#team Bebe tatter
belovedjeju ยท 5 months
Hi there Bunny~
It's finally nice to see another writer who writes for SWF2 ๐Ÿฅน. May I ask for a Fluffy Tatter X Fem reader imagine? Maybe something like reader gets into a minor accident? (If it's not too much to ask)
And Tatter take cares of you, just pretty much babies you.
-awisespirit ๐Ÿต
Omg hiii! I had a lot of fun with this one so thanks for the request bunny๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿฟ. I didnโ€™t know what kinda accident you were referring to so I just took some creative liberties on that part ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
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Word count:~2.1k
Tw: Fluff, slightly suggestive but nothing you need to tilt your nose up at
Note: Any relation to any real person or place is purely coincidental and is not indicative of any real personโ€™s personality or life.
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You should get the award for the clumsiest bitch on Earth.
Youโ€™re currently laying on the floor, commiserating in your own misery. Why, you ask? Well, when youโ€™re having the worst day of your life, laying on the floor is really the best thing to do.
First, you had prepared to go to campus to take your final exam for your least favorite class, Math, with your least favorite teacher, Kim Eun Soo, only to find out that it had started thirty minutes earlier, and you only had two hours left to take a 200 question exam.
Then, you get called in by your boss to come in to the shop at the last minute, because one of your coworkers quit and there was no one else to pick up the shift. On the way there, you wasted hot coffee all over your lap, and had to use one of the pants in the store, which is definitely โ€œcoming out of your paycheckโ€, according to your lovely boss. You then proceed to be berated by a customer for not having the size of pants she wanted, because you had taken the last pair just five minutes prior.
As you bowed in apology, your coworker was coming by with the grabber used to get clothes off of the higher racks, and it hit you in the back of the head when you were standing up, causing you to smack your head on the counter in front of you.
So, you proceeded to spend the rest of your shift with a raging headache and once that was done, you had to drive all the way back home with your dirty jeans that were making your car smell like old coffee.
You were so ready to lay down in bed and decompose silently, but of course, luck just wasnโ€™t on your side, because as you entered your kitchen to fix yourself some water, the kitchen sink didnโ€™t want to work.
You would turn it on and off, but nothing would come out, which was worrying because you didnโ€™t feel like spending money to get it fixed, thirstiness be damned. Just when you were about to give up and go about your business, the spout suddenly burst, shooting water right in your face. You screamed as water rushed out, spilling all over the counter, the floor, and of course, you.
Thankfully, you were able to shut it off quickly, but as you were wiping off the counters, you ended up slipping, foot caving in and falling to the floor.
Which is how you got here, entire body hurting and just about the end of your rope.
โ€œShould I just die,โ€ you say, deadpan, as you stare up at the ceiling. Maybe this could be your new career, a stay-on-the-floor girlfriend while your partner goes out and makes money for the both of you.
You could just mold into the floor and Taeyoung can use you as a decoration piece for the living room or something.
Thatโ€™s it! Thatโ€™s what youโ€™ll do instead of moving. Taeyoung would understand. Of course she will. If she loves you she will.
You faintly hear the sound of the door opening, and your girlfriendโ€™s lovely voice as it rings throughout the air. Her voice is almost enough to make all of the pain of today go away. Almost.
โ€œ(Y/n), are you home?โ€ She calls out, and you can hear the jingle of her keys as she sets them down.
โ€œIn here,โ€ you answer, and you hear her footsteps as they get closer.
โ€œBabe, where are you?โ€ Her confused tone of voice makes you giggle a bit.
โ€œDown here,โ€ her head immediately comes around the corner as she spots you. โ€œCareful, floorโ€™s wet,โ€ you warn as she cautiously steps closer.
Tatter takes in the wet floor and your disheveled state, bewilderment clear on her face. Youโ€™re completely soaked, hair in shambles and tired look in your eyes.
โ€œWhat are youโ€ฆ what happened,โ€ Taeyoung says, blonde hair framing her face as she looks down at you with furrowed eyebrows.
โ€œThis is my new job. Iโ€™m going to become one with the floor so you can use me as a decoration piece for the living room,โ€ you close your eyes and continue to lay there. โ€œHuman life isnโ€™t for me, yโ€™know? I wasnโ€™t meant to be a part of actual society, so youโ€™re just gonna have to take care of me from now on.โ€ You say, body deflating even more.
โ€œOkayโ€ฆ?โ€ Is the only thing Taeyoung can say back to you, not knowing what to make out of this. โ€œDo you want to tell me why, maybe?โ€
You only stay silent, feeling like if you talk about it then youโ€™ll just end up crying.
โ€œDo you want to maybe get off the floor, then?โ€ You shake your head, staying where you are. Your girlfriend wasnโ€™t having it though.
โ€œAlright, get up,โ€ Tatter says, grabbing your arm and pulling you up, only for you to hiss in pain.
Your body does actually hurt, all jokes aside. Taeyoung immediately drops you after hearing you protest, only for your body to hit the floor again, which is justโ€ฆ perfect.
โ€œOh shit, babe Iโ€™m so sorry,โ€ Tatter panics, crouching down but not knowing where to touch you. โ€œFuck, is your head ok? Where does it hurtโ€“โ€
Tatter cuts herself off when you start to sniffle, tears forming in your eyes.
โ€œShit, baby, I really didnโ€™t mean it, ok! I was only trying to get you off the floor and,โ€ Tatter rambles as she helps you sit up, and you immediately push your face into her chest, tears flowing freely as it all becomes too much.
You wrap your arms around Tatter, who immediately reciprocates the affection.
โ€œCome on, baby, letโ€™s get you cleaned up, ok?โ€ You say nothing, letting her try and move you, only for you to wince when you put pressure on your ankle. Tater notices immediately. โ€œIs it your ankle, hun?โ€ You just nod, only for you to gasp as Tatter picks you up with ease, carrying you to the bedroom as you look down at her in shock. โ€œWhat,โ€ she says, smiling cheekily at you, โ€œwhy do you think I hit the gym so hard? Itโ€™s so I can carry you like a princess!โ€ She bounces you in her arms, and loves the way you laugh, burying your face in her neck as it begins to heat up.
Tatter enters the bathroom and sits you on the edge of the tub, turning on the water after plugging it in. As you watch it fill up, Tatter adds soap to the water and swirls it around with her hand.
She puts your hair in a high bun and then proceeds to peel off your wet clothes, chucking them in a corner with a faux disgusted look on her face.
โ€œThere,โ€ she says once all of them are removed, โ€œNow you can relax properly.โ€ She kisses you on the cheek and holds you hand as you get in the tub, warm water immediately soothing your sore skin. She turns off the tub, grabbing a rag to wash you off with. She runs the rag over your shoulders, your chest, your back, and your legs with care and tenderness, and it makes you want to cry. You let it all happen, body feeling heavier and heavier with each passing moment.
Tatter admires you as your eyes flutter shut. She admires your long neck as you tip your head back, the way your chest moves slowly up and down as you breathe so steadily. She admires the way the water glides over you, making your skin glisten in the light. She runs her hands from your shoulders to your chest, giving you a small kiss on your neck as well.
โ€œMy babyโ€™s so pretty like this,โ€ another kiss on your cheek, โ€œso peaceful and relaxed,โ€ her lips meet yours, slow and steady. She starts kneading your shoulders, eyes furrowed at the tension there. โ€œOh, this day mustโ€™ve been awful for you. Youโ€™re so stressed outโ€ฆโ€ Tatter watches you nod, leaning into her every touch. Her fingers meet the back of your neck, rubbing her thumbs into it gently. You sigh, craning your head forward.
โ€œTaeyoung,โ€ you whimper, hand reaching up to clasp hers. Your girlfriend grabs your hand and places a kiss on your palm, feeling your pulse beat through your wrist.
โ€œMy lovely girl,โ€ she rubs your back in circles, kissing up your arm and on your shoulder. Her hands reach down, rubbing your waist and back up again. โ€œYou need a break,โ€ she states, wiping off the soap from your body.
โ€œCan you join me, please?โ€ You ask, looking up at her with hazy eyes.
Taeyoung smiles, never one to deny you much. She strips in front of you, knowing that your eyes will never leave her body. Your hand reaches out to grab onto her hip, planting a kiss on her thigh. You scoot up to let her fit into the tub, and allow her to wrap her arms around you and pull you close to her. Tatter plants a bunch of kisses on your neck and shoulders, squeezing your sides again. You rub your hands up and down her thighs, humming softly.
Tatter tilts your head up, lips meeting yours in sweet bliss. The only sound that fills the bathroom is the sound of lips smacking against each other and the sound of bodies moving in the water, and itโ€™s music to both of your ears.
You start panting into her mouth as Tatterโ€™s hands roam your body, but Tatter pulls away all too soon. She nuzzles her nose into your cheek, cooing at you.
โ€œLetโ€™s just relax for now, ok? Weโ€™ll have time for that later,โ€ she whispers into your lips, giving you one last peck before she starts to wash herself off, you helping a bit too.
After the tub is drained, Tatter sits you on the edge of the tub and dries you off first, drying each part of you individually. She wraps you in the towel, lets your hair down, and grabs a towel for herself as well.
โ€œHowโ€™s your ankle, love?โ€ She bends down and takes your right foot in her hand, thumb rubbing over your slightly swollen ankle. You huff at the contact.
โ€œIโ€™m sure itโ€™ll be better in the morning. Just a little accident, thatโ€™s all,โ€ you say, voice wavering. โ€œSink attacked me earlier.โ€
Tatter chuckles, placing a kiss to your ankle and lifting you into her arms once more. โ€œAttacked you? How so?โ€
โ€œWouldnโ€™t work when I tried to get something to drink earlier, sprayed me with water when I gave up,โ€ she sets you down on the bed softly. โ€œThen I proceeded to fall on the floor and hit my head for the second time today,โ€ you watch as Tatter goes to grab some clothes for you both, two oversized shirts and underwear.
โ€œWhat was the first?โ€ Tatter says, walking back over to you.
โ€œCoworker hit me in the head with a pole and I ended up hitting my head on the counter at work,โ€ Tatter winces in response, imagining the scenario now. โ€œNo underwear for me?โ€ You ask as she sits you up, putting your shirt on.
โ€œEasier access for later,โ€ she says cheekily, giving you a small wink. Your face heats up and you look away.
Tatter dresses herself, climbing into bed afterwards.
โ€œAnd not to mention that my boss called me in at the last minute, and so I had to speed from my final โ€“which I was late toโ€“, and I wasted coffee on myself,โ€ you rub at your thighs, happy you didnโ€™t get any burns on you. Your poor jeans, though.
Tatter sighs, hugging you from the side. โ€œOh, my poor baby, the world had it out for you, I swear.โ€ She kisses you on the cheek, hoping itโ€™ll brighten your mood, which it does.
โ€œI swear, Taeyoung, I mustโ€™ve had terrible karma in my past life. Simply terrible,โ€ you pout, curling into her.
โ€œWell, letโ€™s hope you do enough good in this one to not be so unlucky next time,โ€ she gives you a mischievous grin as she places more kisses on your cheeks and neck. โ€œI know I can get a lot of good karma tonight,โ€ she declares, playing with the hem of your shirt.
โ€œOh,โ€ you quirk an eyebrow at her, wrapping your arms around her neck once she leans over you. โ€œAnd how do you plan on doing that?โ€
โ€œBy making you call for God all night long, of course,โ€ she kisses you as you both giggle, you playfully tapping her on her shoulder.
โ€œYouโ€™re so corny, baby,โ€ you say through your giggles.
โ€œI tell nothing but the truth. Now lay down and let me make you feel better, ok?โ€ She says impatiently, and you do as youโ€™re told, letting your girlfriend take care of you for the rest of the night.
83 notes ยท View notes
badasgirlfriend ยท 7 months
NO WAY TATTER HAS A GF AND THIS IS HERvbsjwjwns??/?2!2!!2/!
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15 notes ยท View notes
badaleesbish ยท 7 months
.......Threesome? | Bada Lee x Reader x Tatter
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"You ready for this?"
"Ready as I'll ever be."
Bada and Tatter were about to perform a piece that they made for a dance workshop. Tatter could help but feel a little nervous and a bit worried. 'What if she messes up?' or 'What if she trips or falls?' or 'What if she ruins the choreography for Bada?'
All these negative thoughts flowed through Tatter's head as she faced the mirror, marking the dance over and over again before class started. You could help but feel bad for Tatter. She's your best friend, and you hate seeing her like this. You sighed and walked over towards Tatter, she saw your reflection in the mirror, and she smiled ๐š•๐š’๐š๐š‘๐š๐šข.
"How you feel, babe?"
"I'm a little nervous. Can you tell?"
"Yeah, Tat, I can. You've gone over the choreo like a thousand times since we got here."
"I know, I just don't want to mess up, you know. I don't want to disappoint Bada."
"Tat, you're not going to mess up, and you're damn sure not going to disappoint Bada. And so what if you do have a little hiccup, I'm almost positive that Bada will not care. Bada is the sweetest soul. We both know that."
"Thank you for being the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for."
"Tat, Y/N, class is starting. Let's go."
Tatter pulled you into quick but loving and even placed a small peck on your cheek before skipping over to Bada, who was taking attendance for this workshop.
Screams filled the dance studio as the two women began dance. You couldn't lie and say you weren't excited as well. You sat in this very dance studio and watched as Bada and Tatter came up with this choreo, and you threw a couple of suggestions out for them as well, so this piece is quite special for all of you.
The music began to play, it's almost like a switch flipped in both women's heads. The music took over their bodies as they moved to the lyrics, rhythm, and beat of the song. You were completely speechless watching this piece, like yeah, you saw it already, but this time, it hit totally different. You could feel the tension between the two women as they dance.
It's kinda hot, watching the love of your life dance with your best friend to this quite sensual song. As the choreo came to the end, Bada turned Tatter around, placing her hand around Tatter's neck, tilting her head upwards and slowly gliding her hand down her chest.
You were in shock at what you just witnessed. Your girlfriend just choked your best friend, and why did it kind of turn you on? Tatter, on the other hand, was a bit flustered because that was not part of the choreo, but why did it kind of turn her a bit?
As the dance workshop went on, you felt yourself getting more and more aroused at the thought of your girlfriend choking your best friend out as she ate her out as you watched them teach the choreography to the class of their students.
Tatter tried to avoid any eye contact with Bada because that would just make matters worse now that she is basically dripping through her panties right now.
Bada noticed that Tatter was acting a little weird, every time she would look at Tatter, she would look away very quickly. Bada grabbed Tatter's hand, causing her to whimper at the sudden touch of her hand. Tatter quickly pulled her hand out of Bada's grip, looking down at the studio floor embarrassed at the sound that just let her mouth.
"Tat, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little tired from dancing all day. Let's finish up the class, yeah?"
"Okay, let's finish up."
The dance workshop came to an end, and Bada decided to stay back for a while to talk with a couple of her students and have a mini meet and greet with some fans.
"Hey baby, don't wait up for me. I'll be here for a while, but I'll be home as soon as I can."
"Oh, don't worry, love. Tatter and I are having a girls' night tonight, so I'll be fine."
"Okay, well, have fun. Be home soon. I love you, baby. Give me kisses."
"I love you too, my love. You ready, Tat?"
You gave Bada a small peck before grabbing Tatter by the hand, leading her out of the studio. The car ride was silent but comfortable, but you couldn't help but notice that Tatter was rubbing her thighs together and occasionally looking at you, biting her lip.
You looked over towards her, gently placing your hand onto her thigh, giving it a light squeeze. Tatter placed her hand over yours, guiding it closer to her warm pussy, she let out a soft moan as she slowly grinds against the touch of your hand. You remove your hand, gripping the wheel tightly and push on the gas towards your shared apartment with Bada.
The two women laid tangled in the sheets of you and your lover's bed as moans filled the four walls surrounding you. The moans were so loud that you didn't even hear the door of your apartment open. Bada walked into your apartment, kicking off her shoes and throwing her backpack onto the couch. Bada immediately stopped dead in her tracks.
"Is that moaning? What the fuck is going on up there?"
Bada began to climb the stairs that led to the room you two shared. The sounds of moans continued to get louder as Bada stepped closer to the door. Bada twisted the door knob, slightly opening the door to see her girlfriend chindeep in her best friend's pussy and Tatter's thighs locking your head between them as she arched her back. Bada couldn't believe what she was seeing. She pushed open the door, causing the women to jump up from their position.
"Oh, you dirty girl, this is what you do when Iโ€™m not around? So I donโ€™t satisfy you enough you had to go for our Tatter?"
"Oh, baby, you do satisfy me so well, but I was, we were thinking that maybe we could have a threesome?"
"Yeah, Bada, I've told you that I have always wanted to experience a threesome with women."
"Tatter, I didn't think you wanted to have one with me and my girlfriend."
"Well, why not? I trust both of you, and I know both of you.?
"Come on, love. Look how pretty she is. Her moans are like music to your ears when you fuck her just right. Don't you want to hear them?"
You placed your hand between Tatter's thighs as Bada watched, Tatter kept eye contact with Bada as you rubbed her clit at a slow pace. You placed kisses along her neck, causing her to let out a breathy whimper. You kissed down to her breast, taking her pink nipple into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it, causing her to moan out and grip your hair.
"C'mere baby, I think she wants you. But let's get these clothes off first."
You gripped her shirt, pulling it over her head, throwing it somewhere in the room. You kissed and sucked along her neck, lifting her sport bra over her head, placing kisses on her breast, taking her nipple into your mouth causing her to let out a soft moan.
You dropped to your knees, pulling at her belt as you kept eye contact with her. You yanked her pants down to her ankles, placing kisses along her inner thighs as Bada stepped out of her pants. You stayed on your knees as Bada towered over you, she grabbed you by the hair pulling you up towards her face again. You whimper at the feeling of Bada yanking at your hair, you love when Bada pulls you by your hair, it made you feel like such a slut. Bada took her other hand and slapped your ass, gently caressing the stinging skin. You yelped out, throwing your head back in pleasure.
"You're such a slut, fucking my best friend. Letting her touch what's mine. You enjoyed it, didn't you?"
"Say it. Tell me you enjoyed it, come on be my good girl and say it."
"Yes, I enjoyed her sucking on my clit, burying her fingers deep into my pussy. It felt so good, baby. I loved every moment of it."
"Such a sweetheart but a whore at the same time. What am I going to do with you, huh?"
Bada pushed you onto the bed as she grabbed Tatter by the hair, making her face her. Bada rubbed her thumb across Tatter's lips, pushing her two fingers into her mouth. Tatter sucked on Bada's fingers, keeping heavy eye contact with her. She pushed her fingers farther into her mouth, causing her to gag, Bada chuckled, pulling her fingers out of her mouth, shaking her head lightly.
"You can't even take two fingers without gagging. How will you ever taking this dick, baby girl?"
"No, please, give it to me. I take it, I promise."
"Baby, you taught her well. Look at her, begging for me. Cute."
"I know, she's such a good girl, aren't you?"
"Let's see how much of a good girl she really is, take it."
Bada shoved the strap into Tatter's mouth. Tatter bobbed her head up and down on the strap, Bada placed her hand on the back of her head, pushing the strap deeper into her mouth. Tears ran down Tatter's face as Bada face fucked her, you kissed away the tears that rolled down her cheek while rubbing up and down her back.
"You doing so good, taking that dick like a big girl."
"Now, I want you to lie back for me so I can see that pretty pussy."
Tatter laid back onto the bed as Bada placed herself between her legs, lightly kissing her lips. Bada grabbed your face, pulling you into a kiss as well, moaning into the kiss. You placed your hands on Bada's breast, pinching and pulling at her nipples. Tatter watched as the two women kissed and touched each other, bucking her hips up against the strap, causing herself to moan at the friction of the silicone against her clit.
"Someone's eager, aren't they? There's enough of me for both of you, baby."
"Bada, please!"
"Please, what? Say it, pretty girl. Tell Bada what you want."
"I want you to fuck me until I can't speak. Give it to me, please, Bada. I'll be a good girl, just fuck me."
Bada slides the dildo into Tatter. She let out a pleasure filled moan as Bada began to gently move in and out of her, Bada slides hand up to Tatter's neck, applying pressure as Tatter threw her head back in pleasure. She looked over at you, placing her hand on your thighs. You opened your legs, watching as Tatter traveled her hand towards your dripping heat and slowly rubbing your clit then gliding through your glistening folds, sliding two fingers into you. You moaned as Tatter slid her fingers in and out of you.
"Sit on my face, Y/N. I wanna taste you."
You placed your knees on each side of her head, slowly lowering yourself onto her tongue. The feeling of the wet muscle connecting with your pussy sent shivers up your spine. Your hips began to have a mind of their as you began to grind against her tongue.
"Oh, you're so good at this, pretty girl. Don't stop, I want to cum all over that pretty face."
Tatter moaned against you as Bada quickened her pace, gripping Tatter's waist, leaving marks from her nails in her skin as she watched as her girlfriend grinds against her best friend's face.
Bada grabbed your face, pulling you into a kiss. You moaned against Bada's lips as Tatter placed her hands on your ass giving it a slight squeeze and slap as she tongue fucked you. You bounced your ass against her face as her tongue went in and out of you.
You felt Tatter's body began to tremble as she came but she didn't stop eating, she hooked her arms around your legs, locking you in so she could finish her job. You placed your hands on her breast to stabilize yourself as your legs began to shake, a wave of pure ecstasy took over your body as you came. You slowly removed yourself off of Tatter's, slowly regain your breath as Tatter licked her lips and fingers, not wanting to waste a single drop of you.
You look over to Bada, gently caressing her cheek. You wanted to take care of her as she took care of you and Tatter. You yearned for the sound of her beautiful moans. You wanted to make her cum hard. You removed the strap from Bada's waist and placed it on yourself. Bada looked at you with pure confusion as you began to put the strap around yourself. You laid back on the bed and placed your hands on Bada's waist.
"Love? What are you doing?"
"Bada, I want you to ride me."
"What? Baby, I have never done that before. I'm always the one with the strap."
"Well, let's change that, yeah?"
"Yeah, Bada, a little change won't hurt. It will feel weird at first but the weird feeling will go away and replaced with pleasure, I promise."
Bada looked at the women, a little nervous at the situation at hand because Bada used to being the dominant one during sex. Bada slowly lowers her onto the strap, let out a whimpering moan. You placed your hands on Bada's thighs, giving them a light tap. Bada began to move against the strap as tears began to form in her eyes. She was trying to get used to the new feeling but couldn't.
"It's okay, baby. Take your time, find your rhythm, baby."
Bada began to grind on the against the strap, slowly finding her rhythm.
"Feels so good, baby."
"Yeah, you look so pretty on top, taking this shit like a good girl."
You thrust upwards against Bada as she bounced on the strap. Tatter kissed along Bada's neck down to her breast, taking her nipple into her mouth, sucking on it and bringing her hand down her hand down to Bada's clit, gently rubbing it in a circular motion. Bada threw head back in pleasure as the two women pleased her.
"Yeah, take that shit, baby girl, it's all yours."
Bada moaned out, running her hands through her hair as you praised her, her grinds began to get sloppy, she placed her hands on your breast to stable herself as her legs began to shake from the constant thrusting of you abusing her pussy.
"You gonna cum for me, pretty girl. Be a good girl and cum for me."
Bada came as Tatter continued to rub her clit. She looked at Tatter, gripping her wrist, pleading for her to keep going. A tingling feeling began to erupt in her stomach as Tatter's motions began to quicken. Bada let out the loudest moan she has ever had as she began squirt all over Tatter's hand, your waist and herself.
"Oh my God, I love you so much, Bada Lee!"
"I l-love you too, baby. That's felt so good! I've never done that before. "
"That shit was so hot. I love you guys! Thank you for taking care of me!"
The three women laid in the sex filled sheets, kissing each other and laughing at the fact that they just had a threesome.
"No, but seriously, when can we do this again?"
"Yeah, we can't just go back to normal and act like this didn't happen."
"Who said we had too."
๐…๐ˆ๐๐€๐‹๐‹๐˜โ€ผ๏ธ ๐“๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐ญ๐จ๐จ๐ค ๐ฆ๐ž ๐ฌ๐จ ๐ฅ๐จ๐ง๐  ๐ญ๐จ ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ง๐ข๐ฌ๐ก ๐›๐ฎ๐ญ ๐ˆ ๐ก๐จ๐ฉ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ ๐ฎ๐ฒ๐ฌ ๐ž๐ง๐ฃ๐จ๐ฒ ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ก๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฐ๐ซ๐ข๐ญ๐ญ๐ž๐ง ๐ฉ๐จ๐ซ๐ง๐จ!
๐˜๐จ๐ฎ ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ค๐ฒ ๐ฐ๐ก๐จ๐ซ๐žโ€ผ๏ธ
๐“๐š๐  ๐‹๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ: @urlovebot, @lexvithian,@jofiels-world, @galletitaluna,@ynjngfz,@avocifera,@pinkyycrown,@fa1ryvibes,@thevenussapphic,@ribbonswrld,@moonsvrse, and more!
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badasmuse ยท 5 months
โ€œBeBeโ€™s Bodyguardโ€
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Team Bebe x Reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, mentions of a knife, mentions of a stabbing, cute ending tho, language, lowercase intended (you already know)
Summary: youโ€™re bebeโ€™s bodyguard. what could possibly go wrong?
โ€œsowon and chaeyoung can you two please stop running off?โ€ you ask. itโ€™s not really a question but youโ€™re trying. theyโ€™ve been disappearing for the past twenty minutes.
โ€œoops sorry y/n-nim!โ€ sowon says bowing.
youโ€™ve been their bodyguard for a long time. you automatically became close because youโ€™re the only female bodyguard they have. they trusted you immensely.
โ€œjust stay in the area. i donโ€™t want anything happening to you.โ€ you say standing behind them as they looked for things.
moments later, the others walked up with the other three bodyguards on duty.
โ€œy/n!!โ€ bada says excitedly. she pulls you into her and steps back. โ€œlook at what i bought.โ€
โ€œi will when we get in the car bada.โ€ you say pushing her items back into her bag. โ€œhead count i only see six.โ€
โ€œiโ€™m behind you!โ€ you hear tatterโ€™s sweet voice say.
โ€œall of you are gonna be on punishment.โ€ you mumble making sure theyโ€™re all good before walking towards the mall exit.
you take your place up front next to bada. sad to say, she is the more popular one of the seven, so fans tend to rush after her. they rush all the girls, donโ€™t get me wrong, but recently theyโ€™ve been rushing bada a lot more due to her girl crush concept blowing up. so bada now has two guards on her whole the other two guards stand in the middle and at the end of the line.
โ€œy/n,โ€ bada says looking up, โ€œi bought you something too!โ€ she says excitedly.
โ€œthatโ€™s sweet bada.โ€ you say pushing her hands back down gently. โ€œshow me in the car.โ€ you say again.
you can see a crowd when you get to the door, some people are next to the van. โ€œalright girls, hold onto the person in front of you. donโ€™t step out of line.โ€
โ€œaye aye captain!โ€
โ€œlusher..โ€ you groan before grabbing onto bada as your coworker opens the door for you.
โ€œbada! bada youโ€™re so cool!โ€
โ€œoh my gosh bada unnie youโ€™re so pretty!โ€
โ€œminah i love you!
โ€œtatter your hair looks so good!โ€
โ€œlusher unnie we missed you!โ€
the comments come fast as you hold onto badaโ€™s waist and gently push through the crowd.
you get about three feet from the van when you see them. some fan, maybe a fake fan, comes running right towards bada. since her head is down, bada doesnโ€™t see it. she just feels your grip tighten and being pulled to the other side.
you grab the fan quickly, safely dropping her to the ground. the fan tries to get out of your hold and you feel something scratch at your arm. you ignore it trying to calm her down.
the other guards get the girls in the car, shutting the door before helping you with the person you have pinned.
โ€œy/n youโ€™re bleeding.โ€ one says.
you look at your arm then down at the girl's hand, noticing the knife she has. โ€œoh what the fuck.โ€ you say.
sheโ€™s quickly disarmed and you walk to the van getting in with the girls and huffing.
โ€œwhatโ€™s wrong y/n?โ€ kyma asks.
โ€œshe cut me. i canโ€™t see it. is this bad?โ€ you turn your arm towards the girls and they gasp.
โ€œy/n thatโ€™s a lot of blood!โ€ lusher exclaims grabbing tissues. โ€œyou might need stitches thatโ€™s really deep.โ€
after the situation is over and everyoneโ€™s in the van, the girls are quickly brought back to their respective homes and youโ€™re taken to a nearby hospital. doctors told you to take it easy for a few days so you did. you spent a week in your little apartment recovering. of course the girls sent you plenty of messages saying how they missed you. (especially bada. she sent messages back to back like she was bangchan on bubble- but letโ€™s not get into that.)
you were excited to be back at work. you missed the girls and their antics. they didnโ€™t know when you were coming back and they definitely didnโ€™t think it would be today.
it was tuesday, so team bebe were at the studio practicing. you quietly open the door and peak your head in.
โ€œlusher youโ€™re doing it wrong!โ€ bada stresses.
โ€œno iโ€™m not! iโ€™m doing it like everyone else, you're wrong!โ€ she says back.
โ€œdo it again from the top.โ€ bada plays the music and watches in the mirror as everyone dances. lusher was right, bada was wrong.
โ€œtold you!โ€
โ€œwhatever. letโ€™s keep going.โ€ she grumbles.
โ€œoh bada,โ€ you say stepping in, โ€œthatโ€™s not nice. apologize to lusher.โ€
โ€œy/n!!!โ€ the girls exclaim rubbing towards you. you immediately put your injured arm up then gently let it down around them.
โ€œare you back? we missed you so much!! bada has been mean the whole time you were gone.โ€ kyma speaks up.
you make eye contact with bada as she sulks against the mirror. she turns the other way without saying anything. โ€œwhy donโ€™t you girls take a break so i can talk to bada.โ€ you whisper. they nod and make their way out the door.
โ€œhi bada.โ€ you say approaching her.
โ€œi was worried.โ€ she says, still looking away.
โ€œi texted you everyday. why were you being mean to my kids?โ€
bada doesnโ€™t respond. she pouts looking down at the ground. you put your finger under her chin raising her head, โ€œi asked a question.โ€
her face turns red and she clears her throat, โ€œy/n i like you. oh that is not what i wanted to say.โ€ she says covering her mouth.
โ€œbabe it was painfully obvious. that doesnโ€™t answer why youโ€™ve been mean to the kids. did not seeing me everyday throw you off?โ€
she nods.
โ€œthatโ€™s cute. you owe them a big apology. give them the day off then let me take you out.โ€ you say leaning on the mirror.
โ€œyouโ€ฆ wanna take me out? okay.โ€ she giggles walking towards the door. she opens it and the six kids fall to the floor.
โ€œh-hi!โ€ they stutter.
you shake your head, โ€œkids.โ€
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Taglist (open! comment to be added!): @waveartistry @sun-nyy @yngtort @jennamc75 @m0r0s1111 @seungxstar @badasbebe @lil-elliesgf @currentfications
a/n: this was a request! hope you like it! i have frostbite guys๐Ÿง๐Ÿฝfrostbite on my thumbs and pinkies, four more requests, and eight things iโ€™m trying to write. idk what iโ€™m going to do. send help. pls.
215 notes ยท View notes
taruusmoon ยท 8 months
Pairing: tatterxfemreader | lusherxfemreader | badaxfemreader
Genre: angst
Warnings: angst, toxic traits.
KIM TAEYOUNG โ€œTatterโ€
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MISCOMMUNICATION: Tatter is the type of person who hates fighs, so every time she have an argument with you, she will leave and then would come back like nothing happened. She refuse to talk about the fight because she doesnโ€™t want to start another one. So itโ€™s very difficult to solve a problem because she is afraid to talk and this cause a lot of miscommunication between you two.
APOLOGIZING: It doesnโ€™t matter who begins the fight, or if someone has done something bad to her, she is the one who ALWAYS apologizes first. And that is something that you hate because anyone who says something hurtful to her never apologize back.
KIM SEOYOUNG โ€œLusherโ€
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OVERWORKING: Lusher never stops working, not even if she have a compromise to assist, not even if you two have a date. She will prefer to cancel plans or worst she wonโ€™t remember them. Lusher gets really mad when you try to correct any bad habit she has; if she doesnโ€™t eat and you say something she will get mad, if she doesnโ€™t get any sleep and you point it out she will definitely get mad about it.
PLAYFUL: Even though you love her for being funny and really playful, sometimes when you have something serious to talk she tries to change the topic or doesnโ€™t take it as seriously as you want to. Sometimes when fights break out she tries to calm things down with jokes but it just doesnโ€™t work and you hate it.
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SILENT TREATMENT: Bada thinks that if she doesnโ€™t have something good to say, she wonโ€™t say anything at all, or if she has just hurtful things to say, she wonโ€™t say a word. Anytime you do something she doesnโ€™t like, she is not going to complain about it, but she wonโ€™t talk to you either and is going to be like that for a few days.
FILTER: She doesnโ€™t have a filter to talk through, and even though most of the time she wonโ€™t say anything if something doesn't like her, there are some times that she will say things without a filter or without thinking about them. And you donโ€™t know which one is worse, but both of them cause a lot of problems.
ห— ห ห‹ โ™ก หŽหŠ ห—
If you have any request you can see here some info. Feel free to ask if you have any questionโ˜บ๏ธ
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iveantive ยท 7 months
Prompt: sowoen has her first rut
sowoen (alpha) has her first rut but thankfully bada (alpha)is there to guide her and tatter (omega) is there to help her
TW: A/B/O, g!p, threesome, dirty talk, degradation, rutting, knotting, double penetration, breeding, age difference, size difference, cockwarming, belly bulge, anal
a/n i refer to tatter as her real name taeyoung throughout
โ€œLet's go through the routine one more time; make sure you got it down,โ€ Bada hummed, sitting on the practice room floor, her head leaning up against the wall.ย 
Sowoen nodded. One more time couldnโ€™t hurt, she thought to herself.ย 
It was nearly 3 am at the dance studio. Other than Bada and Taeyoung, the other Bebe members had long since trickled their way out. Finish memorizing the dance for their upcoming mission. For some reason, though, Sowoen just could not get the moves down. She had been at it for hours, standing in front of the mirror, the same song replaying time after time. Previously, the other members were by her side, explaining the steps one by one to her. However, she just couldnโ€™t get it.ย 
She couldnโ€™t put her finger on it. It was like she wasnโ€™t in control of her body.ย 
Only when all the other members had left was the issue more apparent to Sowoen. When she got to the practice room today, she noticed a strange scent in the air but decided to ignore it. Nobody else seemed to have noticed it, so she assumed she was just imagining things.ย 
When it went down to just the three of them, it became apparent the smell was Taeyoung. And it had only grown stronger. Sowoen didnโ€™t understand why the scent of citrus exuding from her had only now started to disrupt her focus. This is how Taeyoung always smelt. She's sure of it. After all, it was her favorite scent out of the omegas in the group.ย 
Whatever was up with her, she had to ignore it, and she couldnโ€™t let her group down just because she was having an off day.ย 
Bada had seen the frustration and anger coming from the maknae. She knew she was trying her best, doing the best she could. Thatโ€™s why she said nothing when the other Bebe members bid her goodbye, asking her when she was leaving. Opting to stay with the maknae instead. Bada knows how upsetting and lonely it can feel in the practice room late at night, and she didnโ€™t want that for Sowoen.
And as Taeyoung was practically a second leader to Bada, she had decided to stay with the maknae as well. Standing by her side, doing the movements with her, over and over. Still, somehow, despite how exhaustion and tiredness of 3 am hours had rolled around, Taeyong had been the one to lighten the mood for the three. Still managed to crack some jokes here and there.ย 
It did seem like Sowoen's hard work was starting to pay off. Perhaps it was the pressure of knowing that her unnies wouldnโ€™t leave unless she had gotten the moves down. As the hours went by, the moves had started to click with her.ย 
So here they were. Still stood by Soewon's side for the past few hours.
Bada looked down at her phone, where the song they had been practicing for the past few hours had been queued up time and time again. She pressed play on the song at let the music ring out for the nth time that night.ย 
Sowoens got it; she nodded to herself. Parts where she had previously faltered or forgotten, she had managed to recall the moves, doing them in almost perfect sync with Taeyoung.ย 
Focus, focus, focus, that was the only thing running through Sowoen's mind. She looked at herself in the mirror. Even she was able to see she had improved. She felt more confident in herself than before with each move. So confident, in fact, she let her gaze wander to the side of her.
To Taeyoung.
The sweat coating her skin, falling down her neck. As she whipped her head, hitting the next beat of the dance. In between each movement, Soewon could hear the hard breaths of air she was exhaling.ย 
With every inhale, the citrusy scent was growing stronger, engulfing all of Sowoen's senses. She was trying. She really was. She tried to redirect her eyes back to herself, but no matter how hard she tried, they kept glancing back at Taeyoung, imagining what she would look like, exhausted in another way.ย 
Her head was starting to hurt. Her vision was getting blurry, with tunnel vision only focusing on Taeyoung. She shook her head.
Focus, focus, focus, she was oh so desperately trying.ย 
But, before Sowoen knew it, she found herself tripping on her own feet, followed by her body colliding with the hardwood floor of the dance studio.ย 
โ€œSowoenie, oh my god, are you okay?โ€ Taeyoung stood over her, face riddled with concern.ย 
โ€œYe-yeah, i- i jus-โ€.
Cutting her words off, the overwhelming scent of citrus again filled her nostrils. She looked up at Taeyoung. This. This was her fault, Sowoen reasoned. Getting up off the ground, she towered over Taeyoung. So small, so delicate.ย 
โ€œWhy do you smell like that?โ€ Sowoen took a deep inhale; the scent was practically in her head, and she couldnโ€™t think of anything else right now. Just that scent, just Taeyoung. She wanted. No needed it.ย 
โ€œSm-smell li-like what?โ€ Taeyoung stuttered as she had never seen the maknae act this way before. Sensing the newfound tension in the air between the two, Bada had gotten up and stood next to them.ย 
โ€œCitrus, it's you.โ€ Sowoens eyes bored into Taeyoung. Who only looked back at her with utter confusion. Of course, she knew it was her scent, but she knew for a fact that she had taken her scent blockers today.ย 
Bada took a deep sniff of the air, trying to catch the scent Sowoen had been talking about. Upon inhaling the air, she smelt nothing. Sniffing a bit deeper, she was able to pick up the scent of a slight citrus. That was normal, though. It shouldnโ€™t be anything that would make Sowoen's nose act up unless.ย 
And then it hit her.
โ€œYouโ€™re rutting.โ€ Bada's words practically felt like a knife as they cut through Sowoen and Taeyoung's confrontation. Sowoen whipped her head to look at Bada.ย 
โ€œNo, I- I- donโ€™t,โ€ She stuttered. Sowoen hadnโ€™t ever rut before. She knew that it would probably hit her sometime this year as she had just recently turned 19. She didnโ€™t think it would be this soon, especially not here.ย 
โ€œYou wouldnโ€™t be able to smell Taeyoung like that anyway else,โ€ Bada concluded. She, herself an alpha, knew all the signs of an upcoming rut. The heightened senses, the irritability, the inability to think of anything else but breeding.ย 
โ€œCouldnโ€™t you sense it coming?โ€ Bada quirked an eyebrow at her as she asked.ย 
Sowoen's cheeks started to heat up upon being asked this question. Suddenly feeling the eyes of both her unnies on her, waiting for her answer.ย 
โ€œI-iโ€™ve never rut before, i-i donโ€™t know.โ€ Sowoen bowed her head, looking at the ground.ย 
Bada nodded her head. She couldnโ€™t blame the maknae for not knowing the signs. Now, she was starting to feel bad for pushing her so hard during this dance practice. She would've sent her home if she knew how the maknae was feeling. A tap on her arm broke her away from her thoughts.ย 
โ€œWhat should we do?โ€ Taeyoung asked. Although it wasnโ€™t inherently her fault, she still felt bad. She had been around some overbearing, aggressive alphas in the past who hadnโ€™t been able to control themselves at the very scent of an omega. She wonders how Sowoen, a relatively new presenting alpha, has been able to control herself this entire time, not just around her but also the other four omegas in the group.ย 
Bada felt that the two options here were cut and dry. Taeyoung helps Sowoen through her rut right now. Or they somehow lug Sowoen back to her house and let her parents deal with it. Looking at the state of the maknae, whose eyes were still firmly planted on the ground, while she had a light sheer of sweat coating her skin, thought the right answer would be obvious. Saying that, though, she wouldnโ€™t force Taeyoung into accepting the first option either.
โ€œDo you want to help her, you know?โ€ Bada quirked an eyebrow.
Hearing those words had caught Sowoen's attention. Her head perked up as she looked to Taeyoung to see her answer.ย 
Itโ€™s her first rut. How bad could it be, Taeyoung thought to herself.ย 
โ€œYe-yeah, I-iโ€™ll help her.โ€ย 
โ€œTh-thank you, unnie,โ€ Sowoen said with the utmost sincerity.
It didnโ€™t take long for Taeyoung to feel her back collide with the hardwood floor, as the maknae had, by all means, tackled her to the ground. Leaving sloppy kisses all over her neck.ย 
โ€œH-hey Sowoen, wait a second.โ€ She used way too much strength than usual to push the maknae, getting her to stop. She unzipped the hoodie she had been wearing, now only left in a simple sports bra. Taeyoung could practically see the fireworks in Sowoen's eyes as she went back down to kissing her neck, leaving little bites here and there.ย 
Taeyoung smelt so good she needed more. Sowoen kept trying to dig her nose deeper and deeper into the crook of Taeyoung's neck, trying to get as close as possible to her. She needed her; she needed to get closer.ย 
She needed to be in her.ย 
Sowoen started bucking her hips inconsistently against Taeyoung's thigh as she continued to leave sloppy kisses that had now traveled down to her chest. The maknae had started pawing at Taeyoung's clothed breasts, too much in her own mind to comprehend much around her. All she knew was that she needed more of this delicious scent.ย 
Bada looked at Sowoen. She resembled what could be described as an excited puppy right about now with the way she was just grinding against Taeyoung's thigh, her hands trying to grasp onto any skin Taeyoung let her, with the little breath whimpers that fell from her mouth with every passing moment.ย 
The maknae was adorable. She wondered if she had looked this cute and excited during her first rut.ย 
Taeyoung had started to grow impatient. She knew that the young girl didnโ€™t know what she was doing, but god damn.ย 
โ€œSo-Sowoenie,โ€ Taeyoung's voice was shaky as she pushed Sowoen's head away for the 2nd time that night.ย 
โ€œYou need more. I know you do. Come on,โ€ Taeyoung whined, hoping that would be enough to get Sowoen to do something.
Sowoen just looked at Taeyoung like a confused puppy before quirking her head to the side.
Fuck she's cute as all Taeyoung could think.
โ€œTake her shorts off,โ€ They heard Bada say from the side. What the fuck, Taeyoung had somehow forgotten that she had been here this entire time. If there were a better time and place for your team leader to see you get fucked she would love to hear it.ย 
Catching the not-so-subtle hint from Bada, Sowoen, still coherent enough, managed to move the hand that wasnโ€™t squeezing Taeyoungs tit. Down till it reached the waistband of her shorts and tried to tug them down. However, she was having some trouble doing so, and before Taeyoung could say anything, she heard the sound of fabric ripping.ย 
God dammit, she was going to have to buy some new shorts.
And she knows she hears Bada let out a snicker from the sidelines.ย 
โ€œTake yours off too, Sowoenie.โ€ They once again heard Bada.
Taeyoung swears she heard Sowoen let out a loud huff before seeing her sweatpants tossed across the room. Now, only in her boxers could Taeyoung feel the maknaes bulge in the closest proximity. Her eyes were nearly popping out of her head. She was big.ย 
Sowoen continued to kiss Taeyoung's chest down to her tummy, stopping at the waistband of her panties, looking up at Taeyoung like a puppy, asking permission from her owner. Heh, cute, she thought as she nodded. Feeling the maknae tug down her panties, thankfully not ripping them like her poor shorts.ย 
She doesnโ€™t know why she wasnโ€™t able to notice before, but she was so wet. Maybe it was her body's innate nature to grow with arousal around alphas, or Sowoen's clumsy movements were actually doing something for her. Whatever it was, she was wet and hadnโ€™t been this wet in a long while. The maknae was still stuck grinding her bulge against her thigh, and by this time, she could feel the precum leaking through her boxers onto her skin.ย 
โ€œI-in-inside pl-please.โ€ Since when did her voice get so whiny? Taeyoung wondered to herself.
Sowoens was bucking her hips with nothing but excitement to finally get in something. As a result, the head of her cock was ghosting over her folds, poking the soft flesh every so often. Just making Taeyoung writhe and whine even more. Sowoen was so close to where she needed it most. Taeyoung tried to move her hips in tandem with the maknae but to no avail.ย 
Finally, catching the attention of Bada, who was now Sowoen's side, the leader looked down at Taeyoung with that stupid grin on her face. Bada was having too much fun watching this show unfold, but seeing how desperate Taeyoung was and, well, how blissfully unaware Sowoen was of the latter's desperation, she had to intervene.ย 
Bada reached one of her hands between Taeyoung's legs and manually spread her folds with her ring and index finger, eliciting a muffled moan from her before Bada fixed her eyes back on the maknae.ย 
โ€œOkay, Sowoenie, you want aim here, okay?โ€ Bada instructed the maknae. She used her middle finger to essentially point to exactly where Sowoen needed to go.ย 
And the guidance did, in fact, work as Sowoen took hold of her length and aimed her cockhead precisely where Bada had pointed to and began to insert the head of her cock inside her, making Taeyoung let out a loud moan rip from her throat.ย 
โ€œShit, she's that big, huhโ€ Bada commented. She knew the younger was big just by judging from where she was, but god.ย 
It didnโ€™t take long for Sowoen to ease her entire length into Taeyoung, giving the girl under her what was definitely not enough time to adjust before she started to buck her hips into the girl below her. Making Taeyoung reach for anything to grab onto, and it just so happened to be the maknaes clothed back. She began clawing at her back, trying to get used to the intrusion inside of her.ย 
Sowoens lips were back on Taeyoungs neck, sucking at the soft flesh, letting her tongue graze over the skin. Her hand that had been dancing on top of Taeyoung's sports bra-cladded chest had made its way under and was now squeezing one of them in her hands. The fabric had seemingly gotten in her way, though, because before Taeyoung could even process what was happening, she heard the sound of fabric being ripped.ย 
Another article of clothing she has to buy, god dammit.ย 
The maknaes hips were moving more sporadically as her knot started to form; her body was practically engulfing Taeyoungs much smaller frame. She just needed to feel as close as possible to her as she could. Sowoen's mouth had traveled back down to Taeyoung's chest, letting her tongue lap at the peak of her nipple. Then she took it into her mouth fully, suckling on the hardening peak in her mouth.ย 
Her thrusts started getting faster and rougher, the sounds of wet skin hitting against each other filling the room with every grind of Sowoen's hips. Her pelvis rubbing up against Taeyoungs clit was making her near closer and closer to the edge.
โ€œRemember, Sowoenie, you have to get your knot inside of her, okay? Youโ€™ll feel better after,โ€ Bada patted the maknaes head with her free hand. The other one had found its way into her sweatpants and was lazily stroking her cock over the fabrics.ย 
Sowoen just let out a whimper in acknowledgment to Bada. Nevertheless, she listened with a few clumsy thrusts before a particularly hard one managed to pop the knot into Taeyoung, making her release a loud guttural moan. Her knot was huge, and she was feeling so stretched out, so overwhelmed, she didnโ€™t know how Sowoen was able to manage it. But, her two hands were feeling like 10, with the way they were practically feeling up every portion of her body.ย 
As Sowown teetered closer and closer to the edge, she started putting more effort into the thrusts. Although they were still clumsy, it was clear Sowoen knew what she was going after. With each buck of her hips, a low grunt fell from her mouth. The suckling on Taeyoung's nipples was getting rougher, with the previously soothing lips of Sowoen turning into the feeling of her teeth having more and more contact with her skin. No doubt leaving a mark in the process.ย 
Not long after, after a few more uncoordinated thrusts, Sowoen had came, her knot inflating, stretching Taeyoung out even more, sending her into her own overwhelming orgasm. She hadnโ€™t taken an alpha knot in a while, and good god, was Sowoens by far the biggest sheโ€™d had. As Sowoeun erupted inside of her, she let out what was a seemingly never-ending amount of seed from her cock, and due to her inflated knot, it showed no signs of seeping out.
Sowoen had her arms resting beside Taeyoung's head, as her own head was buried in her chest. Letting out little moans from her first harsh, rutting orgasm, the aftershocks still had an effect on her. While Taeyoung was in her own post-orgasm haze, her arms had found their way to Sowoen's neck, holding the younger girl closer. Her body was still quivering, her walls still contracting around Sowoens cock as if she was trying to milk her for all she got.
A few moments had passed, and Bada was sat close to the pair; her hand had found its way beneath her sweatpants, just lazily stroking her hard cock.ย 
Until she very loudly cleared her throat, catching the attention of the pair intertwined together. Sowoen managed to perk up a little, turning to Bada, as she was very much still enjoying the warmth Taeyoung was providing.ย 
โ€œWas Taeyoung a good omega for you, Sowoenie?โ€ย 
Like Bada even had to ask, just looking at the state the young girl was in is all you needed to see that she had been more than enjoying herself.ย 
Sowoen immediately nodded her head like an excited puppy.
โ€œSheโ€™s very warm.โ€ The young alpha was practically glowing, clearly liking how things played out.
โ€œMmmmmm bred her so well,โ€ Bada hummed, fixing her gaze onto Taeyoung, whose grip on the maknae had loosened but made no effort to try to push her off her.ย  Bada pondered in her head for a couple of seconds before making up her mind. Maybe if Bada thought for a few more seconds, she would realize that she wasnโ€™t thinking straight. Perhaps it had something to do with the strong mix of pheromones wafting in the air, the intense scents practically choking her. It was messing with her head.ย 
โ€œDonโ€™t you think Unnie deserves a turn, Sowoenie?โ€ Bada tutted.
โ€œIf unnie thinks so,โ€ Sowoen looked up at Bada with wide eyes. Her pupils were blown wide.
โ€œGood answer,โ€ Bada smirks, gazing back at where the pair were connected.ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re gonna have to pull out of Taeyoung, though, okay?โ€ Bada said more as a command than a question.
โ€œO-okay, unnie,โ€ Sowoen mumbled. It was clear who was in charge of the situation, not that Sowoen really minded. She was happy to listen to her leader, listen, and do whatever she pleased.ย 
Thankfully, as the minutes leading up to this had passed, Sowoen's knot had slowly deflated, making it easier to ease her way out of Taeyoungs. Much to the latter's display, her arms were still wrapped around Sowoens neck, whimpering as Sowoens cock began to leave her.ย 
Bada had repositioned herself so she was in front of the pair, and there she had a front-row seat to watching Sowoens load dripping out of her pussy. Bada isnโ€™t sure if itโ€™s because of Sowoens first rut, but she was in awe with how much cum was being pushed out with every contraction of Taeyoungs pussy walls. The fluid was overflowing down to Taeyoungs asshole and even beginning to pool onto the floor. She should be thankful that the Street Women Fighter staff had made it mandatory for all omegas, betas, and alphas to be on some sort of contraception; otherwise, there was no doubt in Bada's mind that Taeyoung would have been knocked up right now.ย 
Once Sowoen had pulled out of Taeyoung, the young girl had flopped onto the ground next to her. It was somewhat cute to Bada in a way, with the way Sowoen had previously been up on Taeyoung aimlessly humping her, running off nothing but pure excitement and well hormones. And looking at her now, her bangs were stuck to her forehead due to the sweat that was still coating her skin, not to mention her cock still covered with the mixed fluid of her and Taeyongs.
โ€œSit up and watch Unnie,โ€ Bada said in a way that sounded like a command. It was enough for Sowoen to immediately shoot up from her spot lying on the ground to sitting up, staring at Bada. Focusing on her next move.
Bada shifted her focus to Taeyoung, who still lay limp on the ground. Although the deep breathing had subsided by now, and she had managed to catch her breath, she showed no intentions of moving.
โ€œLooks like you gave our maknae here a good first rut experience,โ€ Bada motioned towards the young girl.
โ€œIt's a shame her first rut will be her best,โ€ Taeyoung teased.ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re that cocky, huh?โ€ Bada scoffed.ย 
โ€œNever met an alpha that didnโ€™t want to hit twice after being with me once.โ€ She shrugged with a smirk on her phase.ย 
โ€œYou want to test that?โ€ Bada's tone dropped as she glanced down at her hard-on, then back up at Taeyoung.ย 
โ€œWhatโ€™re you waiting for?โ€ย  She said in a smug tone.
It seemed that in one swift motion, Bada was able to completely rearrange her and Taeyoung's positions. Bada was now the one with her back to the floor with Taeyoung straddling her waist.ย 
Sowoen was in complete and utter awe. She didnโ€™t understand how Bada was able to make all those moves so smoothly. She kept watching the older women, hoping somehow a bit of that relaxed yet suave nature would rub off on her.
Bada had started grinding her hips, her cock still locked in the confines of her sweatpants, practically bursting from the fabric waiting to be released. Taeyoung ground against Bada, trying to match her movements. She could feel the combined fluids of herself and Sowoen leaking through Bada's sweatpants.ย 
โ€œGrinding on me like a slutโ€ Bada spat as she reaches her hands to settle them on Taeyoungs waist.ย 
โ€œWell, you like it, don't you? I can feel how hard you are,โ€ Taeyoung retorted.ย 
Bada growled. Who did Taeyoung think she was to talk down to her? She halted her movements, not failing to see the confusion on Taeyoung's face as she tried to move her hips against Bada's strong grip to no avail.
She was able to keep Taeyoung still enough for her to ever so slightly pull down her sweatpants and boxers just enough for her cock to spring out. Upon doing that, the tip of Bada's cock swiped against Taeyoungs core, making her let out an unrestrained moan.
โ€œYou want it?โ€ Bada's tone was dripping in lust. She dragged her tip over Taeyoungs folds, ghosting over her already sensitive clit made her gasp. Bada continued on dipping her cock so close to where she needed it most but never gave in.ย 
Taeyoung was really trying to bite her lip, trying to keep her noise restrained. But the way Bada was talking to her had her so fucking horny, to put it bluntly. It was so different from how Sowoen treated her. The young girl had treated her more like a reward that she was happy to receive. It felt like Sowoen was trying to keep her close. While Bada was different, her tone was low and rough. She was treating her like a toy, and she liked it. She liked feeling the older woman's tight grip around her waist, the way she was able to easily pick her up and put her up on her lap.ย 
She was usually never this needy. The majority of the time, she was satisfied with one orgasm, though this time, Taeyoung wanted more. She wanted more of Bada.ย 
ย โ€œi-inside,โ€ Taeyoung just barely audible mumbled out.ย 
โ€œMmmm, didnโ€™t catch that one more time,โ€ Bada mocked.ย 
โ€œI- just pl-please.โ€ Taeyoung felt like she was going to go crazy.
โ€œSay it clearly for me.โ€ย 
Bada looked to the side of her and met with the youngest girl's eyes blown wide, staring back at her.ย 
โ€œAnd Sowoenieโ€ Bada demanded. Picking up her pace, she drew little whimpers from Taeyoungs as she continued to tease her entrance.ย 
โ€œNeed you i-inside,โ€ Taeyoung finally choked out.ย 
โ€œDid you hear that, Sowoenie?โ€ Bada looked back over to Sowoen, seeing her immediately shake her head yes.
With that, Bada gave no further warning as she plunged her cock into Taeyoungs waiting core, eliciting in her letting out a loud-high, pitched moan, followed by her previously stoic stature faltering. She had lunged forward, being caught by Bada, easily able to be held close to her with one arm. Not giving her any time to adjust, Bada started to shallowly grind her hips.ย 
Every movement Bada made, Taeyoung felt so deep inside of her. She had her eyes closed and bit her lip. If she thought Sowoen was big, Bada was a whole other beast. She doesnโ€™t know how she has been able to keep it confined in those sweatpants for so long. She had just been lucky the leftover combination of fluid of her and Sowoen had made it somewhat easier for Bada to sink into her heat.ย 
โ€œThank you for stretching her out for me, Sowoenie,โ€ Bada spoke before focusing back on Taeyoung.ย 
She was in no rush; she was keeping the same slow, brutal pace, slowly dragging her cock out to the tip before plunging back in. Bada could feel Taeyoung writhing in her arms, doing nothing but holding her tighter, preventing her from finding any sort of stimulation herself.ย 
โ€œSuch a slut. Want another alpha to cum in you already?โ€ Bada spat.
โ€œYouโ€™re just meant to be alphas little cum slut arenโ€™t you?โ€ Bada raised her free hand and tugged Taeyoung's hair, making her look at her.ย 
โ€œAnswer me,โ€ Bada demanded.ย 
โ€œY-yes, pl-please I want alphas cumโ€ Taeyoung begged, her body thrashing against Badas, trying to find any sort of relief, to no avail.ย 
Bada looked back over to Sowoen, seeing that she had already grown hard again. Must be that rut, Bada thought to herself. She knew it was only a matter of time before Sowoen had gotten her first taste of knotting inside an omega before sheโ€™d want to do it again.ย 
And, of course, Bada knew just the trick that would satiate the young alpha enough. Bada snaked one of her hands down Taeyoungs ass down her crack till she ghosted over her unbreached hole. Immediately feeling Taeyoung struggle in her grasp again.ย 
โ€œStop it. You said you would help Sowoenie,โ€ Bada growled.ย 
Thankfully Taeyoungs asshole still had remnants of her and Sowoens combined fluids dripping in and around the unbreached hole. Bada slowly started pressing, hearing Tayoung let out a string of Noโ€™s followed by a loud gasp as Bada inserted the tip of her finger inside her ass.
Along with the shallow thrusts Bada was still giving, her finger had started going in and out of Taeyong's hole. This continued on for another couple minutes or so before Bada started to insert another finger, scissoring the two digits in her hole and stretching her out a bit. After all, Sowoen was going to need to fit, and Bada knew Taeyoung wasnโ€™t going to be able to take her without at least a little bit of prep.
โ€œSowoenie, come here,โ€ Bada motioned for the younger girl to come closer. The young girl moved quickly over to her.
โ€œYouโ€™re hard again, arenโ€™t youโ€ She glanced between Sowoen's legs, her hard cock looking back at her.ย 
โ€œY-yeah,โ€ Sowoen shyly got out.ย 
โ€œYou want to cum again, too, right?โ€ย 
Sowoen nodded, a blush of red growing on her cheeks.ย 
โ€œLuckily for us, our omega has oh so graciously offered up her ass for you,โ€ Bada said matter of factly.ย 
Sowoen wasnโ€™t really sure what to think. She obviously hadnโ€™t done anal before, and she didnโ€™t want to hurt Taeyoung. Then again, from what she's seen online, it's supposed to be different from a pussy, maybe even better. And that sounded good to Sowoen. Taeyoungs pussy had already felt so good around her. Whos to say her ass wonโ€™t feel even better. This is what Bada wanted her to do, after all. And how could she be wrong?ย 
Bada had planted her feet on the ground and spread her legs a bit to make room for the maknae. Sowoen was kneeling right in front of the pair. She could see how Bada was still grinding her hips against Taeyoung.
โ€œWhatโ€™re you waiting for, Sowoenie? I stretched her out for you,โ€ She heard Bada say.ย 
Sowoen edged closer to them, grabbing ahold of her cock. Running the tip of it over Taeyoungs asshole, letting some of the spurting precum drips inside. Before she began to press her tip into the hole, she slowly started to feed her length into her.ย  She swears she could hear Taeyoung let out a choked sob before it was muffled by Bada, shoving her face closer to her chest.ย 
It had taken a few moments for Sowoen to get comfortable inside Taeyoung, and it felt good. It did feel different from a pussy. She wouldnโ€™t say it felt better for her, but it was different. A good difference.ย 
โ€œIโ€™m going to thrust first, then you okay? Try to keep up,โ€ She heard Bada say.ย 
Sowoen all of a sudden felt her mouth go dry at the last part of Badas' sentence, so she just shot the older girl a simple thumbs up.ย 
They were clumsy at first, with them not being able to meet each other thrusts. But, somehow, they had gotten the hang of it. Each thrust made Taeyoung let out a guttural moan. The thin wall kept them from feeling each other's bare skin. It was a strange sensation to Sowoen. She was able to feel Bada's cock thrusting in as she pulled out. She could feel how strong Badas thrusts were against her shallow ones, and did it feel good.ย 
Bada was the one who started to pick up her pace, it had been a couple of hours since this whole thing had started, and she was the only one who had yet to cum. She looked down against her chest to see Taeyoung's face stained with tears as she let out little whimpers into her sweatshirt. โ€œSuch a cockslut for us, Taeyoung, taking us at the same time,โ€ Bada's voice was low.ย 
โ€œIsnโ€™t she, Sowoenie?โ€
โ€œY-yeah, g-good omega,โ€ Sowoen managed to stutter out as she was trying to focus on her thrusts working in tandem with Badas.ย 
Bada was able to snake her hand between her and Taeyoung, reaching for her lower belly. Feeling the bump she made with every thrust of her cock indenting itself into her tummy made Bada was to go faster. Wanting to fill her up with her load.
Sowoen had managed to keep up with Bada's fast pace, feeling herself edge closer to the cumming as well. It seemed that the older woman was able to tell because she had planted her feet on the ground and started thrusting rougher and faster into Taeyoung.ย 
By this point, Taeyoung's voice was hoarse. She was barely able to moan anymore, just letting out little gasps and whimpers here and there. She had lost count of the orgasms she had. Where they started and where they ended had begun to blur together.
The fast pace Bada had set with Sowoen managing to meet was starting to get to both of them, their thrusts becoming inconsistent. With Badaโ€™s thrusts having become lazier, her just trying to feel as much as Taeyoung as possible. And Sowoen's rut mindset has seemingly made its appearance again with the way she thrust into Taeyoung in short bursts of energy.ย 
Sowoen was the first one to break, unloading her load into Taeyoungs asshole. Out of some sort of miracle, Sowoen's knot hadnโ€™t inflated the entire time. Perhaps it had something to do with how strong her first one of the night was earlier. She didnโ€™t know. As she came, she let out a loud whimper, followed by herself becoming limp, draping her body over Taeyoung's lower half.ย 
Bada, on the other hand, still had a few more thrusts left in her and used that last bit of energy to fuck into Taeyoung hard and fast, pressing onto the bump in her belly once more, urging her to want to fill the omega up, with her seed. Her loud grunts with every thrust getting louder, she wasnโ€™t sure if it was animalistic instincts inside of her or the pure extortion she was feeling.ย 
โ€œFuck, I'm gonna cumโ€ Bada growled as she came, her hips continuing to stutter in shallow thrusts inside of Taeyoung. The ropes of cum kept going with each movement of Bada's hips till her orgasm had stopped.ย 
Moments passed, and Taeyoung began to recover a bit. She felt so full, Bada's cock still in her pussy and Sowoens still in her ass. Both of their loads deep inside her, she felt good, so warm, so satisfied. Her body was pressed up against Bada's much bigger one. The older girl's arms were holding her close. While Sowoen was draped over her ass, her head resting on her lower back, her arms somehow had found themselves wrapped around her lower body.ย 
Bada reached one of her hands to brush Taeyoung's hair out of her face. Seeing that it was stained with tears.ย 
โ€œYou okay?โ€ Bada softly asked.ย 
โ€œYeah, Iโ€™ll be fine. You guys were just kinda rough,โ€ Taeyoung said.ย 
โ€œMmmm, you kinda asked for it.โ€ Bada shrugged that shit-eating grin back on her face.ย 
โ€œWhatever,โ€ Taeyoung muttered, too tired to poke back at Bada anymore. She opted to lean into the warmth inside of her, just enjoying the feeling of being so full.ย 
Bada looked down at her watch, seeing that it read 5 am.ย 
Shit, Bada thought.
It's way too late to bring Sowoen to her parent's house now. It is better for all of them if they just stay at her apartment for the night. It was only a short walk from the practice room, after all.ย 
โ€œWe should go, it's late. You guys can both stay at my place for the night,โ€ She announced.ย 
โ€œIโ€™d agree, but good luck waking her up,โ€ Taeyoung said, muffled into Badaโ€™s sweatshirt.ย 
Bada looked past Taeyoung and fixed her gaze on Sowoen. Somehow, the maknae had fallen asleep. She was now able to hear the little snores coming from the young girl. As she lay, her head resting on the crook of Taeyoungs lower back, and her cock still buried in Taeyoungs ass.ย 
Bada sighed. At least she was having a good first rut.ย 
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umipuppy ยท 6 months
Picture Of Us ( 01 )
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Bada Lee x Famous dancer fem!reader
warnings: (MDNI), language, mentions of fill with bada fingers, fluff?, provocations, 16+?
part 2 here
Years ago...
- It was winter, the snow covered the entire campus of your school, you were getting ready to leave the school wait for your mother to pick you up until a girl bumped into you, you knew who it was, it was Bada Lee an amazing dancer who performed at the school during school events, you thought she was a great her moves were spectacular and made everyone gawk, From that day on, you and she became best friends, even though today you have 28 years together
Now she's a well-known choreographer all over Kpop and an even more amazing dancer
You were a famous choreographer too and you taught at the Justjerk Dance Academy...
- You were anxious because it was your first On The Stage of your best friend You were in the front row anxious and excited, about 4 days before they announced the first On The Stage your girlfriend had broken up with you for reasons of betrayal of her... but now none of that mattered to you, you were only focused on one thing: the performances of your best friend and her BEBE team, they won the street woman figther 2, so you came to honor them
- just before the show starts, Bada Lee spots you from afar and runs up to you to greet you
"hey y/n" you can hear her calling you from afar and coming to see you
"My god bada you look very beautiful!! " you say complimenting her outfit
"oh thank you so much cute cat" she calls you by your childhood nickname and automatic you blush
"What are you doing here bada? Shouldn't you be in the dressing room along with the other girls? " You ask her and she answers
"It should... But as I saw you couldn't help but say hello to my amazing best friend, could you? After she says it she gives you a smile
"Close your eyes for a minute" you ask her
Automatically she closes and asks " what do you have for me ??? "
You say "it's not just for you but for you and the rest of the girls, now you can open your eyes"
She slowly opens her eyes and sees you holding a bouquet of blue tulips shining with a card on top with a photo of you and the baby girls, Bada's eyes fill with tears and soon she will give you a hug
"Y/n didn't need it, that's very beautiful thank you very much! the girls are going to love it"
"I'm only giving you this because I know how hard you've worked together and also happy 1 year of Team Bebe you guys deserve so much! You guys are amazing," you say wiping away your tears of emotion
after that Bada thanks you once again and runs to the dressing room to show the girls
"GIRLS, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW" Bada walks into team bebe's dressing room screaming
"What was Badari?" Tatter asks Bada entering the room
"Come here and close your eyes, if I see someone with their eyes open they won't win huh! I'm watching," she says laughing softly
She places the bouquet with the card and the photo on the table and asks them to open their eyes
" My god how beautiful WAIT A Y/N IS HERE? " Lusher asks with his eyes shining
"I couldn't believe she was here, she's in the front row waiting to see us! She gave this bouquet for our 1 year of Team Bebe and for us winning the SWF and how proud she is of us! Bada's eyes fill with tears she never thought her best friend would do this for her and her team, when bada went to look to the side Sowoen was in tears from crying so much emotion Sowoen was like a little sister to you, you were her emotional support she loved you more than anything
"Sowonie don't cry" Bada goes to her to give her a hug and comfort the maknae of the team, the other girls had their eyes shining and tears were falling on their faces as they read your letter and the picture of all of you
---Time Skip------
The Bebe team had just entered the stage, their eyes lit up seeing the girls performing with so much desire and with a sparkle in their eyes to see so many people gathered to see them dance...
you were jumping and screaming with every move they made especially bada, you screamed when she made that move in Rihanna's cockiness, her heart was racing a thousand an hour her breathing was heavy you couldn't think of anything else but how proud you were to see them achieving everything they ever wanted after so much work on perfecting their moves. You'd never forget that moment, you could see how happy they were to be up there doing what they like...
After they introduced themselves, the MC asked them to give a speech about what it was like to be here, and you listened carefully
Bada took the microphone and began to make an impromptu speech: "Me and the girls are very happy and very happy that you are here to see us dance and have fun with us, this would not be possible without you too, we are very grateful for each and every one of you who is here today, may you continue on our journey ahead, thank you very much indeed! and I would also like to thank you for this amazing opportunity that you have given us THANK YOU SO MUCH BEBIS ! She finishes by looking for something in her coat and making a heart for the crowd, her eyes were watering to have heard this from her you were feeling very happy inside and proud of course !
After a long show you went to the dressing rooms because there was a card that gave you access to the backstage, you ran to the girls' dressing room and you knocked on the door about 3 times and didn't open it because you wanted to make a surprise
"Tatter open the door must be someone from production," Cheche says to tatter
"It's okay it's alright" she runs to open the door, when she sees you she doesn't think
she runs to open the door, when she sees you she doesn't think twice and hugs you very tight and says "Y/N MY GOD I MISS YOU" and keeps hugging you tight
When the girls heard your name they ran to hug you and find you
they all give you a hug and thank you for everything you've done for them and how grateful they are to have you as a friend, they invite you to sit on their couch and you start talking and Bada sits next to you holding your hand
Kyma asks you if you'd like to have dinner with the girls and you reply "of course I'd love to go out to dinner with my girls" you say excited to have dinner with them
---Time Skip------
You already found yourself having dinner at a restaurant that you always go to when you have nothing to do, you are practically friends with the owner so sometimes he reserves the restaurant just for you
you had ordered a Japchae accompanied by a soju to celebrate this amazing night that was happening, during dinner you laughed a lot talked about various subjects until it was 11:30 pm and you were all already saying goodbye to you and Bada because you were going to sleep at her house tonight, you and the girls gave each other some hugs and went your separate ways, while you and Bada were walking through the streets of the bustling city of Seoul, you spotted a karaoke house open at 11:51 p.m., you immediately asked Bada
" Bada, you know I like you a lot, don't you? " You tried to find a way to ask her
What's your new idea? Please don't rob a bank," she says, making fun of her and laughing
"Spare me this time you're going to say yes! You know that karaoke in front of you? We might as well go, right? You ask the eldest silently and thinking of an answer
"Hmm let me see I THOUGHT IT WAS A GREAT IDEA" she says excitedly
"LET'S GO THEN" you say pulling her hand and going inside the karaoke
"But we're going to have rules, aren't we?" says Bada Lee, raising an eyebrow waiting for his answer
"Of course we will, the rules are as follows. If you win I'll pay you anything you want and if I win vice versa, what do you think? "You give this idea of a rule already inside the room looking for a song to start singing
"Closed then, but get your wallet ready 'cause we know I'm going to win I'm the queen of karaoke" she says teasing you
"That's what we're going to see, baby," you counter her teasing
after that you choose the song Abracadabra Do Brown Eyed Girls and start playing the song you jumped and sang as the song was playing, Bada Lee just kept looking at you and laughing at you singing She knew you were great at karaoke but she had to win this time
her turn was over now it was her turn she chose Maria, Justin Bieber she knew you loved this song
She sang looking into your eyes without looking away if you wanted to feel butterflies in your stomach, that look penetrating your eyes, you tried not to show anything, she was your best friend, you couldn't feel anything for her, right?...
after a few songs played and you sang finally the points were going to come out, you were extremely confident that you were going to win until you heard a scream coming from Bada
"FUCK HAHA I WON I FUCKING WON" You couldn't believe it she had won you had no reaction at all
"NO LIE NO CHANCE WAS STOLEN HOW IS IT POSSIBLE?" You were in denial that she had won meanwhile Bada laughed in your face she was red from laughing so hard she got from you
she looks into your eyes and asks "can I make my requests so Mrs. Y/n?"
You snort at her question and you immediately say "go ahead, make your wishes" you roll your eyes
"I'd like the tastiest chocolate ice cream I have with all the accompaniments, I'm in need of a cold ice cream, could you do that for me?"ย  She looks at you with a puppy face
an idea pops into your head and you immediately say "of course Miss Bada" with that you take your cell phone and run out of the room slamming the door of the room where Bada was, you went straight to an ice cream shop that she loved always when you went out she went there she loved the ice cream of that place, you took her ice cream and ran back to the room where Bada was lying on the couch fiddling with her cell phone Looking at some funny tweets, she jumped up when you opened the door hard, you handed her the ice cream and her eyes lit up when she saw that ice cream
"Happy now?" you ask to the tallest
And she replies: "Obviously, yes, look at this, my God, it must be delicious", she without thinking twice eats that ice cream with so much taste, but she thought of an idea...
After this rush you lay down on the couch and started to fiddle with your cell phone when you looked to the side Bada was all dirty with chocolate her white blouse was all stained her chin was covered in ice cream the around her mouth dripped chocolate in the pants of the tallest what you didn't expect was that she was doing this on purpose to tease you, You saw this scene and thought of nothing but laughing until your belly hurt with laughter
"Bada, you look like a child eating my god" you complain to the tallest one who doesn't even give the ball, but you keep eating your ice cream in a slow way, you get paralyzed and say "can you clean up please?" you keep laughing and take a picture of the tallest one putting it on your lock screen
"I'm going to go to the bathroom to get some paper for you to clean up, okay? and finish this ice cream soon, we have one more round, right?" you leave the room giving a wink to Bada and going to get paper for Bada you clean it, you go back to the room sitting next to Bada
And she had gotten even dirtier, you couldn't believe what you were seeing...
You get to clean shirt from the highest
"Did you have to get your white shirt dirty? Is that serious?" you see her giving a corner smile while still smearing herself with the chocolate
"Come on, eat this ice cream soon" you say anxiously already
"No, I said that I'm going to take my time with this ice cream and that's exactly what I'm going to do. It's not my fault," she says teasing you
"Whose fault is mine then? eat fast I'm getting sleepy already" you say lying on the couch across the room facing Bada while she ate you fell asleep and slept on the couch right there
She sees that you have fallen asleep and slowly she goes up to you and makes drawings all over your face, she covers your face with chocolate frosting while she did this she didn't hold back and had to laugh she didn't care if you woke up what she was most attached to as her face was funny with the drawings
----- time skip -----
01:57 am
you wake up at this time all sweaty and with your whole body aching right when you open your eyes you see Bada red from laughing so much but when you look at her quickly she changes her expression to a serious one trying to hold back her laughter
"I'll go to the bathroom, I'll be right back" you say leaving the room, right when you left Bada couldn't contain herself she was even now laughing at what she did to her face
A few minutes later you return to the room red with rage
"BADA, LEE, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FACE?" You ask her angrily but she couldn't hold back her laughter and fell to the floor laughing and you started laughing along your belly it hurt more and more that you were laughing
About 10 minutes went by and you were lying on the floor laughing until now you were out of breath from laughing
"LMAO, when we get to your house you're going to clean my face, that's your punishment for painting me like that" you say, trying to draw in the air to be able to talk between laughs
"Alright, alright," Bada says laughing even harder,
Her laugh was contagious, you'd see her laughing and you'd think "oh my god, how can a girl be so beautiful laughing" and you're still laughing with her
Minutes went by and you went down to go home, you were extremely tired especially bada
Right when you get home you ask
"Bada, can I wear one of your clothes? I didn't bring any clothes" you ask the tallest one who was entering the apartment turning on the lights
"Yes, you can! I have some big hoodies in my closet, you can take them, you'll enjoy wearing them," Bada says, smiling at you
you walk into Bada's room and you see how beautiful he is
you take a duckdive shirt with BADA written BADA on the back and on the front TEAM BEBE and a pair of black and white striped pants and show it to the taller one "can I get these two here?" you ask waiting for permission
"Of course!! you can take it" Bada says
Right after you change you go back to the room you can't help but notice Bada's mouth open when she saw you with her clothes, she was wearing a shirt just like yours but green from Duckdive without Bada on the back and red pants with black, you looked like a couple wearing matching things and Bada's heart races when he sees you.
"I'm feeling so Bada Lee right now" you laugh out loud
"You look beautiful just like me" Bada teases you with a scarstic tone
You sit facing the taller one waiting for her to wipe your face
"You look so cute that cute cat" she teases you
"Fuck you" you say as she wipes her face gently, her long and slender fingers were so soft, impure thoughts took over your mind, you could only think of her filling you with her fingers, but you were her best friend, you couldn't have those thoughts, right?
"That's it, I'm done, Miss Y/N," Bada says, stroking her face
"Thank you so much," you say, ruffling her hair a little.
it didn't take long for Badรก to fall asleep...
until an idea popped into your mind "What if I make the same drawings she did on me?" you didn't think twice and went to Bada's bathroom to get a tube of toothpaste to put your plan into action
You stood next to Bada stroking her hair while putting some toothpaste on her fingers and running it over her face and writing "revenge" on her forehead
Right after that you went running to the bathroom to wash your hand so as not to leave it with the strong smell of mint
you lay down next to Bada and fell asleep in her arms, without realizing you were hugging Bada's waist sleeping on her chest
----Bada's vision------
I was pretending the whole time I was asleep to see Y/N's next move What was she going to do? I could smell the strong smell of mint and toothpaste running down my neck I could feel her heavy breathing on my chest I could feel the warmth of her body against mine I had never felt anything like this something took over my body but I couldn't do anything but fall asleep and wait for tomorrow...
Bada slept cuddling you, holding your body against hers, your breathing was synchronized
- - - - - Time Skip - - - - -
It's morning the sun beats down against Bada's bedroom window, she woke up just before you she was still holding you she didn't let go of you even for a moment
---Your Vision------
You wake up with your eyes half open by the glare of the sun, you see Bada staring at the window half pensive...
" Good morning Badari ! " you say looking at her wanting to laugh because of your face full of toothpaste
"Good morning miss y/n, could you explain to me what that would be on my beautiful and wonderful face?" Bada asks raising an eyebrow
You couldn't help but laugh She laughed along
"You'll see Y/n" she threatens you laughing
while Bada is still in bed you go to the bathroom to brush your teeth and do your skin care with the highest products, while you do your skin care you get a call from Lusher, you answer the call saying
"Good morning Lusher!! All right?" you ask smearing the guasha on your face
Lusher notices that you are in the bathroom and asks "Everything yes!! What about you? Are you in Bada's house? how are you with the leader?" you choke on your saliva and say "Yes, she's fine, it's just that her face is a little weird" you say holding back your laughter
"What do you mean, strange?" Lusher asks for you
"BADARIIIIII" you call bada and she comes running to the bathroom tripping over her own foot
"Hey Bada!" says Lusher
"Hey Luster, how's it going?" says Bada, approaching the camera and grabbing her waist Pressing her body with your body it makes you blush and continues as if nothing happened, when Lusher sees the taller one's face full of toothpaste she starts laughing and Bada soon says "One more to make fun of my face, my god what a world this is" she says whimpering and pressing her waist harder, you look at the confused bada and then hang up the call saying goodbye to Lusher who was still laughing said she would tell you something important later, with that bada washed her own face and started her skin care.
You went down to Bada's kitchen and started making a well-prepared coffee for you and her
----Time Skip------
you were at the dinner table eating and talking and laughing at yesterday's events Bada enjoyed her food very much, she had never eaten home food as good as yours until...
"Y/n, can I make you a little bit of a personal request? And maybe it makes you mad? Bada says looking deep into his eyes
"Of course, go ahead if it's in my power I can carry out that request," you say taking a glass of water and drinking it slowly
Bada took courage within 19 years of friendship with you...
"So I... Can I kiss you?" Bada says red-faced and her hand covering her own face
After she says that, you end up drowning with the water, you didn't expect that kind of question... You didn't know what to feel It seems that the most awaited day has arrived, the day you have been waiting for the most has really arrived on a platter for you...
OK THIS IS REALLY GOOD!! forgive me if there are mistakes!! English is not my first language!! wait for more chapters... ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป and also a merry Christmas!!
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pinkyqil ยท 5 months
Some bebe clips to ease up everything
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lizsos ยท 5 months
Truth or dare
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Summary : you and you best friend Tatter are doing a sleepover , while you were in Tatter's house she suggests playing Truth or dare, and my things got exposed that day .
Genre : smut
(Switch) Tatter x (switch) reader
"WHAT?!" Tatter shouted at you , "you've never donit with a girl ? Live never ever ?!" She mocked you for your confession , making you regret playing truth or dare with her.
"I get it , I get it but I've only been with dudes . I only found out I strictly liked women a few months ago !" You defend yourself , though you knew it was worthless because she was right . Even when you thought you were bi you still couldn't hit on a women
Men are just so much easier , all you have to do was show some cleavage and bend over in a skirt and they'd be begging to get in your pants , but girls were so much more complicated to you . They didn't care about stuff like that so usually when a girl would flirt with you , you would freeze up and become a blubbering mess .
Tatter sighed , "okay fine fine , it your turn now"
You asked the question and when she answered with a truth you had to think for a moment . Why was this game so hard again ? Being tipsy from not answering questions or skipping out on fares was difficulty not helping either .
"Most awkward person you've had a sex dream about ?" You asked . It was just the first thing you could think of . You waited for Tatter to answer it casually like she did every other 'Embarrassing ' question you asked , but instead she picked up on of the shots you guys prepared and drank it .
Tatter would never hesitate to answer that question, even if it was someone like her teacher Bada ! So why did she choose to not answer ? Unless the answer was you . Not determined to figure this mystery out you mindlessly answered dare when she asked .
"Sit on my lap " she said -no-she commanded without any hesitation in her voice what-so-ever . She was your best friend and you'd sat in her lap so many times in the past, so why was your body warming at the thought of it now? Sure , you were both in just panties and a t-shirt , but you've bathed her when she was to drunk to do it herself !
Hesitanly , you crawled over to her side of the coffee table and sat in her lap . Well kind of on her crossed ankles instead on her lap . You were surprised when a pair of delicate hands grabbed your waist and yanked you properly into her lap . You half shouted half... moaned ?
You tried to brush over it as fast as possible, "truth or dare , Tatter ?" You asked , your voice wavering . You hoped she would pick truth , but Tatter was smater than that ,she knew what question you'd ask her so she picked dare . Forced to come up with something on the spot you blurted the first thing that your tipsy brain could think of .
"Kiss me"
Tatter didn't hesitate for a moment to pull you into a kiss . A needy , wet kiss that left you panting when she finally pulled away .
"Truth or dare " she asked causally, as she didn't just give you the most amazing kiss you've ever had
"Truth" you panted out , mind racing
"Do you want me to kiss you again?"
All you could do was nod as she fully turned you around so you were straddling her , as she pulled you into a breath stealing kiss .this time you leaned into it, opening your mouth when she pushed at it , begging for access .
When she stopped assaulting your mouth . You (tried ) to ask her the question just as casually as she had "Truth or dare?" Amd this time she picked truth .
"What happend? In the wet dream?" You asked , face flushing even more . You were particularly as pink as she was .
Tatter thought for a moment, pushing her blonde hair out of her face . "You came home crying , blubbering about how you just got broken up with. I couldn't stand it and kissed you to get you to stop talking about some man . I told you I could make you feel better than any brainless dick ever could and we went to my room . Then y'know " She ended abruptly and you could swear her face was a darker pink now .
Seeing her flustered was an opportunity you could not miss . "No I don't know.." you feigned shyness , drawing circles into her chest mindlessly "tell me .."
"W-well .. " She stuttered. Tater , the most confidant person (besides bafa) you've ever ,met just stuttered ! " I pushed you onto the bed and stared kissing you ... while groping you . The you said you needed more than that , " her breath hitched in her throat for a moment , "Then you said you want me to help you forget about him .."
She stopped again , like she was too embarrassed to keep describing it . This girl would walk around naked around you and flirt with you all the time but NOW she was embarrassed? You had to keep pushing this .
"Tell me more , Tatter ... please " you whispered , leaning closer to her ear .
She slid a hand up your shirt , " I started , uh , massaging you like this..." you yelped in surprise, replying Tatter was taking back control. "I took my time .. because you'd always complain about how guys always skip the foreplay.?." And that's what she did now , fondling you carefully, like she was focusing on you . You laid your head on the crook of her neck , taking in the smell of her perfume . Strawberry . It fit her perfectly.
"You told me you were hot so I took your shirt off" she grabbed the bottom hem of your shirt an pulled it of you gently , folding it up in a half assed manner and setting it on the table in front of her . It was unlike any guy you'd ever been with before . They'd practically rip your shirt off and just toss it somewhere without care . Not Tatter tho . Every moment she made , every touch was full of care . She just wanted to make you feel good .
It seemed Tatter abandoned recounting her dream as she was now kissing down on your bare chest , muttering something about being perfect under her breath. She found a sensitive spot and immediately bit down on it, forcing a moan out of you , as you ground your hips into her . She giggled her usual bubbly giggle . Her free hand brushing through your hair .
"Tatter ..." you whispered hands snaking down her neck to balance yourself as she went down your chest . Gyus would always grow and suckling on your tits ,but you never knew it could feel this good ,Tatter hand no problem sneaking her hand underneath the waistband of your underwear . That was another thing you loved about her she didn't make of of your *grandma panties* as many guys did in the past . She thought you looked hot as hell wearing anything .
" you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this , you drive me crazy " she whispered into your ear and every word rang throughout you , you could tell she meant it . Not just saying what she has to say to get you all hot and bothered .
Tatter started to pull your underwear down but you grabbed her wrist . "Hey this isn't fair ... I .... want to see you too , Tatter " you mumbled barely coherent . If she weren't right in front of you she probably wouldn't have heard it .
"Awe.. why didn't you say so soon? " she teased as you pulled off her baggy t-shirt and folded it in the sloppy way she folded yours minutes ago . She whispered sweet nothing into your ear as she again tried to push your panties down , this time you didn't stop her , shimmering them off your legs and tossing them on top of your shirt npbehind you .
Tatter slipped a hand between your folds paying extra attention to that sensitive bundle of nerves that most guys seem to never care about . It was like she knew everywhere you wanted her to touch , probably because she was also a girl ?
A finger slipping i side of you brought you back to reality and you yelped in surprise .
"Wow your so wet it just slipped right in !" Tatter giggled . You realised what she had pushed you forward so she was on top of you . She pushed her finger in deeper and somehow immediately found your g-spot . Your mind raced as she continued pushing into that spot . Unable to form a coherent sentence you spewed moans of her name and strings of curses and pleas . You knew 8f she kept this up you were gonna go fast so you decided to retaliate .
You reached down and rubbed at Tatter's clit over her panties making her flinch. "H-hey what're you doing ..?...... ahhh~ "you pulled her panties down just enough to be able to touch her directly, easily slipping your finer in just as she had .
"Wow , your so wet it just slipped right in !" You mocked her , laughing at her embarrassed face . She fought back by pushing her knee against you , pressing on your clit while her fingers stretched you out . At this point it was a game to see who would make who cum first , and you didn't plan on losing .
You were glad you had much experience masturbattjng as you did because you found her g-spot with same ease she found yours . You pushed two fingers in and out of her , hitting that sweet spot with each thrust of your hand . They way Tatter sounded as she tried to not make noise only fueled you more . The tables have turned and now you were on top of her . Tatter wrapped her arms around , nails digging into your back hard to leave marks .
"Please ...! ... AH! Fuckfuckfuck .. Too good!" She sorted into your neck . This was like nothing she had felt before . It was nowhere close to her other or even herself!" She hated this , it was so humiliating to be under you , blabbing like crazy over how good it felt . You were suppose to be the one doing that m not her..
You nipping ร t her neck was enough for her to come undone around your hand with a scream she didn't know she was hoding
Seeing her pleasured face drove you over the edge and you collapsed on top of her , mumbling about how amazing that was .
After the both of you were done Tatter asked "Truth or dare" . Yoh laughed at how unserious she was but you answered .
"Do you love me know ?"
"Yes , yes I love you Tatter"
You both ended the night with a long passionate kiss
Taglist : @pinkyqil @nimxie @urlovebot @ssivinee @sydnerss @sun-nyy @badaleesbish @badaspebble @badaleeswifey @badasgirlfriend @urlovebot @aericrys @aericrys @bebeyue
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wintersbitterfly ยท 4 months
iโ€™m having too much fun w this
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abravesoul03 ยท 5 months
I need sub GP Tatter.
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Her being all hard and whines. "Y/N-ah I'm really hard, please help me?" You could never say no to her and her whining didn't help at all, giving in you asked her to sit up on the bed.
She did as you took off your top leaving you in your bra. Your breasts were her weak spot. She could just cum by looking at them.
"ahh you look so hot~ please take them off jagiya~"
You blushed, you were really affected by her but tried your best not to show.
"take them off?" You wanted to push her buttons a little.
"y-yes please, please use your breasts on my cock~"
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badaleesbish ยท 3 months
YALL LOOKโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธ IM BOUT TO CRYโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธ
I missed them so much ๐Ÿฅน
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taruusmoon ยท 7 months
(Bada Lee Rock Band AU)
Summary: In 1992, the renowned rock band The Rivers became an LGTBIQ+ icon when the guitarist, lead singer and younger sister of the trio; Tatter, declared to be bisexual and to be in a stable relationship with her best friend. Three years later, the drummer and middle sister, Lusher, declared to be in a relationship with the ex-girlfriend of her former best friend and photographer, Jessie Lim. Now, more than 30 years later, the leader and bassist of the group, Bada, breaks silence and decides to tell her love story with none other than the retired famous photographer, Jessica Bae.
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ห— ห ห‹ โ™ก หŽหŠ ห—
The beginning of Everything
The round table was packed with producers and publicists, and among them was the infamous female rock band The Rivers along with their manager. That day was the last day to meet before production on the band's documentary finally began filming. They had been planning the recordings since 2020, but when the pandemic hit the world, they were all forced to postpone the plans.
โ€œWe have signed the last contracts and can finally start the last filming of the documentaryโ€ said one of the producers in charge. โ€œWe have collected very good material, and we have also found the perfect actresses to start filming some shots. The only thing we still need are the interviews.โ€
โ€œDid she agree?โ€
Suddenly the room was silent, and after asking, Bada looked hopefully at Linda, the main producer, who stared at her and then smiled with a nod. They had gotten Jessica Bae to be in the documentary.
โ€œPeople have wanted to know your love stories all this time, and we finally have the final piece to tell themโ€ Lindsey exclaimed with excitement in her voice. โ€œShe said she would be here Monday morning, and she would be as sincere as we wanted her to be.โ€
โ€œDo you really think people want to listen to us?โ€ Juliana said, looking at Linda. โ€œI mean, the documentary is about the band, about you guys.โ€ she continued as she pointed to the sisters. โ€œDo you think people want to listen to us and our lives?โ€
โ€œPeople want everything, Julsโ€ replied Brody, the manager. โ€œPeople want the pretty and the lurid; they want versions of absolutely everything. They've been asking for years, and you and Eunbyul have earned some fame.โ€
โ€œWellโ€ Eunbyul interrupted. โ€œLet's do it.โ€
Part 1: The Beginning
Part 2: The Beginning of the fall
Part 3: The Fallout
Part 4: The end of everything
ห— ห ห‹ โ™ก หŽหŠ ห—
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b1ackbunny ยท 7 months
A Tatter smau-ish ff
pairing: tatter x fem!creator!oc (laura wen yu)
synopsis: just like the saying goes, first impressions go a long way. when laura wen yu and kim taeyoung meet in rather sour circumstances, they both develop firm beliefs that they will never truly get along. but over time, their two worlds keep colliding beyond their control and the underlying tensions begin to build. the two explore the line between love and hate, but on which side will they ultimately fall?
word count: n/a
warnings: au, no mentions of swf or smf (but mentions of the contestants), bad writing, friendly violence, a little inaccurate, suggestive language, toxic relationship tendencies, cheating, unedited
previous: lauraโ€™s rat colony
next: chapter 1
taglist (open!):
a/n: hello party peopleee!!! welcome to the spin-off of love lies where itโ€™s tatter x laura!!! I really hope yโ€™all enjoy this + this doesnโ€™t count as officially starting it so shhh updates will be on the slower side compared to love lies๐ŸงŽ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธalso synopsis might be changed but keeps the same general idea bc Iโ€™m trash at writing those so donโ€™t mind it ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ comment if yโ€™all wanna be added to the taglist ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿฝ (too lazy to change somiโ€™s text to yeji so just vibe)
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vamps4bada ยท 7 months
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I love women . . .
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pinkyqil ยท 4 months
She knows how to attract women
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