#terra lumina
hive-sight · 10 months
Changes 2 and Domestication
Greetings Sentients. With the passing of a few Lums, the changes presented in Lumina have become more… pronounced. This one can hardly be in the research deck without encountering Lumina examining the social culture of Terrans of many different varieties. They truly appear to have taken to this role in ways that none of this crew could have predicted!
Raxor has taken to research of their own. They have begun studying the various fauna of Sol-3. One phenomenon Raxor has discovered is the concept of “domestication.” This is the process through which a wild creature interacts with a sentient race in such a way that, over generations, changes to the creatures DNA are shown to make interaction with the sentient easier.
One common change presented in most examples of domestication, is that the creature will become smaller. Raxor has taken an interest in the creature from Sol-3 known as a wolf. Quadrapedal, furred apex predators that exist in a pack structure. Perhaps the creature’s existing pack structure made for an easy victim of the domestication process, as the domestication of the wolf was the first recorded instance of this phenomenon.
Initially, wolves and early Terrans competed for food. This would become especially egregious during the harsher cold periods known as “winter.” The wolves would invade Terran settlements to search for the stores of food the Terrans had built up to sustain themselves. Sometimes these invasions would be successful. Sometimes the invading wolf or wolves would be killed. Sometimes the invaders would kill a Terran.
Records seem to be unreliable, but one theory is that a settlement discovered that, if they left some amount of game away from the stores, the wolves would take that and leave the rest of the settlement be. Over time, the settlement became the default feeding area of the wolves.
The next part is mostly speculation. Perhaps another predator had invaded the settlement. This predator had been found by the Terrans and a battle had ensued. The wolves, hearing the struggle and realizing that their new providers had been in danger, ran through the barriers into the settlement and, to the surprise of the Terrans, began fighting alongside them against this shared threat.
This one knows that may be a dramatized view of what happened, but the important part to realize is that some event happened which forced the two species to work alongside each other. Then calmer wolves, more willing to work with Terrans, were welcomed into the settlements permanently, while more aggressive wolves were sent back out into the wild. This selective breeding of the calmer individuals eventually begot evolutionary changes in the wolf to the point it could only be a new species. A species that Terrans have colloquially named “dogs.” Raxor found this entire idea to be utterly fascinating and is now hoping that the Terrans will allow them to have a dog of their own.
While this one had never heard of the process of domestication before, this could purely be due to other species having never considered this. Xylokthians, for example, keep and breed the Xylo-palm flies as they produce the staple crop of Xylopthia that is roughly akin to Terran honey. But never had this one considered that, prior to Xylokthian interference, that the palm flies could have been an entirely different species. Perhaps some event in the past meant that the ancient palm flies could not survive in the wild while the protected individuals could thrive. Or perhaps, regrettably, the ancient Xylokthians did not allow any temperamental individuals back into the wild as the Terrans did with the wolves.
The Terrans history is beginning to make this one believe that there is more to this one’s own history than they are familiar with. It is unsettling…
But, nevertheless, on this, TD 10th of June, 2030, XD 4682C 3A 30L, awaiting the next revelation, this is Elysia of Xylopthia, signing off.
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fyresaber · 1 month
i like how dissidia writing captured lightning and cloud’s parallels better than half the fanbase is capable of understanding through her “i know what it feels like to be a tool,” line.
lightning a puppet of the fal’cie/gc and he of sephiroth/shinra is the common ground under which they find solidarity.
in their first in-game interaction she’s a vehicle through which he seeks to protect tifa, because she too is a protector (of women). in nt she takes up his mantle in avenging sephiroth’s victims (women). in woff he chooses going after and protecting her (aerith adjacent via maaya sakamoto) over revenge, embracing his new creed. i've posted before about lightning's reappropriation of the buster sword in her own efforts to overthrow bhunivelze, and in an abandoned nt plotline she was set to do the same with sephiroth. she gets her own lightning returns quotes that emulate his personality and are her impersonation & interpretation of his journey.
woff pairs cloud with lightning and zack with serah, serah using her experience with lightning distancing herself from her to convince zack not to do the same with cloud in this world. through their dialogue we learn lightning's also introduced cloud to snow, a man whose heroic mantra and swagger echo that of zack's, to say the least. (in opera omnia cloud rolls his eyes at snow's bravado and surety, not unlike lightning's initial impression of snow.)
the canon lightning post-lumina and cloud strife dynamic is actually just her teasing the shit out of him as established in woff and opera omnia. “want to make it a race, cloud? 😏" “so i take it that means you cherish us 😉" “you can practice all that cherishing on the way home 😌🫦" "let me guess, sephiroth? there's only one person who can get cloud like this 🙄🤭 " cloud respects lightning's strength to the extent he absolves himself of her responsibility when terra accuses him of leaving lightning to face a summon alone. at the end of woff the lone two nod and work together to ensure escape of their comrades and thee ff princesses.
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fumikomiyasaki · 3 months
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RSA Teacher:
-Pierino Tolesco (Phil)
-Marin Takeda (Majima Goro)
RSA Students:
-Yuzuha Aimon (Yuzuki Kitagawa)
-Kaeru Suzanomoto (Keroppi)
-Louis Armarin Valentine (Tino)
-RSA DORM INCREMANIA: (The Incredibles-Heroes)
Barry Parton  (Mr.Incredible)
Francine Dalton  (Frozone)
Gilly Medeon (SpiderGwen)
Members from other blogs:
Eikon Model (Edna)
Indira Elspeth ( Mystique Sonia )
Tomoriya Blast (Gogo from Big Hero 6)
Asahise Jubilee  (Number 3 from Codename: Kids Next Door)
Tokki Chinku (Jumpy Ghostface from Hero 108!)
Willamina Queens ( Numbah 4 from KND )
Luke Watt Leclair ( Luxo Jr. & Luxo Ball from Pixar )
Acer Dubois ( Maple From Bofuri )
Osyron Lumina (Cosmos/ Materia)
Lydia Sombra (Chaos/Spiritus)
Fabio Vieruna (Fran)
Saneria Guaenno (Seymour)
Ione Roonel (Machina Kunagiri)
Lennox Riverway (Leviathan)
Izar Nyxen and Zariyah Hyacinth (Ardyn and Zack Fair)
Agni Solarstice (Ifrit)
Members from other blogs:
Iris Gainsborough (Aerith)
Garcia Tiarana  ( G'raha Tia )
Aine Chauveron (Terra)
Isamu Agni (Clive Rosfield)
Achlys Esmeray (Locke)
Yisu Flamvival ( Sadu Dotharl )
Yasa Bivath (Viera)
Venomia Fleur (Serah)
Amal Sunhold( Magnia Oronir)
Alexandre & Adalene Beauregard ( Alphinaud Alisaie )
Yaryla ( Hegemone )
Michalis viator Caligo (Zenos)
Devlin Ether Cepheus (Noctis)
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-Starnovelle (Black Rock shooter)
Supervisor: Soyana Kuro (BGS)
Kuze Toiyama (BRS)
Yasuno Innochi (DM)
Chiiro Kuragari ( Chariot)
Shizuke Toiyama (WRS)
-Nakaumi (One Piece)
Erena Ryujin (Luffy)
Slice (Buggy)
Harvey C. Vulcan (Ace)
Rococo Tails (Crocodile, Bentham, Nico Robin)
Trois (Sanji)
Damon Erase (Based on Tron Rinzler)
Carol as Au
Joel Cummings (Jolyne Cujoh MC)
Serena Welsh ( Speedwagon)
Elvira Pareno (Enrico Pucci)
Phobetor Matalon (Nightmare and Soul Edge from soul calibur)
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asc-rp · 1 month
Proposed Birthday list for muses:
1. Hoodie - September 15
2. Sweater - September 16
3. Chisk - April 20
4. Alice - April 15
5. Malach - June 3
6. Luna - March 28
7. Azuli - August 12
8. Andrew - January 25
9. Mika - July 7
10. Vio - May 18
11. Katherine - October 30
12. Ashton - December 22
13. Chloe - April 8
14. Kristopher - August 4
15. Katlyn - February 14
16. Abigail - September 3
17. Aether - June 29
18. Sky - November 11
19. Holly - March 17
20. Julie - May 6
21. Pixela - July 23
22. Marina - October 9
23. Candice - January 12
24. Veridiania - April 13
25. Gearina - August 27
26. Nyra - June 16
27. Aria - December 5
28. Shadowa - February 28
29. Kel/Lee - September 22
30. Solara - July 2
31. Selene - October 17
32. Ally - March 9
33. Lumina - May 24
34. Elara - November 19
35. Lysandra - January 8
36. Eliza - August 20
37. Seraphina - June 11
38. Crystal - April 25
39. Mozali - September 28
40. Kivela - February 3
41. Renita - May 12
42. Ava - December 15
43. Cora - July 30
44. Digby - October 5
45. Nerida - March 22
46. Cepheus - June 18
47. Liora - January 31
48. Sammy - August 15
49. Penny* - November 26
50. Lilac - February 7
51. Ridley - September 10
52. Lycan - March 3
53. Sera - July 19
54. Juliet* - October 24
55. Meph* - December 27
56. Artemis* - April 14
57. April* - April 1
58. Pharos* - August 8
59. Kimberly* - January 20
60. Bri* - September 6
61. Mocha* - March 11
62. Rosalind* - July 14
63. Stella* - November 29
64. Webby* - February 1
65. Violetta* - October 13
66. Suzol* - April 5
67. Mélodie* - June 26
68. Velika* - August 23
69. Ember* - December 18
70. Terra* - March 31
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would you mind giving me more information on the elements in your system? (Ex: cosmica and aria. If your confused) (dosent have to just be those 2)
Alright!, elements!
There are 10 elements, in order these are:
Cosmica (dark/darkness)
Sonia (sound/sonar)
Hydria (water)
Glaciera (ice/snow)
Flora (plants)
Aria (air)
Lumina (light)
Terra (earth/rock)
Inferna (fire)
(these go from purple to pink, that's the only reason they are this order, aesthetic)
There are 10 weapon types too, therefore 100 combinations. Each member gets one, there's no duplicates (until 100+ so we separated it into two phases) (yep, we have a database, we've rewritten it three times)
Our elements tie into our backstories, and usually relate to who we are as a person, or what we'd reasonably use (when it comes to weapons anyway).
Energy (elemental, a fourth type, like physical, social and mental), is usually based on the elements too. It's been seen before that a Lumina user needs sunlight to recharge from critical (critical: when an elemental user has used so much of their elemental energy that it can no longer recharge on its own)
We've been using this for about 4 years, we had a slightly different system before then.
About half a year ago, we added "reactions", which is how the elements would react to each other (however, due to not being at home this very second, and possibly having that file on my corrupted drive, I'm not sure I can list that right now) this is things like Hydria + Glaciera making a freeze reaction, or Cosmica and Lumina making a type of explosion.
Members receive their elements based on what would be beneficial to their little teams (or sub groups) for example, groups usually have differing elements (of the entirety of the Playerspace part of PHA, no one shares an element. This does include Wraith, although, he is RPM).
Uh if there's any follow up questions I'm happy to answer, I'm not sure if I've answered the original question or not (or if this is understandable)
- Host Kītōne'h (KaU)
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valentina-lauricella · 10 months
Discorso intorno alla poesia
"Una notte serena e chiara e silenziosa, illuminata dalla luna, non è uno spettacolo sentimentale? Senza fallo. Ora leggete questa similitudine di Omero:
Sì come quando graziosi in cielo rifulgon gli astri intorno della luna, e l’aere è senza vento, e si discopre ogni cima de’ monti ed ogni selva ed ogni torre; allor che su nell’alto tutto quanto l’immenso etra si schiude, e vedesi ogni stella, e ne gioisce il pastor dentro all’alma.
Un veleggiamento notturno e tranquillo non lontano dalle rive, non è oltremodo sentimentale? Chi ne dubita? Ora considerate o Lettori, questi versi di Virgilio:
Adspirant aurae in noctem, nec candida cursus luna negat, splendet tremulo sub lumine pontus. Proxima Circaeae raduntur litora terrae, dives inaccessos ubi Solis filia lucos adsiduo resonat cantu, tectisque superbis urit odoratam nocturna in lumina cedrum, arguto tenues percurrens pectine telas. Hinc exaudiri gemitus iraeque leonum vincla recusantum et sera sub nocte rudentum.
[Spirano le brezze sulla notte né la candida luna nega il percorso, il mare splende sotto tremula luce. Si sfiorano i vicini lidi della terra di Circe, dove la ricca figlia del Sole fa risuonare i boschi inaccessibili di continuo canto, nella casa superba brucia l'odoroso cedro per le luci notturne scorrendo le sottili tele col pettine vivace. Di qui si sentono i gemiti e le ire di leoni che rifiutano le catene e ruggiscono nella tarda notte.]
Che ve ne pare? Quelle cose che sono sentimentali in natura, non sono parimente e forse da vantaggio in queste imitazioni?"
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hideous-art · 2 years
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ArtFight 2022 pt.1 (With links to original owners of all characters!)
Terra Lavee
Lumina and Z
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publicitamktseo · 18 days
Viagem ao Coração do Arco-Íris
Viagem ao Coração do Arco-Íris fala de um reino distante cercado por vastos oceanos e montanhas imponentes, a pequena aldeia de Lumina destacava-se pela aparição de sete arco-íris ao final de cada chuva, cada um levando a uma terra mágica.
O Dom das Cores Mágicas
A jovem Seraphina, uma artista talentosa cujas pinturas refletiam as cores vibrantes dos arco-íris, sempre se perguntou sobre a origem dessas cores.
No seu décimo sexto aniversário, ela recebeu um mapa e uma chave de cristal, indicando o caminho para o coração do arco-íris, o lugar onde todas as cores eram criadas.
A Jornada Pelas Terras Coloridas
Motivada pelo desejo de descobrir a fonte de sua inspiração, Seraphina embarcou numa jornada desafiadora.
Ela atravessou florestas densas, montanhas escarpadas e rios profundos, usando a chave de cristal para desbloquear portais que a levavam às terras mágicas do arco-íris.
Cada terra, colorida por uma diferente cor do arco-íris, ensinava a Seraphina lições importantes sobre paixão, aventura, alegria, paz, expressão artística, mistério e transformação espiritual.
O Coração do Arco-Íris e o Retorno Triunfal
Após explorar todas as terras mágicas, Seraphina chegou ao coração do arco-íris, um vasto campo onde todas as cores dançavam e se fundiam.
Lá, ela encontrou um grande cristal, a verdadeira fonte de todas as cores. Ao ativar o cristal com sua chave, uma explosão de luz colorida envolveu-a, enchendo-a de criatividade e magia.
Retornando a Lumina, Seraphina transformou-se não apenas em uma artista, mas em uma mestra das cores, cuja arte inspirava e curava muitos.
Ela compartilhava as histórias de sua viagem, ensinando que o coração do arco-íris era um lugar onde as cores nascem e os sonhos se tornam realidade.
O post Viagem ao Coração do Arco-Íris apareceu primeiro em publicita.net.br.
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lights-festival · 7 months
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hive-sight · 10 months
Changes and Diets 1
Greetings Sentients. Since settling among the debris, Lumina, this one’s assigned Thalorix ambassador, has started venturing out of their designated chambers. From the time of leaving Xylopthia, Lumina has only been seen out of their chambers for mealtimes.
More surprisingly, Lumina has begun to enter the research deck. They appear to have a passing interest in the culture of the Terrans. This one will attach a transcript of one of Lumina’s inquiries with physical descriptors.
--Transcript Start—
Elysia:        Fascinating…
Lumina:      *Walks up from behind Elysia* What is?
Elysia:        *Startles* Oh! Lumina… This one was just analyzing the small groups the Terran’s divide themselves into. It appears that many Terrans will group together in order to raise their young!
Lumina:      *Leans forward, focusing intently upon the view screen. One of the digits from their primary limb indicates toward the image* This is one of their young?
Elysia:        *Dips their antennae* It is, yes.
Lumina:      It is so… small. *Moves their digit to a different individual* What of this one? They look different from the other three.
Elysia:        *Dips their antennae once more* That is one of their females. Terrans appear to be highly sexually dimorphic.
Lumina:      This one, what are their roles?
Elysia:        Her.
Lumina:      *Looks towards Elysia* Apologies?
Elysia:        While some Terrans use the terms, “They/Them/Their,” it is not typical. Those are regularly known as plural pronouns to Terrans. This one, *Elysia gestures to the Terran* uses the singular female pronouns “She/Her,” as an expression of identity.
Lumina:      She/Her...
--Transcript End--
Since this interaction, Lumina has become a staple of the research deck. Regularly they will read page after page of Terran culture. This has been a relief, as this has freed some of this one’s time to begin looking into other aspects of Terra.
This one has begun looking into the dietary habits of the Terrans. It is important to know what sustenance is available on Terra prior to attempting first contact. One could only imagine the devastation if none of the foodstuffs were compatible with our digestive tracks.
There was a surprising revelation to come from this. Terrans were omnivores. A Terran can, with little preparation, just as easily consume and digest meat as they can plants. This is in stark contrast to the diets of the Xylokthians. We subsist, largely, on glucose and water.
This one had a moment of disappointment, thinking that Terran foods would be incompatible with this one’s species. At least, this one was worried, until the discovery that Terrans are absolutely addicted to sugars.
Terrans add sugar to just about every item in their diet. They add sugar into their drinks. Terrans have crafted a drink that contains, in 12 ounces, more than the amount of sugar needed per day for a human to survive.
They have named this drink “Coca-Cola,” and this one truly wishes to try it.
Considering starting first contact early on this, TD 7th of June, 2030, XD 4682C 4A 19L, this is Elysia of Xylopthia, signing off.
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human-antithesis · 10 months
Lumina Aurea
Lyrics: Illic, ubi olim meum cor erat in abysso lacrimarum acrium, saxum iacet, illic, unde tenebrae numquam possunt excedere, nec iam lux penetrat. Sidus arenteum matutini. Omnia in me signata sunt.
Ferte mihi capita deaemonum omnium, quae feram ubi verae tenebrae sunt. Vos non timeo, nam vos iam persepae vidi. Ac vos nihil eratis ad alam nigram et cor album.
Te procul a pseudoprophetis, quorum verba cava sunt, per cor meum, per has portas nocte portavi te, donec lacerti vacui te requisiverunt. Te ademptus et ereptus sum, nun denIqeu omnia templa combusta sunt, incensa procellis et noctis tenebris De nebulis in terram occidimus, Abiecti longe Eva atque homo De illis spei turribus ardentibus,
Qui portus erant usque ad spiritum extremum. Nunc et usque ad horam ultimam temporum te confidebam, et te semper condifam. Te per illud flumen nigrum secutus sum, quod fluit usque ad fines terrae, sulcos aquae aureos sequens, qui e primis digitis tuis effundunt.
Canite mihi, daemones, nam vos non timeo. Gladios vestros cepi et vos mihi submittitis, et luci eius, etiam redis ad meos amores, sidus aureum.
Armor, deorsum per flumen, ita puncto tempore, ut lux pulchritudinis tuae domum tristem illuminat. Iam lacerti vacui mei te requirunt, donec iterum conveniemus, in insulam, meus amor, in insulam. Interim ut Eva et homo longe abicierum. In itinerem aureum te sequor, meus amor, in itinerem aureum per aquas nigras, Vectus imagine illarum avium noctivagarum, in intinerem aureum, meus amor.
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liminalaesthetics · 1 year
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l1ttlebodybigheart · 2 years
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"Regina caeli, - sive tu Ceres alma frugum parens originalis, quae, repertu laetata filiae, vetustae glandis ferino remoto pabulo, miti commonstrato cibo nunc Eleusiniam glebam percolis, seu tu caelestis Venus, quae primis rerum exordiis sexuum diversitatem generato Amore sociasti et aeterna subole humano genere propagato nunc circumfluo Paphi sacrario coleris, seu Phoebi soror, quae partu fetarum medelis lenientibus recreato populos tantos educasti praeclarisque nunc veneraris delubris Ephesi, seu nocturnis ululatibus horrenda Proserpina triformi facie larvales impetus comprimens terraeque claustra cohibens lucos diversos inerrans vario cultu propitiaris, - ista luce feminea conlustrans cuncta moenia et udis ignibus nutriens laeta semina et solis ambagibus dispensans incerta lumina, quoquo nomine, quoquo ritu, quaqua facie te fas est invocare: tu meis iam nunc extremis aerumnis subsiste, tu fortunam collapsam adfirma, tu saevis exanclatis casibus pausam pacemque tribue; sit satis laborum, sit satis periculorum. Depelle quadripedis diram faciem, redde me conspectui meorum, redde me meo Lucio, ac si quod offensum numen inexorabili me saevitia premit, mori saltem liceat, si non licet vivere."
-📚Prayer to Great Mother Iside, Lucius Apuleius, Metamorphoseon libri XI.
O Regina del cielo,
tu feconda Cerere,
prima creatrice delle messi,
che, nella gioia di aver ritrovato
tua figlia, eliminasti l'antica usanza
di nutrirsi di ghiande come le fiere,
rivelando agli uomini un cibo più mite,
ora dimori nella terra di Eleusi;
tu Venere celeste,
che agli inizi del mondo congiungesti
la diversità dei sessi
facendo sorgere l'Amore
e propagando l'eterna progenie
del genere umano,
ora sei onorata nel tempio di Pafo
che il mare circonda;
tu [Diana] sorella di Febo,
che, alleviando con le tue cure
il parto alle donne incinte,
hai fatto nascere tanti popoli,
ora sei venerata nel tempio illustre
di Efeso;
tu Proserpina,
che la notte con le tue urla spaventose
e col tuo triforme aspetto
freni l'impeto degli spettri
e sbarri le porte del mondo sotterraneo,
errando qua e là per le selve,
accogli propizia
le varie cerimonie di culto;
tu che con la tua femminile luce
rischiari ovunque le mura delle città
e col tuo rugiadoso splendore
alimenti la rigogliosa semente
e con le tue solitarie peregrinazioni
spandi il tuo incerto chiarore;
con qualsiasi nome, con qualsiasi rito,
sotto qualunque aspetto
è lecito invocarti:
concedimi il tuo aiuto
nell'ora delle estreme tribolazioni,
rinsalda la mia afflitta fortuna,
e dopo tante disgrazie che ho sofferto
dammi pace e riposo.
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novalissiero-blog · 2 years
Ad Terram Australem
Scribuntur in folio floris verba languide,
nequeunt tres denarii frenant ventos egressus.
‘Reditio adamavi, tacito abitum mei dones’,
illa fragores ungularum ab urbe placida omittitur.
Utcumque labat sarcinae et perpetes sonores creat ,
lethargus sumit advenam censorium.
Ascendit nebula arrecta sub sidere illustri.
Tam pacatum miteque est ut nihil absitum emanat.
Libere discurrunt in polo rores, sine ventis.
Prata sublucent, ex arce ad pectora montium,
badissat carruca cum passus constantes,
ibi lumina argentea arcessunt rivos undique venerari.
Is vigor lenis pullulat, nam debeo evigilo.
Meos oculos velo, reminiscor aetheres expeditos ditisque.
Tristitia, maestitia, possumne memini an dedisco quidam,
si vincula ordinum tollentur a diluviis spiritibus demum,
speciam, audiam, pendam,
discernam tamen omnia inferiora pernicie in chaos .
Phantasias exsistet exin, sophi prisci convivas erunt,
congregabunt qui circa mensam abundantes,
in silvas venatores remeabunt, epotabunt, canent,
ingenia agnoscite Bacchi, vires augurabitur!
Labores temperati sint, et feriae abstemiae glorientur.
Dionysum laudate! O renascentia, gaudia probitatum!
Ceterum vis caelestis noctis ab orta dotatur
quisque corpus habet, cuius adumbratio auferetur.
Timeatis nolitis stupra virtutum, cum iam hiemant omnia,
cum manus glacies labium tenebunt quem angitur,
liberi arrogantes, qui minuti miserique fuere,
donec in oculis eorum fontes gratiarum effluunt,
arcas fragilia non diutius, securi maturique fierent.
Haec terra australis est, quae oppetivi,
cuius symphoniae teretes venustaeque me inebriant.
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buglife · 3 years
Ghost + Quirrel + 16 and Mato + Ghost + 23. ^u^
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#23 Wounded: Mato fixing up a very angey wiggly Ghost. Mato has had to forcibly make Ghost sit the fuck down when injured and let him help >(
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#16 : Defending each other.
Ghost was once smoll and Quirrel protected them, and now that they became a GOD they repay the favor :3 I mean smoll Ghost was strong enough to kill a fucking god but sometimes, things get in lucky hits, but luckily a wandering pillbug was there to even the odds!
Then they catch up on molts and get extra stabby and lorge.
Imagine pissing off a god enough that they start losing their mortal sized shape. Oh shit.
I am working on the other prompts, thanks for being patient :3
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tigercub1961 · 4 years
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Lighting the path.
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