elliedafish · 7 months
Favorite TGWD Bonus Track
Which of The Good Witch Deluxe bonus tracks is your favorite? I like The Last One the best because of how good it is at being a closing track (just like History of Man ofc) but all of them are great.
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dimsilver · 7 months
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and I looked, and behold there was a pale horse, and he who sat on him was just some guy
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mintedwitcher · 6 months
I rewatched The Girl Who Died/The Woman Who Lived, and... this might get me garrotted on here but uhh. Surely Maisie Williams could've put some effort into that performance, right? Literally the only scene where she's really Acting on a level to match Coleman and Capaldi is when she's threatening the Mire. The rest of the time it's just so. Wooden. (I will wholly admit that she is much better in Face The Raven and Hell Bent, I'm talking specifically about her first two episodes.)
(And yes maybe there's something to be said there about potential autistic coding etc with her being "the weird one" but like. Personally I think it was just a bad casting choice.)
So in that vein, do y'all have fancasts for Ashildr/Lady Me, and who are they?
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tcthinecwnself-a · 1 year
Imma be real with y’all. Making a “NPMD but it’s my RPC” is gonna be tough because it was not??? That good???
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thegirlivealwaysbeen · 5 months
thoughts on snow angel? and tgwd :)
SNOW ANGEL <3 I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE snow angel so much the wedding song and tummy hurts are my favourites i think
assuming that stands for the good witch deluxe if it doesn’t sorryyyy but also literal perfection every single deluxe track is a masterpiece
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vacantgodling · 9 months
Okay hiii I went through your WIP list and :333
Brain emty rn BUT I would love to hear anything you may wanna talk ab for The Graves we dug :3
so another major character i actually don’t talk about that often is tomb! i would consider him to be the kind of like tritagonist (with graves being the protagonist and dove being the deuteragonist) of the story because he’s the major one that’s pushing the more dangerous aspects of the plot and prompting dove to seek out graves again to finish what they all started.
for some backstory/plot: graves, dove, and tomb (as well as other characters like dawn and coffin, etc) all worked for a particular bounty hunting organization where they all basically did murder for hire as you do. tomb and graves have been in the organization the longest, since they were both teenagers actually (all the characters being mid-late thirties at the start of the book) and while they didn’t work together together, they did consider each other friendly. not friends, but there was no friendly fire should they cross paths between jobs basically.
things somewhat changed when their organization began to implement partnership and squadron systems as it continued to grow and expand. graves and tomb ended up on missions together more often than not but they also each ended up with a protégée under their watch—dawn for tomb and dove for graves. we obviously know that graves and dove got overly invested very quickly however with tomb, he strives to hold no attachments and hasn’t. if he looked after you there was a reason. if he killed you, then you were dispensable. he’s much better at compartmentalization versus graves—i won’t describe graves as a softie by any means but he can’t always take the emotions out of what he’s doing. tomb warned him long ago, when he noticed how close graves and dove were getting that this attachment would fuck him over and graves agreed. he couldn’t help it though.
then came the rome.
the rome is a large old style (as reminder tgwd is a cyber western so a lot of shit is high tech) building that many important business dealings both benign and shady take place at. the four of them: graves, dove, dawn and tomb were contracted to take out a very important hit. as we know from graves’s narration, that job went south and resulted in both protégées, and a several other people being “killed” in the crossfire.
tomb compartmentalized. graves crumbled, and drew away from the organization. the organization however, didn’t need a loose potentially dangerous canon running amuck, and so they contracted their best killer aside graves (tomb) to take him out.
tomb hasn’t necessarily been taking his time, but he isn’t pressed to bring graves in. he doesn’t hold attachments; or he tries to tell himself that. but obviously the reality is he does care for graves but knows betraying the organization like he has is suicide. graves also hasn’t been making it easy for him and this leads to another part of the discussion of tgwd: powers.
technically all of the bounty hunters have abilities; i need to flesh out what they are a bit more but along with powers they have certain colors associated with them. dove’s color is green and his eyes glow green when he uses his power. graves’s color is black and his feet gain a fiery black trail around them when he uses his abilities. tomb’s color is orange and it’s centered to his mouth. his teeth and tongue glow orange and he usually wears a bandana around his mouth to cover the glow because unlike graves and dove he can’t turn his ability off…. whatever it is.
i know that dove’s ability is centered around suggestion. he can make people do what he wants (though he doesn’t need his powers to control graves LMAO) and graves has something akin to a silent step and the ability to warp through walls or something like that lol.
but anyway! as we all know dove didn’t actually die in the rome incident, but knows that tomb is hunting graves down and so he goes to graves to let him know and to have them finish the job that went awry because essentially if they finish that job they can be free “for good.” because (new thoughts incoming as i type this): graves and dove were going to retire after this job to be together and the company cut them a deal. if they finish the job then technically graves’s deal can be honored and tomb will have no reason to kill him. (theoretically. it’s complicated! but that’s what writing shit is for).
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Guess who it is! That's right, your least fave anon! Okay so 2 updates here -
1. Life update! Very stressy! Very much enjoying absurdist literature and also crying! Great time!
2. Fandomy stuff! I am LOVING the David drama (still not on the new season yet whoops). Literally so much fun rip David I'm having a blast. Also re the doctor who autism conversation every classic who companion is neurodivergent especially Turlough who is either autistic coded or kian anon coded. Also also back to the David thing Literally love this man sm when I first started gendering I considered calling myself David for unrelated reasons and now I regret not going with that this man I stg
- Kian anon (making no sense because I am living off coffee and stress and sore heads)
Oh hi there Kian anon!! Great to hear from you :) Very sorry to hear you've been so stressed, I hope things improve for you soon. 💜
I'm a bit 50/50 on the David storyline, it's been written well and acted VERY well but I still just don't really feel like they should have done it. It's probably a better watch if you haven't seen the Holby storyline it's a ripoff of, though (the 2017 hospital shooting). I guess I just think the shooting part is too melodramatic, and it's a blatant copy of the Henrik and Fredrik storyline from Holby. And the thing about that storyline was it worked for Henrik's character because he always sort of felt like he belonged in something more melodramatic, like a gothic novel or something. Whereas David is just a normal guy in a medical drama. I feel like it kind of takes away from David's relatability as a character in a way it didn't for Henrik. Idk. Jason Durr has been amazing though, someone should give the man a BAFTA.
I don't know enough about Classic Who to weigh in, but I shall take your word for it! Personally I tend to find a lot of the DW characters I see as autistic are the ones people don't really point out as much. I mean, undeniably the Doctor is coded (and with Twelve it was blatantly just intentional... I mean, come on, social cue cards?), and I feel like autistic!Bill is a pretty popular take and I've seen very good arguments for her being on the spectrum so I adopted that headcanon too. But the other ones for me are Ashildr* and also... Nick, I think his name was, from this year's New Year special? And I don't see people bring them up a lot. I've also occasionally seen autistic!Clara headcanons and I like that idea, because Clara being autistic and just very good at masking would add a lot to her dynamic with the very visibly autistic Twelve, but I go back and forth on it. I think really though, Doctor Who is just a very autistic show anyway lol so it's no wonder so many autism headcanons spring up from it.
(* - I actually rewatched The Girl Who Died and The Woman Who Lived just recently and yeah, I'm still clinging tight to autistic!Ashildr. She is absolutely textbook autistic in TGWD, and I know it doesn't really show through in any of her other episodes but you can put that down to her having hundreds of years to learn to mask.)
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spaceymcspaceship · 4 years
alright DAY TWO
under the cut bc i made it through 6 episodes today
the pandorica opens
circa 102
tbh i don’t remember what happens so i just put it here and said sure
also this is the first multiparter i had to split (many stayed together but some were split thanks moff)
i forgot that 11′s era was just like take a shot every time the doc or a companion die lol
11 is peak Dumbass Asshole here and i say that with all the love in my heart
also listen every doc has their own level of them being singled out as special but 11 is called Special in every other ep so just can we stop complaining about 13 and the timeless child yet
smith you’re a talented little shit i probably haven’t said that before but you are
interesting different takes across these three roman eps though
pompeii was just like romans are just normal dysfunctional families just like u, eaters of light was like these romans are just scared children just like their opponents, and pandorica was like romans are a powerful army and in fact are something even scarier undercover
well we’ll catch up with the Not Quite Dead Yet gang in 1996 which is where i put the big bang
the girl who died
circa 800 
god i think i love 12 so much bc 9 times out of 10 his doc traits aren’t taken seriously
like his whole god complex and waltzing into a situation and pretending he’s in charge is boiled down here to him dicking around with a yo-yo
what a Dumbass
obvs other docs are this level of Idiot i mean i just watched 10 and his water gun in pompeii but 12 looks like he should be angsty and brooding and 98% of his blustering ends up being pure Nonsense
god what an appropriate ep to watch though with the callback to pompeii
also everything about being functionally immortal now hits differently thanks chibs
what a solid ep though 
i’m excited to keep going bc so far it’s made more sense than i thought it would cuz as messy as this show is it always seems to know thematically where to land
most obvious with storytelling as a weapon/defense instead of fighting here
it juxtaposes cool things that i wouldn’t necessarily notice if i watched it in sequence
and keeps me from getting bored lol
anyway we’ll catch up with our Functionally Immortal Dorks in not too long in 1651
robots of sherwood
circa 1190...ish
another clara and 12 adventure!
more stories! more grumpy grandpa who doesn’t believe in robin hood!
this ep was just sheer fun thanks doc who
i don’t have much else to say
vampires of venice
circa 1580
helen MCcrORY???
i don’t think i’ve ever seen this episode 
okay so tbh for a moment i really like 11 and amy and rory as characters i just...the love triangle drama...why....i think i remember it calming down later but right now they’ve all just met and like...why...
i’m still distracted by helen! mccrory!
god ‘you make others a danger to themselves’ 
again see what i said before everything in doctor who may be a mess that is currently on fire
but the understanding of the doctor and the show’s moral core doesn’t waver
i had to look up where they filmed bc i was 95% sure it was actually venice but no it was croatia so nicely done set design/editors/who ever else
i mean vampires...in...venice...waht more can i say
the shakespeare code
circa 1599
another CLASSIC
apparently the 16th century is for femme fatales
‘i’m sir doctor of tardis’ oh y god i’m dying
‘i’m a doctor’ ‘i am too’ martha jones i love you
just my love for martha overall she’s just so excited to be there 
i’d forgotten how flirty shakespeare was my god
wow 10 mentioning that rose would know what to do right in front of martha
dude my dude
again literally just campy fun i love this stupid show
the witchfinders
early 17th century
a 13 episode!! my love!!!! 
i’ve been dancing along to all of the opening credit so far but i do really really love 13′s credits
i hope you’re prepared for me to just reiterate how much i love 13 bc it’s coming
again just like thematically sound!!! 13 tells the fam not to interfere and they’re like even if somethings not right? which harkens back not only to other events in season 11 but also is so strong coming off 10 and 12 in pompeii and other places
i love 13 no brooding no questioning she just dives right into the water bc something is wrong
alan cumming is living his best life here my god he’s having so much fun
i didn’t catch this before but when willa is feeling sick and the doc is like let me sonic you and yaz instead knows it’s mental health
i just...yaz kills me and 13 dealing in realm of science and investigation first not emotions
the entire scene between the doc and king james is *insert fire emoji here*
‘just another wonder of the universe you’re not going to be able to tell anyone about’ the salt here. i love that this is such a negative. she’s like oh the world is cool but u don’t get to share it.
and finally with reiterating it’s okay to be scared but you have to keep going and don’t fear the unknown
i love this show
aaaaand that’s it for the night folks
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"I’ll only draw shadows during emotional moments” i said, forgetting that Aggie is the human equivalent of a shaken coke can
The Girl Who Drowned page 13 update
Read from the beginning HERE!
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elliedafish · 7 months
New Maisie Fan
Guys, my friend said she loved TGWD! Her favorite song is You're Just a Boy and she said she wants to listen to more! I'm so glad I finally have someone in my personal life to talk about Maisie with. All of my other friends don't like her. Maisie has a new fan!
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cartoonchaos · 5 years
Hey mutuals have any of you read the “The Girl Who Dared” series? Cause I would like to rant about my undying love and respect for Leo please and thank you
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skelelovely · 6 years
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vortexcaps · 7 years
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vacantgodling · 2 years
the start of the rapture
wip: the graves we dug
character(s): graves, dove, unnamed saloon barmaid, ren’s overly flowery narration (it should be a character on its own really)
there’s comfort in the abysmal delusion of rock bottom; a lingering fantasy you nurse over drinks, reminiscing your longtime regrets. until those regrets come knocking. and you’re wishing instead you were dead.
or, wow a rewrite of the beginning of tgwd??? wow who woulda THUNK it (i should be sleeping #shot)
warnings: alcohol/alluding to excessive alcohol dependence, intertwining flashbacks and reality (a theme in this wip), barely contained anger lmao
The saloon was lively and the night was young.
On the northern-most outskirts of Rapture, holed up in the saloon of some seedy little town, Graves nursed his drink. He stopped asking what he was being served a few nights ago. Just held out his glass and let the barmaids serve him at their leisure. Some drinks were fruity splashes of syrup to hide the bite of hard liquor, others were plain seltzer numbers that reminded him too much of a place once called home. Still others were tart and bitter; mixed wrong, but with the enthusiasm of an untrained hand. Those were the drinks that Graves found the hardest to swallow. The nostalgia of them was intoxicating enough to get drunk off of.
His thoughts wandered, as they tended to these days. Dark, hooded eyes roved over the small bits of scenery the saloon offered. Drunkards lavished themselves over poker and pool tables; brims of their hats tilted high in jubilation or low in deception. Graves’s own gambler was tipped low down; to keep the bright, fly addled, naked bulbs above from creating blind spots in his sensitive vision. He was a creature of the darkness and this saloon was too bright; too close to a normalcy long foreign to his mind.
He drained his bitter dram, then set his glass to the side. The girl who refilled it was prattling on about something he wasn’t hearing. He let his eyes slip closed.
Then, he was standing on the balcony of The Rome.
He didn’t start like he used to; it’d been too damn long and he’d seen this vision too many damn times to let it phase him anymore. But there was still some irony in it; the day he most wanted to forget yet his mind always returned here. For comfort, or to damn him—perhaps they were one and the same thread; yarn like ambling thoughts, never ceasing to unravel.
He mused, as he stood there, at the back of his mind’s eye, at what point did this hunt reach its tipping point? What started as a hunt, became a sting; at this stage, a near coup d’état. He and Tomb were left twiddling their thumbs while their partners did most of the work. They were men meant for killing, not idleness, not waiting. Despite Dove’s reassurances that soon they would have a chance to strike, and Dawn’s confidence that they only needed the smallest window of opportunity for the payout… Idle hands beget ill sins. And many sins were committed on that treacherous day.
A kiss of death’s grimmest deception: a tiny .22 caliber bullet. That’s all it took to seal their fate. A fate as inescapable as time immemorial. A mistake he played over and over, again, and again, and—
—“Graves?” The scent of cinnamon and liquor aroused him back to full wakefulness. He must’ve dozed off again at the bar. He’d been at this saloon too long if he was recognizing the voice of the barmaid calling his name. Still he brushed a hand over his weary eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a slow breath.
“You dozed off on me a second there! I was starting to think you weren’t paying attention to me.”
“I wasn’t.” He grunted. The girl scoffed but filled his drink once more when he held out his glass.
“Get yourself a water every once and awhile. I would hate for the boys to have to carry you up again.” Graves hummed noncommittally to her request, taking a measured sip. His face scrunched up. Still too bitter. Damn, he wished someone would teach her to mix right.
“Easy on the lime, next time.” He grumbled. She huffed aloud, but smiled when she thought he couldn’t see, and he was almost tempted to remark on it. That is, until the saloon doors swung open.
An arid wind bullied its way about the room; knocking into every chair, every decoration, every corner, and despite its momentary warmth, the chill it left was felt in a unified shudder. It was thought the room itself knew the weight of this sudden presence, and thought it best if it kept itself hushed. From his corner, Graves glanced towards the door.
Black eyes met green.
Graves grip on his glass tightened so ferociously it damn near broke. He whipped his head away, breakneck, to avert his eyes.
“Graves?” The girl was instantly closer to him, digging her french tips into the meat of his hairy arm. Her voice was barely a whisper. “What’s wrong? Who’s that?”
A crowd of patrons at the front of the sea shuffled about as the stranger made their way further in, and against his better judgement, Graves glanced back again. Silver spurs, white gloves. He shifted his eyes back to his arm. The girl managed to draw a bit of blood, yet like a magnet, his eyes strayed back. He slowly raised his eyes higher. White gems, high collar. A cheshire smile, as the stranger politely ordered a drink. They melted into the crowd as the rowdiness resurged once more. He grunted, turning back to the girl and his glass. Maybe it was just a damn vision. It couldn’t be real.
He felt that green serpent staring at the back of his goddamn neck.
“Graves you seem… unsettled. Are you alright? Want another tart brandy?”
“That’s what the fuck you call it?” Graves asked instead, the exasperation dripping from his words. “Never mind.” He waved his hand. “Something stronger.”
Always looking for yourself at the bottom of a bottle, Graves?
Graves jumped out of his chair and the barstool clattered to the floor. He felt the voice slither somewhere around the back of his neck and it took years of training not to swat at the invisible sensation. His small outburst however, was enough to draw attention to himself. The small poker game playing out behind him put their eyes on him, and the barmaid froze in her tracks. It wasn’t loud enough to startle patrons still engaged in the whooping pool game near the front, but it was enough to turn the head of the mysterious stranger.
Black eyes met green.
A smile that choked his heart in his throat.
“Graves? You’re beginning to scare me.” The barmaid touched his arm again, worried, but he damn near ripped his arm away from her like a caged animal. She jumped, dropping the glass she’d been holding with her other hand. It shattered on the floor.
Don’t be so cruel, Graves. Come closer.
Graves heaved in a ragged breath.
“You wanted to know who they are?” He hissed. He nodded towards the stranger, who was no longer looking at him, but making small talk with a blushing barmaid. The stranger’s laugh was soft, but Graves’s ears were sharpened to seek it, and it sucker punched him in the gut. Wisely, the barmaid said nothing to his sudden inquest.
“They’re an old friend.” He spat.
Then he was storming over.
Each booming step echoed like the click of a bullet in its chamber. Bodies parted around him, drawing back like the tide. The only person unphased was the stranger themself, and when Graves finally loomed over them, all he was met with was searing green eyes, and a smile that could destroy worlds.
“Graves.” Dove’s voice aloud was music, an achingly familiar cadence in the comforting sea of unfamiliar. Drawing him in. Pulling him back. Back to a time long before now.
“It’s been ages since I’ve seen you.”
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I deal with stress by bookbinding at ungodly hours
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