#me. that pushes me to the edge. that i dont like. tha hurts me. are they still willing to use it
hollypies · 2 years
Just because someone isn't physically abusive doesn't mean they aren't abusive or that they aren't hurting you! I'm really sorry you're in that situation I honestly don't know how I can help but if I can do anything just tell me! Here's another cozy cat for you
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🥺cozy cats!
An yeah I. Understand that. Maybe it's judt because. Well my mom was in a physically abusive household am she constantly says stuff about. It. The details and she's alwasy told us since we were little so. It's confusing. And that she'd never hurt us so. Idk idk I've had complicated feelings about stuff lkke that since I was 7.
Like. I know they aren't the best and they do a lot of things and say a lot of things that do hurt me but ! I can't do anything. I dont have any sort of control. I've even talked to my psychiatrist but she doesn't do anything. The one time I finally had the courage to put my foot down and argue back I lost.
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The best kept Secret - chapter 5
Fandom: The Lost Boys
Pairing: Has anyone guessed it yet? ;)
Warnings: eh... No? If you find some I missed, just tell me and I'll add them.
A/N: five chapters in a row! I need to write the future chapters now, so maybe it will take a bit more time, but hey, I'll finish this story sooner than I did the Roseblood series!
Helena wasn't feeling well. She hadn't since she had woken up that evening. She felt weak, feverish... When she walked into the cave that evening she had expected to find the boys there. She had wanted to talk to David and Dwyane, asking them more about vampirism knowing something was going on with her and hoping they would have the answers for her.
Max was out of town, so they were the only ones she could ask- and the only ones she would trust with such asks. Her legs were feeling like rubber, her head was pounding. She stumbled into the cave. As she fell down to the ground, losing balance, she noticed Marks standing there. He was the only one in the cave. He didn't move to catch her.
"They're not here."
"Can we talk?" Helena asked him quietly as she sat up, rubbing her knees. The fall hurt her more than she anticipated.
"Do you hate me?"
Marko grinned, looking at her. A coldness behind his eyes.
"You sure act like it."
"I don't hate you."
His eyes darkened.
Helena nodded, sitting down on the edge of the fountain. It all happened within seconds. Marko grabbed her, pulling her by her hair, pushing her neck aside.
"Shut up." Marko growled. He buried his teeth deep within her neck, causing her to cry out.
"M-marko, stop!" she began weakly, her arms slowly becoming heavier. She couldnt lift them anymore. She was to weak to lift a finger now.
Helena was dropped to the floor, right when the others walked in. Her neck bleeding heavily. She was having problems breathing, her body shocking a little.
Dwayne and Paul dragged Marko off of her, while David sat next to her, trying to keep her awake.
"Helena? You need to drink this," David pushed his wrist against her lips. She began to drink, slowly but surely. The wound in her neck began to close. Het let her drink until her colour was back. Until she was just a crying mess, and no longer in physical danger.
David held her close, holding her till she had fallen asleep. He was pissed at Marko. Both Paul and Dwayne had wanted to know if. She was okay, but not Marko. He just sat there, not caring one bit that he almost killed Max' daughter.
"What the fuck, Marko!"
"Since when do you care so much about some fucked up human? It's not like she means anything to you."
"If you ever touch her again you'll fucking wish you could die." David growled.
"She's our fuckung sister man," Paul hissed at Marko.
Marko walked off, pissed.
"We need some food for when she wakes up. Try and find out what's going on with Marko."
Soon the two others left, and David was alone with the sleeping girl. He laid her down on the couch, lit some barrels, and looked up when he heard soft whimpers.
"Stay down, you don't want to hurt yourself more," David said, causing her to lay back down. "Why were you here?"
" 'm not feeling well. "
"Vampire or human unwell?"
"I dont-" she coughed, still feeling shaky. David sighed, sitting next to her. "He won't hurt you again, I promise."
1984 - in the cave
Helena stood there, subconsciously touching the scar in her neck. It still itched sometimes. She had been here five minutes and already her worries began to grow.
"Sorry about that," Marko stood next to her, one of his pigeons resting on his arm.
She nodded quietly. Understandably he still scared her.
"You can relax, you know."
"You won't hurt me?"
"No," he looked at her. "I won't hurt you."
She sat down on the couch, still feeling uneasy. This was the first time Marks actually spoke to her since the accident. She felt as if something bad would happen. He had clearly shown his dislike for her, and she worried that if he got to close another bad thing would happen.
"Hel," Paul looked at her, "You want some wine?"
She gave a small smile, knowing what he meant, and nodded. She was having more headaches lately, and was feeling weaker. Maybe some blood would help her.
"We can fully turn you if you want." David looked at her. It was more of a statement that a question. She was quiet for a moment, knowing she wanted to change, but not knowing how Max would respond to it. Maybe she should just do it.
"You drink from the bottle and let one of us bite you. Then you feed and you're one of us."
"I thought halves didn't need to be bitten?"
"No, but ones that were born half do."
"So, are you gonna be one of us?" David looked at her.
She looked a him for a second, and nodded.
"Yeah, I'll be one of you."
The night was still young as she followed David outside. The others had gone to the boardwalk to find some prey, while David stayed with Helena.
"So you bite, I feed and then it's done?"
"You ready?"
She nodded.
David looked at her, brushed her hair away from her neck and bit down. Her fresh blood filled his mouth . It tasted sweet, innocent. Helena let out a small scream, clearly being in pain.
"Ssh, that's it," Davis stopped drinking and looked at the girl, "Let's find you a meal."
She could barely stand, holding on to him to stay up. Helena eagerly followed him, trying to keep up. She could feel her throat beginning to burn. David walked her to the beach where a single teenager was still trying to surf.
David went first, taking her along with him.
"Hey, I was wondering if you could help us? We're without gas and need to make a call."
"Eh ya, sure man," the surfer looked at David while he was looking through his wallet. "Don't you normally hang on the boardwalk?"
"Helena, it's your turn," David had grabbed the surfer, and slit his throat open. Helena lunged forward, drinking as much as she could. When the body was drained she looked up to see Davis standing a few feet away.
"Feeling better?"
"Yeah," the eighteen year old smiled shyly. "I- does Max know? Dad should..."
"Don't worry about it. Let's go back to the cave. You can sleep there."
Once back at the cave Helena realised how tired she was, falling asleep in the small nook where a bed stood.
"Welcome to the family sis!" Paul grinned, pulling her in a hug. Sleepily she opened her eyes, mumbling a little confused.
"Goodnight, Helena," Dwayne followed the others, leaving Helena alone on her first night as a vampire.
"You changed her?!" Max was pissed.
"She wanted to!"
"You had no right to change her!"
"She was starving, and hurting. We could all see it..."
"You're lying! She never spoke of that to me!"
"And that's our problem how? She is one of us now."
"She was mine to change! She is my daughter!"
A quiet yawn echoed through the room. The subject of their fight slowly began to wake up.
"Dad?" Sleepily Helena looked at her father and then the other boys in the room.
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HOB ch.23-24
FINALLY, i’m back to hob’s universe. i had to stop reading this because university, but now that i’m freaking done with my exams, i can enjoy it as i wanted *^*
aaaaah, i missed xie lian and hua cheng SO MUCH- just look at my beautful san lang taking that strange plant and going to cure his gege’s hand immediately as if that’s the only thing that matters. god, i love him
San Lang didn’t respond, and after applying the powder he let go of Xie Lian’s hand. Xie Lian couldn’t help but think his attitude and this weird atmosphere between the two of them was really off, but didn’t know how to ask about it without sounding weird. This wasn’t something anyone else would notice either and couldn’t possibly understand.
(he just hates you putting yourself in danger for the sake of other people, he waited too much for you, gege! aaaaah they are beautiful, help me-)
EDIT: awkward hualian is making me wanna hug those two, i need them to remain alone and more of san lang protecting his gege 
EDIT 3: omg okay, if i already didn’t love san lang, i would fall in love with him right now. he went for a version of that plant that had not been fertilised by humans ‘cause he knew xie lian wouldn’t like it, and that’s so thoughtful and beautiful and i feel blessed. BLESSED.
Ever since Xie Lian had gotten stung by the scorpion snake, San Lang had behaved like this. A couple days ago it was all ge ge this, ge ge that, but now he barely called him ge ge anymore. When they first met, San Lang had avoided his touch and seemed weary of contact with Xie Lian, but that seemed to have gone away after spending so much time together. Now, besides sucking poison and applying herbs, San Lang was once again avoiding touching him, and that made Xie Lian feel weird. He’s not used to this distance.
i am getting so freaking emotional, this is so angsty and bittersweet, i love hearing sl calling him gege, it’s what keeps me alive, so i want them to talk and figure this out pls make it possible please please please-
EDIT 4: 
The mud face replied, “There’s someone amongst you I’ve seen before… fifty to sixty years ago.”
A shiver went down everyone’s back and made their hairs stand.
No mortal in present company should be aged over fifty. That means whoever this person was that was here then was not human.
this is getting creepier by the minute, what the fuck- i love this. I LOVE THIS.
EDIT 5: i think the face is talking about san lang? since, you know, he is a big deal in the demon world and long. HE WON’T HURT ANYONE AS LONG AS THEY DON’T HURT XIE LIAN, CHIIIIILL.
EDIT 6: 
Xie Lian pushed himself off the ground about to walk away before the mud face raised his voice, “Do you really not want to know who it is? He will kill all of you.”
yeah, i think he really is talking about him. though i don’t trust some of the merchants? and a-zhao? mmmmh
EDIT 7: okay, tha face? that face is getting unsettling me so much WHY DO THOSE MERCHANT IDIOTS GET CLOSER??? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Xie Lian grabbed the merchant by his collar and backed up, but the tongue that flew out was freakishly lengthy and barged right into the merchant’s ear!
Xie Lian felt the body in his hold convulse violently, the merchant’s limbs writhed nonstop, and the man let out a short agonizing scream before falling to the ground. That long tongue dug out a large chunk of something bloody from his ear and and brought it back to the mud face’s mouth.
sorry, see you later, i’m gonna throw up-
EDIT 9: 
He was about to attack the repulsive monster when the mud face screamed again, “GENERAL! GENERAL! THEY’RE HERE! THEY’RE HERE!”
A deafening cry more savage than beasts blared in the distance.
EDIT 10:
The massive nine feet man they called ‘general’ seemed to have found the squirming mud face deeply disgusting, and swung his mace towards him, smashing his face into a bloody mess, the teeth of his mace piercing his brains. When he pulled up his mace again, the entire body was pulled out with it, fulfilling his wish of “let me out!”. And the body that was unearth was not a full human body, but a skeleton.
(okay, now i feel... uhm, i feel a bit sad. yeah, sorry annoying-face-in-the-mud, i think i jinxed you?
THAT FACE IS STILL ALIVE WHAT THE HELL. well, “alive” is probably too big of a word, but... *sugh* i am gonna refer to this as the annoying-face-in-the-mud arc from now on.)
The mud face countered immediately, “That wasn’t odd! It was just… a tongue a bit longer than average!”
*hysterical laugh* SERIOUSLY?
EDIT 11:
He said in a small voice, “Don’t worry. If anything happens I will go forward first.”
Xie Lian thought if they must all fall, then he might as well be the first one to check things out. It couldn’t be worse than venomous snakes and beasts, menacing ghosts and demons. He couldn’t die from falling, he couldn’t die from poison, he couldn’t die from bites, and he couldn’t die from getting hit. As long as it wasn’t some pool of corpse dissolving water, his body shouldn’t be damaged too horribly.
NO OKAY? NO. SOMEONE STOPS HIM RIGHT THIS INSTANT I KNOW SAN LANG WON’T ALLOW SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO HAPPEN OR WILL AT LEAST GO WITH HIM OMG why does xie lian talk about himself like that, i hate this, just because you can’t get hurt doesn’t mean you have to care so little for yourself, babe, i love you so much-
EDIT 12: okay, wow, a-zhao went down and i... did not expect that, since i was suspicious of him too, so now i feel guilty. again. ugh. also, that pit sounds even more scary now that, supposedly, a-zhao’s body has been teared apart.
EDIT 13: THE SOLDIERS ARE INSULTING HIM AND I AM GETTING MAD HOW  D A R E  Y O U- also, bitch? you wanna die, you are freaking asking for it-
EDIT 14: 
There was no helping it. Xie Lian was ready to jump if all else fails anyway. Behind him San Lang stepped forward.
Xie Lian’s heart lurched and turned around.
With his arms crossed, the boy was nonchalantly looking over the dark, bottomless pit with an air of intrigue. This wasn’t a good sign, and Xie Lian called out, “San Lang?”
Hearing his call, San Lang looked over and smiled softly, “Don’t worry.”
(WHATEVER YOU ARE GONNA DO, DON’T DO IT. I’M NOT GONNA READ IT SO IT WON’T HAPPEN. I AM FREAKING SCARED BUT- well. san lang won’t get hurt, right? BUT I DON’T WANT HIM TO SUFFER EITHER. just look at this cutie pie smiling at his gege and telling him not to worry i’m done-)
San Lang took another step forward and was teetering dangerously on the edge. Both Xie Lian’s head and heart started pounding, and he called again, “Wait, San Lang, don’t move!”
At such height at the brink, the boy’s red clothes danced in the night breeze. San Lang glanced at him again with a smile, “Don’t be scared.”
“Come back here. Come back here and I won’t be scared.” Xie Lian said.
why did no one tell me this was so painfull-
EDIT 16: okay, why is a dead girl throwing them all down-
EDIT 17: 
He thought he was going to crater and flatten like a pancake like many times before when suddenly, in the darkness, there was a flash of silver.
A pair of hands lightly caught him.
Whoever it was caught him perfectly, as if this person was made just to catch him at the bottom. With a hand across his back to grasp his shoulders, another under his knees to support his weight, the dreadful gravity of the fall was dissolved to nothing. Still dazed and confounded from falling at such a height, Xie Lian unconsciously held on tight to that person’s shoulders and called, “San Lang?”
The pit was filled with darkness, nothing could be seen, including the person. But Xie Lian still called that name. The other didn’t respond so Xie Lian patted and squeezed the chest and shoulders just to make sure. “San Lang, is that you?”
I am not sure a posses the words to explain how i feel, but even if i knew san lang was gonna catch him (that he was fine), my heart is pounding so hard and i love how strongly xie lian is reacting to him, unconsciously feeling him up to make sure he is fine. i didn’t know it’d be like this, they are gonna be the end of me.)
It took a moment before he heard the boy’s low voice from very close to him, “I’m ok.”
Xie Lian didn’t know why, but this voice was curiously different than before.
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missnctyukhei · 6 years
Never have I ever
pairing: mark lee x reader
genre/warnings: smut, angst
word count: 2.1k
a/n: English is not my native language and I first dare to write in English. So please forgive me any mistakes, I know my grammar is not perfect. I still hope that the story is readable. I thought to write several parts. but let's see ...
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„Ok it’s late. I should go to bed. We see us on Monday!“ 
You and Mark were the last people sitting at the table.
You've been working with the team and Mark on a new project for weeks. The work was now completed and to celebrate the day, the manager invited the whole team for dinner. After the breakup with Lucas, this was the first night you could laugh again. How much you have missed being able to think freely, without getting a stab in the heart every time.
„Should we go home too?”, ask Mark and looked up to you with his puppy eyes. You knew that he didn’t want to go home yet. The mood was good, the alcohol level high and it was still too early to end the evening.
„You can come to me! I'm sure that I have something to drink at home.” You didn’t want to end this evening so abruptly. It was the first night you felt good and not thinking about Lucas all the time. Mark didn’t think long and agreed. He was not ready to go home, back to the dorm, where he had to share a room.
„Ok, then let’s go!” With a big grin you reach for your bag and you both make your way to the next taxi.
Your apartment was small but cozy. It consisted mainly of one room and this was equipped with a kitchen and a large bed. Most of the time you spent anyway at work. From the fridge, you get two bottles of soju and you both go to the bed. It was the only seat that offered in your apartment.
“Let's play a game!" You suggested. You were afraid that this situation could have been unpleasant. You have never been alone with Mark. It has always been a team or Lucas around you two. But you always liked Mark, he was funny and a good friend.
“I would like to play Never have I ever. I have never played this before.” He confessed and clasped his bottle with both hands. It did not surprise you, because SM had a strict regulation and Mark was in it for most of his puberty.
"Ok, should I start?" You asked him and he nodded silently.
"Well, I start with a simple question. Never have I ever used Tinder.” Neither you nor Mark took a sip. However, Mark seemed quite surprised.
“Really? I thought you were using Tinder.” You've thought about it a couple of times and installed the app, but somehow you never managed to sign up.
"Well, when I came to Korea, I soon got to know Lucas - after we break up … I mean …. it's too early..." Your voice became fragile at the end of the sentence. You didn’t want to talk anymore. It was just quiet between you two. Mark saw that the thought of Lucas hurt you.
"Do you miss him sometimes?" He asked in a soft voice. It hurt him to see you like this. You always had a lot of fun together and he was always happy when Lucas take you with him.
"Today was the first day I didn’t think of him every second," your voice was so silent that it was barely audible. But Mark understood every single word. Your sight were lowered and there he was again, the pain in your heart. You had successfully drowned him with alcohol all day. And now it felt like everything was coming up at once. The whole barrage of pain and emotions gathered in your throat that made you sick. You tried to swallow everything, but it hurt incredibly.
“Y/N, I just want you to know that I didn’t like Lucas behavior, I think he made a big mistake. He is stupid to hurt someone like you.” He meant it well and his words meant a lot to you, but you didn’t want to talk about this topic anymore.
"Let's keep playing. It's your turn!" It was a good distraction, as Mark already considered his next question.
“Never have I ever lied to my parents.” “Oh come on…this question is lame. You should ask something, which may be unpleasant to someone.” It was his first game, but you didn’t want it to get boring. Mark nodded and started thinking again. After a few seconds he remembered a question.
“Never have I ever had sex in the same room where someone else was sleeping.” You briefly watch Mark, who did not raise his bottle. After a short deep breath, you take a sip.
“Lucas and Kun shared a room. If we had always waited until we were alone in the dorm, we would never have sex.” You had to grin as you thought of the times you sneaked into the apartment to at least see Lucas for a few hours. It was the good times when you cuddled up to him under the covers and just wanted to feel his skin on yours.
"I bet Kun was not always sleeping." Mark said with a laugh. You put your palms on your forehead and scream with a laugh: "Ahhh I don’t want to think about it."
“Ok, my turn again. Never have I ever sex on an airplane.” You both looked at each other but nobody took a sip. You had to admit that the question was not good. Mark was still quite young and probably not quite so experienced.
Mark was back on the turn. “Never have I ever done it with someone more than twice my age.” Mark did not move, but you knew you had to drink again.
“I experimented a bit” You said and took a sip of your soju. Your bottle was already half empty and Mark still had no sip.
“Let's come up with something good. I would like to drink again.” Mark laughed, pointing to his bottle.
“Hmmm….okay…let me think. Never have I ever received a road head.” To be honest, you were too drunk to ask more creative questions. For the last rounds, you had to drink so much that you had to lure Mark with simple questions. It was time he had to catch up to get to the same level.
After asking the question, you look at him, but he didn’t move. He didn’t touch any of his fingers, he did not even pay attention to the bottle. It had become so quiet suddenly that it made you a little uncomfortable.
“Really? You got never ever a head?” When you said these words, you were not sure if you just did make the situation even more uncomfortable. He blushed but didn’t say anything. The situation was clearly awkward and you didn’t know what to do next. It would have made the most sense, just pretend that nothing had happened. But the alcohol in your blood does not let you make logical conclusions.
“Wow…Sorry…I mean…A guy in your position…I mean, I thought you were the type for the girl to do everything…”
“It's not that I'm inexperienced. I just have a lot to do. Dance training, singing lessons, performances, there is not much time for girls.” You knew he wanted to minimize his inexperience because he was embarrassed. But you knew also under what kind of pressure the idols are. After all, you've been working at SM for two years, and you've been dating Lucas for almost a year. You know exactly how everything works. The private life is given little space to the idols, and they usually use this free time to spend it with their family.
“Should I do it?”, you ask in a soft voice and look at him with big eyes.
“What?” Mark started to laugh nervously. He didn’t know if the idea was good or bad. On the one hand Lucas was his friend and he would betray him. But then he was also interested. He always found you beautiful, kept wondering always how you would look naked, but when Lucas expressed interest in you, his desire had been eliminated.
Slowly, you lean forward closer to Mark. You place your palms between his legs. Your lips were nearing his ear. Mark got goose bumps all over his body. “I can give you your first head and believe me, you will never forget it.”
Mark had to swallow and he already feel his middle was getting harder. You pushed him soft into the sheets. You slowly pull up his shirt and planted a few kisses down his torso. Mark moaned and his hips twisting slightly. You placed you hand against his length, still in his sweatpants. He moaned again und you press a wet kiss under his belly button. You pushed slowly his sweatpants and boxers down. You’re eyes widened slightly at how hard he was already. Slowly you became impatient too.
You gently lick his tip. It was slightly salty but not unpleasant. You licked across his head and then back from the root to his tip. Your motion was smooth and his hips pushed with no control. Your tongue circulate a little bit on his tip, which was still salty.
“Y/N” He moaned.
“Put it…. Put it in your mouth…Please…” He was desperate. Never ever gave someone so much attention to his best part. You had to grin, you liked how desperate he begged for your mouth. But you didn’t want to keep him waiting too long and so you opened wide and sucked him slowly inside. Your head go up and down and his skin moved with your movements. He put his hands on his hipbones. But his fingers kept cramping in his palm. He just dont not know where to place it.
You let him pop out of your mouth and licked his vein that ran on the underside of his cock. Then you took him back inside and listened to the whimpers he made. He was cursing, but you didn’t understand everything exactly. Anyway, you were to focused to attempt his cursing. It drives Mark crazy seeing you take his cook into your mouth. Your lips stretching around him as you take him deeper and deeper. Then you took your free hand to press it on his lower stomach, while the other massage his now strained balls. 
Mark bite his under lip and threw his head back. He enjoyed every single touch and so he thrust upward.  You know exactly that he was almost over the edge. His breath was deep and his hip twitched with every touch.
All your energy was focused on his cock now. You taking him as far as you could.
“Y/N…I’m close” You knew that exactly and you gave him a sultry look while your mouth was still around his cook.
He let out a cry before he squeezed his eyes. His seed coating your tongue. But before you swallow it, you stick out your tongue again and show him his load. You swallowed his release, before you lay beside him.
“Wow…I mean…You were…” Mark didn’t find his words.
"I told you that you will not forget it." You grin widely and were a little proud of yourself. It pushed your self-esteem to get such a confirmation.
“Can you do me a favor?” Asked Mark and turned to your side. His cock was now covert again with his sweatpants. You looked up at him in surprise, but you secretly already knew what he would ask you.
“Lucas does not need to know that, right?" Mark looked at you with his big puppy eyes. He was worried, after all, he had to work with Lucas and they were friends.
"He will not hear it from me," you said with a tortured smile. Anyway, the conversations with Lucas were limited to the bare minimum.
“Thank you! Not only that you will not say anything. But just what you did, just now…"He smiled and looked deep into your eyes. There was real gratitude in him and it pleased you that you could at least make one person happy.
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hismissharley13 · 6 years
The morning after the night before.
I had woken early, nestled in Tig’s arms.  One of his hands was cradling my head, the other I was half using as a pillow, half draped down my back.  I jumped in panic before the events flooded back.  My face burned with shame as I realised what I’d done was no better than Jax.  My stirring had disturbed Tig, his arms drawing me close to him as he nuzzled into me, breathing in deeply as he did so.  His lips found mine and I couldn’t help but reciprocate.  To hell with Jackson Teller.  Tig’s morning wood pressed into my hip as his mouth explored my jaw and neck.  I hummed as he licked a wet stripe up my neck, re-igniting the fire in my belly and pushing all thoughts but one from my mind.
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I’d gotten showered and accepted one of Tig’s t-shirts gratefully, knotting the long hem at my waist and slipping my skirt and panties back on.  I had spare clothes in Jax’s room but was I hell going in there.  Tig had crashed out on the bed again after our morning tryst and I needed coffee.
Jax shuffled into the kitchen a short while after me, rubbing sleep from his eyes, “Hey princess”
“Hmm?” I grunted, non-committal.
“Who’s shirt are you wearing,” he demanded, suddenly more awake.
“What’s it to you?” I refused to turn around and look at him.  He made me sick.
“What’s it to me?  You’re my Old Lady, and here you are in someone else’s clothes?”
I let out a hollow laugh, Old Lady indeed.  Sure didn’t mean that much to him when he was screwing that skank.  He grabbed my arm and spun me to face him, the coffee cup in my hand flying to the floor,
“Well, shit,”
“You haven’t answered my question,”
“So what, Jax?  I’m not going to either.  You know, I don’t think I ever hated anyone before I met you,“
“Where the fuck were you all damn night?”
“Why do you even care?”
“Goddamnit Kat! Tell me!” He threw his hands up in the air in exasperation.
“Goddamnit Jax! Go to Hell!” I mocked his voice.  Childish maybe, but he gave up and stalked back to his room.
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I flew back to Tig’s room on tiptoe, swift and silent so as to not be noticed.  Tig was sat up, hair sticking out at all angles and the sheets pooled at his waist “Morning doll,” he mumbled sleepily, running a hand through his wild curls
“Hey Tiggy,” I rasped, the crying had left my throat pretty damn raw.  I wriggled out of his arms and scrambled for my clothes.  Tig looked up, curious to see what I was doing,
“You ok cupcake? Kat...Kat!” the forceful tone made me bot upright, dashing the wet tracks from my cheeks.  Tig sat up fully and tugged me back onto the bed.  I wilted into his waiting arms, folding my own consciously over my body.  I felt the heat radiating from his chest as he placed his arms over mine, “C’mon sweetheart, talk to me,”
“I-uh...shit, Tig, what the hell did we do last night?  What was I playing at-I’m sorry,” I dropped my head into my hands, despairing at my crappy judgement.
“Hey, you were upset, pissed off, hurting.  The last thing you need to do is apologise baby.  If you wanna forget about it, it’s your call.  I ain’t gonna think any less of you for it,”
“I’m not just some sweetbutt, moving on from one reaper to another like it’s nothing,” I glanced up at him, terrified of what was going to happen now.  Tig’s lip curled,
“Baby, you’re the furthest thing from a crow-eater!” he assured me, a hint of amusement on his face as he tipped my head towards him with a gentle hand, “I’ve never hit twice on the run with a crow,” sincerity evident in his gaze.
A small giggle bubbled up in my chest at his confession.  The slight smile on his lips widened into a toothy grin,
“That’s a great sound,” he twisted a damp strand of my hair between his finger and thumb, tucking it behind my ear, “granted, not as good as hearing your moans last night and this morning,” I gasped and smacked my hand against his chest.  Tig just wiggled an eyebrow at me as I laughed again.
Jax cornered me in the office later that afternoon,
“Hows about you gimme some answers Kat?”
“Hows about I keep who I’m screwing to myself just like you did?”
“You’re being ridiculous“
”Yeah, well, Tig didn’t seem to think so...” Silence fell, my eyes widened as I realised what I’d just done.  Jax straightened up and ran his tongue over his teeth, nodding slightly to himself as he started to turn for the door.
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“Jax I-” my outstretched hand fell as his pale blue eyes burned a hole straight through me.  He spun on his heel and slammed the door behind him with enough force that the window rattled in it’s frame.  I dashed over to the window overlooking the garage where Tig was working on his Dyna, my stomach twisting horribly.  I couldn’t hear Jax’s low words at first, their discussion increased in volume by the time I had pulled the door open.
“Seriously brother?  My own Old Lady! I can’t believe you betrayed me like that,”
“I betrayed YOU?  I’m not the one who was too busy riding some 2 dollar hooker before coming to see his own fuckin’ girl, Jackson!  C’mon! What was I supposed to do huh? Leave her cryin’ in the damn gutter?”
“You were supposed to stay the fuck outta my business!” Jax roared and swung a fist towards Tig’s head.  I cried out, hoping Tig would dodge but he didn’t.  He stood there and let Jax hit him, holding a hand up before he could take another swing,
“That one you get for free, Jax.  You’re my VP, my brother and I love you, but what you did last night?  That was wrong and you know it,”
“Did you fuck her?” he spat,
“Excuse me?” Tig’s eyebrows shot up,
“I asked you if you screwed my Old Lady,”
Tig’s mouth curled into a sneer, he stepped towards Jax until they were nose to nose and cocked his head to the side,
“Why, scared she’d like me better?” Jax twitched almost imperceptibly and I took my cue.  I threw myself at them both, shoving with all my might to separate them.  I think it was more suprise than anything else that moved them back.  Insering myself between them both, I held my arms out to distance the pair,
“Stop it, just fucking stop it now,” I shrieked, their eyes locked like dogs in a ring.  Jax made to swipe me aside, Tig practically growled and tried to pull me behind him.  I screeched in frustration, grabbing fistfuls of Tig’s work shirt and Jax’s cut.
“I swear to God I am not a fucking toy for you both to fight over!” My eyes were wild as I whipped my gaze from one man to another.  I felt Jax wrench from my grip as he was pulled away by Opie.  My knees turned to jelly as the adrenaline coursing through me subsided.  Tig dropped next to me and embraced my trembling form,
“Kat, I’m sorry baby, I got you,” he kissed the top of my head softly,
“Tiggy, what the fuck is goin’ on eh?” Chibs crouched down next to our bundle on the floor.  Tig rose to his feet and dragged me up to mine.  I nodded that I was in control again and ducked my head, walking back to the office.  Last thing I wanted was a reminder of my own infidelity, never mind Jax’s.
“So Kat stayed with me last night after walking in on Jax and Ima,”
“Ah shite, ye’ve gotta be kiddin’ me,”
“Yeah, I wish, brother,”
The door clicked shut behind me and I rested my head back against it.  I needed a damn drink.  I exited the office through the other door and headed over to the club house.  Bobby was at the bar going over some paperwork.  He looked up at me with a smile,
“Bobby, if anyone asks, you aint seen me or this bottle of ‘quila.” I told him, dragging the bottle from the shelf and walking over to the corridor.  Iuncorked the bottle with my teeth and spat it on the floor.  I stared and pointed at JT’s bike accusingly,
“Have a fucking word with your son, JT.  He’s a damn asshole,”
I climbed the ladder to the roof and tucked myself away in a corner to drown my sorrows.  About halfway down the bottle the world was getting fuzzy round the edges.  A couple more slugs and my eyes closed.
I was shaken roughly, roused rudely from my slumber.  As I opened one eye (two was way too painful), a sharp sting burned my cheek.  I gasped, noting somewhere in the back of my still fuzzy mind that the sky was dark
“Kat! Kat! Thank fuck, I’ve been searching all over for you,” relief flooded Jax’s voice.  Jax...I didn’t like Jax...why didn’t I li-ohhhhh, of course!
“You, you bastard!  You dont like me,” I slurred, “No, no tha’s not right, I, me, I don’t like you.  You’re a shit, a cheating piece of shit,”
“Kat, are you...fuck’s sake, how much did you drink?”
“Not enough,” I swayed dangerously and he grabbed hold of my arms, “Ic’n still ‘member what happened,” I swallowed thickly, “but s’ok, cus, cus I-ah shit, Jax, I slept with Tig,” I wailed, “I’m so sorry Jax, I never wanted-I cheated on you,” I sobbed into his chest,
“Shhh, shhh, it’s ok, I know, it’s alright,” he mumbled, his voice low and soothing, “Baby I’m never letting you go again.  I’m so sorry for what I’ve done,”
“Jax, I don’t feel so great,”
“Can you climb down you think?”
I shook my head, my mouth watering profusely in the unmistakeable warning of impending vomit.  Jax pulled my hair up out of the way and leaned me over the wall of the roof as I hurled.  Once my belly was empty, I gingerly straightened up.  Truth be told, I felt a little better for it.  I hugged myself against the chill I felt, looking up at Jax sheepishly.  He smiled kindly at me and motioned back with his head,
“C’mon babe, let’s get you cleaned up, hey?”
I nodded and allowed him to steer me back down into the club and straight to his room.  I noticed the bed had been changed.  Jax herded me into the shower and stood me in the enclosure, clothes and all.  He started the water and handed me a toothbrush loaded with toothpaste and a meaningful look.  I accepted and started to clean my teeth.  Jax busied himself with undressing me, pulling my boots off and tossing them across the bathroom and peeling my skirt down my legs.  I steadied myself as I stepped out of it with a hand on his broad shoulder,
“Your clothes are getting wet,” I observed, having rinsed my mouth and thrown the toothbrush haphazardly at the sink.  By some fluke it had landed in the intended target.
“So are yours,” he pointed out.  Smart ass.  He pulled the hem of the shirt up and I lifted my arms to help.  Jax stood me directly under the stream of water and grabbed the shampoo, massaging my scalp as he washed my hair.  At some point he had dispensed with his clothes.  I was too busy enjoying the warm water on my skin to notice, until he turned me gently around to face him.  He breathed a deep sigh as he ran his hands up and down my arms.  I looked up into his eyes and saw the remorse eating at him.  We both had blame to carry.  I uttered his name, barely a whisper.  It was enough to invite him back to me.  He brushed my hair from my face with both hands, cupping my cheeks and tilting my face to him.  His eyes darted from my mouth to my eyes, seeking my permission to continue,
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“Oh Jax,” I moaned softly.  It was all he needed.  His mouth crashed onto mine, needing, hungry.  I couldn’t get enough of him.  My hands clawed at his back, his arms, his neck, dragging him closer.  I was buzzed from the tequila but I knew what I wanted.  I wanted Jax. We had a lot to fix, but eight years was going to take more than one stupid mistake from each of us to destroy, Jax and I were determined to prove that to eachother.
@hanaissupergirl @cole-winchester @soawonder
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Coming Home (Chapter Six)
Enjoy :) 
(Day Sixty Three)
“I'm ready to build your bomb.” Tony said dully when Raza entered their cave the next morning. “Do you have supplies?”
“Tony.” Yinsen sent him a concerned look. “Think about what you are doing. Do not let an awful day change what you believe is right and wrong.”
“I thought about it all night.” Tony's voice was resigned, but not hoarse, because after the initial tears, he hadn't cried at all. In fact, he hadn't done anything all night long, except stare at the wall blankly, clenching and unclenching his fists. Yinsen had watched worriedly, dozing in short fits, waking up to check on the Alpha-- but Tony hadn't moved.
Tony hadn't said a word either. He had looked relieved when Yinsen was put back in the room unharmed, but he hadn't said anything about what had happened, or what had been on the computer.
When Yinsen had draped a blanket over Tony's shoulders, the Alpha had simply leaned back against the wall and wrapped the blanket a little tighter around himself, and kept staring at...nothing.
The Alpha had stared at nothing all night long.
And now he was going to build these men a bomb, and Raza looked entirely gleeful, even clapping his hands. “Wonderful! Let me show you what we have. You may make a list if you need anything else.”
“Yeah thas fine.” Tony stood quietly, held the car battery under one arm, and motioned for the Beta to lead the way. “Lets see what you have.”
“Tony, please.” Yinsen murmured. “Think about what you are doing. Whatever tragedy you saw-- or learned of--”
“It wasn't a tragedy.” Tony interrupted. “And it doesn't matter. Show me what supplies you have.”
“Right this way!” Raza bowed theatrically. “This is a good decision you are making.”
“Yeah.” Tony swallowed hard. “Whatever.”
It was bright outside, almost painfully so, and as Tony breathed his first fresh air in two months, he was struck by just how much he was deprived of in the cave. Just the general noise-- children running, women calling after them, men talking to one another. The smells of animals, meals being prepared, the wind-- all of it were things Tony hadn't realized he had missed until he was shoved back into it.
He didn't have time to look around though, not with Raza and an armed escort urging him away from the village and into another area filled with row upon row of weapons from Stark Industries.
“We have the best, huh?” Raza gloated. “Everything from your warehouses! Nothing knock-off for you! Stark Industries is our favorite supplier! Keeps us well stocked in everything we need in our fight!”
“I see.” Tony kept all the emotion from his voice even though he wanted to scream in anger at the sight of his company's weapons in the hands of terrorists. He didn't know how they were getting them, which of his company's customers were selling them, but he knew Pepper didn't know about it, and if he ever got out of this god forsaken place, he wouldn't rest until he knew who was behind it all.
“What will you need?” Raza prodded, and Tony started pointing at various boxes, rattling off the names of several items, pointed at several smaller rockets and demanded they be taken back to the cave, and at piles of miscellaneous tools, rifling through them until he found what he needed.
“Also these things.” Tony wrote down a few more things and handed the list to Raza. “As soon as possible. These are the important things.”
“Of course.” Raza promised. “This is a good day, Tony Stark. You build us a missile, and we will let you go, just as promised. You can start counting down the days to your freedom, now.’
Tony waited until Raza had moved away before muttering, “We’re gonna count down to something, aren't we?”
(Day Seventy)
It took almost a week for Yinsen to realize it.
“You aren't building a bomb, are you?” he kept his voice soft, nearly whispering his words, so the guards around them wouldn't overhear. Ever since Tony had agreed to work on the Jericho, they had been assigned armed guards to make sure things were progressing the way they were supposed to.
“Nope.” Tony glanced up at the guards as well, then went right back to whatever he was doing.
“Then what is it you are doing?” Yinsen looked down at the rough plans Tony had sketched, at what had originally looked like the brain inside the bomb, but now was looking more like a-- well he wasn't sure exactly what it looked like. “What is that?”
“It's what's going to get us out of here.” Tony said firmly. “Don't worry about the guards realizing what is going on. They are holding guns because they think they should be intimidating me physically. They’re too stupid to realize it's my mind they should be afraid of.”
He flicked his wings back in annoyance, frowning when they fell forward again, the muscles still not strong enough to do what he wanted. “Do me a favor and strap my wings back.”
“I need them out of the way, and I can't control them like I need to.” Tony explained impatiently. “Just strap them back so I can concentrate.”
Yinsen didn't want to. Strapping someone’s wings back was like stripping them of a sense, of a way to show emotion, but when Tony glared at him, he gathered the giant appendages and tied a loose knot below Tony's shoulders and then another further down by his knees to keep them from moving.
“Thank you.”
“Can I help you?” Yinsen asked when Tony was silent for a few more minutes. “With anything? With this? Or if you want to talk about---”
“You can help me with this.” Tony pushed some material his way, and a page of the plans. “I dont want to talk, so start working on this.”
(Day Eighty-One)
“Be careful.” Tony said through gritted teeth, laying as still as he could on the cot while Yinsen bent over him.
“I feel as if that does not need to be said.” Yinsen replied dryly, but he looked just as nervous as Tony, holding the small device in the palm of his hand. “What is this, exactly?”
“Have you ever heard of an arc reactor?” Tony asked, and Yinsen nodded slowly. “That’s an arc reactor.”
“Your father attempted to make one years ago.” Yinsen recalled. “But it was enormous, too big to be realistic, and too expensive to be marketable.”
“Right. I've got one powering a factory back home and it is a fantastic waste of money-- make sure you watch the sides, I'd prefer to not have my heart stop before I get this damn thing in.”
“So this--” Yinsen hefted it carefully. “Is exactly that? A miniaturized arc reactor?”
“Yes, exactly. Well, not exactly. My version is better. Dad was brilliant but he lacked imagination.” Tony patted the battery that had kept him alive so far. “Now hurry please, but for the love of god be careful.”
“Close your eyes.” Yinsen said quietly, and then reached to set the reactor in Tony's chest.
Rumours leaked outside the cave and into the village of the Alpha with broken wings who built bombs and who glowed in the dark.
(Day 84)
“Sorry to disturb you, Colonel.” The soldier in the doorway snapped a salute and Rhodes waved him off. After three months trekking through the desert, the last thing he needed was all the pomp and ceremony every time someone tried to talk to him.
“What is it?” Rhodes rubbed a hand over his face and looked up from the map on his desk, his eyes hurting from staring at it so long.
“There is someone here to see you. I asked him to wait but---”
“Move.” the word was growled, and the soldier was unceremoniously shoved aside to make room for Bucky as he stomped through the entrance of the canopied tent that was serving as mobile headquarters. “Rhodes.” he grunted, and the Colonel jumped to his feet.
“Sergeant Barnes.” Dark blue wings lifted in concern and Rhodey came around his desk to check the Omega over. “How are you?”
“I'm fine.” Bucky's pale blue eyes were the only thing visible above the muzzle like mask he wore over his mouth and chin. In full combat gear, strapped with knives and gun, wings flared enough that the sharp edges glittered, his left arm gleaming, he looked fierce and furious, and when Rhodes leaned in discreetly to check Bucky’s scent, it stank of anger, fear, exhaustion.
“You’re not.” Rhodes pulled out a chair and put a firm hand on Bucky's shoulder, directing him to sit. “Super soldier or not, you haven't checked in with me for ten days which tells me you probably haven't slept more than a few hours and who knows the last time you ate. Are you hungry?”
“I know where he is.” Bucky said instead. “I found someone who knows where Tony is.”
Rhodes froze, halfway to reaching for a bottle of water. “What? You what?”
Bucky stood without saying anything, disappearing through the tent door, and reappearing less than a minute later, holding a little girl’s hand, and followed by one of the soldiers that served as an interpreter.
“Jesus, Joseph and Mary, did you kidnap a little girl?” Rhodes’ wings snapped open in anger and Bucky's lifted just as fast in a warning to stand down.
“This is Alya.” Bucky knelt down in front of the girl, who couldn't be more than seven or eight, and brushed her hair away from her face. “Sweetheart, tell my friend what you told me.”
Alya stayed silent, her dark eyes flicking to Rhodes uncertainly and then back to Bucky, and after a moment she tapped demandingly on his mask with one finger.
Rhodes watched in disbelief as the soldier reached up immediately and took off his mask, setting it down on the ground. Then Alya framed Bucky's face with both her little hands and smiled into his eyes, before looking up at Rhodes and rattling something off in a local dialect that Rhodes didn't understand.
“She says, there is a man held in her village.” the interpreter supplied helpfully. “He has been there for almost three months, he and another one.” the girl kept speaking, keeping her hands on Bucky's face, and her eyes on Rhodes. “She says that her father has to take food and supplies into the cave for the soldiers, and for the--” a frown, and he asked her to repeat it.
“She says there is a rich Alpha. He has broken wings like coins, and a heart that glows. And he--” another frown. “He is the ones whose weapons have destroyed their home. She says--
“Wait.” Rhodes held up his hand. “Broken wings like coins? A heart that glows? What does that mean? How do we know she is talking about Tony? She could be talking about anyone. Or anything. How do we know she is even--”
“Stop talking and listen.” Bucky ordered, and motioned for the little girl to continue, murmuring something soft when she hesitated.
“Well, she definitely said coins.” the interpreter nodded, listening closely as the girl spoke. “Silver and gold like coins. Something happened to the Alpha’s heart, he was hurt when-- when he was captured, and now he glows.” He shrugged. “I don’t know what she means by that.”
“She says that her father has heard the Alpha speak of his family over and over. A spider and a hawk, a spice… oh, she means pepper. A Pepper and a captain and a dark omega with knives.”
The little girl touched Bucky's black wings and smiled. “Knife.” she said, plain as day. “Knife.”
Rhodey blinked a few times when Bucky smiled right back at her, his expression mirroring the one of surprise on the interpreter's face.
“Um, anyway. She says they are hurting the Alpha, but he won't give them what they want. Every day they hurt him and every day he talks about his family. Her father told her about the way he is lit, now, from his heart, and that all he does is talk about the spider and the hawk, the one called Pepper, the one with knives over and over and over. She says the Alpha talks about other ones too, but those are the only ones she can remember.”
“Jesus Christ.” Rhodes muttered. “It's Tony. It's Tony. This is amazing. -- Bucky, where is she from?”
“Her village is just over four and a half klicks  west of us.” Bucky spoke without taking his eyes off Alya. “I’ve spent the last three days hiding with her and her family.”
“They aren’t afraid of you?”
“Apparently not everyone sees me as a monster.” Bucky's words were even, but Rhodes could almost physically feel the pain rolling off of him.
This hadn't been an easy mission for the Omega. It seemed as if every village they had come through, Bucky had been remembered, and not in a good way. The Winter Soldier had come through this same area on some sort of bloody op years before, and more than once Rhodes had wondered if Bucky was retracing his steps through Afghanistan, if he was following a path he had taken as the Winter Soldier, and if that meant that some faction of Hydra was holding Tony.
But he didn't dare ask, because every time he had spoken to the Omega, those wicked wings had lifted in warning, and Bucky had backed up several steps, keeping distance between himself and the Alpha. Bucky didn't trust him, didn't trust any of the other soldiers either, and kept as far away as possible, only checking in because Steve had demanded he keep in touch.
In fact this time was the first time Bucky had ever spoken to him willingly, and Rhodes was having a hard time reconciling the cold, ruthless soldier he had come to know with the Omega kneeling in the dirt in front of this little girl, letting her touch his face and pet his wings, and smiling encouragingly as she told her story.
Tony had told Rhodes on their way to Afghanistan that Bucky was incredible, that under the scowl and frightening wings and weapon that was his left arm, he was gentle and kind and just hurting, just looking for a family.
Rhodes had scoffed then, but now he believed it.
Because Alya leaned in close and put a tiny kiss on the soldier’s cheek and Bucky smiled at her before bringing her in for a hug, a whispered thank you before he kissed her hair and swept his black wings around to cover her in a gentle hold.
“Colonel Rhodes.” Bucky stood to his feet and scooped Alya up in his arms. “I need to take her back home and make sure her family is safe. At sunrise, I am going in after my Alpha, and you and your men need to stay out of my way.”
“I want to find him just as badly as you do.” Rhodes reminded him, keeping his voice low so he didn't alarm the girl. “Please wait for us before you do anything rash.”
“Sunrise.” Bucky repeated. “And then I will tear that mountain down with my bare hands if I have to.”
He tipped his head in a quick thanks to the interpreter, ducked out of the tent and was gone just that fast.
“I've heard stories that make him seem like a demon.” the interpreter said after a moment. “But that little girl looks at him like he is an angel.”
“An avenging angel.” Rhodes said with a short laugh. “An Angel of Death. He will not hesitate to destroy anything that gets between him and his Alpha. Gather the men, we need to be at the village and ready to go by sunrise.”
“To help Sergeant Barnes?”
“No.” Rhodes ran a hand over his face. “To clean up the bodies.”
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hrina · 7 years
OMG giving h your first blowjob ever... :o i would literally would be so nervous and embarassed im clueless
“Sorry if it’s bad, I’ve never really--,” you’re babbling on nervously, chewing on your bottom lip and staring up at him through your eyelashes. 
Harry looks like a king, perched on the couch with his hands on his thighs and his legs spread so that you can fit in between them. His jeans and boxers have been discarded, and his cock is laying against his fabric-covered stomach, hard and pink and leaking.
“Shh, s’okay, angel,” he starts, his left hand moving to cup your chin. He tilts your head up so that you’re facing him directly, and you want to cry because God, you want to suck him, but you’re also terrified that he’ll hate it.
“It’s okay,” Harry repeats, looking at you with stern yet comforting eyes, “You’re my best friend, yeah? I’ll walk yeh through it.”
And he does. When you first wrap your lips around him, he hisses and throws his head back. He grits out instructions and tips in between low, guttural groans, the words slipping through his pink, swollen lips with difficulty.
“Jus’ go nice an’ slow, alright? Y’don’t have to rush through it.”
“Ah, fuck! No, it’s fine, jus’ nicked me with your teeth there. Tuck ‘em in, pet, there yeh go.”
“Yeah, that’s--fuck--’s good, ‘s fuckin’ good, love. Suck a little harder, tha’s it.”
“God, I’m gonna cum, you’re gonna make me cum.”
And when he feels himself edging closer and closer to the edge, he yelps out, “D-Don’t have t’swallow! Yeh can spit.” 
He loses it, then, his eyes rolling back into his head and his thighs quivering, and you nearly recoil back when you feel the first rope of cum shoot from his tip. His hands are in your hair, fingers braiding through the strands, and it hurts a bit but you can’t seem to get enough. Your chest tightens as pride floods through your veins--you’d suck him off far more often if it meant that you got to see him like this.
When Harry’s hazy, glassy eyes land on you, you’re deciding whether or not to swallow. He’s salty--it’s not the most pleasant taste, but you’ve heard from friends that a boy’s diet has a lot to do with his flavour. And, well...Harry’s the healthiest person you know.
So your tongue pushes his load to the back of your throat. Harry lets out a broken whimper when you swallow it down.
“Christ, ‘s hot,” he mumbles. He pulls you up, and with shaky limbs, you straddle his lap, not caring about the fact that you’re nearly sitting on his softening cock. 
“Thank you,” Harry says, pressing a pert kiss to your nose. You look down at his chest, suddenly embarrassed. Your fingers play with the collar of his cotton t-shirt, the white fabric making him look more tanned than usual. 
“Thank you,” you tell him, “For--for teaching me. Can...can I practice on you again later?”
Harry groans, his head dipping back and his eyes fluttering shut at the thought of your sweet mouth wrapped around his cock again. 
“Yeah, yes,” he says breathlessly, his fingers combing through your hair, “Fuck, you’re gonna be the death o’ me.”
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Midorin-neko requested another story from me about Pan! Beware, this one be sad. VERY. SAD. (it’s also an AU from the previous- not canonical for my timeline for Pan)
“So where are you going?” Pan asked, watching his person as she flitted about the room, grabbing items here and there.
“I told you, I’m going to drop off my project!” Midori smiled at him and quirked an eyebrow, hiking up a knee and balancing her bag there as she carefully shoved in a folder that was close to bursting and covered in stickynotes. “Did you forget already?”
He shrugged helplessly. “You told me when I was reading- you know I tune things out sometimes!”
She laughed and slung her bag over a shoulder, fussing with how it was all arranged. “Relax, I’m just teasing.”
“How long are you going to be gone this time?” He asked, slumping a little. She’d been gone so often, running here and there to the library, to help out fellow students, to pick up/return books, to do research- leaving him in their room to wait for her return.
“You sound like a sad puppy.” She giggled, as she clicked on her phone and checked for messages. “And you’re pouting too.”
“I am not!”
She smirked and stuck out her tongue playfully. “You so are!”
He poked his tongue out in answer, tossing his head at her as if the extra movement let him win the teasing challenge.
Midori laughed. “Look, this is the last project for at least two months! I’ll be gone for, like, twenty minutes, if that, to deliver that and then we’ll be free to do whatever we want. Y’know what that means?”
He perked. “Set up the laptop for anime marathon?”
“Bingo!” She grinned and held up her arms, hugging him close when he happily obliged her. “Be back soon, Pan! Try not to miss me too much!”
“Impossible!” He laughed, letting her slide free after a quick snuggle and a kiss on the top of her head.
She blew a kiss and waved as she shut the door behind her, smiling brightly.
He smiled after her, then turned to surf the web and find a new anime or one of their favorites- she liked having a selection of course.
It only took five minutes to pull up a variety of choices, each on a different tab for order’s sake, for them to peruse, so he turned his attention to providing appropriate snacks and bedding. The snacks were easy, but he had a little trouble making the blanket and pillow nest without his person.
Nevertheless, he pressed onwards and completed the setup in fifteen minutes. He then texted her, (Pan: Everything’s ready! How’s it going?) and settled in to wait.
At twenty five minutes after she left he busied himself with fussing with the bedding, telling himself that she’d be back soon.
After thirty five minutes he texted her. And every five minutes afterwards.
Pan: Hey, are you still busy?
Pan: This must be some project to take THIS long.
Pan: Mido, are you okay?
Pan: why won’t you answer?
Pan: Is your phone dead?
Pan: Midori please are you okay? Why havent you come home yet?
Pan: Mido…?
He refused to sit and wait any longer, twiddling his thumbs and fretting uselessly.
Midori needed him- he was sure of it! He had to find her, he had to make sure she was okay!
He stormed outside, breaking into a run as he mapped out the way to the college in his mind- he’d made a mad dash for it with her several times when a paper or homework assignment was late. He pushed himself as hard as possible, dashing across streets, narrowly dodging a few cars and pedestrians, running with all his might-...only to stagger to a halt in the college parking lot and stare in disbelief.
It was closed.
He shook his head faintly, panic washing through him as he frantically looked around.
No. No, if it was closed then...then was Midori? Where was Mido? She should’ve been home by now, she should’ve-
Had he missed her?
His brows drew together and he shook his head, pulling off his glasses and swiping a hand across his forehead.
No, he would’ve seen her. She should’ve taken that route back home, she always did, and if she had he would’ve seen her. He would’ve…
His heart thumped painfully and he hurried back towards where he’d just come from. He’d check, just to be sure. Just to make sure he hadn’t missed her.
He didn’t get far before he saw the blood smear on the road.
Pan: please dont be gone
It hadn’t been easy finding the hospital- all he had to find it was an internet search typed with shaking fingers and a memory that was falling apart with stress and fear- but he’d made it, found the large white building that all of a sudden seemed so terrifying.
Finding her was even harder. He’d gone through two floors, poking his head into the rooms, checking the figures lying on the beds, scarcely breathing until he saw it wasn’t Midori, it wasn’t Mido, until he found her.
Intensive Care Unit.
The words were seared into his mind, as well as the words ‘car accident’, ‘head trauma’, ‘broken humerus and clavicle’, ‘possible brain damage’.
His hands shook as he let the clipboard slip from his fingers and clack loudly against the end of her bed, numbed with sheer horror and disbelief.
“Mido…” he whispered raggedly.
She didn’t respond, lying still and pale on the white hospital bed with the white sheets covering her body from the chest down. One arm was in a thick white cast, there was a neck brace clasped about her throat, and an oxygen mask was tied over her mouth and nose. An IV stood beside the bed, dripping painkillers and sedatives into her bloodstream. One side of her face was bruised and purplish, and bandages littered her non-casted arm.
He staggered to her right side, carefully stepping around her parents who were already there on her left, tears shining in their eyes like they were in his as they gently held onto her.
“Mido…” He choked out, reaching a hand towards her face only to stop, fearful of hurting her more. He hesitated, then let his hand drift down and curl tenderly around hers, which suddenly felt so fragile, so delicate, as if his touch could break the slender bones inside.
Tears dripped freely down his face and suddenly he was on his knees, clutching her hand and sobbing into his free arm as he all but collapsed on the tiny bit of space at the edge of her cot.
He cried for a long time.
She didn’t respond.
For the entire week she lay prone, unconscious, defenseless and broken, he stayed by her side. He was an Imaginary friend, he didn’t have the many needs as a human did, and he used that to the full to maximize his time with her.
He held her hand, he spoke to her, tried to comfort her, apologized to her, pleaded with her, begged her to not go. To stay, to please, please, don’t go.
Don’t leave him- not like this, that’s not how it’s supposed to work.
She didn’t answer through the tears, the begging, the sobbing, the quiet handholding that he used to anchor himself, to prove she was still there, barely clinging to life. He grew to both love and hate the heart monitor that monotonously beeped out each pulse into the grim silence.
He barely slept that week, refusing to leave her alone again, to let his guard down. He was supposed to take care of her, to protect her, help her!
...And how badly he had failed her.
He was still clinging to her hand, sleep deprived eyes barely staying open, staring at nothing in a haze of grief and exhaustion, when he felt her fingers twitch.
He jolted, scrambled to his feet. “Mido?!” he rasped, clearing his throat at the guttural note to his voice and clasping her hand in both of his.
Her fingers twitched again.
“Mido!” He gasped, leaning over her and brushing the hair from her face. “Mido, are you awake? Are you there? C’mon, Mido, you can do this! I’m right here, Mido, I’m here! I’m right here!”
After an agonizing few moments, her eyes squeezed tighter shut and then, in the most glorious thing he’d ever seen, she blinked them carefully, painfully open, and looked over at him sluggishly.
“Mido...!” he whispered, his throat suddenly too tight with joy, relief, fear, worry, utter delight, and love.
She blinked slowly. “Wh’re y’...?” She slurred quietly.
His heart nearly stopped, his ecstatic smile freezing on his face. “...what…?” He choked out.
“Wh’re y’...?” She repeated sluggishly.
“I...I’m Pan...I’m...you’re my friend…” he whispered, his mind screaming that no, no, no this couldn’t be happening, no, he just got her back, no!
She smiled, a loopy, dazed smile, and her eyes were hazy and cloudy. “Tha’s a ni’ce n’me…” She sighed, eyes sliding shut again..
His heart shattered.
Pan belongs to Midorin-Neko!
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dopeloverx · 5 years
DopeLoverx: all these spikes and shit DanielTheKing: you thought you was a god? ThatsTy: like y df my nigga aint puttin his hand up like he blokn det shit? DopeLoverx: let me move ThatsTy: yuh ThatsTy: i did DanielTheKing: we can swap dope DopeLoverx: ty besti ThatsTy: like shiiid im Vip, DanielTheKing: they can't attack u DanielTheKing: but they can hug u DanielTheKing: z ThatsTy: mfs still huggn me Guest_EvilXMarc: are my spikes in your way? DopeLoverx: YES! DopeLoverx: >>>>>> DanielTheKing: ion feel em Guest_EvilXMarc: oh lol DopeLoverx: lol ThatsTy: but wen i wasnt vip tryna hug a girl det was vip i kouldnt DanielTheKing: damn ty Guest_EvilXMarc: they look sexy Guest_EvilXMarc: . DanielTheKing: errbody love u ThatsTy: sit weird DopeLoverx: lmfao DopeLoverx: z DopeLoverx: right ThatsTy: my first imvu account i was 13, llf den i neva got on afta i turned 14 n hea i am 2day ThatsTy: gah bak on 2 years ago DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing: you go way back then DanielTheKing: yah they changed that vip shit ThatsTy: fakts DanielTheKing: when it first came out u couldn't nun to vip DanielTheKing: u was a peasant ThatsTy: nah Guest_EvilXMarc: . Guest_EvilXMarc: lol ThatsTy: u still kant G Guest_EvilXMarc: >.> DanielTheKing: how they huggin u then ThatsTy: buh ion undastand how dey huggn me cus dude next to me was vip she hugged him n he basically pushed ha ass ThatsTy: im like wtf? DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing: ur vip broke ThatsTy: i need my money bak Guest_EvilXMarc: is he typin about me? DanielTheKing: nah Guest_EvilXMarc: oh DanielTheKing: sumtin else marc Guest_EvilXMarc: im too high Guest_EvilXMarc: smh DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing: i be tha only sober mf on imvu Guest_EvilXMarc: tryna slide on ole girl next to me ThatsTy: nah DopeLoverx: lol Guest_EvilXMarc: >.> DopeLoverx: its new years ThatsTy: z Guest_EvilXMarc: happy new years to everyone Guest_EvilXMarc: hope you guys get drunk DanielTheKing: it must be new yrs erryday for sum folks then ThatsTy: gne head n slide ThatsTy: G ThatsTy: its a open spot nex to ha ThatsTy: @Dope ThatsTy: yoo Guest_EvilXMarc: @strawberry Guest_EvilXMarc: have a boyfriend? DopeLoverx: when he move i want my corner seat back DopeLoverx: z Guest_EvilXMarc: oop DanielTheKing: lol ThatsTy: u havn a photo shoot dope? DopeLoverx: not rih now why ThatsTy: kus llf u dne changed hella times i just noticed det ThatsTy: i thought u was leavn n kummin bak buh u neva left DopeLoverx: cause the organe was getting on my nerves Guest_EvilXMarc: tryna show off in front of her new friend DanielTheKing: z Guest_EvilXMarc: @Marcus ThatsTy: dead asf DopeLoverx: and the way my back look in the white was frustrating Guest_EvilXMarc: lol. DopeLoverx: so i had to change again ThatsTy: uuh huh ThatsTy: i see DopeLoverx: yuh DopeLoverx  rolls eyes ThatsTy: llf i jus asked sweetheart a nigga was curious, i dead ass thought u was takn pics of yaself Guest_EvilXMarc: @strawberry imma sing to ya Guest_EvilXMarc: hold up DanielTheKing: z Guest_EvilXMarc: lmaoo DanielTheKing: -dies- DanielTheKing: wah u gon sing Guest_EvilXMarc: idek Guest_EvilXMarc: gimmie some DopeLoverx: dont encourage him DopeLoverx: << ThatsTy: he muss b on mobile ion see nobody name strawberry n hea DanielTheKing: z Guest_EvilXMarc: i need a love song DopeLoverx: ikr DanielTheKing: that her mobile name ThatsTy: uhh huh ThatsTy: i see DanielTheKing: dope they be comin for u Guest_EvilXMarc: @magnolia tell your friend to stop cappin DopeLoverx: smh idk why ThatsTy: z Guest_EvilXMarc: she know she want me to sing to her Guest_EvilXMarc: . DopeLoverx: i dont ThatsTy: z Guest_EvilXMarc: lol dont be rude Guest_EvilXMarc: 😂 DopeLoverx: besti wyd ThatsTy: < DanielTheKing: bout to go turn on this heat ThatsTy: yooo DopeLoverx: lol DanielTheKing: cold af DopeLoverx: YOOOOOOO DopeLoverx: llol 8amz has left the chat DopeLoverx: z DopeLoverx: i wanna watch a movie DopeLoverx: any suggestions DanielTheKing: lol idk @ dope DanielTheKing: what u like DopeLoverx: action adventure thriller DopeLoverx: i kinda want a good thriller DanielTheKing: thrillers be havin u on that edge of ya seat DopeLoverx: my lips are numb DopeLoverx: im never doing this shit again DopeLoverx: omm DanielTheKing: doin what DopeLoverx: drinking DopeLoverx: i dont drink DopeLoverx: tryna be cool and shit ThatsTy: yall Daniel finna die DopeLoverx: >> DopeLoverx: why DanielTheKing: damn ThatsTy: kus his girl gne kill em DanielTheKing: drank too much huh DanielTheKing: aye man its a new yr ThatsTy: nah ion do det no mo ThatsTy: im tied asf tho DanielTheKing: can't put that on me so soon DopeLoverx: what did u do ThatsTy: ima b da one dets gne get killed by my girl tbh DanielTheKing: idk what ty talkin bout DanielTheKing: i was doin me Guest_EvilXMarc has left the chat DopeLoverx: ty butt dont make my head hurt DopeLoverx: lol DopeLoverx: im so confused ThatsTy: nah ima blame u too so yo girl kan kill u too DopeLoverx: Seee thats why you my fam ThatsTy: dets y he dyin llf DopeLoverx: you already knew DopeLoverx: z DanielTheKing: yah ThatsTy: im tied asf ThatsTy: its 3:45 DanielTheKing: hell yeah it is DopeLoverx  slips on dawsons breek ThatsTy: tf is det? DanielTheKing: a song ThatsTy: oh ok ThatsTy: buh she dancin on beat doe ThatsTy: z ThatsTy: well she was DopeLoverx: my bihh lookin like oooo yo bihhh lookin like naaahhhh DopeLoverx: Droptop freak and she flossin DopeLoverx: ayeee DopeLoverx  twerks   DopeLoverx: my bihh loookin likoooo yo bih lookin like nah nah DanielTheKing: so Ty u drug free DopeLoverx: i fuckin love that song DopeLoverx: z DanielTheKing: i can tell DopeLoverx: thats all i wanted to hear DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing: damn i hate shop on here DopeLoverx: im done DopeLoverx: im sleepy kinda DopeLoverx: if i get another new years text DopeLoverx: im turning my phone off DanielTheKing: ooo that alcohol kickn in DopeLoverx: my lips are still numb DopeLoverx: i keep biting them DanielTheKing: i guess u gotta sleep it off DopeLoverx: i gotta work tomorrow DopeLoverx: z DopeLoverx: im a light weight DanielTheKing: wha time DopeLoverx: i cant smoke either cause the weed too stong DopeLoverx: my nepheew got me some gas 1 time DopeLoverx: im thinking im taking that shit DopeLoverx: till i hit it forreal DopeLoverx: almost died DanielTheKing: lol DanielTheKing: were you coughing? DopeLoverx: when i was hitting it nahh DopeLoverx: not till the last hit DanielTheKing: gon cough out ya lungs on tha floor DopeLoverx: shit was painful DopeLoverx: and i was passed out in the next room DopeLoverx: shit was uncontrollable DanielTheKing: awwww DopeLoverx: i dont do drugs DanielTheKing: say no to drugs DopeLoverx: lol DopeLoverx: riii DopeLoverx: im a good girl DopeLoverx: see:) DopeLoverx: my high tho is sex frfr DanielTheKing: lol DopeLoverx: good sex younger looking skin DopeLoverx: more smiles DopeLoverx: lol DanielTheKing  whispers: whats ya fav position? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lllol are u serious whats urs   DanielTheKing  whispers: doggy and cowgirl lol KGTF has joined the chat DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: oo. depends on teh mood   KGTF: Yoo DopeLoverx: HAPPY NEW YEARS! DopeLoverx: WHATS GOOD MF DanielTheKing  whispers: a quiet place is a good thriller KGTF: Happy New Years KGTF: Lmaoo KGTF: And Shii CHiLlin DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i saw it it was kinda like bird box hella random DopeLoverx: how was it it bringing in 2019 KGTF has left the chat DanielTheKing: damn he left quick DanielTheKing  whispers: u saw searching? DopeLoverx: lol DopeLoverx: i tild u i was boring DopeLoverx: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll yep seen that 1 too   DanielTheKing  whispers: damn you seen it all DanielTheKing  whispers: movie buff ass DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i love watching good movies i use to live at teh theater   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i use to wanna be a actress DanielTheKing  whispers: u saw the commuter? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: nahhh lol DanielTheKing  whispers: damn it'd be cool hanging wit u i love watching movies together DanielTheKing  whispers: its pretty good DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont think i have DanielTheKing  whispers: and i love thrillers DanielTheKing  whispers: and romance haha and action DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: aww DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im sure ur a romantic   DanielTheKing  whispers: only for the right woman DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: ") i wou;dnt expect otehrwise DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DanielTheKing  whispers: what time is work DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: 3p i close DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im fucking pissed too DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but its whatever DanielTheKing  whispers: u got time DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: oh yeahh DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: did u make breakfast DanielTheKing  whispers: i been in here the whole time DanielTheKing  whispers: loll DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DanielTheKing  whispers: ima make it later in tha day DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: what was he talking about getting u in trouble DanielTheKing  whispers: oh cause i got a bestie thats a female DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: hmmm DanielTheKing: yaasss its warm now DopeLoverx: lol me and blankie making sweet warmth right now DanielTheKing: haha thats wassup DanielTheKing  whispers: why you say hmmm? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont wanna get u in trouble   DanielTheKing  whispers: loll ima not stop having friends cause my gf DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: tho me and toast got something i still move like im single lol DanielTheKing  whispers: people like me and i can help ppl by being me so i cant stop DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: um lol   Guest_pabloperp has joined the chat DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: thats no how that shit works DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DanielTheKing  whispers: what u mean DopeLoverx: people are so weird DopeLoverx: :x DanielTheKing: jump out a plane #2019 DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: you respect her wishes no friends mean no friends lmfao Guest_pabloperp has left the chat DanielTheKing  whispers: Nah b thats not me if i can help someone ima do it DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll   DanielTheKing  whispers: i give a part of myself to my gf no1 else gets that should be enuff DanielTheKing  whispers: you can't hog some1 for yourself ppl aren't made like that DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: thninks about my clingy nature   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: >> um yeah right   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DanielTheKing  whispers: ima be a psychologist DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: thats a pefect idea i wanted to be a thearpist   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: bro swear we friends af DanielTheKing  whispers: ppl seem to love getting advice from me lol DanielTheKing  whispers: so we aint go sumn special goin on? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: cause u talk to people in a way they understand DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: wait huh DanielTheKing  whispers: people are simple to me DanielTheKing  whispers: im just messin wit u DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: you a scorpio tho DanielTheKing  whispers: we vibe really well i love your energy and honesty even tho u try to hide it sometimes DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: hide my energy? DanielTheKing  whispers: nah your feelings DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: rolls eyes DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: what feelings lol DanielTheKing  whispers: like if you feeling a way about something you tend to tuck it away at times DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: no comment   DanielTheKing  whispers: z DanielTheKing  whispers: its cool...i know most guys are terrible listeners DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DanielTheKing  whispers: why you feel like im a good fit as ya bestie DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: cause u fun to talk to u keep the convo going you always roll with the vibe i throw   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: imvu dont do that shit nomore DanielTheKing  whispers: gotta make tha most of the time u have DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: on earth? DanielTheKing  whispers: plus your vibe is fun lol you always on sum crazy DanielTheKing  whispers: nah with the ppl you come in contact with DanielTheKing  whispers: anything can happen a person mite have to leave imvu for some months DanielTheKing  whispers: then that energy aint there no more Guest_pabloperp has joined the chat Guest_Kingjay23136 has joined the chat Guest_Kingjay23136 has left the chat Guest_pabloperp has left the chat ThatsTy has left the chat DanielTheKing  whispers: that was random af DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: nah its a convo never feel like that DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: with me   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: cause i try key word TRY not to hold back with you   DanielTheKing  whispers: im not expecting you to lay it all on me cause u still gettn to know me DanielTheKing  whispers: i just know that as people we go thru so much DanielTheKing  whispers: and alot of times we dont have ppl to just express ourselves to or with DanielTheKing  whispers: so we carry alot of pain with us and its rough DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: your gonna make me cry that shit is so real   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: the people im around i dont expess myself too DanielTheKing  whispers: like you could be a kid who went thru abuse but couldn't say nun or cps would come take u DanielTheKing  whispers: that shit don't go away DanielTheKing  whispers: or if ya parents was on drugs or u saw someone u was close to commit suicide DanielTheKing  whispers: its alot of shit DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: that happen to you DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: << DanielTheKing  whispers: so i just say ppl need to just be them cause its not guide book to this life shit DanielTheKing  whispers: shit alot happen to me lol DanielTheKing  whispers: but parental abuse was something yes DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: mom or dad DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: << DanielTheKing  whispers: dad DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: alcohol? DanielTheKing  whispers: nah just cause he could DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: beat u woop you verbal? DanielTheKing  whispers: beat down with items, fist, verbal all that DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im so sorry DanielTheKing  whispers: i wasn't even mad bout that abuse cause shit happens DanielTheKing  whispers: i was more mad at the adults around who knew and aint do shit DanielTheKing  whispers: they just let it happen DanielTheKing  whispers: that was my proof to know adults are fucked up DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: not even adults just some peopl DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: people DanielTheKing  whispers: that shit drove me insane tho DanielTheKing  whispers: couldn't trust nobody forever DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: smh DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: since then ... DanielTheKing  whispers: that shit warped my personality for many yrs lol DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: how   DanielTheKing  whispers: like i didn't wanna be a victim DanielTheKing  whispers: but i couldn't be me without existing with that pain DanielTheKing  whispers: so i kinda acted like someone else for a time being DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: what was your safe place like someone else who? DanielTheKing  whispers: like i just was trying to hang with otha ppl who were prob bad for me DanielTheKing  whispers: just to avoid living with reality DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: do u ever feel like it happen for a reason   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: it being 2019 DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like have you grown into a better you DanielTheKing: hell nah i wouldn't wish that on anyone DanielTheKing  whispers: but um DanielTheKing  whispers: i've grown alot since then DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: got caught slippin DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lmfaoo DanielTheKing  whispers: the only thing that came out of it was me being able to know how much pain the world is in DanielTheKing  whispers: and how easy it is to hide it cause i hid it very well and i still hide it at times DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: .... DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: << DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: the realest shit i was told as a child when i tried to express my feelings like the REAL shit   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: "sounds like a personal problem" and "Noone cares" DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but i dont feel that way   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i care about people DanielTheKing: your fam tell u they love u DanielTheKing  whispers: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lmfao   DanielTheKing  whispers: this damn thing keep fuckn up DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: there u go   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing  whispers: but my parents never told me that DanielTheKing  whispers: nore any of my fam DanielTheKing: i grew up fast af DanielTheKing  whispers: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: my dad died protecting me   DanielTheKing  whispers: this mf cursor boy DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: my mom had been thru some shit b4 that DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: when i was in HS she told me everyday just dont come home pregnant   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont even be out like that lol DanielTheKing  whispers: man shit DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: she got preg young with my sister and got married young and then the crack era hit   DanielTheKing  whispers: i never had one sex talk with my parent DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and their dad my sister and brother   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: their dad was hooked on drugs DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and my mom was taking care of them   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: holding shit down DanielTheKing  whispers: i fell into porn at 10 and foul language DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: until my moms mom died then she had to take in her lil sister   DanielTheKing  whispers: ever since then i felt like an adult lol DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and her husband the fatehr of her two childer hooked on drugs raped my moms little sister DanielTheKing  whispers: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and that shit fucked her up DanielTheKing  whispers: wtf DanielTheKing  whispers: you can unsee shit ya know DanielTheKing  whispers: can't DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: then fast forward 4 years later she meets my pops DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: whos a family man supporter all that   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: never married has me lol   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and not even a year after that hes gone   DanielTheKing  whispers: shit cray DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: so my mom gonna became   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: different ig   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: always over protective controling   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: grumpy   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i hate to say it lol DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: she didnt like hugging us DanielTheKing  whispers: being a parent is hard af and scary DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: or kissing us DanielTheKing  whispers: my parents never hugged till i was grown DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: ikr DanielTheKing  whispers: well my mom at least DanielTheKing  whispers: my dad shit DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol shit cray DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: my moms been in and out the hospital   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: she let me kiss her and tell her i love her i had to leav her there 1 night DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: after going thru this break up   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like god knew i needed someone   DanielTheKing  whispers: the world is fucked up man DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like walking around straght face any dude looking at me getting mugged DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol but inside lol DanielTheKing  whispers: and ppl try to act like we all doing well like everything all good DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i just wanted a genuine hug DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: someone i felt like i could trust to tell me they love me   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: all i got is my mama   DanielTheKing  whispers: ikr DanielTheKing  whispers: the i love you words genuinely with a hug touches your soul DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: my brother and sister different dad they blamed my mother for their fater raping our aunt DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and they didnt like me cause i was born outside   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: so just imagine thru the years   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol the saltynesss and shade DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol the fakeness DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol it was sad   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: we just started getting along again but tbh i still dont trust them sometimes   DanielTheKing  whispers: i bet it was DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont trust their intentions   DanielTheKing  whispers: i wouldn't honestly some shit just dont go away DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i make more money than they ever and my dad before he died set me and my other brother up really well with money   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: so they use me sometimes DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but because my heart is so giving   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: it hurts hwne i need them in return and they cant deliver i dont want the money i just want my sister ya know DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont want shit you have lol DanielTheKing  whispers: like one reason i wouldn't wish this on anyone cause i was paranoid one time DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: just show me you care about me like yall care about each other   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: a little of what i been thru as far as family lol DanielTheKing  whispers: the word family don't mean nun to me DanielTheKing  whispers: i've seen fam do some dispicable things to each other and its sad DanielTheKing  whispers: yall blood   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: thats why i adored my ex he was family oriented   Guest_Basseses has joined the chat DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: always with his family or doing something for his family DanielTheKing  whispers: i do alot for my fam tho DanielTheKing  whispers: thats why my last 5 yrs been hellacious to some degree DanielTheKing  whispers: somebody always need sum and i dont ask for nun in return DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: bro ya boy broke my heart lmfao   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im still kinda shell shocked DanielTheKing  whispers: my boy? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: ya boy meaning the dude DanielTheKing  whispers: oh DanielTheKing: since we scorpios lol DanielTheKing  whispers: z DanielTheKing  whispers: oh my goddddddd DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lmfao DanielTheKing  whispers: this cursor is annoying DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: rofl DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but yeah and then when i see him   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: all i get is Im sorry   DanielTheKing  whispers: im sorry cause i miss that good pussy DanielTheKing  whispers: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: 6 mos i went over that shit like where is baby somethings wrong why cant i get in touch   Guest_Basseses has left the chat DanielTheKing  whispers: they right tho DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: then wehn i did talk to him   DanielTheKing  whispers: times does heal most things DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he was like we gonna be together again and i love you this and that   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and i saw the bitch DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he was with on thanks giving DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i asked him before that   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: a few days before cause it was his birthday DanielTheKing  whispers: was his new chick looking like nahhhhhhh? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i wished him a hbd   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i asked him if he had a girl or was talking to anyone DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he straight up lied to me bro DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and said NO   DanielTheKing  whispers: z DanielTheKing  whispers: wtf DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im thinking we gonna be together again and then i saw the bitch   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he sending me pics of us   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: frm the summer before   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and shit DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: AND YOU GOT A WHOLE BITCH! DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he dosnt know i know but after i saw that shit i stopped talking to him DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont ever wanna feel like that again left in the dark DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like i trusted u   DanielTheKing  whispers: damn love DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: if u need sum and i got it u got it   DanielTheKing  whispers: that relationship really fucked wit u DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i question my sanity still DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like was i crazy for believeing it was real DanielTheKing  whispers: nah   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like what did i do wrong for him to do that to me DanielTheKing  whispers: you wanted it be real cause you were giving it your all DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he had me thinking it was forever shit lol DanielTheKing  whispers: it wasnt u it was him DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i feel so stupid   DanielTheKing  whispers: u gave ya energy to tha wrong nigga DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i never saw this guy coming   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i use to tell him you never know someone until at least 2 -3 years   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: in a relationship DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: 4 years lateer   DanielTheKing  whispers: relationships are for adults tho DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: this shit happens   DanielTheKing  whispers: its hard af if u still learning yourself DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: yeah we were young   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: jhene aiko was our summer song lol DanielTheKing  whispers: like if iwas in a relationship when i was younger DanielTheKing  whispers: i would've been a savage i swear DanielTheKing  whispers: i didn't give no fucks 6horty has joined the chat DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: see that relationship turned me into a savage loll DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i was talking to mad dude   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: not to sound like a hoe DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i was faithful for 4 years even after he ghosted me   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i had a 1 night stand   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: started fucking this dude i met over th esummer lol   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: it was crazy DanielTheKing  whispers: im still a savage tho DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: ive calm down since then   DanielTheKing  whispers: i just don't act on it DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: u? DanielTheKing  whispers: yah DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: really? lol DanielTheKing  whispers: i can't make a woman fall in love with me and drop her like a brick cause idc DanielTheKing  whispers: z DanielTheKing  whispers: but i wouldn't do that DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol i still dont get it   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and then feed me bullshit   DanielTheKing: i can't i would feel guilty now DanielTheKing: but catch me some yrs ago DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: smh lol ive never been dirty like that DanielTheKing  whispers: i would sell u a dream like a mf DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but its fuck him now DanielTheKing  whispers: and have u thinkn all kinda shi DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: where ever he is now i hope he realizes he broke someones heart who rode for them   DanielTheKing  whispers: i like a woman with a nice body DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: we use to have this thing where we would fall out and be liek nahh we together till the lord says otehrwise DanielTheKing  whispers: so she can be my snack lol DanielTheKing  whispers: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol and the lord sid otehrwise DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: llol DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: u a scorpio i know u a freak DanielTheKing  whispers: shit a extra freak DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol i know DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: well DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont know know but im sure   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol youd def keeo me wet DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: on that note DopeLoverx   yawns   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: its about time for me to goto bedddddd DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: << DanielTheKing  whispers: lol DanielTheKing  whispers: id be askn can i hit it in tha mornin too DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol be good DanielTheKing  whispers: i needa hit tha gym soon DanielTheKing  whispers: this 6'4ness i going to waste =(( DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: well babe DopeLoverx   hugs u   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im headed out   DanielTheKing   hugs u back   DanielTheKing  whispers: sweet dreams strawberry DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: you have a wonderful night as always a pleasure DanielTheKing  whispers: big factz!! DanielTheKing  whispers: nite DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es3Fm7dLm2o DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: tell me youll listen to it DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and tell me what u think 6horty has left the chat DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: this is my sleep mood rihgt now DanielTheKing  whispers: i got u ima leave a message for u DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: mk hhun   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: good night   DanielTheKing  whispers: b4 u go DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing  whispers: u know what's tha best DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: << DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: ?? DanielTheKing  whispers: when someone u really vibe with tell u why you mean something to them DanielTheKing  whispers: to hear that is priceless it feels like time stopped for a sec
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