#team wildemount
sparring-spirals · 1 year
team wildemount: getting fucked by someone they've grown close to ;)
team issylra: getting fucked by someone they've grown close to :(
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sunflowervc · 11 months
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my jaw? on the floor. my mind? blown. my love for aabria iyengar? THROUGH THE ROOF!!! what a moment!!!!
detail shots in the reblogs <3
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undead-knick-knack · 1 year
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Hell doesn't even begin to cover it honestly
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court-jastor · 1 year
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A new legend emerges in Uthodurn
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sea-buns · 1 year
Oh my god, the parallels that we are walking into the Bells Hells reunion with.
Team Wildemount went shopping. They formed close bonds to each other. They saved an ancient mystical creature and an entire city with the power of friendship and kindness and mercy. They all survived. They’re all committed to seeing this fight through. The people of this group who started a threesome and a robomance have no middle ground in that venn diagram. They are a literal pyramid built out of love and trust.
Team Issylra clothed themselves in the remains of a betrayal. They destroyed a temple of the gods. They saved a town through death and violence. No two people walked out of that fight feeling the same about its outcome. They had stressful debates questioning what could possibly be worth all this, nightly. They had an enemy in their midst the entire time. They’re returning to their family with one temporary companion.
We’re looking at a group who’s spent their entire time getting to know a living miracle of the Dawnfather, learning about Ludinus’ connection to the Matron of Ravens, the long list of horrors he’s committed. All who are about to reconvene with the people who helped tear down a temple of the Dawnfather, who killed his followers, who watched one of his angels turn to dust, who are returning with a believer of the Matron.
One group will be bubbly, and clean, and hopeful. And the other will arrive looking worse than they did at the end of the world. Dirty, and clouded, and sad.
Both of them have come to the conclusion that this is war.��They’ve resolved to do anything to return to their people and keep it that way. To finish what they started. But the paths they went down to get here are on two wildly differing ends of the spectrum. Ethics and principles that will no doubt clash many times the further down this road they go.
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luminousstardust · 1 year
there’s a really, REALLY interesting comparison here between team wildemount and team issylra… team wildemount freeing the beast from uthodurn without conflict and LITERALLY finding love with their new allies vs. team issylra being forced to fight to free the city from their oppressors no matter how hard they tried avoiding it, and no longer having the strength or patience to avoid it when one of their “allies” flipped on them and showing no mercy to bor’dor.
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setsailforthestars · 1 year
Team Issylra: fucking up the Dawnfather’s followers
Team Wildemount: fucking the Dawnfathers followers
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marvelousbelladonna · 11 months
Laudna is stressed
Team Issylra had a very different time than Team Wildemount
Marisha really killed it this episode
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tangent101 · 15 days
Imagine for a moment...
Imagine for a moment if Deanna had not tried Scrying on Team Issylra. Or if the Scrying failed because she didn't have a font of power enhancing her Scrying efforts like the lady helping Team Issylra had. They return home to Jrusar. And they are desperately hoping that they will find the others. But they also don't know where to start.
And then our four hardened saddened heroes, Team Issylra with Prism in tow, come through the door... and Imogen is just in tears in Laudna's arms. She had no idea she was even alive. She hoped. She begged whatever Gods would listen for just shy of two weeks that Laudna... that her friends were alive.
Of course you also have Fearne and Deanna and Chetney having had their threesome and they're all still having warm fuzzies off of that while still being so overjoyed their friends are alive, and FCG and FRIDA are now a thing but FCG is also overjoyed that his friends are here now...
I have to wonder how things would have changed. Would Laudna have been so angry? Knowing that for 13 days, Imogen had no idea if Laudna was alive, that she was desperate, and that the only reason they even went into the Savalirwood was to do something while waiting for someone with teleportation abilities to return? Seeing her best friend who loves her, who she loves in turn... in tears because she didn't know?
More... can you imagine them counting on their fingers and being "wait... it's only been six days for us. How was it 13 for you?" (Would Laudna and the others admit it was only six days? Would they even admit they knew Team Wildemount was alive after just two days?)
Sure, Team Wildemount has fancy new clothes. Sure, they had fun relationships. But the tears of Imogen who outright stated "I had no idea..." how would that have changed things? And might it have muted the response of Team Issylra? Knowing their friends went this extra time just not knowing what happened? Not knowing if their other friends were even alive? Desperately hoping but being in the dark?
Honestly... for all I love @quiddie roleplaying Deanna... the use of Scrying at that last moment just... pulled the tension out of the air. It was a happy (initially) reunion that turned into massive guilt. But the tears and angst of Team Wildemount meeting their friends, learning at the end that Scrying was once again an option, one they didn't utilize... the angst of these four suddenly seeing friends they didn't know for certain were alive... it's a sadly missed opportunity.
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shiversdownyourspleen · 11 months
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I’d just like to say that this tag of mine aged tremendously
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So there I was watching Critical Role and thinking "Oh thank god, team Wildemount's back in Jrussar. The teleport must've worked and Matt and Laura are just massive trolls."
Then I check Tumblr and find there's a five day time difference, theories that Prism's scry might have been messed with and/or time's done its wibbly wobbly thing???
Well shit, this is going to be interesting. And here I was thinking Bor'dor biting it was the biggest trauma of the night.
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sparring-spirals · 11 months
we can makes all the jokes we want about team issylra being the emotionally unstable half but lets be real, one half of the party is surprisingly practiced in talking through their issues and checking in on each other and essentially doing talk therapy, and one half is prone popping calm emotions like aspirins whenever things start going sideways, and its not the half that keeps suggesting talk therapy.
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angelsndragons · 11 months
so i think i have too many c3 thoughts right now to be entirely coherent so fuck it, we roll. warning: super long post, i insincerely apologize.
while everyone is getting lost in the sauce about the gods and whether they “deserve to live” and whatnot, i think we the audience (and the players to a lesser extent but that’s just my reading) are missing the forest for the trees. because c3 is not about the gods, it’s about our pcs, moreover, it is about our pcs and their relationships to/with power, control, and responsibility. as conflict avoidant (and avoidant in general) as our party is, we need something big and in your face to really delve into their understanding of their issues and the solutions they believe will solve the problems. the gods are only part of the story because they are the biggest, most in your face representation of these issues. the gods have power; do they use it to control others, to control fate? what are their responsibilities when it comes to what their followers do? does any of that even matter in the face of their annihilation? if they have power and don’t use it, what is their responsibility then? adjacently, is free will even a thing when dealing with time and power on a scale that mortals cannot comprehend? and if we “surrender” to that, if we “just have faith” are we ceding control of our own lives to these far more powerful beings and what would that say about us?
these themes are a continuation of what aabria started in exu where she hammered over and over again that power isn’t inherently good or evil, it’s the choices one makes that matter. and if you choose not to decide, if you choose to avoid the issue, you still have made a choice. and you need to own it.
back in the early days, bells hells were all potential, not quite coming into their power and scrounging around for any semblance of control they could manage. ashton told themself that nothing mattered, that everything was shit, and to care was to destroy themself. they chose to just let things happen. chet believed that the only way he could fully control his own fate was to be a loner. fcg thought they were in control and encouraged others, through admittedly not great means, to make choices and take what small control they could, even as they thought choices were not for them. fearne collected, stole, and held things and others too close to keep them from leaving. imogen fought for rigid control over herself, her powers, and her curiosity about said power. laudna avoided the problem altogether; out of sight, out of mind. if she didn’t think about or care about delilah, it didn’t matter, it wouldn’t hurt her or anyone else. orym ceded control of his future to all the other characters and tried to redo the loss of his husband every time he entered a fight.
nowadays? despite their own perceptions of helplessness, they are undeniably powerful enough to make a difference, to make a real mark on the world. and now they have to deal with the responsibility of that power. while also grappling with those control questions that haven’t yet been solved. they’re level 10 characters- the nein were dealing with the happy fun ball, obann and his cronies, and the citadel, for reference. the hells have power, after spending so long feeling powerless and out of control. and i don’t think any of them is comfortable with this yet. having power has not, and probably will not, solved their problems. ashton still has the hole in their head and chronic pain. fearne keeps losing people. imogen is still being drawn to the red moon. laudna still compartmentalizes and is desperately disengaged with her own power and choices. power and control are ultimately separate factors and beasts, is what i am getting at, and having one doesn’t necessarily equate with having the other.
it’s a lot, is what i’m saying. the hells by and large haven’t solved their personal control and power issues so it’s no wonder they are flailing about and rehashing the god question over and over and over again. because the question isn’t really about the gods, the question is about them.
chet and orym have the most straightforward relationships with power and control in the party. orym is regaining control of his life, regaining the ability to lay down what he wants and expects, gaining the ability to lead in the process. chet’s reconciled the betrayal of his authority figure and more than that has consistently and repeatedly owned up to his screw ups and when his lack of control has fucked him or others up. and i think that’s why the pair of them most successfully separate the gods’ power from the gods’ control over the world.
fcg, he who was made to care for others and who now chooses to do so, has gained a relationship with his goddess. not for nothing was the first major breakthrough the one where fcg made a choice, owned it, and followed through. fortune favors the bold, after all, and the changebringer encourages mortals to seize their fates with both hands. through the tentative first steps of self-care, they have also gained more control over themself and their future. they figured out that murderbot doesn’t have to kill or hurt anyone. through the power of someone else helping them, fcg was able to retain enough control to not spiral. and that’s how fcg sees their new mission: the gods have the power to help others (and use it) so he wants to help them. simple, straightforward.
but here it gets murky. because ashton and laudna in particular see power and control as the same thing. they aren’t separate as far as these characters are concerned. if you have power, why wouldn’t you use it? why wouldn’t you control every single thing you could? why wouldn’t you stop this horrid thing? why would you let this happen? where the pair of them differ is that ashton, practically possibility incarnate, has decided to act. has decided that they have been stuck in a cycle of self-pity and wallowing and, well, if the gods aren’t going to act, even on their own behalf, then fine, they will. fuck it. someone has to. he will put ludinus into the ground for what he’s done and then...well, they’ll be a hero (don’t think i didn’t notice your word choices all episode, taliesin, i am watching ashton like a hawk here). through this decision, this acknowledgement of their own vulnerability, of how much they actually have to lose and how much they will have to fight to keep it, ashton has sent themself on the path towards regaining some control over their life. not for nothing have they been so focused on what power and possibilities their head could bring lately. but don’t think they’re doing it for the gods, oh no. they’re here for all the people like them.
but laudna? oh, laudna feels completely out of control. has for a while. her typical avoidance and compartmentalization strategies were completely failing her in issylra. in the face of all of this, she feels powerless. so what does she do? reach for control the only way she knows how: by using someone else’s power and giving them another foothold with which to control laudna’s own life. again. and after? laudna’s overwhelmed, she’s guilty, she’s worried about what everyone else will think. notice that she doesn’t yet seem worried about what delilah could do to her; it’s the betrayal to her friends, how they see her that worries her most. that she wasn’t strong enough, powerful enough, big enough to find another way (never mind that the facts of the situation were overwhelmingly on her side, especially before she called down delilah). that she lost control again. she’s a puppet on delilah’s strings so long as delilah has power that laudna wants or needs, why would the gods be any different in her eyes?
so, strangely in the middle, we have imogen. imogen, who intimately knows that power and control aren’t the same. but unlike chet and orym, in imogen’s experience, the more power she has, the more out of control she becomes. the more  power she gets, the more she’s drawn to that damn moon whether she wants to be or not. sure, the circlet helps now but it’s a band-aid, a temporary measure, and imogen knows it. and even it couldn’t completely block out her dreams. the cost she pays for her powers continues to climb (she lost her mother, her best friend and two of her party members were murdered for it, this solstice could end the world because of ludinus and ruidusborn like her, she can’t tell how overwhelmed laudna is without her powers). imogen, who questioned whether the bad guys have a point before any of this really kicked off.
and fittingly outside this strange intersection is fearne. fearne has no interest in the gods, really. she doesn’t seem to care one way or the other. however, she did just receive a vision from the duskmaven which honestly almost seems tailored to her specifically. the duskmaven’s champion, her person, is trapped in unending agony, caused by his love for his person. that fearne understands all too well. what she really cares about is her people, her new family. and so, she’s caught in the middle. because right now, all the group can agree on is that they want to stick together to take down ludinus. so where is that going to leave them, exactly, once he’s gone? where will that leave her, with a potential chet/orym/fcg vs laudna/ashton/imogen split, when she wants them all, when they are all hers? and how will her newly found sense of responsibility play into the next stage of the hells’ fight?
so i think that intersection between power, control, and responsibility is why certain characters are moving forward and why others are stumbling backwards. and why certain characters are gung-ho about saving the gods, others indifferent, while others are finding non-god reasons to involve themselves in the plot.
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threadcountart · 1 year
Team Wildemount shopping episode was a moment of joy and self indulgence before setting off on a journey with friends.
Team Issylra shopping episode is going to be friend therapy time in Jrusar. Team Wildemount is going to take one look at the state of their returned friends and bundle them up for a shopping trip. A little R&R.
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forgotn1 · 1 year
I like the duality of how Team Wildemount explored the idea of helping the gods while Team Issylra is exploring the idea of letting the gods die. It's going to be very interesting when everyone comes together. I can't wait to see if they find a third way.
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cipher26 · 11 months
My favorite thing in the fucking world is that Laura never ever rolled low enough to make Divine Intervention work for Jester, but now when she just needed to roll above a 5, she rolled below……twice.
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