#question from the bunnies
belovedjeju · 5 months
Hi there Bunny~
It's finally nice to see another writer who writes for SWF2 🥹. May I ask for a Fluffy Tatter X Fem reader imagine? Maybe something like reader gets into a minor accident? (If it's not too much to ask)
And Tatter take cares of you, just pretty much babies you.
-awisespirit 🍵
Omg hiii! I had a lot of fun with this one so thanks for the request bunny🫶🏿🫶🏿. I didn’t know what kinda accident you were referring to so I just took some creative liberties on that part 😁😁
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Word count:~2.1k
Tw: Fluff, slightly suggestive but nothing you need to tilt your nose up at
Note: Any relation to any real person or place is purely coincidental and is not indicative of any real person’s personality or life.
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You should get the award for the clumsiest bitch on Earth.
You’re currently laying on the floor, commiserating in your own misery. Why, you ask? Well, when you’re having the worst day of your life, laying on the floor is really the best thing to do.
First, you had prepared to go to campus to take your final exam for your least favorite class, Math, with your least favorite teacher, Kim Eun Soo, only to find out that it had started thirty minutes earlier, and you only had two hours left to take a 200 question exam.
Then, you get called in by your boss to come in to the shop at the last minute, because one of your coworkers quit and there was no one else to pick up the shift. On the way there, you wasted hot coffee all over your lap, and had to use one of the pants in the store, which is definitely “coming out of your paycheck”, according to your lovely boss. You then proceed to be berated by a customer for not having the size of pants she wanted, because you had taken the last pair just five minutes prior.
As you bowed in apology, your coworker was coming by with the grabber used to get clothes off of the higher racks, and it hit you in the back of the head when you were standing up, causing you to smack your head on the counter in front of you.
So, you proceeded to spend the rest of your shift with a raging headache and once that was done, you had to drive all the way back home with your dirty jeans that were making your car smell like old coffee.
You were so ready to lay down in bed and decompose silently, but of course, luck just wasn’t on your side, because as you entered your kitchen to fix yourself some water, the kitchen sink didn’t want to work.
You would turn it on and off, but nothing would come out, which was worrying because you didn’t feel like spending money to get it fixed, thirstiness be damned. Just when you were about to give up and go about your business, the spout suddenly burst, shooting water right in your face. You screamed as water rushed out, spilling all over the counter, the floor, and of course, you.
Thankfully, you were able to shut it off quickly, but as you were wiping off the counters, you ended up slipping, foot caving in and falling to the floor.
Which is how you got here, entire body hurting and just about the end of your rope.
“Should I just die,” you say, deadpan, as you stare up at the ceiling. Maybe this could be your new career, a stay-on-the-floor girlfriend while your partner goes out and makes money for the both of you.
You could just mold into the floor and Taeyoung can use you as a decoration piece for the living room or something.
That’s it! That’s what you’ll do instead of moving. Taeyoung would understand. Of course she will. If she loves you she will.
You faintly hear the sound of the door opening, and your girlfriend’s lovely voice as it rings throughout the air. Her voice is almost enough to make all of the pain of today go away. Almost.
“(Y/n), are you home?” She calls out, and you can hear the jingle of her keys as she sets them down.
“In here,” you answer, and you hear her footsteps as they get closer.
“Babe, where are you?” Her confused tone of voice makes you giggle a bit.
“Down here,” her head immediately comes around the corner as she spots you. “Careful, floor’s wet,” you warn as she cautiously steps closer.
Tatter takes in the wet floor and your disheveled state, bewilderment clear on her face. You’re completely soaked, hair in shambles and tired look in your eyes.
“What are you… what happened,” Taeyoung says, blonde hair framing her face as she looks down at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“This is my new job. I’m going to become one with the floor so you can use me as a decoration piece for the living room,” you close your eyes and continue to lay there. “Human life isn’t for me, y’know? I wasn’t meant to be a part of actual society, so you’re just gonna have to take care of me from now on.” You say, body deflating even more.
“Okay…?” Is the only thing Taeyoung can say back to you, not knowing what to make out of this. “Do you want to tell me why, maybe?”
You only stay silent, feeling like if you talk about it then you’ll just end up crying.
“Do you want to maybe get off the floor, then?” You shake your head, staying where you are. Your girlfriend wasn’t having it though.
“Alright, get up,” Tatter says, grabbing your arm and pulling you up, only for you to hiss in pain.
Your body does actually hurt, all jokes aside. Taeyoung immediately drops you after hearing you protest, only for your body to hit the floor again, which is just… perfect.
“Oh shit, babe I’m so sorry,” Tatter panics, crouching down but not knowing where to touch you. “Fuck, is your head ok? Where does it hurt–”
Tatter cuts herself off when you start to sniffle, tears forming in your eyes.
“Shit, baby, I really didn’t mean it, ok! I was only trying to get you off the floor and,” Tatter rambles as she helps you sit up, and you immediately push your face into her chest, tears flowing freely as it all becomes too much.
You wrap your arms around Tatter, who immediately reciprocates the affection.
“Come on, baby, let’s get you cleaned up, ok?” You say nothing, letting her try and move you, only for you to wince when you put pressure on your ankle. Tater notices immediately. “Is it your ankle, hun?” You just nod, only for you to gasp as Tatter picks you up with ease, carrying you to the bedroom as you look down at her in shock. “What,” she says, smiling cheekily at you, “why do you think I hit the gym so hard? It’s so I can carry you like a princess!” She bounces you in her arms, and loves the way you laugh, burying your face in her neck as it begins to heat up.
Tatter enters the bathroom and sits you on the edge of the tub, turning on the water after plugging it in. As you watch it fill up, Tatter adds soap to the water and swirls it around with her hand.
She puts your hair in a high bun and then proceeds to peel off your wet clothes, chucking them in a corner with a faux disgusted look on her face.
“There,” she says once all of them are removed, “Now you can relax properly.” She kisses you on the cheek and holds you hand as you get in the tub, warm water immediately soothing your sore skin. She turns off the tub, grabbing a rag to wash you off with. She runs the rag over your shoulders, your chest, your back, and your legs with care and tenderness, and it makes you want to cry. You let it all happen, body feeling heavier and heavier with each passing moment.
Tatter admires you as your eyes flutter shut. She admires your long neck as you tip your head back, the way your chest moves slowly up and down as you breathe so steadily. She admires the way the water glides over you, making your skin glisten in the light. She runs her hands from your shoulders to your chest, giving you a small kiss on your neck as well.
“My baby’s so pretty like this,” another kiss on your cheek, “so peaceful and relaxed,” her lips meet yours, slow and steady. She starts kneading your shoulders, eyes furrowed at the tension there. “Oh, this day must’ve been awful for you. You’re so stressed out…” Tatter watches you nod, leaning into her every touch. Her fingers meet the back of your neck, rubbing her thumbs into it gently. You sigh, craning your head forward.
“Taeyoung,” you whimper, hand reaching up to clasp hers. Your girlfriend grabs your hand and places a kiss on your palm, feeling your pulse beat through your wrist.
“My lovely girl,” she rubs your back in circles, kissing up your arm and on your shoulder. Her hands reach down, rubbing your waist and back up again. “You need a break,” she states, wiping off the soap from your body.
“Can you join me, please?” You ask, looking up at her with hazy eyes.
Taeyoung smiles, never one to deny you much. She strips in front of you, knowing that your eyes will never leave her body. Your hand reaches out to grab onto her hip, planting a kiss on her thigh. You scoot up to let her fit into the tub, and allow her to wrap her arms around you and pull you close to her. Tatter plants a bunch of kisses on your neck and shoulders, squeezing your sides again. You rub your hands up and down her thighs, humming softly.
Tatter tilts your head up, lips meeting yours in sweet bliss. The only sound that fills the bathroom is the sound of lips smacking against each other and the sound of bodies moving in the water, and it’s music to both of your ears.
You start panting into her mouth as Tatter’s hands roam your body, but Tatter pulls away all too soon. She nuzzles her nose into your cheek, cooing at you.
“Let’s just relax for now, ok? We’ll have time for that later,” she whispers into your lips, giving you one last peck before she starts to wash herself off, you helping a bit too.
After the tub is drained, Tatter sits you on the edge of the tub and dries you off first, drying each part of you individually. She wraps you in the towel, lets your hair down, and grabs a towel for herself as well.
“How’s your ankle, love?” She bends down and takes your right foot in her hand, thumb rubbing over your slightly swollen ankle. You huff at the contact.
“I’m sure it’ll be better in the morning. Just a little accident, that’s all,” you say, voice wavering. “Sink attacked me earlier.”
Tatter chuckles, placing a kiss to your ankle and lifting you into her arms once more. “Attacked you? How so?”
“Wouldn’t work when I tried to get something to drink earlier, sprayed me with water when I gave up,” she sets you down on the bed softly. “Then I proceeded to fall on the floor and hit my head for the second time today,” you watch as Tatter goes to grab some clothes for you both, two oversized shirts and underwear.
“What was the first?” Tatter says, walking back over to you.
“Coworker hit me in the head with a pole and I ended up hitting my head on the counter at work,” Tatter winces in response, imagining the scenario now. “No underwear for me?” You ask as she sits you up, putting your shirt on.
“Easier access for later,” she says cheekily, giving you a small wink. Your face heats up and you look away.
Tatter dresses herself, climbing into bed afterwards.
“And not to mention that my boss called me in at the last minute, and so I had to speed from my final –which I was late to–, and I wasted coffee on myself,” you rub at your thighs, happy you didn’t get any burns on you. Your poor jeans, though.
Tatter sighs, hugging you from the side. “Oh, my poor baby, the world had it out for you, I swear.” She kisses you on the cheek, hoping it’ll brighten your mood, which it does.
“I swear, Taeyoung, I must’ve had terrible karma in my past life. Simply terrible,” you pout, curling into her.
“Well, let’s hope you do enough good in this one to not be so unlucky next time,” she gives you a mischievous grin as she places more kisses on your cheeks and neck. “I know I can get a lot of good karma tonight,” she declares, playing with the hem of your shirt.
“Oh,” you quirk an eyebrow at her, wrapping your arms around her neck once she leans over you. “And how do you plan on doing that?”
“By making you call for God all night long, of course,” she kisses you as you both giggle, you playfully tapping her on her shoulder.
“You’re so corny, baby,” you say through your giggles.
“I tell nothing but the truth. Now lay down and let me make you feel better, ok?” She says impatiently, and you do as you’re told, letting your girlfriend take care of you for the rest of the night.
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colorful-horses · 1 year
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Hasbro heard about Monster High making a comeback and they came out mad as FUCK with these dolls
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astraltrickster · 1 month
Dungeon Meshi is possibly the best case I've ever seen of fantasy being used as an extended study of casual racism. Most of our beloved blorbos are, in fact, casually racist in some way, including the central party. It's not treated as a good thing. Their ideas are not treated as true by the narrative. But most importantly, the characters are still treated as fully realized people who are likeable and doing their best...but operating under a skewed worldview. Casual racism is a character flaw, and a bad one, and not one that can turn into a benefit in the right situation; the closest it can come is...being mildly useful against shapeshifters.
But most importantly, it's explained by their life circumstances without excusing it. Laios is casually racist - in the kinds of ways that people in real life might be; he's Like This toward other groups of tallmen, even - because he isn't good with people in the first place, let alone enough so to question "ambient" attitudes toward "outsider" tribes or think about why deciding someone's name is too hard to really get right might just be a dick move (in other words, his casual racism exists in a way that a lot more white autistic people need to be aware can happen, tbh) - and he faces the consequences, some of which are fucking devastating (I straight up can't revisit the part where Toshiro admits he hates Laios because holy fucking shit it hits way too close to home to understand BOTH of their viewpoints that deeply, like I had to lay down after that one). Senshi is also casually fantasy-racist, because he's never been in extended contact with a multiracial group before - hell, he hasn't been in extended contact with ANY group since childhood. Marcille seemed like she was at her worst when arguing over the history of the orc war, but the deeper-running thing is that her stubbornness extends to a good bit of egomania; when she has what she thinks is a good idea, she thinks she knows better than anyone; we see this flaw with the mandrake incident and think a valuable lesson has been learned...only for it to REALLY rear its ugly head later, and what else could you expect? Elf culture is, itself, pretty damned racist. She's spent her whole life being told she's smarter and wiser than anyone from a shorter-lived race because ~with age comes wisdom~! That's not something that goes away overnight!
And Chilchuck, as the guy on the receiving end of so many of this society's shitty attitudes...in a lot of media, and hell, often in real life, with someone as initially cold and closed-off from his party as him, we would expect to see a whole scene where he apologized for the mistake of not trusting them...but we don't get that with him, as I honestly believe we shouldn't, because he had no way to know or even suspect that this party would be the one that wouldn't try to just use him as an expendable tool - and in fact, as established above, plenty of evidence to suspect that they very well might. He can't read minds. Any time he's up, he doesn't know how the party will respond if he dies - would they mourn, or would the last thing he heard while bleeding out just be "aw, shit! Where are we going to find another competent half-foot THIS deep into the dungeon!?" We know the answer, but we have every reason to understand that he does not. He's using very rational defensive tactics...against people, it turns out, he doesn't need to use them against, but he's not exactly WRONG to do so - you can't even call him mistaken; he's making the best decision he can with the information at hand (i.e., his history, their casual racism). He sees people who are not half-foots and fully expects them to exploit him based not on outside stereotypes but on his own history, and while it's not cruel, exactly, it sure does make things harder - more so on him than those around him - than they need to be.
And what I like about this is that the narrative says - yes, these racist and ignorant attitudes are bad. They do harm to the people who have to deal with them, both directly and indirectly. No, they aren't going to be 100% resolved in a single story arc; they have to be chipped away at slowly, bit by bit. Yes, they exist in fully realized people. They are the result of Living In A Society, not individually just being the most evil kind of motherfucker on the planet.
They might even - probably even - exist in you.
So maybe we should all be working on that a bit, hm?
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misc-obeyme · 30 days
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Rabbit-san, please. Have you nothing but fluff for brains? Why would you put Beel in charge of cooking when Simeon is right there?
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ur-local-remy-kinnie · 11 months
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wowzers akane the goober!! (submission for @mari-lair’s dtiys)
#tbhk#jshk#toilet bound hanako kun#jibaku shounen hanako kun#aoi akane#my stuff#my art#posting this from tummyache city (im probably not gonna survive this tummyache tbh)#i like how the eyes on this one turned out tbh#literally used the same brush for the entire thing & didnt even think to use anything else#aughhhhhh im kinda proud of this ngl (i aay that abt all my art)#rhi if ur reading this HE ISNT POPROCKS#SOBS. MEAN TO ME!!!#also since he has bunny ears & human ears in this au does he just hear twice as well or what#me asking the real questions here#im just gonna write an entire essay in the tags arent i#i am sorry for everyone who opened the tags to see whatever the hell this is.#anyways i was listening to bug art on repeat while doing the sketch/lineart for this#it made me feel shrimp emotions#i actually listened to a lotta good songs while making this one#ive been getting more into punk-rock lately!!#i was listening to the clash while colouring this it was so fun#specifically their album ‘london calling’… such a major bop#oh & dazey & the scouts!!!#maggot is such a banger song istg#i was literally fighting in the trenches tryna find good reference pics for him in this outfit#i mean i coulda drawn him in sth else ig but i had already started it & i wasnt gonna give up anytime soon#strangely enough i actually kinda knew what i was doing when colouring this… i usually just wing it#anyways i’m out of tags so ig that’s all#ty to everyone who read all this lmao
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ellierenae · 3 months
Happy Storyteller Saturday! This is your invitation to share a little bit of information that exists in your head about one of your characters but that doesn't get mentioned in the book itself 💜
Oh. Oh my god.
I have a DOOZY for you.
Violence Without Plot (a dark screwball comedy) and Notebook of a Fictional Man (a scifantasy romance) come across as such different stories in vastly different worlds, but it's all the same universe.
Seth (gentle giant from NoaFM) and Bunny (punk rock addict from VwP) are brother and sister and spent the better part of their childhoods together.
I never even mentioned it, but they're each other's happiest memories.
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lily-ohfally · 8 months
WoL QotD: Post your earliest Gpose vs your most recent one!
The Gpose can be anything from an actual Gpose to just a screenshot you took because you thought it looked nice, if that makes sense. Let's see how much we've improved!
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Not entirely my earliest nor newest one, but I don't like how the most recent one turned out and the earliest I have includes my friends' character that idk if I can share, so have these! Now let me see yours!
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scandiacamoons · 2 years
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projectmayhem-stims · 10 months
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🎈 🎈 🎈
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
🎄 🎄 🎄
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I love imagining opening up a fridge belonging to vampire Clavis and finding that it's full of juiceboxes, 50% of which are grape juice and 50% of which are your blood XD
The latter features a custom logo, of that infamous Clavis-designed bunny. Bunny Blood in adorable hand-written type that no one can read :)
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belovedjeju · 5 months
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 My name is Jeju (but you can also call me Bunny), and I’ve been obsessed with Bada Lee (and a few others from swf2). I’ve been lurking in the fandom for a while, and I’ve been suddenly inspired to write some things.
 I write fluff, angst, and sometimes smut (so minors and ageless blogs dni por favor I can only handle so much before I cry).
 Hope you enjoy my writing and I can’t wait to get to know all of you!
 Who I write for:
 ♡Bada Lee
 ♡Minah Lee
 ♡Kirsten Dodgen
 ♡Latrice Kabamba
 ♡Emma Huch
    (╹◡╹)♡ Masterlist(╹◡╹)♡
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pinksilvace · 6 days
#dkhghgghkslghhhgh I'm Not Normal about rotg#my interest in it picks back up for a few weeks each year and I just. sigh#please dreamworks I know you had sequels planned. you don't know how big it would be amongst today's audiences. I prommy#director PETER RAMSEY and executive producer GUILLERMO DEL TORO both want to give it a second chance#as does joyce. the guy who sold the IP to dreamworks#nooo because there are so many interesting things the movie could pull on if it starts looking at the guardians with respect#to events of the past#a big critique of rotg is that it doesn't have much plot and I think that largely comes as a result of the movie being mostly setup#it needed to spend so much time establishing its world and I'm so glad that it did#but it did lead to people questioning what the heck bunny and tooth are and why pitch feels so flat etc etc#oh my GOD if they dug into how pitch was created it would add so much subtext to the antarctica scene#I wouldn't care about whether they brought in nightlight stuff or not by integrating more material from the books bc movie canon#is already so distinct but YOU'RE TELLING ME that this man... a guard in his own right... succumbed to the powers of fear#because he was mourning the loss of his child??? because he wanted to protect her??? and then he tried to connect with jack#(a child) over how much he longed to be known and have a FAMILY??? how am I supposed to be normal about this#there are so many ghosts of the books' influence in the first movie that could be explored so much#not to mention something something fear exists to keep people (kids) safe and eliminating it completely would be Bad Actually#maybe I'm realizing I just want pitch to be explored more sdkfjsldfjks#I've seen a lot of folks say they want more seasonal characters to be introduced and I guess that could work in the context of a show#but if they dove more into how the guardians came to be and what MIM's deal is and how that all affects the present#ohhhh baby that's good content right there#fern muses
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anthromimicry · 1 month
“Do you need something to drink?”
misao had been plagued with these terrible migraines for days. they always seemed to start in the same place, which was the base of her skull, and traveled up her head to her temples. and that wasn't even the worst part of it all. they had started to negatively affect her performance at work. so, now not only was she in physical stress, but mental stress as well. it had been taking a lot out of her just to listen to her patients and appear to give even the slightest damn about their issues whenever her head felt a bit like it was one of those pressurized instant cooking pots: prone to burst at any time given the right stimulus. thus, misao was taking the day off as per the warden of arkham's orders, despite the fact that she didn't want to.
and this was because the institution held her main food source within it. but she supposed she could survive on other things besides her patients themselves, for a few days. there was a time where misao had managed to survive on just insects after all. a sigh slipped through her lips, then, at the thought while she stared at the blaring light coming from the laptop screen in front of her. why was misao even trying to respond to work emails right now anyhow? the jorōgumo knew that the only thing that she would get from it was an even bigger headache. the latest thing that misao had been dealing with in her workplace was another psychiatrist trying to get rid of his most 'difficult' patient by transferring them to her care, and she had found that to be pretty irritating.
it really was as if these out of network fellow doctors of hers thought that she was the person to dump treatment-resistant patients on when they got tired of them, rather than someone they should actually treat like one of their respected colleagues. misao was faced with the other just as she decided to close her laptop next and would've jumped up in surprise if she didn't stop herself at the very last second. gosh, did she wish people around here would announce themselves more often. a laugh that conveyed both a slight sense of nervousness and friendliness leaving misao's lips while her eyes focused on khare's, ❝ oh, wow. hi — uhh, you were not just there a few seconds ago, were you? because i have to admit, you kind of scared me. i did not hear you at all. ❞
misao fixed the glasses she wore to sit atop her nose properly once more as she plastered the most well meaning smile that she could on her face. to be honest, she hadn't really thought too much about what she wanted to order yet, but misao supposed something simple like a water might calm that dreaded sense of nausea she was feeling along with the newfound pressure in her skull. 'now would be as good of a time as ever to start working, pain medicine,' misao thought to herself, ❝ yeah. i'd love something to drink, actually. could you get me some water? you'd honestly be helping me a lot by just doing that, ❞ keeping things short and sweet is just what misao preferred to do, especially around strangers, so that's exactly what she did.
although misao was hungry... attempting to eat someone like khare would be quite the risk since they were in public and that could mean that she could very much be potentially out herself in the process. so, once again, she supposed she'd just have to perform a little fast as she originally planned.
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herlittlebunnyboy · 6 months
Hi my bunny boy!
I saw your ask and let me just put out there that I know you very well as your my best friend before anything, but I like the randoms things.
I dont remember how many are they. Lol
Lol you're at work AND you know you don't ever have to wait to ask me anything
58 - all the time! but i think its more to do with my bad memory and getting hit in the head to much in life.
7 - lol last night? after work i read for a bit watched some TV with my sibling, ate dinner talked to you for a little bit then went to bed. you didn't miss much
26 - i find myself laughing at you asking this since we've known each other since middle school but no I've never died my hair or done anything crazy to it, it used to be long and had ringlet curls when i was super young but outside of that its been military cuts my whole life, OH! aside from the brief spikey hair phase my first year of highschool.
67 - see i love both, but i reaaaaaally don't like spitting especially in public or making undue mess or noise if they are already shelled its sunflower seeds. i love them in a salad or just themselves and have a bag of lightly salted ones in the pantry. if they are still in the shell i go peanuts.
99 - Hey I was losing my mind looking for 99 on there!
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shivunin · 11 months
Hello! 🦄
Well, for the random headcanons… ✍ : What is your muse’s handwriting like? Is it neat? Sloppy? Fancy? > Emmaera (of course) ♞ : What is your muse’s favorite animal? > Arianwen (another of course) and for everyone (that you wish to do): ❤ : What are your muse’s thoughts on love? ❀ : What is your muse’s opinion about flower crowns? (this is very important.)
Hello, Arja! 🐣Thank you for asking c:
(Headcanon meme)
✍Emma's handwriting is very neat, but very sharply angled. She learned how to write from her dad, usually on vertical surfaces, and she tends to write at a funny angle when she has to sit down and use a desk. Her margins are meticulously evenly-spaced and her field reports are the most concise and well-structured in all of the Inquisition.
♞ Ohhh ouch. If you asked Arianwen what her favorite animal is she would grimace and groan about it. I think, after lots of thought, she would say canids (which is the closest she'd come to choosing just one animal). She has dozens of dogs and she adores wolves.
As for ❤ : What are your muse’s thoughts on love? (Answering for platonic and romantic love)
Wen: Love is impossible and unreal, but loving another creature makes one real. Love is the trust of a hurt animal; love is opening your hands and hoping it chooses to come back anyway. Love is a wolf felling a deer to feed its family, but it is also watching the deer with your bowstring slack when you do not need to eat.
Maria: Love is everywhere you look for it, but it isn't always pretty. Sometimes, the way people love you isn't the way you want to be loved and vice versa. Regardless, love is sticking around and trying even when it's hard.
Elowen: Love is rare and needs room to grow and put down roots. Love is best found if you close your eyes and listen very carefully. Love is knowing you may never see a seed sprout and planting it anyway; it feels useless sometimes and frightening, but it is still worth doing.
Emmaera: Love is a hundred thousand different things to every person; there is no meaningful definition of love. Luckily, it doesn't need to be defined to be felt keenly. Love is reaching out and knowing that someone is reaching back.
Salshira: Love is a candle's flame, ready to be blown out by the slightest breeze. It is easiest to see in the dark and it will hurt you if you hold too tightly. Even so, it is worth protecting.
And most importantly, ❀ : What is your muse’s opinion about flower crowns?
Arianwen: Good for Zevran, not me (does not like poky things in her hair, but is happy to put flowers in Zev's)
Maria: Firmly pro-flower crown, would wear one everywhere if she could get away with it (and if her hood/helmet would fit over it)
Elowen: Only under particular circumstances, and only if encouraged
Emma: Yes, if it includes lavender
Salshira: Why not more flower jewelry? Why not bracelets and belts, too?
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the-rogue-mockingjay · 11 months
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It's 6am and I haven't slept yet but it was 100% worth it for this shot 🙌
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