shisabun · 26 days
I see a lot of people complaining about the new Transformers Earthspark trailer because of Starscream "loosing his character arc". Let's be honest, his only character arc was being less of an a-hole to cyber-children and working with them to punch Megatron. Give it time, he'll get there.
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death-by-physics · 10 months
I'm almost done catching up on Earthspark and I hope, hope that Ratchet shows up next season but I need him to show up a certain way
Ratchet shows up for his dunno maybe a twice a year check-in, catches sight of the Terrans, and immediently starts tearing into OP and Megatron because THERES FRAGGING SPARKLINGS AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME???
And coming in behind him is Deadlock. Red optics, Decepticon symbol proudly displayed on his chest, dangerous energy overall
OP and Megatron are watching him warily because what is going on?? Deadlock??? Wat??? And Ratchet is just checking over the Terrans, muttering to himself threats on reformating OP and Megatron into toasters, ignoring the way everyone is suddenly tense because there's a very dangerous Decepticon Oh my Primus Ratchet why is there a very dangerous Decepticon
A very dangerous Decepticon who Ratchet turns around, points a finger at, and tells him to stop leering and make himself useful damnit Drift this is why I said I'd come alone
And Deadlock. Just. Melts. Awww but Ratty
Full on heart-eyes, following at his heels, speaking kindly to the Terrans and kids, the whole nine-yards
The only hiccup is when OP warily slides over and is like So Drift?
And Deadlock turns to him, fangs flashing, It's Deadlock to you
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tunasandwh3ch · 11 months
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Starscream now is a protective brother for Terrans
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frostyfiend · 8 months
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I have Earthspark Brainrot rn so enjoy the Sillies!
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signanothername · 4 months
This’s been in my wips for so long you don’t even know
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asimp4bee · 1 month
(ES!ANON back :D)
Hmm, ooh! I wanna see the terrans be involved! :DD probably because I wanna see the terrans in your style :3
Here's your Earthspark angst, anon! :3 sorry this took me so long aaaaa
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What if... Bumblebee had gotten mind-controlled too? Man, imagine how the Terrans would have felt if they had to fight their mentor/older brother figure :((
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blue-inferno · 1 year
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Transformers Earthspark: Nightshade in an IDW style
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falliay · 1 year
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Nightshade 🦉
(I am qrting a transphobic post with this on Twitter (@falliay) - any interaction with it would be appreciated 💚)
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shapeofmetal · 1 year
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You know what
Hashtag is fun
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candychameleon · 11 months
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also idk if anyone's done it yet but i quickly made a transparent, symmetrical version of the terran insignia!! feel free to use it for your art or w/e, don't need to credit me or anything
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Guys earthspark lore from the guidebook
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These are only from the preview pages but kind of explain a lot
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I just went on the Google overview page for Transformers: EarthSpark and I am ecstatic that EarthSpark lovers are fighting back! After the recent garbage news segment from yesterday was broadcasted, a lot of EarthSpark haters were quick to post videos bashing TFE on YT and all the socials. But I am seeing a lot of recent 5 star reviews. Some from 28 minutes ago or an hour ago and it just makes me so happy! I actually made an IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes account just to create more positive reviews to help fight back.
We are not going down without a fight!!!!
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earthstellar · 10 months
cybertronian child care: "too many Terrans plz help", send text
there's no way the adult bots in Earthspark haven't magnetised their plating at least once in order to stick one of the Terrans on their frame like an electro-magnetic baby carrier while trying to address some shit the others are doing, lmao
like, I don't have enough arms to deal with this, I'll just stick this one to my chest while running to stop the others from accidentally dying
maybe Nightshade gets curious about how powerlines work, so they start flying up to check it out and Bumblebee just grabs them out of the air like "NOPE, THAT'S NOT HOW WE LEARN ABOUT ELECTRICITY"
meanwhile Thrash is about to slam himself in the helm with his wheel boomerang move during battle practice, gotta intercept that before anyone gets a processor injury
so Nightshade gets magnetised while Bee grabs the wheel before it can ricochet
Hashtag is about to share slightly too much information on social media, gotta grab their phone, go go go go
the sheer chaos, lmao
but also this could be very cute, like Megatron magnetising Twitch to his chest in order to teach her some combat moves or defensive melee forms without risking her getting hit or stepped on :')
bonus: similar to a Cone of Shame situation, Optimus might magnetise Bumblebee to his chest after Dorothy raises some concerns to Optimus about Bee's combat training with the Terrans.
it's nothing too serious but Optimus wants a captive audience to be sure his commentary is heard and noted, so Bee just sighs and accepts being magnetised while Optimus gives him some leaderly advice, lmao
this vaguely has the same vibe as cats carrying kittens around by the scruff, which is also fun
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robotlcangel · 3 months
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mirsolya · 2 months
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Terrans did, you know....what they did
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monocle-teacup · 3 months
The Earthspark Terrans meeting and reacting to TFP Team Prime, especially the other Optimus and Bumblebee?
They would be mind blown at both TFP OP and Bee, but for completely different reasons. And they would definitely list of differences.
In regards to OP: -They would find it weird just how different this OP's vibe is compared to ES. Nightshade sums it up best, "There's a very dignified air about him. He seems like one of the mythological heroes I read about." -They would quickly catch on that this version has been through Some Shit so of course they ask if he's okay. The other TFP members act like the Terrans are making some sort of serious social faux pas by doing this. OP is touched by the gesture and thanks them in his stoic way.
In regards to Bee: -The Terrans would be heartbroken to see this version lost his ability to speak due to Megatron of all TFs. -They would all make it a point to learn how to understand him -It doesn't take them long to feel really comfortable around him because of how friendly he is.
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