#terano totobami x reader
mirobami · 2 years
How about a reader who is from the rival family of the momobami clan. The reader is extremely smart and better than everyone in the momobami clan, but she has no interest in standing up to them. Please
↳ better yet withdrawn
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♥ GENRE: sfw.
♥ CHARACTER(S): bami clan.
♥ SYNOPSIS: in request!
♥ NOTE: this one was interesting i had to write it
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The L/N clan, known by the Bami clan as their enemies, was nothing more than a simplified version of them. While the Bami Clan had separate branches for a variety of areas, the L/N Clan depended on a single heir. The heir was picked in each generation through a ritual. The ritual would be done on each child in order to make it fair. The child chosen would be called the Superior and the others would get to be normal.
With the newest generation, Y/N had been chosen to be the Superior. She had heard about the Superior’s training. It was extremely rigorous and an arduous process. Her curriculum differed from everyone else’s, with more subjects. The textbooks grew heavier with each passing year. However, she had been conditioned to take in all this knowledge and keep it with her. Once, she had asked what was the purpose of all this.
“In case you are ever forced into something, you have what you need.” 
She didn’t understand. Years later, she’d be entering the prestigious Hyakkaou Academy. She already knew the reputation of this school and how to gain it. Through gambling, she’d make a place for herself, only to be safe. She knew that as long as she was safe in this school, she could continue her studies. What she hadn’t known was that she entered right as the school was in pandemonium with an election. Somehow, the second she walked in, she could sense more than that in the air.
Terano had been wheeled past her, her eyes closed as she strategized her next move against Kirari. But something lured her into turning around. When she whipped her head around, she saw her enemy standing there with a blank face and curious eyes. This was the girl that her family had said needed to be eliminated on the spot. The entire clan agreed to set aside their differences when the time came to eradicate her. “You.”
Y/N tilted her head. “I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are.”
“Don’t act stupid. You know exactly who I am.” Terano had no patience for her, she needed to warn the others. If Y/N was here, it meant that everything they had ever worked for would come crashing down around them. “You’re the one taking everything from us.”
“I’m not sure how that’s possible, I have been studying all this time. If you’ll excuse me.”
That was how future interactions went with the Bami Clan. Terano had notified the rest of them that she was here. Tension ran amidst the clan and it was not, for the first time, directed at one another. They needed to get rid of her quickly. The first person to try was Miyo. She had tried to subtly poison Y/N, just like she had with Yumeko. But Y/N raised an eyebrow at her, sniffed, and said, “You have poison on you right now. Please do not get near me.”
The next person to attempt was Rin. He had asked her to gamble, but she declined, reading her book. When he looked at the cover, it was something about philosophy. Her, reading about morals? That was impossible. He asked one more time and Y/N sighed. “No, thank you. I will not gamble with you. I am asking you to leave.”
It was a fruitless attempt each time. The clan members were all getting paranoid and twitchy, thinking that at any moment, she might poison them or manipulate them into handing over their heirship. The rest of the school could see how they bristled at the sight of Y/N, who hadn’t done anything wrong. In fact, she was staying right in the middle of the pack, almost under the radar but not enough so that the clan wouldn’t detect her. She found out what was wrong and why the clan hated her so much, not to mention piecing together the reason as to the ritual. She was the person that could defeat them with a single blow. They were terrified of that. If she stood up to them and helped out the school, they would have no choice but to back down.
Kirari had said that she’d take care of things. This was why she had Y/N right in front of her. “You and I have some things to talk about.”
“Really? I don’t recall doing anything wrong.”
“Our families are in dispute. You are more than capable of destroying our family. We are here to--”
Y/N let out a long, loud sigh of exasperation. She had set her bag down on the floor, crossing her arms as she leaned back against her chair. “Let me put this in a language you all can understand, because I know this message will be passed along. I. Do. Not. Care.”
Kirari blinked. The words were rude, but the tone was something different. She didn’t care about the family dispute? Or was it that she didn’t care about Kirari’s words? “Listen to me--”
“No, you listen to me. Your family has been trying to get me to do things that I don’t want to do. Miyo tried to poison me, Rin tried to get me to gamble and I’ve heard enough things about him, Terano attempted to coerce me into handing over a property of mine, everyone has tried to eliminate me or get me out of this school. I don’t care about the dispute. Frankly, I don’t care about the election either, I don’t want to be president.”
“Are you aware that you’re something of a martyr to the other students?”
Scoffing, she uncrossed her arms and leaned forward. “I’m not dead yet. I have not been swallowed or devoured in your aquarium of torture. They are putting their faith in the wrong person because I don’t care about this rivalry. Future generations can continue, but for me? I don’t plan on standing against you guys. Do what you want. Just let me study, it’s hard enough to get some quiet around here and I have to deal with interruptions?’ Y/N stood up and grabbed her bag, making her way out before she turned around. “By the way, your best strategy against Terano is not what you think it is.”
Kirari sat down, before getting back up to go to her aquarium. There, she saw an isolated fish wandering around. The other fish seemed to move away from it, some daring to get close before darting off once more. No matter how many times this happened, the fish didn’t do anything. It was docile, seemingly indifferent to what was happening. Kirari smiled. She was an interesting person, to say the least. She couldn’t wait to see what more she could bring to the table.
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769 notes · View notes
... I may have decided to include Kakegurui characters to the list of x reader/ headcanons...
Here's the list:
Yumemi Jabami;
Mary Saotome;
Itsuki Sumeragi;
Kirari Momobami;
Ririka Momobami;
Sayaka Igarashi;
Runa Yomotsuki;
Midari Ikishima;
Kaede Manyuda;
Yumemi Yumemite;
Terano Totobami;
Erimi Mushibami;
Miyo Inbami;
Miri Yobami;
Sumika Warakubami/ Kawaru Natari;
Nozomi Konebami;
Miraslava Honebami;
Ibara Obami;
Rin Obami.
You can ask as many characters as you want, I'll gladly answer them 💕
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ynnllsn · 2 years
Ibara: Rin-san I think we are sharing the same kink <3
Rin: uh no i don't have pain-kink, Ibara
Kirari: he never mention which one :0
Terano: caught in 24k
Sumika: 📸
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
hello!! May I request a Rei Batsubami one-shot where reader (she/her) gets insecure and jealous because Rei is so popular with girls? Thank you!
Nothing to Worry About
Rei Batsubami x She/ Her Reader
A/N: I wasn’t sure what pronouns Rei prefers. The wikis I looked at use some variation of he/they/she depending on what phase of the season they were in. Since this is taking place before Rei gets to write themself back into the family I decided on using they/them. Now that I think about it, they/she or she/they probably would be more accurate idk. Hope this is alright! Word Count: 964
“Rei-san, I’ve been looking for you!”
“Me too!”
(Y/n) watched from the sidelines, a displeased frown easily readable upon her lips. She knew that Rei was gathering votes for something big, but she didn’t like how easily all these other girls flocked to them looking for their attention. Neither did she like how soft and kind Rei was when dealing with them nor the gentle, consoling way Rei would smile and touch their shoulders and hands.
(Y/n)’s dagger like glare went unnoticed and the girls took their sweet time putting their votes into Rei’s box before finally parting ways. (Y/n) was so busy glaring at their backs that she failed to notice Rei come up to her until they were leaning against her.
“What’s wrong?” Rei asked, rubbing (Y/n)’s shoulders.
“Nothing.” (Y/n) grumbled unconvincingly.
“I find that hard to believe. You’re really tense. Talk to me.”
(Y/n) exhaled harshly through her nose, mulling over how to voice what they were feeling. Just as she found the courage to speak what had been on her mind and parted her lips, another group of giggling girls came up to surround Rei with votes and other little homemade gifts.
Rei treated the girls cordially, yet swiftly. When the last of the girls finally departed, Rei turned around to address (Y/n) again, only to find her gone. Worried, they immediately began their search for her. They knew something was wrong and they wouldn’t be a very good partner if they didn’t give her the support she needed. They walked through the halls giving the girls who wished for them to stop for a chat quick apologies and kind smiles as they kept up their search.
“Looking for someone?”
“Totobami-sama, Yumi-san, good afternoon,” Rei bowed, “Yes, I am looking for someone. Have you seen my girlfriend come through here by chance?”
“Oh! Yeah, I think I saw her!” Yumi nodded excitedly. “I think we passed her on our way inside.”
“Thank you. I’ll be going then.”
“Just a moment, Rei.” Terano said, causing Rei to pause.
“I’ve heard whispers that you are collecting votes. Have you decided to join in on Kirari’s little game after all?”
“I may or may not have something in mind. Nothing worthy of your attention I assure you.” Rei bowed again. “Good day to you.”
Terano lingered on Rei’s expression for a few more seconds before closing her eyes with indifference.
“Good day.” She said in return, dropping the subject. She motioned for Yumi to continue and they went about their day while Rei went outside to search the grounds.
Rei was worried that Terano was onto them, but they didn’t have time to dwell on that now. This whole stupid election could wait until after they found out what was going on with (Y/n).
“There you are,” Rei sighed audibly with relief when they found (Y/n) laying under a tree not far from the main walkway, “why did you disappear on me? Are you sick?”
“I’m fine,” (Y/n) huffed, “go back to whatever harem you’ve got going on in there. I don’t care.”
“Harem?” Rei chuckled, taking a seat beside (Y/n). “You mean the girls giving me their votes?”
“What else would I be referring to?” (Y/n) frowned, crossing her arms tightly. “And they give you way more than votes. Don’t pretend to be so surprised.”
“You don’t need to be jealous of them. You know you’re the only girl for me, right?” Rei snuck their hand underneath (Y/n)’s bicep and tugged her arm free. Then they caught (Y/n)’s hand and held it between both of theirs.
“Sometimes I just don’t know.” (Y/n) sniffled. “Part of me is glad all of these girls are as enraptured with you as I am. That they see you as I do, how you deserved to be seen, but then… there are so many of them and surely some of them would be better for you than me. I don’t know.” She said, her hand shaking in Rei’s hold.
“You’ve known me forever and no one knows the struggles the Bami Families have put me through like you do. You even transferred schools to support me here. None of them can hold a candle to you.” Rei pulled (Y/n) into their chest and kissed the top on her head. “I’ll be more firm against their advances from now on. Votes be damned. If you’re ever feeling insecure about my feelings for you, please tell me and I will tell you how much you mean to me every time.”
“You don’t have to do that, I’m being silly.”
“Your feelings aren’t silly—”
“Oh! There they are!”
“Rei-san, good afternoon!”
“Please accept our votes!”
“We made you a treat!”
The group of girls circled around and (Y/n) tried to sit up, only for Rei to hold firm.
“Thank you. This is all very nice. Especially these treats you all worked so hard on, my girlfriend loves these.”
“Oh… is that right?” Some the the girls looked downtrodden while others pouted and a couple even glared at (Y/n).
“Yes, we really appreciate your kindness, but I must ask you all to give us some space. We’re having an important discussion right now.”
A bunch of muddled affirmatives left the group and they all walked away, some nosy girls glancing behind their shoulders to try to catch a hint of what they could be talking about before continuing on.
“Now they’re mad at us.” (Y/n) sighed, idly munching on one of the treats that the mob left.
“They’ll get over it. It’s not as if they didn’t know you existed before.”
“I’m not so sure they did. It’s like I don’t exist when you’re around.”
“I’ll be sure to remind them from now on then.”
And remind them they did.
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mirobami · 2 years
Could u do kakegurui girls with a s/o with thick thighs 🥹
↳ s/o with thick thighs
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❤ GENRE: fluff.
❤ CHARACTER(S): y. jabami, m. saotome, k. momobami, r. momobami, s. igarashi, m. ikishima, y. yumemite, r. yomozuki, i. sumeragi, m. inbami, t. totobami, m. honebami, s. warakubami, r. batsubami
❤ SYNOPSIS: in request!
❤ NOTE: hi hi! due to this being all of the girls, i decided to do one bullet point for each one, i hope you don’t mind. let’s go!
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She practically pulls you onto her lap whenever she can because she just wants to subtly feel your thighs hold you and if you deny because you’re worried about crushing her, she just says, “That’s fine!” Your biggest supporter in the ways that she shows so much love towards your thighs, probably kisses them a lot whenever she’s lying down on your lap
She’s definitely in awe, don’t mistake her glances for anything else, she’s only trying to discreetly look at your thighs; sometimes she’ll ask for you to sit on her lap so that she can look at them more, she loves them a lot and is giving you so many compliments whenever you’re wearing outfits that show off your thighs
Kirari actually makes an excuse that she needs to "study" them but she's just mesmerized by your thighs and constantly tries to give you clothes to show them off (please wear them, she gets super excited); wants you to sit on her lap constantly, she’ll even ask if you can sit on her lap during the council meetings
She’s so shy about them, she won’t even look at them because they’re so pretty to her and she doesn’t want you thinking that she’s doing something wrong; definitely blushes a lot when you’re sitting with your legs crossed and she’s not even thinking wrong, she’s just wondering if there is any way to get you in this one skirt that she thinks would look great on you
Surprise, you are now her pillow whenever she’s really tired, all you have to say is that she can sleep on your lap and boom, her head is on your lap and she’s drifting off to sleep; she likes sitting on your lap too and hug you, it’s her way of recharging
Midari genuinely just loves you but she likes lying across your thighs and if you're not careful, she will bite them playfully or roughly, expect for there to be bite marks due to her, she’s always gleeful about this circumstance afterwards; she’s another one that will pull you on her lap and she will squish your thighs sometimes because she’s so in awe and thinks they’re squeezeable
Yumemi definitely loves your thighs especially since they can serve as pillows for her after a long day and she will sometimes vent to you as she lies on them; she also probably gives you specific outfits that just show your thighs off and she will take multiple pictures of you (yes, they are all on her homescreen and lockscreen)
Runa is quite literally in love with your thighs, she always uses them as pillows whenever she’s gaming; sometimes, the election committee will find you on the same loveseat as her, only she’s resting her head on your thighs and she looks so smug about it too since she doesn’t let anyone else even remotely try to do that
Her nail addiction is one thing but the second you come into the picture, she’s so in love with you and your thighs are spectacular to her; consistently sends you outfit ideas, she’s manipulating you a little bit into wearing these outfits for her own viewing pleasure; sometimes she’ll squeeze your thigh when you’re sitting together
She also uses your lap as pillows but mostly, she likes sitting on your lap as she works on her own things, it’s her way of bonding with you; she’s more chill than the rest of them since she thinks your thighs are really pretty and nothing more, will not give you an outfits for you to wear
Terano thinks that your thighs are fascinating, but unfortunately, since she’s always sitting down, she will never ask for you to let her sit on your lap, she’d rather just admire them; sometimes she asks you how many people have sat on your lap in one go, and secretly wishes that she could be one of those people
Does not say much about your thighs, but she’s over the moon about them; likes seeing you in thigh high boots if you ever wear them, same with slit thigh dresses; you two will sometimes sit on each other’s laps and it’s honestly the best feeling for both of you, you’re always so comfortable with each other
A massive fan of you wearing outfits that show your thighs off, she’s worse than everyone else who tries to give you clothes, she BUYS you an entire wardrobe of clothes she likes seeing you in; she thinks that the slit thigh dresses make you look incredible and if she ever takes you to a premiere of one of her movies, she pleads for you to wear them; one could say that her face is smug as she walks down the carpet with you
She’s another one that uses your thighs as pillows because she needs to relax and if you stroke your hair as she’s lying down? She’s in heaven and she’s more in love with you, you don’t even have to do anything else, she’d do anything for you as long as you let her reset on your lap
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mirobami · 2 years
hi again, may i request for terano, yumeko, rei, and the momobami twins to having an s/o whose very similar to Kiyotaka Ayanokoji from classroom of the elite if you've watched that anime yet. basically, their gf could beat everyone in the school (and yes, including kirari and terano) but chooses not to since they dont like draw attention to themselves
PS: thank you so much for choosing and writing my request!!! i loved it and have honestly reread it multiple times
↳ s/o that can defeat others yet choose not to
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❤ GENRE: fluff.
❤ CHARACTER(S): k. momobami, r. momobami, r. batsubami, y. jabami. t. totobami
❤ SYNOPSIS: in request!
❤ NOTE: Hi! I’ve actually never seen this show, so guess who’s sprinting to watch this--no, but I just searched this person up and hopefully, I did this justice, so let’s check it out!
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She sees the logic behind this, because she actually thought that at first, you were a nobody and she was surprised that you weren't a housepet
There was obviously nothing she would do against you, since there was no point in going against you
But after a while, she started noticing how truly intelligent, it went past even Kirari's intelligence; Terano was intrigued by you and after a while, you started going out--that's when a few things spilled from you
Starting off, you casually spilled that you actually beat Kirari in a gamble, but your prize was that she would leave you alone and in exchange, you would never tell anyone about it, except at that moment with Terano
Terano is positive that if she went against you, she would definitely lose. You, technically speaking, should have been able to take the seat as president
She does not do anything to force you to do something that you don't want to do but it does not mean that she isn't impressed; in fact, she's more than impressed
You just don't want to be perceived by everyone in the school, and she really respects that; she puts all her trust in you because you have earned it
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She is someone that has suffered under the crushing weight of the Bami clan and especially the way that she is looked at by them; fortunuately, you turned that all around when you confessed to her
After a while of going out, you're a lot more open with one another, but one thing that you didn't tell her was how you actually went against Terano and Kirari at once
The second you did, Rei had to stop what she was doing and just stare at you. How could you have all this power under your hands and not use it? You could overthrow Kirari, therefore the entire clan!
But when you explained that you just wanted to stay under the radar, she could understand that; it was awful being in the spotlight, especially if that reason was because of fear
But Rei wants to know all of your tips and how you defeated both of them
Please do teach her, she practically feels indebted to you and she feels much closer to you, since this is something private between the both of you
Rei realizes the power behind you being able to control the most powerful people because she saw how Kirari and Terano acted around you in comparison to everyone else
Not only does she love you dearly, she admires you like she has never admired someone before
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She actually agrees with you on the part of not playing with everyone; she believes that if you know you are going to win each time, gambling isn't as much fun
You two actually date a couple of months after your friendship because she had actually had a massive crush on you before you two even became friends (yes, she became friends with you first before dating so that you two could get closer)
You had to explain to her why you didn't gamble and it was a completely different reason than the others, where they were too scared; you made her heart pitter-patter when you told her you weren't scared, on the other hand, you liked the rush
But the rush always faded after knowing that no matter the process, the outcome would always end in your victory, so you kept your head down
Yumeko once asked if you had ever defeated Kirari and you nodded, making her gasp audibly; you had said that you didn't want it to be public because it would mean an entire revolution and you taking over the throne and that was too much publicity and work
She now knew that if you could beat Kirari, you could beat anyone and she felt a bit of pity for you since you would never be able to have the feeling of losing or even the adrenaline of everything you love on the line
However, she loves you for everything that you are and this little tidbit of yours just made her love you even more
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Unlike her sister, she does everything to steer clear from you because she is terrified of you; she can read people really well and she knows that something's up with you
If you have a crush on her, you're gonna have to be the one to confess to her (she does get over her fear before you ask her out, don't worry), she just gets nervous about asking someone like you to be her lover
Once she tells Kirari that you two are dating, Kirari is the one that actually tells Ririka about the gamble that you two had and how she lost to you, but you had graciously said that you didn't want to make it a big deal since you hated the spotlight
Ririka asked you about it and you didn't deny it, but what she asked you next surprised you
"What were the flaws in her play?"
You started explaining everything and Ririka was listening intently, because it seemed as though this had happened multiple times to the point where you knew exactly how to read her; or alternatively, you were extremely observant and intelligent so you knew what was wrong when you played against Kirari
Ririka admired you for wanting to stay out of the spotlight; being together was already enough for everyone to go crazy, talking about how you were dating the vice president
Ririka just thinks herself really lucky that she got to be with someone as intelligent as you
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She laughs about it all the time, not at your expense, but because you can give her a challenge
At least, this is what she thought when you first met and you had defeated every single member of the student council (although they kept it quiet)
She had wanted to gamble against you and she did, only she lost; the next day, she asked you out on a date since she wanted to know more about you
Obviously, neither of you said anything about the student council losing to you (you had them under your thumb) and Kirari honestly wanted to say it to everyone how her beloved S/O beat her and gave her an actual challenge
She loves seeing how many people don't even try to gamble and the new people who try are automatically shut down by the others who have learned about you the hard way
She genuinely wants to tell everyone about how you're better than the rest of them, including her, she's just so proud of you and wants to show it to everyone
Impressed by you, it's as though she has never met anyone like you (she hasn't)
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mirobami · 2 years
What about a headcanon with everyone in Hyakkaou Private Academy having a sleepover at their friend’s house for the weekend? In which they have pillow fights, playing truth or dare, eating s'mores, of course includes watching a scary movie.
↳ sleepover
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♥ GENRE: fluff.
♥ CHARACTER(S): everyone.
♥ SYNOPSIS: in request!
♥ NOTE: Oh this one is a lot, I'm gonna include everyone in this but it's everyone together at a sleepover
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Are you the MC of an otome game? Because that's what everyone's thinking when they see the most powerful people following you around as if you were royalty and they were your knights
The day you even remotely hint at a sleepover, all of them are fighting to ensure that they get an invitation, only to realize that they would actually have to get along with their enemies
The sleepover happens on a Friday and the first ones to arrive (30 minutes early) are Yumeko, dragging Mary along happily; right on time are Kirari and Sayaka, mainly because Sayaka had to tell Kirari that they had to be there on time and the rest come at scattered times, the last person to arrive being Midari and Yuriko has to apologize to you, saying that she tried to take her earlier
Everyone’s in their pajamas and they’re super weary around each other, but they immediately smile at the sight of you
The first thing that everyone decides on is a Mario Kart tournament, Ibara has brought the Wii U and everyone’s taking their own controllers while most of them stand aside, placing bets as to who is going to win
It doesn’t matter who you main, if you steal Rosalina from Runa, she’s going to lose it
Midari is fighting with Rin over the control and his seat next to you, she wants to sit next to you because you’re sitting next to Yumeko (and because you’re there too)
The winner of the tournament, to everyone’s surprise, was Terano; she didn’t even want to play until Yumi shoved the control into her hand
That’s when the snacks started to be passed around as everyone started deciding on a game to play, first it started with Never Have I Ever, but it quickly went downhill
“Never Have I Ever...tried to backflip my way into a pool because my crush was watching.” 
Nobody’s hand was raised and that’s when Kirari pointed at Yumemi, “We all know you’re lying. Raise your hand, Yumemi.”
“Kirari, that was one time when I was little!”
But soon it started to become worse, with fights breaking out over what someone did and didn’t do, it’s up to you to suggest Truth or Dare, in which everyone happily agrees
You go first, setting down a bottle that will point at someone and as you spin it, everyone is watching expectantly until it lands on Manyuda: “Truth or dare?”
“Is it true that you let Itsuki paint all of your nails in neon colors due to the loss of a bet?”
Manyuda’s jaw dropped as he glared at Itsuki, “I swore you to secrecy!”
The rest were letting out roars of laughter, not believing that the most serious member of the party would even remotely lose and certainly not be entitled to a consequence such as that
The bottle keeps going around, the dares getting more dramatic and the truths becoming worse: “I dare you to run down the street in tap shoes while singing an explicit song at the top of your lungs.” “Have you ever thought about dating a milf?” “You have five minutes to write a country song and perform it.” “What is the weirdest status you’ve had on social media?”
It wasn’t until someone got dared to kiss you that everyone froze before there was another uproar, ensuing an incredibly aggressive pillow fight where anyone could’ve had their head chopped off by the deadly speed of a pillow that could’ve felt like rocks
Rolling your eyes, you brought out the s’more kit that you bought for this occasion, yelling, “If all of you don’t calm down, all of these s’mores will now become mine!”
The sheer silence could’ve made you cackle if it wasn’t for them glaring at each other in a lethal manner
You decide to put on a horror movie, knowing that it would at least calm some of them down--until they got terrified
It was a mix up between Midsommar, Hereditary, and some other movie that Miyo suggested (everyone instantly shot down Miyo’s idea because they did not trust her and were positive she would traumatize them)
They were the ones that chose those three, so the popular vote got to pick the movie
Not even halfway through the movie, they were all either cowering behind someone else, putting on a brave face, jaw dropped, or they were munching on their s’mores
The ones who openly screamed at some point were Mary and Sayaka, this movie was horrifying, how could anyone watch it?
Sumika, as an actress, watched the movie and hummed in appreciation for the special effects and everything else; she studied films a lot and she would be damned if she didn’t study this one
Once the movie was over, you toppled something over and literally everyone became a choir of shrieking, terrified individuals; you’re pretty sure they’re all traumatized
Miroslava suggests a Disney movie next and you make her choose because everyone else seemed too frozen to even speak; she chose Wall-E
The movie seemed to calm them down, even getting to the point where they were sleepy
Rei wanted to help you out with cleaning up, so she did as the movie was watching but you insisted in her sitting down and watching the movie
Once it was over, someone shouted, “Another!”
Cue the Disney princess movie marathon as well as the karaoke of songs that came from them
At around 4 am, they were all sleeping as a movie played in the background; they were a lot more peaceful, especially since they were in your presence
Your presence calmed them immensely and they couldn’t be happier about being at a sleepover with you, even if it meant getting along with people they didn’t like
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mirobami · 2 years
Hii<3 how are you ? I hope your doing great! I wanted to request the bami girls reactions when their s/o hugs them from behind ( at a unexpected time yk?) I love your posts btw have a great day/night and remember to drink enough ❤️❤️
↳ s/o hugs them from behind
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♥ GENRE: fluff.
♥ CHARACTER(S): bami girls.
♥ SYNOPSIS: in request!
♥ NOTE: YEAHHH these are a little short since it’s literally just their reactions and not headcanons but no matter, here are their reactions!
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Kirari is surprised but she's so happy about it internally
She does that to you often so of course you had to do it back to her
It’s probably in the middle of a talk with someone else, since that’s the time where she’s least on her guard and when you catch her off guard, she’s so happy that: a.) it’s you, b.) you’re hugging her from behind!
Backhugs aren’t really backhugs with her because she gets so excited about you being there with her that she turns and spins you around
Do this a lot, she enjoys your hugs, no matter what way you give them to her
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Ririka is red faced and she hides her face in her hands
She isn’t exactly embarrassed, but she didn’t expect it and she’s just worried that she’s doing something wrong so please reassure her that she’s not doing anything wrong
Tell her some compliments while you’re hugging her from behind and she automatically melts into you
She loves your backhugs a lot and she’s definitely the little spoon so please hug her from behind as much as you can, it’s the best thing for her and she fully expects you to hug her from behind more often
Tell her you love her while hugging her, she would probably pass away right then and there
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Terano pats your arm and smiles sideways at you
She can’t really hug you since she’s in a wheelchair, but she shows her affection in other ways, yet she loves the affection that you give to her
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Backhugs? Her absolute favorite thing since she can't really do that to you
She won't say this to you but she loves when you're clingy with her and hug her from behind (only when the situation calls for it)
If anyone even dares says something about you or her, she's glaring at them with the heat of a thousand suns
Wants more backhugs for sure
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Miroslava probably turns around to hug you properly immediately and her hugs are the greatest
She hugs you from behind too, don't worry but she finds it so sweet when you do it to her
You backhug her once, she does it multiple times to you and her favorite ones are the ones where she catches you off guard
Compliment her, do it, her face actually gets really pink as you hug her and she loves it because she doesn't get complimented that often and here you are, saying all these things about her that she's never heard before
Please continue backhugging her, she associates them with love and affection
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Rei melts immediately, she's a bit touch starved especially for backhugs so please cure her of that
She's also another one that when she gets complimented, she almost falters and she definitely buffers as though you have said something to break her
She's so gentle with you when she hugs you back because you're not the only one that's doing the hugging here
However, she likes your hugs a lot more because they make her feel wanted and love and they remind her that she's her own person and she has someone that truly loves her
Also backhugs you frequently just to catch you off guard and she winks at you as she walks away, almost as if nothing happened
Sumika is pleasantly surprised and she allows it
She definitely does this frequently to you though, so it doesn’t come as a surprise to her when you do it back to her
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If you’re ever feeling stressed and you hug her from behind, she can usually tell what’s going on so she waits for you to talk to her and you don't even have to move
She backhugs you when you're not in public because she doesn't want a scandal to come in between your relationship; she loves you but she doesn't want the media to ruin your life
She's a little more desperate for your hugs because she wants to feel grounded to reality and you are her anchor, so please indulge her with the backhugs
Miyo likes it a lot but she will not admit it
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She pretends to huff and say that it’s okay, but the second you let go, she grabs your arms to pull you back to her again
She hasn't really gotten many hugs in her life so she really wants to hug you back but she's worried that she's going to mess it up somehow
Her favorite backhug is the one where she's sitting and you're hugging her from behind, especially when you're telling her to take a break since she can't say no to you
In general, she loves your hugs and she is doing her best to reciprocate them to you
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mirobami · 2 years
↳ joining s/o at the carne asada
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❤ GENRE: fluff.
❤ CHARACTER(S): as many characters as i did not forget
❤ SYNOPSIS: in which they join you at the carne asada
❤ NOTE: sorry guys something possessed me and now I am writing about ALL of the kkg characters joining you at the carne asada because it was necessary; yes, some of them are longer than others, probably because i can vividly imagine some and not others and i definitely don’t have favorites to write--there will be a lot of phrases and words in spanish, it comes across better :D
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Definitely is the favorite boyfriend, dear god, you bring him and everyone's like OMG IT'S IBARA LET'S GOOOOOOO
He loves arriving every time because he's always welcomed by the tios, tias and primos, everyone literally loves him so much
He's the kind of guy to show up and all of the older cousins just go AYYY QUE ONDA VATO while doing the hug thing boys do when they smack each other's backs
The kids love him and he loves the kids, they especially love how he will occasionally arm wrestle them and purposefully lets them win
Sorry, he's not your boyfriend anymore, you're sharing him with everyone because everyone wants to spend time with this man
He knows how to dance to all the latin genres. this is canon now, he can do a mean bachata and cumbia, but he’s actually so good with merengue like man takes you into his arms and bam, everyone’s jealous of both of you and how well you dance
Helps the tias with the food
Eats a lot of everything, he loves the tamales de pollo, i guarantee it
His favorite songs are La Dueña del Swing, Lambada (the original version), and Suavemente, he just dances to all of these with you
If its a birthday, he takes some cake back home for Rin
Oh, the tios are actually wary of him at first but the tias just swoop in to give him food and constantly say "te traigo otro plato? necesitas comer mas!" 
Poor man will not say no because he doesn't want to offend your family and wants to make a good first impression
The older cousins definitely question him and then they decide that he's cool, so they drag him with them to go to the nearest store
He likes talking with the babies, he's so nice to them
Him: ok but have you heard about this one girl, yeah, she’s my brother’s friend’s sister--
The tias: D: NO ME DIGAS?
Takes extra food home for Ibara
He’s not the best at dancing, but he tries his best; the one he’s really good at for no reason is bachata, man can make you swoon
However, make him dance cumbia and he’s stumbling over himself while laughing, which is so cute
I bet he’s a fan of Enrique Iglesias and probably listens to his songs a lot; Cuando Me Enamoro, Donde Estan Corazon?, and No Me Digas Que No are on his top tracks because he thinks about you when he listens to these songs
At first, the family thought that he would break your heart but by the end of the day, he actually loves these reunions a lot and they are all harboring a secret soft spot for him
This girl is a threat, everyone loves her because of how lively she is
The older cousins also love her a lot and make her join their card games all the time; you're gonna have to tell her that no, she cannot gamble with them because they will go broke because of her
She flatters the tias so much, they all love her dearly and they constantly ask you to bring her around
The younger cousins LOVE playing with her and she’s the one that amuses them; plays hide and seek with them a lot and she can see them but she pretends as though she can’t
Girl could give a run for their money when it comes to dancing, the other couples could never
She’s dancing bachata, cumbia, merengue, and salsa with you and no matter what your dancing level is, she ALWAYS makes you look good with her
Her hair is so long and the tias all want to practice hairstyles on her; she patiently lets them and says something like, “Oh, I look so good in this hairstyle! Thank you so much!”
When it’s time to play the loteria, somehow, she’s beating everyone in each and every round
Cue to her shouting “LOTERIA” very excitedly and everyone’s like “nombre niña, estas bien loca”
Bring her around for every family reunion, she’s suddenly part of the family and everyone is expecting your wedding now
She terrifies the younger cousins and the older cousins are like “WOW YOU’RE SO COOL JOIN US”
Probably dances hardcore to reggaeton, like she knows how to dance to it and it’s impressive if it wasn’t for the fact that she’s half tempted to dance reggaeton on the brick wall 
Takes three plates at a time and somehow balances the paper plates with no problem, it’s a talent and unfortunately, she will not share her food with you because everything smells good and she’s going to try everything
The carne asada makes her astroproject, probably goes back to ask the tio at the grill for more (make sure to pull her away before she asks for him to just pile it all on her plate, she needs to leave some for the others)
One of the younger cousins timidly asks her how she got her eyepatch; with one look at you, she delves into a tale on how she lost her eye to some pirates
She’s a great storyteller so the kids are in fits of giggles and wonder by the end of her tall tale, then they think she’s not that scary anymore and drag her to play with them against her own will
Oh god, if there’s a piñata, she is DEMOLISHING it, this is why everyone places her at the back because she’s not going to give anyone else a chance
Doesn’t even care about the candy, but she probably takes a lollipop or two to take to Runa
The tios think she’s cool so they ask for her to come around more but trust me, she scares the daylights out of the tias so they are not too eager for her to come back
She is having the TIME OF HER LIFE 
She thinks that your family is so much fun, because everyone’s all over the place but everyone joins in with the others
Definitely plays pool with the guys and she ends up beating them all; hence for the rest of the party, all of them try to defeat her but none of them can
Eats so much and she’s pouring all the compliments onto the tias and they’re actually bonding over her nails and how cute they are
Cut to you going to the bathroom for a few moments and when you come back, they’re gossiping about some major drama happening between a CEO of some company and one of Itsuki’s father’s employees
When it’s time to go dance, she is dancing with reckless abandon with you
Probably knows the song Lamento Boliviano, requests it and when it’s on, she’s jumping up and down with you, screaming the lyrics at the top of her lungs
Listens to Pitbull, I’m not hearing any criticism, probably requests him too so that she’s bouncing around the dance floor, screaming the lyrics at the top of her lungs
When it comes to the pan con cafe and there’s a lot of it, she’s probably stealing a slice of the tres leches and a bunch of conchas and other sweet bread, she’s gotta have a taste for everything
Dips some of her bread in coffee because you tell her it’s good like that, it’s become her favorite snack now, she’ll definitely take more sweet bread home so that she can dip them in coffee
You gossip with her about the beef you have with some of your primas and she’s like O_O while looking at said person
She cannot keep it on the downlow, but she’s so much fun to gossip with
Fits right in in this scene
When you said carne asada, she assumed a family reunion and she didn’t get dressed up but when she walked in, she saw how underdressed she was compared to everyone else
She’s so embarrassed, poor girl, she wants to go home and change immediately
Mary is so awkward at first, she doesn’t know what to do so she sits on the sofa the whole time until one of the bolder cousins walks over to talk to her and eventually, she’s engaged in conversation with the others
The primos are cool with her and the primas are asking her what’s her skincare routine as well as what she does with her hair
You have to smack a drink out of her hand because it was an abandoned alcoholic drink
Mary sees the ring that the older primos have made where they’re chanting drunkenly while forcing someone to be in the middle of the circle dancing, she is terrified
She does a simple two step dance with you but when she sees the others dancing bachata at a speed unknown to man, she literally says, “Teach me how to dance to that.”
Records videos of you dancing with a family friend’s son, cackling while you look lost and confused
She eats a lot of the food, definitely likes the sweet stuff
Oh God, she takes one bite of the tres leches, you turn away and suddenly she’s back with the entire tray and everyone is too drunk or immersed in whatever they’re doing to catch her
Takes the tray home, she won’t share unfortunately
She loves your family, they may be a little overboard but they are a lot of fun
She’s hesitant at first because she’s scared that your family will think that she’s a monster or she’s going to drive you away or something on that line because of her status
Turns out, none of them know her, they’re all just secretly judging her so that they see if she will gain their approval or not
But the first people that interact with her are the kids, mainly because they see her hairstyle and think that it’s really pretty
The most drunk tio goes over to her and just slurs out, “Have you ever seen a tree?”
“Have you seen two trees? One of them’s always gotta be leaning to the right.”
Kirari does not understand a word he says but you’re howling with laughter at how confused she looks and how this uncle is always the one trying to give advice but sounding absolutely out of his mind
If there are goodie bags, she takes five of them. No, they are not for anyone but her. 
She’s definitely involved with the chisme, she’s always saying stuff that happens at her school
Kirari: And so, the girl ended up going back to her ex--
She has a lot of fun watching your family have fun but she does dance with you at some point
She doesn’t even realize what time it is, but it’s midnight when she checks and yet the party is still going strong which makes her worry: “When does the party end?”
A bunch of primos are running past, yelling about how the sad songs haven’t come up yet; she’s slightly concerned but more amused
She’s another one that’s really shy about being there because she doesn’t think that she should be there since it’s a family reunion
You assure her that “a bunch of my older cousins are gonna arrive with their own significant others”
When she gets there, she finds out that there’s a running joke about the significant others being in a club about not being “officially” part of the family
The tias dote on her so much and they’re like “ay que linda es!! es tan bonita!!”
She has to endure them asking about her hair and what she puts in it because it’s so healthy; also has to deal with the tias trying to put her hair into different hairstyles
She’s determined not to sit around so she timidly asks if she can help with anything; cue her actually enjoying her time with the tias as they serve food
Says that it’s the best food she’s tasted in a while (secretly thinks it’s because it’s homemade with love and she’s had food that was not made with the same kind of love)
When she goes home, she immediately asks you if she can go to more of your family reunions
They might have been very rowdy but they actually acted like the family that she wished she had
Automatically, when she walks in, everyone can already see that she’s so good to you so it’s funny when everyone immediately treats her like  family and she’s like ???? I don’t know any of you ????
The tias ADORE her, they think she’s so fun
“Eres la secretaria de la presidenta?” They are so impressed by her being Kirari’s secretary and they are asking if she has any beef with anyone
Poor Sayaka gets caught up with the drunk tios offering advice and money to which you literally tell her, “Tell them whatever, just get that money.”
The kids think that she’s so pretty and the youngest cousin actually asks her, “Are you a princess?”
She gets her hair braided by the drunk tias that are ranting about men and especially their ex husbands, she gets all the chisme and you're shaking her to tell you because your aunts won't even tell you the time of the day
Goes to a room and finds a sleeping baby there and she's like, "Why is there a whole child here?"
Probably can do a little two step but she isn't as crazy as the others
She really likes being there, your family is welcoming but damn, the drama going on is better than the one at school
She’s so much fun, she fits right in at the party to the point where you doubt if she doesn’t have some latin blood in her
The second she walks in, she’s greeting everyone like they’re old friends even though none of them know her but they’re greeting back eagerly, she even goes up to the shyest person and eagerly says hi to them
A menace when it comes to dancing, she steps on your feet and she also dances with other people, she’s just a chaotic mess when dancing but she’s trying and that’s what matters
The food is incredible to her, but the sweets are even better; she steals so many bags of chips and shoves them in her bag as she tries more of the sweets
The cake is Mil Hojas and with one slice, she’s already in love with this cake, says yes automatically when your aunt offers her more cake
Nah because she's a menace at video games, she plays with your primos and beats every single one of them
Has made some children cry when she wins and she doesn't even flinch, she just eats another lollipop
Enjoys the parties and if she could (probably will), she'd drag the entire student council with her
He doesn't go and you cannot convince him. He is afraid of family reunions, the end.
They definitely know her, or at least the cousins do because the tios and tias are just looking at her like any other significant other of their nieces and nephews
Some of the cousins don’t know her and others are like omg ??? you’re dating our cousin ?? how ??
It doesn’t matter what she says about only eating a plate of food, girl is gonna get more and everyone gives her containers of food to take once they realize that she has never eaten this before
Her manager is afraid of the amount of containers she has taken
Cannot stop talking about the party to the council, she wants to go to another one because it's crazy
Obliges when taking pics with your primas
Slow dances with you for sure
Does not do karaoke, she'd rather see the others do it and it's so funny when it's like 3 am and they're all singing sluggishly
Would go to multiple of these parties to the point where she's expected at them and she isn't seen as an idol anymore, she's part of the family now
I'm sorry, but she doesn't go either or if she does, it's with Yumi
She's just...sitting in the living room the whole time because what is there to talk about ???
She loves the food thoigh, the food is great
The male cousins are not, they keep prying so you have to whack them with the table mats to get them to shut up
Yumi has much more fun than poor Terano and your entire family swears you're dating Yumi and not Terano
Yumi takes an entire tray of dessert and Terano holds it (and she sneaks a few bites in too)
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, adores her
She’s also another favorite cousin where she walks in and everyone’s like “REI QUE ONDAS”
Some of your cousins that are your age are definitely in love with her but secretly, for the sole reason that they see how she treats you and looks at you
She’s so good at slow dancing too that whenever a slow song comes on, she has eyes for no one but you and it’s so cute 
The cousins that like her in the back: (punching the air because they wish it was them)
Oh my God, she's so good with babies, they cry and she's singing a lullaby which just makes them sleep and the tias go, "Y ERES UNA BRUJA O QUE?"
Let her go with the tios because they're now talking about the guys at their work and how some of them got their windows shattered and others got fired, it's so boring and she swears she fell asleep during the economy talk
It's like midnight and the party is still going, which makes her question at what time you fall asleep
You tell her to shove the centerpieces into her bag, it's tradition and that way no little kid tries to get it
Rei just goes, "Yeah, we're getting married next, probably" and EVERYONE (except some cousins) goes, "YEAHHHHH, Y/N WON'T BE ALONE!!"
Not appreciated, Rei has to bite back her laughter as you two leave
At first, she wanted to bring Miri along because of what you had told her about the party, but that’s when you shook your head frantically, saying that it was better for Miyo to get a taste of the party herself
The invitation said 3 pm, but you said to wait until 4 pm to get there; she didn’t understand why
“If we get there at 3, no one else is going to be there and they’re going to ask us to help with the food when we’re literally their guests, don’t worry about it.”
Her makeup is on point and she carries herself like a princess, but she falters when she’s greeted by everyone
The primos are all surrounding her and they’re looking between you and Miyo, to which Miyo is genuinely confused because she doesn’t know what’s going on until you say, “Yeah, she’s my girlfriend, so what?”
“We thought you would die alone!” “We were praying on your downfall!” “Are you getting married?”
Ah. So this is what you meant by your family is a bit nosy when it comes to other people’s significant others.
Since this is the first time that she has ever been to a party hosted by your family, she’s really awkward but she does see how everyone else treats that one boyfriend that has been here tons of times; it’s her goal to become as well liked as him
The tias are offering her many plates of food and to be polite, she takes multiple but at the end of the day, she actually finishes all of them because the food is incredible
Takes several goodie bags for Miri, she thinks that she’ll like them and she makes you swear that next time, she can bring her so that Miri can go in the bouncy house
“Sure, just be careful since my cousins will flip it over with kids in it.”
“I’m sorry, WHAT?”
A major sweetheart, everyone loves her
The event you take her to is a quince and she doesn’t know exactly what to expect in the party, so she goes along with what you say
She sees the pretty dress that the quinceañera wears and she really likes how for these parties, people go all out for the dresses and always make it look pretty; she definitely loves the theme of pink
When you tell her that it’s tradition to take the centerpiece, she’s troubled for a second up until she sees you pulling out a large bag from inside your smaller bag so that you can take as many centerpieces as possible
The entire family sees her with you and they’re like :O
The older boy cousins almost try to flirt with her until she tells them she’s with you; prepare for relentless teasing from them about “Y COMO PUDISTE SALIR CON ALGUIEN COMO ELLA?”
All you gotta say is that unlike them, you actually have a girlfriend and they’ll be an emotional wreck
The tias definitely ask her where she’s from, they have to know everything about her and she is so polite to them to the point where there’s no way they don’t love her in the end
The girl definitely listens to songs in Spanish, she listens to Chayanne (no I will not hear criticism) and her favorite songs are Tiempo de Vals, Torero, and Dejaria Todo
When the quinceañera dances with the dad to that first song, you can see her with tears in her eyes
Better believe she’s good at those slow dances, requests Dejaria Todo and sings it softly; looks you in the eyes when the song goes on about how the singer would leave everything for their lover
The talk of the party, everyone wants her back
Everyone knows her. Literally. Everyone.
She walks in and it’s like the music stops because ?? Why is Kawaru Natari here ???
You reveal that she’s your girlfriend and the ENTIRE family screams out, “WHAT?!”
If you sit at one table, suddenly fifteen more are there because they want to interview her about your relationship but mainly movies
Your mom definitely says, “Ya nos va a sacar de la pobresa!”
When you tell Sumika what she means, she quietly says that she’ll do that when you two get married and then she leaves you flustered but she’s so calm about it
The primos are all asking, “And how much did they pay you to be here?”
“Nothing. I came with them because I wanted to see their family.”
She has had movies take place in Latin America, so she knows how to dance to every single genre there is; trust me when I say that, no matter how hard you try, you cannot possibly look bad with her as your dance partner
Even the tios and tias that are hardcore about dancing are in shock about how elegant you are 
Loves the food there, it’s even more delicious because the guy at the grill served her generously, in awe about her arriving
The little cousins don’t know who she is, only one of them does and the child is constantly following her around, stars in his eyes
He timidly asks her a question and she picks him up, answering his question while cooing at him, she just thinks she’s adorable
The family wants her around more often, they think she’s incredible
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mirobami · 2 years
Hey! It's been a while since my first request and I absolutely the results! I was wondering if you could give some headcanons on how some of the Bami kids would act if they were to babysit for a day? I just thought it would be hilarious and cute.
↳ babysitting headcanons
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❤ GENRE: fluff, a bit of crack.
❤ CHARACTER(S): r. momobami, i. obami, t. totobami, m. honebami, r. batsubami
❤ SYNOPSIS: in request!
❤ NOTE: this was so cuTEEEE i love writing it sm these guys are always fun to write omg (for the sake of the scenario, let's pretend it's your little sibling(s)) let's get into it!
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Has an entire debate with herself as to whether she can wear the mask or not; on one hand, she will feel more confident, on the other, she will scare the child
You tell her that you can provide her with a face mask, just not a full faced one if she doesn't feel comfortable with her showing her entire face
She takes you up on that offer and when she gets there, she takes all the things necessary from you, allowing you to bolt out the door
The child is not even a year old, maybe ten months old, she is just babbling and clenching a crayon in her little fists as she draws nonsensical things that only make sense in whatever is going on in her tiny brain
Ririka is aware that she is not being ignored deliberately, so she sits down and just watches the child doing her own thing, while simultaneously watching if she needs anything
Before long, the child is crawling to Ririka, putting a chubby hand on her leg and Ririka picks her up
"Aw, you look just like Y/N. You're so cute, aren't you?" Ririka can't help saying as the child smiles and coos, trying to grab her mask
Her mask is pulled off by the child and the child is poking Ririka's cheek with a giggle while Ririka smiles
The child actually loves Ririka and falls asleep instantly when Ririka sings her a lullaby
When you come back, Ririka literally says, "I think we bonded a lot, can I come back tomorrow?"
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Second best babysitter, solely because the kids adore him and he does his best to be a good babysitter
He's so much fun and he has a massive crush on you so when you plead for him to take care of your siblings while you go work at something, he immediately says yes
In his mind, get the siblings' approval means one step closer to maybe winning you over
But when he gets there, he doesn't expect you to slam stuff into his arms and race out of there
The kids are just watching him, waiting for him to say something before going back to playing with their blocks and Legos
They're pretty calm with him and he's having fun watching them build cities with Legos (they even ask him to join them, so he's now acting as Godzilla as they shriek with giggles and run away from him) up until they tug on his hand and say, "It's our naptime, can you tell us a story?"
And so, Ibara finds himself telling the story of the lost princess that willingly traded herself into the dragon's possession, making the kids' eyes light up with wonder
He's already cooking their favorite food by the time they wake up, giving him bonus points by them
They're eating their food while watching TV and that's when you come in, disheveled as ever and are surprised at them being calm: "How did you get these goblins to calm down?"
Ibara shrugged and said, "I dunno, they were pretty chill."
After you throwing your arms around him and him hurriedly leaving, he tells himself that if you ever need him to babysit again, he will
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Obviously Yumi has to go with her, but for the most part, Terano knows that she is the one in charge of the entire operation
She has memorized each kid's medical history and problems back and forth, knows everything she needs to know from you and she knows that there will be some friends there as well
When she arrives, you quickly hand her everything and Terano waves you away, saying she's got this
One of the kids actually goes, "Oh my God, Professor X!"
Ah, so this is the kid with the Marvel obsession, she thinks and she can clearly hearing Yumi giggling from behind her
The kids are all frolicing and playing games that they've made up while Terano reads a book, but always keeping them in her peripheral vision
When she can see them wanting to play outside, she lets them but has Yumi roll her out with them
Terano thinks that your siblings are generally okay, they're as hyperactive as any other kids and besides, they listen to her
You called them "snot nosed spawns of Satan in gremlin form" but they look normal to her
It isn't until she gives you the report of what happened that they reveal their true colors, determined to make your life a living hell
Terano actually has to hide a smile as she leaves, listening to the Marvel obsessed kid go, "Wait! I didn't get to ask her to enter my mind!"
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She's great with kids, although they are intimidated by her at first since she's so tall
But once they realize how nice she is, they'll definitely ask her a lot of questions about anything and everything
She's probably the kind to make up some elaborate lies about certain questions
"How do airplanes fly?"
"About fifteen thousand fairies lift the airplane and make it go from place to place."
She doesn't have the heart to tell them the truth and them being all giggly ablut it is so much better
She'd make food for them but she would rather order takeout, after she triple checked their allergies and asked them what they wanted to eat
Already she's their favorite person ever because once the food arrives, she tells them to wash their hands and they obediently do so, patiently waiting for their plates to be handed to them
After eating, she allows them to watch TV but they actually want to play games with her, so she goes through with whatever games they want to play
They want to destroy cardboard cities? Fine, let her set up the boxes first
You arrive and see them all playing games, especially her chasing them and they're screaming as they run away with her, but they have happy smiles on their faces
Miroslava smiles at you as she leaves, saying that she had fun and she'd do it again if you ever wanted her to because the kids and her seemed to have a mutual liking
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The day you beg her to watch your siblings, she immediately says yes (definitely not because she's hiding a massive crush on you and wants to impress you)
If anyone tells her to watch their kids, she will do so with utmost care and precision, but when it comes to your siblings? Everything that she is told is written down so she never forgets
The kids love her because she's so nice to them and she always plays games with them
However, there will be the occasional chance that they throw temper tantrums, but it's like she's a child whisperer, she knows how to calm them down with a lullaby or by hugging them and rocking them
You described your siblings as little demons, which Rei can't see since they're acting like perfect angels with her
When you come back, your siblings definitely complain and say, "Let Rei stay! We want Rei!"
Rei is laughing at the ordeal because you look offended and she goes, "I can come back another time."
"Or you two can get married so we can see you everyday!"
Yeah, never mind, Rei can see the demonic side of the siblings now
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mirobami · 2 years
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TERANO TOTOBAMI: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
RIN OBAMI: 1, 2, 3. 
RIRIKA MOMOBAMI: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.  
SUMIKA WARAKUBAMI: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
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mirobami · 2 years
I loved your latest tumblr post so I’m going to submit one😭 can you do one where there fem partner is into video games for Terano and rin thank you!
↳ s/o into video games
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♥ GENRE: fluff.
♥ CHARACTER(S): t. totobami, r. obami
♥ SYNOPSIS: in request!
♥ NOTE: HEY HEY! Glad to see you again! I was super excited about this so let's get straight into it!
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Truth be told, she probably bought you that expensive PC that you've always wanted since you game a lot
Only sometimes does she actually watch you game, but it's fascinating to her because of how good your hand-to-eye coordination is, especially in games where you have to stare at the screen
Other times you're chilling with a little game but it does make her laugh when she hears you complaining about a raccoon
Since she's stuck on a wheelchair, she wants to learn how to game with you, so you'll have to teach her and she even buys a PSP so she can play a game with you
She's surprisingly good and you start having video game dates
She buys you a lot of games on Steam if you say you're bored and she watches you play, it's a lot of fun for her to see how to thrive under pressure
"Terano, you're going to hear me scream if this stupid bear decides to jumpscare me."
"Do not worry, I am watching this as though it is a playthrough."
"Damn, thanks for the encouragment, I guess."
Would buy another PC for her so she can play some games with you
You want a new PC setup with a theme? She's on it, don't worry, she needs to be entertained somehow
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He probably plays games too, at least with Ibara but he's not really into ranked games
Meanwhile, here you are, playing ranked games like it's no one's business but he's surprised when you reveal those aren't the only games you play
Rhythm games, otome games, if he can name it, you can play it, which makes him smile because now he can have fun playing some things with you!
Probably plays Just Dance with you because he wants to see up to what limit your gamer skills get up to and you, of course, beat him at that
"How are you better at Rasputin than I am!? I play this with Yumi when she comes over!"
"Oh Rin, what you do not know is that Yumi also comes over to compete in this game with me."
If you plays the Sims, he actually asks for you to do specific things so that he can watch, very much entertained
Probably plays a bit of Minecraft sometimes, he has built you a castle and you two are really good at partnering up and doing things together in these worlds
Oh, but if you make him do some rhythm game, he sucks at them. He's the worst and he is so intrigued by how fast your fingers can move against the little screen and get everything right
You're a threat in whatever game you play, which he thinks is great because now he doesn't have to worry about being the worst player (please carry him, he sucks at some games)
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mirobami · 2 years
Hi! I really liked the antisocial reader hc. so can you do with the rest of the female characters? I really missed them (to be honest I relate to reading but no girlfriend)
↳ antisocial s/o
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♥ GENRE: fluff.
♥ CHARACTER(S): t. totobami, s. igarashi, m. honebami,  r. batsubami
♥ SYNOPSIS: in request!
♥ NOTE: hi hi! this took so long i am so sorry, but here they are!
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She really doesn’t mind your antisocialness, she isn’t going to push you to talk to people
She’s more so defending you because no one is allowed to talk bad to you when she herself has seen what you are capable of; she would not be with you if she didn’t see potential in you 
When you can, you take classes online and the good thing is that Terano knows a lot about the subjects you are taking so that you don’t need anyone else to tutor you, she is more than happy to do so
She doesn’t care if you prefer to do classes online to not talk to anyone, as long as you are comfortable in the place that you are in, it’s perfectly fine
She does like to stay on call with you; if you can’t be with her for any reason in person, she’ll stay on call with you and you both will be doing your own things
However, because you’re dating Terano, by extension you are friends with Yumi since Terano needs Yumi to approve of who she’s dating and Yumi is definitely friends with you; probably also tries to get you into games and jokes that she’s bonding more with you than Terano
Terano does not appreciate that, but she knows that Yumi is just joking and she herself is always there for you when you need her to be
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She does everything for you so that you can feel more comfortable in your everyday life
However, unfortunately, she does not allow you to be a shut in and never go outside to see the sunlight; she is very smart and she knows that people work better if they go outside for a walk every once in a while
You may hate these walks but she does everything in her power to ensure that you don’t hate them because she’s worried about your health
Your room is never messy because the second she senses your room being messy, she is sprinting to clean, it’s her love language, do not think she does it with bad intentions
She truly does want to take care of you
If you get nervous about communicating with others in person, she does it for you; she’s the one that goes, “Excuse me, they asked for no pickles” because if your order is wrong, she’s going to say something about it
Talks so much good stuff about you behind your back and if anyone tries to say anything bad about you, she’s got her taser out and she’s not afraid to fight anybody that says something negative about you
She knows you’re doing your best everyday and she always tells you how proud she is of you
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She’s quiet too, only she is your opposite in the sense that she isn’t antisocial, she’s just quiet because she prefers to be
If you’re the kind of antisocial that does not like to talk to anyone, send her texts and she’ll say them out loud for you, only she will not say that the questions came from you
There are some classes that are not offered online, so she sits in the very back with you and asks the questions that you need answered 
Either the teacher answers or she answers, if she knows the response to the question
If you can talk with people more calmly over the Internet, she probably has you in a group chat with other people (it’s the people in your classes) since she knows that you don’t like talking to them in person
Loves hearing about your interests, because she sees that you become an entirely different person and are more excitable about what you do
She doesn’t care what you’re like, she does everything in her power to make you more comfortable and will never push you to get out of your comfort zone unless you ask her to do so
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Also does everything for you but not in a way that tries to make you feel worse about yourself; she just doesn’t want you to stress out about something
Whenever it comes to classes (online or in person), you have the same ones so if you ever miss a day for any reason, she goes to your house to give you what you learned that day and she’s really intelligent so she knows what she is telling you
Likes the calm that surrounds you two when you are working on your own things in the same room
If you ever make her a playlist, she listens to it at school so that she can have a piece of you there and she also plays it during the time that you are alone together
If you’re a gamer, please take her how to play since she really wants to learn how to play with you
Particularly enjoys games like Stardew Valley or even Animal Crossing, just so she can visit you, even when she’s not in person with you
She does anything for you and she will do absolutely everything for you
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mirobami · 2 years
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elegance and sophistication
come around again
never lost, always found
bitter coffee
the queen’s hand
two sides of the same coin
the bonded feelings
never an option
open the noble heart
better fashion sense
to love you like this
a soulmate who wasn’t meant to be
source fours and fan wars
us against the enmity
a love’s disappearance
heart-shaped symphony
roundabout of life
injured vows
disguised love
disguised love pt. ii
under other circumstances
magical reckoning
eternally promised, mortally broken
red carpets and spotlights
mission complete
cold, cold heart
loveless marriage
wish it wasn’t you
ruin our friendship
better luck next time
another wish
where's prince charming
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mirobami · 2 years
Hello once again! Can I request Crazy Eights with Terano? Thanks!! (I am so sorry for making you write so many things with Terano 😭 It’s rare for me to find such good content with my favorite character in it)
↳ heart-shaped symphony
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♠️ CHARACTER: t. totobami
♠️ MATCH: Crazy Eight (Fake Relationship)
♠️ NOTE: DON’T APOLOGIZE i love writing for terano !! let’s get straight into it!
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“I need you to be my girlfriend for the week.”
“...I thought you called me for tea.”
You had called Terano to a specific place because you needed to talk to her regarding something important. Usually, when either of you called the other with something “important” in mind, it had to do with tea and taste testing it. But today was different because you had gotten into a problem and a bet. The bet was not something that would hurt Terano’s feelings, yet it was more like a test. Essentially, you lost the bet and your price was to confess to your crush. Perhaps this was cheating, but the school was all about cheating and getting away with it. 
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“Okay, I’m gonna be honest with you. I lost a bet. I need you to be my girlfriend for the week.” You repeated, stretching the truth a bit.
Terano sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. She truly loved you, but there were times where she wished she could walk away because some of the bets were ludicrous. How did you expect to beat a claw machine when the claw was all loose? She had to go and save you. But...a fake relationship with you didn't sound bad. A real one would have been better, but that would have to suffice. "Fine. A week?"
"Yes, please, I'll make up a story to cover it."
For the next week, Terano and you were a couple. No one expected Terano of all people to have time for a significant other, yet here she was, right beside the person she's wanted to be. She plays the role of a great girlfriend to a T. She takes you out on dates and even brings you extravagant little gifts. Sometimes she'll even link pinkies with you since she doesn't like PDA. Openly, aorund the people you lost the bet to, she'll call you by a nickname.
"My dove, could you possibly get me the set of dice over there?" Terano said in a lovely tone to you before whipping around to glare at the boys who dared try to use you to settle their debts to the student council. "You do not mess with Y/N. Let us settle this once and for all."
It was over as soon as it began and Terano was smiling the whole time. If this is what it felt like to be your girlfriend and being able to help you out when it came to gambling, she wouldn't mind doing this more often. In fact, she liked it. She liked being able to have you to herself. In public, she would let you kiss her cheek and she would not mind. Internally, it would make her smug.
But all good things had to come to an end.
"Well, the week is up. You're free from the deal." You said, but your smile was sad. Terano truly did not want to assume anything, but could it possibly be?
"Actually...after this week and calculating a lot of things, I have realized I have grown accustomed to your presence in a romantic sense. Sure, it may have been fake, but what's to say that we cannot do everything all over again but real this time?" Her eyes were avoiding yours, but yours could've been replaced by sparkles.
"Oh, thank God, I didn't want to confess first."
"You coward."
Yumi, watching from afar, was with Ibara and Miroslava, watching Terano through binoculars and cheering when you two were holding hands and smiling like lovesick fools at wach other. "She won't die alone! Ibara, you know what that means, right?"
"If you say I'm gonna die alone-"
"No! ...But maybe."
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mirobami · 2 years
What about everyone in Hyakkaou Private Academy with a Goth S/o. She is friends with Yumeko, Mary, Ryota, the Student Council, and the Momobami Clan. She was a very skilled gambler feared by the other students within the academy, because they were scared she would go all weird like most goths would. She often gets called a freak and a weirdo (which made some her friends get upset everytime they heard it whenever they're nearby.) To be she's not a Goth she only wears black over her uniform and wears dark makeup.
↳ goth s/o
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❤ GENRE: fluff.
❤ CHARACTER(S): y. jabami, t. totobami, m. honebami, r. obami
❤ SYNOPSIS: in request!
❤ NOTE: LOVE IT i will add what kind of goths I will be writing about and i shifted some parts of your request just a little bit with the clothing, i hope you don't mind!
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The first time she saw you, she had to do a double take because she saw that you weren't wearing the uniform
Your dress was black and the skirt was huge with patterns on it; you always wore gloves with your outfits and heavy makeup with black eyeshadow
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No one ever dared mess with you due to how skilled a gambler you were and how they were afraid of you
Yumeko wondered if you had to gamble to make sure that you didn't get told off for not wearing the uniform; sure enough, she found out that you won a gamble against Manyuda and were allowed to wear whatever you wanted
She becomes friends with you and soon, she realizes that you are not what everyone has been saying you're like
You're very smart and protective of your friends, plus you're nice to your friends, which include a lot of people
Yumeko admires how you never let anyone intimidate you or insult you, you always keep your head up high and for that, she finds herself falling more and more for you
She definitely reads gothic literature that you recommend and she loves seeing you rant about outfit choices, it's fascinating to her and she just likes seeing you excited about something
Definitely wants to try some goth outfits on sometime since it doesn't fall under one label, it's a spectrum and she'd love to learn more
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Yumi has told her multiple subcultures in media and the one she has been told about consistently is the goth subculture
She knows about you at school because she can see you're a skilled gambler and have been able to take down people as you go
There were rumors about you, from you being a vampire to your eyes being able to turn people to stone or petrify them
Terano thought, "That's Medusa."
She met you at school and you were not as bad as people described you; you only had dark eyeshadow and black lipstick, along with some accessories that matched the goth aesthetic; the only bright color on your uniform was the white shirt, you had somehow managed to get a black vest
She approached you after seeing how you walked the halls and glared at anyone who even remotely tried to insult you
Both of you became friends, her fascinated by your aesthetic and wanted to know more about the fashion and everything behind it
She's in love with gothic architecture and reads about famous gothic architect buildings, sharing news articles with you about them
She wants to make you happy by showing that she is involved with what makes you happy, although sometimes you suspect that she may be hiding a little goth part of herself, especially with how knowledgeable and eager she is on this subject
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She doesn't know what to make of you at first because she doesn't see the surface that everyone else sees, she sees something below the surface but can't put her finger on it
You fascinate her with your tendencies, like pressing dead roses and other flowers between the pages of your notebooks and daydreaming while in the middle of a high risk gamble
She finds out that your aesthetic is romantic goth and soon, she wants to learn more about you so you become close friends
She learns that contrary to popular belief, you actually don't listen to that much heavy metal, you prefer the classical music because it gets you more in the mood to walk under the moon
Miroslava finds herself falling for you slowly, with the way you carry yourself and how you're so kind to her while others think you're cruel
You're a deep thinker and you sometimes stay up with her talking about the thoughts bubbling in your head, which also makes her think
If you confess to her first, do so with a letter and she keeps it forever because of how special it is
She loves how you dress up and how committed you are to your aesthetic, but the way you love applies to her and her only and she couldn't be happier about that
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The first time he sees you, he cannot keep his eyes off of you since you're so captivating since you do not blend in with the environment behind you
You have ultra bright and colorful hair, sometimes you'll even obtain extensions of neon colors; your eye makeup is black but occasionally you'll wear neon colored eye contacts; your outfits are bold and come in neon and black, which makes it impossible for people not to look at you
You also wear a gas mask with colorful symbols on it, differing from Ririka's mask
You alone intrigue him because he is the primary example of not judging a book by its cover; he sees that you get called names but you never respond to them, only keeping your head up high
He becomes your friend after a while because he doesn't know the best way to ask you to be his friend
You're really sweet with him, throwing him completely off guard
He loves knowing more about you and how passionate you are about your outfits and your aesthetic in general
The only time he ever got scared was when once you gave him a playlist to listen to and he thought a slow song came up so he went to sleep listening to it but screaming was heard through his headphones and he jumped about a foot high in bed
Loves your style and will do his best to learn more about it
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