Get Yourself Back Into Tarot/To Do More Tarot" info
"Introduction To Tarot" info
"How & When To Cleanse Your Tarot Cards" info
"Tarot Card Meanings Masterpost" interpretation
"Tarot Major Arcana" info
Other Divination Methods
"Divination101: Pendulums" info
"Pendulum Basics" info
"Pendulum Tips" info
"Introduction To Cartomancy" info
"Cartomancy ABC Guide" info
"Types Of Divination" info
"Windvexer's Divination Masterpost" info
"Divination Masterpost" info
"Another Divination Masterpost" info
"How To Do Shufflemancy" info
"How To Make & Read Your Own Osteomancy Set" article link info
"How To Read Playing Cards" info & interpretation
"Playing Card Suit Meanings" interpretation
"Quick Reference For Cartomancy" interpretation
"Major Differences: Tarot vs. Playing Cards" info
"Major Arcana For Playing Cards" info
"When To Consult Divination" tip
"Osteomancy Masterpost" list
"Scrying: Witchcraft 101" info
"Introduction To Pyromancy" info (couldn't find other posts)
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haza8877 · 4 months
A brief overview of your love path in 2024
Hello everyone, these days I've been quite busy, and now I'm back. I've been thinking a lot about topics for readings. And then, I thought I would do a short love reading first. So, I decided to do this reading, hope you all will like it. Consider this reading as entertainment and don't take it too seriously. I wish you all enjoy it.
Pile 1 - Pile 2 - Pile 3
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Pile 1
(the star, 8 of pen, knight of wands, 3 of swords, ace of pen, ace of wands, oracle cards - house 8, house 11)
I sense that you are putting a lot of focus on your work. You are enthusiastic and hopeful about a bright future, and what I perceive is that you are dedicating much time and attention to a specific job, project, or idea that you are currently involved in. Mainly, I see that you are concentrating on work, a project, or a particular idea rather than romantic relationships. However, I can see that this year, you will encounter a person who is younger, or regardless of their age, they radiate youthful, dynamic energy. They are proactive, creative, full of ideas, and carry the energy of a Fire sign. They're pretty hot, haha. But please consider carefully, as when you come together with them, there will be a lot of attraction and passion between you (both physically and emotionally). However, they may trigger some of your deep-seated wounds, the ones you have long forgotten or buried. When this person appears, these wounds may resurface. Perhaps the universe has arranged for both of you to meet so that you have to deal with these wounds that cannot be avoided. It seems to be challenging, but facing and overcoming these wounds is inevitable sooner or later. You should understand that confronting these wounds is the key to moving forward into a new chapter of life. The universe often reserves rewards for courageous warriors. I sense that the relationship between you and this person will be intense, full of various emotions. They will help you discover new aspects that you might not have thought about. I am not sure where this relationship will lead, but it will undoubtedly transform many things, and perhaps it will upgrade you into a new version, expanding your relationships and connections with different communities. It will be fascinating.
Pile 2
(the tower, the star, ace of swords, 3 of pen, 5 of wands, knight of pen, oracle cards - yin)
I feel like those in pile 2 have gone through an extremely challenging period, where everything came suddenly and turned your life upside down. Currently, I sense that you are doing better and full of hope for this year, perhaps seeing it as a year to start anew. I feel that those of you in this pile need to clarify your desires more; if you are in a relationship, be candid about what you want from the other person, your thoughts about them, your emotions, etc. If you are still single, be honest with yourself about what you truly need in a person. Like, ask yourself how you want to accompany someone? What will you learn from them? Are you ready to accept risks, competition when being with them or not? Moreover, with the oracle card, I feel you should enhance your feminine energy, which is not related to your biological gender. Regardless of your gender, inside you always have both masculine and feminine energy. Connect with your inner world, with your intuition, and trust it. You can spend time walking in nature, if you live in urban areas with few trees, you can do activities like painting, knitting, playing with pets, meditation, planting a small pot of plants, or having an evening tea and reading a book. There are many ways to enhance your feminine side. In general, create a clear and authentic model for yourself. After you know what kind of partner you want, someone will enter your life. They might be someone who knows what they want, with certainty and caution, someone patient and devoted, exuding the energy of an Earth sign.
Pile 3
(page of pentacles, 9 of swords, 6 of wands, page of cups, the fool, the devil, oracle cards - scorpio)
I sense that the energy of those in pile 3 is quite exhausted; you may be facing some psychological or health issues, experiencing headaches, insomnia, stress, etc. I feel that you are practical individuals, always contemplating before deciding anything, seeking safety and certainty. However, I also sense that you are still inexperienced, somewhat naive, so sometimes you place your trust in the wrong places or make choices that don't lead to the expected results. But what I sense about the energy of love for you in 2024 is 'freedom,' yeah, a fresh energy, like a rebirth, gentle, uplifting, and free. I'm not sure if you will meet someone this year or not, but I think the core energy of your love is freedom, exploring yourselves. After heavy days burdened by pressure, suppressed emotions, I see that you will want to experience fun dates, not too serious in terms of commitment, just looking for new experiences. Perhaps you want to travel somewhere, where these journeys help you understand yourself better. You may also feel a desire to be more creative. Well, it sounds like you will be dating yourself this year, hahaha. Maybe among you, some will date someone, they may be younger than you or around your age. They are emotional, vibrant, carefree, and enjoy experiencing things. They may have the soul of an artist. If you and they progress in the relationship, there will be a lot of physical passion, intense emotional relationships. They bring a different energy than what you have thought, opening up new experiences for you, and you will be carefree and free like a child. However, since the reading doesn't clarify whether this relationship has a long-term commitment or not, let everything flow naturally and don't expect too much. Whether you meet someone this year or not, I sense that when you overcome the psychological difficulties, liberate yourself, 2024 will show you how beautiful and free your soul is. Explore yourself; you can be cautious, but don't worry too much about new things. Listen to the emotions from your heart, let your soul be like clouds, and you will see the vast sky.
Thank you all for watching my reading; I hope you enjoyed it. I also apologize for not being able to answer all the questions in the previous mini tarot game section, but rest assured, I will answer all of you remaining. Thank you for your support.😘💖💖💐💐🌸🌸 
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thishippiewitch · 6 months
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Tarot trick
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kalki-tarot · 2 months
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Just meditate and ask your guides/higher power to provide you insight.
Allow me to tap into your energy. 🧿
My readings are always honest and I don't sugarcoat things, pls read at your own risk. And try to have an open mind. 🙏🧿💕
Pile 1
Cards - 7 of wands, 6 of pentacles, 8 of wands
Are you in a hurry to meet them? Your future spouse? You are rushing things and trying to get ahead of your circumstances or the present reality. You know what pile 1? You still have a lot of parts unhealed of your soul. And this is not allowing you to fly freely as you should. You may feel like your fears are greater than you, but trust me they are not. You have all the power over your fears!
In the hurry of meeting them, you are forgetting your own self. You need to love yourself first before loving someone else. You should give yourself more time to think and process things. You should try to ground yourself in the present. Try to do root chakra and sacral chakra healing. Your fears have created some energy blocks which aren't helping you at all.
Don't worry, your desire of wanting to meet the one for you is being addressed by the universe. You will get what you want. But you need to heal yourself first. Clear your karma and self doubts.
Pile 2
Cards - 10 of pentacles, 7 of cups, 4 of pentacles
Pile 2 my loves, are going through a spiritual transformation or awakening right now. You can't miss any steps in the journey right? Please focus on healing yourself more.
Okay, so I can see that you are trying to manifest love and abundance in your life or you are just dreaming and visualizing about it. Let me tell you this one thing, that it definitely is working in your favour but you also need to break the walls of protection that surround you. You are scared to go outside and meet new people. Dear, please understand that you need to get out of your dreams and delusions and actually step out of your comfort zone to meet your future spouse.
Your future spouse on the other hand are too trying to heal their inner child wounds. They are saying that you need to get stable in life. You lack grounded energy and are underconfident about a lot of things. Please try to let go of any insecurities that surround you. Because they are hampering your growth, pile 2.
Pile 3
Cards : Temperance, 7 of wands, 5 of cups
Do you have this tendency to get depressed whenever you don't get any messages from the pick a card readings of? Don't be dependent for love on anyone, not even your future spouse. Love them, but stay away from unhealthy attachments. The reason of their no communication is because they are busy. They are working hard in their career right now. And you too should now focus on your career and goals.
Everything is well when taken in moderation. Balance love and career both logically and like a healthy human being please. You also have this tendency to run away from problems or sadness and indulge yourself in overworking don't do that.
Some of you could be in same sex relationships and you are thinking that things won't work out. Well, things would work out if you make them work out. Try to take bold decisions and stand for that decision.
Don't look back at the past, this is the final step to meet your fs. Just keep going.
Pile 4
Cards : Strength, 9 of cups, 4 of swords
You lack compassion for your own self. You are someone who gives everything to others but feels bad for giving it to yourself. You may connect well with plants and animals or just nature in general. Try to work on your self worth and don't critisize yourself too much.
You have many things to deal with right now. You have many parts unhealed. Try to relax and rejuvenate more physically as well as mentally and spiritually. It'll be good for your overall well being. Try to play with pets or just stroll in nature for sometime to refresh your mind.
You feel like there's so much competition somehow (?) And try to give yourself small rewards for accomplishing tasks. Try to celebrate your small successes please. You need to celebrate yourself more in order to attract the right partner for yourself.
You need to be in the energy of self love and good self worth to attract good partners who emit the same frequency. Do you understand? Lots of love to you.
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tarotwithart · 1 year
ⴕ ( details of your future spouse⠀ )⠀⠀⠀ 𓆩♡𓆪
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❝ in every whatnot,
I'll tie a knot with you... ❞
⋆ .... ♡ how to pick a pile ୨ ɞ !
-` ✧ ࿐ from left to right — intuitively choose the pile through your mind or what your soul desire for. take what does it resonates considering this is a general reading...
𝐒ource & 𝐃isclaimer: pictures I've used for pick a pile was from pinterest, the divider was from @.v6que while the banner was made by me. expect plenty of grammatical errors, please kindly enlightened me in a nice way when you couldn't understand what is the message behind of the reading, thanks!
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6 of wands, king of pentacles, 9 of pentacles
Everyone eyes are all to them, whether it may glimpse naturally or seldom-a kind of individual who can turn heads by its appearance and good body. The definition of success and achiever this makes them quite popular or well known in others, although prideful doesn't mean they're narcissistic. In what scale in it, would likely people rate them as 9-10 not only for looks but for other traits and people will fall for them instantly. S/he could beat someone by using his/her skills no doubt needed- a great player indeed. An individual that denotes someone who is highly passionate about certain things into his/her own life yet will always be remain humble even though s/he's aiming top and to forthcoming.
S/he displaying a strong leadership which people adore and people can depend on these said traits also have major impact for people who surround them. For what I seen, s/he can make own money and wealth through being famous and it could give them a long lasting success in life. If being famous does make them to have more money and having money will make them more even famous. Into people's opinions and view s/he is perfect as they seen, who wouldn't right? money, success and fame are all at once to them- what a lucky man. Proud for what they achieve but not in negative way. Expensive looking- s/he would love those kind of things specially in clothing and jewelries, it makes them looks like having high status which can be true. Either s/he working as business owner or a wealthy land owner, it could also define working in real state as well.
Sometimes can be totally stubborn but they very mature and grounded most of the time, it's normal for everyone to be stubborn (it means that they aren't perfect as they seems) a totally hard working individual and who also aware how they can rule through designated society (work/place). It also signifies someone who will be generous into their finance, energy and time, s/he will knew what are their commitments and responsibilities and tends to do what they say. They tends not have any anger issues as long as s/he could understand the situation and the person however they tends to be like a volcano- will be very explosive when they do get mad. You will be lucky for having this person, quite indulgent when it comes giving gifts to their lovers- mostly will bring the best and expensive gift you'll be receiving.
However the lover will tends to be lonely as the spouse is often busy for something like work (workaholic/ self-driven/ career focus) on negative note s/he will view their lover as part of their possessions. As my advice don't make them feel jealous or dark moods that may occur in surface as it will turn to be very chaotic. S/he may possibly own some pets especially dogs and horses, they will be independent whether it is financially and emotionally. You would never found this person chasing others cause they can easily attract people into their lives. Rerely takes anything personally and reason is s/he knows it better and likely to appreciate the finest things in life.
hugs and kisses, Vella
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queen of cups, 10 of cups, the lovers, 10 of pentacles
A typical type of person who is sensitive and is attached to their feelings, s/he concerned with the matter of heart, emotions, family and relationships. S/he possess a strong empathy for the others, if their love ones is happy and so they are too. Strong intuition- they will be aware if someone needs them or isn't right, they are not judgemental and will try their best to understand the situation. In past, s/he experience a painful situationship and will do the best to avoid it again.
Typically shy in nature but a great listener when you someone needs them and mostly without knowing people will come to them naturally without hesitation- the only problem in here is that when problems occur into their own life, they rarely receive help from others. S/he is family oriented individual, they got some friends but family, partner and kids are most highlight and important for them. Even though you prefer men- he will have feminine features and if women she is gorgeous, may look like a goddess. In any occasion regarding to family, they will be extremely happy to gather their family especially his/her siblings with or cousins.
Generally a happy individual and rarely take negative insights as well will be feelin' grateful for what the above give to them. S/he might love to put smile on his/her face or to others, love to laughs even though in lame jokes- sometimes people do wonder if they faking their happiness but it actually isn't. They are contented to what God give to them and they probably cherish it with all of their heart, also they tends to be very spiritual individual too.
S/he will be come an excellent parent and partner and will do their best to serve and nurture their own family. This individual will possibly teach you a lot- that happiness doesn't come from material things and it comes from within, that happiness is a choice, that family and kids should be put first, that how you love your self is should be how you love the others and more great good lessons.
They want or having desire to have at least two kids perhaps a twin will be perfect for them. It also refers to someone who is playful but can be childish sometimes and very very talkative when you get to know them or when they are comfortable in someone. The type of love language they want is physical touch so be ready for lots of kisses, hugging and touching, technically they enjoy the attachment of skins. Also they proud for what body or skin do they have, confident is the key here. S/he will make you feel how deep the love is, they will understand what you have been through. You both have different lives and what have been through however they will put to understand you that life is like that and happiness is just around. You will experience unconditional love from this person.
And yes they do have some money to flaunt too but they value more the family, health and gratitude for the others. S/he do appear very lavish into how they clothes themselves even though they don't try to be like that. The only person who will make you feel that you are safe and secure into their loving arms. They do love dating (even at this moment) but do searching for someone who can have long term committed relationship with them and don't want to rush things when they do date, they want to get more someone into deeper level.
hugs and kisses, Vella
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4 of wands, the fool, 3 of wands reversed
A kind of individual who is the real representation of being naive and happy person, they do love their family and is willing to go whenever there's occasion regarding into family circle. It would represents someone who do brings joy and happiness towards other life by making silly jokes or for simply uplifting them in their hardest situationship. Whenever someone ( proclaiming it is a love one ) is weak, they bring something to feel this certain individual comfort like “ Hey! make it chill, I'm here for you ”. It also the type of person who is making an effort to attend or be able to be present in family gathering even though they are quite busy they wouldn't hesitate to be right there with the fam.
Negative aspects of them which I can tell for only few of you who's happen to pick this pile, that this person will be more focus into their family rather than you. It might be one of the reasons why you both will have disagreements. Anyway, let's just move on and see what the future holds for you.
To continue, it could also symbolize someone who do love to play a lot probably a playboy or girl vibes, if not I see that they really to loves to play which can be games physical or online. I see that they do love pranking people who do close to them such as friends and cousins, can be siblings as well if happen they have one. This person represents someone who do care more to their appearance rather than for who they are. Sometimes people end up envying or feel jealous about them especially their peers.
As we're getting near at the end I feel that they are younger than you or it might be physically as well. It could also be mean that they are young at heart or someone who have young faces or can be an innocent. They do love their love freedom and do loves to wonder around or exploring the places that they never been. It might also symbolize someone who can be childish and likes being at the outdoor rather than indoor.
hugs and kisses, Vella
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nymphia-tarot · 6 months
✞︎ All About Your Past Life 🦢🩶
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pile 1 ----> pile 2
pile 3 ----> pile 4
🕊️ meditate on the pics and pick whichever one calls to you the most. you might feel drawn to more than one pile, which means you may have messages in other piles for you as well! if you don't feel particularly drawn to any pile, the messages in this reading might not be intended for you. since this is a general reading, take what resonates! 🕊️
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🩶Pile 1
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For my pile 1s I'm getting a lot of yall had very hard and stressful lives 😭 You might have faced a lot of societal and systematic problems which kept you worried throughout your life. With the world rx I'm getting that yall were deeply unsatisfied with the way your life progressed in the past and that there were a lot of regrets and unfulfilled wishes in the end. You were very intelligent and clever and it helped you survive the tough times though you might've been denied of a formal education due to your background and were kinda inhibited in a way from reaching your full potential. But from some of you, I'm getting that you did get to pursue the field you wanted initially but it didn't pan out due to practical issues and you had to abandon your own happiness. For some of you, I'm getting like street thug or thief? Where you were involved in illegal stuff and did a lot of questionable shit to survive and in the end it cost you a lot. I'm getting overall that money was a big issue in your life. However, you guys were very mentally strong people who had a "come what may" attitude towards hardships because you were so used to it.
You might've been in love with someone (I'm getting a woman) of high status in society but you couldn't dare to court her due to the difference in your social positions. For your career, it's like no matter how hard you worked it was extremely difficult to get to where you wanted and you might've also been burdened with the worries of feeding and supporting you family because you were the primary provider. Eventually, you ended up in a conventional marriage, probably arranged too, but you were never satisfied with your spouse truly. You always yearned after someone else (the lady mentioned earlier?) and couldn't give your heart to your spouse fully. For some of you guys, I'm getting you were a woman forced into a marriage with someone you didn't love just to provide for your family and fell in love with someone else (a foreign man I'm seeing) and tried to elope but it caused a huge scandal and you ended up homeless and abandoned.
You might've lived during a time where the economic situation and all wasn't really the best and the common folk were always under the worry of starving the next day. I'm getting like, a cold place too? You had to give up a lot of your dreams for the sake of either other people or due to the bad luck handed to you during your lifetime. It's like you lost sight of your purpose in life at the end and ended up deeply unhappy.
🩶Pile 2:
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[TW: mentions of abuse‼️⚠️]
Pile 2, I'm getting you guys grew up in an affluent or well-off family. Probably like upper middle-class or something. Many of you guys' fathers were probably some rich businessman/trader. However, I'm getting that you guys had very unhappy childhoods. For some, I'm getting you guys were orphaned early due to an accident and may have been in grief for a long time. The trauma might've stayed with you guys for a good amount of time and it deeply affected you future interactions and capability to have relationships. For others, I'm getting like childhood abuse? By a male figure, or bullying by the rest of your family members, and it deeply impacting your self-confidence. As an adult, you might've closed your heart off entirely but deep down your biggest wish was a desire for a genuine connection free of deception, and true love. You guys were genuine romantics at heart. I'm getting that you guys in pile 2 didn't really marry at all and that romance wasn't really a big part of your life.
Spirituality was a major part of life for some in this pile and you guys might've become nuns that swore a vow of chastity or just some other religious/spiritual figure who inspired and taught people. My pile 2s are very nurturing and gentle souls deep down and it seems like people may be drawn to your warmth and caring personality. You guys provided comfort to a lot of people in your past life. Even if you weren't a religious figure, I'm getting that you were in some sort of position where you took care of people like a nurse or something. After a certain point in your adult lives, you guys took to travel: for some it was a spiritual journey, for others it was just a normal journey to aid those in need and help the impoverished in society like maybe social workers. You guys had innate spiritual gifts and intuition and your purpose in life was to help people. Very kind souls overall. Many people might've looked to you as a wise and knowledgeable figure in your later years and you became a symbol of knowledge and learning in your community. You might have even travelled from place to place to spread your knowledge and aid people.
In this life, a lot of you guys in pile 2 might be very passionate and dedicated individuals with a zest for life. Maybe a water sign too? Or like prominent water placements in chart. I feel like your past life purpose carried over to your current one as well and you might be very spiritual and intuitive people. "Learn to let go of your fears and let loose" is what I'm hearing?
🩶Pile 3:
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Pile 3, It seems a big theme surrounding the energy of your past life was a certain lack of control you had regarding your destiny and choices. You might've been born to a life where you were put under heavy obligations and duties because of your position. You must have felt really restricted and burdened, as if there are eyes all over you, and pressure from everywhere, to the point you felt really burdened and suffocated. You might have been born at a time and place where there was a lot of upheaval and chaos and you were a key figure regarding the events, or at least you played a part in maintaining the balance of the situation no matter how small. For a huge part of your life, you might have been a part of a "higher order" (whatever that means) where you had to maintain a strong front. Perhaps there was a lot of conflict involved in your era and you were forced to participate or mitigate the issue. For some, I'm getting you had a very strict and controlling maternal figure in your life who made all your choices for you and shoved you into the path you were headed without really giving you any free will. And fir some, I'm getting a vindictive and malicious feminine figure of authority who posed as a thorn throughout your life.
There seems to be a lot of trickery and manipulation surrounding your relationships in this past life reading. Perhaps due to your position, there were a lot of malicious individuals who coveted your downfall. There were a lot of lies, backstabbing and secrecy involved in your interpersonal relationships, most likely due to the chaotic situation fate had handed to you. It was as if you could never fully trust anyone around you with your back. Due to these complications, it seems you never really found someone to commit yourself to.
One of your biggest desires in your past life that went unfulfilled was a desire to take charge and carve out your own path by yourself. You had to live in constant worry and fear of betrayal and death. Quite a lot of you in pile 3 were those who had a more creative streak to you and maybe what you really desired was to start a business of your own or to pursue the arts. A lot of you ended up as martyrs in your life which was the necessary step to pave the path for everyone's happiness but it ultimately made you sacrifice your own. I'm getting a lot of you also just wanted to live a life if simplicity in a small-scale area or community, away from the burdens of your position. An advice spirit is telling my pile 3s is to "drive out the negative influences and to take back your power".
🩶Pile 4:
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Whoo pile 4 you guys are the most "tame" pile so far in the sense that you guys probably led the "happier" life compared to the other piles lol. The other piles' energy were so heavy 😭
I think my pile 4s were leading relatively simple and cosy lives but I'm getting that work/career was a significant source of stress for you guys in your lives. You guys were hard workers who probably worked in a job where you had to collaborate with or meet a lot of people. Maybe you guys were severely burnt out by your work to the point you felt your spark diminishing. Or perhaps life was so easy that you felt bored and wishing for adventure and excitement. You guys were very grounded and stable individuals however. I'm getting there might have been a lot of workplace drama in your lives though. Your co-workers may not have had your best interests at heart and you might have gotten cheated or manipulated by them. I'm getting workplace injustice. They took advantage of your kindness and giving nature and used it to exploit you. You might have even gotten framed for something you had no hand in and had to suffer for it.
You were, however, very loved and abundant when it came to suitors and friends. You might have even gotten a lot of love offers and proposals. You eventually ended up in a happy marriage with a very sensitive and emotionally mature person who cared a lot for you. I'm getting Aquarius vibes? Your spouse had a lot of love for you in their hearts and was someone who was willing to dive deep into anything for your sake.
I'm getting that a major issue surrounding your past life is work-life imbalance and diminishing creativity/passion. You guys might have been depressed at some point too. Perhaps you were chained to a very conformist lifestyle where you did not get to have a lot of fun. An advice I'm hearing from spirit is to guard your possessions and be wary of whom you give to. Don't just let people take what's yours freely and be open to what's different from the norm from time to time.
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theleotarot · 8 months
The Personality Of Your Future Spouse - Tarot Reading ❤️
Choose the image that you feel most drawn to… The piles are in order from Pile 1, Pile 2, and Pile 3.
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Before you begin reading your pile, I just want to ask you that after you’re done reading, can you please give me feedback if you enjoyed your reading or not through my ask box… Please be kind though! I am still a beginner at tarot reading, so your input will be very much appreciated! Thank you, and you may carry on to your reading now!
Pile 1
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(Tarot cards: The Emperor, Knight of Wands, The Lovers, The Hanged Man, & at the back of the deck The Chariot)
There are lots of fire energy, some of water energy, and a bit of air energy. Your future spouse may have these signs in their chart. I see your future spouse as someone who is a natural leader, commanding, authoritative, extroverted, and very confident as an individual. They enjoy orderliness and leadership. This is someone who you can look up to for advice, and they aren’t afraid of showing you tough love when they need to. I can see your future spouse working in a career field that they have authority over. They can work in the military, law enforcement fields, be the CEO of a company, or any type of career field that they hold the power. I can also see that your future spouse is a very outdoorsy person! They may enjoy going out on hikes, swimming, skiing, biking, and all fun activities! Pile 1, if you love to travel, you will be so happy because this person loves to travel as well. They are so active and courageous, they are willing to do any type of exploring you want to do. When it comes to dating or talking with people, I can see that your future spouse is a flirtatious and passionate charmer. They may be the type of person to talk around a lot for fun, but when it comes to someone who they feel is the right person for them, they take them extremely seriously. Your future spouse is in love with love itself. This is why they aren’t afraid of pursuing in a partner. They are a person who is very humorous, talkative, and romantic, and that’s why people around them enjoy their presence so much. I can also see that when your future spouse is having a disagreement with someone or when they have trouble in their lives, they are able to look at things from a different viewpoint, and act fairly on it. They want to keep the balance of peace in their lives. Overall, pile 1, your future spouse’s personality is a fierce, passionate, loving, and understanding individual. They are a person who makes people feel safe, secure, and that everything is under control. They also see the good in everyone even when they do encounter with people who might have a negative reputation, but this is because they are a great listener to different viewpoints and always open to understanding the other side of arguments. (Pile 1, your future spouse is so fun, adventurous, confident, and passionate! These are definitely amazing traits that they have! You are all very fortunate)!
Pile 2
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(Tarot cards: 4 of Swords, 2 of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles, & at the back of the deck The Magician)
There are lots of earth energy and some air energy here. Your future spouse may have these elements in their chart. The first traits I see that your future spouse has is that they are a homebody and more on the introverted side. They are a very calm person who dislikes drama, prefers comfort more than style, and has an excellent self-care routine. I can see that they always try to get in a good night’s sleep, does skin care routines, keeps their home organized, and makes sure that they are cleaned up as a person. They may enjoy doing lots of meditation or yoga to maintain the peace in their life. Your future spouse has also mastered the definition of self-love and independence. They don’t rely on a romantic partner to feel complete, they already know that they are worthy of their life while being by themselves only. They are also an extremely hardworking individual, and I can see that they may take their education or job very seriously. Regardless if people are being unsupportive of them, they continue to strive for achievements. They accomplish their goals according to their terms, and they don’t let negative comments interrupt their success. I can see that they are also very abundant and satisfied with their money income. To sum it up, your future spouse feels adequate about who they are and what they have accomplished in life. Your future spouse is excellent at balancing the different areas in life. Whether it be making time to spend with family versus working very often in their job, or maintaining money while having to pay bills, your future spouse knows how to keep the balance in their life. For career, I can see that your future spouse may work in a quiet environment like the library, secluded area in a building, or work from home. If they don’t work in a quiet environment, then I can see that they may work as being a writer, artist, an advocate, or they can work in marketing. Pile 2, overall, your future spouse is a very calm, peaceful, determined, hardworking, balanced, organized, and independent individual that is always on the go to improve themselves. They are always on the go to create more accomplishments. They don’t need to show off or please anyone, the only person that they are trying to make happy is themselves. As long as they believe in themselves and have their own approval, they can make magic happen in any area they wish to. (I’m so happy for you all Pile 2!! To have a partner who loves themselves AND is very determined in their work is rare to have! This is wonderful for you all <3).
Pile 3
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(Tarot cards: 9 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, 7 of Cups, & at the back of the deck The Fool)
There is a mix of all the elements of earth, fire, water, and air energy here. Your future spouse may have these signs in their chart. I can see that your future spouse is a nurturing and selfless individual. They can even have the traits of an ideal “parent type.” They are always making sure that others around them feel cared and loved. Whether it be them donating money to charity, babysitting children, or doing volunteer work for the community, they always want to give selflessly out to people in all ways. I also see that your future spouse enjoys taking care of their body! They eat delicious foods while also eating healthy foods, and they do outdoor activities such as walking and hiking to keep up their physical health. I can also see that they may play an instrument or music plays a big role in their life. For career, I can see them working as a fashion designer, baker, the art scene, or they can work in the entertainment industry. They are also very abundant with money, and they never show it off or think of themselves as more superior than anyone else. Your future spouse’s aura is more relaxing and peaceful because they have an outstanding amount of self-acceptance and self-love. They feel very satisfied with their personal life areas as well as their career and money. Although your future spouse is satisfied with who they are, I can see that they have many ideas and dreams that want to make come true. They might actually have too many goals or tasks that many of them aren’t fulfilled yet. I can see them as someone who feels like they’re all over the place. Maybe one moment they want to go to school to deepen their education, but another moment they want to move out of the city to explore more with their life. I see your future spouse as someone who has a lot of dreams at hand, and this is what makes them a very organized person in planning. With every goal they have in mind and whatever they do, they are always steps ahead with planning. They are very courageous and exploring when they want to take action, but they are never too quick and naive. Overall, your future spouse displays a mature individual with young energy as well. Their life is content with money and success, but they also want to explore more because that’s who they are as a person! They always strive for more and want to explore as much as they can, and they do this through planning and taking risks. (Pile 3, this is great for you! It’s a great balance that your future spouse is mature but still has a young energy to them! Also, when I say that they may feel “all over the place” it’s not a bad thing because it just means that they are very exploring! It’s a great thing that they have a lot of desires actually)!
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thedivineart · 1 year
Confirmation Signs To Determine Your Future Spouse
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wishing well, a fountain, throwing coin and wishing in fountain, unexpected meeting, receiving the most special gift from someone, a lost purse/wallet, climbing alone in mountain to reduce stress/ hangout, being alone without feeling lonely, a dog coming towards you, small home in forest, cross roads, being happy in other people relationship, going to building/institutions to fix legal documents, a friends to lovers trope, visioning your past life, a gallantry from someone, aiming financial achievement, lucky money wins, a nest eggs, flames, mutual feelings with someone, being flirt, co-worker, a new friend, ships, a little home/cottage, new house/places, moving to a new place, soulmate connection, meeting perfect person/ ideal lover, seeing lots of abiding love, wedding, wedding rings, hurt/painful feeling, hospital/doctor, unrequited love
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changing location whether it is for work or residency, when you heal from the past, starting a new, stork, a invitation for a event, gifts ( receive or give ), helpful advice from someone, receiving lots of good news, a clock/time, your hate and fear towards someone, a handshake, a journey ( travel ), birds, sharing ( partnership), food, restaurant/ fast-food places, notice of correspondence from important bills, writer/ journalist, financial loans/help, being at your lowest point such as feeling trapped/tired/staying at home/unhealthy situation, a friend betrayal, older than you, foreign, lawyer/authority, being attack, an enemy, invitation in weddings or engagements, church, cemetery, thinking negative/ having negative thoughts, a large body of water such as beaches, pools, fountains etc, night, cold weather/winter, locks, fishes, physical union with someone, a mending of broken friendship/ex love, party, clubs
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younger, foreign / leader, bad girl & boy image/personality, unexpected kiss, feeling lonely, a new lover/person, family oriented, lady and moody, soulmates connection, unexpected friendship with someone, horse/sagittarius, a good news coming, an artist/poet, student of arts, athletic body or an athlete, lack of focus in commitment, receive or give gifts, fountains, generous, wears uniform that symbolize their position at work, a friend, co-worker, a peer, taking time to heal the wounds of the past, in park, in forest, walking around and meeting someone new, having time alone, wandering in woods, in the big trees, travel, achievement, lucky breaks, successful moving up ( at work or something), the space, distance, someone is far away, delay, receiving love letters and bouquet of flowers, country side, simple life, money surrounds them, professional person, workaholic and less focus on love, a bank; good at handling finances, provides good advice in finance, a happy family, fire/burning, summer, evening, warm weather country, good judgement, social
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authority, can be foreign, arrogant, weddings, older, negative emotions, large body of water such as beaches, pool, fountains, lake, pond etc, night, cold weather/winter, a dog, a friend, a church, a purse, money, financially stable/ wealthy, office, jewelry box, a social butterfly, enjoy clubs and socializing, likes to be busy and active, wine, travel, trips via water, clouds, heavy rains, good partner, sensual, good at financial advice, an expensive wedding of a friend, children, financially secure, fixing cars, lily, workaholic, trying their best at difficult situation, lion, a Leo sign, quite, electric, jealous and possessive, like to give great advice, streets of gold
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© thedivineart. do not plagiarize any of my work, translate or repost it on other social media platform.
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tarotwithdanise · 1 year
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༉ ‧ ₊ ˚ sections ✧ . ˚
1. Your romance trope with them.
2. Their love language and how they'll express it.
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༉ ‧ ₊ ˚ how to choose pile? ✧ . ˚
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
1 - 2 - 3
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rules, disclaimer and notes ☆
1. Just a quick disclaimer : This reading was made for entertainment purposes only. This is obviously a general reading so takes what will resonates and leave those doesn’t, you don’t need to force your energy to read this and leave such a bad comment - just to say it doesn’t resonates with you at all because the answer is very obvious! I don’t own any these pictures i collected them from pinterest so credits to the rightful owners.
2. Please ignore any grammatical errors with my reading since english is not my first language, thank you for understanding!
3. Third to the last one, if you are not an avid fan of this kind of readings and not totally 100% agree about the outcome of this pac please just ignore this post and don’t engaged anymore, this pac can contains harsh, hurtful comments about you or the other person that can trigger you if possible, so kindly read at your own risk and take how it’ll resonates.
4. Lastly, be happy and enjoy reading my works — feedbacks, comments, likes, reblogs and follows are really appreciated by the reader. (that’s me, lol :3)
for tips, donation, masterlist and paid readings ☆
[ ♡ ] check out my second and back-up account @danisetarot.
SOURCE AND CREDITABLE : All of the pictures are collected and downloaded from pinterest , I don’t own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owners however edits goes and the reading itself belong to me. I use the editor tools canva and ibispaint for the header and divider. If saved/downloaded the divider use a proper credits and tag/mention along my acc @tarotwithdanise.
© tarotwithdanise ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work in any other social media platforms.
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1. Your romance trope with them.
cards : ten of wands,the magician,ace of wands,knight of swords,six of cups,magnetism,freedom and proposal.
possible romantic tropes : childhood sweetheart, lady and a knight and friendship to lovers.
prompt : person a helping person b to work with themselves then turn out both of them fallen in love with each other.
Whoops, this romantic trope is like a lady or princess and knight, just take which part are you between the two. I don't know but this spread is giving me a book story of that trope, a knight and a lady and/or childhood sweetheart's. Since in the very beginning we got the 10oW, this card is talks about burden. Before meeting your future spouse (lover), you will experience a lot of stress, overload responsibilities and problems with your life and then boom in out blue this person appear in your life or you'll meet this person (knight of swords) in the midst of all these problems and stress situation. I do see here that you are not really into love? before you actually gonna meet this person because you set these goals in your mind that you have to work with yourself first and then this person shakes things up and suddenly you felt the butterflies in your stomach. This love story is like already written down by the stars and the universe is the one that is in charge to make it come true. It seems like with them, with their love or their presence you'll feel being freedom and away from your own problems. This person is like a daily dose of serotinin to you.
It's like you'll mirror each other's love and each other's personality even though some of your qualities doesn't match with them at all. Both of you will find each other's as attractive individual. With them, you will feel the freedom that you want for yourself because you might felt this burden since you were a child (ToW and SoC), as well being with them, you are able to pass any obstacles whether if it's big or small. With them by your side, you will be able to conquer all obstacles that may come on your way in lifetime. It may also mean that a big change is coming in your relationship life when you meet them and this shift may require some bravery and work on your part to push this connection through. You are about to set boundaries for yourself, accepting what is, and fighting for what you feel and what you deserve is the key to open this new door.
I see that the proposal with this person will be grand. With the magician card being present here, I can say that this is giving off the energy of Wattpad or Fairy tale stories, this is a life changing connection, the love story you ever wanted and dream of. But i understand if someone here doesn't agree with this kind of love story since no relationship is perfect, no relationship is perfect - so be careful to not be manipulated with this person and don't just fall easily under their spell and with their charisma, always listen to what is your intuition saying to you. However this is a whirlwind romance that feels like a fairy tale. That makes you scream ‘‘It's happening to me now and i am the main character and not just a reader or watcher’’. This is someone who usually smooth and charming and can totally sweeps your feet off. This is true magical romance trope that feels like fictional. If it hasn't to you yet, well soon it will. However as i said, no love story is perfect there's still times that this relationship will be tested by the Universe.
2. Their love language and how they'll express it.
Their love language is about quality of time, gift giving and words of affirmation . This couple is giving me a vibes of an old soul that always belonged to each other no matter how many times they being reincarnated in many lives. Your future spouse is gonna fulfill your desired when it comes to love and intimacy, they want you to feel complete when they're around. This person love language feels like more into emotional and physical support. And so, they will know their obligations when it comes to you. Probably they want to build a solid foundation with you, a long lasting marriage life is coming out here. They probably from a rich family, someone who considered rich in their country or in your country. With you, they usually gonna enjoy the life's pleasures - having good foods and drinks. They will teach you how to cherish every moment in life and enjoy it while living.
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Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
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࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
1. Your romance trope with them
cards : seven of wands, four of wands, ten of swords, justice, nine of cups, fearless love, heart-to-heart conversation, last love.
possible romantic tropes : arranged marriage, blackmail things, fake relationship.
prompt : a two highschool students that develops likings into each other. Fell in love and out suddenly because of the responsibility and being too young. Redemption and spark going lit again, when they sees each other after a very long time.
There's a strong cardigan song vibes by Taylor Swift is outta here, especially the line where ‘‘you drew stars around my scars’’. It's feels like you two are too young for love and t get into the next level of commitment. I see here, a redemption of this love story. Falling apart to grow individually and then bringing back again to lit the love that have been started since they are young. Otherwise, if you already finished school you probably gonna break each other's heart. It will not be easy for the two of you. Other than that, I see an objections from family? They won't agree with this relationship. This is probably gonna hurt you so bad.
Your family or their family is probably thinking that this relationship is against the law? They just can't accept this connection and love that is growing between this two people. Maybe because you two have differences between each other and/or probably you two are belong to the same gender.
Typically challenges make this relationship go stronger and wilder. I see a strong interest with this two people. It's not just you and it's also them. If you are manifesting this type of person, there's like 70% that this probably might happen. You like to discuss your feelings, love and care with so much purity and truth with this person. You don't have to be afraid because this love is about taking a leap of faith, you will be tested about how you really love each other. In the end, this is your true love no matter how many hard phases you two will go through like a dramatic love story you might be watching online or in TV's.
2. Their love language and how they'll express it.
I only get gift giving and physical touch here. They probably buy you a lot of material things that you hold and cherished memories forever. Their small gifts makes you feel loved by them. They like to kiss you on your forehead and eyes, they think that's sweet and lovely. They're also type of people who will bought a flower on a store to give it to you in a special occasion. Their love language will make you as if you are their major priority in their life. If you are struggling with money, they probably gonna help you with that case.
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Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
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࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
*For few people who were attracted to pile one, I'm here to remind you that you can read that as well.
cards : eight of pentacles, the magician, four of swords, page of pentacles, king of swords, ace of cups, responsibilities, falling in love, wedding.
possible romantic trope : enemies to lovers, love at first sight and arranged marriage.
prompt : it's a romantic suspense story about taking charge of the two people responsibilities.
There's a lot of hardwork with this two protagonist. Perhaps that there's a high chances that you and your partner might be an arranged marriage. The masculine energy here is the one who will sacrifice and do all the things to make this relationship work and to make this other person fall in love with them. They are the one who will offer the love to another person. They're the one who probably head offer heals ; love at first sight in general if I'm gonna describe it.
Even though you told this person to stop, they will work more harder. They don't want to stop, they want to be the one. This love story is belong with those type of stories you frequently sees on TV's, this is a life-changing love. This is a whirlwind romance like pile one. The one that will fulfill your cup with love and care you are longing for. Your future spouse (lover) is a dominant individual - they can be working in the field of law or writer. They might be good with the subject mathematics as well or anything related to math but I can't totally say that they'll a human calculator, this is probably type of person who is a fast learner.
With your married life, you two are very responsible. It's seems you are aware what you need to do or what job you should do with this marriage. There's so much respect and faithfulness with this two people which I really love.
2. Their love language and how they'll express it.
Their love language is quality of time and act of service. You two probably like to stargazing while lying down in a green grass or in a roof or walking in shore while holding hands, this is a beautiful moment (hope it you will totally experience this). Well, in your marriage life I do see here that the other person can't go to bed without the other person like they always go to bed at the same time. Also, you two like to massage each other's and they're probably the one that will get up first in bed to make you a breakfast. They will make/buy you, your favorite sweet treats.
surprise and leave a small tip to your favorite tarot reader here.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
song from my shuffle playlist. ♡
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Made with love, Danise.
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