#thank you all so so much
focusontheheart · 9 days
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We wanted to say our most heartfelt thank you to all who have played Focus on the Heart on our premiere weekend.  The responses we have received so far have been nothing short of incredible – the positivity, the hype, the love we poured in reflected back tenfold… we’re here clutching our hearts at how sweet everyone has been.  
To you: the fans, the community – this is what we did this for; to celebrate the things that bring us together.  To create a love letter to fandom, and the ships that we love.  We are thrilled to see you all playing the different routes, getting the different endings, finally getting to experience all that we’ve had to keep under wraps for the last year.  Your reactions have made everything worth it, and more.  
Thank you, thank you, thank you.  
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moofahdrome · 5 months
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The many, many faces of Vee the plushsuit, as of 01/24!
Absolutely insane that I've managed to commission, request, or trade for this many in just - almost exactly - two years now. Becoming a plushsuit has been one of the best things I've ever done, it fills me with so much euphoria and I've made so many wonderful friends because of it. I get compliments on my design almost every day and each time it means the world to me, I'm beyond elated that you all enjoy seeing this big silly goatlike plushie!
If you see your art in here, please know that I owe you everything and I can't thank you enough for bringing my design to life the way you have. I'm incredibly proud and confident in myself, more than I've ever been before, and I owe so much of that to you. Thank you all!!!
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vetteltea · 8 months
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vetteltea five-hundred! ☕︎
five-hundred of you. The fact that you all decided to follow me on this transition is insane and I cannot thank you all enough; it's a genuine pleasure to write for you all.
As a little celebration, we're having a little brew festival! Below, I've listed a few of my favourite teas, feel free to select whatever one sounds good to you and send in your requests!
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☕︎ strawberry tea: something sweet! choose one of these prompts and a driver, and I'll write a fluffy little prompt.
☕︎ green tea: vibrant and FUN. Give me a driver and I will show you my top 3 photos of them.
☕︎ breakfast tea: piping HOT. Send me a driver and a letter from the NSFW alphabet and we'll write something spicy.
☕︎ bubble tea: feeling different? send me your opinions and I'll rank them.
☕︎ earl grey tea: my favourite! send me a question from this list and get to know me a little more!
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lilyssims · 6 days
3K+ followers!
We've made 3K and I cannot thank you all enough for all the continues support you show my content. From the bottom of my heart; thank you! ♥ Not only have we made 3K+ amazing friends on tumblr, but we've also made 250+ free members on Patreon. I'm blow away, I cannot express how grateful I am for every single like, reblog, comment & follower on all my socials. You are THE BEST!!
Please let me know what you would like as an appreciation/follower gift ♥
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rand0m-s1nner · 11 months
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the event is over, tysm everyone who participated!
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w0niecult · 1 year
hey, this is all very sudden, but I’m gonna quit this blog due to my health and some personal stuff
I created this blog because of my love for Metallica and as a way to help me heal and rest during my burnout
I got to meet lovely, like-minded people who brought me happiness and helped me take my mind off of the pain and stress I was experiencing, and for that I will be forever grateful.
I’m bad with words, but I’m genuinely so grateful for all the lovely people I’ve met and all the sweet moments we had together.
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deadaldipshit-jpg · 10 months
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Thank you guys so so much. Im so happy to have all of you here. Despite the fact that i have barely been posting, you guys are here, and im so grateful. In celebration of this, im hosting this event.
REQUESTS ARE OPEN - check this for guidelines
⛈️ - give me your best imitation of me
🌌 - send me a few songs that you like, and I'll give you five that have similar vibes
🌠 - any tumbr game
🌪 - give me an excerpt of any interaction we've had, and I'll try to guess who you are [moots]
☄️ - ask me any 3 questions and i have to andwer with just yes or no
🪐 - one fact you want to know about me
⭐️ I'll give you a song and a flower that you remind me of. [Moots]
🛰 - give mw five people (real or fictional characters) and what i should rank them on
🌃 - send me a song, and I'll have to rate it.
🚀 - give me a trope, and I'll give you a couple of prompts or scenario
❄️ - guess a random thing about me, and I'll guess one about you.
because i love you all so much
Send me a trope, a pairing [if you want, it can also be random] and a setup, and I'll write a drabble for you. Give me as many details as you want and ill write ir for you
*event ends on august 20th*
Tagging my moots
@bet-on-me @sunoooism @jinxed-into-existence @mycastlescrumblingdown @madetragic @luvrli @readdy-freddie @sunlapis @hotgirlsoobin @strayingawayy @jdopes-recorder @swift-of-corvids @zoe8stay @comet-falls @taekoscrr @skz-minchan-enthusiast @luvrhyune @hyunverse @yrhome @hanjibug @oliviasblogg @felixore @enluv @gaycandypop
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kafka-ohdear · 7 months
well basically i took a break for like, two days from literally everything. i had the courage to open tumblr today, and got so many (at least to me) asks in my inbox 🥹🥹 and teared up. thank you all who sent me those lovely and adorable asks! i will try to answer them as soon as possible.
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skvatnavle · 1 year
Follower celebration
So... this happened ❤️
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When I started this blog back in 2011 (yep, she's a tumblr granny), I did it purely to read some Hawkeye smut.
Many fandoms later, I slowly got sucked into the Pedro Pascal fandom and on the 13th of December 2021 I posted my first Marcus Pike fic. A lot of fandoms and all you lovely followers later, here we are. A little over year have gone by since I posted my first fic and it's been great.
And I wouldn't have gotten here without you guys. Thanks for the encouragement, reblogs, asks, messages and friendships.
So how do I celebrate? Well, I wanna do it by celebrating you guys, cause I wouldn't be here without you.
So send me fic recs. It can be your own, or someone else's. If a story deserves more love, attention and you feel like more people need to see it? Send it my way.
I will also be better at showing my love for the people I love. So expect more love in your inboxes.
As for me? Well, if you want to send an ask, feel free. I'm not gonna add prompt lists, but if there's ever anything you want to see from me, ask. If there's a character you want me to have a go at, ask.
Also... First chapter of Pugnans Caecus will drop in a few days and then a new chapter every week throughout January.
Anyways... happy 1.4K followers to me. But I wouldn't be here without any of you ❤️
Tagging a few mutuals. Wether i talk to you daily or once in a blue moon, you've all had a hand im making my time here worth it:
@lucy-sky @mindidjarin @e-dubbc11 @wardenparker @idrinkcoffeeandobsess @itwasthereaminuteago @phoebe-danvers @mattmurdocksscars @saintmurd0ck @pedrito-friskito @absurdthirst @wyn-n-tonic @fandomnerdery @pascalslittlebrat @freshabogados @chasingdreamer @a-bang-for-your-bucky @thisishellfire @buckypascal @creedslove @moonlarking @pilothusband @musings-of-a-rose @charnelhouse
And a special shout out to some amazing artists who have made (or am working on) some incredible art for me. So thankful ❤️
@kenobiwanx @bunnelbie @stealyourblorbos
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dcmksecretsanta · 1 year
Announcement: The event is officially over !
Thank you all so much for participating in the event !
I know it took a little bit of time but I’m super super happy to announce that everyone got a present by now which means that the event is officially over ! If you haven’t seen your present yet, check out this blog and search for your url ! Feel free to message me if you can’t find it.
I want to thank every single one of you for participating in this event and for being such a great community to work and enjoy the holidays with. I want to be honest with you, hosting the event this year was quiet a challenge to me because I was sick most of December and it was difficult to manage everything. Beside that, as someone with severe social anxiety and autism, it’s always a little stressful for me to host this event because talking to people just isn’t something that comes easy to me. Therefore, I’m even more thankful that most of you are always so patient with me and treat me so very kindly. You have no idea how much I appreciate your support during this event ♡
I truly hope you all had a wonderful time during this event and that you had a good start into the new year ! I honestly can’t say yet if I’ll host this event again next year since there will be a lot of changes in my life this year (I’m working on my bachelor thesis right now which means I’m hopefully gonna start working full time later this year). But I’m definitely not gonna rule out the possibility because I do truly love this event and grew very attached to it during the last six years ♡
I’m gonna stop rambling now agsdhja again, thank you all so much for joining and maybe we’ll see each other again next year ! (Until then, you can find me at my dcmk blog @shihomiyano)
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hopepetal · 1 year
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sobbing /pos
you guys oh my gosh fjhghj I have no words, thank you all so much
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nananarc · 10 months
One friend loved the art i did for them so much they put it in a frame on their wall.
Someone else loved my art so much she set it as desktop wallpaper.
Another friend have it on her office desk.
A fellow Vietnamese artist put my art on their wall.
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neptunestoast · 2 months
You all are making me cry rn, like, actually. I mean, not to vent, but I can't celebrate my birthday like how most do, due to money issues. And most of my family are busy with their own lives.
So, it makes me surprised and so happy that I even get a happy birthday message, let alone a present. Yall are so sweet and kind, and I'm so happy I've made so many friends and have gotten to 44 followers! (Which I never thought I'd get to)
Thank you for all the support and love. You don't know how much it means to me.
Thank you again,
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rqgnarok · 1 year
help me and my parents pay for college! (writing commissions)
i really hate having to do this but i wouldn’t if i had any more options left, hi! my name is leo, and i’m currently in my third semester of college as a psych major in méxico. me and my family have always had financial difficulties but lately things have taken a turn for the worse and i’m in desperate need of financial aid to help pay for my next semester. 
my dad runs a self made business that’s been struggling well before the pandemic and he got sick a couple of years ago with nephrotic syndrome- in remission now, but its still a hit to us financially. my mom had to find work when things got tight, but as the last of four children, i’m having a really hard time getting through my college education.
writing comissions are open for fanfiction, oc work, and poetry, as you can see in this post here. i can also work as an english/spanish translator, editor, and beta reader. here’s a link to my ao3 if you wanna see examples of my work, along with my masterlist here on tumblr, though i haven’t written much for this site in a little bit.
i also wanna link up my ko-fi account in case any of you can help me out- any kind of support is so greatly appreciated and thanked profusely. 
thank you so so much for reading and sharing, i appreciate you all very much.
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chronicially-parker · 3 months
hi everyone! this is my appt update
it went pretty well, i didnt exactly get the answers i was looking for but hey its my first appointment so i really couldnt excpect much!
im on a treatment plan now which im really happy about! a healthy dose of physio and pain meds for now
thanks so much to everyone who commented their advice on my last post i really appreciated it
right now im working on getting some forearm crutches to use as a mobility aid on really bad days so if anyone has any tips for decoration/inspo that would be awesome!!
love you all ❤️
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zorlok-if · 2 years
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Edit: I want to do something to celebrate this, any ideas or things you'd like to see?
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