#thank you Yibo for sharing your talents with us
p-h03n1-x · 4 months
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Yibo Official Weibo update 2.8.2024 (part 6 of 6) Welcome to play UNIQ-Wang Yibo’s key frames of the year. Recall frame by frame, wonderful and colorful. Indulge in the beautiful changes of light and shadow, enjoy expressing your true self in music, explore the unknown in different fields, and progress in life. Keyframes are drawn one by one on the strip. In 2023, you will be rewarded with diligent study and hard work, and in 2024, we will embark on a new journey with steady steps! A new chapter is about to begin. I wish you all to move forward in the Year of the Dragon, and be happy and prosperous!
Part 6 Social Responsibility
Youth Responsibility / Public Welfare Empowerment
"The light of the fireflies, eventually converges into the brilliant galaxy."
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Luoyang Cultural Tourism Image Ambassador·
Promotion Ambassador of Luoyang Museum·
·Ice and Snow Sports Promotion Ambassador·
China Skateboarding Promotion Ambassador
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China’s Top Dancer Promotion Ambassador·
WildAid Charity Ambassador
Emergency Management Publicity Ambassador
Luoyang Fire Protection Publicity Envoy
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Reading Lei Feng’s diary to pay tribute to Lei Feng’s spirit
Literary and artistic volunteers walk with the people
Cyberspace Administration of China # Light Up the Light of Internet # Outstanding Youth Representatives
CALL for the Chengdu Universiade
Appeared in Hangzhou Asian Games· Break dance promotional video "Just Burning"
Lead by example and deliver positive energy
The year is over, the new year is waiting for 2024
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Link here for parts 1-5
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
kong wei, who worked with XZ during ADLAD spoke about him in an interview and said her son actually likes XZ. She also feels that XZ he has a very pleasant voice for stage plays, he has very good sensibility, and he also has a very good expressiveness.
i remember her also posting about hidden blade during it’s run, especially praising wyb when she saw people scolding him online.
well she’s got good taste. ✨💕
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caption for post about wyb: Today I watched "Hidden Blade" and accidentally saw a video where Wang Yibo was scolded and cried. I want to say that Xiao Wang in "Hidden Blade" is great. The world is so big that it is impossible to satisfy everyone's preferences. You can refuse.Look, but don’t hurt! Anyway, I support it.
caption for post about xz: (which actually was already hinting at his son being a fan of xz) Thank you Zhanzhan for the gift. I took it home after the performance in Wuhan. There was a water cup in it. I gave it to my son, but later I found out that he didn’t use it. I asked him why and he said that it was just a souvenir and he just put it on the desk! He thinks it's precious! Che's 12-year-old son is a fan of Xiao Zhan, and I shared with him what I saw of Xiao Zhan when I got home! I said Xiao Zhan was very good this time. The key is that he worked very hard and he has talent! on stage has good sensibility and strong expressiveness! And the voice is very nice.......We all love you! Your #如梦之梦# and your number 5 make us love it!
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petekaos · 3 years
2020 creator wrap + a follow forever
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
hiii hello everyone! sorry it’s taken me so long to get on this BUT it’s all for good reason! i thought i would combine this post into me sharing some of the works i am most proud of this year as well as spreading more love in this wonderful little community because i truly love you all tons and being a part of such a lovely group of people has made me beyond happy this year. it’s been a difficult year for all of us and i���m just so glad that i can give back the love and care y’all can give to me 💛
onward to spreading love to people who tagged me, in no particular order! thank you all for tagging me, it means so much and know that i have read through your posts at least twice with a smile on my face.
@wjmild: kylie!! you constantly surprise me with how kind and insightful you are, as well as your dedication to watching absolutely every show with lee thanat in it. you are so smart and educated and every time you talk about your research and your studies i can’t help but feel so incredibly proud of you. i really hope life brings you the peace and fulfillment you deserve. i love you!
@gigiesarocha: cata - it is always such a pleasure to see you on my dash. i can rely on you losing your shit over ingredients every two weeks and every time i see jeff doing things it 100% reminds me of you! you possess such a kind soul and i’m so glad to have had the pleasure of following you this year :’)
@yihwas: sometimes i still can’t believe you know who i am and that we’re grouped together, soph! your blog is such a refuge to me, i adore scrolling through your replies and laughing at all the witty things you say. you are simply so kind and thoughtful in your responses and criticism and you have such talent in gifmaking! i am forever grateful to you for introducing me to new lakorns and to you and shannon for creating @lakornladies​. 
@morksuns: sumaya! my url twin! i absolutely love seeing you on the dash, it really is that trans desi solidarity, no? your moodboards are always so aesthetic and your blog is so soft and calm. i see you sending such lovely asks to people, including myself, and i truly admire your personality so much!
@gayvlad: nico, my sibling! i love you so much and seeing you on the dash always makes me smile. sometimes you’re too hard on yourself, but that’s okay, because i’m always here for you. i loved your reactions to dbk in live time, and that you’re now as attached to the show as i am. we love a lot of the same things, and i’ll forever be grateful to you for indulging my headcanons and developing them with me, like the ram and bohn friendship. the ram fic of him finding the gym as a home was developed through much of your influence, and i’ll never stop being astonished at how kind and supportive you are. i love you! 
@khaotungthanawat: saaaam! your gifs are always a beauty to behold. i admire you so much for making those bl compilation gifsets because that takes so much patience and dedication, especially to find all the moments. i can always count on you for underrated gifsets, too, and i smile every time you send me an ask!
@tanwirapong: roa! oh i adored getting to know you better this year through the gifted gays gc. i remember still when you made a post about there’s an art to honesty and it truly made my day - i sent it to my partner and best friend and they were so fond as well! i will always be so happy about the fact that we both lose it over petekao every now and again, it means the world to me :’)
@emisfritish: your wisdom and way of expressing your thoughts will never fail to amaze me, emma. i can always count on you for calling things like they are and writing out well-worded, thought-provoking posts that express everything i have ever thought about fandom but could never quite write down. it’s such a pleasure seeing you on my dash and honestly, whenever i see tay, he reminds me of you!
so that was everyone who tagged me, for which i am eternally grateful! (if i missed anyone... i am so sorry ily...) now onto me rambling about how much i love specific people in the fandom generally that i haven’t already mentioned.
@earthfluuke: maddie... where do i even start. getting to know you this year means the absolute world to me and i love how many thoughts we can share together and how many aus and ideas we can plot out to the finest detail, but i also love how we can talk about serious topics and irl issues affecting us both and know that the other person will be there. i admire you so much for going on and persevering despite the many difficult factors in your life right now. know that i will always be there - to listen to you, to support your gifs and fics, to develop characters with you, to weigh in on problems or ideas you have. i love you!
@asianmelodrama: faiza!! i can never address you without immediately adding ‘jaan’ after it honestly. you are a sister to me in all things and knowing you has been such an honour. your wise words, your calmness in dealing with things, your infectious excitement - they are all facets of your personality that i both admire and adore. whether it’s getting angry about shitty muslim rep or freaking out about a movie, i know that i can always count on you to be there for me if i ever need it. i hope light and love touches your life always, and you find peace in everything you do. if i ever happen to be in england, i am definitely coming over for your chai :’) i love you!
@yioh: yura my laddoo! i say this all the time, but i simply am so grateful that we met. i love seeing your tags on my posts and i just... adore seeing you doing your thing on your blog, your posts always make me smile. i know school is hard right now, but know that i’m always rooting for you and believe in you completely. words cannot express how happy i am to have found another tamil lgbt person who can understand the same experiences, it really does mean everything to me. and know that i will begin reading tyk soon, i promise, and i’ll tell you all about my thoughts! i love youuu!
@1akorn: shannon!! i still cannot believe people group us together because i’ve always admired you from a distance - imagine my absolute surprise when i found out that you followed me! i 100% rely on you for the good mek content and love your gifs so much. you’re so articulate and speak your thoughts incredibly well, which i truly admire.
@brightwin: jelly - you already know the amount of love and fondness i hold for you. you’re such a kind and bubbly person and your personality shines not only through your tags and responses to people, but also through your gorgeous gifsets that are just so warm and lovely. i can always rely on you to give me updates on all things related to brightwin and 2gether. you’re wonderful!
@yibobibo: aamna! i know i can always get my yibo content from you, and i adore it. i love seeing updates about your bunnies and your kind responses to your anons, you truly are a ray of light! you’re also one of the fairly concentrated cql blogs i follow - and for that i am always grateful.
@metawwin: ali! your gorgeous gifs are always such a light on my dash. i remember once you called me ‘rahulito’ and it made me so soft. your voice and songs are so lovely and i don’t even know where to begin thanking you for sharing your art with us. i know it means a lot to me, and it means the same to many others.
@taytawan: nuriaaa! i remember seeing you so often in the petekao tag and i gotta say that your sets of both petekao and sarawatine, especially the heart eyes series, always make me so soft. and of course, the fact that you gifted me this wonderful url! i will always be thankful for that and for your general kindness and warmth that you bestow upon everyone.
@piningbisexuals: axelle! although we don’t talk that much, i always love seeing your gifs and your thoughts on shows on the dash. i’m wishing you all the best with your thai classes and hope that everything goes well with you! also, you should know that i read that manboss fic you gifted to me at least once a week because it just means that much to me - and i’m so glad i got you into this little silly ship of mine. 
@sunsetchimyeon: nene, my pk anon! i love seeing your asks in my inbox and writing essays as replies. having conversations with you was one of my absolute highlights and i’ll always be blown away by how kind and calm and supportive and patient you are! i hope life is treating you well, my friend.
@toptaps: zey!! oh i love seeing your gifs and kindness on my dash and know that whenever i see toptap in anything, he always reminds me of you! also your gifs of sammy? absolutely gorgeous!
@giftedgays: i love you all SO much it is truly insane. being part of our tumblr gc that evolved into a discord server with a thousand channels has been one of my 2020 highlights. i loved yelling with you all about tgg every week and i must thank you all for sitting through my chanonpom breakdowns every second day. 
in particular: 
@pangwave - dawnie, i love you! i admire you and your no bullshit attitude so much. i know you’re going through a process of change right now, and i could not be prouder of you for persevering through it, regardless of the painful and strange circumstances we find ourselves in. i have full faith in you, and i know that you got this. we’re all here for you! 
@doctorbahnjit: - alexa! i still remember when you wrote the first manboss fic and an anon sent me a link regarding it. you are genuinely one of the funniest people i know and you deserve the absolute world. i read out of the blue every day, no kidding, because it means so much to me! thank you for being my fellow chanonpomer, my fellow manboss-er, and just being an all around ray of absolute sunshine.
@gunatps: vee! i have already embarrassed myself enough in my post to you but it’s worth repeating. i adore our eden chanonpom breakdown sessions, which we should have again soon when you have time, and i love us roasting modi in the chat, it truly cracks me up! we have so much in common and i just want to say that i am so proud of you for studying and taking your exams - i know how difficult they are. 
@wavelovespang: cass!! how i adore your analyses and breakdowns of scenes and relationships, you have so much insight and wisdom that you spread in such thoughtful ways! you’re so supportive and kind and such a great teacher, i know that. your writing is so wonderful and i’m truly so honoured that we all get to read it, it’s a gift!
@class2clown: angel! i cannot say this enough but i admire your art so much, it’s so so beautiful! you’ve always been so kind and lovely, and just like with cass, thank you so much for organising the gifted week events! although i couldn’t properly partake this year because of time constraints, i loved seeing everyone’s creations and it was super thoughtful.
@soulmatelines: i’ve said this before, jo, but it must be said again: i cannot believe you thought i was cool. i’ve always adored your gifs from afar and you’re such a sweet person! i love love love talking with you in the kpop channel (even if you personally hate 3racha smh), and you truly do bear the novel agenda! i’ve learned about so many more novels i must read and for that i am so grateful :’) 
@billkinpp: violet, i will never fail to crack up at a) your and kylie’s plans to run away and get married, and b) you having a thousand sideblogs and complimenting yourself on your own gifs in the tags, as you absolutely should! i hope the next year is kind to you and that your sleep schedule isn’t too fucked up :’)
@vihokratanas: mel, i will always be in complete awe of your gifs! they are always so clean and crisp. i remember still when you were fondestphan and my phannie days flashed in front of my eyes fhsnfg but either way, you’re so kind and sweet! 
@pvrrish: eleni!! i don’t think i’ve ever told you this before but i’ve always loved the 2gether poster that you made, i sometimes go on your blog to look at it for like 5 minutes, it’s truly so beautiful! i hope you’ve had an okay year, all things considered, and that life is kind to you!
@lee-thanat: another leesbian, ke! y’all always crack me up in the lesbians for lee thanat channel truly. your simping for ms ladda is so valid, i miss her so much honestly. i hope that the coming year is kind to you, and that you find the peace you deserve!
okay, so i think that’s everyone that i either talk to regularly or admire a lot! in case i didn’t mention you, please please feel free to reach out to me because i mean no offense at all - my brain is small haha. would also like to shout out all my anons who send me asks and bear with my late responses these days because of life, i adore you all and i love answering your asks.
if you’re still reading after this... whole monster of a post, i’m just gonna quickly mention some things i’ve been proud of either writing or making this year. in no particular order:
1. my weary heart has come to rest in yours. this is a fic i wrote in an... interesting headspace, and i was really going through my chanonpom feelings at the time. i’m really proud of how it came out and i adored writing chanon through pom’s pov. also i kinda love how i tied in p’bird’s song prip dtah in with the fic because i adore the song and it fits so well with them.
2. petekao week 2020. i guess this is sort of cheating, because these are technically 7 fics, BUT. i am actually proud of myself for writing seven, and i think they’re all of fairly good quality. i just really love this little universe i created for the dbk characters after the show and this whole week was just so warm and lovely to be a part of.
3. this set of num and prang from a gift for whom you hate. this moment really stuck with me from the finale and i actually am really proud of the colouring and how it came out! i think the blues really popped and i managed to lighten this dark ass scene without whitewashing mek or aye. the fireworks gif also is one of my favourites i’ve made! num and prang’s whole relationship was so pure throughout the entirety of this show, i adored them. 
4. but love is impossible and it goes on despite the impossible. this is the longest fic i’ve posted so far and i’m super proud of it - it’s also my most well-received fic. the yunmeng brothers mean the world to me and i just... wanted to write about jiang cheng and his love for his brother and give them a somewhat happy ending, in one future at least.
5. there’s an art to honesty. i think i really nailed my version of kao in this work! i just really loved writing this fic so much, especially because it was right after the whole ‘scandal’ with new happened. i was really just finding a way to separate kao from him, and i delved into my feelings with this fic as well, because i relate to kao in multiple ways. either way, i thought writing this fic was fun and a lot of people loved it too, which made me so soft!
if you’ve read this far, i personally adore you! while this has been a difficult year, i am blessed to have been part of this loving community, and i really hope that next year will be kinder to us all and give us good shows and discussions! i love you all. stay safe and stay kind, friends 💛
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wangxiandecoded · 4 years
Episode 3
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(Spoilers for the whole show ahead!)
Seeing Lan Zhan For The First Time
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Ever since I saw the fanmade romcom trailer of the show, I can’t get the image of bridegroom Lan Wangji out of my head. His entry is so elegant and his presence throughout the show truly ethereal. (Wei Ying, you’re not even trying to hide those heart eyes. We get it! You’re impressed.)
Lan Zhan’s Character Growth
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We only remember Lan Zhan as the guy who reserved all his emotions and smiles for Wei Ying, so rewatching the rigid, inflexible person he used to be kind of drives me crazy. Lan Zhan before he met Wei Ying started his journey as a lone, icy, untouchable snow-capped peak and by letting himself love and be loved by Wei Ying in return, the person he becomes in the end is like a warm, summery mountain shining with life and no trace of the glaciers that thawed over. His character evolution is no joke and it is only because Wei Ying’s companionship makes him more human and allows him to be the best version of himself. Lan Zhan’s arc is one of the best things in the show and the most rewarding reason to watch it.
Did I Just Meet The LOML
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Lan Zhan taking note of his future soulmate showing off his intelligence right from the start. But shhh, he’s too much of a tsundere to admit that right now.
But Lan Zhan, What About The 9pm Curfew? 
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Notice how Lan Zhan is up late at night waiting for Wei Ying, like a Good Obedient Boy from the Lan clan ready to catch a lawbreaker red-handed. Are we sure he has not simply mistaken his positive feelings for annoyance and found a way to spend more time with Wei Ying?
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Wei Ying, my bro, I think you might be the moon in this case.
Flirting With The Law Enforcer? That’s One More Violation! 
It’s cute to watch their dynamics in the beginning, Wei Ying is already so familiar with Lan Zhan, tries to share his drink with him, teases him for the first of many times. And Lan Zhan just looks like “?????? Are you flirting with the law enforcer?! That is yet another violation of the Lan clan rules!”
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Wei Ying coquettishly pushes Lan Zhan's sword into its sheath and the chase that comes next is the beginning of something monumental and exciting. 
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(I understand preserving the original meaning is difficult in English translation but they really had Wei Ying call Lan Zhan inflexible only to follow it up with a beautifully choreographed fight sequence? Really?)
Wangxian’s First Meeting Is Romantic Cinematography At Its Finest
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This scene right here is in my opinion, the most romantic scene to ever exist in all of fiction. If anyone tries to argue that Lan Zhan and Wei Ying are best bros, show them this scene. There is no hetero explanation for why it is so romantically shot. We have seen it countless times in fairytales. This is unmistakably the meeting of two people destined to be in love forever. It stole my breath the first time I saw it, and has done every time since. Like legit, it needs to be on top of those lists that boast the most iconic meetings in romantic history and taught in academic institutions worldwide.
First of all, a moonlit first meeting is enough to immortalize a story in our memory as being inherently romantic. But Wangxian are so effortlessly and picturesquely sword fighting (or should I say dancing?) on the rooftops, hair and clothes gently swaying to the tune of WuJi and thanks to the slow-motion closeups that make them glow like a live painting under the moonlight. 
(And surely I was not the only one who heard this random bell ringing at night and got reminded of wedding bells or the film ‘Your Name’? Lol!)  
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We see that neither of them has the upper hand in the fight. This is important because it establishes they were born to be each other’s equals on the battlefield, something Zewu Jun points out later. (Just one of the many soulmate things Wangxian share.) I have no doubt Lan Zhan is freaking out wondering, who the fuck is this guy? How can he match my every strike and step without even uncapping his sword? 
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In these above shots, there is a beautiful, unmissable symmetry in the way they are framed that drives it home that they are two halves of the same whole; their paths will be bound together, their perspectives will come to reflect each other. They are one and the same. The way they fight is also kind of intimate and very poetic. The super romantic backdrop and their placement shows that they are in perfect tandem and their chemistry is loud and luminous from the first time they meet. 
There is nothing straight about this scene. Not even the shot angle. Look! 
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There is also something quite god-like and celestial about their meeting, like we are witnessing two prophesied immortal beings whose encounter is going to change the fate of the universe. And does it not, indeed?
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I think I heard the moon longingly sigh in this scene because she felt so single. Honestly, understandable. It’s so maddening how two soulmates meeting for the first time can turn out to be this iconic, beautiful, brilliant, breathtaking and every other word you can think of. (We’re lucky Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan are used to dancing, the fight sequences are all so graceful. *chef’s kiss*)
I feel like this one scene reduced every straight romance I’ve ever seen to ashes. I’m honestly curious, can anyone outdo this in the future, gay or not? It has become The Standard for first meetings. I envy the talented, creative minds that envisioned and executed it.
TL;DR : The whole scene is drenched with a romantic field of vision meant specifically for the audience to swoon over.
“Lan Zhan!”
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Wei Ying drops one of his two precious pots of Emperor’s Smile because Lan Zhan attacked them. Most people would just be mad in this situation but it's the first time Wei Ying calls him "Lan Zhan”. I wonder what led Wei Ying to have such an informality with Lan Zhan, who didn't consider him his friend until much later. It could be that it’s just who they are, two people with opposite personalities. But we don't see Wei Ying exhibit this closeness with strangers and yet he's whining Lan Zhan's name in that classic style of his, right from the first night they meet. Adorable! (Lan Zhan who owes him two bottles of Emperor’s Smile for breaking them spends the rest of his life buying them for Wei Ying.. In case you needed a reason to cry.)
Breaking The Rules & Breaking The Barriers To Lan Zhan’s Heart
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Wei Ying actively criticizes the Lan clan’s rules and finds their teaching unreasonable. He thinks drinking Emperor’s Smile when he’s sitting on the roof technically doesn’t count as being “inside” the Cloud Recesses where alcohol is banned. A small detail but it shows Wei Ying’s gift of seeing through the grey areas in morality. It is a trait that ultimately influences Lan Zhan to shed the hard and fast ideas of orthodoxy he was raised on and share Wei Ying’s quest for justice. This makes both of them the only people inside the world of The Untamed who are able to see the deep-seated problems in the existing system and question them. Their love story is inextricably tied with rewriting the laws of their world and if that does not make The Untamed the most revolutionary romance to ever exist, I don’t know what does. 
Lan Zhan Really Just Cares A Lot
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Turns out Lan Zhan didn’t let the Yunmeng Jiang clan stay out in the dark after all. Love how he’s Gay Gripping his sword in panic and backing away from Wei Ying because he doesn't want him to know he's a good person whose heart is in the right place. You know, because that's a horrible reputation for his tsundere persona to have. Zewu Jun takes one for the team and blows his cover, which becomes a common occurrence in the show. Wei Ying is also quick to apologize to him like, “I had a good feeling about you!” when we’ve seen he rarely does that with disciples from other clans. 
President In Action
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The conversation between Lan Zhan and Zewu Jun needs no analysis and the latter’s triumphant smirk in the end when Lan Zhan walks off is all the evidence you need that He Knows What’s Up. I love how Zewu Jun probably sits around like, "I have to personally do something or my dumbass brother is going to spend his whole life alone, when he's clearly met his soulmate and is too blind to admit it." Thank you, President of the Wangxian club. We do not deserve you.
What Did Wei Ying Mean?
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Wei Ying says all the female suitors from all the clans admire Lan Zhan without knowing how cold and rigid he really is, and he doesn’t complete his sentence because Lan Zhan uses the silencing charm on him. What did he mean by this? What were you going to do, Wei Ying?! 
Episode 3 gives us insight into the inception of their romance and we see every moment since the beginning has been tailor-made to tell the audience this is going to be a love story set against fantasy-driven, action-packed odds in ancient China. 
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
Nobody asked for this, but I just have a lot of feelings about Yibo and Gank Your Heart, so here’s my post about his character lol
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Ah, Ji Xian Kong. He was such a delight to watch as a character because he seriously acted like a real person. I could easily see this character out, flesh and bone, in the world. And a lot of that, of course, had to do with the actor portraying him. Yibo played him so well, in a way that even made his flaws and tribulations, likeable. Understandable. But of course, that doesn’t mean all that he did or said was perfect. Not in the slightest.
As a professional e-sports player, JXK was exceptional. Time and time again, he proved he had the ability to assert and recognize any other player’s (be it a teammate or a rival) strenghts and weaknesses. And he used that to his advantage, to help or to attack. Mostly to help and bring out the best of a teammate, because he had a very clear mindset that, to be a team captain, you have to lead and anyone’s mistakes, are the captain’s mistakes. He was the captain of 3 different teams throughout the drama’s story, but was always sure of himself and his talent and knew the importance of teamwork. And that was one of my favorite things about him. There was a lot of talk about MVPs but to me, the most valuable player was him in every team he got to be in.
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Now, on the romance side of this drama... well, he made his fair share of mistakes. Almost an over-share. They never said it in the drama, but they had some details revealed and thus, I have this headcannon that JXK and his ex, Miya, were orphans from an early age that found a family and a support system in each other, given that they were completely alone. That’s why he treated her dreams of becoming a singer as his dreams and gave up so much for her (cause that was his person) so when she finally made it and it was made clear she couldn’t have a boyfriend or any form of dating life, he removed himself from there. Because he knew how important that career was for her. And I mean, I get it, they were family, they grew up together and they fell in love. There’s no way that can be compared to or erased. Miya got stuck in that thought, in a possesive way.
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But Ji Xian Kong fell in love again and it took him a while to get it so when Miya came back into his life, he still hadn’t figure it out completely. And then he failed to be clear with his ex and she went in front of an audience and revealed the kind of past they had. And JXK, yet again, failed to make clear the situation, resulting in further hurting the heroine. It was not pretty to watch. Finally, he had the courage to tell a bunch of cameras and reporters that he was in love with another girl and they got together, but JXK had already set a precedent that Miya was still very important in his life and felt responsible for her, no matter what. So when a situation arose, and he stayed by Miya’s side, Qiu Ying had enough and she removed herself from the whole drama (And this is not an essay about her, but dear Lord, I adored her for that, for knowing her worth and saying “Enough is enough, I don’t deserve this”). 
And then JXK went to the finals and sort of thought, not only was he not responsible for his grown up liar ex but also, Qiu Ying was an mother-effing catch and that there was someone waiting for him to screw things up so he could have a chance with her. You reap what you sow, I guess. I was bit angry that ultimately, jealousy was his trigger in realizing he was being an idiot and that he was going to lose the girl, which he got in the end, of course, thanks to a grand romantic gesture in which he basically won the championship by using her favorite technique in the game and confessed his love for her to the whole world, as they fulfilled their promise of achieving their dreams together.
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So, a genius in the e-sports, but not so much in love, AND deliciously played by Wang Yibo. This is my final veridict. Also, don’t let my ranting fool you, he was my favorite character in the show (and the heroine was a close second!). 
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linglynz · 4 years
✨ /tagged/gifs (xiaosean 🤗💓)
ruby!! congrats on your milestone 💖
one: YOUR. GALAXY. BRAIN. i would pay good money get this au fully fleshed out . i love how the extra vibrancy for the in-game gifs give them a more VR-feel compared to the RL ones
two: im gonna cry. i’m going to cry bc this whole set hurts so much but also i’m blown away by your editing talents here??? PAIN ACCENTUATED WITH CRISP SHARPENING ;A; additional shoutout to the type-setting aesthetics PLS TEACH ME HOW TO MAKE TEXTS LOOK PRETTY. the placement of the words are so symmetrically pleasing and the font choices A++. also the speed-up for the middle gif makes me go alfjew;awe IT’S SO SMOOTH and like weirdly calming to watch if i ignore context?? 
three: A WHOLE BABY. THE HASMTER CHEEK POUCHES POUT. THE HAPPY SPARKLE OF TRIUMPH IN HIS EYES. i ahve not watched love actually and tbh idk if i ever will (from what i know of it it’s not really my kind of show) but after seeing this set...maybe.....for wyb......regardless thank you for sharing these wonderful yibo faces with us 
four: the sweetest brightest most brilliant smile in all of existence. i never thought smiling can be a kind of talent but that was before xz. HE DOES IT SO WELL??? thank you for gif-ing this moment ;w; 
five: YOUR MIND!!! excuse me for throwing in another au set but my brain shut down for a good 10 minutes after seeing this the first time from just running through all the implications of what this au can entail. all the scenes are from different projects with vastly different lighting but you somehow managed to even everything out and make the coloring look consistent so it’s like they all came from the same scene :OOO  
send me ✨ + your creations tag & I’ll answer with my top five favorite edits of yours!
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
some ( small ) cpn things ☺️
as a friday treat. let’s look at some candies! for turtles only.
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• in Yibo’s BAH interview, he was asked if there is someone in the crew he would take on his motorcycle. Then he said that he thinks no one is interested. Lol. Compare this to when he was with his GG and said GG is interested and wanted to try it. He didn’t need any prompting and appeared to be open to the idea of sharing his love for moto with his GG. It’s so funny because GG can’t even ride a bicycle but he’s out there saying he wants to try riding a moto 😂😂😂 all for yibo i guess!
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This is one of the things I like about them is how they appreciate each other’s hobbies/interests. They may seem completely different on the surface but both of them put in effort to learn about what e/o likes. 🤍
• Yibo’s blog world interview mentioned how he bit chopsticks to train himself in saying his dialogues.
Before entering the "BAH" brush group, he still trains himself every day. Biting the chopsticks and speaking the lines, after entering the group, it did not stop, plus the tongue twisters.
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Similar to what GG does too as training. I imagine this is not an exclusive practice to them but it’s nice to see they do the same things to make themselves better. No matter how big they get, these two will always do something to improve themselves.
One of Yibo’s answers here also feels similar to how GG view himself as an actor.
Thank you to the director for evaluating me as a talented actor, but my basic skills are not good I hope I can cherish my talent, make good use of my talent, and make more efforts and progress.
• In Tod’s Timeless campaign that looks at T-shaped things, turtles went 👁👄👁 with the toy! It reminded us of CQL! I know it’s a common thing and The Untamed did not invent it, but it’s just a nice thing to see.
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• An old candy to “prove” that these two and their bro behavior was unusual. It’s when Yibo is not around, GG is looking for him, to the point that he has to text him to know where he is and make sure that they will be at the same place. Exhibit A is the picture taking for the cast of UT. He was messaging him and when Yibo arrived, he was like, what took you so long? Exhibit B was lunch with the cast and Bobo was not there yet. So he asks the people where Bobo is and yes, messages him. He can’t sit still knowing Yibo is not there. 🙃
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I’m all looking for your friend and wanting to make sure they are included in things. What is sus to me is how GG seems to have a Yibo-radar lol. If the other is not there, he will know and that is NOT OKAY. He must message Bobo so they can be together. And here we were thinking that Yibo is whipped one. No. GG has his own clingy moments too!
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p-h03n1-x · 2 years
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Wishing Wang Yibo more years of success! Thank you for sharing your talents with us. Happy 8th year debut anniversary!
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