scuddle-bubble101 · 1 year
The babies are all so adorable... I love their little markings!
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"Oh I-i love t-t-hem too! T-hey c-came o-out a-all h-having my s-skull s-shape b-but so different!"
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xxwindelxx · 3 months
ich habe eine falsche Bestellung getätigt und anstatt Tena Slip Original bekam ich 1 Karton Tena Slip Active fit.
ich habe diese Windel nun die Ganze nacht und den halben Vormittag getragen. Wow, nichts ausgelaufen,angehm zu tragen obwohl bereits gut gefüllt.ich kann diese Pampers echt empfehlen.
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I placed the wrong order and instead of Tena Slip Original I received 1 box of Tena Slip Active fit.
I have worn this diaper all night and half the morning. Wow, nothing leaked, comfortable to wear even though it's already well filled. I can really recommend these pampers.
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dl-paar90 · 5 months
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Ab nach draußen an die frische Luft 🥰 schön eingepackt.
Ob es wirkt was er bekommen hat?🫢🫢🫢
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windelgirl3010 · 1 month
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Und schwubs ist Sie nass ...
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p4vlek · 27 days
Work hard pee hard - Today is Diaper-Tuesday @work
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admireforever · 8 months
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Sense8 “Amor Vincit Omnia”
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dedsec-pony · 4 months
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happy heart day.
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muck80 · 1 year
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Im Haus ist es einfach zu heiß. Also erstmal frische Luft schnappen und den Blick auf den See genießen. Übrigens gab es ein lustiges Erlebnis mit zwei Anglern. Dazu aber in einem anderen Beitrag mehr. It's just too hot in the house. So first get some fresh air and enjoy the view of the lake. By the way, there was a funny experience with two anglers. But more on that in another post.
Ich brauche dringend neue Windeln, also schau doch mal auf meine Wunschliste…. I'm in desperate need of new diapers, so have a look at my wish list.... https://www.amazon.de/hz/wishlist/ls/3MWFGTD8A7CWS
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miss-atena · 2 months
I haven't updated yall on some stuff but
I am a contributor to the @twst-charity to aid Palestine!!!
Yall can trust me that everyone modding and contributing is amazing and has been doing and continues to do an amazing job! This is the only contribution I have made so far, but there are so many things everyone has done and continues to do, it is amazing.
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If anyone wants to, you can donate by the form I'm linking below to donate and request, You can request for me specifically or other great artists and writers!!! Form for donation
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dl-paar90 · 4 months
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Auf zum Stammtisch 💦🚨💋🤩 freuen uns euch allen einen schönen Abend
Gleich erst Mal nen Burger 🍔 so Hunger 🤤
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windelgirl3010 · 1 month
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Wenn nachts die Fotocam klickt....
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p4vlek · 20 days
Greetings from my vacation in turkey 😜
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nukki93 · 15 days
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Rooftop view at the last evening 🌅
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miss-atena · 4 months
This post is me madly projecting with some x reader stuff. Not requested, I had the idea and my besties said "YES DO IT" so this is happening now lmao.
This has been on my drafts for a looooong time, so that's why I'm actually posting this now lmao.
Octavinelle Trio x Reader who is autistic with a special interest in Moray Eels
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul first laid eyes on you for purely business reasons. During the holiday season, the Mostro Lounge stays understaffed most times, and you were oh so kindly falling into his flourished word traps to strike a deal.
He, however, would have never expected all you wanted from him was to know all about Moray Eels that he, as a merfolk, knew. That was... rather odd and maybe even boring?
He got intrigued, were you trying something with the twins? They were his most loyal workers, so he couldn't allow you to do anything.
When you get into a relationship, after much hard work on both parts, he expected, no, hoped you would change this special interest from the slimy eels to the much more interesting octopus.
You... didn't quite catch the hints, though, and this has led to some rather jealous and insecure moments with Azul. Especially if the twins were involved.
One could say that he was so insecure, in fact, that he felt ashamed of even showing his octomerman form to you.
But after you realized all this jealousy and insecurity on his part, you did all you could to show how much you love him and appreciate him for the way he is.
Now your eel-filled room has a little octopus cove, full of things that remind you of Azul or that he enjoys so that he has a safe space to come to.
He still will glare at your Eel stuff when cuddling, almost as if the carnivores were real and trying to get a bite out of you.
"I suppose it wouldn't be bad to stay a bit in here, with you, if you promise me you won't be cuddling those slimy eels to sleep, but rather this much more elegant and cuddly octopus plushie..."
Floyd Leech
Floyd first approached you on a whim. He was bored, you looked interesting enough, and you didn't seem to have any sense of self to run away from him in fear of getting squeezed till you popped, and as such, he stuck for a while.
You were quite different from most people he knew, and sometimes you reminded him a bit of himself or Jade, which gave you some points on his side.
The thing that made him stay, though, was the moment you opened your mouth and asked him if he ever saw a Moray Eel.
You're really asking that? To him? A literal Eel-merman? Hah!
He did indulge you for a while because you actually seemed to know your facts. He would just push you around, sometimes carry you on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, while you blabbered out.
When it came to you two dating, it was very much a surprise for everyone. Floyd? Sticking to someone for so long? That's new.
Floyd tends to cling to you a lot, and even though it gets boring to him real quick that you repeat your eel facts, he cannot for the life of him stop you, since when you ramble is the best time to cuddle.
Floyd will, though, get easily jealous of your eel collection. You have the real eel deal (ha!), and you keep cuddling the plushies? Meanie :(
He will constantly just take the plushie off of your hands and plop himself on top of you. No fake eel, just the real deal.
He didn't really tell you he was a mer-eel, he actually just oh so happened to be taking a swim when you were close, and oh, look, he is an eel!
He lets you play with his fins and will take any chance he can get to use you as his cleaning shrimp to get sand off of him. He just like how your little cute hands feel scrubbing the sand from him, it is like exfoliation!
"hey hey, guppy, wanna do something fun? ya can bring the tiny morays with ya, if ya don't mind a bit of dirt, ahahah~!"
Jade Leech
First met you as a tutor for your work at the Mostro Lounge, per Azul's request.
Found your mannerisms quite interesting, you reminded him of himself and a bit of Floyd too.
He was happy when you didn't distance yourself from him when he talked about his interest in mountains or Mushrooms.
In return, you told him you really really really liked Eels. Specially Morays.
He faked not knowing it and let you talk about it since as long as he could rant about his fungi findings he didn't mind having to hear what he already knew.
When you two began dating, he was very perceptive of your needs. sometimes to a scary level, actually.
He doesn't mind at all your eel-filled room. he finds it endearing, and he even uses some miniatures you buy to put on terrariums he gifts to you.
Autistic x autistic relationship, basically.
He will use your eel interest against you in a silly way, like "I can show you an incredible moray fact if you perhaps go hiking with me :)"
Tbh if you are with him, you should do the same. Makes things fun for you both.
Floyd and Azul are so tired of hearing the both of you talk about each other and enabling each other's interests, but Jade will never judge you. And he will actually shove shiitake mushrooms down other's throats if they do judge you.
The moment he showed you his mer form as per your request, after knowing from Floyd that they both are eels.
Jade doesn't mind you picking and prodding around his mer form if it makes you happy, but if you keep your guard down he will fake drowning you "just for fun :)"
Make sure to hide his mushrooms in return, or he will try funny business again, just saying.
"Oya~ I would never intend to purposefully hurt you, my pearl. But a predator is inclined to bite when their jaws are so open near a cute prey, fufufu~"
I wanted to write something for my fave trio for a while, so I hope yall like this! Other posts and the request for Bee and Vixx will be done shortly after this, Since I already have it in my drafts almost finished! Hope yall enjoy a bit of eeltism!
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saliowl · 6 months
why have I never seen this ?!!
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dl-paar90 · 4 months
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Drive to work 💦💦💦💦😋😋😋😋😋😋
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Und erst Mal einen Kaffee ☕️ auf der Abreit bin gespannt wie lange die hält 😋💦🤩
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