#thank the goddess i called my brother because i dknt think id still be here today
hollypies · 2 years
Just because someone isn't physically abusive doesn't mean they aren't abusive or that they aren't hurting you! I'm really sorry you're in that situation I honestly don't know how I can help but if I can do anything just tell me! Here's another cozy cat for you
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🥺cozy cats!
An yeah I. Understand that. Maybe it's judt because. Well my mom was in a physically abusive household am she constantly says stuff about. It. The details and she's alwasy told us since we were little so. It's confusing. And that she'd never hurt us so. Idk idk I've had complicated feelings about stuff lkke that since I was 7.
Like. I know they aren't the best and they do a lot of things and say a lot of things that do hurt me but ! I can't do anything. I dont have any sort of control. I've even talked to my psychiatrist but she doesn't do anything. The one time I finally had the courage to put my foot down and argue back I lost.
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