#tbh. idk how to tag this. take her and run
beezhive · 8 months
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oh ur a druid and ur green? wowwwww
123 notes · View notes
I open hollow knight. I die to a boss 30 times. I decide to do something else and come back to it later. I run around in fog canyon. I die in fog canyon 30 times. I close hollow knight.
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ppomumgranatum · 2 months
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when time runs out, what comes after?
Available on Ao3
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC; Ominis Gaunt x Anne Sallow
tags: one shot, you POV, post-Hogwarts life
word count: 6.9k
Warnings: 🔞 angst as fuck, use of profanities, smut, 18+ explicit sexual content, adult characters, mild fingering, grief sex?
Summary: Because time is like a relentless river that will eventually run its course. Yet, amidst the uncertainty of what lay ahead, you found solace in the knowledge that new beginnings awaited. And you can’t wait to start your new journey with Sebastian.
Notes: I was watching FB and somehow Queenie and Jacob reminded me of Ominis and Anne. Then it led me into thinking about what life could've been for our MC and it got me feeling sappy as fuck like???? Tbh idk what this is? but enjoy it, anyway.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the quaint hamlet of Feldcroft, the autumn breeze enveloped the village in a serene embrace. The sky was painted with hues of orange, pink, and purple as if nature itself was bidding farewell to the day in a grand display of colours.
Over the years after the quaint little village was free from the gruesome terror enacted by goblins and dark wizards, Feldcroft has beautifully regained its liveliness.
In the centre of it all, a lively marketplace had sprung up, illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns and fairy lights. Stallholders peddled their wares– handcrafted jewellery, knitted scarves, jars of homemade preserves– their voices mingling with the laughter and chatter of the crowd.
The place that Sebastian once called home now truly feels like home.
His childhood house is now occupied by Ominis and his sister Anne. His best friend had promised that when they graduated, he would stay with Anne and take care of her with whatever time she had left. That was three years ago, and they’ve been living together ever since. Meanwhile, you and Sebastian found purpose living in the city. Your careers are thriving and you found solace in each other's company, living in a little space you happily share.
After your triumph over Ranrok, you had managed to gradually learn how to wield your ancient magic to its potential. Although you’ve not truly mastered how to completely cure diseases or curses yet, you found a way to somehow ease it. And that’s what you’ve been doing for Anne. Your effort managed to give more years to her life, hoping one day you would eventually master your magic to cure her.
You and Sebastian would regularly visit Feldcroft to do your mending routine on Anne, and this weekend was one of the occasions.
The breeze enveloping the hamlet felt like a gentle caress as it danced through the narrow path you were sharing with Sebastian. You were returning home after a quick grocery trip to the marketplace, accompanied by your boyfriend, who gallantly carried the grocery bag with one arm while the other was wrapped around you.
When you entered the house, Ominis and Anne were seated at the dining table, already eagerly awaited for your arrival. Your brows furrowed at the sudden lively greeting from the couple, “What’s going on?”
“There’s something we’d like to share.” The grin on Anne’s face was suspicious yet delightful.
“Come, have a seat.” Ominis’ tone was rushing the both of you to do as he said.
You and Sebastian quickly exchanged glances, feeling just a tad worried at what the other two had in mind, before finally doing what Ominis had asked.
After Sebastian put aside the grocery bag on the table, Anne quickly grasped his brother’s hand with that grin that has yet to dissipate, “You guys are freaking me out. What’s going on?” Sebastian said.
“Okay, Ominis and I were talking and we’ve been thinking about this for quite some time now..” Anne began slowly, “We have decided that..”
“We want to get married..” Ominis quickly picked up on Anne’s sentence, tone filled with excitement.
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed, equally excited, “That's wonderful news.”
“..Tomorrow.” Anne completed the sentence that was apparently unfinished.
“What?” The tone of Sebastian’s voice dropped, “What do you mean tomorrow?”
“As in the day after today, Sebastian.” She clarified like Sebastian was a Flobberworm.
“Yes, I know what tomorrow means.” He was ticked off by the treatment, “But what– how– why so soon?”
“Why not?” Anne sounded disappointed that Sebastian wasn’t as excited.
“Are you pregnant?” Sebastian bluntly and inconsiderately shot his chance.
“No, I am not!”
Sebastian's face winced at the overlapping aggravation that came out of everyone, “What? It’s a valid question.”
“You don’t think it’s a good idea?” The timbre in Anne’s voice made you feel bad for her.
“Of course, I think it’s a fantastic idea to get married.” He was quick to reassure her, trying not to sound lacking in spirit, "But don't you want more time to prepare for something like this?"
Anne sighed softly, her disappointment evident as she exchanged a glance with Ominis, who seemed equally deflated by Sebastian's response, "It's just.. we've been together for quite some time now." Anne began, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "And we don't want to wait any longer than we have to."
“And it’s not like we got a selection of family to invite.” Ominis added, “You guys are our family.”
Sebastian’s turned to you like he was looking for an extra pillar of certainty. And his expression softened with understanding dawning in his eyes when he was met with your supportive smile.
“I’m sorry,” He tightened his grip on his sister’s hands, “I didn’t mean to dampen your excitement. If this is what you both want, then I’m behind you one hundred percent.”
You nodded in agreement, "We're here for you, whatever you need. And if tomorrow is the day you want to have a wedding, then we'll make sure it's perfect."
Anne's face brightened at your words, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you," she said softly, her voice filled with emotion.
“I can’t believe tomorrow you’re going to be Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt.” You're basically kicking and giggling at the thought of your two best friends finally sharing their names.
“Sallow.” Ominis corrected, “It’s going to be Mr. and Mrs. Sallow.”
Sebastian couldn’t help but smile ear-to-ear, “That sounds even better.”
Everyone seemed to be filled with joy at the decision. But you understood where Sebastian’s suspicion stemmed from. If they were so worried about waiting, why not three years ago? And if there wasn't any particular urgency, why does it have to be tomorrow?
While everyone was exchanging joyous hoots and gazes, your eyes met with Anne’s and you almost didn’t notice that tiny twinge of gloom behind the yawning grin on her face. But it was there, ever so subtle. The sight gave you a small discomfort but you didn’t want to ruin the mood.
So you pushed the thought aside and were ready to get on with the dinner you promised everyone you’d prepare. There’s no room for anything but delight when a celebration awaits everyone tomorrow.
Since the wedding practically only had an invitation for two, naturally, you became the maid of honour. Today your service and dedication were solely in the courtesy of Anne Sallow to make sure that you had everything perfectly prepared for her.
As the bride settled into the chair in front of the vanity, you stood behind her, ready to assist with her makeover. With gentle hands, you brushed through the thinned and fragile strands of her hair, feeling the delicate strands beneath your touch. Taking Anne's fragile hair into account, you opted for a gentle half-up, half-down that would be both elegant and comfortable. Soft tendrils framed her face, lending a touch of romance to the look without adding any unnecessary strain.
Once it was arranged to perfection you moved onto her makeup, selecting colours that would enhance her natural beauty without overpowering her delicate features. You couldn't help but notice the prominence of her cheekbones like a stark reminder of the weight loss she had endured. Her complexion, though still beautiful, lacked the healthy flush of vitality it once held.
While you were intently putting your best work into Anne, both of you shared jokes and stories to accompany the duty. She had a way of making even the most mundane moments feel effortless and joyful. Her laughter was infectious, and her ability to find humour in any situation never failed to lift my spirits. Despite everything she had endured, Anne's eyes still sparkled with a glimmer of mischief and resilience.
As you shared laughter and fond memories, Anne suddenly clutched her abdomen, her face contorted in pain. Your heart skipped a beat as you realised the source of her distress—it was the curse. With a surge of panic, you hurried to grab your wand and kneeled beside the chair where she was sitting. Anne attempted to contain the pain at first, her efforts were evident in the furrow of her brow and the tight grip of her hands on her abdomen. But soon, the intensity became too much to bear, and despite her best efforts, a soft yet pained groan escaped her lips.
You had one hand holding hers, allowing her to clutch into yours while your other hand began to work your wand, channelling your ancient magic to help her ease the pain. Your heart clenched at the sound of her agony and your hands trembled with fear.
“Hang in there, Anne..” Your voice provided soothing comfort. You could tell the magic was slowly doing its work as the grip on your hand loosened and Anne regained control of her breathing, “I’m here..”
You stayed by her side, hand never leaving hers like a silent comfort as the magic continued to work its healing touch. After Anne's strength gradually returned, she managed to open her eyes and gave you a knowing smile, “I’m alright now.. Thank you.”
You put down your wand so both of your hands can grasp into hers. Worry still settled over you. It was only yesterday since you did your mending on Anne. The effect would usually last her a month– or two even when she was doing so well. But for it to not even last twenty-four hours meant the curse was only getting stronger, and your magic was becoming futile.
“How long?” You began to ask. Your voice was soft but still laced with anguish.
Anne let out a heavy sigh before answering, “Almost six months now..” Her breathing was still a little bit unsteady, "I’ve noticed the effects have been getting shorter and shorter.”
“Oh, Anne.. why didn’t you tell me.” Your heart ached even more knowing she must have endured it on her own.
“I didn’t know how to.” She admitted.
As a deep sense of despair washed over you, you couldn't help but grasp the gravity of the circumstances. Meeting her gaze, you glimpsed a reflection of your own emotions mirrored in her eyes. While kneeling beside her, you took a moment to observe the woman before you, her faint smile betraying the anguish she must have been enduring.
How awful it must’ve been to pretend everything was fine while she was crumbling inside.
“Does Ominis know?”
She nodded, “Not long ago.” Anne didn’t have to say it, but now you understand the underlying reason for the impulse on the wedding, "I tried to hide it for a while, but that man knows me too well not to find out something was wrong."
"How are you feeling?" You gently asked like a fragile little petal that she was. There were layers of concern in your voice.
She hesitated for a moment like she was contemplating whether to share the truth, "Not so good." disappointment coloured both her expression and tone, “I knew it couldn’t cure me. But I truly thought it would still last me forever, you know.”
“I know..” Your thumb caressing the back of her hand, "I thought so, too."
She let out a heavy sigh, "Well, it was good while it lasted."
“Have you told Sebastian?"
"Not yet. Not today," she said, eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I just want to get married to the man that I love and pretend, at least for this day, that I am not withering."
You felt a surge of empathy for Anne. Despite her hardships, there was a quiet determination in her voice. She just wished to find joy amidst the challenges she faced.
"You don't have to pretend with us."
"I know that." She smiled softly, "But it makes me feel a little bit better. Just for today."
She lifted her trembling hand to gently stroke your hair. And when her eyes met yours, the sorrow that reigned over her eyes pierced through you, shattering your heart into a million pieces.
"You have no idea how grateful I am that Sebastian's questionable behaviour ended up being the thing that brought you two together.” You chuckled at her remarks, and the twitch in your eyes finally allowed the tears that had been so desperate to fall to cascade down your cheeks, "And I'm grateful to have found a sister in you."
At that moment, neither of you could hold back the tears any longer. The floodgates of emotion burst open, releasing a torrent of tears that had been held back. Amidst the overwhelming grief, there was also a profound sense of gratitude for the strength you had found in the brief but powerful bond you shared with her.
"You can fight this." You choked out, "Please.. Just a little bit more, Anne. I'm getting better with my magic. I think I'm almost there."
"No.." She shook her head, "I don't think I can wait anymore."
You nestled your head on her lap, finding solace in her gentle touch as she continued to stroke your hair. It felt as though she was the one offering comfort.
“Promise me.” She said softly, “That you’ll watch over them when I’m not around. Merlin knows what those boys will do without supervision.”
And once more, amidst the tears and sobs, a faint chuckle escaped from both of you. It was a moment of bittersweet release.
And when you lifted your head, you met Anne's gaze with a solemn nod, though your heart felt heavy with the weight of her request. "I promise," You vowed, "I won't go anywhere. But you have to know, Anne.. I could never replace you."
“You already have.” She reached out to wipe the tears that streamed down your cheeks, “When I'm gone, they’ll have no one but you in this world. You are their family– my family. You have to understand that you mean the world to all of us.”
You took a heavy, deep breath, trying to stifle the uncontrollable sobs threatening to consume you. But it was no use– each inhale and exhale only trembled more with emotion. The thought of Sebastian and Ominis losing Anne, the person they loved, filled you with crushing despair. You couldn't bear the idea of witnessing their pain, knowing that you held the power within you to help her, if only you knew how.
Everything felt agonisingly close yet impossibly out of reach, leaving you feeling utterly helpless in the face of Anne's impending fate.
You don't want to lose her.
"I wish we had more time."
“You gave us more time when we thought there was none left. You gave me a chance to live, to love Ominis, and Sebastian..." Her voice trembled from the emotion, "You have no idea how much joy you've brought back into his life. And you've given me the gift of witnessing that happiness.” She managed to put up a smile and you wished she didn’t. Pretending was no longer necessary, and you wanted her to feel free to express her true emotions, “You have given me a lifetime. And for that, I owe you everything.”
You reached out and pulled her into a tight hug, holding her close while trying to imprint every moment of this precious connection into your memory. This could be one of the few last hugs you'd be able to share with her, and you wanted to cherish every second of it.
"Alright, that's enough tears for now," she said gently, pulling away and wiping your tears. "You've got to save it for when I'm actually dead."
“Anne!” You protested at the inappropriate joke. Although you’ve got to admit there was a mix of amusement inside of you at her attempt to lighten the mood.
“I’m sorry.” A faint smile playing on her lips.
The both of you shared a final chuckle before you set to work on redoing Anne's makeup, realising that almost everything was ruined from the intense sobbing. But you didn't mind– in fact, you welcomed the opportunity to spend more time with her, cherishing every moment you had left together.
After you finished, you picked up your wand and cast a spell on Anne's clothing. In an instant, she was adorned in a stunning white dress, radiating an ethereal beauty that took your breath away.
You took a moment to cast the same spell on your own clothes, transforming them into attire more suitable for the event. You left Anne to rest inside and headed outside to begin setting up for the ceremony this evening.
Working your wand with precision, you crafted a beautiful yet intimate setting in the confines of their backyard. Despite the limited space, you conjured an enchanting atmosphere, transforming the modest surroundings into a magical haven fit for a wedding. The flowers bloomed in colourful bursts, intertwining with lush greenery to create a picturesque backdrop for the ceremony.
Despite the simplicity of the setup, every detail was carefully curated to evoke a sense of intimacy and romance, ensuring that Anne's special day would be nothing short of unforgettable.
While you were immersed in the enchanting setup, you were surprised by the sudden embrace that came behind you, “Hello, beautiful.” Unable to resist the exposed skin from your updo hair, he planted tender kisses along your neck. Sebastian is always such a tease.
With a soft smile, you leaned into his embrace, “I’m doing something here.” you teased, but still couldn't help but enjoy the affectionate gesture.
Sebastian chuckled then nuzzled his head into your neck. His warm breath sent shivers up and down your spine, "Anything I can help with?" he whispered in your ear. You could feel his strong arms wrapped around you, holding you close.
Just as you finished with your setup, you leaned back against his strong frame, feeling completely secure in his arms. "You can be here with me, holding me."
A comfortable silence settled between the two of you, taking in the intimate moment and the romantic decor. The scene before you stirred thoughts of your own future wedding, prompting a gentle curiosity about when that moment might come.
"How's Anne doing?" Sebastian's voice broke the silence, drawing your attention.
You turned to face him, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you loop your arm around his neck, drawing him closer. "Very happy," You replied softly, "She's ready."
“Ominis is, too.” There was a mix of joy and relief in his face,“I’m so glad they finally get to have their happy ending.”
His words hit you hard. Sebastian remained unaware of the true extent of Anne’s condition. Because the happy ending he thought she’s having isn’t as perfect as it seemed.
“Are you alright?” He noticed the change in your expression.
You nodded, masking the trouble brewing inside.
“Are you sure?” He persisted. His voice sounded more concerned this time.
You wanted to confide in him, but it didn't feel right. Anne deserved to share the news with her brother herself. "I just think it's a beautiful day for a wedding," you lied.
Sebastian smiled, leaning in to give you a sweet kiss on your lips, his affectionate gesture momentarily distracting you from the weight of the secret you carried.
As the ceremony finally commenced, you and Sebastian stood side by side, bathed in the glow of the evening sun. The gentle breeze carried the soft rustle of leaves and the sweet scent of wildflowers, adding to the serene ambience of the outdoor setting. In the distance, the rolling hills provided a breathtaking backdrop for the intimate gathering.
Anne, radiant in her flowing white dress, walked down the aisle with grace, her eyes sparkling with love and anticipation. Ominis stood at the altar, his expression a mixture of nerves and excitement as he awaited his bride.
The sound of their vows filled the air, heartfelt and sincere, weaving a tapestry of promises and dreams for the future.
It was time for them to exchange rings. And finally, as they shared their first kiss as husband and wife, the world seemed to stand still, capturing the beauty and magic of this momentous occasion. You and Sebastian watched with pride and happiness, your hearts overflowing with love for the newlyweds.
But the joyous atmosphere shattered in an instant as Anne fell to the ground, her agonising scream piercing the air. Shock and fear gripped everyone present as they rushed to her side. The curse had struck once again.
The pain seemed to be worse than before because Anne's consciousness began to fade. Ominis lifted and carried her inside while his face etched with fear and worry. You and Sebastian followed closely as Ominis gently laid his bride on the bed.
You quickly tended to her side and began using your magic to ease her pain once again while Ominis sat beside you, holding Anne’s hand tightly in his own.
Sebastian stood by, watching his sister fighting her pain, feeling utterly helpless. Her screams tore at his heart, shredding it into pieces.
He finally began to realise the true situation of Anne’s condition.
Unable to bear the sight any longer, he stormed out of the house, his breath ragged from the onslaught of negative emotions. He wandered aimlessly, searching for a space where he could calm himself down and gather his thoughts.
After tending to Anne's needs and ensuring she had something to eat to regain her strength, you realised that Sebastian had been conspicuously absent. Concerned, you stepped outside and immediately knew where to find him. Following the familiar path atop the hill that overlooked the hamlet, you remembered how Sebastian always loved this spot for its breathtaking view of the village below.
Upon reaching the hilltop, you were greeted by the sight of your lover, standing at the edge and gazing out over the village. The fading light of the setting sun casted a warm glow over the landscape.
Sebastian's shoulders were tense, his hands clenched into fists at his sides as he stared into the distance. You approached him quietly, the soft crunch of gravel beneath your shoes barely audible over the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze.
You stood just a little bit behind him, giving him the space he needed to collect his thoughts. Despite the distance, you could feel the stress emanating from him.
"You knew, didn't you?" He finally said, breaking the silence. You expected something sharp and judgemental coming out of him, but there was none of it. His stare remained fixed in the distance.
You nodded even though he couldn't see it, "Just today."
"Did she tell you how long ago?"
You hesitated for a moment, "Six months."
Sebastian scoffed and his expression hardened, his eyes narrowing with a hint of anger. "Six fucking months," he muttered, "Why didn't she tell us sooner?"
You felt a pang of guilt at his tone, knowing that Anne's decision to keep her condition a secret had hurt him deeply, "I think she was trying to protect us."
He shook his head and his jaw clenched tightly. "Protect us?" he repeated, voice rising with emotion. "From what exactly? From the tremendous amount of pain we’re already living with every single day? We're her family, for Merlin’s sake, we should have been there for her."
You knew that Anne's silence had shaken him to the core, and the road ahead would be filled with challenges as they grappled with the consequences of her decision.
"I should’ve been there for her." The quiver of regret was evident this time, “How many times have we gone to visit her in the past six months? And not once did she mention anything. She pretended like she was alright.”
“That’s exactly why, Sebastian.” You replied gently, "She didn’t want to keep pretending. She just wanted to cherish the time she had left without constantly dwelling on her illness. By allowing her to live her life the way she wants to, we were already there for her."
“But she’s my sister.” His voice cracked with emotions.
“I know..” You murmured, feeling the weight of his pain.
Then, a single tear escaped from the corner of his eyes that was clearly betraying the emotions he struggled to contain. He instinctively turned his head, his hand moving swiftly to brush away the tear.
You wanted to give him space to be in his own vulnerability, so you stood in place.
“To think of the fact that she decided to endure it on her own..” There was so much guilt in his voice. Then he fell quiet for a moment before continuing, “It's funny, isn't it? How time seems to slip through our fingers, no matter how tightly we try to hold on."
You listened in silence, feeling the weight of his words settle over you like a heavy blanket. The realisation that time was finite– that eventually, it would run out.
"We spend our days chasing after hope, trying to cure Anne," Sebastian continued, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "But the truth is, time waits for no one. Even for those who possess magic, it marches on, indifferent to our hopes and desires."
It was the first time you’d seen Sebastian being this vulnerable. It only showed how much love he carried for his sister.
"And when it's gone," Sebastian murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, "all we're left with are the memories of what could have been– what I could’ve done for Anne.” His tone carried a sense of despair and it unsettled you deeply. It felt as though the fierce determination of a man who would move mountains to save his sister had been extinguished.
"I just wish I had done more for her," He admitted.
“Hey,” Closing the distance, you gently lifted his chin, urging him to meet your gaze with compassion while his eyes were shimmering with tears, "You've been there for her in more ways than you realise. And she knows that.” His tears flowed more freely at your comforting words. Without hesitation, you cupped his cheeks and brushed away the tears, “She’s made her choice, Sebastian. The most important thing now is to cherish the time we have left with her and make every moment count. Because you can’t go back in time, it only runs out."
As harsh as reality was, Sebastian knew you were telling him what he needed to hear. Because if you don’t make the most of your time, the only thing that will remain is regret.
“I can’t promise you that it will be easy," you continued. "But I can promise you that I'll be here every step of the way."
He closed his eyes, leaning into your touch as if seeking refuge in your warmth. Taking your hand, he pressed a tender kiss to your palm before meeting your gaze, "I don't know what I'd do without you." He whispered,
"You won't have to find out." You replied with a reassuring smile.
Sebastian's eyes held yours, filled with gratitude and a hint of vulnerability. In that shared moment, you both understood the depth of your connection and the support you offered each other.
Then he pulled you into a tight embrace and you yielded to his warmth, feeling the comforting strength of his arms around you. Resting your head against his chest, you listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a reassuring cadence amidst the uncertainty that surrounded you.
He fell quiet for a moment. Stroking your hair with one hand while the other rubs your back with comfort.
“Thank you.” He finally said.
“What for?”
“Everything.” He whispered as he reflected on how different things could have been for Anne, and how her current happiness was beyond anything he had dared to hope for. “If you asked me five years ago what life would be like for Anne today, I’d say she’d be long gone and buried deep in the ground. I never thought I’d see her get married. This is all happening because of you.”
“You know I would do anything for Anne.” You replied softly.
He pulled away to meet your gaze, “And I would do anything for you.”
There was something special about the way he looked at you, the way his dark eyes were captivated by yours. The warmth of his embrace and the tenderness in his touch made you feel cherished in that moment.
It felt like the world had faded away, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of intimacy. Everything else ceased to exist as you were enveloped by his presence, captivated by the depth of his gaze and the warmth of his embrace.
Sebastian drew nearer, his eyes locking onto yours with intensity. His hand trailed through your hair, tenderly caressing your cheek as he leaned in closer. The sensation of his chest against yours sent your heart into a flurry of anticipation.
It was kind of funny to you, how this man could still make your heart flutter in the most exciting ways ever even after sharing hundreds of kisses.
Right before his lips touched yours, he paused, looking at you intently. The intimacy grew with each passing second as he leaned closer until finally connecting his lips to yours.
Sebastian's touch was sensual, yet tender. There was a delicate balance of passion and tenderness in his kiss. His lips felt warm and inviting, like the gentle warmth of a summer in the middle of the cold autumn breeze.
The kiss deepened and the intensity rose with every passing second. Lost in the kiss, you could feel all the worries and stresses of life wash away– like maybe Anne wasn’t dying, or Ominis wasn’t about to face his worst heartbreak, and Sebastian wasn’t going to lose his sister, and all that was left was the warmth of his touch.
As the weight of everything going on amplified the intensity of your emotions, it also seemed to intensify your desire, heightening every sensation, every touch, every whisper of longing. It was as if the urgency of the moment fueled the fire burning between you and Sebastian.
You didn’t want this to end. You wished you could live in whatever intoxicating illusion this feeling was.
The kiss went on and Sebastian tightened his grip, pulling you closer to him. The sensation of his lips and the heat of his body pressed up against you had your mind spinning. Every touch of his lips on yours was more arousing than the last.
The heat was becoming too intense, and you wanted more.
Sebastian continued to explore your body with his hands, grazing his fingers along your curves. He moved his hands upwards towards your chest and your breath hitched at his touch.
Despite the lust that was slowly eating away your rational thinking, deep inside, in the back of your mind, you had a sudden realisation. Sebastian’s griefing and this felt like an unhealthy outlet. The guilt weighed on your mind but the brunette began trying to unzip your dress.
“Sebastian..” You pulled away and whispered breathlessly against his lips, “You’re grieving.”
He shook his head, “I want you..” He put trails of kisses along your jaw and neck, making everything even more irresistible.
You bit your lip. “Not like this.”
“Please..” He whispered in your ear and you couldn’t hold the soft moan that escaped your lips.
The sensation of Sebastian's kisses sent shivers down your spine, his breath hot on your skin. You tried your best to resist him, but it was becoming too much to bear. And when his hand slid under your dress and touched your heat, temptation took over you and your body yielded under his touch.
“Fuck.. Sebastian.”
"I know you want me, too," He whispered. Your body betrayed your words as you grew wetter with desire. The sensation of his touch on your clit, using your own fluids as a lubricant, sent waves of pleasure through you. At that moment, you no longer wanted him to stop.
Your body responded instinctively to Sebastian's touch. Your back arched into his hand as pleasure washed over you and your hips rolled around to the movement of his finger. Giving in to the pleasure, your eyelids fluttered shut and your head fell backwards.
As Sebastian kissed your collarbone, your dress slipped off your shoulder, exposing more of your skin and eventually revealing your breasts.
Sebastian groaned softly at the sight before him, unable to resist the temptation of your hardened nipple. With eager anticipation, he lowered his lips to take it into his mouth, his fingers continuing their skilful movements. The combination of his touch and his lips against your skin sent your senses reeling.
Your moans were like music to his ears. With each gasp and whimper that escaped your lips, his craving only intensified, driving him to seek out more ways to please you, “Oh darling, I can’t take it anymore.”
He pulled away, allowing your dress to fall to your feet with a soft rustle of fabric. With gentle yet firm hands, he lifted you, then carefully guided you to lie down on the ground beneath you.
As you lay there, the cool earth beneath you provided a stark contrast to the heat of your desire. You watched Sebastian undress himself, his muscles rippling beneath his skin with every movement. With each article of clothing he shed, your anticipation grew, knowing that soon you would be able to feel his warmth inside of you.
When his thick, hard cock came into view, your hand instinctively reached out to touch it, but Sebastian was quick to grab your wrist and pin it above your head. Leaning in close, his hot breath washed over your skin. While his cock, wet with precum, brushed against your stomach. "So eager now, aren’t we?" he whispered huskily.
“Just fuck me already,” you begged so desperately wanting to feel him inside of you.
Sebastian's lips curled into a wicked smile at your boldness. You didn’t have to tell him twice.
With a low growl, he released your wrist and positioned himself between your thighs and without a word, he entered you slowly, savouring every inch of the delicious friction between your bodies. His hand slipped under your thigh and pushed your knee so he could gain better access into your depths.
And just as he expected, the position allowed his length to slide inside you so gracefully deep. As he settled fully inside you, a groan of pleasure escaped his lips.
He began to move and each thrust sent waves of pleasure coursing through you, you surrendered completely to the ecstasy of the moment, lost in the rhythm of Sebastian pumping you, “Ah.. fuck– yes..”
Your moans echoed through the silent night, mingling with the rustling leaves and whistling wind. The sounds of nature seemed to fade into the background and were replaced by the sound of your lusts.
His movement was slow but he hit you deep and right exactly where you wanted him to be. You clenched hard around his cock and it sent him frantic, “You feel.. so damn good..”
Your hand gripped his toned arms, your back arched, and your head leaned back in ecstasy. Without missing a beat of his thrusts, Sebastian seized the opportunity to lavish on your bare skin, trailing kisses along your neck and collarbone.
Then, he took the moment to give your bouncing breasts some attention, taking one in his mouth and sucking it gently. And by Merlin’s beard, this man knew how to multitask.
You spread your legs wide and angled your hips, meeting each of Sebastian's deep thrusts with equal fervour. When his rhythm intensified, the nails of your hand dug into his arm and it elicited a sharp intake of breath that came out of him.
With each thrust, you felt a different kind of connection with Sebastian, a deeper sense of intimacy. It was as if every movement, every caress, carried the weight of the world and the depth of your emotions. This felt more than just physical pleasure– it felt like a shared understanding of the fleeting nature of time and the preciousness of the moments you shared together.
Sebastian brushed aside the strands of hair that obscured your face, his gaze penetrating, filled with a tumult of emotions—lust, grief, love, all swirling together. At that moment, when his eyes locked with yours, you felt the depth of his presence. The way he looked at you, the way he felt inside of you, it was overwhelming– it was so, so good it made you want to cry.
Your legs wrapped around his hips, urging him to delve deeper. Sebastian's deep, husky voice filled the air with a moan, your name escaping his lips in a desperate plea for more, “I.. I love you..” He declared breathlessly, his words laden with raw emotion, “I love you.. so much..”
“I love you too..” You cupped his cheek, pressing your foreheads together, “I-im so.. so close..”
He tightened his embrace around you, his thrusts becoming more urgent as he chased his own climax. With a fervent kiss, he whispered against your lips, "Come with me, darling.”
The intensity built and you felt the tension coil within you, ready to unravel at any moment. And then, as if on cue, you felt it—the wave of pleasure crashing over you. Your body tensed, every nerve ending alive with sensation as cries of ecstasy escaped your lips, filling the air with the sweet sound of your orgasm, “oh fuck– Sebastian!”
With a guttural groan, he cried out your name and reached his peak, his body shuddering with release as he spilled inside of you.
Sebastian collapsed against you, his chest heaving in an attempt to catch his breath. You wrapped your arms around him, basking in the afterglow of your moment.
He kissed the line of your shoulders, then your cheek, and eventually your lips.
As he pulled back slightly, he took a moment to stare at your face, his eyes filled with all of the emotions that were left, like he was trying to memorise every detail, every curve, every expression– he never wanted to forget this moment.
“You’re so beautiful.” He said with a smile that reminded you of all the reasons you fell for him.
“Oh, shut up.” You kissed him to mask the way your cheeks flushed red.
When you both pulled away from the kiss, you found yourselves lingering in the intimacy of the moment. Your noses brushed together softly, eliciting a gentle smile from both of you. Sebastian's fingers traced the contours of your jaw with delicate precision, his touch telling you how much he loves you.
You reciprocated by running your fingers through his hair, feeling the silky strands intertwine with your touch. The closeness between you felt electric.
“Marry me.” He suddenly said and your loving gaze swapped into confusion in an instant.
“Marry me.” He repeated, “Today, tomorrow, next week– I don’t care.”
Sebastian's sudden proposal left you speechless as his words sank in slowly. His eyes bore into yours and you searched it for any hint of uncertainty. You know he’s grieving, and this could be just that. “Sebastian..”
“This is not grief talking or merely an after-sex impulse.” He assured you as if he could read your mind, “This is something that I’ve been thinking about for some time. With everything that’s been going on with Anne, don’t you think it’s telling us something?”
He was begging for your consideration, wanting you to believe that he meant every word.
“Cherish every moment we have left, you said.” He stroked your hair with a touch so gentle it felt so tender and reassuring, “You gave me a life to live. And I want to spend the rest of my time loving you.”
You took a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts amidst the chaotic feelings swirling inside you. Sebastian's proposal was unexpected, but you know it felt right. There was something about his sincerity that was hard to deny.
"Do you really mean it?" You whispered.
"Yes." He brushed a loose strand of hair from your face, his hand lingering by your cheek. "I mean it with all my heart. I want to marry you."
A smile painted across your face, your lips curling into a wide grin. Without any inhibitions, you pulled him into a kiss, expressing your love and acceptance through the tender gesture. The passion ignited once again.
You lost yourself in the intimacy of the moment, wrapped in Sebastian's firm grasp, letting your mind and body surrender to the joy.
Sebastian quickly pulled away, eyes flickered with anticipation when he realised you hadn’t really given your answer, “Wait, is that a yes?”
A playful glint danced in your eyes as you nodded, a grin spreading across your face. “Of course, it’s a yes.”
Sebastian's face lit up with a radiant smile, relief washing over him as leaned in to resume the kiss.
Because time is like a relentless river that will eventually run its course. Yet, amidst the uncertainty of what lay ahead, you found solace in the knowledge that new beginnings awaited. And you can’t wait to start your new journey with Sebastian.
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moony-2001 · 7 months
Lore Olympus ep. 252 critique
Before all you stans get mad I generally thought this episode was pretty okay. But maybe that’s because not a whole lot happened.
So going in the order of events, first up is our favorite gal Cassandra.
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Gotta say, already like her loads.
I don’t have a whole lot to say about her general existence, beyond the fact that it’s stupid that Apollo is using her as a walking incognito tab. My main criticism more lies around the idea of when did Apollo even meet her? He obviously couldn’t have met her during the time skip because there were no interactions allowed between realms during that time and he was kicking it in Olympus.
We also have no indication of when he actually met her post-punishment. There’s no definitive timeline for how far we are post-time skip, but by my estimation, we can’t be more than a month past when the embargo officially lifted. Idk I can already smell the mess that is this storyline a mile away.
The SA plot line
Holy fuck. I don’t exactly know what the hell Rachel is exactly trying to achieve with the SA plot line but I can tell you that the handling of it has been piss poor.
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Uhhh... this is great and all except for the fact that Persephone never thought this. There is not one shred of evidence that Persephone ever liked or actually found Apollo handsome. Not even in the very early chapters. She didn't even say that he made her feel special. She said that she liked the way Hades made her feel. Hades made her feel special by grooming her but that's a whole-ass post on its own.
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Even after her assault, she continued to express at minimum a clear discomfort for him in front of others and at maximum immense hatred for him when by herself or with only him. And now suddenly Rachel wants to flip the script? Why? What purpose would that serve? Why is she suddenly backpedaling on a plotline that was established within the first 25 episodes/the second day Persephone is on Olympus? The SA plotline is the longest-running and the "big bad" that has yet to be resolved. But now it only pops up when the story needs a little conflict or an extra boost to drive it forward. Plus now she wants to portray Apollo as this misunderstood ex-love interest/boyfriend with whom the audience is supposed to sympathize? It's disgusting. @genericpuff who I really need to stop tagging in these posts I'm so sorry made an excellent essay about how Rachel is burying the SA plot line that basically takes what I've said above and greatly expands it. Go read it, they made a lot of excellent points.
Ah yes. The mystery deity that was really Hades’ inner child/actual child all along!
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So I actually had a conversation with another LO critic about how weird I thought this "inner child -> actual canonical child" pipeline was. Now, granted, I could be reading into this way too much but when I first read this, I honestly thought it was some kind of weird/unintentional representation of parents projecting their trauma onto their children.
We've seen this little ghost buddy in past chapters and a lot of people (myself included) thought that our ghost buddy was a representation of Hades' inner child. A little Hades if you will. And it was portrayed that way. We often saw our little ghost buddy/little Hades who was extremely traumatized by Hades' past experiences. The part of Hades that just can't let go despite what he may claim about "moving on" or "being better". But if this little ghost/Hades is actually their kid Melinoe, that means they saw everything that Hades went through. All his traumas, all his struggles. Everything. And now also with Persephone and her little jaunt through the mind-scape and the shit she saw. So now we have to recontextualize all of those scenes where Hades interacts with this being and tbh the scenes kind of become very ick? This is such a strange direction to take this particular storyline. Something about it just rubs me the wrong way and I don't know if it's my above complaint or something else.
But yeah. Pretty tame in comparison to some of my past posts and posts that will come. Until the next chapter and/or my next post.
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milfswriter · 1 year
I was wondering if I can request a Rhea smut where the reader gets jealous maybe? also with sub!rhea.
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Y’all really like sub Rhea Huh?
I belong to you
Sub!Rhea Ripley x Reader
Summary: Rhea and Liv get too touchy, you remind Rhea who she belongs to.
Notes and warnings: Dom/sub dynamics, jealousy, slapping, idk tbh
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You were furious. How could you not be when you see YOUR girlfriend touching another woman like that. Ever since Rhea and Liv became a tag team, they’ve been getting on your nerves with all the constant touching and flirting.
You watched their match backstage with a small smile as they won, the smile fading as Liv jumped in Rhea’s arms, hands on her face. Yep, you were fuming at that point. 
A few minutes later, you saw Rhea and Liv coming backstage, still giggling. You were going to kill somebody tonight if Liv doesn’t get away from her. Sonya seemed to notice you staring holes at Liv so she pulled her away from Rhea to ‘show her something’. 
Finally, Rhea seemed to acknowledge your existence and walked to you with a grin. she placed her sweaty head on your shoulder, hands resting on your waist. 
Apart from a possessive hand on the back of her neck, you completely ignored her and reminded yourself that she knows she’s yours. Rhea wouldn’t do anything to hurt you like this. 
You let go of her, walking to the locker room to get your things. “we’re going to the hotel, get your stuff” you told her before walking out and going to the car, leaving her confused. 
You sat in your car in the passenger seat, knowing that if you drove in this state, you’d definitely drive into a tree. She got in the car not long after you did and drove you to the hotel, she tried holding your hands multiple times but each time you pulled your hand back.
As soon as the car stopped in front of the hotel, you opened your door and got out of the car, making your way to your bar inside the hotel, sitting on a stool before texting Demi.
“Take off your clothes and get on all fours on the bed before I come” you were going to teach her who she belongs to.
Sometimes you think she does it on purpose, but you also knew Liv was a touchy feely person in nature. Either way, she’ll know her place by the end of the night. 
You finished your drink and made your way to your shared room. unlocking the door with the keycard, seeing the whole suite dark except the dimly lit bedroom. You know she knows you’re here because when you shut the door loudly, you heard the rustling of bed sheets. 
You got in the bedroom to see Rhea sitting on her knees on the bed while leaning forward on her hands, facing you. You took a deep breath in before walking further into the room, throwing your duffel bag next to the TV. 
“Mistress, I-” you held a hand for her to stop and she did. “Did I say you can speak, brat?” she shook her head with a small smirk it was barely noticeable but you made your way to her, your hands running all over her body.
She was wearing her collar, your favorite one since it had your initial dangling on her neck. you pulled on the leather so she can face you closely, her blue orbs staring into your y/e/c ones. “Who do you belong to?” you asked bluntly and her still-black lips parted in confusion,
“Y..you mistress” your hand went to the back of her neck to maintain that eye contact. She loved staring at you like this, but she couldn’t understand why you were acting like this. Not that she was complaining. 
“Correct! then why were you acting otherwise?” she knew what you meant, she just wanted to act dumb. 
“What do you mean, mistress?” you slapped her across the face, ignoring the moan she let out.
“does that ring any bells?” she shook her head. It goes without saying that she DID know what you mean after the third slap.
“L..liv and I?” she guessed and you hummed in agreement. “that wasn’t so hard, now was it baby? you know why? cause you and I know you were doing it on purpose” she gulped with a smile and you shook your head in warning.
“On your knees. Now!” she scrambled out of bed and did what she was told with a small grin which you uncontrollably returned. 
You were going to have fun playing with her for sure, knowing that Liv’s room is right next to yours, and Rhea is a screamer :).
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kawaiiwritingcomputer · 2 months
Hey hey idk if you're doing requests at the moment but can I have yandere poly (if you're comfy doing poly) scooby gang with a gentle giant female s/o? Like she towers over the whole gang but doesn't like violence unless necessary.
She's like that one meme
"Normaly I'm the healer but... not today" *pulls out a gun*
Thanks if you do this!!
🍄: i don’t write poly,,, but i cannot not write this. i love poly scooby gang in general! thank YOU for this request :3 im writing this as reader is willing as well 😭 i cannot imagine gentle giant resisting nor can i imagine the gang being tooo dubious
Poly!yandere!Scoobygang x giant!Reader:
let’s start with all of them are enamored with how tall you are !!!
you’re always sitting in the back with shaggy and scooby, sometimes making freddy jealous
they all argue over how they’re going to split up and find clues with you
You sit there chilling like ☺️ guys we take turns
sometimes Shaggy wins bc if the particular mystery is super scary, Scooby refuses to go without you
sometimes Velma will come with you and shaggy and scooby to tag along
Normally daphne and fred would be like :( without velma or you but they sometimes don’t mind the alone time either
and vice versa as well when its just shaggy and velma (and scooby ofc but yk dog)
shaggy gets shy around your tall nature and will sometimes pretend to be brave with scooby to protect you but he always ends up jumping in your arms
speaking of jumping into your arms lol 😭 the cut scenes of when you guys are running around trying to run away from the ghoul you guys are trying to debunk: at some point you do end up carrying all five of them in your arms
they all swoon
you help Fred make his traps when he needs to reach certain places.
you and daphne listen to his ramblings while helping him with it
Daphne is your personal stylist ofc
She cannot have one of her cuties being raggedy! Shaggy has the shaggy look down and it’s cute in him, but anyone else? puh-lease!
ofc her daddy’s and mommy’s money pays for your customized clothes bc of your height. sometimes it’s hard to shop lol
Velma is the shyest around you
whether you’re lanky like shaggy or muscular johnny bravo
girl swoons over you literally. she loves going to libraries with you and watching you grab her books for her
Shaggy can too tbh but he likes eating more than reading so you’re taken to the library instead
Shaggy cooks for everyone (canon, sometimes fred joins) but he makes your food portions just like his 😭
big sandwiches and ridiculous toppings and all! unless you have preferences, then scooby will be like “ruh-uh (Y/N) doesn’t like that!”
Scooby stays near you and shaggy as a given
love the personal headcanon that he’ll give you and shaggy warnings if you guys don’t see something that can hurt you guys
so quite literally the look out dog for you
kinda funny how you’re seen as the intimidating one bc your height but it’s literally the whole gang everyone has to worry about 😭
god forbid anyone makes you tear up
the whole gang is pulling up with their personal weapon of choice
Daphne doesn’t even need a weapon 🙏🏽 she just karate kicks them in the throat and then hands you her handkerchief (she keeps it)
sometimes with daphne or velma being taken as hostage, that’s when you put on the brave face to find them by yourself
much to the boys dismay when they realize you disappear too leaving it to shaggy to find the ghoul with you chasing you
“Found them Freddy!”
“Where’d you put Daphne/Velma monster!” is your shout as you continue to chase
“I’ll build trap!”
You hear Freddy and shaggy and set trap up
sometimes it changes but it goes something like that every now and then
with how willing you with the gang and the adventures, you almost forget they’re yandere for you
until it’s time to split up again or it’s time to figure out who gets to sleep next to you (they’re all jealous of scooby for being a dog and being able to sleep on your legs)
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goldenlol · 2 months
also this is sword anon again and honestly your cookie run art is partially why i wanna get back into it after a long time but i remember some drama circulating around that darkmilk has a significant age gap n stuff and in extension so does yammilk (ik your pinned post doesnt include them I just added that since that was part of the discussion) so whats your take on their age thing cuz idk what type of shipper you are lol
I don’t talk about milkyam cause I just don’t like the ship, or most of its shippers. I don’t like a lot of choco ships tbh..but all I will say, is milk would protect choco from yam BUT THATS IT. THATS ALL.
for me, I hc young prince as 15 and milk around the same age, idk maybe 13? I cant see how people think young prince choco was an adult...?? Yes she went out to find a sword by herself but I think she was only allowed that because she is a good fighter and can survive on her own, it’s obvious cacao had trust that choco will return safely.
She just looks tall or mature for her age ig?? I think it’s because how she was raised, never allowed to be a child and trained to be better but yea no, I fr can’t see her as an adult here
edit: I forgot to add but she still kind of had that “oblivious” mindset I guess? Believing she can save her kingdom and could change her fathers mind even tho he’s so stubborn and that mentality of being “a hero just like his father”, I’m sure thats associated w younger people because “ur just a child you don’t know any better”
after she comes back she sees what her father rlly is and basically calls him a coward. It’s fr someone maturing and seeing someone for what they rlly are, not blinded by the child mentality anymore and only seeing someone as perfect when they’re not at all (not saying cacao is a coward mb minty, but bro wasn’t the best father 🙏😔 I love cacao) but also choco is manipulated easily because of her weak mentality.. my girl.
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I know a lot of people are iffy or just hate chocomilk and that’s alr ig but god pls enough w tagging the ship and making threads telling people to hate it.
I know someone whose too afraid to draw it because of what people say and I’m like !! I got you bro I’ll draw it for us!!
Also I don’t think devsis would even allow such a ship to exist if it was wrong?? (it’s funny cause they make art of it n even make captions like that one where choco and lico go to an amusement park together, w “don’t tell milk” )
also I just hate how mischaracterized milk is w choco... my god y’all are weird as fuck w him. Milk wouldn’t harass choco or stalk him pls stop that, it’s uncomfortable..
he respects his space and choco’s life. When he met choco in that cutscene, people took choco being “uncomfortable” around milk, he wasn’t? He was just shocked or just “?? Rlly??” Kind of reaction because this man hasn’t been told anything nice after he became “bad” or whatever, so having someone tell him that he was the reason they became stronger and “want to be just like him” is obviously shocking to her, she wouldn’t believe that she made someone life better because she thought she only hurt people and deserved to be hated and treated in any way.
Anyway yea, they def both met as teens, didn’t see eachother til adults and it’s obvious milk is in love w choco idc (me too bro)
this is long as fuck sorry but GOD I NEEDED TO SAY SHIT!!
Take the cute art tho I love them sm (I think choco just has the mentality that no one could love him after what he’s done so he doesn’t understand why milk faints all flustered n shit but the idea of her being oblivious is cute too 😭 fuck it shes both!!)
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also what type of shipper I am?? Wym
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Yan!Pantalone with fem childhood friend reader-
Sooooo this is actually my fave for me to write ( except that I write a lot of possibilities in the future with this but here goes one of my many thoughts)
What if, reader was there with Pantalone during their hard time as the 'mature figure' aka sister despite yourself in need of mature figure too. Taking care of him, always giving him the better options in food or clothes. Pantalone would remember how you'd always wrapped him with the blankets despite how you trembled from the weather (aight lets see what you got for us in the future after all the bs we've done for you snitch) But good times (not so good but) don't last long right? Especially with reader being famous for her bad lucks and stuffs. Basically, reader was trafficked, leaving Pantalone all alone. Reader knew they were in danger and just a day before this happened, reader shoo Pantalone away, asking him to look for a flower for her (which is super random, idk if he's willing or not, honestly up to you but he still did it anyway). Imagine the horror returning to his 'home' only find a blood trails that ended in the middle of the road. You were nowhere to be seen at all.
Time skip and here's one of the possibilities i really want to see you write it out QwQ
So what if Pantalone was striking a deal with a dude at a beauty house, one that could only be entered by the upper class people. Pantalone hated being there, he just hated how it made him look 'nasty' and he for sure didn't want you to see him like this (lol sike) Just when they were conversing with each other, you came to them, offering them drinks. Pantalone was about to shoo you away again like how he did to others but hell he didn't know how to feel about meeting you in a beauty house.
Obviously he's all sparked in joy to be able to see you again after years of searching for you but he's also internally panicking about his image now. Would you still acknowledge him after this? (Yup, overthinking at its finest but i'd like to pinpoint this as the main problem in his head)
So yada yada yada (up to you) at first reader had a hard time remembering him but after lots of thing and the mention of flower, reader remembered about him.
Soooo,it's a happy ending now right? *yeets* nope we wrote the yan tag for reasons
What happened to you? Oh he's punished people he suspected to be your captors, even the innocents are not safe from his overthinking (idk wht but u get it).
What about the people in the beauty house? Who touched you intimately? Oh how there'd be lots of people missing and dying in a short period of time after all of this.
Not even the people who watched you dance are free from his 'punishments'. Not dead but still, 'punished'.
Oh? The beauty house owner didn't want to 'sell' you to him? Fine he could do it the hard way. What happened to the beauty house? Its business slowly dropped down. Still holding tightly to you? Fine have this blow, a fire burnt down half of the beauty house. He was careful not to burn the area around your room, making sure you'd be able to run away just in time from the fire.
Right, what? The owner still held you tightly as one of his source of income? Fine, bye bye then. Tbh he had a love and hate relationship to its owner, on one hand he knew the owner took good care of everyone, protecting them from all those shady men and ensuring you're still alive up until for him to meet you. But why would he let you work not only as a dancer but also a 'bed warmer'? He didn't care the fact that it's your own willingness.
Either way, he didn't feel any guilt at all. He tried to end things peacefully but it just so happened that the man thought of him as a shady man. What a shame.
Welp, what matter now is that you're here with him now! Althoughhh that didn't mean his overthinking traits ended already. Welp, idk what happened next
Thank you for listening to my long ass ramblings too
*peaces out*
yandere! Pantalone x Childhood friend! AE! Reader
Usual tags, except this one has uh potential gore(?), sexual themes(ain't a yandere without a bit of it), power harassment, drug use, Minors do NOT interact. (Ps, tell me what tags I'm missing) yo this is 3.3 k worth of words.
A Durak's little miss fortune
"Oh bubbles, what have you done? Opening a very interesting plot like that and almost little to no restrictions? I live for it. I hope you aren't too concerned about what fate has for this little flower. " - Scribe
Shadows lengthen, dim streets darken. To most people crept back under their sheets, yet here he is. The man with the very definition of wealth weighed in his name. Sat on a chair of their booked room in the 'beauty house', honestly speaking; he could care less about the establishment that fattens decadence at the lap of luxury. But with his imperial image on the line, or someone's head will roll.
Avoiding eye contact with the wretched woman on stage of the velvet room, body bending and twirling in odd angles, giving an eyeful of imagination to her viewers. As if it is no big deal for her being gawked at.
"Yes, that is our proposition for you, Lord Harbinger Pantalone." Said the rotundan before looking over to the service lady dressed in rather obscene clothing.
"Thirsty, my good sirs?" The 9th Harbinger huffed, waving his hand at the girl attending them.
"How many times do we have to tell you, we don't need-...any… thing…" With an irked voice slightly raised. Stopped midway once he saw the placid woman before him, offering beverages on a stainless steel tray.
"Understood, good sirs. I shall notify my other sisters at once." The once gentle and loving look he misses so much now turned stone cold, bowing before being dismissed. So many questions raced in his mind, why are you here? How? For how long? Wait you're here, you must be disgusted at why he's here instead of finding you.
Pantalone was about to call out to apologise but he's in a meeting and you already disappeared in the sea of people. Sadness stung in his iced heart, yet he dared not show it. Especially when this fatso is in front of him.
"Fancy her, Lord Harbinger?" The well off man asked, curiously. "Can't blame you, Lord Harbinger. Everyone calls her Fortune, she usually sings and dances on stage around the weekends." Oh, he knows what this gross pig wants. Getting on his good side to make the deal a lot easier, unfortunately for him. It merely soured his mood, no one should talk like that to an angel like you. And he means NO ONE.
Next thing he knew, he's at home. Thrashing some of the documents all the clues about his missing half, you. His seething rage would not go unnoticed as he thought of all the sickening situations that they have done to you to make you so submissive bending to the whims of those lowly men. Of how many times you've cried to have someone save you in your predicament, scared and alone.
That last memory he has of that consequential moment into his mind. The pile of rubble that is their home, made from bits and bobs that they happen to come across. Makeshift door broken, an undeniable red stain leading nowhere, followed by claw marks against the dirt and snow. It still haunts him, the day his only warmth in this cruel world is taken away so easily. If he hadn't gone to take that flower instead you would have been at his side… Then again, because of that flower he was able to be acquainted with people, make connections. Almost like you gave him your remaining luck.
"My lord, we have a copy of Orlestine's account book!" An agent reported to him from the door. Orlestine, a wealthy name that holds the yoke of servitude.
" Enter, and leave it on the table" the employee did as they were told. "And one more thing… make sure to keep tabs on her." Added the bifocal man.
"Understood, Lord Harbinger." Leaving the pride of the northland bank alone. Just like the others in his life, but not this time. Not when he has found his other half.
"Soon… I'll make those dastards pay a hundred- no, over millions of times with what they've done with you." His rage knew no bounds as he recalled all the terrible things he told you before you were whisked away from that dumpster fire of a shelter.
"You're a terrible cuddler… " normally you would laugh at his cold affection. He notices your arms wrapping around him, pulling him closer to you.
"Maybe I am, but that doesn't stop me." Your voice trembled as you put your chin on top of his head.
"Always helping that girl at the church… She doesn't even help you." The pretty-eyed boy mumbled, noticing your body has a hint of perfume. He wasn't a fool, he knew that the church girl was taking advantage of your kindness.
" It's not always about getting help." Only you would smile, he hates it. How his chest ached and yearned to be with you, the only gold hearted person he knew.
" You're just going to get hurt." Not knowing of the danger that had instored for the next day, shivered slightly when he felt the draft from one corner.
" Even so, I just wanted to help. " You hugged him more, he could see the warm breath against the chilly wind." Do you want me to sing? " Noticing it's growing late, and knowing his fondness of your melody.
" No way, you sound so terrible." He wanted to bite his tongue at the moment, but he didn't want to sleep. He's scared, and doesn't know what the reason was.
" Alright, alright, I hear you. Rest up, I need you to go get something for me tomorrow morning. It's really important." Soot stained face pouted, looking up at you when he heard that.
" Ha? Didn't you hear what that guy said about a snowstorm tomorrow?" You laughed a bit before rubbing your cold fingers on his cheek trying to get the ash off.
"Please, it's important. " With how soft your voice was, he knew you really needed it. But for what?
" Pah, go find someone else to do that. " Again, he wants to beat himself up for being such an asshole.
" Oh, alright." You merely sighed and kissed his head. For being an understanding person just doesn't sit right with him.
" You're really annoying, you know?" Murmured, leaning his head on your chest. He truly despised the situation they're in.
" Yeah, yeah, just sleep you little munchkin." Pinching his cheek to get a reaction out of him and laugh.
And that was the last conversation he had with you, he wanted to say something different at the time. Still his own mouth betrayed him, barred from showing his own feelings to her. Compared to you, always wearing your heart on your sleeve, a faint light that shines even the darkest and coldest of places.
"Count Kintis." Pantalone threw a knife at a picture on the wall, riddled with red strings. He needed to act fast before his beloved had gone too deep in this little hell of milk and honey.
He wanted to confront you about it first. Going back would be a good start, he had booked a private room and requested you specifically. But got denied at a certain time since she's taken at that hour, he had no choice but to change the meeting a bit before seeing you.
Once Pantalone sat back down in the sinful establishment. He could only imagine what other torturous things they'll do to you. Snapping out of his thoughts when he heard a strikingly familiar voice
" If you had prepared twenty years ago// You wouldn't be a-wanderin' now from door to door//"
Honeyed voice rang in the faintly lit room, looking up to the stage where you stood. Dressed in a shimmery red tight fitting apparel accompanying a person with a piano. Men started to stare, undressing you with their gaze. It's sickening, all he could think of is; how DARE they dirtied your image. The sweetest and pure girl he used to know, reduced to such depravity all because of his mistake all those years ago..
He adores your soft voice that sings to him at night easing his worries. Bringing warmth despite the howling winds. Is the song dedicated to him abandoning you? Is this how you've felt when you wait daily to see if anyone would miss or even save you? He's certain of it… no doubt you have to be rescued.
After the stage, a roar of claps erupted from the audience followed by whistles. Which only further summons his ire. He attempted to follow the songstress to her dressing room for a little chat. But was stopped because some man decided to talk to you, so he had to step in.
"I've been looking all over for you." Pantalone put his hand on your shoulder.
"Oh- uhm.. sir." He hates to admit it, but seeing you a bit flustered is adorable but that's not the point!
"Eh? Do you know him, fortune?" The man seemed displeased with how well dressed and intimate he is with you.
" Yeah, he's my next customer." You bluffed, but that is the truth. The Regrator did book you.
His eerie smile directed at the harasser who seemed to get the message about what might go down, and left. Keeping a mental note on that fellow.
A heavy sigh of relief washed over her. "Thank you, kind sir." Now there's that smile he loves to see. You must be really scared to be here, which is why he's here to scoop you up and pay your debt off.
"It was no problem at all, darling." Despite their age being so close, he had grown taller thanks to your help.
"But I do want to talk to you if that is okay with you. It will only take a few moments of your time." He had practised and prepared for this moment of his life, yet his hands were shaking. Not out of excitement, but with fear.
" Of course." Normally you'd be happy helping someone.
" Excellent, is your name ____?" Asking, no need to be hasty, he needs every little and single detail burned into his mind.
You answered, and everytime he asked another. He was so sure you're that girl he met all those ages ago when he was just a pauper with no mora to his name. The conversation started to circle once there were answers that didn't match up or didn't satisfy him, but paraphrasing the first questions. Growing weary of this, he pulled out a pristine flower and showed it to you.
"You know, a poor friend of mine left me this one pitiful morning. She made me fetch a pathetic flower in hopes to ditch me and have a perfect life without me. She would always sing me these strange songs where twin black stars twinkle in the night to guide damnable souls like mine." Pantalone lied in order to get something out of you, noticing your distressed look. He stopped with his relentless questionnaires.
His face softened once tears started to roll down your visage, ruining your makeup.
"Little munchkin… ?" Using the nickname that you gave him, her hand on her head. It felt like it's going to split.
Gloved hand tried to touch your cheek "Oh, my angel-." But another voice called out to you, seeing you flinched at the sound and quickly put up a façade that everything's fine.
"Fortune… " The older looking gentleman came over to calm you down. Saying something before looking at Pantalone as if he had done something wrong.
He got kicked out of the building. For the first time, he was denied something by a mere commoner. But it won't be the first time he'll be persistent on getting what he wants.
He'll start negotiating, from time to time out of mercy. It would have worked if that old wind bag would just let him speak to you. No one would even look at him or even tell him to come back next time. It's insulting that they're treating him like he's the same beggar before he rose to power!
So he stopped going and began his next phase, fine if they didn't want to talk to them it'll be their own damn fault if ruin comes to them.
Sending some fatui agents around the area to keep tabs. One has reported that you kept singing your heart out of sorrow by yourself in the middle of the night. A tune that would always lull him to slumber… That quelled the voices in his mind that it's a plea for help. But first he has to feed the ever so ravenous knowledge seeker.
Your poor admirers met an 'accidental' demise one by one.. Others met a swift and painless death, another ended with accidents, some went missing, framed and tried in court. Though, he had kept a select few in a pen that ultimately disgust him. First when they devoured the rotting flesh of their leftover livestock. Still hungry, they turned upon themselves. All the while Pantalone watched from afar in the comfort of his opulent home.
Then there's that one time where someone had bumped onto you, they too weren't spared. Especially that girl with a jaded expression. One that threatened to sue you in court for causing her husband's infidelity.
From days to months, the old crod of the accursed métier finally made his move. The stygian haired man found one of the batch being transported, the one that didn't have you in it.
"I gave you numerous warnings and signs, gaffer. Give my little angel back." Pantalone hissed with a sinister smile. He may be merciful to some degree, but there is a limit to his thinning patience with stubborn people.
"Over my dead body, Regrator! First, you harassed my child then proceeded to corner me to a wall. You're nothing but a coward hiding behind that pile of money of yours!" The bald man goaded, using his arms to imitate a shield the girls. It effectively summoned the heavy coated man's indignation.
"Sir, if I may." One agent talks.
"Permission to speak, granted. Be quick about it." He knows this agent would take pity on the old man.
"Thank you, how about a little gamble? A game of Durak." They suggested it, making the banker hum in curiosity.
Durak, a traditional game where the goal is to have an empty hand. Rather odd for the agent to suggest this, since this is one of the things that got him to where he is today..
"What do you say, josser?" The shaven head man looked at the girls and thought this'll be a trap. But what other choice does he have?
With the game set, cards from the beauty owner provided a bit of an advantage on his part..
The first round goes to the owner, then the next, and the next until the fourth when Pantalone had started to catch up. Comparing the two is like calling a zucchini a cucumber.
"l, won." With such triumph, not once did he open his eyes as the defeated player collapsed to his knees, salty tears leaked out of his eyeballs. Pleading the girls to let go as they have nothing to do with this.
"Please, Lord Harbinger, have a heart and leave my children alone!" Cried the loser, begging for the 9th's mercy at his feet after his inevitable defeat at the game of Durak. It was only a matter of time..
" 'Have a heart', you say? Well, I can arrange that." The young man smiled lightly like normal but to the old man that didn't want to hand over any of his girls or 'children' rather, felt the foreboding deal he verbally struck. The girls behind him huddled together, paled at the implications that come with it.
"Oh, he's going to love this patient." Laughed the Regrator as the agents took hold of the caretaker who was thrashing around. He had a plan for the other girls to be sent away, not bothering them… but did send a few other girls to be closely inspected by the doctor for 'analysis'.
"Tell him to take his sweet time with the others." Waving his hands away at the agents that rallied the girls in separate binds, their wails and pleas go unheard by them as they are being pulled to go under the scalpel.
"Lord Harbinger! We have uncovered the girl!" Reported another that just arrived. And now the real fun begins.
Back at his home there you are, resisting Pantalone's kindness when he's trying to be patient with you. Each time returning with a gift covered in gilt. And declined once again. He's just as ruthless as he is merciful to you.
" If you love that vulgar job so much, then I'll be obliged to satisfy you in your needs…"
" Oh, come on… you could do better than that.."
"Look at you… So filthy, whoring yourself out like that...I can't believe you were manipulated into agreeing with those dunces."
Whispering those into your ear as you were chained and gagged to the bed. "My lovely, little angel, don't worry. I'll take good care of you this time. Don't give me that talk about being selfless, they're abusing it…" he ran his fingers through your hair.
" Be a good little munchkin for me instead, sing all those songs when we're young…" it's probably best for you to do as he says.
You had become his security blanket, the only thing besides money that can brighten his day. It's not complete if he didn't wrap your body up in a blanket and cuddle you.
If you did return his feelings, perhaps he'll let you out of the chains occasionally. That goes for accepting gifts from him. You must welcome it with open arms and display it upon your body for him to see. Only you would see that genuine smile on that face when he brushed your hair.
The obsession in his eyes grew darker with time. Mumbling how you don't need to lift a finger anymore for anyone. Just let him be the brains for both of you, and you just sit pretty like a doll for him.
Even after that there is one fear that hasn't been quelled within him. What if you found a way to revolt? What would he do to satiate your needs?
Thinking back, that flower you gave him had allowed him to befriend an alchemist, a pill was given after he shared his sob story.
"Fret not friend, for this is the solution you seek of.. have your friend consume it and then she is all yours until death."
Oh, to use or not to use. It all depends on how you behave, either comply willingly or comply forcefully. Either way, he doesn't want to hurt you. But if it's the betterment to get you to stay in his arms, he doesn't seem to have a reason to be guilty about.
"Dear… open your mouth." You didn't as he tried to push the pill in your lips, hands tried to push him away but felt weak since you tried to boycott by not eating.
"It's for your own good, you'll feel better once you eat it… EAT IT. " Pantalone threatens his darling angel to open her mouth by squeezing her cheeks, tossing the pill in your lips before kissing your lips to force the petite maiden to submission.
Moans escaped your mouth as hands gripped on his back, panting as your body felt sweaty. A black pill like size appeared on your ear. Whispering temptations into your ear and slowly bending to the greedy will of his.
Continuing his kisses down to your collar bone, giving love marks all over your body. For some odd reason it felt warm, light touches are enough to make your vision spin around.
"Ha..! Please… " Some drool dribbled down your chin. Your hands looped over his head pulling him closer to your chest.
"Mm, of course my little angel. Anything for you. Go on. Sing my little angel! "
For some odd reason I feel quite unsatisfied with this. Or am I just being too harsh?
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jackhues · 1 year
i promise - jamie drysdale
request: i love your jamie drysdale fics i just love him he’s one of my favourite players. i was wondering if you could write something where the readers insecure, and he just comforts her
requested by: anon : )
notes: tbh, idk how i feel about this, like i'm sorry it's so short, but it's still kinda cute. hope you like it, thanks for requesting <3
tags: @woodruff-edwards , @austinbutlerscaresme , @zegras2crosby , @l0veforhugh3s , @hockeyboysarehot , @ratkingbunting , @mysticaldonkey , @lam-ila , @babydollmarauders , @starjoyyy , @kjohnson-91 , @gavinbrindley @huggyhugh , @jackhughesily , @panarin10 <3
join my taglist!
gif not mine!
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you ran your fingers over the scar.
running down the back of your right leg, it marked where the incision for your tendon repair surgery had been. finally free of the stitches and leg brace, you were now left with a scar that ran down the bottom of your leg.
it was thick and ugly, the skin still a little red considering how new of a wound it was. the doctor told you it would heal over time, but it’d always be a little visible. 
you sighed miserably at the thought of the swimsuit you’d bought a week before the tendon had snapped. you weren’t sure when you’d be able to wear it now. 
you knew it wouldn’t be anytime soon.
with the ugliest scar to exist running down your leg, you didn’t want to torment the rest of the world. seeing people try to hide their laughter would be worse than laughing outright.
you pulled your sweatpants down to cover the scar as footsteps padded down the hall. you lay on the couch, a barely touched book on your lap and the t.v. remote somewhere underneath you.
“morning,” jamie kissed the top of your head, stretching out as he made his way to the kitchen. “you want waffles or pancakes?”
you shrugged, half paying attention, “either’s fine.”
jamie turned on his heel immediately, furrowing his brows at your answer.
“what?” you asked, curling in on yourself. the look he was giving you was doing absolutely nothing to motivate your self-consciousness.
“are you okay?” he asked, looking you up and down, almost as if he could diagnose you by a scan.
“i’m fine,” you told him. “this better not be a way to get out of making breakfast.”
“it’s not,” he put a hand to his heart as if he was actually offended. jamie walked closer, kneeling on the ground in front of you. “it’s just, you always have a very strong opinion on either pancakes or waffles. every single time. the fact that you’re saying either is making me a little concerned.”
“i’m just a bit tired,” you tried to smile. “um… i think i’ll take waffles today.”
you patted jamie’s head, hoping it would be enough to send him away. but of course, jamie was a little too attentive sometimes.
“y/n?” he sat down in front of you, taking your hand in his. “i’m not gonna force you to talk, but i’m not an idiot. i know something’s wrong. if you don’t want to talk, i’m gonna respect that. but you don’t have to shut me out, i’m here for you.”
maybe you were absolutely done with all the shit you’d been through ever since your injury, or maybe it was the way jamie was so gentle with you, but before you knew it, you were sobbing in his arms, crying about how ugly your leg looked.
“and i hate it so much, jamie,” you sobbed, sticking your face in his shoulder. “i hate it.”
“hey, breathe,” he rubbed your back, holding you close. “breathe, y/n.”
you took a shaky breath, wiping your eyes as you pulled away.
“i’m sorry, it’s so stupid,” you muttered, shaking your head. 
“don’t do that,” jamie muttered. “don’t discredit how you’re feeling. you don’t like it, and that’s fine. but it’s not ugly. not to me, i promise.”
“you’re just saying that because you’re my boyfriend,” you muttered miserably.
“y/n, look at me,” jamie said, tilting his fingers under your cheek to get you to look up. he brought your hand near his back where a scar lay. “you’ve always said you’ve loved my scar, even when i’ve always hated it.”
you began to tear up a bit as jamie continued speaking.
“i promise, y/n,” he kissed your hand, “that your scar is nothing to be ashamed of. if i have to spend the rest of my life loving it, showing you how to love it, i will. i promise.”
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blueiight · 11 months
I was reading your tags to dre's published ask. Do you think while writing about these blood sucking monsters, Anne deliberately made one of them a former slave master? I mean the way this man during his mortal times had benefited by preying on the black race and the reflection of it in his fate where he is now in literal terms an entity who survives by preying on people? Or is it like twilight ( movies) where Jasper's past as a confederate soldeir is just dropped as if it's the most casual thing to shrug away.
( something is up with vampire media and all of them being connected to slave trade my god. Either it is a social commentary or people really do not have any self awarenesses?
i dont know about twilight book or movie to make a meaningful comparison to louis’s book counterpart. i wish i knew. and tbh, its hard to prescribe authorial intent on a dead woman who wrote a sprawling epic of 20+ books for 50 years , especially with shifting perspectives , namely pivoting away from louis to lestat as her MC bc of what fantasy/POV was more interesting to her. but i think in the first book there was some intention there, i cant just say how much. lestat wants to hunt the runaway slaves along the freniere plantation, and louis discourages him from doing it not out of compassion for enslaved people (which would be condescending and abysmal writing for a slaveowning character), but for his proximity to the freniere’s as fellow planters. ive talked about it a lot how its really interesting in the first 2 books that the american planter is created both literally + vampirically by the european aristocrat.. and theyre both parasitic beings in relation to the enslaved people, eventually draining them+ burning the plantation down. iwtv early book louis is resentful of lestat in part bc he thought lestat wanted his plantation, but when he learns who lestat is + where he came from, the power and will he has. hes far more genial to him. its a very dark book, and i think the fact that these characters are so vicious + melancholic is intentional on the authors part. i dont know how much race based chattel slavery is meaningfully explored from the perspective of the slaveowner, but book louis thinking of people in his captivity as fixtures, as creepy ‘things’ more proximate to the supernatural bc of their ‘african nature’ (that had yet to be ‘trained’ out of them) is a very probable, chilling, and haunting perspective of a former slaveowner to take even a hundred and some years removed from it. or if we take it as book louis immersing himself in his perspective @ the time. either way. and its pathetic when fans try to flatten book louis into ‘he was a good slaveowner’ cuz at that point theyre just conflating the movie with the book. i kinda joke that book louis is the vampire it girl bc he was such a terrible mortal LOL. im still indeterminate on the exact mode or purpose, or how much it was just about the aesthetic of gothic horror (re: the earth’s a savage garden). especially bc later books fixate on very discrete modes and metaphors of servitude/subjugation ‘being a slave to the blood’ is a recurring motif running antiparallel with the motif of ‘purifying the african/asian/foreign’ (through ‘admixture’ with the ‘european’) (s/o poacher bro gabi + talamasca bro dave ig) and in later works, theres the cycle of slavery through marius & armand.. marius, whos mother was a slave, purchases armand. chattel slavery took inspo from the romans in the idea of maternal based slave caste inheritance.. idk. idk. ive had very long rambly convos w ppl on here in the past (& im still a bit embarrased abt it) on this, but i think the reasons why fans dont rly get into it is cuz most ppl got into these books at a young age + was just into the cool lore or the queer shit and were able to handwave things as just aesthetic/era/quirky anne things etc. idk.
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sanaxo-o · 6 months
your moots as tbz members? :DD
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Now I am only tagging the moots with whom I interact on a daily basis. Even if I did not include you plz don’t mind me 😭 it must have just slipped my mind because of the exams. But I love every single moot of mine.
Nara @o-onikix : Kevin
Hear me out, she is the literal definition of Kevin, the way this girl always spams me with the most random things on insta 😭. And she like listens to more western artists then me so that’s a plus on top of that her sense of humour makes me want to punch her sometimes (lovingly). Just like Kevin she is always screaming man 😭.
Ally @winterchimez : Sangyeon
Let’s be for real, if I don’t give Als Sangyeon then idk who else would it be (maybe Jacob? Kind of. She is very caring and calm when on call 💀😭) but then whenever we both talk it’s like chaos is always with us. Like my Sabrina girlie <3 I can always count on ally tbh, like I always see myself talking with her about my exams and shit and she is always there to comfort and support me 😞.
Izzy @from-izzy : Sunwoo
I know I once said it was Kevin or Jacob but the more me and izzy talk the more o understand just how much of a danger she is to the society with her craziness…and the way she flirts with me all the damn time?? Like damn girl..(she outdid me in that and I am scared) but then again izz is also like so sweet like Sunwoo (and delulu like him but let’s keep that topic for later). We both can go from talking about something random to something serious or calm in a snap of a finger.
Clo @cloverdaisies : Changmin
This girl, do you see her?? She is batshit crazy. Like the way she says the most unhinged things out of nowhere always gets me and I always see myself laughing whenever with clo. Like not even kidding man and then when we have those deep conversations I always see myself so invested and I just feel like protecting clo and just hugging her 😞. (And me and ally coming at your place to tuck you in bed and to take care of you ‼️)
Bar @sohnric : Eric
No please, if I don’t give bar Eric it’d be like a huge ass crime let’s be for real. Like the amount of energy this girl has all the damn time??? She would be running around the house at 2 am and I won’t even be surprised because that’s normal…but then again when me and bar are together it’s absolute chaos and madness (I am still gonna drive the car)
Gill @astrae4 : Chanhee
Ahh my fellow Chanhee girlie <3. I stand by what I said, Chanhee girlies are so pretty and gill is the definition of pretty. She is also so sweet all the damn time, and I just feel like saving her from all the chaos which goes on in the gc :)
Maya @kimsohn : Haknyeon
Ohh my fellow desi girl <3 this might seem very different but yes. I don’t even remember how we both started talking tbh. We just clicked so well when together 😭. And yk how you feel when you see Hak on the screen? All smiley smiles, that’s how I feel when me and Maya talk hehe. Like I love Maya so much yall 😞‼️
Fawn @juyeonszn : Juyeon
Man do I love her?? Yes I do. Do I simp over the way I simp over Juyeon? Yes I do. Do I love both of them loads? Yes I do. Sometimes fawn is so crazy (most of the times) but then we can have such calm conversations outta nowhere…it’s scary tbh.
Dora @littleroaes : Jacob
You guys don’t get it. Dora is literally so cute 😭. Like the way whenever I interact with her I always find her so cute. And the way I adore Jacob so much as an individual but also as a TBZ member is the way I adore Dora <3 and she is also so hardworking 😞‼️. Like the amount of efforts she put into her fics 😭. She deserves everything man
Special note: me, Sana, am announcing that I would be the one to drive the car when we meet 😼
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i-spaced-sorry · 1 year
Day 2 of my Month of May Writing Challenge: I’m really not sure what this is but enjoy! It’s a Halstead! sister reader x essentially intelligence unit. Idk how to tag this one tbh but it just came to me.
Title: Village
Your POV
You were an anxious person who had a brother who worked for a specialized elite unit in the police force and you liked crime drama shows, so it was no brainer your brain thought of all the irrational scenarios for you to be kidnapped. Like walking to the Target and getting grabbed by someone hidden in the bushes. You drop your phone and the only way anyone knows you're missing is because you do a no call no show at work. Or maybe you're at your door unlocking the gate but it’s taking you a hot second because you're carrying a tray of coffee for you and your siblings. A guy who was watching you for days sees their opportunity and grabs you, inevitably getting you to drop your drinks. Your brothers find out you're missing when they look outside and see your keys, backpack, and tray of drinks spilled out on the ground. 
Realistically you know the likelihood of any of these things happening is low, but you're still on guard. 
That’s why when you find yourself being chased by a man dressed as a construction worker, you're scared but not fully shocked. 
Reaching your brother’s house, you bang on the door with the palm of your hand hoping he or his wife is home and will open the door. Looking back, you can see the man in the distance still running. Knocking harder, you pray someone will open the door. You can feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when you realize the man in question is getting closer and before you have time to knock a third time, you feel yourself being lifted. You begin to wriggle about in his arms and begin to open your mouth to scream, but before you have the chance he clamps a hand over your mouth. 
“Be a good little girl and swallow the pill” he chastises while yanking your head back to take in the pill he had in the palm of his hand. 
You really don’t want to swallow it, but your reflexes kick in and before you know it whatever he had given you, you had swallowed. 
“Good girl” he praises as he drags you away from the door and towards an awaiting van. 
When you wake up, you find yourself tied to a pole in the center of a room. Looking around, you figure you're in a basement somewhere. You pray Jay realizes you’re missing and has started looking for you. 
 Jay POV
It was a slow paperwork day at the office. Nobody seemed too interested in the paperwork we were doing. 5pm couldn’t come fast enough. Y/N was supposed to be getting her homework done on time so that we could enjoy a nice relaxing movie to end the work/school week. 
I knew Y/N was an anxious kid and had a wild imagination. I also knew my job was inherently dangerous so to make sure I could keep an eye on not only Y/N but also the house we lived at, I installed a ring camera and had the feed hooked up to my phone. So anytime someone came to the house I would be alerted. Y/N did not know this cause she didn’t need her imagination running more wild with the possibilities of what could happen. 
While typing away on my computer, my phone lights up with a notification that someone is at the door. I decide it’s best to finish my thoughts in the report before looking. 
When I do eventually look I catch the tail end of someone dragging my sister away and she looks passed out. 
“Voight!” I call out while rewinding the ring camera to see a frantic Y/N continuously check behind her back and then see the man grab her. 
The team gathers around and watches. 
“Adam, Kim, see if we can get facial rec off this partial facial grab” states Voight while putting a hand on my shoulder and squeezing it. 
I can’t believe my sister got kidnapped and I didn’t catch it cause I was doing stupid paperwork!
Your POV
The man had just left the room and all you could do was sob! He roughed you up a bit and told you that you had to be a good little girl, let him call you Saddie and if you did what he told you then you wouldn’t be chained up anymore. You just wanted to go home. 
Jay’s POV
Voight is letting me help with the case, but I have to stay on desk duty. 
“We got a name! His name is Richard Klutz. His rap sheet includes aggravated assault, mandated anger management therapy, possession with intent to sell, and get this he was a good citizen up until 3 years ago.” spoke Kim while Adam put up photos and wrote on the whiteboard. 
“What changed” I asked while swallowing the nausea I was feeling just thinking about my sister being in the hands of this monster. 
“His 13 year old daughter died from Leukemia.” stated Kim. 
The team got to work trying to locate a location that Richard might be at. But we came up empty, until Hailey realized that maybe a family home if his daughter was what made him go off the deep end. 
“1455 S Archer, he is still paying property taxes on the place. It didn’t come up in the initial search cause the house is under his ex's name.” I said from my desk. 
“Let’s roll out!” called Voight. I watched as everyone grabbed coats and began to shuffle out. I prayed my sister wasn’t hurt too badly! I couldn’t wait to get the call to head to the hospital to see her!
Your POV
The man, who had begun referring to himself as daddy, had beat me up some more and was now in the process of cutting my hair. My hair isn’t that long to begin with, it’s just past my shoulders, but he is trying to make it like a pixie cut, but he is using kitchen sheers and it hurts and I just know it my heart it’s going to be a botched job I’m going to have to pay to get fixed.
“There, all pretty” he sing songed while petting my now pixie short hair. 
I scowled and spit out, “go to hell”
Before he could punch me again for cursing I heard the door upstairs and footsteps. The team found me!
“Down here!” I screamed while smirking at the man. 
A rush of footsteps came barreling down the wooden staircase and I smiled in relief when I saw Adam, Kim, Kevin, and Hailey! 
Adam and Kevin tackled the man and both Hailey and Kim came to untie me. Once untied I fell into Hailey’s arms and sobbed! 
“It’s okay babygirl, we got you, you’re safe now” she reassured me. 
Third Person POV
At the hospital Jay met everyone. Ethan confirmed that Y/N didn’t need to stay overnight, but she did need to stay for a few hours to get rehydrated from an IV and get her wounds cleaned. Dr. Charles also came for a visit and they discussed that even though she had thought of all these various scenarios happening to her, this was definitely not her fault and she was not asking for it. He also recommended she had some one on one therapy to manage her anxiety going forward and to also have family therapy with Will and Jay to help her voice her thoughts about them having dangerous and time consuming jobs. And also so that Will and Jay can learn how to communicate with her about important things without feeling like by doing so they are going to trigger her anxiety. 
Hailey and Kim decided that they would take Y/N for a girls day. They got a haircut to fix her botched pixie. Then they went for mani & pedis. 
Kevin and Adam decided they were going to do their own day with her, which included teaching her self defense moves and ended with teaching her how to play video games after she kicked Adam a little too hard in the nuts. 
Voight’s way to help Y/N through her trauma was to take care of Richard Klutz and make sure he left town and never came back. 
Through it all, Y/N and the Halsteads realized that it truly does take a village to raise someone and damn do they have a village around them!
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streaminn · 1 year
If no one is going to talk abt streamer Wednesday au then I guess I’ll just have to do it myself (I have a questions) (and scenario) (yes I searched up the tag to have more things to say) (not much wenclair tho)
What did Wednesday do after the massive ban (who’s her moderator btw ? Eugene ?) ? Like, did she just stare in disappointment at chat ? Told them that Enid is really important to her ? Had a talk with them abt Outcasts discrimination ?
Wait are there any Outcasts in the chat ? How did they react to the rest of chat’s fear ? Did some of them agreed (those who are not werewolves) ?
(A bit unrelated but I have this little idea in my head that Outcasts can lowkey sense when someone else is an Outcast (reason why Wednesday trusted (? I need to rewatch the show) Tyler that quickly) but it’s not like « Oh ! This guy’s an Outcast ! » it’s more like « There’s something about this guy »)
What about Enid ? How did she react ? Did Wednesday even told her ? Or did she saw it somewhere ? (does this Enid watches Wednesday’s streams ? Like the replays or whatever idk how Twitch works)
Also, you said that Enid is kinda running herself ragged (does she have any days off ??) bc she feels guilty about letting Wednesday pay the rent, but Wednesday has to notice that, right ? The bags under Enid’s eyes, how tired she sounds, the lack of colors in her hair. What does she do ? Does she wake up one day, looks at Enid being this 🤏 close to passing out and goes ‘you’re taking the week off, I don’t want to deal with a walking corpse again’ ? I feel like it would be kinda in-character. No idea how Enid would react tho
Assuming that Enid went like ‘… okay’ or had a day off, I kinda imagine her inviting Yoko & Co over (in the weekend cause they’re 21 and all (?) go to college (and also so she and Wednesday can have some not-girlfriends quality time together). Wednesday allowed it bc she knows how a pack friends are important to Enid and the wolf promised her that they will just stay in the living-room while Wednesday streams (what’s her schedule ?) or something else. Then, like 15min after they arrived, Yoko opens the door to Wednesday streaming room (I like to imagine that it’s soundproof) with Divina (that she dragged with her) and she just says « Hi shorty ;) » and leaves.
Wednesday just rolls her eyes bc at this point she’s used to it but chat, after seeing Yoko’s too sharp fangs and Divina’s unnaturally light eyes, explodes. Idk what they’re doing, I haven’t thought that far tbh
And the last thing I have to say is that I headcanon that Wednesday helped a lot for the absolute mess of a cult and blackmail that Morning Song was to Bianca. That’s why they’re friends to me. A little frenemies, there’s still some rivalry, maybe even some tension but they’re friends. If there’s something wrong, like serious wrong, asking the other for help is a valid option (Wednesday still mostly goes to Enid and Bianca to Yoko/Divina but ! The option is here)
Now that I laid the background :
Wednesday’s streaming and Enid’s at work. But are shadows under Wednesday’s door. Some viewers notice and are like ??? but before they can do anything Bianca just opens the door and is like ‘I need you to come with me’.
Now, Wednesday knows her friends allies, it has taken her a lot of time (years) but she learned and studied and them, she knows them. Right now, Bianca may appear calm and collected, or even cold to an outsider, but Wednesday sees that there’s something wrong, serious wrong, so she cuts the stream and goes with her.
Meanwhile, chat just saw some siren barging in, telling -not asking, telling- Wednesday to come with her and Wednesday did. They’re all panicking in the channel’s Discord (if Wednesday has one), like « omg did weds just got sirened??? » « she’s going to get killed !! » « yall i’ve heard stories abt sirens killing and eating people at sea what if they were true ??! » , an exact inch away from calling the police before Wednesday sends a little « I’m fine, stop dramatizing » or whatever
(it’s 1am and most of this hasn’t been reread so if there’s any spelling error, things that I’ve written two times, missing pieces of text or just a general sense of messiness then : sorry lol)
Wednesday sighs after the massive ban and continued onward like nothing happened. The fact that she practically killed half her fanbase says alot so the people thatre left behind or trickle in know and are alot more cautious now
yeah definitely! while there are other outcasts in chat, there's smth different abt werewolves yknow? I mean there must be a reason for why they had to be in cages in nevermore
The outcasts are more of the warnjing sort, just hoping their streamer doesn't die to the monster living in her house
(meanwhile Enid is literally having her face cradled by Wednesday while they're both in bed)
Tho idt Enid would watch any of the streams, she respects Wednesday's privacy too much to do so. She does visit the room alot tho, so chat is low key kind of scared and kind of used to the shadow that lingers by the door and the thump of a tail somewhere off screen
Haha.. Totally normal behavior and not a sign of a potential killer in your house Wednesday! I hope you know what you're doing
(Enid's literally happy, her tail is wagging, just how dramatic do they gotta make her out to be 😭)
Don't worry tho, enid goes to work around the time Wednesday starts to stream and comes back by the time it ends so you bet she destresses alot with Wednesday
and she actually has alot of vacation time! The place she works at is pretty generous bc Enid is one of the long lasting employees so it kinda has been saving up. She just works alot bc it's a good distraction and so she can earn for the both of them (not needed but she feels obligated after all the Addams did for her)
As for the pack? You bet Enid is chasing yoko around, they roll around like little kids with Bianca and Divina chatting. They're having fun, good for them
And I totally see Wednesday and Bianca's relationship going how you explaining it!! They're alot more used to each other now but the signs of more and more outcasts being in Wednesday's life is low key giving chat a heart attack
Is aight lizard anon, im surprised people are into this au. Nothing much is coming onto mind but my inspiration here is beastars honestly LMAO
Hope your sleep was nice!
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2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12 and 25 for the choose violence asks
Tumblr media
Adjfhdgdgf mildly mortifying but very fair! I’ve also just been assuming any prompts I get are for Grishaverse fandom because that’s just the majority of what I’ve been getting asks about
Choose Violence Ask Game
2. A compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
I am running out of these! I don’t think most of the characters are like “would never ever top or bottom” tbqh.
I think Zoya’s a top, no question. Nikolai strikes me as a switch with tremendous brat potential lmao. I think KoS leaning into her chaining him up every night was really funny and I support it. A cursory glance I took at the Zoyalai tag awhile ago seemed to suggest that the fandom doesn’t really capitalize on that? Highly disappointing!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
People saying Alina was the villain of the story. She’s a teenager trying to not get dragged into magic slavery and being forced to commit genocide like come onnnnn
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
Darklinas lol real unfortunate that I’m in the same trash can
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Definitely not hate but I find the crows pretty annoying at this point just because their fans are so loud and get pretty superior when it comes to the trilogy. Also would have been true of show!Darkling if I didn’t already find him so annoying and disappointing.
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Genya/David sucked. I really wanted Genya/Zoya to be a thing though I knew it was never going to happen. I think David was better in KoS but in the trilogy he’s just so boring and I felt like his big speech he gives her in R&R was rather barbed? I didn’t like it!
12. The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Oncat is the most important character actually!!
I don’t know who’s unpopular tbh. Alina? So many people are mean about Alina. I actually shdhff did not like her much at first but I got really defensive of her seeing how the fandom talks about her and now she’s my daughter.
25. Common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
I mostly wish fans would just take a walk and chill out. Leigh Bardugo didn’t break into your house and kick your puppy. I find the way people talk about her as a person really appalling and unacceptable. Like she wrote some books! You can have your opinions on it but she doesn’t owe you anything? Idk I wish people would just have boundaries.
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engrossedindulgence · 8 months
Transmasc Manga Reccomendations
OK so I have a anime planet list of transmasc manga but since anime planet doesn't have every manga that features a transmasc in it, I'll be putting it here! This is specifically transmasc cuz A. I am transmasc and B. if I tried to name every manga with a transfem this post would be too long, if u want good resources on how to look for trans characters in manga I'd recommend checking the transgender character tag in baka updates manga!
I'll also add TWs in case u need it though in general these stories deal with topics of homophobia and transphobia
After School Mate:
The final chapter just came out so now's a good time to read it! It's sweet, not the best tbh (very simplistic and the story is kind of boring) but it's a wholesome slice of life
Bokura no VR
One shot, a comedy but doesn't treat the trans character like a bit, pretty good, but doesn't focus on transness
Boys Run the Riot
I (personally) don't like Boys run the Riot BUT it does the job! It's nice, the themes are a bit heavy handed and it makes some....shitty ass points but hey I'll take any representation !
TW for suicide if reading
Personally, I didn't really like it LMAO just cuz of how wordy it is (a lot of old, historical manga is incredibly wordy, take Paris no Ken as an example) but it's pretty good !
Family Compo
TW for sexual assault
Ok so like. This is bad <3 Read it if u want but don't expect anything
Fire Punch
TW for sexual assault, zoophilia/beastiality, a LOT of gore, nudity, and a lot of sex jokes LoL
Fire Punch is very good, if u haven't heard of it it's the first serialized manga by the Chainsaw Man guy ! It's better than Chainsaw Man imo but I have terrible taste and I think a trans person being in a story elevates it to god tier status LMAO but there's also a lot of heavy subject matter (if u couldn't tell from the TWs) so read with caution (but it's very good if u do choose to read it, it's my favorite manga)
G. I. D
Not translated BUT I have raws if anyone wants to...y'know...translate it.....hi :3
Haikei Seken Sama
Also not translated (except for a shitty translation I made I never uploaded cuz it's bad) but it's pretty good!
Heart no Daiya
The transmasc in this manga is a very minor character but I actually really like him LMAO would recommend
Honey & Honey
Mainly about a sapphic couple BUT a LOT of the secondary cast are trans men (also I think the writer ends up getting with one of the trans men in the story so good for her!)
Level E
Would heavily reccomend! It's good and has a happy ending :3
My Hero Academia
Never watched or read but Tiger exists so I have to put it on here LoL
Orange Sweet Olive Blossoms
Ok so this is incredibly debatable BUT the main character declares they are a man and had seen themselves as a man for their whole life so.....I'm counting it
Our Dreams at Dusk: Shimanami Tasogare
Tbh this is a good manga I just remember none of it ! The trans character is a background character with a pretty short plotline but it's a good read regardless
Paros no Ken
Same case with Claudine of being really wordy, but still good! I really like the main character LMAO
Sakura-Chan to Amane-Kun
My icon.....um I like this one a normal amount ! Please read it it's so cute
Seton Academy: Join the Pack
Don't read <3
Shonen Note: Boy Soprano
Also debatable, but a character is implied to be transmasc (though never fully stated)
Sket Dance
REALLY minor character who shows up in the last dance arc, but really cute story! Would recommend
Stop!! Hibari-Kun
Trans guy only shows up in one chapter but also I love him, please read
The Gay Who Turned Kaiju
Good manga! Have only read once, but I liked it :3
To Strip the Flesh
ALSO really good! Would recommend. I'm running out of things to say
Main supporting character is transmasc non-binary I think ? Idk there's only been four chapters so I'm not too sure
Wandering Son
TW for sexual assault
Kinda boring but I'd still give it a shot! I have never fully read it through tho LMAO
Welcome to room #305
Pretty cute! I never read the full manga (only the arc about the trans character) but I liked what I did read
TW for sexual assault, a lot of nudity, a lot of blood/death, trans misogyny
I wish I could recommend this one cuz I LOVE THIS MANGA but also.....a lot of it is terrible....but I love it.....if u wanna read it I'd recommend it just heed the warnings please!
Yuzu no Koto
Pretty cute! I'm running out of things to say LoL
Zenbu Kimi No Sei
TW it's an ecchi manga....so....nudity and fan service...a lot of it
A gender bender ecchi manga BUT it does have two transgender characters (one of them got a major plotline recently) and tbh it's pretty well written! I'd recommend it
Good! I liked it
Only read this once but it was really good from what I recall!
TW for sexual assault
Ok so this is gay porn so be 18+ to read it, tho it's cute!
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sirenascelestiales · 2 months
Honestly, considering the show/writers never acknowledged Daphne’s marital rape of her husband, and they only had a slight acknowledgment of Edwina’s feelings on Kate x Anthony, like I don’t think there will be a satisfactory resolution to Pen’s betrayal of the Bridgertons (Marina/Colin and Eloise/Theo) or of Eloise’s “friendship” with Cressida (and anything else she might do as “revenge”).
I think they’ll blow over the latter “I said I’d rather die than be her friend and I still mean it” and hugs all around or some other scene like that (which I know is simple and that’s my point). And Pen will apologize and confess that cause she’s so in love with Colin and she wanted to be noticed and she’ll be forgiven without much else from Colin. And maybe a little more for Eloise, if that.
(Spoiler’s for the books in case people care about that).
They forgive her for Whistledown in the books, Colin is worried more about her being revealed as Whistledown than her writing shit about him (tho nothing she writes is like Marina/Colin is not in the books. Daphne basically forgives her for anything she wrote about that but tbh she doesn’t seem to mind anyway). And, they like sorta acknowledge it as “wtf” thing, but it’s blown over quickly imo. “Oh well that’s nice dear” sorta reaction. And Eloise does have even more of a backbone than in the books but idk I just don’t see why and what people seem to want out of Bridgerton.
Eloise is going to somehow befriend and fall in love with Crane! You’re telling me the girl running around with Theo and “radicals” will suddenly fall for the guy boring the fuck out of Marina?
Like, I’m sorry but Bridgerton is pretty people hooking up with a regency background. They will not “do right” by most people’s standards of how the characters should act and how to apologize (Daphne and Simon make up after professing deep love in the rain! Anthony is shocked into confessing for real cause Kate fell of a horse! It’s for DRAMA, and then it’s resolved kinda easily?)
I’ve seen some more of nuanced takes against Pen, at least these people aren’t reducing her to a fat villain (cause when they did that I could not take them seriously 😒). And honestly a lot of it is fair, that’s good! The writers don’t care.
But now I keep seeing people hating Eloise to the point that they want a comeuppance that is not proportional to her “revenge”…and like… it won’t be as serious as y’all are making it to be. This “revenge”. Like please, the writers aren’t going to suddenly take this world seriously. See above and those are just 1 example for each season!
If they wanted to acknowledge all the hurt Pen put people through and make her work to become a better person, they could! I just don’t think they will because it’s 8 episodes per season and in this season they’re trying to find a way to get Colin and Pen together and Eloise and Pen as friends again by end of season. I don’t think they’ll extend a conflict into Ben’s season (I actually hope they don’t, I like Ben and Sophie’s story for the most part and while I love Anthony and Kate they shouldn’t be the focus either).
Idk what people expect I guess. if you’re watching it for Pen to be taken down a notch… might not be the season for you. If you’re hate watching I guess tag it with “anti” whatever and not the regular tags?
I’m sorry if you think she does not deserve an happy ending, I don’t necessarily disagree that she’s undeserving of some crow eating for what she’s done. However, I don’t think the writers care to make her go through that. And I don’t watch Bridgerton for brilliant character development that I think some of y’all want.
That being said I’m curious about how they’ll manage LW post Colin x Penelope marriage. In the books it basically disappears, and maybe they can use that to have a build up to Pen! However that means to me making their relationship last longer than as season and I do not want that for any of the couples.
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